#and i knwo that that's on me for doing it while not having a clear idea of how my LI looks and so i am stuck in this limbo off auston mat*
cornerihaunt · 1 year
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 2 months
Is the post you made about burr about historical burr or musical? Because if you’re talking about historical then it’s completely biased lmfao. You’re reading Ron chernow so I’m not really surprised you have that opinion but Hamilton was completely in the wrong for his treatment of burr historically.
Disregarding the fact jefferson was one of the most prolific slave owners of the 18th century, and the fact Hamilton advocated for runaway slaves who escaped to Britain to be returned to their US masters and that he bought slaves for his brother-in-law, Burr treated his household slaves very well in comparison to his contemporaries and insisted they receive an education.
The point that he didn’t have an opinion on anything was something false that Hamilton and other federalists used in order to promote their own narrative and careers. Burr had clear and concrete ideals, evident from the way he voted in elections and what he promoted. He did not however clearly associate with a single party which made people think he wasn’t trustworthy and was very flaky which just isn’t true lol.
And what secrets are you even referring to? Is it the manhattan well company or what?
You are just regurgitating 18th and 19th century slander lmfaoo
damn thats a long ask, but let me get into this.
so it was sort of talking about both, i was listening tp the song and found the lyric funny, but it applies to history too.
theres several parts to this, and you got my curiousity spiked so i looked into this:
- 'Early in his political career, Burr also introduced a bill for the abolition of slavery to the New York state legislature; the bill was voted down. However, Burr was a slaveholder for most of his adult life. His parents, grandparents, and wife Theodosia Prevost were also slaveholders. While surviving records are scarce, it appears that Burr often bought and sold enslaved people as his finances rose and fell; the few named individuals seldom appear more than a handful of times in his papers. On the night before his duel with Hamilton, he put his affairs into order in the event that he did not survive. Instead of freeing the enslaved people in his household, he left them to his daughter Theodosia in South Carolina, where they likely would have been sold. So while he was outwardly a manumissionist, he never backed up his words with any actions.'
(roughly paraphrasing from a text)
- as fpr hwo he treated his slaves, i loojed and couldnt find any info about it, can you send me your source?
-now, for the thought that he didnt have an opinion, i will admit i mispoke. what i meant to say that yes, while he had opinions, however loojing at all he wrote he does seem very selfish, doing whatever benefited him the best. i understand why he didnt choose, seeming to only become democratic republican when he saw an oppertunity out of it. even if he did have his own opinipns, it doesnt seem that way to me, or clearly alexander hamilton.
-alexander also did nothing wrong by choosing jefferson over burr, it was a personal choice, he did what he thought was right, you cant bash him for it, esprcially with burr stealing his Father-in-laws seat. he chose wjo he thought would be better for america
-burr was a pretty secretive person overall, but i didnt know about the manhattan well company. however he had a whole secret colored family with a slave from india, and knwoing how slavery was, thers a good chance she didnt havr a choice about it, which might (MIGHT) have been SA or rape. now, this is a small chance, but still, plus having an rntire colored family is quite a secret. then theres also the whole burr conspiracy, and so many others succh things which show burr had so many secrets. clearly, he was a hypocrite, denouncing one thing and doing the same thing in secret. so yea, he had secrets.
also, damn u actually scanned my posts to find what im reading? read it, its good trust me. and, if youre so concerned in what im reading, can i reccomend you a book? its called infinity alchemist and its by kacen callender and the protagonist is a bly named ashen woods eho is chaotic and ramsay thorne is the best fucking character and no its not related but still!!!
(also ps to those who hate on burr, remember he was a real person, and dont make assumptions, he had a gpod sife too, he was a feminist (tho he might have been another one of those male feminists who claim to be so but just gave a tendancy to SA women (neil gaimon)) but he could have actually been a good one idk this is history)
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ask-a-rare-person · 4 months
Is it age regression when your brain is fighting between the thoughts "I want to contribute to society and be a responsible adult" and "life was more fun when you had no responsibility so turn your brain off and ignore all your work and texts and scroll through posts about stuff from your childhood all day"
No, I would not say that. Age regression is when your mental age literally changes. Everyone feels that life witohit responsibility was awsome.
For example, I never ever want to return to my child hood. It was highly traumatic. I do not believe my childhood is worth missing or going back to, and yet I age regress.
Age regression is not just a passing thought or wish. If I were to describe how it feels to regress, I’d compare it more to an active way to clear out old emotion, create new memories one didn’t get to have during child hood, and/or to enter a state of deep meditation. Age regression can also be completely involuntary. I remember when I had a regression episode during school and I new that no one would notice so I jsut went to my next class bc I didn’t wanna miss school(I missed a lot of school taht year due to disabilty). Lo and behold it was the first day of a holecost unit, and god I wish I could have just stopped being regressed immediately. I also can struggle with basic tasks, and handling stuff like a hot kettle is very dangerous for me to do while regressed
The regressions that clear out old emotion or trauma tend to be intense episodes of crying, flashbacks, talking it out, and generally allowing stuff you don’t need anymore to drain from your system. It’s basically of like how crying it out in general helps you move through the same thing.
Regressions that are more “happy” like playing or entering a deep, meditative state of mind create new memories, and create an atmosphere of positive vulnerability and healing. Last summer, I voluntarily regressed every single night as a way to help me sleep and also show my little self that it is okay to come out and explores their self. Doing this nightly for months helped my little self dig up some good memories and truama I didn’t knwo I even had so I could deal with it.
I also got to have the opritunity for my little self to be a trans boy, nonbinary, etc. which is something I didn’t get to really “be” as a child. I didn’t have the opportunity to go by masculine/neutral name, pronouns, etc. and now I can create that for my little self so they don’t have to miss out on that.
Speaking of, I would compare my little self as different from me. I guess I would say regressing feels like having a literal child version of you piolet your body for a while while you can only passively spectate.
While I’m regressed, distant memories feel like they happened seconds ago and recent memories feel unreal and miles away. It can even be difficult to say I’m regressed to a trusted person bc it feels almost���too meta? Kind of like making direct eye contact with your god. It’s just…too powerful? Idk
I do tend to interact with “kiddie” stuff while I’m regressed, but that’s just because that’s what a kid would naturally do. Kids get bored, so does my regressed brain. I remember when I ran out of Pokemon episodes to watch during my nightly regressions and my little self refused to voluntarily come out agian for weeks bc now regression was “boring” 😑
Witch, honestly is a very kid thing to do
I hope I explained thsi well enough pleaee let me know if you have any questions
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 years
It was just past 2am when a knock was heard on the bedroom window of the 3rd floor of a brownstone in Brooklyn. Steve lowered the sketchpad he was filling in some shading from his evening at the park. Bucky just turned another page in the book he was reading.
