#and i think johnny has plenty of defenders on here so. i do still love canon johnny though
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year ago
Welcome To The Dollhouse, Alone In A Crowded Bed
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: slight angst
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“And in recent news yet another woman has come forward-“
“Turn that damn thing off, will you sweetpea?” Sweetpea frowned at her benefactor but said nothing as she turned off the large screen television and turned her attention back to him.  Johnny smiled, eyes still closed as he stretched out, pushing some of the other girls a little further away from his naked form.  His eyes opened and he opened his arms, gesturing her towards him, “come back to bed, sweetpea…let’s have ourselves a very good morning.”
A few of the girls murmured a few unappreciative remarks, but they stopped when Johnny opened his eyes once more and shot them glares.
“Why don’t you girls make yourselves useful and get us something to eat!” he suggested, “you both proved that you were tired out after a round or two.”
Trisha removed herself from the bed, agreeing, and Johnny slapped her ass on the way out.
“Atta girl.  Jenna,  why don’t you see if Barnes and Rogers are freed up.  I wanna talk to them about getting a girl for the weekend.”
She made another remark to which Johnny frowned, “what was that?”
“Nothing, Johnny,” she lied, batting her lashes at him, “I’ll go see if they’re free for you.”
“If they aren’t, send Bunny down…I know the super soldiers gave her the authority to help out.”
“Yes sir…”
“Good girl!” he smirked, slapping her ass as she walked out as well.  Johnny sat up in the bed looking at Sweetpea, “You gonna make me get out of this nice warm bed and get you?”
“You’re just as warm as any bed, Johnny!”
He smiled, “Exactly.  So come back to bed, sweetpea…let me warm you up!”
“IS that a request, or a demand?” she teased, stalking back towards the bed. 
Johnny smiled, watching the younger woman crawling back towards him in his shirt, “you know…you’re lucky I let you get away with that mouth.”
“It’s because I’m your favorite.” She grinned, “and I know just how much you like it when that mouth is wrapped around your cock!”
“You are…” he admitted thoughtfully, “and I do love it.  It’s just too bad you’re hooked on someone else and not me.  You know I’d spring you from this place and buy you out in a heartbeat if you would let me.”
She frowned, “Johnny…don’t start up on that.”
“I know you watch the news every day since that cop outside the city was shot,” he frowned, “I know what you’re doing.  I know you watch to make sure that he doesn’t show up on the news…”
“Lee doesn’t mean-“
“Lee,” he chuckled, cutting her off, “see, most girls wouldn’t call him by his first name, let alone try defending him.”
“He’s not as bad as they think.”
“Lot of the girls talk,” he chuckled, snapping his fingers until a spark and flame appeared between them, “lot of them say he likes to get a little fiery with his play…”
“They say the same about you.”
He shrugged, the flame going out on its own, “there’s a difference between me and Bodecker.  I’m a young, in-shape superhero…he’s an aging, overweight sheriff.   Women here put up with a little more if you’ve got more pull.”
“I think Lee’s got plenty of pull, Johnny…”
“That why you still let me pick you up?” he asked, “why you stopped letting him take you upstairs to your room?”
She frowned, “now you’re just being mean, Johnny.”
“Just honest, Sweetpea…”
“I don’t think I like your honesty…”
“Never stopped us before,” he replied with a shrug, “you give it just as well as you take it.  And you only take it when the good sheriff has pissed you off.  So what did he do this time?”
“Just the usual…”
“Oh, that all?” he chuckled, “Lee’s a little worried that he’ll buy out your contract and you’ll change your mind and leave him, so he refused to buy you out when you asked again?”
“That why you wanna be alone in a crowded bed, sweetpea?” he asked, “because I know we both felt the same thing last night when all of us were just a tangle of limbs, in a mess of sweat, and orgasms…”
“And what’s that?”
“We were both wondering what the hell we’re doing in a place like this.” He sighed, “especially when we both know that we’re worth so much more than just meaningless orgasms.”
“I had no other option, Johnny.”
“You were working at Stark Towers as an assistant to Barnes and Rogers,” he chuckled as he shook his head, “you always had an option…you just thought you could go off and play live-in whore to get away from your problems because no one bothered to notice you beforehand.”
“And you figured if you stuck your dick in enough of us, you’d forget how alone you are.”
“Sweetpea, I don’t ever forget how alone I am.  Ever…” Johnny chuckled, “I know it…every date I go out on, every woman I fuck, every time I see anyone I know living some bullshit, happy, fulfilled life I remember that no one will ever truly love someone like me…”
“And why couldn’t they?” she asked, “Sue and Reed had each other.  Even Ben has a wife.”
“Because my other half doesn’t exist.  Fire always finds a way to burn it down,” he reminded her, “and in the end, it’s just me…alone in a crowded bed.”
“You’ve got me, Johnny…we can be alone in a crowded bed together.”
“I’m taking you for the weekend,” he said after a moment, “going to pull you from the dollhouse.  We don’t need these others in our way…”
“And why would you do something like that, Johnny?”
“Because I’m going to drop you off on the good sheriff’s front porch…and you’re going to tell him how you feel,” he said firmly, “you two have been avoiding each other for long enough.  And if you don’t tell him, he’s just gonna keep his distance, and you’re going to be a brat and let him do it…and there’s no reason for two people that belong together to go on thinking they need to be alone in a crowded bed.”
“How do you know how he feels, Johnny?” she growled, feeling angry at being told that she was going to have to confront Lee about what was going on, “he left me in that room.  He told me that he was not going to buy me out.”
“And we both know that you are one of the few girls that don’t have to be bought out,” he reminded her, “you’re just testing him, and it’s not funny!”
“I’m not trying to be funny, Johnny…” she spat, pushing herself out of the bed, “how hard is it for you to get it through your head that maybe I gave up my life because there wasn’t anything to it.  That maybe Steve and Bucky offered me the freedom in being one of their girls.  Here I’m wanted.  Here I-“
“Am a hole to fuck!” he agreed, cutting her off, “don’t get me wrong, sweetpea.  You’ve become one of my best friends in here…one of the only chicks that I can have a conversation and a mind-blowing orgasm with, but I know you and Lee have feelings for each other.  And I’ll be damned if I let you throw that away because you two are both too stubborn to see the other person’s side.”
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youandthemountains · 4 years ago
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
No one tagged me but i wanted to do it bc i wanna talk cobra kai and nothing is true, everything is permitted, know yourself & follow no one etc. etc.
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?:  it's cringe as hell but you know what!!! in @deputychairman's fine words, the cringe is the point!! i am so thankful i finally watched the karate kid trilogy, has been a net positive in my life!! love an earnest weirdo who tries and won't be bullied into submission!!! love making an effort to understand why people are the way they are!! also esp after watching the macchio torture porn movie with the oddly comforting 90s commercials, i do get why you get stuck on a past that made more sense to you even as it makes you progressively more incapable of engaging with the world as it is now.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?:  I had heard of it, and heard of Miyagi-isms but had never watched it bc honestly I associate 80s movies with my brother and his girlfriend insisting I watch a ~classic~ and being bored out of my mind. But I wish I had watched this one then!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  Lol well, I think this comes as a surprise to no one, but Daniel, Mr. Miyagi, and Kumiko
Favorite ship:  Lawrusso! Although I've enjoyed reading well-written version of Daniel/anyone, it all depends on the writer. I feel weird about ~shipping the youths but I think Samtory & Sam/Aisha & Aisha/Tory are all delightful. Also Daniel/Johnny/Amanda has got some of the best writers in the fandom writing for them.
Underrated character: OH where to start - Kumiko my beloved, Chozen (sorry I'm a stubborn Chozen stan I have no idea when and how this happened I just think there's so much unused potential there), Miguel (I feel like he gets lost in all the other characters storylines, like he's a vehicle for everyone else's stories while his own storylines just kind of sputter out), Chris (he switched sides and is one of the only characters who was never comfortable with the instinctual aggression at Cobra Kai and pretty immediately apologized but he gets like no story? classic), depending on which fandom we're talking about, Aisha, Sam and Tory (but honestly they're great characters and people really and truly find any excuse to hate a teen girl. Yasmine and Moon I get because they're really non-entities as characters, they literally just exist to be the Mean Girls and then wrestled into submission as the Hot Girlfriends.) Shannon - I feel like she gets constantly dunked on or written as this evil party girl, but I think she's interesting! Robby clearly loves and trusts her despite how tumultuous it was growing up with her and she did absolutely mistreat him through neglect, but when help was offered to her via rehab she took it and made an active effort to engage and try and apologized for her mistakes and embraced change. I think that's really hard to do and really admirable, and I love that she still kept her feistiness and sense of humor throughout.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  Underrated ships are my raison d'etre! Some of my favorite non-lawrusso Daniel ships:
Daniel/Chozen - my white whale, I know he had sexual relations with that man. I just know it.
Daniel/Kumiko - not super underrated but they're the most tender star-crossed missed connection, I really think they're the kind of love where you're comforted just knowing that there exists someone in the world that really knows you
Danielle/Ali - thanks to @iamtheremin's fics, I'm eternally craving the lesbian karate kid. god. icon.
Daniel/Jimmy - fully thanks to @klovenhooves writing it beautifully, the concept of them as tennis partners progressively drawn to each other lives in my head rent-free
Johnny/Daniel/Shannon - also thanks to @idontknowkaratebutiknowcrazy's great writing and WHAT a threesome. Gives you an absolutlely delightful peek at what Johnny/Shannon were like and they combine the full force of their Party Blondes on an unsuspecting Daniel. incredible.
Daniel/Ruben - thanks to @ted-imgoingmad's fascinating new fic, just unbearably heartbreakingly gentle with a Daniel that's trapped in a different toxic relationship
Samtory - thanks to lesbianbean's incredible series!!! Honestly I had not thought of it before but then she went all galaxy brain on us and woof. and then of course @cobra-sigh just made it better and better
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?:  sweep the leg just because I'm stronger with my legs than my arms.
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?:  he's a fashion icon, how's a girl supposed to pick just one. the powder blue ruffled prom suit is just, absolute king shit. the black tank top & hachimaki with the shirt tied around his waist? butch icon. the soft comfy sweatpants from KK3? it's what he deserves.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: Mostly everyone's come back already haven't they? so, Jessica and Mike Barnes. oooh Freddy Fernandez - I'm curious about the only guy who was kinda friends with Daniel.
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: from Cobra Kai? bloody unhinged Daniel shooting Johnny a wide-eyed look just before murdering his abuser and the little nod he gives Daniel back, and also the way Daniel's soften and when Johnny joins forces with him against Kreese.
From TKK - Daniel sitting next to Mr. Miyagi and comforting him after Mr. Miyagi's father died and giving him the most upset, sympathetic, and loving look in the whole series while Mr. Miyagi silently tears up. I love them so much
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?:  Lmfao I fully think the writers have completely forgotten he exists. Did they cast a different actor for him in s3 or did he just grow and look totally different?
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?:  No gang wars! I join Topanga and the love and peace kid. We've already learned the gang wars never actually solve anything, just kick the can down the road!!
What’s your training montage song?:  I cannot think of any hype songs at all right now
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?:
uhh Leverage because that's what I've been watching. They're tipped off about the corrupt DA in Encino and eventually find out about this gang war funded by DynaTox and join forces. Let's go steal a high school karate tournament!
Tagging: @firstaudrina @keybladeofsteel @issa-wasteland @deputychairman @miyagifangdo @leohtebewunden @jknip2 @bobakick @childishzombiejellyfish @mindlessbehavior2011 @likethegardensofbabylonn @banzai-larusso @jenpsaki @anicety @shewritesdirty @dancinbutterfly @padraigendragon
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
I am trying to finish the Suresh route, but it's really trying. I am just throw by Suresh's non actions towards Nicholas/Johnny when they started spewing all the lies and bs about the MC. He was with the MC for over a year, why didn't he say anything or defend her? Then with the SMP challenge. Why would he not only choose Gabi to kiss and kiss her in a way he used to hold the MC to kiss her knowing good and well - the MC would have to watch that. To me that is what whole new level of cruelty. Then he chooses to marry Meerat knowing good and well she is a bitch to the MC and has been bullying her rentlessly. I think those are honestly the final 3 things that will seal Suresh's fate with my MC. My MC has reached her limit and is climbing out of the clown car
I understand that according to Eddie that Suresh has some "grand plan" to get the MC back, but he's basically ignored the MC since he's returned from Casa Amor. Not only that, but he's found the time to chat with Gabi on more than one occasion since returning from Casa Amor.
People keep thinking that Finn's declaration will jolt Suresh into action. If that's the case, my MC is not interested. Because if it takes Finn's public declaration of his feelings for the MC to jump start Suresh then it's not worth it. If he does that my MC will feel like Suresh is only making an effort because he doesn't want the MC to be with Finn. If he truly wanted the MC back, he would have have defended the MC against Nicholas'/Johnny's accusations after Never Have I Ever; he would not have chosen Gabi and Meerat in the SMP Challenge; and he would have publicly declared his feelings before Finn did. Suresh's actions do not match those of someone who loves the MC and would do anything to win her back.
When it comes to this season, I am honestly at a loss. All I know is that consistency is not in Fusebox's vocabulary when it comes to this season.
I would love for any insights, thoughts, or opinions you have.
babe you're not looking at this from Suresh's POV! When you add up his actions for the season, not just the past few weeks, you see the build up and you see exactly why he's not defending MC with Nicolas/Johnny. For one, when he comes into the villa he's constantly being attacked by the other islanders, including MC for cheating. It's a reoccurring theme for him, but even still he tells her he's going to fight for her. MC never gives Suresh an inch. So much so that he actually thinks maybe she would be happier with someone else. Her and Alfie get on so well, maybe I'll just let them give it a go. But the SECOND they're together he can't handle it. And it's not because Suresh is threatened by Alfie, he's so in love with MC he hates seeing her with anyone else. So much so that he flirts with her and eventually bares his soul to her. He becomes more vulnerable than he's ever been in the villa. And he puts the decision in MC's hands, he puts the ball in her court. And obviously they go away to casa. But here's the thing, MC had time that night to make up her mind, and he knows that. She went around and had a chat with Finn, with the girls, there was plenty of time for her to just say "hey I want you too". So he goes to casa amor with this in mind. He's obvi devastated so he cracks on to Lulu. And as much as he tries to move on from MC, he just cant. There's no spark with Lulu, and he tells Eddie that he's just going to use Lulu to get his spot back in the villa and win MC back. But then he walks in and GABI is there. He knows she's been in the villa with MC, possibly feeding her lies and upsetting MC. MC is vv disappointed in him, calls him a cheat, kicks off and then says she wants a "new beginning" in her recoupling speech with Nicolas/Johnny. In Suresh's mind he has no idea what their connection is or isn't, all he hears is that MC wants something new. not him. In his mind MC is over him. She wants nothing to do with him anymore. Which is why he never pulls her for a conversation after Casa. It's why he avoids her gaze. And even when Nicolas/Johnny was starting that drama around MC, you'll notice that the time that Suresh does speak up was when he thought she was talking shit about him. Because he cares so much about what MC has to say about him. Kissing Gabi in SMP...was a choice. tbh I dont have the best explanation for this and at the end of the day, he kissed her bc he wanted to. But Meera I think makes absolute sense. Her proposal was a throw away proposal. Suresh wouldnt risk giving it to MC and be vulnerable again. He's done it before to humiliating consequences. In his mind the ball is in MCs court if she wants to tell him how she feels. If he gave it to Kat / Dana it might look like he was grafting. He didnt want to give it to anyone of actual importance. Thats why Meera was perfect. He barely has spoken more than three words to this girl. He doesn't know her. But also when Gabi does propose to him, he looks at MC!!! even in her moments he's still looking at MC. This man is HURTING...MC hasn't given him ANY reassurance, ANY sign that she might possibly want him back. And we don't have a Chelsea this year that will run and tell him for us 😭.
Another thing about SMP...everything done was made to prop up Finn and make him look like a viable LI. No Suresh/Alfie girly would even consider Finn if we'd gotten proposals from Suresh/Alfie. Thats why they did the same thing on the Alfie route and made him kiss Kat. And if you're on his route, Kat even says you've gotten better at kissing or something like that...FUCKING ANNOYING TBH. I'd be fuming if I were on that route. We're meant to hate Suresh/Alfie for their SMP choices.
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twistedsinews · 4 years ago
FAITH for the fandom meme, because I'm nothing if not predictable.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Far back as I can remember?  I've been a fan of Ultima since around the time that Exodus was ported to the NES, and Final Fantasy since the first game was released in the US; I just remember really, really enjoying them, even though I was only watching my older brother play them at the time.  I also got into D&D and Tolkien around the same time, but I couldn't read well enough to make much of them.  Oh, and also Zelda, which I did play that early (badly) and also loved the cartoon of (was that cartoon dumb?  oh, you bet your ass, but to baby!me it felt like I was watching something all grown up and grimdark).
I didn't get to interact with other fans, most of the time, but I did get friends (read: cousins) to put up with my nonsense.
Mostly I don't leave fandoms, I simply get distracted enough by a new one that the older ones go dormant and get filed away in the back of my mind like a library catalogue until I have a reason to have fun and/or annoy the hell out of people with them again.  XD
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)?
uh... ...all...? ...all of them?  XD
So... V/Jackie has taken over my entire goddamn brain as of late, with V/Jackie/Misty being the happy ideal.  I haven't delved too far into Jackie/Misty but they are adorable together as it is and I love them.  I would also happily take Takemura/Freedom and T-Bug/The Quiet Retirement Life.
I still have all configurations of Boss/Gat/Aisha lurking around, but I think Faith and Aisha are kinda happy for the reasonably quiet for once.  Gat is restless but he's caused plenty of trouble to date, so he can deal.
And I have a bunch of classical RPG pairings all jumbled up in the back of my head clamoring loudly for attention because of recent writing game fun.  A bunch.  Lots.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
... strictly speaking, no.  Tumblr itself has not.  The fandoms themselves did.  Tumblr as a platform simply didn't help.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all?
See here for how I headcanon and how I'm more reactive than active when it comes to defending stuff, but for the sake of coming up with something concrete...
Asha is Johnny Gat's biological daughter and you will not change my mind.  XD
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff?
Video Games.  Though I think part of it is that there's an active component to video games that gets me really excited to be unraveling the story, so I get really excited about the story, and thus, somewhere in all that positive brain chemical mix, Fandom.
