#and i have an altaria guarding me
wormholewandering · 4 months
be careful, it might be one of those "everything's the same except people have 12 fingers instead of 10" universes
most of everything I encountered was like,,, caves, wet caves, cliffs, nothing denoting any sorta civilization
I'm smack dab in the middle of Melemele Island
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ecargmura · 27 days
Pokemon Horizons Episode 63 Review - The Sub-Zero Shredder
This episode really caught me off guard. I did expect Liko to lose due to her opponent being Grusha of all people and the major type disadvantage she had against his specialized typing, but I didn’t expect Grusha to FAIL her. And there are no rematches too! What a twist.
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I do wonder why the writers like to squeeze so many things in one episode. Before Liko’s battle, the kids were sledding with Cetoddles and learned about Grusha’s past as a pro snowboarder to a lot of accolades. Though, I do admit that it’s handled a lot better than in Episode 61 where it was clunky pacing-wise. I say this because the sledding part was actually important plot-wise as the part where Floragato was using her yo-yo to stop the Cetoddle by using the trees and snow to break its fall was used in her battle against Altaria. To be honest, I quite liked the Cetoddle sliding segment as they are all so adorable.
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I like that the anime sort of did their own thing of how Grusha got injured and had to quit his snowboarding career. While the games only told the players about his past, the anime showcased that his injury was caused by an abrupt swerve to move away from a passing Cetoddle and it strained and hurt his ankle. Despite losing his career, he never hated the Cetoddle and even became its trainer as a way to move on from his losses. His injury wasn’t too bad and that he could return to the snowboarding world, but he knew he wouldn’t see the same results from his glory days. That’s why he became a frigid person—he’s harsh on himself and others because he has very high expectations and is a tough judge.
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While Liko showcased her best battling yet, it’s not enough. I sort of get why Grusha failed her. I believe that he is looking for someone to prove he is wrong. That was why he showed some interest in Liko back in Episode 56. She was nervous in her match against Rika, but once she was in sync with Floragato, she showed off a fire she never had before and showed off how serious she can be while battling. That fire wasn’t shown in the match. I think what Grusha wanted was for her to show that enthusiasm from before but also produce effective results like being able to defeat one or both of his Pokemon. She failed that as he knocked out both of her Pokemon. I do commend Liko for progressing as she was able to outsmart Cetitan by stuffing its mouth with Floragato and using her yo-yo to pull Altaria to the ground. However, it’s not enough. Poor Hattrem got jobbed like the other kids’ second Pokemon.
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I’ve seen some reactions online that Grusha is being harsh to Liko and that he should’ve passed her because she’s a kid. Being a kid does not matter in the Pokemon world. Look at Poppy and Nemona. Poppy is an Elite Four member—do you think they only gave her that position because she’s a kid? No, she worked hard and proved that she’s talented at Pokemon battles despite her age. Nemona may be a prodigy at Pokemon battling, but her title as Champion isn’t handed over to her because of her age—it’s because she was able to prove that her age didn’t matter when it came to talent. Being a kid doesn’t mean that everyone has to be lenient towards you and your growth. Sometimes, kids have to learn the greatest of failures in order to pick themselves back up.
I definitely can see a rematch looming. I think the upcoming episodes with Amethio and Spinel are going to show the viewers that Liko is capable and that she can prove to Grusha that he made the wrong call. I honestly can’t wait for next week. What are your thoughts on the episode overall?
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Hey there folks! I'm back with another fallout prime pokemon team! So I know I did cooper as The Ghoul the other day, but I wanted to do pre-war Cooper and his team too! I think I'll do Lucy next ^^ but yall aren't here for me, you're here for the teams so....
Team Cooper
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1. Rapidash
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Well of course he needs a horse like pokemon during this time. I'd imagine she's been in a few of his movies too. I headcanon that he raised her from a ponyta and was probably one of his first pokemon.
2. Arcanine
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Cmon guys...you didn't think I'd not give him another dog right? Just this fellows a bit bigger and he can be ridden around on. He often challenges rapidash to races, and they're always pretty close.
3. Altaria
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Okay so...hear me out. Altaria was a swablu that Barb got Coop for an anniversary, possibly their first wedding anniversary. She was originally intended to be like a house pet pokemon but Cooper insisted on training her to guard the house. Altaria was a sweetheart, helpful around the Howard household and vigilant in her duty to protect her humans.
4. Duskull
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Duksull was a late addition to the team. Cooper actually caught him to be a companion for Janey, possibly have him be her first pokemon. Despite his spooky appearance, Cooper's Duskull was empathic and generally kind. He was fiercely loyal to both Coop and his daughter.
5. Braviary
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This one I feel just makes sense. Braviary I feel is a reflection of who Cooper Howard was: strong, loyal, caring, and heroic. I had the idea that he actually rescued braviary when he was in the marines, freeing him from a trap, and he just stuck with him since.
6. Excadrill
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Definitely caught as a drillbur, excadrill was the bravest of Cooper's original team. He was also the longest lasting after the bombs fell, accompanying him into the wasteland for the first fifty years after, and staying by his side as his body mutated. Excadrill was protective of his trainer, coming off as guarded and vicious at the end...
And that was team Cooper! If you guys have any suggestions I'm up for it ^^ I plan to do Lucy next, so stay tuned! Thank you!
