#and i just love the idea of cyrus and the wizard forming a little bit of a found family connection post-dragonspyre
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eliks-edge · 2 years ago
I love the idea of a death wizard who parallels Malistaire pre-Sylvia’s death working together with Cyrus so much. Cyrus sees his brother in this child and it hurts because he misses his brother so much but it also worries him deeply. The wizard and Malistaire are so similar he can only hope that the trauma the wizard will have to live with after dragonspyre (and even more so after future worlds) will not make them into the man Malistaire is now. And really and truly, Malistaire is just a man overrun with grief over a loved one, which could so easily happen to the wizard. I think it would so interesting to see a villain arc very similar to Malistaires with the wizard
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years ago
💣+The villains
Send 💣 + a name and I'll come up with 2 races, and classes from d&d for your character
-Original ask open-
(Oh this is gonna be interesting)
Exotic race 
Shifter, Fighter: Battle Master You may come across as refined, civilized, and why yes you do in fact run a mafia. However you don’t simply get there on presence alone, no you can put your own chips in the ring when needed, and sometimes need to give a reminder on why you run this place nike no one else can. While he is find of cats I don’t see him full cat like a tabaxi. No you’re a shifter, able to look man, a bit off, but man, unless you need to let the claws come out revealing the feline abilities beneath the surface.
Half Orc, Paladin: Oath Breaker You were hailed as a saint, everyone saw you as a refined upstanding half-orc to join the ranks of the mighty. But that wasn’t enough for you, and not only that but you drug other people down with you as you fell to the ways of oath breaking. In your mind you were rising above what anyone could become while unaware the devastation caused by greed. Your past still disgraces you, and you struggle with where to go after such a defeat. You need these powers you have to be strong, to find your son who ran away, and are still unsure on if you should fall back to the path you carved for yourself after you accomplish your goal.
Exotic Race-(Another option: Satyr)
Earth Genasi, Cleric: War You are of the extreme side in the genasi. In your mind, your plane is the superior one. Everything about the earth, and what it provides is a treasure, and you cherish it. You agree to the land water is valuable, but you find that the general world would benefit with more of your plane’s influence. Finding a god of earth that agrees with you was all it took to start you on your war path of ‘doing right’ by your god to continue the war of land and sea. 
Dwarf, Wizard: Evocation You want to help the world, but there are so many avenues to do so in a world of chaotic fantasy. What you do know is that the land, harvests, and those living on it sometimes struggle due to the natural chaos the land, and elements that make it up provide. For you studying about the world would be a benefit, maybe help you understand this chaotic earth a bit more to put it into order. On your journeys you learn magic starting to harness the elements of the world as you grow.
Exotic Race-(Another option: Triton)
Water Genasi, Cleric: War You are of the extreme side in the genasi. In your mind, your plane is the superior one. Everything about the water, and what it provides is a treasure, and you cherish it. You agree that to the water earth has it’s values, but you find that the general world would benefit with more of your plane’s influence. Finding a god of water that agrees with you was all it took to start you on your war path of ‘doing right’ by your god to continue the war of land and sea. 
Wood Elf, Rouge: Swash buckler You were told that you were a creature of earth, that you should love these tall trees, and all of the lovely nature around you. However the more time you spent in nature the more it bored you. Everything on the land is so well known, so many trees, and stones identified lacking in mystery and adventure. Others may say you are out of your element on these open waters but you have never felt more at home on a ship where the taste of salt is ever present in the air. 
Exotic Race-(Another option: Warforged)
Kalashtar, Druid: Circle of the Stars These races are the creation of the plane of dreams, but you are not like the other’s of your kind built on bringing protection. You may be made of dreams like other renegade spirits, but these dreams were a mix of nightmare and dull mundane. To you this land is cursed with the vile things created by people’s emotions that they cast into their dreams. What the world needs is a new start, and in your mind you are their protector. When you’re done, they’ll be protected from the most dangerous thing out there, themselves. 
Half-elf, Artificer: Forge Adept Look, the world be big. Alot of shiz is out there that you don’t want to deal with. Like people who question why your parents would have a child despite the fact one parent will out live the other, and their child. You’re tired of people mocking you for ‘relying on your little tinker toys’ as they lounge about with their magic and what not. Sure you’re going to use magic too, but you want to make it practical. You want to fix the various things out there with what you understand which is machines as they all move in harmony. So fine, you’ll leave your little house and join this adventuring crew, but that is only because they promised you that you’d get to see machines from all over.