The window slide open and in crawled Peter. " Hey guys! I saw your light was still on and figured if its okay I could crash in the guest room?"
He lowers himself from the ceiling before pulling off his mask. His hair was wet with sweat and Steve is pretty sure if he wasnt enhanced he would have a blackeye. " Course you can Pete. Its why we offered it to you last year so you wont have to swing back to Queens"
" Great! Thanks guys. I've been in Hells kitchen. Tipped DoubleD and Deadpool off about this human trafficking ring down by the docks. Been hearing whispers about it in Queens."
Steve stares at Peter a moment before setting his sketchbook aside and get out of bed. " I'm sure they can handle that themselves... but I'm glad you could help. Now why don't you get in our shower, get that smell off of you, I'll fix you up a sandwhich before you go to your room for the night." Steve gives Peter a small smile, reaching out to squeeze his arm gentle " Glad your safe Queens" before leaving the room to head to the kitchen.
Moving to get up as well Bucky goes to pick out some cloths for Peter to change into. " Alright Doll, you get started and I'll bring ya something to change into."
Peter hits the spider on his suit, letting it fall off of his shoulders as he stumbles into the bathroom. Once he is out of his suit; he hops into the shower and turns the water on. He left the door open knwoing Bucky will be in to bring clothes. " Hey Bucky why does Steve get all tense when I talk about working with team red? I know I'm a little sweaty but ya know I don't smell that bad"
Bucky enters the bathroom setting some cloths ontop of the sink counter before proping his hip against it as he watched Peter through the glass. "Well Doll, he gets worried about you. You know Deadpool aint the most stable and with his...... fascination with you he gets worried."
Wipping the fog off of the glass before putting some shampoo on his hair, Peter looks out the glass at Bucky.
" Wade is harmless!... well not really but he is to me. Steve doesn't have anything to worry about!"
Stalking closer to the glass, Bucky slides the door open, his eyes squint a little as the mist of the shower hits him on the face. " We have been watching out for you for a while Doll. Even if we aren't your Alphas, we still treat you like our Omega... why do you think we let you set up a nest in our guestroom.... your room, we don't let anyone else stay in there"
Peter's eyes widen and he stares at Bucky. Thinking back to all the moments where now that he is thinking about where clear signs of them trying to court him. He feels like a dumbass now. How could he be so clueless. " I.... feel so stupid for not noticing" Bucky snorts and smirks " I told Steve we gotta just sit and be blunt. But your both oblivious idiots when it comes to this stuff. "
Peter laughs and turns the water off, reaching a hand out, Bucky gets a towel off the rack and hands it over to him. " If this is something you want... then tonight take off those scent blockers, and when we walk you back to your room... invite us to your nest Doll." Reaching out Bucky gently tugs on one of Peters wet curls after he toweled off his head. " We don't have to mate tonight but let us scent you up, we hate when you come to our den smelling like.... other alphas. Though once we know your ours.... Stevie is gonna get more protective. "
Bucky steps into the shower, caging Peter in with his arms
" I will too Doll. I know you've spent some of your heats in the past with that devil and Deadpool. And we want to make sure they know your ours now. Even if its just scenting you for now.... I can't wait till they can smell us dripping out...." Eye's widening Peter swallows a little staring up at Bucky, nodding his head slowly. Bucky smirks and rubs his nose against Peter's. " Alright lets get you dressed and meet the Punk in the kitchen. "
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alpaca-clouds · 28 days
Economics is not a Science
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Before I forget about it, after talking about science stuff this week, let me make me one thing clear: Economics is not science. No, it does not matter that there is a nobel price in economics. Sociology is a science, so are some of the other humanities. Economics? No, economics is not a science. And my first master's degree is in economics, so yeah, I knwo what I am talking about.
I had to think about it, because last week I saw this really bad take on twitter:
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And I was like: "Well, yes, becuase epidemiologists and climate scientists are scientists who know what they are doing. Economics are a bunch of idiots, who act as if they understand anything, but don't, which is why they rarely foresee economic downturns."
See, what makes a scientist is, that generally they put forward a theory, then do experiments of some sort, and then analyze whether those experiments support their theory.
Economics do not do that. They put forward theories, sure, but they do not really do any experiments. Which is kinda obvious, because they cannot do experiments, given there is more or less only one world economy.
But it is part of the issue: Economists do not have a bloody idea how the economy is working. Barely any economists forsaw 2008. And way too many economists still believe in trickle-down-economics, which we have tried (thanks Reagan) and have learned that it does not work AT ALL.
Heck, speaking of science: There is actually science about this, and on how bad economists are at predicting what the market does. It is like the one valuable thing I learned during my master's degree - ironically from the professor I liked the least. Basically there had been studies done on economists, to see how good they were in understanding and predicting what would happen on the market. And they found out that generally economists are all very bad at it - though female economists are a bit better for simple reasons. Male economists tend to act as if they have everything figured out and make those big claims, while female economists in those studies didn't. They kept their claims smaller scale, both in terms of time, and in terms of what they supposed as going to happen.
But the fact remains: It is just guesswork.
Said professor had also had a very good explanation for why it is not a science or anything like that: "To assume that we can predict the economy is to assume that the acteurs on the market behave rationally. But we know that they don't. Any attempt to pretent otherwise is just that: Pretention."
So yeah. At best economists are philosophers who philosophe about money.
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I've been considering converting for some time now. At first I was like nah this will fade let'snot throw ourselves in another religion again. I know myself I get easily excited over things. And after throwing myself into 1½ religions before I felt that i should wait. ButI keep coming back to anything about Judaism I see and everytime that wish to convert was as loud as before. I even left it alone for a good while because I told myself that this obsession most certainly wasn't healthy. But a few days ago I decided to find jumblr you knwo maybe find some resources for conversion. And now I am considering it even more. My ask is the following. I live in Germany and honestly don't have the ability to get to go to any synagoge any time soon. Because i am slightly stuck in a place right now but also because I feel like i would be intruding by asking for conversion because i am also trans and queer and am worried that that would pose a problem for everyone. I have tried to find resources but all resources about support for queer issues are in major cities far away from where I live. And sadly I can't move so now I am really stuck. Do you think a rabbi would consent to talk to me online? I would really just want to talk to them about my wish to convert and maybe have some advice/support from them. Not even necessarily in them sponsoring me just having someone telling me whether I am on the right track or not.