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meteor752 · 2 years
Dsmp Pokémon AU: Scarlet and Violet update
Yep we’re doing this
Just gonna go through the ol’ teams and see if there’s any updates I can make now that there’s some new guys, plus any changes I would make. Also I’m not adding any Pokémon to all the new people, I don’t even think I have a team to everyone on the server in the first place
Tommy still has a good team. Okay not like good good, but it’s very Tommy. Wouldn’t change it
There’s some like, possible changes I would like to Tubbo’s team. Like, I gave him a Xatu and a Grookey for like no reason. I don’t know what if replace it with tho. Maybe a Galar Weezing? Or a Gumshoos? Idk. Tell me if you have any ideas yourself
Well we’re evolving Ranboo’s Girafarig to a Farigiraf. Other wise it’s still good
Gonna make a change to Purpled as well. Instead of Ambipom we’re adding Houndstone, cause it’s like purple-ish and that’s all I need. Dogchamp
Tommy Innit - Camerupt, Scorbunny, Galvantula, Shiny Galar Linoone, Exploud, Snom
Tubbo Schlatt - Beedrill, Mareep, Alola Vulpix, Ribombee, Xatu, Grookey (????)
Ranboo Beloved - Male Meowstic, Farigiraf, Zorua, Buneary, Axew, Umbreon
Purpled Bedwars - Mienshao, Espeon, Noibat, Shiny Gourgeist, Drapion, Houndstone
Feral three, or something
Okay so Dream’s team fucking suck. I intended for him to first have all green Pokémon, but then I gave him a Drifblim for some fucking reason. So yeah we’re changing this quite a bit. Removing the Breloom, Serperior and Manetric, we’re instead adding Tatsugiri, Shiny Espeon, and Scovillain
George’s team is still pretty good. I still like it
I didn’t give Karl a fucking Spinda, I’m disappointed in myself. Replacing the Furret
Dream Wataken - Sceptile, Tyranitar, Drifblim, Tatsugiri, Shiny Espeon, Scovillain
George Notfound - Quagsire, Komala, Walrein, Snorlax, Foongus, Munna
Karl Jacobs - Poliwag, Spinda, Tangela, Croagunk, Noctowl, Stufful
Puffy’s team is still pretty good. No real gripes here honestly
I’m gonna remove Niki’s Fennekin and Vaporeon, and evolve her Cottonee to a Whimsicott. I’m giving Niki a Flamigo cause it’s just sorta funny, and a Dachsbun as a throwback to her bakery days
Puffy Schlatt- Flaaffy, Dubwool, Altaria, Dhelmise, Empoleon, Archeops
Nikki Nihachu - Female Pyroar, Dachsbun, Milotic, Mimikyu, Whimsicott, Flamigo
Prank duo or smt
We’re gonna evolve the Fennekin to a Delphox and give it to Fundy in exchange for his Bronzong. Partly cause fox, and partly cause it’s Furry bait! Which is funny! The rest remains the same
Replacing Eret’s Gothitelle to instead have Kingambit, cause it’s a king Pokémon that evolved through the betrayal and massacre of their fellow kind. Sorry queen
Fundy Soot - Thievul, Vulpix, Delphox, Mienfoo, Scizor , Marowak
Eret King, - Mawhile, Salazzle, Garchomp, Meowstic female, Kingambit, Seviper
Immediately giving Foolish a Garganacl, cause it kinda looks like building blocks. We’re replacing Cubone for it.
Giving Sam a Mabosstiff instead of Elgyem, cause it kinda has that guard dog vibe, and I can see it t training up his Lillipup
Ponk gets a Grafaiai instead of their Slakoth
Foolish Gamrs - Gofagrigus, M Arodactyl, Shieldon, Sharpedo, Sensu Oricorio, Garganacl
Sam Awedude - Fran the Lillipup, Ferrothorn, Golurk, Magnezone, Turtonator, Mabosstiff
Ponk Obsby, Medic in training - Tropius, Blissey, Bounsweet, M Pidgeot, Grafaiai, Bellsprout
Jack Manifold only
Sad little man
Jack’s team are just…good Pokémon. Diverse team. He’s been at the gym challenge for ten years, he’s built up a good team
Not changing anything
Jack Manifold- Druddigon, Raichu, Pyroar male, Talonflame, Aggron, Samurott
We’re changing Rat from being a Rockruff to being a Fidough, mostly cause it’s the most Bad Pokémon ever lol.
Skeppy’s team is either pranksters, Gem related, tounge users, or a combination of the three. We’re keeping it that way
Bad. B. Halo - Shroomish (Muffin), Walrein (Mr Squee Gee), Chansey (Eggsy), Blitzle (Roberto), Hydreigon (Snappy), Fidough (Rat)
Skeppy Halo- M Sableye, Carbink, Impidimp, Gigalith, Lickitung, Gengar
(See I say that but I’ve only given Velvet one Pokémon sooooo…yeah)
Antfrost needs to have the fucking weed cat. We’re getting rid of Sneasel, not even a real cat, and giving him Sprigatitio. The moment I saw this cat I knew Ant was getting it
Velvet has a Cherubi. This is because I don’t know much about Velvet. I’m adding on a Milcery, because baking/cake related and it sorta looks like cu-*Gunshot*
(If someone has any suggestions for a Velvet team I’ll gladly take ‘em)
Antfrost Cake, - Purugly, Delcatty, Liepard, Persian, Sprigatito, Torracat
R.Velvet Cake - Cherubi, Milcery
Punz is the same as Jack in that his Pokémon are mainly just…good Pokémon. I am changing his Dewott to a Lokix tho
Punz Bedwars - Absol, Greninja, Lucario, Zangoose, Bisharp, Lokix
Human man
I’m giving Charlie a Clodsire. Don’t care if it ain’t really goo, it’s goo enough and it has zero braincells. It’s perfect
Charlie Slimesicle, - Muk, Goodra, Ditto, Slugma, Clodsire, Gulpin
Fast as fuck boiiii
Connor has fast boys. The fastest Pokémon added were like, the box art legendaries and I’m not giving him those. He keeps his team
Connor Eapans - Togudemaru, Rapidash, Ninjask, Accelgor, Jolteon, Sandshrew
Shady business man
Out of the originals, Schlatt was the only one I didn’t give a full team. We’re changing that today. Mans getting a Wooloo from his sister, a Paldean Tauros, and a Gholdengo
J. Schlatt, -Gogoat, Combee, Wooloo, Purrloin, Paldean Tauros, Gholdengo
ᓭℸ ̣ ∷ᔑリ⊣ᒷ ᒲᔑリ
Callahan keeps his Sawsbuck
Gym leaders
We’re switching Hannah’s steenee for a dolliv. I would give her Arboliva but she’s the first gym aight.
