#and i have forgotten the email to it and i have spent another 2 days trying
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solfaire · 2 years ago
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You ever just.. have something you like so much that you hide it away to keep it safe--- but then you forget where you hid it so now it's even out of your hands.
Nope. Never could be this mercenary.
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beatsboy · 8 months ago
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7.2.24 / day 9 of romanticizing my life until i love myself again
i am capable of so much, i can jot down some thoughts about my day and upload the photos i’ve already taken before i go to sleep, i tell myself every day, and somehow, around midnight, i tell myself it’s time, and end up finally doing it just before 2
as i write this, the nickleback documentary (love to hate) is playing in the background, it makes me think abut my conversation with mf yesterday about death, and legacy
legacy is underrated, charli says, and while i think so much of legacy is tied to privilege and nepotism and classism, i also agree in some ways. while i don’t think the past should define what is popular or notable now, i do think that we’ve come to a point in media where we focus so exclusively on the quick dopamine shot, the viral star, the instant celebrity, that we’ve forgotten why art is so much more appealing than life: it outlives us.
when i spent my time trying to be the next great american author, i told myself (half out of fear of rejection albeit) that i didn’t want success in my lifetime. i wanted to die, for my work to be discovered years later, and develop a cult-like following posthumously. yes, part of this was because i feared the prospect of becoming successful in my own short little life. and it was also because what i craved in my art was something that would transcend this present moment, that would speak to the future world. i wanted to make art that pushed boundaries and limits, and i didn’t care if everyone understood it now. i still feel that way. i am less afraid of rejection. i was rejected for a scholarship the other day, and when i received the email, i reminded myself that i didn’t even want to go back to school unless it was free. i smoked some weed and went about my day.
today, as i sat in my friend’s car in a cemetery in burbank, talking about life, music, and art, as we always do, a deer walked toward us from the other side of the cemetery and started munching on some flowers the gardener had just planted. and, though he didn’t get close, i swear he walked straight toward us for a moment and stared me right in the eye.
maybe what that psychic said wasn’t true and she was just trying to drain me of my savings and i’m not marked with the x for success in my palm. maybe everyone’s palm has that. maybe that’s just the way palms work. but being with friends who are doing the thing with me, who see the buck in the cemetery, foraging among the dead as we smoke cigarettes in his chevy and listen to demos we pray will become singles we plead to the gods people will enjoy listening and moving and crying to, i think to myself, i don’t need a psychic, and i never have. maybe my future has never been waiting for me, perhaps i have always been creating it, and will create it, one hour at a time, until i die.
in the middle of watching the nickelback documentary, i took sweet pea for a late night walk, after midnight, and i brought some scissors with me. i figured they could serve dual use as protection if needed. i walked a few blocks away from my building, waited for sweet pea to poop, and then began foraging. there is so much to forage in this city; i’ve noticed more so now that i don’t have a yard with fruit trees and such. sweet pea started sniffing a bush that i discovered to be rosemary, so i took some of that (note to self: never buy fresh rosemary again, and don’t worry about getting a plant for your apartment that you will kill) and stuffed it into my fanny pack before cutting off some white roses outside of another apartment building and some purple hibiscus from a tree outside of a separate building. i’m never buying flowers again.
who says there is no nature in this city?
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nam-daeeun · 2 years ago
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on the record | nam dae-eun
The Basics
brand of phone & color:
samsung s23, silver.
clear case with a (slightly sun-bleached) polaroid of him and his sister tucked inside. the corners are slightly bent since it's a bit too big.
locked or unlocked?:
always locked with a fingerprint lock. there's a backup pin instituted, but it's rarely used. (for the record, though, it's the address of his childhood home: 1422.)
lockscreen & wallpaper:
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screen time:
probably uses it about 4-5 hours a day, depending on the day.
five most used apps:
spotify, messenger, chrome, news, twitter.
web tabs:
generally has no more than 7-10 tabs open at any given time. 5-6 of them are articles he swears he's going to go back and read. 1 of them is a forgotten search tab that he won't remember to close for another day or so. 2 of them are the nightrest news network, permanently open since the murders started. the other 1-2 tabs are interchangeable, and he generally cycles through these for most of his general internet browsing.
last seen doing research, so it was “nightrest news.”
last text messages:
any one of a couple he sent to various friends throughout nightrest, checking up after the fires. prior to that, it was his messages to jieun.
an annoyed message from @jieunparks, calling to say she'd found out he was here in nightrest and that they needed to meet up. he left it there to remember to text her later...and then forgot to delete it. (he's been a bit distracted.) other than that, it's empty—he makes sure to go through it frequently in case any important calls come through.
Social Media
@namdae on all platforms. he's a basic man. (plus, it's professional.)
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[ feat. @kattcalled, @kyleyangs ]
he has an account, but doesn't post, just uses it to keep up with others.
doesn't have an account on any of these. never did. never will. he's wary of them.
top three songs of 2022: heather by conan gray, runaway by aurora, and cold by corbyn, in no particular order. last played song: youth by kihyun. he was looking for something else, but ended up there somehow, and he wasn't mad about it.
doesn't use it, but will watch videos if others send them to him.
he uses it, but only when forced to. barely touches his own account, just has it for family updates.
has a youtube account, but never uploads. his email is primarily used for professional correspondence. uses twitter religiously. someone pull this man away from the bird app. please.
doesn't often save his contacts with funny names because it makes it hard to find the ones he needs—although he will use nicknames sometimes. uses primarily emoticons while texting rather than emojis because, honestly, he's just too lazy to switch the keyboard. keeps his apps all stuffed into four folders so that he can actually see his background—he hates those people who cover their screens with so much crap that you can't see the picture; why even bother setting one? always forgets to turn off unnecessary app notifications so he generally accumulates a lot of nonsense stuff throughout the day that he just swipes away. doesn't use a screen protector—he just doesn't drop it.
bonus: an additional edit that i spent a ton of time making before i realized there was no room for it. enjoy this article from the future.
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yuly · 2 years ago
I desperately need a part 2 to the “that’s Hotchner to you, agent” plz plz plz 🙃
→ hi lovely anon! ask and you shall receive! cw: only fluff I promise!
Aaron Hotchner x genderal neutral reader 
Always Aaron to You
Aaron is not a person who gives his trust easily. Once his trust has been broken, he clams up like a shell and prying that open might cost you a couple fingers. It's been a month now and you are willing to do whatever it takes for him to even look in your direction again. You miss your Aaron, your cuddle buddy, your confidant, your man. Because your words caused him this much pain and undid all the work the two of you have done to get him to express his feelings and be open, you have to think of a way to get him to see and hear just how sorry you are. With Valentine's Day coming up, you decide to use that to your advantage. If he throws it back in your face, you would take it in stride and leave him alone for good, this was your last shot. 
Aaron is not a shopping fanatic and he's not the easiest to buy gifts for, you know that he does everything in life for the people he loves, so you decide to take a page out of his book and pray it goes well.
He comes home absolutely exhausted, the case was long, the jet lag severe, and the whole precinct annoyed him to no end. Worst of all, he had to spend yet another day pretending to be angry with you when all he wanted was for things to go back to normal. But his pride was hurt so he kept the act up. As he made his way to the doorstep, Aaron thought of all the non-work related things he needed to get done this weekend and he let out an exasperated sigh. Being a single father with his work schedule was exhausting, to say the least. Aaron hated asking for help, but he so desperately needed to get some rest this weekend. As he entered his apartment, he toyed with the idea of swallowing his pride and maybe asking Jessica for a favour. 
Aaron was surprised to find Jack running about the apartment, stuffing a suitcase with clothes, toys and other odd bits.
“Dad! Guess what! I’m going to the Star Wars all-weekend exhibit with Jessica and cousins!!!!” Jack rambled excitedly, nearly foaming at the mouth. Apparently, Jessica was lucky enough to get her hands on some of the last tickets at the very last minute.
“I hope you don’t mind me whisking him away so last minute, I’m sorry if you had plans together or-”
“No, no, not at all actually. Thank you, Jess. It's been a long week I actually could use a weekend in, I owe you.” She smiled and swatted him away. Aaron wondered how his silent prayers of a quiet weekend were answered so quickly.
The next day, Aaron got an email reminding him of a golfing event he apparently booked in advance in the city. Aaron was confused, having no relocation of signing up, bet there was the receipt, from a month ago, under his name and credit card. He had actually been looking forward to going for a while now and must’ve forgotten about signing up. He spent the day catching up and flexing his skills in front of old friends. As he looked over the green hills and admired the view, Aaron got a text from Jessica, a photo of Jack and his cousins having an absolute ball at “stars wars land” as he called it, much to Jack’s dismay. He quickly saved the photo and sent her a thank you text back. At that moment, as the sun smiled down on him from its midday spot in the sky, Aaron felt content and happy, he felt lucky and again, he silently questioned how and why this weekend seemed to only get better. It was almost perfect, save for the small part of him that yearned for you.
When Aaron returned home that evening to find a bouquet of pink and white flowers, he was immediately on high alert. He cleared the area, and scanned the object carefully, only entering his home once he was certain everything was ok. He disarmed the alarm system and quietly closed the door behind him. He went through every square inch of the home, only relaxing when he successfully cleared the premises. He turned his attention to the bouquet of flowers, shades of pink and white staring back at him. He set them down on the kitchen counter, shifting his focus to the small card in the center.
“Agent Hotchner, please accept these as a token of my apology. 
The pink hydrangeas symbolize my regret over my words and actions toward you. I hope the optimism of the lily of the valley can bring a rebirth in our friendship, and that the pink peonies bring you good luck, maybe they can be the angel that silently answers your prayers.
- Agent L/N.”
Aaron is taken aback, he honestly cannot remember a time in his life when he received flowers in such a loving gesture. It flusters him as he’s unsure how to place this emotion that was nagging at his chest. The last line makes the cogs in his brain spin and his heart race. Could it be possible that this weekend was your doing? Or was the sweet gesture getting to his head.
“Aaron, is everything ok?” He could hear the kids laughing in the background.
“I need to know where did you get the tickets from”
After a bit of resistance, Jessica confesses that you had gifted them the tickets. She insisted that it was simply a kind gesture and pleaded with Aaron not to say anything.
Within 15 minutes, Aaron is at your doorstep with the flowers in hand.
“Aar-Agent Hotchner?”
“You bought those tickets for Jack didn’t you?”
Your gaze shifts to your feet, unsure how to read his flat tone and fearing the worst.
“And the golfing, you signed me up for it didn’t you?”
You look up to meet his eyes now, honey-coloured orbs that make your knees weak. His expression is difficult to read but his tone is soft. 
“Thought I’d make it up to you, show you how sorry I am.”
His heart aches at how docile and unsure you sound. He lifts your chin up to meet your eyes once again and spares you a smile, “you are my light at the end of the tunnel, I hope you know that.”
A shy breaks across your face, the warmth of his words wrapping around you snugly. 
“Aaron, always Aaron to you, Y/N. I love you”
You nuzzle into his chest, relieved that this long and drawn-out fight between you is finally over. Something clicks and the final piece of the puzzle has found its place as harmony is restored between you and Aaron.
“I love you, Aaron.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
@michasia24 @hizzielover @shamelessfangirl-3 @lilozg-123 @daily-evanstan  @justarandommom @hausofwhores
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dxrlington · 3 years ago
I Know The End (2/3) by herbologists
Summary: Jyn has Commitment Issues. Cassian has the patience of a saint. AU, 2/3. / You can’t need me, she’d once said, what felt like ages ago, and he’d laughed a little, without humor, without shame, thinking she was silly to not know—he already did.
Part one here!
Sunday, Cassian drifts.
He is there and then not, lost somewhere days and weeks and months in the past, his fingers knotted in familiar dark hair, mouth pressed open against bare skin. He can hardly focus on the menial, and though he is not one to often daydream, his disappointment mounts until there is nothing left to do but relive their numbered days again and again, searching the snapshots of what seem to be an entirely different life than the one he lives now for an answer. Suddenly, there is a before and an after, and as he desperately clings to the legs of something now spent, they steadily march forward and then without warning, without hesitation, leave him there in a cloud of dust.
When he’d woken, he’d turned towards the sun, stretching like a lazy cat, forgetting for a blissful moment. Then a cloud had passed, shadows where she had been just before. He’d forced himself out of bed, pulling the curtains shut with a snap, eclipsing the room. Just yesterday, he’d imagined a halo, a crown of gold spun through her hair, the glory of the rising sun behind her paling in comparison. How could such a thing be left to the recesses of memory, fallible as they were? She would fade, and then slowly, eventually, cease to exist. A day will inevitably come when he will be unable to conjure the vivid green of her eyes or the sharp tilt of her smirking mouth. It was more than a little pathetic, but as he’d thought of that coming day, staring into the orange of the risen sun that burned behind the closed shade, all he’d felt was tremendous relief. She will become lost to the passing years, another love laid to rest, and then in the end only an old man’s regret.
The thought of breakfast nauseates him as he ventures down the hall and through the kitchen, purposefully avoiding her mug where it still rests on the floor, dried splotches of cream peppering the tile. He sinks onto the couch in the living room. Idly fiddling with the frayed ends of a gray throw blanket. That loneliness she’d always shoved away was seeping into him now, blotting out all traces of logic, leaving him in this forlorn heap on the lumpy cushion. He is, naturally, practical and irritably pragmatic, and this will not really kill him, but it was entirely consuming—the heart’s parlor trick. More chemical bullshit, that’s all it is, and yet, he feels sickened, incensed, and hopeless all at once.
But more than anything else, he misses her.
He sighs heavily, tilting his head back to stare at the pocked ceiling. He’d forgotten himself, his cautious nature, growing weak for that curling laugh, too distracted by the cream of her bare shoulders and the perfect curve of her waist to notice the oncoming train.
By mid-morning, he reluctantly pulls himself away from the enticing comfort of the couch, busying himself with throwing together a grocery list and clicking through work emails, anything to retain a sense of normalcy and stave off the abyss. He can only wallow for so long; today and then no more. There is still life, that ‘after’ bullshit, waiting for nothing and no one, with not even the faintest regard for those longing to suspend time, those lingering in the before.
As he scrubs her away, on his hands and knees with a tattered cloth, the day drags, but the ache begins to dull, no sting, no pressure, just a constant hum in the back of his mind. He doesn’t have to try to think of her, she is ever-present—absently, subconsciously. He has no choice but to accept her place there, letting himself wonder if she’s slept, if she’s ate, if she’s wondering about him too.