Which isn't to say I don't enjoy a good book, or movie, or series, it's just proven less as likely to hit that creative/I wanna know more! spark.
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imaginesforjohnnydepp · 5 years ago
Violette pt 2
spring 2016
He dreamed about her again, just like last night and the night before. Johnny hadn’t seen Violette in eighteen years, and he thought it was very odd but was still very curious. Is she remarried with kids of her own? Is she still in the medical field? Johnny still had the note she left him along with her rings; they were tucked away in a box somewhere in a storage unit, he didn’t want to throw them away, so he took out a storage unit some years ago.
Why was he thinking about her now, of all times? He loved Violette once, of course he did, it was impossible when she made it so easy. She was gorgeous and funny and sweet and smart, a southern girl with a cute accent, and was a wonderful cook who loved him and supported him every early in his career. He thought back to their marriage, how wonderful it was for ten years before he fucked it up. He loves his kids and is grateful for Vanessa for giving him two kids who adore him, but Johnny hated what he did to Violette in the process.
He thought that if he ever had kids, Violette would be the mother. They tried for their own, and when that didn’t work, they considered adoption until his career took off and he was always away filming one movie or another, and then he met Vanessa at that party. Johnny remembered the look on Violette’s face when he told her that Vanessa was pregnant, he never forgot it. She tried to shrug it off, but as weeks passed and Vanessa’s stomach got bigger and bigger, he saw the toll it took on her, no matter how she tried to hide it: Violette began losing weight, she stopped eating (at least around him), she always looked tired no matter how early she went to bed. And the first time she met Vanessa.
The women were friendly with each other in the way that kids would be when introduced to each other in a play group by their parents for the first time. He thought everything was going well, Violette was talking about turning one of the spare rooms into a nursery, she bought stuffed animals and clothes and supplies, helped assemble the crib. Johnny saw her reaction in the marriage counselor’s office when the counselor said he had to cut off Vanessa and his child if they wanted the marriage to work; Violette never had a good poker face, and in another setting, he thought she would make a good actress with her ability to display her emotions on her face, how she always made him feel something, something he told her plenty of times. He didn’t think she’d actually leave.
Of course it was a possibility, but he couldn’t bear the thought of Violette leaving, but one day Johnny came home, all of her stuff was gone, and there were divorce papers, rings, and a letter in a manila envelope on the bed. It was a no-fault divorce, and all she asked for was a court order to take back her maiden name, and nothing more, even though she was entitled, and the judge told her she had to take it. The divorce took six months, and she would always transfer the money back every month since she already had a job waiting on her in Louisiana, and that was the last time he’d see or hear from her. It was seven in the morning, and he had a meeting with his lawyer Laura at ten so he decided to get ready, grabbing his phone off the charger and heading into the kitchen for breakfast. As he poured the milk into his bowl of Cheerios, his phone rang; who could be calling at this hour? “Good morning Laura.”
And Laura jumped right into it: “I did a Google search for your ex wife Violette Becnel and fortunately, I didn’t have to do too much digging. She is a pediatrician in New Orleans and she went on Facebook to defend you. I’m on her Facebook page right now if you want to hear what she said.” Johnny almost dropped the milk at the news. Why didn’t he think to do a Google search before? “Yeah, sure.” The thought of Violette out there rooting for him filled him with joy.
“The statement is pretty long so prepare yourself” My heart breaks at the news of the death of my former mother-in-law Betty Sue. She was a wonderful, kind, amazing woman, and I will miss her dearly, and I send my thoughts and condolences to the Depp family, and since I’m on the topic of Depp, I would like to make one thing clear. Johnny Depp and I were married for 10 wonderful years, and while no marriage is perfect, not once was he ever abusive towards me. I don’t believe he is capable of such a thing, and this version of him that is being portrayed in the media is not the Johnny I know. I wish him and his family the best in this trying and difficult time. His mom loved Violette, his entire family loved Violette, and they were just as upset about their divorce as he was. “Do you think she’d be willing to testify?” Johnny didn’t think she would come to defend him after he publicly humiliated her, but she was never the one to hold grudges.
“I can send her a message, but I don’t know how long it will take for her to respond.” He swallowed a bit of cereal before responding, “that’s fine. Thanks Laura-- wait! Do you think you can leave my number for her too? So she knows it’s legit?” And also because he wanted an excuse to talk to her. “Sure, if that’s what you want. See you later Johnny.” Johnny hoped that Violette answered Laura’s message, there was still a lot of things he wanted to tell her, things he had to tell her.
“Do you think you’ll have to testify?” Violette’s mother Claudia asked, cutting into her omelette. “If it comes that, then yeah, but I have a hard time believing Johnny could hurt someone like that.” After Violette wrote the post, she instantly had a barrage of comments, some calling her an abuse apologist, others saying she was bribed by Johnny with money, and others siding with her, and her messages were a mess. “None of this makes sense, there has to be somethin’ deeper going on,” her sister Angela. She woke up early this morning to do a little research; from what she saw, Amber was leaving him (after the death of Betty Sue), and if Johnny didn’t do what she wanted, she would publicly lie about him according to Doug’s article.
Violette then read an article that contained a statement by the police department, which completely contradicted the statement made by Amber’s team. Then Amber filed for divorce with no mention of spousal abuse; Violette knew Doug and she knew he wouldn’t lie about anything like this, and this was all she needed to know to see that Johnny was innocent. “I still can’t believe your fool ass stickin’ your neck out for him,” Angela grumbled. “Lawyers re probably gonna call on me anyway, so I might as well get it over with. Ain’t no way he touched her.” She saw the new set of pictures, “evidence” of the abuse but Violette didn’t see anything out of the ordinary except for a red mark on her lip, with no visible swelling or bruising. 
“Johnny is innocent, and I know you know that.” Her mom and Angela both loved Johnny; her mom treated her like a son, always letting him sneak a piece of food during the holidays, and Angela just loved having a brother. “Please, I know you’re not happy about how our marriage ended, but none of that matters right now, that was years ago. What matters now is that he’s being accused of something he didn’t do,” Violette pleaded with her mom and sister. Surely they had to know that he was innocent, even if they weren’t exactly his biggest fans. “Well... it does sound out of character for him. And I read that woman was arrested for hitting her ex wife,” Angelea came to her decision.” 
“If Johnny was really out here beatin’ up on women, I’m sure Betty Sue would smack him back to Kentucky,” Violette’s mother agreed. The family of three finished their meal, with Angela picking up the bill before going their own ways; Violette did her errands, going to the sore and doing laundry. It was a little after two when she finished, and she wanted to take a nap before she went to the hospital to check on the new baby tonight. Violette always loved seeing the new babies after they were born, loved seeing them grow into little beings with each check-up, and they always looked happy to see her. She was always a natural with kids and they seemed to gravitate towards her no matter where she was; Violette sometimes babysat the kids who lived in her building.
It was closest she got to motherhood. That and being aunt to Angela’s kids, her niece and nephew, but they were all grown up with lives of their own. Violette ironed her scrubs while she waited for her Facebook page to load; she wanted to leave a message on her book club’s wall about suggestions for their next read. Her last post had gone viral, and was still attracting attention and comments, all of them gone unanswered, and she was glad she never downloaded the app. Her messages were full, and at the top of the old messages, was a new one highlighted in blue by a woman named Laura Wasser; she clicked on it.
The message read: My name is Laura Wasser, I’m a lawyer representing Johnny Depp, and I was wondering if it would be okay to speak to you about a possible written testimony to be given to the court. Below are my cellphone number and email address, and Johnny’s phone number in case you have any questions. Feel free to reach me at any time.
There was an email address and two phone numbers, both with Los Angeles area codes. The name sounded familiar, so Violette clicked on Laura’s page; she really is a lawyer who lives in Los Angeles. She dialed one of the numbers, and the line rang three times before someone answered, a man’s voice. “Hello?” A voice she hadn’t heard in years. 
“Johnny? Johnny is that you?” So maybe Laura is the real deal. “Violette? How are you?” To say she was freaking out would be an understatement. Eighteen years without speaking to her the ex husband who cheated on her, and how here she is, talking to him. “I should be the one asking you that. Are you okay? How are you holding up? How’s your family?” Words kept falling from her mouth and she couldn’t make herself shut up. 
“Violette, Violette, calm down. Not everything’s fine but we’re managing. Let’s not talk about that right now. I... I had to talk to you.” He wanted to talk to her? “About what?” “Just to apologize... for everything.” “Really, that was a long time ago and... I’m past that now. There’s no need to apologize.” 
This had to be some kind of dream, maybe she fell asleep at her desk in her office while doing paperwork, because there’s absolutely no way she’s speaking to her ex husband. Violette had to change the subject, and fast. “I got a message from your lawyer. She gave me your number, but I didn’t think it would actually be your number but I had to check.” “Listen, you don’t have to testify if you don’t feel comfortable with it--” “No, Johnny, I want to. I know you’re innocent and I’m so sorry you’re going through this.” 
She really did feel bad for him, and to be going through this after his mom dies with the entire world thinking he’s some violent drunk who beats women. “None of this is your fault, it’s mine. I was so fucking stupid to think of starting something with her.” “It’s not your fault, and it’s not my fault. You were in love, and we’ve all done stupid things when we’re in love.” Violette winced as she automatically though of her former ex fiance Anthony. He had three kids with three different women, but she didn’t care because she was sure he was the one.
Her mom and Angela didn’t like him, and she turned into a different person completely, watching movies and shows she never liked, neglecting her collection of 19th century novels and changed her personality, all for a man who came up with excuses to get out of wedding planning. “Do you need testimonies from my mom and sister as well?” She knew her mother wouldn’t hesitate to defend him, even if they were mad at him. “I’ll check with Laura first but I want to ask you something.” “Sure, go ahead.”
“If it’s not too much trouble... I was wondering if you would... like to meet up?” This wasn’t something she was expecting. What would they even say to each other after all this time? Violette always wondered what she would do in the very unlikely case she’d run into Johnny, and after their divorce, she moved back home so there wouldn’t even be a chance of that ever happening. “I don’t even live in California, but sure, we could do that. If you want, you could come to New Orleans. I have an extra room in my apartment, and I don’t think anyone would bother you.” What in the fuck is she thinking?
What is she going to do, being in the same room with her ex husband? “Are you sure? I can get a hotel room or something. I don’t wanna put you out or anything.” “It’s no problem, really. I’ll be at work the whole day anyway.” Violette hadn’t lived with a man in years, and it would be quite an adjustment to live a man who saw her naked almost every day. “I’d like that. Thank you Violette.” 
“No problem. Just let me know when you’re comin’ down.” “I will. Talk to you later?” She smiled as she unplugged her iron. “Talk to you later Johnny.” She hung up the phone and grabbed a hanger to hang up her clothes; she had an extra shirt in her car for when she got off. It was now fifteen minutes after and she wasn’t due until six, so she had enough time for a long nap.
Once in her room, Violette changed into a tank top and shorts and slipped under the covers. It was only as she drifted off that she remembered that she opened up her two-bedroom apartment to Johnny and that they’d be sharing the bathroom that was connected to her room.
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nctzendreamz · 5 years ago
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Prologue / Part l / Part ll / Part 3
Summary: The year is 3030, and the divide between the rich and poor couldn’t be greater. Wildwood University is the most prestigious school in the entire world, but it isn’t only because of the impeccable flying cars that can be seen best during the fuchsia lit nights, or the dexterous education everyone receives. It has secrets. A lot of secrets—the biggest being that Taeyong is going to kill you.
Genre: Gang!AU, Futuristic!AU, Dystopian!AU
Warnings: Vivid descriptions of violence, abuse, foul language, drug use, and murder.
Kun was always so gentle when he spoke to you compared to the rough and hard exterior he possessed. Ever since you were children, he was seen as the bad boy and everyone was scared of him. Everyone but you, and that’s why he fell for you so hard even in his adolescence years when he wasn’t supposed to know what love was—or care. On the days where he would come outside to play, covered in bruises, the others would run away claiming they didn’t want his bad luck, but you would run to him in your dazzling yellow dress that you refused to take off and hug him. You would remind him everyday that he was important and protected him from his bullies even at the age of five. You never treated him like the damaged flower he was. You instead watered him and continued to do so until he sprouted into a college boy and ruined it all.
“Hey.” Your eyes are looking down, trying to find comfort in the laces of your boots. The wood flooring was shining so brightly at you—it was newly polished after all, but the scent of this room is engraved into your entire existence. It’s him, and it’s making you feel sick. “Excuse me.” You manage to utter, never forgetting your manners. You don’t even want to brush against his strong shoulder or touch him. You’re weaving through and walking through the door as it fogs from the motion.
Taeyong watched this whole thing go down, and if he didn’t know for sure that Kun was your ex boyfriend, he knows now. The man was mimicking your previous actions—eyes locked on his striped socks. He’s taking deep breaths in and out.
“Um...I’m your roommate.” He places his hand out, but Kun doesn’t move. “Lee.” He introduces. Just when he thought his mission would be slight work, this had to come up. Taeyong wasn’t stupid. He knows that this Kun guy is going to be watching him like a hawk, as well as you, and they live together. What would he be doing while Taeyong was in class? He clearly wasn’t stupid either just from first glance, and mistrust was thick in the atmosphere of their dorm.
“Kun baby!”
The voice is booming and deep, but Taeyong doesn’t jump from it. He’s used to constant yelling and unnecessary cat calling. Indigo may have blinded your senses, but it enhanced your hearing. He heard them coming seconds before Kun did and he could tell it was more than whoever was screaming at such a peaceful hour—the afternoon.
Taeyong expects Kun to take a moment to open the door after what just transpired, but he doesn’t have to. Taeyong can’t take his eyes off of him. It’s the same tall and diesel boy that dropped you off this morning. Johnny, followed by six other boys, all in athletic clothing or school paraphernalia meaning they must have just got out of practice.
He was able to get into this room with his finger print? Fuck! It had to be because he was the president’s son. Which means you can do it too. He didn’t like the way he was being set up—I mean, isn’t that something he should’ve known?
“Turn around—oh.” Johnny’s mouth follows the pronunciation of his words before his lips go fish and makes a spitty noise at the sight of the lanky. Even with the little steps he takes he has some pep in his step. He seemingly knows who he is, and he’s proud of it. The other boys behind him don’t seem to be far off, but the way their faces look flushed indicate they possibly didn’t want to be here. They are probably tired, although Taeyong couldn’t understand how driving cars could make you this exhausted. “Hey roomie.”
He’s speaking to him, and Taeyong determines that keeping it cool was the best approach. He sadly envisions his own boys’ faces into their unmatching bodies as he knows this is the only way he won’t combust. He really hadn’t lived a life outside of his place of stay if it wasn’t a murder and he didn’t want it to show.
“What’s up.” He decides on, and they don’t speak to him again. They obviously think he’s irrelevant—some skinny kid who has books shoved up his ass at all times.
“Why the long face?” One of them steps up. He’s quite short, but his eyes read menace. They’re cat-like, and so is his approach. His right side is in synch as his foot and hand moves simultaneously to Kun’s shoulder.
“Y/N was just here.”
Kun trusts them. He trusts them heavily. He didn’t hesitate in the slightest to tell them the truth even while he was standing right there.
“I’ll leave.” He prompts, but Kun’s arm is stopping him—his grip extremely rough.
“No, stay.” The gentle tone he used with you has completely washed away, and if looks could kill, and Taeyong wasn’t the invincible bastard he was, he��d be dead. “She was in here with him.” Kun tells, looking at his friends for guidance. If Taeyong didn’t know any better, he would assume they were in a gang. The sight infront of him was all too familiar—the solid stares trying to get him to crumble without even having to touch him, the eerie silence that was filling the room.
But then it all stops. They’re laughing now minus Kun who only let out a little chuckle, with Johnny being the loudest.
“He didn’t even flinch.” The cat-eyed one speaks.
“There was nothing to be scared of.” Taeyong says with his chest secretly out. If this was their definition of intimidating, he couldn’t imagine how they would survive in NEO. Everyday you got cornered into giving something up. The question was how well could you defend yourself? “I’m Lee.” He finished coolly.
“Ten.” He responds, putting his fist out. Taeyong bumps it.
“I go by YangYang.”
“And Lucas.” Lucas is a big man, just like Johnny. His hands are large as he moves to shake his hand and he seems the most tired—actually, now that he can take a closer look at him, he recognizes this look. This Lucas guy is high as a kite. He seemingly notices Taeyong’s observations and lets out a little chuckle followed by a deep cough. His finger rests on his lips as he purses them to shh. “Snitches get stitches.” He lets out.
He’s joking, but at the same time he’s not.
“Don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“I like him already.” He prompts, slapping him on the back with a loud slap. Taeyong winces from this.
Although Johnny was laughing the loudest when it came to their previous antics, anyone who had ever came across him knows he doesn’t play about his baby sister. He’s watching his brothers talk to this new kid, but he’s not listening. He’s instead looking all around the room trying to see if there’s anything abnormal. The main point of his arguments with you was that you were way too friendly with people who didn’t deserve it—you always tried to rush a process that would be much more easy to deal with had you gave them just a little more time to prove themselves.
He’s going to talk to you about this Lee, and he’s going to completely fry you for coming into his room so soon. You had known him for a measly three hours assuming that he was in your first class, and Johnny wouldn’t accept that. You could be so fucking naive sometimes, and it was him who always had to wipe your tears from your faults. The only one he couldn’t blame you for was your relationship with Kun.
“Well, Lee—we’re going to get out of your hair.” Johnny prompts, and although mentally all of his friends are questioning the sudden prompt to leave, they know better than to do it out loud.
“Oh...alright.” He says, but Johnny is a human lie detector. That tone is so fake and maybe this Lee is antisocial and doesn’t like to talk to this many people at the same time, but it was rare for a new student at Wildwood to not want to ride the crew. Everybody wanted to know them, and he wasn’t being cocky about it—it was just the facts.
The all step outside one by one, walking in a line of eight through the spreaded hallway.
“He’s a fucking weirdo.” Sicheng speaks as his hands in his pockets guide his legs to move forward. He’s also very high—probably more high than Lucas.
“Agreed.” Yangyang seethes. Recently he was trying his hardest to control it, but he was a smart mouthed little rascal, and anybody could get some.