HBomb gets a Tinkatuff cause I think it’s funny. We’re removing Sylveon
New duck Pokémon means new Duckie for Quackie! I’d love to give him a Quaquaval, but he’s gym three so like, damn boy. Quaxwell it is, swapped out with Golduck
Wilbur keeps his team. Was thinking of giving him Annihilape, but it’s too strong.
Switching Sapnap’s Infernape for Armarouge
Philza keeps his team, but switching his extra Tepic for Lechonk
Drista keeps her team (I’d give her Roaring Moon if I could but it’s like from 3000 years ago or smt, she ain’t that powerful)
Switching Techno’s Abomasnow for Baxcalibur
Hannah X. Rose, - Roserade, Dolliv, Petilil (Venusaur, Bellossom, Gossifleur)
Haitch Bomb- Fairy Terra Skitty, Spritze, Tinkatuff (Mime Jr, Granbull, Gardevoir)
Alex Quackity - Ludicolo, Ducklett, Quaxwell (Hawlucha, Politoed, Tepig)
Wilbur Soot - Banette, Froslass, Mismagius (Jigglypuff, Wooloo, Krookodile)
Sapnap Halo - Armarouge , Alola Marowak, Houndoom (Pancham, Chimchar, Charizard)
Philza Minecraft - Honchcrow, Corviknight, Male Unfezant (Lechonk, Pluzle, Phantump)
Drista Wataken - Flygon, Haxorus, Salamence (Lopunny, Kadabra, Mareanie)
Techno Blade - Mamoswine, Baxcalibur, Beartic (Steve) (Doublade, Emboar, Beldum)
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cyberstardragon · 2 years
F-Zero GP Legend Anime Headcannons➩Pokemon Partner(s)
{Before I begin let me just say this, you may not like the Pokemon partners I give to the certain characters I chose, that's ok}
(Anyways here's some Pokemon I think these characters would have)
Jody Summer- Stufful and Meowstic (Female),I think these Pokemon would be her Pokemon partners, then stufful will evolve to Bewear and it can be a useful partner to have for missions since she trained stufful with her brother as well (I will Mention his Pokemon partner(s)) two, Meowstic was once a Espurr which was gifted from her brother when Espurr followed him back home. It later evolved during a mission. Goodra is a good choice and may smother people in slime by accident which may cause a mess in HQ.
Lucy Liberty-Definitely A wigglytuff, reason why because it was a Pokemon she raised when it was an egg and it was a special one she found. Wigglytuff was once jigglypuff which had a high temper on using pound if she was threatened, And possibly tinkaton because of it's crazy ability to bash pwoplw with its hammer and may enjoy hurting passing by Corviknight. (this happened when it came out it's love ball)
Ryu Suzaku/Rick Wheeler-Altaria, I mean..it's a dragon type and flying type and it is a similar typing as his machine the dragon bird because altaria is a bird but with a dragon and flying typing. Altaria was a gift from his gf Haruka when she found it as a swablu 150 years ago. (yes, it's still alive since it was in it's pokeball) Altaria was a very joyful pokemon to ryu/rick very jolly to him and haruka. ryu/rick has obtained a key stone and a altarianite from the "lost" gift from haruka with the note saying 'use this at the right time with altaria' which may have shocked him though but used it which mega evolved. Dragonite would be a good choice too because it's a flying and dragon type, and I bet Dragonite would recognize Haruka with her Miss Killer persona.
Dr. Stewart-I feel like he would have a chansey and a jolteon(which evolved from eevee from a thunderstone) Chansey is like a helper pokemon since it can heal other pokemon and people with heal pulse. it's a great pokemon to heal the ones needed. for jolteon...it can help with electricity working at clinics to power things up.
Clank Hughes- Rotom, reason why I chose this to be his partner pokemon is because, Rotom can go through any electrical items around and help around the cafè and help Clank with technology. Although Rotom is a trickster so it likes to go through electronics just to mess with him. Rotom does behave sometimes. Rotom has been with Clank for a while. Boltund might be like a good guard dog that can also mess around with technology.
Miss Killer/Misaki Haruka- for starters she has 2 partner pokemon which is an umbreon and a mawile(can mega-evolve) although, she caught these pokemon it was not gifted to her and has found a mawilite that Mawile held. (When Caught) As haruka, she has had a yamper as a pet 150 years ago (it was also given to Ryu/Rick when the others found the other pokeball) Yamper was her pet for a long time and hasn't evolved yet.
Captain Falcon/Andy Summer: I Feel like he would have a Cinderace since rabbits are his favorite animal and Cinderace evolved from a scorbunny which was gifted to him from his sister, Jody, she found scorbunny injured and brought it to Her brother to help the poor scorbunny. Cinderace is very fond of Andy and very.. Very.. Attached to him. Now Cinderace helps him out in the falcon house cafe helping him with cooking. Then another pokemon came along. It was a litten which evolved into incineroar, this pokemon was brought in from someone in the cafe to let Andy know this pokemon was abandoned and started to take care of litten when it evolves, this pokemon was the important partner to bring along in times of danger. Incineroar knows darkest lariat which is commonly used in larger threats, it can easily knock out others which is a perfect command for incineroar. Cinderace and Incineroar do get along well, and Cinderace can be used as a back up and knows the move pyroball which it can be commanded. Braviary would be a great choice for his Bounty Hunter Missions.
