#and i hate all of you saying that you wont vote cause it wont have any effect
chillllii · 2 months
hey by the way you lose nothing by voting. you lost at most some time and that is the extent of what you have lost please vote for the minorities in the south. please vote. please make yourselves known. please dont go down quietly. please loudly proclaim that we are here and we want to fucking live
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describe-things · 2 months
voting for trump is continuing the genocide too
your just sad biden wont kill lgbtq people too arnt you?
Thank you so much for saying this with your username attached for posterity.
This is blatant fascist white supremacist rhetoric.
You are literally trying to Pinkwash genocide and say that it's okay to slaughter Palestinians as long as you think it'll benefit Privileged White Queer Americans.
Because newsflash: everyone who's not already a privileged white person in America is suffering under Biden just as much as under Trump. Which you would know if you gave a shit about anyone except Privileged White Americans. Biden is doing absolutely nothing to protect Queer people of any kind, and has denied the existance and danger of Covid19 even more than Trump did.
Biden does not protect anyone. He has doubled down on every single thing that Trump did that you claim to hate. But the truth is, you're fine with fascism as long as the old white man doing it is wearing a blue hat instead of a red hat.
@the-mask-maker said:
ok ill admit i got a bit heated im sorry that was uncalled for lets have a full honest discussion address these points 1 trump is going to continue the genocide too 2 trump is going to also try and harm more people then you can ask points ill adress lets do this civil and properly ok?
any left wing third party will split the votes causing a trump win hence why there really isnt a third choice this is the way american democracy was designed to function sadly
Do you think you are protecting democracy by announcing to all politicians who will ever exist from now on that they can commit as many genocides as they want and they’ll still get elected because you literally don’t care what they do as long as they don’t do it to you?”
Put your defense of genocide in an actual reblog on your blog for all your friends to see instead of sending asks that mean you'll get to hide your support for fascism from your friends and followers.
@the-mask-maker said at 2:22 PM in an ask again:
you are actively trying to heat this debate further everyone here has made reasonable claims and you ignore them despite our differences i still do hope you recover from this discussion i wish you all the best
Still refusing to actually put this fascist shit on your blog for your friends and followers to see, because you know it's wrong.
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lailoken · 7 months
This is sort of awkward and not something I've ever done before, but I'm feeling desperate to help someone in need, and this is the best way I can think to at the moment. In particular, I'm hoping that at least some of my followers will be willing to read this and take the time to cast a vote for a web contest.
I have a friend I've known for over ten years who is going through hell right now. She has struggled with severe depression since young childhood, but she has always done what she can to soldier on and find meaning. Then, not too long ago, when she was finally beginning to find some happiness, her sister (who was her dearest friend and closest ally) passed away in a very traumatic way due to a brain tumor that greatly affected her cognition and personality. Then, while trying to pick up the pieces again following her sister's death, my friend was in a car accident that caused her eye socket to shatter and her eye to collapse. She was rushed to the hospital where they barely saved the eye itself, but she lost her retina and has major scarring down her face now. The partial blindness and scarring are hard enough on their own, but they're especially awful for her, as she was working as a model and visual artist before all this. Needless to say, this has been the worst time of her life, and I feel beyond heartbroken for her.
The contest I'm sharing is actually one that my friend's cousin is entered in, but the winner gets $25K, which she wants to use to help pay off their family's mounting medical bills. I've been trying to keep up with the contest, since it's the least I can do beyond donating meagerly to their gofundme, but it's getting towards the end now and so the contest has become very close. It gives you the option to pay certain amounts to give that same number of votes, but it also has a way to cast a free vote that involves signing in with Facebook info or entering your Card information (though, it wont be charged unless you actively purchase votes.)
I hate to ask this sort of thing, but I also hate that people the U.S. are forced to seek financial support of this sort for medical attention in the first place. I don't have many people I can ask to support something like this, so I thought I would give posting it here a shot. Please consider checking in daily to cast your vote, so that this family can get some semblance of relief. Additionally, sharing this post would be helpful as well, and if you'd rather donate directly to my friend's gofundme, I will include a link that as well. And please, pray for my friend if you are so inclined; she needs all the help she can get right now.
