#and i just know that 1) i'll never be able to afford it because capitalism has made it that most of my generation will never afford houses
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cxffee-addxct 1 year ago
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glitchsam 9 months ago
Into The Pit - Breakdown and Analysis
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Part 1
Main Character: Oswald - 5th grader
On his way to his last day of school before summer break
After ~the mill~ that employed the majority of the town closed down, people moved out and their local economy suffered, many stores closed down; less things to do = boring
Oswald's dad used to work in the mill, now he has no other option than to work part-time at the deli counter of the Snack Space; Oswald is embarrassed that his dad works there and would rather him not wear his work vest when dropping him off at school
Oswald's best friend, Ben, also moved out of town because his parents found new jobs elsewhere, Oswald has no other friends and is dreading summer break
Dad tells him, "when I was ten, I wasn't home in the summer until I got called in for supper. I rode my bike and played baseball and got into all kinds of trouble." (Foreshadow)
Oswald liked to draw and "got lost" in drawing like he "became part of the scene he was creating. It was a welcome escape." (Foreshadow)
Oswald didn't know why but he found himself drawing mechanical animals - bears, bunnies, and birds.. (Is he being influenced by something he isn't aware of? How?)
Dad suggested a summer plan for Oswald: go to the library then get lunch at Jeff's Pizza where his dad could pick him up so he wouldn't have to be home alone all break
Zendrelix vs Mechazendrelix- Movie Oswald watches, described as an "old Japanese monster movie." (Reference to Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla - 1974 - the two monsters face off as Godzilla attempts to defeat his mechanical imposter)(Foreshadow)
Oswald wished for something interesting to happen ...
Oswald has a conversation with his mom about new friends, that maybe a new friend would move into town, Os says why would anyone move here, she replies "you never know. Or maybe somebody cool already lives here. Somebody you don't even know yet." (Foreshadow)
Jeff's Pizza is described as weird with big empty space; cheap yellow paint attempting to cover up old mural- can still see some shapes underneath it; stage that never got used; ball pit in a a rectangular pen with yellow netting, roped off with a sign saying "do not enter"
Jeff - appeared to be the only person to work there; looked as if he hadn't slept in a week; dark hair sticking up; alarming bags under his bloodshot eyes; stained apron with new and old tomato sauce; looked "tired and miserable" even when being nice; looked 100 years old but was probably just thirty; slow speech and movements like a zombie pizza chef
After a few weeks of this routine, Oswald started getting tired of it
"Dad had to remind him that the Important Thing Was That They All Got to Spend Time Together." - this part of the sentence has each word capitalized.. why? (In contrast to the depictions of fatherhood in the games, wealthy men who could afford to do anything with their children but spent all of their time working instead and neglecting their families)
They watch a remake of an old sci-fi movie as a family- dad says it wasn't as good as the originals, "it was set in the same universe as the real version, but it was kind of a cheap knockoff of the one that came out when I was a kid." (Might be foreshadowing to how the bunny will be a knockoff of him or/and could also be commentary oh how these stories are happening in the same universe as the games)
When Oswald retorts that at least the SFX are better in the remake, dad says, "I'll take a puppet or model over CGI any day." (Foreshadow)
Oswald wakes up in a bad mood one day, lashes out at his dad for not being able to give him an exciting summer/ not having more money; says of his dad leaving him at the library every day, " everyday you toss me out on the street like garbage. If this is the best of things, I'd hate to see the worst!"
On that particular day Oswald decides he wants to pull a prank on his dad that forces him to come looking for him and make an effort- decides he's going to hide in the ball pit
Part 2
Oswald thought the pit looked disgusting but forced himself to go inside; the pit looked obviously untouched for years; some of the balls were sticky but he didn't wanna know why
the dust tickled his nose and he sneezed three times (there is a superstitious belief that sneezing three times means your wish is going to come true- Oswald wished for something exciting to happen)
When he arose from the ball pit he was suddenly somewhere new/ somewhere else; kids were yelling, electronics were beeping, flashing lights/ vivid colors;
says to himself, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" (referencing the Wizard of Oz- Dorothy going from a boring black and white world to a colorful and lively one)
Recognized the games as ones his dad said were from his childhood
The animatronic band on stage were the animals he had been drawing...
