#and i saw parts of it during that steak dinner
majeoeje · 3 months
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Kabru x reader (gender neutral)
It’s hard being casual when you always find ways to litter little parts of you in my life
Warning: explicit
Unison gasp exhaled from both your lungs, it felt like your chest could be crushed by the tension alone. You could get off with the way he held your you by the back of your neck, it felt as if your body could burn away by his touch and he of course was well aware of this. You only wished Kabru’s piercing eyes wasn’t so fixated on you the whole damn time you’re trying to undress him.
You hate to admit that it made you a little nervous. You knew that he was taking your every little reaction into account. It made you feel somehow vulnerable.
“I told you not to psychoanalize me while im trying to fuck you, Kabru”
You were expecting a heavy teasing coming your way, he knew you were into his dirty talk, so he tends to be vocal during your intercourse, it was more weird to not hear him say anything.
“My bad” he quickly said, caressing your cheek ever so softly, before slowly dragging your hand to the button of his pants “continue”
He hides away using your crave for physical affection to his advantage. You would’ve probably skimmed through it if it wasn’t from how distant he seemed. He was trying to hide something. It wasn’t evident whatsoever.. but you could tell like he does with you that he wasn’t really into it this time.
Despite Kabru’s efforts, you retracted your hand before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“Maybe not tonight Kabru, i don’t want to soil your clean sheets just yet”
the disappointment was evident in his eyes, but it wasn’t out of a want for intimacy on his part. It was for the fact that he failed to deceive you, he failed to control the situation, he miscalculated on the outcomes of your behavior. But most of all, he failed to please you.
You saw right through him. And it scares him.
“I’ll make us dinner, i was thinking steak tonight.” You finally broke the silence, distracting Kabru from his thoughts
“Feeling fancy are we?” He rested his head in the palm of his hand as he watched you get dressed. You hummed in respons giving him a wink.
As soon as you buttoned up your blouse, you waltz your way to his kitchen, which wasn’t far away considering he was staying in a cramp inn.
“You’re getting skinny, i need to feed you well” you had said as the sound of you preparing food filled his ears.
He layed there, still shirtless, the scent of his freshly washed sheets filled his nose while the contact of the fabric ignited multiple indecent memories of you and him. He gets addicted to the feeling of your skin pressing on his but he wouldn’t say it was all physical…. At least on his part.
He reminisced upon your words just a few weeks ago in the tavern as he watched you cooked. He wondered if the weight of this relationship was equally heavy to you as it was to him, knowing well the scales were imbalanced.
“It’s casual” you had said to your friend, a pen pal that he had never met, who previously asked you about ‘that guy you were seeing’.
Your words felt like a pang to his head. Casual? Well of course it was.. It’s not like you two outright agreed to a commitment filled relationship.. but it’s natural to think you’ve begone to care for him by the amount of time you spent together. Was he really getting the wrong idea?..
“It’s not like this is going anywhere anyways” you said before continuing to drink your beer as your friend laughs
At that moment he could vividly imagine the scales were tipping down on him and lifting you up.
It bothered him that you think so little of him. But it bothered him more that HE was bothered. Just why the hell was he so mad? He internally screamed thinking of the implications, burying his face to his pillow. You didn’t pay any mind to his frustration, too busy simmering down the two steaks on his stove.
“Dinner’s ready!” you voiced plating two steaks across each other on his dinner table, even lighting up a candle for him.
As he sat himself watching the steam off the freshly cooked steak, and practically homemade fancy date was that he wondered…. Was this casual?
The thought to strangle you cross his mind. Why would you even go to this lengths just to fuck him on the weekends? Was he really just some guy you seek just for a quick sex? His curiosity burned him like an unending itch that he couldn’t scratch.
“Easy there”
You wiped off a smudge of sauce from the corner of his lips. If he wasn’t chewing so menacingly maybe he wouldn’t be so messy
“Thanks” he said shortly. He wasn’t even hiding his irritation, purposely clanking his cutlery.
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong? I can tell you’ve been mad at me”
Kabru’s blue eyes looked at you piercing through your soul. That was probably the first time you ever said something direct to him, it felt breathtaking and frustrating at the same time because he could tell that your words were completely empty.
He wanted to say that you tidying his room for him every chance you get was far from casual. Bathing him that one night because he puked all over himself after being intoxicated wasn’t casual. The way you would cook for him every time you come over wasn’t something casual. Your stuff littering his closet wasn’t casual.
But he couldn’t. Because if he were to yell all those things to you and finally hammering some sense into you would mean he had to say that he wanted to be more than casual. He would have to admit that he genuinely enjoy your company. He had to be honest. And he might actually have to kill you if he ever does that
“Haha! You’re overthinking.. Maybe you’re tired. What about staying the night?”
“I was planning to anyways” you said, talking to Kabru always felt like you were planning a war strategy in your every move. Walking on eggshells would be an understatement knowing his analyzing skills. So it’s better not to press him.
The rest of dinner wasn’t quiet, though maybe you would’ve preferred that hearing his subtle questions to get you to spill your whole backstory once again. Your head hurts from dodging all his questions from shifting the conversations and giving lame excuses. You were more than relieved to go to bed.
“How’s your party? Those guys doing okay?” you asked, a lousy attempt on small talk on your part, recalling a hazy memory of you socializing with Kabru’s party at the tavern
It’s hard being casual when he had introduced you to all his friends
You snuggled close to him, his arms carefully embracing you. It felt natural. Like you and him were meant to be. He could imagine holding you in his arms every night in the future and he hates himself for it. He never knew meeting someone exactly like him would be both a bliss and hell at the same time. It was truly tiring to be at war in every conversation with you, but usually he doesn’t have to think much of it from how busy he was fucking your brains out
“Everyone’s doing alright.. we might go back to explore the dungeon in 2 days” Answered Kabru, you could feel his fingers playing with your hair absentmindedly
“Don’t forget to eat yeah? You always get so skinny after your adventures” he hates how you worry over him. And he hates how he liked it.
He asked to himself looking down to your now sleeping form. Your legs tangled beneath the his sheets, the one that you washed for him, he held you closer as he could feel your breathing fanning down his neck. Does this truly mean nothing to you?
Despite his inner turmoils, he held his tongue. He couldn’t let go.. just not yet.
Because only in these moments was where Kabru could pretend that you two were lovers holding each other throughout the night. At least he could have you in another way other than sexual in these moments.
The night went by faster than he initially thought and by morning, you were gone… as always.
Kabru looked around at the washed dishes, the clean floors of his inn, his neatly folded clothes, his organized closet… his place had never looked cleaner. Yet he was never more a mess. It was as if you had came to his life just to fuck with him both physically and mentally. May the gods gave him strength cause he might not have the self respect to not indulge you in your next visit.
But Kabru sucked it up and dragged himself to the market for supplies of the next dungeon raid. Rin and holm had been waiting not so patiently for him, scolding Kabru for sleeping in again.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been with that merchant again, you look a mess.” Rin says, her gaze scanned Kabru’s disheveled appearance up and down.
Despite his residence always being a mess, Kabru usually upheld a kept appearance. It helps him with gaining trust and connection from other people thus making it easy for him to gain information. Though this wouldn’t be the case after a night with a certain travelling merchant, you.
“You don’t need to worry about that, Rin” said Kabru as he smiled charmingly “i just accidentally slept in a little”
Before Rin could scold Kabru more, Holm stood between the two of them.
“It’s best if we start the shopping” he quickly intervenes . As Rin walks away Holm gave Kabru a comforting look
“It’s okay, just don’t be late next time” said the gnome, as he pats Kabru’s back gently.
And with that Holm catched up to Rin discussing what perservatives would be best to bring tomorrow. Kabru tailed right behind them as they talked. Least to say he was out of it.. occasionally giving feed backs here and there about the length of the trip or expenses, but other than that he was a little quiet. Not as quiet for them to notice at least.
It’s not like Kabru wasn’t a genuine person. He has good intentions and he truly is kind. But he was always great at masking. To hide his true emotions wasn’t something that he hadn’t mastered. But it all seems to get thrown out the window once he’s with you. It’s like you could see right through him as much as he could you and he could tell it terrifies you as much as it did him.
Two sides of the same coin was what you are. He never thought he wanted to be understood until he met you.
“Hey, isn’t that the person Kabru was seeing?” Holm voiced, despite Rin’s protest in trying to hide your whereabouts.
Kabru’s eyes suddenly drift to a small alleyway. You were talking to someone, that pen pal again that you were talking to a few weeks ago.
“You’re actually crazy” your friend laughed as if you had just told him something funny. And Kabru couldn’t help but eavesdrop your conversation.
“You know i can’t miss this opportunity.. this is a once in a lifetime!!”
Kabru pretended as if he were browsing the fruits nearby as he hears you talk, your excitement and fear basically pouring out of your words.
“How long before you leave?”
Kabru froze hearing your friend’s words, almost tipping over the basket in his hand. You’re…leaving?? For how long?
“Maybe in 2 days, i bet you’re going to miss me to bits.” You teased.
“Whatever, you’re the one who’s leaving everything behind anyways”
You weren’t coming back anytime soon. It was evident in your friend’s sudden serious tone. This whole conversation was a whole farewell. Kabru only wished that he could be half as accepting as your friend.
He stood there, ignoring Rin’s harsh stare knowing he was wasting their precious time idling by the fruit stall.
Because before your friend had continue to go on a rant on how you owe them a trip to the tavern you had said something so downright lonely he couldn’t shake his mind on the words you had let out.
“There’s barely anything for me here anyways”
What about him? He wanted to ask.
He was mad at himself for thinking such things.. it’s not like he alone was enough to make you stay. But mostly he was mad at you.
“Kabru!?” Your eyes widen upon seeing him, it doesn’t seem like he wasn’t standing there the whole time. You noticed him at the corner of your eyes as soon as your friend left. Holm and Rin thankfully reading the situation and continued their shopping, not wanting to get in on their party leader’s personal affairs.
Kabru walked calmly approaching you, honestly scaring you.
“So.. you heard everything..” you sheepishly asked.
“I’ve heard enough”
And of course you were off to a great start.
“I see..” you trailed off. Again, it was as if you were walking on eggshells around him. “maybe it’s for the best. I wouldn’t know how to tell you anyways”
“Just… tell me why are you doing all this..” Kabru’s voice sounded more desperate than he initially intended, it made you wonder what’s inside his mind.
It’s not like he ever escapes your mind anyways.
“A commissioner from the east asked me formally to be part of their trading association, it doesn’t get better than that now does it?”
“What about your job, you’re just going to throw that away?” Kabru’s words was starting to annoy you, and even he could tell that he has passed the thin line between being worried and nagging.
“Well my friend from earlier was happy to take over”
Kabru notices how you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, he needed to calm down.
“Then what about your friends… your family??”
His more careful words just tick you off even more. You hate how he always hides his intention as talks to you. He dances between wanting to please you and dissect you. It’s especially frustrating now that you’re leaving and you can’t figure out what he was trying to say.
“Can you get off my ass? I know what i’m doing. And my friends and family couldn’t be more happy for me so why can’t you??” You spat, turning away from him, frustrated beyond all else.
“Because i want you to stay goddamnit!”
You turned back faster than you turned around. His eyes were widen, mirroring yours as his hand find its way to cover his mouth, in disbelief of what he just said. It was basically a confession and he couldn’t deny it now.
His mouth open to correct himself, but the growing smile out of the corner of your lips made him swallow his words. Every trials that he thought to try and save himself was lost to the sound fastening beat of his heart.
“Kabru… do you really think that way of m- OW-“
He didn’t know what to do, so he just blanked and punched you in the face
“What the fuck was that for?!?”
You whined as you held him by the wrist, ignoring the growing bruise on your cheek, afraid he might just land you another blow to the face. Though what he said before was probably more shocking than any punch he could land you.
You let go after a few minutes of Kabru begrudgingly saying how he won’t punch you in the face again, you didn’t trust him but it’s better than the other threats he gave you if you don’t let go.
