#and i hope y’all enjoy this pic and show it some love hehe
alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
it’s my birthday!!! ya girl’s 21!!! 🎉🎉
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goldenhypen · 2 years
it’s this blog’s one year anniversary 🥹🫶🏻
happy one year y’all !! ah, wow, so many things have happened over this past year ,,, it honestly feels like i’ve been on here forever with you guys as almost another family to come to at the end of the day to listen to all my rambling about my love for jake haha (i’m half kidding) but, you guys, i’m rlly, rlly thankful for y’all. you’ve shown me sm love over this past year, more than i could’ve ever imagined. this blog has been growing crazy fast, and in just one year, with close to around 115 works (how ???) we’ve already hit 3.23k followers (hOW ??!?) !! that’s absolutely insane and incredible and i just wanna give a huge shout out and this is my shout out- to you all for making this such a fun experience and for reading and enjoying and showing love to my works, but also me as a person. i’m so grateful, and i will make an effort to work even harder in the future to repay you guys <3
ah, i’ve met so many incredible ppl along the way as well, and i wanna take this time to thank some of them, however, bc there’s just so many amazing ppl i’ve met, and you all are so special to me and have made my time on here so enjoyable, i unfortunately can’t name them all, but to just a few who have made my time on here particularly special…
[ @heeracha ] — rey <3 omg have we been through a lot ,,, i honestly can’t exactly remember how it was that we became moots (ew the term ‘moots’ sounds weird using it with you since we’re sm closer than just ‘moots’ but anyway). i think we ended up liking a bunch of each other’s works and interacting that way ,, and wow i wouldn’t have ever imagined that the talented enha/skz writer i found on the internet one day would become someone i would talk to every single day and that i’d gain a best online friend out of it <3 ,, you’ve read through paragraphs of me talking about jake, and encouraged my simping, all the way to encouraging me in real life situations, and have comforted me when i felt discouraged. it’s amazing how we can go on talking for—it’s almost been a year now, and we still talk every day. so yeah ,, thank you ,, i can’t imagine my life without you, and you’ve changed it for the better <3 ,,,, and ,, i’m sorry for not giving you your hee pics yesterday. i’ll give them to you after this though ig 🙄😔 ,,,, hehe i love you rey 🫶🏻
[ @ethereal-engene ] — ash <3 words cannot describe just how thankful i am for you. we have sm fun simping over not just jakehoon and the rest of enha but also our svt boys <33 and i don’t get to do that with moots on here v offen and so hehe i’m v grateful <3 but aside from just being friends who fangirl over boys tgt, you have also always been there for me and looked out for me and have been so understanding and supportive of me, and i always have sm fun talking to you, and you never fail to put a big, fat smile on my face. like you said, you’re basically like an older sister to me <33 you’ve become someone v special to me here, ash, and i hope we stay friends for a v long time <3 i’m so grateful for you, ash, and i have sm love in my heart for you. thank you for everything <333
[ @tyunni ] — may <3 ahhh may omg i’m trying to think of how i even met you and how we first interacted but for some reason, no matter how much i try to think, i srsly can’t remember ??? sksjs maybe you can help jog my memory 😭 but anyways, thank you for all the fun and amazing memories. we’ve shared so many deep conversations that i have never had with anyone else on here before, and even though we haven’t been friends for a year yet, i feel like we’ve known each other for sm longer (and i mean that in all the best ways). you’re my fav riki simp that i can always go to and share delulus with <//3 and just ,, you’ve put so many smiles on my face over this past year with all the things we talk about, and i’ve also never had anyone reblog works with as encouraging messages as you have, and now i take that with me and do the same to others so that hopefully i can put just as wide of a smile on their faces as you have mine. i’ve learned sm from you, but this is just one of the many <3 anyway, i can go on and on about just how grateful i am for you, but hopefully this gives a little bit of an idea <3 love you sm, may <3