“I wouldn’t say so.” The eight of them are out of the building and getting tingled by the stairs now as they return to the fresh air. The campus is what it always is—exciting and full of new adventure as the open space sets the scene perfectly. The baby blue sky adds onto its perfection, although they were all very accustomed to this. Outside of this dormitory is a statue of Lobos Smith. It’s a golden brown tint and it features him, as well as hovering light bulbs above his head. At night, water shoots from the bottom and the bulbs illuminate something beautiful—a combination of radiant colors that were created to inspire and soothe, as it reads on the plate. They all touch his enlarged hand as they pass by him.
Even when high, Lucas was still knowledgeable. “At the most I would give him emo, but weird? Didn’t get that vibe.”
Ten, Hendery, and Xiaojun seem to be neutral on this, always wanting to see more before they made such conclusions about people. They had met plenty of people on such a large campus that didn’t have the worst of the worst intentions for them, although it easily could’ve seemed that way on first glance.
“You’re not looking deep enough, Lucas. We talked about this.”
Kun wholeheartedly agreed with Johnny, Sicheng, and Yangyang. He was fully expecting to walk into his dorm room and be greeted by the typical Wildwood boy—either a rich dick, or a nerd, not that he believed this to be a negative adjective, that would stay out of his way and only ask did he want to hang out when he was extremely lonely and bored. Lee, on the other hand, seemed to be trying way too hard.
“But he barely spoke.” Ten speaks up now.
They’re walking past all of the different social groups as they continue their disagreement—the green grass providing means of peace between them. Regardless, they would never let things get out of control anyway. They were allowed to disagree, fight, they were even allowed to give a good punch sometimes too, but they would quickly be pulled apart. They were boys, and that’s what boys did.
The bench that is unofficially marked as theirs is open as it should be, and they take their normal positions. Half on the bench, and the other half sitting on the ground in front of them. Ten presses the button that was hovering beside him from the left, and an umbrella reveals itself to cover them from the yellow sun. It really was a beautiful day, but they had things to discuss and they weren’t asking for a tan.
“But notice how he said everything right.” Sicheng reveals. This seems to get his brothers thinking, and he can see their opinions changing just that quick. That was the effect he had on everyone. He was the quietest out of all of them unless they were together like this, and although Kun was labeled as the menace of the group, it was actually him. His thoughts could get absolutely deadly sometimes, and his facial expressions always read what he felt. His built figure didn’t help his case, but the ladies loved it. He never had a night where he couldn’t get someone in his bed.
“Exactly.” Kun finally speaks. “It was almost too perfect. And the way he reacted when Y/N ran out...it was almost as if he wasn’t that shocked.”
“You know how Y/N is.” Xiaojun says. Johnny immediately looks at him with sharp eyes from his spot on the grass. His legs—even through their long nature are tucked in his chest while his hands hold them in place. “Not saying that in a bad way, Johnny.” He hurries. “She just makes friends easily, and she can sometimes—
“Talk too much. I know.” Johnny finishes for him, eyes locking back to the ground now. The more and more they verbally observe this kid, the more eerie he feels about him. He usually didn’t mind when his boys talked about you either, as they never disrespected you. They just spoke facts, and regardless of how they felt about your decisions they would always protect you. “I’m sorry.” He says—and it’s not something he speaks often. “You said nothing wrong. I think we just need to eat.”
“Agreed.” They say in unison, Yangyang taking his phone out to hit up the campus delivery service, but haulting when he hears the same notification being recieved on all of their phones.
“Never mind.” Johnny sighs—him, as well as the rest of the boys rushing to get up and get on the move.
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“Why didn’t you tell me that Johnny has friends? And why didn’t you tell me that Y/N has an ex boyfriend that is still madly in love with her? And that he is apart of Johnny’s friends. It’s your fucking job knit-wit.”
Taeyong is seething on the phone, although he does feel bad. Poor Jaemin didn’t have a clue as to why he was currently being scolded, as he did the research he was asked to do. Nothing more, nothing less. At this point he had been tuning the harsh words out—too high in this moment to give a fuck about anything his leader was saying.
“Look, I already told you what the deal is, hyung.”
Taeyong can picture him now, smoking his Indigo. The younger members seemingly preferred this method for whatever reason, and he finds himself to be correct when he can hear a cough erupting from the boy’s throat over the device.
That excuse is good enough for Taeyong, but he doesn’t want to stop this passion just yet. Even now he could tell his high was finally wearing off similar to how it did a few weeks back, and it’s scary, but it’s good. He’s feeling anger, nervousness, although he was sure the lather would wear off rather quickly. How would it feel to kill in such a state?
“Whatever.” He shooes. “Get Sooman on the phone please.”
“Sooman? You sure you don’t mean daddy?”
“Very fucking funny—put him on the phone.”
He sits on hold for about five minutes, and during that time he decides to finally lay down on his bed. He hadn’t had the opportunity to go shopping for something a little more his style, but then again was it even worth it? Once he killed you, he would be gone.
God, it’s so comfortable. The bed he was accustomed to was so hard and he would always wake up with back pain that would last for the majority of the day, although he would never really feel it. You didn’t feel much of anything in NEO. He could emphasize this fact all day long.
Around the room aren’t ripped and hole-punched walls. They’re clean and polished an angelic white color—clashing way too much with the seeming inside of him. He deserves this luxury, but at the same time he doesn’t, yet then again, that made him deserve it even more. Kun’s belongings are still ragged all over the room, but even with Taeyong’s clean freak nature he can’t freak out about it. He doesn’t care right now. He lifts his leg to observe his chosen clothing; all black just incase someone attempted to compliment him. He realizes while he sinks into the the bed that he hadn’t done this at all, even if he had only been here for less than a day. He takes a deep breath—the kind that rushes to your toes and comes back up your body with a magical touch. The kind where you feel every problem and obstacle in your life haulting even if for a short moment. A short moment it was indeed.
“Tell me everything.”
It’s Sooman, and all the stupid doodles he was currently having would have to be put to rest, at least for now.
Taeyong explains in detail everything that had went down in the past couple of hours—even him meeting Mackenzie.
“You can use her as a free kill if you want. If the urge is strong.”
“Oh, trust me when I say she’s already on my list.”
And then he continues. There’s actually only so much detail he can give considering he is only seeing black and white for now, but he describes you. He doesn’t know why or how, but he finds himself imagining you in a lot of different aspects. What would you be wearing tomorrow? Would you completely change and end up in sweatpants and a hoodie similar to your brother a few moments ago? Or did you dress like such a superstar all the time?
“She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
“A pretty face only gets you so far.”
“But remember what I told you. She’s not just a face, boy. If she’s like anything I’ve experienced, she may rope you in without knowing. You won’t even see it coming. That girl is smart, and she’s something you’re not used to. Stay focused.” The man instructs, “Also, keep working on her. You also need to be gaining the trust of her family members as well.” He finished before hanging up.
Taeyong didn’t appreciate that exchange. He didn’t even get a chance to ask the real questions, obviously in a much more respectful way than he spoke to Jaemin. That was so unsual. He’s about to call back before he feels his phone vibrating in his hand. It’s Jaehyun, this time.
“He’s getting some right now.” Jaehyun confirms, his laugh erurupting from the predictable darkness of their side of town. He can picture the pretty boy now—perched up on his bunk as he always wanted the top anyway. He’s probably been having an amazing 48 hours all alone, free to blast as he pleased without interruption.
Taeyong doesn’t know why he didn’t put that together. As unfair as the rule was, it was a rule that stated only he—as he is the boss, could bring woman into the building. When it came to them and their rendezvous, it had to be in a dark corner, an alley, or if they got really lucky—the wife’s home while her husband was busting his ass to bring in some income, or for some members the husbands while the wife was begging the convience store to let her get dinner for the kids.
Good ole’ NEO.
“Fucking great.” Taeyong rolls over on his side, his black hair covering his eyes slightly. He doesn’t even try to move it away as he finds himself dozing off just a tad. He has never been this comfortable in his entire life.
“Tell me. I know you, brother. You need to get it out.”
“I don’t know. There’s just a lot of missing pieces of this puzzle that I don’t know. I’m sure Jaemin told you everything.”
“Mhm.” Jaehyun agrees, knowing his member would continue. He was always such a great listener, and he frequently had to deal with this. Never in such a setting, but even with his kills would Taeyong talk his head off about what he wanted to try next, and a lot of blabber. He listened because he cared about him.
“She has an ex boyfriend, and he doesn’t like me. They were all smiling and happy, but I could see how fake it was.”
“Well, you are trying to fuck, and then kill his love. And for the brother—his sister and his whole family.”
“But they don’t know that. They don’t know any of it.”
“Then they’re probably just being protective. I mean, how did you find out about the girl and Kun in the first place?”
“She was in my room.” He admits, silently slapping himself on the forehead. “And he’s my roommate. The shit was so dramatic, Jae. It looked like a soap-opera.
“I’m not saying don’t keep your eyes open. Trust me, me of all people would never be so stupid, but if you have your guard up openly, and so does he, how are you going to get close to them? Hm?” The indigo was talking, not Jaehyun. “I mean, you don’t have a choice but to switch it up.”
“You sound like me.” He chuckles.
Taeyong was the leader for many reasons, but truthfully more because he was incredibly scary. As he does a little crunch, he sees himself in the mirror and he doesn’t know the person he’s looking at. This isn’t the menacing, ruthless Taeyong that made his youngers practically pee their pants if they made a remote mistake. This was the boy that liked to explore, and he doesn’t like it. He feels sick, actually. He smile is wiped off, and he hits the bed again.
“Thanks for listening.”
“Of course.”
The hang up is quick from his side.
Taeyong needs to sleep. He needs to sleep a sleep better than any sleep he has ever experienced, and when he wakes up, he’ll have some of his real vision back.
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“You’re home late, what happened?”
It’s your fathers voice, and as always it’s soft and comforting. Even at such a late hour. You always find it amusing that even when he should be sleeping, or perched up on his very expensive recliner channel surfing for sports, he’s instead in a suit ready for work. Usually you would make a joke about this, and he’s waiting for it—you can tell by the way his eyebrows that match yours are slightly raised; his mouth slightly agape in anticipation, but you’re not in the mood. 
“Just an interesting day. That’s all dad I promise.”
“Well, my ears are open. I was about to respond to some emails, but you know I always have time for you sweetheart.”
Your father, as well as your brother were the two men who you could never doubt. They loved you, and they meant everything they said. Others couldn’t necessarily relate.
Your home hasn’t changed much since you were born. Well, at least design wise. Of course coming from a family who was the lead cause of the new world we lived in, you had all of the new gadgets and furniture. You were always the taste test for practically every invention after the dangerous trial and error was over.
Your tan colored ceilings were practically in the sky. And similar to Wildwood, the ceiling was open, although it was better worded see-through. You also had the option of closing it, and your father hits the switch as you follow behind him to go into his office. You only see half of the pink night being closed before the door is clearing.
His office was surprisingly simple considering all the resources he had access to. There were two family portraits that rested above his desk—one of the four of you, and one of all of the boys and men your father had in his life. “Uncles” you had never met. Johnny and his friends. The sight of Kun in the photo; his smile is bright and you can actually remember the day that photo was taken. He was so nervous about the whole ordeal. He couldn’t understand why he was chosen to be in such a photo with so many great men, as well as his knucklehead friends, but Johnny really wanted it. Those were his brothers, and your father had always been a believer of sticking together. He was a mentor to so many, and Johnny, Sicheng, Ten, Yangyang, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, and Kun had all been friends since birth. Your father had practically raised them. It was actually quite a weird ordeal, but it made sense to you all. Fate worked in mysterious ways.
There’s a loveseat on the side of the semi-large room, and you sit on it. You expect him to sit in his leather chair, but he nudges you over with his knee. He puts an arm around your shoulder, and kisses your forehead as you move to his shoulder. This was him telling you to speak.
“I saw Kun today.” You mumble. You didn’t want to be having this conversation with your father. Especially about someone you know he saw as such an ideal man for you.
“How did that make you feel?”
You know he’s trying to scrounge up his thoughts. You told your father everything, and every night you found yourself thinking about his reaction that night. Barely a reaction, at first.
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An alarm is blaring at Taeyong. He doesn’t understand why, because quite frankly, he wasn’t planning on going to class today. He wasn’t here to be educated in the slightest, although he was very much so looking forward to his futuristic science class where he heard you did a lot of cool experiments in. He unconsciously takes a deep breath, and he smells something. It’s not strong, but he can smell it. It smelt of something sweet. Like vanilla or something if that nature.
The alarm is still blaring, and with closed eyes, he’s beating around trying to locate the button to turn it off.
“You have to speak.” A voice whispers from the other side of the room. Kun decided to sleep here last night—quite a surprise.
“Okay.” Taeyong speaks.
Snoozing. The robot woman follows
“You have to say ‘I’m awake’.”
“I’m awake.” Taeyong rips out, very done with this whole ordeal. He had never been more annoyed in his life. He’s also very shocked that Kun even cared enough to help him, but then again it was interrupting whatever he was doing.
He slowly rises off the bed, looking quickly to see if he has on any pants. He settled in boxers last night he notices, so he throws the sheets off of him before taking one last deep breath and wiping his face before opening his eyes. It’s like a flash of light does he see the same pastel and dirty vision just as he did when he tried this the first time. His pupils are moving from side to side, trying to see the splurts again. They’re evident and he can also see now very clearly that Kun has black hair just like him. He’s also shirtless as he’s on his phone most likely scrolling through nothing. Kun must have changed his sheets while he was in a deep slumber. It screamed money. It was a mixture of black, red, and blue; striped. They seemed to be comfortable enough.
“Goodmorning to you too.” Kun says, removing his eyes from his phone to Taeyong’s pitiful look. “I would’ve thought you’d look less tired considering how long you’ve been asleep.”
“How do you know how long I’ve been asleep? You were gone.”
“Look up.”
And he does. Above his head is a clock that reads the exact time he put his head down to rest, the time he actually fell asleep—5 minutes later, and how long he stayed that way.
“What the—
“You can turn it off. I mean, they’ll still know, but I won’t.” Kun points to his own clock that read he only got two hours of sleep before he shuts it off.
“Thanks.” Is all Taeyong can fathom. Usually more words would flow from his mouth, but Kun is a stranger. But usually that wouldn’t matter? He doesn’t like to be awkward like this. He doesn’t even know what he needs to take a shower here, but he’ll figure it out he assumes. There’s a machine in the large release area that gives you the option of what soap you want to use unless you have your own, in which Taeyong doesn’t. He decides on the Sea Breeze soap, as it seemed to fit the mood he was trying to set.
When he gets out, Kun is still in the room, but he’s clothed now. He’s once again dressed in some sweatpants, and a Wildwood shirt. He did change up his shoes though, switching his slides for sneakers.
“Don’t know if you care or not, but we have a race tonight.” He speaks up. “We’re going against our rival school—the jets. Big game and a good way to make friends.”
It was sly shade, but Taeyong catches it. That was his polite way of saying to get the hell away from you, but he was awake now. He should’ve said that when he was still drowsy because Taeyong was about to play him like a guitar. He’s throwing his book bag over his shoulder as he talks.
“Oh yeah I’ll definitely be there. Me and Y/N are going together.” He pretends to feel bad at the mention of you—giving his eyes the innocent and awkward stare, but he sees the way Kun practically blows up from your name coming out of his filthy mouth.
“Cool.” Is all Kun can gather. He’s throwing his own belongings in a duffel bag that resembles the one Taeyong put his weapons in, except he’s throwing shorts and extra jackets in there. He’s doing it quick and fast indicating that Taeyong already got under his skin and all he had to do was say your name. Maybe it would be easier to get him out of the picture than he originally thought.
Taeyong was secretly super excited about the race. He had never seen anything like what it was described to be, but most importantly it was a great opportunity to talk your pretty little head off and try to get more answers out of you. And let’s not forget the fuchsia nights. He was so ready for that.
When he left his dorm, it wasn’t exactly light, but it wasn’t dark either. After a long day of classes he didn’t care about, and classes you didn’t show up to, he had eaten a little meal from the cafe that he got very lost in before heading back to his dorm to change. Since he got a little of his colored vision back, he decided on a blank orange shirt that had to be curtesy of Mark. Mark really was an angel, yet, that made all of them be even more of a dick to him because he could be so soft sometimes. I mean, to Wildwood’s standard of soft he would be a hell raiser, but back home he was a sweet little thing. His pants stayed the same—black cargo looking pants with his signature boots.
The track was indescribable. I mean, the open space was so beautiful; the grass seemed to be the original green he expected even if it was dirty and blurry to him. He looks up for sky, but half is gray, and half is a darkened blue. Almost navy. The sound of engines going off and reviving is white noise for him because he had never heard this. There’s already a big crowd of students from both schools with their faces painted, some with shirts off, but all ready to cheer on their schoolmates. The track is basically a smaller NASCAR track—it’s too bad they got rid of that decades ago.
“Taeyong!” He knows this voice. It’s tiny and squeaky and annoying and as he looks in her direction he can’t deny he’s impressed. She really did change her look. Her hair was still raging white, but it was curly and she actually sported an outfit similar to yours yesterday. She was surrounded by boys just as you predicted, but they seemed to push him to the side.
“What’s up, Mackenzie.” He smiles, but it’s so fake. And the fact that she doesn’t see it just proves she’s a fucking blonde. “You seen Y/N?”
“I saw her earlier. She was here with Johnny and they were talking, but not for too long. Johnny practically ignores everyone on race days. Any distraction can make them lose and Johnny doesn’t like to lose.”
“You seem to know a lot about him.”
“We’re going to get married one day.” She dreams towards the sky.
“Right...” He whispers to himself, before turning around. As such awful story telling would do, you’re right there as he turns around. How long had you been standing there? God, he had to clutch his heart—something that he never had to do. Technically you just ran up on him and he didn’t hear you. He’s glad his boys didn’t witness that,
You look more beautiful than you did yesterday, not to say you didn’t look beautiful yesterday. You did change up your outfit a tad; a long sleeved v-neck crop top covering your chest, although he sees the cleavage. And you’re wearing high waisted mom jeans with some matching white sneaks on your feet. They’re giving you a little height. You have glasses on the top of your head, but he assumes you’re not in such a bad mood that you don’t want to see anything right now.
“Hey.” He smiles, and he doesn’t have to fake this one. It’s coming out naturally and it’s pissing him off. Yes, you were pretty, but you aren’t roping him in. He doesn’t feel things for people he only wants to hurt them.
