#and i remembered that the dude in said scenario was like ''hello partner my love you should peg me it'll make it funnier''
spaciebabie · 1 year
i remember a long time ago i read a reddit post that went something along the lines of, this old dude was repeatedly coming upta this couple and talking abt his religion and the couple didnt like that so ta deter him they decided ta have really loud kinky sex and it worked cuz the old man left them alone finally and there was a comment under the post that was like, "you people are disgusting. how dare you harass that old man by having really loud kinky sex in your own home. why would you do that to him" and it was the funniest thing ive read in my entire life if anyone knows what im talking abt pls link me up bro
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anime-is-godlike · 2 years
Xiao x pregnant reader
Scenarios you where at a specific place where adeptus give birth when xiao is called away to help liyue
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You where at wangsu inn resting your nine month belly, you and xiao are both adeptus you met many years ago thanks to zhongli ever since you met you to stuck together like glue and to this day love each other very dearly
“I can’t wait to see you my little adeptus” you rub your stomach when the door to your room opens revealing your lovely partner xiao with his usual resting scowl
“How are you today my dear” I smile as he came over and caressed my cheek
“Fine my darling this little one just loves to kick I think they get it from you” I give xiao a side eye which he ignores instead crossing his arms and looking down at my stomach
“you know it’s almost time” I look to him and nod
“I know” you see adaptus have a specific place to give birth and since you and xiao are both adapti it means your little baby will be one to
“I’m ready to leave when ever you are xiao” he nods and picks you up carrying you in his arms and you keep your arms around his neck once you guys land your greeted with a familiar place
“By the seven it’s been so long” you where in a deep mountain side surrounded by forest and you and xiao where in front of a cave with a special seal on it which meant only adeptus can enter and leave
“When was the last time you where here?” I ask xiao who was holding my hand
“Honestly I think it was when lord zhongli partner gave birth” I nod thinking back on the day you where helping out with the delivery since you and lord zhongli partner where good friends and xiao was trying to help calm lord zhongli down
he seemed so calm on the outside but you could tell he was in full panic stations he kept over filling his cup to the point it spilled over and whenever he tried reading to get his mind to sooth his reading material was upside down
“Honestly that was a very hectic time” I rub my stomach and think back on that day fondly and I see the ghost of a smile appear on xiao’s lips very small but there
“We should head in and get things prepared” honestly any day now you could give birth so it was best to prepare before hand which is why your here, as you enter into the cave and reach the other end your greeted with a place covered all around by all mountain but you could see the sky and grassy patch of land with a single futon prepared and a tray of different oils and incense next to it
“I forgot about the incense” I say sitting on the futon and grabbing on the incense and bringing it to my nose, these incense are said to relax the mother and the oil are for the baby once there born
“This brings me back” I then felt xiao rest his head on my shoulder and hugging my wait with his hands on my bump I look my side seeing his eyes closed in thought
“(Y/N) I love you so much” I look at him with a smile this man is very protective of you ever since he lost his siblings, you stoke the top of his head and press your cheek to his head
“I love you two xiao…and so does our little one” as soon as the words leave my mouth I felt and kick just where xiao’s hand is and I see him smile
“Hello you two” you then heard a voice you where all to familiar with it was lord zhongli’s partner and lord zhongli not so far behind them
“Good evening you two” lord zhongli says and xiao gives and slight bow I look around
“Where’s tohru?” Zhongli partner smiles
“She’s with baizu and qiqi I thought she would get fussy” I giggle
“Fair point” lord zhongli approaches his partner and kisses the top of her head, xiao comes over and holds my hand
“So todays the day are you ready” lord zhongli partner sat down next to me she’s a archon to but where good friends
“Yep this makes a change last time you where here” she giggled and scratched her cheek
“Yea I honestly don’t remember much from the labour” I then see lord zhongli shudder poor dude you see there’s a tradition in which the father must wait outside the cave and only female adeptus can help the mother give birth which is why there here
“You ready?” Lord zhongli ask xiao and I see him nod with purpose
“You where a great help to me so it’s now my time to help you” I smile to myself as I see xiao flustered with lord zhongli words I then felt something
“Ouch!” Suddenly all eyes where on me
“You okay my dear?” Xiao was next to me in a flash holding my hand to his cheek and lord Zhongli partner gave lord zhongli a knowing look
“My dear adeptus xiao the time has come” xiao gave me a surprise looked which soon turned into one full of love
“You can stay here until her water breaks” xiao nods knowing soon he’ll be kicked out just then I hear the familiar sound of a bell which meant one thing
“Someone is calling to you xiao” whenever we hear a bell it’s a signal his names been called xiao looked no more reluctance
“Don’t worry me and zhongli are here for her” lord zhongli gave a thumbs up the xiao which a grin
“Go don’t worry” he grits his teeth then disappears
“That boy I sware how did you two end up together is one of great mystery even I don’t think great lord Rukkhadevata can solve” I laugh and then felt another sharp pain
“OUCH!!” Lord zhongli partner squinted her eyes and then looked to lord zhongli who turned around and left the cave
“Okay my dear don’t be to scared but I have a feeling your getting closer to your water breaking but until then” she lights up the incense and puts them into a pot so it burns away without worry of a fire
“OUCHHH AHHGG!” You grip the futon pillow to help with the pain then felt liquid run down your legs
“Yep it’s getting time now we must wait till your contractors are close together and last for up to one minute” I nod and felt another rush of pain
“AAAAGGGGHHH!!” Then then felt a towel on my fore head as lord zhongli partner took care of me….honestly I wish xiao was here
“I’m sorry my dear” she said to me I tilt my head confused
“I know it’s xiao you want and not me” I smile at her and she smiled at me
“Sorry I do love ya bestie but I love xiao more” she put a hand over her heart and had a look of fake shock
“Ooh my dear how could you!!” I giggle at the response from her honestly this is helping distract me from the pain
“AAAAHHHGGGGGGG XIAO!!!” I grip the pillow
“My dear as to not break your teeth bite down on this” she put a rolled up a peace of fabric in my mouth for me to bite on
“Mmmh mhhuuu” I thanked her through muffled words she smiled signalling she got it
“Your welcome” honestly I want xiao but lord zhongli partner is helping me tremendously
Xiao was now running to liyue with only thoughts of you hoping you two where okay but the moment he reaches liyue all hell breaks lose the sky’s completely dark and he sees the jade chamber fly over and jumps up onto it, he then sees the traveller and Paimon talking and osial
“What are you two doing here?” He asked the duo confused on what’s going on as well as Paimon and traveller he met with the other adepti
“Xiao why are you here young one?” Cloud retainer asks
“I heard my name be called” cloud retainer nods
“But isn’t you partner going into labour soon?” He nods
“PARTNER!!! LABOUR?!!??” Paimon cries out confused
“I don’t need to explain myself to you mortals” is all he said he then looks up the the sky and gives a silent apology to you
As for you it was going to be a long delivery zhongli looks up to the dark sky knowing what’s about to happen and hoping all goes well for his people
“Okay my dear your only 7 centimetres you need to wait a little longer” sweats beating down my forehead the pain is not easing it’s only getting worse and what’s up with the sky
“Th-he sky?” Lord zhongli partner looks up and realised what’s happening and look to the entrance where her partner is
“Don’t worry if it rains the protection barrier will keep us dry” I feel like there’s something going on but I need to focus on my baby….Oh the sevens this is painful, I bite again in the cloth
Back to xiao all the people came together and came up with a plan to sacrifices the jade chamber and now it’s collapsing and he catches the traveller as there falling
“You okay?” Once the traveller nods he lets go and looks around to see the sky going back to normal he sighs and then runs back to the mountain where you are only to be met with you screaming in pain it breaks his heart
“Okay it’s time to push dear” I nod hold my breath and push
“AGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” Xiao was just about to enter into the cave only to be stopped by zhongli
“You can’t enter” his eyes widen in realisation and sits down on the rock
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine xiao” zhongli pat his back
“She’s in good hands” he nods and looks into the cave to see just your face in pain and that sight shattered his heart, he hates it
“AHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!” I push with all my might the cloth in my mouth is long gone and I’m now screaming
“Are you guys okay” both zhongli and xiao look up to see cloud retainer
“I was passing by and thought I’d come meet the new adeptus” both zhongli and xiao nod
“The heads out!!!” Lord Zhongli partner tells to me it’s finally time I take a quick breath and with everything I’ve got push
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!!” And I then felt a weight on my chest I look down to see a crying baby with dark green tuff of hair and orange highlights on there closed eyes
“Whaaaa whaaa!!” I cry and kiss the top of there head as their crying and lord zhongli partner cuts the cord
“Congratulations on your baby girl” I smile at lord Zhongli partner and she rubs my baby’s forehead clean then she grabs the oil from the tray and places a dot on there head and four lines one of the top of the dot two on each side and one on the bottom
“She’s now ready to meet xiao” she then leaves me alone with my baby girl I smile down at her and kiss her cheek she’s now fast asleep and I wrap her up in a blanket so she’s warm
“Xiao” zhongli partner exits the cave and xiao is up on his feet in a flash
“There both fine it’s a beautiful baby girl” before she could finish her sentence he runs past her into the cave and to his partner
“(Y/N)…” I look up to see xiao and then he looks to my arms I look of surprise on his face he then runs up and hugs me
“I’m so glad your both okay” I smile at my worried darling
“Want to hold her?” I then looks down at her and he seems reluctant
“I’m worried with my bad karma ” I cut him of
“Oh none of that you are her father and she will love you no matter what, and you with her” he then grabs her in the blanket she’s wrapped in and I see a single tear rolled down his cheek, he does the same as me and kisses her cheek as to not mess up the oils
“Look at her eyes” her golden eyes are wide open looking around in wonder
“Have you thought of a name?” I look to xiao and he nods
“Aoi” I smile
“Aoi it’s a beautiful name” as I say that three people come in
“So Aoi the name I think tohru has a new friend” lord Zhongli partner says I giggle and lord zhongli smiles and xiao still has a tight hold on her
“Good evening cloud retainer” I slightly bow my head and she the same
“I see a new adeptus has been born you have done well” that was all she said and flew of, I look around at everyone and smile Aoi you are so loved I then looked to xiao all he’s doing his looking at her with eyes full of love for his daughter
“He’s gonna be a great father” he then looks to me smiling
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
The Boys: SN2.7
Sorry for the delay but I’ve been really busy with work and I haven’t gotten much sleep due to this but nonetheless I was able to finish it and upload the commentary.
