#and i just straight up had wdzs be a dream because that is the respect it deserves
adeadhorse · 1 year
Not an ask but I truly wonder how the reboot will explain why Zoey and Chase (probably) ultimately broke up. Maybe they broke up after graduating PCA and naturally grew apart but who knows… I think that’s what is making me most curious out of the whole reboot (all of this is under the dumb assumption they’re not together due to the What Did Zoey Say bit from years ago being somehow canon even though Dan isn’t apart of this project) Rambling aside, I hope they give Sean Flynn some grit with Chase in the reboot as well. He’s a great actor and it’d be a shame if they didn’t give him equal parts comedy and drama lol
Hoping they don’t flanderize the characters in the reboot even though that seems to be the trend these days 😭 it’d be so interesting if we got to see more of Zoey’s emotions now that she’s older (so hoping they don’t just make her life entirely perfect but her only “problem” is she’s single lmao)
I very much admire your hope. I do not share it as I am a cynic, but I truly do hope that I am wrong, and whoever they got to write it has done something interesting and unique with it instead of throwing a bunch of cliches and lazy fan wishes together and that they can actually write female characters, and that Jamie Lynn can actually act now and has more than two facial expressions, and that Sean can still act and gets the opportunity to perform as well and as interestingly as he did in the best parts of S3. Fingers crossed.
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