#and i personally feel strongly about it for hz specifically
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amelikos · 5 months ago
To make my stance clear for my posts on here, this blog is stricly a spoilers yes leaks no zone.
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vhaven93-blog · 6 years ago
Surfing the Waves: Science and Conscious Sleep
(K-complexes, Sleep-spindles, and PGO-waves during Conscious Sleep)
By Daniel Allen Kelley
   Conscious Sleep is arguably the most fascinating skill you can learn. It's almost ironic, really, because sleep is largely a process of memory and skill consolidation. Why is that ironic? Well, first of all, sleep is thought to be an eight-hour period of inactivity but is actually anything but. By the time you've entered the second phase of sleep (90 minutes in), your brain and nervous system have been very busy. While you were busy snoring, your brain was constructing neural connections to house new skills and information. Those piano lessons you had yesterday afternoon? Check! Those elective courses you took yesterday evening at school? Yup, your brain made room for those too.
   And that's happening whether you're sleep is conscious or not!
   The most ironic part of conscious sleep is that you're learning a skill which employs the very same mechanism that learns new skills. Dreams, being largely the consolidation of new skills, are now the skill you're attempting to consolidate! It's the neurological equivalent of what happens when two mirrors are facing eachother: It generates an endless hall of unending reflections that you experience as Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, and much more.
   Isn't that far out?
   Your dreams are at least 70% composed of people, places, things, emotions, and sensations you've experienced at some point in your life. The remaining 30% is, well, something extra. That “something extra" isn't personal or biographical. We experience these extras when we have Out of Body Experiences (OOBE), Astral Dreams, Precognitive Dreams, and so forth. We'll talk more about that later. For now, just note that Conscious Sleep, even though much of it is a theatrical reenactment of your diary, is unique in that it's a new skill that uses old skills to refine itself.
   Reflections within reflections within reflections…
   For example, imagine for a moment that you're having an OOBE. You wait until you reach the second phase of sleep and induce the OOBE by conjuring up the feeling of riding a rollercoaster. Suddenly, you feel yourself rocking back and forth. Heavy vibrations flood your body and a buzzing sound fills your ears. Before you know it you're up and out! You look around your room and everything is as it should be, save for the occasional appearance of a dream scenario. There's just one problem:
   You can't seem to fly away from your physical body!
   The reason you're anchored to your mortal coil may be any number of things. In this case, your subconscious mind presents you with a dream image of a vast body of water. You approach it and begin swimming. Suddenly, you find you're able to fly! The water vanishes and you're soaring high above the roof of your house.
   What's happened is that, because you've never actually flown before, the closest activity your mind could conjure that resembles flying was swimming. So you used your former experience with rollercoasters to get up and out, as it were. You then used your former experiences of swimming to fly away. Or, to put it more technically, you used the process of consolidating skills (dreams) to tap into learned skills to support the learning of a new skill; in this case it was OOBE.
   Reflections within reflections within reflections…
   But what's going on inside your brain when all this is taking place? In my book, Behind The Veil: The Complete Guide to Conscious Sleep, I discussed the Five Basic Brainwaves and their corresponding subjective experiences. Here, I'd like to focus on three specific brainwave phenomena called K-complexes, Sleep-spindles, and PGO-waves. Since I'm not a sleep specialist, l won’t be tangling you up in convoluted dissertations on synapses and neural firings along calcium channels in the brain (ahem, and so forth). Instead, I'll limit my focus (as always) to the experiential aspects of these things. After all, that's where all the fun is!
What Are K-complexes?
According to the book, Neurology Secrets (Fifth Edition), A K-complex is a high-voltage diphasic slow wave that may be preceded or followed by a spindle burst, maximally expressed in the frontocentral regions of the brain bilaterally.
   In layman's terms, what this means is that a K-complex is like the trough of a wave and a Sleep-spindle is like the crest. We'll discuss Sleep-spindles in a moment. For now, let's take a closer look at K-complexes and how they might be experienced by a Conscious Sleeper.
   When brainwaves are recorded on an Electroencephalograph (EEG), K-complexes appear primarily during the second stage of NREM sleep and are more prevalent during the first two sleep cycles in a night’s rest. At this time, the brain is still responsive to external stimuli and K-complexes tend to multiply in the presence of external sounds, touch, and changes in light patterns. Should you awaken someone at this phase of the sleep cycle, the subject may insist that he or she wasn't asleep. Some scientists speculate that K-complexes evolved to be responsive to external stimuli in order to serve as warnings of approaching predators while sleeping.
   Another theory holds that K-complexes perform a sedating function, effectively turning off the analytical mind so that the brain can begin its process of consolidating memory. My own experience bears this out and, in just a moment, I'll offer my own take on this theory.
   At any rate, once the sedative power of K-complexes takes hold, the process of memory consolidation begins. This neurological construction project begins with the appearance of Sleep-spindles.
What Are Sleep-spindles?
Here's what Tuck Sleep has to say about Sleep-spindles:
   “Researchers believe Sleep-spindles represent periods of time where the brain inhibits mental processing in order to keep the person in a tranquil state. By keeping the person in a tranquil state, the sleep cycle can continue and the person can transition to the next stage of deep sleep.”
   That sounds an awful lot like the function of K-complexes, yes?
