#and i really believe the dick game is mid and people keep sleeping with him because he's popular
jimlingss · 4 years
The Art of Benefits
➜ Words: 9.8k
➜ Genres: 50% Fluff, 50% Smut, FWB!AU
➜ Summary: There's only one aspect of your life that's missing: sex. But you know yourself. You catch feelings as quickly as you catch colds. But when your friend arranges a meeting with a certain Park Jimin, you'll become inclined to learn the craft of detachment, aka. the art of benefits.
➜ Warning: sex, sexual discussions, toys, sucking dick, period sex, etc.
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[2nd Year Fall Semester]   Life as a sophomore wasn’t shabby.   Assignments, papers and midterms came and went with decent grades that you eventually forgot about. Lectures, club meetings, and studying took most of your time too. But Christmas was arriving and that meant it was sweater weather. It also meant that snow was dusting from the sky and you were watching couples cozying up and keeping each other warm from across the dining center.   It was unfair really. You were cold too. In fact, most of the time you happen to be cold. And while relationships were too much of a time commitment for you to take on, you deserved a cuddle buddy just as much as the next person. Or a fuck buddy. Either works really.   You’ve never been opposed to a friends with benefits relationship.    The only problem is, it would never work for you.   But if you somehow learnt to detach your emotions, it could be the most efficient thing yet. After all, good sex with another warm body was the only aspect in your life that you were missing.   “I mean it’s possible. A lot of people start friends with benefits relationships on campus,” Wendy says as she stuffs her face with her sub sandwich and muses mid-chew, “There’s actually a lot of candidates to choose from.”   You’re exasperated at her nonchalance. As if it’s as easy as going to the supermarket and picking someone up. “Who?!”    You need someone who would be on the same page as you, with the same priorities, a good sex partner who wouldn’t catch feelings either. But frankly, you don’t know that many people.    “Well, what about that guy from your class that you were crushing on? Didn’t you say he was super smart? Might help you on your assignments too.”   “Namjoon?” You shake your head. “He’s got a girlfriend.”   “Okay. What about that older guy in your board games club?”   “No. Seokjin’s graduating next semester.”   Wendy hums, eyes flickering around the dining hall center as she contemplates. “How about Yoongi? From what you’ve told me, he seems pretty cool.”   You loll your head to one side and stab your sweet and sour chicken. “I’m not going to sleep with someone from work. That sounds like a disaster waiting.”   “Jungkook?”   “That’s weird. We went to the same elementary school together.” You can still remember his bowl cut hair as clear as day, and not to mention, the two of you share a group of friends. If things go downhill, it would be a complete mess. The epitome of inefficiency. Which is counterproductive to your goal.   “Taehyung?” At this point, Wendy’s just listing out random people that you know, but you play along just for amusement.   “Nah. Yena has a crush on him.”   She takes another clean bite of her sandwich. “What about that guy that works at that McDonalds that you find cute. What’s his name? Hugo? Howard?”   “Hoseok,” you correct with a feigned glare that makes her smile. “And that’s a big fat no. He doesn’t even know I exist. What am I supposed to do? Waltz up to him and ask to be fuck buddies?”   She grins. “Well, I mean—”   “It wouldn’t work,” you deadpan before she laughs and in turn, makes you giggle too.   The chatter of the room settles in your ears as background noise. You gaze out the window to the sparkling snow piles that reflect the lampposts soft, white light. The sun has long fallen even though it’s only six p.m. The low lights peeking through the somber clouds covering the horizon does little. You dread the thought of having to venture out into the cold and catch the bus home.   You don’t notice how Wendy’s looking at you while she sips on her water. Not until she hums. “You know what? I know someone I could hook you up with.”   Your brow cocks and the corner of your mouth twitches. “Is he a fuckboy?”   Your long time friend shrugs with a glint in her eyes that makes you unsure if she’s serious or not. Wendy once joked that she had a boyfriend from Northern Canada and convinced you hard enough that you legitimately believed her for a good month. So you can never be quite certain when it comes to her. For all you know, she could just be making it up to entertain you.   “Sort of, but he’s a nice one.” Wendy stays vague. “He was my lab partner.”   You stare at her and when her expression remains blank, you scoff. “Sure, sure,” you draw out the syllables with a small laugh and bat the air with your hand just to end the conversation.   And when it’s never discussed again, Wendy moving on to tell you a story about something she suddenly remembers, you’d one day come to realize that was a terrible, terrible mistake.   //   That one day is now.   3:50pm. Wendy: hey i set up a meeting what that guy 3:50pm. Wendy: third floor library  3:50pm. Wendy: he’s in a red hat btw   The text comes right when you’re leaving your last lecture of the day.   3:51pm. Y/N: what guy   3:53pm. Wendy: your future fwb   3:53pm. Y/N: ?????????????????????????????????/ 3:53pm. Y/N: ???????????????? 3:54pm. Y/N: wtf i wasn’t SERIOUS   3:54pm. Wendy: wat   3:54pm. Y/N: I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING   3:56pm. Wendy: lmao too late 3:56pm. Wendy: at least meet him he’s waiting sis   3:54pm. Y/N: can’t you cancel?????????   3:57pm. Wendy: n a h   You nearly burst an artery in your temple at the emojis and memes she spams to you.   3:59pm. Wendy: I already told him the gist btw 4:00pm. Wendy: don’t chicken out   With no other choice, you make a u-turn and head towards the library with too many thoughts swirling inside your brain. Chances are this stranger is going to see you, think you’re ugly as shit and try to back out of it. It’s going to be awkward as all hell and you’re not sure you’re ready to have this traumatizing memory for the rest of your life.   Then again, you wonder how Wendy even convinced this dude to meet up. If he’s really that easy going. If this is a typical thing people do now. Or maybe Wendy showed a picture of you on your insta and he agreed afterwards — it wouldn’t be the first time she did that, much to your embarrassment. But you hope it’s the latter case. At least that eliminates the possibility of him trying to backpedal his way out of it after seeing your face.   You also wonder how the hell you’re going to find him. The library is full of students, the rowdy ones and the studious ones being disturbed by them. You wonder what he looks like, what he’ll be like. Third floor. Male. Red hat.   You arrive at the appropriate floor and begin scanning the premise, walking around as your eyes sweep the area. Almost immediately you catch a brunette hunched over and on his phone by the table. He’s wearing a red cap on backwards, purple tee shirt. He has a frat boy aesthetic.   Not really the type you go for.   Looking over him, you round the computers, bookshelves and tables. But finding no one else with a red hat on the third floor, you sharply inhale and approach the boy with his fluffy cheek rested in his hand, arm propped up on the table lazily. Scrolling through his phone.   “Excuse me.”    Your voice is light and hesitant as if you were asking help from someone at the front desk and not seeing if this was a potential fuck buddy. It’s mortifying to say the least.   His head lifts, brown eyes catching the lights.   You clear your throat. “Wendy…”   “Oh. You’re her, right?” He smiles and thankfully, doesn’t seem to be disappointed. “Wendy’s friend?”   “Yeah. I’m Y/N.”   “Jimin.”   Now that you get a closer look, he’s kind of cute. But you don’t dwell. Or look him in the eye.   It feels like a job interview. But worse. “You were Wendy’s lab partner?”   “That’s me.” He pockets his phone. “I’m a kines major. You?”   “I’m in the arts faculty. Political science.”   “Cool, cool.” Jimin nods and then gets to business without any shame, “So Wendy already told me about it. You’re looking to have a friends with benefits relationship?”   “Yeah….about that….”   “I’m down if you are.” His hand opens up, gesturing to you. You’re not sure how you feel about how laid-back he is, but he remains upfront which you suppose is the right thing to do. “I have a dorm room in the Sierra building by the engineering faculty building if you know where that is.”   “I’ve walked past it before.”   “Cool. Anyway, my last f.w.b. ended two months ago and I kind of miss it,” he quickly clarifies, “The sex, I mean.”   You’re speechless and contemplating if you really want to do this. You know if it works out, it’ll be fairly efficient. You’ve always gotten off by yourself and while it works, it’s not something you’d call completely satisfying. Having someone’s help— good help — is a change you’ve been considering. But a friends with benefits situation has always been one of those ‘what if’ scenarios. You've just never had an opportunity like this to make it actually happen.   Jimin senses your hesitance and leans forward. He lowers his volume. “Are you a virgin? Cause I’m cool with—”   You scoff. “No. I’m not. I just...haven’t done something like this before.”   “Friends with benefits?” His question is answered by your body language. “It’s not bad. Safer than one night stands and more consistent too. You don’t have to go out and find someone every time you want to have sex. And it’s a low level commitment.”   The corner of your mouth pulls and you agree. “It’s efficient. But...I need time to think about it.”   “Sure. Tell me when you make up your mind. I’ll give you my number.” He opens his hand again and you pass him your phone. He quickly types it in. “Take your time.”   //   And you do.   You weigh the pros and cons against each other, considering every possibility and all the consequences. Part of you wants to just go for it. The same part that once decided in high school at midnight that bangs would be a hot look on you. (It wasn’t). The part of you that dyed your hair blue that one summer on a whim. The part that doesn’t want to think and wants to jump head first into things. Jimin made a lot of good pointers too and you’re certain this would be a good outlet. An experience. It helps that he’s quite attractive too and seems to be trustworthy and rational.   Yet, part of you wonders if it would be a bad decision.   There’s a chance that you might catch feelings. For you, it wouldn’t be unheard of either. You have a tendency to catch feelings as fast as you catch colds. And you already know that’s the demise of these kinds of relationships. Once a party gets involved too deep, it’s game over. There’s nothing but heartbreak.   The only way it would work is if you minimize your interactions with him.   The less attached you are, the less likely you are to develop feelings for him since the only way you would like anyone is if you knew them. So the less you know, the better the outcome.    It’s an equation.    It’s the art of the benefits.   And if that works, if you master the art, it would solve every potential issue.   The dorms for sophomores are bigger than the ones for first year freshmen. Instead of a single room with two beds on either side by the walls, there are private bedrooms with just a shared bathroom, a main living space and kitchen.    “Bathrooms are over here,” Jimin gestures. There’s one room at the end of the hall and another one beside his. “Both my roommates are out, so you don’t have to worry. They’re pretty nice.”   You feel awkward lingering at the entryway with your backpack on.   You clear your throat. “Can I get a drink?”   “Oh yeah. There’s new water bottles by the sink, I think, and there’s orange juice in the fridge if you’d like.”   “No, I mean, do you have anything alcoholic?” you correct and he blinks at you owlishly before smiling. You drop your bag and find it in the fridge, a whole vodka bottle. You fill a shot up with a glass on the drying rack. The clear liquid burns as it travels to the back of your throat. The bitter taste nearly makes you gag, but you feel your face warm and you ease even more, knowing it works.   In the meanwhile, Jimin studies you, standing from across the kitchen island. His hands are casually dug into the pockets of his gray sweats. “We won’t have to follow through with this, you know. I’m fine either way.”   “No,” you quickly refute, irrationally afraid he’s changed his mind. And the words spill out of you as you cringe, “I’m horny as shit, I’mjustnervous.”   The guy smiles, eyes slightly crinkled when he does so. “Of what?”   “A lot of things.” You don’t pour a second shot even though you kind of want to. But you have things to do tomorrow, so you can’t nurse a hangover and you most certainly don’t want to be drunk while doing this. “If you didn’t notice, I don’t do this often.”   While you’re at it, you tell him, “I don’t know how to suck dick.”   He leans against the counter, grinning. “Okay. I don’t mind.”   “Also, if you haven’t noticed either, my ass is kind of deflated.”   Jimin shrugs. “I’m more of a boob man anyway.”    You narrow your eyes, not sure if he’s lying or trying to make you feel better.   But there’s no time to dwell when he seriously asks— “Do you still want to do this?”   It takes a second for you to muster your courage. And once you do, you know you won’t back down. “All right. Let’s do this!” You walk into his room like you’re about to go fight off a monster.   Behind you, Jimin grins and it takes a good moment for him to calm you down.   “Are you okay with kissing?” he asks, door shut and distance closed. He’s intimately close and you nod.   Finally, your brain stops overthinking and you let yourself feel. Jimin’s lips are full and plush, and they’re good against yours. The soft smacking fills his room. The two of you kiss until your lips part and he begins to lick into your mouth, tongue entering without much hesitation.   You fall back onto the mattress, noticing that the bed’s been made sloppily, but better than your own. The pair of you keep kissing and he hovers over you, capturing you against the sheets. Pathetically enough, you already begin to feel your center throbbing and it’s a relief when you both get rid of your clothes.   He doesn’t talk much — doesn’t give much commentary or even dirty talk. But you don’t mind. All you’re offering after all is soft sighs and quiet moans.   Jimin squeezes your breasts and fingers you for a good minute. He’s surprised to see how wet you are, even letting out an ‘oh shit’, but you make no efforts to come up with an excuse. The stretch feels good from his thick fingers, but you bet it’ll feel good around his girthy cock too.   He goes to grab a condom from his drawer, but pauses.   “Do...you want me to eat you out?”   “I’m good,” you politely decline, afraid it might be too intimate. You’re not sure where the lines are drawn, but it’s something you’ll have to gauge while you go. “Do you want me to suck your dick? You might have to teach me though.”   The corner of his mouth tugs. “I’m good too.”   As Jimin rips open the condom package, you turn yourself around and get onto all fours. He doesn’t protest and when he enters you, it feels good enough for you to fall forward into the pillows. His cock is of average size, but he’s girthy and your cunt stretches to accommodate him.   He groans in his throat when you clench — and the sound gets you off, making you squeeze again. Jimin pounds into you, his pelvis hitting the meat of your ass, cock drawing in and out against your tight, warm walls. You do your best to meet his thrusts halfway, jerking your hips back and you stifle your moans with your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. The sloppy sounds of slapping and the creaking of his bed makes you glad his roommates are gone. And while the sex is not mind-blowing per se, it’s still good. Enough that you climax once he rubs your clit several times and he unloads into the condom too.   It’s easier than you thought it would be. Not a big deal whatsoever. It took ten minutes in total and it felt good.   It’s just sex — and that’s exactly it. Just sex. The very lesson of the art of benefits.   You pick up your clothes off the floor, slipping them back on. “I gotta get going.”   There’s no snuggling, no cuddling, no pillow talks. And it doesn’t seem like he minds whatsoever.   “‘Kay.” Jimin picks up his phone off his bedside table to check his texts and waves goodbye without even looking at you.   You leave, walking yourself out and humming as you stride down the hall.    You’re glad you went through with it.
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[2nd Year Winter Semester]   You run there with your sandwich stuffed in your cheek.   By the time Jimin opens the door, you’re still chewing while panting. It’s a comical sight by the way he smiles at you. You’re already winded before anything’s started. “I hadn’t eaten yet and I needed to get my blood sugar up.”   Jimin’s lips are quirked. “We can always eat beforehand, you know. There’s food in the fridge.”   “Nah, I’m good.” Having meals with your friends with benefits is the last thing on your mind.   He shrugs. “Suit yourself.”   You use his bathroom, releasing your bladder and rinsing your mouth thoroughly. You know yourself and you’re not a novice on how these relationships work. The less interaction and knowledge you have about him, the more you can keep your distance.   “G-God,” he exhales shakingly, hand fisted in your hair. “You’re getting b-better at this….”   Jimin watches through heavy lids as you’re slobbering over his cock. He tries his best to watch, but when you run your tongue over the weeping slit at the bulborous head, his eyes shut and his head naturally knocks back. You’ve gotten better at a lot of things in the few months that have passed, namely sucking dick, but your jaw aches and you wonder when he’s going to cum.   It’s worth it though. You might be the one kneeling in front of him, but you feel powerful. It’s too easy to make him crumble. To make him moan like that. It makes you wet to hear him and knowing you could bite off his dick or make him lose a load, the sheer power eggs you on.   Like you were taught, you inhale, ease your muscles and take Jimin as far as you can.   He chokes as his cock hits the back of your throat. Your gag reflexes threaten your endeavour but you keep them at bay and Jimin’s hand in your hair tightens. Especially when you swallow.   “Fuck. I-I’m going to cum.”   Thank god. Finally!   Usually, you let off so he can cum elsewhere (god forbid in your hair) or if he accidentally does it in your mouth, you spit it out on tissue. But this time, you made a commitment to yourself. You came here with a goal. So you inhale again and deep throat him, sucking as much as you can.   With his curly pubic hair grazing your nose, Jimin cums. His groans staccato. His cock twitches.   And you swallow the bitter, white fluid that comes out in ribbons.   After a few seconds, you finally withdraw. Jimin opens his eyes, staring at you in wonderment. There are strands of saliva from between his softened cock to your lips and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.   “Not gonna lie.” You clear your throat and swallow down the remaining taste. “That’s really nasty.”   Jimin bursts out laughing.   “Thanks.”    “It’s the least I can do.” You stand up, shaking your left leg awake. It feels like pins and needles when you step around. “I’ve sat on your face like twice already.”   You toss Jimin his pants off the ground and you get your cardigan back on.   “You wanna come over on Friday?”   “Uh…” You grab your phone from your jacket that’s also been discarded and check your calendar. “Sorry. Can’t. I’m busy on that day.”   His brows raise, but he doesn’t question it.   “How about Saturday?” you offer.   “No. I have a kines exam scheduled.”   Your face twists in disgust. “On a Saturday?”   “Yep. I know. It sucks.”   You sympathize, but you’re also surprised. “I didn’t know you were a kines major.”   “What? I thought I told you.”   “Guess I forgot.” You put yourself back together and a thought strikes you. Your eyes light up and you turn to your friend with glittering eyes. “Does that mean you can crack bones? I’ve always wanted to go to a chiropractor since my lower back always hurts. You should crack it for me.”   Jimin grins. “Sorry, I don’t know how to do that. They don’t really teach you that kind of stuff.”   “Oh.” Your eyes dim and you don’t try to hide your disappointment. You almost thought you could get a little more out of him, but you suppose decent sex is enough.    As you grab your bag, you notice that his phone lights up. “You got a text from Victoria.”   “Thanks.” He reaches over, but the curious expression on your face must be visible, since he says, “Don’t worry. She’s not my girlfriend or anything. She’s just someone I’m kind of into.”   “Nice!”   The corner of Jimin’s mouth quirks at your genuinely excited response even though he never looks away from the screen. You’re psyched though. If he has an interest in someone else, there’s less chance for anyone to catch feelings. Fewer connections. More distance.   “If you ever want to end this, just let me know.” You throw your backpack on that’s heavy with your laptop and textbooks inside.   “Yeah.”   “I’m going now.”   “Bye.” Jimin’s fingers fly across the screen to text the other girl back and neither of you spare each other a glance. The door shuts moments later and the noise echoes through the walls.
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[3rd Year Fall Semester]   In spite of being a junior now, things have relatively remained the same.   According to course outlines, lectures are more in-depth in their content, but there’s still assignments, papers, and midterms. The grading schemes haven’t changed and you know there’s a shit ton of work waiting for you in the coming months. But you find pleasure wherever you can.   The door opens, but it’s not Jimin on the other side.   “Hey, Y/N.” Taemin, his roommate, is eating chips. “He’s in his room.”   “Thanks.”   You shuffle inside and after briefly greeting Jongin, the other roommate, who’s busy playing Animal Crossing on the living room couch, you beeline to his room. You find Jimin hunched over his messy desk, rounded spectacles on the bridge of his nose as he’s tapping furiously across his laptop keyboard.   He glances at you. “Sorry. I need a second.”   “Take your time.”    You set down your bag and shed your coat, tossing it aside. You’re not sure what he’s doing, but you don’t ask. Instead, you pull out your phone and run through your usual apps. With no messages to answer or anything to scroll through, you check your email and find the words ‘emergency’ in one of the subject lines.   After a minute, Jimin saves his document and closes the lid of his laptop. He stretches above his head with a groan and turns around, only to find you now hunched over your own device.   “Sorry,” you mutter once you feel his gaze on you. “My manager needs me to fill out my timesheet and send it to her.”   “I didn’t know you worked.”   “Just part-time at the admissions office here on campus.” You go quiet as you skim over your email again to ensure it makes sense. “It’s a pretty easy gig.”   He hums and you finish, shutting your laptop and sticking it back into your bag. That’s when you finally get a good look at the boy across the room — dark hair, blue shirt and gray sweats — and you notice how tan he’s gotten. It’s a good look.    Your mouth tugs. “Did you travel over the summer?”   “I went to the Caribbean with my family for like two weeks.”   “Fancy.”   “It was alright.” He gets up and re-stacks the textbooks on his desk into a single pile. Jimin notices the stack of flyers he was supposed to distribute. “Oh yeah. Do you want to join the crayon club?”   Your brow lifts. “The crayon club?”   “Yeah, you can come colour every Wednesday night and just hang out with people.” Jimin grins boyishly. “My friend wanted to make a club and he made me the communications executive. I’m supposed to get people to join. You don’t have to, but the first meet and greet is this Friday, and the more people the better. There’s gonna be free food by the way, if that helps.”   You’re not sure that's a good idea.   The two of you have never really met up outside of his dormitory, aside from the first time you met at the library.   “Let me check my calendar.” You grab your phone again and thoughtlessly mumble, “Sometimes I’m busy on Friday. I’m part of the board games club and we meet up every other week…..don’t judge.”   “I’m not.”    Still, Jimin's smile widens and you feign a pout.    You’re free this week.   “I’ll come if you make me an executive too,” you quip carelessly while tossing your phone aside. “It’ll look good on my law application.”   Jimin quirks his head. He didn’t know you were aiming for law school. “Okay.”   “Wait.” You’re taken off guard, eyes as wide as saucers. “Seriously?!”   He with a small laugh. Jimin gets up and closes the distance, making you lean against the headboard until he’s completely hovering over you, mere inches away. “We actually need a position filled anyway, so you just saved me some trouble.”   “You better keep your promise, Park.”   You end up showing with Wendy and Tiffany in tow — the former who wants to raid whatever food there is and the latter genuinely interested in colouring as a means of relaxation. It’s a bit awkward to meet so many new people at once and Jimin’s friends at that, but you can tell they’re nice at heart. Albeit, a bit rambunctious and too friendly. And you’re a bit horrified when one of them tries to eat a crayon to further advertise the club.   “So, what’s up with you and Jimin?” Tiffany asks, peering up at you as she colours in the lines carefully. She’s unaware of your arrangement with the boy. It’s not something you’ve told many.   You feign ignorance, not wanting to get into the details with strangers around. “What do you mean?”   “Are you dating him?”   You scoff. “I wish.”   Immediately, Wendy’s brows raise to her hairline and the words that fumbled out of you thoughtlessly finally sink in. “I mean, no, we’re not. Not I wish.”   Luckily, Tiffany spares you and doesn’t pry. But you’re mortified and you glance at Jimin from across the room laughing noisily with his friend. You turn away from him, trying to create more distance.
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[3rd Year Winter Semester]   With exam season here, you and Jimin hadn’t seen each other in a while.   Luckily, Spring break was approaching, so you at least had something to look forward to. The idea of being able to lay in bed and sleep in automatically puts you in a good mood. Jimin, however, seems less than stoked.   You watch from the bed as he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up before you’ve gotten a chance to. He was frowning when he opened the door, greeted you with one word and in general, has been quieter than usual.   “Is….everything alright?” You wonder if you did something to piss him off, but then he says—   “I flunked my final.”   Oh. That explains his bad mood.   “The one you took this morning?” you ask.   “Yeah.” Jimin deflates with an extended sigh. “I didn’t get the first twenty questions and then I fucking ran out of time….”   There’s a pause that lingers.   “Well, you’re not sure if you actually failed, right?” You lean closer to him, quirking your head to the side. “The marks haven’t been released and who knows, the prof might curve it.”   “Maybe. I don’t know.” Jimin scrubs a hand over his face, uncertain and stressed. “This ruins everything. I’m trying to get an internship at a clinical rehabilitation facility and I want to apply for a masters and now...fuck.” You’re surprised. You didn’t know he had so many goals. “I’m screwed.”   Jimin flops back onto his mattress, staring at the ceiling. You loom over him, blocking his view.   “Does the internship look at your GPA?”   “They want a three point o average or more.”   “What do you have now?”   “Three point five.”   The corner of your mouth pulls and a rush of air leaves your nose in a snort. “Then you’ll make it! Even if you failed one exam, it wouldn’t tank past a three. It can’t be too bad, right?”   “Yeah, I guess.” Jimin sighs and absentmindedly tugs on your strand of hair that’s fallen in front of your face and is grazing against his cheek. “I just don’t know anymore.”   “It’s going to be fine,” you reassure, slapping your hand on his shoulder. “You’re just overthinking it.”   “Maybe,” he hums.   A sudden thought comes across your mind and your small smile turns devious. “Let me make you feel better.”   You shift to straddle his hips and instantly, his hands lift to your waist. Jimin starts to grin as you pull at his shirt, trying to get him to strip. And you do your best to pleasure him.   It doesn’t take much effort considering Jimin’s hand is already tightening in your hair the minute you run your tongue along his shaft. But he doesn’t let you suck him for too long, eager to feel you inside instead and pleasure you just the same.   It’s eager and messy sex. You’re on top until your thighs begin to burn and you lose your pace. Then he re-repositions the both of you, so you’re flat on your back and he’s doing most of the work. You end up cumming twice. Once around his covered cock and the other time after he coaxes you around his stiff tongue and eggs you on, even when you’re sobbing from the overstimulation.   It feels good. Better than good.   Over time, the pair of you have gotten to know each other’s bodies better, what works and what doesn’t.    Your relationship with Jimin is an investment that feels worth it.   “Hey…” You’re both facing away from each other as you put your clothes back on. Jimin turns his head and you cast him a glance. “I was thinking of maybe starting birth control…”   He blinks.   “If you go get yourself checked out and make sure you’re clean, we can do it without condoms.”   You pull down your sweater over your head and you both stare at each other. He looks surprised and responds in a delayed manner, “Okay. Cool. I’m down. I’ll get myself checked out this weekend. I haven’t really slept with anyone else since this started though.”   It’s your turn to be caught off guard. “Really? What...about that girl you were into? Vicky?”   “You mean Victoria?” He jumps as he puts on his sweatpants, getting both legs through at once. “Nah. It didn’t end up working out.”   “Oh.” He’s entirely nonchalant about it, so you merely nod.   Jimin walks you to the door and you notice that he’s in a better mood than earlier. You hide your smile to yourself, glad that it was mutually beneficial.   Two weeks later, he gets an email before the two of you get down and dirty, and you’re the first one in his life to know that he got the summer internship. His excitement is infectious and you genuinely feel happy for him.