[ @sultrybaby ] — kel <3 oh how less joyful my time on here would be without you :’) you’re such a fun and thoughtful person, and i’m truly grateful that i’ve had you with me on this journey. i legit can’t even picture this place without you. idk if you know just how caring and encouraging and understanding you are to not only me but also to lots of other on here. we’ve shared so many deep convos with one another, and i’m grateful that you’ve always been here for me when i need it. you’ve put countless smiles on my face, and you’re someone i think of every day, and i adore you and only wish the best for you. you’re such a supportive friend that i can relate to on so many levels, and i just wanna thank you for all the invaluable memories we’ve created. love you sm, kel <333
[ @kpophubb ] — my lovely mia <3 my angel !! mia you are the sweetest, most thoughtful and caring person on this site :( truly, i wanna thank you for everything :( thank you for being there for me and supporting me and encouraging me and for showing me so much love throughout my time on here. i think you were my first moot who was a fellow jakey stan, and it’s been so fun fangirling tgt. mia, you’re one of the most thoughtful ppl i’ve met on this site, and i aspire to be like you in that way. i’m so grateful for you, and i hope we can be friends for a vv long time 🥺 i’ve watched you grow and overcome sm, and i’m so proud of you, mia, for everything <3 stay happy, love bc you deserve nothing but the best. i love you 🥹🫶🏻
[ @sungbeam ] — beam, my twin <3 omg i wish we became friends sooner 😭 like ik you interacted with me first but ugh the fact that i knew of your existence for a while before then, and i should’ve just reached out 😭 it’s the introvert em coming out 😬😭 but omg when i found out that we share sooo much in common, i obviously immediately felt so connected to you already, and it was so cool. i’m so happy we have sm to connect on and that we can go to each other to fangirl about so many things and just talk about all the things we share in common but also the things we differentiate on so that we can learn from each other too :) also ,, kinda random but i’m also rlly glad i found your blog bc i rlly, rlly enjoy reading your works bc they’re some of the most well-written works i’ve read on here, and i honestly aspire to write like you lol ,, but ahem anyways :D thanks, beam, for all the fun memories so far ,, i can’t wait for what the future holds and to make even more memories tgt <3 i love you <3
[ @ljeyes / @enhasfever ] — ari <3 i don’t want this to make you feel pressured to return anytime soon, but it would feel wrong leaving you out of this post since you’ve made such a huge impact on my life here on this blog. you were my first ever moot on here, and i remember reading your works and just being stunned by your style and talent ,,, still to this day, almost whenever i read any fics on here, i think of you and still just wonder how anyone could be so talented. like i still look up to you sm. you’re like an older sister to me and a role model, and i’ve learned sm from you. you’ve provided me with so many fun memories, and ahhh omg i miss you sm :(((( come back 🥺 jk i already told you i don’t want this to pressure you, but ah i rlly, rlly miss you, ari :( i hope you’re doing well :( thank you for being one of my best friends on here :( i love you so much, and truly, thank you for everything you’ve done for me <333
these got so long, i got so carried away ahaha as i write this it’s now already 2:30 am- oops lol i wasn’t even planning on writing individual messages for all y’all but it felt wrong not including them, so ,, yeah. in other words though, if the messages were too long ,, i love you guys and it’s rlly hard to put into just one paragraph how grateful i am for you 🥹🫶🏻
but anyways, this and sm more has happened within just one year of me being here ,, it makes me wonder what else awaits in the future and what new things i’ll experience and who else i’ll meet this upcoming year <3
anyway, i’m still at it, and y’all have helped me stay motivated and to keep on writing, and so thank you for all your support and kind words. i see and read every single one of them <3 you all have helped me grow confidence and challenged me to write a lot this past year, but it’s been rlly good <3
sending you each the fattest virtual hug rn <33 thank you for one fantastic year, you guys <3 it makes me infinitely more excited for the next <3
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x-lulu · 4 years
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hii y’all, so I wanted to say thank you to some people and wish them a lovely new year. we of course have to deal with time zones and different religions that have influence on when the new year starts, so i’m just gonna post it now.