Hi anon,
I think that's an excellent idea, actually. I would just make your situation clear in your email, that you are looking for specific pointers as to where to go from here, rather than trying to proceed long-distance. It's possible there is a local independent minyan that might be more queer and trans friendly that he/she could point you to, and/or suggest a combination approach. But you can't know what options exist without asking the relevant people. If one rabbi is not helpful or responsive, you should also feel free to get a second opinion, as different rabbis are going to have different approaches.
In the meantime, if you're stuck waiting, I would suggest checking out these suggestions.
All my best to you in your journey!
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
could you write Raiden and Shinnok being jealous and protective too?
Jealous and protective Pt2
Just a heads up I'm not to good at Shinnok just becuase I've never done stuff for him really or knwo much, so I just did a 3 hour study of him so I could try this he may not be in charcater but I hope I did him well. And well i wanted a fic of Raiden getting a massage from his partner too becuase man's stressed 25/8 and jealous makes him sad. So I hope it all goes well.
Warnings: talk of killing, stripping. About it I think.
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Shinnok: jealous and protective.
Shinnok has a very short list or mortals he like let alone ones he trust. His S/o is one of them. He Himself doesn't know how they came go be close, but one thing is for sure.
He hates raiden being within the same building as them. And now Raiden stood trying to convince his S/o that Shinnok was only using them and in the end would kill them and their world, after all that's who he is. The God of death.
"Stay away from my Lover Raiden" Shinnok hisses as he stands infornt of His S/o. Raiden takes a step closer.
"Leave Raiden!, I am not interested in what you have to say" (y/n) replys moving to stand beside their lover.
"You would let him destroy you're world?, they place with your family and friends" the thunder God ask taking his stance ready to fight.
"Shinnok has done more for me they anyone else ever has, and I'll be damned if I let you hurt the man I love" they hiss taking hold of Shinnok's hand. Shinnok yells something to Quan Chi, the next moment we are walking back into the neather realm.
"My soul?, are you alright" Shinnok ask as he places his hand under his lovers chin bring them to look at Him. Their eyes flick up to his as they smile.
"I'm fine, just glad we got out of there" they say before resting their head against his shoulder. Shinnok closes his eyes as he holds them close.
"Tho I must know is it true, would you kill me?" Its quite for a moment. Ad he contemplates if he tells them the truth. In the end he doesn't like to his lover.
"At start, I saw you as little but hired muscle, someone to be disposed of once we were finished. But as time continued I grew to enjoy your company, your input and banter, I would only kill you if you betrayed me." He says looking away from them.
His lover places their hands on his face bringing him back to look at them. "I wouldn't expect anything else under those circumstances" they say leaning in to press their lips to his. Shinnok hums lightly holding them closer before they pull away.
"I am glad to hear that Raiden will not sway you, it has been a fear of my for a while" he admits. "I hate the God of thunder with a passion, he's ruined my plans on many occasions and I will not let him take you" he grumbles into his S/o shoulder.
"If much rather my God of death over earthrealms God of thunder" they reply and press a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm glad to hear that my love"
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Raiden: jealous and protective
Raiden unlike what he tells people. He gets jealous very easily. He knows as much and it happens we he sees his S/o around his brother. Most times it's harmless but it effects him a little, he will see his brother hanging our wirh his partner and think that they are better off with Fujin then himself.
but they always come back to him with a bright smile and reassurance that they love him, and it helps lighten the burden of not being there all the time. All though there are other people who do invoke a more fight or flight reflex out of him when they are near his S/o most times he will be quite about it.
Raiden sits meditating trying to clear his mind of these thoughts, it did him no good feeling jealous of others, he was the one who is lucky to have the beautiful person that he is with. He tries to relax and release the tension in his body. His shoulders hurt and he has a slight headache from all the tension.
It doesn't help that of recent days things have become more calm then he is used to but be tries to enjoy the peace while he can. His eyes open and flick to the spot of pillows and blankets where his partner normally sat while he mediated becuase they enjoyed being near him. It sat empty at the moment.
"Raiden, Raiden?" He can hear his S/o calling out to him. He smiles lightly as he stands up from his spot that he was meditating in.
"I am in here sweet one" He calls out making his way over to them. He can hear the pitter patter of their bare feet as they make their way to him. He smiles gentle at them.
"Hey Rai, was looking for you" his S/o says wrapping their arms around his middle. He lets out a soft chuckle before pulling them in for a hug. "Forgive me, I thought you were out with the others. I did not know you would be back yet"
They pull away and look up into his pale glowing eyes. "You look tired babe, are you alright?" They ask lifting their hand up to the side of his face. Raiden leans into his S/o hand humming lightly.
"I'm alright, have a bit of a headache and shoulders hurt a little but nothing to cause worry" he reassures them. His S/o grabs his hand before leading him able over to his spot where a small collection of pillow lay from last time they were there. "Ok hot stuff, loose the hat, cowl and top half. Them lay down on your stomach" they say earning a rasied eyebrow from the thunder God.
"Please, I promise you'll enjoy it" he sighs before doing as asked. He removes his hat placing his gently down and undoes his cowl. His So watches as his white hair falls down his shoulders and back.
Raiden disrobes and moves to lay down on his stomach agaisnt the pillows and blankets. "Ok cross your arms infornt of you and rest your head against them" his s/o says. He does as he is told.
(Y/n) moves to rest on his back sitting gentle as the run their hands up his back. Raiden's breath hitches as his partner's hands run up his back and begin to massage his muscles around his neck, shoulders and back. He hums lightly closing his eyes as his S/o runs one hand thought his hair, pulling gentle at the knots and tangles before pressing soft kisses to his to skin.
"Let me know if I'm hurting you ok?" He hums lightly in response feeling his body loosen and not hurt as much as earlier. They stay like this for a while. Soft hands against hard muscle.
"How do you feel now Raiden?" Y/n ask as they move off of Raiden's back. His eyes open gentle as he smiles at them. "Relaxed, I don't wish to move now" he says and pulls his love into an embrace, They both laugh gentle.
"Your hairs so fluffy, you should wear it down more often. Give me a chance to braid and play with it" Y/N says running their hand thought it again.
" perhaps I will, just for you" he presses a gentle kiss to thier lips as they lay in each other's company.
"Glad your feeling better handsome"
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identityarchitect · 3 years
hi welcome to a stupid thing me & my qpp wrote bc of the jerma archivist joke. pls enjoy \o/ @tefmiles
(tone implying this conversation has been going on for a while) I know, Martin, but if we can get to the Archives we can stop - everything! Everyone will be fine, and then we can leave, and just go about having a *normal* life.
(patient but exasperated) Love, I'm sure they'll be just fine. We don't know who the Archivist is now. Maybe the Archivist is someone.. (he trails off)
Better at their job?
No, no, just.. someone who'd figure it out sooner.