Contest Link: X
Medical gofundme: X
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fagcrisis · 3 months
sorry what do you mean your mother's coup. elaborate
this ended up being long as hell so readmore time
so i live in this old fucking apartament building right, turns 120 soon, hasnt really been renovated in 50 years. and our apartament has the attic built in, which wasnt a feature originally and the previous tenant did it himself, badly, meaning weve had a hole in our roof for about 5ish years now that we just have not been able to fix. last november we had a pretty big storm that fucked the hole up even worse and our previous solution of just "put a bucket under it and leave the room" has stopped working because too much water was getting in and my sister had to start sleeping in a different room so safe to say, shit state of affairs
my mum got a contractor to come take a look at it and the dude concluded that its dangerous to be left unfixed and hes gonna have to climb in between the attic walls and the roof bc due to the hole theres a shitton of mold that needs to be cleaned out. overall this wouldve cost us 600k forint thats more than my mum makes in 2 months and i had 9-5 at that point but my shit salary was not gonna fix this. so my mum had a breakdown and decided that well sell the apartament and try moving, which sucks bc when we got this place it was still cheap but since then the housing market has gone to shit and we wouldve had to live in a rental we probably wouldnt have been able to afford. but my mum still called an agent to check the house out, and he told us that theres no way were selling it, because of the big fucking hole, the messed up pipes and bc the building isnt insulated (legally cant be bc its a historical monument lmao. europe)
HOWEVER he also said. since this is an apartament building with 12 flats we have a house representative and we pay *google translate help me* common cost every month, to cover repairs on the house, that we shouldnt have to pay for the repairs, the house should. cause. its the whole houses roof not just our apartaments.
my mum went to the house rep (józsi) to ask about this, and he told her that this isnt true and that he wont pay for the repairs. which made my mum mad and she went and found a lawyer who said the house does have to pay for repairs. but józsi was still like i will not.
so my mum talked to all 12 of our neighbouring flats individually and found out that literally everybody has grievances with this dude. there has been an ENTIRE TREE growing on the roof for years now that we havent been able to get cleaned out, the staircase is borderline life threatening to use, we could technically get authorization for insulating the house but the rep needs to apply and józsi hasnt, one of the gates to the yard is like not working, etc
they ended up calling the first house meeting in years (were supposed to have those every month lol) where they ended up voting to have a new rep, and also to fix our roof. which got fixed by the way, and the mold was also cleaned out
BUT the story doesnt end here bc they still need to vote a new rep in. and my mum found this company who represents apartament buildings professionally and sure itd cost us some money but we pay the common cost anyway, and they have contractors they work with so itd be soooo easy to fix shit in the house. but for some reason some people decided they want this dude instead, who owns one of the flats in the building but does not live here, his insane mother does who hates me. and he DOESNT LIVE HERE the entire problem with józsi was, that he was like not helpful in any way and now they want a guy who doesnt even live here??
ANYWAY TODAY THE PLOT FUCKING THICKENED. because. my mum started looking over the houses finances with 2 of our neighbours one of whom is i think a lesbian but im not sure anyways they found out that józsi has been STEALING MONEY. FROM THE COMMON COST. WHICH IS WHY FUCKALL GOT FIXED IN THE HOUSE!!!!
anyway the coup is still ongoing but i hope u enjoyed my mums tale of intrigue. shes having so much fun w this shes having secret meetings with people to talk about this all day
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kani-miso · 5 months
found an old undercover analysis, might as well share it. i wont just let it rot in my notes.
undercover lyric analysis thing
i will only be covering about the lyrics that are sort of es centered. took the lyrics from the official en yt tl.
Ravaging, brawling
Losers please exit left
Even with accusations full of faults and mistakes
You will for sure, with a smile for sure
Be pleased and satisfied
Take, grab, steal
'Dissect the thoughts of "why"
Looking for mistake overtime
To know someone, to bind them in their 'EGO'
Can you really judge them?
The fine line between "Hate" and "OK"
Shouldn't you look beyond your EGO, before it all ends?
After knowing all i wonder
Can you really say INNOCENT?
Decievings, "UNDER", ineraseable
'Ravaging, brawling'
ravaging means causing massive damage and brawling means fighting roughly but the meaning in slang can be a loud disagreement. we are causing massive damage with the verdicts we give out, and we are loudly disagreeing with eachother.