“Hey.” You smile back, punching him in arm lightly. “I like your outfit. I was expecting you to be wearing all black again.”
“What? You thought I was some emo boy?”
“Well, I still think you are. I think you added a dash of color to impress me.”
Oh, you were good.
“Do you think you’re that special?” His tone is taunting, but not disrespectful.
“I know I am.” You turn around promptly, and he feels his feet running towards you to catch up.
It seems like you’re going to a more secluded area where there are less people who are prone to screaming and yelling inappropriate things to the opposing players. There’s a hologramed fence that seems to be where you’re headed, but you keep walking.
“Y/N you have to watch the race. Your brother is in it.”
“Oh, I’m watching the race.” He doesn’t even have to see you to know you’re smirking. It’s the sway in your hips. You’re walking to seemingly nothing, but as Wildwood does, there’s something hovering where you’re headed. It’s a button, but he doesn’t know what’s its for.
“You coming?” You tease.
“I—can I?”
You take his hand in yours—an unfamiliar feeling to him. Even so he doesn’t let go. You press the button and hologramed box is shielding the two of you before you’re shooting in the air.
“What the!” He screeches, unconsciously squeezing your hand too tight.
“Ow ow.” You laugh loudly. “Are you trying to break my hand?” He knows he hurt you, but even so you’re still laughing.
“I’m sorry. That just scared me.” He finds himself being shy now as the two of you are still holding hands. He slowly lets go, but not before caressing your mangled bones.
“It’s okay, newbie. When I was a little girl I almost had a panic attack the first time I did this.”
This, was the view. It was amazing, and it was secluded from the rattled teens and young adults who were passionate about their school. There were seats made for two, and Taeyong assumes that the box registers how many people it holds, and makes the seats according to that.
“There’s no one else that can do this, right?” He’s fascinated. You’re high up enough to where you can’t be seen unless someone was looking very hard, but at the same time you can see the track perfectly.
“Nope. Just my family.” You point to the other side of the track, and he can see another one hovering holding what seems to be a man and a woman—possibly some others behind him. Your father and mother although he can’t see their faces. “I’m a privileged girl.”
He’s trying to find something snarky to say back at you, but the confidence he had before is slipping away. He even finds himself shaking slightly, but he decides to just ignore it. “Nothing wrong with being that way.” He whispers. That’s all he can think of.
The two of you are sitting very close right now. He really had only known you for a measly 24 hours, but it felt like an eternity and he didn’t like that. He didn’t like the power you obviously held. And now you were scooting closer to him and his heart is slowly racing when that wasn’t supposed to be happening.
“How was your day today?” You question, but you’re not looking at him. Maybe he makes you nervous. You’re both watching as the cheerleaders are doing stunts to get the crowd pumped and the band is starting to warm up for the team. It almost seemed like football, but that was irrelevant these days.
He hadn’t had someone ask him that ever. It was so strange to him how every little thing you did was so original, even though back in the old days it was common curtesy. Back when the world wasn’t so split up.
“It was good.” Is all he can form. He relaxes back in the seemingly invisible chair, and it’s comfortable. “Finally made it to the cafe.”
“Do you always whisper when you talk.” You taunt him in his same tone.
You get a smile out of him. You were pretty funny. He could admit that.
There were a lot of things he could’ve said, but he remembers his orders “keep pushing it” or whatever Sooman said. He was trying so hard to keep his wall up, when his mission was to make you fall in love with him. He felt so guilty about it, but he didn’t have to. It was what he was instructed. “I’m just—you make me a little nervous.” He slips, knowing your heart beat is probably increasing.
“Me? Why?” And now your head is on his shoulder.
“Because you do things like that.” He speaks. He doesn’t know what to do with his body. Affection was something he had no idea how to handle or give back, and this was going to be his biggest weakness when it came to getting your head.
“My day wasn’t good.” You switch the subject, although your head stays in place. “Yesterday wasn’t good either.”
“Why?” He whispers. “Is it because of that Kun guy?”
“You catch on quickly.” You chuckle, making his shoulder vibrate. “But yeah. We have an interesting history. I was just so surprised to see him. It was so weird.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Taeyong needs to do something. He needs to touch you in a way that shows you he’s “interested”. He sees your hand dead on your lap, so he decides to interlock your fingers just as you did to him a few moments ago. He can’t lie—this feels nice. He knows it’s not supposed to, but no one else is here to tell on him. He could enjoy this, right?
“Nothing to say.” You mumble. “Just caught me off guard.”
There’s the wall. He was hoping you’d start venting, but he’s not surprised when you hault. I mean, the two of you had just met yesterday, although it wouldn’t seem like it based off your current position.
“I know we just met yesterday, but can we stay like this?” Your tone is hushed as you speak, and your voice is wavering just a tad. You probably feel stupid for even asking that.
“Of course we can.” He accepts, and he feels the way you lightly graze your thumb on his own at his acceptance. It relaxes him in an odd way, although it also triggered something weird in him. He had never felt it before, but he just assumes it’s the indigo shaking him up and begging him for more.
“Ladies and gentleman—introducing the one and only Wildwood Jaguars!” They’re running through the banner, funny enough the most non-futuristic thing here. The crowd is going wild and here you and Taeyong are, lost in your position.
Game on.
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years ago
“A Damn Good PPV But....” The UFC 235 Preview
February 24th, 2019
The first PPV offering was a dud. A weak card on paper made weaker by Robert Whittaker's last minute pull out.  This card is world's better although it doesn't come with some risks. It's got two title fights, a main card loaded with intriguing fights, an ESPN prelim slate filled with fights that wouldn't seem out of place as UFC Fight Night headliners, the WMMA fights are intriguing and relatively well put together as well plus you have some damn good busywork at 205 and 135 lbs. Unfortunately there are some bad vibes to be picked up on given some of the matchmaking. There's a good chance this card turns into a lecture on numbers not equating good fights. Ah well. Has a Jon Jones fight ever let ya down before? Let's do some numbers and the like!
Fights: 13
Debuts: Ben Askren
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 4 (Holly Holm vs Aspen Ladd CANCELLED/Song Yadong OUT, Cody Stamman IN vs Alejandro Perez/Thomas Almeida OUT, Frankie Saenz IN vs Marlon Vera, OSP out, Johnny Walker IN vs Misha Cirkunov)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 12 (Jon Jones, Robbie Lawler, Anthony Smith, Kamaru Usman, Tyron Woodley, Cody Garbrandt, Jeremy Stephens, Misha Cirkunov, Diego Sanchez, Mickey Gall, Tecia Torres, Diego Sanchez)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 1 (Tecia Torres)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 10 (Johnny Walker, Anthony Smith, Kamaru Usman, Tyron Woodley, Pedro Munhoz, Zhabit Magomedsharipov, Marlon Vera, Alejandro Perez, WEili Zhang, Frankie Saenz)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 21-8-1
Jon Jones- 1-0-1 Anthony Smith- 5-1 Tyron Woodley- 3-0 Kamaru Usman- 5-0 Ben Askren- 0-0 Robbie Lawler- 1-1 Weili Zhang- 2-0 Tecia Torres- 3-2 Cody Garbrandt- 0-2 Pedro Munhoz- 4-1
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Bantamweight- 3 (11) Welterweight- 3 (11) Light Heavyweight- 2 (8) Women’s Strawweight- 2 (6) Women's Bantamweight- 1 (1) Featherweight- 1 (7) Middleweight- 1 (5)
Lightweight-  (12) Women’s Flyweight- (7) Heavyweight- (4) Flyweight- (4)
2019’s Records We Keepin Track Of:
Debuting Fighters (4-12): Ben Askren
Short Notice Fighters (3-5): Frankie Saenz, Cody Stamman, Johnny Walker
Second Fight (15-3):  Hannah Cifers, Macy Chiasson
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (4-6): Robbie Lawler
Undefeated Fighters (4-8): Ben Askren, Edmen Shahbazyan, Macy Chiasson
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (1-2): Mickey Gall
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (5-5): Macy Chiasson
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- I wonder if this is the best card with the highest propensity of having a bad boring no good very bad main card. Every fight on UFC 235's main card (and half of the prelims really) are compelling as shit clashes with stories to be told. You have the closest thing to a Rocky story in Jon Jones' career; the ultra dominant champion who tends to lose focus at a moments notice vs the hard luck tough guy dragging himself up through the ranks. You have a dominant contender facing a dominant champion where they stylistically could cancel each other out en route to a potentially exciting fight. Ben Askren makes his debut against either a potentially cooked or a renaissance Robbie Lawler. Weili Zhang vs Tecia Torres is a great prospect vs established ace fight. Cody Garbrandt's potential renaissance is as compelling as any fight above it. Now for the cold water; there's a chance Jon Jones carries Anthony Smith out of pity a la Glover Teix or OSP. There's a REALLY good chance Woodley vs Usman is a fight contested entirely in the clinch against the fence as Usman crashes too hard whiffing on takedowns while Woodley is content to throw one punch every 30 seconds  and clinch up. Askren vs Lawler could look a lot like Lawler's Strikeforce fights where the threat of the takedown turned him into a pensive weak pressure fighter. Tecia Torres is very hit or miss in terms of action and when she realizes she's outgunned, she shells up. The only fight I'd feel remotely comfortable in betting on action potential meeting action quality is Munhoz vs Garbrandt. Chances are this card could be QUITE disappointing for some folks.
2- How many MINUTES does Anthony Smith have to get Jon Jones' respect before Jones just decides "Okay there's nothing to be worried about here?"
3- SO I suppose if one is looking for a potential avenue for Anthony Smith, it's that he IS new in a few facets. For one, 30 year old Anthony Smith is Jon Jones' youngest opponent since a 26 year old Alexander Gustafsson back in 2013. Even if Daniel Cormier is an otherworldly athlete (seriously you don't reach the olympics without being a special athlete), you can't replicate youth and speed. Smith will at least bring those in bunches which....I mean I guess gives him something to hang his hat on. One could argue he's the best moving LHW Jones has faced when you consider that Gus looked very very shopworn in their fight. He's also very versatile offensively as every tool in his toolbox gets used and is used with a threat of finishing someone. Elbows, kicks, uppercuts, knees all backed by a decent enough grappling game (for 205 lbs) gives Smith an element of danger even if it's fleeting. He brings some of the tools Gustaffson often uses except whereas Gus is a touch and go type of striker, Smith is a high level fight finisher. It's just hard to believe anybody can really hurt Jon Jones plus we're talking about a guy in Smith who tires pretty easily if the pace isn't to his liking.
4- Maybe it's JUST me but I actually really like Smith getting the title fight, not just because he stalls for guys like Dominick Reyes and Johnny Walker to get some more work in. It's one of those things I always found kind of endearing about flyweight or HW, the path to a title shot is always JUST a run away. Imagine being one of these guys at 155 lbs who can win three fights in a row and BARELY be scratching the top 15. Anthony Smith went from middling 185er to fighting the best fighter of my era and I think that's a cool story. It's always a bit of fun when we know the lamb to the slaughter personally.
5- I was really confident Kamaru Usman would beat Tyron Woodley (basically doing what Colby Covington tends to do but way better) but the closer I get to it, the more I think that's not gonna happen. Beating Woodley requires a commitment to touching him from a safety range or smothering him in close, stifling the power he can generate on the counter right. You also have to have a competent counter wrestling game. What Usman can do well is pressure, clinch when he's concerned or confused about what to do next, chain his wrestling together and if he can get somebody down, he tends to give them plenty of problems with his output. Also we've seen him throw consistent paprika for 25 long minutes so if this turns into one HIS kinda fights then I can see him overwhelming Woodley. The problem is I don't think Usman has the fight IQ to do that intelligently for 25 minutes and I wish I had seen him hit clean enough in the past to judge and gauge his recovery skills when he's in trouble. I'm not about to squish on this though.
6- Okay so what happens if Woodley wins and then Askren wins? Do we just cancel this stupid division once and for all?
7- Two fights against TJ DIllashaw exposed some of the flaws in Cody Garbrandt's game and his break from being TAM's defender against the Dillashaw/Cruz combo is a similar enough fighter to where a coin toss pick em isn't out of the question. At the very least, I think we can bet on Cody Garbrandt having a fun fight against a like minded opponent who will probably give him plenty of avenues to pop off offensively.
8- Could Johnny Walker leapfrog Thiago Santos in the LHW WAR rankings if he finishes Misha Cirkunov?
9- I kinda wonder if Zhabit Magomedsharipov vs Jeremy Stephens could've been better suited for a main event overseas. I mean if it's Volkov vs Overeem or Stephens vs Zhabit in St. Petersburg which makes more sense?
10- Macy Chiasson looked like a redeemable prospect at 145 lbs, built like a big featherweight, showcasing some damn good pressure based striking, heavy on top, big with activity on the ground and blessed with submission chops. With the division seemingly on the rocks she's made the choice to drop DOWN to 135 lbs in what should be a pretty scary looking weigh in. Chiasson gets Gina Mazany who bounces between good enough and god awful depending on what day of the week it is. I'm excited to see Chiasson back in there, assuming of course she makes the weight.
11- MARLON VERA IS BACK! My favorite bantamweight!
12- If you allow your minds to dispel cynicism, there's a lot of fun to be had between Diego Sanchez and Mickey Gall. Both guys are probably going to do some wacky grappling, Diego is not likely to take a ton of damage and Mickey Gall's love of fighting stupid should give us a few occasional glimpses of wacky Diego Sanchez action.
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critgemhero · 7 years ago
Cobra Kai’s first two episodes
I just watched the first two free episodes of YouTube Red’s Cobra Kai series... and I have some major concerns. I need to see the whole show before I make my verdict. The show is either a brilliant character study that will end with an amazing payoff, or that payoff doesn't happen and it is ultimately an extremely dangerous piece of toxic media. 
I hope for the former. My thesis on this below.
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Johnny is a... really bad person. Like drenched in Toxic Masculinity that is ruining his life and ruined those around him when he was a teenager. He grew up with horrible parents with no love in them, and his Cobra Kai teacher inforced horrible expectations and ideologies on him that turned him into a bully and a misogynistic pig. Yes, he was forced to do the kick in the 80′s despite objecting, but he did so many terrible things to Joey and Ali that I don’t understand how people excuse it. He was a troubled kid, yes, but that isn't an excuse for a near murder and constant sexual harassment. 
However, he is trying to make a positive change now! He is in a slump and wants to get out, and wants to be better than he was. He sees that being picked on is wrong because he KNOWS he was wrong when he learned the hard way as a kid. Sadly, he can only use the toxic tools he was given in life to make that change. He is embracing this toxicity that Cobra Kai gave him more than ever, but for shockingly GOOD intentions! 
He clearly wants to help these kids and himself from being bullied and pushed around by a life that isn't fair. He isn't wrong about life not being fair, and that you need to have self-confidence and to defend yourself. To believe in yourself and to fight back against wrongdoings done to you. However, there is a hilarious and dangerous hypocrisy to his actions. He continues to insult, mock, and have an ignorant mindset about those who ARE being bullied.
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His first line of dialogue was “great, more immigrants” when interacting with his future student because he is brown... yikes!!! He uses the slur “pussy” every chance he gets to insinuate weakness. He ignores actual medical problems his student has because somehow an inhaler makes you weak. He insults and makes fun of his student for pointing out that it’s not okay to genderize words as an insult. He belittles psychological counseling. 
The show is blatantly making fun of basic human decency and is making fun of non-extremist political correctness. This is ironic considering his whole mission is to have those who are bullied to demand respect from others. He is a bully trying to teach those who are being bullied. The Alt-Right, Anti-feminist toxic YouTubers (which there are plenty) are eating Johnny up as a role model and see it as “refreshing” that Johnny is the hero here. They see themselves in Johnny and are REVELING in his newfound protagonist status. Johnny is the definition of toxic masculinity poisoning someone who is clearly trying to make a positive change in themselves and others, and people assume he is 100% right going about it in the way that he is. Why? 
Because the show is framing him to be right about it. Framing him to be the hero by the end of this story. Yes, there is an obvious grey area trying to be made here, and I doubt the show is 100% defending Johnny, but context matters and the scenes where he is supposed to be the good guy, he is doing shitty things. Our protagonist is being praised for calling people pussies and being an overall racist, misogynistic asshole. 
But I may be speaking too soon, and I think there IS hope.
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Because I think the show could do a 180!! If the show was smart, they wouldn't keep Johnny with this same attitude all the way to the end. The show could have his new and younger generation of bullied students teach HIM why they are being bullied for who they are. The pupil teaches as much as the master does. They can show him that there is strength in kindness, while still being strong in spirit and mind. He can teach them to fight back and defend themselves, but hopefully, they won’t turn into the bullies themselves. Hopefully, they can learn from each other.
Another reason I think the show will do this is its fantastic portrayal of the DOWNFALL of Daniel LaRusso. 
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Daniel, by all means, is also no longer a good person. He became selfish, greedy, and lost his ways with Miyagi’s teachings. He uses Karate as a CHEAP MARKETING TOOL for profit, and Johnny sees this and knows that is not okay. We see a man who was being bullied as a teen BECOME a snobby bully as an adult and refuse to recognize it because he was once the victim himself. 
What I am trying to say is I hope that by showing Daniel as a changed man for the worse, that BOTH characters will evolve and learn from each other. That Johnny slowly but surely realizes one cannot and should not be a bully if he is to teach those who are bullied. That Daniel looks in the mirror and gets off his high horse, and see that people like Johnny CAN change and can have good in him. That the Alt-Right, misogynistic YouTubers will get slapped in the face by the end and maybe learn a lesson in all of this like Johnny does (or just whine and scream like they do about every little thing that doesn't go their way)
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The show has a major opportunity here for growth and change to reflect modern society, while also holding some traditions that should stick around to heart, and I hope it takes it.
I will soon get a YouTube Red free trial and will have these answers soon.
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Inazuma All Stars TPK Character Original Album ‘Maji de Kansha’ Interview with Terasaki Yuka, Kitahara Sayaka + Ohara Takashi
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Full Scans can be found here: http://inazuma.pmsinfirm.org/?p=284
Aoki Tamashii (Blue Spirit)
Matsukaze Tenma - Terasaki Yuka
Shindou Takuto - Saiga Mitsuki
Terasaki: Shindou-senpai is so cool!
Ohara: He is, isn’t he?
