She was dazzling-- alight; it was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
OH, he was still actually talking.
Did Kerem even know what he was getting into? This whole thing of him switching and then going to the people who actually sold organs on the black market? How delusional one had to be?
Just a few years ago, one of the Russian's drained Edward's girlfriend and painted something on doors in her blood. And yet in his eyes she was the evil thing that haunted him?
Wow, maybe brains and critical thinking weren't the only thing missing on his resume.
"I don't remember you needing to work with me at all." Adriana shook her head. "Seriously, you're really not important. I don't know why you're trying to make yourself out to be this big thing."
"Yeah, we'll see...because if I'm going to hell, you sure as fuck will be there." did she think she was going to heaven? Aw, cute. It was that fake sweetness that irked him so, that overly perfected privileged party girl syndrome that had leaked into her brain and clouded her sense-of-fucking judgement. Forever in their constant states of secondary school comebacks, and 'daddy will bail me out'. "Do you ever tire of being you, because fuck me, you're a lotta' work."
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"You shouldn't have come here. I don't care what's your reason, or excuse is . You shouldn't have fucking come here." Adriana placed her empty glass on the bar and turned to the woman. "If you know, then you know this is not the place for you. You've chosen whatever and... You have no right to be here. You have no right to make my brother worry about you or whatever you might see. These are his friends here and I haven't seen you with a single one of yours. I'm sorry, but I think you should leave."
FOR: @mobscene-starters EVENT: The Camp Out, 24' WHERE: The Main Bar.
If Felicity hadn't forced her hand, Amélie wouldn't be here.
And the realisation of her dire situation had begun to set in. Felicity's friendship with Andrew started raising questions after Gideon's revelation, and now she realised just how corrupt everything she was involved in was. And that letter, the one tucked away in a box at home: stating certain stories would be better portrayed in a favouring light of the Rutherford's as she began her takedown of the French. It was all in effect. The first domino had fallen — and while she wished to be anywhere else in the world.
Nothing had prepared her for those shirts.
It hadn't taken her long to trudge over to the bar and order the first thing she saw: very out of character for a woman who found herself giddy after just two wines. Alone was one way to put it: and without her phone, she wanted to riot.
A notebook clutched in her hand, a way to make notes for the story she had to write on the weekend. The real reason she was here: because none of them would've invited her now she was no longer his. "A shot, as well, please."
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"Just you wait, darling." Adriana smiled sweetly. "We'll see where your soul ends up."
"Are you actually fu..." he trailed off, catching his tongue. While Kerem had grown more ballsy as of late, there were certain lines he decided to keep on the right side of. That being someone like Adriana Amaro. "I forgot, you people don't have souls -- I should've expected nothing less."
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His words just made her roll hey eyes at him. Almost an insult, then followed by a hint of something. "How very Maksim of you." She shot back at him. Yet, she took the shot and downed it all in one go.
"Found you sooner?" Not wanting to keep standing, She sat down, tapping the place next to her, almost ordering him to sit down next to her. It was already quite late in the night, or was it early in the morning? Time was basically nonexistent at that point. "First of all, I never know what mood I'm going to get you in these days. One day you're almost crying, another trying to get some sense into me, then ignoring and finally following me?" The woman clicked her tongue at him. Maybe a few years ago, she knew exactly who he was and how he was going to react to things.
Well, they were sleeping together then, but still. Even if she didn't know him, she knew him enough to tell what was different.
"What happened, huh? This... This thing..." She gestured with her hands, is if to indicate the past. "I don't know. You seemed different, so I just... Well, you were just no fun to me." She grinned, bumping her shoulder with him. "But that night?" Though she didn't want to talk about it, she was high and drunk enough to not know what was going to come out of her mouth.
Adriana thanking him? That'd be the day.
Like everything this woman did, she came in with a bang. Actually, he'd done the same not even two nights ago: but from the looks of it, it wasn't something either one wanted to mention, or was going to...yet. Maksim had seen her approaching much before he'd heard her. Yet, with a simple raise of his brow, Maksim did what he typically did, and let her do the talking.