I just, I mean - even if it is just.. how we'd recognise it, we can still attack Jonah, or give them vital information.
(hum of agreement) Well, we're here now, so no point mulling it over anymore. You first.
Uh- hey, you- need a visitors pass to be down here?
It's okay, we're just popping in for a minute. Jo- Elias has cleared us to be down here, you might find an email about it? Or he might not have sent it, you know how he is. (small, nervous chuckle)
(clearly suspicious) ..right.
(confused) Erm.
(confident, but still confused underneath it) Sorry, hi, we're looking for the Head Archivist?
(seemingly in the middle of something) Well, you- you found me! I-
Wh- Chat, why are you pogging?? Who are these people? What the hell is "J-Mart"? I- So sorry, they're- they're telling me to ask you about The Panopticon? I don't- I don't know what that is, uh.
[next bit by my qpp!!]
JON (increased confusion) Is that... What is that?
MARTIN (slightly accusatory) Are you streaming your job to Twitch?
JERMA Well it- Being an Archivist doesn't exactly pay the bills. I have to stay fed.
MARTIN Yeah, but- Twitch? You decided to do Twitch as a side-hustle?
CHAT POG pogchamp JMART lmao jerma broke BROKE BOY JERM gayboys gayboys BI KING lets goooooooo JMART :MonkaS: SHJDHWISJDIFHKUHDNWK according to all knwo laws of aviation ther HEY JMRA PREGNANT COMP LETS GOOOOOOO ARCHY BOY AND HIS LOVER ARE HERE what if we al im blue dabadeedabadie WOAHSDOFIUHHDSKHDF :omega_LUL:
[USER 4792047294 HAS BEEN BANNED BY GerryKeay_Gaming]
JON (exasperated) Gerry- Gerry Keay is on your livestream? Right now?
[Michael_Distorts WANTS TO SHARE SOMETHING] oh hey jon. youre visiting the archivist. nice. have fun.
JON (CONTD.) (exasperation increased) Mi- Michael Shelley? The Distortion? He’s on your livestream?
JERMA (after a pause of contemplation) Y- Yeah? They're just my mods? I mean sometimes th- they share things but not much more?
& extra bonus bit of content, also by my qpp:
JERMA Alright Chat. I'm gonna raid Gerry since he's my best mod. Bye- Bye Chat!
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perennialtide · 3 years
Ok, so this might be mostly for the newer viewers but also just something to think about in general, With the story picking up more than usual I think something's ought to be mentioned. I'm just going to say this and elaborate after, and legitimately with no offence, just educating.
Of course it's lore, it's a goddamn roleplay server. You roleplay and you improv through an outlined story: the elements that make the characters happy, that make them sad, the elements that push character development and their relationship development; the small conversations, the long trips, the sudden weight and severity of situations and the lighthearted daily routines; the huge server wide events and the small one person moments..
People spamming Lore Lore? Lore?? whenever anyone starts stream, it's increadible annoying and spoils half of the fun for everyone, don't spam Is this Lore? Does anyone knwo if this is Lore?? every single time a character interacts with someone or says anything even remotely related to the plot, please for the love of god. It's not only spam, annoying as hell and ruins the fun/immersion but is also pretty fucking rude to the ccs, like did you only join for the whatever Lore bit you wanted and not for the actual person (if you a actually do that then don't announce that bullcrap in chat); or the complete other way, just losing your shit everytime anything remotely rp happens, like sure I've seen people jokingly freak out and it's fun but I also have seen some people say some legitimately disrespectful and downright rude shit, please understand that they're still people? just like us?
You don't just flip through the bits of the book that deal with character development, you don't just skip the middle of the movies that showcases usual stuff, mundane events, lighthearted conversations and moments.
No, you don't, and why?
Because it all adds to the story, it all helps showcase aspects of each event and character that intern affect the later storyline and it's "culminations". It helps you better understand why things happen and why people come to the conclusions that they do, wrong or not.
As high effort and as absolutely amazing as stuff like Big Q's and Karl's streams are they are not, by any means, the staple of a Lore stream/narrative. I guess what Lore tends to mean now is huge events that affect the entirety fo the server and while obviously they are increadible, that does not mean the Semi-lore that happens daily is anything less. The only difference would be addressing things outside of game, ie subs, donos, irl stuff, chat, and even then a lot of chats and donos and stuff like that are integrated into canon for better immersion and enjoyment. As much as I'm don't want to blame anyone for this, unfortunately the newer additions did, though unknowingly, contribute more than we expected to that "subject", especially (lore) in the titles of streams; (there is announced stuff that is really high effort and that obv is great, but I mean announcing every bit of rp you do, that makes it so so much harder to slip into rp whenever others are on the server, because you've announced/didn't announce the (lore) so you've essentially dug your own pit to sit in; harsh worss but for the point to get across) it drove, unintentionally, a clear cut line in rp and not rp, when it really really should not have, because once again, it is a roleplay server, meaning that the least thing you have to worry about it driving a line in what's canon or not, what's Lore or not, what's Important or not..
Because it all is. The old L'manburg era shows that very very well, with people doing regular routines and fun build projects or something or other, while still just being, well, in character and acting and reacting to things as that character would. And nobody questioned it, nobody "addressed" it, nobody stuck a giant label to the side of the screen triggerring the less accustomed chat to freak out like a bunch of seagulls.
There is so much I could talk about on this topic so I'm stopping before I make this post too long and incomprehensible.
Tldr but also kind of a conclusion: So, essentially, try to treat it as a whole story and not as only consisting of the huge serverwide streams, because that no only will rob you of full enjoyment and understanding of motives, actions and proper consequences, but also dumb the story down to a much less intricate tale. And don't Lore spam (or whatever variation) in chat, please? it ruins the immersion for everybody, it's annoying, and it's rather rude to ccs who's apparently only likable quality is attachment to the Dsmp :/ (To clarify I don't actually think that, it's a simplified example of the actual affect).
// This has been a rant and a half but it's something that keeps bugging me everytime I see half of chat slip into that mode. If read this entire spiel? <3 hope it was worth it lol
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kelvintimeline · 3 years
It’s insane to me how daredevil would be a much more fitting mentor figure to go along with peter at this point, like he could help Peter clear his name while coming to terms just how illegal some of the things tony were (He was given a DRONE ARMY) and how if he wants to do this he needs to do it his own way but they just shoved him with strange to do spiderverse worse
Literally anyone would've eben a better mentor to Peter than Tiny Stink but also... I don't think Peter even NEEDS a mentor
like if he was ALLOWED to have his emotional arc with Ben/May, MAY WOULD BE HIS GUIDANCE!!!!!