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[4th Year Fall Semester]   It’s so close, you can taste it.   A whole new semester and cart of overpriced textbooks later meant you were a senior now. It also meant that there was just this year left and you were out of here. Finished at least one degree. A step closer to making the big bucks and being a whole ass adult.   The idea is both exhilarating and frightening.   2:20pm. Jimin: Wanna come over?   The text mocks you, but the temptation is tangible. Like a carrot tied at the end of a stick that’s attached to a hungry rabbit. You’ve been sexually frustrated since last night, feeling it in your loins since morning, and fidgeting and rubbing your thighs underneath tables and desks. The thought of getting that sweet relief properly is enough for you to want to ditch class altogether, but you can’t. Not for the next few days.   2:22pm. Y/N: can’t. 2:22pm. Y/N: I’m on my period :((   2:23pm. Jimin: I don’t mind   2:23pm. Y/N: really???? 2:24pm. Y/N: are you sure   2:25pm. Jimin: lmao 2:25pm. Jimin: yes   You brace through the rest of the lecture, paying more attention as the anticipation swells. And when it’s all over, you race across campus to the dormitory building you’ve become familiar with.   Jimin opens the door before you need to knock and he plants a chaste kiss against your lips in greeting. You’re taken off guard, but don’t pay too much attention to it. “How was class?”   “Good. You?”   “Same,” he hums.   You drop your bag in his room and gesture below your waist. “I’m going to need to wash up. The nether regions are a bit…”   He smiles. “Sure. I got spare towels I can set down too.”   You self-consciously linger for a moment as he goes to his closet to the upper shelf. The towels are luckily green and not white. “I’m surprised you’re okay with it. Having period sex, I mean.”   “Why wouldn’t I be?” Jimin pushes his blanket aside and puts a towel down. “As long as you’re fine with it, then I am too.”   “I don’t know. Doesn’t blood gross you out?”   “Not really? Most of the time I’m the one making the mess, so it’s actually nice to have someone else make the mess for once. Plus sex is sex. What’s there to complain about?” His brow lifts and he looks at you. You scoff and it makes Jimin grin.   You wash yourself up and he fucks you in missionary position on top of the towels. The pair of you have only done so a few times before. Typically, you’re face down, bent over, on all fours or looking away from each other. But the change is welcome. Jimin hovers over you and you can kiss him when you want to.   “F-Fuck.” A pitched moan unintentionally spills from you when he hits a spot at your walls that has your toes curling. “Ji...min.”   It’s more lubricated than usual, making the strokes easier. He goes softer too. Deeper. Jimin presses your thighs to your chest and makes you feel him all the way to your throat.   The boy smiles tenderly at your reaction in spite of panting himself. “Feel good, baby?”   “Y-Yeah.” You nod, eyes shut tight. You grip his forearms when he bottoms out again. “Always does.”   Your warm walls pulse around his thick cock and you end up cumming soon after. He groans into your neck at how you tighten around him like a vice grip and he thrusts into you one more time before his cum fills you.   The pair of you jump in the shower together to get cleaned up and then you’re picking up your clothes while he tosses the towels in the laundry.   “What were you working on, on Thursday?”   You blink, realizing that you texted him vaguely about being swamped and unable to come over, and that’s enough for you to unload and go on a tangent. “God, don’t remind me. It was my fucking thesis. I barely managed to finish it but I don’t even know if it makes sense and now I have to edit like fifty pages by myself before giving it to my supervisor, so that’s fun.”   It feels good to let it off your chest.   Jimin smiles subtly at your venting. “I could always edit it for you.”   “What? Seriously?”   “Sure.” He shrugs. “I’m not in poly sci, but that might make me a bit more unbiased. I’m not doing much these days either.”   “Oh my god.” There’s an overpowering urge to bow at his feet or suck his dick until you’re gagging or do both. “You’re a life-saver!”   Jimin laughs and it’s the sound of angels singing. “Just send it over. I can get it done by tomorrow. You have my email, right?”   “Of course I do. Duh!” Your grin is big enough that your cheeks hurt and he has one that matches it as well.   //   A few weeks fly by and things calm down enough that you can finally breathe. But that’s when you receive a little text from a certain someone that has you skeptical if you can rest easy.   6:48pm. Jimin: I have a surprise for you 6:48pm. Jimin: I forgot about it   You’re not sure what it is, but asking would be like pulling teeth with him. Jimin hates spoilers and he likes surprises all too much.   Lately, you’ve both been getting into some freaky shit. Buying toys, blindfolds, handcuffs. As adventurous as college kids with a limited budget can get. It was rather fun for the pair of you, and expectedly, some experiments work out better than others. It sends goosebumps all over your skin every time he talks dirty. You like it when Jimin spanks you too. Although, you’re still unsure about the whole candle wax on your body idea.   But there’s one thing for sure — Jimin can most definitely not role play for his life.    The whole school girl fantasy lasted a good five minutes before he started bursting into giggles and breaking character every other second. Playing doctor only made you realize how ticklish he was too. And the tickle fight that followed was definitely not something one would call ‘sexy’. Even if it did lead to the deed being done.   “Hey.” Jimin greets you with a grin and a chaste peck against your lips. “How was studying?”   “Fine.” You brush off the question quickly, too curious of what he has in store. “Jimin, I’m not going to use that twelve inch dildo unless you want to drive me to the ER.”   He bursts out laughing. “That’s not it. Good try though.”   Instead of going to his room like you usually do, Jimin leads you past the kitchen area to the table. It’s been cleared off and you give an inquisitive expression. He grins and then gestures to it.    “Lay down.”   “What?”   “Just lay down.” He takes your hand, guiding you on it and you obey wordlessly. It doesn’t seem like any of his roommates are home and you hope they don’t come back any time soon lest they find you lying face down on their dinner table.   You feel Jimin round the table and pull your ankles together. You tilt yourself up to peek at him, but then he barks— “Down.”   With a pout, you return to your position, arms folded underneath your head. You hope he isn’t about to rub spices on you and roast you in his oven like it feels like he’s doing.   You feel the gentle pressure of Jimin’s hands against your spine, his thumbs pressing into your skin and he hums, “Relax. Okay. Breathe in for me.”   An inhale is taken and his hands suddenly press into the middle of your back. You hear your bones crack loudly. It catches you off guard and you turn yourself with wide eyes. “You know how to do it?!”   He boyishly grins. “I might’ve learnt a thing or two during my internship.”   “Keep going, keep going.” You flip yourself over again, gesturing to your back and he laughs, going down your body and cracking your bones. You become butter in his fingertips, lower back feeling better already.   “Lift your leg for me.”   You follow his instructions to a t. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” you ask sleepily, lulled by his care. If he massaged you too, you might just cream your pants.   “I got this, I got this,” he reassures with a bit of arrogance. “I’m not a professional, but I know what I’m doing. You trust me, right?”   A noise is made at the back of your throat.   “If you break a bone on accident, I’ll sue you,” you mumble as he turns you over. “God, feels good.”   After a while, Jimin gets you to sit up and continues. He looks nice when he’s concentrating. Expression blank. Lips plump and in a line. Brows only slightly furrowed. “Considering you don’t have any ailments, you don’t need to get your bones cracked often. You should stretch and do some exercise instead.”   You scoff. “Having sex with you is enough exercise.”   To prove your point, you latch onto his arm and tug him towards you. Jimin smiles and the two of you break a sweat against each other on the table before either of his roommates come home.
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[4th Year Winter Semester]   It was an invitation that you would’ve called yourself crazy for offering a year ago. But if it wasn’t for him editing your thesis and taking a load off your mind, you would’ve had a harder time.    You had him to thank for that.   “So?” Jimin’s seated across from you at the restaurant booth. It wasn’t surprisingly difficult to ask him to grab a bite with you. For some reason, you thought he would reject. “What’s the big news?”   Instead of answering, you reach into your bag and slide the envelope across the table.   He’s curious and takes it, pulling out the letter to read. You sip on your water, watching his expression intently. He mutters the words and it takes him through the first paragraph before he realizes. Then, at once, Jimin’s eyes widen. His mouth drops and he looks at you proudly.   “You got into law school?”   “Three of them,” you tell with a cheesy grin.    “T-That’s….fucking amazing. Holy fuck.” He reaches over and hugs you. It’s awkward considering there’s a whole table in the way, but you appreciate the sentiment. You’re giddy and giggling at how excited he is. It makes you feel like the first time you opened the letter yourself.   Jimin presses a kiss against your hair before withdrawing. “When did you find out?”   “Two days ago. I really thought I wasn’t going to get in since I got rejection letters last week from the other schools, but then three of them came in rapid succession.”   He shakes his head, still in awe. “Congratulations. Seriously. You deserve it, Y/N. God knows how hard you worked.”   “Thanks.” You smile to yourself, fiddling with the hem of your blouse. “I was thinking of maybe leaving the city to a different uni, but….I’m going to stay with my parents for as long as I can to save up on loans.”   “Yeah, sounds good.” He nods. “Moving out can be expensive.”   “What about you? Have you applied to your masters program yet?”   Jimin laughs. “Actually, I was planning on telling you that today too. I didn’t bring any fancy letter with me though.”   You lean closer, sitting on the edge of your seat. “You got in?”   “I did. Yesterday.” His enormous smile causes your own to expand. “I’m gonna do it part-time while working at the same facility I did my internship at.”   You’re happy for him and you can tell by his expression that he’s genuinely excited for you too. The pair of you were taking steps forward for your future and while it was a little scary, for now, you enjoy the victory and pig out at the restaurant with little restraints.   At the end of the night, you’re both wine drunk when you stumble back to his dorm room and soon, you’re trying to muffle your whimpers with your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. It doesn’t help when he presses the humming vibrator to your clit harder.   “J-Jimin,” you sob, fingers twisting into his sheets. You’re slumped against the headboard as he surrounds you.   “Louder,” he commands, watching you through heavy lidded eyes. The cold air of his bedroom made your nipples hardened, yet you feel hot all over, under his gaze and ruthlessness.    Your hand curls around his wrist. “Your roommates are sleep—” You cry and keen against his chest when he plunges the toy into your swollen cunt that’s leaking down your ass and thighs.   “It’s okay,” he murmurs in a low voice against your ear, “Let it go.”   You feel the toy nudge against your cervix, the vibrations trembling through your body and you orgasm hard with your forehead pressed against Jimin’s shoulder. Even then, he continues to draw it in and out of you, studying how you’ve creamed around the vibrator, how your slick is dripping to his sheets that are already stained with the scent of your shampoo.   “J-Jimin,” you whine loudly, not knowing if you’re trying to lean away from his touch or closer. “T-...too m-much!”   “You can take it,” Jimin softly coaxes and you nod.    You cum again after a minute and he immediately kisses you with a big smile before peppering pecks down to your neck. It makes you feel ticklish and winded.   “Hey...Jimin…”   “Hmm?”   “Are we still gonna do this after we graduate?” you ask in a quiet voice, laying back in the ruined sheets. “I’m gonna be busy and you are too.”   “We’ll figure it out.” He flops beside you and you both face each other. Jimin’s arm is draped over your waist and you stare at one another for a moment before he closes the distance.   Jimin nudges you for a languid kiss, your noses brushing as his soft, plush lips press against yours. It’s unhurried. Slow. He urges your mouth to part for him and his tongue slips in as you whimper, giving you a chance to properly taste him.   Sloppy, wet noises fill the room while heat rises to your cheeks. But you’re unbothered while swapping spit with Park Jimin. It’s lazy, yet it feels good. So much so that you’ve relaxed entirely.   In the back of your mind, you know you should get up and put some clothes on. Any cuddling or post-sex touching has largely been unprecedented before this and it’s not good to make habits you’ll have to eventually break. You should get your sweater off the floor, or at least slip on his purple t-shirt….   But you give into the temptation and shut your eyes for one second. One mere second.    That’s enough for you to doze off.   When Jimin realizes you’ve accidentally fallen asleep, he smiles to himself and tugs the blankets up to your shoulders, securing you in warmly.   //   You stifle another yawn with your hand.    It’s 9:30 in the goddamn morning and way too early for you. There’s a reason you pick afternoon classes, go to work afterwards and then go see Jimin to end your day off. There’s no situation good enough that warrants your alarm blaring before eight — but you suppose a graduation ceremony could be an exception.   “There’s so many people,” your dad gasps in wonderment, looking around the vast hall. “Do you know them all?”   “No.” You hold in your sigh. “I don’t.”   For the past twenty minutes, you’ve been running around looking for your parents after they’ve wandered off and gotten lost. If they weren’t spamming their cameras on their phone and telling you to smile in front of the odd statue or the meaningless bulletin board that wasn’t even part of your faculty, it was calling your name as loud as they could to find you in the crowds.   You’re happy over their enthusiasm but also burdened. It’s a lot of mixed feelings.   “Y/N?”   Dark hair and brown eyes — a certain someone who you weren’t expecting to run into is staring right at you with a boyish smile. “Jimin?” He looks good, a suit underneath and a black graduation gown over it that falls to his calf. His gown has a golden hood and tassel while yours is white — the colours symbolizing your different faculties and areas of study.    “Hey.” His gaze is warm. “You look nice.”   “Thanks. You too.”   You don’t linger on him for long, not when his parents are right by his side. You divert your vision and greet them politely. Jimin surprisingly looks a lot like his dad and his mom has a kind face. They seem like sweet people and you’re suddenly breaking into a sweat. “Nice to meet you.”   Your own parents make themselves known and you feel like your worlds are colliding as they shake hands and exchange names, congratulating each other on their child’s graduation.   You’re about to get them moving along when your mom nudges you. “Is this your boyfriend?”   Her voice is way too loud and you feel yourself burn in embarrassment.    “No. He’s just a friend,” you whisper it sharply but much your dismay, they look unconvinced.   You miss the way Jimin smiles to himself.   “We should get a picture!” his dad declares and your own dad looks even more elated at the idea of spamming more pictures. You already had to delete a hundred blurry ones, but your mom ignores your groan and pushes you both towards some weird artwork on the wall.   “Stand over here! Over here! Smile!”   Your parents end up sitting next to each other on the rows and you have no words, forced to sit at the bottom with the rest of your graduating class. It’s a wonder that the Arts Faculty was scheduled right before the Faculty of Kines. Fate or coincidence, you’re not sure yet.   But it’s still nice to see Jimin walk the stage and be able to cheer for him.   “Congratulations, Mr. Park.”   He grins. “Congratulations to you too, Miss L/N.”   It’s certain that the numerous celebrations with family, friends and relatives will be chaotic, so you take advantage of the opportunity while you still can. You steal just a little moment for your selfish desires by standing outside before you’re both bombarded by your circle of people.   “You know, I couldn’t have done it without you.”   “Oh, stop it with the sappiness.” You can’t feign a roll of your eyes when your smile is so big.   He swings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and laughing. “Why? Don’t like it?” And the little shit slyly leans in to whisper, “You like it when I call you my baby though.”   “Jimin!”   He laughs and you sigh with a smile.   You’re glad you ran into him.
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[Post-Graduation]   You open the door, welcoming yourself in.   “Hey.”   Jimin’s on the couch and glances at you, unfazed at how you’ve waltzed right into his apartment with little warning. You’ve always knocked out of courtesy for his roommates, but ever since he moved out of the dormitories, you find little need to make him walk all the way to the door.   He’s watching a thriller and you flop down on his couch, leaning over to plant a quick peck against his mouth as a greeting. “How was work?”   “It was okay. A bit busy. I met this nice old lady and we chatted for a bit. She called me handsome, so there’s that.” He grins and you scoff lightly, leaning your cheek on his shoulder as you watch the main character venture into an abandoned house on screen. Jimin loves his praises, so you’re not wholly surprised he’s kept a mental note of it.    You’re not sure why it’s important though. Anyone with eyes would agree he’s good-looking.   “How was class?”   “Awful,” you mumble, feeling tired against him. You came over to get rid of some sexual frustration, but you’re not even sure you have the energy to do anything anymore. “Commuting was brutal this morning. Traffic was backed up on the highway and I was late, and yesterday I had to drive back at night. My parents are driving me nuts too. I can’t study properly.”   Jimin hums a soothing note and slings an arm at the back of the couch where you’re sitting, letting you lean into him. It goes quiet as the two of you watch the suspenseful scene and then he absentmindedly pipes up after a minute, “You could always move in with me.”   He continues, “It’s closer to the university and it’s quiet during the day, so you can study. We could always study together too.”   It’s a good idea, but— “I can’t afford that.”   “I don’t mind paying rent for a while. It’s the same either way.”   It takes a second for the words sink in and then you’re peeling yourself off of him.   Your gaze is met with Jimin’s, eyes locking into one another and the movie is left in the background. “As roommates?”   He shrugs. “There’s only one bedroom, but sure.”   A studio apartment. One bed shared. Two people.   Watching movies. Having sex. Eating together.   It doesn’t sound bad to you whatsoever, but you contemplate it. It swirls around inside your head and you murmur, “Isn’t that breaking the rules of being friends with benefits?”   And you don't know why but Wendy’s words from the other day are echoing inside the caverns of your brain at the worst moment. “You know, your relationship with Jimin isn’t exactly normal.” You weren’t sure what she meant and you still don’t know. Not when she had advertised and encouraged this kind of arrangement all those years ago. When she had told you many people got involved in each other like this.   But you’re starting to wonder if something is off.   Did you do something wrong? Did your relationship with Jimin spiral out of control? But everything feels normal.   After three years, you’d think you would’ve mastered the art of benefits by now.   You sigh, getting a headache. Yet, Jimin merely shrugs.    As if the definitions and boundaries don’t bother him whatsoever.    “Is it?”   “Kind of. I mean, living together, being mutually exclusive. It almost sounds like….”   “Like what?” His brows lift. “Like we’re dating?”   You feel hot in your face, skin toasted like a furnace. Maybe you’re being delusional or silly. Maybe he’s going to laugh at you. “This is what couples who are going to get engaged do.”   “Maybe we should date then…?” The pitch of Jimin’s voice raises at the end, not necessarily a question but neither a statement. It’s questionable like he’s unsure how you feel. Like he’s playing a guessing game. And then he smiles at your shocked expression.   Jimin turns to face you fully. His gaze is heavy, earnest. “Maybe we should date.”   This time, it’s repeated as an assertion.   Confident. Unwavering. Sincere.   Jimin leans in to kiss you as if he can’t resist anymore. It’s tender, taking you off guard and you lean into him, finally allowing yourself to become surrounded by him. Mind. Body. And soul.   When the two of you pull away, he smiles while catching his breath. “I-I’m down if you are. This apartment can be yours and you can study here and sleep here and whatever. We can eat together and I’ll buy you take out or cook. It’s fine if you don’t want to. I’m cool with anything. We can keep being friends with benefits, if that’s what you want….so…......what do you want?”   You exhale lightly, feeling warm. “This...is a lot.”   “Is it?” Instantly, Jimin appears panicked and you hold back a laugh. “We’ve technically been together for three years and...what we’ve been doing recently is basically dating. In my opinion.”   “Did Wendy put you up to this?”   “No.” He shakes his head. “Frankly, the person I talk to most these days is you. And I like it that way.”   God, you hate him.    You pull Jimin in for another kiss, an aggressive and eager one. Enough that you can feel the heat off of his own face. You move to straddle his thighs and when you break apart, you muster a glare at him. “You know, I’ve been trying so hard not to catch feelings. You’re ruining all my efforts, you know that, Park?”   He grins. “Is this a yes?”   “It is.” This time, he’s the one to kiss you, sealing your lips together as he smiles against your mouth and squeezes giggles out of you. Even if he doesn’t say it, even if he’s saving it for another day, you know from his tender touches that he loves you. And it’s mutual.   No longer do you need to worry — leave right after the deed is done or be panicked when you’ve accidentally fallen asleep in his bed. You’re unashamed when he kisses you harder as a greeting, when he holds your hand, when you go out together. You can have pillow talks without needing to guard yourself, cuddle him, call him yours.   And when Christmas arrives, meaning sweater weather and snow dusting from the sky, you have someone to keep you warm. Someone who you can come back to and call your home.
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
i know you want it in the worst way
crossposted on ao3: <3
rating: explicit
content warning: gay ass mfs, shameless porn, uhhhh impact play
dabi gets pegged by his roommate tomura / no quirk au / trans shiggy / camboy shiggy series
tomura had made an uncomfortable situation for himself. he currently sat at the kitchen table with his roommate, intent on devouring his half of the large pizza by himself in an unreasonable amount of time. dabi was intent on doing the same. but that wasn’t what was uncomfortable. it was the fact that recently, him and dabi had been getting cozy in between streams. it was new, and very strange.
going into this, tomura was honestly just excited for the views that he would get. but the amount of attention that he was getting because of his “chemistry” with dabi was insane. dabi would sleep in tomura’s bed most nights, or they would fall asleep on the couch together. dabi would make him coffee in the morning, or bring him chips on his way back from… whatever his job was. tomura tended to not get involved, because it wasn’t his business and frankly he didn’t care.
but he had begun to enjoy dabi’s presence in his room when he played games. his viewers had seen dabi plenty, and had taken to making fun of tomura in the stream chat. those that knew who dabi was were particularly relentless. and though tomura and dabi had been living together for nearly a year now, it felt like dabi had just recently begun making himself seen. like he had wiggled his way into tomura’s life, and slowly started to figure out his habits, breaking every wall tomura had up to keep people away from him.
hell, he started doing the chores more. it just seemed like he gave more of a shit. it gave tomura butterflies and also simultaneously made him nervous. it was one thing to fuck someone, but all this gushy shit was frightening. he hadn’t really let himself feel like that in a long time. especially since transitioning. but dabi seemed to take him seriously, and more so not really give a shit what tomura did. it was refreshing.
he hadn’t even really realized he had gotten stuck in his train of thought until dabi was waving a hand in front of his face.
“hello? creep? you with us?” dabi’s sarcasm shouldn’t have been an endearing as tomura found it.
tomura raised a non-existent eyebrow. “who’s ‘us’?” he asked, looking around to further the quip.
“me n’ the ghosts, fuck you mean?”
tomura chuckled, going back to his last bite of pizza, savoring it, and standing up to throw the box away. he set it next to the trash can and moved back to the table, sitting down with a satisfied stomach and a lingering question in his mind.
ever since dabi had made him cry on stream, he had revenge on his mind. he wanted to fuck this man into incoherency. and tomura had the advantage of being able to chose his dick size.
“hm?” dabi looked up from where he was staring off, holding his last slice of pizza.
“can i fuck you?” tomura asked in his plain, monotone voice.
“ain’t that what you were doin’?”
“no, i mean— i wanna fuck you. like, i top.” tomura explained as he set his head in his hands, grin splitting his face.
dabi raised his eyebrows, before matching tomura’s grin. “well, i’m not gonna say no to that. just know, you gotta live up to what i put down.”
“easy.” tomura’s competitive streak made it’s appearance. “be ready by tomorrow night, we’ve got a show to put on. you know what to do right?” tomura asked.
“yes, dumbass, i know what to do.”
“ok, ok. just wanted to hear you admit that you bottom.” tomura covered his grin with his hand, standing up and taking off, promptly ending the conversation.
the next time he saw dabi, he was at tomura’s door later that evening, just watching him play his games. this was part of a strange routine that they had developed, more time spent together recently than ever. tomura looked over and him, and nodded over to his bed, silently telling him to get comfortable. dabi did, faceplanting into tomura’s disheveled sheets and listening to the clicks of the mouse and tomura’s gamer rage.
it was nice, having company like this. it was quiet but it was nice.
and eventually, when tomura’s eyes got tired from staring at the screen, or when he got bored of the same strategies over and over again, he stood up from his chair, popping both of his knees in the process, and made his way to the bed. dabi still laid there, asleep. it was a strange and soft sight that tomura enjoyed. it made him queasy to know that he slept beside this man, completely vulnerable, but he did. he didn’t really know when it started, or what they were at this point, but a warm body was a warm body. and tomura crawled in next to him, feeling the sleeping man stir, only to sling his tattooed arm over tomura and pull them together. it was nice. this was nice.
and tomura woke up before dabi like he always did. it always confused him how dabi went to bed before him and woke up after him. he guessed some people just needed more sleep. he took a cigarette from dabi’s jacket at the end of the bed, making his way to the window to sit in the window sill, feet on the fire escape, as he lit it. he liked the watch the all the people, and his lack of sleep always fueled that interest. he only heard footsteps for a moment before dabi wrapped his arms around tomura’s waist mid-inhale, making him cough and struggle.
“you shithead! i should kill you,” tomura grumbled too loud for the morning air.
“mmm, shut it.” dabi’s morning voice was lovely, and it made the morning feel warm. no more words were said, but they were felt as dabi continued to hold tomura, stealing the cigarette from him. and when it went out, dabi entwined their hands and watched the street below with him.
it was nice, this was nice.
this type of intimacy was something that tomura wasn’t used to. but the other kind, the one they were gearing up for to stream to tomura’s viewers, tomura was very used to.
the heat in his gut flared up more as the day went on, when tomura showered, when dabi went on a run for his ‘job’, and when dabi went to go take a shower, tomura went to get ready himself. he pulled out his box from under his bed, pulling out his 8 incher. he wanted to ruin dabi and this bright pink instrument of doom would seem to do the trick. he found his harness and the lube, and laid them all on his desk as he made his bed and cleaned up his room. it was consistently a disaster, he just tried to avoid the mess making its way into his camera shot. by the time most of his shit was pushed out of view of the camera, he heard the shower turn off and dabi step out of it.
tomura sat back on his bed in his boxers and hoodie, materials in sight of the camera which was on and ready for him to press the “go live” button. his door opened, and there stood dabi in his t-shirt and boxers, looking domestic but sexy as all hell. he had a fire in his eyes as he usually did before the streams. he looked at the strap on tomura’s bed and immediately, his face was red and he was shifting where he stood.
“so— we really doin’ this, huh creep?” he murmured, eyes still glued to the toy.
“i mean— you can back out if you want, i haven’t started the stream—”
“no! no, i— i- uh. i wanna.” dabi cut tomura off, already stammering over his words.
and tomura was already obsessed with the shade of red dabi was turning. the white-haired man shuffled his way over to the laptop, making sure all of his settings were in check and all of his links worked, before looking back to dabi.
“ready?” tomura asked, and dabi nodded, sitting back on the bed.
tomura started the stream, waiting a few moments for the viewers to flood in.
“hi! welcome back, you guys are in for a treat this time. it’s my turn to fuck him stupid, as revenge.”
tomura would never get over the way he acted in front of a camera. it was so freeing, which was strange. he felt more natural in front of all these strangers than he did in public. it was absurd and he adored it.