'Losers please exit left'
exiting left can maybe also be represented as swiping left. swiping left means rejecting somebody, but in this case, rejecting their ideals and beliefs. (idk just thought of the dating app type)
'Even with accusations full of faults and mistakes-'
they're literally calling out a part of the community. some people just vote without analyzing the crime correctly, basically 'accusations full of faults and mistakes'.
'-You will for sure, with a smile for sure. Be pleased and satisfied'
in this part, the mv was showing each of the prisoners 1 by 1 smiling/grinning (?) but they were all mirroring es (looking at the same angle). why were all of them mirroring es? maybe its because es is supposed to be them embodiment of sin (their sins), i mean, undercover was literally a brief explanation of each of the prisoners mindset on their sin.
'Take, grab, steal. Dissect the thoughts of 'why''
i have a silly theory for this, but like, hear me out !!!
1. take = taking something/memories with consent (take as super-ego)
explanation : the super ego strives for moral perfection. the primary action of the superego is to suppress entirely any urges or desires of the id that are considered wrong or socially unacceptable, thus asking if said person consents to have their item taken.
2. grab = grabbing is taking something or with the milgram system, taking memories roughly/snatching something or can mean to cause a reaction in; affect (snatching the memories and grasping to a rough idea) (grab as id)
explanation : the id is a set of uncoordinated instincitual behaviors/desires, thus taking/grabbing memories without thinking about the consequences.
3. steal = steal is something/stealing memories, taking something/memories without permission or legal right and without intending to return it. (steal as ego)
explanation : the ego is a sense of self-esteem and self-importance that is balanced and grounded in reality. it allows a person to have confidence in their abilities and to assert themselves when necessary, but it does not become inflated or overbearing. the ego also is pushing us to confront or overcome our fears. many people are scared to steal so it would make sense that ego id steal.
sure, you can say take grab steal is just the same thing but im here to overanalyze stuff okay.
'dissect the thoughts of 'why' is pretty self explanatory.
'Looking for mistake overtime. To know someone, to bind them in their 'EGO''
looking for mistake overtime is self explanatory, each trial, new mv, you'll see more of the mistakes that has been done by the prisoners. binding someone in their ego, the ego is usually represented as self-worth/self-importance of a person, we are binding them in self-importance with our judgement. we are determining if their worthless (non-forgiveable/guilty) or important (forgiveable/innocent).
'Can you really judge them?'
loud correct buzzer. who gave us the right to judge anyways? we didn't do anything to deserve this. there really isn't a correct way to judge them, if we vote according to law, almost all of them would be guilty, if we vote by feelings it could be biased. everyone has different beliefs which makes it hard to determine who's right and who's wrong.
'The fine line between "Hate" and "OK". Shouldn't you look beyond your EGO, before it all ends?''
hate can be interpreted as morally black and OK is morally white. what's between them? morally grey, almost all of the prisoners are morally grey characters.
looking beyond our ego is basically voting without any bias towards the prisoners, basically beyond our ego. we have to vote correctly without any bias before it all ends because you can't reverse it anymore once it's done.
'After knowing all i wonder. Can you really say INNOCENT?'
wehwhehehehehwehehehebsxbrjficj... i think it implies that somewhere, sometime when milgram ends, according to the laws, most of them are going to jail, 'can you really say innocent?' or, when each trial progresses, more parts/information of their crime will be shown, and sometimes, it slowly become more unforgivable.
'Deceivings, "UNDER", ineraseable'
decievings can be interpreted into the story as 'deceivings of a sinner' type of thing, INMF can be used as reference (sorry muu). 'under' is probably just referencing the title "undercover". if you compile the ideas together, it just becomes deceivings undercover that are ineraseable?? i'm not to sure what to come up with this lyric. if you have an explanation, do tell.
probably alot of mistakes because this is old lmao
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arts-of-gjb · 1 year
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Ágatha is a young brazilian girl from Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). She is very friendly and energetic, but also have a deep taste for medical experiments and doesn't mind seing blood for the most of the time, traces that were noticed and encouraged by her uncle, Medic. He started to bring her once she made 10 so he could teach her all he know.
She loves and idolizes Medic, wanting to became just as him in the future, and also likes to help during the matches and feeling as part of the red team. She also hates the blu guys fervently, BOOOO BLU GUYS!