Despite that he had bought you an enchanted ice that was supposed to last longer, said the merchant. He did so that he could apply it on your bruise feeling A LITTLE apologetic for what he did. You find his scowl and how he tries to avoid your gaze quiet adorable despite the situation.
You try calm him down dragging his hand to the beach as a last effort ditch to try and lighten the situation. Perhaps a scenic location would cheer him up?
He sat next to you as he silently held the ice to your bruise for you. You still can’t quite piece together why he punched you in the face but you’ve had more violent sexual intercourse with him that makes it seem tame.
“About earlier..” you hesitantly started, finally breaking the silence. “did you… really mean it?”
You asked, he can’t believe how incredibly fragile your tone of voice was. It was as if you could break any second.
Though Kabru would gladly pick up your pieces and put you back together.
“Yes” he coughed, trying to brush his embarrassment off.
You could only laugh seeing his reaction. You didn’t know what else to do but laugh really…
Everything just seems unreal. The sun setting to a beautiful orange hue, the calm waves of the sea, the soft blow of the wind… but mostly.. it was him. everything felt too perfect that you were afraid you might ruin it. But despite that you couldn’t help but want to connect with him than ever. After denying everything for so long.. is it so bad for you to speak your heart?
“It’s funny how out of everyone in my life, i only waited to hear that from you” you confessed.
Is it casual now? Kabru asked to himself. When you only wanted to stay if he asks you to. He doesn’t want to wonder what it means anymore. He’s done playing guessing games, even if it cost him, to spill his guts out.
“Just please tell me what you’re trying to say..” he asked more desperately he ever had before. you could basically see hope all over his face.
You choked feeling the warmth collecting on your cheeks on the possibility of Kabru actually returning your feelings, it baffles you really that someone as breathtaking as him him could ever want you, let alone harbor feelings for you, making you deny any accusations or any of your friends’ remarks. It was never going to happen.. there was just no way.
Yet the way he held your hand now could prove you a thousand times wrong. Maybe you were always wrong..
“I’m saying that i love you, Kabru”
(A/N: maybe it would’ve made more sense if i split this into a two part but like i spent too much time on this already so might as well 😂😂😂 anyways i listened to casual more times than i needed when i wrote this. Love Chappell roan fr)
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nadinefromwhere · 13 days
Watching you 
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summary: After having an argument, he watches you word count: 570
hi em back- cutely runs away to uluru again
After having a fight with your boyfriend, let's just say it was a really heated one. For almost an entire week you ignored him, not even sending him a message or a call….
Wondering what the argument was about last week? Well, the thing is you were craving some tacos for dinner but instead of tacos it was steak… and the fact it was the time of the month too….
During a hot sunny day after buying groceries, the outside was kinda hot like an oven. You just wanted to go home as soon as possible and hit the pool to escape this never ending heat. Even though the grocery was indoors sadly the air conditioning wasn't helping at all as it was broken. 
You sighed feeling sweaty as you were finally at the check out, until something caught your eye.
It's just a bird. No, that's not a bird. 
Your eyes widened as you saw the familiar bird outside the grocery store who was just watching in a nearby tree
“Really Sylus….. Having to send your bird all the way here…” You sighed feeling defeated as you left the store. 
Staring at the bird, you mutter under your breath until you feel a vibration in your pocket. “Who is it now” you pout as you checked your phone and find out it was Sylus who messaged Messages Sylus: seems like your pouting sweetie
“This guy….” You sighed as you started putting the grocery bags on the back of your car until you got another message on your phone. 
Messages Sylus: stop ignoring me Kitten, I know you miss me so bad right now
Deciding to reply to him back, you start typing on the phone before he sended another message Sylus: look in front of you 
You, being curious, looked forward and saw a 6 '1 man with white hair and red eyes. It was him. It was no other than Sylus, looking at you with a smirk on his face as he started walking where you were at. 
Meanwhile you on the other side were annoyed seeing him. He better not pick you up bridal style to his car….
So about the last part it went true cause as soon as he was facing you, he immediately picked you up to his car
“Hey! Why did you just pick me up like that :(“ you pout while looking at your boyfriend who had no care in the world right now 
“Someone didn’t want to reply back or either call me, that's why i picked you up” He says as he opened the car to his door, putting you down on the passenger seat
“You know you didn't had to send mephisto all the way here in the grocery” You say as you look at Sylus
“Is it because of what happened last week?” he asks
“Yes” you said still pouting as if you were a kid who had gotten there ipad taken away
“I’ll treat you to whatever you like tonight, and then after we can go to the arcade to get the new plushie you have been talking about for weeks” he says bribing you, which always works
“.....fine were also getting ice cream after and i probably have to put the groceries at my place first” you say accepting the bribe 
“And dinner is on me tonight anything for you” he says smiling 
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nekrosdolly · 9 months
Wesker surviving RE5. Taking a good while to recover. When he final tracks Chris many years later he sees a young woman with Chris. Obviously not Chris' wife.
Chris got a daughter. And Wesker knows how to truely break him now.
Poor girl, she gets hit on by a super hot dude not knowing that he is her dads biggest enemy
listen... this would go fucking crazy... 18+
cw; afab!reader, creep!wesker, reader is 21-ish and wesker is... *gulps*... 61, dad!chris isn't the best dad, i'm projecting big time with this one guys sorry, takes place circa re8, reader is in college, no use of y/n, chris is the kind of alcoholic dad that you don't want your boyfriend to meet because you are, in fact, embarrassed of him, wesker drives a lincoln mkz zephyr.
you look like your dad but prettier. softer, sweeter features than your father's own. your eyes are paralyzingly innocent, and he can't help himself when he lays eyes on you. you're younger than albert by a concerning amount of years, but thanks to your dad's unintentional neglect during your childhood, you've got some issues.
your father never told you about wesker- or anything relating to his line of work. how foolish of chris to not take such precautions with his daughter. you never bothered to ask, either, as you felt some sort of resentment towards your dad in your teenage years. everything he did pissed you off, especially when he was trying to bond. so of course you decided to date someone just as old, if not older than your dad, just to piss him off in return.
that's when you stumbled across wesker. he was handsome for his age, though he looks much younger and you're not sure why. the sunglasses thing confused you, though he'd told you once when you had first started talking that he has light-sensitive eyes. you, being so trusting of this nice, older man who made you feel wanted, believed him and every little thing he ever told you. he'd make you feel so warm inside, and it didn't take long for you to fall for him.
he'd made a show of falling for you, too, to keep you under his thumb. you were the type to flee at the first sign of abandonment; he couldn't have that.
your dad was shocked when you told him you'd found a boyfriend. thanks to your strained relationship, you'd hardly talked to him after leaving for college, which he blamed himself for. it had only worsened between the two of you after your mother left.
and now, at dinner, your dad thinks it's the greatest idea in the world talk about your beloved.
"so," your father starts as he saws through thick-cut steak with a serrated knife, cutting you off a piece, "this boyfriend of yours, when am i meeting him?"
"you want to meet my boyfriend?" you cock an eyebrow at your father, though he doesn't meet your gaze. his own is fixed to the bit of steak he's setting on your plate beside some vegetables.
"well, yeah. must be pretty serious if you told me about him." chris finally looks at you, setting his silverware down. you swallow.
"i don't know, dad."
"what, are you embarrassed of me?"
"i didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth." you stuff a piece of sauteed cauliflower in your mouth as chris sighs inwardly. for the next ten minutes, there's no sound except silverware clinking against your plates and your father's jaw popping here and there.
neither of you can take much more of the awkward silence.
chris clears his throat and leans back in his chair, "listen, i just want to make sure you're dating a good guy, okay?"
"yeah, sure." the bitterness and slight annoyance in your voice is hard to hide. you don't bother.
"is that a crime? wanting to look out for my kid?" he crosses his arms over his chest, getting a little defensive.
"don't you think it's a little late to play dad of the year? i'm not a child, i don't need you to look out for me."
"i know you're not a child-"
"then just stop." you're standing up from your chair, "stop trying to be a bigger part of my life. stop acting like you care. stop."
"fine, you want to be an ungrateful brat?" your dad stands up too, "then get out. take your shit and leave, or shut the hell up."
you don't really have anywhere else to go, so you slink back into your chair and reluctantly finish your food. with all the money your dad gets from his job, he's paying your tuition.
your dad downs the whiskey in his glass and gathers his dishes, leaving you to sit in silence at the dinner table.
your father lets the boyfriend thing go until you bring it up to him again, this time on your own.
when you bring it up to albert, he's delighted.
"i'd be honored," he tells you as he leans down to kiss your cheek, he's confident about this, which puts you at ease because you know your father isn't going to take this very well.
you're dressed your best, as is albert, who's got his hand on your lower back protectively. he can sense your nerves- uroboros didn't completely burn out of his system- as if they were his own, and he kisses your head as you unlock the front door. based on the black jeep in the driveway, beside albert's zephyr, your father is home. you open the door, and in a flash, you're pushed out of the way.
you didn't expect your father to have a loaded gun aimed at your boyfriend so quickly, if at all. a deep laugh sounds from albert.
"oh, chris..."
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theostrophywife · 2 years
please could you do 11, 17, 24 with az
happy holidays <3
little black dress.
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Date night started innocently enough.
It had been a while since you and Azriel actually ventured into the city for a proper outing, so when Feyre asked you to join in on the tripe date with her, Rhys, Cassian, and Nesta, you were more than happy to accept.
You spent all afternoon getting ready at the River House with Feyre and Nesta, enjoying the process of getting dolled up and ready to go out. The former insisted that you wear the little black dress at the back of your closet that you'd bought ages ago, but never had the courage to actually wear out. You were unsure at first, but Feyre's suggestion seemed to pay off as soon as you saw the look on Azriel's face.
Your mate greeted you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, those hazel eyes raking over your body in appreciation as he pecked you on the cheek. The gesture was sweet and innocent, but the words Azriel whispered to you were anything but.
"You look good enough to eat, angel. I have half a mind to skip dinner altogether so I can feast on you at home instead."
You blushed, swatting at his chest. "Behave, Az."
The shadowsinger's gaze never left yours the entire night. You tried your best to participate in the conversation and enjoy the delicious food, but you were hungry for something else. You kept sneaking glances at Azriel, admiring the glimpse of golden brown skin peeking out from underneath his silk black shirt. The color brought out the golden flecks in his eyes and to add insult to injury, your mate had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows so that you could blatantly ogle his forearms, tracing the thick veins with your greedy gaze before landing on the silver rings littering his fingers.
You watched as he tapped them on the table, tipping his head back in laughter at something Rhys said. You liked seeing Azriel like this—inky locks falling over his hazel eyes, his expression warm and open, his cheeks flushed and rosy from the soft, summer breeze as his melodious laughter slipped past those full, sensual lips.
Forget the steak sitting in front of you.
You wanted to take a bite out of Azriel instead.
The shadowsinger twined your fingers together, looking over at you during a lull in the conversation and squeezing gently to let you know that he was enjoying himself. And then Azriel smiled.
The action lit up his entire face and brought light to this already devastatingly beautiful male. It was in that moment that you knew you wouldn't make it home without sneaking a taste of him first.
You rested his hand on your knee, leaning over to whisper in his ear. "I'm not wearing anything underneath this dress."
Azriel's eyes widened, his grip tightening on you as he scrambled to craft an excuse to the rest of the table for you two to sneak off.
And that's exactly how you ended up in the alley behind the restaurant, legs wrapped around Azriel's waist as his tongue slipped past your parted lips. You tugged him closer, pulling his hair roughly as you deepened the kiss. Shadows wreathe around you as your back pressed against the glass. From the corner of your eye, you could see your table, your unsuspecting friends still eating and laughing as your mate latched his lips onto your neck. He nipped and sucked at the sensitive flesh, leaving his mark on your skin for everyone to see.
"Teasing me was a very bad idea, angel."