I love you all, to some I talk every day, to some just a few asks so now and then and others presence I just enjoy on my dash, nonetheless I love all of you and I’m grateful you put up with my shit haha x
I also wanted to say a quick thank you to all the lovely anons, your asks make my day and I’m honoured that you take time to send me some :) so thank you and I hope y’all have a lovely 2021!! ofcourse I wish everyone a happy new year as well, all my followers, everyone on this site, no matter who you are have a wonderful 2021 and may you get all the love and happiness you deserve x
dani, my older and wiser sister! I love you, I haven’t been texting you as much as i used to sorry, i think we’re both quite busy. anyway this doesnt make me love you any less, i love you lots bby! you were one of the first people that welcomed me, supported me and cared about me, most important of all, you were the first that gave me the feeling i wasn’t completely worthless and that you did that means so much! you are such a talented person and your writing is incredible!! but the most amazing thing about you is how lovely of a person you are. you care so much and you’re there for everyone, you defend your friends and anyone who needs defending. you always know how to cheer me up with pics of your lovely princess, chels is just absolutely gorgeous!!! I think you’re a wonderful friend, someone who you can laugh and cry with, thank you, im grateful i’ve met you this year and i hope that there are a lot of conversations to come. have a lovely new year babe
bubba, bella, how gorgeous are you ma’am????? i dont think it’s fair for the rest of us!!! i dont know where to start, you honestly mean so much to me. which may suprise you because we havent talked that many times, but i loved every single conversation we’ve had. you really helped me become the person i am, you helped me feel comfortable with my sexuality and gave me the confidence to come out to my parents, ill forever be grateful. but apart from how much you helped me, i think you are such a lovely woman, who sadly had too many things thrown at her by life. Im so sorry you’re having these hard times and i wish i could take those away from you. you are one of the most beautiful persons i’ve ever met, inside and outside!! you’re funny, you’re caring, you’re intelligent, you’re talented, you’re loving, you’re amazing bella and im honoured to have my cuddle bear be named after you hahah. I love you bub and i know it can be hard to talk to people or ask for help or just a distraction, because sometimes we dont need help or dont know what to talk about, i just want to let you know that i will always be here and i promise you can talk about anything with me, you are so strong love and i believe you will get through this and that you are gonna make beautiful memories, i love you! may 2021 be a year to make wonderful memories and may you get the love you deserve and you deserve lots of it <3
kyr! hi! i love you and every time i see you on my dash i get a smile on my face. you really have your own sense of humour and randomness, both which i adore. your jokes make me laugh in public and people are like wtf she laughing about haha. i relate to a lot of things you post haha and while we might not talk that much, i feel close to you. you kind of feel like a sister to me haha. you’re also a queen and come up for yourself and your believes, but also in a respectful way and i just admire that about you. I hope you have a wonderful new year and that it exists of a lot more of your random asks ;)
ps. can i call you kyr bear? idk i was thinking about you and my mind went to kyr bear hahah
lunaaaa bby! we both thought the other didn’t like them haha, but gosh i love you 👉👈 we haven’t been talking for that long yet i think two weeks maybe? idk but you’re already really important to me! i wish i could do more for you than just listen and maybe give some advice, but sadly i cant hold you in my arms and protect you from the world. i will however always do my best and ill be here for you no matter what. you deserve the world my love and things will get better and im here along the way and so are lots of other people, you really are loved bubba!!! i also started watching hannah montanna since you mentioned you loved that show ;) and finally someone with the same love for the little mermaid hahah. I hope that in 2021 we can get even closer, but i think we’re going down the right path <3 i love you and wish you a wonderful new year with lots of love, healing and health, because you deserve it so much! you’re also so strong and i fully believe that you will get there x
hey love, we don’t really talk but i wanted to add you to the list. i really admire you!! you stand up for what you believe in, you educate so many people and do what’s right in this world!! you love your friends and i believe you’d anything for them!! you’re also hella funny and seeing you in my dash can make my day. i just wanted to tell you that you’re a wonderful human being and you make the world a lot better!! i hope you keep being the amazing person you are and i wish you all the love and happiness in the world!! also you’re a badass haha, happy new year angel 🖤
anna bby, you’re the sweetest person i’ve ever met!! i love interacting with you so much, you always bring a smile to my face and i believe you do that to a lot of people. you’re an incredible presence on tumblr and in the world, i believe you make everyone’s life a bit brighter and i hope i can do the same for you. on top of that you’re also hella talented, idk what god thought when he made you ;) I love that we have gotten closer in the past few weeks, i cant believe that i hadn’t made the connection between you and your sideblog hahah, but now i know you and im grateful for it!!! you’re a loving, caring and supporting lil bean and i love you! i feel like i can come with anything to you and you’ll be there for me and that is an amazing feeling, so here just a reminder that you can also come with anything to me <3 i hope 2021 is gonna be a good year for you, you deserve it!! 