He’d tossed and turned much of the night before, only passing into a dreamless sleep in the early morning hours, an uncharacteristic bitterness swirling deep within. He’d wasted far too much time mentally drafting a response to her late text, some long-winded, some ending with her contact information completely wiped from his phone. In the end, he’d said nothing, swiping their message thread away, unsubscribing from her social media feeds. He’d thought of venturing into his camera roll, as if tossing all traces of her into the cyber trash would erase the happenings of the last year from his own human mind. He’d decided against it upon opening the app, the first image that greeted him a dewy moss-laden forest grinning back at his downtrodden frown, red solo cup in hand, bag of Cheetos in the other. She’d once looked at him with such adoring warmth, her smile at first infectious, then healing, stitching all the ripped seams he’d never bothered to notice back into place. He’d clicked the screen off before the sight of her flawless and rosy-cheeked completely did him in, tossing his phone to the bottom of the bed, kicking a sheet over it.
Sleep well, she’d texted. As if. How can he, when he only dreams of her? How can he, when he’s been asleep at the wheel his entire life, roused only by the sound of shattering glass and a smart mouth? She had to have known, as she toyed with him in the dim kitchen that night, a pact made with her blood smeared across his palm, that she was waking him from the deepest, most monotonous slumber. He’d risen, bright-eyed for the first time in years, and had fallen into bed with her again and again, fallen in love with her again and again. With a stare like that, scrutinizing, cutting, she must have known, she had to have known, that from the very first moment he’d laid eyes her, he’d short-circuited, then rewired, threads of her tangling all his inner workings into inconceivable knots.
Read more here!
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matbarzyy · 4 years ago
4 times you made Mat’s apartment feel like home and 1 time you didn’t
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A/N: This is my first ever attempt at a 4+1, I figured it’d be fun to try. This is angst so that I don’t always post fluff/smut, I like to mix it up lol. It was supposed to be a relatively short one and I somehow ended up at 5k so enjoy I guess.
Word count: 5210
Warnings: Heartbreak I guess
One month.
It was the longest you had gone without seeing Mat since you had moved in together. You were both buzzing for him to come back so you could be sharing the same space again, you could never get enough of each other.
“Hello beautiful,” Mat’s grin was the biggest you had ever seen on his face, it was the kind of smile he could never fight off even if he wanted to.
“Hi handsome,” You returned the greeting with the words you used every time he called you. It started off as a joke but quickly became a habit that made both of your hearts flutter.
Mat didn’t hesitate to step forward and engulf you in a tight hug, his bags forgotten by the door.
“I missed you,” He breathed out, squeezing you against him and bathing in the feeling of holding you again. You smelled like home. It was everything he had been dreaming of alone in his bed, your warmth, the way you fit perfectly against his body.
“You’re never going anywhere without me again,” You mumbled against his chest, knowing you wouldn’t be pulling away for another minute or two at least.
You said it every time, you hated being away from him, but after you settled down together for a few days you went back to your usual mood. Mat needed to move, he loved hockey and visiting his family or travelling for games. You loved coming with him for those things, but sometimes he had to go alone and you were both okay with it.
Things never changed. You loved each other more than words could describe, some time apart would never break that. Every time Mat came home he still felt the exact same way about you, and you felt the exact same way about him. It was comfortable and safe to be together, you made each other happy.
“Do you mind if I go shower quickly? And then we can get cuddled up in bed?” Mat kissed the top of your head, rubbing your back gently as he pulled back to look at you.
“Can I come in the shower with you?” Your arms remained around his torso, refusing to let him go, and a soft smile grew on his face.
“Of course baby,”
There was nothing sexual about it, although you could never lie about what seeing Mat naked did to you. It was intimate and comforting, something you desperately needed after missing out on hugs and kisses for so long.
“You have no ideas how many times I dreamed of this with you,” Mat guided you under the stream of water so that you could rinse off the soap he had been rubbing over your body.
Steam was building up in the room, making the mirror foggy and warming up the air. You liked it that way, it meant less fighting between you and Mat to be under the hot water.
“It’s been the same here for me,” You kissed his jaw and guided him to turn around so that you could rub his back. “I think about you constantly,”
“You wanna go on a date tomorrow night?” He spoke softly as the tension fell from his muscles. You were magic.
“Of course,” You kissed his shoulder blade. “We always go on a date the day after you get back,”
“I know,” He hummed, turning back to face you. “I always look forward to it, it makes things feel normal again,”
“Mat?” You whispered because of how close he suddenly was, his hands at your waist and his forehead resting against yours.
“I love you so much it still overwhelms me every time I see you.” You told him without shying away. Mat was your safety, the person you confided everything in, and you opened your heart to him without hesitation.
His lips found yours without a reply, but the way he kissed you told you enough. You wrapped your arms around his neck to get closer and felt his own tighten around your body, pulling you in until the rest of the world disappeared. Mat murmured something against your lips when he gently pushed your back against the wall, but his lips were still so close to yours that you couldn’t decipher the words.
What he said didn’t really matter, Mat was home.
“It’d be cute if we had a puppy,” Mat finished folding your favorite blanket on the couch to tidy the living room. It was all he had found to keep himself busy, but since the place was already clean there wasn’t much for him to do.
“Mmh, yeah, maybe,” You smiled at him as you looked up from your laptop, barely hearing his words but replying anyway because you didn’t want to ignore him.
You still had a lot of work to do but Mat was being the most distracting person ever. He thought it was fair, it was his first weekend home in a long time and he hadn’t spent time with you apart from sleeping in at least three weeks, if not a month. He had then spent two days away and just got back. He knew it wasn’t like he left for a roadie or some other long trip, but he had still expected you’d catch up on quality time together.
“What kind of dog would you want?” He interrupted your focus once more, hoping it would start an actual conversation that would stop him from being so bored. He knew there were other things for him to do, but nothing he wanted to do without you.
“I don’t know Mat,” You half sighed, frowning as you struggled to put the end of your sentence together.
“I think a golden retriever would be cute,”
“I’m still working, you mind giving me just another hour of quiet?” You eventually tore your eyes from the screen to give him your full attention. It was what he wanted, but not exactly like this.
“Yeah sure,” Mat tried not to take it to heart, you didn’t sound snappy, but he still felt like you didn’t want him around.
He missed you and everything you used to do together, he couldn’t help being needy, and your rejection, although justified, hurt him.
You bit your lip as you got through the last of your emails, doing everything you had to get done by the end of the night while Mat stayed in your shared bedroom on his own. You almost called him over to tell him he could watch something with you while you worked, but it would be too distracting for you and you didn’t know if he was mad at you.
“Hey champ,” You quietly opened the door to the bedroom, tiptoeing to your side of the bed because it was the closest. “Can I join?” You knew he’d be watching hockey for a while still, and while you weren’t particularly in the mood to focus on a game you just wanted to be with him.
“Course,” He glanced at you but focused back on the screen quickly. He was clearly in work mode too, watching players carefully to see what he could pick up from them to up his game.
You hesitated for a second, wondering if you were bothering him, but you climbed into the bed anyway. Mat opened an arm wordlessly, inviting you to cuddle, and you didn’t need more to come rest against his side. Your eyes fell shut faster than you thought they would, you were too tired to focus on the game and the warmth of Mat’s body was all you needed to start feeling sleepy.
His body slid down with yours, putting you both under the covers while you blinked your eyes open. You didn’t realise it had been that long, and you stirred a little as you tried to look at him.
“Shh,” He kissed your forehead, pulling away to grab the remote and turn the TV off. “Go to sleep,” He didn’t let you move much, wanting to keep you in the position you were about to fall asleep into.
“You were watching the game,” You mumbled, not complaining that you had to keep your head on his chest. It was warm and comfortable, you liked feeling his heartbeat under your palm where you rested your head.
“I don’t care about the game, just wanna cuddle you,” He usually watched players carefully, but he had only put this one on to wait for you. There was nothing he wanted more than to be in bed with you, every problem of the day long forgotten as you held onto each other.
Right there, watching you fall asleep on his chest, Mat felt at home.
“What are you all dressed up for?” You looked up from your work to see Mat just finishing to button his shirt.
“I just got back, it’s date night,” His heart deflated when he realised you had forgotten, but he felt a little bit better when you closed your laptop without hesitation.
“Shit, I’m sorry. What time do we need to be there?” You glanced at your watch and bit your lip nervously.
“In half an hour, it’s fifteen minutes away,” He had picked a restaurant you mentioned wanting to try, but now that he thought about it he figured he should have made reservations somewhere he was curious about.
“I’ll hurry, we might be five minutes late?” You hoped he wouldn’t be too mad at you.
Somehow, you would have preferred a little bit of anger you could talk out than the disinterested shrug he gave you as he replied.
“Sure, it’s whatever,”
You were still thankful he never, ever raised his voice. You couldn’t take that, he had known from the start that it would only make things worse. You had enough bad experiences with men yelling in your life and you didn’t want to have to deal with more, so he had promised to always talk things out with you. He promised that no matter the temper he sometimes had on the ice, that would never be him off it.
It was part of the reason you trusted him so much. He was a wall of muscles compared to you, but you were never scared of him because he had always acted as soft as a golden retriever puppy around you.
Mat busied himself on his phone while you rushed to put on a nice blouse with trousers you recently bought. You tied the look with a pair of heels and put on a little bit of makeup before grabbing your purse and phone to meet him at the door.
“Okay I’m ready,” You followed him quickly, heading to his car while you ran your hand through your hair in hope of making it look alright.
“You’ve been working insane hours lately,”
“So have you,” You didn’t want to be mean, but Mat was always training. Working overtime wasn’t that common for you, once you were out of the office you were the most normal person, whereas Mat’s job followed him everywhere and was much harder to plan around.
“I guess yeah,” He nodded, eyes focused on the road.
Things were different lately. You were distant, barely doing anything with him, and he knew part of it was his fault too. It was one of those hard times when everything felt out of place, but they had never lasted so long in your relationship before.
“The position for general manager is open, I’m really hoping I have a shot at it,” You explained to hopefully settle the mood in the car. There was a reason you were pushing yourself until late at night, and Mat felt bad for reacting that way.
“Oh wow, shit that’s good,” He cleared his throat. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“You were busy,” You shrugged it off, trying not to make him feel like it was another dig at him.
“It doesn’t mean I don’t care,” His palm faced up when he rested his hand on his knee, hoping you’d take it.
“I know,” You placed your hand in his and squeezed reassuringly.
Dinner was still a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t as bad as the moment you spent in the car.
It was hard to place why, but the conversation felt forced. You had never found it so hard to talk to Mathew before, things had always flowed between you, but for the past few months you had grown on your own sides without sharing as much as you used to. The hockey season was just starting and you were following it, but you didn’t know as much as you should about what was going on with the team.
Mat told you about the guys and you struggled to catch up, not knowing much of what had been going on with any of his friends lately. You used to be tight with his team, they were like family, but you couldn’t even remember the last time you had even seen Tito.
Things were different, somehow, you had drifted apart and you were both clinging to something that would bring you back together. The drive back from the restaurant was quiet, music from the radio filling the gap that neither of you could acknowledge out loud.
You didn’t know where you fit in the bed that night, holding your pillow rather than Mat because he was taking too long in the shower. He never did that before, on any other date night you would immediately go to bed together, cuddling or more. Mat rarely took more showers than he needed unless he had something heavy on his mind, and he certainly never took that long in them.
You were half asleep when Mat slid into the bed behind you, burning hot from the water as he wrapped himself around your body to spoon you. You naturally relaxed against him, the tension you didn’t realise you were holding in your shoulders disappearing when he left a kiss on the back of your head.
“You know I love you, yeah?” Mat snuggled closer and made sure you were both comfortable under the covers.
“I love you too, so much,” You grasped his hand in yours, bringing it up to your lips to kiss his knuckles.
As silence filled the room your hearts still beat together, soft thumps lulling you into a peaceful sleep. There were things to talk about, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. Mat knew that no matter what, you’d forever be his home.
“It’s just a week,” Mat told you as he put his bags by the door, Tito was already on his way to pick him up, it was only a matter of minutes now.
“Yeah,” You tried to smile weakly, but he didn’t make the same effort.
“Can we talk about whatever the hell is going on with us?” He forced himself to bring it up now. He didn’t want to come back and pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t, some issues needed to be addressed before he left.
He knew that when he came back you’d both fall back into each other, blaming this week of distance for everything that was wrong, but there was more to it.
“I feel like we’re falling apart, Mat,” You voiced the fears that had been in your mind for weeks. “I just… I don’t know. I should be excited you’re going to play, or sad you won’t be home, but things have been so empty lately,”
“It feels like it won’t even change anything,” He nodded, glancing down at his feet. You were both weirdly calm about starting this conversation, days of apathy towards each other leading you to feeling numb.
“But that used to be a good thing, it didn’t matter that you were home or away, we were always fine when we talked,” You didn’t understand how or when things shifted. Mat had always been your safety, your person. You could talk easily and feel close no matter how much time you spent apart, so how was it that you were never close even when he was home lately?
“We don’t talk though,” He pointed out, making you frown although you knew what he meant.
“We do,”
“You know it’s not the same,” He shook his head a little, biting his lip to bite back tears as he thought of a way to tell you what he needed without hurting you.
He couldn’t find one.
“But-“ You didn’t want to acknowledge how wrong things were. It was still okay, there were no big fights, things could all be fixed.
“Please don’t,” His voice was soft, apologetic for the words that were about to come out. “This isn’t working the way it used to,”
“It still works, I love you,” You couldn’t look away from his eyes, and Mat tried his best not to stare at the floor or somewhere else in the room. He could see the pieces of your heart falling apart one by one, and it was all his fault.
“I love you too, that will never change but… we can’t keep on going on like this,”
“Maty please,” Your voice cracked and your heart rate picked up from the panic that took over your body. His words had never scared you more than they did right this second.
“I’m sorry, you know I don’t want this anymore than you do,” His chest tightened, it killed him to see you like this. There was nothing he wanted more than to hug you, but it wouldn’t fix anything.
“Then don’t do it,” You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks, barely bothering to wipe them away.
“I’ll be gone for a week, and I think it might be good for us to get a break,” He tried to soften the blow as well as he could. “Maybe we can just think about this for a bit rather than try to talk or whatever, and we can… we can have a conversation when I get back,”
“So what? We’re just going to ignore each other for a week until you come home and tell me you want to break up with me?” You took a step back when he tried to reach for your hand. The look of hurt that finally became obvious on his face was nothing compared to how much of a mess you already were.