Exotic Race
Lizardfolk, Bard: Swords You’re aware most hate your race, and have convinced everyone you are a force of good. Of change, something plenty of lizard folk have managed to accomplish before, and they are proud to see another bring themselves and other’s of their kind to something good even raising an average human child to prove your good nature. You know the truth though, you know what you actually stand for. You find those that prattle with the the average person disgusting, and betrayers of who they are. Your sweet words, and picked up sword skills will aid you well in the take over as you aim to have the lizardfolk stand atop.
Human, Warlock: Fiend You have tried trick after trick to gain power, but at some point a man realizes that their talents are wasted. That all their work will get them no where without power, and praise. These adventures going about day after day some returning alive, and those that do immensely stronger and armed to the teeth than when they left. It was easy to gain trust with them, just as it was easy to gain your powers giving a useless soul for more power than they could fathom. Simply journey long enough to grow in strength, collect the treasures before they do, and soon the world is yours. 
Exotic Race-(Alternate class: artificer wanting to bring something like cell phones to the world. Def has Goliath somewhere in the lineage tho.)
Leonin, Paladin: Oath of Devotion Ye there are lion people in d&d so I had to do it. You have made mistakes in the past, and you aim to correct them while furthering a sense of justice in this world. The amount of perverse people in this world disgusts you, so you strive to do better, be better, hold up a sense of justice in such a corrupted world. However you are aware of your tendencies to go too far, to be overcome with justice to the point that mistakes are made and you bring detriment to those around you. Being bound to a god, having a group keeps you from going too far. 
Dragonborn, Blood Hunter: Mutant It annoys you how lofty some dragon borns can be. They claim to be strong bringers of justice, strong leaders, but you have seen the other side. Of those that are not these things though they proclaim to be bringing nothing but shallowness to an ever thinning world. You have the resources to accomplish this, to make yourself better, stronger, and able to make humanity better as a whole. You just need to get it right, and then remove all of the ones not created correctly. It’s awful to say, but there is so much corruption not just in dragonborns, but the more you travel it is practically all around you. This seen all while you continue to experiment on yourself, and your abilities to rise above such imperfections. Yes, you’re becoming perfect little by little in your eyes, and in time the world’s evils will be hunted out, and perfect too.
Exotic Race
Bugbear, Barbarian: Wild Soul You did not have it easy at home. Nothing was secure, and life was constantly hard for you as your kindness made you easy for people to step on. After running away you stumbled into the fey wild, a place that took your deeply emotional troubles to new places and turns simply by existing in it for the short time that you did. You returned to your world left with these wild emotions unchecked and running rampant in your body that they are part of you to such a degree they weave into the fiber of your being. You are destruction incarnate a tragic outcome of a soul who stumbled into the world of the fey desperate to have someone put a valve on the wild nature life has dealt you.
Tiefling, Monk: Astral Self You got tired of the way people view you as a tiefling. It’s down right wrong to be seen as some evil force simply cause of how you came out. Sure some folks were kind, but it was those that weren’t which stuck out. You wanted to change that. Your scrappy attitude not being the best to make any diplomatic sort of change, and you don’t see the point in that anyway. No if people weren’t gonna make a safe haven you were gonna make one with your own two fists for all races trying to be more than the ‘monster’ label they were given. Now you’re practically a king in a very odd kingdom with gusto to match. However with little formal training, and trying to harness your raw talent on your own you’re way of fighting can be rather...destructive.
Exotic Race-(Alternate race idea-Centaur)
Aasmir, Blood Hunter: Profane soul You were created to bring protection to humans, they all look to you like some sort of angel due to your mystical nature and form. Yet you find this world cruel. For all you’ve done you’ve lost so much, especially from the existence of planes as they’ve ripped your loved one away. This world has it’s charm, but so do others. You question why you are forced to protect only this one, why gates are closed to traveling between them. You know it is against what you were told, but you have lost a part of yourself in hopes to correct what you’re seeing as wrong. They promise to open the world to you, all of them, to everyone. Everyone will benefit from the unity, and you can find your love again.
High elf, Sorcerer: Phionex You have suffered greatly feeling a deep amount of loss which awoke something. Your husband was the tinkerer, you often understood magic, and now it make sense. It wasn’t until his disappearance that it did though, till the grief of loosing him in some freak accident, then your children to your own obsession to return him that it awoke. This power this strength brought on by finally let yourself heal, and adapt to the changes in your life is what brought on the power anew. You’re once again able to smile, and breath. The questions still remains what happened to your husband, and you hope to one day know, but no more is your obsession for answers overwhelming you.