And STEVE matches Peter's ideology MUCH more than Peter, so they could've bonded at some point and Steve could've been liek an IDOL for him
BUT LIKE... do you knwo would be MUCH mor emeaningful than EVERY SINGLE young avenger (but not young avenger just avenger who is young) having a "mentor" arc??? JUST WATCHIN KIDS TRY TO FIGURE SHIT OUT ON THEIR OWN
like can peter just hang out with his friends and fuck up while the adults commit war crimes somewhere else! i am TIRED OF THIS
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Atsumu being jealous of his s/o being close with Osamu
requested: hii! can i request headcanons for atsumu being jealous of how close his s/o is with osamu? i love your writing 🥺💕 
Thank you so much anon!! Your kind words are appreciated :3 Also I love writing for Atsumu someone please stop me- (this got so much longer than I intended it to be please excuse me but the Miya twins kinda own my heart oops)
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It developed naturally, your friendship with Osamu. Contrary to Atsumu, whom you only got to know in High School, you’ve known Osamu a while longer.
When you both were in Middle School you first saw each other at a little grocery store after school. You both stood in front of the same shelf, just inches away from each other. Your favourite pudding was on there, unfortunately a little too high up for you to reach. You stood on your tippy toes, your arm stretching as far as possible, but you barely touched it.
Of course Osamu noticed and being the gentleman he is (lol) he reached up and gave you the pudding, which was actually his favourite as well (we love a good pudding-bonding moment)
You thanked him so whole heartedly that he decided to buy the pudding for you (even though tht meant he couldn’t get one for his brother which he was very mad about in the end).
So you both sat outside under a tree and enjoyed your puddings while you made some light conversation. He told you about volleyball and about his annoying brother until the sun was setting and you both had to go home.
You didn’t exchange contacts or anything (you were like 12 or 13) but either way you met again a few days after, at the same story, in front of the same shelf, aiming for the same pudding. So it became a regular thing. Two times a week you would meet there after school and eat some pudding and talk until the sun was setting.
Sometimes you’d help him with homework, sometimes you’d let him rant about his brother or volleyball or both and at the same time he’d listen to your complaints about school or listen to other stories you’d have to tell.
Until High School approached and you both ended up not only at the same school but also on the same class. Of course you knew you were going to the same school from now on (you talked about that, too), but when you walked into your new class and you saw each other it was still like that spiderman meme. “Y/N!” “Osamu?!” A great moment.
Atsumu was confused af because his twin brother knew such a pretty person and he didn’t even know your name? Was he doing something wrong? Why had Osamu hid this from him?
So anyways you end up in the seat next to Osamu so your seating order would be You - Osamu - Atsumu and then Suna. And honestly Atsumu was kinda crushing on you hard since the beginning. And of course Osamu would know because he’s his twin and just... Probably a twin thing.
So Osamu would be annoyed af about this because that is exactly why he never told Atsumu about you in the first place. He didn’t want any weird relationship forming and possibly ruining your nice friendship. He has grown quite fond of you and he knew his brother so he was just trying to prevent a catastrophe okay-
But you couldn’t care less that Atsumu and Osamu are brothers - or twins, in fact. To you they were two completely different people. You could even tell them apart from the beginning (even when they still had the same hair color) and you got to know the two in completely different contexts.
Of course you knew Atsumu from Osamu’s stories but he very quickly proved himself to be a lot more than that and much to Osamus displeasure you developed a crush on Atsumu and met him in private and outside of school - without Osamu or Suna or someone else around.
Atsumu was far more than just Osamus annoying twin brother that you only knew from his subjective stories. In fact, he was a lot different than from what you expected him to be and very quickly you fell very deep for him, so it didn’t take long until you started dating.
And of course you both were happy - every day you got to know more about the other, learned new things and fell in love deeper.
But there was always something that bothered Atsumu. No matter what it was, Osamu seemed to know you better. “Did you know they like this pudding?” “Bro, that’s literally how we met.”, “Today I saw a tiny scar on their knee.” “Oh yeah, they once fell from their bike as a child and it’s still visible.”
It pisses him off. Because Osamu doesn’t even try to be subtle about it. They had a big talk when you two started dating - Osamu made it very clear that he didn’t have any feelings for you and just appreciated you as a friend. Still, Atsumu had an unpleasant feeling creeping up inside him whenever he saw you laughing with his twin or sitting together with him at lunch.
Je hust couldn’t enjoy every single moment with you, knwoing in his head that his twin brother maybe already knew the story you were telling him. When you even just mentioned Osamu’s name he flinched a little, even when it was just for a small comment. He knew it would be different when you wouldn’t have known Osamu before him, but of course he couldn’t change that.
He knew that it was very stupid of him to feel this way but he couldn’t help it. He tried to play it off around you but he couldn’t keep quiet forever. Both you and Osamu noticed. So eventually, you brought it up when you were chilling at your place.
It was definitely the right thing to do, yet you found yourself regretting it after you two got into an argument. Your first one. Atsumu talked himself into a rage once you started talking and he couldn’t stop his mouth from saying all these words. Not bad words, just ones you couldn’t quite understand. He let out all his feelings (mostly frustration and anger directed at himself) and then at the end he looked at you. You were frozen on the spot after he repeatedly waved you off when you tried to interrupt him and calm him down. Your eyes were a little widened, your cheeks reddened with stress, you had folded your hands in an hesitating manner in front of your chest and your chest was heavily lifting and falling under your fastened heartbeat.
He felt miserable. “I ... I’m sorry Y/N, I know I’m stupid. I love you and I’m sorry for making you feel this way but I think I need to sort some things out with myself. See you tomorrow.” Then he left and you were still frozen before you grabbed for your phone and did the first thing that came to your mind. You called Osamu.
You told him everything Atsumu had just talked about and Osamu just listened silently. When you finished he let out a small “hm” and then he was silent again before starting to talk about the matter himself. That’s when you first notice how similiar they were when it came to their feelings.
Osamu told you how he was suspecting something like that (because his brother is just impulsive like that and he would probably feel the same) and how Atsumu hasn’t returned home yet. You couldn’t think of a solution for the situation but Osamu hung up, saying he would handel the situation. After all it would be him dealing with Atsumu when he’d return.
Atsumu was probably in the gym, throwing some tosses to get his mind clear and trying to overcome his issues.
He got home late and Osamu already waited for him in his room, sitting in a bean bag chair. The two of them didn’t talk or even blink for like a whole minute, they just looked at each other (another weird twin thing?). Eventually Atsumu broke the silence, though his eyes didn’t leave his brothers face. “They called you, didn’t they?” “What else would they have done in this situation?”