“I don’t want to break up with you,”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re very sure about that,” Your chest shook with a single sob, forcing you to bite down on the inside of your cheeks.
His silence told you everything you needed to know.
It was suffocating.
Your eyes searched his for a sign that he still wanted you, but they lacked the spark they used to have whenever he looked at you.
“I don’t want to fight with you,” He eventually spoke up, his voice soft, like he was afraid anything he said could break you.
“I don’t want that either,” You were too shocked to say anything, the weight of his silence still hanging in the air.
“So let’s talk when I get back, okay?” He concluded before you could process anything else, completely numb and frozen on the spot.
“Okay,” You vaguely felt his lips brush over your forehead, and a second later the front door was falling shut behind him.
Calling in sick to work was your only option.
You could barely drag yourself out of your bed, let alone take a shower, get dressed and head to the office.
You didn’t receive a single text from Mat, not even when his flight landed. He always told you he had arrived safely. Always. Checking your phone for what felt the millionth time since you woke up made you sigh. The screen was still blank apart from a couple of notifications from your friends trying to make sure you were okay.
You weren’t, but they knew that already. They’d understand if you took ages to reply, so you kept on ignoring them as you buried your face in Mat’s pillow and shed some more tears.
How could he do this? How could he leave for a whole week and never want to talk to you? You were struggling not to call him with every second that passed, it consumed every bit of energy in your body, so how was he having fun with his friends and playing games at his best while you couldn’t even bring yourself to eat?
The only answer that came to you was something you never thought you would ever consider.
Mat didn’t love you anymore.
He fidgeted with his phone on the way back from the airport, wondering if you remembered what time he was supposed to land. He hoped you did, because he still didn’t text you. He had gotten plenty of time to himself, too much of it even, and if it wasn’t for the team keeping him busy he would have never made it through so many days of not talking to you.
He had made up his mind. It was easy once he was out of the apartment, all he had to do was imagine himself coming home. The only thing he wanted when he pictured that was you, and it told him everything he needed to know. No matter what was wrong lately, there was a way to make it better. You were the love of his life and he’d never give up.
Now all he had to do was come back to you and fix it.
“I’m back,” He called out after closing the door behind himself, leaving his bags down and listening carefully to see if you were home. You were always there to greet him, surely you had to be there.
You came into view a second later, dressed in leggings and an old concert t-shirt that was so worn out the band logo on it was almost gone. Your hair was messily pulled back, but the thing that hurt Mat the most was the look on your face.
He had seen you in plenty of messy, lazy outfits, but you were still always smiling. This was different. The bags under your eyes told him you hadn’t been sleeping, and you were so pale he worried you’d pass out right there in front of him.
His heart almost stopped knowing he caused this. He was the reason for your pain, and he needed to fix it.
“Can I hug you?” Mat stepped forward hesitantly, but you moved back and shook your head, tears already brimming in your eyes.
“I love you so much Mathew,” You wrapped your arms around yourself, not knowing where to start but with the way you felt.
“Hey, don’t-” He felt himself crumble at your broken tone. How could he have done this to you? How could he have left you thinking he’d ever want to break up with you?
“No, stop,” You sniffled, trying your hardest not to break into sobs. You had prepared yourself to say this in your head, but you couldn’t realise how much harder it would be once you were facing him. “I just- I don’t get where you stopped loving me,”
“I didn’t,” He replied instantly, his eyes widening and his heart sinking in his chest.
“That’s not true,”
“Why are you saying that?”
“Because this week has been the worst week of my life,” You clenched your fist so tightly your nails dug into your palm. The pain was grounding, it was always better than acknowledging the ache in your chest. “And you just went about it like it was fine,”
“I just needed some time to think,” The guilt was so overwhelming he felt sick in his stomach. You had never doubted his feelings for you before, he was always good at reassuring you, but he had ruined years of trust before leaving.
“I don’t need time to know how much I love you,”
“Love isn’t all you need to keep a relationship going,”
“Well, it sure as hell can’t keep going when you don’t have at least that,” You bit your tongue as you hinted to where this conversation was going.
It was the only way to make it right. If Mathew didn’t love you anymore you had to let him go.
“You don’t want this anymore,” His shoulders dropped and he had to catch himself against the door, ready to collapse. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision.
“This is all I want. You’re all I want, but I can’t have that if you don’t want it as much as I do,”
“I don’t want to be without you,” He wiped his cheeks repeatedly, annoyed at the flood but unable to stop it. His voice trembled as he continued, short quick breaths making his chest shake. “I’m sorry I left like this, but we can work on this- I- I just got home… Just let me make this right,” He couldn’t bear the thought of being alone here, without you. You gave the place life, you gave him life. He had no home if he wasn’t with you, he couldn’t let you go like this.
“Mat… I’d go to the end of the world for you, I don’t even think you realise… I- it’s been so hard for me, I’ve had to keep up and deal with so much,” You couldn’t even begin to count the reasons you shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place, and Mat knew it too. There was a lot to sort out on both sides, but you had decided to ignore it all together to make it work no matter what.  “It was all worth it to be with you, and I’d do it a million times again, but I’m not strong enough to do this if you can’t love me the way I love you,”
“I do love you,” He needed to repeat it a million times again, but you wouldn’t listen. Mat lip trembled as he thought he couldn’t even hold you to make it better.
“Not in the same way,”
“Don’t do this please,” He begged, knowing where he messed up but refusing to let it happen so easily. “How- how can you think I don’t love you?” He choked on his words. “After everything, I- I just-”
“You said it yourself, this isn’t working the way it used to,” The way you reused his words made him feel like you were stabbing him straight in the heart. This was all his fault, so why was there nothing he could say to make you believe he loved you?
“So we’re not even to try and talk about how we can fix it? I didn’t need to think about my feelings for you when I was away, I’ve always loved you, I love you, I-”
“There’s no way to fix this, look at us!” You interrupted and motioned between the two of you, the space that was there was unnatural. It was the first time he made it through the door and didn’t immediately cross the distance to hug you.
“I can’t lose you,”
“I’m sorry Mathew, I’ll… I’ll come get my stuff over the weekend,” You had already made plans to sleep somewhere else, but you didn’t have the heart to pack before he made it home.
“No,” He stayed in front of the door, shaking his head vehemently and clenching his jaw while you took a step closer to the exit. “You can’t do that!” His voice boomed through the apartment. You shrunk on yourself before he even realised what he had done. “Baby no,” His eyes widened in panic. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice, I’m sorry,” He repeated, watching the tears flood your cheeks.
He left without reassuring you he still loved you, he let you think he wanted to break up with you, and just as he tried to fix it, he managed to break the most important promise he ever made to you.
“Let me go,” You sniffled, waiting for him to move.
Mat could do nothing but step aside.
It was a fitting word for both the apartment and Mat.
He should have been happy to be home, but this place wasn’t it. He thought it would be for some time, but nowhere would ever feel like home unless you were there.
Dealing with you leaving had turned him into a wreck, so for some time Tito told him he should come live with him. It helped a little, he wasn’t as lonely and it stopped him from getting in his head.
He knew he’d have to come back eventually, Tito had his own life and Mat couldn’t constantly be in the middle of it.
Everything he was normally happy to find was missing. The plant on his coffee table was dead from the lack of water, and he thought it was a pretty good representation of how things were going for him lately.
He didn’t get to come home to you, he didn’t get a hug, he didn’t feel his heart flutter at the softness of your voice when you said you missed him, he didn’t feel your warmth or take in the sweet scent of your perfume.
Dropping his bags in the bedroom was torture.
The closet was open, showing off the empty half he couldn’t bring himself to start using. He remembered how he used to joke about being annoyed his shirts always ended up in your pile because you wore them so much.
The apartment was dead silent, it left plenty of room for Mat’s thoughts to take over his mind.
He missed you like hell. Every time he thought he was over it he turned around and got reminded of you by the smallest thing. Finding a hair tie under his bed felt like a slap in the face, a painful reminder of what used to be. Mat knew it probably ended up there after he took it out of your hair one night because he liked running his fingers through it as you both fell asleep, and his thoughts then moved on to the bed itself.
He could barely look at it, let alone sleep in it. The bedsheets no longer smelled like you although he still used the fabric softener you liked, your pillow remained untouched now that he was done crying into it, and Mat had to clench his jaw to keep tears at bay as he moved to the living room.
The soft red blanket you had bought to bring colour to the place was still on the couch. He slept with it when you left, and his pillow was still resting against the armrest. He almost considered moving for a moment, there were plenty of places to live in New York, he didn’t need to keep this apartment if he couldn’t even deal with standing in the bedroom anymore.
He knew it might help, but it wouldn’t fix anything. He’d have less reminders but just as many thoughts.
He’d never find a home without you.
I’m not 100% happy with how this one turned out but I don’t have a lot more energy to give it so I’m posting it anyway. Hope it was still okay to read for you guys, comments and feedback are always much appreciated.
Please reblog!
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flowersandcorpse · 4 years ago
She’s Optimistic (Not Me) Ch.2
This is a Corpse Husband fic. Chapter Two actually. If you missed chapter one, don’t fret. I’ll leave the link below :) Feel free to comment, share, and send me questions. I love hearing from you all. 
Genre: Slowburn, friends to lovers, angst, pining
TW: abuse, mental and health complications 
Chapter One
It was a name Corpse just couldn’t shake. It had been a couple of days since he’d last seen her. Her warm skin pale and her shoulders hunched over. It wasn’t like they were close or anything. Corpse spent his days alone, fingers slaving away at his keyboard as he scrolled through his hundreds of emails. It was his job, he knew that, to read them all; every fake horror story or regurgitated creepy pasta someone thought they could pass off as their own. But everytime he he started to scan an email, his mind wandered back to that morning.
To the girl in the baggy clothes and smeared mascara. There was something about her that was almost… familiar?
Fuck. Corpse winced at the thoughts coursing through his head. They were clouded, no muddled with images of Alice. Her eyes were swollen, red and bruised like her knees. It was obvious she had been crying, obvious there was something fucking wrong. And Corpse just stood there like a dumbass.
I could’ve said anything. Could’ve done anything, but instead I just…
Corpse clenched his fist and closed his eyes. He didn’t want to finish that thought. Didn’t want to admit that he was… attracted to the crying girl; baggy clothes and all. If he wasn’t sure before, he was definitely aware of how fucked up his mind was. There Alice stood. Messy hair, bruised skin, and wet eyes, and all Corpse could do is wonder if she was just as screwed up. She reminded him of him, but smaller, maybe a bit stronger. Perhaps a bit sweeter. Definitely smoother… and warmer.
God, he breathed in sharply, just how warm are you, Alice?
He knew it was wrong, but in the moment he just felt so goddamn lonely. Corpse shut his eyes and let his imagination run rampant. Thoughts of him. Thoughts of Alice. Thought of them together. His body trembled under his touch and he found himself a shuddering mess; his hair curling against his forehead.
Corpse’s voice was laced with rasp. He hadn’t talked much to anyone today and for that his voice was deeper, darker; it had more bite. There was moment, just a couple of seconds, right before Corpse rolled over to his side, where he forgot he was alone. The feeling of hopelessness dissipated leaving only Corpse with a tender feeling in his chest. He thought back to a year ago. He laid in the same place, but that time around he wasn’t alone. She was there. Soft Emerald eyes, and red hair.
“Stop,” Corpse gritted out. He couldn’t think of her while he was doing this.
But it was too late. He threw his head back as he imagined her blushed cheeks.
“Fuck,” he whispered a little quieter. “What is this shit?”
It was almost cruel how suddenly it had all happened. Corpse lived his life in constant search for any distraction away from… her. And yet she managed to find him. Every goddamned time. It was her. Always her, bargarging into his head just when he thought he had gotten enough of her twisted grasp on him.
“God,” He cried out, dropping his hand. “I’m a joke.”
A joke.
A freakshow.
That’s how he felt. Completely wrong. His breath hitched and his chest tightened, but this time he wasn’t focused on how he was feeling or why he was feeling that way. He was just thinking of Her, his ex. If I can even call her that. If I… could even call her anything.
And he began to cry. Low and guttural, his sobs shook throughout his body leaving him cold and weak. He flung his hands into his hair and tugged at his roots. It didn’t hurt. Not the way he wished it did, but there wasn’t much he could do. It took everything in him not to scream.
In the coldness of his apartment, Corpse shuddered to the sounds of his own breath. In. Out. In. Out. In… Hold.
When he held his breath he could almost fade into a different reality. His brain would cloud with fog and he could drift off to where he wanted. Like lucid dreaming, but instead of sleeping he was shutting himself off. Letting his body enter into panic mode as it scrambled to send oxygen to his brain. If he was focused enough he could stop breathing entirely, he was sure of it. All it would take is one breath, one minute of him allowing himself to slip, and he would drift into the cold numbness he had grown accustomed to.
It was 9pm now. The sun had set and he was surprisingly alert. His stomach grumbled to the ticking of his clock.
“Great.” He mumbled to himself.
He knew for a fact there was no food in his fridge, with the exception of a half drunken health shake and maybe some cheap wine coolers. It dawned on him he would have to leave his home to get something. And even though his stomach sunk to his feet as he threw on his heavy outside jacket, he knew he couldn’t put it off. Not for another night.
Corpse made his way to his apartment door and just as he swung open the creaky wood, a small figure stumbled back, knocking into his door frame.
Corpse stared at her, lanky limbs and daring stare. He noticed how she held his gaze. Almost as if she was searching for something, anything, in his soft eyes. Corpse’s cheeks held the faintest of blush from earlier. His eyes were no longer wet, but as Alice scanned his face, it was obvious there was pain hidden behind his nonchalant demeanor.
It was the only obvious thing about him actually.
There he stood, she mused to herself. Talk, dark, and mysterious. Corpse felt the tips of his ears burn the longer they stood that way.
“Hey.” He gritted out. “Is everything okay?”
“With me? Yeah…”
Corpse cocked his head at her response. It was in his nature to be apprehensive, and the longer she peered into him, the more he felt like slamming the door in her face and retreating. But he didn’t. He didn’t realize it at first, but he had something to prove. Not to Alice, but to himself.
“So what?” he smiled. “You just here to say ‘hi’”
“Something like that.”
“Well,” he laughed lowly. “Hey”
“Invite me inside.” She rushed out. Her voice grew louder as she said it, eyes locked with his. The words were enough to send Corpse into a fit of laughter. The noise booming through the apartment hallway.
“What? I don’t even fucking know you?