>> hellz yeah!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> Peg the cissie
tomura chuckled at that one. his viewers always entertained him, whether by being inconsolably horny or genuinely funny. either way, he turned back to dabi, grin splitting his face. there was a glint of excitement in the other mans eye, and he could tell this was going to be fun.
tomura made his first move soft, moving his hands up dabi’s tattooed legs to rub his thighs, leaning in for a kiss that was softer than the ones that they had shared before. he started everything off slow, making his way between dabi’s legs as they kissed. it was a push and pull, less biting, and less aggression. though, because it was them, playful nips were a given. tomura earned a nice breathy chuckle from dabi when he moved his hand up to grip the base of dabi’s head by his hair, carding his fingers through it.
when they had to pull away for air, tomura moved on to dabi’s neck, kissing along his jaw to suck a mark onto him, high up on his neck. practically impossible to hide. tomura liked that. dabi was still surefire, breathing only slightly sped up. tomura slid his thigh in between dabi’s to give him something to work his hips on, and he did. he grinded his hips against tomura’s thigh as tomura sucked more into his skin, biting onto the junction between dabi’s neck and his shoulder, making the aforementioned man whine almost pathetically.
“oh— you sound really pretty, dabi.” tomura was always a bit insecure of his voice, whiney and craggly, but dabi seemed to enjoy the sentiment. it made tomura’s gut clench, the way dabi’s breath caught.
“why don’t we open you up, huh? can i eat you out?” tomura wouldn’t be able to spew any filth like this if the camera wasn’t on. it was the false confidence, the performance. but the words were true, dabi really was gorgeous in this moment. tomura didn’t believe how he hadn’t seen it before.
“god— yes, yeah—” dabi’s reply was deep and gutteral, leaned back on his hands as he spread his legs. tomura took to getting dabi out of his pants, pulling his boxers down himself and pulling him by his thighs to lay spread open. tomura was on his stomach, level with dabi’s crotch as he let out little puffs of breath to watch dabi arch into nothing. it was insane how responsive the man was already, and tomura hadn’t even touched him. he had to do this more often.
“jesus— get on it with, will ya’?” dabi’s tone was laced with annoyance, looking down at tomura with a blush on his face and a glint in his eye. tomura’s grin was mischievous as he moved to kiss along dabi’s inner thigh.
“that’s no way to ask for something. you know what you want. ask for it.”
and this was where dabi’s stubbornness kicked in. his lips stayed sealed as he arched against nothing. tomura sat up, moving back from dabi and looking him in the eye. tomura took to running his fingers along the inside of dabi’s legs, up his torso, to his chest, over his nipples, and back down. feather light, only enough to make goosebumps erupt all over.
tomura could tell dabi was trying really hard not to give in. not to move. to do nothing.
“beg. i know you want to.” tomura being able to get away with being a shithead was gonna go to his head if it continued to feel this good. tomura leaned in, just over dabi’s ear, and dragged his nails over dabi’s outer thighs.
“good boys know how to beg, dabi.” his voice was still that monotone, with a hint of mockery. and dabi caved.
“please. please, please please—”
“better than that, i know you’re smarter than that, pretty boy.”
“i need you, tomura, give it to me, give me something, please—”
having dabi like this without even touching him was definitely getting to tomura’s head. but dabi had done good, so tomura moved down and licked a stripe over dabi’s hole. he heard him gasp, so without letting the other man get his bearings, he immediately began his assault, circling his rim with his tongue and running it up and over his taint to swirl the tip of his cock. he moved back down to push his tongue in with little flick, opening him up slightly with the glide of the wet muscle.
above him, dabi was trying to hold in his whimpers and moans, moving one of his hands to muffle himself before tomura, without discontinuing his attention to dabi’s hole, grabbed his arm and shoved it back to the bed. dabi’s next groan was fully exposed to the camera and was like music to tomura’s ears.
tomura knew dabi had a thing for the camera. he knew it from the second dabi asked to join him. so tomura made dabi the star this time. and by god was he doing it well. tomura pulled back and wiped his mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
“you sound really good,” tomura murmured, finally grabbing the lube and hearing dabi sigh in relief with the pop of the cap. he was rock hard and practically leaking against his stomach.
tomura poured some out on his fingers, trying to warm it in his hand but apparently failing if dabi’s hiss was any indication of temperature. he rubbed his fingertips along dabi’s hole, hearing dabi’s breathy whines speed up.
“what did we learn last time?” tomura asked leisurely, looking dabi right in his hazy eyes. he continued his ministrations, teasing but never fulfilling, just never enough to satisfy. he wanted to drive dabi insane, and patience was key. he wanted this boy to beg and pant for the camera, to scream out for him. he wanted dabi to fall apart like putty in his hands, and all he had to do was wait.
but he wouldn’t. yet again, he was denying tomura his sweet, wrecked words yet again. tomura wouldn’t have that. he removed his fingers from where they were running light little circles against dabi’s hole and used his non-lubed hand to run his fingers lightly across dabi’s inner thighs again. dabi groaned in frustration and dropped onto his elbows, giving tomura a death stare like no other. the fire in his eyes was bright, and tomura wanted to dive in and burn. he gave a lazy smirk as he dipped his hand into the crease between the other man’s thigh and his pelvis, running his finger down and avoiding the spot where dabi wanted him the most.
“fuck off,” dabi moaned these words despite their meaning, and tomura could tell that they were not meant to be taken literally.
“you’re such a mess already, and i haven’t even fucked you. come on, say what you gotta say. be good, for once.” tomura was spouting off, dripping wet in his boxers as he leaned in over dabi.
“make me, creep. make me, if you want it so fuckin’ bad.” dabi’s tone betrayed how fond he was of the situation he was in, though still whiny as all hell. tomura almost didn’t want to give him what he was so obviously baiting for. still, tomura would never pass an opportunity to whip the other man into shape.
he wasn’t the strongest, but dabi was in such a shaky state that he was able to manhandle him on his stomach with his ass up, face pressed into the pillow by virtue of tomura’s hand on the back of his head. and without hesitation, tomura laid down a smack hard enough to rattle his teeth on dabi’s ass. he saw the other man light up and he heard a groan loud enough to be loud through the pillow. tomura couldn’t imagine what the chat looked like right now. he didn’t care. they wanted authenticity, he would deliver.
tomura watched a print of his hand slowly appear on dabi’s right asscheek as dabi waggled his hips to try to entice tomura further. he decided to bite, laying another smack just as hard where his thigh met his ass, hearing a loud gasp as dabi drooled onto the pillow. and another, and another. he continued with a few more until dabi was whining into open air, little mewls and whimpers coming from where he had turned his head to the side to breathe better tomura’s hand sneaking its way into his hair and pulling occasionally.
tomura leaned over dabi, right up next to his ear, and murmured, “you wanna be a good boy now and beg for it? come on, i don’t have all day.” his fond little words combined with the stinging pain on dabi’s ass must have made the wall in his head break down.
“please, please gimme somethin’— i need it, c’mon, tomura,” dabi stretched out his lovers name like a prayer, clinging to every syllable like it would satisfy him in tomura’s absence.
either way, tomura finally spread dabi’s cheeks and slowly slid one finger in with surprising ease. he heard dabi whimper yet again, and knew he wouldn’t have to wait much longer to add a second. he did just that, working through whatever resistance the other man’s body posed him. dabi was already a puddle beneath him, little breaths driving tomura up the wall. he was about at the end of his rope here. he wasn’t a patient man, but something about dabi made him one. he couldn’t see himself spending this much time riling anyone else up, and it was strange to see this man make him so different.
he added another finger, watching with hungry eyes as his fingers were repeatedly engulfed. he curled them up against dabi’s walls and watched the man deflate. it was almost amusing.
still, he decided to finally take mercy on the poor thing and stood up to put on the harness. he heard dabi whine and turn over, hissing when his ass hit the bedsheets. tomura got his dick strapped into the harness and turned around with a half assed ‘ta-da’ gesture, smiling when dabi let out a husky little chuckle at the imagery of tomura’s bright pink strap against his black boxers.
he got up onto the bed, seeing now the product of his teasing in the way dabi leaned into his every touch. he lubed up and lined up with dabi’s hole, moving one of dabi’s legs to be on his shoulder. dabi was all limbs, so it was surprisingly easy. and for how leggy he was, he was unexpectedly flexible. tomura began to push in, making eye contact with dabi as he leaned over him, nearly folding the poor man in half as tomura laid one hand beside dabi’s head.
in this process, he had nearly all the way pushed into dabi, and the man below him was losing his mind.
“f- fuck i— i didn’ think it was that big—” dabi’s murmuring was more to himself, but the words went to tomura’s head for some reason. he was smirking as dabi tried to wiggle to get that last bit inside of him, groaning like he needed it.
“tomura, god, please,” the desperation in his voice was the straw that broke the camel’s back. tomura slammed the rest of the way in, and started a relentless pace. the impact of tomura’s clothed thighs against dabi’s raw skin was just another sensation that he could practically see the other man drowning in.
and tomura didn’t know what it was about him, his pretty eyes, his miles of tattooed skin, his long and clumsy limbs, his raspy voice and his overall demeanor, but the feelings that head built up for this man made it all the more breathtaking to watch him fall apart. and tomura couldn’t help but tell him, the camera made him more brave than he was.
“you’re pretty like this.”
“tomura, harder—”
“good boy,”
that little coo of two simple words made dabi keen, throwing his head back, long expanse of his neck exposed and just so gorgeous. tomura was going to lose it. tomura brought a hand up from dabi’s hips to his neck just to fit his hand around it. it felt dangerous, dabi so open and vulnerable for him here, opening up for tomura on film.
“you like that? you like being good for the camera? for me?”
dabi’s breathing was heavy staccato as he arched off the bed, and tomura took his over leg over his shoulder to fuck into him faster. tomura could tell he was nearing his end, hiccups of breath accentuating the way his eyes rolled back into his head at a particularly hard thrust, the drag and friction of the synthetic cock inside him too much for him to bear. he was flushed from his ears to his shoulders, a gorgeous color that tomura was currently particularly obsessed with.
“t- touch me tomura, please, i need to cum—”
“you wanna come? go on, convince me some more.”
“please, i’ll be so good tomura, give it to me, c’mon— i want it, can i? please,” he was repeating himself, so out of his own head to even produce a more intelligent answer. eventually his begging turned into these messy little moans that had tomura feening.
he sounded too pretty, and yet again tomura caved.
he swiped up some of the precum that had accumulated on dabi’s stomach (gross but effective) and started working dabi’s cock in time with his thrusts.
“cum for me, dabi, you’re allowed. you’ve been good for me, come on,” tomura coaxed the other man along as he finally reached his orgasm, spraying all over his own stomach and even managing to land some on tomura.
dabi took a while of deep breathing to finally calm down. in that time, tomura ended the stream with a warm goodbye and promise for more and went off to get tylenol, water and a rag.
wiping jizz off your fuckbuddie’s stomach wasn’t supposed to be particularly tender, but the way dabi’s eyelashes fluttered until the soft touch made tomura’s heart flutter. gross. dabi was a blushy mess, he presumed because of the other man’s prior begging and pleading for tomura’s dick.
“hey, tomu?” his words were barely above a murmur.
“you didn’t get off, did you?”
tomura had completely forgotten, so caught up in dabi’s pleasure and entertaining the viewers in the heat of the moment that the throbbing heat in his dick was slammed back into him at the mere mention of it.
“get yer’ ass over here,”
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 22: Lose - Keen Of The Green Chap.2: Hack Up A Ghost Or Two
Kwan’s always been the kinda guy too clean up others messes, you could say he was the teams mother hen, but this was kinda ridiculous. But at least he wasn’t cleaning up after his teammates for once.
Casper High was much more used to Danny and his general.. weird, now. To the point that people would give him random ghosts -usually plants, Whisps, or Blob ghosts- they found. Or if they were getting chased by or spotted a ghost people actually ran to him. The real surprise and improvement was that the teen wouldn’t run away from ghosts now, which everyone was in agreement he had been doing to try to ‘hunt’ the ghost in private, and would actually just eat what people brought him like it wasn’t as absolutely weird and messed up as it was.
Though seeing the switch flip in him between random Highschool senior loser to predator, if someone did manage to lead a ghost to the teen, was freaky and even rather scary. Some folks watched purely out of morbid curiosity others in some odd attempt to be supportive of the local monster. His friends were the only ones who seemed genuinely unphased. Which did make some wonder just how long this had gone on for, if the boy was born like this, or the really unpleasant thought that his parents messed him up.
He didn’t like that stuff being questioned though so no one did. They just treated him like they had before excluding the, probably odd and messed up to anyone outside of Amity, support of his oddness.
No matter how used to this they were though, Kwan was honestly not prepared to walk into Fenton throwing up chunks of a ghost into the school toilets.
Kwan blinks and opens and closes his mouth a few times before finding something to say after opening the -unlocked, what was Fenton thinking?- bathroom stall door. “Ate too much or something? And Fenton, for future reference, for the love of everything, lock the door”. Fenton predictably flips him off over his shoulder while hacking some more.
Kwan sighs, muttering, “why am I always the one to walk in on this stuff”, and walks over to the teen. Kneeling down and rubbing Fenton’s back like he does for his bros when they drink way too much. At least he made it to the bathroom. That was something. Todd literally never did. It was to the point he was banned from drinking heavily at anyone’s house other than his own.
Fenton grumbles, “you-”, hack, “-just have really bad luck”.
Kwan nods, agreeing that might be accurate, “well I’m not sure if this should be more or less embarrassing for you or me”.
Fenton makes a few gagging noises, “too sick to-”, hack, “-be embarrassed”. Which again, Kwan will admit is fair. Vomiting into a toilet, especially a public one, was always embarrassing but no one really thought about that in the moment. Especially if he couldn’t even be bothered to lock the bloody door.
After a bit Fenton sits back on his heels, arms on his knees, and looks to Kwan, “ugh, probably gonna get sick a bit more before it’s outta my system”. Kwan gives him a probably rather pained cringy smile at that, though noting how the whites of the smaller teens' eyes were pale green; which he doesn’t think has been something anyone has seen before. Maybe Fenton was actually sick? “Getting what out of your system?”.
Fenton rubs the back of his hand over his mouth, scowling down at the green smeared there, before actually answering, “ah. Well”, readjusting and shaking his head while mumbling something about him probably deserving some answers for this shit. Which while Kwan doesn’t actually think is the case, he still would like to know. Finding out things about Fenton has become kinda a fun game. So he keeps his mouth shut and lets Fenton continue, “so I had -let’s call it ‘breakfast’- things didn’t smell right but I’ve barely had any sleep and do I really care? No. I’ve drunk rotten milk before. But now I’m pretty well positive someone went and ecto-poisoned the NeverWoods or something”.
Kwan blinks, well that was a dick move. Sure the NeverWoods produced a lot of ghost plants and the Whisps and shit but that was cool and the things were cute. He even had one of the little blob guys as a pet, Fenton had nonchalantly given him food for the little guy. Which was weird ‘cause he had been nervous the odd teen would try to eat his pet or something when he found out. Like how some people ate rabbits and horses. Shaking his head a little, “so... so this is more, uh, food poisoning than anything else?”. Fenton shrugs but holds up a finger and leans back over the toilet; promptly throwing up again. Fenton grumbling after hacking a bit, “I’ll be fine”.
Kwan believes that, when is Fenton ever not okay? “Eh, this is as good an excuse as any to skip health”. Fenton chuckles a little, “your fault for putting it off ‘till senior year”. Kwan just shrugs and gives an agreeing, “yeah”, but hey, at least it was easy.
Kwan speaks up again as Fenton’s just been leaning over the toilet hacking and make other sounds the jock was more used to hearing late at night than mid-morning, “I'm guessing that whatever was done to the woods ain’t good for all the ecto there?”.
Fenton hacks a bit more, “no man, obviously”, spits into the toilet bowl and turns to look at him, “if I can’t handle it in my system then they certainly can’t”. Kwan frowns, “well damn”, speaking back up at Fenton rolling his eyes and turning back to the toilet, “so... what we gonna do about it? I take it goth girlfriend isn’t going to take that lying down, especially with you hacking into a gross ass toilet over it”, making a point to chuckle, “though hunter girlfriend might approve of it”. Pretty well everyone called those three friends of his his girlfriends and boyfriend, largely because it was funny. Fenton predictably moves his arm back to shove him over. Him banging the stall door open as a result and just letting himself land on the ground -kid was strong alright?- just as Dash and Dale come in.
“There you are man! We’ve been looking- hey is that Fenton?”. Said teen just groans, it sounds more out of annoyance than sickness though, even if he does throw up again.
Dale chuckles, “well looks like someone’s losing their lunch, or breakfast really. Or did he just spend the whole night drinking”, and smirks.
Kwan gets up and closes the stall door to give the kid some privacy. “More like got second-hand poisoning. Someone went and poisoned the NeverWoods or something like that”. Both other jocks scowl immediately. Dash snapping, “oh that is so not cool”. Dale nodding in agreement, “we should pummel whoever”.
That gets a chuckle from inside the stall, “I’d place my bets on the G.I.W., my folks ain’t the type”, followed by more hacking and spitting sounds, “and Val knows better”. They all know that what he means by that is that she wouldn’t go poisoning a place she knows is something of a ‘hunting ground’ for her friend. That girl hated ghosts a lot but not enough to go getting a living person -humanity questionable or not- sick. And his parents really were the more ‘shoot their heads off’ type. Kwan hums, “see now this sounds like a good excuse to go ransack their compound”. Dash and Dale immediately grin meanly, “oh Hell yeah. we’ve been waiting for an excuse to do that”, which as true. The whole town hated those men. For a lot of reasons. Everything from blowing up buildings to murder attempts to trying to tax them for the ghost problem; plus, the town all agreed they were way too violent with ghosts. Even Valerie/Red did.
Fenton grumbles, “this town is insane”.
Dash rolls his eyes, “says the guy who eats ghosts”.
“The fact that none of y’all even-”, hack, “-treat me weird over that now is part of the insanity”.
All three boys make waving off motions at the door, “eh, we love and support our local monster”.
“Then why do you still shit-kick me?”.
Dash smirks, “got an image and norm to maintain. Highschool hierarchy to uphold, Fenton”. They all hear the teen grumble back, “you know normally, sheep don’t go around poking wolves”. They decidedly ignore the low-key sorta implied threat of him eating them; everyone knew by now that the kid wouldn’t actually do that. Alpha predator or not. Even if he probably could.
They can hear him flush and get up, opening the stall door seconds later. His face looked practically flushed a kinda sickly green, he glares at them anyway, “if you’re really gonna do that then you have my full support and involvement”. That makes the three jocks grin and cheer. And all it takes to get Fenton’s three friends in on it was dragging Fenton over to them and blurting out that the G.I.W. poisoned him. Which they oddly seemed less surprised and more just fed up about.
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krabmeat · 3 years
How do you think the characters first impression of you would be? :3
Main character fella and i would probably see me sitting next to old guy after the murder spree before tug-of-war. he would be like "AYO BACK THE F-CK UP FROM HIM" and i would either be a bit sarcastic and say "damn, calm down bossman. you werent the one here keeping him safe so calm yourself you dunderhead." or id be as respectful as i could allow myself to be and just nod and walk away. eventually we would grow on each other and ally- id know him from the sugar honeycombs game and would feel like i kinda owe him for getting through sugar honeycombs and id also just think he seems like a smart ally to have because hes good at strategizing.
MY MAN ALIIII!!!! ahhh, as i said before i would meet him after killing one of tattoo fellas goons cause he was boutta kill him. ali being ali, he would feel indebted to me because i helped him out and i would try to return as much of the favors he does for me as possible! sometimes we would try to out-do the other with our kind deeds and sometimes it would get competitive like super fast.
glasses guy and i met because of having ali as a mutual close pal. glasses isnt exactly fond of me because he knows that ive got a good skillset and he was moreso distrusting or hesitant. soon enough though he came around! not as much as the other homies but to the point to where were at least well-aqquainted. the first time i got him to crack a smile after chatting with him and telling jokes mid conversation was a very nice victory for me, i would tease him and bring it up for a while.
the curly haired chick would probably HATE my guts. one of the habits that i have that has turned into things i jusy instinctually do is i mock a person when i wanna poke fun or make fun of them. and you best believe id be doing that a HELL of a lot to curly haired chick. she doesnt like my witty comments and most likely makes a racist comment about me like what she did to ali. to which i would promptly beat her a$$ but of course. though, i do hold a respect for her and how dedicated and determined she is. when she takes tattoo fella down with her during the glass bridge game i would genuinely be sad about her dying but my respect would grow. when she says tattoo guy has a small dick you would hear me from the glass pane i was on "YESS YOU GO!! CANT BELIEVE TATTOO FELLA HAS A SMALL DICK, WHATTA LOSER BAHAHAHA POINT AND LAUGH FELLAS- GOSH THATS SO EMBARRASSING"
TATTOO GUY!!! I HATE THIS B-TCHES GUTS! anyways, we would also meet a bit after the night before tug of war when he and his goons kill a bunch of people. he would probably try and get in my pants at one point- heres how that goes,
"omg hey bbygirl youre so hot and sexy and sexy and hot aha"
"oh my gosh you are too what a coincidence *vomits on him* *leaves*"
but yeah. he also most definitely talks sh-t about me and is about to fight me but is all like "lmfao forget it puny girl i have higher standards" to which i throw the punch instead before he leaves and go feral on his a$$.
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ahgasescenarios · 4 years
Corrupting the Innocent Pt. 5 (final)- Dong Sicheng
Tumblr media
Word count: 2.2k
Genre: fluff/smut
Plot summary: In which (Y/N) decides to “help” innocent exchange student Sicheng win over his crush. Except she has ulterior motives and Sicheng is too clueless to notice.
a/n: hi loves!! I hope you enjoyed this last part and the series more generally, I honestly worked so hard on this one. I hope you’re all staying safe and don’t be shy to pop in my inbox with requests or just to chat, I’d love to talk to you guys xx
 You lay in bed for what seemed like an eternity, ignoring the pleading cries of your stomach or your body aching for movement. Is this what heartbreak felt like? Why did people go through with relationships if it always ended like this? You kept picturing scenarios of Sicheng and you, daydreaming of what could’ve been and it did nothing to improve your state. What was it that had made you care? You blinked back a tear before it sunk in that this wasn’t you, you didn’t mope around waiting for life to happen.
If you want things done right, you have to do them yourself.
That was one of the only things you had learned from your adoptive parents, that and how not to raise your own children if you ever had any. You freshened yourself up, masking your dark circles and damaged skin with some makeup.
 A friendly face was just what you needed, you thought as you looked over at Rosé and a few other friends sitting across from you at the same café Sicheng had taken you to what seemed like forever ago.
“Any luck with Jaehyun?” You directed at Rosé.
“No, turns out Johnny is more my type and we’ve got ourselves an arrangement so, it’s a win-win.” She smiled; you had noticed this new glow about her- perhaps he was as good of a fuck as you had heard? Nevertheless, you were happy for her. She looked good, happy. It was a good look on her.
You made small talk until your drinks arrived and you melted in the comfort of a warm mug of coffee, it did wonders to your soul. You felt eerily out of touch with reality, present but not really. You felt out of place, out of sorts and it was so foreign, so weird. Just as you recollected the last exchange you had with Sicheng, your eyes landed on a side profile you knew all too well. He was with his friends as well, at the other end of the café.
You were staring, and eventually, he was too. It proved suddenly quite difficult to breathe when his eyes met yours and you retreated to the bathroom to regain your composure. These feelings were all so new, so foreign that you honestly didn’t know how to handle any of them. It felt as though they were all lurking over your shoulder, a second away from crashing over you. You’d never felt like this about someone and yet you’d been doing this backward, breaking up before you were even together. One look in the mirror told you you were far from being okay, but you took a deep breath and any trace of Sicheng was long gone by the time you got back. It was for the best, you guessed.
 You chose to prioritize sleep and homework for the remainder of the semester albeit there were only a few weeks left in the term. It proved to be a difficult task as the sheer volume of your notes mocked you, you’d never get everything done in time. You almost agreed with them but giving up sleep proved successful as you handed in all papers on time and completed exams okay enough.
Occasionally, you’d bump into Sicheng in the hall, but he’d avoid your gaze and be on his way. You didn’t allow it to put a damper on your mood. Funny enough, you hadn’t felt the need to seek out someone new after him, it wouldn’t be the same and the idea didn’t ignite anything in you as it once had. Besides, your partner in crime had somewhat settled, why couldn’t you do the same?
Some of us are getting drinks to celebrate end of term, you in?
Your eyes looked over Rosé’s text over and over again, debating whether this was a good idea or not. You ended up giving in to the devil on your shoulder beckoning you to “have some fun!”. It was just a few drinks with friends, what was the harm in that?
Once you saw what you were working with, you gasped. Your skin begged for a skincare routine; one you had discarded after everything that had happened. It only took an hour and what felt like two inches of makeup to make you look, and feel, decent-looking. You went back to that section of your closet and pulled out a relatively slutty dress (if there was such a thing). Now you were ready.
 On your first drink, you bantered with your friends. You were all exhilarated to have some freedom once again, no longer chained to the boulder that was university. The second drink had you starting a game of truth or dare.
“Rosé, truth or dare?”
“Hmmm, truth.” She always went for truth.
“Is Johnny THAT big?” The curious girl licked her lips in anticipation and Rosé chuckled, as though recalling a funny anecdote.
“Oh, yes sweetie. But that D is mine.”
A few turns later, you were the one under spotlights.
“(Y/N), truth or dare?” Jennie was the one asking the question, part of Rosé’s close circle of friends.
“You know what, dare,” Jennie smirked, an agenda of her own.
“I dare you to call Sicheng, right now.”
You nearly choked on your drink.
“I’m gonna need a few more drinks first.”
“Promise?” She inquired and you reluctantly nodded, “Fine, then I dare you to down the rest of your drink.”
That you could do. You prayed Jennie would forget about her initial dare, but you were out of luck. A few shots later, here you were, dialing Sicheng’s number. You hadn’t planned what you were going to say, but you were too drunk to even care now. Besides, what did it matter?
“Hello?” A voice thick with sleep answered back. Oops, you hadn’t considered the time.
“(Y/N), why are you calling me?”
“Because,” you pouted “I miss you. And I’m sorry.”
“You’re drunk.” Deep sigh.
“But I mean it, Sicheng. I really really like you and I know I ruined everything, but I just wanted you to know that.”
“Where are you?”
“Take care Sicheng, I’m sorry I’m such a shitty person. I wish I wasn’t. Bye.” You hung up after a few attempts, the buttons on your phone blurring before your eyes. The girls giggled and applauded your courage. Only Rosé looked back at you with a concerned look on her face.
 “Wake up.” You opened your eyes, excruciating pain in your entire body. Oh god, you had fallen asleep on the sidewalk. When had you ever gone outside to begin with? Desperately trying to piece together the how and the when, you were clueless as to whom the voice belonged to.  
“Come on, I’m taking you home.” Wait, you knew that voice.
“Sicheng, what-“
He shushed you, motioning for you to hop on his back so he could carry you home. You complied; this was probably the last time you’d get to touch him, might as well make the most of it. You couldn’t believe this would be the last image he’d have of you, what a joke.