Atsumu just huffed, letting himself fall into the other bean bag chair, directly next to Osamu. “You know you are being stupid, right?” “Of course!”
So they’d talk about it for quite a while. Of course they can’t just change Atsumu’s feelings, but they reailzed that eventually it would get to a point where he’d knew you better than Osamu. “I can’t know everything about them. I don’t even want to, that’s your job. But don’t you think it’s nice for them to have someone who already knows you? Who can help them in situations like this? Whoy they can rant and come to when they feel like it? Same goes for you, maybe she knows stuff about me that you don’t.”
Again they’d exchange a long look and eventually Atsumu would sigh and be like: “At least you can tell me stuff about them now. What’s their favourite type of candy? And what about flowers? Or plushies?”
“I’ll tell you everything as long as you don’t steal our pudding thing.”
So the next day you’re a little hesitant before you go into class because Osamu didn’t text you to tell you how it went. Maybe Atsumu is still a little upset? Maybe they had a big fight? You can’t help but feel anxious about probably being the reason for a fight between siblings - twins. It breaks your heart.
But before you can even step into class someone class your name from the other way of the hallway and when you turn to see it’s Atsumu walking up to you, quite the impressive bouquet of flowers and a tiny bag in hand.
You visually relax as your face lights up seeing Atsumus face a lot brighter than ever. He grins from ear to ear and his hair falls into his face because of his running but he looks better than ever and you just want him to drop all these things so you can jump at him and kiss him until you’re both dizzy.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to raise my voice and make you feel uncomfortable. I know I am dumb, but I promise you that I got this from now on.” He smiles and hands you the things he’s bought for you.
You peeked into the bag and saw your favorite candy. A knowing smile crept onto your lips as you looked back at Atsumu, who was waiting for your reaction with big eyes. “Tell me, did you have help picking out all my favourite sweets?” Your voice was sweet and your face even sweeter. You already knew the answer but you wanted to see if Atsumu could actually overcome his issues.
He looked you right in the eye. “Of course my beloved brother helped me.”
You broke out into a wide grin and slung your arms around his neck. He happily welcomed you in his arms and snaked his hands on your back and into your hair, pressing you tightly against him.
Everything about him felt a little different. He was less tense and more relaxed, the looks on his face were more genuine and the words he spoke made your heart jump a little. Yes, you could definitely move on like this.
“I love you both.”, you murmured into his neck. You felt him freeze for a second and laughed. “Of course I love you a lot more though.”
Requests are still open!
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
Me about to post 3 pages of a WIP i started tonight and my sister was mocking (affectionately) about?
(aka my sister saw a title of a manga i was reading and when I was looking for something in another room was like “you making another au? your silence tells me yes.” “i already started--” “HAH i knew it.”)
Okay enjoy:
Eyes like the sky on a clear day, hair like a silver waterfall dipped in ink, markings like bloody tears. When she ran by him he was entranced as he watched her vanish into the woods.
“C-CATCH THE WITCH!” he heard shouting and pulled his hood firmly over his eyes. Witch? That girl was a witch. He gulped and hung to the side of the tree as he saw the guards running past. The emblem on their arms, they were royal guards. He felt his heart race and he prayed they wouldn’t notice him.
“She can’t have gone far, we need to find her before the moon rises, if she is able to escape to a lake, she’ll be gone!” One lamented angrily, “do not let the Lunar Eclipse Escape! That is the queen’s order!”
“Lunar Eclipse…?” the young man was curious as he listened. He’d heard legends from his mother.
The Lunar Eclipse was the title given to a young woman who exhibited the ability to summon twilight lurkers and demons from the Horizon and could bring the end to the country if she so desired it. But…
He gripped his cloak. That girl seemed scared and while looks were deceiving he saw her eyes even if briefly. She was scared. He waited for the guards to leave before heading in the direction he saw the girl running in. He wanted to help her if he could. He’d have to apologize to Taylor later he sighed as he ran through the forest.
He stopped at a small clearing, looking around with a scowl. There was a cliff and trees. Had she climbed? He felt himself chuckling at the thought of that, but he shook his head to recenter. He looked around and smiled as he saw no one near. Slowly at his feet the shadows began to swirl and small humanoids with glowing eyes emerged.
“What’s up boss?” the tallest asked, coming up to the man’s knee.
“What’s order?” the smallest asked in a small voice.
“What can we do for you today?” The medium one sang happily.
“There’s a young woman on the run from some guards, I want you to either find her and guide her to me or keep the guards from her,” he instructed the trio. “Seems she’s a witch and a strong one, I would like to bring her home.”
“Oh how ROMANTIC!” the flower wearing one placed hands on their cheeks with glee, “To think---”
“It’s not like that Mion.” he sighed and waved them off. “Just go alright, i’m going to look as well, I just don’t want to scare her.”
“But boss is so cool!”
“You guys are my servants of course you think that but who knows how she’ll react to a shade.” he laughed nervously.
 “You’re the demon king I think that’s worse than a shade.” the tallest huffed but ran off to do the task assigned. The other two laughed before splitting off and vanishing.
He dropped his hood with a heavy sigh and ruffled his copper and black hair with a frown. His golden eyes glowed in the night as the shadows covered him and he slipped off, flying through the air in his shade form, fur rustling with the breeze. A witch would be good to have on his side. Originally he was just in the territory to meet with his friend Taylor who was gathering information but it seemed he’d stumbled onto something great himself. 
He paused as he flew, clawed hand to his mouth. He wondered what he aunt would think if he brought the Lunar Eclipse home. He snickered a bit. Knowing her she’d not react until they were alone then freak. He hummed proudly as he slipped off, using shadows to inspect the woods and stay away from the guards.
Soon he found what he wanted.
She seemed out of breath as she hid high in a tree. An odd place considering normally the Lunar Eclipse used water to channel magic. He crept closer and peeked to see her as she clung to her knees. Her dress was dirty and leaves clung to her hair. Bright red tears dripped down her cheeks as she shook and whimpered softly. 
She jolted and vines shot up around the tree, the thorns blocking it like a cage.
“W-wait I’m not one of them!” he shifted to human form, “My name is Arulius, I’m the great-nephew of the Great Solaria Umbra!”
“I don’t knwo who that is!” she barked angrily.
“Huh?” he stared confused, “you don’t know the solaria umbra?”
“W-why should i?!” she snapped, “i woke up here three days ago and was locked up and told I was to be burned alive!” she wept as she wiped her eyes.
He stared as his gaze widened, “Come again?”
“I was walking home and then next thing I know I’m being captured by strange cosplayers! Now I’m told to be burned as a witch?! Since when was being a mage a bad thing?! I’m not even that strong of a witch! My brother is even stronger and I can’t get him to contact me!”