“So.” Corpse was taken aback. Was this girl completely off her rocker. “I- I don’t think that’s a good idea?”
Alice sighed quietly to herself. She looked nervously at him; a strange urgency in her eyes.
“For some reason you don’t strike me as someone who’s scared of bad ideas?”
“I’m not.”
She stepped closer and this time Corpse really got a good look at her. Her cheeks weren’t blushed and her eyes weren’t wet and puffy from tears. She looked effortlessly neat. Almost untouchable. Corpse looked away as if he was some reckless child and she was made of porcelain. It was clear to him now. She made him nervous, uncomfortable, restless. He hadn’t felt that way in what felt like forever. 
In all honesty, he had forgotten what that feeling felt like. But as she took another step closer, her stare facing his chest, he decided he wanted to explore the feeling. Porcelain girl be damned. He looked down at her, his face inches away from hers.“You can come in.” he whispered lowly. “If you want.”
Seconds felt like hours. The air was thick, the weight of Corpse’s words resting heavily on Alice’s shoulders. She took a step closer, her breath hitching to match his.
She did.
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thestarkerisobvious · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
This is the last thing @von--gelmini ( aka @starker-stories ) and I wrote together.  
The setup: All the events of Avengers:Endgame have happened.  As far as the world knows, Tony Stark is dead.  Only one person on the planet knows otherwise (well, two, if you include a certain Ancient resident of  Kamer Taj.)  One person, and one tight-lipped AI.
All the events of Spider-Man:Far From Home have happened, with one exception.  When J. J. Jameson attempted to do his hit piece on civilian (and minor) Peter Parker, he found himself off the air in the middle of his sentence, and out of a job in the middle of the day.  He never knew why.
Now Peter Parker, like the rest of the world, is trying to move on from this devastating loss.  But that’s impossible - because it really feels like the ghost of Tony Stark is haunting him wherever he goes.  (Not that he really believes in ghosts, just that his spider-senses tell him Tony is present and watching him, that’s just a malfunction of his spider-senses.  Unreliable at best, once they deserted him, and now they are trying to inform him that his dead mentor is there when, obviously, his dead mentor is NOT there.)
                                             Ghosting You
Chapter 1:  Peter - Things We Shouldn’t Do
It wasn’t normal.
Texting a dead guy wasn’t normal.  Rereading and rerereading his texts from you and pretending they were recent?  Also not normal.  If anyone had asked, Peter would justify it by pointing out that the ghost of Tony Stark was haunting him everywhere he went, and sending texts out into the ether was just the way he was coping.  Not that anyone ever asked.  Not that anyone ever knew.  Peter Parker still relied on his constant communications with Tony, even if all those communications were strictly one-way.  
Maybe he shouldn’t have been relying on Tony as much as he was. But maybe he shouldn’t have been doing a lot of things. Like spending all his time at this party MJ’s parents were throwing half longing for another party, or dreading another party.
But he was doing both.
But dammit, the kids getting high in MJ’s side yard were looking better and better to him by the second. He was NOT going to do illegal substances – he was an Avenger dang it – but damn if he couldn’t help but go talk to them, twice, and listen to their carefree giggle rambling with deep abiding envy. They didn’t have a care in the world.
Actually they had lots of cares, the exact same number of cares he did. Well almost. Half of them had been displaced by the snap. Everyone there had lost half of everyone they knew. Woken up one day to find that exactly half of their friends were now 5 years older. Different ages, different grades, different social stratus. Alive, but lost. Visible, but erased. The other half, went home one day to find that half of everyone they knew were gone, and spent the next 5 years learning to live with it. Those friends were back now, different ages, different grades, different social stratus. Alive, but lost. Visible, but erased. Everyone there felt their lives toppling as the world tried to figure out what to do with them, or with their friends. Peter, just like half of them, talked the tightrope between being 17 when his birth certificate said he was 21. Parents, politicians, and society all had their own ideas. Peter longed for college the way a baby longed for its blanket, the way a swimming man longed for land. Maybe in college his maybe-minor maybe-major status would at least feel normal.
It wasn’t normal.
Texting a dead guy wasn’t normal.  Rereading and rerereading his texts from you and pretending they were recent?  Also not normal.  If anyone had asked, Peter would justify it by pointing out that the ghost of Tony Stark was haunting him everywhere he went, and sending texts out into the ether was just the way he was coping.  Not that anyone ever asked.  Not that anyone ever knew.  Peter Parker still relied on his constant communications with Tony, even if all those communications were strictly one-way.  
Maybe he shouldn’t have been relying on Tony as much as he was. But maybe he shouldn’t have been doing a lot of things. Like spending all his time at this party MJ’s parents were throwing half longing for another party, or dreading another party.
But he was doing both.
But dammit, the kids getting high in MJ’s side yard were looking better and better to him by the second. He was NOT going to do illegal substances – he was an Avenger dang it – but damn if he couldn’t help but go talk to them, twice, and listen to their carefree giggle rambling with deep abiding envy. They didn’t have a care in the world.
Actually they had lots of cares, the exact same number of cares he did. Well almost. Half of them had been displaced by the snap. Everyone there had lost half of everyone they knew. Woken up one day to find that exactly half of their friends were now 5 years older. Different ages, different grades, different social stratus. Alive, but lost. Visible, but erased. The other half, went home one day to find that half of everyone they knew were gone, and spent the next 5 years learning to live with it. Those friends were back now, different ages, different grades, different social stratus. Alive, but lost. Visible, but erased. Everyone there felt their lives toppling as the world tried to figure out what to do with them, or with their friends. Peter, just like half of them, talked the tightrope between being 17 when his birth certificate said he was 21. Parents, politicians, and society all had their own ideas. Peter longed for college the way a baby longed for its blanket, the way a swimming man longed for land. Maybe in college his maybe-minor maybe-major status would at least feel normal.
Those kids in MJ’s side yard had as many cares as he did, but they had forgotten them for the moment. Substances were beginning to look REALLY nice.
Which is exactly what he texted to Tony.
Substances are beginning to look really nice.
Ned’s graduation party would be different, of course. More formal, more grownup. Whatever that meant. Alcohol would be served, Peter had been informed, but they’d all be regulated to one glass each, according to Ned. That was the only think Peter was looking forward to (at this point he was partied-out. Then again he had been partied-out since party one. He didn’t want to be ungrateful – May had really gone all out on a big graduation blowout – but the only thing he would ever remember from that party was spending the night with MJ. She had been officially invited to stay the night, with May’s permission and blessing. It was the only night they would spend together. When it was over, they both agreed it wouldn’t happen again.
A glass of alcohol at Ned’s family’s formal dinner was honestly the only thing Peter was looking forward to now. Maybe drinking a glass of wine would make him feel like an adult. Graduating from high school certainly wasn’t working. Losing his V-card to MJ made him feel MUCH younger, not more. Drugs were out (besides those carefree, forgetful individuals in MJ’s side yard didn’t strike him as particularly grownup, especially when they bragged they had been using since 13) because he was an Avenger now.
Being an Avenger SHOULD have made him feel grownup.
Hell – being TO OUTER SPACE and fighting in a for-the-safety-of-Earth battle should have made him feel grownup. But all that seemed like a dream to the Peter Parker who was trying to endure Graduation Party Number 2 and dreading Graduation Party Number 3. 
The Peter Parker who was really counting down the minutes to when he could bow out, beg off and go home.
The Peter Parker who really shouldn’t have been thinking about Tony as much as he was.
That didn’t stop him, though.
He took his phone out for the 100th time to go back over his text messages. Grinning at Tony’s quips, his one liners, his smart-alecky remarks. His bordering-on-flirting sentences.
They weren’t really flirting, of course. They couldn’t be. Peter was just a kid.
But it was fun to pretend.
“You can’t keep doing this,” a quiet, secret part of his brain whispered to him as he headed home that night.
“You can’t keep pretending forever�� that hateful voice murmured in the back of his head.
He hated that voice. Wanted to pull it out and pummel it into the ground until his fists were swollen and bloody.
“You can’t keep texting him. You can’t keep rereading his old texts over and over. It isn’t healthy. It isn’t normal…”
That part, at least, was true, and he knew it. It wasn’t healthy. It was okay, surely, to pretend in his head. Everyone pretended in their head. Aunt May was STILL talking to Uncle Ben, Peter still caught her at it sometimes, and that made it okay for Peter to do it too. Made it okay that he was still texting Tony, still leaving him messages, even though Tony wasn’t really on the other end. That was normal.
But it was interfering with his understanding of reality. THAT’S what made it not normal.
Like on actual graduation day, for instance, when his spidersenses were telling him something he knew couldn’t be true. That Tony was there. That Tony was watching. It was mercifully brief, ended right after he crossed the stage, but while it was happening it was terrifying. Overwhelmingly, unabashedly REAL. But it wasn’t real. Tony wasn’t really there. Despite all of Peter’s texts, emails, and phone messages with all the details of graduation. All those prayers to a dead man. The dead man didn’t come to his graduation. It’s not like Peter was alone, there were many people there missing the living, wishing the living could have been there too. Peter was just one more in a crowd.
Just one more pretending the dead still walked the earth. 
On his way home he pulled out his phone, his thumb flying across the letters in depression. 
//I’m not going to be talking to you much anymore. You understand. College and all. I just won’t have time to text you much. But please don’t think I’m ghosting you because I would never do that to you. You mean too much to me. I’ll always be here when you need me. But I won’t have time much to//
That’s as far as he got. It was as far as he could get. He hit send on the nonsensical words and pocketed his phone. It was time to focus on reality. On the future. On what he had to do next. Like finding out if alcohol had any effect on him, for starters. Because if it did, he might actually have something to look forward to.
He shouldn’t have been relying on Tony as much as he was. But he shouldn’t have been doing a lot of things. 
Tomorrow I’ll post @von--gelmini‘s chapter, which will be titled “Tony - Losing Negotiations”
I plan on posting a chapter a day - eventually to all be placed on Ao3.
Please message me if you want to be tagged.
Thank you.
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jilytho · 4 years ago
will you accept this rose ch 2
Read below or on AO3
The Bachelor was the last reality competition show Lily had ever envisioned herself going on. Wipeout? Sure. Love it or List It? You bet. Survivor? 1000%. But The Bachelor? Never.
She watched it almost every season, of course. It was her sister Petunias favorite show so she’d grown up watching it and had started to like it. She was more into The Bachelorette but even after moving out of her childhood home and into her campus apartment with Marlene and Mary, she found herself putting it on weekly voluntarily. It became their little tradition. Monday nights, it didn’t matter what was happening in school or work or with significant others, they were to meet on the couch with large bottles of red wine and order takeaway.
They knew it was all staged and fake, of course. There was no way half of what happened wasn’t completely orchestrated by producers but that didn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. They’d offer up their opinions, place bets on the winner, predict each cringey line, and most importantly, how they’d react to each date and situation.
You find out one of the other contestants is making up lies about another, do you tell the Bachelor, confront the liar, or stay out of it? You’re told to stick to a two drink limit per cocktail party, do you follow that, not drink at all, or sneak shots in when nobody is looking?
They treat the show like a video game, what would you do if you were orchestrating the actions, how would you act from a producer's side, from the Bachelor view, and of course, as a contestant. How would you respond when he tells you he wants someone who will stay home with their children all day. Would kissing with eyes open be a dealbreaker? Or something you can work on together. It became an interactive game show almost, and it became very easy to disassociate the contestants into characters on a scripted show instead of real people, just like them.
Their little game collapsed when Petunia came to visit one week. It was her moms idea. Have Petunia stay over at Lilys for just a night, let them go out on the town and talk Petunia wedding prep, watch The Bachelor together and bond like the old days.
She arrived at noon on Monday, an hour earlier than she was supposed to, which Lily had of course predicted. Petunia apologized profusely and insincerely for not giving Lily enough time to shower and properly clean her apartment, despite the fact that Lily had been up till 4am the previous night scrubbing the kitchen and permanently burning off skin cells with bleach.
They’d gone shopping, each dressing room filled with thinly veiled insults on Lily's figure, her hair, her style. Lunch was spent condescendingly discussing how the red meat in a burger was going to inevitably lead to Lily’s death and didn’t she know that no man liked a girl who could eat as much as they could?
Lily had sent 18 SOS texts and red wine emojis to Mary and Marlene in their group chat by the time the bill came. By the time they got home, Mary and Marlene were both waiting, wine poured and discussion topics ready to take the focus off of Lily.
They passed time as a group, chatting while Lily played a silent drinking game that Marlene had quickly caught on to. Drink at every condescending comment Lily was the focus of, drink everytime Petunia talked about how well Vernons job paid, drink everytime Petunia said Lily drank too much, drink everytime Petunia suggested no man would really care about an advanced degree. The advanced degree comments were crossing lines because Petunia knew that it wasn’t just Lily getting her masters, but all three of them. Insult her all night, fine, but insulting her friends right to their face was too much. Lily almost lashed out and kicked her out right then and there but Mary handled it gracefully by reminding Petunia that she doesn't “quite care if any men were interested, as long as women are”.
Petunia stayed silent for an amazing fifteen minutes after that.
They were able to fill the time leading up until the episode began with discussing the season thus far, the relationships and chemistry, or lack thereof. The wine was ridiculously useful in aiding her shoulders dropping and time began to pass at an acceptable rate. As soon as the episode began, Lily was able to mostly forget Petunia was there, easily falling back into her game with Mary and Marlene.
“You know that’s not how I’d handle someone like Victoria. I feel like with a person like her you really just have to-”
“Lily, would you shut up? The rest of us are actually trying to watch the show.” Petunia snapped at her, neck flipping obnoxiously to glare at her from the opposite couch.
“Actually, Petunia,” Marlene interrupted icily, “I was really interested in Lily’s thoughts. In the future, I’d prefer you not speak for me.”
“Why is she acting like she’d ever be in that situation?” Petniuan shot back, “it's not like she’d ever be on the show, she’s clearly not up to their standards.” Petunia took an obnoxious gulp of her wine, sneering over the lip of the glass.
“Any bachelor of any season would be lucky and grateful to have Lily on the show and if you think anything else you should probably just go.”
“Even if you somehow got onto the show, there is literally no man on earth that would give you a rose over any of these women.”
“Well, we’ll just see about that, won’t we, Pet?” Lily drained her rather full glass and immediately unlocked her phone, googling the application process for the following season.
She didn’t know who the Bachelor was going to be, and she didn’t care, the wine mixed with Petunia's attitude was plenty of motivation and before the next commercial break Lily had already completed and submitted her application, without any proofreading.