You sucked at his earlobe, grinning. "You started it."
"And I intend to finish it."
Azriel flipped you against the glass, his shadows hiding the two of you from view. You could see everything, but if anyone where to look at where you and Azriel were standing, they'd see nothing but darkness. Your mate smirked, seemingly following your train of thought.
"They can't see us. Unless you want them to," Azriel teases. His shadows lowered an inch, partially exposing you.
"What if we get caught?"
"Isn't that the fun?"
A rush of adrenaline shot through your spine. It was wrong, so wrong. But you'd be lying if you said that the possibility of getting caught didn't turn you on.
Azriel chuckled, scenting your arousal. A scarred hand disappeared underneath the hem of your dress as your mate bunched up the material around your waist. He growled when he found you soaking wet.
"I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it."
The rough and husky bite of his voice seduced you beyond belief and you scrambled to unbutton his trousers. You would've let Azriel fuck you in the middle of the restaurant if he damned well asked.
"Gods, yes. Please."
The shadowsinger smirked. "Please, what?"
"Please, daddy. I need you to fuck me."
Azriel hummed in satisfaction. "That's a good girl. C'mere angel, let daddy claim that pretty little pussy of yours."
He pumped his cock in one hand while holding you up with the other. You grabbed at him impatiently, swirling your thumb over his sensitive head and spreading the bead of precum on your finger before bringing it up to your mouth.
"Fuck," Azriel exclaimed. "I need to be inside you now."
At his request, you sank down onto his cock, moaning as he filled you deliciously, stretching your walls and bringing a mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through your body. You wrapped your legs around him as he fucked you against the glass, his hand protecting the back of your head as skin slapped against skin. You wrapped your arms around him, clawing at his back but minding his wings while you moaned into his mouth.
Azriel swallowed the sound, slipping his tongue past your lips and relishing in the taste of his mate. It was a wonder that the whole restaurant hadn't heard your moans, because you were practically screaming his name. Your voice growing hoarse as Azriel fucks you so well that you couldn't even form a single coherent thought.
"Louder, they need to hear who can get you like this." Your mate slams into you, the tip of his cock hitting a heavenly spot that made your vision blur. "That's it, angel. Let everyone know how desperate and needy you are for daddy. Let them know that this sweet cunt belongs to me and me alone."
"Yours," you breathe. "I'm yours, Azriel."
"Forever and always, angel."
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ravenfenty · 13 days
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WARNINGS: None just fluff. I was in the mood for fluffy Steve. Enjoy. Images and gif not mine. Sort of edited
Running was a favourite pass time of Steve. It was a great way to get your steps in and curb the anxious thoughts that'd creep in during the day. If he couldn't fall asleep, he'd walk if he woke up too early with fatigue leaving him he'd go for a jog.
Steve chose the same route all the time. 6am sharp, he was out of his apartment and running. Sometimes bumping into Sam.
"On your left."
"Oh, come on." Sam would call out, picking his own running pace to catch up to him.
Soon, more runners joined. It was the new craze online now, thanks to social media. News outlets and articles. Encouraging people to exercise and run.
You'd been roped in by those articles. There were so many health benefits, too. Great for cardiovascular health, brain health, and social health, you name it.
You wanted something different than the everyday gym visit. Soon, you saw yourself joining a run club. It was a nice group of men and women. Chatting as they jogged besides each other.
Your friend had joined alongside you with her husband. It was working great for her relationship, spending time with her husband as they both worked longish hours.
So most times, you are third wheeling. You didn't mind. You had others to chat to. As the months were getting cooler, numbers dropped. But you pushed through.
Today was your day off, and so you decided to run earlier. Putting on light but warm jacket and taking other needed essentials.
It was nice our birds chirping, lovely autumn colours displayed around you. You jogged slowly, taking in your surroundings. There were at least 20 of you were jogging this morning.
You heard footsteps beside. You turned your head to find. Steve figure touring over yours he was wearing navy blue sports pants and a grey compression shirt.
You thought to yourself.
That was the first of run-ins. It soon became a common occurrence. 6am, slow jog, and Steve running past you with Sam.
It became your favourite part of the day. Talking to Steve and Sam came easy, a nice conversation flowing. You'd even exchanged numbers with him and Sam.
Sometimes, Steve, Sam, your friend and her husband, and you went out for breakfast. Or hung out at dinners hosted at your apartment.
The warmer months were now approaching again, run ins with the super soldier and the falcon were not as much. Missions had, been keeping them away. And anyone who'd watched the news knew what was happening. The fight between the Avengers, Steve finding the Winter Soldier.
At times wouldn't get a text back until days later. Then they started dwindling....it sucked to say the least but you understood. Steve and Sam were put there protecting the world.
To say you didn't start to like Steve you'd be lying. The texts from him had turned flirty. You were skeptical at first but then started to flirt back.
You loved the deep conversations and the jokes you had going between the two of you and the deep timbre of his voice when he got a chance to call.
It was the evening and you were cooking a nice meal before you settled with champagne and a nice steak and veges.
A knock on the door. Caught your attention, you peeped through the peep hole. Steve stood there with flowers and a tuxedo.
"These are for you." Steve held out the bouquet of pink roses and white mixed in with baby's breath. You took the flowers, loving the welcoming sweet scent of the roses.
"Thank you, Steve, do come in."
Steve entered and closed the door behind the both of you. You walk to your pink couch, and Steve joined you.
"I'm sorry I've been ghost the past few months, I should have been more transparent."
"That's okay, I understand that you were busy, it's part of the job, hey. How have you been?".
"Yeah, a tough job, some days, but thoughts of you and calling you was a nice comfort. I've been alright, just glad it's all over. How have you been?".
"I've been good,just keeping busy with work. Back to the gym, there is no running club anymore, at least for me. I've missed talking to and running with you. "
"I've missed your company too. What I'd like to ask you Y/N. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?".
"Yes Steve, I'd love to."
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ninlilwinds · 2 years
Is it too late to start again?
Character: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe
Summary: Constant fighting and arguments eventually take a toll. Is it the end?
Warning: Some language, fighting, kinda suggestive at some parts, i accidentally made Kaeya into a jerk (also has little comfort or resolution)... Diluc's is long... the rest are kind of short... also not proofread
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"I'm sick of it, Diluc!" You raised your voice a little causing the maids in the dining area to leave and allow you privacy.
The argument had started due to Diluc informing you he would not be present during your 2-year anniversary. He had been absent for every celebration. His birthday, anniversaries, holidays. He was there for a bit during your birthday but left after handing you his present and giving you a quick kiss.
The house was empty. You had no one to talk to, no one to sleep with in the huge bed, so one to eat dinner with. Tonight, felt almost like a special occasion.
"(Y/n), when you married me, you know what you were getting into. I am a busy man." He stated, cutting into his steak.
You teared up and placed your silverware down, "But you promised you'd try to be with me at least once a week."
"I'm with you every day." He took a bite, still not really putting much enthusiasm to the conversation.
"You know damn well those don't count!" You slammed your hand down on the table and pushed your chair away to get up.
He looked over at you, slightly concerned now, "Well...perhaps we weren't meant to be in a relationship."
You stared at him, tears falling down your cheeks, "Yes. I suppose you are right." you took off your ring and placed it in front of him, "I'll be packing."
It had been 2 weeks since your argument with Diluc. You had moved in with your friend, Amber. Once you explained the situation, she welcomed you with open arms and helped you through your grief.
After weeks of moping, you decided it was about time you stopped being a leech and actually worked. You had gotten ready, and though you looked pretty good. Feeling confident, you stepped out.
Your confidence was soon drained out of you as you saw Diluc walking towards the tavern, a woman talking beside him. You recognized the woman as the acting grand master Jean. He had moved on so fast, it made u questioned if he even loved you in the first place.
At that moment, you couldn't act mature, so you followed him around as he talked with Jean, trying to listen to whatever it was they were saying. Diluc bowed his head to Jean and her continued walking as Diluc opened the door to the tavern. Before you could stop yourself, you entered after him. You'd fault it to not having lunch yet and believing he wasn't on his shift...or play it off acting as if you'd gotten over it.
Diluc cleaned glasses behind the counter, his usually gloved hands bare. You noted he was no longer wearing his ring, and you wanted to be mad, but neither were you, so you couldn't.
Charles stepped up, "(Y/n), what can I get for you today?"
You sat at one of the barstools and avoided Diluc's glace, "The usual."
He nodded and began to prepare your usual snack along with your usual mocktail. It's what you ordered whenever you were waiting for Diluc to finish a shift. Not a strong meal (they didn't really sell those), but just a snack to keep you occupied.
Diluc whipped up your mocktail and placed it in front of you, his eyes wandering to your left hand as you picked up the glass. Neither of you spoke at first, and you didn't intend to break the silence.
"(Y/n)..." you hummed, letting him know you were listening, but not willing to meet eyes, "Can you please step outside with me?"
You bite your lip and nodded, "Sure."
You both went upstairs and stepped into the empty balcony, looking out into the streets.
"I regret how things ended that evening." He said, "Let's have a proper conversation over the problem. Hear me out, after this we can decide whether to officially end this or not." He grabbe dyour hand and placed your ring on your palm.
"Okay...go on." You closed your hand, holding the ring to your heart, your hand shaking a little.
"I was a terrible husband; I will acknowledge that. Despite promising to be with you for better or for worse, I still let you down. I implore you to please give me another chance. Give this another chance. I won't let my work take your place." You noticed Diluc's hands shaking just slightly.
You placed your hands on the railing and looked down to the people walking around, "You already promised that once... How do I know it won't end up like last time?"
He walked up beside you, "I can't prove that to you, unless you give me a second chance." He gripped the railing, his hands becoming pale.
You slipped the ring back on and placed a hand over his, "Alright I agree. But if...it doesn't work out a second time, that's it."
He turned his hand and intertwined your fingers, "Thank you."
You both laid in your shared bed. Neither of you had talked since that moment in the balcony. You had explained to Amber, and she said you could get your stuff tomorrow. You thought tonight would be filled with Diluc trying to make it up to you, but he just laid turned away from you.
"Diluc." You called out.
He shifted over to look at you, "Yes?"
"Why were you with Jean?" You held your breath.
He remained silent for a moment then sat up, "I was asking for advice."
You turned your head to see his sitting figure, "Advice?"
"I wasn't sure how to make it up to you or forgive you. She suggested talking and asking for forgiveness." He spoke.
"And what about the making it up to me."
He avoided your gaze, ears blending in with his hair. He cleared his throat, gathering himself, "She suggested we...have some intimacy." He still didn't meet your eyes.
Your face grew red. Despite being married, besides your wedding kiss and your first kiss and some hugs here and there, you had barely touched. He had always been a gentleman, not wanting to push any of your limits or cross a boundary. You sat up as well, "And?"
"I wasn't sure if you'd prefer to simple be left alone." He looked over at you when he saw you move.
"I've had enough time alone." You scooted closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and tilted your head, kissing you gently. You could feel your face become hot and could feel the heat radiating from Diluc's touch.
Once you parted from your kiss, you both laid down, this time facing each other, not wanting to be away from each other ever again.
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Kaeya had begun to ignore you after one of your daily fights. It seems you had hit a nerve, calling him a "immature man child". You felt as if you always had to take care of him. When he was drunk, you had to bring him home. When he was hungry, you had to cook something. When he was sick, you had to take care of him. Now when it came to you being hungry, drunk or sick? He was nowhere around. It had been starting to get on your nerves. Your relationship seemed very one sided.
"This proves my point. You're acting like a child right now, Kaeya." You grit your teeth.
Kaeya continued reading, not even acknowledging you.
"Kaeya." You called out again. When he didn't answer you raised your voice to a shout, "Kaeya for Celestia's sake answer me!"
He looked up finally, "What do you want me to say?"
"I don't know! Anything!!" You sighed exasperated.
"We should break up." He said.