Exotic Race
Loxodon, Cleric: Life (I know Loxodon are from Ravnica and no one else has but I’mma play it like Loxodons just exist in regular d&d ok?) Sure you’re no druid or psychic, but you are educated, and you can see the crying of people and nature that will one day come as populations ever grow. Magic seems to exist so readily in this world, but you question if it truly is something that is eternal. There is always an end to something or so you’ve seen, and your god agrees that this is the case. You want to find something, anything to help this, or get concrete answers on things. If you find there to be an end to this seemingly abundant resource you want to find alternate methods or a way to make it eternal. If there is no cap, and it is something that can not be stopped then you can rest easy, but that is only an if.
Human, Ranger: Beast Master (With some home brew companion) Society is.....acceptable. You find it greedy sometimes how it intrudes upon nature frequently, but you respect the things it can bring such as how it refines the essence free will brings along with raw materials it can process. However you have found a being, a creature that is unlike anything you’ve seen that seem infant in it’s age. So you want to see how something so uniquely from nature will turn out brought up in a world of society which you occupy. Some see it only for it’s usefulness, and while you find value there you simply are fascinated by it’s uniqueness and what the result of your meddling will bring. 
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dwestfieldblog · 7 years ago
How many impossible things to believe before a psychedelic breakfast today? Welcome to here there and everywhere, now then and every when. You are reading a man who rhymes quantum with random because it makes sense, good luck.
Way too much normal news last time, so I will limit such to 3 things I have seen only by accident this month...President Benny of Israel (seems like he has been in power a looong time now) has said (without any signs of irony) that Israel understands the desire of the Kurds for their own state. Altogether now...Hmmm. Allow your sentience to fill in the blanks...but not in the occupied territories.
Anyway and meanwhile...Well, America, it looks as if your destiny is manifesting right before your very eyes. You must feel like true master magicians. Loved Trump's rant at the United/Untied Nations Assembly about North Korea...they will be 'totally destroyed', like I mean, you know, to-tally...'The righteous many need to confront the wicked few'. They tried that recently in the USA by standing up to racists and fascists of the moronic ku klax klan and the neo wannabe hitlers...and Duck Fart just said there was...'good and bad on both sides'...So...so much for the wicked few running scared. This man is a gift for the Conspiracy for Counter Evolution. The ideal puppet ass clown.  
Now is that any way to talk about the leader of the free world? Arf.
Duck Fart's famous low attention span...intelligence dies when it cannot focus for long (or even moderate) periods. Energy becomes hollowed out, running on empty and burning only on finite ego. Thought of the Golden One again when I read last week about Uncle Stalin regularly executing the chiefs of his secret police due to his paranoia...(which ended up killing him anyway...) That said, few can be sad at the ignominious removal of the foul Steve Bannon. May Breitbart bite the big one soon. Inashallah, Sieg Heil. Hail Mary. Ex president Shrub behaved like a goofy child of nine, Trump comes across like a petulant teen, sullenly trying to look serious among the adults and then regressing to phone slamming and storming off to his room to play with his phone. Impeach this reptile incubus now, ridicule him into utter obscurity. Then focus your intelligence on his up and coming son. The emperor's boy has seen the nearness of the crown of glory... Anyone in America who isn't paranoid these days must be crazy.
That which is objectively repressed will become subjectively repressed. (The unspeakable becomes unthinkable)...and deeper and deeper it goes... Everything not compulsory is going to be forbidden.  
Speaking of which...
Better the devil you think you know? (If you cannot banish you really shouldn't summon...) *acebook has proudly stated recently that it now 'has the largest facial dataset to date'. It spends over 10million dollars per year on a host of creepy self empowerment, including attempts to stop biometric privacy legislation. That's right, to stop it. So every time you post a selfie of you or your friends, the facial points and characteristics are noted in geometrical computer images to be used at a later date...perhaps just to send you advertisements of exciting consumer goods...or for...well...(Orwell)  just about anything your rational paranoia could dream up at 3 am. Nice idea to have a future president Zuckerberg who not only has all the power but who genuinely knows everything about you.  
'...because any wizard bright enough to survive for five minutes was bright enough to realise that if there was any power in demonology, then it lay with demons. Using it for your own purposes would be like trying to beat mice to death with a rattlesnake.'  T.Prachett. Just ask Cagliostro....
Mass surveys in the western world declare that the majority of water we drink via taps at home is packed with plastic particles. By the end of the century the 'average' person will be ingesting 780,000 bits of micro plastic a year...within this is included the 11,000 we already eat via seafood. 'Fresh' or otherwise...Damn, that's 4 news items. Time to ignore ALL news again and feel mental health rising...