It hadn’t been hard for him to track you down, there were only a few bars the uni students visited and lucky for him, you had been at the first one he had burst into. Why he had gone looking for you in the first place, he didn’t know. Maybe it was that seeing you had reminded him of your times together and as furious as he was with you, he knew you. And he knew why you would think that sex was your only gateway to love. Maybe that was why he was now sitting your bed, braiding your hair to keep it from getting in the way in case you were a puke-until-I-pass-out kind of drunk.
 “Wait- can you stay?” You looked up at him with pleading eyes. How could he resist? You looked so desperate and sweet, for him. He opened the covers for you, and you snuggled up against him, reveling in the feeling of his warm body against yours. He laid there, unsure of what to do and ended up falling asleep too.
 You opened your eyes groggily, your head felt like it had construction workers doing their harshest work up there. You had taken one too many shots the night prior, that much you could tell. Only then did you feel warmth from the other side of the bed, and in fact, you were met with the sight of a sleeping Sicheng. You laid there in shock for as long as it took Sicheng to wake up and face your bemused visage.
“Morning.” He half-smiled. He had slept like a baby, ironically the last few months had been ridden with insomnia up until now.
“You’re still here.”
“I am.”
“Why?” Your voice gave away your shock.
“Well, you did ask me to.” He paused, sitting up. “And I figured you had punished yourself enough. What you did was horribly wrong, (Y/N), but I feel like I know you enough to understand why you felt that was the only way you could do things.” You gulped.
“And honestly, I missed you and I just want to start over.” He stretched his long limbs lazily.
“I’d love that.” You smiled from ear to ear.
“On one condition.” He pointed an accusing finger in your direction, and you tensed in your seat. “There’s still one thing you haven’t taught me yet.”
He took hold of your hand and placed it on his morning wood. Your eyes widened. Oh, that’s what he meant.
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me wait longer, (Y/N), I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I laid eyes on you.” The foulness of the words spewing out of Sicheng’s mouth only aroused you further and you were quick to do something about it.  
You rid him of his boxers and licked your lips at the sight of his shaft. You kissed his tip, trailed your tongue down to his base, earning a hiss from above. Once you had him thrusting up in your mouth begging for more, you decided it was enough teasing. This time.
“Sit up.” He obeyed your command.
You took off your panties and crawled back to him. He looked so handsome, exposed for you like this and with as much carnal desire as you. It was a sight you’d vow to keep engraved in your mind forever. He brought you in for a kiss, his eyes glowing with awe of your naked form. You motioned to sit on his dick but you were interrupted mid-way.
“Wait- I want to do something for you too.”
This piqued your interest and you guided his fingers along your folds and he experimentally brought them in and out, awaiting further instructions. Your moans proved to be more than enough as he maintained a steady rhythm, holding back a confident smirk.
“Fuck, (Y/N), look at you. Such a moaning mess for me.”
Oh, and he was a talker, that you could get used to. He kept this up for a little while, until:
“I don’t mean to rush anything, but can I fuck you now?”
You chuckled, even now he was such a gentleman asking for permission. You squirmed out of his touch and quickly sunk down on his dick, giving yourself a second to adjust to his size. His hands found your ass and he made it clear he wanted you to move. And you did, slowly at first until Sicheng grew tired of your pace and flipped you over so he was on top.
“Don’t be a tease.” His only justification.
You hadn’t taken him for a dom, but then again you had been wrong about a lot of things. For his first time, he was exceeding expectations. He connected your lips in another heated kiss silencing another one of your moans and kept up his relentless pace. Your hand reached down to massage your clit and you were surprised to see him take over for you, his thumb doing wonders to your bundle of nerves as he explored your body. Your soft voice bellowing requests every so often had him becoming an expert in no time. Before long, you were moaning out his name, clenching around his shaft as you chased your high. Sicheng hissed at the feeling, your walls tightening around him nearly sending him over the edge. A panicked expression took over his features.
“Where do I-“
You pointed to your stomach and he moaned again, releasing his hot load all over your naked body. You got cleaned up as he rode out his orgasm, dazed by the pleasure by the time you came back. Your fingers played with Sicheng’s hair lovingly, now cuddled up in bed.
“How did I do?” He asked, a tang of innocence still present.
“Not bad at all. I think we should do that much more.” You paused. “You know, to practice.” You teased and this earned a laugh from the boy beside you, you couldn’t help but join in. Your love story was far from normal, sure, but you were happy. And you’d like to think that Sicheng was too.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
Dick Grayson(Nightwing)- Goner
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A/N: Based on this modern day fake dating au by @queenpotatothegreat ! (btw I hid a Hamilton reference in there. Tell me if you found it and you’ll be my favorite person ever uwu)
Description: (See linked prompt, I’m too burned out to come up with a smart description)
Wordcount: 3083
She’s So High//Tal Bachman
Best Friend//Rex Orange County
You nearly choked on your drink when you heard what your friend just asked you to do.
“You want me to what?”
“Pretend to date me for two weeks.”
You stared at Dick, searching his face for any sign that he was just messing with you but he did not look like he was joking at all. There were things that people simply should not do, this was one of them. You grew up watching dumb rom-coms and seeing the overused trope a million times, you knew for a fact that this wouldn’t end well.
“Uh.... Why?”
Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Because there is a gala coming up,” you raised a brow and he hesitantly added, “and I kinda told the fam that I’ll bring a date out of annoyance.”
And somehow you think that bringing a fake one is the best solution? “Why me then? You could have just ask one of the people you went out with.”
“How am I supposed to go to an ex with something like that,” he whined, “please (y/n), you’re the only one I can count on to pull this off.”
Boom. All sense of logic was gone. Maybe it was the way he looked so helpless, or maybe it was how you used to have a hopeless crush on your now best friend, all reasons flew out of the window the moment he turned those eyes on you.
To be fair, everyone who grew up in Gotham who were somewhat attracted to men have had a crush on Dick Grayson at some point. But it was different for you because you actually got to be there to witness those small moments that made people swoon. You got to hear his laughs, you got to listen to his circus stories, you got to be there to witness that one summer he went from being a boy to the way he looked now in all his Adonis-like glory. You knew that he never liked you the way you wanted and you were alright with that. You were the civilian best friend he needed to keep him anchored and you took up that role gladly, trading your heart to keep his eyes in your life. It hurt so badly at first, seeing him look at so many different people the way you always looked at him. But as time went on, the wound mended. The faces of the one he embraced changed through the years but you were the one that stayed.
And that was why you could never say no to Dick Grayson, not even when he asked you to do something you knew would end in chaos. Dick Grayson could ask you for the world and you would gladly give it to him, not that you would ever let him know.
Looking into those damned puppy dog eyes, you sucked in your breath and said, “Ok, fine.”
His pout quickly turned into a toothy grin, “You are honestly the best! Seriously, what would I do without you?”
There it was, that smile that used to make you toss in your sleep. You felt a long forgotten but familiar flutter in your stomach at the sight of his eyes lighting up, and you knew immediately that you were a goner down this disastrous road.
“So, how are we doing this whole ‘fake dating’ thing?” You asked, laying on Dick’s couch. You caressed the fabric of the couch subconsciously, feeling the touch of the soft fabric. Dick’s taste with decor was questionable but that couch was truly a good asset. “Well, of course,” you thought to yourself with a childish sense of pride, “I was the one who picked it.”
“People who fake date in fiction always ended up torturing themselves because they caught feelings, right?” he said, “We don’t want that.”
You throat tightened and you almost felt bitter. Right, of course we wouldn’t want to catch feelings. Of course.
What you didn’t expect is what he said next, “Which is why I proposed that by the end of the two weeks, we would sit down to have a chat and we’re gonna be honest to each other if either of us got feelings.” Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
You managed to hide everything you felt for him under the facade of platonic love for so long and now he had the decency to suggest being honest? You swallowed the breath you were holding in. He said that you two would be honest, but he wouldn’t know if you do lie. After all, god knows how many times you succeeded in fooling yourself into thinking that friendship was all you wanted for you two.
“So you’re basically assuming that I will catch feelings? Narcissistic much?” you teased with a dramatic eye roll, pretending that the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach wasn’t there.
He laughed and you couldn’t help but smile. Come on now, get a grip. “I’m not implying anything but people do say that I’m a bit of a charmer,” he winked and you cursed the quickened beating of your heart for selling you out, “maybe I can make you fall in love with me by the end of this.”
Oh, if only he knew. If only he knew.
If you had doubts at first, then you were most definitely sure that you were a goner when introduced you to his friends for the first time.
The gala was a one-time thing, so you weren’t really sure why Dick insisted on bringing you to a dinner party hosted by a work friend from his ‘day job’. “Legitimacy.” he said as he put an arm around your waist and grinned. Your body stiffen at the contact and your determination that you could brush everything off as an act was shaken just a little.
You put on a purposefully nonchalant expression as you were greeted by the host of the gathering. A man that seemed to be in his mid-30s opened the door and pulled Dick into a hug with a wide smile, giving him a firm pat on the shoulder before pulling away. The man looked at you and turned back to Dick with a teasing smile, “Well, Officer Grayson, why didn’t you mention that you’re bringing a special someone?”
Out of habit, you were prepared to hear him clarify that you two were merely best friends with a light-hearted smile. You almost couldn’t stand firmly when he casually threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, “This is (y/n). We’ve been friends since we were kids and we just started seeing each as something more recently.”
He said it so naturally you almost forgot that it was all part of the plan. There was a time when you painted scenarios after scenarios in your head of what it would be like if he realized how in love with him you were and what would happen if he realized that he loved you in the same way. How ironic that this was how you finally hear those words you used to dream of after believing that it was not something you longed to hear anymore.
You forced a polite smile and shook the man’s extended hand, “Darren.” He led you into the dining table that was already set up, all while making fun of Dick for ‘keeping this one all to himself’ by not mentioning that he was seeing someone. You couldn’t really focus on what Darren said, not when you could feel the way his muscles contracts every time he moves with his arm so permanently on your waist.
It was a bad decision. All this pretending felt like pure torture because you enjoyed it a little too much. You were indulging in it and you hated how you let yourself sunk in the phony warmth despite knowing at heart that it wouldn’t last. Days later, things would go back to the way it was. Yes, exactly the way it was, with your heart falling safely in line of your role as the supportive friend. Not unless that rush in your pulse when Dick gripped your hand on the table got the better part of you when time of confession comes and you end up spilling everything you held back for so long.
No. You pushed that dangerous thought to the back of your head like you always do. That would be too much risk. You could not risk everything you had. Not even for the way chills went through your spine when he brought the back of your hand to his lips as his friends remarked on how lovely you looked together. Not even for that unmistakable pounding in your heart when he oh so casually called you ‘babe’. Not even for the fragile chance that maybe, just maybe, this little game of pretend could last as long as you wanted to.
You laughed along at a witty remark someone made at the table, only because he was laughing too and how were you suppose to not be affected by that?
Two weeks was more than you had ever bargained for. And for that, you were grateful.
Dick knew he was a goner the moment he realized that he had no intention of letting go of your hand even after it was only the two of you.
In all honesty, he was just as shocked as he was delighted when you actually agreed to help him with this tomfoolery. At heart, he knew that all of it could be avoided if he just stayed calm for a moment instead of blurting out that he was seeing someone for real when his brothers were poking fun at him for always ‘mindlessly messing around’. Somehow, it hurt his pride more than it should and he felt so guilty for dragging you into the mess for this petty reason.
He couldn’t be more than concerned when you didn’t even do so little as utter a word after leaving the dinner party. Was it too much for you? Did he went overboard and acted too lovey-dovey for you to feel comfortable with?
It was only the two of you walking in silence and the occasional screech of tires from the distant highway. Finally, you softly breathed in before opening your mouth and Dick didn’t even notice how fast he turned to you upon the barely audible sound, “Is it just me or is that truly a really small plate of pasta because I’m starving.”
He snorted and it turned into a full-body laugh as you hit his arm. You were laughing too, and all worries that clouded him were gone. “What?” you said, panting between laughs, “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Dick Grayson. It was barely half the serving for an regular adult!”
He grabbed your forearm to steady himself and despite the glare you were sending his way, you lifted your arm just a bit higher so he could regain his balance. “I’m sorry! But I was so worried that I made you uncomfortable back there because you were being so quiet just then and you’re telling me that you’re just hungry all along. You were the one saying you were full when they asked if you want another serving for god’s sake!”
“Uh excuse me? Is that not basic manners? When a guest said they don’t want more, the correct response is to ask again, not letting it slide!” you huffed.
His hand slid from your forearm to link with yours, with the smile lingering on his lips, “Whatever you say. Chinese takeout on the way to your place?”
“Only if you pay.”
Playful bickering filled the streets of Gotham as the two of you made way to the Chinese restaurant that was very conveniently located just around the corner of the street you lived on. You brought him here when you just moved there, excited that you discovered a store that he didn’t know of. Dick had gone there so often that he had the both of your usual’s memorized by now. No matter how busy life got, you would always greet him with a smile if he showed up unannounced with food in his hands at your doorstep.
He didn’t even realized that your hand never left his grip on the whole way until you pulled back to let him reach for his wallet, you did not seem to notice it as you were still chuckling at a dumb joke he made. He frowned at the sudden emptiness of his palm.
Wait, he frowned?
Now that he was thinking of it, why did he hold your hand? It wasn’t like there was a need for you two to act like a couple when it was literally just the two of you. At that point, he only did it because you two were laughing together and he just acted on instinct without thinking about it at all. And boy, did that made him feel giddy.
Just like that, Dick Grayson was hit by the realization that he had tumbled down the very hole he dug for himself.
The gala itself was pure agony for the both of you.
You were not in the high society and that meant you would have to introduce yourself as “Dick Grayson’s best friend turned lover” at every turn. Each time someone would ask anything regarding your well-fabricated relationship, it felt like a stab to your chest as a reminder that this all was a ‘what could have been’ to all of your fantasies. As you followed Dick across the grand ball room with arms linked together, you knew that denial wouldn’t be as easy as it used to be now that you got a taste of the sweet poison that left you wanting more. Dressing in his sharpest attire, he was like the sun, radiating charm and so captivating. There wasn’t a time in your life when you could recall your eyes not following him whenever he entered the room. But now you were right next to him and the light was so bright that you could barely open your eyes. How cruel that life decided to mock your pitiful effort to hide your feelings for years by showing you that it only took two weeks for you to go so far down the spiral that you didn’t want to climb back up anymore.
Although it was a sweet gesture on his part, you could almost hear your heart shattering into a million pieces when he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before leaving you alone in front of the door to your apartment, knowing that you could not hide from the screams in your heart anymore.
Dick did not think of himself as a possessive person but he wanted nothing more than hiding you from the gaze of the crowd right after you walked in the huge room with him. His heart stopped every time your arm started sliding away from his and he could not help but let out a relieved sigh upon seeing that you pulled away just to tighten your hold on him. The odd swell of pride when people asked about your relationship did not went unnoticed by him and he found himself more than willing to tell people those lies that you two made up. You and him, what a lovely thing to say. He wished he could keep saying that. You had always been a piece of hidden treasure to him, always something more to add to your charm even after knowing you for years. But now he felt the inner conflict of wanting to let the world see your shine and wanting to keep you all to himself. After all, everyone wants a piece of treasure in their lives.
He was not a love-struck teenager anymore, or so he told himself but that did not stop his heart from stammering after he gathered all his courage to kiss you on the cheek as you parted. Why the nerves? It was just a kiss on the cheek. As he left, he wondered what you would say if he ask to kiss you for real next time.
“So, it has been two hectic weeks.” Dick said, tapping his finger on the side on his mug and you nodded in response. You averted your gaze from him but forced yourself to look him in the eye as you thought of how suspicious you were looking.
You had avoided this for so long, you weren’t even sure if you wouldn’t just combust here and there when the time finally came for you to confess everything.
"How do we feel about, well, us?”
Us? As if you didn’t know the answer way before you even realized it yourself. Still, you kept your composure to the best of your ability and motioned for him to continue.
Dick tried to chuckle but it sounded more like a cough. He said in a bashful manner that you had never seen him in, “Alright then, let’s just say it together and get it done and over with.”
Alright, just casually confessing your love for your best friend. No big deal, no big deal....
“IhavelikedyouforsolongImightaswelladmitit.” “IdidntexpectittohappenbutIfellinlovewithyouforreal.”
You two stared at each other after the sudden outburst of rapid words and like best friends do, burst into laughter at how ridiculous you both sounded.
As you laughed, you felt the weight in your heart slowly shifting away. You watched him threw his head back and hid his mouth under his hand as he tried to calm down, the crinkling in his eyes you loved so much being ever so bright. You would give him the world if he let you. “I was saying,” you spoke those lines that had been buried deep down inside you for so long, “I have liked you way even before you asked me to be your stupid fake date and I’m not afraid to admit it anymore.”
He smiled, “Oh wow.”
“Yeah, wow.” You could feel yourself grinning from ear to ear as he reached out to place his hand on your cheek, leaning forward from his seat.
“I’m sorry for not noticing that earlier.”
“All forgiven.”
His gaze flicked between your lips and your eyes and your head almost hurt from the drumming from your ear. “Let me make it up to you.” he whispered before finally closing that painful distance between your lips and his.
That kiss was better than you had ever imagined it to be.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Rebel!Yunho Kink Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The perfect boy ever. He doesn't care of Hongjoong is telling him to kick you out, Yunho is making damn sure you feel good after a round.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His arms. Yunho will break the rule of "wear a coat when you ride a bike" just to flex on everyone else.
His favorite body part on you is your breasts/chest. He likes them in low-cut shirts and it's an added bonus if you can distract the opposing driver.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Yunho loves seeing your thighs and ass covered in his cum, but he refuses to admit that
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He dreams of fucking you in front of the other 7 members of the ATEEZ gang. Being ordered to fuck you is a turn-on for him and he's not sure why. He just knows he wants an audience.
And not a dirty secret, but a rather cute one.
Yunho already bought a ring for you and is planning on proposing to you after a win against their rivals ONEUS and ONEWE.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's not experienced, but he's not inexperienced. He's fooled around with people, they've been amazed and disappointed. He could use a few pointers, but for the most part Yunho knows what to do.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything where you are sitting on his lap. It's more so a category of what position he likes rather than one specific positon.
Yunho likes any position where he can see your ass or your chest depending on what way you're facing.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely goofy. He's like the comic relief of the gang, so he is for sure more silly than serious. But nothing beats him being romantic.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
There's no drapes to match the curtains, thank you very much!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He knows how much sex can mean to someone, so if it's not a quickie, he is the type to lay out a blanket under the stars, LED candles let, some Marvin Gaye playing in the background.
Jeong Yunho is a hopeless romantic in any AU, let's be honest.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He meets with you three days a week, so he jacks off 4 times a week. He will send you a video though, not to tease you, just to remind you what you're missing by being a goodie two-shoes.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Being filmed
Fucking on a motorcycle
Slight Dom, but not really into power play
Leather, you can wear it, he can wear it, just someone wear it
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His motorcycle
There's this little hill that overlooks the town, but no one knows how to get to it except Yunho, so he'll take you up there through his secret path and have a sweet picnic set up, a laptop with a movie and maybe definitely some netflix and chill later.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Everything you do turns him on, but more the best is when you wave the flag at a race, he thinks you look the best you've ever looked when you raise your arms in the air and drag the flag down. The aderline that goes through his system is at his peak right there.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
For some reason, rival gangs keep wanting to use you as a betting chip and Yunho says no everytime. You're not a prize to be won and you already decided you want to be with him, so why the fuck even try?
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He slurps too much, but other than that, he's quite good. He does prefer receiving over giving, so don't be too expectant of him reciprocating.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what he's feeling that day. If he had just won, you best believe it's going to be sensual sort of night, he'll feel like he's on the top of the world
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn't mind them, but he prefers actually getting to spend time with you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yunho loves taking risks. He is the type to let you drive Betty for a little bit while his hands are on your hips, clawing at the flesh.
As for experimenting, he likes what he likes, why change that?
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
2 rounds, 30-60 minutes each. Nothing too short, but also nothing too crazy. He's average when it comes to stamnia.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He does keep a bullet vibrator in his inside jacket pocket for you if you're feeling a bit adventurous. Yunho will pull it out, turn it on and press it against you in a matter of seconds of being away from other people.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Another member of "No teasing" club. He likes it, but when he has just won a race, Yunho will full on just grab your head and pull you in for a makeout session in front of everyone. Maybe some light groping and ass grabbing here or there, but he's not much on teasing.
He will share videos though, Yunho loves being filmed.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's like mid-volume, not too loud, not too quiet, his voice is just sort of there. He does like to groan a lot though, and you best believe you are getting a lot of praise.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Yunho wants to fuck you on his motorcycle. Licking, biting and scratching, both of you getting off on his prized "Betty." He can get off on that image alone.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
God blessed this boy. 6 and a half inches and thick. You're the envy of everyone at the race track because you get to be dicked down by Yunho.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Every day if he could, but he can't due to your parents being super strict, so he will take the 3 times a week and cherish that shit.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It only takes about 15, 20 minutes for him to fall asleep. Yunho loves to tangle his long limbs around you, essentially trapping you in his arms as he sleeps.
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
New Man (JS)
Request: I think one based on 'New Man' by Ed Sheeran would be a fun concept. Preferably with Jack or Joe? Thanks a lot! 💕
A/N: This was quite fun! Ed's lyrics were hilarious to read through
Part II
"You look like you've just eaten something rotten," Josh says as he tries to find what I'm looking at. He wouldn't see it, not anymore. The crowd swallows them and they disappear with all the other bodies.
"I just saw Y/N with her new man."
"Are they that bad together?" Josh asks.
"So bad it's giving me indigestion," I pick up my beer and try to wash the taste away. I knew getting drunk wasn't getting me any closer to moving on. I'm not sure what would, considering the way Y/N and I broke up. Out of nowhere, she had said she met someone new. She promised nothing happened between them but that didn't make me believe any less that she was with a slimy guy.
The crowd parts enough for me to see him again and his lips mouth the words to the song playing, the vein in his neck bulging as he was probably shouting the words. Idiot. An idiot wearing sunglasses in a night club. Jeez what did Y/N see in him?
"That bloke?" Josh nods towards him. "One with the tattoos."
"Hmph," I snort. "He probably doesn't even know what half of them mean."
Josh chuckles and we watch him in mutual silence. We cringe when he holds up a gang sign to the rap music.
"How did Y/N leave you for him?" Josh scratches his head.
"He's got a six pack and grooms himself like it's his bloody job." I didn't care how petty I sounded.
"She's got better taste than that. Probably just a mid-life crisis or something."
"Josh she bloody 26! That's hardly mid-life. He's just a charming bastard and I was the idiot who pushed her away the last month because she started talking about marriage and the future and-"
"But don't you love her," Josh looks at me. "Were you not planning on marrying her? It's been like four years?"
"Five," I correct him, taking another swig. "I just feel like we're so young. It scared me."
"You of all people aren't getting any younger. Maybe you should talk to her."
"I have," I mutter, making sure Josh couldn't hear. That was the thing, Y/N still messaged me.
The first time was a week after we split, she'd forgotten a scarf at my place and I'd found it in the dryer. I met her halfway, neutral ground, and we ended up talking before we left. Which led to texts, especially late at night. I couldn't figure out what it meant but I knew Y/N was just mixed up. She wasn't this girl. This girl that dated a gym rat who watched what he ate 24/7 and instagramed his cheat meals. She was the kind of girl with her nose in a book and wildflowers picked on her way home from work. I wondered if she still picked flowers for him.
"I should head home-you wanna Uber with me?" Josh suggests.
"I'll head home in a bit," I say much to Josh's dismay. He looks at me wearily, like he was trying to say the right thing.
"Just don't dwell on it too long. You don't want to be a creep standing here staring-"
"Thanks Josh." I cut him off. "I'll see you around."
Josh leaves, grumbling, leaving me alone with my drink-which I'd had a lot of I suddenly realise.
As I make my way to the toilets, I stumble on Y/N alone. Her eyes alight when she sees me and then settle down as she crosses and uncrosses her arms.
"Funny seeing you here," she gives a shy smile.
"In the club I'm always at?" I respond and she looks annoyed.
"No need for the hostility," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"How are you with a guy like him?" I demand in an explosion. Seemed like I wasn't holding back tonight. "Yo-you're the girl reading a book with a packet of crisps not the girl clinging to the arm of a wanker like him!"
"You don't know him," Y/N glares at me. "So stop judging him because you're jealous."
"Jealous?" I laugh. "Of him? Of his plucked eyebrows and bleached arsehole? Because he shares his kale salad with you while the twos of you watch the Kardashians? You think I'm jealous of his tribal tattoos that he's no clue what they mean because he's a bloody white bloke from East London! Wait, no I'm probably jealous of his wannabe wardrobe or that he wears no socks on with his shoes? Yeah, definitely jealous-yeah babe."
"You sure do keep track of a guy you're not jealous of," Y/N says defensively but circles of pink dot her cheeks.
"Because I still fucking care about you! I don't know why you're with him-surely he can't give you the love I give."
"He makes me happy!" Y/N shouts, raising her voice above mine for the first time.
"He-he makes you happy? And I didn't? Is that why you're texting me at night? Why you're here by yourself while he dances away like an idiot out there? Happy? Jesus Y/N I...fuck." I take my frustration out on my hair. I made her happy-I could still make her happy! Why was she so hell-bent on this dick.
She looks teary eyed and I feel guilty so I drag her to the back of the club and she follows despite what I'd said. It makes me realise how lost she really was.
"You're not this girl Y/N...I know the real you not this...kale-eating, fitness-obsessed, Kardashian-zombie. I...if you want to talk you can call me. Any time-I'm all ears for you. If he makes you happy, then be happy but if you're looking for love-I'm still here to give it to you."
"I wanted a different love from you Joe. The kind that came with a ring and a promise and even though I gave you five years of my love you freaked out. He makes me happy okay? Just...just go Joe." Y/N can't look at me, she folds herself inwards and turns away. "I just want to be left alone."
I open my mouth but I can't find the words to tell her I was sorry when I wasn't or that I loved her when I couldn't be in love with her. So I turn and leave.
I'm slumped on my couch a week later, the boys are all over bickering over some game on screen but my eyes are glued to Y/N's new Instagram post. Her new man is lifting her above his head and she's laughing-she looks happy. But the picture looks tacky. I hated that guy.
I click her handle and start scrolling, looking out for the pictures when we were together and were actually happy together. I find one of our hands intertwined as we hold up champagne in cans to the camera. Y/N is obviously drunk by the giddiness in her eyes and the pink on her cheeks. I look at her like she was my everything. She is my everything.
How did I get marrying her to freak me out this much? Why did I run away and let her get away!
"Joe what did you see?" Caspar asks beside me. "It should have been a penalty right?"