You stopped all movements and you felt as though your breath had left your body. After months of dealing with his bull crap, he had the nerve to break up with you. Well, if that's what he wanted, "Fine." You said, "Get your stuff and go."
Kaeya seemed a bit shocked. Did he really think he would get you that way? He'd have to think again.
"Very well." He stood up and went into your room. After a while he came back out with a suitcase. He didn't say a word as he left. You were on the couch, holding your tears back. You weren't going to cry in front of him.
But as soon as the door clicked closed, you dropped your head into your hands, sobbing. Months of trying, weeks of work, gone. You had wasted all that time on him. You felt tired and empty. Any good memories you had of him had faded and all that was left was bitterness.
That same evening you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to find a tipsy Kaeya, "(Y/n)..." he smiled and held his arms open. You didn't move.
"Go to someone else Kaeya." You went to close the door, but he blocked you and stepped inside.
He laid down on the couch hugging the pillow, "Let's cuddle~"
"No." You went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water then walked over to him and forced him to drink it.
"Are you mad at me, my love?" He pouted.
"Yes. I am. And we're not each other's love anymore." You spoke. The best [art about him being drunk is he couldn't notice your puffy red eyes or wet sleeve.
He reached up cupping your cheek. You flinched and swatted his hand away, "Are you crying?" he sounded concerned. He was sharper than you thought.
"No. Not get up and leave."
You could see his hazy eyes begin to clear up as more tears resurfaced, having someone point out the tears made it harder to hold them in,
"Go away." You opened the door.
He stood up and hugged you, closing the door behind you, "(Y/n)...Is it me? Are you crying because of me?"
You choked on a sob and tried pulling away, "Let go."
He only held you tighter, "I'm sorry." His voice was shaky now. He didn't sound drunk, but it was so unlike him to ask for genuine forgiveness.
"I didn't realize how much it hurt you...I'm sorry, (Y/n)?" you stopped trying to pull away and hid your face into his shoulder.
He promised himself he would become better, for you.
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You shifted in your seat, staring at your lover. Zhongli didn't talk, didn't show affection, and didn't really express hiss love as much as he could, especially after how long you've been together.
"How was your day?" You smiled trying to break the tension. This same reason was why you would argue with him so often, and he was always so gentle and it calmed you down, but didn't resolve the problem.
"It was tiring." He said and continued looking over the menu.
"Why?" You continued to try and break his walls.
"Well, I was working all day, and now we have this date." Was he saying your date was tiring.
You looked down, tears filling your eyes. You were tired too, but you still tried. A meek, "Oh." left your lips.
The night continued in silence. Zhongli never noticed your sniffled or how often you left to go to the restroom. After you were done you excused yourself to your shared room.
Zhongli usually had an evening walk, in which it seemed too private to ask to join him. You assumed he would think about his past and contemplate. After getting ready for bed, you covered yourself, sobbing into the pillow.
You felt alone. abandoned. Unwanted. Zhongli was a handsome man; he could have anyone. He was probably sticking with you out of pity.
Before you knew it, Zhongli had come back and was sitting beside you, pulling the blanket off of you. You tensed. When had he come in?
"My darling, are you crying?" He said in a gentle manner.
You mumbled, "No. I'm fine. Welcome back."
He pulled the blanket back and saw your teary face, "What's wrong?"
If you did decide to tell him, it could lead to another fight. One you didn't feel like having, "I guess I just feel sick."
Zhongli was as perceptive as ever, and sighed standing up, "This is about us, isn't it?"
You looked away and nodded.
"I have already told you of my true identity, right?" He held his hands behind his back.
Nodding again, you fumbled with the blankets, feeling uncomfortable. It was a very long and intense conversation when Zhongli revealed he was Rex Lapis. The topic always made you a bit uncomfortable.
He kneeled in front of you, "I must apologize, my love. Lately, I have been distancing myself from you more than often. Having a relationship with a mortal is very difficult. But I'm willing to face any challenges for you." he cupped your cheek, "But please have patience."
You nodded and wiped your eyes, "Okay."
He leaned down and kissed you slowly and lovingly, "Thank you."
He had been afraid of getting close to you, you wouldn't last forever, but by being afraid he was losing time he could be spending with you.
The next day, Zhongli asked you to join him on his evening walk.
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"Can we not do this tonight?!" Childe yelled, causing you to flinch.
"When will we then? You're never around! This is the first time I've seen you for months! You think you can just walk in and not say hi? How have you been my darling lover?? Nothing just go to your room?"
"I have been working, (y/n). For you and your spendings!" He was getting agitated, "Be grateful!"
"I'd be grateful if you were here for longer! Am I even dating you??" You grabbed your head feeling dizzy from the rage filling you.
"Look, if you can't handle being alone, then date someone else." Childe huffed, shoving past you and into your shared room.
You blinked, "Excuse me?" you looked back but flinched when the door slammed shut, leaving you alone, again.
You had left to buy groceries. There wasn't enough to cook a proper meal for your darling, who was still sleeping. You wanted to cook him is favorite as a sort of apology. You admit, yelling at him the minute he stepped inside your shared home wasn't fair.
Childe didn't know you went to go get groceries, so when he stepped outside to an empty house with your wallet and keys gone, he assumed the worst. Last night was a tough night for him. He had come back from months of fighting, and he felt dirty. He wanted to change before he saw you, but you had thought he was ignoring you or something.
That led to a fight, one that caused Childe to twist and turn in bed, not being able to fall asleep. And now the worst had happened. had you left him? His impulsive comment about breaking up that he said last night echoed in his mind. He grabbed his coat and ran out, if anyone could find you, it was him.
But before he could rush out to find you, he crashed into you as you climbed up the stairs of your house. The impact caused you to fall backwards, the groceries slipping from your hands. Childe's quick reflexes grabbed you by the waist and held you up. He couldn't save the groceries unfortunately.
"(Y/n)!" He pulled you close hugging you tightly, "I love you. Please don't leave me, I'll take more vacations. Please..."
you were the only one he could be real around, the only one that brought light into his dull eyes. He loved and depended on you and only you. He couldn't let you go that easily.
Your eyes widened and you wrapped your arms around his neck, "It's ok, I'm right here. I'm not leaving."
He picked you up, despite your protests about the groceries, and placed you on the bed. He leaned down kissing your lips as his hands trailed down your arms and rested on your waist, "I get a month off."
You looked at him in disbelief, " Really?"
He nodded with a smile, "Yes. I'm all yours for a month."
You hugged him and snuggled into the crook of his neck, feeling at home in his arms. The groceries would have to wait until after your cuddling was over.
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Hi Author-nim! Could you please do my request? If you don't want, you can ignore it.
If yes, could you please do GN!MC as Lock from "Trash of the Count's Family"?
(sorry if i have grammatical mistake)
Have a good day/evening Author-nim ♡
oooh! Is that a webcomic? Trey's never heard of it before but Trey will do their best! Trey did some reasearch beforehand so it should be acurate? if it isn't I'm very sorry! You didn't specify what characters to do, So I'll just do the Riddle, Azul, and Jamil if thats okay!
GN! Reader!
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When he had first saw you, he figured you'd be just like Ace and Deuce, he was slightly correct, in a sense, as you weren't the brightest, and were quite naive, but when he spoke to you for the first time, he now realized you were more on the shy and timid side, you tried your best to follow the Heartslabyul rules, but you find it hard to memorize all 810 of them... the only one you only slightly remember well is "If you eat a steak on a full moon, a cat must play the violin."
He finds your naiveness slightly adorable, and how shy you get while speaking to him, because of this, he never thought that you had another side to you... Prior to Leona's overblot, during a fight with Jack Howl of Savanaclaw, you had entered your berserk mode and you shine out as a more delinquent like version of yourself, being stubborn and courageous, and insanely strong, you swung at Jack with your hands, which now had claws, your presense was threatening now, and he began to grow slightly scare of you... but after the fight you began to grow far too exhuasted to even move, Ace and Deuce carried you to the infirmary while dragging Jack with them so he could spill the tea on what the hell was going on with all the injuries happening around campus.
Oh dear... you poor, poor unfortunate soul... your naiveness is hilarious, falling for his tricks almost immediately, thinking he's trustable in the first place, but he also finds your shyness quite adorable, stuttering when speaking to anyone you come across like a shy little puppy... a perfect oppertunity for blackmail, pre overblot, he only saw you as a means for easy business, but post overblot, he's grown quite attached to you, praising you for your efforts and for helping him around the lounge, he feels so lucky to have someone as kind, yet so naive as you. He's at least lucky you've never used your berserk form on him, though the tweels say otherwise when reporting back to him...
You're similar to Kalim... very similar. Besides the fact you can actually take care of yourself instead of relying on others, he first took advantage of your naiveness and weaknesses, luring you in to become a part of his plan to overthrow Kalim from his position as dorm leader, though it was quite difficult to get you under his unique magic, as you hardly ever make eye contact due to shyness, but the second you do, he's got you right where he wants you.
Post overblot, he treats you more like a close friend, if you're sick, he'll help treat you, you got injured and can't cook today? he's already got some dinner made for you and ready on your table. You do the same for him as well.
He only saw your berserk form once, and he never wished to again. The durastic change in your personailty and actions... he couldn't handle them well, especially since this was pre overblot. He had underestimated you and your strength. He still probably has a few scars and bite marks from when he fought you in full berserk mode, you tend to feel guilty about that, but he always says "No, no, I deserved it, really."
You always tell him to treat himself, and if he doesn't? You're treating him. You don't care how packed his schedule is, you'll deal with it later, right now, you're taking him to a nice resturant for dinner and treating him like a sultan for a day, which makes him quite happy.
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cementcornfield · 3 months
He’s definitely giving bitter that they haven’t seen each other but he’s out and about with Justin 😭💀
it's possible!! and that is a fun theory that like, instead of making any kind of effort to go see two of his best friends when they're all in fact in the same city, he's strategically posting pictures out of bitterness and jealousy! (good for him! same tbh!)
more thoughts (too many thoughts oh my god) under the cut
but i also do think it's possible that if he's there, then they easily could have seen each other! if only for drinks or dinner or just catching up really quick in between all the shows and events they're scheduled for. important to remember that joe and ja'marr hung out in miami and LA together this offseason and there was absolutely no photo evidence of it whatsoever!
most of the shots we're getting of joe and justin are from official events (or 'snacks'/steak lmao right after an event) which makes sense because they have the same agent so it's easy for them to be involved in the same things! plus, as much as i love ja'marr, they ARE both more famous than him and probably more in demand during fashion week. so it's very possible that joe and ja'marr and justin have all seen each other and it just wasn't a priority to take pictures because it wasn't a part of an official event!
saying all that coping above though, it's also totally possible that their schedules just haven't lined up and they haven't gotten to see each other. (or ja'marr happened to be scheduled to leave just as they got there 😭) which would be a bummer but! joe and ja'marr at least just saw each other and are going to see each other PLENTY over the next few months (along with plenty of fun times during this past offseason). what honestly is sadder for me is justin and ja'marr potentially not getting to see each other and not having many opportunities to any time soon!
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hilkaro · 1 year
The show is still on - Lynn Fate
triggering warnings: mentions of mutilation and self-mutilation, needles
Part two (because I had to split the text into parts due to the word limit)
Fox got up, opened it, and after a moment returned with a tray. The room filled with the smell of food. Only then did I realize how hungry I was, but when I saw the meal, I felt disappointed. On the tray was a bowl of something that looked like baby food and a bottle of water.
"What's this?" I asked, wrinkling my nose in disgust.
"It's your dinner," he replied cheerfully, leaning over the still steaming mush and inhaling. "Seems to be rice with milk and a baked apple puree." He placed the tray on the bedside table and picked up a spoon.
"I know you'd like to eat something more substantial, and believe me, if I could, I would have prepared a steak for you myself. But those are the doctor's recommendations. For now, you're on a light diet. We don't want to overburden you."