'Verily a polluted stream is man, One must be an ocean to receive a polluted stream without becoming unclean'. Freddie nails it again...
Creation was caused by focused thought form radiations of a higher oscillating force upon binary possibility waves...Obviously, concentrating upon particulars (AKA, the devil is in the detail) raises your evolutionary energies...Time and space are only real to our sensory organs, they ain't really real. Our consciousness on every level controls events... imprints/ influences information fields around us to shape 'reality'. Which as a child knows, is subjective. Okay? YOU are a magician.
'To open the eternal worlds, to open the immortal eyes of man Inwards,  
into the worlds of thought, into Eternity'. William Blake...who also wrote (as the ancients knew and thus created 'Satans' in order to posit an alternative perspective in democratic debate) '...without contraries is no progression'.  
Ha. Just remembered that during my drug fuelled year at college I had an optional lesson period called 'Does God Exist?' I am childishly amused to admit I have NO idea what the 'conclusive' final lesson was or how we even got any type of grade.  
When did the intelligence rot start? Another generation might say the Fifties, some years after the last world war when the mass began to ease up on their tensions just a little, when consumer society was held up as a cheerful life affirming way forward. Could be after the hippy dream was crushed, crashed and almost burned out in 69...Many believe it to be when mankind began building cities. That sounds about right.
Blurred coherence in the pointless. There seems to have been decades of  mass infiltration of universities in the Western world...Governments have seen that they are indeed hotbeds (to coin a cliché) of various think-for -yourself types to question right wing authority. Even though the majority of students just end up conforming to conservative consumerist capitalism within five years of leaving university. (No I am NOT a socialist).  
Perhaps this has led to manipulations and insertions of topics, themes, curricula, which as my last blog said, direct the attention elsewhere into meaningless debates to filibuster time. Idle, soul decaying distractions.
By what educative standard has it become acceptable to receive a doctorate by writing a thesis on 'The Prevalence of Alienation in Modern Soccer.' or 'Madonna, Beyonce and Miley Cyrus - 21st Century Amazonian Philosphers?' Uff. Mind you, I recently downloaded a PDF of 'The Middle Pillar - A Balance Between Mind and Magic' by Israel Regardie...which had been stamped with a Pennsylvania State Campus Library mark, so perhaps there are pockets of intelligent understanding in various universities...to balance a new white race of uneducated cowards. Hope is an eternal spring:-)
Those who hunger for the glory of an old empire, stop looking back, something wicked caught up with you and went past a long time ago. It awaits afore ye. And as for those who want a new empire based on a similar dominant ideology of allegiance to an invisible sky wizard or else painful death, God just told me that you should forget it. She says you have wasted your whole/hole lives on nothing, but she understands you needed a hobby.
Never once in my life have I felt the need to follow the mass. (Hurrah and hallelujah for me eh?) I felt deeply uneasy around primary colours as as child, the bright plastic magnetic letters on the fridge...(M is for Mummy.) The lesson in primary school when we were taught about English kings...on hearing about the 'divine right', I felt an internal frown of 'That's not right, that's wrong'. My disobedience to the casual arrogance of presumed authority began then. Possibly at seven years old. Four years later in a little notebook I scrawled 'Because an idea is 'traditional', does this make it RIGHT'? Too little self knowledge appears to be a dangerous thing. Know thyselves. Dave, you can't be Sirius:-)
'I slept with Faith and found her a corpse in the morning. I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning.' A.C.
Ban the word 'Is'. Globally adopt the idea proposed by Alfred Korzybski, that English Prime (E-Prime) should be used in all scientific works, in order to more accurately report facts of possible reality than to state it IS. IE...it seems to be. Using this in ALL conversations and writings might well move humanity onwards.  
The Earth vibrates at 7 hertz per second...equivalent to the alpha brain wave/dream state. Add this to the oscillations of the brain and we would seem to be hypnotised in a magnetic force field. No wonder we appear to be sleepwalking through this virtual reality TV of life. We are.
'All that we are is the result of all that we have thought'.  Buddha.
This year I fell in love with a possibility and the energy of that idea created a tiny universe of works. And still is. (Whoops, seems to be, arf) Needs to be a balance between discipline and chaos, but the balance needs to be imposed by free will.  Turned on by fascination...Everything is (appears to be, in my perception) permissible...if you accept the consequence. Can you? Would you? Say Yes.
Our circle is cast...
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