"Huh?" I put the phone down. "I guess."
"See!" Caspar shouts.
"He wasn't even paying attention!" Mikey shouts.
My phone vibrates and I can't believe my eyes. It's Y/N.
Wanna go for a drink? Or lunch? I just wanted to see you.
I type quickly before she could change her mind, yes
"Joe!" Caspar says in my ear.
"See-he's not even watching." Mikey points to me.
"What's gotten into you?" Caspar asks.
"He's still broken hearted over Y/N-leave him alone." Josh says with no feeling.
"Aw, do you want to talk about it?" Caspar asks, concern erasing his earlier expression.
"Actually I'm stepping out," I lean away from Caspar. "Byron please make sure the boys don't destroy the place."
"Wait you're leaving?" Jack asks. I make a vague excuse and leave as quickly as I could. Y/N had texted me a nearby pub and I make my way there.
"You came," Y/N looks tired when I see her. When I tell her she gives a small smile, "Haven't been sleeping too well. Stress from work."
"Your manager being an idiot again?"
"More so than usual. We all suspect his girlfriend's dumped him."
"Which girlfriend? The cackly laugh or the one that wears only red bras under her transparent shirts?"
"Babe they're the same one-she just had her nose done."
"You're joking-I guess that red was too distracting." I take hold of the glass the bartender hands me and Y/N and I look at each other and start laughing.
"This is so easy with you," she wipes her tears but when she looks back at me they look sad.
I don't know what to say, not wanting to start another argument so I just look into my glass as we shift in place.
"Want to grab a booth?" She suggests.
"Yeah," I walk behind her and notice her newly highlighted hair. "Nice hair."
"Oh," she touches the ends and smiles. "Thanks. Brian told me it would complement my skin tone and it really does!"
"Hm," I supress the urge to roll my eyes. Brian.
"Don't get like that," Y/N clucks. "He's really sweet Joe, the other day he remembered I like hydrangeas so he bought a plant for his balcony. And he always makes sure I'm alright like that time we-"
"Okay." I stop her from going on. "I really don't want to hear about your new man if that's alright. I'm sure he doesn't like hearing about me too. He probably doesn't even like that you're here now."
Y/N shifts uncomfortably and I raise an eyebrow. "I told him I was meeting with Y/F/N."
"You..." I try to put my judgement away. This meant I still meant something to her right?
"Don't judge me." Y/N shrugs. "I just wanted to see your face. I miss hearing your laugh when I say something really stupid. Or how we just talked shite about my boss without having to explain anything."
"I don't want to cause a scene but Y/N...why are you...why did you leave me then?"
"Because!" She bursts even though I just said not to cause a scene. "I wanted more from you Joe. I wanted you to have both feet in with me, to not be so afraid of getting married!"
"Shh," I try to put my hand on her arm. "I'm sorry I just-we got together when we were younger I was scared that...it felt like we were so young. We have so much time."
"Not anymore." Y/N says.
"But we're still meeting here in private." I say with bitterness. "While you wear your sporty shoes and lip gloss like you just came from the gym even though I know you hate working out."
"I knew you would judge me," Y/N scowls.
"Baby, I'm not judging you or trying to ruin your week. But you know you act so differently around him! Maybe he makes you happy for a bit but when you're with him I know you're lonely."
"I'm not lonely," Y/N insists.
"Yet here we sit reminiscing about how easy we were." I remind her.
"I-I should just go. I need to start on dinner anyway." Y/N gets up and I scramble to get out too.
"Hey," I hold her arm once we get outside. "Wait. Just...please remember you're still free to make the choice and leave him. If you really are happy with him you've got to stop texting me and asking to see me. If you want me to move on, prove it. But if you still want us then let me know."
I lean down and kiss the top of her head and I hear her sigh under me. She wraps her arms under my jacket and we hold each other but I have to lean away before it borders inappropriate.
"I'll see you around," I say softly and turn to leave before her sadness seeped into me too. Leaving her there felt like stranding her but she knew where to find me, I tell myself. If she wanted me, she would know where to look.
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Could you pleaaase do the alphabet meme with deadpool?(;
Can do!
A: Aphrodisiac (What encourages or entices them to make a move?)
Breathing. Literally.
He just loves you a lot, and he’s always ready to go. He’ll ask at random times, inappropriate times, completely appropriate times. He’s so happy that you want to have sex with him that he can’t even stand it.
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
Whatever you want, you’ve got it. Wade’s down to try pretty much anything. You usually just ask him for dinner and dick; you like when he eats you out while you watch TV at night.
You really never know what he’s going to ask for. High probability that he’ll beg for pegging. You might come home and find him stretched out across the bed with the strap-on waiting next to him.
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
He never shuts up when he’s not fucking you - he’ll definitely talk your ear off while he’s giving you the business.
He’ll pull out the normal stuff like you’re so beautiful or you taste amazing, but he might also pull out the weird compliments, too.
D: Dancing (Describe when dancing gets a little dirty….)
HE WILL GRIND ON YOUR ASS (both seriously and to mess with you). You’re gonna feel his dick.
Seriously, dirty dancing means dirty dancing. He’s gonna grind on you. He’s handsy. He’ll throw you over his shoulder and haul you off to a quiet corner to fuck.
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
Ask and ye shall receive. What do you want to do, baby? Do you want to try that weird shit that you read about in Cosmo that isn’t actually ergonomically advisable? Get the lube. Did you see something fun in a porno? Show me and let’s go.
Wade Wilson is one of the most open people you’ve ever met. He’s willing to try anything once. Why not? He’s a believer in enjoying life and satisfying his partner to the fullest (as well as himself).
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
Much like every other time together, it’s quick and rough and spicy. You have to take a couple of shots of hard liquor first, but the dude knows what he’s doing.
He’s cracking jokes to hide that fact that he’s actually a little nervous. He’s bad at first times because it’s new and sometimes he’s not good with new (or at least he thinks he’s not good with new). He doesn’t know what you like and what’s gonna get you going yet, but you don’t know that about him either. That’s pretty reassuring for him.
He’s dragged you off to some awkward corner of the universe. It’s relatively quiet. Definitely no bed in sight, but there is a couch. The couch works for everyone.
His clothes are gone so fast that you’re not really sure when he took them off (probably because of the hard liquor). You don’t know where your clothes are, and you frankly couldn’t care less.
He sits you down on the couch and eats you out like a fucking champ. Doesn’t even bother to come up for air.
After that, it’s balls to the wall, exploring-the-Marianas-Trench-that’s-how-deep sex. 
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
Nah, save that gentle stuff for the afterglow. Right now he’s all jokes and safewords.
He might tell you that he loves you if you’re getting really frisky.
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
He never keeps his hands to himself. You’ve come to embrace it and just go along with it when he starts squeezing your butt in public.
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
It’s a 50/50 split, but he really likes when you initiate. He tends to be more submissive, and he really wants your approval when he’s pleasing you. He just likes to be reassured that you’re happy and satisfied.
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
The great thing about Wade is that he’ll straight up tell you when he’s jealous, man. He knows you like the back of his hand, he knows what you like, he knows you. He’s got no reason to hide his feelings about this or “claim” you because of jealousy.
He also just likes marking you up in completely visible places because he’s a little shit. Leaving hickeys on your neck is his specialty.
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
You want to have sex in the kitchen? Hell yeah, he’s down. He’ll go get the chocolate sauce out of the fridge and squirt you with it like he’s chocolate-jizzing on you. Then he’ll lick it off, which is sticky and stupidly enjoyable. He’s got a mighty talented tongue.
He’s tall, so he’ll just lift you up and sit you on top of the counter so that he’s got easy access to all your bits and pieces.
He’s not a fan of slow sex, so it’s quick and rough and you think you smacked your head on the cabinets behind you but you don’t remember.
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
Choking, submission, pegging. He just really wants to be taken care of.
He needs for you to tell him how much you love him and how good it feels when he does that to you. Positive reinforcement is necessary.
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
You know, of all the things that Wade likes, morning sex is not one of them. He’s out late doing things for the Common Good and all that, so he just wants to sleep. Let him rest, he’s earned it.
Now, skipping lunch for sex? Yep, do that.
N: Never (Things they would never try)
He’ll try anything once. You never know what you’ll like unless you try.
O: Orgasm (Describe coming–who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
It kind of just depends on whatever’s happening in the moment. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes the other person’s doing something that just rocks your world, sometimes it takes more effort. Wade’s very flexible and will adjust to your needs.
It’s usually a 50/50 split. He’ll absolutely tell you when he’s about to come, more as a warning that anything. He doesn’t really know if you want his jizz in your mouth or inside of you sometimes, so it’s best just to warn you.
You know he’s about to come because he grabs onto you tighter and just. Holds on to you. You’d call it cuddling, but it’s more like a death grip before orgasm.
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
You’re telling me that Wade wouldn’t fuck to inappropriately timed soft rock ballads and dubstep? You’re wrong.
Fat-Bottomed Girls - Queen; The Distance - Cake; Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
You better get un-quiet fast. He’s gonna make a game out of getting you to squeal.
He likes when you get loud and tell him what to do. A quiet partner is going to be hard for him to manage.
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Wade is never not horny. All signs point to visibly aroused, usually by fear boners and the general presence of Colossus.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
Pretty regularly. He’s sensitive. He also likes to change things up a little bit. Keeps you on your toes.
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
He is a tease, 100%, all the time.
He will caress your fun bits and then make himself scarce, he’ll whisper in your ear and then hide. He’s the worst.
He also does this all day long. It’s kind of a running thing for him.
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
His skin may look like a nuclear disaster, and hey, he may not have his pretty little butterface anymore, but damn if he doesn’t still have a bangin’ body. Take a couple of shots and enjoy the show.
He’ll put on some humping music and make like a Chippendale dancer. You will not regret asking him to do this.
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
You will be assailed by unsolicited dick pics. Prepare yourself.
Again, it’s another one of those things that just goes on all day long. He’s not really serious when he sends them, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. If it turns you on, great, he’s ready to go. If not, he’ll just enjoy the look on your face when you open that video of him jerking it in your meeting with your boss.
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
He gets real freakin’ romantic. He is just genuinely so glad that you agreed to marry him and spend the rest of your life putting up with all his crap.
He’s going to turn on some cringe-worthy soft rock jams and strip for you. Light some candles. Ironic rose petals and shit everywhere. The whole nine yards (and you’re going to be taking the whole nine yards).
He’ll ask you to suck him off, which you happily oblige to because blowjobs will absolutely wreck him. He’s kind of bewildered why you would want to put your mouth anywhere near his dick. So, when he gets a blowjob, his reaction is magical.
He will then proceed to fuck you as though the only thing that will save your life is his cock inside of you. You’re in for a long night, so be prepared.
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
A little bit of everything, just kind of depends on his mood. It gives him ideas for all the things he’s going to ask for.
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Like the dead. Good luck getting him out of bed in the morning because he is out cold.
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
He makes duck noises just to bother you, but that’s it. Any weird animal noises are completely intentional.
The most animalistic thing you’re going to get out of him is a good session of doggy style.
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taeverie · 7 years
Until Next Time—03 [m]
Synopsis: You are finally meeting Jimin in person after months—but it doesn’t go entirely as planned
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jimin x Reader // gaming au, long distance lovers au
Genre: Smut, a lil’ fluff
Word Count: 7.5k
Parts: 01 || 02 || 03
Includes: roadhead, oral, spanking, dom jimin, multiple orgasms, nipple play
A/N: happy!! holidays!! here’s the final installment, haha
The flight to Jimin’s city is stuffy, almost like a claustrophobic comfort within the confinement of the aircraft. Every minute that passes only fuels your excitement and anticipation; after all, the long awaited day has finally arrived.
You are finally meeting your boyfriend, Jimin, in person after many arduous months of skype sex and endless longing.
When the plane lands you scurry off as quickly as you can, bumping into a couple of passerbys to retrieve your luggage at the reclaim. Amidst frantically weaving your way through the crowd you slip out your phone, impatient to get cell service but once you do, you dial your boyfriend’s number. Though, he beats you to it.
“It’s nine in the morning, are you here yet?” he asks once you answer the call.
Your stomach flutters once you hear his welcoming voice, aware that he is equally excited as you are for this very moment. “It’s only a quarter before nine, and yes—” you grab onto your baggage from the conveyer— “I’m here!”
You push through the sea of people, apologies spilling from your lips for doing so, and reach the exit. Your head turns every which way in a desperate search for Jimin, unable to contain your exhilaration.
“I don’t see you!” you comment and walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk.
“Wait, you’re here already? I’m still driving.” He chuckles.
You smile to yourself, anticipation breaching. “This would have happened two months ago if you let me sleep that one night.”
“Hey!” He replies, defensive, “That means nothing. We both had the best orgasm of our life that night and—”
“—Jimin!” you snap him back to his senses. “Pay attention to the road.”
“I’m on speaker,” he informs; you can practically hear the quirk of his lips. “And close.”
You raise an eyebrow, eyes scanning the perimeter one last time. “Are you? Where?”
You wait a few seconds for him to respond, but there is nothing but silence on the other line. Bringing the device away from your face, you find your home screen, indicating that Jimin has ended the call.
Ready to fret, you feel a pair of gentle hands grasp your shoulders, swiveling you around. “Here,” he says, a bright smile gracing his face.
Your jaw drops to the ground, mind unable to comprehend that Jimin is standing right before you. This is not another picture you stare at on his social media, not another silly image he would text you — it is him in person, and you cannot fathom the fact that this day has arrived.
Before any words leave your mouth he wraps his arms around you, a prolonged embrace that took way too long to experience. You hug him back, head digging into his chest. You catch a whiff of his scent — a mixture of musk and honey perfectly swirling together.
“God,” you mumble, “finally.”
He gently pushes you back, gazing into your eyes for a brief moment before he presses his lips against your own. His lips are like two plump petals, providing a sensation that you have longed for so long. His hands remain fixated at your waist, grasp tightening while pulling you closer. He takes a breather before immersing himself even further with the paradise that is your body.
“I waited so long,” you mumble over his mouth.
You feel him smirk against your invitation and he pulls away, only to whisper, “So did I.”
“Which is why you should have let me sleep that night,” you jest.
His hand sails to intertwine with your own. “Well, you’re here now and that’s what matters.” He places a kiss on your nose. “Shall we go? Did you eat breakfast yet?”
You shake your head, letting him guide you to his car. “I ate a little, are you craving something to eat?”
“Um,” Jimin hesitates, gaze casting downwards to your crotch. He silently adores the way your body looks in shorts and a loose tee, but that is already limpid enough to your eyes. “Yes…” he trails off, implying something else.
“Oh my gosh.” You comment and roll your eyes, “I mean actual food.”
“Uh,” he pauses again, unsure. “Yes...?”
Jimin leads you to his vehicle, an onyx, lean sports car. Somehow it isn’t a surprise; he always tosses around cash into the game you and Jimin met on, decking his own character out with an array of skins and special features. You situate yourself on the passenger seat, fingertips dancing on your thighs.
“Where to?” you ask him as he starts up the engine.
He hums, thinking and beginning to drive. “Let’s see… what do you think is good?”
“I don’t know what’s good around here,” you tell him. “You’re the one who lives here.”
“Ah, right,” he chuckles, nervous. “I might know a place then.”
And so he turns into the second entrance to access a freeway. “How was your flight?” he asks.
“Boring, stuffy,” you tell him. “I was thinking about you the whole entire time.”
Jimin’s face tinges with coral hues, flattered by your words. An admirable smile blossoms on his face from your simple adulation. “Same,” he says, nodding his head.
“You know I still can’t believe this is happening.” You twiddle your thumbs over your thighs, gaze fleeting from him and the new set of scenery. “It’s strange hearing your voice in person, and seeing you. You’re taller than I thought.”
Jimin chuckles, feeling the exact same way. “Really? You’re just as gorgeous as you are in your pictures.”
“God,” you face the window, face flushing the deepest shade of roses, “I can’t believe you’re like this.”
Jimin laughs before starting up the car radio, tuning it as background music while he cracks a few jests here and there. The drive is lively, vivacious because of his constant pesters and complements.
Not so long after, Jimin takes an exit and remains silent until he reaches a stoplight. “There’s this really good restaurant near my house,” he informs. “And this light always takes the longest.”
His eyes watch the scarlet of the traffic light, waiting for it to become green as he impatiently taps the wheel. You lean over the center console to face him, sitting in silence until he directs his attention towards you. Jimin is pristine as ever: chiseled features and perfect contours, the sun kissing his skin to a flawless glow.
“Yes?” he asks, feeling your gaze bore into him.
You take notice of the way his eyes trail down to your chest, sight lingering at the low ‘v’ of your tee like an effortless tease. You lick the outline of your lips, that image still within his field of view, while staring at his own plump petals. Every fraction of your attention is directed towards him. You place your hand on his shoulder, inching a little closer to his body — until you see it.
Behind the nylon cloth of his shorts that shield his dick, his cock is hardening, bulge becoming prominent under the fabric.
Frankly, it makes you giggle, a rush of pride waving throughout your body.
Jimin shies away from your dark, amorous gaze and you move your palm to the nape of his neck. “You get turned on easily, have you noticed that, Jimin?” you tell him provocatively.
He shifts uncomfortably in the seat and bites his lip, refusing to lock eyes with you again — a sorry attempt for relieving his nerves. He feels his cock twitch in his shorts from your question alone, guilty from the truth of it and getting harder with every sweet word that leaves your mouth.
You lean in, closing a few more inches of the proximity. “I bet you want me to suck you off right now, don’t you?”
Jimin’s mouth parts for a few moments, the thought of you giving him road head making him almost insane. He clamps his mouth shut, refusing to say anything that can prompt your action.
“Do you?” you tease, other palm reaching over to feel his stiffness in the thin apparel. His breath hitches and he clenches his teeth, unable to focus on anything but your touch at the moment. “I think you do.”
All Jimin can bring himself to do is finally meeting fervid perceptions, immediately becoming enchanted by your gaze and alluring words alone.
You squeeze over his clothed length, hand sliding up and down slowly, ardently. “Baby?” you call.
“I-I do.” He nods his head, shameful.
“But you have to drive.” You push your bottom lip into a pout.
“Baby, I can’t wait,” he retaliates.
You hum, fingers wrapping at the waistband of his athletic shorts and tugging them lower. He raises himself in his seat a little until you shift the apparel to wrap at his mid-thighs. His cock springs against his lower abdomen quickly, almost as if it is thanking being free from the loose confinement of the shorts. His cock is larger in person compared to the pictures and video calls, more girth and all of a sudden you cannot help but crave a taste.
The light flickers green, resulting in Jimin cursing under his breath while he gently presses on the pedal. Nonetheless, you look at him with hungry eyes, locking gazes before you lower yourself onto his length. “Fuck, Y/N!” He slams his foot on the pedal from the sudden action and the car surges forward.
Your lips wrap firmly around his shaft, causing him to gain a death grip on the wheel with both of his hands. Jimin collects his composure and stabilizes the pace of the vehicle, trying to keep his attention on the road as his mind is drifting elsewhere.
Bobbing your head up and down, Jimin releases breathy groans and you find joy in his muted, lewd noises. You bring your mouth to the very tip of his cock to swipe your tongue over his leaking slit, the salty flavor kissing your taste buds. “Mm, baby,” he moans.
You swirl your tongue around his head a couple of times before diving your head back down this hardened cock until you reach the base, hollowing your cheeks out. You feel him twitch inside of your mouth; then, once ready, you swallow around his quivering member.
Jimin bends over a little, mouth dropping open to spill his moans that swirl along with dirty praises. The speed of the vehicle increases again; Jimin raises himself upright and leans into the backseat, attention fluctuating. “Shit,” he spits out. “Baby, fuck it. I-I’m going to take us home.”
You take your lips away from his dick with a pop, innocent eyes peering up at him through your lashes. “But what about breakfast?”
Jimin threads his fingers through your hair, gently urging you to continue. “That can wait,” he huffs. “Just… suck me off, baby, please.”
You look down at his hardened cock, realizing how stiff it is — how red is tinging the tip. “Hm, you sound so hot begging in real life.”
Jimin presses your head down, lowering your mouth over his desperate tip. The most you provide him as he prompts the action is with kitten licks.
He grips onto your hair, impatient. “You’ll be the one begging later if you keep on teasing me.”
You swallow back your words, bracing for Jimin’s length again. You put out your tongue and lick him from the base back up to the tip before taking him whole. One of your hands sail to rest on his thighs, keeping you steady while you proceed to suck him off. You feel Jimin’s hand stroke your hair amidst the pleasurable situation, prompting you to work faster, and so you do.
You are carried by the force of a sudden turn, the car coming to a quick halt and just when you are about to lift yourself to observe your surroundings, he robs you of your breath by pressing your head onto his cock. “W-wait,” he utters. “I’m almost there. We’re- agh- at my house r-right now. Keep going, please.”
Jimin yanks his keys out of the ignition and slumps in the seat, both hands now holding your locks as his eyes are shut while he engrosses the enlivening sensation. He starts to thrust up into your mouth, matching your pace while his cries pour from his lips.
You swallow around him again, a sharp pain chasing the feeling soon afterwards. You peer at him for a split second, loving the view of how his head is thrown back, exposed neck perfectly in view — all you want to do is mark him up, giving him the best parting present.
“Baby…” he mumbles through gritted teeth. “I-I’m going too—ah, fuck!”
With one final thrust back into your mouth he spills his load, allowing you to relish in his taste. You attempt to suck him dry, collecting bits of his cum in his mouth just so you can get off him with a pop, making sure he watches you swallow every bit.
And he does.
Your eyes are teary, lips wet and cum dripping from the outline. Your tongue chases the creamy pearls, catching the last of the salty taste as Jimin watches you with eager eyes. His chest is heaving, heavy breaths exchanging with his lungs as he tries to steady himself.
“Okay,” he pants. “That was good.”
You wipe your lips clean with the back of your hand, smiling at him.
“Want to go inside now?”
When you nod your head yes Jimin pulls up his shorts and slides open the car door, movements desultory as he trudges to the front door. You shadow his figure with your baggage, trailing him until he slips inside his house. The homely scent of coffee and vanilla kisses your senses, surprising you — especially from how tidy his house is. You would expect that from what you have seen in the video calls it would sort of be similar to a trash sty, sheets of dust on every bit of furniture; it is quite the opposite.
You slip off your shoes, leaving your bag by the door, and begin to wander his house, taking in the unfamiliar setting and comprehending the fact that it is all to yourself, and his, for the week. “Was your house always this neat?” you question while leaning on the counter.
Jimin creeps up behind you, tangling his arms with your body to pull your back to his chest. “I cleaned up. You think I would want you to see my house when it is dirty?” He laughs.
You hum, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’m honestly quite surprised.”
“Do you always have low expectations for me?” he jests, nuzzling into your neck.
You turn around, facing his body and placing your hands on his chest as you press him closer to the wall. “Not really,” you reply.
Jimin grins down at you as you urge his back against the wall; within seconds, you crash your mouth over his, igniting another spark of arousing fervor within you. Jimin’s eyes flare wide at the sudden contact, pulling you in closer as you attempt to snake your hands under his tee. You rub your palms all over his chest, his toned body being heaven to the touch, and you then lower them to grasp on the waistband of his shorts.
“I’m still wet,” you whisper to the conch of his ear, excitement jolting your body.
Jimin tenses and swallows his breath, gawking at you from the corner of his eye. “Are you?” he questions. Jimin lowers his grasp to your ass, squeezing it softly.
“Yeah,” you confirm and rest your head on the crook of his neck.
As one of Jimin’s hands remains fixated on your crotch the other reaches to cup your heated mound, earning a sharp intake of breath from you. “I can see that,” Jimin whispers. “But you know what?”
He feels you smirk against his skin, indicating that you are ready. “What?” you ask, innocent.
You would expect that Jimin would strip you of your apparel in this very moment and lift you to his kitchen counter. God, how you want that. You would love for him to toss your legs over his shoulders, for him to have a strong grasp on your hips to hold you down as he dives into the pleasure that is your soaking core.
But he doesn’t.
You gasp from his hasty decision — not because he is giving you what you have been longing for, but due to him smacking your ass and pulling you away from him with a cocky expression sketching on his face.
“W-what are you doing?” you ask, grasp on his tee no longer.
Jimin is making his way off from you, leaning on his wall before turning into another room. “You made me wait another month and a half for you to arrive,” he says with a quirk of his lips, slightly diabolic. “You can wait a few hours for me.”
Your eyebrows raise at his statement, disbelief washing over your body in waftures. “You’re kidding,” you say as you follow him.
Jimin shrugs and takes a seat on his sofa, turning on the television. “No.” He laughs. “I also sort of want to see how badly you’d want me.”
“You asshole.” You roll your eyes and join him on the sofa, nuzzling into his chest. “Fine, I can wait.”
Jimin plants a kiss on your forehead. “I love you…?”
He pulls you closer into his chest while surfing past the channels. It takes a while with your distractions and constant pestering for him to finally remain on a single channel, a new movie running on it. The whole entire time as Jimin has his eyes glued to the flashing screen you are trying your best to gain his attention. Honestly, he finds amusement at how you are attempting to bombard him with affection, kisses on his skin while your arms only wrap compactly around his torso but every single attempt you create he nudges you away with a grin on his face.
A whole hour passes of the television being white noise to you; you still attempt to gain Jimin’s undivided attention. You release a groan. “I didn’t wait all this time to have this happen.”
Jimin turns his head to you with incredulity. “We have the rest of the day, and a whole entire week.”
“I sucked your dick in the car,” you bite back, petulant.
Jimin chuckles. “And I appreciate it.”
You push your bottom lip into a pout and keep your complaints lodged within your chest as Jimin diverts his awareness to the film. Everything goes by smoothly until he notices that the scene is leading up to: the two characters in the movie are engaging in a heated make out session, clothing slowly being stripped off by the second within the dim of the setting. Jimin turns his head away, nervous.
You glance at the movie, interest rallying within you and you tease Jimin about it. You place your hand over his flaccid length, giving him friction titillatingly. “What’s wrong?” you question. “Don’t want to get turned on again?”
You squeeze around his cock, feeling him grow hard under your touch. Jimin remains niche, biting his tongue to keep himself silent.
“I think you are,” you murmur.
With that, Jimin raises himself from his seat, body feeling heavy when he escapes your touch. He forces a nervous grin. “I’m not,” he declares, clammy palms rubbing together. “H-hey, let’s just go play a few rounds of the game,” he says to quickly switch bases.
You groan and turn off the television. “You clearly aren’t lasting,” you tell him. “Can we, uh, bang now?”
But Jimin ignores your statement as he feigns contentment. “You brought your laptop, right?” he disregards your question.
“Um,” you turn your head to your baggage. “Yeah, are you serious?”
“G-great!” he stammers. “Come on, let’s go in my room.”