Lisa Brilliant-I feel like she would have a Ninetales as her partner and also a sneasel, because I know she wanted to steal something and she can use Sneasel to steal items. Ninetales would be her back up to Sneasel, oh and a Sableye because it can help with heists and finding jewels.(Ninetales is from the kanto region)
Super Arrow- I feel like he would have a Rowlet... It's similar to his class of style and it was picked out from his wife. It evolved into decidueye, and it's a really loyal pokemon. A Noctowl, that would be a good pokemon, I just learned that the Owl he has is named Zukk, so he might be stubborn with Rowlet and Noctowl.
Mrs. Arrow-Her pokemon would be consisted with bug and flying types, I feel like she would have a beautifly and a Starly, I would feel like she would like anything beautiful. And when it evolves to staraptor, she might spoil it so much. Togekiss would be a good one because it's adorable, and may be in good use for strong fairy attacks.
[And... That's all!]
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maletofujoshi · 2 years
I literally only have one attacking move on my set up sweeper but it’s altaria so cotton guard + roost lets me set up 6 dragon dances against most physical attackers
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
Casi and Lissie roleswap AU.
[Send an AU and I'll tell you 5 facts about it]
//Anon this one had me Losing It I put a lot of thought into it... I might write more about it eventually because I have even more to say about the possibility of her getting a mega ring from Lysandre and an Altaria as her mega Pokemon, but instead I focused on something else.
Casi is recruited into Team Flare instead of Lissie. He thought he was getting into a whirlwind summer romance with another scientist in Kalos, unfortunately for him that scientist is Lysandre.
Rather than [redacted for Lissie spoilers] Casi's role is to locate Xerneas and Yveltal in their dormant states. Kept largely in the dark as to why, moreso than even Lissie because I don't think Casi has the stomach for most of the more intense villainous team activities especially after her run in with Team Galactic. At most she might've helped with stealing fossils. Gets a Tyrunt which eases the guilt of threatening a fellow researcher.
Casi is the one who calls Lissie to beg for help once everything goes wrong. She can forgive and excuse a lot for the people she loves and trusts but I think after Lysandre repeatedly refuses to stop this and leave with her she more or less shuts down. If not for her Pokemon helping her escape (at the time just Sneaks, Basil, Hotdog, and the Tyrunt) she would've stayed there and died under the rubble.
Her ability to trust others is completely and entirely shot. Every interaction she has with a person from then on is viewed as suspicious and she tries to keep herself guarded. The only person she trusts unconditionally is Lissie. It's extremely lonely for her and gives her codependency issues.
Rather than staying in Paldea I think she gets restless if she stays put too long, convinced her Team Flare days will eventually catch up with her. Moves to a new region every couple years, further preventing her from getting attached to many people. Her Tyrunt evolves into a very protective Tyrantrum.
Bonus: Had she met Ingo and Emmet similar to the way she does in this canon, she would've dropped contact with them after fallen grace arc. She doesn't give relationships second chances anymore. She also likely wouldn't have stuck her neck out for Nix, meaning they stayed as somewhat friendly coworkers and that's all.
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Look at this cute little guy. I passed Fallarbor and went straight to the Safari Zone near Lilycove.
It took me three attempts to finally find and catch this little cutie. He, of course, inherits the name from the previous generation.
That isn't true for Manyface or Ezri, but mainly because they are Gen 3 Pokémon. And this didn't exist in the previous generation.
Then I surfed to Mt Pyre. I heard of Meditite residing on the outside of the mountain.
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And look, who basically fell into my Great Ball! The perfect little Meditite! Her name is MC Hammer, because look at Medicham's pants and tell me, they aren't Hammer pants.
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Of course, while traveling back to Fortree, Flash R gained a level and evolved. Nice, now it can learn the move Fly and I'll be back in Fortree in no time.
Wait. No. I need the badge from Fortree to use Fly outside of battles. Duh.
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Also, while traveling back, Moshu Shi evolved, too. Since I'm a one woman show at the moment, I can't really use trade evolutions the traditional, the vanilla way. But, I could, and that's all that matters. I could get this Pokémon in another edition of the same Gen and Region? I can get it. But only at the places I could get it in another version.
For trade evolutions like Alakazam, there is a certain level they need to reach to evolve, now. It doesn't feel like cheating, because if I could get it using the actual communication methods within the game, I can get it.
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Enough of that. Flying type gym leader. Of course she will have a Skarmory. Aka the most annoying flying type. But, as I have Pokémon with powerful electric moves as well as such with ice moves, she should be easily beaten, eventually.
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And while I did expect to win, I didn't expect to need more than one try. However, her Altaria could boost itself up to earthquake everything, except Manyface and Flash R, but those two were dealt with in other means.
So I saved Manyface just for her Altaria and used her setup rounds to Ice Beam it. That worked. And now I could count 6 badges in my possession.
Next step would be to fly back to Lilycove and then surf on towards Mossdeep.
Ugh, Mossdeep. Tate and Liza reside there. I hate double battles, and they're forcing it onto me.
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scorchieart · 2 years
Happy birthday Scorchie!! 🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉🐂🎉 Have some Altaria wing pats for your troubles! ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ��️ ☁️ And while I got Pokemon on your mind, could you tell us what teams the princes would have and how they found each other? I know you'll just fill it up with cute wholesomeness!
