#and i like taking a million pictures for reference whike reading comics and then getting to use those references
*Ages of this post based on information from Jason and Tim's original runs in the 80s, as im still in the process of reading the comics and I respect original runs more anyway
Jason was 12 (pre-crisis, not contradicted) when Bruce adopted him at some point after Dick left, and Dick had left Wayne Manor for about 2 years by the time Jason died (Batman #436) making Jason 14 at death, to turn 15 that year if his birthday is August 16th
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Tim is 13 when he introduces himself after Jason's death (Batman #441)
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They have like, a 1-2 year age difference
Jason returns to life 6 months after his death, spends 1 year in the hospital, then 1 year on the streets before someone recognizes him as Robin, then 1 year with the league of assassin's before being thrown into the pit (Batman Annual #25)
A total of 3 years with Jason running on just instinct and muscle memory before being healed by the pit
Therefore, Jason, while physically older, is largely missing 3 years of his life
Jason is younger than Tim
Thank you coming to my ted talk
(Dont take this seriously please bcksbdjsnks)
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