At least to start. That way, he could gauge what kind of mood she was in.
Adriana was someone he never pretended to be able to get a read on, but he had the upper hand of getting an inkling. "No thank you, how very...Rutherford of you." hidden underneath that all too familiar shield of nonchalance, as he hummed and took a shot. "But I don't need one," he corrected, as he raised the second shot to her and gestured to drink.
"If you want to get fucked up, you could've found me sooner."
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For a split second, she contemplated if she should tell him or not. Because of the fact that Melissa had slept with her ex, and the way she was weaseling around the Russians constantly, it wasn't going to be long before she found out and told him. She'd rather it came from her. "Yeah, that we do, my love." She smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "Now that I'm single, I do believe an escape is exactly what I need. Maybe an orgy of escapes?" She smirked.
Adriana usually lashed out after things like this, and it wasn't going to change. Except this time, she wasn't going to do it at Aviv. That had gone and sailed now. How many times? She'd lost count, but this time, this break up felt more like the titanic and the letter being the iceberg. No way of saving and just letting that ship sink into the bottomless blue sea.
"Darling, I'm in the mood for everything unhinged. I want to wake up knowing I've made some bad decisions and then go do it again. So you are either in or in. You actually don't have a choice."
"I ain't done shit," he could feel the rosy of his cheeks brandishing a new colour. Jumping away from Adriana as if she might hit arm if she got the chance, letting mock offence cross his features. She had this affect on him, no matter his mood, he couldn't stay in a grump when he was in Adriana's presence.
"I'm an English man but I'm so bloody lit." he chanted quietly to the song that was playing in the background on the speaker, pulling out a smoke as he twirled it between his fingers and flashed her a controlled grin. "I'm trying to forget those years as quickly as I fucking can, mate."
Still, it was her "are you serious" that had him turning his head, staring at her for a moment, before his lips parted. "What?" it wasn't embellished in anyway, it was in the very same way Melissa would've delivered it: blunt and too the point. Instead, when she answered, he simply nodded. "Sometimes that's what we gotta' do, Adri." because Benjamin did that as often as he fucking could: the need for escapism. Their jobs were hard, life consuming and if they didn't cut loose every now and then, what was the point of all their hard work? Simply, his shoulders lifting into a shrug.
"I hope you're in the mood for something fucking ridiculous, because I am."
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Her hips were swaying automatically to the music as she watched her best friend take the bump. "Oh, how is he? I didn't have a chance to catch up with him, but I did with Zayn and it wasn't pretty. He just never thought that the end was really going to be the end, you know?" The news really hit the world hard. "You do that, I'll ask Jack to update me if he's got anything." She and her ex were still on good terms, thank God.
"Excuse you? If you go for someone below your standards, that is not my fault. Nor is it if your ex husband kills them after they touch you." She laughed, though there was too much truth in it. "I think we should go on another vacation. I'm bored of London and I need something different. Like not even America or Europe different. Something entirely else. Please come with me. New men, new sights..." She handed Mila her drink and took hers, too. "You must be feeling the same, so we might as well book."
With that Lyudmila couldn't agree more, but they were always more than resourceful to make things work.
“Oh, Harry was beside himself when I called. There has to be some foul play involved. I’ll reach out to a few friends in forensics, see if they’ve got any insider info,” she rambled, though her true attention was on the white powder she was carefully spooning out. With a steady hand, she brought the tiny spoon to her nose and took a whiff.
“Alright, alright—talk about peer pressure! I’ll give this a shot, but if I end up making a fool of myself or going for someone way below my standards, I’m blaming you.” She grinned, handing the pendant back to her friend.
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It was like he was begging her to throw it at him, so she did. "Twenty-eight and yet you dated his junior. So what does that say about you, my dear, dear brother?" She grinned, knowing full well that was going to get some backlash. Maybe deserving, maybe not. Either way, she didn't like seeing her brother all upset.