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(Photo Credit: @01091006)
Alright we’ve got ourselves a grown ass man whose clearly obsessed with STORMFRONT
Ik he’s gettin’ tired of seeing/doing the same shit over and over again
Maybe he’s one of the meme makers
Yep called that shit again
He better not become some fucking murder... smdh
“Congress?? Please what a bunch of corrupt cunts they are.” - BUTCHER
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(this line hit a little too close to home iykyk)
This congresswoman looks familiar... I can’t put my finger on it though
Alright so whose that ringing BUTCHER’s line?? (That’s a long ass number too)
“Mom I don’t want a fucking unicorn frappe.” - ANNIE
Bro wtf?!!!!!
“And Serge... no abandoning your post this time.” - MALLORY
rip to BUTCHER’s father
BLACK NOIR didn’t have to go in on ANNIE like that
LAMPLIGHTER - “Okay. Different strokes, man.”
HUGHIE - “Please don’t say that in this context.”
“You know this isn’t healthy, man. Y-You can’t watch porn while the... sun’s out.”- HUGHIE
I like how HUGHIE said “nevermind” just to continue with his story.
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“Come on do you want me to cuck? Or be the guy who fucks the wife?” - HUGHIE
“Yeah, come on. Let’s go fuck the wife. Con-sensually.” - HUGHIE
You know I never truly understood why the nickname “Billy” went with the name William.
SAM - “What, no hug?”
BUTCHER - “You step one inch closer, and I’ll kill you quicker than that fucking arse cancer.”
SAM - “I bet you would.”
ROFL The way he slapped his finger away
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Beating the shit out of your kids does not equal “tough love”
Sooo.... LENNY committed suicide...
Wow, well I’ll be damned tha nazi bitch has a heart
I haven’t seen MAEVE use her powers in a minute!! That poor table.
Wait why is DR. VOGELBAUM in a wheelchair??? Ig HOMELANDER really did fuck his ass up.
Wow I really forgot M.M’s gov name is MARVIN.
FRENCHIE reminiscin’ -- You know i still remember when FRENCHIE said his dad smothered him with a hello kitty duvet lol
Watch me fuck around and learn KIMIKO’s sign language
Fish Bowl = Fixing Grievances
Bruh this whole church is toxic
“And boom, bitchies!” - LAMPLIGHTER
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“Your America’s second favorite lesbian couple, after all.” - ASHLEY
Whose the first?... Ellen and Portia??
“Ashley for once in your life be a fucking human being.” - MAEVE
Their watching a lego movie of the Blindside
... I think we all know HOMELANDER is lying to BECCA. He’s gonna snatch that little boy up in the middle of the night.
BUTCHER a whole maniac
Why do I feel like LAMPLIGHTER is gonna step HUGHIE up...
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My mouth is really ajar looking at this hand scene
She’s walking a little too slow for me... I foresaw that shit!
BLACK NOIR is strong af! Jesus he’s throwing her around like a dog that vigorously shakes its head with a toy in its mouth.
STARLIGHT bro I’m gonna need you to get the fuck up! Don’t let this dude choke you out!
... once again... fuck almond joy’s
Y’all can do this reunion shit later. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BUILDING!
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M. M. - “Kid, you are fucking unbelievable. All you had to do was watch porn.”
HUGHIE - “I didn’t know he was gonna set himself on fire?!?.”
I think we all knew this church for supes was all kinds of fucked up. But this whole scenario of EAGLE hunting his partner dressed up as a deer is on the stranger side to things. 
Why tf did ANNIE’s mom look at KIMIKO like that?!?!
HOMELANDER lookin’ sick af!
“Oh, shit.” - THE DEEP
episode 6 here. Once again I’m sorry for the delay in the post. I’ll have to figure out my timing better. But on a lighter note... EPISODE 8 WILL BE THE LAST FOR THE SEASON!!! We already know it got confirmed for a season 3 so this last episode better fucking bring it!
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strawberryjmilk · 4 years
not yet | kim yugyeom
word count: 2048
anon requested: heyyy, could you do an imagine where Yugyeom sees you dance for the first time and you’re actually really good and he falls for you even more. Thank you💘also I love your writing💞
pining!yugyeom , pining!reader , gender neutral!reader based on the bob’s burgers episode — two for tina! [season 3 , episode 17] special appearance from rubin! [1team]
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You had your mind on a loop these days. Gazing, longing and dreaming. Over and over until you mixed reality and your imagination. Gazing, longing and dreaming. Until your eyes watered from where you'd been mindlessly staring at the wall. Gazing, longing and dreaming. And then, a snap.
"Y/N — earth to Y/N! I know you're in there somewhere." Another snap — you shook your head. Smiling at the boy in front of you — he only glared — you shrugged. "Now is not the time to daydream, babe. The showcase is in a week!"
"Oh, please," you groaned, "we've got this, Rubin! I could do this dance in my sleep."
He only glared again, "if you could, then you would be dancing right now."
"Whatever." You curled your nose at him. The purple haired boy continued to grumble, ignoring how you mocked him. You took in a deep breath, stretching your arms before looking back to Rubin. "Okay. Let's go again."
On the other side of the building laid Kim Yugyeom. He was settled into the couch in his practice room, mind swirling and warping with different scenarios. Mark had told him to take a break — "your head isn't here, just rest," he'd said.
Of course Yugyeom wasn't mentally present — he was too focused on thinking about you.
He didn't know when this crush — infatuation, adoration, whatever — started. Yugyeom just knew he couldn't even go minutes without you pushing into his thoughts. How you spoke; the way you walked; even those small seconds where your eyes would meet. He was addicted.
This is not what Mark meant by rest, Yugyeom chided himself. With a shake of his head, the boy sunk deeper into the sofa. He needed a distraction — something to overrun all of the thoughts of you. Pulling out his phone, Yugyeom clicked on something that always allowed his mind to drift — Bob's Burgers.
And that's where the nightmare began.
Yugyeom wasn't aware he was dreaming. All he knew is that it was dark and now there's a spotlight shining on someone — on you. He gulped — it wasn't fair. The way you were smiling at him wasn't fair at all. You tilted your head, as if beckoning him forward. And, under your spell as he always was, Yugyeom followed your movements.
To his surprise, you started to dance. And all Yugyeom  could do was stand there and just watch and stare. He didn't even know you could dance — didn't know you could twirl and spin and leap as gracefully as you did. He was being hypnotized slowly and he wasn't fighting it. Yugyeom wanted to only see you — he wanted you to fill his being completely.
Yugyeom was slapped out of his trance as a scoff echoed around the blank room the two of you were in. Blinking rapidly — to snap him out of his staring and your eyes — he turned to the left. He frowned, "what are you doing here?" Because there stood Bambam with a snarl, wearing the same thing you were.
"Oh, please," Bambam rolled his eyes, "like I'll let this wannabe steal you from me!"
"Wannabe?" Yugyeom blinked. He thought that maybe the rumors were true and you shouldn't eat sweets before sleeping. Because, honestly, seeing Bambam of all people in an outfit inspired by yours was a little terrifying.
"Well, I'm not taking anything," you said softly. Yugyeom's attention was solely on you once more. Eyes glistening and shoulders drooping, you had him entranced effortlessly. He grinned a wide, dopey smile at you. You returned the smile, eyes on him as you spoke again. "He's already mine."
Kim Yugyeom was going to combust. You were watching — staring — at him as he stuttered and blushed. Finally, you smirked, throwing him a wink as Bambam scoffed again.
"Prove it," he threw his nose into the air. Yugyeom couldn't even choke his next question out before Bambam was holding an arm into the air, posing ridiculously. You quirked up at eyebrow at the boy. Bambam shouted, "dance off!"