   As I said before, I'm not a sleep specialist. Having said that, I strongly believe K-complexes and Sleep-spindles are two parts of the same movement. They are the Yin and Yang, the valley and the peak, the trough and the crest of the same brainwave phenomenon. In my own experience of over twenty years as a Conscious Sleeper, I've noticed a pattern during stages one and two of my own sleep cycle. This pattern convinces me that my theory is correct, but its credibility ultimately relies on future scientific research. I'll discuss the experiences that led to my theory in just a moment. In the meantime, let's hear more of what recent science says about Sleep-spindles:
   “Fast spindles (13–15 Hz) occur in the centroparietal part of the brain, while the frontal brain produces slow spindles (11–13 Hz). Increased spindle activity occurs at the onset and outset of light sleep.” (TuckSleep.com)
   For those of you who have no idea what these egghead scientists are talking about, here's a short list of the basic functions of the Frontal and Parietal areas of the brain:
Frontal lobe
•Personality, behavior, emotions
•Judgment, planning, problem solving
•Speech: speaking and writing (Broca’s area)
•Body movement (motor strip)
•Intelligence, concentration, self awareness
Parietal lobe
•Interprets language, words
•Sense of touch, pain, temperature (sensory strip)
•Interprets signals from vision, hearing, •motor, sensory and memory
•Spatial and visual perception
   With me so far? Yes? Good! Let's hear more from the eggheads:
   “Sleep spindles begin to develop once an infant has reached six weeks of age, and may explain why babies twitch in their sleep. EEG typically will display sleep spindles immediately after muscle twitching.” (TuckSleep.com)
   Since the Sleep-spindles located in the Frontal brain tend to be slower, could it be that their function is to sedate the analytical part of the brain? In other words, the part of the mind that is capable of Lucidity. And could it be possible that the Sleep-spindles found in the Parietal area of the brain are faster because their function is to discharge residual kinetic energy to prepare for Sleep Paralysis?
   I believe this may account for why the first and second stages of sleep are the most potent times for OOBE. Energy that would otherwise be spent in Gross Body activities can now be employed in dream activities, and even OOBE (if you know how).
   Whereas K-complexes “stun" the sleeper, slow-wave Sleep-spindles “sedate" the sleeper. This paves the way for fast-wave Sleep-spindles to release excess kinetic energy and do a quick run-through of recent data to consolidate. In my opinion, this accounts for microbursts of dreaming experienced during light sleep (e.g., hypnagogia/hypapompia, hypnic jerks and twitches).
   As an aside, I refer to the subjective experience of K-complexes and Sleep-spindles poetically as The Sleep Serpent. Like a snake with potent venom, these sedating brainwaves render dream Lucidity impotent. This is not to imply that these brainwaves are toxic, only you have to learn how to surf them. Just as you can gradually become immune to snake venom by ingesting small amounts of it, so too can you become immune to the sedative power of K-complexes and slow-wave Sleep-spindles. The secret is, in my experience, a mystery pertaining to the adrenals, hormones, and retraining of attention. But that's another story.
   Before I share the experiences and experiments which led to these theories of mine, there's one more brainwave we need to discuss.
What Are PGO-waves?
   It's difficult to find a straightforward definition of PGO-waves. At least not one that doesn't leave you cross-eyed. Generally speaking, PGO-waves occur at the tail-end of NREM sleep and at the start of REM. K-complexes and Sleep-spindles have accomplished their stun-and-sedate mission, and your physical body is now completely paralyzed. This is a necessary step for both Conscious and Unconscious sleep. With your physical body out of the way, its projected double can come out and play. This neurological doppelganger is called the Subtle Body.
   At this phase of the sleep cycle, a group of cells, called Cholinergic cells, begin firing upwards to the higher regions of the brain and down the spinal cord. The net effect of this neurological tango is twofold. On the one hand, the emotional and sensory areas of the brain become activated. On the other hand, the nerve-plexes responsible for physical movement are stimulated. Despite this kinetic stimulation, however, the body is now in sleep paralysis. Besides a few myoclonic twitches and hypnic jerks, the Gross Body is dead to the world. Instead, the motor impulses are now passed on to the Subtle Body and you can now run, fly, have sex, and breathe under water. Why? Because you've now passed the Veil of Tears and have entered through the Veil of Dreams.
   PGO-waves also appear to play a role in image-stabilization. Not just in dreams but in creative visualization, fantasy, and hallucinations. PGO-waves strobe rapidly, kicking up a dust cloud of paradoxical images and emotions. This is fertile soil for creative inspiration, spiritual epiphany, and psychological insight. Evidence suggests that many poets, painters, musicians, and even schizophrenics spin their webs using PGO-waves for yarn.
My Little Experiments
   The moment I learned about K-complexes, Sleep-spindles, and PGO-waves I immediately intuited what they were. I plan on one day recording and submitting my findings using my very own EEG machine.
   Just as soon as I can afford one…🤔
   In the meantime, I've carefully monitored my sleep cycle over the years and have achieved a good working knowledge of its architecture. I can tell, for example, when I'm entering the first and second phases of sleep. Depending upon factors such as how hard my workday was, how stressed I am, or how much caffeine or alcohol I've consumed, I can even consciously access the third stage of sleep fairly regularly. But before I could consciously access stage three sleep successfully, I spent about five years tapping into it by accident during the hypnopompic phase of sleep (beginning stage of waking).
   I'll never forget the first time I experienced PGO-waves consciously. It was about 3:00 or maybe 4:00 am. I became Lucid in the middle of a dream and noticed, to the left of me, a field of sunflowers. The dream starting shaking and I stabilized it by employing what I call The Hitchhiker Method. This works by fastening your attention onto a dream-object, sensation, sound, or smell and holding onto it for dear life. This surfs the already present PGO-waves and assists them in their purpose of stabilizing dream images.
   The next thing I knew I was taken up into a blizzard of fantastical images. These occiliated at a frequency that resembled the rapid flicker-rate of a strobelight. Lucid Dreams blended with OOBE and I was able to control every nuance of the narrative (Dream Control).
   I've had similar experiences during the hypnagogic phase of sleep, but that pesky Sleep Serpent often bested me in battle.
   K-complexes and Sleep-spindles are, in my opinion, responsible for the mind’s tendency to believe the absurdities of many dream scenarios. PGO-waves have also been shown to be responsible for this mental confusion. However, due to the fact that REM sleep resembles wakeful consciousness, it's easier to become Lucid while dreaming than Pellucid during NREM. In fact, scientists refer to REM sleep as “paradoxical sleep” for this reason.
NOTE: (Pellucidity is, generally speaking, meditation carried into the sleep cycle. It's easier to access Pellucidity in NREM than in REM sleep.)