Terasaki: Since the key was a little low for me, I really had to try hard to sing the song. But Saiga-san is able to sing really low - as expected of her! I really love the lyrics, like ‘Hard work won’t let down down, so raise your face and keep marching forward!’.
Ohara: It really leaves you feeling refreshed.
Terasaki: Oh! And I was so happy that Shindou sang Tenma’s catchphrase ‘Nan toka naru sa!’ (Everything will work out somehow). Even if he’s never said the actual words, I like to think he’s gotten on board with Tenma’s way of thinking!
Ohara: Past Shindou certainly wasn’t a ‘nan toka naru sa’ kind of guy - that’s for sure.
Terasaki: Yeah, but I’m glad if he can think that sometimes it’s alright to think that way.
Ohara: I also liked ‘(this blue spirit in my chest) emits light and joins us to the next generation’.
Terasaki: Right now all of us are still first years.
Kitahara: Yeah, we don’t have junior kouhais yet. Actually, not a lot of time has passed yet (laughs).
Sayonara Kako no Ore (Goodbye, My Former Self)
Tsurugi Kyousuke - Ohara Takashi
Kariya Masaki - Tai Yuuki
Ohara: How should I put it - everyone has things they don’t want to remember. There’s plenty of times when even I’m just taking a shower at night and I suddenly remember something that happened in the past, like ‘Wahh!’.
Terasaki: While you’re completely naked? (laughs)
Ohara: (laughs) Well, of course my past is nowhere near as tough as Tsurugi’s but I definitely get the feeling ‘I don’t want to remember this…’
Terasaki: Both Tsurugi and Kariya were naughty.
Ohara: But Tsurugi destroyed the old club room! ‘Sometimes nightmares from the past flash before my eyes out of nowhere’ - things like that could actually be true.
Terasaki: But was Tsurugi really worse than Kariya? I mean, didn’t he start to bully Kirino despite not having any idea what was going on around him? That was really awful!
Ohara: He did, yeah. Although you can’t imagine it now. (laughs) At the time, he had to try and find the right place for himself.
Kitahara: Kariya is a lonely person!
Terasaki: By the way, ‘warm sun’ and ‘gentle breeze’ seem to refer to Coach Endou and Tenma.
Ashita no Hero (Tomorrow’s Hero)
Gouenji Shuuya - Nojima Hirofumi
Shindou Takuto - Saiga Mitsuki
Terasaki: It’s refreshing to hear those two say things like ‘It won’t end at (just) admiration’ and ‘I’ll become somebody who people will think of in that way’. I wonder who Gouenji-san looks up to? How about Endou-san? As for Shindou-senpai… It’s gotta be Endou-san, right? As an example of a Captain.
Ohara: So in the end, does everyone gather around Endou-san? (laughs)
Kitahara: Their voices really merged together, didn’t they. They were so connected - to the extent that you couldn’t hear two separate voices.
Ohara: Yeah, they really mixed well together!
Namida no Art~Nijiiro no Hana (The Art of Tears and Rainbow-Coloured Flowers)
Kirino Ranmaru - Kobayashi Yuu
Fei Rune - Kimura Akiko
Terasaki: What a gentle song. It’s a little sensual?
Ohara: It’s a little bit alluring.
Kitahara: It’s mature. Feels like you’d want to listen to it carefully by yourself.
Terasaki: Because those two have such sweet voices.
Ohara: This is Fei’s first song. I felt moved. Like - Oh! Fei is singing!
Terasaki: We’re looking forward to Fei’s secrets being revealed next year. After everything is made clear, I want to listen to the song once more.
Koi no Shuukuriimu (Choux Cream of Love)
Sorano Aoi - Kitahara Sayaka
Seto Midori - Mina
Yamana Akane - Yurin
Kitahara: The 3 managers got to sing and have fun together!
Ohara: How cute!
Terasaki: I wanna eat a choux cream!
Kitahara: I’m hungry now~
Terasaki: Hiroshi-san makes cute songs! (laughs) You can feel the girls’ love.
Kitahara: Yeah. ‘There’s no sell-by-date’ was kinda playful, and when you hear it, it makes you squee. It really felt like a song for Midori-san and Akane-san to sing.
Todoke! Yuujou no Eeru (Soar! Yell of Friendship!)
Ohara: The defenders who support everyone - it’s their song.
Terasaki: It’s very like first-yearish to wonder ‘Can I really make friends?’. Shinsuke, unlike Tenma, introduced himself without showing any nerves, but I wonder if he was nervous on the inside.
Ohara: I wonder if Kariya also worries about that sort of thing.
Terasaki: He has no naming sense! (laughs) Everyone laughed at him - that was funny. And yet, Tenma always immediately turns to Kariya when they need to name something. His naming sense is an art.
Ohara: People said to him, like ‘What on earth is with that name?’
Kitahara: Aoi-chan said, ‘No way, no way!’ and burst into laughter.
Terasaki: But middle school kids do that sort of stuff to each other (laughs).
Honoo no Puraido (Flaming Pride)
Gouenji Shuuya - Nojima Hirofumi
Someoka Ryuugo - Kase Yasuyuki
Fubuki Shirou - Miyano Mamoru
Terasaki: This song seems really difficult to sing! The key goes up and down and up and down. But I knew those 3 would be able to sing it.
Ohara: It sounds kind of nostalgic.
Terasaki: It sounds like a Johnny’s (a Japanese talent agency for boy bands) song from the 90s. I want the 3 of them to dance together, like a boyband. While Someoka would be clumsy, like - am I doing this right? - I’d want him to try his very best to dance.
Kitahara: Gouenji would dance smoothly and cool!
Terasaki: Fubuki-san does a lot of whirling turns during his special moves - he definitely seems like he’d be good at ballet. He has to wear white tights! Then, Someoka-san is hip-hop and Gouenji-san is jazz. Reggae would be cool for Someoka-san too!
Suki da kara! (Because I like you)
Endou Mamoru - Takeuchi Junko
Kidou Yuuto - Yoshino Hiroyuki
Ohara: I personally really like this song.
Terasaki: Kidou, who’s normally cool, exclaims ‘because I like you!’. If you just look at the title, it looks like a song by a girl.
Kitahara: I like that contrast.
Ohara: Some parts are a conversation. I liked Kidou-san’s ‘I decided to help you out’.
Terasaki: It feels like, he figured his role and happily accepted it. He wanted to play soccer with Endou-san and went through the trouble of transferring to Raimon to do that. Thanks to the unrivalled POWER OF LOVE! The song is over-flowing with Kidou-san’s thoughts.
Ohara: It’s seriously cool!
Mabushii Mirai Yeah!!! (Dazzling Future)
Endou Mamoru - Takeuchi Junko
Matsukaze Tenma - Terasaki Yuuka
Terasaki: ‘More than now!’ is repeated many times - it’s a really upbeat song. Both of these two feel that if you do loads of practice you’ll want to become even better. While we recorded, the length of the part ‘Spread your wings, towards a future too dazzling to be true’ really moved me. Holding the note with Junko-san was perfect.
Ohara + Kitahara: Ooh!
Terasaki: And Endou said Tenma’s ‘Nan toka naru!’. I was really happy about that!
Ohara: Tenma’s ‘Nan toka naru’ is gradually spreading. (laughs)
Maji de Kansha! (Seriously, Thank You So Much)
Endou Mamoru - Takeuchi Junko
Someoka Ryuugo - Kase Yasuyuki
Matsukaze Tenma - Terasaki Yuuka
Tsurugi Kyousuke - Ohara Takashi
Shindou Takuto - Saiga Mitsuki
Terasaki: I always loved this song as the theme song for Endou’s story, it’s really exciting.
Kitahara: I cry when I listen to this song.
Ohara: I cried when we recorded it. Together with T-Pistonz + KMC-san, everyone smiled brightly when we all listened to the song together. The power of this song is amazing!
Kitahara: Shindou-senpai’s rap was really cool. So was Someoka’s.
Terasaki: So was Tsurugi’s. Like ‘To the sky, outer space!’ and ‘Return the LOVE 100 times!’.
Ohara: It was actually difficult to rap as Tsurugi. I had to rerecord it many times. During one of those times, I tried it in the style of a hissatsuwazza and the director said that was interesting. Aside from the rap, I also did ‘Riiyo!’ and ‘Hey!’ in the style of a hissatsuwazza. I also used the way KMC-san raps as an example.
Terasaki: This rap really brings out everyone’s energy! ‘Days when you’re covered in mud - one day you’ll definitely play a useful role! You can’t buy these wonderful friends with money!’ Lyrics like that are so, so cool!
Ohara: I want to sing this at an event with everyone.
Kitahara: Yeah, me too!
22 notes · View notes
sceawere · 7 years ago
deeds | john shelby
continuation of the ‘these moments’ verse
“Don’t go tomorrow” you whispered into the darkness. It was late – early really. Tomorrow was today.
John tilted his head on the pillow, the streak of light peeking through the net curtains the only reason you could see the subtle shift in features.
“Don’t start” he whispered back, tired rather than scolding. He seemed to have a second thought as he rolled to wrap his arm over you but it didn’t melt the grip you felt in your chest.
“Johnny, please” you implored.
“I have to. It’ll be fine, you’re just working yourself up again” the rumble of his voice worked through you as he buried his nose into your hairline.
“You don’t have to, Johnny, you don’t!” You tilted your own head up and raised your voice a little at the grumble he gave “It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t. I have a bad feeling about this!”
He flopped back to where he’d started, hand bent behind his head to work the pillow for a second before he gave another sigh and sat up. He pushed his palm into his eye, wringing the socket until he stilled and settled. He let his arm drop to his lap, turning his head over his shoulder to where you were perched on your elbows.
“Tommy needs me” he replied, solemn.
“Tommy- “you exhaled a bitter breath, ordering your thoughts to form a convincing argument before realising you were too tired and whatever came from your mouth was what he was getting “you think Tommy sits up at night wondering how much he can do for us? Hmm? ‘Cos from where I’m sitting, it always seems to be you running to his beck and call”
“He’s the boss, that’s how it works”
“I thought he was your brother” you pushed the covers away with your feet, peddling them out of the way as you rounded your body and pulled your dressing gown around you a little too sternly “I thought this was a family”
“Alright, so this isn’t about tomorrow then? ‘Cos that makes more sense” he replied, watching you round the bed and head for the door “Where you going? I thought we- “
“I’m going to check on William”
“Leave him to sleep – eh, do you hear me?” he called after you as you ignored him and headed down the corridor. The groan and steps that followed gave you a little smile as you slipped into the boys’ room quietly, toeing over to crouch by the bed.
“He needs rest more than he needs you bothering him” John whispered from the doorway, settling his shoulder into the wood as he watched you.
“His fevers down” you shuffled the blankets away from his shoulders a little, peeking in with a squint in the low light “still spottier than a leopard though”
“Polly says- “
“I know what Polly says” you sighed, tucking your son back in. You pulled a face as he shuffled a little, pulling one hand free from where it had been lodged under the warmth of the pillow. You rolled your head slowly round to where John was smirking back.
“What the hell did you-?” you started.
“Stops ‘em scratching” he answered, as if it was completely obvious.
“He looks like a bloody seal” you nodded to the giant mittens that John had put on him, crudely wrapped with ribbons at the wrist “you couldn’t have at least found child sized ones?”
“No, the whole point is you put the cream on and then you- you know, it’s so they can’t get a good- “he motioned scratching with a fist at his arm and you rolled your eyes, moving up and over to him.
“You’re an idiot” you whispered, pushing his chest to move him out of the way of the closing door behind you.
“Yeah, well I’m the idiot who had to hold him bloody still all day, and give him all his baths and his medicine, and then I was the idiot who put him to bed, and the idiot- “
“Yes, point well made” you huffed, wearily descending the steps.
“I’m going tomorrow” he replied, tone firm.
You held your groan, and your words, and settled for a heavy sigh and a dropping head as you reached for a cup off the drying rack.
“You hear me?” he repeated in the same tone.
“Yes! I heard you!” you slammed the cups a little too hard on the counter, rolling back and forth on your toes on the cold tile.
“This pays for the new house” he continued, as you stared out at the chicken coop in the yard. The kids had gone a little haywire with the decorating and it almost glowed in the lamplight outside, fifteen shades of paint slapped in odd formations on the wood.
“I like this house” you murmured back. You felt the rush of air as he exhaled, sidling up to rest his forehead against the back of your head.
“You’ve been saying since Katie was born we need more space”
“They’ve never known no different though. And we-we’ve always been here…you know? Us? As an ‘us’. It’s this house. This shitty place on Watery Lane. The first place we lived together, next to the houses we grew up in. We’re not Tommy, John”
“What’s that mean?” he turned you in his arms, hooking his hands behind your hips.
“It means us in a big house – can you really picture that? You’re not the ‘Lord of the fucking Manor’ type, really, are you?” you smirked up to him, stifling a laugh as he rocked your body a little.
“Oi, missus. I think I’d make a great- “
“Seriously, though!” you cut him off before the serious streak of the conversation was lost and you had to start it over again some other time “we don’t need that life. We don’t really want that life. You, here, in this shitty place where our kids were born. I want that over everything, Johnny. Over everything. Please don’t risk it”
He swallowed, moving his eyes up and over to the window behind you. You settled back against the counter, waiting.
“They’ve made a state of that coop” you broke down laughing halfway through his reply, dropping your head to his chest “You and your bloody feelings, woman”
“Oi!” you lifted your head, nearly knocking his chin in your haste. He smiled down at you, squeezing your hips lightly.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve told Tommy, no more reckless shit. Family man, now, aren’t I?”
“Our oldest is making his way to ten and you’ve only just got that in your thick skull?” you deadpanned.
“Well, I only ever came school for you, didn’t I? So, it’s your fault if I’m not the smartest” he joked and you slapped a hand against his chest, smiling as he rocked back laughing.
“It’s not the type of job you think it is anyway, you get all worked up when- “
“When you say you’ve got to leave for a few days and you can’t tell me why? Yeah, big shock there, buddy!”
“I tell you about most of them” he defended himself, stepping back as you finally set about actually making the tea you’d come down for. He swiped a hand against your back as he caught you mimicking him and you kicked back behind you, not aiming and missing terribly. You heard the scrape of a chair, the clink of the biscuit tin lid.
“Besides, if I died and left you alone with the kids, you’d probably leave my body in the street as a lesson or something” he mumbled through whatever he’d picked out.
“Yeah, probably” you sighed, dropping down to his lap as you waited for the kettle to boil. He pulled the tin towards you, pointing to one of the ones at the edge.
“Them ones are good”
“They the ginger ones?”
“I think so”
“You think? You’ve just ate one”
He hummed and you fell into the quiet together, the gentle rolling and rumbling from the kettle filling the space.
“Joey’s scared of the chicken’s now, you know?” he mumbled and you scowled at him “he heard Will had ‘chickenpox’ and thought- “
“Oh, that’s not good”
“No” he agreed.
“We need to get that out of his head before it becomes a thing”
“Yep” he agreed.
You rocked one leg over the other, making your way through your biscuit.
“Joey’s had chickenpox anyway. Before we had- “you nodded up to the window, pushing the last section into your mouth.
“Yeah, but he were a baby and in his little kid brain, makes sense I s’pose” he wiped a tired hand over his face and you ran your eyes over him.
“You should go up and sleep, they need you on it tomorrow” you made to get up but he spiralled his arms around you, pulling you back against him.
“I don’t leave ‘til 10, I’ve got plenty of time”
The house settled around you, little creaks and groans.
“This new house, then?” you posed, waiting for his hum “where – and what- you thinking?”
“I’m glad you ask, missus” you rolled your eyes as he sat up straight again, jostling your side against the kitchen table as he reached across for a bundle of papers. He presented them before you and the blood drained from you.
“Please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me you didn’t already-“
“It’s just the listing, don’t go off on one” he double tapped his finger on the sheet where it rested on the table but you held his gaze a moment longer, a warning look. You turned, resting an elbow on the table top as he tipped back and flicked a lamp on.
“This is up by Polly’s?” you noted.
“Yep, just opposite and down a few. Same as it was here. The kids’ll be able to see her garden from ours. We can watch ‘em walk over – not that we need to because it’s posh as anything up there”
You turned your head, smiling across at him.
“Are you serious?” he nodded back and you couldn’t help your excited little giggle. Your eyes poured over the listing again.
“I asked them to let me know if any of ‘em ever went up, put a hold on posting them publicly for a few days. They sent me this for first refusal, what do you think?” he asked.
“I think it has two bathrooms! And a giant fucking yard!” you lifted the paper, wrinkling the edge a little in your excited grip as you leant into him.
“It’s a garden, not a yard”
“Oh, sorry” you mocked apologised, smiling at each other.
“Enough bedrooms for the kids to pick their own” he nodded to the paper and you squeaked at the thought “More than enough for them to double up if we need it”
You shot down his little smirk, “don’t even think about it, mister!”
“Everyone else has a little sister – why shouldn’t Elsie?” he joked, dipping his head into your neck as you laughed, eyes stuck to the paper.
“Johnny…we can afford this?”
“Outright” he smiled proudly and you took a deep breath “I just want a bit spare so we can be comfortable about it. So, can I go tomorrow now please? Without you making a bloody face at me the whole time?”
You grumbled down at him as you dipped for a kiss and he wrapped you in tight again. You rested your head at his shoulder, eyes trailing over the listing once more.
“If you die, I’m still buying the place and then I’m burying you in the bloody garden and putting the chickens over you, you know that?”
“’s only fair” he replied, burying his nose into your hairline once more.
190 notes · View notes
placetobenation · 4 years ago
Goldberg is back.
Yes, it’s time for a major PPV with the Royal Rumble in three weeks and again we have a returning superstar from the past trying to worm his way into the main event. Goldberg returning on Legends Night, making the challenge for Drew McIntyre’s WWE Championship makes little sense, as we’ll explain in our RAW recap later. Regardless of the storyline, the match on its face doesn’t make me want to invest in it. McIntyre’s been an awesome champion carrying the RAW brand week-in and week-out. Why on Earth would anyone believe that Goldberg, who hasn’t wrestled since losing to Braun Strowman at WrestleMania 36 in April of 2020, should be able to beat a guy on top of the chain who’s been out there wrestling on a consistent basis? Besides, didn’t Goldberg already call out Roman Reigns at the end of 2020 or are we just supposed to forget about that? And speaking of forgetting, why exactly do we get McIntyre going up against Randy Orton again this Monday night out of the blue? Is there something I’ve missed there? Having your top champion wrestle every week waters down how the effectiveness of the championship and the wrestler. It should be a big deal when the WWE Champion wrestles on the show, not just more of the same old thing.  I’m not saying it should be months in between appearances like back in the days of Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan, but every Monday night for a month is a bit much.