The Ikepri Prince's Pokémon Teams
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Oh, my dear Ox-Anon, you've done it again. Leave it to you to give me another fun prompt! Tbh, I've actually been wondering about these myself for a bit so this is a good chance to get it down in writing. I very much want to expand upon how the guys picked these teams and the kind of world they'd live in if pokemon were around, but I also don't want this response to be too terribly long or technical so I'll leave it at 3 per prince:
1 based off their crest
1 based off their personality
1 wildcard if they were allowed legendaries or mythicals
Jin Grandet
Braviary: Eagle pokemon, can't get any more direct than that. The two of them probably lounge together and snooze on the rooftop all the time, avoiding responsibilities and driving Sariel crazy. But they step up to the plate when they're needed and never back down.
Wobbuffet: Hear me out, Wobbuffet is all about nonviolence and it puts itself in the line of fire to deflect attacks away from its allies. It's also really chill and silly, so I think Jin could bond with it well.
Latios: Because Jin's the big brother of the bunch and is always looking out for the rest of them.
Chevalier Michel
Luxray: Of course, he has a level 100 shiny one with perfect stats and IVs, best nature, and EV trained to the max. There aren't a lot of tiger pokemon and Chevalier doesn't seem like the Incineroar type.
Chandelure: I can just imagine Chevalier staying up late at night in his personal library reading with this guy floating around. A quiet reading buddy and personal guard. Plus it can help calm his icy atmosphere since it's a fire type.
Raikou: Another electric type? It looks like a tiger tho, and it's a legendary beast, and it matches his aesthetic quite a bit.
Clavis Lelouch
Liepard: The only leopard pokemon I can think of, though I haven't really been paying much attention to the later generations. But hey, it's a delinquent and it's purple!
Mime Jr. or Rotom: I honestly can't decide, but I'm just thinking of pokemon that are mischievous and jolly by nature. Someone who can keep up with his antics and able to play a big role in them, but still be small enough to hide in his pocket when it comes time to make an escape. Mime Jr. has the advantage of being able to mimic all the complicated maneuvers Clavis does while Rotom has the bonus of being able to hide in and/or possess furniture and the like.
Suicune: A second legendary beast to rival Chevalier's Raikou. The purple thingy reminds me of Clavis's silky hair.
Leon Dompteur
Pyroar: A lot more lion options to choose from (haha, pokemon co. playing favorites?) He'd have a male one that's regal and friendly. Whenever they tour the kingdom, children flood the streets just to meet and play with them.
Salamence: Baby Bagon's a tiny dragon that always dreamed of flying. I think Leon related to it's struggle and helped it train until it finally grew into a magnificent and powerful Salamence. I bet they take regular flights through the clouds to clear their minds (think Hiccup and Toothless).
Solgaleo: Leon's constantly described as being warm and bright as the sun, so I think this fits the best. Got some sky symbolism going for it, too.
Yves Kloss
Delcatty: I can just imagine Yves bouncing around with a pink Skitty as a kid and them entering contests together. And the move Assist fits because he's always praising the strengths of his brothers.
Alcremie: A sweet pokemon to partner up with him in the kitchen. You bet Jin and Luke have tried to take a bite out of it more than once, and that sends Yves into a fritz.
Jirachi: Yves would definitely befriend Jirachi and share his deepest wishes with it, praying and praying they'd be granted every night before bed. Because Jirachi only awakens for a few days once every 1000 years, it is said that whoever meets one is incredibly lucky. But Yves wouldn't think of it like that when the time comes to say goodbye. (Ok, this got real heavy out of nowhere, let's continue...)
Licht Klein
Lucario: Lucario is calm, cool, composed, and an excellent fighter, just like our Licht. They're also both deadly efficient and see things through to the end, even if the end means sacrificing themselves (Hang on, I thought we agreed no more of the sad feels!) AND they both like chocolate! (Nailed it.)
Espeon: Gotta go with the naming conventions here; the Eeveelution for the daytime. It's also graceful and reserved, just like he is.
Zacian: The ancient pokemon of legend that protected the land from calamity with its legendary sword alongside its brother.
Nokto Klein
Zoroark: A tricky shapeshifting fox dark as night and based off of the mythical kitsune? Sounds like Nokto, hook line and sinker.
Umbreon: It's quick, sneaky, and strikes at the perfect opportunity. Paralleling Licht's Espeon but in the night. You just know when they were still Eevees they used to mess around with Yves.
Zamazenta: The ancient pokemon of legend that protected the land from calamity with its legendary shield alongside its brother.
Luke Randolph
Ursaring: These 2 were made for each other, seriously. Big bears, love honey, button-nose-adorable as kids... this stuff writes itself.
Vespiquen: Another honey-related pokemon, but I think Luke could tame her. Maybe he and Teddiursa used to raid her hive back when she was a Combee, and once she evolved they had a final showdown where he eventually captured her. It took a while to get on her good side after that, though.
Celebi: Free spirited, lives in the forest, and is a massive napper. Yes, I think they'd be great friends.
Can you tell I've been starved to talk about Pokemon for a while? Oh, How I wish I could just spend the entire day wrapped up in some floofy clouds...
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Thank you bud for the kind wishes, and I hope you liked this list! Rock on!
(Check out my Ikemen Prince Writing Master list here! And if you want to send me a request, please check the details here!)
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
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Phoebe’s Team
Dragon-Type Team
Phoebe was scouted by Raihan as his endorsed trainer. The fans of the gym leader have been theorizing that she would be his successor due to how Raihan treats her as if she was his own kid. The little dragon is here to wreak havoc through the Galar Tournament.
Gif - Poketoons TV A Budding Dream
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“Please keep a good distance from this fella, they’re not exactly… docile most of the time. I’d keep my guard up if I were you…”
Moves: Fishious Rend, Stomp, Psychic Fangs, Dragon Rush
Ability: Strong Jaw
⊖ Still as unpredictable as ever but Phoebe has learned to work with it. Often having the ally Pokemon lure Dracovish into attacking the enemy Pokemon in an ambush.