ps - you’re absolutely gorgeous
hi sweetheart!! when i think of christmas i think of you ;) (i wrote this when it was almost christmas not new year haha) you’re such a cozy and sweet human being!! you’re supportive, caring and loving!! you always make my days better and i’m so grateful to have met you!! also your dog is just the most adorable ever!! im so glad you decided to come in my ask box and start interacting, i love you babe, i hope all the love you give you’ll receive in 2021, you’re deserving of a lot of love <3
my queen! hi! we don’t talk as much as I would want to, but gosh i just have a comfortabel vibe with you, i feel like i can come with anything to you and every time i see you on my dash, asks, dm anything it brings a smile on my face. i’ve said it before, but you’re that one friend who you can both laugh and cry with. i feel like you’re this amazing presence here on tumblr and everyone is grateful to have you x i love you babe and i hope we will get closer in the new year :) if you’re up for that as well ofcourse hahah, im not going to force you to be friends with me (well... maybe i am... but we’re not gonna talk about that...). I wish you the best and i hope 2021 will treat you wonderful x
izzy hi!! babe i love you and all your randomness, every time i see you in my dash i get a smile on my face!! also your work is incredible!!! and i love seeing you simping haha!! your whole blog is basically a mood and i love it 🥰 thank you for being your lovely self!! i hope you’ll get the love and happiness you deserve and i also hope to get closer in 2021 hehe ;) you’re just this amazing person and im honoured to be moots! have a lovely new year x
elle my love, if we’re gonna talk about lovey and talented people ofcourse we have to add you to the list. you’re one of my favourite writers of all time, your titles, your aesthetic, your concepts, your way with words, it’s all so perfect!!! you always amaze me and then we started talking and omg you’re such a sweet person and every time i get an ask or a message from you it puts a smile on my face. i’m grateful i met you this year and i wish you all the best, i believe in you, you’re so strong!! i know you go through some difficult stuff, but i will always be there for you, remember you are worthy and so loved!!! i love you, have a wonderful 2021.
pink gosh im gonna miss you so bad, but i’m also really proud of you for doing what’s best for you and i really hope it will have positive effect on your well being and your happiness!! you’re such a loving and welcoming person!! thank you for being who you are and making so many peoples lives better, we all care about you babe!! have a lovely 2021 <3
hey love, if i’m gonna be honest here, you were the person who gave me the confidence to start being myself on this site, you probably don’t remember but once you send me an ask and wished me a lovely week, which brought a smile to my face!! that was the moment that i decided to be myself, thank you for that!! apart from that you are so freaking talented, i say it all the time but your work is like reading poetry, how you come up with your sentences i have no clue, but it’s wonderful and i’m amazed every time!! you’re also a lovely human being and your posts on my dash always make me smile!! i hope you have a lovely 2021 babe, i love you <3
sky my love, you’re such a loving and supporting human being. you really bring peace on my dash and give me a calm feeling!! I honestly still can’t believe that my tumblr crush knew who I was and wanted to talk to me haha. I’m obsessed with your work and there are so many people who admire you, which you totally deserve!!! It’s almost unbelievable how talented you are haha and your music taste is also on point!! and how cool is it that you can play the guitar and have a job to do with music, I love it and you’re so talented and well deserving of every good thing that comes on your path. have a lovely new year x
hi bub, you’re one of my role models 🙈 you’re a classy badass who I admire so much, you’re one of the most talented persons I’ve ever met! you’re also so lovely and sweet!!! and you’re a really fascinating and interesting woman as well!! I wish you all the best my love, remember to take some time for yourself and try to ignore those toxic people, you’re more than enough and deserve to feel happy and loved
tess, i know you haven’t had the best time lately and i wish 2021 could be a whole new start for you, sadly mental health doesn’t work that way. however i really hope it will be better for you and you’ll learn to have hope and maybe love yourself, because you are so worth it. you are beautiful on the inside and on the outside. you send love to people and make others peoples days better and that is the most wonderful trait someone can have, i believe in you, you are strong and even tho it may not feel like that but it will get better and i’m always here!! you’ll get help along the way, from me but also from so many other people who love you!! i hope 2021 will treat you better, you deserve all the love and the happiness ma’am, happy new year!!