Wordlessly, you grab onto your laptop and gear and begin to shadow him into his room. You hesitate at the door frame once he opens the entrance to it, the scent of his cologne excessively strong. It is larger than it appears in pictures — more tidy as well. Observing the room you can pinpoint all of the specific places you have seen throughout the duration of virtual communication. His desk is as neat as he claims, bed always half-made because he lazes out easily. Though, there is that one pile of clothes in the corner that he never bothers to touch.
“You can sit on my bed,” he tells you. “I’ll just be on my desk creating the server.”
“Okay.” You become situated on the soft of his bed, positioning your laptop on a stack of his pillows as you start up the device. You watch as he types messages to his friends, letting them know that he is getting online — possibly with you.
It takes a few minutes for everything to start up, patience running dry but it finally happens. Great, maybe a few rounds of the game can be a distraction from Jimin. Jimin places on his headset, positioning the mic to his mouth and speaks a few words when he enters the server. “Hello,” he says, unsure. “Can you guys hear me?”
You place your headset on and laugh. “I can,” you respond.
“Whoa, who is that?” asks an unfamiliar voice, gruff and low. Your eyes peer on his screen and back to yours, an unknown character jumping in your character’s perception.
“Excuse me,” you respond, bitterness artificial when you read his in game name: Goldenkook.
“Isn’t it obvious,” chimes in another man, identifying as Yoongi. “That’s Jimin’s cyber girlfriend.”
“The one who wrecked our guild, the ‘Penetration Station’?” Jungkook asks.
“Blame Taehyung for that.” Jimin’s face flushes. “Can we just get started?”
You chuckle from their mini quarrel, finding merriment from the situation. Within seconds the first round commences, the sound of machinery firing and his friends yelling at each other exchanging — sometimes becoming rebarbative to your ears.
Between the time period of when you first met Jimin to now, it is safe to say that you improved greatly on the game. In fact if it wasn’t for the accidental entry into their private server you wouldn’t be by Jimin’s side to this day — plus, it sort of dragged you guys together. What started off as an irksome way to get you to not tarnish their guild name sprouted into raw enjoyment of each other’s company, and it didn’t take long for the admirable sentiment to fall into place afterwards.
You really do enjoy going wild on the game; though, it is in times like these where it is completely unwanted by you. Because every fraction of Jimin is immersed in the game and he would always put you off at times.
And in this case — your case — it is entirely unpleasant.
You attempt to distract yourself with a few rounds while it lasts, but nothing can turn you away from the fact that your long-distance boyfriend is at such a close proximity from you yet he still chooses a mere game over his carnal desires.
You do not realize how much time has passed until his room starts to darken him the setting sun, brightness of the world morphing into a softer glow.
And that is when you finally take initiative.
Placing your laptop on the ground along with your removed gear you amble to his desk, arm snaking on his shoulder. “Jimin.” You complain, desperate, “It has been hours…”
Jimin inches away from you, laughing at a joke that one of his friends have said as he gains another killer on the first person shooter.
You groan, tangling your arms around him to tug his body closer. “Jimin,” you coo.
“Give me a second, Y/N.” He types a couple of commands on his keyboard and you let go of him with a pout.
“Fine,” you huff and take a seat on his lap. “I’ll just… wait.”
“Babe, I can’t see,” he tells you, head trying to find its way back to the tiny screen.
You sigh and move out of the way, fixing yourself right on his lap — close to his crotch. Your eyes do not avert from his groin for a few moments; your mouth waters from the sight, desperation firing within you. You wait patiently, watching him score some more kills on the game for tens of minutes; that is, until you reach your limit.
“Baby,” you call, leaning into his neck. “I really want you right now.”
“Mhm,” Jimin brushes off, teeth clenching.
You cup his cheek, tilting his head to face you as his character responds. “I want you to fuck me so hard, so bad, now.”
You watch the way Jimin’s adam’s apple bobs up and down from your words, a diminutive small sign that your rousing words are starting to provoke him for your betterment.
“Please?” you ask, angelic. You slowly grind on his thigh to pleasure yourself — it is the least you can do if your boyfriend refuses to cooperate. Jimin’s body freezes, eyes staring off into space as you prompt the insatiable scene with zeal. “Mm, baby.”
Your wetness leaks onto the nylon of his shorts and your palm reaches lower to his dick, ready to jack him off through the fabric.
But Jimin stops you. He looks at you for a split second, enough time for you to catch the dark lust that hazes his eyes. He yanks off his headphones and tosses it on the desk, leaving the game dormant so he can take care of you. “God,” he mumbles and grabs a hold of your body, scooting the chair away from the desk. He positions your body prone over his thighs, giving him the first-class view of your ass. Then, he swats it with more force than earlier. “You’re so fucking needy, you know that?”
You tilt your head to look at him, struggling as he holds you in his grasp. You try to reach for him with your free arm but he latches onto your wrist, pressing it to your lower back. He slaps your ass once again. “J-Jimin,” you utter.
“You really couldn’t have waited just a few more minutes,” he spits out.
He keeps spanking your ass, each one with more force as if he is genuinely frustrated. Though, you feel his erection begin to form against your stomach. “N-no,” you mumble. “I’m sorry,” you say with a shy smile, indulging in the attention.
“That’s how badly you wanted my dick?” he questions, an eyebrow cocking upwards.
Jimin tugs your pants down, just below the curve of your ass to land a harder swat. “Yes,” you respond softly. It took long enough, but you are finally getting what you want — his attention and your cravings met.
Jimin chortles, delighted with your response. He runs his index finger to your core, spreading the wetness before he propels his finger inside of your hole without much warning. You moan from the sudden contact, breath quickening. Focusing on the pleasure he is providing you, he slides in another finger and twists it inside of you with every thrust.
“Fuck…” you moan, shutting your eyes.
Jimin smiles, savoring the sound he has waited so long to hear in person. He slides in another finger as if you earned it by crying out for him, curling the digits up perfectly and hitting your sweet spot. His digits are heavily coating with your succulence, aiding him by creating a smoother motion that satisfies you entirely.
“Jimin,” you tense up under his touch. “I-I, fuck…” You find it difficult to remain still in his grip, your stomach feeling tighter as he continues his flawless momentum.
“What’s wrong?” he asks and slides his fingers out, earning a whimper from you. “Do you need to cum? Is that what you have been wanting the entire day?”
You flutter your eyes open. “Yes… please, baby.”
“You’ll have to ask—beg for it.” He raises you back up, only to guide you to the bed with care. When you position yourself back onto his mattress he tugs your pants and undergarment down all the way, tossing the article elsewhere. He joins you on his bed, tongue licking the outline of his lip as he prepares himself for the main course.
“Jimin…” you trail off, barely able to focus your vision on him.
He grabs your legs and tosses them over his shoulders, pulling your heat closer to the plump petals of his lips. He kisses your inner thigh first, sucking on the tender skin and leaving a muted mark. “Yes, baby?” he asks.
You rest your head onto the pillow. “I-I need your mouth… please.”
“Do you?” He kisses your thigh again.
“Yes,” you close your eyes, waiting for him to begin, “baby, please.”
The last thing you hear is a dull chuckle emitting from Jimin’s mouth. Before you have any room to beg for him again he provides you with what you want. He presses his tongue on your core, dragging it up and down before swirling the muscle around your aching clit. He relishes in your taste — the sweetness of your juices — and practically digs for more. His tongue works its magic on your heat, the remarkable action luring your release quicker than you imagined.
He moans against your heat, vibrations providing you with an outlandish feeling of bliss, and you try to press your thighs together. Jimin smacks your thigh to have you undo the action, his tongue swirling over your pleasure central powerfully. He uses that same hand to slide in two fingers back into your hole, maintaining the action of sucking onto your clit.
Your breaths become unsteady, mind unwinding into a jumble of mixed sensations that are being sent and felt. Your hand rakes through his tousled locks to tug them, notioning him of your release.
Jimin takes your clit in between his lips and rubs it together, gently tugging on it before he swirls his tongue around the bud with voracity. He curls his digits with every thrust again, moments shifting to a higher intensity. You feel a fresh heat erupt within your body, sweat beginning to accumulate on your forehead the more times breathy moans spill from your lips.
And when he pours the most of his longing to taste you, channeling it into instigating motions, you cum — you experience the most intense orgasm and it waves throughout your entire body.
Your body feels lighter, eyes clamping shut as your mouth is agape. You grind against his mouth, his tongue still graciously out to collect and lap up your juices. As your back is arched you release an extended moan of his name, a symphony to his ears before you crash onto his mattress, regaining your composure.
“Fuck,” you pant. “Jimin, that was good.”
Jimin sits up and swallows one last time before taking a deep breath, wiping the dripping succulence from his chin. You peer at him past your lashes, taking a mental picture of his glistening chin and lips — how he is still licking what is left of you on his face to savor the flavor.
He starts to crawl to you, hesitating when he is midway. Along with this he strips you off your tee and removes your bra, leaving you absolutely bare in front of him. He commits the same action to himself, ridding himself of the pesky material and revealing his chest. God, how perfect he looks. If you are not so tired you would touch him, pull him close, and show him just as much love as he did to you.
He props his arms on either side of your exhausted physique, staring at your chest as a million thoughts run through his mind, each one being coarse, lustful. He peppers you with kisses on your chest before sucking in a mark, a dark purple print on your breast — and he continues to do so. Mark after mark, each one being fired with his impure thoughts and wanting, your whole body practically transformed into his canvas of red and violet hues.
And when he finishes off the last one he moves one of his hands to your chest, groping it while the other has its nipple being taken into his mouth. The sound of him sucks onto your erecting buds stands on equal par to music to his ears, and his generous massage on your breast is more than lush. He moves it in circular motions, prompting your mind to be sent into another delirium from the sensation.
Every time you are under his touch is feels exquisite, rich, and you cannot help but love the delectation you feel when he plays with your breasts — toys with your nipples. “Jimin,” you groan. “F-fuck.”
Jimin takes one of the nipples in his thumb and index finger, rolling it around slowly and applying the perfect amount of pressure. He mimics the same action with his teeth on the other, sucking onto it as well while his other hand pinches your bud. His hand sails to the end of the curve of your breast, playing around with the core.
A familiar warmth blossoms in your core again, your arousal beginning to leak from such exquisite actions. A whimper leaves the parting of your mouth at the same time Jimin takes your whole bud with care. He groans and lifts his head up, sitting lightly on your hips to allow his other hand to join in on the fun. His thumb swipes over the wet surface of your nipple, rolling over the sensitivity.
You whine when he pinches them harder, and he follows with another circular massage that makes you throw your head back into the lush of his pillows. His slow movements are deliberate, pushing you to the edge. Jimin fixes his position and places his knee in between your two legs, gracing you with the opportunity to thrill another release.
Despite being sensitive, you cannot help but grind onto his thigh. You attempt to steady your breathing — attempt to have control — but it all goes downhill with his miniature movements. You roll yourself on and off his hard muscle, groaning with your sensitivity blossoms pain swirling with raw pleasure.
“Jimin,” you whisper. “This is too- ah!”
He shortens your plea with a courteous grasp over your two valleys, tight and graceful at the same time. Jimin then flexes his thigh, giving you more ground to urge your edge. You grind harder, faster on his thigh — the much needed friction already drawing you a step closer to the repeated state of thrill.
Within seconds, you are sent over the moon. You spill yourself onto your boyfriend, his name falling from your lips almost endlessly — a perfect rhapsody to his ears. Bliss pulses through your veins, a fuzzy feeling chasing quickly afterwards as your mind is clouded with extreme elation. Your eyes are clamped shut; his movements wither to desultory actions as he finishes off the lovely knead of your breasts.
Jimin reaches over to kiss you languorously until your mind returns from its frenzy, his palm cupping your cheek with care. “That was good,” you murmur.
“Was?” Jimin repeats. “I’m not done yet,” he says with an airy laugh.
You flutter your eyes open, gawking at him as you regain your breath properly. “What?”
Jimin lifts himself up and discards his lower apparel, providing you with the full show of his hardened dick and how it smacks against his lower abdomen. Fuck, its not only red at the tip, but it appears as if the angry hues are seeping down to the base; how long did he prolong his urges for this moment?
“I…” he trails off, “still want to be inside of you.” He kisses your neck, sucking another love bite to add on with the rest. “I want to feel you tighten around me—want to cum because of you again.”
“Baby,” you whisper.
“Don’t you want me to fuck you?” he asks, breath mingling over your sweaty skin. He lowers his voice, tone provocatively seductive. “Just like you asked…”
His palm sails from your neck down your torso, and he stops right above your core.
“Just like you…” he presses softly onto your clit with his middle finger, “begged.”
You remain silent at his words — at your own suggestion — and you are crossed for whether or not you can fight past the pain for another intense burst of pleasure. You heavily exchange the air with your lungs, taking in the moment. “Fine,” you spit out.
“Fine?” he repeats, mirroring your unsure tone.  “It doesn’t seem like you still want it.”
Jimin grabs onto your hand, intertwining your fingers with his own. “No,” you correct. “I-I do…”
You avert your gaze from his, eyeing out the window as a miniature distraction. You take another deep breath as if you are just leaving a state of rest and brace yourself for the third and final round. Jimin grins. “Is that it?”
You press your lips into a tight line. “P-please,” you fix. “Jimin—” you kiss the corner of his mouth and gently grab onto the nape of his neck— “please fuck me.”
“Of course, baby.”
You expect Jimin to act tenderly, considerate after the two acute rounds that he has put you through, but from the looks of his quivering member, cock aching with nothing but severe lust and desire, it is foolish to think that way. Jimin gets a tough grip on your hips and soars back, flipping you to a prone position in one fluid action. Your chest hits the soft mattress, cushioning the impact, and Jimin smacks your ass, ordering for you to get up.
He positions himself steady, knees digging into the luxuriant blankets and mattress as he awaits for you to get into place. You prop yourself up on your elbows, remaining on your hands and knees and Jimin runs two fingers up your womanhood. Your fresh juices coat his digits, especially before he propels them inside of you, twisting two times before popping them out.
You look back at him, wondering why the sudden stop of prurient activity has ceased; but, you find a sight that is far more impure.
As if Jimin has been waiting for you to glance at him, he sticks his digits that are glistening with your arousal into his mouth, tongue swirling around them to catch every ounce of the taste like honey to him. With dark eyes and disheveled hair, his bare chest visible — him being ready to fuck you senseless — it is a perfect mental picture to take.
You feel a surfeit amount of your arousal leak from your entrance, a signal for him to get started — a sign to display how needy you are for this moment.
Jimin takes his fingers out of his mouth with a pop and gains a grasp around your hips, his wet fingers cold to the touch on your unclothed skin. He rubs his scarlet-tinged dick against your womanhood a few times, your juices leaking onto his cock and glazing it generously.
“Ah,” Jimin groans. “You’re so fucking wet. You’re dripping.”
You chuckle, wiggling your ass a bit to give him the notion to begin. “It’s all for you, baby.”
“Fuck.” He throws his head back and pumps himself a couple of times prior to aligning his solid dick with your hole.
He could feel your warmth emit from you; then, he slips past your glistening folds and into you. God, you are so damn wet.
Jimin fills you up completely, hands grasping onto your hips for dear life as the sensation is already overbearing. Your hands twist into his sheets, the sharp pain rising up to your stomach. He begins to thrust into you, not slowly but hard and quickly as he keeps you upright. Within a heartbeat, the pain morphs onto a sting of pleasure.
“Fuck,” he utters. “You feel so- agh- good, baby...”
He maintains the momentum for a good while, slamming into you incredibly hard and so painfully quick. His hand swats your ass and continues to do so whilst guiding your hips on and off his cock. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed within his room and it does not take long for your moans to chase the peak of its volume.
Jimin’s sweat begins to drip down his temples, focus into creating each other’s release. Your lewd noises only fans his flame of libidinous desires; and of course, it is the final key.
Jimin is practically on his own excursion to cum, mind a mess as he channels out the last of his sanity into his frantic movements. He sails his palm to your clit, rubbing tight circles onto the nub to time your release with his own.
Then, like a gargantuan wave, both of your orgasms dawn upon each other. Jimin proceeds to thrust in and out of you a few times while holding back, movements messy and unorganized until he slips out of you to bust on your back. You groan, the warm contact of his cum satisfying. Jimin’s eyes clamp shut as he tries to draw what is left of his mind to focus on the raw pleasure. He uses one of his hands to jerk himself off, getting the last of his release out and splattering it on your skin.
Your face digs into the pillow, muffling your screams for him as you feel every fraction of your being become undone. It feels as if the dazed state of jubilancy overtakes your body in the most rapturous way, replacing the pain in your body with delight and satisfaction after the arduous session.
Your body falls straight onto the mattress and soon Jimin passes right next to you, both trying to regain each other’s breath. Amidst the quietude of the room, the only sound that can be heard is the heavy panting of each other as both minds calm from their transportation into a seventh heaven.
When the silence passes, state or normality regained, Jimin releases a fit of laughter. He turns his body to face you, grabbing onto your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it. “How was it?” he questions with a wink.
You turn your body to look at him properly, tired eyes with dried tears of joy gawking at him with admiration. “Worth the wait,” you whisper.
He places a kiss on your lips and strokes your hair, the pad of his index finger trailing down your jawline to tilt your chin more proportionally to him. “I love you.” He smiles.
“I love you too.” You nuzzle into his chest, providing yourself with a few moments of thought. “So, is this what I’m going to get every time I disturb your gaming time?”
“My wha—oh, shit.” His eyes widen when he realizes something: he never left the gaming server. As if the sexual activity did not happen Jimin lunges out of the bed and slips from your hold, landing on the chair to check his progress in the game. Shit, how many times did his character die?
He roams the safe spot of the map and tosses on his headset, ready to talk to his buddies until he gets cut off by one of them. “Is Jimin finally back?” asks Jungkook who brings his character into his field of view.
“I think so,” adds Yoongi.
Jimin bites his lip. “Yeah, I’m here.”
“Finally,” Jungkook spits out. “Did you have fun?”
“Uh,” Jimin pauses and looks at you, “what?”
Jungkook groans, exasperated. “You sounded like you had a great time.”
“What do you mea—”
“—your girlfriend sounds hot,” Yoongi interrupts. “Fuck, where can I find someone like that?”
Jimin’s eyes are flaring, eyebrows crossing together and you sit yourself up on his bed, waiting patiently for him to return. “What are you guys talking about?” Jimin asks.
Jungkook sighs. “Jimin,” he says, disappointed. “Next time, mute your microphone before having sex with your girlfriend. The whole fucking server heard that shit.”
Jimin hangs his head in shame and you question what happened. When he tells you all you respond with is a fit of shameless laughter, disbelief and finding amusement from the moment. “Well.” You jest, “Guess we can keep that in mind for next time.”
“Oh?” Jimin raises an eyebrow. “So there’s going to be a ‘next time’?”
You watch as he disconnects from the server, removing his headset along the way to join you on the bed. You pull him closer and place a kiss on his lips. “Of course there’s going to be a next time.”
Jimin gulps. “N-now?”
You hum, making it appear as if you are considering the thought. “No—tomorrow.” You add with a quirk of your lips; a slight tease, “Maybe.”
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phanarchy-blog · 7 years
Let It Roll
Genre: Smut smut smut
Rating: E for Explicit
Words: 3.2k
Summary: Phil makes yet another accidental euphemism while filming a gaming channel video, and Dan suggests they have a private discussion about it. Spoilers: they do it on the computer chair with the camera rolling.
Warnings: Swearing if it bothers you, sexually explicit stuff (includes hand jobs, oral, fingering, and anal sex)
Author’s Notes: This was written at the request of @floppy-ding-dong! She made my super cute icon and I agreed to write a fic she prompted. Her prompt was, “...the idea of ‘do we need to have a word?’ thing that’s been going on recently... I can see it going a bit angsty, and then some smutty smut.” I don’t typically write smut because of the typical demographic here, but I had a lot of fun so if the post-post experience is nice too, I may not rule it out for the future! (Just please if you’re under 18, don’t contact me privately to discuss the details. I would be super uncomfortable about that.)
Read on AO3!
"Are we going to need to pause filming and have little chat about this, Phil?"
Dan felt like he was saying this for every gaming channel video lately. Inevitably, Phil would say something dirty, and they had to discuss whether it was the perfect level of innuendo, or if it crossed a boundary they didn't want their channels to go near.
Phil never meant it to be dirty, though he was far from innocent.
The fans tended to believe that Phil was naive, an angel bean, as he once said. Dan knew that Phil usually laughed just as hard at the euphemisms as he did. And back in the days of innuendo bingo, Phil usually lost.
Still, they snuck up on him while filming, slipping out of his mouth and spilling into the air between them. It didn't begin with "lady door", but since that day it had only gotten worse. They may never admit it, but they stopped the live streams for this exact reason.
"What do you mean?" Phil defended. "That's fine!"
His facade was dropping, a light giggle passing through his lungs, his smile lighting up the room more than the light box they kept angled at the white wall behind them.
"You're such a dirty bastard!" Dan said, nudging Phil's shoulder and giving him a glare that betrayed his affection all the same.
"I am not!" Phil said. "And I take offense to that! All I said was that this game is really hard, like me!"
Dan shook his head for the effect, on the off-chance this conversation made it into the final cut of the video.
This was something he was familiar with, playing up for the camera. Dan knew what to show, what to exaggerate. He definitely knew what to hold back.
"Well don't!" he said with a final exasperated sigh.
Despite Dan's tone, suggesting it was time to move on, Phil held onto the moment.
"Is it really that bad?" he asked, unsure to what extent the line was pushed.
"Look," Dan said, "all I know is that I'm sure hearing you say that is going to titillate some people in a way you don't want them titillated!"
Phil laughed, flicking his head so that his slight fringe flipped around.
"Stop saying titillated!" Phil hushed, pushing Dan back from the center of his chest. Dan rolled back slightly in his computer chair. He liked being pushed around. Only by Phil, of course. That didn't mean he wouldn't take it as a challenge.
Dan gripped Phil's arm swiftly, before he could pull it away completely, and pushed it to the side, pulling Phil closer as the angles changed.
"Titillated, titillated, titillated!" Dan said, leaning in close to his face.
"Stop!" Phil yelled, as loud as Phil could yell, and freeing his hands to cover his head. "My virgin ears!"
Dan lowered his voice, suddenly realizing the warmth of Phil's breath across his lips, so near his own.
"You ain't no virgin, mate," Dan corrected.
"Well, who's fault is that?" Phil said, attempting to stay in character, but breaking it once he realized the steamy tone the conversation had taken on.
"Technically, I think that'd be yours, because I surely wasn't involved." Dan teased Phil about his early sexual escapades. He silently thanked himself for moving past any jealousy. It was much easier that way.
"Well, lucky enough I was involved for yours," Phil said, dropping his voice to match Dan's. He leaned in lightly, waiting for Dan to reciprocate and close the minuscule distance keeping their lips apart.
Dan obliged, of course. He pressed his lips to Phil's hesitantly, knowing it would all definitely need to be cut out now. More work for later, but worth it, for sure.
Phil moved to envelope Dan's lips with his, and to slip his tongue inside his mouth. He was feeling insistent, having been an agonizing day and a half since they last did this.
Dan leaned back again, letting Phil take the lead. He may have taken the challenge, but Dan also knew that he loved to lose in the end, and be taken himself.
Phil slipped his hand across Dan's shoulder, skimming it all down his arm to where his elbow rested on the arm of the chair, next to his waist. Dan tipped his head back, allowing Phil to access his neck and move down to kiss gingerly at his collarbone.
Dan let out a silent breath, running his opposite hand through Phil's dark hair at the back of his head. It was soft on his fingertips, and he grazed the short buzzed sides of Phil's head, enjoying the prickling sensation. Combined with the wet pressure in his clavicle, Dan's head began to swim.
"Phil, let me," Dan whispered, making a move towards the camera, still facing directly at them and recording them in high definition. Phil looked up to meet his eyes.
"Let it roll," he instructed.
They had spoken about it before, and they both agreed that filming themselves in such a position would be a major turn on. Dan hadn't prepared himself mentally to do it that day, but now that he had Phil attached to his neck, nipping little bites into his thin skin, he couldn't help but see the appeal of the spontaneity.
He felt his jeans tightening as he got lost in sensation. The pressure was building already, and he felt the urge to have Phil touch him. He whimpered quietly against Phil's mouth, which had only just reached his lips again to meet him with a hurried kiss.
"Phil," Dan said, slotting his own hand between their bodies to unbutton his black skinny jeans. He sighed in relief, now that there was one less layer of fabric between his hardening cock and Phil's body.
Phil quickly took to running his fingertips along over the soft cotton of his pants, up and down Dan's shaft.
Dan could feel Phil's lips pull away as he grinned into the kiss. Phil always smirked when Dan twitched underneath his hand.
"Who's hard now?" Phil whispered into the shell of Dan's ear.
He was far from fucking innocent.
Dan tried to lie back further, only to find that the chair would not bend any more.
As Phil massaged his length more firmly over his boxer briefs, he returned his mouth to Dan's neck, finding it instead on the center of his Adam's apple rather than the side. Dan was familiar with this move. After nearly a decade of sleeping with Phil, Dan knew what this meant. He whimpered in anticipation as Phil continued sliding down, running his teeth over where his nipples were hidden behind his tee.
Dan gripped Phil's shoulders with both hands, rubbing the muscles connecting them to his neck and massaging while guiding Phil down his body to his groin.
Phil lifted the hem of his shirt and roughly pulled the elastic of his pants over his straining cock, freeing it to the air. The rush of cold caused a shiver to run up Dan's spine, and Phil settled him with a warm hand snaking underneath his shirt to rest against Dan's chest.
It was grounding to Dan, having a hand over his heart, feeling it pounding against Phil's palm while the rest of his body was assaulted with indescribable pleasure.
Phil licked a stripe up Dan's dick from the base to the ridge of his head. Then he wrapped his lips around him entirely and bobbed down the span of his erection. With Phil closing tightly around him, Dan could feel the slide of his tongue down every inch.
Over the years, Phil had gotten skilled at giving head. He knew just where Dan liked to be kissed and teased, and when to let things get messy. With the urgent atmosphere, and the way Dan gripped his shoulder and twisted his fingers into his fringe, pulling it back and tugging, Phil knew today was not a day to go easy on him.
Phil plunged down further, until his nose brushed against Dan’s trimmed hair, then slowly trailed back up so that the flat of his tongue pressed into the vein. He reached the very tip and sucked gently, then quickly sank down again. He began a fast, harsh rhythm moving up and down, twisting one hand around the smooth skin at the base of Dan’s cock.
He reached his free hand up and Dan grabbed it, firmly weaving their fingers together and giving him something to grip to cope with the pleasure. Dan’s left hand shook in the air just above Phil’s bobbing head, unsure what to do with it. He knew that if he rested it on Phil’s head, he would be face-fucking him in seconds, and Dan could never bear to see those tears in Phil’s eyes. He settled on pulling at his own hair instead as the waves began to hit him.