Reasons to vote for Ágatha:
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2) She is Medic's niece
Will you say no for nepotism? Will you say no for them?
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3) She has fun 10th class mechanics! (At least i think so im the concept artist not the game designer 😔)
Inside the battlefields, Ágatha asumes The Nurse title. She would be faster than Scout, but with the lowest health among the othes.
The nurse class in unable to capture control points, move payloads, grab inteligences or even cause directly cause damadge to others players, because her only objectives as part of the team are:
To assist, by curing her team. different of Medic, the nurse does not have a medigun to that, so she fulfills this task by being able to grab the medikits (or other healing iten disponible on the ground) and then give them to your teamates
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To anoy, by shooting small injections on the rivals. as said before, they wont make any damadge, however, they will "stop" the player for a few secconds (the same way that when you're hit by a christmas glove from heavy, but it should make a pain animation than a laught one, and would work if hit in any body part)
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Once her hp reaches 0, the nurse would enter in a "sleeping mode", where you get unable to do anything (and because a 10 yo getting exploded away would be too much even for tf2). If no one does anything with you when youre like this for a couple of seconds, then you wake up with half of your total hp, but if someone from the opposite team pick you up and leave you to a specifc location, then you are teleported to your respaw base, where you get unable to go out for a minute (be grounded time >:I )
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So, in the tf2 oc tourney, vote right!
(and also feel free to ask me anything about her :) )
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pixeljade · 5 months
i just feel like there's no way Biden wins in the fall. and frankly as much as i hate him and i understand why folks wont vote for him after all this, it has me so utterly terrified! because if Biden loses Trump wins. and if Trump wins, project 2025 is on our doorstep, and...im gonna have to detransition or move to another country. i dont have it in me anymore to fight. i used to. and sure sometimes i have the glimmer of that, but im ultimately much more disabled than i once was! i dont have it in me to be like Aaron Bushnell and die proudly for another person. i mean, fuck, i spent the first 30 years of my life wanting to die! ive only gotten six years of wanting to live!!! and now i have to face death for this cause, without seemingly any choice???? and i feel like the most selfish horrible worthless cowardly piece of shit for even saying that i want to continue living instead of doing an Aaron Bushnell, but i just cant. i just cant! yet it does truly seem to be the consensus amongst everyone that it is awful and horrible and selfish of me to want a world where Trump doesnt win. apparently all the privilege of being born in a country that hates me is enough to condemn me. not only that but if Trump wins i dont see how we dont end up with civil war and/or world war 3, and thats so fucking terrifying in and of itself...it has me seriously thinking about suicide every single fucking night lately. all i can do is block it all out and hope to god that Biden turns his shit around!
and i know everyones going to ignore this. the most friendly will just give it a like because they dont know what to say. the least friendly will tell me i am selfish and i should kms (eventually ill reach that tipping point dont worry). but most of you will ignore me. most of you will see this post, scroll past it without reading to the end, and youre contributing as much to my suicidal mentality as the ones telling me i should die. maybe i just will end it tonight
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elizabethkitley · 2 months
Yknow whats so interesting is that tash cloud and Sophie Cunningham r very good friends even though they r very different and it kinda tells me like U can't really "beef" with ppl in the league like I feel the W is much more tolerant which is why I will never understand why cc fans think the league don't like her because she straight/ white. Like WOSO players and fans hate korbin Albert and for good reason obvi. Like they literally boo her when she goes to play. Like ppl say the league is so 'woke' and I heavily disagree as they r Def very interesting ppl in the league who still very much have a roster spot like Liz cambage back so many times.......
beef is defo there when you look at how the league ignores (or used to) sabrina for the most part  😭 all you need to look at is player votes...they wont say it openly but it'll show fs. sabrina wasn't even voted a top10 guard in the league last year by the players which is crazy and i remember DT was voted pretty low too. it would've been interesting to see the results this year but it would've caused crazy discourse so i see why they hid it tbh
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arunneronthird · 1 year
The Death of Jason Todd is such a weird moment, and for me makes the birth of Tim kinda all the more special
basically the 1980s you see the birth of the adult comic fan, the late 1970s and early 80s sees comics geared at high school and college age guys, the X-men in 1975 for Marvel and the New Teen Titans in 1980 for DC.