Saw that before Jeff's Pizza, this was Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
He bumped into someone and felt it- which means he couldn't be in a dream, but it was as weird as one; the kid he bumped into was about his age and his name was Chip, he also introduced Oswald to his friend, Mike; They invited Oswald to hang out with them
While walking around the arcade with his new friends, Oswald noticed a person in a yellow rabbit suit standing around being creepy, but no one else noticed it so Oswald decided to ignore it too
He wasn't sure how long he'd been in the pit so he decided he needed to go back to Jeff's, he compared himself to "some kind of mixed-up guy Cinderella" (Cinderella is also experiencing an illusion that tricks others and that eventually runs out); When he came back up from the pit, he realized no time had passed (was it in his head? time in our heads moves differently)
The next day Oswald ditched the library and went straight for the ball pit; he went in, counted to 100 and arose to the place he had been to yesterday; while roaming he caught a glimpse of a calendar pinpointing the year to 1985; the yellow bunny is still standing around being creepy
Oswald and his new friends talk about things that they used to like as kids but are creepy now; Mike says he used to have a stuffed Freddy but now the animatronic band gives him the creeps; Chip said clowns; Mike says or dolls like the ones in his sisters room that he feels stare at him; (These things they find creepy also connect to circus baby's and the funtimes; In the games Mikes sister turns into a giant doll and his little brother walked around with a talking stuffed Freddy)
One day the guys are talking about movies they like; Chip said the Eternal Song (1938 Yiddish film based on the song A brivele der mamen - a song about a mother who's son is going away- their financial hardships and wishing the best for him); Mike likes Back to the Future (which coincidentally starts off in 1985, tries to get back home); Oswald panics and says E.T. (about an alien trying to get back home)
Oswald feels guilty that he doesn鈥檛 have his own tokens to play with and tells his friends he鈥檒l sit that one out, his friends tell him that they don鈥檛 mind and want to play with him anyways, but when Oswald stands up, he suddenly feels tokens appear in his pockets (how did this occur- implies this is more than just Oswald traveling in time- he鈥檚 in a space where things can just happen, like magic)
Oswald asks his dad how old he was in 1985 and if he remembered Freddy鈥檚 ; he said he was a couple years older than Os is now and that yes, he remembers it but it closed down; dad seemed nervous and like he didn鈥檛 want to talk about it (Does he know what happened? How much does he know? Was he there?)
This time, as Oswald arose from the pit, he didn鈥檛 experience the sights and noises he had become accustomed to, there instead was chaos- screaming/ running/ despair/ yells for help; he was scared but curious and despite knowing whatever was happening was bad, he wanted to know what it was; he also convinced himself that he couldn't be in danger in a time before he existed (but could he be in danger in a memory?);
"in front of him stood the man in the yellow bunny costume... if it was a man under there." (there likely isn't, its prob an agony monster in the shape of springbonnie); Oswald followed him through a door labeled "private"; he let the bunny lead him like a terrifying version of alice in wonderland (also taking place in a dream-like world); They entered the party room- half a dozen kids propped up in sitting positions, none older than Oswald, all wearing party hats, all dead, Oswald knew the rabbit was responsible and wanted him to see his work and maybe be his next victim
After seeing the kids, Oswald screamed and ran out of the room, straight for the pit; the yellow rabbit lunged for him and followed; Oswald arose back at Jeff鈥檚 - his dad finally doing what Oswald wanted him to do when he pranked him; His dad pulled him out of the pit, and leaned over it to inspect how gross it was- this is when the bunny grabbed him and pulled him under; after a moment of both the bunny and Oswald's dad being under the pit, the bunny arose alone, no sight of his dad, and guided him toward the exit
Oswald expected Jeff to notice he wasn't with his dad but he didn't, the bunny got Oswald into his dads car and drove him home - somehow knowing how.
Part 3
"Somehow the bunny was standing right in front of him" - (moving impossibly fast- not human/ real?)
Jinx (Oswald's cat) hissed at the bunny- knowing it wasn't dad
Oswald texted his mom, letting her know something terrible has happened; when she finally came back home she didn't understand what Oswald was talking about, she couldn't see the bunny- she saw dad; Oswald was confused but wanted to trust his mom, Jinx didn't and refused to leave his spot under the bed
The bunny drove him to school the next morning, everyone else treated it as if it was dad, Oswald decided the only way to get through it was to play along
"the yellow seemed to think it was his father" (but did it? why is it doing this? what does it want?)