hi audrey, we haven’t talked that much yet, but you’re the first blog i followed on here. you’re so talented and seeing you on my dash always brings a smile to my face. so i decided to send you an ask and then i found out that you’re a lovely human as well!! i wish you the best for 2021, you deserve all the happiness and love in the world!!
well lara, where do I start, last but definitely not least. I just had to put you last because I knew your message would be one of the longest haha. it feels so weird for someone to accept me completely as who i am, but you do exactly that! okay now im starting to cry again, but you mean so much to me. you’re the best that happened to me in a long long time and you’re honestly the person who helps me the most, gives me the best feelings, it’s incredible how much talking to you can cheer me up and when i think about you i start to smile (and sometimes cry hahah, jeez i come over like a cry bby, i promise im not hahaha). you’re one of the most loving and caring persons i’ve ever met. you were so welcoming since the first time we met and i feel like we kinda immediatelly hit it off. we didnt have that ‘how are you and where do you live’ kind of conversations, while there is nothing wrong with small talk, i feel like we pretty much immediatly started being our weird selves around each other and i love it. we have like three dates every week haha and those are honestly what gets me through the week. and we basically interact almost every hour, no matter if it’s trough text, snap, tumblr or tiktok hahah. ive never felt more myself, more loved or more capable than with you. on top of that you are hella talented, wise, intelligent, gorgeous, pretty much perfect ;) i absolutely love everything about you, from the clumsy stuff you do to the sweet good morning and good night messages, from the random snaps to the deep conversations, from the weird asks to just basically acting like we’re a couple hehe. i just love everything and i cant imagine my life without you, im never letting you go babe. 
@dmonchld @jiaraendgame @vintageobx @rafeyybabyy @camillemonty, @amorejjaygron​ 
we may not interact that much but every time I see you on my dash or asks or something it brings a smile to my face!! 
also @dmonchld you are my icon 🙈 and i admire you so much, im just a scared lil bean which stops me from interacting with you hahah, but you’re so strong and brave. i think you are a wonderful friend and just an incredible person in general
@jiaraendgame your music taste is just on point!! and im so grateful for you, when ive posted about tough subjects you comment and even when we didnt know each other you supported me and comforted me, thank you, i think you are this amazing person and i love every interaction with you
@vintageobx and @rafeyybabyy you guys were some of the first people I started talking to and you’ve always been supportive thank you for that!! you’re both really kind and i hope 2021 will treat you with nothing but love 
@camillemonty and @amorejjaygron you both make me feel welcome on this site and I’m really grateful for that!
i wish you all a wonderful new year and may it be filled with love, laughter and making wonderful memories 
i love you 
btw i started writing this like a month ago, because i never work on the stuff that i need to work on and knew i wouldn’t be able to finish it if i didn’t start already haha, so yeah, with some people the relationships might have changed a bit, like we’ve already become closer, but i think it’s all pretty up to date, but if it isn’t then you know that that’s why <3 and there are probably a lot of errors because it’s barely proofread and i’m a horrible at typing so that’s that 🙈
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intuitive-bbloom · 3 years
hi :) im here for the exchange readings “how would you be as a kpop idol :)
my initials are TS ⭐️
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keywords: exercise, purple concept, shut down dating rumor, go to dinner with manager/CEO, glitter, pretty lips, body language?, sparkly microphone, pirouette, meditation after first win, doing a challenge, leg injury, baking, park jimin, “darling”, hair bun
concept: im getting a siren vibe, a cross between sexy and sweet? maybe inspired by mermaids or sirens, a lot of purples (in one of your music videos i can see your group doing the “slow motion run in a big dress” but one of you will be drenched in water for this!!!! i think the makeup would be sparkly tbh
you would have this sweet elegant image (kind of like mina from twice) you would like to give recommendations of your favorite media to your fans on twitter or during v lives hehe (i think you’d look up to namjoon/RM a lot, teasing him for his cooking also oh) im hearing specially he showed you a pic of his pasta haha
group members: 5-7 (it can be where you started with 5 but then your group had members added after a while)
your position: main dancer, vocalist
overall i think to the fans it would look like some of your members have a crush on you (shippers would love this) im seeing you give them this signature smirk sometimes and a lot of fans find it super attractive lmao (there would be a compilation of you doing that) ? also i think you’d get a dog a few years in (also you’d beg your CEO or company to let you switch concepts is what im getting, maybe you don’t like the color purple) im hearing you want to do elegant and dark concepts :) your members find you supportive of them
(you’d get emotional if your family visited you tbh)
your debut song could potentially sound like this
shufflemancy message about your experience if you were a kpop idol 💌
end to start by nct
“dance on the surface to draw and draw and dance all”
Hey CB💕💕💕
Wow this reading is so awesome! I love it!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕 thank you! 💕💕💕💕
Let me get into yours!