The thing was, she was not happy with the girl. No, Adriana didn't care who was right or wrong in this situation. She didn't judge her as a person, because it wasn't fair to judge. Because as fucked as it was, they all had a fucked up dating record. Be it Lara with her never ending heartbreak, Damon with his endless supply of women, even Yvonne with her more peculiar picks. She herself was the cherry on top with her choices, too. So no, she couldn't judge based on who he had picked.
This was different. Gideon had been hurt by the snake herself where he found it so fucking hard to open himself up again. Yes, maybe in another life he could have been happy with Mila. Maybe in another life her best friend and her brother could have made it work and it wouldn't have caused such an endless shit show. For either of them. Yet here they were. And when he finally fucking opened himself up, let himself be happy even for a fucking millisecond? That's how it turned out?
So no, she wasn't happy with her. Because her moody, ever careful brother was going to find it even harder to allow himself to be happy again. To let anyone into this dysfunctional family.
"Everyone's got a conscious, Gid. They just show it a different way." At leas that's what she had learned over the years. "Ben's old enough, yeah. But he's got a trauma. He's lost his parents when he was what? 16? That's a whole lot older than either of us did." One way or another, she, Lara, Gideon and Damon lost their parents. "I don't know if I can blame him for latching onto someone who was present for him. Someone who showed up when he needed it most. I know I did. I mean, look at me, right? I lost my dad. Andrew stepped in and became my father figure. Maybe he isn't the best kind, but... He fills that place I've been missing. The same way he does to you. So, can we really judge him that way?"
She didn't think so. Yet Adriana did hope Benjamin would eventually find his footing. Because following blindly is also a fucked up thing. Melissa may care for him, in her own way, but she'd still put herself first. She looks at him like a soldier who is replaceable.
"Are you trying to tell me you don't get enough?" Even in the weirdest deepest topics, Adriana managed to grin at him like a fool. "I can do something about that." Even if she did lose out on another life with Aviv, looking at her brother now, at her sister, at Damon, at Yvonne... God, she was so fucking lucky to have them. The love she felt was unconditional and she was so glad that each time she fucked up... They still welcomed her back with open arms. They were still there. Dangerous, fucked up, dark, light,happy all the different things and moments in life, she felt, just like this, Adriana could always go back to them and they'd still be there. They were her home. The best one she ever had.
Hooking her arm through his, careful not to spill her drink, Adriana rested her head on his shoulder. "This is the support. I tell you what you're good at and what you're terrible at. Because I'm sure you get enough praise in all the other rooms you walk into. Like come on, do you really want another..." She lifted her head from his shoulder so she could face him. "Oh, Mr Rutherford, how glad I am to see you! The research paper you did on the role of the Neurons, Astrocytes and Particle-Wave Duality in Plasma Brain Dynamics and Quantum Brain Dynamics was phenomenal. I'm sure your father must be very proud. If you were my son, I would be too. You must come visit us in the Hamptons this summer." For that Adriana put on the performance of basically anyone they ever met in one of the events they've gone to. "You want that?" She asked again, grinning.
"Anyway, you fix it by letting it run its course. You do your best, but then you understand there's a limit to what you can do. You're not superman, Gid." She lightly patted the top of his head as she spoke.
Soon, she was giggling again, this time patting his back, so he didn't choke to death. "Good thing he doesn't hate you, then." Though they both knew that Spencer's hate was much worse than that. They've had a taste of it already. When he didn't talk to either of them. And that was fucking horrible. "It's going to be fine. If she didn't break up with you, none of this would have happened. Besides... What's done is done. Are you going to end up doing the things where you go and profusely apologise?" She was 95% sure he was going to do that. "My advice? Stop giving in and hold your head high. You don't have to accept it, but at least don't beg."
'Don't hate on Vox, he can't help the fact he's been brainwashed.'
"Yes he can." Gideon challenges gruffly. "He's twenty-eight, not eight. We keep babying these kids until we blink, and then suddenly they're grown up and waving guns all over the place. Old enough to know what he's doing." Maybe it's hitting harder because he knows Benjamin has sustained significant injuries in separate episodes, this past year alone. He's even tried to warn the young man about the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle he seems so desperately to emulate — though clearly to no avail.