Either way, that bit of business was the oddest thing to go down in what was a pretty eventful and productive week around the WWE.
Star of the Week
And still … #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/WuNF0Yu88M
— Ryan Satin (@ryansatin) January 7, 2021
Finn Balor – Back from a broken jaw, The Prince delivers a main-event victory over Kyle O’Reilly to retain the NXT Championship, returning the jaw injury to his foe in the process. These two have put on back-to-back dynamite matches and here’s one who’s hoping there’s a third one to add to the trilogy down the road. He’ll need to stay on top of his came because here comes Karrion Kross and Scarlett back to take what they think is rightfully theirs.
The New Day defeated The Miz & John Morrison
AJ Styles defeated Elias
Non-Title WWE Women’s Championship Match: Lacey Evans & Peyton Royce defeated Charlotte Flair & Asuka
Non-Title United States Championship Match: Riddle defeated Bobby Lashley
Dana Brooke defeated Shayna Baszler
Randy Orton defeated Jeff Hardy
Non-Title RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Lucha House Party defeated The Hurt Business
WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Keith Lee to retain title
Someone’s got upset fever in the WWE. Not one, not two, not three, but four upsets on the night. Amazingly enough too, they all made perfect sense!
"GET OUT NOW." Consider @MsCharlotteWWE furious…#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/NyRmekWGsv
— WWE (@WWE) January 5, 2021
Charlotte Flair getting pinned by Lacey Evans after Papa Ric Flair takes his flirting with Evans to a nasty level and “inadvertently” trips his own daughter was a nice swerve. Maybe this wakes up Flair and turns her against Asuka and the true Queen persona returns after a few weeks of being nice.
Riddle over Lashley after seemingly tapping out makes him a US Title contender. That’s a good thing. He’s earned it.
Dana Brooke over Shayna Baszler. I’m good with that for a week. Brooke and Mandy Rose have been beat up so many times the past month, they deserve some positivity.
Lucha House Party wins again! Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin are at odds. It’s a nice mix as we lead to the eventual Four Horseman-esque dumping of Alexander I think it’s coming post-Royal Rumble.
What a BATTLE! #WWETitle @DMcIntyreWWE @RealKeithLee
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#WWERaw, 1/4/21 pic.twitter.com/IV2lqkwgPj
— WWE (@WWE) January 6, 2021
Kudos to Keith Lee and Drew McIntyre! Those two put on quite a show as McIntyre defended his WWE Championship. Lee continues to keep himself in the main event mix with another quality showing.
Hope you enjoyed that @Goldberg, because it’s the only push you’re gonna get pic.twitter.com/VFUd150xoC
— Drew McIntyre (@DMcIntyreWWE) January 5, 2021
Now, to the elephant in the room. Goldberg. The whole premise of him coming down to berate McIntyre for tearing the legends down when he’s done nothing of the sort. He’s been as respectful as the day is long. I don’t think for a second that Goldberg will, or should be on McIntyre’s level. Here’s hoping Drew puts his “Dad” in his proper place. Plus, not for nothing, but what a shoddy way to end the night by dumping out at the end of RAW to see Modern Family on the USA Network before we see McIntyre pop right back up from the Goldberg push down that we saw later on social media. Sloppy TV production right there from the WWE who is usually really good at that part of the biz.
Heartthrob @AngelGarzaWwe was ready to party with @iamcardib on #WWERaw but instead ran into THE BOOGEYMAN! pic.twitter.com/oLQQM73Xgn
— WWE (@WWE) January 6, 2021
Speaking of the legends, outside of the ridiculous H-Phone with Hulk Hogan to start the night, I thought it was pretty well done. Nothing crazy. Nothing hugely surprising. But they played the hits. Loved The Boogeyman being a shock to Angel Garza. Melina with the Lucha House Party was a nice touch. It’s too bad Mick Foley has to miss the night due to a COVID-19 positive test. Prayers out to Mick and the Foley family.
NOT AGAIN, RANDY!!!#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/KVx5WbNIzH
— WWE (@WWE) January 5, 2021
Otherwise, Jeff Hardy is one good sport for letting Randy Orton continue to stretch out his ears to no end. The New Day vs. The Miz and John Morrison was pretty good to kick-start the night. I’m expecting The Miz to turn on his buddy anytime now and blame him for the losses.
Karrion Kross defeated Damien Priest
NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match: Santos Escobar defeated Gran Metalik
Last Woman Standing Match: Raquel Gonzalez defeated Rhea Ripley
Shotzi Blackheart & KUSHIDA defeated Candice LeRae & Johnny Gargano
NXT Championship Match: Finn Balor defeated Kyle O’Reilly
New Year’s Evil was a home run folks!
It's only a matter of time before he gets back what's his. 𝑻𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑻𝒐𝒄𝒌. #WWENXT #NXTNYE @WWEKarrionKross @Lady_Scarlett13 pic.twitter.com/OORdOxs5d2
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 7, 2021
I’ll admit, Karrion Kross and Damien Priest was a little bit of a disappointment for me because I had such high expectations for it. It did what it needed to do though as Kross keeps his title aspirations alive to get back his NXT Championship from Finn Balor.
Santos Escobar continues to dazzle as the highlight of the cruiserweight division. While many can compete, there are few who can or will take him down. Gran Metalik tried but came up short.
.@RaquelWWE is the #LastWomanStanding. Words cannot even describe what we just witnessed. WOW.#NXTNYE @RheaRipley_WWE pic.twitter.com/kn4eCTVbwo
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Raquel Gonzalez and Rhea Ripley was a downright epic war. These two took their Last Woman Standing match all over the WWE Performance Center and even took it to another level with Ripley locking Dakota Kai in a locker to prevent further involvement. Gonzalez’ chokeslam of Ripley through the stage was impressive. I’ll have to say, I wonder where Ripley goes next as she hasn’t won “the big one” in almost a year since dropping the NXT Championship to Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 36. Gonzalez stardom continues to rise and now joins Mercedes Martinez and Toni Storm at the top of the charts to take down NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai.
So many questions, so little answers. #NXTNYE @XiaWWE @Bigboawwe pic.twitter.com/cXbnetNiD1
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Badass thy name is Xia Li. For the first time since their banishment, Li and Boa are back live and Xia showed she’s for real. She looks the part and has all the feels of a faction led by ???? We’ll continue to guess.
Shotzi Blackheart & KUSHIDA is an interesting combo to take on The Gargano Way duo of Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae. It was fun!
Does he have your attention now?
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#AndStill #NXTNYE #NXTChampionship @FinnBalor pic.twitter.com/lMyzOltoXm
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Finn Balor vs. Kyle O’Reilly II. Holy smokes! This was high drama to say the least. It was touch-and-go right until the end. Having Balor take aim at KOR’s jaw seemed right. Balor with a little color the hard-way proved how tough his one was. I like that they didn’t get lazy and make a Kross run-in mar the finish either. It let these two have the stage they so richly deserved.
ABOUT TIME. Per #WWENXT GM @RealKingRegal, the WOMEN'S #DustyCup is coming your way, soon! #WeAreNXT #NXTNYE pic.twitter.com/D7btsuCPso
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 7, 2021
Finally, I love that the women of NXT are getting a Dusty Rhodes Classic of their own. The NXT women’s division is top notch and there’s plenty of match-ups that could be made. Just like the men though, I hope they bring in some other indie teams to spice it up too.
Intercontinental Championship Match: Big E defeated Apollo Crews
SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler defeated The Street Profits to win the titles
Gauntlet Match – Rey Mysterio defeated Sami Zayn; Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Mysterio; Nakamura defeated King Corbin; Nakamura defeated Daniel Bryan; Adam Pearce defeated Nakamura to win a title shot against Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/WCsFNufQU4
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
It was all about the titles this week on SmackDown. First up, Big E defended his Intercontinental Championship for the first time against his friend, Apollo Crews. But, after Crews thought he pinned Big E yet instead the referee called for a double pin and a draw, Crews wasn’t so friendly. One slap later and a decent back-and-forth restart of a match, Big E retained his title. Nice job by Big E turning things serious when he needed to get the victory.
The Dirty Dawgs did it! AND NEWWW #SmackDown Tag Team Champions: @HEELZiggler & @RealRobertRoode. pic.twitter.com/hUh0XCUWc6
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
We have new tag team champions as Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode take advantage of Montez Ford’s injured left knee to take home the gold. Good to see the vets rewarded with a tactical win. Let’s hope they keep it for a bit and it’s not just a quick respite for the TSP.
The second hour of SmackDown was devoted mostly to the Gauntlet Match to decide who will face Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble. As they foreshadowed in the opening segment, Paul Heyman got WWE official Adam Pearce put into the match as a bit of payback for making the Tribal Chief look stupid for his latest actions. And the rest, as we always say, is history.
Respect.#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/62aycltXw2
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
What a great "win" by @ScrapDaddyAP, who will now face @WWERomanReigns at the Royal Rumble! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/ObSpiKmHoB
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
As for the match itself, I didn’t like Sami Zayn being eliminated by Rey Mysterio in about a minute. He deserves better. Nakamura, who’s really been an afterthought on the singles front for months, looked good with victories against Mysterio and Corbin. Against Daniel Bryan, Nakamura looked even better as those two are magical together in the ring. Beautiful sign of respect afterwards as well. Unfortunately for Shinsuke, the expected happened as Reigns and Jey Uso beat up Nakamura before Pearce entered the ring as the final contestant of the Gauntlet Match. Reigns showed it’s HIS show, as Uso superkicks Pearce before dragging his body over Nakamura to get the win. Predictable? 100%! Good for the storyline. Absolutely.
""I want to put the past behind me." – @SonyaDevilleWWE to @ScrapDaddyAp#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/gWKF48xJ7F
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
Finally, what’s the deal with Sonya Deville? At least they addressed her loss in the loser leaves WWE match with Mandy Rose to end 2020. But they didn’t really quite explain what her role will be in aiding Pearce. Will it be taking over now that Pearce is back in the ring? I really wish Michael Cole and Corey Graves would give a little background on Pearce. He was a former 5-time NWA Champion. If Paul Heyman could slip in a Scrap Daddy WCW line, why not give us a little context. I get that the WWE doesn’t think anything exists outside the WWE Universe, but in this day of social media, it helps the story get over with some needed details. They’ve never explained who Pearce is other than just another backstage guy. Major mistake on their part.
Parting Shots:
Could Jay White be coming to the WWE? Rumors abound that he could be leaving New Japan Wrestling after his loss at Wrestle Kingdom. It seems like White liked this tweet from our star of the week Finn Balor after his NXT Championship match this week with Kyle O’Reilly. Count us in on wanting to see that one!
STEP RIGHT UP pic.twitter.com/ojcoHpdcz6
— Finn Bálor (@FinnBalor) January 7, 2021
Coming up this week:
RAW: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton Goldberg’s Challenge addressed NXT: Dusty Rhodes Classic begins
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND
0 notes
minhoslut · 5 years ago
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♡ summary: You are on your first solo mission to collect samples from an asteroid, but that is soon ended when three unknown beings enter your ship and take you to their planet.
♡ pairing: Jung Jaehyun x fem!reader, Johnny Suh x fem!reader, Nakamoto Yuta x fem!reader, JohnJaeYu also are together
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | ? |
♡ series warnings: blood mention, drug use, mxm, foursome, swearing, anxiety, depression
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 1559
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter one: mission
Vleskans: Two forms - A (Fighting) - When in battle or defending their planet Vleskans become an 8 foot tall beast on four crab-like legs. They have two large arms with sharp talons and a long snout filled with teeth. They try not to take this form unless necessary. - B (Resting) - The usual form is similar to human male but a bluish/purple tint, this is why they are so curious about humans because they are similar. The penis is ribbed with filaments along the length and there are no testicles, instead, two tentacles that move on their own. Each being has an egg sack inside their abdomen as well as an egg canal exiting through the buttocks. One will lay eggs inside the other in order to incubate them and procreate. No female version exists. If they are not intending to procreate but simply to get pleasure, they ejaculate a thick purple liquid instead of eggs. Usually, they create a group of 4 to be mates with, though some may be larger. They don't process matter like humans, they live off of absorbing nutrients through touch from plants mostly or the sun/moons. As mentioned before they are very intrigued by the Earth especially human forms, specifically female ones.
You stood up and stretched out your legs now that your ship was cruising smoothly through space. It was weird being without a crew but they had only needed one person to control the pod you were on and since you were thoroughly trained, you had been selected. It was a straightforward mission, collect some samples from a large asteroid that was floating some ways from Earth and return home. It was somewhat long though, 5 months was the expected timeline and you were sure you would be bored a lot but you had brought a vibrator and downloaded plenty of porn so really you were set.
~ A week later ~
You were officially bored. This was your first mission alone and apparently being alone made things about a million times worse. You had no one to talk to or laugh with or even just to sit with in silence. You were walking around the ship counting squares when something hit the side of the ship, sending you to the floor. You scrambled up in shock unsure of what could have hit you since you would have been notified if it was space material.
Strapping into your seat you used the cameras to search around the ship, finding a tiny pod attached to the docking station. Your body froze and a shiver ran straight up your spine. It wasn't a pod from Earth. You heard the sound of the airtight door releasing, letting whatever was in that pod right onto your ship. It was too late to try and shut it so you ran into your sleeping bunk and shut the door, breathing heavily and shaking. There was nothing to defend yourself with and no one to ask for help. Think Y/N, think.
You grabbed your magic wand and held it tightly, hands sweaty as several pairs of footsteps came closer and closer to your bunk. The door opened and you gulped as you stared into the black eyes of three somewhat human-looking creatures, their skin a bluish purple hue. They seemed to be wearing robes made of some kind of plant material woven together, a similar blue to their skin but slightly lighter. "Uh-um, I, I'm not a threat." You stammered out and to your surprise, the tallest of the three answered you. "Oh, we are not either I assure you." Staring back at them with your mouth open, the vibrator still clenched in your palms, you couldn't form a sentence.
"You are female correct?" The tall one asked. You nodded, "And what do they call you?" It continued, "Y-Y/N. Who, no what are you three?" Your voice showed your fear and you cursed yourself internally. "I am Johnny, that," He pointed to the middle one, "is Jaehyun and this one," The shortest, "Is Yuta. We are Vleskans and we need you to come with us now." This is it. Aliens are real and they are taking me. You nervously stood up, finally releasing your vibrator from your damp grasp, and followed after them as they filed towards the exit. There was no point in running since you would just die of oxygen deprivation, so you settled with your fate, tears falling from your eyes steadily as you boarded their pod.
The inside was filled with flashing lights and dials, with three chairs that were situated in the center. The one called Jaehyun sat you in his lap, while Johnny turned some knobs and flipped switches. You had no idea how he knew which was which, there was no lettering to be found. The door connecting the two ships slid shut and you felt the ship begin to move. No chance, no future, no past. You stared at the closed door with blurry eyes, not moving an inch the entire trip.
Lurching forward slightly, Jaehyun wrapped an arm across you to stop you from flying to the ground when you assumed you had landed. "Come along." Johnny said pushing more buttons that caused the door to open and leading the four of you down the ramp that extended from the opening. You gasped at the sight in front of you. Huge peach coloured plants were growing densely around you, like a forest of giant trees. The ground was covered in a spongy material that was a lavender tint, and you saw a clear pathway going through the forest.
Johnny and Jaehyun marched forward while Yuta took your hand in his, smiling at you gently before turning to follow the other two. Eventually you reached what looked like a city of treehouses built up in the peach coloured branches. More of the humanoid creatures were wandering about, and you received several curious or disgusted looks. In the center of the city, you reached a fairly large treehouse, as Johnny approached it, a ladder of mint vines unfurled so that he could climb up, followed by Jaehyun. Yuta gestured for you to go first and you gulped before beginning your ascent.
The treehouse itself was just a continuation of the tree, you discovered as you neared the top, a tight and complicated bind of branches. The inside was one large room with a large pale yellow circle off to the side, that looked like it was made of fur. A door of mint vines covered the entrance and a second door seemed to lead to another small room hidden from your view. "Welcome home!" Johnny said, a huge smile on his face. "H-home?" You squeaked out, realizing that they were apparently not going to kill you, for now at least.
"Yes home." Jaehyun said confusion on his face, "This is what humans call their main dwelling space correct?" You nodded at him and that seemed to be satisfying enough. "Perhaps we should explain why you are here, would that ease some of your fear?" Yuta asked coming into the room, nodding again you sat on the floor where Johnny and Yuta had also. Jaehyun was pacing around the room with no apparent intention to sit.
"This planet is called Ptego, and like Johnny said earlier we are Vleskans. We have been studying your planet for many moons now and have come to find some very interesting differences. Your male counterpart is physically quite similar to us, but you a female are much different. We brought you here because you intrigue us, you are such a strange and wonderful creature. The intention is not to harm you at all simply to see how you adapt to life her on Ptego. There is no need for more than one female human, or really for one at all, but we received permission from our ruler to get you when we saw that you had left your planet anyway."
You stared at Yuta as he explained. "So you just, took me? For no real reason?" Tears welled up in your eyes again. Just your fucking luck. "No no! there is a reason! We studied you while you were on your planet as well, you are smart and don't have any other beings to live with, no one you belong to." Jaehyun interjected. Well fuck, so since you lived alone and your parents were dead you were abduction material? That's all kinds of fucked up. "Ok so I don't have friends or a family why does that mean I don't get the chance to find someone to love!" They stared back at you in surprise. "Your heart has a connection here little one, you were meant to come here." Johnny stated calmly.
Meant to be here? The fuck does that mean? "You have a piece of our planet within your heart. You are basically like us, but not with our form, you will live longer than others, it is better that you are here." Jaehyun told you, finally joining you three on the floor. You were completely overwhelmed, it felt like the world was spinning around you. "What is wrong with her?" You heard Yuta ask, concern lacing his tone, but darkness was creeping into your vision already. "Call Taeyong!" Johnny shouted, then it was all dark.