⊖ On top of Psychic Fangs to break any barriers allows the ally Pokemon the advantage to win against opponents who are trying to set up.
⊖ Raihan actually was impressed that Phoebe was able to work with such a Pokemon.
Haxorus ♂
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“What have you found there? Ohh, those are such pretty flowers, you wanna plant them next to the others?”
Moves: Dragon Claw, Rain Dance, Psycho Cut, Bulldoze
Ability: Mold Breaker
⊖ He is very much the softy off battle, there were pictures during award ceremonies that Haxorus always offers to accept the boquet instead of Phoebe.
⊖ Raihan's fans found it really cute when he walks off on camera to check out the flowers in the far end.
Altaria ♂
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"If you guys don't stop making trouble then I'll have Altaria collect all the dust he can find and bury you in it!”
Moves: Dragon Pulse, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance, Steel Wing
Ability: Natural Cure
⊖ May look cute but Altaria is a beast as soon as the ally Pokemon made sure he stacked up on Dragon Dance. Altaria can hit hard in battle yet is as cuddly as a stuffed toy as ever.
⊖ Raihan sometimes finds Altaria cleaning Duraludon on ocassion Phoebe is nearby.
Dratini ♀
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“Don’t worry! There’s no need to be so scared, girl. You can stay in the dorm if you feel too anxious.”
Moves: Rain Dance, Aqua Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave
Ability: Marvel Scale
⊖ The newest addition to the team and still too young to compete among the tougher battles. Phoebe is training her until she evolves, for now Dratini is only fighting the average battles.
⊖ Since she is baby, Dratini is often looked after by Phoebe's team and on ocassion is pampered by Raihan's team. Little baby, they can't help but coo at her.
Appletun ♂
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“You just ate but you want more? We might have to put you on a diet some time- don’t pull those cute eyes on me!”
Moves: Apple Acid, Dragon Pulse, Recover, Bulldoze
Ability: Ripen
⊖ Believe it or not, if given the right berry he can be an unstoppable tank. Many new challengers doubt Appletun at first which is a big mistake as they are given a shocking defeat.
⊖ Phoebe often sees him trying to get treats from Raihan even when she already gave him some earlier. Raihan has a hard time denying Appletun what he wants when the little pie looks at him with those beady eyes.
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draftingteacups · 3 years
Love your story and wanted to ask if Soni will make purfume from moves like aroma therapy and sweet sent?
And what about making products from moves like sleep powder into sleeping aids?
Or the byproduct of moves like magical leaf in potions?
Will pay day make Madol appear instead of pokedollars?
What about making items from shed fur or scales from certain pokemon?
Why can I see Sliver sleeping on an evolved nimbus and nimbus taking care of him like a motherhen? (For some reason Altarias give me mom friend vibes)
Oh and using more ghost pokemon as guards during the night especially during the Halloween Magicam Monster event
Soni: so they came here to see ghosts huh
Soni:*proceeds to realse all her ghost types who prank them while remaining unseen*
Aw, thanks for the love for the fic!
Oooh, the first half with the perfume/sleeping aids thing sounds interesting 👀👀👀 I'm not entirely sure if she has a Pokemon with Aromatherapy/Sweet Scent, but it would probably require a lot to condense the fragrance from a gaseous form into a liquid form.
The Powder moves have always interested me, but they might also face the same problems later on in terms of production.
The shed fur idea is technically fulfilled by her Cottonee and her Eldegoss, but they are cotton. The scales thing is going to happen with someone on her team though 🤫
Honestly, you're not far off! 😄 Nimbus as an Altaria would just carry him on her back and say, "I have a new friend!" If he wants snuggles, she'll do so.
Imagine if that's how Soni meets Silver, being carried to her Dorm and just wondering who's missing a person.
Oh absolutely on the Ghost Pokemon protecting the Dorm.
Before the whole Halloween Week goes super-viral, Soni makes the point to have everyone sign waivers before anyone goes near her Pokemon, ones that restrict their ability to cause trouble against her Pokemon, harass them in any way, treat them like toys, or anything that would hurt them in any capacity and that she is not responsible for their injuries because they already acknowledged that aspect of the papers.
She's dealt with extreme people like this many times over ever since she's been Champion, and it continues to work, even in other worlds. So when the Magicam Monsters show up and cause trouble before getting kicked out respectfully, Soni's technically not in the wrong.
Any time that they try to refute her on social media, she says that they already signed the papers, proving that they already knew what they were getting into and the punishment associated with it.
Azul's watching this Pre-Episode 3 and just a tiny bit of respect grows for her. It's completely demolished after Episode 3 dw
Regardless, they just keep coming at night. Aegis just hunting people down and showing his full wrath as they invade Ramshackle Dorm. Swanna just vibe checking all the idiots who came to ruin its life and try to take selfies to get attacked full-on. The Ghost Pokemon do their damnedest to show the Magicam Monsters that there's a reason why ignorant fools go missing in the woods. 👻👻👻
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Aegis is ready to battle and no one's gonna stop him. The idea of Soni dressing up for Halloween is just really interesting 👀👀👀
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calebwittebane · 3 years
i remember back when i frequented pokemon forums people would tell me its reduntant to have pokemon of the same type on your team even if theyre dual types of something else... literally wot are you saying. yes i have gardevoir altaria and latios. nothing about this is reduntant. you see gardevoir is a straightforward STAB special attacker with calm mind psychic dazzling gleam and then a free slot for whatever fancy stuff you want. but then latios is a type-versatile special attacker (with sp def cranked up to maximum) with draco meteor, thunderbolt, surf and ice beam, so you can clearly see the difference here, like there is 0 redundancy here. and then altaria is an entirely different story. sky attack, dragon dance, cotton guard and flamethrower. you see, she is a tank. she is a tank and she is also very fast. an all terrain vehicle of a bird. do you see now? get my gist? do you unduhstahnd?