You wanted to ask if he was being serious. Yugyeom wanted to ask if his best friend was feeling well; if he needed to rest instead. Bambam wanted to ask why the both of you were staring at him so strangely. The silence grew until you nodded in defeat, reluctantly  agreeing with the idea.
"Fine. You're the judge, Yugy," you turned to face him again and his breath caught in his throat. Tilting your head, you sent him a teasing smile, "choose wisely."
You knew — you had to know the affect you had on Yugyeom. You were too confident — too much of a tease to not know. You had to know he adored every inch of you — that he thought of you too often and couldn't focus on anything else when you were in the same room.
"Hello!" Bambam's arms were crossed as Yugyeom glanced at him. He tapped his foot with a pout. "Are we going to do this or are you just going to stare at Y/N all day?"
"I wouldn't mind either one," Yugyeom blurted out. His ears turned red, mouth snapping shut as he heard you begin to laugh. Finally glancing up at you once more, he was greeted with a soft smile.
"I wouldn't mind, either, to be honest."
"Okay! I'm starting now! Stop flirting and pay attention!"
Yugyeom would be lying if he said he was watching Bambam. Too often, he'd found himself watching you instead. Admiring how the outfit you wore accented your body and how your lashes brushed against your cheek and how your nose scrunched when you smiled at Bambam. Without turning to him, you spoke. "You can't be the judge if you aren't watching all of the contestants."
"I didn't want to be..." his voice trailed off with a small crack. Yugyeom cleared his throat, facing Bambam as he continued to talk to you. "Be the judge, that is." He shrugged as he fought off another blush. "Would've picked you regardless."
"Well," you nudged your shoulder against his, "that's a little mean, don't you think?" Yugyeom shrugged again as he passively watched his best friend dance — if that's what Bam calls it. You nodded slowly, humming in thought. "Let him have his fun, at least."
And then it was your turn to dance and Yugyeom was reduced to a puddle. That's what it felt like, at least. He swayed on his feet, his knees wobbling and knocking together as your feet stepped steadily, guiding you around the room. Yugyeom felt like he was gasping for breath and you had no issues. He didn't know what you were dancing to, or if there was any music to begin with.
All that ran through Yugyeom's mind was you. You, you, you. His mind was surfaced with thoughts solely surrounding you. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.
He gasped for another breath — he had to tell you. After you were done with your dance, Yugyeom would release what he'd held for what felt like decades. He would tell you about his fizzing stomach and unstable heart and swirling mind. He would name all of the things he liked about you. All of the nervous ticks you had and your ever-growing list of dislikes. He would tell you he noticed your different smiles and what they meant.
He would do it — Kim Yugyeom was going to confess!
"Yugy." Why was Bambam interrupting his inner-monologue?
"Yugyeom." Seriously, he had to plan this perfectly!
"Dude, wake up already." What?
Slowly, his eyes peeled open and Yugyeom was met with Mark and Bambam hovering over him. Youngjae shoved Bambam lightly, "I told you he was still alive!"
Bambam merely shrugged, continuing to eat the popsicle he held.
"Where's Y/N?" Yugyeom's voice croaked with sleep. As he sat up from the couch, his phone slid into the seat beside him. Yugyeom blinked down as Tina Belcher came onto the screen — no wonder I was having weird dreams.
"Probably still in the practice room with Rubin."
But, it fell on empty ears. Yugyeom was already out of the room.
The music pounding through the speakers wasn't the only thing on your mind. Relentlessly, desperately, and tediously — his name popped up again and again. Your body was on auto-pilot as you copied the moves Rubin made, but your thoughts were elsewhere — as they always seemed to be.
Finally, the music came to a stop, allowing you to take a much needed break. Rubin was gulping down his water, eyeing you unconsciously as your mind continued to wander. The purple haired boy rolled his eyes, "if you don't just ask that boy out, Y/N. I will—"
"Will you shut up?" You shoved him lightly with wide eyes. Looking around — though, you knew it was only the two of you present — you let out a loud sigh. "Why do you have to be so loud? He's in this building, you know."
"Whatever," Rubin rolled his eyes. He tossed his now empty bottle to the side, nodding in triumph. "Ready to go again?"
With reluctance, you started to practice again, completely unaware that the boy your thoughts centered around was on his way to you.
He found it hard to contain himself. Yugyeom couldn't find it in himself to open the door to the practice room. His tongue was suddenly paper and his throat was parched. His limbs were frozen stiff, not allowing him to move from his spot.
Because there you were. Graceful and beautiful and mesmerizing. And Yugyeom couldn't form the words — couldn't remember his confession. Every thought he'd had in his dream — every phrase and simile and metaphor — left his mind and was replaced.  
With you, you, you.
Suddenly the door was open and your dance partner was staring at him. You were still dancing, eyes closed and oblivious to the world around you. Rubin spoke maliciously, "if you're not here to sweep Y/N off their feet, then leave."
Yugyeom gulped, his eyes bouncing between you and the boy. Raising an eyebrow, Rubin leaned against the door frame. "Well?"
He was standing in front of you. He didn't know when he'd moved or where he'd gained the strength to, but he was standing in front of you now. And you were just staring at him, waiting. Taking in a large breath, Yugyeom finally spoke.
"Y/N—" his voice cracked. Clearing his throat, Yugyeom could feel the familiar heat of a blush trail across his face. You tiled your head at him, a gentle and questioning smile on your lips. [Behind you, Rubin was silently cheering him on. Yugyeom tried to ignore the purple boy, as well as his own friends who'd joined him.]
"I—" he paused again. This was so hard — why was it so hard? Why can't I just say — "I'm in love with you. It's so easy to think of you and admire you from afar. It's— it's not fair anymore. I only think of you and I get so flustered and you're my entire dream and—"
You were still staring at him, but you were a little teary now. Yugyeom's eyebrows furrowed — why were your starry eyes looking at him like that? His blush intensified, "I said all of that out loud, didn't I?"
With a fond laugh, you nodded. "But," your voice broke his thoughts, "I don't mind. I—" you let out a large puff of breath. Nodding slowly, you looked away from Yugyeom almost shyly. "I feel the same way and it's gotten a little embarrassing — how much I love you."
"Finally!" A few cheers echoed around the room. You let out a laugh, reaching to intertwine your hand with Yugyeom's. He beamed at the contact, fighting the urge to say it over and over again. But, he did anyways. "I love you, I love you, I love you!"
He could hear his friends and yours teasing you both in the background, but he ignored them. He was grinning and holding your hand close and blocking out every word they were saying. Because now you were his, and he was yours.
— this was... yeah idk either hhhh i hope you enjoyed this! im determined to b better at updating this year [i say that a lot but i mean it this time okay] requests are always open! it takes me a while, but theyre there! thank you for reading, ♡
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 4
(Original idea here)
(Master post)
The rest of the school day was a blur for Marinette. She felt like she was practically floating through her classes. Sure her notes might have suffered, but thankfully Alya was more then willing to share hers.
Marinette practically skipped home as she greeted her parents at the entrance.
“Hello my little macaroon, How was school?” Her papa asked as he pulled out a  tray of freshly baked bread.
“It was wonderful.” Marinette singsonged.
Her father put the tray down. Hugging his daughter and handing her a macaroon. Marinette smiled at her baker dad and thanked him before running up to her room.
Marinette went up to her room and jumped for joy. Her red Kwami companion flew out of her jacket.
“Can you believe it Tikki? Adrien said he was happy that we were compatible! He does see me as more then a friend.” Marinette swooned.
“It appears that one little app has a way of changing one’s perspective on things. I am happy for you Marinette.” The red kwami spoke as she flew to hug Marinette’s cheek.
“Life is full of surprises and small things can make big changes, you are a prime example of that Tikki. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to be ladybug.”
Tikki smiled at the comparison.
“You flatter me.” Tikki giggled.
Marinette pulled out her phone and opened the app. Smiling as she looked at her compatibility list. Adrien’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. It was such a beautiful sight.
Marinette knew it was a bit early to be super excited but she couldn't help but feel a little excited as she felt her mind filled up with possible future scenarios of what it would be like dating Adrien. 
Walking through the park and getting ice cream, playing video games, having Adrien model some of my in progress designs, us having dinner with mama and papa, kissing in a movie theater. Oh and i would need to tell chat noir that I was in a relationship and he would need to cut out the flirting.
Marinette found that thought snap her back to the real world. Tikki noticed her change in expression.
The designer moved to her bed and sat down. Her mind replaying that thought.
She would have to tell chat noir.
She doesn't want to string him along, and she has been saying that she had feelings for another guy. This shouldn't be bothering her as much as it was. She wasn't a fan of his constant flirting especially during an akuma battle ... but there were also those moments, when he dropped the flirty attitude, when he was genuine and sweet, the moments when he would do anything for her, the moments where he showed why she and him made such a good team. It was in those moments that seemed to pop up more and more that made her... question her feelings about him.
 But she knew that she was still in love with Adrien however, she still didn't want to break his heart. The cat was a good guy and a good partner. She would need to tell him the truth if things did happen between her and Adrien, it was only right.