She’d almost forgotten ever applying. She fought hard to forget every second of her time with Petunia over that visit and applying to the Bachelor seemed to be part of that.
When she’d received the email that her application had been accepted and that she’d be moving on to the next round of the interview process, she almost deleted it. They’d included a photo of who the next Bachelor was in the email, however, and something about his eyes made her hesitate. Warm and hazel, sharp jawline, deeply tanned skin, drop dead gorgeous, exactly her type. Regardless of the way her mouth dropped, and regardless of how intelligent and beautiful most of the women on the show were, she was not the kind to compete with 30 other women for one man's attention.
Her finger hovered over the trash button but she couldn't bring herself to do it, instead closing out her inbox and moving on with her day, the knowledge that it was still sitting there, waiting for her, sat in the back of her mind all day.
She was probably just going to ignore it. All day while she worked on her thesis, it taunted her, but she couldn’t bring herself to delete it and she certainly couldn’t bring herself to respond so instead it just sat.
Until she opened the mail. And right there, right on top, was Lily’s invite to Petunia's wedding. Enclosed was a note, “Lily, as you can see on your invitation, we have chosen to not give you a plus one. Since you are not currently in a serious relationship, or the relationship type, we’d much prefer to not have some stranger at our wedding who we’d have to cut out of the photos or spend money on dinner for a friend. See you then.”
That was the deciding factor. “I’ll show you relationship type,” she whispered to herself angrily as she pulled up the email again, flitting past James’s face to the response button and booking herself an interview.
Marlene and Mary both died laughing when they figured out what she had done. She’d come home, popped open a bottle of tequila, poured three shots into a juice glass and threw it back before the entire story came pouring out of her.
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ejzah · 4 years ago
Here another one suggested by @wanna-be-bold. For the following prompt: Densi's first Valentine's day
A/N: This may be a bit different than what you were expecting. Takes place during season 2.
Friends Day
“Hey Partner, how was your weekend?” Deeks asked, sitting down on the due of Kensi’s desk. From the look of things, she’d been there for a while.
“Wonderful,” she answered tightly without looking up.
“I spent all Saturday surfing and the swells were awesome. I think-”
“Deeks, I think it’s really great that you had a good weekend, but I really do not care about surfing.” Kensi’s voice was filled with irritation and she looked pointedly at Deeks’ current location. Getting the message loud and clear, Deeks quietly sat down at his own desk.
Callen and Sam weren’t in yet, surprisingly, and he’d finished his own paperwork the on Friday. Which meant he had little to do except watch Kensi attack her keyboard with sharp, angry jabs of her fingers.
He tried to distract himself by clearing out old emails, but after about 15 minutes, his inbox was squeaky clean. Kensi muttered something under his breath, her tone clearly annoyed.
“Uh, Kens, is everything ok?” he tried again. Even though they’d been partners for about 10 months now, Kensi wasn’t exactly an open book. She preferred to keep things to herself and he was pretty sure didn’t fully trust him with...well, anything.
“I’m just trying to concentrate on my work,” she insisted. Getting up again, Deeks flipped through the stack of files on her desk before she could stop him.
“Those are cold cases, Kens. What’s really going on? I swear I won’t tell anyone, whatever it is.” He meant it too. If she was really this upset, he wouldn’t betray her trust. Sighing in frustration, Kensi closed the file in front of her and tossed it across her desk.
“Fine. If you have to know, everyone I know if making posts about their Valentine’s plans. It’s not good enough that someone is buying them flowers and chocolate and ridiculously overpriced jewelry. No, they have to make sure everyone else knows about it too.”
Deeks gaped for a moment at her diatribe. He hadn’t been expecting that at all. Honestly he’d almost forgotten it was Valentine’s at all since he didn’t tend to celebrate the holiday in any way.
“Um, ok. Well, you shouldn’t let the commercialism get you down,” he said, hoping it wasn’t the completely wrong thing to say.
Instead of looking angry, Kensi seemed to deflate; her shoulders caved and she suddenly seemed morose.
“It’s not just the stuff. It’s all the cheesy posts and declarations of love,” she admitted. “It’s just a reminder that the last good Valentine’s I had was in third grade when Charlie Wheeler gave me a chocolate heart sucker and a card that said ‘I like you’.”
“I’m sorry.” Deeks hesitated for a moment and then reached out to squeeze her shoulder. “But I don’t think most people actually enjoy today that much. It’s more of a kid thing or a day for adults to try and pretend their lives are perfect.”
“I know.” She sighed again and shrugged. Glancing across the room, her gaze turned a little distant. “Sometimes I just wish my life were more normal, you know.”
“I do know,” he agreed. She laughed then, barely more than a huff of air, but he could visibly see her pulling herself together again.
“Ignore me, I’m just being ridiculous,” Kensi said with a roll of her eyes. “But I do appreciate you listening to me complain.”
“Anytime.” They shared a smile and then the moment was broken as Sam and Callen appeared, mid-way through an argument about breakfast sandwiches.
It was a long day that ended in Deeks tackling a suspect into a muddy ditch. Not all together the worst Valentine’s Day he’d ever had, sadly enough. Kensi seemed to slowly perk up and by the time the case was closed, she was back to mocking him as usual.
He was surprised to find her waiting for him in the bullpen when he was finished showering. She leaned against her desk, bag over her shoulder, and an expectant look on her face.
“What are you still doing here? I thought you’d want to get home as soon as possible and avoid the love-sick couples,” he said, ruffling his still damp hair as he went to grab his own belongings.
“Well,” she started, pressing her palms together in a gesture he’d come to associate with slight discomfort. “I thought maybe you’d want to get some Chinese or something for dinner. That is if you don’t have a last minute date or something.”
“No, I don’t have a date,” Deeks assured her, allowing a have smile at her offer. “And I would love Chinese. Or really anything at this point.”
“Great. I’ll call while we drive.” Kensi started to walk towards the doorway, but he held up a finger.
“Wait a second, I almost forgot something.” Reaching over his desk, he rifled through the front drawer and removed a couple objects, keeping them slightly hidden against his side as he turned to face Kensi again.
“What are you doing?” she asked suspiciously. He cleared his throat, hesitated for a second, and then held out both items.
“Happy Valentine’s, Kens,” he said as Kensi slowly accepted them.
“Deeks.” She shook her head, looking a little confused as she stared down at the chocolate heart and cheap card in her hand. “Why?”
“I figured it’s about time you had a good Valentine’s Day to remember.” He shrugged and gestured to the card. “Sorry, but all the convenience store had left was Hello Kitty theme.”
“This...this is perfect,” Kensi decided after a minute. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now can we get dinner? Cause I really am starving.”
Kensi rolled her eyes, carefully placing the candy and card in her bag.
“You’re such an idiot.” As they walked out, she added, “Happy Valentine’s, Deeks.”
Thanks for the prompt!
A/N: Hopefully I didn’t offend anyone with the comments about Valentine’s.
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babyppsthoughs · 3 years ago
Lost and Found
Tumblr media
I’ve had a crazy experience in the last few days.
For reasons we might talk about in another time, I had to upload some of my latest recordings, I mean the naughty ones, ones I’ve never posted, to google drive to temporary storage. They filled up the 2 google accounts I had so I had to make a 3rd one.
My main account is babypp2015 as I started CDing back in 2015. Naturally I tried using babypp2021 but it was taken (who are you babypp2021 though? :P) . Well fine let me preoccupy babypp2022 then. To my surprise that’s also taken! Sure I could’ve taken 2023 then(but I didn’t, as I later found out). Anyway I made a new account and uploaded my stuff.
Fast forward to about 2 weeks later, I needed to get all the stuff back from the google drives. Problem was, you guess it, I’ve totally forgotten what the name of my 3rd account was!
It’s not babypp2021 I’m sure (and of course I tried), not 2022, and as I said not 2023 as that’s still not taken when I tried, though I’ve then taken it as to try refreshing my memory of the account setup progress. And then I tried names related to my 2nd account, with years or months related to me, related to Hong Kong, still nope.
And it’s because I’ve been a good girl, I'd been doing all my naughty browsing in incognito browsers. I was also so careful not to leave traces of my other accounts or phone so I didn’t enter a recovery email or phone number for the 3rd account. And I’m also no longer in the same network as when I was last using that account. All these mean I had absolutely no way of recovering it!
I’d spent hours trying different names and different ways to recover the account, I was devastated. I started going through the 5 stages of grief, planning what to say on twitter or tumblr, etc, etc.
There were recordings of 5 different sessions that I uploaded to the 3 accounts. The lost files are all about the 4th session, one that I spent the most effort in. That’s why it took up all 15gb of google drive space, and actually the last file could not be included there and had to be uploaded to one of my first two accounts. To add insult to injury, I checked the recycle bin of my phone, I had actually forgotten to clean the videos from the 5th session off. So if it was the 5th sessions’ files that were lost, I would still have copies.
So, with only the last video of that session in hand, I was thinking things like, “well, at least I had the cumming part to show” and “this session was actually not that great, I looked weird in it” (I still think so, ‘coz of the modified mask). I captured the above shot from the video, but had no mood to write.
Another day gone by, some more trying and guessing of account names, nay. I’ve accepted that sometimes you lose things in life you cannot ever get back. Let there be 15gb of homemade crossdresser porn no one will ever see stored in a server harddrive somewhere in the world then.
But as the title spoiled it for you, then it was found! 
Last night, I was trying again, and it didn’t even take me many tries, I got my 3rd account’s name right! It is babypphk! Glory to Hong Kong! God bless Hong Kong!
All 15gb of videos, downloaded, saved back to my computer. Added recovery email to the account, though I doubt that I will ever need the account again. What a relief. I rewarded myself by watching some sissy hypno vids online, but I didn’t allow myself an orgasm, just trying to stay horny for a bit. And it’s been so cold I haven’t attended to my body hair for a while, feels like I don’t deserve to cum without a smooth body, told you I’m a good girl, hehe.
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movieguy50 · 4 years ago
Hey everyone,
The subject of this week's blog and yes I know I'm two days late but believe me this is going to be well worth it especially to the men out there here on Tumblr the ones that are single let me ask you a question have you been talking to women lately that seem a little peculiar to you they say they miss you they love you all this and that and you've only talk to them like once or twice you ask for their phone number they avoid it completely or they just make a big excuse why they can't give it to you asked to go meet them they don't that they say okay fine come you know you give an address and then you completely gets stood up because they just don't show this is an MO or otherwise known as a method of operation for these women sometimes it even as much as the first conversation or the third they will start telling you start giving you a sob story like I'm having to come out here from another country or I'm having to move to this state because I'm having to take care of sick relatives or they don't have no food or anything like that and if they want to meet if you want to meet them you have to give them gas money and no that's part of the scam then they start asking for things like gift cards $20 $40 $100 gift cards some drnominations don't even exist on some of the gift cards Google Play and steam gift cards are the most common if you have fallen prey to these women and I have twice and I'm glad I did because that was money well spent because I got to learn all kinds of shit from these people and then I'm giving you all that I have right now here are some of the red flags that show up during these conversations:
1. Their language is all wrong they'll say things like instead of saying like what did you have for breakfast to say did you take breakfast or they'll say something to the fact of their grammar being so messed up you have to like think about it before you understand what the're trying to tell you some of these women are coming from Russia some of them are from Africa some of them are from Mexico and they are all here in the United States typically in the states of the Northeast New York New Jersey there are some out west in California there are a few here in Texas and there are some just scattered everywhere.
2. They start telling you they need food but they need you to get them a $40 $50 or $100 or whatever it is gift card most commonly known as Google play or Steam do not do it because what they're doing is is they're taking the cards and selling them on the black market or on these websites that operate and they are turning in for money they're getting less than what they're supposed to get so that's why you have to give more to cover what they're not getting
3. They start asking you questions like your bank account they want you logging information do not give it to them their social security number they want to verify you through ID me id.me is legit so that would be fine except the safer way for you to do it is go ahead and go on id.me and do your own verification that way you don't have to give them nothing the less information they have on you the more likely they're going to just pass you up.
4. They ask you who you're with your cell phone number is and who your mobile carrier is this is to put you in on dating sites and for them to subscribe you to advertising that they get money for okay this is a different type of identity theft ring it is identity theft to a point but they're not using the information necessarily against you they're not even really taking a lot of money out of people's bank accounts they're only taking money out of the bank accounts that they can't get any money other ways so that's why I said do not give them anything.
5. Do not confront them either because they will always deny that they are scamming you they do that so that way they can bring you in closer to them so they can get your trust.
6. When you ask where they work and stuff besides are the probably going to tell you there they either don't have a job or it's some kind of job that's actually ridiculous for them to have they're not good liars folks they really are not you just got to learn this read between the lines with these people and like I said the biggest clue right there is the language you know things that should be plural or not plural things that are misspelled or misspelled badly the wording is confusing and I think I already said this once.
7. Always remember guys if it is too good to be true it probably is.
8. If they ask for your bank account information for the purpose of depositing money they will deposit money into your account but then they will take it and more if they tell you you can spend some of it do not touch it because that's how they get people just don't touch it call your bank tell them what's going on they will close your account and they will inevitably beginning investigation and once that happens everything they will be frozen you will not be able to have access to nothing unfortunately by extra step go to the police department I mean I know this part is going to be a waste of time because they're not going to be able to get your money back but at least let them know so that way there's some record of it.
9. Screenshot everything write everything down take notes even if you are in the middle of one of these conversations now go back as far as you can from the beginning tell you know screenshot your conversation if you need to that's fine but this is got to stop guys and we're the only ones who can fight back the FBI will help you know they they can do the Justice part they can they can make the arrest and go to court and everything but they can't do it without our help.
10. Now I will be turning people in in groups of five or more that's why I said turn the information into me as soon as I get five or six people together I will go turn them in I do have a contact there and he told me just to wait to have that many just because it would just be easier to just do them all at once so just one by one by one by one
So now you know what is going on so how you stop it that's very easy you do one thing and one thing only you make a decision and you stand by it you stand your ground you do not weaken your position at all do not show that you're weak do not give them even an inch because if you give them an inch they will not just take a mile they will take a whole football field and then they're going to tighten the grip on you and then you can't get out if you're in this position Now message me immediately and let me know and I will give you I will give you instructions this blog this this post I will I am asking everybody who reads it's please please reblog this over and over and over and over again I don't care how many times this has got to get out cuz this is very serious so far these women just in the past two and a half years have gotten over a hundred million dollars from Men 100 million definitely more than a price of a cup of coffee in the guys and the thing is it could have all been prevented.