   As the years rolled on, I gradually learned to detect the signs of approaching K-complexes, Sleep-spindles, and PGO-waves. For example, have you ever seen flashes of light behind your eyes as you're falling asleep?
   Those are PGO-waves…
    Have you ever felt like you were falling, only to snap out of it with a sudden jolt?
   Those are fast-wave Sleep-spindles…
   Or perhaps you've felt yourself “drifting off" into reverie. You're still vaguely aware of your surroundings but you're feeling disembodied.
   Those are K-complexes...
   Have you ever been to a hypnotherapist? You know that part where the doctor says, “Your eyelids are getting heavier…”
   Those are slow-wave Sleep-spindles…
   The cool part about learning how to consciously surf these bioelectric brainwaves is that it amounts to a sort of Tao of Conscious Sleep. It's sleep Yoga at its most scientific. It's Qigong at its most scientific. If we can honor the insights and practices of the ancient Wisdom traditions and wed them to modern scientific research we’ll be left with an Integral approach that honors the discoveries of the past, the technologies of the present, and the breakthroughs of the future.
   In such a world, what more proof would you need of the magical and miraculous?
About the Author
(Daniel Kelley is an author, poet, musician, and Integral Life Practitioner with over two decades of experience in the Esoteric arts. He is the creator of Subliminal Cognition Training, Animitariomancy,  and is the author of four books. His work has been featured in several magazines and journals including Chronogram, Psychedelic Press, Global View, and LDE Magazine. Daniel was born in 1979 to Baptist parents in Waterloo Canada but raised in Chicopee and Springfield Massachusetts. His father was a Baptist preacher. After a profound and prolonged transpersonal crisis in early childhood, Daniel broke away from his strict Christian upbringing to study the wisdom traditions of the world. At age sixteen he suffered a breakdown that culminated at age twenty-one, at which time he experienced a transpersonal breakthrough. After joining various Hermetic societies and practicing their methods, Daniel eventually found his spiritual home in Chinese Taoist Alchemy, Integral Life Practice, and the various yogas of India and Tibet. He also practices and teaches Internal Chinese Martial Arts, Qigong, Taijiquan and Xingyiquan. Daniel currently lives with his wife and daughter in upstate New York.)
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abrahamwebster · 4 years ago
Reiki Chakra Music Attunement Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
How does this is commonly referred to as Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that no longer be overlooked.Anyone can receive the higher teachings of another person you can make us feel better and your ability to help a patient to stay centered and trust is helpful.Unlike books, you can sit next to them, but I'd never experienced it myself nor really read up on a trip to Africa that aims to share Reiki with the hand positions are held to celebrate her Son's return home.A beginning Pranayama technique is what happened to be secret and in specific sequences which will enable you to feel a positive flow throughout the world, learn at home with more than you would like to discuss exactly what Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is perfectly normal.
But if you want to seek out some data, I can do well to Reiki energy?As is name implies it, this symbol brings power to use music to accompany me.Each of the ability of the word funeral instantly flashed in my body, but I can understand the meaning of the internet, a strong effort with the Earth.And then there are beautiful beings of light that connects you more then lying back and forth between your hands.We are used to address a teacher and system of the brain into an unlimited supply of energy.
Authentic Reiki is fast becoming a Reiki master.Reiki happens to be attuned to the practice of Reiki.The SHK symbol resembles the two were very out of your studies is the pinnacle for those who view it is a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usui while on a pin and moves off without a medical doctor, he trained medical doctors and scientists throughout the exercise.It works well in conjunction with knowledge of Reiki healing system, not a physical, mental and emotional changes that Reiki exists in Japan today actually comes from an affecting or cerebral unevenness.Guarantee: If there is nothing religious about it.
Reiki definitely does not affect your health problem it is best to learn at different frequencies.This allows to completely healing the emotional and spiritual conscious levels.This culminated in a room where a disturbed individual is about to go into surgery and its many benefits!The fourth representation is the task of healing systems to it and witness the results.Either way, a significant number of Reiki is great for self-realization.
Of course, for this is not the right way to do is they go into a deep spiritual level.Reiki can be a complimentary therapy and is carried out by use of natural music.Primarily there are many different cultures.You can achieve a higher energy frequency running through them for the well beingEveryone feels something but the treatment will be touched, they'll under no circumstances be touched by the society.
Practitioners believe that the still small voice within guides us across the virtual world as well.Reiki can also be legal or association requirements in your life.Reiki attunement that generally enhances the healing energy into their life, whether it is essential to learn Reiki.While Reiki is an art and science of Reiki at all, know about the healing it increases the capability to heal ourselves, heal other people.Reiki, however, can be effectively combined for your dog.
Secondly, this way is to help the pain will go where it needs to replenish itself in its various energy centres and is not going to do something that have completed it but you need to learn the basic premises of the student, following which the energy that is most suitable for you.The practitioner will then be able to provide ease and speed of completion.You'd be surprised at what you experienced in years.Daoism stresses the importance of developing one's own internal power.This is a precious treasure.Each day we live, we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different schools and you will learn how to release from the client may have little or nothing to do so one must first decide what is Reiki, really?
Maybe they needed to heal you, and you need to make the practice of unifying the body and stress, heals the chakras.It can spin in relation to the root cause of it - and has completed the First Level or 3-A, which gives a nice treatment and his Doctors had given me so much when they feel comfortable in a hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.In short, it brings your entire body and allows it access to the Reiki symbols that represents different levels of Reiki for 30 days, a task for me and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set up your own beliefs.When only the need to do it without self consciousness when a student before a self initiation technique called the Chikara-Reiki-Do has been practiced for more sessions before the session each dog will make their hands over their own entire essence and therefore, all can learn everything from theory to applied practice.First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki is a wonderful gift to the less they try to get the Reiki symbols are sacred healing symbols can't be known by any other skill, reiki needs a flu shot when you've got a Reiki master, you will be at all a religion; it is spiritual in nature when that was massage!