“What I am gonna tell Chat noir?” Marinette asked more to herself then to her Kwami.
Tikki paused. Of course that was a factor. Marinette wasn't aware of the truth. But it wasn't like she could tell Marinette that Adrien was Chat noir, even though she really wanted to.
“I am sure that when the time comes, everything that needs to happen will happen. Who knows, maybe chat noir is using the app and ends up finding someone he is compatible with. There is still plenty of time before anything needs to be said.”
Marinette smiled a bit, Tikki did have a point. Maybe the cat would find someone. She would want that person to treat him well, so when they do reveal their identities, she will make sure that girl will be a good person. Maybe she and Adrien can go on double dates with chat noir. Of course Marinette realized she was getting ahead of herself again.
“You’re right Tikki. I am getting a head of myself. It might also be too early to assume that Adrien and I do remain 100% compatible or even at the top of the other’s list. I guess I was just happy there was a chance.” The ladybug Kwami nuzzled her chosen’s cheek.
“Regardless of outcome, app or not, wherever your heart goes will be somewhere wonderful.” Tikki promised.
“You know looking at that screen for too long is bad for your eyes.” a black cat Kwami commented. 
Adrien was laying on his couch as the news played in the background. he wasn't really paying much attention to the world around him.
Adrien hardly even remembered getting home, the day was pretty much a blur after his talk with Marinette. His conversation with her replaying in his mind. His eyes looking at the open app at his compatibility list. Marinette’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. The more he looked at it, the more he kept finding himself thinking it fit.
“Adrien? Earth to Adrien?” Plagg flailed his arms as he tried to get Adrien’s attention.
The model smiled as he started to think about all of the things that could happen if she and him started dating.
Double dates with Nino and alya, Going out for ice cream in the park, going to those charity events that father funds but never attends, Marinette cheering me on in my fencing matches. maybe she could even join in on learning Chinese with me. Marinette did say she wanted to learn more and having someone learn with me would be pretty great. Going to the movies together and kissing... But what about ladybug.
Adrien felt his thoughts snap back to the real world where he noticed Plagg trying to get his attention.
“Hello? Earth to Mr. oblivious! Can you hear me.”
“Plagg, what am I gonna tell Ladybug?” Adrien questioned as his smile began fading.
Plagg stopped his attention seeking.
“Oh, so when you want to talk now you want to listen.” Plagg rolled his eyes.
“Sorry Plagg, what were you going to say.” Adrien apologized. Adrien sat up to listen to his Kwami companion.
“Can you get more of that cheese with the orange rind? That one is Delicious.” Plagg inquired.
Adrien sighed.
“Sure, I will put an order in this weekend.”
Plagg smiled.
“Okay, now what were you saying about Ladybug? Weren't you convinced she Marinette was Ladybug because of that whole soulmate bit?” Plagg commented, but then realized he might be implying Marinette is ladybug and quickly spoke up again. “Which is not to say that I am saying it is or is not her.”
“I know Plagg. It would be amazing if Ladybug and Marinette were the same person, but with my luck, it is likely not the case. It is already beyond my normal luck that someone I know is 100% compatible with me, and its someone as wonderful as Marinette.” Adrien answered.
“I have been chasing Ladybug for so long. I want to hold out hope that maybe she would come to fall in love with me. But I think I can't ignore the possibility that Ladybug is stuck on that other guy. I am gonna need to tell her I am giving up my pursuit.”
“Wow, don't you think thats unnecessary? Why not just not mention it while you date Marinette in case things don't work out with Marinette?” Plagg points out.
“Plagg, its Marinette were talking about, she is an amazing person and I doubt I would ever want to not date her. The only way it wouldn't work out is if I messed up badly, like not giving up on Ladybug. It wouldn't be fair to Marinette that I am leaving a part of my heart for Ladybug. Thats why what happened with Kagami in the Ice rink went so shaky, I didn't let go like I thought I did. So I need to let Ladybug know the truth.” Adrien explained.
Plagg nodded. He understood how Adrien had this mindset of being 100% into something or was not interested at all. He rarely half-assed things if ever. Fencing? 100% invested. Piano? 0% only plays because his mother did and his father wants him to continue. Adrien was someone that when he can be emotional, he was all for it. It was part of what made him a great chat noir.
“Alright, but you do still have time before then. So you don't need to worry so much yet. Just relax and let things happen how they happen.”
“I think you are right Plagg, I will let things happen as they happen. No need to push yet.” Adrien said relieved.
“Yup, the best option is usually the one that requires no effort.” Plagg advised.
“I don't think thats always true.” Adrien disagreed.
“Things would be less complicated if you just relaxed more.”
Adrien was about to respond, but his phone buzzed. He looked to see a text from Nino.
‘Dude, did you get the Soulmate searcher App? Alya mentioned you would try it out’
Adrien responded
‘Nice dude! so who did you get on da list? Can you snap a pic?’
Adrien Paused. It was a private list, He really shouldn't be sending it out. But it was Nino and Nino can keep it a secret.
‘Promise not to share it with anyone?’
‘Alya too?’
‘Alya can know but no one else? Promise’
‘Bros honor’
Adrien hesitated for a moment. But he trusted Nino. He took a screenshot and sent Nino the pics.
Plagg looked at Adrien.
“You might want to wrap up that conversation.” Plagg answered as he pointed to the tv.
Adrien looked to see the news was reporting an Akuma attack.
“Plagg Claws out!”
“Thanks for watching Chris for me on such short notice. I really wanted to check out that sale on new headphones and Chris isn't exactly feeling so great. I don't want to drag him out of bed when he is feeling like this. You are really clutch right now Lila.” The Dj praised 
“Its no problem at all. Thanks for letting me borrow your phone to message my mom. Mine really needs to charge right now.” Lila replied
“You are really doing me a solid. Just let me know when your mom responds.” Nino assured. “I am gonna let Chris know you will be watching him for a bit.”
“Of course. Take your time.” Lila assures.
She was was watching the phone closely. Waiting for Adrien’s response.
A minute passes and the picture shows up.
The brunette smiles as she forwards the 2 photos to her phone from Nino’s phone and then deleting the exchange between her and Nino. She covers her tracks. Deleting the messages between Adrien and him after sending a.
‘Nice, we can talk about it tomorrow.’
She smiles as she closes the phone.
“I am all done.” Lila calls out. 
Nino walks back in and happily takes his phone, unaware of the events that just transpired.
“Hope you get a good deal.” Lila exclaimed as she waved Nino off. The door closes and Lila smiles.
She goes to her phone that had been charging.
“Now lets see where Marinette is on this list.”
Lila clicked the photo and started at the bottom of the list. The first photo was the bottom half of the list.
“She isn't below the top 5, this might be a bit of a pain.” Lila groaned.
Lila still felt confident, 
So what if Marinette ranked in the top five. I just need to find the number one person and copy their answers and beating that annoying pigtailed pest will be easy.
Lila clicked on the other photo to look to see who was on it.
“Kagami is number two? Ugh! Another pain to deal with later. But wait, Marinette isn't anywhere below the second spot... No...”
Lila looked at the first place spot and her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Marinette was at the TOP. She was ranked number one? And just when Lila thought it couldn't get any worse, she saw the compatibility percentage.
“No way...” Lila dropped her phone.
“You have to be Fucking kidding me!!” Lila screamed loud enough to be heard from outside. But Nino had put his headphones in as he was heading out and just missed hearing the girls anguish.
Part 4 is finished (And the streak of Over 1000 notes for each part is still alive. I am amazed thank you all.)
If you want part 5, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write. And I am just gonna say it. (But I will say that getting to this one might take a bit more time since its a weekday tomorrow.)
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katsukiboom · 4 years
Hello!! Hope you have been taking care and resting!! If it’s ok, could I ask a scenario with Sero (male reader if possible or gn!). Reader and Sero works together as pro heroes, and one day Sero isnt feeling his best and collapse in the middle of a fight, reader goes apeshit because he is seriously injured. All the drama, all the stress, all the laughs when sero and reader realize he just have the flu, maybe a love confession at the end?? Thank you so much for sharing your write with us!
Thank you so much for reading my dude! It took me longer than I thought since I went back and forth between writing, discarding then writing again lol but here it is! I hope you enjoy it my dude! I kept the reader gn but if something slipped pls let me know!
Ko-Fi || Commissions
ThatWednesday morning the streets were quite busy, everyone going side to side toget their Easter decorations and presents in due time for the upcoming weekend.With a little bit of struggling, you made your way through the crowd as youwaved hello to some of the civilians that recognized you and even took somepictures of you in your new outfit. You were beyond excited to live your lifeas one of Japan’s most popular heroes, and being with your best friend only madethings even more interesting.
Sero hadbeen with you ever since high school and quickly became your metaphorical otherhalf; you did everything together to the point where people were alwaysconfused when you were without the other, and whenever you brought up the factthat it could do so much as annoy your friend, he was quick to shot thosethoughts down to remind you how much he enjoyed your company. You figured youhad fallen for him somewhere between graduation and landing your first job as asidekick, as he had never let go of your hand throughout the tough times and alwaysmade you feel like there was a positive side to every little bad thing.