He scooped up some rice with a spoon, blew on it, and when he apparently judged the temperature to be right, he moved it toward my face. "Now, open your mouth and say aah~"
I stared at him, completely bewildered. Did he intend to feed me?
"But I can do it myself…" I protested timidly, but then his expression hardened, he furrowed his brows slightly, and that was enough to make me fall silent. I had no choice but to yield to his will, feeling embarrassed as I opened my mouth.
"Good little pet!" he praised me with an amused expression. Gently, he slid the spoon into my mouth, making sure not to dirty me in the process. Despite its appearance, the meal was tasty, much better than what I had received during my captivity between the shows. I started to open my mouth more willingly, which seemed to please Fox.
"Very good… I have a feeling you'll adapt quickly to the new situation. I'm increasingly convinced I made the right choice. We'll have quite a bit of fun together…" Although he sounded cheerful, I sensed a darker undertone in his words. Whatever he had planned, it couldn't end well for me. I could feel it.
"Can you tell me where we are?" I asked softly between bites.
"We're in one of my favorite residences," he replied in a serious tone. "I want to keep you close. I like to personally take care of my property."
Because of what he said, I shifted and felt the stitches on my lower abdomen. This prompted another question. "How long was I unconscious?"
Fox scooped up the last portion of rice, meticulously scraping the sides of the container and shoved it into my mouth.
"Not long, just a few days. I'm impressed by how well you're doing and how quickly you're recovering, given the circumstances," he chuckled briefly. I didn't find it amusing.
He wiped my mouth with a napkin and handed me a bottle of water. Fortunately, I could drink on my own.
Fox was staring at me so intensely that I nervously squeezed the bottle, causing more water to spill on my face. I choked and started coughing. He let out a soft snort through his nose, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
"Silly girl, be more careful…" he said in a velvety voice and reached out a hand to wipe my wet chin with his thumb. With a fluid motion, he slid his finger near my mouth and stroked my lower lip. His gaze became distant, and to my horror, he began to lean in my direction.
"Thank you…" I whispered to divert his attention from whatever he had planned.
"Hmm?" he mumbled, refocusing on my face.
"Thank you… for everything. I really appreciate how kind you've been to me," I repeated louder, blushing. Whenever I lied, I turned red, but he probably didn't know that, yet.
Fox gazed at me for a moment, as if he couldn't believe what he had heard. Then he leaned in suddenly and rested his forehead against mine, so the tips of our noses touched. I held my breath, and my heart pounded loudly enough for him to hear. He was so close that I could smell his breath (rum and cola), see the faint wrinkles around his eyes, and the freckles on his nose. I had the feeling that he was inhaling my scent, judging by how deeply he was breathing. Nothing happened for a moment, and then he cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed my forehead.
"I need to go before I do something we'll both regret. The doctors said you need peace and rest. I can wait a little longer with… some things, so as not to hurt you too much," he said. He gently ran his claw along my cheek. Then he got up, deliberately taking his time, put on his jacket, and took the tray with the dishes. "I'll come back tomorrow if I can find the time," he promised.
I nodded, and I watched as he closed the door behind him. When I was alone, I finally relaxed. I had been on edge the whole time, feeling alarmed. I felt like crying, so I turned away from the door, buried my face in the pillow, and allowed myself to sob. When I had finally cried myself out, I fell asleep, exhausted.
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stupid-boy-here · 8 months
Look who's back, after who knows how Long, and ofc here we are with a writing. Once again, English isn't my first lenguaje so the probability there are errors in the writing is high, any criticism is appreciated
Sweet like her lips
I'm not someone that can be called fond of gourmet food, sure it's good and whatnot but it just wasn't part of my liking.
Aswell that I have never understood why people were willing to pay so much for something that might not even be of their taste, something new each week must be exhausting. But I guess everyone has their own special way of living.
Yet, lately it has become a habit of my boss to give me leftovers. The first time he did it, it turned out to be weird.
I thought he hated my guts after all but I think it was just the pressure I felt during my first days.
It's a demanding job after all, being the only waiter in a place that could be called “popular” and often looked at by critics, but I managed, and somehow I ended up liking the job.
I had planned to leave after a week, I just needed money to treat my…”girlfriend” to a dinner date and win her again but all my attempts went into the trash.
Not a single call answered, I wanted to try again but, even I know a limit to my actions.
So I stopped and decided to continue working there.
It had good pay and my boss seemed more…gleeful than before, at least less grumpy, which was a surprise, considering how on the edge he has been the last few days.
He also has become more insistent on me trying his food, see how it tastes.
So i did and, well, it was somewhat bland
A little too simple in my opinion, something that's clearly not made for someone else and while, it's…good, it wasn't something I was super excited about.
And I guess Vincent noted that he became quieter for a day or two before inviting me to go to his place for a piece of steak.
He assured me it was special and made specially for me, so my curiosity began to peak.
So, I went there and it was a nice place. I have seen it before but I never had the chance to actually take a good look at it. It was a good apartment, even if the design could have been better.
When I arrived at the kitchen it was rather dirty, something surprising considering how usually neat and tidy Vince is in the kitchen, but I attempted to not look too forward to it.
When I sat down and in front of me Vince placed a plate with a rather good looking steak, and well i took a bite. The meat was so soft it almost surprised me the way I could just slide the knife in. It had a sweet smell and well, the taste was sweet and savory, it had what I would call a perfect balance.
It reminded me of her, of her sweet voice and those lips of hers, lips that always had a hint of honey in them
That's when I saw Vincent smiling at me, he explained how the whole process was made and why it made the dish so special.
It certainly was tastier than anything I have eaten from him before.
It shouldn't have been, i shouldn't have trusted him, i should have left when i could, i should have seen something was wrong when she didn't respond. I felt sick
My stomach became a mess and I just couldn't hold it in anymore, so I puked whatever remains of Manon were left in my stomach.
I felt the stomach acid sting my nose and my tongue.
My stomach was growling, it was empty now after all.
That's why he was smiling so much at me, that's why it was specially for me and me only.
That's why he waited until my shift was over to invite me over his home
Making me feel safe, making me feel like I should trust him.
But he wasn't smart enough, it's far too obvious… Or maybe he was smart enough and he wanted to play with me.
Mess with me and torture me, why else would he keep her bloody clothes around? Why would he not keep his kitchen clean?
Why else would he make it clear what he has done?
I feel dirty.
I am dirty.
I deserve to die.
He deserves to die.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Someone suggested that the Count spiked the brandy before he drove into circles
Hm... while I can definitely see how you'd get there (it would especially be a nice parallel to the mysteriously drugged maids in Mrs. Westenra's house later), I'm going to have to disagree. At least, on spiked brandy being the cause of any of Jonathan's confusion about what he saw/whether he was asleep or awake.
"The night is chill, mein Herr, and my master the Count bade me take all care of you. There is a flask of slivovitz (the plum brandy of the country) underneath the seat, if you should require it." I did not take any, but it was a comfort to know it was there all the same. I felt a little strangely, and not a little frightened.
Jonathan didn't drink the brandy. Even if it were spiked, he didn't drink it. He makes a point to tell us this, just like he starts the entry by being very particular that he did not 'dine too well' (AKA get drunk at dinner) before the coach ride:
There are many odd things to put down, and, lest who reads them may fancy that I dined too well before I left Bistritz, let me put down my dinner exactly. I dined on what they called "robber steak"—bits of bacon, onion, and beef, seasoned with red pepper, and strung on sticks and roasted over the fire, in the simple style of the London cat's meat! The wine was Golden Mediasch, which produces a queer sting on the tongue, which is, however, not disagreeable. I had only a couple of glasses of this, and nothing else.
Jonathan had a couple of glasses of the wine at the inn, and then two glasses of "old Tokay" with his meal at the castle. Those were hours and hours apart, the latter after his creepy calèche ride in any case, and the meal in Bistritz clearly didn't get him drunk because he was fine and lucid in the coach with all the other locals for hours before meeting Dracula. Jonathan is very clear about all that he ate and drank today, precisely because he knows his experiences were weird and seemed somewhat inexplicable. He is asserting, or at least trying to assert: 'no, I wasn't drunk, this really happened, I know it doesn't make sense but it really - well, I think it happened like that. I suppose some parts might have been a dream, they did kind of seem that way...'
Jonathan's journal is already, even at this early point, becoming a place to record his experiences before his own logic makes him doubt them. And already, he's running into issues believing his own memories, because the pale fire shining through his driver's body? That odd encounter with the wolves? The way time seemed almost to warp and he couldn't be sure how many times they had passed by the same spot - despite being sure they were passing by the same spot - not to mention how he didn't notice the castle until they were right upon it... None of that makes sense, maybe he was dreaming. Yes, he must have been dreaming.
This sort of unreality is a big theme, and it crops up a lot for Jonathan especially during (and for a while after) his stay in Castle Dracula. He doesn't even begin to truly recover until he gets outside validation that those things really did happen, he wasn't crazy. It's a big deal for Jonathan, and every other time, his actual experiences (while real) aren't anything as mundane as drugged brandy. I stand by saying that a major aspect of the horror of Jonathan's time in the castle stems from abusive power dynamics that don't even need to have a supernatural element to them, but the times when his memory seems to get fuzzy are pretty much always down to vampiric causes.
And speaking of, something else that is a big theme? Dracula's influence on sleep. I've been commenting about it already, but it only continues and ramps up from here on out. There's a vulnerability associated with sleep, one linked in some way to vampires' hypnotic abilities. And we do see later with Jonathan (when watching the vampire ladies swirling in dust) that it can be possible to fight your way out when you're in the process of 'going under,' so long as you realize what's going on.
I personally believe much more that Dracula was exerting some kind of magical influence on Jonathan to put him in a sort of trance, at least part of the time. This would do a couple of things.
Ensure he doesn't know the way to the castle, and thus the way back to Bistritz if he ever got an opportunity to leave. (This actually would tie in really well to how Mina eventually seems to magically just know how to get there later when vampirizing, whereas van Helsing who had read the same journal she had and we just did today, did not. It also is a neat match for Castle Dracula not being on any maps, and vampires in general not casting shadows/showing in mirrors/being able to be depicted in any clear way. Also a fun contrast to how important knowing his addresses in London/having a paper trail to follow becomes later.)
Test his own influence on Jonathan fairly early on. Perhaps the fact that Jonathan managed to stay even partially awake despite the long trip of driving in circles points to him resisting Dracula, which would tie in well with later hypnotic attempts tending to only come when he is already asleep (or nearly asleep/exhausted) on his own. Perhaps the fact that he's just been loaded down with a crucifix and a bunch of other anti-vampire gifts has something to do with this.
Add extra layers of deliberate irony and creepiness to him wishing Jonathan to have good dreams later that night.
What I could see is maybe a combination of both. The brandy was drugged (perhaps meant as a catalyst to make it easier to affect him) and Dracula was trying to influence Jonathan's mind via magical means. But since Jonathan didn't drink the brandy (and had other protections) he was less vulnerable and thus stayed as awake as he did. They were also driving around all night until dawn, so it wouldn't be beyond belief for Jonathan to naturally start to drift off a few times, especially with magical encouragement, even if he was scared and trying to stay alert.
Perhaps the original plan was for him to be completely knocked out on the way to the castle and not even see the flames. After all, if we go with the story that those flames mark locations of buried treasure, which Dracula was collecting to add to his hoard, or at least marking to gather later, then he may not have wanted Jonathan to witness that.
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misplacedmidlanders · 5 months
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Thursday, May 16th 2024. Lake Pukaki > Ben Ohau > Cromwell
This morning we circled back to Lake Pukaki, driving along the east side where we saw the area where they had built part of Lake Town in The Desolation of Smaug (the scene where the refugees all gather after their town is burnt down, although this is entirely based Jake's description of it as I literally have no memory of this film). 
