#1111 notes sounds like a fun new goal to reach
gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 4
(Original idea here)
(Master post)
The rest of the school day was a blur for Marinette. She felt like she was practically floating through her classes. Sure her notes might have suffered, but thankfully Alya was more then willing to share hers.
Marinette practically skipped home as she greeted her parents at the entrance.
“Hello my little macaroon, How was school?” Her papa asked as he pulled out a  tray of freshly baked bread.
“It was wonderful.” Marinette singsonged.
Her father put the tray down. Hugging his daughter and handing her a macaroon. Marinette smiled at her baker dad and thanked him before running up to her room.
Marinette went up to her room and jumped for joy. Her red Kwami companion flew out of her jacket.
“Can you believe it Tikki? Adrien said he was happy that we were compatible! He does see me as more then a friend.” Marinette swooned.
“It appears that one little app has a way of changing one’s perspective on things. I am happy for you Marinette.” The red kwami spoke as she flew to hug Marinette’s cheek.
“Life is full of surprises and small things can make big changes, you are a prime example of that Tikki. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to be ladybug.”
Tikki smiled at the comparison.
“You flatter me.” Tikki giggled.
Marinette pulled out her phone and opened the app. Smiling as she looked at her compatibility list. Adrien’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. It was such a beautiful sight.
Marinette knew it was a bit early to be super excited but she couldn't help but feel a little excited as she felt her mind filled up with possible future scenarios of what it would be like dating Adrien. 
Walking through the park and getting ice cream, playing video games, having Adrien model some of my in progress designs, us having dinner with mama and papa, kissing in a movie theater. Oh and i would need to tell chat noir that I was in a relationship and he would need to cut out the flirting.
Marinette found that thought snap her back to the real world. Tikki noticed her change in expression.
The designer moved to her bed and sat down. Her mind replaying that thought.
She would have to tell chat noir.
She doesn't want to string him along, and she has been saying that she had feelings for another guy. This shouldn't be bothering her as much as it was. She wasn't a fan of his constant flirting especially during an akuma battle ... but there were also those moments, when he dropped the flirty attitude, when he was genuine and sweet, the moments when he would do anything for her, the moments where he showed why she and him made such a good team. It was in those moments that seemed to pop up more and more that made her... question her feelings about him.
 But she knew that she was still in love with Adrien however, she still didn't want to break his heart. The cat was a good guy and a good partner. She would need to tell him the truth if things did happen between her and Adrien, it was only right.
“What I am gonna tell Chat noir?” Marinette asked more to herself then to her Kwami.
Tikki paused. Of course that was a factor. Marinette wasn't aware of the truth. But it wasn't like she could tell Marinette that Adrien was Chat noir, even though she really wanted to.
“I am sure that when the time comes, everything that needs to happen will happen. Who knows, maybe chat noir is using the app and ends up finding someone he is compatible with. There is still plenty of time before anything needs to be said.”
Marinette smiled a bit, Tikki did have a point. Maybe the cat would find someone. She would want that person to treat him well, so when they do reveal their identities, she will make sure that girl will be a good person. Maybe she and Adrien can go on double dates with chat noir. Of course Marinette realized she was getting ahead of herself again.
“You’re right Tikki. I am getting a head of myself. It might also be too early to assume that Adrien and I do remain 100% compatible or even at the top of the other’s list. I guess I was just happy there was a chance.” The ladybug Kwami nuzzled her chosen’s cheek.
“Regardless of outcome, app or not, wherever your heart goes will be somewhere wonderful.” Tikki promised.
“You know looking at that screen for too long is bad for your eyes.” a black cat Kwami commented. 
Adrien was laying on his couch as the news played in the background. he wasn't really paying much attention to the world around him.
Adrien hardly even remembered getting home, the day was pretty much a blur after his talk with Marinette. His conversation with her replaying in his mind. His eyes looking at the open app at his compatibility list. Marinette’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. The more he looked at it, the more he kept finding himself thinking it fit.
“Adrien? Earth to Adrien?” Plagg flailed his arms as he tried to get Adrien’s attention.
The model smiled as he started to think about all of the things that could happen if she and him started dating.
Double dates with Nino and alya, Going out for ice cream in the park, going to those charity events that father funds but never attends, Marinette cheering me on in my fencing matches. maybe she could even join in on learning Chinese with me. Marinette did say she wanted to learn more and having someone learn with me would be pretty great. Going to the movies together and kissing... But what about ladybug.
Adrien felt his thoughts snap back to the real world where he noticed Plagg trying to get his attention.
“Hello? Earth to Mr. oblivious! Can you hear me.”
“Plagg, what am I gonna tell Ladybug?” Adrien questioned as his smile began fading.
Plagg stopped his attention seeking.
“Oh, so when you want to talk now you want to listen.” Plagg rolled his eyes.
“Sorry Plagg, what were you going to say.” Adrien apologized. Adrien sat up to listen to his Kwami companion.
“Can you get more of that cheese with the orange rind? That one is Delicious.” Plagg inquired.
Adrien sighed.
“Sure, I will put an order in this weekend.”