But thatday something was off – Sero was always the one to keep his trademark smilewhen faced with stress, fear or any other emotion people could describe as‘negative’, so you wondered why he was looking so gloomy as he joined yourpatrol, the bags under his eyes almost reaching his cheekbones. He lookedterrible yet he always managed to awaken a spark within you, and that day thatsame spark told you to keep an eye on him in case things happened to get dirtyquickly.
- So, Cellophane, - you teased after greetinghim; he only nodded in response. Taking note of the slight red that tinted hischeeks, you assumed he was not up for joking around. – You look like a trainran you over twice, is everything okay?
- Yeah,don’t worry about me, - Sero’s voice was more like a whisper and you almost hadto lean in and ask him to repeat himself, but he made sure to give you alittle, weak smile after that to let you know that everything was… sort of okay, but you knew better thanto believe it. Before you could even reply to that, he cut you off, his bodymoving faster than anything else. – Has anyone given you the daily report forthis part of the city? – He asked, and you could see his hands tremble just alittle bit.
You had towalk faster than usual whenever you went out patrolling with him, but that dayit felt more like you needed to. –They’ll be sending it shortly from the office, - you replied with littleenthusiasm. – Are you sure you’re okay? We can go back if you want, I’ll comeback later. You don’t look so bright today.
- Yeah, youtold me, - he retorted, his smile disappearing only for a moment.
And beforeyou could say something else, a strange smell appeared in the air, one that youwere all too familiar with – ashes and smoke. You looked at your partner with aworried look and gave him a simple nod before running off, activating yourjumping quirk to be able to get there much faster. You managed to get to thetop of a building and got to see a big black cloud covering half of a block afew streets away, and you texted Sero the location, not before hesitating asyou pressed the ‘send’ button. Whatever it was he was dealing with would haveto wait, although you hoped he wouldn’t overexert himself if it came down to afight.
You gotthere just a minute after him and witnessed a bunch of police officers on thefront lines trying to control the crowd of civilians gathered around theentrance of a building, murmurs and whispers going around about some fewhostages that had been taken by the villain. The flames engulfed threedifferent places yet they seemed like they were dying out, and you took just alittle second to assess the situation and figure out what the best course ofaction would be.
Your planswere cut off however by an explosion coming from the farthest building, amuscular body walking out of it with smoke covering his form and keeping ithidden from everyone’s view – some people didn’t doubt to scream and run forcover yet most stayed in place, frightened looks on their faces as the villaincalmly made his way towards the crowd.
- Finally aworthy opponent, - the deep voice spoke through the smoke. You recognized it immediately;it was Cinder, the one new villain that had been threatening most of that partof the city. Clenching your fists, you gave Sero a side glance and saw hiseyelids closing just for a second. – I was waiting for some goddamn heroes tofinally show up. Didn’t imagine it would be… you two, - he added with disdain,and it only worked to anger you further, even if you knew that was the idea.
You werethe first one to attack, using your quirk to jump at him and kick his chest,although his strength greatly bested yours – you barely managed to make himtake back a few steps before he grabbed one of your ankles and threw you away,but just as your back was about to crash against a tall column something wrapped around our body andpulled you back. Strong arms caught you midair and you looked up to see aflustered Sero above you, holding you close to him until he realized yourposition. He gently placed you down before confronting the villain himself,shooting tape at him yet it was easily deflected. – We have to work togetherfor this, - he mumbled to you, and you understood what he meant.
You jumpedback and forth between the buildings as Cinder threw balls of ash and smoke yourway, your quirk barely helping you to avoid them as you distracted him enoughfor Sero to make his move. The first few tries were unsuccessful to say theleast, but the fourth time was the charm; Sero got a hold on his right arm andyou took the chance to activate your best ability, Jumping Jax, to kick thevillain right on the jaw and then once more on the sternum.
You thoughtyou had him that time, you really did – but when he gained his composure and lookedat you with rage-filled eyes, you knew you had jinxed it. Cinder let out ascream as his body started emanating more and more smoke, turning thetemperature up before he let out an explosion much like the one from earlier. Thewave caused by it threw you back to the crowd, who managed to move away just intime to avoid you hitting them and causing someone else to get hurt.
- S-Sero, -you grumbled as you shakily got on your knees, but as you scanned he area allyou could see was the debris and small flames. – Where are you? – You couldhear the crowd get louder and louder as heels clicked beside you, and youlooked up to see a woman with long blue hair and a cheery smile with a red,small whip on her right hand and her left clenched in a fist. – Midnight, - youwhispered, and she only looked at you and smile.
- Long timeno see, kiddo, - she said before walking forward. – Are you working on thisalone?
You didn’t havethe time to reply as Cinder let out a loud roar and charged towards thecivilians, but the more experienced pro-hero was able to meet him halfway andblow her aroma right on the villain’s face. It took little over three secondsfor it to have the desired effect but even in his dazed state he kept onrunning, and you put yourself in front of the crowd ready to jump on him again.
What you didn’texpect were the many tape strands wrapping around his body and holding him backuntil the substance in him finally made him surrender.
Following thedirection the tapes came from, you were able to finally locate Sero inside oneof the buildings across the street – it seemed as if he had hit a shop window,which explained his current state: his forehead was bleeding as well as hisleft arm, his uniform torn apart on the chest area and stained red as well. He lookedeven redder than before and, as soon as your gaze fell on him, he gave you aweak smile before completely collapsing down inside the store while all youcould do was watch in anger and sadness.
Screaming hisname, you ran to him without thinking twice.
The soundof beeping filled the room and the smell of medicine was strong, even forsomeone in his state. Sero wasn’t really sure what woke him up but it certainly wasn’tbecause he was feeling better already – his body felt heavy and his eyelidswere still droopy, the blinding white lights above him preventing him fromfully understanding where he was. It hurt to look sideways but he tried anywaysuntil he saw a figure to his left, a black blur that became clearer and cleareras he focused his sight.
It was you sitting on one of the twoarmchairs next to the big window, your head slightly to the side as you slept seamlesslyeven in that position. He was confused for a moment until he tried to reach outto you and noticed his bandaged arm and the many tubes connected to him, andwhat had happened came back to him as he let out a pained sigh. Had you takenthe villain on alone? No, he remembered seeing Midnight there as well. Were youhurt from the attacks? You didn’t seem like it, although there were a fewscratches on your skin but those were only superficial.
He’d never speak about his feelings withanyone, as it made him feel a bit weird to say he was in love with his bestfriend. Your face looked peaceful and he wondered what could be going throughyour mind; he couldn’t help but feel guilty for all he put on you. Sero regrettednot informing you about his condition and making you worry, but above all heregretted not being able to comfort you and tell you that everything would beokay. His heartbeat started picking up at the blurry memory of you running tohim before he passed out due to the high fever he had been suffering that day,and the beeping of the machines rose as well, making you open your eyes in theprocess.
- W-what is going… - you mumbled, stilllooking sleepy, but as soon as he looked at you with a small grin you openedyour eyes wide and jumped off the chair, going to his side faster than he could’veimagined. – You’re awake! You’re finally awake, you asshole! – You exclaimed asyour hands cupped his face carefully. Your eyes were red and he wondered if youhad been crying. – You could’ve told me you weren’t feeling well! I would’ve sentyour ass home without a single doubt, you put yourself in danger!
- (Y/N)…
- Don’t get me started on what happened toyou! Do you think it’s nice to see you all covered in blood and with brokenbones? The doctors told me you had two broken ribs, your left arm wasfractured and you got the nastiest concussion on your head that luckily barelygrazed your skull so don’t give me that crap and tell me to ‘be calm’ – hey saidyou’d need at least four weeks to recover. How do you think I felt? How doyou think I’d feel if something worse had happened?
- (Y/N)!
- No, shut it! – He tried talking but everytime you cut him off and raised your voice a little more, to the point whereyou were almost screaming. Every word you spoke felt like a knife going intohis body, stinging like salt on a wound, and he knew it was all because of hisown stupid decision. He deserved it. – I’m always going around worried aboutyou, trying to get you to be okay, and you pull this shit off! You’d be just asmad as I am right now if it were me. Had you thought about it? Had you thoughtabout me being in your position? – Sero noticed your eyes had started to water,and before he knew it your whole expression went from furious to sad. – I just…I can’t afford to lose you.
The sudden confession was the last straw asyou broke down crying, carefully placing your face on top of his chest andletting everything out. For a moment he was frozen, your words sinking inslowly, but once he understood what you meant he smiled and softly raised onehand until he was able to put it on top of your head, caressing your hair asyou cried. He dared not to say anything that could break the mood anddefinitely didn’t want you to feel he’d be mocking you in any way, so all hedid was hold you the best he could until you finally rose up, wiping your faceand wincing a little bit.