And while it's yet another casualty of the mob's that he blames on Melissa Lin, truth be told, Benjamin can also stand to be held accountable for his choices in maturity.
... Especially if he so badly wants to be treated like an adult.
"He's got a conscience... That's the worst part."
He makes a face when Adriana sneaks a smooch to the top of his forehead, making him feel about the same age as his son — but what he won't admit, is that it scatters the gathering clouds of his mood, just the same. "Come again?? Who on earth gives me 'too much love'?" Gideon protests, although he can't help the smile beginning to crack over his lips. "Must've missed that memo. Doesn't ring any bells."
Another thing he's reluctant to admit, is that he admires her ability to let loose at events like these, surrounded by so many strangers; many of whom don't wish her good will. Much as he enjoys the conditions and end goals of this event more than most, Gideon still feels a background tension in knowing that they're surrounded by his father's enemies on all sides. "Trust me, brain surgery is easy compared to what you're suggesting." Simply forgetting himself in such an environment feels unnatural, impossible. "And where's the fraternal support?? You're supposed to say that I would make a bloody amazing psychiatrist." Her laughter's infectious, even at his expense.
"Alright, Carl Jung. How would you fix something if not by getting involved?"
He takes a gulp of his whiskey, which is poorly timed with the revelation that Adriana's also seen the twin shirts sported by his former friends. He begins to cough, dragging the sleeve of his sweater over his mouth. "Unbelievably, that was meant to be support. Now let's take a moment to imagine what more I'd have to endure if he actually hated me... That is what I need white lilies for, Adriana, not my love life."
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"Oh, I know. Emrys and Jax are my boys and will forever be my boys." Those days seemed like a forever ago. Maybe almost a different person, it was certainly a whole relationship back. What was it three? Four years ago? "No wonder you can't ever fucking focus." She bumped her shoulder to her friends'.
"That thing is not any of our worries, but yeah, you definitely need someone way better than that. Trust me, even if I do know good things about him, I just don't see it." Berat loved his best friend, that was certain, he said it enough in one of those nights where they were both high as fuck. "Don't you have an eye out on someone? Come on, tell me, because I fucking know you do."
"No, don't tell me. I don't want to hear that side of his life." She loved Ayaz, just not that way. Never that way.
"You're right. Though most of mine come from The Underground because guys get horny when they see a good fight and lots of blood. And some of them are...delicious." She said, giggling and bumping her hip with Adriana's.
"Well, then help me find my night 3 person. I don't want to be with Kerem any longer than I fucking have to. That man a chip on his shoulder the size of the fucking Eiffel Tower. Maybe he needs to get laid, I don't know."
"No...not avoiding. We've had a few nice nights together. If I play my cards right, hopefully we will again." She teased.
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"Well, then now it's on you to make the best of it." One way or another, they all ended up in the same place.
"You're a woman after my own heart." Adriana didn't waste time as she poured another shot down her throat,which was soon accompanied by a quick snort of coke from her necklace. "Ah, now that feels a whole lot better." She grinned, raising the medallion to offer her tent mate.
"My guess you'd say no to Russians... Hmm.. Then it depends on the type? We've got soft, broken, players, pretend to work for it. Basically, any kind."
"I definitely didn't put my name on the list. But the person who did is so nice, I didn't want to look like an asshole, and say no."
Damn it, Nora. It didn't mean she wouldn't at least try to enjoy herself, of course. Gianna would've just preferred to do it somewhere far away from the Russians.
"Okay, maybe that's a good compromise. We get wasted first, so that when we do eventually go out there, we're too drunk to be annoyed by the others." Genius. The British way, really... "Well, in that case," she said, reaching across for another one of the shots, throwing it back. "We better start making good time."
"You got a hot guy short list ready? I'm taking recommendations."
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"Huh." He had a dog? He didn't look like a dog person. Maybe someone who kept slugs? "I thought it would have been for something more.. Impressive. That's a bit... Boring."