Plagg smiled.
“Okay, now what were you saying about Ladybug? Weren't you convinced she Marinette was Ladybug because of that whole soulmate bit?” Plagg commented, but then realized he might be implying Marinette is ladybug and quickly spoke up again. “Which is not to say that I am saying it is or is not her.”
“I know Plagg. It would be amazing if Ladybug and Marinette were the same person, but with my luck, it is likely not the case. It is already beyond my normal luck that someone I know is 100% compatible with me, and its someone as wonderful as Marinette.” Adrien answered.
“I have been chasing Ladybug for so long. I want to hold out hope that maybe she would come to fall in love with me. But I think I can't ignore the possibility that Ladybug is stuck on that other guy. I am gonna need to tell her I am giving up my pursuit.”
“Wow, don't you think thats unnecessary? Why not just not mention it while you date Marinette in case things don't work out with Marinette?” Plagg points out.
“Plagg, its Marinette were talking about, she is an amazing person and I doubt I would ever want to not date her. The only way it wouldn't work out is if I messed up badly, like not giving up on Ladybug. It wouldn't be fair to Marinette that I am leaving a part of my heart for Ladybug. Thats why what happened with Kagami in the Ice rink went so shaky, I didn't let go like I thought I did. So I need to let Ladybug know the truth.” Adrien explained.
Plagg nodded. He understood how Adrien had this mindset of being 100% into something or was not interested at all. He rarely half-assed things if ever. Fencing? 100% invested. Piano? 0% only plays because his mother did and his father wants him to continue. Adrien was someone that when he can be emotional, he was all for it. It was part of what made him a great chat noir.
“Alright, but you do still have time before then. So you don't need to worry so much yet. Just relax and let things happen how they happen.”
“I think you are right Plagg, I will let things happen as they happen. No need to push yet.” Adrien said relieved.
“Yup, the best option is usually the one that requires no effort.” Plagg advised.
“I don't think thats always true.” Adrien disagreed.
“Things would be less complicated if you just relaxed more.”
Adrien was about to respond, but his phone buzzed. He looked to see a text from Nino.
‘Dude, did you get the Soulmate searcher App? Alya mentioned you would try it out’
Adrien responded
‘Nice dude! so who did you get on da list? Can you snap a pic?’
Adrien Paused. It was a private list, He really shouldn't be sending it out. But it was Nino and Nino can keep it a secret.
‘Promise not to share it with anyone?’
‘Alya too?’
‘Alya can know but no one else? Promise’
‘Bros honor’
Adrien hesitated for a moment. But he trusted Nino. He took a screenshot and sent Nino the pics.
Plagg looked at Adrien.
“You might want to wrap up that conversation.” Plagg answered as he pointed to the tv.
Adrien looked to see the news was reporting an Akuma attack.
“Plagg Claws out!”
“Thanks for watching Chris for me on such short notice. I really wanted to check out that sale on new headphones and Chris isn't exactly feeling so great. I don't want to drag him out of bed when he is feeling like this. You are really clutch right now Lila.” The Dj praised 
“Its no problem at all. Thanks for letting me borrow your phone to message my mom. Mine really needs to charge right now.” Lila replied
“You are really doing me a solid. Just let me know when your mom responds.” Nino assured. “I am gonna let Chris know you will be watching him for a bit.”
“Of course. Take your time.” Lila assures.
She was was watching the phone closely. Waiting for Adrien’s response.
A minute passes and the picture shows up.
The brunette smiles as she forwards the 2 photos to her phone from Nino’s phone and then deleting the exchange between her and Nino. She covers her tracks. Deleting the messages between Adrien and him after sending a.
‘Nice, we can talk about it tomorrow.’
She smiles as she closes the phone.
“I am all done.” Lila calls out. 
Nino walks back in and happily takes his phone, unaware of the events that just transpired.
“Hope you get a good deal.” Lila exclaimed as she waved Nino off. The door closes and Lila smiles.
She goes to her phone that had been charging.
“Now lets see where Marinette is on this list.”
Lila clicked the photo and started at the bottom of the list. The first photo was the bottom half of the list.
“She isn't below the top 5, this might be a bit of a pain.” Lila groaned.
Lila still felt confident, 
So what if Marinette ranked in the top five. I just need to find the number one person and copy their answers and beating that annoying pigtailed pest will be easy.
Lila clicked on the other photo to look to see who was on it.
“Kagami is number two? Ugh! Another pain to deal with later. But wait, Marinette isn't anywhere below the second spot... No...”
Lila looked at the first place spot and her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Marinette was at the TOP. She was ranked number one? And just when Lila thought it couldn't get any worse, she saw the compatibility percentage.
“No way...” Lila dropped her phone.
“You have to be Fucking kidding me!!” Lila screamed loud enough to be heard from outside. But Nino had put his headphones in as he was heading out and just missed hearing the girls anguish.
Part 4 is finished (And the streak of Over 1000 notes for each part is still alive. I am amazed thank you all.)
If you want part 5, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write. And I am just gonna say it. (But I will say that getting to this one might take a bit more time since its a weekday tomorrow.)
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