- Does anything hurt? – He asked, worriedthat you might have some hidden injuries. You just shook your head as you satnext to him on the bed but kept your sight away, instead looking out the windowto the afternoon sun. – I understand what you’re saying, and I won’t deny it. Ideserve all of it; I didn’t think I was also putting you at risk here. Had yougone to get me and had Midnight not been there… - he shuddered at the thoughtand decided it would be better not to finish that line. Instead, he reached outand took your hand as tightly as he could, your warmth making him feel betteralready. – I’m just glad it was all over and that you’re here with me. I… can’tafford to lose you either, I can’t think of anyone better to look at when Iwake up.
Giving you his usual smile, he witnessedthe most incredulous look appear on your face as you turned around, your facealready flushed. – W-what did you say? – You asked with a small voice, and hecould tell he was about to cross a line that couldn’t be rebuilt if broken, buthe decided to take the chance anyway.
- I think you heard me right the firsttime, - he added without hesitating. He moved a little to look at you better,supressing the pain his sides felt whenever his body did anything. – I’m gladyou’re always here for me and I’m here, just being a mess. Am I a bad personfor wishing you always to be with me? Am I selfish if I want you all to myself?– No response came from you but he saw your eyes watering again, the exactopposite thing he had expected. – I’m sorry, I’m speaking nonsense now, - helet out a sigh and tried to pull his hand away from yours but you stopped himby holding onto it.
It was his turn to look dumbfounded. – Do…do you mean it? – You whispered, another few tears slowly falling down yourcheeks.
- Have I ever lied to you?
You looked down at your feet, then at thewindow and then back at him, this time with a big smile on your lips to mirror his.– If you’re selfish for wanting that, then I guess we’re both selfish, - youreplied, removing your hand from his and placing it on his face. – I just neverthought we’d be doing this… especially in a hospital room. - You both laughedas the whole situation dawned on you, but there were still things runningaround his mind to ask you, things he wanted to know before anything else. –The doctors told me you had the flu that day, and it’s been two days and you’resupposed to still be recovering; if I also get sick, you’ll have to take careof me.
- I’d gladly do so any day, - he retortedwith a teasing tone, although it was cut short by his body already feeling nearits limits for the time being. Letting out a groan, he leaned back onto thepillows and closed his eyes, hoping that would help with the headache that wasbuilding up.
- You’d better get to rest, love, - you said,and it was enough for him to turn red again with the new nickname you used forhim; he had waited a long time to confess to you, and it had all happened soquickly he still hadn’t had the time to even realize it. His heartrate monitorwent up just enough to make you giggle, and you placed a soft kiss against histemple. – Don’t you worry now; I’ll be right here when you wake up.
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b4civility · 4 years
Chapter 5: James
  I know that not a lot of people that were also taking Visual Arts were going to be there, but I wasn’t too desperate about it either. Some to who I’ve talked to during the first week were nice but most of them were those edgy, cold, Clock Orange and Tarantino worshippers that just had their heads too far up their own butts to have a real conversation with. I think Betty was the only freshman that didn’t annoyed me at some level this past few days.Hope I get a chance to talk to her better. Is she thinking the same? Did she have a nice first week? Did she think of me at any point this past week? ‘Cause I had. I saw her twice on campus from afar, but she was always in a heated discussion with a group of people. This Political majors won’t miss a discussion, apparently. I hope she can take a joke, too. I think I remember her smiling at me the last time I was around, that gives me hope. 
  I skate there, only me with a bottle of champagne that I had smuggled from my mother’s hidden bar on the attic. Didn’t blame the people for staring, I was a Kid Cuts His Face While Riding a Skateboard With A Glass Bottle In Hand accident waiting to happen. I toss my board on the grass and get in, make myself home. I have been here for the same reason more times than it’s legal, but never felt uncomfortable enough to never come back again. It always started with some dubious glances and “who’s brother is this” muffled comments, and when we were all ready to call it a night lots of hugs and cheek kisses and “hope I see you next time, man!” were delivered at me as goodbye. Thus, I always came back. 
 “Sup Jaaames” Zoe greeted me. “ Nice! we were almost running out of this one, saved the party bro” she was pouring the champagne on her cup letting it leak a bit. She wasn’t sober. 
“Yeah, I see you enjoyed some of if”
“ You don’t miss a thing, do you?” she took a sip. “ I was going to say this party is going to be good for you to mingle, but you already know most of our friends. I didn’t invite many people from your class but I hope you get to know them better, it’s good to be friends with people you study with, don’t underestimate that” She handled her tipsiness with grace, I bet she could give me a well-thought speech out of the tip of her tongue if I keep winding her up. 
“ I talked to some, but they weren’t exactly my type of people, but I guess if I’m nice to them, they’ll be nice to me” 
“Probably. But I suppose they were no Betty, am I right?” she said, stretching her name.Had I say something? 
“ What do you mean?” 
“ Rumors fly,boy. A little bird told me that you and her had a pretty agressive locked-eyes-situation last time you were here”. Inez couldn’t keep her words neither her imagination to herself, which was worse. 
“ Yeah, I guess,but whatever…”
“Speechless,all of the sudden? hehehe”  she leaned her arm on my shoulder,trying to catch her breath to talk  “well, it’s not like it’s a surprise for anyone here. In any case, you know were the porch izzzzz” 
  I sat her down on the kitchen top, handled her a glass of water and told her I would say hello to some people. As I walked around, I saw some boys that would be in my grade if I was still in high school, Trevor and Nate. Fucking idiots. They were always the ones to start a fight on a party or to make out with girls that were just too drunk to persist to refuse. I didn’t engage in the first one, but had already started some myself for the second reason. But, right now, in front of all this people they were new to, they seemed like two nice puppies. I nodded at them and went to the backyard. Needless to say, I wanted to get to Betty as fast as I could so I just waved to a lot of people, grabbed a beer and looked around trying to appear as casual as possible. And there she was, talking to a friend. She was much more relaxed than when we had met and her eyes gleamed a bit when she smiled. I feel like I could come up to her and just ask “what’s up?” and we would spend the entire evening talking, as if we had done it a million times before. The scenario in my head didn’t worry me anymore, I wasn’t revising all my pick up lines trying to decide which one would work with her, I wasn’t forming a backup plan if she told me off. I just wanted to switch places with the girl in front of her. If only I had arrived earlier, if only that girl was talking to some other friend, if only I… was touching her tight. That girl was touching Betty’s tight. How close could you get over introduction week? Well. I guess I wouldn’t be the one to know. 
  I noticed that I had my eyes glued on the two for way too long so I went back inside. I wouldn’t say that I was crushed, but definitely disappointed.What was up with me? I misled my own self; it’s not like we had have any significant communication before, and it’s not like I was short on options of who to end the night up with. I wasn’t the one to fall like this;I had never been in love before.I sat on the couch for a bit drinking my beer until I heard from behind the other couch, that was in front of me: 
  “ You good, James? Another girl dumped you again? Uni girls don’t need your help when I’m around, do they? “Trevor said, giving Nate a high five for the extremely mature - almost academic, I would say-  line that intended to get on my nerves. His goal was to either get me to fight him or to kiss him. But I guess I was still too sober for his taste. I always nod it off, never engaged the other twenty times he has ever tried to get me out of my cool. 
But I could use the distraction.
 Deep breath, fake smile and ask: “Beer pong. Me and someone against you two. What do you say?” I ask him. If life gives you two brats, you make a beer pong match. 
  “ Never saw you so engaged in making a clown out of yourself, James. I’m in. What’s in for it?” 
  “ Shit, isn’t the whole point to just get drunk? That’s what’s in”
  “ I could be getting drunk with any hot bitch on this party, I’m not wasting that on you.Don’t be a pussy and bet something already” 
  “Whoever loses has to strip to the entire length of a song in front of everyone, in the kitchen counter.” Nate said.Trevor’s shadow could talk and knew the word ‘lenght’? Really underestimated that dude. 
  It’s not that I was a good beer pong player. Neither was feeling especially lucky that evening. But I did have Ashley going for me, she made an excellent partner when it came to this game. However, I managed to balance her out and we lost. 
  “Okay! This is finally the night that we’ll know what is the color of James’ panties!” Trevor high fived Nate again. 
  “ Dreamed about it much, Trevor?” I answered. 
  “ Doesn’t matter. It’s not me who’s getting naked. I’ll let you choose the music” 
  I hesitated a bit.
 “U can’t touch this”,I said. 
 He looked at me, a bit confused . “ Don’t get me wrong, James, I’ll definitely blast this but you’re digging your own grave” 
Trevor laughed.
  But a newbie is a newbie- since it was the first time they were ever in a college party, they weren’t aware that this was the song that played in every one of them and everyone had to dance to it. It was tradition. My brother, who was here before me, two years ago, warned me of it and taught me some smooth steps to this song. That’s when I discovered that I wasn’t too bad of a dancer and, long story short, everyone knew I could dance. So, when the song started and everyone got up and I stood on the counter, their heads bounced side to side, wondering what kind of code had been passed to everyone but them. And as I did the choreo, people started blasting my name, encouraging me. Damn, U can’t! touch! this! I was having a great time being the center of attention and the fact that I had to strip just hitted me by the middle of the song, so I started doing so. I took my shoes off, kicking them away on the beat of the song, and just as I had taken my shirt off- what led some girls to scream louder- the song ended. 