0 notes
pourmyselfoverhim · 8 years ago
The Long Halloween / Season 4 My Thoughts
After hearing that Gotham Season 4 will feature elements from The Long Halloween I decided to go back and have a re-read.
(I spent a lot longer writing this up then I originally intended and decided to add images from the comic to make it more then just a wall of text!)
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This is one of my favorite Batman stories and I would highly recommend it if you are looking for good read. As a slight change of pace to my usual gif sets, I thought I would share my thoughts on The Long Halloween and the plot elements that may make it into season 4 of Gotham. This is just my own personal opinion and speculation so don't take anything here seriously or get annoyed if you disagree. I will most likely be way off the mark with a lot of things but maybe some of it will line up with what we can expect from season 4. I'm happy to discuss anything people may think will be different or similar so don't be afraid to start a conversation with me about anything raised here (so long as its constructive conversation!).
For those who are here for Nygmobblepot content specifically see the end of the write up for my thoughts on their relationship this season.
Spoilers for The Long Halloween ahead! (although I do not spoil who Holiday is)
For those who are unfamiliar with The Long Halloween the basic story line is that a serial killer is targeting Falcone family and Maroni mob members, killing them on holidays and earning the name Holiday. The killings begin on Halloween night and end the following year on the same day thus why it is called The Long Halloween. Falcone begins to employ freaks to help him try and solve the murders while attempting to keep hold of his crumbling empire. Harvey Dent, James Gordon and Batman investigate Holiday themselves getting into confrontations with the rogues gallery along the way.
Remember everything from here is my own personal speculation.
I think most of the plot points from this comic will either be excluded or changed for Gotham as can be expected when adapting from a comic to TV. As it stands I think they might just take inspiration from the story to use as plot points rather than use the actual plot of tLH. I'll also point out that there will be plenty of stuff, such as Scarecrow's introduction, that are nowhere to be seen in tLH so we will have plenty this season that has nothing to do with it aswell. I’ll only be hitting on plot points that are directly form tLH.
Elements I think (and hope!) they'll keep:
Falcone hires 'freaks' to solve the case: Desperate to figure out who Holiday is, Falcone hires freaks to try and solve the case for him including the Riddler because "there is no riddle he could not solve". The Riddler becomes a target for one of Holiday's murders but since it is April Fools Day Holiday spares the Riddler's life, keeping with the backwards nature of the holiday. Edward being hired by Falcone to solve a case that the police are failing at would be an amazing thing for his character! I would love to see not only an attempt made on Edward's life (that he is intended to survive) but then his own desire to solve the mystery before the GCPD because of his personal involvement. A Riddler vs. James Gordon race to solve a crime is definitely something fun for Edward to do once he gets off ice. Falcone being forced to hire freaks to solve the case for him will be interesting as a lot of the tension in tLH comes from the Mob vs. Freaks side of things. Falcone having to deal with the shifting power in Gotham will be fun to watch.
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Arkham Breakout: Right towards the end Harvey Dent (recently become Two Face) breaks a bunch of Arkham inmates out so that they can join together to take down Falcone and bring down his control over Gotham leading to the rule of the freaks. To me this sounds like a role that Oswald could definitely take on since we got the beginning of his freak family last season. With the introduction of Sophia Falcone supposedly helping Jim Gordon take down Penguin I feel like this is definitely the way it could go. Also in tLH when all of the freaks unite the Riddler is not among them so whether Edward joins them or remains independent is still open. It will be interesting to see if Oswald is capable of uniting the rogues gallery against a common enemy especially considering the Joker is one of them in tLH. An Arkham breakout has got to be on the cards at some point in Gotham so perhaps we will get it here at the hand of Oswald.
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Solomon Grundy: Grundy makes several appearances in tLH and is one of the freaks who joins in the demise of Falcone. Although from what we've heard about season 4 he is going to be spending time with Edward so who knows which side the two of them will sit by the end. In tLH Dent calms Grundy down by reciting the nursery rhyme that Grundy is named for and with Edward's obscure knowledge of things like this perhaps it is possible that scene will go to him instead (and maybe Edward will even be the one to name him?). There is also a scene in which Batman shares Thanksgiving dinner with Grundy, another cute scene that could be thrown Edward's way. It might be nice to see Edward and Grundy placed together since Edward doesn't have any friends left. The reanimated zombie of Butch could be a weirdly appropriate friendship for him, reminiscent of his time Arkham with the inmates.
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Scarecrow and Mad Hatter team up: The Scarecrow and Mad Hatter have a few great moments together in this comic. The Hatter is hired by Falcone to break the Scarecrow out of Arkham so they combine forces. I especially like the panels where the recite 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' as they ride around in a horse and carriage. With Jonathan's re-introduction this season it would be cool to see these two characters share some moments together once Scarecrow is established.
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Harvey Dent origin: tLH is essentially a Two Face origin story so whether or not they keep that I'm not sure because we already have the Scarecrow's origin this season so there may not be room for both. Maroni is the one responsible for Dent's disfigurement in tLH so this would have to be altered to another character if it did happen to be included.
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Alfred defends Bruce in Court: Suspicion is raised by Dent about a connection between Thomas Wayne and the Falcone family. Many years ago Thomas Wayne saved Falcone's life after he was shot but and kept the incident a secret. Alfred testifies on behalf of Thomas Wayne and rips the prosecution and GCPD a new one over their internal corruption at the time. I can see Pertwee doing this scene a lot of justice especially because Bruce is still quite young in this universe and Alfred would not take kindly to Dent trying to associate a kid with Carmine Falcone. I think there would be enough room for them to do this plot line and I look forward to it if they do!
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Here are the few things that will most likely be left out or changed:
Falcone family: We know that Sofia Falcone is cast for season 4 however tLH features three other Falcone family members, Alberto and Carla (Carmine's other son and daughter) and Johnny Viti (Carmine's grandson) who all play important roles in the plot. Unless they are all being introduced then the Falcone family members being targeted and killed by Holiday is probably out (unless the change the targets to other people.).
Maroni: Maroni plays a large role in this comic but due to him already having passed away there isn't much they can do to include him.
The pace: I don't see them pacing the first half of season 4 over an entire year so in my mind this is what convinces me they are only taking elements and not the entire story line from tLH.
Batman: Although Bruce is transitioning into Batman this season I don't think they'll throw him into a mystery this big to start. Most of his interactions can easily be handed off to Gordon anyway.
Julian Day, Calendar Man: Probably not much point introducing this character as he is already fully established in tLH and if they are already setting Scarecrow and maybe Two Face this season there is not much room for this character too considering he doesn't play a hugely pivotal role anyway.
So all in all I see this season featuring heavy elements of tLH but not the overall story line. We will have the rise of the freaks, lead by Oswald, set on bringing down Falcone and putting an end to the organised crime side in Gotham. Falcone (or someone else) will hire several of them, including Edward, to help solve the holiday murders (or whatever mystery they substitute for it) but they will not work well together. Edward and Solomon will become companions out of necessity/loneliness and it will be hilarious. The connection between the Wayne's and Falcone's may be brought to court giving Alfred and Bruce something to distract them while Bruce continues his evolution into Batman. Harvey Dent's origin may or may not happen but if it does then hopefully he will end up with Oswald's freak army.
Once again I welcome discussion and would love to hear what people think or questions they may have about elements I may have rushed or missed! Thanks for all those who have taken the time to read!
Regarding the relationship between Edward and Oswald I think I will say a bit on that now considering this is a nygmobblepot blog after all! Taking into account the framework of tLH I think I have a clear idea about how I think the relationship between Oswald and Edward will go this season. Currently I don't have any working theories about how Edward gets out of the ice so I will skip that and move to a point where he is out.
Edward, now alone without any companions will go into hiding, working on his next move as the Riddler. Oswald will probably have to give up revenge for the time being since there will be new problems to focus on. I think a healthy rivalry will form between them as they both investigate the same mystery. With Oswald forming his freak family I think the ultimate question will be whether Edward opts to join them or if Oswald even lets him. Edward may find himself on the outside of the freak army just as the Riddler does in tLH. We may get a scene where Oswald hears of the failed attempt on Edward's life which may reveal his current feelings towards Edward but I don't hold out much hope. I think we can expect the Riddler interacting with Grundy and the Falcones a lot more then Oswald this season but when they do appear in the same scene I think the dynamic will shift to fun rivalry. I don't expect much Nygmobblepot content this season, at least nowhere near as much as 1-7 of season 3. I am looking forward to whatever we get though!
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the1stmjc · 8 years ago
Top 5 WWE Matches of 2016
Lists! People love lists and with 2016 in the books I have decided that my first WWE related write-up will be a Best of 2016 list. I spent the first week of 2017 on the WWE Network watching matches that left an impression on me and I think I am ready to make a Top 5 WWE Matches of 2016.
Why 5 and not 10? I struggled to find 10 matches that deserved to be next to each other. The Top 5 or so are all matches that I felt were fantastic and I did not want to have the last two or three matches on the list feel like they were just thrown in to reach 10. Plus, having a smaller list means I had to really think about the matches I choose and decide if I found them worthwhile.
So without further ado here is my Top 5 Matches of 2016
Number 5:
Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Fall Count Anywhere for The Women’s Championship (RAW, Nov. 29th)
The Women’s Revolution found its footing in 2016, but it still struggled somewhat. The brand split did the movement no favors and despite the best efforts of Sasha Banks and Charlotte they had opportunities to put on classics only for those chances to just miss the mark.
The WrestleMania triple threat was solid, but it relied too much on roll-ups to be exciting and Ric Flair’s interference left me annoyed. Charlotte and Sasha had a decent match at Summerslam only for the match to be overshadowed by some cringe worthy botches that concerned me for the safety of Sasha Banks. And then we had that awkward ending to the Hell and the Cell match and the questionable Iron (Wo)Man Match.
In between all that there was a genuine classic that took place on  Monday Night Raw when the two women faced off in a Falls Count Anywhere match. From the start of the match there was a level of intensity not really seen in the other matches. The match felt like a fight with the Banks and Flair brawling more than stringing together highspots.
The went from the ring to the stage to the crowd and it felt like there were stakes. Charlotte got to show off her athleticism with some high spots that were not overdone and did not require a lot of setups while Sasha was able to show off her aggressive side and scrappiness.
And most importantly they nailed the finish. The finish was believable with the on the rails Bank Statement looking vicious. It was the first time since their main roster debut that I felt like they had a near flawless match.
Number 4:
DIY vs. The Revival for the NXT Tag Team Championships (NXT Takeover Brooklyn)
I love The Revival and I needed to acknowledge them somewhere on my list, they are what makes tag team wrestling great. They are old school fighters that do not rely on flashy moves to get them over and are a cohesive unit.  
The Revival defended their titles at6 NXT Takeover Brooklyn against indie darlings Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa, who had a match at the Cruiserweight Classic against each other that I considered for my list. This match-up was a perfect mesh of talents with two contrasting styles, The Revivals no thrills fighting versus the more flashy indie style of DIY.
The match had everything you’d want from a tag team match, a mix of fast paced action and classic tag team isolation. The isolation of an opponent is done perfectly by The Revival, they work an opponent so well that when that person finally makes the hot ag you cannot help but jump out of your seat and cheer.  And this match had plenty of those moments.
And my god were all the false finishers earned and executed perfectly. One thing I notice with WWE matches is the over reliance on false finishes and how quickly I get annoyed by them, but these false finishes had me hooked and I had no idea who was going to end up the winner and neither did the crowd who were on their feet most of the match.
The ending was emotional and The Revival walked away the champs while DIY sat in the ring disappointed, but more over than ever. There were so many twists and turns in the actual match that I almost expected Ciampa to turn heel and I was so happy that it didn’t happen.
Number 3:
A.J. Styles vs. John Cena (Summerslam)
A..J. Styles had one hell of a year and it was the passing of the torch from John Cena that was the perfect way to crown his year. It is rare that John Cena puts someone over multiple times, he always gets his revenge, but not this time. Sure he did not get his revenge due to his busy schedule and sure passing the torch from one 39 year old to another 39 year old is not ideal, but damn if it wasn’t spectacular.
The previous bouts between Cena and Styles ended with outside interference and that is what I expected here and instead I got a classic Summerslam match.
From the start Styles worked the match like a cocky heel out to prove himself to the WWE Universe that he was a legit star and a better wrestler than John Cena. He didn’t have to prove himself  of course though he still needed to get a clean win to show that this was his company now.
This was just a great match with both stars pulling out their best moves. Styles can work with anyone and made Cena look like a better wrestler. It’s not that Cena is a bad wrestler in fact he is a fantastic wrestler, he just sometimes feels like he is going through the motions. At Summerslam Cena was on fire and Styles matched that fire and set the tone for how the rest of his year would go.
It is important that the match had a clean finish and I was happy Cena was willing to put Styles over clean. Now we have Styles on the top of Smackdown Live and it all started at Summerslam.
Number 2
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens (Battleground)
Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens is a feud that will go down in history as one of the greatest feuds of all time. Their time in the WWE has been short and the WWE have been able to tell a great story from NXT to the main roster without the ability to call back too much of their history thanks to the Generico aspect.
Their WWE feud came to its climax in great fashion at one of WWE’s less important PPV shows Battleground. I have to admit that I am a huge Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens fan and this was a great way to end their feud for now. I still think they deserve a blowout at one of the marquee shows, but I’m fine with waiting for that.
At Battleground though they put on a show stealer in the middle of the card. From the video package to the closing bell, these two put on what I consider perfect wrestling storytelling. The match started with intensity and only settled down briefly for Owen’s to do his heel chin lock routine. After they broke out of that, the match felt like a legit battle and fight.
I almost thought for a second that these men were trying to kill each other. I still have no idea if that fall Sami Zayn took on the apron was a botch or intentional and that is AMAZING. That is when wrestling is at its best, when they blur the lines of reality. I would assume based on how fast Owens worked Zayn after the botch that it was a work, but I still don’t know.
Other amazing spots was the Suplex/Brainbuster Zayn did to Owens which felt way more brutal than anything I would expect to see on WWE programming. Owens did some cool things like the superkick block of Zayn’s through the ropes Tornado DDT that immediately was followed by a cannonball.
It was the final sequence though that made this match special and should have catapulted both superstars into the main event picture. It starts with the two Exploders Zayn gives Owens followed by the Helluva Kick. When Zayn is holding a knocked out Owens in his arms and you think maybe Zayn is feeling remorse only for him to go for one more kick! That is when this match jumps to another level. They put on one hell of a match, but this singular moment is the most memorable thing from the match and is storytelling at its best.
Number 1:
Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (NXT Takeover Dallas)
If Zayn vs. Owens is storytelling at its best then Zayn vs. Nakamura is  pure wrestling at its best. This match had no story to tell and the two competitors had no history for the WWE to build from. It was just two of the best wrestlers in the world doing what they do best.
NXT crowds outside of Full Sail (sorry) are the best and they treated this match like it a classic even before the bell rung. There was something in the air that night that made this match feel like the biggest match of the year despite no real stakes involved, no title no stipulations, nothing.
Shinsuke Nakamura could not have asked for a better debut opponent and Zayn could not have asked for a better opponent for his final NXT match.
Nakamura is a heavy hitter and he was able to go at Zayn without holding back. It did not feel like a WWE match it felt like something else, something special. Zayn showed his ability to do any style by matching Nakamura’s Strong Style. There were times when I was concerned for Zayn with some of Nakamura’s stikes looking brutal, but Zayn at certain points would strike just as hard.
I do not even think this match was flashy, it was just an amazing pure wrestling match. The competitors left it all in the ring and the “Fight Forever” chants were well deserved. I could watch these two fight every week till the end of time and I cannot wait for a rematch in the future.