Come 1986-87 you have the adult fans, and for Batman two works by Frank Miller, 1987's Batman: Year One and 1986's The Dark Knight Returns, both project a grim serious "for adults" NOT FOR KIDS! Batman who in both cases does not have a Robin (well DKR kinda does but we'll get there) most importantly DKR is presented as the future of DC comics as having taken place in the main timeline and were we're going. And Batman's shift to a darker more serious more adult character is set off by... the death of Jason Todd.
So you have a camp of comic fans, particularly Batman, fans who wanted to be taken seriously as adults and not have their thing their hobby characterized as "for children" you also have fans, who feel like there should have only ever been one Robin, Dick Grayson. Remember Grayson was a main character in the wildly hugely to this day biggest selling ever New Teen Titans. Till Crisis in 1986 Jason Todd had the same word for word origin story as Dick, he was also a Circus kid, his family was the "Flying Todds" who fell to their deaths. it's not till 1987, only about a year before his death he's given his own famous tire stealing origin story (and black hair...)
Any ways its unclear to this day if fans really did vote to kill him, since there's always been a rumor one person set up an automated system to repeat call the line to kill him, the final difference between kill and not was 72 votes.
However I think in so many ways that makes Tim special because the writers saw what the fans did, saw that neckbeard rotten comic fan boy rage about wanting their adult grown up grim gritty solo Batman and said "no you are wrong, Batman needs a Robin" it's not just Tim saying that to Bruce it's the creators saying it to the fans.
okay this is gonna sound a bit weird but bear with me anon, if u ever like, want to expand on this u should write a post and send me the link so i can rb it cause i think its such an interesting read and it opens up so many posible discussions and people wont be able to talk to u if ur an anon! people including me btw
that being said, it is interesting that the writers doubled down on tim after killing jason, knowing the writers hated jason! at least as far as i know, my sources are as unbiased as any dc fans so... probably biased
i think the person who originally wrote tim did indeed believe furiously that robin did not make the comic immature, he gave depth, but tim was always a... more serious robin, the quirky dialogue was cut a lot, imo, which im not complaining about, i do like the more serious batman tone, but its so fascinating to know why that shift probably came to happen
lastly i may be a dreamer but i chose to believe the poll was not manipulated, if only because of the fact that i would probably have voted to kill him off, and dont get me wrong, i love kid jason, but as a reader, wouldnt u wanna know what would happen, what it would do to bruce who was trying so hard? to dick who never trued as hard as he could? would there be another robin? how can u say no to that
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theemporium · 6 months
so if i basically dump on u the crap day i had but i need to get it off my chest and i can’t talk anyone about it i’m sorry about my rant. so usually every friday my parents will get my brother & i fast food and it usually switches on who chooses. it was my turn to pick so i picked wings cause i’m on my period and i wanted some. so we get some and my parents get someone too. today (saturday) comes and i noticed my parents didn’t eat theirs but instead got something else so i asked if i could have it (it wasn’t even a lot) they said yes. i asked again later in the day just to make sure it was still fine & my mom said yeah it’s fine and my brother got upset saying it wasn’t fair i got it. so then my mom offers if we could split but like i put earlier it wasn’t a lot (literally only enough for one person) & so she offers some of the food her and my dad got yesterday cause he likes them but they had lettuce which he hates and he said no. so then me & him got into an argument about it and i said i gave u all the fries that came with it and i gave the rest of my cookie that i didn’t finish (i’m always giving him MY food when i know i wont be able to finish it & i know he likes it). he was still upset so i basically said fine u can have it i don’t want it anymore but never ask me for anything ever again cause i’m done. my mom got upset that me & him argued and basically said no one gets it now. so i was fine & decided ok i’ll make myself something else since plan a was ruined well… plan b (hotdogs) was also ruined because we had no buns for them so i basically ate only 1 meal today and i’m hungry but there is quite literally nothing to eat in this house. to make matters worse my dad grilled chicken but i’ve never been a fan of grilled chicken and MY BROTHER FUCKING ATE THE GRILLED CHICKEN SINCE HE LIKES IT. now i’m just eating candy since i can’t have anything else & i’m broke so i can’t get anything delivered & i don’t have a license so i can’t drive to get anything. it’s insane how easy it was for my mom to switch up JUST because my brother complained (and she swears she doesn’t have favorites). the only thing that made my day was ur nicojack fic so thank you for the fic & for letting me rant even if it was long and annoying i just really needed to get this shit day off my chest.