Keywords: Cham, the sunshine, pink, heartthrob, our angel, stalkers, the fans favorite
Concept: You wear the cutesy outfit to match with the persona of your idol hood, it’s like lolita but at other times it’s starry with this soft makeup, when you shift it up to accommodate new stuff, I see you wearing fierce make up and hitting those vocal notes shocking your fans, your voice is super amazing to listen to and you always seem to reach new heights with your lovable character.
People love watching you on variety shows, it’s your laughter they love the most and the way you have fun with your teammates. You also seem to have a weird sense of humor and do you get flustered easily cuz I’m seeing a lot of blushing and those editors taking advantage to put those funny edits on you, I also see you like struggling in some challenges I’m sorry but your frustration is so funny 😭😭😭 like damn If y’all are on a fishing trip you won’t be catching any and the moment you leave and your teammate goes to your spot they’ll catch one almost immediately.
People love watching your vlives and you receive a lot of gifts in your meet and greet! Hehehehe
Group members: 5 or 6
Your position: Main vocalist, dancer
Overall: As a K-pop idol, you are the sunshine and the meme, people relate to you and enjoy your presence, they feel so connected to you and although you have saseangs and some jealous members you never fail to deliver when it comes, you have a hard time adapting to some concepts but when you get it, you own it like a boss ass bitch. People also ship you with some members especially one that you guys are really close, y’all even have compilation videos.
Your debut song probably sounds like this
Some cards from my goodie bag!
Praying mantis
In with the new, out with the old
The harvest is ready
Hope you liked it! 💕💕
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anasreginas · 5 years
Greetings peeps!
I hope you’re all doing well! I am! So as I promised you, today I’m here again with another fashion review, cause there’s no way I’m missing a single one! I mean, I hope
As always, I’ll be reviwing 5 people’s outfits from the red carpet, well, there’s an expection but I mean, I’m just adding one outfit to the list hehe 😛
2019 Billboard Music Awards Fashion Review:
Cardi B:
Omg yassssss Cardi!!! 😍
Outfit 1:
Ok so I don’t like saying this but I don’t like her outfit. I mean, her body looks stunning  🤤🤤 and she’s showing some great abs, but there’s something about it I don’t like. I mean, I love the color. 😍 But I don’t like the design of the bra, and then fact that there’s a bra and a skirt gives me Jasmine vibes, idk I don’t love this for a red carpet.
Also, I like that her long @$$ nails match the dress!
Outfit 2:
On the other hand, I’m IN LOVE with the second outfit!!! She still shows abs and looks stunning! I love the color, the fabric, the shoulders, she sleeves…. I love everything about it!! 😍😍😍
Her hair in both pics *which is the same hair* looks amazing!!! Oh and I love her makeup, she always gets it done incredibly!!!
Becky G:
Yaaaay Becky G!
I’m not a big fan of this dress either. 😭 It has no shape, there’s no detail to it, it just looks really simple.. I don’t like it. And I mean, her fashion sense is really cool, out of all the things she could’ve worn, she wore that dress?
Her hair looks really good, although I’ve never been really into the hair pieces that go at the front, but I love a good ponytail 😊😊 Also, her makeup looks amazing!!! I love them long lashes!!! 😍
Also, I actually really liek her shoes, they’re white and I just love the design!
Omg Halsey!