The farm's owner, Ian, was essentially the Radagast of our tour so far, in that he described a very lengthy family history of how the farm was eventually passed down to him, but only spent about two minutes talking about the actual filmmaking that had happened there - although his starry suit and the mannequin strapped to the back of his car (a mannequin called Richard, and no I'm not kidding) at least made this more entertaining. We then grabbed some snaps of the lake and had a bit of archery sesh - shooting arrows at a poster of Smaug (360⁰ no-scoped him, I did).
Afterwards we went to Ben Ohau where they filmed the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in The Return of the King where we staged a re-enactment of The Witch King getting shanked in the face, and then Jake and I both recited King Théoden's speech to his soldiers (the others on our tour) before their charge towards the Sauron's army (Jake went the Shakespeare route with his Théoden performance, and I went with more of a Toby Flenderson from The Office type performance, to mixed results). 
We were then joined by Priscilla Cameron (and her dog Ginny), the owner of said field who had also worked as an extra during the time that they filmed there. At one point they had 500 horses and 2000 extras, 650-700 of whom were locals who they had hired as orcs and soldiers. She then informed us about nine years after they had filmed there that she had found one of the spears that they had left behind, and so we took photographs with an actual movie prop in the same field it was originally used in (naturally Jake and I posed for several pictures where we murdered each other with this spear, a foreshadowing for next week when it's just the two of us).
We grabbed lunch in Omarama at The Wrinkly Lambs where I enjoyed steak and chips before we made our way down to the Jones Family Fruit Store in Cromwell where I had my third ice cream in a week (the hotels all have gyms and yet I have taken the pathway to ice cream every time). For our dinner tonight we had Mexican at Amigos Cromwell and tomorrow we'll be heading down to Queenstown where our tour will be starting to come to an end (cue the violins).
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livelysonletour · 9 months
We spent Friday with a tour company that likes to go off the beaten path, called We Hate Tourism Tours (we’ve learned that the Portuguese have a very sarcastic sense of humor). They took us to the Mountains of Sintra and beach dunes of Cascais, sites of Portuguese royalty escapism during historical hardships.
We were two of six on the tour group, but the other 4 wanted an exclusive tour in German without any pesky English. So they split us up and we spent the entire day with our tour guide, Mannu, handcrafting a personalized tour.
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In the mountains we visited Miradouro de Santa Eufémia, Sintra National Palace, Palace and Park Biester (Cat will add a part 2 with more pictures from the palace), and Palace and Park Montserrate. The mountain would naturally be bare granite, but it's ideal climate encouraged the Portuguese to plant forests of pine trees (lumber for Portuguese ships) and cork trees (cork for wine bottles). The palaces of Sintra were royal retreats especially during the hot summer months and the Castle of the Moors (the right most red arrow below) still stands from the 700s.
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Mannu took us to Pão Saloio (roughly translated to Hillbilly Bread) for a classic rural lunch of breads, chorizo, pork belly, cheese, olives, and tomatoes and Cat was introduced to Green Wine - wine made with grapes that are not fully ripened due to the weather conditions of Portugal. We knew it was going to be good when we saw a group of police officers hanging around smoking and having their coffees.
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Our last stop on the mountain was the western most point of continental Europe, Farol do Cabo da Roca (the left most red arrow below and pictured below).
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We made it way down to the beachy dunes of Cascais. Cascais was a retreat for some King I forget the name of who sought to get away from the throngs of people following him all the time so he went to the village or fishermen as he thought the smell would keep the bourgeois away...
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After many stops admiring the waves (Mannu was a surfer and could not believe the conditions on the day), we circled back to Lisbon where we had a lovely dinner of tempura green beans, steak, cod, clam rice, truffle mashed potatoes and another glass of green wine for Cat. I struggled to stay awake during dinner, so Cat only made two pit stops for shopping as we walked back to our airbnb.
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I was asleep by 8 :)
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2023: Eddie Munson- Episode 13 Hourglass
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC! Lilly Miller
Pov: Eddie
Warnings: Marriage proposal, time flip, smut, fancy dinner out, 2025 to 1986, Dustin, Vecna fight, dreaming, a different life, angst, fluff. ETC
Summary: The night before Eddie decides to propose to Lilly. He takes her on a wonderful night wining and dining her. Falling asleep with her in his arms, and waking up somewhere else entirely.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 5.6k
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List // 2023 Series Master List
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Two years later the plan that’s been worming its way into Eddie’s mind finally come to fruition. I laugh at myself, the rings iH ad bought nearly two years ago, had made itself home between my socks, and boxers. Waiting for the day it would come out into the fresh air, and be placed on Lilly’s hand. My thoughts had gotten to me that christmas and they had led me to not asking her to marrying me that year or the following year. This year would be different I thought to myself as I stared at the velvet box in the draw. Lilly’s shower taking extra long due to her need to be prim, and proper for dinner tonight. Two years ago I was able to graduate from a night class school, and get my GED. With that I was able, sadly might I add to leave my job at the auto body shop. The old man was more then sad to see me leave, so when I did leave. Lilly made a whole meal out of it. Packing several meals for the old man, and even getting him a little vacation gift card to Indy.
I had sued my GED to become a pretty good contractor, and with that job came a pretty good salary. So months ago when the wallet was thicker, and the afternoon was cold. I grabbed my phone and called a restaurant not far off in Indy. a steak house that served the best of the best for special nights like what I had planned. I called during my lunch break. I asked for the best glass of wine, and that I was going to be proposing to my girlfriend. I wanted something not to far, but far enough away from people that nobody saw what was happening. The hostess was kind enough to give us a private room, and so a part of the dinner was planned. Getting there would be the harder part, telling Lilly without telling her would be the harder part of all of it. Two weeks before our planned dinner I scheduled some time off, a whole week. The whole week leading up to, and the day of the proposal I’d take off. Let Lilly and I enjoy our time together. There would be no need for jobs, or anything else to get in the way. Now it was time to tell her what was going to happen.
“Lils, I need to tell you something babe.” I yelled as I walked into the trailer. The trailer was still the same. Furniture here and there. More hots, and books littered across the urface. The kitchen cabinets had grown to fit the mugs that Lilly had gifted me almost every year. Possibly starting a tradition of mugs for christmas. Regardless I waited for her. My boots were killing my feet so I sat at the kitchen table and waited for her there as I unlaced my boots. There’s a soft padding of feet from the back of the trailer. Socks are the first thing in my view. She’s all wrapped up. The new year, and valentines just having passed. The cold weather had yet to leave Hawkins. “Yeah babe.” She said standing there in froint of me with fuzzy socks and wrapped in warmth. “We are leaving town in a few days. Going out to Indy, so get to packin’ baby.” I said setting my boots off the side.
“What do you mean we’re leaving town, and going to Indy?” She asked me. “Exactly what I mean babe, you and I are going to go relax for a few days because when was the last time either one of us stopped for more then a rest or a dinner date out?” I ask her. Sure we had dinner dates, and went over to Steve and Robins but nothing with just the two of us. She looks down at me, I still can’t tell even now after two years if she knows when I’m serious or joking. Lilly goes to say something, but closes her mouth. “You got off from work?” She asks, I nod. “Now go pack I wanna leave in the morning.” I say standing and kissing her forehead softly, before making my way towards the bathroom. She stands there util I gather my things from the bedroom, and slip into the bathroom. The shower is just what I needed from a hard day at work, the work wasn’t hard per-say but it was nice being able to come home and relax under the hot spray of water. I hear the door open, “I’m just grabbing my stuff for our trip. Oh, wait how long are we gonna be gone?” Lilly asks me. I shrug, not that she can see through the shower curtain. “I’d say at least a week, and plan for a dinner at least once.” I say over the spray of water. I hear a few seconds later the door close back up. I finish my shower up, and get out wrapping the towel around my wasit. Indy is a few hours drive from Hawkins, so that means we would be leaving early in the morning.
When I manage to get back into the bedroom. Lilly has her suitcase laid out on the bed surface her entire side of the bed is taken up by clothes and her case. “What should I bring? She asks, holding up two options of dresses, I look between them then back at her. “For dinner?” I point at them, she nods. “I’d say the black one.” I start digging through my draws. Looking for a pair of sweats along with a good long sleeve shirt that hasn’t been stolen by Lilly yet. I grab my backpack that same one that i’ve been using for years now at this point. I don’t care for much of whatever I’m grabbing besides one set of nice clothes. The clothes that I’ll be wearing when I ask her to marry me. On my knees and asking for her hand.
She doens’t notice me grab the ring from the draw and shove it deep down in the bag. When I’m done, and ready for bed I notice that Lilly is stressing over what to pack. “Babe, Lilly. Will you stop stressing over what to pack.” She looks over at me. Frustration runs in her face. “Lilly listen to me will ya… you look great, wonderful in everything you wear. Just pack what you normally wear.” I say her shoulders drop, and she sighs out hard. She ends up just packing what she’s got on the bed. The black dress, and an assorment of jeans and long sleeves.
The first day is spend driving, listening to all sorts of music on the way, to many bathroom breaks to count, and crappy fast food on the side road of the highway. When we made it to Indy, the hunt for a good hotel started. Lilly was hunched over her phone searching for a hotel when we hit the city limits. She did end up finding a rather nice hotel, which when we did get there I told Lilly to not botherin with going in, I’d do that part get our room and she could get her things together.
When I got up to the front desk, the manager was sitting ther waiting. “Hello, sir how can I help you tonight?” He asked, “I need a room for two. I… how do i say this. I plan on aksing my girlfriend to marry me. So I need a room like that.” I said to the manager with a shrug of my shoulders. He nodded, “I think I have what you’re looking for.” “but not like to surprisey, i don’t want my girlfriend to know just yet ya know.” The manager nodded for a second time. He handed me the key to me after taking my information down, card imforntion and gave me a map of the hotel parking lot, and hotel buildings. “Thank you sir.” When I walked out of the foyer Lilly was standing ther at the back of the car. Digging out her bag, and mine. “You pack so light Eds.” She said as she started to roll her bag towards me. “It’s out of habit, love.” I tell her. The rest of the night is settling into the room, which thankfully doesn’t look to proposingy.
Day Two is spent in the morning first trying to figure out where the closet grocery store is, along with a good breakfast place is. Once all of that was found out, we went back to the hotel, putting away our groceries and then headed out to the four stared breakfast place. The drive wasn’t long beside being in a city it wasn’t much different then being back home in Hawkins. For the rest of the day was spent walking around the downtown area and searching for something easy to do. That’s when Lilly found that the tickets for the museum of art were on sale. Did either of us like art, we wer to find out when we walked through the cold building. Lilly was enmored by the art all over the alls. It took us hours to get through the entire museum, so when we were done it was nearly dinner. Again Lilly, and I went on the search for some sort of food in the downtown area. I ended up finding a great burger shop not far from the car. We sit together, and eat. The silence of the town falls into our dinner date.
Day Three is a great day. That morni g we wake up early. Opting to go to the hotels pool. Sure it’s March and it’s still cold but it’s all worth it to just spend a few hours in the pool and watch her splash around like a kids first time at the pool. When we leave it’s already mid evening, Lilly and I opt to just go back to the otel room. Smelling of chlorine, we take a shower separately because Lilly knows that if I get in the shower with her we’ll never leave the bathroom. While Lilly is showering I go through some of the grocery we had bought. I end up making al azy days meal. A few grilled chesse sit on top of each other while I wait on Lilly. She comes out in a sweats and a t-shirt of mine. “Grilled cheese.” I say waving towards the food. She smiles, “Of course, sir. I couldn’t think of a better meal.”
Day Four is spent doing what I thought was fun at least. Going to a few music stores for a new instrument. Lilly follows me by the heels of my feet. Sure she gazes and watches as a few people are all together in a sort of band. That night we get subs from a local deli. We sit in the deli, and the food is enough to keep us from talking. The plan of asking her to marry me is getting closer, and closer.