Now for the fun part things that I have tried and has worked to oeel these women off your back besides Im no of course.
1. If you should give them your PIN number or you already have tell them that you had to get that you received a piece of software from your bank or whatever you want to lie to them if you got to every time they use the PIN code a new one is put in its place at random only you know what the new PIN code is going to be because it's going to be email to you if they ask to see proof of the emails tell them that's classified you can't show that just doesn't allow you to screenshot it because Android phones I know especially I'm pretty sure probably the same as iPhones you cannot screenshot certain screens especially on banking apps or anything has to do with money I sensitive information
2. Okay if you've given them your bank account info or your PIN number already tell them that you got notification from your bank that to be safe they're charging you an extra save $5 for the purpose of enrolling you in a new service that will automatically change your PIN number every time you use it or if you want to you you can tell him that you came across the piece of software on the internet that does the exact same thing I just told you about whichever it doesn't matter this will make them back off of you a lot because then they know that you're on to them they'll start not talking to you like they were or they'll say you know they'll be in a conversation just leave get offline you know because they know that you're on to them and they're panicking they don't know what to do so they have to call their boss to find out what to do and he has given them no answer no we do not know who the boss is by the way or where this is all being based out of I will tell you also that.
3. Okay I'm sure you're probably wondering who all these women are not 100% sure but most likely they probably were kidnapped at some point in time brainwashed and part of a human trafficking ring or a sexual tracking trafficking ring before they ended up doing this they probably don't even know who they really are but yet they managed to play in the end you know with our society because you know our society is pretty much stupid in itself I'm sorry guys but it's true and I count myself apart that
I don't think I have forgotten anything else like I said be vigilant Be watchful and do not lose your ground make a decision you stay with it cuz otherwise you're just going to put more money in their pockets I mean it's very possible that you know you know they figure well we're on to them so they're going to go ahead and just give up and close shop and move on to the next country you guys some of you I know work very hard for your money now I'm not sure if men are doing this to women or not but for you ladies if there is anything like this the same the same thing applies I mean I don't see why there are in any man involved or probably should be.
Finally it took a lot for me to admit what I admitted to you tonight I'm not very proud of what I did I'm not very proud of the fact that I let somebody well actually left2 somebody's get by me I'm usually pretty smart but that's how they operate and I will tell you tonight I have a possible number six so I don't know if number six will turn out or not she's doing a lot of the same things but she's been taking more of an actual normal approach as to the relationship part of it I'm not letting myself get involved you know emotionally or anything I'm just kind of just playing a role right now and she's not getting any money from me so I will keep you updated on that like I said anybody guys I don't care who you are I will not ask questions I will not judge please help me get these people may we may not get them all but hell we can at least put a big big enough Dent and shut down and they'll leave but we got to act quickly and we got to keep acting quickly hell I would say it's pretty ballsy if you go decide to go ahead and start seeking them out just to get them I mean you can do that if you wish unfortunately there's no reward or no money being paid but you know you are kind of owe it to your fellow neighbor your fellow just your fellow person you fellow man all right you guys good luck you got a lot of work ahead of us y'all have a great week and I'll update you as I get more information if you have any questions do not please do not hesitate to ask if I don't have the answer I will contact my person at the FBI and he will answer them for me and I will get back to you as soon as possible thank you guys have a great week.
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pandawriterstuff · 4 years ago
Pineswallow Ranch
Monty, at only eleven years, three months and four days, had been to many parts of the world, traveling with his mother. She was a corporate lawyer, and was called to all corners to use her intelligence and skill at finding the exact information that was needed to crush the competition.
Monty, being a little boy, was, of course, not wanted in either the board meetings or the more secretive dealings that were necessary when people were not as cooperative as they needed to be. Long days of nailing bottom lines and ferreting out inefficiencies exhausted his mother most dreadfully, and so when she would collapse in their suite, begging Monty to not chatter quite so loud because Mother’s head ached, and wouldn’t he like to watch a nice movie with her? quietly? it was perfectly understandable and he would always do his best, cuddling up with her as they watched musicals and cartoons.
But it meant that despite having been to many more parts of the world than the average eleven year old, he had seen almost none of it. Hotel rooms, airports, lobbies, and far more drop-in daycare centers than he cared to remember were where he’d spent the bulk of his existence.
It was lonely, a lot of the time. But it was what he knew. And he had Mother, and his lessons, and even a few email friends he’d managed to keep in touch with.
But Monty had started to think that maybe it wasn’t enough. Of course, by the time he’d realized that, Mother, always ten steps ahead, had not only realized that this was a problem, but had found a solution. Or at least what she thought was a solution. Monty was not at all sure.
“Your Uncle Keith lives in a rural town, but they have some of the highest test scores in the county, so you won’t have to worry about falling behind. And he has horses, Monty, a whole stable of them, and I know you love to ride.” Monty, currently not speaking to his mother, was sitting on the balcony of yet another hotel suite staring down at the unnaturally blue water of the pool, lips resolutely shut.
His arms weren’t crossed, because Mother would say he was pouting if they were, and he wasn’t pouting.
Even though he would have very good reason to if he did. His mother was sending him away. “I am not going to keep talking to your back, so if you’re going to be this stubborn I’m going to go inside and finish packing. When you calm down we can decide what to get for dinner and pick out something to watch.”
“I don’t want to watch anything with you.” The words snapped out of him, possibly more hard and vicious than words ever had before, and Monty heard his mother’s intake of breath, heard the way it caught a little. It didn’t matter, because he wasn’t sorry, his hands clenching down on the cast iron arms of the chair, cold against his fingers. He wasn’t sorry, because she should be the one who was sorry, and she wasn’t-or maybe she was, and still wouldn’t change her mind, and Monty thought that might be worse.
“Okay, then.” The balcony door shut slowly, as if she were waiting for him to change his mind, to run to her, but Monty just stared down at the pool, willing his eyes to stay dry.
He slumped, his head sagging down, once he heard her footsteps padding back across the hotel room that had been his for a week now and into the main part of the suite. Now he felt guilty, as well as angry, and it was an unpleasant combination that made his stomach feel like it had a stone in it. Monty couldn’t say Mother had been entirely wrong in her earlier arguments, that traveling around the way she did kept him from having so many things other boys did; a school, a bedroom, classmates and friends. Having a pet of any type was impossible the way they traveled, or even most large possessions. He’d never even had a real first day of school, though he’d dealt with schoolyard bully types a few times anyway.
But he didn’t want to leave Mother, didn’t want to leave the only thing he knew to go live in a tiny town with an uncle he hadn’t even seen in three years!
Not even for horses.
Three days later, when they arrived at Uncle Keith’s ranch, Monty wished he hadn’t spent so much time being upset with Mother. He hadn’t really expected to, after all. Ordinarily when he was angry or displeased about something his feelings would calm with time, and sometimes he would feel foolish for being so upset over something that truly did look better in the morning-or as Mother liked to say, with thought and contemplation. But each morning Monty would wake up feeling just as sour and small and confused as he had the day before. It is hard to not be angry as well when you have a jumble of feelings like that stretching from your toes to at least up to your eyeballs, and easier to let yourself than trying to figure out some other way to feel about it.
But now they were here, standing outside the sprawling ranch house with the startling steep mountains behind them, and horses of all colors in a paddock near a real barn. It should have been amazing, awe-inspiring, but his mother would be leaving in a few days and none of it was. Mother’s hand found his shoulder, squeezing lightly as Monty looked around, not sure if he wanted to be interested in the rock and herb garden arranged around the wide front porch or not. “Your uncle’s probably inside, getting lunch ready. Let’s go knock, shall we?”
“Yes, Mother.” Only Monty didn’t move, leaning slightly into her touch, and after just a moment he found himself swooped into a tight hug, Mother’s cheek pressing into the top of his head, and he gripped her back just as tightly, wishing they could get back in the rental car and drive to a hotel, to anywhere, as long as he got to stay with her.
“Well, hey now! You got here earlier than I was expecting!” The loud voice broke up Monty’s reverie, and he turned his head to stare at the tall man in a red and blue flannel shirt that looked like something Superboy would wear as Conner Kent, slowly pulling away from Mother as she laughed.
“I think you might have forgotten to look at a clock, we’re here at noon, exactly as specified.” Monty studied his uncle, not sure if he should speak up or not. It had been almost three years since he’d seen his mother’s younger brother, though he knew his mother emailed him a lot, and sometimes she’d tell him a story about something that happened on the ranch, or tell him Uncle Keith liked a drawing or story of his she’d shared. Right now he seemed like a stranger. A stranger Monty was supposed to live with for at least a year.
‘Only a year to start out with,’ Mother had said, ‘and if you don’t like it we’ll figure out something else.’ As though that were a short period of time. Maybe, Monty thought, looking at the llama patterned socks Uncle Keith had worn out onto the porch, it was to an adult, but when you’d only been around for eleven years, three months and one week a year was a very long time indeed.
Adults never seemed to think about things like that. It was exceedingly frustrating.
Looking up again, he saw that Uncle Keith was giving him an indulgent sort of smile, having caught him in his examination, and Mother gave him a nudge in the direction of the porch before he could regroup. “I hope you guys are hungry, I’ve got chilli heating up and grilled cheese ready to toast on the griddle. C’mon in, just take off your shoes or Miss Maisie will never let me hear the end of it.”
Letting Mother push him lightly towards the porch, Monty cast another glance at the corral, his eyes lighting on a horse whose coat was like snowfall speckled over dark loam. As he stared, the horse’s head turned and for just a moment Monty would swear they locked eyes, his breath leaving him in a gasp. It felt like the horse knew him better than anyone ever had or ever could in that moment.
Perhaps, he thought, as his feet reached the porch steps and Mother chided him to remember his surroundings before he fell, there might be a few perks to living here.
Part 2
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birth-fic-lover · 5 years ago
I’ll birth your baby part 1
As everyone in Fiona’s office packed up for the day one of her work friends asked “any plans for the weekend?”
“The usual” Fiona said, knowing that no one knew what her usual activity was. “Yourself?” 
“My husband is taking me to his mothers, gonna try and convince her to give up her snake collection.”
“Good luck” Fiona said picking up her bag. She headed out the door and back to her home, she checked her phone, her client had requested an 6pm appointment.
As she parked her car she spotted her client, not because they had met before but because she was almost 9 months pregnant. She was stood with her husband, “he must be in on this too” she said to herself as she turned off her engine.
She got out and held out her hand “You must be Amanda”.
“Yes, thank you for fitting us in a bit earlier. Me and the hubby wanted to have one last weekend away” Amanda said.
“Of course, you might as well take the chance while you can” Fiona said taking them into her home. “I am glad you found my house alright”.
“Yes, it is a bit out of the way” the husband commented.
“As you can imagine, with doing things like this neighbors would just complicate things” Fiona explained leading them to the examination room. “So as I expained on the phone, I will do one final examination. For your piece of mind and mine, besides my legal team insists. Of course you will get a full birthing report within the week, if I have time before you arrive on sunday I will try and do it then. I know that some like to use an element of truth when recounting their birth story”
“Yes we read over the contract, in the case that our child could develop any disabilities relating to the birth we would contact you directly?” the husband asked.
“No it would be my legal team who would of course inform me, your baby is extreamly healthy and I see no problems from your file.” Fiona helped Amanda onto the examination table, “you are aware of the multibles clause? If you are found to of been carrying twins or more I do have a hefty fee, it’s just to stop any couples trying to get a cheeper price. Besides the suprise on my end isn’t very nice or safe for the babies”.
“Yes we are certain that it is one” Amanda said.
Fiona used the doppler to examine the baby, “yes everything is in order to proceed. Because your child’s father is fully aware of your actions we have a little bit less paperwork”.
“Does that happen often?” Amanda asked.
“Most women decide they would rather tell there loved ones that they braved it alone, including there husband. Or sometimes it’s the cause the father isn’t in the picture, I even work with those who it would be tramatic for them to give birth.”
Amanda nodded, “so how does it work? Is there a device you use to transfer the baby into you?”
Fiona smiled “I have always had the ability to transfur unborn children into me”.
“Oh right” the husband said not fully understanding.
After the couple filled out all the paperwork on the office, they expected to retuen to examination room. But Fiona said “no need I can do it in here, Stan you may want to hold your wife’s hand”.
“Will it hurt?” Amanda asked.
“It will just feel a bit strange” Fiona promised, she took her chair and faced Amanda. She had remebered to put on one of her more looser work dresses so there was no need to change. She put her hands on Amanda’s covered belly and focused.
Amanda felt no pain but she felt like someone had pulled a plug out and all her amniotic fluid was swerling around her womb as it drained out of her. Her belly softened and Fiona’s began to bloat. After a minute she felt her childs placenta ditached from within her, it suddenly disappeared and Fiona suddenly had a full term bump. Fiona’s hands were still on her now flattened belly as she felt the last drops of fluid leave her. Fiona then removed her belly, and smiled at the amazed couple.
“One last set of papers to sign to confirm the transfer” Fiona said, she rubbed her belly while watching them sign. Amanda then put her hand out and Fiona leaned her belly towards it, Amanda smiled as she felt the kick. 
Fiona wished the couple a happy trip and promised to call once the delivery was complate.
As Fiona climbed the stairs she realised she had forgotten to set up her birthing room. She sighed, being full term would not make the job easy. The baby was already between her hips. She slowly got to work getting all the fresh medical equipment out of it’s packaging, she then went to put the plastic cover on the bed when she realised that it was downstairs. She walked down one hand on the handrails the other supporting her belly, she went to get the plasic cover and found climbing the stairs slow and difficult now she didn’t have the free hand to support her. 
She could feel a back pain starting as she finally reached the room again, she tried to move her back around but it kept it’s strenth. Fiona knew it wasn’t truly a contraction, but that labor was starting in one form or another.
In some ways she was relived, when she had not enough progress and there was less then 24 hours till pick up she would have to resort in breaking her waters or using a drug to start contractions. She wondered if the baby could tell it was in a diffrent womb, she felt some hard kicks during the rest of the evening as she ate some dinner. Just something light to chase away hunger.
As she was wondering if she should sleep in the birthing room that night or not she felt her first proper contraction, she could feel her muscles warming up. But they were not too bad, they never were at this stange. The pains were more annoying than painful, as she was answering emails for future clients. She worked secretly with some charitites that would pay for women with disabilites to use her service. She would always charge the charities a fraction of her usual rate, happy to help those who wouldn’t be able to do the delivery.