Ok so I never thought I was gonna say this, but I actually like this dress, it’s really cool! It’s so different and it looks good! You know, there’s people who wear dresses that have different patterns, however that usually turns out bad, this is not the case at all!! 😍
The blue part looks like trash bag plastic, but who cares? I love the lace and I love the top part, believe it or not. I’m just a little concerned about the boobs, why do they always look like the dress is gonna fall off? 😂 It makes me nervous. That must’ve involved a lot of tape 😂😂
I love that her lips match the dress’ color, I would’ve liked the eyeshadow to match it too though. She should eyeshadow, that would look amazing!
She looks really good in black hair, and she actually rocks short hair, but I miss her longer hair, she could grow it out for a while 🙃
I like her shoes too, I almost forgot!
Taylor Swift: 
Ok so I’m in love with this!!!!! 😍😍😍
I love the color, like I said yesterday, I’ve been obsessed with it for years! 😍 I also love the ruffles, they make her look like a sort of greek goddess, I’m SO into that!! 😝 I love the high neck too, you can never go wrong with that!
Are her shoes the same color or are they beige? I can’t tell.
I love her hair, I love when she does an updo and her bangs alway look good, also I love how she keeps her hair looking natural!
I love her makeup, it looks natural yet amazing! I love her eyeshadow and her lip color!
Patrick Star:
Omg Patrick Star! I had never seen anything like this before! Maybe people say this is what he usually does for red carpets, but I don’t think I have seen him in one, idk
He’s rocking it! I love the dress, it looks like it costs more than my existence. I love the bangs and the fabric, yasssss 👏 grrrrrl 👏 get 👏 it 👏
I love the thing on his hair, super high fashion!!! Omg and I love the nails, they also match!!!! 😝
And we don’t even have to talk about the makeup, do we? He’s a master at it!! 😍😍😍 I’m obsessed with the eyes! 😍 I love the lips and the highlighter and argh I love everything!!!!!!
Share your thoughts with me!
Which outfit was your fave? Mine would have to be either Cardi’s or Taylor’s. And least fave? Out of this list, it would be Becky’s. Are there any outfits you liked that I didn’t mention? What were your fave moments out of this award show? Tell me!!!
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I liked making it!!! I’ll be back this weekend with a movie review! I hope y’all have an amzing day/night and an amazig week!
Massive hugs! Ana Regina 🦄
Last post                                                 About me                            2018 BBMAs
2019 Billboard Music Awards Fashion Review Greetings peeps! I hope you're all doing well! I am! So as I promised you, today I'm here again with another fashion review, cause there's no way I'm missing a single one!
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anasreginas · 5 years
Greetings peeps!
How are y’all doing? You know, I’m doing good, though I’m a little sick, but oh well… Anyway, this post should actually have been posted when… in march or soemtihng? I’m a mess..
Like, I don’t even remember when my last photography post was, it’s most probably been more than a year or year and half, I’m not sure. Or maybe…. yeah, a year ago. Argh! I love taking pictures, but lately I have been doing it less.
Anyway, in March, me and 3 friends met in a town next to our town pretty much and we actually found each other in the street, cause I went there with my mom, my other friend came with his fmaily and my other 2 friends came together.
Anyway, we hung out for a while and then at some point we decided to go back home walking, so it was pretty much 9km walking, so 1 hour and half. Supposedly. 😅 It took us longer to get back, because we took a longcut, hahaha, get it? I’m so witty 😂😂
It took us what… 2 hours or 3 to get back? I mean, we had a great time, but it took us longer than expected hehe 😅
Anyway, I took this opportunity to take some pics.
Les pictures…
Here’re the pics of the river, we even stood on some rocks that were on the river, the place was really pretty!!!
And then we crossed a lil town and then and even a hotel lol
I took more than I thought lol. I really like them, the place was really pretty! I have to go there more often, it’s a very pretty ride! *that sentence was weird lol*
Share your thoughts with me!
Do you like photography!! Do you take pictures a lot? Do you like photography blogs? Do you love walks by the river? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I liked making it!!! I hope to take more pics to show them on this blog. I hope you have an maaizng day/night and an amazing week!
Massive hugs! Ana Regina 🦈
Last post                                             About me                            Last photos post
a lil trip along the river Greetings peeps! How are y'all doing? You know, I'm doing good, though I'm a little sick, but oh well...
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