Dan was hurdling toward an orgasm already. Too soon. Phil felt the muscles in Dan’s abdomen clenching and he pulled away, leaving Dan wanting more. His voice came out in a little whine.
“Phil?” he asked desperately.
Phil considered leaving him like this, frantic for him, and returning the the game they were filming what seemed like ages ago. He took a moment to appreciate the glint in Dan’s eyes as he waited at Phil’s mercy.
Then all at once, he hooked to fingers of each hand into the elastic of his pants and pulled them down further, meeting with his black jeans and tugging both pairs down together until they were at mid-calf. Phil raised up until he could push his lips against Dan’s neck again, rubbing soft circles around the head of Dan’s penis, causing him to buck up off the black computer chair with a jolt. As his jaw dropped in ecstacy, Phil slid two fingers into his mouth. Dan sucked on them obediently, not wasting any time in wetting them with his own saliva.
Phil released Dan’s cock, finally unbuttoning his own skinny jeans and jerking his own thick erection hard, his own spit on his hand from Dan’s serving as lubrication. He reveled in the feeling of Dan’s mouth around his fingers, sucking fervently, rolling his tongue to push them against the roof of his mouth. Phil imagined it was his cock in Dan’s mouth instead of his fingers, knowing that tonight they wouldn’t get the chance.
When Dan slid his tongue between Phil’s two fingers, coating them liberally in his own spit, Phil pulled them out and guided Dan’s knees apart until he could reach between his cheeks and circle one around Dan’s sensitive hole. It slid in easily, and Phil wriggled it around, pressing against every wall inside Dan until he relaxed a little bit more.
Dan writhed beneath him when he pushed a second finger in beside the first, slowing his movements and working him open. He slipped them in deeper, and scissored them as he pulled them almost all the way out.
Dan continued squirming under Phil’s body, focusing on the feeling of his weight on his chest and the kisses he peppered along his shoulder. Phil curled his fingers just so, and Dan could feel him massaging his prostate. With every hitch, it felt better, and the burn of his stretching hole faded into the background of his mind as he rocked his hips down.
All too soon, Phil removed himself from Dan entirely, and Dan groaned as he felt empty again.
Phil stroked Dan’s cock twice more as he stood up.
“We need more lube,” he said. “Keep stretching, and be at three when I get back.”
Dan watched Phil skip out of the gaming channel room and into the AmazingPhil set just down the hall. Dan couldn’t waste time wondering when they’d stored lube in that room, he got set wetting his own three fingers and rearranging himself on the computer chair so that he sat on his knees, leaning back on his heels and using the pressure to spread himself wide.
He started fingering himself steadfastly, replacing Phil’s fingers with two of his own. He moved with purpose, brushing against his own prostate lightly, unable to get the right angle to really get himself going on it. He pushed past the pain to insert the third and final digit.
He thrust back and forth, fucking himself on his hand until his whines were out of pleasure again.
Phil re-entered to that sight, Dan balanced precariously in his computer chair, sitting on his haunches, his barely visible fist behind him as his fingers disappeared into his ass. He gripped his thigh with his other hand and clenched his eyes shut in focus, breathing heavily. Phil stood in the doorway for the moment, taking the scene in, watching him.
“You’re putting on a pretty show,” Phil piped in, reminding Dan of the camera just in front of him.
Dan moaned in response. He snapped his eyes open at Phil’s voice, finding Phil stood with a bottle of lube in hand, stripped down to his tight black pants, and wearing Dan’s oversized black and white striped jumper. He fingered himself quicker and crooked in deeper, as if he wanted to get off on just that.
Dan hadn’t thought that Phil heard him, the other day when Dan whispered want you to fuck me in my clothes mid-orgasm.
Apparently he had heard, and he listened intently. Dan bit his lip, bearing his whole top row of teeth in a less than attractive way, but not having the mind to care.
Phil popped the cap open on the bottle and made a beeline to Dan’s location, stepping right into his space without hesitation. He leaned over Dan, steadying himself with a hand on each arm rest, and kissed him on the top of his head, feeling a slight sheen of sweat at Dan’s hairline.
Suddenly, he spun the chair 90 degrees, angling it so the camera would catch it from the side.
“Gotta make sure it can see us both,” Phil told him, grabbing Dan’s wrist tenderly and directing him to take his hand from his ass, once again leaving Dan empty.
He could feel his ring clasping around nothing, thrumming at the let down. Phil raised Dan’s hand and brought it across his body. Dan followed with his torso as he twisted around, finally getting the picture when Phil lightly nudged his shoulders.
Dan swung around, facing backwards on the chair, gripping his arms around the headrest and pressing his chest to the cool cushion. Phil tapped between Dan’s thighs softly, reminding him to widen his stance. Dan did, as much as possible with arm rests on either side of his legs and his jeans still tethering his ankles together.
Phil smothered his fingers in lube, rubbing around Dan’s aching hole and plunging two, then all three, inside him. Dan thrust into the chair reflexively, stuttering out high-pitched “aaahhhh”s as Phil split him open.
Phil removed his fingers as quickly as they came, and hooked a dry thumb in his boxers and pulled it down to reveal his own leaking cock. He smoothed the remaining lube over himself and held his length by the base. Inching forward to stroke his slick head between Dan’s ass, he sunk inside.
Dan’s face scrunched up as he felt the intrusion of Phil’s thickness. It was long, reaching deeper than he could ever hope to on his own. Phil wrapped his fingers around Dan’s hips, thrusting in quick, fast motions, too far gone himself to tease Dan any more.
Dan was panting, his eyebrows furrowing together with the intensity of feeling Phil hit his prostate over and over again. He pulled his arms even tighter around the back of the chair, until his nails were biting in to the elbows.
“More,” Dan said, the first coherent word he had mustered since they began. “Bit harder.”
Phil moved his hands from Dan’s hips, grasping the chair instead and rolling it backwards, hard, forcing Dan back onto his cock. He was so tight, wet and hot around him. Phil was beginning to lose himself. He did it again, and again, moving faster each time until he was snapping his hips forward, meeting in the middle as he bottomed out into Dan with every thrust.
Dan’s thighs were trembling. He had been holding on for so long. His muscles tensed like a dam keeping back a waterfall.
“Let go,” Phil told him, voice calm as he continued spearing him from behind. He gathered another wave of stamina to push Dan to the edge, to force that waterfall to spill.
Dan was at the edge already, and at last he accepted it, letting his body tense all over and stutter as Phil worked him through each pulsation of his cock, shooting cum up the back of his seat.
Each clench of his hole brought Phil closer, and as Dan came down, head spinning and drooping onto his forearms, Phil moved to take himself out of Dan and finish himself off, but Dan stopped him.
“No,” he uttered. “Want to feel it.”
Phil obliged, returning to a softer pace, still feeling Dan’s hole fluttering around him. He slipped his hands up the tee shirt Dan still wore, massaging Dan’s chest and nipples as he spooned him, thrusting up into his ass and feeling his orgasm set him on fire.
Every wave of gratification pumped his ejaculate deeper into Dan, who felt each twitch as Phil moaned behind him, face close enough to him that he could feel his breath on his ear.
“Mmmm,” Phil mumbled, feeling out of it for the first time all night. He smiled into Dan’s curls as he pulled his softening dick from him. He used both hands to smooth down the fluffy hair at the top of Dan’s head, skimming them down his neck and rubbing his shoulders.
Dan was still recovering, and he let he head loll to the side to feel Phil’s head on his cheek. He pressed a kiss to it, laughing. Phil climbed off of him, immediately flopping into the floor.
“I can’t move from here. Too far to the bed. Come cuddle,” he offered.
Dan extracted himself from the computer chair awkwardly, nearly falling over due to his jeans tying his feet to each other. He slid them off entirely and joined Phil on the cold floor. He laid his head on Phil’s chest, setting a bent leg across Phil’s as he lay on his back. Dan ran his fingers through Phil’s sparse chest hair beneath the sweater he still had on.
“So, do we cut that out, or..?” Dan laughed, nodding towards the camera and the red recording light.
“I think that’s a safe bet,” Phil humored. He pressed a kiss to Dan’s forehead once again.
“Maybe best that we just scrap that footage entirely, start over tomorrow.”
“Oh, I’d definitely like to do this again tomorrow,” Phil said.
“Shut up!” Dan teased, lifting himself off of Phil and turning him over to his side so that Dan could curl behind him, snaking an arm under his head and pulling him close to his chest.
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crimsonbluemoon · 7 years
Prompt 5: Why do you hate me?
Good morning everyone! So I spent a good portion of the morning cranking out some of the prompts, so I’ll be posting them sporatically through the day. So for now, please enjoy this one asked for by @risualto . It’s not SUPER angsty, just a pinch, but I hope you enjoy either way! 
Couple: MiniCat (Implied? Hinted)
5. “Why do you hate me?”
It’s been like this for nearly two weeks, and Mini’s not quite sure how to fix it.
He hadn’t thought anything was different between them when they met up with Evan for their trip to the mountains. The boys had spent two days together, away from youtube, stress, and everything else that could be forgotten on the slopes of the mountain. Evan had shown both of them up in ice-skating, which was expected by the ice hockey player. They had spent the night drinking and making silly pictures involving bananas as guns or phones, depending on which person Mini was taking a picture of. They had a lot of fun, simply chilling and playing video games with no concerns about face-cams or ping levels. They just competed against each other, Mini and Evan laughing as Tyler was knocked off the track for the fourth time by a blue shell.
The next day had been...less relaxing. Craig had a little too much confidence in his snowboard skills, pushing himself more so than he had in a long time. Evan continued to ask him if he wanted to get lessons, but Craig had shrugged him off when seeing that neither of his friends were planning on getting a refresher. Mini just needed time to practice, that was all. So he went through most of the day, falling over or getting passed by kids that were half his age on the bunny slopes. Tyler teased him each time he could, only elevating Mini’s desire to get onto the same track as his two friends. And despite being tired, sore, and ready to call it quits, Mini decided to trek up to the location of Evan and Tyler for his last run down the mountain. Evan was supportive of Craig, though he did question if he wanted to tackle the mountain another time. The weather was starting to get colder, the sun beginning to drop low. But Craig had shrugged off his concern with a grin and a wave before starting his trip down the mountain.
And then, chaos ensured. He hadn’t seen the rock in the slope, as the sun’s reflection had hidden it from his bad eyesight. When his snowboard smashed into the hidden obstacle, Craig was tossed into the air, his body slamming into the slope hard. He rolled a few times before coming to a slow halt, the word spinning behind his glasses while he tried to re-orient himself. The helmet he had hated wearing had been lost up the slope at some point, along with one of his gloves. The snowboard had unclipped from one of his feet, the other ankle screaming with pain while being tossed around in the fall. Mini’s head had been fuzzy for the rest of the day (he later learned it was a concussion), and he didn’t remember how he had gotten back to the house. He actually didn’t remember much of the rest of the trip, just that he had slept for a whole day when he got home.
Oh, and that Tyler now hated him.
“Mini, can you fucking hit someone?” The growl from his tall friend made Craig sigh, trying to keep his voice from shaking in anger while he responded.
“I’m sorry, I’m not the one with the gold scar and a full shield.”
“And it's not my fault you’re shit at this game.” The comments were vicious, even for Tyler’s standard. It was enough to create tension in the group, Marcel keeping quiet as he tried to heal up Brian.
“Tyler, man, can you give him a break? He’s working with like, no sleep and a focked up ankle.” Brian’s sympathy was appreciated by Mini, who was trying to hide long enough for the fortnite circle to trap their enemies. He was slightly distracted when a scoff was heard through the discord.
“If he’s going to whine and bitch about being tired, then he shouldn’t bother playing.” The nasty remark was the final straw for Mini, who let his anger show in his snapped reply.
“Fuck you, Tyler.” He didn’t care about the lost footage as he clicked out of the game, ignoring Marcel and Brian’s call of his name as he disconnected from Discord. His headphones were tossed onto his desk as he pushed his chair back, the anger still boiling in his chest. Why was Tyler being such a dick? How come he couldn’t just have a normal conversation with Mini about whatever was stuck up his ass?
Craig wanted to believe it was only anger he was feeling, but he wasn’t stupid. His eyes moved away from the brightness of his screen as he stared at the leg still wrapped in a cast. Though he had been annoyed at the outcome of his accident, he wasn’t stupid; losing his helmet and smashing his head into the ground could have ended up with repercussions that were far worse than a concussion. Head traumas were common in snowboarding, and Craig had known people who had personally gotten taken out of the sport because of a similar type of accident. From Evan’s account, his helmet had flown off mid-air, meaning his head hit the ground at full impact. The broken ankle sucked, but he was lucky that he wasn’t hospitalized.
He thought that the accident would only strengthen friendship with Tyler. Evan had been keeping in contact more, making sure that Mini was all set. A few of their friends had sent supportive texts, and made sure that he had enough content to give him the extra money he’d need for doctors visits and medication. But Tyler had been missing in action. The only times he talked to Mini were in gameplay, and it rarely was the comforting kind. Over the past few weeks, everything that Craig did was wrong. Whether it was his golf game, the card he chose in Cards Against Humanity, or which gun he picked in Fortnite, Mini was wrong, and Tyler was going to tell him. It was as frustrating as it was sad, because he wasn’t sure what had caused the huge wedge between them.
His morbid thoughts were scattered when his ringtone went off, Mini glancing over to the table to see the screen light up. ‘WildCat’ blinked across the screen, and Craig gave a quiet groan before he swiped the phone off the surface and answered the call.
“What now? Did I exit the wrong way?” Mini knew that he was being an ass, but after the last exchange between the two, he wasn’t feeling mature enough to hold back. He leaned his feet (the broken one at a much slower pace) up on his desk while his computer chair shifted, listening to the annoyed sigh on the other side of the phone.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not why I called.”
“Good to know.”
“Look, I-” Tyler paused in the conversation, his angry tone seeming to fizzle out when he started the conversation again. “I don’t want to fucking argue with you.”
“That’s all you’ve been doing,” Mini answered, his eyes casting to the side. “It’s...it’s like..”
“Like what? Just spit it out.” The clipped tone that Tyler used made Craig wince, his hand balling up on the armrest of his chair.
“Why do you hate me?” Mini hadn’t meant to ask that particular question. It had been floating around in his head for days, but he didn’t think he’d ever actually say it. The feeling had festered from a small hole in his heart, trickling out the edges and leaving him feeling more vulnerable than he wanted to admit. Even now, as he thought back on what he had said, he felt his stomach twist and his lips tug down into an unpleasant frown. Fighting with Tyler...it didn’t feel right. It was uncomfortable, and held more weight than Mini was willing to admit. He had gotten into small fights with all of his friends, but none hit him as hard as this with Tyler.
“What the fuck?” Tyler’s stunned tone caught Mini off guard, the British man blinking as his friend continued. “Dude, I don’t hate you.”
“You’ve been coming at me for days,” was Craig’s answer, hoping the slight change of his voice wouldn’t show how the shift in their friendship had bothered him.
“That’s because-fucking shit, did you see your head, Craig? Did you?” The question wasn’t where Mini had expected Tyler to go, and he didn’t have a quick enough answer to step in. “Because I did, and there...I couldn’t stop it. Your fucking head smashed against the ground like a bouncy ball. Your whole body just kept rolling, and I was sure you-it’s not like I could fucking stop you. I had to just sit there and watch the whole thing happen, and then you weren’t moving and I thought you were-of course I fucking got mad!”
“You were scared?”
“Did I say I was fucking scared?!” But from the loud denial, Mini knew the truth. Tyler had never been the one to show his feelings, not when they made him vulnerable. “It’s not like I could have stopped you. Even if I was the one who was saying shit, you’re the one who came up to the slope when you weren’t ready. Who does that?”
“Tyler, are you...blaming yourself for my accident?”
“I never said that.” Was the quick response, but Craig was ready for it.
“You’ve talked about not being able to stop me, like, three times.” Then there was silence on the phone, and Mini took a chance to press the topic. “Just so you know, I don’t blame any of this on you. Yeah, you were teasing me, but that’s just you normally. I wanted to go up there.”
“But would you have if I wasn’t being such a fucking ass?”
“Duh, I just wanted to be where you were.” The confession was fast, Craig realizing instantly that he hadn’t meant to say it. Hoping to recover, Mini gave a loud laugh, his cheeks brightening as his pitch and speed quickened. “And Evan! Both of you, really, because you’re both my friends and why would I only want to see you? That’d be weird unless I liked you or something-”
“Chill the fuck out, dude.” It was the first time since the incident that Craig had heard the laugh, and it stopped his rambling as quick as it started. When Tyler spoke again, it lacked any anger, the edges smoothed over with relief and affection. “You’re such a moron.”
“Hey, I resent that.” He really didn’t, if the smile now spreading over his lips was any indication, but he tried to keep his dramatics up by pressing a hand to his heart. “You’ve wounded me, Tyler, and I don’t think I’ll ever recover.”
“Shut up and get back in the game.”
“I thought I sucked?”
“You do, obviously. But it’s good for content.”
“Fuck you, Tyler!” Except this time, he was laughing while he said the words, the heart which had ached before now filled with a warmth that only Tyler could give him. Maybe another night, he would really question why that was. But for now, he just wanted to get back to playing the game and being friends with the other man.
And thats the end! So, writing in 2k is hard. And I feel like this needs so much more, but ahhh I did my best! I hope you enjoy it regardless >.< So as always, like, reblog, and let me know what you think! ^.^
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blizzardfluffykpop · 7 years
Daeil X Reader
Summary:You know being with your practical siblings, a messed up family is not the exact way someone would think they would end up with their soulmate.
Mentions:Drug use and drinking (No I do not suggest and no I've never gotten high so I can't tell you exactly how it is, although a few of my friends have).
Please don’t read if you’re innocent, this is smut and mature content, please read other works if you like my fanfiction but, don’t read the smut. Just this is for mature readers and/or over 18 readers.
Prompt: 16. I dare you to make a snow angel naked.
Ugh, Christmas parties am I right? If my parents weren't the party animals they were I'd be reading a book, sleeping, or better yet watching a new movie. Noooo, I can't have it that way. My luck every kid--well teenager--I know is here. My parents are friends with their parents. Man do they all drink when they get together. So that's what brings me here into this circle with this group of people.
There is Taeyong, Baekhyun, Yehana, Hoseok (MX), Hoseok (BTS), Kyla, Joyie as I like to call her, Daehyun, Si-yeoon, Roa, Daeil, Minhyuk (MX), Taehyung, and Mark. I'm stuck with these people. I'd rather be outside in the cold than here, I don't mind these guys. But I see them so often, they'd mid as well be my siblings. If I believed in being truthful which at this moment as the weed and the vodka and some coke(as in coca-cola) get passed around. I'll let it spell, I've had the biggest damn crush on Daeil since we ended up drunk fucking in the closet. My parents nor did anyone else's parents ever find out. Because they drank till they pass out, that's their thing. Everyone else knows. And least every single one of us has fucked another member in this messed up type of family.
We're sort of bonded by blood at this point. We're doing truth or dare spin the bottle. Every time you spin you have to kiss the person the person who spun asks the person who it landed on truth or dare. Knowing every single one of us, we don't back down from our dares or truths unless we are sober. In alcohol and drugs defense I've done some pretty stupid shit when completely sober. Like, licking peanut butter of of Si-yeoon's nipple. Do I regret no, was it worth it yes, and would I do it again yeah. Would I ever own it no, would I ever tell my kids no, and yeah that was pretty stupid sober.
Mark asks me to make-out with Joy and I pull her onto my lap and put my hands behind her neck bring her forward and we start making-out. That was a good three minutes, of my time. Yes I've done that before, would I do again, hell yeah. Never telling my kids though. I tend to remember every thing I do when I'm a little high or drunk. It's a mixture of both. Looks like were finishing the first bottle. I get up and pull out of the fridge Taeyong has in his room another bottle, but this time of champagne. And I start singing to myself the lyrics to Poppin' Champagne by All Time Low.
I pop it open and drink a sip passing it joy I spin the empty glass bottle of what used to be beer. It lands on the devil, well only cause he's hot; Daeil.. He raises and eyebrow and I say, "I dare you..." I search for something good in this mind of mine. And I say the first thing that comes to it, "to make a snow angel naked" He sighs gets up and starts stripping off his clothes. None of us really care, I'd be kidding if I said I didn't. But, we don't care that much. We've at least seen each other naked once.
There was that incident where we much like today when Roa drunk as hell started stripping and said if we don't join her were pussies. And you know we all stripped. We didn't want to be know as pussies. Yeah and that's how we fell asleep I was laying sprawled out across Mark's legs, Si-Yeoon was nearly drooling on his dick, Roa was underneath all of us sucking her thumb, Hoseok (MX) was curled up against Mark, Hoseok (BTS) was laying on my stomach, Kyla was on top of Yehana and it looked like they were lovers from how she was laying, Daeil and Taehyung looked to be in a 69 position, Joy and Baekhyun were back to back which lead to Baekhyun's legs on top of mine, and Minhyuk was in a ball in between Daehyun and I. How we got like that we'll never know. We took some drugs we got from Hoshi who said it was the good shit he wasn't lying.
He walks outside which was seriously just out side our door and across the hall. He gets to the door walks out plops in the snow and starts making a snow angel. He comes back in and he sits next to fire and says, "You know if I wasn't freezing I would be happy" we all crack up.
He spun landed on Yehana she said truth and he asked if she was a virgin and she said no and we all asked how many. And she told us the shocking answer of 3 at once. Our jaws were dropped, wow. It was awhile before Baekhyun landed on me and said, "Confess your feelings about everyone" I nod and start with him, pecking his lips after asking if I had to with everyone and he said I had to.
"Baekhyun, if I'm being real with ya, your the best damn practical brother I've had. You sometimes make me gag from you trying to flirt, even though I think you're failing with the ladies, you still manage to snag one."
He laughs I look next to him which is Minhyuk and I say I peck her lips, "You know if there is one guy here, that I would just want to be best friends for life would be you, you're pretty much the sun in my dark cave of shadows."
I look next to Minhyuk who sits, Si-Yeoon I peck her lips, "If there is one girl I wouldn't mind fucking over and over again is you. But I wouldn't tell my kids. I'd still want you as a best friend don't get me wrong."
Next to Si-Yeoon sits Joy I peck her lips, "If there is one thing I would love to keep from you is your shining personality wish I could be like that. You're so bubbly I want to keep you in my pocket."
I point to myself I kiss my hand and place the kiss back to my lips, "I don't know and don't care what people want to confess their feelings about, but I think I'm pretty trash-y but hey, seems like you guys don't mind me that much."
Next to me sits Hoseok (BTS) I peck his lips, "You know if my feelings are ever to unspoken it would be to you, I want to get to know you more it just seems the closer I get the farther I get away from the actual you. And I just wish we could become closer my bubble puff."
Taeyong sits next to Hoseok who sits next to me I peck his lips, "You know if there is one person I know, I would not mind just holding your hand and cuddling with you no matter where your a snuggle bug." I take a sip of champagne as I continue that dare truth-y.
I pass it onto Hoseok and I tell, Daehyun I peck his lips, "If I remember right I would make-out with you under the stars or under the sunrise when ever you wanted. You're a really good kisser someone should hit him up."
The hoot as I continue onto Hoseok (MX) I peck his lips, "Can I just say how nice your abs are? Because man if I was just a body eater I'd eat yours, well I mean in a cannibalistic way but sexual is fine to."
He laughs at my honesty I go onto Daeil I peck his lips, "You know if I was being honest, but what a better time to be honest. Playing a game of truth or dare with a kiss on top of it all. I've loved you for a while, and could care less if you accept my feelings or not could give less a damn."
I move onto to Taehyung peck his lips, "If there is one person in here who I could just talk to about meaningless things and feel free to do so would be you."
I look over to Roa next to Taehyung and peck her lips, "If I could peck someone's lips as often as you could I'd have mono, I'm not saying your a hoe. I'm just saying I can't do what you can, and I suppose I guess you call it envy?"
Next to Roa is Mark I give a peck on his lips, "You know I can confide all my worries into you, but I'm also worried that I might end up liking you for how sweet and wonderful you are. But don't hold your breath because I have more tasks than just that."
Yehana sitting next to Roa I peck her lips, "I would totally date you if you weren't already with Mina."
I peck Kyla who is next to Baekhyun our last star of the night and I say, "I would totally tell you that I used to have feelings for you, and I did. But they were more like best friend feelings if you get what I'm saying." With that I take another sip of champagne and spin the bottle.
It lands on Mark and I tell him to do a magic trick and he says, "Poof abracadabra, nope your still a bitch." He points at Hoseok (MX), "Well that wasn't a very good magic trick." Hoseok (MX) mutters out.
It goes on for a while again and I'm so out of it I really rather read a book or ride a motorcycle. Two polar opposite activities but it would get me out of here.
That lead me to thinking about about fucking Daeil in that closet. Yeah I remember it, I choose not to most of the time. And I down right refuse that I have the memory. But I really do, and he was so amazing. Yes it was a bit sloppier but we were piss drunk what would you expect? Yes he did drop me twice and he fell backwards and I had fallen onto him a few times. But hey, there was also puke in that closet... From the two of us, not because of our action just because fucking tends to upset that whole system when your drunk. Am I ashamed my first time with Daeil went like that maybe. But would I ever change it--okay yeah actually I would. And I--never mind let's pay attention to this very amazing game of truth or dare. Our contestants Baekhyun and Daehyun must fuck in front of us, as dared by Hoseok (BTS). Couldn't tune in at a better time, could we have.
So wow Daehyun didn't last long in Baekhyun, that was some quality yaoi I won't fill you guys in. Daehyun spins the bottle after he gets clothed back on and so does Baekhyun as he has a hard time sitting. Poor guy, I feel for him. He lands on Daeil and Daeil says, "For once in my life I'll go truth." We all gasp in shock he's a dare boy. Like you got to be kidding me.
The snide Daehyun gives him nearly has me holding back and not wanting to know. I don't like that look on anyone's face and especially his because it's usually evil. "I dare you to confess your true feelings, to that special person in this room."
It's probably Joy, they had an off and on friends with benefits relationship for years. Even though she knew I liked him. It hurt, but I stopped caring after a while. Let's watch this measly heart of my break, yet again. He mutters something under his breath and then says proudly to his jeans that he had put back on after my dare but not his shirt. Because the Earth loves to see me suffer. I get nudged and I take a puff of I don't know even know anymore. And pass it to Hoseok (BTS). And he says, "(Y/n), I've loved you for a while... And yeah... I'm not that drunk so I know what I'm saying. So would you be my girlfriend." I was holding my phone in my hand for a while and it just dropped right out of my hand. When he said that finishing word. I thought he said Joy for a minute until I figured out he said me. So I numbly nodded my head yes. And he pulled me from where I was sitting along with my phone and into his back.