Day Five is a food and entertainment day. We do some shopping in the downtown area. Old antiques stores that Lilly had saw almost the first day we arrived in Indy. She’s enmored by all the old things that are apart of the store. “Look, look, look.” She says waving me over. Her hands are stuffed into a ratty box that’s filled with books and other old things. Lilly looks beautiful like she’s right at home. “What’d ya find, babe?” She looks up at me. Her face is gleaming with excitement. “Only all of the best things in the world.” I roll my eyes at her words. Hours go by before i have to end up dragging Lilly out of the building back to our car. So that we aren’t late to our food and entertainment show. Begrudgingly I’m ableto get Lilly out of the store without spending all of her money into the car, and to the show before we’re late to it.
Day Six is all about getting rest, and sleep. The past two days had been filled with adventure, and all sorts of things that meant that both of us were super fucking tired. I woke up when the warmth of Lilly next to me left. I heard the clink and clang of pans in the small kitchenet that came along with the hotel room. “Good mornin.” I said as I wrapped my arms around her wasit and pulled her away from the counter. “Hello, to you too sir.” She said softly. I nipped at her ear, and kissed her neck gently. “What are you making?” I asked, looked like pancakes, and maybe something like hashbrowns. “Someting good. Now go sit, and take this cup of coffee with you.” She said ushering me out of the kitchen space. Cause let’s be honest having someone else in the kitchen with you doesn’t alway work. It’s not always romantic to be cooking with your partner especially if you and your partner aren’t that good of cooks together. That whole day is spent lounge around the hotel room, watching returns of old jeopardy episodes, and trying to see if we’re smarter than half the people on those shows. Dinner is room service that night. Room service brings up a bottle of champagne, and a good chicken dinner which get devour before the campage bottle is even half empty. We cuddle, and turn on a movie that been playing on repeat on the DVR. Lilly falls asleep half way through the movie, and in my lap she get’s comfortable. When the movie ends I grab the remote and turn off the tv. I shift as to not wake Lilly up. I get ready for bed, and move sheets back so when I pick her up and place her back on the bed she’s a little bit more comfortable.
The seventh day. This day is more then special. I have to get everything ready. That morning I wake up in great sprits. I make us a great breakfast that I have to follow the directions online. Creeps, fruit, coffee. That’s all set out on the balcony of the hotel room. I have to wake Lilly gently. She shifts in her sleep, and opens her eyes slowly. “Hey, sweetheart. Do you want some food, coffee?” I ask her even though she’s still very sleepy. She nods her head, and shifts the sheets off of her body. I let her get herself together before dragging her towards the balancy. When her eyes set out on the little show I’ve put together she smiles widely. “This all looks so good babe.” She says. The first thing she picks up is her coffee. Then she takes a look out from the balancy. There’s nothing special but still a view of the city we aren’t to far away from. “ ihave a few things planned for today Lils.” I says as I sit down and start to cut into my meal. Her brows rise, “Really? Like what?” She asks, she sips on her coffee and chews her food. As I describe how I would love to take her to the zoo, and then come back get ready for that fancy dinner I had planned and told her about a week prior. She nods her head along with each thing. “So the zoo, and then come back get ready for this pseicla dinner, and then the actual dinner?” She asks, like she’s making sure she got it all right. I nod and take a sip of my now warm coffee. “What are you planning over there mister?” She asks, i shrug my shoulders. “Just wanted to take my lady on a proper vacation.” Her eyes squint like she’s trying to see into my heart, and soul. “Hmm, I’ll believe you for now.” She says and then finishes off her coffee, and breakfast.
Dishes land in the tiny sink, and we shower right after each other. With it still being cold outside. Lilly opted for that beautiful pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt that has a v-neck. Giving off a certain look that I’m head over heels for. I’m not too far off from what she’s wearing. My outfit has only one color throughout the whole thing. Black. She grabs her winter jacket, and I grab mine before the key and leave the hotel room off for the first part of the day. The drive back downtown this time is somewhat worse. The traffic is horrible, and as we wait for people and lights we listen to the music playing from the radio.
When we do finally get to a parking space, and to the actual zoo it’s not as cold outside. The morning sun warms the concrete ground, and keeps a constant flow of people out of their cars and into the zoo’s entrance line. “We should have bought tickets before we left Hawkins.” Lilly says, leaning back and forth on her feet. I nod my head agreeing with her comment, grabbing her gently on the waist and pulling her into my side. “Let’s just see how long the line takes.” Children run around as mothers who are already worn out try to catch them. The line in time shrinks, giving me the time I need to take my wallet out and wait for our turn. We buy tickets, and they wrap a paper bracelet around our wrists.
They have all different types of animals, and for the first few hours it takes us to get through just the land animals. Lilly is totally kept by the animals, and their descriptions. Some follow her through the glass, and some want to be fed by her. I stand back and just watch. She’s amazing in such a way that I don’t understand myself. “Babe?” “Hmm?” “Do you wanna ride the train?” Her eyes light up with a childlike joy. “Of fucking course I wanna ride the train.” Some moms look over and offended at the curse words that fall from her mouth, and into their precious children's ears. The train ride brings up around the complete land animals area. From there Lilly can truly see everything, and every animal. I’m able while she’s not really paying attention to snap a few pictures of her joyful smile.
We get a few snacks and travel towards the sea animals. Some dolphins, and the facts that Lilly pulls out of her head are amazing. Things that aren’t even written down on the multiple descriptions. Deserts, and Forests are the last sections we go to before I can see the tiredness wrap around Lilly’s head. “Hey let’s go baby.” I say grabbing her, pressing her up against me. Yawning, she nods her head and then rests it against my chest. It’s only mid afternoon when we get back to the car and the minutes that Lilly hits the passenger seat she knocks out. Not waking until I park at the hotel. She grumbles something about a great dream. “Babe, how about you go take a nap. I’ll wake you up before we have to leave.” I say to her as she walks like a sloth to the bed. A thumbs up is all I get.
Hours later I also wake up from a much needed nap, Lilly had never gotten under the covers, so she lays like a star-fish above the fluffiest covers ever. Her face has lines from the fabric and pillows. “Lilly, you gotta wake up.” I say softly as I shake her gently. She doesn’t stir, a deep sleeper. “Babe, you gotta get ready for our dinner.” I say a little louder, she stirs moving under me. “Lilly, you’ve gotta get up and shower.” I say once more, her eyes go wide and her head hits mine. “Oh shit, that hurt.” She says bring a hand to her forehead. I kiss her forehead, and she sits there for a moment. “Shower love.” I say before leaving the bedroom, and into the bathroom.
I had showered beforehand, and when the water finally turned off Lilly walked out in a black dress that she had asked me about, so she packed. Long lace stocking hind underneath the black fabric of the dress. Blue jeans, and something of a cowboy style takes over my style. She glimmers under the fluorescent lights in the hotel rooms. Grabbing our coats again we leave the hotel room for a second time today. Driving to the fancy dinner has my nerves on edge. I’m afraid of what might not even happen. Regardless, Lilly looks beautiful. I open her door, and take her hand as we walk into the restaurant. “Do you have a reservation?” The host asks me, “Yeah, under Munson.” I answer. I can see the surprised look on Lilly’s face from the corner of my face.
The dinner portion goes by quickly, steak and vegetable is what we both got. Wine sits in our wine glasses and the wild feeling grows against my chest, and lower stomach. I worry and then when I look up at Lilly it all disappears. She has a great ability to make me calm. “Deserts?” The waiter asks, I nod and so does Lilly. She orders, and then gets up. “I’ll be right back.” She says kissing my cheeks as she walks towards the back. The deserts come and so does Lilly. “Oh my god Eddie, this is great.” She murmurs with food in her mouth, I laugh even in this fancy restaurant she has dared to change how she is. I shift in my seat. No time like now I say inwardly. I get up from the chair, and walk over to the other side of the table. “Lilly?” She hums and notices I’m not in front of her anymore but at her side. Her eyes tell a story. A story of which she knows what’s about to happen. “Eddie, what are you doing?” She asks, I bit my lip for a moment. “Lilly will you do… I love you a fuck ton of a lot. I know we’ve had a few issues along the way. I want to ask you if you would do the pleasure of marrying me?” I ask, I wait on baited breath for an answer. I open the box, that damn ring I bought two years ago. “Yes Eddie… Yes I will.” She drops to her knees in front of me. I slip the ring on her finger, and a few cheers can be heard as she leans in and catches my lips.
I pay. Drive us back to the hotel. And deal with the nipping kisses that Lilly gives me on the way towards the door. But once that door opens I grab her and push her into the door shutting it. “Fuck you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to ask you.” I murmurs into her skin as I kiss her sloppily before grabbing her thighs and pulling her up. She giggles. “Come on Lilly, let me take care of you, yeah?” I ask, I walk the both of us towards the bedroom with her lips sucking hickies into my neck. I groan at the feel on my neck, and pants. “We gotta get you out of this dress.” I say simply, “Come on Eddie!” She whines, she slips her heels off, and that pulls me into her pulling at my belt, and throwing my shirt off my chest. Clothes are landing in piles on the floor. I get the dress off her frame. Bra, and black stocking staring up at me. “God you’re beautiful.” I mutter as I lace one hand it’s hers, and the other travels up her skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. She moans softly at the feeling. Her bra comes off, nipples budding at the cold air. Stockings land on the floor, and the panties follow behind them. “God you’re soaked, such a naughty girl you are.” I groan. My own pleasure can be forgetting for now I think to myself as I get down on my knees. We are both well tuned into each other's bodies. I know that a flirt of my tongue on her clit will have her head shooting back. Moans bouncing on the hotel's walls, curses falling her pretty little mouth.
Nothing in the whole seems better than the life I’m living right now. To hell with how I managed to get such a great life. Such an apple pie life, how in the hell I’d managed such a beautiful woman to be between my shoulder blades. I pick up her legs lifting one at a time onto my shoulders. She smells like heaven as her legs open wider for me, she waits anticipating for my next move on her flavorfully body. I kiss up her thighs, hands rubbing equally on her outer thighs. She’s already a mess above me, hands flying into my hair and getting annoyed that I’m not working quick enough for her liking. But this is all in the slow motions of her body. In the best way possible I’m an absolute slave for her. I would lay my life down on the line and it would be all for her. In the name of Lilly I would do anything.
I take the first dive into her glistening cunt. Using both of my thumbs to spread her open. The cold air hits her cunt, and she moans loudly. I make sure to give equal attention to both her dripping cunt, and her clit. Sucking and nipping at the sensitive bud. Her hands dig into both the sheets, and my hair. I feel the ring. Cold hit my scalp and I love the feeling. I continue to eat her cunt, sticking the longest of my fingers into her soaked cunt I feel the plush warm walls surround my finger. A slow pump, and then another finger. There’s no need for any prep with her, but still I do it anyway.
She moans at the intrusion. I keep a good pace, licking and pumping my fingers. She stuttering, “Oh fuck, Ed!” “There you go sweet girl, you gonna cum on my fingers?” I ask her, my words mumbled by her cunt. She bucks into my fingers keeping the pace that she likes. “EDDIE!” She’s screaming at the top of her lungs. Before I know it she’s gushing. She coats my fingers and when I pull them out she whines at the loss of them. I look at her directly. Her eyes are filled with lust, and I still lift my tongue out licking each finger individually. She moans at the actions, not tired enough she pulls me up. We kiss and she tastes herself on my tongue. “Come on Eddie, I wanna ride you!” She whines. I’m not shocked by her words, but how she manages to flip them over. My back landing on the bedShe shimmies me out of my trousers. “You’re so handsome.” She says. Her hair is a mess, and when she comes back up to look at me her eyes are wide. My cock hits the cool air of the hotel room when she pulls my boxers down my thighs and throws them off to the side. Clothes are something to worry about later on.