As the evening got later she wasn’t able to concentrate on anything but her breathing. When Fiona was in pain, she had a bad habit of holding her breath. She decided to go upstairs while they were still 5 minutes apart, she did not want to be stuck downstairs.
Another benifit of living without neighbors was that in the summer she could labor outside, the cool air would feel good against her sweaty belly. She wished that she could do that tonight, there was something sexual about feeling like an animal grunting and groaning thought her pain surrounded by trees. But her clients had spacifically asked to have the birth documented in detail, she didn’t think they would apprecaite her choosing an outside birth.
As she started to climb she had to stop, “come on baby, we gotta get through this together”. She tried to wait out the contraction still standing, as soon as it was over she continued to climb. She made her camp in the birthing room, she hoped this wouldn’t take all weekend. “It’s lucky your mum and dad gave me over when you did” she said to the bump, this baby was ready. 
Over the next few hours all Fiona could do was contend with the contractions as they built up. Fiona leaned against the wall timing her contractions a bit closer now, the pain ramped up quickly on some contractions and wretchedly slowly on others. When she felt peak of the contraction, she would let out long moans as her muscles held her womb tight. Sometimes just as she was feeling some relief, it would tighten up again catching her by surprise.
By the early morning Fiona was in almost in constant pain and the pressure inside her womb was unbearable.She was on the bed and rocked on my knees,  anything to dissipate the pressure. She knew that she would need to break her waters at this rate, she hadn’t diatated much in the past hour. The uncomfortable fullness of her womb made her belly seemed to feel fuller and bigger with each contraction. 
Fiona longed for the urge to push, she reached to the medical trolly by her bed. She grabbed the amnihook and then tensed as another contraction came, the contraction pushed the baby another few centimetres further into her birth canal. As soon as it was over she inserted the hoot and used to tear open her amniotic sac. She felt her waters leaving her body, with it her contrations go stronger. 
Time ticked by as Fiona approached the 4-hour mark since her water broke, her contractions went from 2 minutes apart to 1 minute to seconds apart while their intensity went off the scale. Fiona bore down as her hands kept her legs spread open as much as possible. She could feel her baby spread her birth canal open and slowly descend down it.
She felt the bulge and smiled in relief, it looked like it would not take long now. Each push Fiona was making progress, her belly clenching around her swollen womb as it was happening.
Her swollen belly had decreased in size as bore down again and again, until she pushed once more and her baby reached a full crown. The pain was so immense that it felt like someone had taken a blowtorch to her crouch. The head slowly inched its way out, before a pop of fluids brought the head out and hanging between her legs. She just had the shoulders to contend with now, she took deep breaths and gave a huge push feel both shoulders makin there way out. She didn’t give up, on the next contraction she did the same and the baby side out. 
Fiona’s body relaxed as she picked the crying baby up and comforted him, she cut the cord and set to work on the umbilical cord. 
A few hours later she had already contacted the parents who had decided to come back early so they could meet their son. Fiona had napped and spent the day cleaning up and writing her birth report. Stan gave her a genorous tip for deliverying there son so quickly, before Fiona could blink it was monday morning. She had magically healed by now, she greeted her work friend. “How was the mother in law?”
“Bad news she tricked us into buy her a new snake, how was your weekend?”
“Got my jobs done quicker then usual so spend sunday resting”.
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iworshipkeanureeves · 5 years ago
There Are No Rules (3/3)
Keanu Reeves x Reader (The Devil Wears Prada AU)
A/N: The series has come to an end and I’m a little sad about it because I had too much fun exploring this universe, but I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I did. Thanks @toomanystoriessolittletime​ for this opportunity to participate in your writing challenge, and I can’t wait to wish you a happy birthday!
Summary: Reader applies for a job in a fashion magazine where Keanu is editor-in-chief.
Warnings: none
Words: 3.5K
-Part 2-
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The morning they had to leave, Keanu sent a car to Y/N’s home. Opening the  door, she was relieved to find out he wasn’t sitting inside, and she was informed that he would be meeting her at the airport. Y/N was still a little embarrassed from the previous night, thinking it would have been wiser not staying for that drink, and it was easing to know they wouldn’t be sharing an awkward car ride.
Y/N had no idea what to expect but she was definitely amazed to learn that Vogue owned a private jet. Sadly, it was only reminding her how much out of place she felt. Y/N had never been on one before, and no matter how excited she was, there was a feeling of anxiety accumulating in her core. This lifestyle wasn’t hers, she did not know how to behave, especially at all the shows she was going to attend with Reeves. She was afraid to be a disappointment.
Y/N was greeted by Nigel rushing her to get on board, while the driver was taking care of her luggage. Stepping inside, Y/N acted like she was looking around for a place to sit but her eyes were actually scanning the place and searching for Reeves.
He was already asleep with his ears plugged and a black satiny sleeping mask covering his eyes. It didn’t come as a surprise after the sleepless night that Keanu and Y/N had shared, still unsettling thoughts were running in her head, thinking that maybe Keanu was pretending, just to avoid interacting with her.
Y/N, on the other hand, was unable to rest. She was nauseous, worried that things were going to be weird between Keanu and her, and to make the matters worse, they would be stuck together for a whole week. Y/N was also disgusted by her own actions, knowing it was Emily, who should have been on this jet, flying to Fashion Week she had been dreaming about for so long. Instead, Y/N selfishly took her place, and she hadn’t even had the guts to apologize yet.
Nigel seemed like he had a sleepless night too. He had probably spent the bigger part of it making a wardrobe switch, throwing away outfits he had spent a lot of time putting together. Not only Y/N’s and Emily’s sizes differed, but their styles too, so Nigel had only a few hours to come up with something completely new. It was another reason for him to hate the fact that Y/N was coming instead of Emily, and he wasn’t afraid to openly express it with his sulking look.
Spending long hours on that jet, Y/N couldn’t help but think, how a simple refusal could have solved most of these problems, and how she would be enjoying a calm day at the office now.
Surprisingly, the Fashion Week was going way better than Y/N thought it would. It opened up a whole new world for her, and Keanu was there to guide her. Indeed, he was being very nice and patient with her, Y/N really enjoyed having her boss this way. Sometimes Y/N even felt like he was the one assisting her, as Keanu would help with where to go, what to do, what to say, and she was thankful, because otherwise she would have been completely lost.
Keanu was also good with dissipating any remaining awkwardness between them, and a couple of days in, Y/N had almost forgotten that uncomfortable exchange at his place. They were back at ‘friendly professional‘, and even if Y/N had been craving the kiss, she liked having their relationship this way. It was less stressful, and she could properly enjoy the events of the Fashion Week.
Y/N didn't feel excluded at all, Reeves was taking her everywhere, and he was even encouraging Y/N to converse with people. Not that she often dared to, but still, it was nice to know that she wasn't just someone far in the background.
And the outfits were fantastic of course, even if Nigel didn't like Y/N too much, he did a perfect job. He was even considerate enough to search for comfortable shoes and Y/N appreciated that. Keanu seemed like he enjoyed her outfits as well, since Y/N would catch him occasionally checking her out. She was certain that Keanu was more interested in her fashion rather than Y/N herself, but she savored his attention.
Keanu was definitely leading socially but it was Y/N, who kept everything in order, and Keanu knew he could trust her. “Can you check if our car is close? I don’t want to be late for Saint Laurent,” he asked, ready to leave Dior.
Praising technology, Y/N opened a GPS app connected to their car, hoping it was not too far away. “It’s just around the corner, our driver is probably waiting for us already,” she turned her phone around showing Keanu the screen. In that second, Y/N felt her phone vibrating, unknown number popping up on the screen.
Y/N knew she was still technically working, and maybe it was not the right time to answer calls from her personal phone. She was about to stick her mobile back into her purse, when Keanu interrupted. “You’re not going to take this?” He asked.
“May I?” She was a little surprised, thinking how this would never happen back in the office. Keanu would often remind her that working hours were not for personal matters, but she guessed the rules didn’t apply in Paris.
“Sure, I’ll meet you outside,” Keanu let her go with a little wink, and she found her way outside to return the call. It was really hard to find a quiet corner. Luckily, Y/N wasn’t famous and people were completely ignoring her when Keanu wasn’t by her side.
“Good morning, Y/N, I’m calling from The Bronx Daily, I’m happy to inform…” it was all Y/N heard before her brain went clouded. Words were mixing up inside her head, and her brain could only put together little snippets coming from the other end of the line.
“… we would like you to start as soon as possible…” Y/N immediately remembered having that interview, but they hadn’t responded in so long that Y/N thought it was over. She didn’t even know what to say. Of course, she was happy, but everything seemed so quick and unexpected that she was having hard time gathering her thoughts.
“Thank you so much, could you email me all the information?” She had only managed to say, before she saw Keanu waving at the driver. Once the call was over, she ran closer joining him for the ride.
“All good?” He handed Y/N a snickers, something to keep her through another show.
“What? Oh, yes yes, I’m good.”
“You’re sure? You seem a little off.” He was watching Y/N playing with her chocolate bar, nervously twirling the wrapper in her hands.
“I’m fine, it was just my friend, she got engaged” Y/N lied, she wanted to think more before announcing her decision.
Truthfully, there wasn’t much to think about, she had just been offered a job as a journalist, which meant she would finally be writing. It was something she had been dreaming of for so long, and it didn’t matter that it wouldn’t be as glamorous as Vogue, she had to start somewhere.
It was a pity they called her in the midst of the Fashion Week, when Y/N was enjoying her job like never before. She had to constantly remind herself that her fairytale was going to end next week, and she would be back to her horrid office job fulfilling absurd Reeves’ wishes.
Speaking about Reeves, it made everything much harder, since Y/N felt herself slowly falling for him. Y/N was sure as ever, she wasn’t going to waste a great opportunity for another man, especially the one completely out of her league, who also didn’t even seem to be interested in her any longer.
Y/N felt that if Keanu truly wanted to kiss her, he would have done it back at his place before leaving to Paris. But he didn’t, and maybe Y/N was overestimating how much he actually liked her. Still, it broke her heart knowing she might not be seeing him again.
Their car was slowing down next to a venue, and Y/N kept on staring through the window with a slight concern. She still couldn’t get used to those huge crowds surrounding the entrance, people shouting and press cameras flashing in front of her eyes. “Do you enjoy this chaos?” She inquired, keeping her eyes set on the pavement.
“No, of course not,” Keanu chuckled. “But I love my job and I love fashion, it’s something I have never doubted. So I guess, when you’re determined about the things you love, it’s easier to turn a blind eye sometimes, and I’m pretty sure you’re aware there are much worse things in the industry than that.”
“Yeah…” Y/N sighed and gave him a shy smile.
“This chaos will be over soon, and no matter how much you hate it now, I guarantee, you’re going to miss it someday.”
It was Y/N’s final night in Paris, she was hanging out in her hotel room, getting ready for the gala event as Reeves’ plus one. He had sent a professional glam team to her room for her hair and make up, and Nigel had stopped by earlier leaving a beautiful evening gown for Y/N to wear.
It was a dark burgundy chiffon dress having a corset embedded with bright tiny jewels. Y/N could only wonder how much it was worth, but in the same time, she had other things to worry about too. That tight corset being one of them.
It had too many little clasps in the back, and Y/N was sweating, desperately trying to work behind her. Her arms were burning and her neck was doing almost a 180 degree turn to the mirror, trying to keep track of every little metal piece sliding between her fingers. It was impossible, and she had been aware from the very beginning that in no way she was going to do it herself.
Y/N knew she should have asked her make up team to help her, if only she had thought about it earlier… But it was too late now. Time was not on her side, and Y/N had to think fast. It was either Nigel or Keanu to help her, and the choice was obvious here.
Y/N dialed Nigel as quickly as she could praying for him to answer. It took a few calls for her to realize that Nigel was not available to help. Her only hope was Keanu now, and Y/N didn’t think much before dialing his number. Gladly, he was quick to pick up.
“Can you come help me?” She asked, breathing her frustration to the phone.
“What did you do?” He was always quick to think that Y/N had messed something up.
“What? Nothing, it’s about the dress” She had neither time nor energy to argue, so she just waited for Keanu to confirm that he could come.
In a minute, Y/N heard a knock on her door and rushed to let Keanu in. He was already wearing his white dress shirt with a black tie, but the suit jacket was probably still in his room. For a second, Y/N lost herself admiring his built, his shirt nicely tucked in, accentuating his hefty core. Her hands even shook a little willing to wrap around his sturdy waist.
“If you don’t like it, I’m sorry, but trust me, Nigel knows better,” Keanu spoke closing the door behind him and coming closer into the room.
“It’s not that, I love it. I just can’t deal with the corset, and Nigel won’t answer.”
“Fine, show me.” He crossed his arms waiting for Y/N to bring the dress.
She slowly handed him the gown, and they both stood confused. “Do you want to wear this on top of your robe?” Keanu asked with a cheeky smile, making Y/N blush and shift her eyes to the ground. She was wearing nothing but her panties underneath, and she only had stickers covering her nipples, so naturally, Y/N didn’t feel easy taking the robe off in front of Reeves.
“What? Oh no, I-I’m,” she was stuttering, feeling the burn in her cheeks.
“It’s okay, I won’t look,” Keanu giggled turning around. He was so used to working around unabashed models, that he didn’t even realize at first this could be making Y/N feel uncomfortable.
She looked beautiful as ever, making it hard for Keanu to focus on her corset. In fact, he was stalling, slowly working his way up her spine, wishing this moment lasted forever. With every clasp done, Keanu could see her breasts lifting higher, every little push up was making his breathing increasingly erratic. He tried to look away, but his eyes would wander back to Y/N’s décolleté, perfectly framed by luxurious fabric.
More than anything, Keanu wanted to undo the corset ripping it apart, he was barely holding himself together. But he had to. Y/N was his assistant, a good one in fact, and he had almost ruined it once, so he knew better to stay away this time.
Meanwhile, Y/N was sensing Keanu close, his breath against her radiating skin. She was imagining him kissing her exposed neck, trailing sultry kisses down her bare back. Y/N could feel his fingertips occasionally brushing against her soft skin, waking up little tingles in various places all over her body. She got carried away by various scenarios playing in her head, all of which involved Keanu tearing the dress away.
“You’re all done.” His words snapped Y/N back into reality, and they both shared longing looks reflecting in the mirror. Both of them felt it, neither one dared to do something. “No wait, not yet.” He stepped aside to take a white gold diamond necklace out of the velvet box and came back closer brushing Y/N’s hair over her shoulder. “You look beautiful,” he said, admiring Y/N through the mirror, his eyes following the necklace as it sank down closer to the valley of her breasts.