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dragonofthenorth · 3 years
If anyone was interested in Titomoths founding legend. It will be under the cut.
Two Giants, Five Dragon's.
Titomoth was once just an island, an island guarded by five dragon families. 
One day, many many years ago, two giants came to the island. One from the sea and one from the sky. They were stopped by the loud screeching of a huge Noivern from the south.
“Why do you come?” she asked.
“We desire to make a home and a family,” The one from the sky responded. The Noivern looked to her own hatchlings before she bowed her head and moved on.
The two giants went further inland shaping the land as they did so. White filled their vision and they heard.
“Why do you change my land so?” Something asked.
“We desire to make the land safer for our family,” The one from the sea rumbled. The white was removed, showing a stunning large Altaria.
“Will it keep mine safe?” She asks.
“We swear,” The one of the sea said. The Altaria nodded and went back to the east.
The one from the sky went up once more to the west to find the best place to settle only to be raced past by a blue and red blur.
“Why do you encroach on my home?” The large Salamence asks.
“I only seek to make my own and keep it safe,” the one from the sky replies.
“Will you pay with your tears and blood like we have?” he asks.
“We swear,” the one from the sky says. The Salamence nods and flies back to the west
The one from the sea emerges in the north only to be staring down a massive elder hydreigon.
“Why do you make my territory shudder?” He asks.
“I desire to make my mate the best nest,” the one from the sea intones.
“Will you guard the nest you make with your life and soul?” the elder hydreigon asks.
“I swear,” the one from the sea replies.
The elder hydreigon regards the giant before flying back to the north.
The two giants settle on the largest of the mountains; they approach it only for the mountain itself to shake and roar.
The giants stop and watch as a Garchomp, young by the looks of it, comes out of a cave.
“Why do you come to my mothers resting place!?” she cries.
“We want to make a home,” they reply.
“No! This one is mine! I have to stay with her,” She roars.
“What if we made you a new home, and made you and your family stronger against what you are weak to?” they ask.
“Can you make me stronger?” She snarls. “Me and my kin?”
They nod, “We will make this island stronger.”
“Prove it.”
The one of the sea dug a massive lake next to the mountain, the one from the sky took the mourning Garchomp under their wing and changed them.
The Garchomp finally bowed her head and dove into the lake. The giants looked to the mountain.
They had found their nest and home.
So from then on, the one of the sea made homes for the ones they displaced under the mountains, and the one of the sky changed the ones there to make them stronger. To protect each other.
Because the five dragon families still rule. And every five years they call and all the dragons from here return. To fight. To breed.
Titomoth has always belonged to the dragons.
Even as everything changed. The dragons still have this region.
It will always be theirs.
The giants from the sea and sky knew. And you must know.
Noiverns of the South. The first to call.
Altaria of the East. The first defense.
Salamence of the West. The first attack.
Hydreigon of the North. The last defense.
Garchomp of the Summit. The final attack.
Best let the sleeping dragons slumber.
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secret-teams · 3 years
hello! i'd like to say, before anything, that i love the idea for this blog! it's so good, and very well put-together! thank you for serving us these villains~ now, for my request, would you be able to do giovanni, maxie, cyrus, and rose reacting to a patron who's kind but shy, and she crushes on them but doesn't know how they feel about her until they let her know, personally (・ω<)☆ maybe she innocently teases them and doesn't realize the effect it has on them? (cont'd.)
//Thank you so much for the kind words! (and please forgive me for the late response--) I honestly didn't think anyone would like the theme of this imagine blog so it means a lot!
I hope you don't mind me giving a more general outline of how each of them would react? Oh, but please, feel free to send another ask if you want a more detailed scenario for a specific villain!
Anyways, the scenario's under the cut!
☆ ~('▽^人)
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The patron was shy. Inexperienced. As their chosen host, he made it a point to ensure their satisfaction with every visit. Giovanni was a businessman first after all, and he wasn't about to let a potential regular get away.
He had to admit, their company was a rather refreshing change of pace from the more...desirous clients he normally attended to though it was definitely a pleasant surprise to see that the soft-spoken guest had quite the cheeky streak to them with their teasing.
It was practically a routine from then on; he knew exactly how they liked their drink prepared, knew just when they would arrive and which buttons to push.
Ruthless, he may be, but he wasn't at all oblivious to their adoring gaze, nor the newfound fondness he had for his meek little patron.
By the time they had made their tenth visit, Giovanni had already picked up on their every quirk and adjusted his mannerisms accordingly, eager to please them just as much as he knew they wanted to do the same for him.
This was, of course, all done in the hopes of acquiring another loyal client.
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The redheaded man had a very "by the books" approach to serving his patrons, and was methodical to a fault. Despite the refined image he displays with each movement, it all came tumbling down as soon as he so much as stumbles or is caught off guard; his cheeks flushed and glasses left crooked in the process.
Much to the delight of his admirers and in particular, a familiar face situated at the farthest corner of the parlour who, to his dismay, had a barely restrained fit over the adorable sight of him in such an...undignified state.
It was only when Maxie loomed over them when the poor thing turned as white as an altaria's plumage and averted their gaze, and when he took their order? Oh, they looked just about ready to faint!
Suddenly, it dawned on him. 'Weren't they the one who kept glancing my way these past few weeks? The one who'd leave lava cookies in my study when they thought I wouldn't notice?'
The smirk he didn't know he had on widened, and Maxie gave them a courteous bow before offering them a wrapped treat he had fished out of his vest's breast-pocket.
"Would you care for a lava cookie, my dear? I'm especially fond of this kind in particular".