At least pick a death of a human. The man was really going for the John Wick origin story.
"I did drop it, the day — under the use of your family name...your people murdered my dog." In broad daylight, no shame...nothing. "And the same boy I saw you walkin' around with just an hour ago."
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"You've dropped something." She said, smiling at him and pointing beside him.
"Your leash."
Looking up, brows furrowing — he took a second to check over his shoulder, make sure he wasn't mistaken that her gaze had found him...and then his brow arched. "Yeah?" these people had his dog killed, these people had enslaved him like they owned him from years...and people wondered why he hated them.
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"Everything is an opportunity to get laid if you really try." Because really, how hard was it? Especially in a setting where a lot of people wanted to get laid. "Don't disappoint me, Cat. I'm counting on you for numbers and excitement. Because what else are we going to discuss the morning after?"
Laughing, Adriana snorted a bump for herself, before washing it down with her G&T. "Why? Are you avoiding Ayaz or what? What did you do?"
"Adriiiii," Catalina whined. "Do you have extra shoooooooes?" She drawled as she walked with her friend. "Ohhh...fall into the arms of someone hot, you say? So you're basically telling me that my wearing an opportunity to get laid?" She asked, her eyebrows raised. "Challenge accepted, my dear friend."
She watched Adriana take a bump of coke and grabbed the baggie and key for herself to take a similar one. She felt it almost immediately, and the effects were some of her favorites. Being a drug dealer meant having access to the best of the best, and besides mushrooms, coke was her go to drug. "I think I saw Ayaz around here. Which means...oops...another bump," she said, doing another one quickly.
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And there went another one. How quickly news travelled, how quickly he'd have made enemies. Berat had talked about him before. She wondered how he'd feel seeing all this unfold.
That man really was the lowest of the low.
FOR: @mobscene-starters EVENT: The Camp Out, 24' WHERE: Main Tent. Music.
"Fuckin' hell," Kerem panted, hands planted on his thighs. "I cannot remember the last time I fucking danced that muc-- fuck off, no. Dude, I fucking loveeee this song."
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Dare & Dare Game @ the fire pit
"The rules are simple. If you're a fucking pussy - you get the fuck out or I'm going to kick you out. This is a game for grownups only. So if you're coming in here with some morals or other shit like that - you also leave." Adriana smiled at the group gathered.
"Ladies and Gents, please leave your alliances behind because I've declared this no-man's-land."
"To being, I dare you to take a shot..." She paused, shaking her finger." But you have to pour it out on their chest and lick it all up."
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"We've had worse." And far far better locations, too.
Instead of answering anything about her ex-fiance, Adriana took off her coke pendant and unscrewed the top. "This shit is the shit. Though they tried to sell me the pink cocaine, after poor Liam's death I thought against it. So we're sticking to this. They said small bumps because it's just that good." And really, Adriana wanted to get fucked, the fun kind.
"Consider. It's about fucking time you've dropped them. You went through a divorce, you might as well settle in for a rebound now." As her best friend very much deserved. "You realise it's been a while since we've both been single? I see an opportunity."
"Just somewhere halfway." Lyudmila chuckled, guiding them to a small clearing nestled between the trees, where the last rays of sunlight filtered through the branches, hidden from any prying eyes. "Not bad for rock bottom, wouldn’t you agree?"
"I'd believe Aviv suffering serious head trauma over him having a secret edge for a '90s rom-coms. But, right, enough about him, let's not spoil the mood. Bring out the goods."
Lyudmila raised an eyebrow, grinning as Adriana listed her gourmet conquests. “Alright, continental connoisseur, point taken! I've grown quite fond of borscht – but fine, maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider broadening my horizons. I’d say, this weekend is the time to chase new flavors—and maybe break a few rules.”
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notyouradri: when your city boy brother @drrutherford finds the woods he don't need no drugs. Had to try it. 2/10
#;; i know its no phone pretend that its after they leave but i just had to#;; i HAD TO#;; gideon rutherford#;; instagram#im sorry but not
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