A girl sat with Oswald at recess, a girl with black curly hair and big brown eyes named Gabrielle holding a thick book of greek mythology that she reads when she needs to be brave, that day she needed to be brave because it was her first day of school (Gabriel of the MCI? CC? Described similarly and holds an item that helps her be brave); Oswald realizes he needs to be brave too
Once home Oswald did his chores and tried to act like everything was normal, the bunny was doing chores too; later the bunny led him to the kitchen, he had prepared lunch for Oswald- pizza and punch. (the bunny is also trying to act like everything is normal)
First Oswald thought it was a guy in a suit, then that it could be a highly sophisticated animatronic animal, then maybe a real flesh and blood giant bunny.... (which was it? What was he?)
Oswald waited till night to sneak out and he ran towards Jeffs Pizza to look for his dad, he went straight into the pit- Inside he felt a body, he had found him; He was unconscious and while trying to help him up, the bunny appeared and tried to grab Oswald- Oswald fought back (did the bunny travel there or did he just appear?)
"it unhinged its jaws to reveal double rows of fangs as sharp as scimitars." "Mouth open freakishly wide." "Its jaws wide open, like a snake" (Double row of sharp teeth like the nightmare animatronics? Is this a nightmare?) (scimitar= sword with a curved blade, mainly used in the past)
Eventually the bunny got itself tied up in the ropes and was hung, he couldn't get himself free, looked as if he was grasping for air, he struggled for a moment and then went still, Oswald blinked and hanging was only an empty bunny suit (where did he go? was he real? like in the wizard of oz when the witch dies in the beginning, she disappears leaving behind only her socks and shoes)
Oswald's dad awoke and couldn't remember what had happened, he could see the costume hanging too; Jeff was just there cleaning (had he not heard anything? Did he know what was happening? Was he in on it?)
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omniscientwreck 3 years ago
Capitalism rant incoming (I'm very angry)
So, idk if anyone has heard about this but my roommate is really in to Pokemon so I have the distinct displeasure of knowing about Logan Paul and his $1 million first edition charizard card necklace.
Logan Paul. Spent. $1 million on a pokemon card and then he had it cast in like idk resin or whatever. And he wears it around his neck. He is wearing $1 million. Around. His. Neck. Just displaying such a disgusting amount of wealth. (I'm putting the rest of this under a cut I'm literally just angry and ranting because it's either this or start drinking at 10am)
Now Logan Paul also spent. $3.5 million on a lot of pokemon cards that were all supposed to be rare or very old or whatever. But he bought from someone who's widely known as a disreputable seller and it turns out they're all fake. All of them. Logan Paul went to spend Three and a Half Million Dollars and didn't even look up the seller. Like my roommate knew of the seller mentioned in an article and knew that they were known for selling fakes. And someone who actually spent that money on those cards couldn't even be bothered to look.
So here we have a man who spent $4.5 m i l l i o n dollars on something that is functionally useless (I'm not saying people can't spend exorbitant money on things that make them happy, that's not the point of this) and not only are these cards functionally useless, most of them don't even carry the value he paid. Meanwhile we have people all over North America drowning in student and medical debt. We have people who go to payday loan advance places to get food for their kids. We have people choosing between rent, food, gas, and medication. We have people whose heat or water are cut off because they can't afford to pay bills. And Logan Paul spent $3.5 million on FAKE CARDS.
This is what I mean when I say that after a certain wealth threshold the ultra wealthy might as well be living on a different plane of existence. I cannot ever fathom having a million dollars. I will never have that much money at once. I'll never be able to get a fucking mortgage at this rate with my debt and I don't even have it that bad. I'm so fucking angry that he's allowed to have that money for... essentially nothing at all, and my community is poor and suffering. I can't imagine having even $10,000 and not sharing it with those around me, never mind having enough money to completely change their lives forever and just... hoarding it. What good is wealth if you're not using it? Flint Michigan still doesn't have drinkable water, nor do many Indigenous communities in Canada. Entire communities can't drink the water from their taps and Logan Paul spends $1 million and wears it around his neck to BRAG. To display wealth! And that's fucking insulting to everyone struggling and yeah! Maybe I am taking it too personally! But I'm fucking TIRED of seeing everyone around me constantly suffering and it's just so fucking disgusting.
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