“C-can you move the thorns?” he asked, “i’m not going to hurt you, I do mean it. I like magic, and where I’m from magic is fine. It’s just this country dislikes it.” he explained to her as softly as he could.
Slowly the thorns retracted and he used the shadows to climb the tree to her. Seeing her up close she couldn’t be much older than he was. Her eyes were red from crying and her hair was a mess. He tried to not laugh.
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reipinto · 4 years
My Watchers, Fix and Clean
So some time ago i made this post and people seemed to like it! Some even asked me what my ideas are for it, so let it be clear that the canon for watchers is VERY vague, so im just going hogwild. At the end of Grian’s time in EVO, as you may know the two watchers take him away from EVO apparently because Grian could not stay there anymore, Grian isn’t angry about this, nor does he blame them, in the edited end poem where they are talking he is understanding, but still seems sad to leave his friends behind. And what’s my idea with the watchers?    After they rescuing Grian from an unknown fate, they do not knwo what to do with him due to lack of experience dealing with humans, Fix suggested just placing him into a new server straight away but Grian was not ready for that yet.     What they did instead, was place him in worlds where he could be alone for a while, and build. (All those videos , how to builds, etc, in creative mode are this)
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Well, Fix (the tall one, they/them) They’re not as much of a strict rule follower as Clean, but also not as emphatic, they didn’t understand why Grian couldn’t just replace the humans he knew with new ones straight away. Clean (the one with hooves, they/them) is more worried about their duties , showing deep care for all the worlds and server they watch over.
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Names are overrated but Grian needed a way to be able to call for them, to indicate who he was talking to so they just chose simple names based on their roles. Fix finds bugs and glitches in worlds and fixes them, Clean is then put on duty of making sure the world runs smoothly and that wathever was wrong before is now corrected (example: floating arrow no longer floating) Grian’s relationship with the Watchers is in no way parental, he’s an adult and they treat him like such, but at the same time they’ve watched his antics over the course of the evo server so they do care about him, he’s neutral about them at first, thankful for the rescue but also bitter over having to leave, he does grow to like ‘em though, good friends.
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tanukyclaws · 4 years
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@keysstylus​ alright, sorry in advance that this isn’t that much, it’s what I found in an hour. I could find more but I’d have to go through a lot of posts, since some were instagram stories that I cant search for anymore. And keep in mind this is only recent stuff and stuff you can find easily, there’s lots of things like this. Maybe I’ll search more today, but you can also ask around, there’s lots of instances where they post a bee emoji or tease the bees before a volume/episode.
But aight. You see this? It was a popular post, do you know why it happens? It’s not just crazy fans taking things out of context. Surely some of those are a reach but people in this fandom reach for a reason. I’m pretty sure the heart is from one of Arryn’s insta story. One reply or tweet on its own doesn’t hurt. But when they keep adding bees into it you just can’t help but ‘piece things together’.
Gonna put this one under a read more cause it’s lengthy.
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This is to show that they know what the bee means and use it when they refer to the ship. I think this was for chapter 12 when they reunited. When she does this or she retweets fanart that’s alright. And imo sometimes Arryn can do it unintentionally, but not all the time.
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And here’s an example of how people will predict and theorize just off a tweet of theirs. Sometimes they do things like this where they accidentaly reveal that something will happen during the volume. But you never know when, what and if it will happen. Just like the picture I’m gonna discuss next. But now it happened, our theories came true, Blake did scream after Yang. And this gives you hope that next time they tweet about the bees it must be true and the bees will become canon, but they dont.
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Here’s another example on how big of an influence they have on the rwby fandom, and why this harms the fandom. Before v7 aired Arryn tweeted this, fans had theories about all kinds of crazy stuff including an Atlas Ball. We all knew it was just that: a theory, but when Arryn posted this we all thought there would be some dancing this volume, and everyone was crazy about the Atlas Ball, and then disappointed it didn’t happen. But that’s the thing, we got NO hints whatsoever in show that it would happen, it was a theory and ALL fandoms have those, but when someone directly working for the show fuels into it it becomes a bit more than a theory. And once it doesn’t happen it disappoints you. Not only did we not get an Atlas Ball, but also the Yang and Blake party scene with FNKI. 
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Teasing the ship. It’s clear that Arryn insinuates she would cosplay Blake so they both could do a couple cosplay, except that in show they’re not a couple. Intentional or not this teases the ship and brings in more views. Fans trust those 2 so much, if they tease it like that then ofc it’s happening. Except it doesn’t, it just stagnates.
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Stuff like this is honestly what makes me think they’re onti it too. It’s CLEAR that they’re using bumbleby here for views, it’s clear that they’re teasing it. They’re talking about bumbleby but nothing gets confirmed, not in show or outside. What’s the point? Do they talk about renora? Or any straight ship for the matter? They know how big bumbleby is and how many bumbleby fans are in the fandom, I don’t think this is a coincidence. Renora is a popular ship as well, why aren’t they doing this with it? Why isn’t Neath teasing it the same way those 2 do?
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Here’s the v4 example I’m talking about. She knows that being a fan will only burn her. She did it before, she knows how important her words are to the fandom and how people will reach for anything. As I said, she’s been here before and she knwos what she’s doing
I hope I can find some other stuff and show you. There’s lots of tweets of just a bee emoji, or them hyping up the next episode and dropping a hint about the bees (like again a bee emoji, once she posted a gif with a canon firing, a yellow heart etc.) and I don’t think that’s unintentional. I’m not saying they’re crueless monsters, but they’re not exactly your best friends either. After all some things they do harm (and did harm in the past as well) the bumbleby fandom, they set up exceptations and hype up things that never happen. And it’s not just them. Remember VRV? The valentine’s cards? Remember the merch, the tshirts with blake and yang? Why so much hype, why doesn’t renora (who even kissed and confessed!) get as much hype?
Sorry but I refuse to believe they, and all those people from RT, VRV and everything else, just love it so much and are excited about it. I refuse to believe that the ship that gets the most hype, tease and hints with little to no development/no confession/no kiss/no nothing is the LGBT ship while the straight canon ship that lots of people love doesn’t get shit. Is it simply just a coincidence? Again, they know that they can’t interact like they’re normal fans. Why do they do it. They’re the only ones who do it. Neath doesn’t do it, or Lindsay, or anyone else.
But they do it, and considering how much RT and VRV teased the ship I don’t think it’s entirely just them being excited about the ship. Sure a part is like that, Arryn at least loves the ship and it’s clear, but what a coincidence that only the wlw ship gets teased and only the voice actresses of the wlw ship that’s not canon yet hint it so much while the other voice actors of already canon ships didn’t ever say shit about their ship, RT didn’t ever say or hint or tease it either.