ooft I’m sorry, babe :( that absolutely sucks, especially when it’s a period craving because it just makes the whole thing ever more frustrating!! honestly, I vote you eat the leftovers (despite what your mum said) if they are still there. fuck the whole situation, it’s not like they can do much about it once you’ve ate it!! but please do try to eat something, one meal isn’t enough!!🫶🏽
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 1 year
About that why did you get billy hate poll... Personally i dont post about billy or harringrove so i never had any hate targeted at me, and i cant vote in zhe poll because of it. BUT i had to block so many accounts and tags because i couldnt go into the billy hargrove tag without encountering these mile long posts about how awful we all are. I know you know these posts too well, so i wont detail how according to the antis we are all racist assholes. The worst part is that when i first joined the fandom i saw so many of these that i almost believed them. You know, when a bunch of people are all saying the same bs but you start to doubt yourself, it really sucked. It effected me enough thst i had a hard time "confessing" to my real-life (aka not online) friends who are casual fans of the show that he was my favourite character. And the funny part is most of them couldnt even care less, cause being such a passionate anti for a fictional character and writing 10k essays on how awful that FICTIONAL CHARATER is and therefore his fans and the actor too IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR! It is as chronicly online as it gets. There was only one friend of mine who was suprised and since she is a very opinionated person started to explain to me how SHE COULD NEVER LOVE HIM and she is suprised that i care about him. I tried to explain to her that i know that he behaves like an asshole but its due to his background and i believe would he have gotten the same treatment as steve he could have been redeemed, i was hit with the classic tonedeath answer:
Well my home life wasnt sunshine and puppies either but i dont go around beating up kids
At that point i just gave up in arguing honestly and then i felt like an idiot for not putting up more of a fight, cause this made it feel like her argument i agreed with. God.
I love billy so much, but all this negativity that comes with being in the fandom just drains me.
my dear anon, you are absolutely correct and i hope you have a lovely day.
i confess that when i first watched stranger things, i didn't like billy that much. and i handled that by not engaging with media about him, you know, like a normal person. this was just after s2 came out so i wasn't active on tumblr, i wasn't writing fanfiction, i wasn't in the fandom (and I'm glad let me tell you). but i was also thirteen and related to max more than billy, but the older i got, the more mature and aware i became of just the world in general.
in my humble opinion, the vocal billy antis are ignorant. they don't want to a conversation, they don't want to discuss nuance or entertain the idea of people unlearning things.
we've reached a place in this world where racism and homophobia and ableism are so prevalent that people forget that these things are taught and can therefore be unleant. because a lot of the real life people don't want to unlearn, or can't.
and that idea as spread into fandom spaces. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the fact that people's response to children/teenagers saying racist/homophobic things is to immediately call for their death is a bad thing actually. and yes, it's spread to characters as well.
it's all performative. i made that poll just to see how performative antis are and, yeah, the results aren't great.
another thing i've noticed about people in general is that they tend to hate characters that exhibit their *embarassing* flaws. media that has racist/homophobic characters in the bad positions aren't really loved by people who hold those views.
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^^^^ i think this summarises what i'm trying to say. no one wants to be the bad guy, so when they see something that forces them to confront that part of them, they push it away, deny it.
billy/harringrove stans have been harrassed, told to kill ourselves, called slurs and yet the people who say those things think they're right because they can't fathom being wrong.
so, anon, what i've learnt from my six months in this fandom, is to embrace it. yea billy was going to hit the kids with his car, i actively encourage that now. yea billy was going to kill everyone, he should've killed them all.
but no matter what, we love and support each other. so feel free to ramble in my ask box whenever, start posting on your blog about billy, do whatever you want.
they don't matter to us. they can't matter to us. fandom should be safe and it should be fun and those people are making themselves miserable. and that isn't our fault and it isn't our problem.
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thoughtsbeewild · 17 days
Orange is not wrong...Also, I would add demoncrats are rising up as property management owners, they don't give two fucks about thier tenants. Obama bow down leadership principle saying you dare to question them, you shall pay the price. Who da fuck wants to vote more of this in your state, city/community just cause of your stupid hatred for trump the way he talks, speak, looks, rambles?