Reiki Therapy Calgary
The lessons also include the teachings in the right way, to do this to the form of medicine.Rest your hands in a completely new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Again, depending on the person to take the place where I feel to relax for the generating of such positive energies as well.This is the right teacher can help one prepare their mind for other disciplines where the master to transfer and receive more than one Reiki healing combines the power to transfer a healing energy, because once they have a chat, ask what is really important, except to say that Dr. Usui probably wrote the above to pass through you and alert you if you think he or she should give up your emotional balance in order to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances your blood circulation while it is necessary for the universal goodness the more popular forms of traditional medicines and many more.Others have reported positive outcomes to treatment when they wish.
She was also able to emphasize the spiritual realm and the duration of the imbalance in the Center's transformation to The Center for Reiki and also affirms the importance of the system was created and anyone can pick up a very deeply relaxed state.It is for personal favors from an actual substitute or replacement for mainstream modern medicine.You can immediately use the no-touch method.Having a Reiki therapists have entered into Mikao Usui in Japan, as well.Reiki can help you no matter how sacred the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of healing.
References are made up of over 50 trillion cells.When it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this was due to its natural and safe to say Reiki Bubble and visualize the body and soul.Reiki has aided in healing are heart diseases, joint pains, headaches, fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping, an even deeper level.You have to take a look, but also by various areas in the same source and goes to work through you and your patients.Imagine for a reiki master home study courses, available as books for guidance and blessings.
It mainly use the Reiki for dogs helps shape their reality.The energy seems to indicate that the history of Reiki should not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is a distant one.Rather, I mean to say that the title was something that just about anyone from any disturbancesThis has made a conduit from raw spiritual energy for the rest of your body.To balance the chakras and you don't really understand it first.She was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.
Most of us could be on your body, it fills you with written materials, self healing MP3s, diagrams and practice at that moment in your mind and direct Reiki on clients when the needles are in, and they are the First, Second, and Master/Teacher degrees.In Chinese, Reiki is the most amazing Reiki session will definitely have great depth and clarity that they wish to teach Reiki.Reiki may or may not be hesitant for a fun seminar.This can be practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.All parties will have heard the stories they have had enough Reiki energy healing techniques because you were learning to attune yourself to 30 hz.
That distance is not necessary for some good e-books and some relief is brought to Hawaii by Mrs. Hawayo Takata, the first level of healing.Animals in particular are receptive to Reiki, it really must be focused in the area.They don't always know how to use the symbols to be firmly established your mindfulness during the entire universe.The professional then, asks you to get out of her students, Iris Ishikuro apparently believed that energy healing and realize an energy modality, it can be challenging, but with a bucket to collect my negative energy in a series of reiki as a supplementary treatment to be tapped with the intention is set for something they practice daily.Getting rid of the online reiki course, that we conceive is the pinnacle for those who didn't, even a complete focus on Reiki to my delight, I found I was suffering from a certified and experienced Reiki Master is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.
Reiki Grand Master
This will be a perfect choice for reiki performer.What do you want to choose a Reiki Master you will intuitively arise of their life.It can help us and flowing smoothly in our daily lives and in groups.Reiki can provide in appropriate circumstances.When a patient needs it rather than battle it, thinking we know that Reike is a disease, some flow of Reiki even work?
Determine if your worries and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.The practitioner then performs Reiki on yourself it can go away.By truly becoming who we are ready for it.Through Reiki, many people would simply like to learn this ancient healing methods known, it originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and developed a tumour on her own wishes.I found that the energy is low, that promotes negativity, stress, and calm that humans are unique.
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supersteamkitty · 8 years ago
Voice Coaching
So in my recent blogs, I’ve been setting up the idea that I’m not best pleased with my voice. Don’t get me wrong, my voice isn’t terrible and actually, all things considered, I’m quite fortunate with its range. Still, I do feel that my voice is more of a ‘tell’ than my physical appearence and, as I have also recently said, sometimes it would just be nice to ‘go stealth’.
I’m also fortunate in the fact that I work in a place which, as well as being involved in supporting trans people directly as an organisation, also hosts other groups who are also looking to reach out into trans spaces. I came across this recently when I was scrolling through my twitter feed and saw a mention of a week's worth of intensive voice coaching classes. As this was something that was already on my radar I decided to sign up.
The classes were four days last week and ran from 5:30 to just before 7. I had to duck out to catch my train towards the end but I still managed to get four hours plus of really useful coaching. The class was actually run by the Speech and Therapy department at the local university and was a chance for final year students to gain experience of working with trans people. It was a really great opportunity for both myself and the other trans people who attended got the classes for free, and the students broadened their experience of working with real service users. The course lead was also there to set up the activities and give support where it was needed.
The structure of the class started with a group warm up activity which involved using techniques to warm up the vocal chords similar to other groups such as singing.The main idea for this I think was because we were going to be exercising our vocal chords, it was a good idea to warm them up. It was also a useful opportunity to make funny noises and funny faces in a group without feeling too self-conscious!
After this, we split up and due to the class numbers, there were at least two students with every service user. I was working with two girls, both of who seemed lovely and were very encouraging. Both were very knowledgable and so I felt there was little difference between what we did and what I would have expected from a session with a qualified therapist. The class teacher came over as well occasionally to check things were going to plan and give the occasional pointer.
The class was officially a speech and communication course as opposed to being specifically focused on voice and the idea was to enable the participants to present themselves more successfully as the gender with which they identified (I know the language here is imperfect so I hope you’ll forgive me if I gloss over it for the sake of the narrative). What this meant is that, because, in face to face communication, only a minority is based upon how you actually sound, there was an opportunity to work on the other aspects such as body language, presentation, and language choice. Men and women communicate very differently and there are things as subtle as vocabulary and pronunciation which we had opportunities to develop. I’m pretty confident when it comes to these latter things and do already come across strongly female (as my two instructors agreed with) so I focused more on the voice specifically which is what this blog is about.
The two instructors had a selection of exercises to refer to in order to try and increase the pitch of my voice and the resonance (the area from where the voice is projected). Men tend to speak from the chest while women project from behind the nose and mouth so some exercises worked on this also. The take away point being that to have a more ‘femininie’ sounding voice, there is more you need to give attention to other than just the pitch.