“LET’S GET THIS YEAR STARTEEEED!!!!!” I screamed at the end. The crowd shouted my words back at me. 
Yeah, I guess I��m starting big.
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ncstings · 4 years
💟 random act prompts mags & vincent
“hey,” there’s hands that glide down her shoulders, fingers pressing into her collar.
“hello.” she hums, leaning forward in the seat at the vanity, fixing her lipstick. “i’m almost done and then we can go.” her hand reaches up, patting his.
“the children are getting restless.” he mumbles. her eyebrows knit together and she looks up at him. he follows up. “i’m pretty sure they’re actually wrestling.”
maggie curses and gets up. “no way in hell she’d wrestle in that dress.” but her curiosity gets the best of her and she opens the door to see that yes, benjamin and georgia are in fact rolling around on the floor, until she pins him down with a triumphant laugh.
“georgia! that dress is worth more than your car payment!”
she looks up, brushing a curl from her face. “i couldn’t resist. one minute we’re talking about college and the next he’s got me on the floor.”
she looks between her, and then benjamin who’s giving a lopsided smirk, as though he feels just the smallest bit guilty about his move.
maggie looks at vincent, who just shrugs. “give me five minutes then we can go.” she holds up a finger. “no more pregame champagne for those two.” she looks to vincent. “we’ll never hear the end of it from her if pictures turn out like shit.”
“was it like this in college?” vincent comes up beside her at the balcony, looking over the beach where a cluster of people had formed.
“no,” she laughs, shaking her head. “georgia was only a fraction of herself in college.”
he hums, a hand coming to rub her back. at the scene, she’s holding a drink, standing beside benjamin as they all talk to those they’d gone to school with, and their now partners. even being this far away, it was pretty easy to hear what she was saying, and her animated conversation in the group coming through. maggie hums. “she definitely didn’t allow herself to be that person in college. and it’s nice that she’s got someone who doesn’t hold that person back. not to mention what things she chooses to care about. never would that georgia have let a man throw her around after spending hours on her look.”
vincent brushes some of her hair back when she takes a sip of her drink. she twists, turning back to face him. “what about you, hm? were you still a bad boy in college?” she smirks.
he snorts, shaking his head. “my bad boy days were coming to an end.”
she knows he’s had quite a bit already, judging by the fact that his drink has changed color three times, and the way his hand always seems to find a way to her ass after a while. “not even a few bad choices?” she grins, leaning in to wrap her arms around his neck.
“oh there were definitely still some bad choices.” he nods, arms wrapping around her. “wish you could have been a bad choice for me then.”
“you wouldn’t have been able to handle me.” she shakes her head, fingers running through his hair.
he just hums instead of responds, leaning in to fully embrace her, nose tucked into her neck.
she laughs, holding him back in return. it’d only be a matter of a couple hours before she knew he wouldn’t handle the party anymore and they’d have to go back to the beach house.
“you smell so good.” he mumbles into her skin. “also are you not wearing a bra?” he says, pulling her tighter for a moment.
“you can wear a bra with this dress vin.” she chuckles, her nail tracing on the back of his neck. “backless with a halter doesn’t work.”
“god you’re killing me.” he groans, pulling back.
when they separate, their eyes comes to find a group on the other part of the balcony. she tugs her hand and begins to make her way over in that direction. before they had even managed to make it, another individual approached them.
“margaret!” there was a cheer, and his long arms outstretched wide for a hug.
“garett, wow!” she laughs, dropping vincent’s hand to give him the hug in return. “i didn’t think you were coming.”
when they pull back, he gives a shrug. “well i pulled some strings with my work and was able to scoot away for a couple of days.” his grin is still as wide as it used to be. an infectious one that knew how to get a room having a good time. to say he was the life of the party when they were younger went without saying. “you look amazing, though. time’s treated you well.”
“yeah you too.” she laughs, “guess after getting that diploma we all hit the gym.” she looks over to vincent by her side, reaching out to grab him by the arm. “garrett, this is my boyfriend vincent.”
“vincent?” he presses his lips together, but still reaching forward to shake hands. “what happened to—.”
“old news.” she cuts him off, giving a nervous glace to vincent who instead just slid an arm around her.
garrett looks at them, and then nods slowly. “alright sure. well, glad to hear it!” his jaw tenses for a moment but then smiles again.
they used to hang out a lot. he was good in all scenarios— knew how to hype up a party, knew how to chill down in a basement. he knew pretty much everyone in the city and could find the hookup in a matter of minutes. she never understood why he liked hanging out with her crew, considering most of them wound up in relationships that were pretty serious.
“what are you doing now?” she asks, sipping her drink.
vincent leans forward to press a kiss to her cheek, whispering something about another one. she nods, watching for only a moment as he moves away before turning to garret, who’s watching him as well.
“how long have you guys been dating?” he says, ignoring her question.
“oh gosh.” she laughs, blowing out a puff of air. “it’s over four years now?”
“wow.” he raises his eyebrows. “i kind of thought you and that last loser were in it for the long haul.”
maggie hums, not giving a full response. she still doesn’t like talking about it.
“had i known i would have stuck around.” he continues.
“what?” she looks at his with a squint.
“well shit, maggie.” he laughs. “thought it was stupid obvious i was in love with you all of college.”
he eyes gape and she feels her mouth go a bit dry. “no, i–i uhm, really didn’t.”
“i mean yeah i came around by your’s all the time, just waiting for you to give me a chance.” he shrugs. “still find myself dreaming about a night where you call.”
“garrett, we haven’t seen each other in like… almost a decade.” it was hard to believe that someone she, unfortunately, rarely thinks of, still held her in such high regards. “i’m like— i’m really happy.”
“sure sure, you said that the last time, too. i was a fool to listen.” he takes a step forward, which she immediately follows with a step back, a small hand raising.
“what’s going on?” vincent says, coming back with his newly acquired red drink.
“nothing, babe.” but she instantly shrinks towards him, a hand looping around his arm.
“does she love you?” he presses his lips together. “like is this shit actually working?”
“oh my god.” she puts a hand up to her face, wishing to melt away at this point when she sees people start to look.
“what the fuck is this guy on?” vincent slides his arm out of her grasp and hands her his drink.
“vincent, come on.” she sighs, now holding two drinks. “your both drunk.”
“fuck yeah i’m drunk, and this guy’s making you uncomfortable?”
“i’m making her uncomfortable? dude in college i used to get her everything she wanted.” he looks to maggie. “remember that time we were high in my basement and i read you that poem? tell me that didn’t get you wet.”
the minute the word left his lips, there was a crack from vincent’s fist and he stumbled after throwing the punch. “vincent!” she quickly sets her drinks down before grabbing onto him, pulling him away. “that’s enough.”
“he’s a fucking pig.” he spat, letting her drag him. she can’t get him very far but it’s only a few seconds before georgia and benjamin follow up behind, ben’s arms taking over and pulling him away, georgia taking hold of maggie.
“hey, fuck you, garrett!” she calls out. “your poems sucked and we only liked you cause you had money.” she flips him off, following the others as they walked away.
“i can’t believe this.” maggie presses her fingers to her forehead.
“someone had to make a scene.” georgia sighs, rubbing her shoulders.
“i didn’t want it to be me, jesus!” she cries.
“maggie, everyone was in love with you in college, it was bound to happen.”
“what?” she shouts.
georgia doesn’t respond, they just make it tot he front of the venue where they stand by, a car already waiting to take them away. the car door opens, and maggie and vincent crawl inside. she looks at the door, seeing the other stand there.
“you’re not coming?”
“we didn’t get into a fight.” georgia shakes her head. “we’re going to go back and have some more fun.”
maggie just glares at her.
“but also to make sure uhm...” she her eyes search, “make sure that garrett doesn’t try and pull anything.”
“yeah, we’re doing this for you.” benjamin nod, grabbing georgia’s arm. “promise.” he says, and then shuts the door, the driver pulling away.
“unbelievable.” she huffs, sitting back in the car and now looking at vincent, who was holding onto his hand. “are you okay?”
“maggie, i’m so sorry.” he says, meeting her gaze. “i just got so angry and---.”
“shh.” she shakes her head, grabbing his sore hand and pressing it to her lips. “i think that was the only way he would have shut up.” she continues to kiss his hand until he unfolds his fingers to cup her jaw, so she kisses his wrist instead. “please tell me you’re okay.”
“i’m fine.” he nods, his thumb rubbing her cheek. “might need a little ice but it’s okay.” he looks over her before cracking a small smile. “that guy was such a huge piece of shit.”
“oh yeah.” she laughs with a nod. “big coke addict in college, and i have a feeling he did not quit.”
his other hand raises to brush back the hair on her face, hand holding her by her ears. “can’t believe you were the girl everyone wanted and i got you.”
“oh please.” she rolls her eyes. “if we went to your college reunion, i’d bet we’d find the same scenario happening to you.”
“would you punch someone for me?”