His back pressed against mine, and he lays a soft and sweet kiss on my neck. No way, I'm still in shock. You got to be shitting me, am I living as Joy right now? Did I switch consciousness, because... No, Joy's still over there and this looks very much to be me. Oh my god I can't believe. This happened, thank you? Should I be questioning will this all wake up and be another dream. I pinch myself, nope very much real, and very much ow.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 12 – Road Trip To Embarrass… Who Again?
In which the squad goes to a talk show, wake-up calls go wrong, Neil goes live on national television, shipping goes well, and I go nuts, just a little bit.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
Hey, remember two chapters ago when we were promised some prime Road Trip To Embarrass Kevin time? Well, guess what's fucking happening.
          Wymack warned them last night they’d have an early start today, but there was no way the Foxes could start the season without a small party. (…) The upperclassmen put away most of a bottle of vodka even without Neil and Renee helping them. At the time they all thought it would be worth it. After getting less than an hour of sleep, Neil wasn’t so sure.
Ahahaha, literally me at the time writing this.
6hr bus journey – on which you really need to work – at 9 in the morning? Better stay up till 4 drinking wine!!
Don’t be like me, kids.
Unimportant detail: They stop at a gas station for morning fast food, which I liked because I was literally reading this at a fast food gas station.
Here, Wymack attempts to wake everyone up, and I enjoy the return of my favourite running gag:
           “Hemmick! You were supposed to wake them up ten minutes ago!”
           “I don’t want to die,” Nicky said. (…)
          Wymack went all the way to the last row, pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, and threw it at Andrew. Judging by the resounding thud, Andrew woke up as violently as always.
Ahhh yes, nothing like a good ol’ bit of physical violence to greet the day <3
Although: That’s kind of smart, actually. Why did no one else ever think to just throw things at Andrew from a safe no-hit distance?
(Because Wymack is the best, that’s why.)
However apparently, Andrew isn’t the only one with weird sleeping habits:
           Wymack planted his shoe against whatever part of Kevin was closest and started pushing him.
           “Up,” he said over and over, getting louder each time until he was almost shouting. “Get your ass up and moving!”
What follows is an amazing description of a Kevin that just won’t wake up. Like, dude has to run laps down the bus and still almost falls asleep mid-run, putting new meaning into the term running gag.
Also, what level of #iconic and #relatable.
           Wymack smacked the back of his head to wake him up.
          “I hate you,” Kevin said.
           “Breaking news: I don’t care.”
BREAKING NEWS: I DON’T CARE. I have that on a shirt!! It’s part of my modern Grantaire cosplay and I love it to bits. Cue me actually squealing when that happened.
Today on A List of Plot Details That Will Come Back To Bite Me In The Ass At Some Point:
           Kevin dug Andrew’s medicine out of his pocket and handed the bottle over. He and Wymack watched as Andrew tipped a pill into his hand and swallowed it dry. (…)
          Odd, Neil thought, that Kevin would have Andrew’s medicine at all. Kevin had it at Sweetie’s, too.
He’s keeping his medicine for him? Why? The obvious answer would be ‘so he can make sure Andrew takes it’, but I feel like there’s more to it. And why Kevin? Surely Coach or Abby would be the more sensible and responsible candidates. Because they spend the most time together? This is all real shady, you guys.
They arrive at Kathy Ferdinand’s show, and this is where thing get interesting. She comes out to greet them – in the parking lot, might I add, which… the fuck? – and something else comes out as well: Actual traces of charm and positivity in Kevin ‘Stoic and Mighty, All Hail Unto Him’ Day.
           This smile was something else, this was Kevin’s public face. It was meant for interviewers and fans who were better off not knowing the arrogant, ruthless side of a world-class champion. Kevin looked every inch a perfect celebrity. Neil found it horribly disorienting.
And Nicki found it horribly hilarious. I can just imagine Kevin smiling warmly, stance relaxed, a charming eyecandy celeb to everyone, except when you get up real close you can see the actual violent murder in his eyes.
And now it’s time for this chapter’s ~plot twist~ that ~absolutely no one saw coming~:
           “Did you talk to him?” Kathy asked Kevin.
           “I didn’t think we needed to talk about it,” Kevin said.
           “About what?” Neil asked.
           “I want you on my show this morning,” Kathy said.
Yes. Yes yes yes yes. Did someone say Road Trip To Embarrass Kevin? I feel like this turned into much more of a Road Trip To Embarrass Neil and I am loving it.
This is going to be good.
Also, what the hell is it with Kevin and not telling people about important things? “Oh, by the way we’re going halfway across the state to be on one of the highest-rated talk shows in the nation tomorrow, no biggie you guys”, “Oh, by the way, Neil you’re also going to be on said highest-rated talk show even though I know you’re hiding a shitpile of secrets the size of the Kilimanjaro, yeah no, no need to tell you beforehand you’ll be fine, see me give a shit”.
Neil, of course, has the freak-out of his life, and allows himself a tiny slip-up that will no doubt come back to kick his ass later:
           “It’s not your decision,” Neil said in venomous French. He didn’t realize what he’d done wrong until he felt Wymack’s piercing stare. Andrew’s lot knew Neil spoke French. Neil could explain it to the upperclassmen later and they wouldn’t think twice about it. But Wymack, like Andrew, had also heard Neil speak fluent German.
Oui oui, mon ami, tu as… ah, how you say… fucked up. #languageskillsoutforwymack
However, no Neil freak-out too big for Kevin ‘I Don’t Have Time For Your Teen Angst Bullshit’ Day:
            “You will do this today, or you and I are finished. I will wash my hands of you on the court and you can struggle your way through mediocrity alone. You can return your court keys to Coach when we get back to campus. You won’t need them anymore.”
           It was like getting punched in the chest. “That isn’t fair.”
           “Did you, or did you not promise me that you would try?”
Of course, we can’t say no to that. Love those lil daily doses of Kevin/Neil in between <3
(What’s their ship name? Keil? Nevin? I’m not loving either option.)
Why is he so set on having Neil on that show, though? Just to get him used to being in the public eye because he promises him such a bright future in Exy and knows this is an important part of it? Or is there more to it? Am I reading too much into things again? I’m intrigued.
Ah, I’m sorry, did I say little doses of Kevin/Neil? THINK AGAIN.
           Neil closed his eyes. “Why did you tell the ERC I would make Court?”
           “Because when you stop being impossible and do what I tell you, you will.”
           Andrew hadn’t lied. The articles hadn’t lied. Despite Kevin’s angry words and rude impatience, Kevin believed in Neil’s potential. Kevin wanted to train Neil. He wanted to play with Neil, and he wanted to shape Neil into the star he’d once been. Kevin would never forgive Neil for vanishing on him without warning this fall, and Neil hated that. As complicated as Neil’s obsession with Kevin was, one truth was undeniable: He didn’t want Kevin to hate him.
Hello everyone, I am reporting live from my fucking grave.
GAHHHHHHHHHH. Nothing like a bit of enemies-to-friends trope to get me going.
In other news: Feels over, dicks tucked back into pants, it’s show time!
           Kathy beamed as she slowly paced the front of the stage. “How many of you had the chance to go to the game last night? Oh, wow! How many, like me, watched the game from the comfort of their own home?” She raised her hand and laughed at whatever response she got from the crowd.
This woman is increasingly reminding me of Caesar Flickerman from The Hunger Games.
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Just imagine this is how I’m picturing her now at all times, minus the blue hair (probably).
           “Kevin, Kevin, Kevin”, Kathy said, shaking her head in tie to his name. “I still can’t believe I talked you into this. I hope you’ll forgive me when I say it’s surreal to have you back here alone! I still think of you as one half of a whole.”
           “At least I have room to stretch out now,” Kevin said, neatly avoiding a real answer. “I might have to do so in a minute. I can’t believe you expect us to be awake and presentable after last night’s games.”
Is that…… Kevin…….. actually giving charismatic answers……. being an actual human being……. what kind of witchcraft.
I am loving this.
The interview goes on, it’s kind of banal chatter, nothing we didn’t know already, although I am enjoying it tremendously. It’s nice to have a break from all the emo-ing around back home at Palmetto, even if it’s all fake show smiles.
Time for the fakest show smile of them all: Neilly baby!
           “Why don’t we all take another look at him?” Kathy said. “Let’s see the man who replaced Riko Moriyama at Kevin’s side. Introducing Neil Josten, the newest Palmetto Fox!”
Yikes. What an introduction.
           “Isn’t this an interesting picture?” Kathy asked the audience. “Kevin is paired again.”
Seriously, can she stop.
I mean, I get that it’s good for show biz, and I don’t blame her as she doesn’t know their backstory, but rubbing this shit into their faces is still Grade A Shitty™.
They chat a bit more, bla bla sportsball, Kathy Flickerman asking questions and Neil lying through his teeth, although I’m surprised homeboy doesn’t get at least one “I’m fine” in somewhere.
And then – the absolute fuckery that this entire chapter had being leading up to happens.
           “Why the major [district] change?”
           “I don’t presume to understand Coach Moriyama’s motivations.”
           “You mean they didn’t tell you?” Kathy’s surprise looked genuine.
           “We are all very busy. It’s difficult to keep in touch.”
           “Well then.” Kathy recovered with a bright smile. “Have I got a treat for you!”
           Music blared from the speakers, a dark melody with heavy drums. The crowd jumped to its feet and started chanting in unison: “King! King! King!”
           He spotted the Foxes easily, as they were the only unmoving bodies in the crowd. They sat blank-faced with shock.
Same. What.
           The man who stepped onto the stage wore the same outfit Kevin did, save his version was black from head to toe. (…) The number one tattooed on his left cheekbone told everyone who’d just walked onto Kathy’s stage.
ARE YOU ACTUALLY SHITTING ME. I did not see that coming. I did NOT see that coming holy fuck.
(We only have two chapters left. Logically, something had to happen. Still. WHAT THE FUCK.)
           It had been nine months since Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day stood in the same room together, nine months, since Riko destroyed Kevin’s hand, and now they were reunited on national television.
Oh boy. I am sure there is absolutely no way in hell this can go horribly, horribly wrong.
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ravengirl94 · 7 years
Fic Tag Game
I was tagged by the ever lovely and talented @lipstickandwhiskey and my wonderful twin @deanssweetheart23 (I think? You tagged me, right? Yes)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag some of your favorite authors
From “The Arrangement,” AU!Dean x Reader
You stifled a yawn behind your hand, glancing at the clock on your computer. How could it only be three? It felt like six... that third round of drinks the night before was definitely been a mistake, but it had certainly been fun. You pushed away from your desk and got to your feet, stretching your back before heading to your boss’s door.
“I’m going to get some coffee, Mr. Novak, can I get you anything?” Jimmy lifted his head from where he was studying some paperwork and smiled at you.
“Some coffee would be wonderful, Y/N,” he said, rubbing at his eyes.
“Absolutely, sir,” you replied with a chuckle, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
From “Angel in Blue Jeans,” Dean x Cowgirl!Reader
Dean hauled himself out of the impala with a grunt, muscles still protesting from the werewolf hunt a few days ago. The long drive probably hadn’t helped much, but it sounded like a pretty nasty shifter case so he and Sam had high-tailed it across the country to Wyoming. The most recent lead had them pulling onto a large farm to speak with a victim’s brother. It was mid-afternoon, the sky a brilliant blue and dotted with fluffy white clouds. The sun was strong, but it was only May so it wasn’t too hot yet. Dean’s work boots kicked up dust as he and Sam made their way down a wide path flanked by fencing, heading towards a large barn.
From “Imagine: Benny Turning You,” Benny x Reader
Strangely enough, you didn’t feel anything. That hellhound had used you like a chew toy, leaving deep punctures and gashes all over your body. There was blood everywhere, so you knew something was horribly wrong... and yet, all you felt was cold.
“Y/N!” Benny exclaimed, hurrying to your side and falling to his knees. “Look at me darlin,” he pleaded, grabbing your face in his hands, “stay with me.” You dragged your eyes up to meet his crystal blue ones, and he looked so worried, so panicked. Probably because of all the blood. Shit, he shouldn’t be around you when you were bleeding like this. “Hey now, just take it easy,” he said as you struggled to move, pressing his hands over the worst wounds in an attempt to staunch the bleeding. “DEAN!” He bellowed over his shoulder before turning back to you. The look in his eyes scared you, and suddenly you knew you were dying.
From “Imagine: Dean Coming to Find You,” Dean x Reader
A lot of shitty things had happened during your life, but tearing your ACL was by far the worst. It was a freak accident on a wendigo hunt. You’d been running hard through the woods, feet pounding against the dirt-packed path. Of all the stupid plans, being bait was by far the dumbest, but you were the fastest out of the three of you. You’d even run track in high school. Unfortunately, pine needles weren’t the best footing. As you rounded the bend towards where the boys were waiting, you slid on the slippery surface, trying to turn right and get out of the way. But a shooting burning pain ripped through your knee, sending you smashing to the ground.
From “One of These Nights,” Benny x Reader
It had been a year. A whole year of searching. A year of driving around the country with Sam and occasionally Bobby, hoping desperately for any sign of Dean or Castiel.
"We’ve been there already Sam," you muttered tiredly, rubbing your eyes. You were poring over an old faded map, marked up with circles and crosses and other various notes. It was slowly becoming unreadable – yet another sign of your desperation.
"I know, I know…" Sam snapped, slamming a hand down on the table, "but we have to keep looking."
"What about where he came back from hell? Where had you buried him?" You asked, glancing back to the map.
"You really do think he's dead." Sam said, his voice hollow.
"I don't know what to think anymore, Sam! It's been a year with no sign of him at all. He vanished when Dick exploded - that's literally the only information we have." You exclaimed, pacing around the room. The bunker had become home for you, someplace to return to for rest and further planning, but it felt empty without Dean.
From “Imagine Taking Care of Sick Dean,” Dean x Reader
You had to suppress a giggle as Dean appeared in the kitchen doorway. He had the biggest frown you’d ever seen, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and bare feet. He was still in his pajamas.
“Hey there sleeping beauty,” you said, still smiling at the sight of him. It was nearly noon, and he didn’t look very happy to be awake. The smile vanished from your face as Dean spoke.
“I don’t feel good,” he said miserably, voice hoarse and raspy. He certainly didn’t sound good. In fact, he sounded like he’d been gargling rocks. 
“Oh honey,” you exclaimed, pushing out of your chair to place a hand on his forehead, “you’re burning up.” You winced and took a step back as he began coughing, looking positively miserable. When he had finished, you took his arm and led him back down the hall to his room. “you need to stay in bed today, mister,” you said as he collapsed back onto the mattress, face down.
From “Just You and Me,” Bucky Barnes x Reader
Bucky turned, the smile fading from his face and giving you a concerned look as you froze on the stairs. The two of you were returning to your tiny apartment after grocery shopping, bags still clutched in your hands.
“Someone’s in there,” you whispered, heart hammering in your chest. Your heightened sense of hearing allowed you to pick up on the soft footsteps across the creaky floor, as well as the steady heartbeat from whoever was inside. 
“Ah shit...” Bucky muttered, “I should have known this would happen after that attack...” A bomb had gone off in Vienna at an important conference and news reports were blaming Bucky, despite him being in an entirely different country at the time. But people were dead. Important people. And it would have been naive to expect the world to leave the two of you alone.
From “Mistaken Identity,” Dean x Reader
You ducked into the bar, glancing around nervously. It was a nice enough place, with quiet music and low enough lighting that made just about everyone look attractive. You still weren’t sure why you’d let yourself be talked into a blind date of all things... You didn’t really care that you were single, but apparently your friends did. You couldn’t blame them much. Nearly all of them were married or engaged or on their way to it. They were in love and wanted you to find your happily ever after too. It wasn’t their fault you were a realist and didn’t really believe in it anymore.
From “Start of Something Good,” Benny x Reader
You’d only been going to the coffee shop for a few months, but already it felt like home. It was small and simple, but the coffee was strong and the food was phenomenal. It wasn’t one of those high end cafes, but rather it was simple, almost understated. It was quiet, relaxed, and something about it put you at ease. Within a few visits it became your favorite place, and you soon found yourself there every day. You would bring some work or more often, the most recent book you were reading, order the usual and sit at one of the worn wooden tables. People would filter in and out while you sat there, engrossed in your novel and savoring the quiet bustle, the heady coffee aroma and the good looking man behind the counter. His bright blue eyes had caught you the first time you’d visited, making you stammer, scrambling for words in your suddenly empty head. He’d smiled good-naturedly, perfect white teeth flashing in the light.
“What can I get for you, cher?” The smooth low voice accompanied by a gentle southern drawl made your knees weak.
**SNEAK PEAK** Untitled Frank Castle x Reader Fic
You didn’t really know much about your neighbor across the hall. You knew his name was Frank, and that more often than not he looked like somebody had been using him as a punching bag. Not that you ran into him much. Once in awhile you’d see him in the hall or the stairwell, and the two of you would say a quiet hello before moving about your business. He was a quiet neighbor, kept mostly to himself, and only occasionally made a hell of a racket in the hall coming home at an ungodly hour. Your German Shepherd Max wasn’t too fond of that part, but otherwise wasn’t particularly wary of Frank. You’d expected him to be more protective of you, since that seemed to be his main purpose in life: growling at anyone that was dumb enough to get too close. And yet for some reason he seemed to like Frank. He’d wag his tail when the two of you ran into Frank, and more often than not, Frank would glance down at your dog and you swore something would soften in his hard features.
**cough cough @atari-writes I swear it’s coming eventually**
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tumblunni · 8 years
aaaa im getting stupidly inspired to work again on my old Dating Sim Ghost Tragedy Game since I had that dumb idea today about a new Dating Sim Ghost Tragedy Game I’ve had like five separate ideas for different tragic undead datey games :P Lets talk about this particular one!! I’m pretty tired so I cant really write it a big post like i did with today’s new idea, but I’ll try my best ^_^
The idea is that it’d be sort of a traditional medieval fantasy setting but its more like a slice of life tale of the regular citizens in these sorts of worlds, rather than a big destined hero thing. Sorta like the appeal of the Atelier series? I’m thinking the protagonist could maybe be a blacksmith or a gardener or some other down-to-earth job? I just feel like he’s a hardworking chill sort of dude, sometimes kinda comes off as emotionless to others, kinda depressed but devoting himself to his work helps him smile again. He’s really passionate about whatever he does! And i think deciding his job would be a big step towards developing this idea, because having it as a minigame would help add structure to the plot and some relief from the sadness. I dont wanna make it too similar to Atelier though... So yeah, the protagonist is this cute mid-twenties relateable fella who’s just trying to do his job. I think I wanna give his outfit dungarees or something? I feel like he’d always look a bit work-uniform-style even when he’s off duty, he’s kinda too lazy to change clothes. A perpetually bored and disinterested guy. Or, at least that’s the impression he gives off to people who don’t know him, he only brightens up around the few friends he has. AND HE PUTS 100% INTO THAT SMILE, GODDAMMIT
And then his childhood friend is someone who actually was sort of a ‘standard rpg hero’, but a really sad subversion of it. At the moment he’s currently the main love interest, and he’s still sorta the catalyst for the plot and the mysteries and all, even if you don’t pick him. or I dunno, maybe I’ll just make it only one love interest but many multiple endings, but I think this character would be happy if his love interest was happy with somebody else in the endings where they dont get together. He’d be crying but happy. Anyway, my mental image for him now is this really weary chronically shy cinnamon roll who’s like a big ol tall beanpole knight with long rapunzel hair that he hides behind. Maybe white hair cos that’d fit thematically with his plot, but is that too sephirothy? When they were children, knight-guy used to be this bright and uplifting figure who always protected protagonist and had such great dreams of being a hero who could save everyone! And he went off to join the army at a young age, and then he just... shattered. He came back disgraced as a deserter, the decade of loyal service ignored by all his former neighbours just because he’d quit in the end. He had a complete breakdown and just couldnt take the violence anymore, now he’s barely 23 years old and already retired. And completely alone. No family, just trying in vain to take care of his fragile self as he locks himself away in his house and everybody gossips about him. And the thematic thing is that his biggest fear is spiders. The moment he snapped was when he was left injured on the battlefield unable to move for hours, trapped under a pile of bodies of his fellow soldiers, trying to play dead to survive. He just remembers seeing a spider crawling across the face of the man next to him, the man in pieces... So everyone horrid in the village likes to mock him by scaring him with spiders, and I havent decided on his name yet but he probably has a spider-based nickname. He’s unlucky enough to even look spidery :P
Ooooooohhhhhh and for extra irony, the village is next to a magic forest populated by demon spiders. WHOOPS, FATE HATES YOU! They’re kinda like both the gods and demons of this village, they’re seen as morally bankrupt dangerous trickster spirits that’ll do whatever they want regardless of good and evil. Everybody talks about how horrible they are and warns that anyone who does [insert sin according to our religion] will be cursed by them, but they also make offerings to them and consider them entirely responsible for the success of the harvest, etc. Its like if you knew your gods were unpredictable dicks but you still tried to placate them with gifts! (like most old european pantheons I guess) And even though this setting is indeed a magical one, the existance of the spider spirits is kind of an unknown mystery similar to real life gods. People very rarely see them in times of need, and nobody can ever prove it really happened. The forest is indeed the ‘forest of spiders’ but the only proven fact is that it has a lot of (as far as we know) completely ordinary spiders in it. Nobody knows why so many spiders cluster in this one area, so making up a legend about gods seems like a possible thing that could happen. or maybe this one area really is the centre of the world where the One True Spiders weave the webs that tell the future, and these are their mortal followers praying in worship much like the humans do... Anyway, its just a cool aesthetic thing of a cobweb-encrusted forest where entire trees get coccooned annually as the seasons come and go~ And a cool civilization that has a lot of trade in silk and weaving! Kinda based on the old ps1 game Jade Cocoon, though that revolved around magical spirit silkworms instead.
At the time the story starts, best friend knight guy has been back home for a fair few years now. Him and protagonist met again, and protagonist is goddamn determined to take care of his ill friend and somehow manage to convince the town to take him back! Its basically two depressed people holding on to each other as their lifeline, and helping each other compensate for the things they’ve each been robbed of. Protagonist struggles with expressing emotion and being a complete pushover who can never tell anyone what he really wants, so its helping him a lot that for once he’s determined and won’t just mindlessly obey his parents. You cant tell me to cast aside my best friend! Plus best friend just generally thinks the goddamn world of him and helps him be happy! And best friend suffers from seeing himself as worthless and being anxious about disaster at every turn, feeling that nobody loves him and nobody SHOULD love him. And not being capable of taking care of his more mundane day-to-day needs because he doesnt believe he deserves to like.. eat, sleep, leave the house, etc. Poor guy... I’m so glad I invented a protagonist character that can be there for him! And seriously they both just renew each other’s self worth and I’m getting so emotional about this pairing before I’ve even developed it... GAHHHH
SO YEAH LETS GET DOWN TO THE ACTUAL PLOT It was kinda necessary to establish the history leading up to it, because that’s why it’s so tragic :(
Last year, the protagonist’s best friend vanished overnight and never came back. Everyone says he just ran away again like a coward, nobody even looked for him except you. They say he was last seen walking into the forest, and nobody will listen when you say that’s IMPOSSIBLE! His biggest fear was the spiders! The protagonist frantically tried to find him.. tried to find his body... tried to at least investigate this murder mystery and find some closure... tried to at least convince people that it WAS a murder mystery.... With the loss of the person he cared about most, the protagonist has slunk back into his own shell again, and starts to give up hope on life. Facing the same pariah treatment they gave his spider-fearing friend, he eventually learns to stop asking questions, to stop searching, to just do whatever his parents said. And his parents said he has to have an arranged marriage, to restore their reputation, after his STUPID STUNT of causing so much FUSS over the death of some stupid deserter... Each day blends into the next, as life becomes once again just going through the motions of being a ‘proper man’. Then... One day... He comes back. The spider-haired best friend comes walking though your door like nothing had happened! But.. he isn’t quite right. Your joy starts fading to a growing dread. He doesn’t remember what happened? He walks straight past the people heckling him? He seems more peaceful than he’s ever been, he’s fearless again and he keeps answering your questions with exactly what you’re desperate to hear. Sometimes you swear you see him talking to spiders whenever you turn your back... So you have to adjust to having him back, and try and figure out the mystery of his dissappearance while worrying whether you can trust him or not. You even entertain irrational thoughts that the legends are true, and maybe you’ve invited a forest spirit into your home because it mimicked the voice of the man you loved. And... what will you do about that love? For the first time ever he’s recipricating your feelings, he knows all those words that went unspoken, as if he could hear you every night as you wished you’d confessed while you had the chance. Is this really him holding you close, or is it a cruel trick to offer you everything you wanted, so the forest can claim you just like it claimed him?
So yeah, gameplay would be like exploring around each day searching for clues, doing a certain job-based minigame, and having chances to either go down the dating sim path or mistrust this man that may or may not be the one you knew. Even options perhaps to develop a romance with other characters instead? But will there be consequences for instilling jealousy in something otherworldly...? I think maybe if you just jump right into romancing possibly-friend-possibly-doppelganger, then you get a bit of a bad ending. Agreeing with him 100% and never solving the mystery is bad, regardless of whether he’s actually trustworthy or not. Either way it ends tragically, but there might be possibly a way to get a true romance ending with him if you actually do keep on top of resolving the main plot as well as just smooching. I... won’t say whether his romance is good or bad though :P And there’d be one not-romance route, where its kinda like you have to work hard to avoid romance! The protagonist’s arranged marriage is a big problem, he’d resigned himself to that fate but now he’s starting to hope he can confess to the one he really loves instead. But he’s gotta go against the whole damn world trying to force him into this ‘destiny’... Oh and I wanna make the most of the spider aesthetic! I was thinking that ‘fate threads’ could be a big gameplay element, with the possibility of getting these out-of-context flashforwards and clues that can help you avoid a bad ending. (Like in Until Dawn!) And romance meters would be a silk thread connecting the two of you, because pretty interface elements are awesome :)
POINTLESS RANDOM DEVELOPMENT TRIVIA This is actually a super old idea that’s remained undeveloped for many years! Back when i was a lil teen I originally imagined sort of a similar thing but with mermaids/water spirits instead of spider ones. And a lake instead of a forest, naturally. Also it kept flip-flopping on the genders of the characters. Ultimately i decided delicate spider aesthetic would fit better with a m/m couple and terrifying swamp creatures of fierceness would be better as sapphic. And the het idea died quickly cos it was based on dumb gender roles that the shy one has to be the girl, blablabla :P Oh and for some reason the whole spider idea came from reading one particular case in the manga adaptation of Ace Attourney. Weird, huh?
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