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paradoxicalca · 6 years ago
(OC) Don Cherry Drafts the Toronto Maple Leafs (An Alternate Reality)
(Previous parts of this series include: Tom Wilson-Proofing the Penguins, Dundon DIYs the Hurricanes, Re-Chiarelling the Oilers, Moneyballing the Sens, Covertly Tanking the Wild, and Frenchifying the Canadiens.)​This is way longer than I thought it would be - turns out 2004 is longer ago than I thought.~~~~~~~~~~~Part INobody remembers exactly how it happened.According to the contract, it was the 20th of December, 2003. The Maple Leafs had just defeated the Montreal Canadiens 4-2, their fourteenth consecutive game without a regulation loss. General Manager John Ferguson Jr. was riding high, and he didn't care who knew it. He was just months into his tenure with the Leafs and he was already almost certain to be the first GM to bring a Cup to Toronto in 36 years. So he decided to celebrate with friends and a few bottles of wine at the best restaurant he could think of: Wayne Gretzky's, just a few blocks away.Half-remembered through the haze of cigar smoke and wine, it was one of the best nights of Ferguson's life. The soirée was a who's who of hockey royalty - incredible stories were being passed around over freshly microwaved meatloaf and cheese-sprinkled nachos. But the life of the party was CBC's Don Cherry. He had regaled the group with anecdotes about Ferguson's father - "one of the toughest guys you'll ever see in the National Hockey League, and he could put pucks in the net! Ya don't see that much these days!" But he also had a lot of concerns with the direction the league and the Leafs had taken - drafting gutless players who'd never win a Cup like Alex Steen in the first round. "If I was in charge of scouting", he assured Ferguson, "teams wouldn't be excited to be playing the Leafs I tell ya!"The next morning, Ferguson awoke with a splitting hangover and checked his answering machine. Don's voice bellowed out:"Hey Johnny, glad we could work things out last night. I won't let you down I'll tell ya that much!"Ferguson had no idea what he was talking about until he received the email from Cherry's lawyer. Attached was a picture of a hand-written but impeccably worded contract with both men's signatures on it.The signing parties of this legally binding contract recognize the following stipulations: 1. That Mr. Donald Cherry be vested with the full and final power to decide who the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club drafts in the first round of the National Hockey League entry draft. 2. That the Toronto Maple Leafs not trade their first round pick in the NHL Entry Draft without the express permission of Mr. Cherry. 3. That the Toronto Maple Leafs not trade players that Mr. Cherry has drafted without the express permission of Mr. Cherry. 4. That the existence of this contract not be disclosed to the public unless the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup or the contract is violated. 5. That the violation of the above stipulations will result in the payment of $50,000,000 CDN to the estate of Mr. Cherry. 6. That the above be valid each year for the remainder of Mr. Cherry's life, regardless of changes made to management or ownership. To their horror, the Leafs' lawyers could not figure out a way out of this. From that day on, Don Cherry was the most important scout the Leafs had.Part II2004While Cherry was tempted by the notion of receiving Brian Leetch from the Boston Bruins, he was keen to make a swift impact on the Leafs' future. With the 24th overall pick, the Leafs selected G David Shantz of the Mississauga Ice Dogs. When he asked if this pick was solely based on that fact that Shantz played for the OHL team Cherry owned, Ferguson was assured that Shantz is a beautiful kid and a hell of a goalie, and always willing to sacrifice the body to block shots.2005When the Leafs' scouting department told Cherry that they wanted to pick some Euro named Tooka Rask, he was amazed that a guy as smart as Ferguson had hired those morons. They wanted to pick a goalie outta Finland? Guy probably had never even faced a slapshot before! Not to mention that Shantzy was already their franchise goalie of the future. Instead they drafted a real big kid with #1 defenceman potential: D Matt Pelech, a 6'4 member of the Sarnia Sting. He may not be an offensive guy, but 74 penalty minutes in 31 games? This guy's a Hall of Famer in the making.2006The Leafs barely missed the playoffs, in large part due to bad goaltending. When Cherry heard that Ferguson had tried to trade Shantz to Boston for Andrew Raycroft he was mad. When he heard that his scouts wanted some guy named Yeery Taloosty outta Checkaslovakia he was furious. You gotta beautiful kid like LW Chris Stewart on the board and you're gonna take some wuss? Ridiculous.2007The backstabbing son of a bitch tried to do it again. What is it with Ferguson and these Finnish goalies? You wanna give up a first for Vensa Toksala? Unbelievable. He told Cherry that it was a shallow draft and that the pickings would be weak at 13th overall. Ya wanna call LW Colton Gillies weak to his face? Here's a beautiful kid, big kid, 6'4 207 with size and a hell of a shot, plays the game the right way, nephew of a good guy: Clark Gillies.2008Ferguson was fired in January, and Cliff Fletcher was hired as his interim replacement. The team finally had a top draft pick, and Cherry was ready for a fight. Luckily, everyone could agree that they had to pick up a beautiful kid named D Luke Schenn. He can hit, he'll drop the gloves, and his tendency to ice the puck will give Cherry plenty of opportunities to complain about touch icing on Coach's Corner.2009Chris Stewart, Luke Schenn, and Colton Gillies made their NHL debuts and boy did they look big out there. Viewers of Hockey Night in Canada wondered why Cherry was constantly advocating ferociously for the Maple Leafs to call up David Shantz from the ECHL. New general manager Brian Burke, when informed by his predecessor of the Cherry contract, was completely non-perturbed until he realized it would stop him from trading away first round picks.The 7th overall pick demands real reflection: so many beautiful kids available. You got Jared Cowen, Zack Kassian outta Windsor - now there's a guy who stands up to his teammates. And then there's Kadri. TALK ABOUT HEART this kid is a hardworker, gets to the tough areas, God love ya. Cherry decides to let Burke take C Nazem Kadri.2010No way in hell is Don gonna let Burke trade those precious picks for some American guy who doesn't even defend. The Leafs, led in scoring by Chris Stewart, finish second last in the NHL. Brian Burke invests a full month trying to convince Cherry to let him take Tyler Saygenn. But it's no use. Sure Seygen's flashy, and Cherry's sure he's a nice kid, mum and dad raised him well, but when you've got D Erik Gudbranson on the board you're taking the 6'5 defenceman every day of the week.2011Another big season by Chris Stewart keeps the Leafs out of the basement but the rebuild continues. By the end of the season they end up with the 7th overall pick. Cherry tells the scouts he's considering two players: Sam Couttserier and Dougie Hamilton. The scouts try to sell him on the Bathurst product but it was never really in doubt: Hamilton is a beautiful kid, plays the game right, big shot from the point, 6"6, and plays for the Ice Dogs. D Dougie Hamilton is the guy. Fortunately for Hamilton, his parents unwittingly helped his career prospects by concealing his love of reading and museums from Cherry when they met at the CHL Top Prospects Game. Cherry also fully supports Burke's picks of RW Tyler Biggs and D Stuart Percy.2012At this point, Cherry can hardly watch a Leafs game without bursting into tears at the beauty of it. Kadri and Stewart at forward, Schenn, Phaneuf, and Gudbranson on defence. Sure the team is absolutely terrible, but they're losing the right way. The Leafs end up with the 3rd overall pick, and appear poised to draft talented centre Alex Galchneeyuck. Instead they pick up a real good guy: D Griffin Reinhart.2013With Stewart falling off a cliff and no offensive star to replace him, the Leafs do not make the playoffs in 2013. Instead, they draft LW Max Domi at 10th overall, good kid from a great family, an absolute beauty, you know his dad, his dad always left it all out on the ice, still a good friend, loves the troops, good stuff! The scouts don't even bother trying to talk him into taking a Russian guy named Valerie.2014Shanahan is now in charge and is furious that nobody mentioned this arrangement to him before he promised fans a full rebuild. William Neelander was never gonna be Cherry's guy. It's LW Nick Ritchie. He’s 6-foot-3 and 230 pounds. Only three players scored more than this guy. He is tough. He can score. He has beautiful hands. Leafs have enough weak wingers.2015The Maple Leafs take a guy with size and skill D Noah Hanifin with the 4th overall pick, and Cherry almost dissociates at the thought of drafting an American over a beautiful Ontario kid like Marner.2016The Leafs finally bottom out. Shanahan begs Cherry to take a guy from the Southern USA who plays in friggin Switzerland of all places, Austin Matthews, 1st overall instead of LW Matthew Tkachuk. Beautiful kid, and what a family I tell ya what I REMEMBER yknow Keith now there's a hockey player they send him down to the desert, what a disgrace, there's a great player!2017With the 10th overall pick, the Leafs take D Cal Foote, big kid from a beautiful family, his dad, Adam, big friend of the show, always finished his checks, and that's why, yknow that's why he's got those rings! These goofs really wanted some girly looking Euro called Timoth Linegren, forget about it. Cherry is really starting to hate these hippy pinkos in charge of the Leafs.2018Leafs go off the board and select C Ryan McLeod outta Mississauga in the mid-1st round instead of trading down for Rasma Sandy (again with the Swedes? It's a nice place to visit sure but quit sending us hockey players!). John Tavares chooses to sign with the San Jose Sharks, a contender, instead of the mediocre Leafs. Desperate for a 2nd pair left defenceman, the Leafs sign Jack Johnson to a 5 year, 4 million AAV contract.EpilogueThe Maple Leafs now have this lineup :​Matthew Tkachuk - Max Domi - Zach Hyman Patrick Marleau - Nazem Kadri - Andreas Johnsson Tyler Ennis - Brandon Leipsic - Josh Leivo Tyler Biggs - Dominic Moore - Leo Komarov Noah Hanifin - Dougie Hamilton Jack Johnson - Erik Gudbranson Griffin Reinhart - Luke Schenn Fredrik Andersen Garret Sparks Shanahan decides that enough is enough. Bringing his new General Manager Kyle Dubas with him, he summons Cherry for a meeting in the Maple Leafs war room. Grapes mockingly wears a pink three piece suit dotted with Shanahan's face."Don, we're here to negotiate. We need to get out of this contract.""Oh THAT'S what this is about then eh? Ya need more Swedes and Soviets out there? That's not how ya win a Cup!""We're willing to offer you 25 million dollars in cash right now to void the agreement."After a couple minutes of thinking, Cherry realizes that could buy every team in the QMJHL and fold them for that money. "Awright ya punks, you gotta deal. But these team's goin' nowhere if you pack it full of Euros and weaklings." He stares directly at Dubas and barks "Kids, you gotta always keep your head up out there or you're gonna get hit""Are you threatening him?""He knows I'm kiddin' around! I swear, these guys out here, can't take a joke anymore. Ya know Shanny, you were a real good player hard in the corners good Irish kid God love ya. Dunno why ya went so soft."Shanahan shakes his head "Don, the game's changed. You need speed and skill, not just big tough guys out there to win. It's not like when you were playing anymore."Don gets up and walks towards the door, but turns around before leaving. The old man's face is as orange as the jersey Bobby Clarke used to wear, now there's a player, eat your heart out yknow when we used to play the Flyers ya had to watch out for that guy because he's small sure but what a warrior he'd drop the gloves no questions asked. He has tears in his eyes."Yeah whatever Shanny. This isn't the first time I've gotten in trouble for putting too many men on the ice."~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next time: The Islanders accidentally give Mike Milbury a second chance. (OC) Don Cherry Drafts the Toronto Maple Leafs (An Alternate Reality) Source
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virgogear0-blog · 6 years ago
What About a Bad Contract Swap with the Giants to Open Up Flexibility for the Cubs?
As I sit here mulling, I can come up with two clubs that could be in a position – financially and competitively – to try their hand at a bad contract swap for the kinds of players the Cubs would be looking to swap. That is to say, guys like Jason Heyward or Tyler Chatwood – far, far more costly than they would get in free agency, but maybe worth a roll of the dice in the years ahead if the money makes sense.
We’ve already taken a look at one of those teams with respect to Tyler Chatwood, the Toronto Blue Jays. While considering offers for guys like Marcus Stroman and Aaron Sanchez, the Blue Jays are rebuilding and could swap out Russell Martin’s salary for Chatwood’s, meaning they get a near zero-cost roll of the dice on a guy will unquestionably excellent stuff who only just turned 29. Maybe he turns it around and becomes a nice trade chip for the Blue Jays (there’s more upside there in potential value than with a back-up-ish veteran catcher who turns 36 in February), or even a usable part of a competitive rotation in 2020. For the Cubs, they get a veteran back-up catcher who can contribute and also help with Willson Contreras’s continued development, and they do it at a savings in total salary commitment. Win, win, win.
But what about Jason Heyward? Is there realistically a team out there that would want to take on the next five years of his contract, even at a steep savings?
Well, as a preliminary matter, yes, I do think there rebuilding clubs out there – and near-term competitive clubs – that would be happy to have Heyward in the mix as a buy-low potential trade asset, a veteran presence, a reliable defender, and/or a guy who was so dang good until he came to the Cubs and is only 29.
(For all those same reasons, I’m still someone who is fine with Heyward sticking around with the Cubs. Sure, if they can move considerable salary and use it to sign Bryce Harper, I’m on board. But if that’s not happening, it’s not as if the Cubs can’t still get a lot of value out of Heyward as part of an outfield rotation in the coming years.)
To me, if you’re forcing me to speculate – how dare you FORCE me?! – the team that makes the most sense for Heyward is the San Francisco Giants. Among the reasons:
An aging core that might be able to squeeze out a competitive year or two while Heyward is still young.
A new front office that might be looking to go in an entirely different direction selling off, and wants Heyward as a stabilizing veteran during the process.
Heyward’s stellar right field defense might be more valuable in AT&T Park than anywhere else in baseball.
The current Giants starting outfield is comprised of Chris Shaw, Steven Duggar, and Austin Slater (all real baseball players).
The Giants have plenty of potentially dead money that they might prefer to convert into Heyward.
If you’re desperate to come up with a team that could be inclined to want Heyward at a discount, that sure looks like a team to me.
… but how much of a discount? Heyward is currently on a contract that will pay him $106 million over the next five years (and a $23M AAV). If Heyward were a free agent right now, what kind of deal would he get? Probably not a big one.
Although Heyward has youth on his side, and he’s coming off his best year with the Cubs, we need to be realistic about what he was in 2018: an average player at best. Heyward’s line on the year, .270/.335/.395, was almost exactly average (99 wRC+), which is not what you want from a corner outfielder. But his defense, right? Well, for the second straight year, the advanced metrics didn’t love Heyward’s defense in right and center, rating him as something much closer to “good, fine” than “elite.” Noise? A trend? The eye test says Heyward is still very good in right, but he did make an usual volume of early-season gaffes by which you probably remember being perplexed.
On the whole, Heyward was worth 2.0 WAR to FanGraphs, which, again, is basically perfectly average. An average big league starter is a good thing to be, but it doesn’t get you anything close to $100 million in free agency.
(Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)
How do we factor in the years before 2018? Well, obviously Heyward was consistently a star-level player before coming to the Cubs, and then in his first two years with the team – albeit limited by injuries that impacted his swing – Heyward was a disaster: .243/.315/.353, 79 wRC+, 2.0 total WAR for two seasons.
I don’t think there’s any way you could make an argument that Heyward would get more than $50 million guaranteed in free agency. The parallels are imperfect because of their ages/health, but in a market where guys coming off good years like Andrew McCutchen and Michael Branley can secure only $50 million and $32 million, respectively, I just don’t see any way Heyward would get more than that. In fact, I’m not 100% certain he’d get more than Brantley, even with the better health, age, and defense.
Let’s split the baby and say that Heyward could get a $40 million contract in free agency (over however many years you like, because what really matters for estimating this kind of salary dump is just the guarantee). I’m really not sure he could, but that might be the range.
If so, and if we assume the Giants would be the top suitor for his services, then how could a swap with the Cubs possibly make sense?
Well, the best bad contract trades send each team a player they can actually use, even if they aren’t on contracts they would otherwise want. For the Giants, it’s Heyward. For the Cubs, you’d be looking at impact bats (I don’t see a fit) and relievers (plenty).
Remember, though, you can’t just look at lefties Will Smith and Tony Watson and say, “Ooh, yeah, want them! Pick them!” Sure, maybe the Cubs could get them in a deal for value if they included prospects, but we’re just talking about the bad contracts part of this thing. And those two guys are each only gonna be making around $4 million next year.
So, instead, you’d have to look at a guy like Mark Melancon, who turns 34 next year, and has been injured and meh since signing a four-year, $62 million contract with the Giants two years ago. He’s set to make $14 million in each of the next two years – far more than he’d get in free agency, but also not a huge chunk of money. The Cubs need bullpen additions, though, and if they could add a guy like Melancon as part of a salary-neutral deal, maybe they figure he can at least be a decent setup man when healthy.
That’s not enough, though.
Unless the Cubs were going to eat a TON of salary in a Heyward deal (maybe!), simply swapping Heyward for Melancon is a bum deal for the Giants unless they value Heyward a lot more than $40 million, or unless the Cubs include some SERIOUS prospect value (again, maybe!).
Is there some other way to do this financially?
Well, I can’t help but wonder about this guy’s contract:
That’s starting pitcher Johnny Cueto.
Why on earth am I trying to get the Cubs to trade for an aging, expensive starting pitcher? Well, I mean, I’m not. Not really anyway.
Cueto had Tommy John surgery in August, and figures to miss most or all of the 2019 season. The Giants are going to be paying him nearly $22 million to rehab. After that, he’s a 34-year-old pitcher under contract for two more years, also near $22 million, plus a likely $5 million buyout of his 2022 option. To me, that’s a contract the Giants would love to unload.
For the Cubs, who very much *don’t* need a starting pitcher in 2019, Cueto could be something of a lottery ticket after 2019. Maybe he is healthy, strong, and a good starter for them when a spot in the rotation opens up. Maybe he becomes a reliever in his later years. Maybe he’s traded. Maybe they don’t use him at all.
(Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
The point is not about how much tremendous value you might get out of Cueto – instead, it’s about the alignment of his contract with Heyward’s and the fact that the Cubs could “afford” to pay him not to pitch in 2019 if doing so was otherwise opening up flexibility.
So, let’s just take a little peep here at a proposed swap, the margins of which you could totally play with (prospects, cash, etc.) to make it fit:
Jason Heyward – five years, $106 million ($23M AAV on overall deal for luxury tax purposes)
Johnny Cueto – three years, $65.5 million ($21.667M AAV)
Mark Melancon – two years, $28 million ($15.5M AAV)
Total salary from Giants: $93.5 million (~$37M in AAV for the next two years)
If this were a straight-up swap, the Cubs would be taking on quite a bit more near-term money – and locking in a luxury tax hit – in order to save $12.5 million in long-term money. Given the luxury tax hit, and the imbalance in ages/contributions that you’d likely project over the lengths of these deals, I’m thinking that’s probably not enough for the Cubs to actually make this trade. Then again, if we figured Heyward is worth about $40 million, while Cueto is worth something like $15 million and Melancon is worth $10 million, the Giants would be taking on $66 million in “dead” money, while the Cubs would be taking on $68.5 million in dead money. It’s close.
Like I said, you could – and the teams probably would – play with the dollars and other inclusions at the margins, but I can see a fit here.
Even if the Giants were planning to try to compete in 2019, this deal makes a lot of sense for them – it brings in a possibly useful player and a whole bunch of financial flexibility in exchange for two guys who probably would do a lot of nothing for them.
For the Cubs, if the salary component made sense (and if they are less concerned about 2019, specifically, than total long-term commitments), they’d be paying a little more in the near-term to open up considerable longer-term flexibility, which could make a huge signing like Bryce Harper seem less scary. They get a probably-useful bullpen piece in the process, and then a lottery ticket in Cueto’s mid-30s.
A known unknown in this? Heyward has the right to block trades to 12 teams, and we don’t currently know the identity of those teams. Maybe the Giants are one of them, and maybe he flat out wouldn’t go to San Francisco. We do not have any visibility to this factor, but it is obviously important.
So, the biggest question of all – even if we can make this all work theoretically and financially … would I actually do this deal? Well, if I’m the Giants, I jump the heck all over this swap. That means my gut must be saying this is not a great deal for the Cubs, who would be punting a young-ish, useful player just so that they can pay out nearly the same contract quantity to a couple guys who might not be useful at all.
I think the only way I could get on board with this specific swap is if – in this, sigh, financially tight world of the Cubs – it meant considerable financial savings for the Cubs (i.e., the Giants are eating some additional money) and that savings was almost certainly going to an impact bat like Harper. I suppose I’d also like it if Smith or Watson were included from the Giants, but then this starts to get so far down the speculative road that it’s hard to say, yeah, I’d like this imaginary version of the trade but not that imaginary version.
The overall point here, I guess, is that the Giants are a team with whom I could see the Cubs plausibly getting together on a Jason Heyward contract swap. Whether they actually *should* do that depends greatly on the particulars of the deal, since I still see some value in Heyward for the Cubs going forward, even if his salary is no longer remotely commensurate with that value.
Source: https://www.bleachernation.com/2018/12/26/what-about-a-bad-contract-swap-with-the-giants-to-open-up-flexibility-for-the-cubs/
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