“fuck no.” she laughs, and he does too, pulling her in to kiss all over her face.
within a few more minutes, the driver pulls up to their beach house and they thank him, sliding out and heading back to the beach. maggie unlocked the door, and the second she’s through, she’s sliding from her heels and letting out a heavy sigh. “alright lets get you some ice.” vincent trailed behind her. “sit,” she gestures to the chair, and he follows.
once she’s got the ice in a bag, she comes over and places it on his knuckles. with her hands free, they place on his shoulders, only to move down his chest. “was bad boy vincent like that?”
“hm?” he looks up.
“did you get into fights over girls before.” she smirks, her fingers working the buttons of his shirt.
“sure, yeah.” he nods. “i did stupid shit like that.”
maggie hums, getting the first few buttons undone before her hand slides under the cotton onto his skin. “it was really hot.”
“yeah?” he smirks, his free hand moving to grip the back of her thigh. “you want me to get into fights more often?”
“no,” she laughs, shaking her head. “i’d like to keep my classy boyfriend, but this was a nice little surprise.”
“yeah?” his eyes twinkle just a bit, his smirk only getting wider.
“mmhm.” she nods, pulling her hands away to reach behind her back, pulling at the knot in her halter, and letting the front of her dress fall, exposing her breasts.
“fuck, mags.” he hisses, forgetting the bag of ice to bring hands to cup her breasts. she gasps when his cold fingers make contact with her sensitive flesh, which only makes him chuckle. “sorry.”
“i’m sure you are.” she brings her hands back to his short, undoing more buttons, letting out small moans when his thumbs run over her nipples. “garrett is an asshole, but---.” her words cut off for a moment when he leans down to kiss her breasts, moaning when he gets to her most sensitive spot. “but he doesn’t know what you do to me.”
she reaches for one of his hands, and pulls up the skirt of her dress, sliding his fingers under her panties. “this is what your little stunt did.”
he groans, bringing his face away from her chest. “i’m so sorry i did this to you, baby.” he said, kissing her collar, his fingers pushing inside her, making her hand grip his wrist tighter.
“what are you going to do to make it up to me?” she whimpers, her eyes falling shut as his fingers begin to pump.
he kiss her neck, his other hand groping her chest again. “i should ask you that.”
“oh fuck, vinnie, just fuck me.” she moans, nails digging into his skin.
he pulls away instantly, his hands moving to her waist to lift her onto the table, pulling down her panties and pushing his own pants down. he pushes inside her, and the two moan together. he takes hold of her leg, pushing it up to thrust at a new angle, making her clutch the edge of the table and curse.
her hands move from the table to grab onto him, fingers dipping into his shoulder and her lips pressed against his ear, letting out shallow breaths to match each quick thrust. “harder, vinnie,” she moans out.
he does as follows, only in order to do so, he nudges her back, laying on the table with her chest exposed, grabbing hold of her hips to thrust harder. her back arches, gasping in pleasure.
“touch yourself, maggie.” he commands, pushing her leg up higher as he keeps his speed.
she does, reaching a hand between her legs and moaning at the contact. her other hand grabs a breast, her body twisting and shaking at the rippling pleasure. she says his name countless of times, eyes closed, body writhing. it’s only a matter of time before she’s gasping. “i’m so close.”
“good girl.” he grabs her hips harder, making his moments faster as he feels her clench, and she makes those sweet sounds he’s so used to hearing when she reached her peak. he’s not far behind her, either, bending over the table in his last few unstable thrusts.
they’re left there panting for a few moments before she moves his head to kiss his cheek, then his nose, then his lips. “i love you.” she sighs.
“the feeling is mutual.” he states, resting his head on her chest.
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katsukiboom · 6 years
Can you please write a scenario where Mineta’s older sister named Ume comes to visit Class 1-A’s dorm. She’s really attractive so some of the guys start flirting with her, but she just “Thanks, but I’m a lesbian.”
Look, this was a bit troublesome for me bc I don’t write about the grape dude, but I decided to do this anyways and give him little to no participation - sorry if this wasn’t what you had in mind xD i hope you enjoy this! ♥
The short-haired woman strolled down thehalls of Yuuei, absolutely conscious of the many eyes posed on her figure as shepassed through the classrooms. While Ume was aware that she was indeedattractive, it did make her feel a bit awkward to know that the kids that wentto school with her brother were eyeing her but she did her best to avoid the thoughtas she reached the teachers’ lounge to ask for directions to the 1-A dorms. Shewas surprised to see the pro-heroes she was used to admire on TV right in frontof her, especially Vlad King, but she did her best to not look like a fangirlof any sort – not in front of them at least.
It was a short walk from the main building,her hips waving side to side as she took out her phone from her jacket’s pocketand shoot a text to Minoru to let him know she was already on campus. He justtexted an ‘OK’, and she remembered he had agreed to her visiting as long as thevisit would be kept short to avoid his classmates drooling over her. “Funny,” she muttered to herself with atired expression, “the little fucker doesthat to every girl he meets yet he doesn’t like it when other people do it withme.��� She didn’t like the hypocrisy her brother showed and had many times calledhim out on it, hoping he’d listen to his big sis, but each time provedfruitless as Minoru came back home with either his cheek decorated with a bigred hand mark or an ice pack on top of his head.
The dorms’ building was big and she could’vegotten lost if it wasn’t for a tall boy with blue hair and glasses who offeredto show her the way once she explained who she was; she was thankful that heseemed more eager to help her than to say anything flirtatious to her, and shelearned that his name was Iida and that he was in the same class as herbrother. “Oh, so you’re friends with Minoru?” she asked happily, but thehesitant look on the guy’s face told her that she should be feeling differently.
“I wouldn’t say friends,” Iida said as hepulled his glasses up to scratch the bridge of his nose. “He’s got some ratherquestionable attitudes that are hard to tolerate sometimes –please forgive me,he’s your brother and I shouldn’t be saying this.”
Ume smiled at him and told him that it wasalright, that she knew and that she didn’t like it either; right as theyreached the dorms the conversation then turned to Iida and his Quirk, with her tellinghim that she had seen the Sports’ Festival on TV and that she thought it wasreally cool. The chatter died down as they entered the common room, thepiercing eyes of a certain little dude fixing on her as soon as he heard themcoming in. “Hi Minoru,” she greeted with a smile as Iida went towards his roomand she sat down next to her brother, but before he could reply another twovoice were heard from the hall across the room.
“I’m telling you, you should definitelycome with us to Yaomomo’s; her place is great to study in peace,” one of thevoices, the more upbeat one said. A blond guy with a redhead beside him wassmiling brightly as they walked into the common room, their eyes immediatelyscanning the room and posing onto Ume. They seemed to make the connection assoon as they saw her, and before she knew it the blond one was walking towardsher with a mischievous glint in his golden eyes. “Damn Mineta-kun, you should’vetold us that you were having a beauty over today.” Extending his hand as soonas he was next to her he winked, much to Ume’s confusion. She had never cringedso much. “The name’s Kaminari, nice to meet you.”
“You idiot, don’t approach her like that!”the redhead intervened and pushed the boy named Kaminari away lightly as hetook his place in front of her, smiling with the sharpest set of teeth she hadever seen – intimidating for sure, but he seemed like too much of a nice kid. “I’msorry for him; sometimes it’s hard for him to control himself when in presenceof a beautiful woman like you. I’m Kirishima,” he seemed less straightforwardthan his friend, and the blush on his cheeks led her to think he was the cutestperson around as he scratched his nape. “By the looks of it you’re Mineta-kun’ssister, right?”
And then it was her turn to be interruptedright before she even started to speak, her mouth hanging a bit agape as herphone started to ring loudly. Ume gestured for the boys to wait a bit as shepicked up the call. “Hello love!” she exclaimed animatedly, suppressing agiggle when she saw the evident disappointment in the younger men’s faces. She deliberatelyavoided mentioning any pronouns just for the sake of having a bit of fun,although she knew that it would be better to just burst the bubble before anyof them could get the wrong idea. “Yeah, I’ll see you later today; I’m visitingmy younger brother today and having a great time here at Yuuei.” Her partnerwished her good luck before saying goodbye, and with a last ‘I love you’ theyboth hung up, three pairs of eyes on her as she put the phone back in herpocket.
“So, I guess a beautiful girl like you justhad to be taken,” Kaminari said, thegrin on his face contrasting the sad tone in his voice. “Guess that’s one luckyguy then!”
Ume heard Minoru laugh from besides her,his two classmates shooting confused stares his way. She joined in however, andwhen she spoke again moments later the atmosphere turned slightly less tenseand a lot funnier. “Thanks guys,” she said as she wiped away a single tear thathad appeared thanks to the laughter, “but I don’t have a boyfriend – I’m a lesbian.” Kaminari let out a small squeal asKirishima froze in place, red and golden eyes looking at each other in what shethought was pure disbelief; it was an interesting afternoon indeed, and afterthat the two guys excused themselves and returned to their rooms. Ume had thestrange feeling she’d be seeing them again before the visit was over, and asshe turned to her brother who had been staring at the whole scene with a knowingsmirk she added, “Your friends sure are weird, Minoru.”
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