She doesn’t hesitate to climb over my body, and sit on my thighs. Her hands are so soft, and gentle with my aching cock that I don’t even notice the change of position as she leans over and the most provocative moan falls from her lips. Her eyes squeeze shut as she takes the girth of my cock. Her warm now gooey cunt swallowed me in. Squeezing me tightly, before I’ve completely disappeared within her. Her hands land on my chest as she begins to rock. My hands are on her hips rolling with each rock. When she’s comfortable she begins to bounce. Hands still on my chest, I love the view I’m given. Breasts bouncing in front of my face it’s hard to not want to grab on to one of them and suck on them. I bit my bottom lip. Then Lilly is shifting her position yet again. Hands leaving my chest, and bracing on my ankles. I watch as my cock appears and disappears from her cunt. The sight of it all. The sight of her enjoying the ride of my cock almost makes me explode right there. I want to enjoy this though, make it as long as possible.
She cunt squeezes me, and I can’t hold on anymore. My breathes become ragged, and my eyes want to shut. I let go, without a warning for which I doubt Lilly even wants. I let go. Deep inside of her, and with that so does Lilly. Her warm insides surround my cock, and I help her through her high as she helps me through mine. Breathless moans, and shifting on the bed happen.
I don’t dare move until Lilly is breathing normally, or at least half way normal. I laugh when I open my eyes and she’s blissfully off in the distance. “God I fucking love you.” I whisper. I can’t get over how beautiful she is, how amazing she is. I stare a little longer until the cool air makes me cold. I make my way towards the en-suite. Gathering a clean washcloth, dampening it with luke-warm water. When I return she’s already half asleep. I’m careful with my motion on her sore and tender skin. Wiping away most of the mess we created before moving the sheets away from the top of the bed, and moving her under them.
I see the glint of the diamond ring under the en-suite light. I smile down at her as I set the washcloth on the tub's side, and get back to the women I love so deeply it sometimes scares me. I gather the clothes and set them into a pile. ‘For wash tomorrow’ I think to myself. I put my boxers back on and climbed underneath the sheets with her. She curls into my side as I lay down. “I love you” She mutters in her sleep. I kiss the crown of her head. Wrapping my arm around her side and pulling her as humanly possible. I fall asleep in a blissful peace, one that is rare but such a great feeling.
“Eddie!” I’m not sure who’s calling my voice but it’s a voice so familiar to my ears. I can’t shake the way I feel. Almost dirty as I lay there. Unable for now to wake. “Eddie seriously this isn’t funny we need to get going!” I heard more shouts. More voices. Clean and clear are the ones right above me. “Eddie, come on dude.” I’m able now to open my eyes. I'm inside of my trailer. But I was pretty sure I had fallen asleep in Indy. In a hotel room. In the arms of my girl. My girl? “Steve, just help him up!” I hear another voice yell out. “Lilly?” It’s the first word that comes to mind. “No it’s me Munson.” That’s clearly Steve’s voice, and god when was the last time someone called me Munson. “Get him up, we need to leave.” My trailer is covered in thick gooey black vines. I come to a fast realization I’m not at all where I thought I was. I take the extended hand out. Steve is still standing there with a thick bandage around his waist. “Thanks.” I mutter, he nods and then I see the ropes and the kids standing on the other side of it.
Dustin, Max, Erica, Robin all of them are there. “Where did you go dude?” I hear Steve ask as I walk over to the rope. “I’m not sure.” It’s the truth. It all felt so damn real. It was so touchable, the feelings were real too. Was Lilly? I wonder about it all as I climb the rope and land on the shitty, stain ridden bed. “Eddie? Jesus fuck I thought we had lost you there for a moment.” It’s Dustin. He's hugging me tightly. He’s young again, a kid. Stupid curly hair that I shake. “I.… Vecna?” I say, he nods his head. “Yeah we gotta come up with a plan though for this shit.” He says, I move letting Steve come through the gate.
“We gotta get a ride then.” I say, I turn to Red. “You gotta ski mask, or somethin’ like that?” I ask her,she thinks for a moment. “Yeah I’ve got on.” As we wait for her to return I think of her. I think of Lilly, but the thoughts and memories start to fade. Disappearing into the void of the upside down maybe? “What happened?” Dustin asks me. I look over at the kid, “I think I got a glimpse of another life. I was engaged, and you were old with kids and fat. Harrington and Robin were married, still not really sure why.” Steve chuckles, and Robin makes a sound of throwing up. “Not that you aren’t my type, but you aren’t.”I hear Robin say to Steve he scoffs. “One hell of a dream Munson.” Harrington says. “Yeah.” I say softly as Red comes back in with a mask. A Halloween mask to be exact. I look at the people around me. “Let’s go steal an RV!”
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Completed on: 07/13/23
Posted on: 07/22/23
The Adults- @yourfavdummy @mothermirkwood
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briamichellewrites · 4 months
The Capital Grille was busy for a weekday dinner. Bria, Brad, Mike, Jon, and Matt had fun talking and laughing. Mike was a great friend to Bria. He was an extrovert with a friendly personality. A leader type. He was the calm she needed in her life, especially with her mental illnesses. Both he and Phoenix knew her the best. If anything should happen to her, they would know what to do. Mike confirmed that he was known as The Glue in his band.
He was the one who could find solutions to problems. It took a lot to get him angry. But even he needed help sometimes. Phoenix was that guy. When everyone was tearing their hair out, he was the one who reassured them everything would be okay. He also was there to cheer them up when they needed it. Bria kept them in line.
She was also the one who got excited about the little things and who kept them guessing. They never knew what she would say or do next. She loved the people around her like she loved her animals. In a room full of people, she would come out with a handful of new friends. She was also a performer and had been since she was a child. But she could also be sensitive to rejection or abandonment. It was part of her BPD diagnosis.
She was the kind of person who just wanted everyone to get along and have fun. Mike ordered what he could afford while she had a steak with a glass of wine. No, he wouldn’t let her pay for him. Even though she stated several times how she loved spoiling him, he always felt like he was taking advantage of her. She paid several thousand dollars to fly him, Jason, and Joe to Dubai.
He could never repay her for that. It was the best vacation ever. That week and a half was the relief from stress that he needed. It also gave him and Jason time to hang out together. They were both so busy, they only had time for the occasional phone call. They mostly caught up with each other during family events like Christmas or Easter. He was so proud of his little brother and he thought about that whenever he heard what he was doing.
One day, he would be looking at something he designed. The week and a half went by so fast. On one of the days, they went to the Arabian Desert. They got to pet and ride Camels. That was an experience he would never have again. It was like riding a horse. If the horse had humps. Bria thought they were adorable. Jason was taken by the architecture.
They went hiking around the Hatta. It was so beautiful. They explored a native village that was frozen in time. They learned about the history behind the village. They also got to see an ancient nineteenth-century fortress. They took a lot of pictures of everything they saw. He liked to go through those pictures whenever he was having trouble. They reminded him of how much he had. They also reminded him of happiness and beauty. How did he deserve a friend like Bria?
Never in a million years would he think he would be in Dubai walking around an ancient city. But he was. He did. She wanted to try skydiving but she would have had to book a ticket well in advance. Maybe someday she would do that. Joe wanted to visit the IMG World of Adventures, a theme park. They spent a day there walking around and going on different rides.
It was like Disneyland. They all felt like children. Bradford visited Phoenix after forty-eight hours. He was happy to see him. How was he doing? He was doing better, though not great. Was there anything in particular? No, he just missed Linsey. That was understandable. A couple of days ago, Bria and Mike were hanging out with Jon, her boyfriend, Brad; and friend, Matt. Jon was wondering how he was doing. Mike only told him he was having trouble, but he didn’t say that he was in rehab.
He didn’t feel like he had permission from him or Linsey. Phoenix nodded.
“Thank them for doing that. Jon can know where I am.”
“I’ll tell them. I think they didn’t want to say anything around Brad and Matt.”
“Yeah, it’s possible. I don’t think I know who Matt is. Anyway, you want a boyfriend?”
He laughed. “No, thanks. I’m good.”
Jon was informed by Bria about the situation with Phoenix after hearing back from Bradford. He told her of his visit. She and Mike were not able to tell him earlier because they didn’t have permission. He completely respected that. If it was him, he would want them not to tell anyone, either. He visited him the following day. They hugged each other before sitting down at a table outside. He was so happy to see him! Did Bria or Mike tell him about why he was there?
He was having trouble with his sobriety because his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Yeah, that’s what happened. He wanted to drink so badly that he lay on his bathroom floor in tears. It was like he was paralyzed emotionally and mentally. Bradford came over after getting a call from Linsey. He got down and talked to him.
He asked him about how bad his cravings were and he said they were ten out of ten. Who’s idea was it to go back to rehab? It was his. He didn’t see any other options. It was something he had to do. If he didn’t, he would have gone somewhere and relapsed. Jon let him know how proud he was that he asked for help. Thank you. He was proud of himself. Could he and Dorothea do anything for his family? He had him ask Linsey. Okay.
He called her after saying goodbye to him. She invited him over. They talked about how the visit had gone while having a can of Diet Coke. How long did he stay? It was two hours.
“I don’t have any alcohol. Otherwise, I would offer you a beer”, she said.
“Don’t worry about it. This is fine. Thank you. How are you doing?”
“I knew what I was getting into when I married him.”
“But how are you doing?”
“I get angry and frustrated sometimes. I want to take his alcoholism away but I can’t. I see who he is and that’s why I love him. If he was violent or abusive, I would have a reason to leave him. But he’s only abusive to himself. When he’s sober, he’s a great husband. When he’s going through cravings, he retreats. He pulls back from me.”
He gets angry and he takes that out on himself because he doesn’t want to be abusive. Does he self-harm? No, he becomes a little boy who hides away and cries. He hates himself and beats himself up. Jon nodded as he listened to her. He never had to deal with addiction personally. The only exposure to it was watching Richie destroy himself with alcohol. It made him angry. Phoenix was giving him a new insight into what addiction was like. Phoenix was not a bad person. He loved him for the same reasons she did.
She nodded in agreement. He had faith he could do it. So did she. The only person who didn’t believe in him was himself. Could he order food for her? That would be great. Thank you. As they talked about where to get food from, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was being listened to and wasn’t being pushed off to the side. Loving Phoenix was not easy but he was worth it.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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navalha-kw · 4 months
Warszawa 31.05-02.05.24
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Our sightseeing tour began at Palace of Culture and Science, including taking the elevator to the XXXth floor even though I'm kind of afraid of heights. Then we took a walk to the Saxon Gardens and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and continued on by the Grand Theatre to the Castle's Square. We spent a while there walking around the old city and saw the Sigmud's Column and the Royal Castle. Our next stops were the Presidential Palace and hecking Schody Smoleńskie.
After another max 20min by foot we reached a great great restaurant called Lokal Vegan Bistro when we had delicious vegan dinner (vegan schabowy and vegan seitan steak!!!!! Holy shit that was so good!!!!).
After incredibly long and complicated tour in the public transit to and back from the place we're staying at we went for another long walk at the Royal Łazienki Park, then crossed a street or two to see the Polish Parliament (Sejm)
Overall, we got circa 30k steps that day
01.06 (event day 1)
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Spent most of the day at the sports event so the only thing we had strength for was... trying Ramen for the first time ever!!!! And we used the underground to get there!! Fun!! At the Vegan Ramen shop I ordered something like, wild, spicy Ramen but with mango and nachos and stuff and boy it was so good!!!! And my best friend who doesn't really like trying trying new food and doesn't like spicy stuff took something wirh lemon in it and ended up enjoying it as well :) We also walked at the Pola Mokotowskie but it turned out to be like. Just a park?? Maybe we were too tired to like find the better part of them or sth but yeah, just a park, 4/10. And Palace of Culture and Science again in the setting sun
02.06 (event day 2)
The least eventful day. We spent the majority of it in a sports hall in Piaseczno, but during the 2.5h we had left to our train's departure we managed to get back to Warszawa and head to this fancy Italian pizza place! But we also used the metro and walked by Plac Zbawiciela and saw some more of the city as well :)
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All things considered, we had way more fun trying new food than actually taking part in the sports event that got us to book tickets in the first place. But it was worth it :)
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