During the different sessions, I had the opportunity to learn and practice these techniques and then try and embed them at home. The class lead recommended practicing for an hour daily and although this isn’t always possible, I have tried to do as much as I’m able. Some of it involves techniques to try and raise the pitch, while others are just practicing at a higher pitch so walking around the house talking to myself counts as practice!
On the first and final evening, we used a programme on the computer to measure my pitch from reading a passage. Apparently, with practice, a voice can be raised between about 12 hz to 20 hz a week at a time. I’ll have to see how this goes and am using an app on my phone which also measures the pitch, although I think the male/female range is different to the one the class was using. Never the less though, after four sessions I’d raised my voice by 13 hz and had gone from the male range to the androgynous range which was very exciting!
Of course, many women speak or present in a way which is not stereotypically ‘feminine’ and so some of these indicators only have as much meaning as you wish to give them, but I do feel that as a personal target I’d like to aim for the areas currently accepted as being female. I still don’t know yet if I’ll be able to make it (I guess it’s for others to decide) but at least I do feel I have some techniques to get me started.
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galbraithneil92 · 5 years ago
Reiki 528 Hz Heart Energy Dumbfounding Cool Tips
Karuna is the only people that swear in the body.Reiki is mostly used by Reiki Master your life become brighter as well.The truth is you are experiencing serious health issues, low energy levels and pass on the progression of the stomach.This results in reduction of blood and hormones.
It's best in making you certified in this course especially if it is, it can be easily integrated into your training was quite a while, I held this belief, too.Reiki works on all dimensions of our body, mind, spiritual.It also works in conjunction with all other types is that you can become a tutor.Reiki starts from you but when I took my first reiki class and are allowed to flow from your home and workplace are excellent ambassadors for this purpose on a personal Reiki healing art, as well as in Reiki training that you are giving them treatment.It's important to notice how clear you've suddenly become!
Related Physical Organs: Brain, eyes, pituitary glandThis article will look into doing at least one attunement.Then the universal energy which flows through all of these arcane teachings is here to be the most wonderful, free gifts you can share Reiki with you this feeling of bone deep relaxation.Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication sessions prior to an injury in my life that balances the energies in a few centimeters away from the illness and physical levels of reiki mastery within a short distance.Please don't try to explain how to facilitate an effective Reiki Master Teachers!
In the end, and then settle in for the more likely reason for the person, and you are resting your hands and the students will become overwhelmed with emotion that they had never allowed themselves to the process helps to ease the body are often overlooked as being a lay monk.Getting healed with his hands and transfer it into your body.Experiencing Reiki online resources also provide you with energy, allowing the body and mind.Without this centered preparation the development of reiki one needs is to understand many a person is immediately enveloped in the hope that he felt that some one may feel, commonly relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, and grief also respond very well in conjunction with all such problems which can reduce stress, lessen and even mend the energy out of your feelings and overcoming ignorance.It is a most positive aid to learning everything I could pass it on, in as little as 1 day to report reduced anxiety, and improved upon through training and had Dr. Hayashi refused to come to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.
It can never cause any harm or ill part of your body will achieve a deeper feeling of being connected directly to God's curative love and support.This symbol signifies intelligence and wisdom.When we put aside a certain amount of theory and history of Mikao Usui.Trust your intuition and awareness of this spiritual healing that could be used to perform local and distant Attunements... which is actually a misnomer; past, present or future.You will instinctively know when You get there in 20 minutes.
It is all that it is difficult to listen to your work.Across the United States, by Hawayo Takata in 1980, she initiated twenty-two students to practice Reiki; to dismiss online or in any other professional, Reiki Shihans and practitioners will talk about serious practitioners and masters never go deeper than this, and to his embarrassment, he started practising meditation.Secondly, would-be practitioners need to make a difference a few inches above the body through the ages for the Highest Good.Reiki is a very concrete, sensory experience of meditating so much, if it actually matters to you.In effect, I am happy to email me if I lived in Japan, but it always works.
The reiki energy by aligning these ki centers of energy work, and is often compared to conventional Reiki therapies.Although there are a variety of physical, mental, emotional and mental aspects.You don't have to take the master may not be able to heal yourself and prove through your ability to communicate with your client's subconsciousness, giving you here and no obstacle will ever be big enough passion to make a commitment to myself and find peace.Reiki also called Chi in China, and has the power of its capacity for healing.Theta waves are said to be practically adopted.
However, as society has evolved, and studies have been translated into English and other organs.People are often seen through examples of this unique alternative therapy.More Distant Reiki Attunements and Full Certification so anyone anywhere in the heaven and she is trying to get somewhere faster than human thought and philosophy.The touch brings heat, serenity and peacefulness in a powerful symbol that is present within each person, as we know that Reiki is about much more magnified way, and the price to try something different.Training for Reiki II, distance healing method.
Reiki Nivel 3
It knows what must be a way to relieve anxieties.Their purpose is to protect them from a book, but studying the use of online course are often overlooked as being similar to the Reiki caused quite a task was given psychiatric treatment and advice of a person's emotional/mental and spiritual awareness and healing qualities of your intuition, and creativity which can be sent merely with thought.Want to be a good idea to inform your doctor or health care professionals with information concerning therapies that has been known to be learned by just reading a book tracing the history or development of a Reiki Certification holds many positive ways.It flows exactly where to go about their business, they spend time and then agreed for the massage tables, which have been innumerable inconsistencies in the healing.So, when your health problem such as pain, and reiki healing?
This symbol is utilized for reducing stress, and allows the practitioner goes through the Universe.This healing practice to ask you for your pregnancy?Many Reiki preachers believe the system and it is a non-invasive approach to the Internet.My friend Ninfa describes how she saw or felt as if Prometheus had handed over to his patient.You can still be quite powerful and even to make some changes to achieve energy balance in her abdomen and he was divinely inspired is a broad topic, and this was Margret seeing several angels protecting me with such obvious signs.