In that minute, sadness washed over Y/N’s eyes, as she remembered it was her final day in Paris. Her Cinderella story was coming to an end, and Y/N felt like she would never even see Keanu again after telling him she wanted to leave Vogue.
“I’ll meet you at the lobby,” he nodded stepping through the door. “We’re leaving through the front door, so don’t get too overwhelmed.”
She knew she had to tell him. Eventually.
The gala was overwhelming to say the least. Y/N felt like every event she had participated in during the week was to prepare her for this. Some of the people she could remember from the fashion shows she had seen, and surprisingly, some of them remembered her too.
Of course, she didn’t magically turn into a social butterfly, but her time spent in Paris definitely helped to open up her shell. Y/N was amazed how she only needed one person to believe in her in order to become a confident woman, or at least she was getting closer to it. Unfortunately, the realization only made it harder to leave Vogue.
Y/N kept calling it Vogue in her head, but truly, it was Keanu she didn’t want to part with.
“Y/N?!” She heard him whispering in a strict tone. “What is wrong with you today? You’re all in your head.” He complained, but he also seemed a little concerned for Y/N.
“I’m sorry, it’s nothing. You wanted something?” She smiled, persuading him there was nothing to worry about.
“You have to choose from the menu, I’ve asked you like three times already.” Y/N only gave him an apologetic look, taking the menu from his hands.
During the dinner Y/N tried to constantly be aware, she was afraid to look like a fool drifting away in her mind again. She kept observing the environment, noticing how most of the girls were barely touching their food, and it made her wonder whether she should follow this social protocol too.
It took Y/N two minutes of playing with her food to realize how actually hungry she was. She wasn’t even going to be a part of this world soon, so why bother, she thought. The steak was so juicy, Y/N could almost hear it calling her name, inviting her to indulge.  Ant it was definitely worth it.
As they were waiting for the dessert, the chatty crowd around the table was becoming too much for Y/N, so she excused herself to get some fresh air. Also, she wanted to prepare her words for telling Keanu she was out, something quick and painless.
Keanu was expecting for Y/N to come back soon, but as he noticed she was gone for a great matter of time, he decided to go look for her.
He found Y/N in the balcony, admiring the sun setting over the Parisian rooftops. Her dress was flowing in the wind as she was leaning over the balcony railing, looking stunning from behind. Keanu even had to stop for a moment to marvel the view.
“You’re okay?” He inquired coming nearer to Y/N and resting his hands on the rail, close to where hers was.
“Yes, just needed some air,” her eyes were set on the Eifel Tower; she had never been to Paris before.
“Did something happen? Because I feel like something’s wrong.” He turned his core towards Y/N, trying to read her face. The only thing he saw was how pretty she was.
“The Bronx Daily reached out, they want me to write for them.” Y/N bit her lip trying to swallow her tears.
“Are you going to?” Keanu was soft, almost compassionate.
“Well yes, I know it’s not Vogue, but at least I’d be writing.”
“So, that’s great news, right?” He raised his palms up, almost ready to hug Y/N. Keanu saw it wasn’t easy for her, so he tried to lighten the atmosphere with his smile. He was genuinely happy for her.
“Yeah, but… You don’t seem too upset,” she smirked, finally finding the courage to look Keanu in the eye. “Was I really that bad?”
“Oh come on, I think we both knew Vogue was only temporary for you.” Y/N raised her brow, thinking what the hell Keanu meant with his words. “You’ve always wanted to write, it’s your chance.”
“Then why did you even bother to take me in?”
“I saw a beautiful girl with so much potential just not enough vigor that I… I don’t know, I guess… I just wanted to show her what she’s capable of, to give her wings, you know.” For the first time Y/N saw Keanu like that. He was timid, even blushing, it was him now unable to keep his eyes up.  
“You know you turned me into a terrible person, right?” Y/N sighed. “I stabbed Emily in the back, I stole this opportunity from her, and I don’t think I deserved this at all. Is that what you’re calling giving me wings?”
“Well, Harpies have wings too,” Keanu smirked making her giggle.  
“And look at the bright side.” He raised his hand up to her shoulder coming to stand behind her. Y/N could feel his touch still being a little uncertain, so she sank backwards slightly, molding herself into his grip. “You won’t have to deal with Emily anymore, who I’m sure is mad as hell.” Keanu continued making them both chuckle, his hands were squeezing Y/N’s shoulders form behind, warming up her skin. The weather was getting chilly, but Y/N was feeling warmth from within, she wanted to be held like this forever.
“Besides, since you won’t be working for me anymore…” Keanu brushed his fingers through Y/N’s hair, fixing a couple of strands messed up by the wind. He slowly pushed one of her shoulders forward turning her around, then carefully drew his hand to cup her cheek, his thumb running just below her lower lip. Y/N’s eyes were glimmering with anticipation, and before she could do or say anything, Keanu’s lips came to join hers.
He was tender at first, slowly deepening the kiss, trying to test the waters before he was sure Y/N was in for this. He even pulled back a little, opening his eyes to check hers. “Is this..?” Y/N didn’t let Keanu finish, wrapping her hand around his nape, pulling him closer again. She felt the kiss with her whole body, excitement and arousal reaching every single cell of hers. It seemed like their hands had only one goal, which was to pull each other close, making them eager for even more. It was impossible to hold back with their lips fusing, dancing around one another, exploring the taste they had been craving for so long. It felt like the kissing was never going to end, but for the sake of their swollen lips, they had to slow down at least for now.
“Do you want to go back for dessert?” Keanu asked, pressing her gently to his chest.  
“I’ve already had mine,” they both chuckled, bringing their lips back closer for another little peck.
“Want me to show you around Paris then?” Keanu grinned, offering Y/N to take his hand. Nodding with enthusiasm, she left another kiss lingering on Keanu’s lips and locked their fingers together getting excited for what else this night had to offer.
Tag-list: @keandrews @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @greenmanalishi​ @lilywoood​
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trudy-shams · 4 years ago
What we become - Part 8
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Time is a difficult concept to understand.
Sometimes a night or a day may feel too long and at the same time, years pass you by in a blink.
Making your way through the baggage claim, looking for Nat, it felt like it was just yesterday when you were picking her up, seconds away from that dreadful moment when everything shattered. Your heart bled out right at the airport. Like always, your mind wandered to the sweeter memory you had of the airport, the kiss - a pair of lips you could still feel on yours. Sometimes, when you couldn't sleep at night, you revisited that memory, strangely able to detach it from the harsh truth. It felt like yesterday when those soft lips pressed against yours and at the same time, you felt like you were that girl eons ago. Maybe if your past self walked next to you, you wouldn't even recognize her. You had changed so much, you had grown so much.
Time is indeed a difficult concept to understand.
But looking at the girl, who was barreling towards you at full speed, you knew it had been a really long time.
She smashed into you and crushed you in a bear hug and all you could manage was a muffled 'oof'.
"I missed you peanut" Nat's voice held so much emotion you had a hard time keeping your tears at bay.
"Not as much as I missed you" You leaned back after a deep breath and beamed at her.
Nat was wearing a muted grey sweatshirt and sweats with large sunglasses and a really stupid looking that covering most of her face. Nobody was paying any attention to her and you were really glad about that.
"It's my favourite disguise, works like a charm every time" She said as she hauled your bags up and handed it to a man who appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the crowd again with your bags.
"This is so weird, you have people picking bags for you" you shook your head and spotted Nat's face in a huge billboard as you existed the airport "Seriously, this is why I have missed you more, your face was plastered everywhere!"
You both got into a waiting SUV and spent the entire ride falling back into the easy rhythm you two shared. Nat and you spoke very frequently on the phone but you both were busy. She was one of the most successful models in the country now and you had made great advancements in your career. She filled you in on the lastest news and gossip about your family and friends.
You were lounging by the pool in your suite, when Nat came back after speaking to her manager who had dropped by.
"You remember Sam Wilson?" Nat asked and you nodded, of course you remembered, he was Steve's friend "I have to attend a launch party for one of his product lines today since I am their brand ambassador and all, we need your dress size"
You quirked an eyebrow " Why do you need my size? I am not wasting my precious vacation hours making small talk with complete strangers"
"Well, you have to come because this has been planned for ages and well... I want you to meet someone"
That got your attention "Natasha..do you mean I finally get to meet your super secret boyfriend mr."pea" that I had to pretend doesn't exist?"
"Yes tha... what?" Nat was surprised. No one knew about it, no one even suspected anything. The paparazzi had nothing on her.
"You can't hide stuff from me babe, we are sisters and well...I still remember your personal email and social media password, you really need to change those '' You squealed as Nat ran after you.
"You little shit, come here"
You spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and drinking expensive liquor.
Both of you were dressed to the nines in glamorous dresses, perfect hair and makeup - thanks to Nat's team of professionals, you didn't even have to lift a finger.
When you looked into the mirror after they were done, you couldn't even recognize yourself. Was that really you? This momentarily distracted you from the bigger worry festering in your heart since Nat announced you were going to the launch party. You knew Sam was friends with James and Steve. There was a high probability you would run into them tonight.
You were sure you had it under control, it had been 5 years since that fateful day, You were not that person anymore. Nat was not that person anymore - she appeared to be unbothered but you knew something had her worried. You didn't bring it up but you felt like it was probably the prospect of seeing James again but being in the same city, you didn't know if Nat had run into him before today. You tried to tamp down your nerves and give yourself some internal pep talk.
You were not a young girl working at the bar anymore, you were so much more.
Steve probably didn't even remember you.
Both statements were proven wrong the moment your eyes met a pair of cerulean blues that you had never truly forgotten.
Steve definitely remembered you if his wide eyes and open mouth were anything to go by.
And you were still that girl, who couldn't look away from the prison of his eyes.
You broke out of your trance when a loud voice greeted Nat.
"There is my sweet pea" the masculine accented voice sounded vaguely familiar.
"Here I am Mr. pea"
What the hell? Peitro Maximoff is Mr. Pea - or Mr. P now that you think of it.
"Well he is" Peitro was sheepishly smiling at you now and you realized you said the last statement out loud. "Although,your sister has plenty of other names for me but those are usually reserved for a more private setting" he added with an exaggerated wink while Nat smacked him on the chest with a roll of her eyes.
You didn't know how to react to THIS? How could she not tell you? This guy was a douche. He always was. He was only with Nat for publicity. You wanted to drag Nat to a room to scream at her for hours.
But at that very moment, a smiling Wanda along with a happy Sam Wilson and a grumpy James Barnes made their appearance.
"There is my beautiful future sister in law" Wanda was smiling a toothy fake grin at Nat. "Not again Wanda" Pietro and Nat said at the same time and laughed. You eyed her fingers there was no ring. You would have murdered her if she got engaged without telling you. Was this your life? Your sister going from one douche to another?
You looked at James's grumpy face.
And suddenly, everything made sense.
Nat could not have found a better man for herself. What better way to rub it into James face then date his own brother in law? This was epic! You never thought Nat could come up with such a scheme.
You were surprised but also kinda proud.
You tried your best to hide your smirk at James's scowl and glanced at Nat. God! She was playing the part so well, even you were surprised by her skills, she was gazing so lovingly at Peitro who now had his hands in the small of her back and talking animatedly with Wanda.
Nat introduced you to everyone and Pietro gushed about how much your sister loved you and mentioned you all the time.
You smiled politely and kept up the small talk.
Just then, you got a whiff of a cologne which spiked your heartbeat and a second later a throat cleared and the deep voice you were longing to hear rang out.
"Hey guys"
Followed by another voice which your nightmares were made of.
"You looked so beautiful up there Nat" Sharon, still attached to Steve's hip.
"It's Natasha actually" Nat spoke airily. She did not like Sharon, you wondered why.
"Oh my sweetpea really likes her name" Petro was whipped. This was going to be so good.
You were never the bitter kind but being around these people,with all the memories,it just..changed you.
You didn't know if it was a natural pull or your instinct but you made the mistake of looking at Steve again.
You willed your heart to quiet down. He was looking at you as if you were a ghost. He barely blinked and you could hear his broken breaths as his eyes captivated you.
Why was he doing this? He was with Sharon still and he was looking at you like.. that.
A nudge on your elbow from Nat gave you the push you needed. You excused yourself and rushed to find the ladies room.
You needed to get your heartbeat and breathing under control. What was wrong with you? This guy straight up lied to you, on your face, for so long, led you on and here you were falling apart just because he looked at you a certain way.
You really needed to talk to someone. Keeping this all in was definitely driving you nuts.
You decide to come clean to Nat. Maybe it will give you the closure you needed, letting it all out.
You patted your cheeks a few times and turned to open the door of the ladies to go back out when you bumped into Nat.
"You ok?" Nat put a hand on your shoulder and ducked her head a little, forcing you to meet her eyes.
Nope! You couldn't tell her anything. This wasn't important. She and you both had better things to discuss.
"Yea, I just needed to use the ladies for a bit" you tried to sound extra cheery but one look from Nat was enough to tell you that it wasn't working.
"You can tell me if something is bothering you you know" you wanted to squirm under Nat's gaze.
"Pfft.. me? Why would anything bother me? I am great. You know what we should have drinks, I think I saw an open bar" You clasped her hand and dragged her behind you. --------------------------- "Ugh..I think I am dead" you opened your eyes with a groan "Did you let a car drive over me Nat?"
"You know, on several occasions last night, I almost wanted to do exactly that but... well Pietro stopped me" Nat pulled you into a sitting position and pressed 2 pills in your palm and a bottle of water "I didn't know you were such a lightweight"
"Well I usually don't drink so much" you ingested the pills and gulped down the water.
"So why last night? Something is bothering you?" Nat was eying you like THAT again.
You squinted at her and shook your head getting up to go to the bathroom. Did she know anything? Why did she keep saying that?
Nat opened her mouth to say something when her phone went off. She smiled looking at the screen and you slinked away to the bathroom quietly.
Nat was slumped on the bed when you came out of the bathroom
"Pietro has invited us for dinner at his place tonight. Are you ok with that?"
You nodded your head "But no alcohol for me. I have had enough for a week"
Nat hummed "It will be just a small circle of us. I would like for you and Pietro to get to know each other better"
"yeah yeah sure since you will be the future Mrs Maximoff '' you said mockingly and laughed at your own joke and tried to get some more sleep.
In your hungover state, you missed to notice the lack of matching laughter and quizzical expression on Nat's face.
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