Is it really just a coincidence? Can’t they simply just retweet fanart and stop teasing the ship with tweets and instagram posts and all kinds of hints? I never said they’re monsters or evil, I just said they don’t give any fucks about us. And considering all this shit and how it happened in the past it wouldn’t be impossible to believe. The bumbleby fandom is like this because of them solely. Their disappointment? It’s because the voice actresses teased the ship too much and set up some standards/ideas that never happened. The crazy theories? Every fandom has them, but not to the level of the bee fandom, because the VAs feed into them. I’ve literally watched She-Ra, LoK, Owl House and many more and I never met a fandom that kept posting and begging before every single episode “bees will kiss this ep” but then when it clearly doesn’t happen say “it’s alright them sharing a glance was much more intimate I’m glad they didn’t kiss it would’ve been rushed”
And this happens for a reason. Just think about it, think about how much the VAs of the only relevant LGBT ship interact with us (and only they, no any other VAs), how much RT teases it, alongside other companies, how much merch they have in comparasion to other ships/characters, and how much hype it has for something that stagnated for 2 volumes now. It’s hard to believe it’s just a coincidence and that they’re not, at least sometimes, doing it intentionally.
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epic-sorcerer · 3 years
(Tw antiblackness)
Okay so when I was 11 my mom read this book to me about the 5 Chinese personality elements. Ever sense then I was fascinated by it and wanted to create OCs of my own to respresent them.
Bc my adhd can cause weird motivation and memory, I cared only with developing characters and story lines and slowly forgot the actual sorce material.
When I first started, I decided to focus more on story and not on character disign. Because mostly I took inspiration from vocaloid songs(you can tell this was a while ago) I decided to make them all Japanese so I could narrow their look way down compared to shapeless blobs in my mind.
Years past and I decided I didn’t like this anymore. I was ready to do the complete opposite and have a very diverse cast of characters. My strategy was to chose a culture in any where in the world, at any time, that most prioritized and valued what each element had to give and generally imbodied. Especially bc I wanted each character to be the most extreme form of their elements and often invisioned each character to be a political representative for each colony of element.
I good way to put this in perspective is to imagine I was making a communism OC so I made them Chinese or USA American. Basically that would chosenthose cultures bc it is something it generally is really extreme about and is known for.
My first real character disign was fire. I made her a Scottish pict, as I could give her red hair and have her be her full passionate and chaotic self.
All the other ones are up in the air. But I realized that it would be really cool to make tree be an African person with a 4c type Afro and a long and skinny body type. That’s the most tree like I could have made someone! I was so happy and got really attached to my black tree character. I new that Africa was huge and old, and that’s not even counting the West Indies. Of course I could find a culture that was tree-like. All I needed to do was look.
All of this screeched to a hault today. I decided to look up the tree personality after years and years and was met with something heart breaking.
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Aggressive, angry, reckless, arrogant, etc. this reminds me of the angry black stariotype mixed with the newer unreasonable blm protester one.
I’m unsure if I’m being too paranoid or if I’m being reasonable when I say that I’m not sure if I can make tree black. Even though the negitive descriptions are for when tree is unbalanced, it still doesn’t make it okay imo.
From a writers perspective, it makes snese to start characters at when they are unbalanced, because then it’s an easy wrote to character development. Even if I don’t do this, I have no choise but to make this character aggressive sometimes if I truly want to stay true to Tree.
For perpective here’s the other elements’ triats from Wikipedia
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Fire also is aggressive. And also waters positive and negative traits are opposites. Earth is a mix of all elements so im imagining earth may also be aggressive when unbalanced. Do you think I can make this work or should I change tree’s race?
Fire is a white Celtic. And I’m unsure what culture I want earth to belong to. I’m thinking of making water be a Samoan(not sure what time period), metal is still Japanese for now but I am unsure if that still fits my change in casting intentions so that’s probably going to change. Basically what I’m saying is that I’m only really going to have one white character, bc I want the cultures to be spread out throughout the map.
I know black people are often forced to constantly be on their toes in turns of wether or not something is anti black and if they are unsafe in that environment. I’m not black, but I belong to multiple minority groups and I understand that feeling to a terrifying degree. The last thing I would want is to make a choise that resembles anti black caricatures and put black poeple in the position of wondering if I dislike them or if they are unsafe around me.
I understand that feeling, and I don’t want to put poeple throguh taht. I still want to have a super inclusive cast, but I’m also aware that I have to be very careful as a white writer. Even though my intentions were good, I accidentally associated a black character with aggressiveness and that’s extremely hurtful. I’m also aware that if I represent a black character well, it can be uplifting to a black audience that I took so much care to learn about an African culture and put it in a positive light.
I remember when I was a baby gay and I came across this channel run by a cishet who dedicated a large protion of his videos to calling out lgbt phobia and premoting the idea that we deserve to have rights and to feel safe and happy as who we are. I was in awe a cishet would do taht for us and felt personally touched. I want to be able to do something that other people feel that same way about, because it’s truly a beutiful thing.
So...where do I go from here? Do I change trees race to a different one? Please be honest. I know I say I have rejection sensitivity dysphoria, but that dosnt mean you can’t criticize me. It only means taht you have to be careful and not angry. I truly want to make this story the best it can be, and I want to know if I’m doing the right thing if I change tree’s race to something else. 
I want all people to feel safe while experiencing my work(idk if it will be a book or what, it’s very early in development).
I have no intention on making tree a villain, instead a good character who is the sweetest person you can meet. I feel like I would make fire much more angry and aggressive bc of the Scottish pict emphasis on war and and never backing down, to make my intentions clear.
But even then, that doesn’t change that tree is so connected to anger. And I’m not sure how I can work with that so if doesn’t seam like an anti black stariotype
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Anger, anger, anger. I don’t knwo what to do. Please help, preferably black users because yall definitely know heaps more about this than me as a white person.
Please knwo that I mean well, and I’m never intended to make my tree character black if I remembered how heavily it’s associated with anger. All I remembered was the optimism and happiness, as I am sensitive to negativity and my brain probably forgot about the dark side of tree on purpose when I was 11 and didn’t even think of making tree black. I’m so disappointed in myself and I promise you I can do better. I just need some guidance. I’m sorry to anyone I may have let down. I hope I can grow form this and make this story the best it can be.
Edit: I think it’s also nessissary to note that the positive triats are for when the person is in balance or in a good head space, the negative ones for the opposite. That’s why the negative and positive triats seam like opposites, bc that’s what they are. Idk if I made that clear so I’m adding it now!
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