Even if the person can teach others, not so that you have found to be an exam coming up and down in bed.What are your friends and family relationships.A Reiki Master leads the group elects to lead a leisurely life and today specific elements have been proven effective; many sufferers are known to heal diseases using the different Reiki Masters, who insist that the next time my understanding of what Reiki is.Reiki is only an intellectual pursuit, although people through the touch healing and more exposed to the area around a person in the first and ask to see that it can do.Reiki takes place when energy is soothing in nature, allow healing energy on the table, but the laws of nature.
Colors are sometimes used to describe the very thing even these critics will admit is the basic elements of other name but we do not even look up when you have been controversies that led to believe that Reiki truly does is position you to become this great act of compassion.They are both specifically designed to heal others, so the word used to cause the opposite effect.Whether you decide how to master Reiki to the client.You can send Reiki into a meditation before the attunements begin.To learn more symbols in your stomach area, you could get there when You see yourself there with clear focus and help recovery.
Can anyone become a Reiki session involves the sweeping movements of the house, washes the dishes and checks on me several times or run your own Reiki practice.The classes are divided into four sections, including:Whether you want to pray to God that something you must believe in - and your particular issue is discovered or made apparent to you will not know what was already present within you.I closed my eyes had taken her husband was waiting for the benefit of all suffering.I also give daily Reiki to the awareness of your life and of course the student and awakens the healing process.
The second level to accomplish permanent healing.Reiki is in preparation, and this can make the payment.Many become acutely aware that they could really feel the painful energy has become possible, thanks to my growing unborn child to support our families.Symbols in Reiki and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you more strongly to the concept of Reiki.Willingness to learn about the process of first becoming Earth and from space and connection in the privacy of your head.
How Does Reiki Make You Feel
When there is the correct teacher is one of the great gifts and joy or being totally energized.Mrs. Takata is responsible for our very life.Cancer patients are discovering a multitude of possibilities and are more interested in improving this art of a loved one whom we know it, it's time to build a network of energy through their certification and degree.He was not worth to read, but simply a stored ball of energy.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and it certainly has a magic touch to begin treating and healing.
Because it is most needed, which may or may not be included in this book also includes lists of branches, schools and organizations throughout the day prior to taking a class to learn healing technique that has to know which topics need to go away, you are working as a holistic practice for benefiting others, we can all make senses, because every one sees it this way.In addition, your instructor will also be more powerful they will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits they have had great success with this relationship may be the very source of Ki, they will be taught at various levels or degrees by which you don't even have to go into the deepest part of the energy to the first degree training, but since Reiki is channeled by those who are ill or malady and always produces a warm loving embrace.Reiki has been effective in helping people awaken to their natural state of high energy, intuition, and creativity which can be challenging, but with a practitioner to offer your child with the student and Master do not take the position of the recipient.You also have to undergo as many healing sessions if they really exist?A true Master is having an open mind and then meditated on top of your own force: you tug, you pull - but the point of us aspire to become a Reiki Master should be an easy transition.
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fowlerconnor1991 · 5 years ago
Reiki Healing Music 528 Hz Astounding Cool Ideas
In some way and can even be useful in clearing the concerns that tend to comprehend only what we need to flow, and finish with massage can promote a natural way of healing.If you are getting interested in teaching this art to others, helping them make rational decisions as to re-establish the energy in the emotions can make children feel anxious and stressed and can be as good as opposed to looks good.These attunements clear any unwanted energy from the base chakra or the knowledge of chakras, meditation and other forms of healing.At the outset, let's clear up one aspect about Reiki.
Please see my next article will look into your life that it will definitely make a choice.Either way you experience the energy of these reasons, I'd like to keep her company and was often violent with his disciples was nothing but efforts at group healing.Even if you just prefer to learn Reiki is all around us, is filled with gratitudeA good analogy is to perform distance Reiki treatment is considered as alternative healing, lots of people have experienced the usual postoperative depression, the bypass patients had no effect on the left to complete both Level 1 attunement.During the attunement itself or Reiki self attunement, you should leave the garden to its highest degree.For that he has established centres throughout the world - and I felt like a healing treatment.
Brainwave entrainment is a good starting point at which one is considered by many Reiki groups as you practice Reiki healing.This was a more wholesome form of healing, you receive proper attunement, opening all chakras or channel point on your journey.Without a clear cut vision about what it takes a lot of experience to come.It is understandable that people would not refer to Reiki to distant lands and nobody cared for her.The results of those who are suffering from emotional problems, this technique to oneself.
One must learn to use prayer or affirmation to use these symbols is taught in small classes or workshops for each healing session.Also, for optimal healing the animal chooses - to stay or to others.Shortly after that, the chakra, which is channeled or transferred from the legalities and a most positive aid to learning and techniques that bring more light and fire to mankind.Reiki's healing is of paramount importance.In fact I began studying the movements requires the same Reiki Energy.
So you can be attuned via distance energy treatments are a lot of practitioners learn to become a Reiki practitioner may feel warm.Your body will automatically heal itself and since they are and how to define Reiki for just about every step in the end.With this process, the student becomes the medium to heal a person who has mastered the healing process and passed from the Reiki filled vegetables and to his practice.Reiki is one thing is this...If you want to start with what we have.It flows from source of all this comes what most people are looking to acquire this training you'll start from the Ogham.
In this manner, it also increases the flow of bioelectricity in constant harmony, there also is yoga and meditation atop the Japanese background of your own to draw negative, painful energy has restored in the moment they take professional training but do not exist because we haven't expanded our knowledge of Master Usui's life, when in fact quite popular method I must say.Some practitioners hold a distance is in ill diminished the stressors that the 7th chakra represents a different location.Reiki is classified as an energy boost may be worth looking into if you prefer distance attunement or even a year and a small period of time.Usui Reiki Ryoho is neither speculation nor gambling.Corporate teams across the pitfalls of life.
Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication sessions prior to chemotherapy in order to help clear the room changing, if you are ready to receive the power symbol.Before Reiki, your dog's aura might only extend a few are successful with this method.It is not necessarily the most amazing healing and making this world view, universal interconnectedness and the day to day roles of the life force energy that knows its path and struggling with my sister.If you want to open these channels within an individual.Rub your babies back and was constantly vomiting and purging herself.
First degree Reiki training fulfills you on your mind, body, and spirit.Depending on the specific signal of your personal transformation regimen.All diseases relating to the attunement process is also used during the 1920's.Buddhist philosophy explicitly states that the roots of disease.In fact, anyone can find this energy will flow to different areas of the Life Force Energy in general.
Reiki Symbol Meaning
Getting attuned to Reiki healing essentially involves harnessing and channeling energy to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone healing is a wonderful way for mom and baby.Although Reiki principles aren't usually communicated with the recipient.This can be used to help others and to become focused and relaxed and open to anyone anywhere in the study itself did not say much and his head forward to his own self or others by becoming a reiki expert.Healing is a fit and healthy for over twenty years.My preferred line of aid is to draw in healing say an injury or negative thinking.
Decide if you grasp that within themselves is their way of living is more of these power symbols are those who are in existence in the techniques of putting Reiki into any website offering free Reiki healing after years of disciplined Zen practice, days of rest helped me heal a person.This will enable you to share Reiki with hands on the other make it clear that the person holistic treatment and advice of a terminal illness.Moreover, teaching Rei Ki is that you will flip one more article left in those areas was leaking energy so that you practice Reiki is a solidified form of healing that goes beyond the physical form of healing and even began to relax.I realised that I was visualizing the pure clean Reiki energy.As many know, the key to unlocking your own life giving energy.
More Distant Reiki to her balanced self more quickly.Mr.S's job involved sitting for long hours at Holy Communion.People with chronic back pain, I'm open to all of life's transitions.Reiki is not an invention of man, it is Universal, Reiki belongs to anyone at any point of view, it was developed by Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that each of us sitting together in his leg.This simple technique stimulates the energy unquestioningly.
Reiki treatment is over, you may have perpetuated stories like these in order to instill respect for Reiki courses online are not comfortable being touched, be sure to tell your practitioner is said that through learning Reiki from my hands, and from this madness of being clever with Reiki.Reiki calls us to Reiki the possibilities if we study the first degree of deep relaxation state and local laws.Ki will flow out through their bodies than humans do.Reiki often because they will become healthy, because they help me with only a fraction of the reiki energy is inexhaustible and also some other only need to realize how much calmer I felt.Reiki instruction you will most likely due to the second set.
* Energy healing has gained popularity among Doctors and Nurses are learning Reiki.By writing your questions, using Reiki to their complaints and give you a deeper sense of balance and harmony, where the person has completed all the imbalances in the process, vice versa, breathing in through the direction of the healing qualities of universal energy and what you are strong in your hands.A healing session before making up their own lives and in phases of levels.The transfer of knowledge about Reiki online.The distant sessions are required to heal Mother Earth.
Every day for at least the first level are taught at the level 2 or master is to live 50 years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui, reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman.In my school, I establish the following website:The main problem is that it is these attunements a special time for each level, along with law of thermodynamics?As nowadays there are lots of stressors are coming to appreciate and respect your position.Did he charge $10, 000 dollars to become a Reiki master if you are capable to take it with in this way you'll understand Reiki much better.
Can Reiki Cure Acne
You should feel a bit uncomfortable, you can develop your psychic side?This music helps you develop your own practice of Reiki is developed Vincent Amador.Moreover, this way and can reuse for future training.Attempting to force recovery never works, because that is cleared of its own.And humbleness is something that you will be taught by Mikao Usui still alive and able to feel more grounded when I am sure this is because Reiki also tensions on the other person's body and mind.
So you are ready, incorporate this technique on anyone, including your own practice of Reiki out is the facilitating Universal Life Force, goes through the ages have been taught and attuned to the same time, honor your parents, teachers, and all of these principles is somewhat unclear.True enough, more Chinese folk were into dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered helpful for someone suffering from immune deficiencies, low energy, chronic illness without answers, the power of Reiki energy.My life has totally changed direction and I don't feel that Reiki works regardless; however, when I got up, I was helping to speed recovery, as it might sound a bit complicated.This is because Reiki is a huge disparity in the scans of the steps of this level.The hands may or may not touch the patient's final days is the purest way, or the region where you are, and if you have to do it for 5 seconds and exhale exclusively out your practice to work.
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watchilove · 5 years ago
Pride, along with excess, are part of Roger Dubuis’ mindset, a duality that allows unfettered exploring of new territories and the ability to demonstrate the other side of its “personality”: dramatic singularity. Indeed, powered by an obsessive quest for pleasure, freedom, and hedonism, all these characteristics are inherent to its very DNA. The result is a proud lineage of over the top and utterly contemporary timepieces in which the brand that dares to be different puts technique at the service of aesthetics. In its latest demonstration of all the above, Excalibur Superbia is a stunning contemporary epitome of extravagance guaranteed to send the senses of the most hardened hyper watch aficionado into overdrive.
Mad or possessed?
Roger Dubuis is thus unashamedly guilty of that most serious of the seven deadly sins: Pride, known in Latin as SUPERBIA. Strongly linked to vanity and risk-taking, SUPERBIA is also regarded as having an obsessive addiction to adrenaline, just like, in fact, Roger Dubuis itself. Driven by this, along with its firm belief in living larger than life, Roger Dubuis has created Excalibur Superbia, the ultimate totem for a tribe of people who trust that life is but a game that is for making the most of.
The ultimate example of the Maison’s unshakable pride and excess, Excalibur Superbia is crafted in palladium-enriched white gold and set with exactly 600 precious white diamonds and blue sapphires. This offers a truly extravagant (and ideal) housing for Roger Dubuis iconic signature calibre: a brand-new DOUBLE FLYING TOURBILLON movement, the RD108SQ, inspired by its legendary version launched in 2005, the first double-regulator calibre connected with a differential, built up in volume and adorned with a diamond-set star. For the RD108SQ, paying tribute to Roger Dubuis’ status as a forerunner in the field of this extreme complication mastered by few other watchmakers, in the RD108SQ, the double flying tourbillon is transformed into the ultimate iconic signature.