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Despite his duties, the twenty-seven year old made it a point to avoid the more populated areas of the castle; one would have better chances of finding a shiny pokemon in the wild than encountering him in the parlour or most places within the establishment.
However, make no mistake, whatever is asked of him, Cyrus would do so exceptionally well. There was a reason behind his reputation as "a rewarding catch" for anyone that earns his favour, a notion not lost on those vying for his "affections" and in particular, a certain patron who had taken it upon themselves to stay close to him in spite of their more-than-apparent hesitation in doing so.
It was brushed off as a mere coincidence at first, but the more he caught them peering at him sheepishly from their seat, the more he suspected their "run-ins" to be something deliberate. It certainly wasn't long before their persistence finally rewarded them and the galactic leader found himself serving them kindly when asked.
Most encounters were spent in the silence and subtle enjoyment of each others' company while some, though very few and far in between, were more...meaningful. Vulnerable. Unmistakably Intimate.
The two hardly spoke beyond an order or so, and though it started rather off-beat, the seemingly timid patron would soon find their voice and amid their innocuous jests and tales, begin confiding in him with a sincerity that was certainly unseen by many.
And Cyrus, knowing of their...feelings for him but in contrite refusal to accept his own, could only allow himself to listen and offer little more than the slight brush of his admittedly cold hand over theirs; an oddly comforting respite in the otherwise poignant void they were enveloped in.
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Given his alter ego as the chairman of the Galar region's league and the president of one of the world's leading business conglomerates, it would be safe to assume that Rose is more or less a natural when it comes to addressing guests; the man was a known crowd-pleaser after all and if footage of his presentations are to be believed, he was probably good at captivating them too—
So it comes as an honest surprise when even he is left at a loss for words when he finds one of his more frequent patrons offering him a small token of appreciation.
He stammers for a moment and almost recklessly looks to the side as if to ask for advice from his ever-loyal assistant only to quickly turn back to them once more upon realizing Oleana's absence and accepting the gift as graciously as he could muster without any further stumbling; a response that earned a soft giggle from the usually reserved patron.
If at first his presence (and the elite status he carried with it) was overwhelming, the encounter they shared that day definitely allowed for a less intimidating impression of the host, and they would gradually call for him more and more with each visit.
Why, they had no idea just how much they had endeared themselves to him at that point, did they?
Which made their reaction that much sweeter once it was Rose's turn to thank them for their patronage with a token of his own admiration for them.
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maletofujoshi · 2 years
I still need to figure out how to defeat Lin… mega altaria sweeps the first E4 member with ease, any of my fast rock types paired with something with heatwave decimates the flower garden duo (BUSTED field btw), mega altaria *can* sweep el with some help, and then Anna just dies to physical aegislash. Lin. The “252” EVs in every stat is sorta annoying. I’ve been very reliant on one shotting foes. I also don’t have any speed control to prevent scarf garchomp from like, destroying me? I think that if I can bait out her conkelldur I could set up against it using cotton guard and roost on altaria. Idk though
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professor-maplewood · 3 years
How many people have tried to break into the facility on Halloween?
Too many…
Of course people trying to sneak in is nothing new but it ramps up on Halloween. And its mostly dumb teenagers who do it.
Rumors spread about a facility filled with shadow pokemon, which are rumored to be terrifying and powerful. So naturally teenagers will see it as a test of courage and dare their friends to try and break in.
Usually all I'll have to do is explain to them that shadow pokemon are deeply traumatized and I'm helping them. Then the teens will become apologetic and will leave with no issue. Plus there are far scarier places in Sinnoh for them to test their courage.
Other times it doesnt go as smoothly. Sometimes the brats will try to battle me, thinking all they have to do is defeat me and then they can explore the facility like a haunted house. What they dont realize is that we have many guard pokemon at the lab, fully trained to protect the facility and throw out intruders. I will also tell those kids that they shouldnt be here, much more forcefully and depending on their behavior, hat might result in getting their parents involved.
Although there is one incident that was by far the worst out of all of them. It happened three years ago when some teenagers tried to battle their way in. One of them saw Ricky. The kid grabbed Ricky and tried to run off with him. That was the biggest mistake that kid ever made. Luckily one of the guard pokemon knows Psychic and used it to literally drag the brat back to the facility.
Ricky wasnt physically hurt but that incident is what made him so terrified of strangers. Three years of progress down the drain as the poor Ricky was so terrified he relapsed into being a full shadow pokemon in seconds. I have never been so angry at anyone in my entire life. Not only did I call the brat's parents but I also called the police and yelled at the kid until they both got there. Then I yelled at the parents who were DEFENDING the little twat. The kid went to juvie and his friends were all suspended from school for three weeks.
Luckily Ricky is much better now but strangers still terrify him to no end and I despise that kid for doing that to my sweet Ricky.
However there are some more positive stories, for example last year some kids were simply seeking shelter from the rain so I let them in and got them dry. They were sweet kids, very curious about my work and I answered as many of their questions as I could. Once the rain stopped I gave them some candy and let them go about their business.
Another example was when two teenagers got lost a few days before halloween. Like others they were dared to break into the facility but they got lost and just wanted to go home. I called their parents to come pick them up and kept them in the facility so they would be safe. They were already apologizing despite not actually having done anything wrong. In fact, remember how I mentioned Bluey the Altaria and her performer trainer. The performer was one of the two teens and that was how the duo first met. Bluey took a shine to the performer and once she was fully rehabilitated, went to live with the performer in Kalos. So not all of these stories end badly.
Basically I dont like that so many kids try to break in around halloween, but as long as they realize their mistake and apologize (and not make the situation worse by trying to battle or trying to snatch one of the pokemon) then they'll leave with no trouble.
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