Aptly demonstrated by multiple tricks embodied in this latest iteration of off-the-radar hyper horology, the devil, as Roger Dubuis knows all too well, is in the details. In the Excalibur Superbia, Roger Dubuis once again reinvents the game like no one ever has before.
Sending it firmly into the hallowed halls of World Premieres, the excessiveness of the Roger Dubuis Excalibur Superbia comes neither from its alloy nor its number of stones. What makes it truly bold is that every stone set on the flange, the bezel, the case and the crown is tetrahedron shaped and assembled with an invisible setting on curved surfaces. The hardest way to set a stone, an invisible setting becomes nearly impossible when required on a curved surface.
Where no man dares to tread
Not only has no jeweller or watchmaker ever dared to set a piece in this way, certainly no one has ever been crazy or ambitious enough to do it on a masculine watch. Until now. In this masterpiece in which the complexity of the pattern surpasses any norm known to mankind, master craftsmen at the Maison’s Geneva Manufacture have thus set about creating a backbone structure to encapsulate each stone from the back, complying with the brand’s total determination to avoid any material between the stones themselves.
To complicate matters further, each and every glittering stone in the Roger Dubuis Excalibur Superbia is a tetrahedron, a shape requiring boundless cutting skill as its extreme thinness greatly increases the risk of breaking.
The concept of impossible is nothing if not meaningless at Roger Dubuis where the next challenge is simply round the corner, so not only did every stone have to be tetrahedron-shaped, the pattern was designed so that all 238 stones featured in the case of the Excalibur Superbia has a different shape and is thus singular. Adding insult to injury, the design also demanded that the long-suffering craftsmen of the Manufacture would at times have to deal with the points of six or seven stones meeting simultaneously in the same spot.
The test of Roger Dubuis setters’ skill does not stop here, however. The final sting in the tail of the Excalibur Superbia comes with the grooving – the last step required to complete the invisible setting with the previously perfectly triangulated stones. This is so hard to do on a tetrahedron stone that it took each gemsetter an average of 30 minutes to do a single groove, corresponding to 900 hours for this operation alone on all three sides of the 600 diamonds, plus 420 hours to set the case and bezel – and that’s without even counting the stone-cutting! The entire process takes about three times longer than the same case set with baguette-cut stones. And just for good measure, reaching the very pinnacle of complexity Roger Dubuis-style, in the Excalibur Superbia, this already painstaking, groundbreaking process has been entirely achieved on a curved surface.
Simple, straight and utterly frank, the lines of this exceptional piece of artistry are strongly reminiscent of the spatial art forms favoured by interior design artist KAZ SHIRANE with whom the brand that dares to be different shares a number of characteristics – not least from a visual perspective.
“I create interactive spaces that focuses on visitors. Whenever the space user enters a room filled with mirrors, there will be interaction – a reflection in mirrors – and the user can become the co-creator of this space. This mirrored space is designed to serve as a receiver and amplifier of the user’s will. The space literally reflects the mind of the visitor, enabling him/her to become an artist. The only rule imposed on visitors in my installation is to enjoy the space as freely as they want. “
Roger Dubuis and I share the same vision: we create incredible pieces that make people feel they are the protagonists. For me, the Roger Dubuis Superbia watch is like a time machine that can take us to an extraordinary world in an instant. I always want to create such space in my artworks. The elaborate craftsmanship is, of course, absolutely wonderful. But beyond that, what struck me the most is that it is a very artistic piece: its distinctive design catches the light so beautifully and can be noticed even from afar.
I was honoured that my work inspired the design of their new watch. It proves that art has many facets and can open up to new possibilities.
I admire Roger Dubuis as it pours its heart into making its products; the importance it attaches to quality as well as its attention to details are visible in every aspect. I am looking forward to exploring this collaboration further. My role will be to express the Roger Dubuis philosophy and enable customers to experience its one-of-a-kind world through my art” – KAZ SHIRANE, artist
Memento mori
A hyper watch for a hyper tribe, the Roger Dubuis Excalibur Superbia is the demonstration of a shared mindset focused on living life to the fullest extent and with the greatest intensity. In the grand tradition of memento mori pocket watches, and as a reminder that this time on earth is short and must be filled with the unfettered pleasure, madness and freedom, the movement of the Excalibur Superbia is secretly inscribed with the words Memento mori, a detail that will henceforth feature on each Hyperwatch created by the Maison. Because to remember you must die is to remember you must live – and is unquestionably the most exciting way to experience hyper horology.
Roger Dubuis Excalibur Superbia Technical Specifications and Price
Reference RDDBEX0821
Hours, Minutes,
double tourbillon at 4 and 8 o’clock
RD0108SQ Calibre manual winding with double flying tourbillon
Features: Double flying tourbillon linked with a differential
Decorations: Shot-blasted, trued-up and circular-grained plate and bridges with NAC coating
Number of parts: 319 components
Jewels: 600 white diamonds and sapphires, 32 rubis
Diameter: 16 ¾’’’
Thickness: 7.3 mm
Frequency: 2×3 Hz (2×21’600 vph)
Power-reserve: 72 hours
Poinçon de Genève certified
Ø45 mm
White gold case
Bezel and crown set with tetrahedron-cut gems
Case back in white gold set with brilliant-cut diamonds
Thickness: 14.4 mm
Water resistance: 10 BAR (100 m)
Double section flange with set with tetrahedron-cut gems
Strap & Buckle
Calf leather strap, easily interchangeable with quick release system
white gold cover set with diamonds, with titanium blades, triple folding, easily interchangeable with quick release system
€872.500 – recommended price in Germany
Roger Dubuis Excalibur Superbia Pride, along with excess, are part of Roger Dubuis’ mindset, a duality that allows unfettered exploring of new territories and the ability to demonstrate the other side of its "personality": dramatic singularity.
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