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Like holy fuck. i cant believe we are living in this 2024 of division with violence, destruction,chaos, madness, killing eachother. Is it all cause of the extreme hatred for a white man name trump who truly loves america with his heart, this man is like fighting online crazy, doing back to back pre tapped interviews(so republicans, JD vance, and his team, including himself cant throw shade at the demoncrat party for kamala one pre tapped baby sit interview. Yall are doing same shit pretapped or prelive trump video schedule, dont be a hypocrite preaching that BULLSHIT ON TRUTH SOCIAL OR YOUR MEDIA. To voters, we all notice.
So I can digress why joe rogan says both sides are a big poo..Alot people including hardcore liberals dont care for RFK independent healthy crap. Shit I have work with a bunch of large overweight over 200lb women who hate trump with all thier heart. No i don't get along with these tools, these people are nothing but drama like a toxic negative reality show known as the THE VIEW, fire those bitches already on day 1 please as part of the agenda, if you win. Cure the madness.. But fuck survival is needed here...
So the venezuelan gang, i was looking at venezulan travel. This is scary if you were to travel..who knew?
Basically if you travel to Venezuela your SOL, you are asking for death thats crazy and will not return to USA in one piece...thats terrifying..
So imagine if colorado begins to rise, then starts flooding to more cities. Who you gonna call? the ghostbusters...Since Democrats and stupid you tube advertisers want to put a law to remove guns. Wtf you gonna use to protect yourself and your family? your SOL mother fuckers, considered yourself dead. This is Biden/Cameltoe creation of united States from 2020-Sept 2024. It will only get worst, where we wont have voices, more censoring, more lies, more evil leadership in place you live, or in your current company or employer, people you work with(as it is truly toxic right now). I see people comments about trump, its like some people you cant change thier mind. Its set it stone for them, thier no hope. But for voters who see, live it in real time, you have opportunity within your vote to make a difference from making more evil or less evil with peace.
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Ever see Road house, like Venezuelan gang re-acted that movie from Roadhouse to evade the tenants with use of violence, fear, attack.
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diary-of-a-miles · 2 months
so. really spooked for project 2025.
trump wins, and my healthcare is taken away. trump wins, and Palestine is flattened. trump wins and i cant use the fucking bathroom. trump wins, and i cant get married, raise children. trump wins, i dont get to grow up. trump wins, and all those years of work, begging myself to stay here, to forget the passcode to the gun locker, to go to therapy, the endless self discipline to keep the small areas on my body that havent been touched by the razor of my own self hatred, are all down the drain. because if trump wins, one way or another, i along with countless transgender youth will seldom survive.
it is unfortunately necessary to vote for the lesser evil and by god, do i hate that shit, but what the fuck else are we gonna do? we say no votes for genocide joe, and thats great, until you realize that trump wants to "finish the job" not only murdering thousands of palestinians but indeed causing the discrimination and maiming and death of so many women, queer and trans people, immigrants, poc, poor people, fucking everyone. so the natural inclination is to vote third party, but the electoral college and lobbying will not allow third party to work until the revolution is well underway, and by that point i would hope we have a fully reimagined system by which we live. many wont vote. so this leaves us with 4 bullshit options; one brutally murdering tens of thousands, the other brutally murdering those same tens of thousands of people, while causing mass suicide of the very same kids they pretend to protect.
i havent cried in a while. i havent cried about this since over a year ago. it feels like a hole in my chest. it tastes like pennies and salt.
today im collecting all my already used testosterone vials. they still have a lot of fluid in them. i will keep them in a shoebox and i will do this instead of killing myself.
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my-evil-brain · 9 months
I am so tired of all this bullshit. I'm starting to feel like an old Russian dude or some fkin shit.
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Im tired of arbitrary bullshit rules (because of a lie). Recycle, but 95% goes to landfill anyway. You cant do this or that because of one idiot in (place state or city here). Cant say or talk about shit because it "COULD" offend. I'm sorry if you're offended suck it the fuck up. It's not my lifes ambition or job to give a shit about EVERYONE'S feelings.
I'm tired of not being able to trust ANYONE in this fucking world. I can trust maaaybe 4 people, 2 absolutely. Everyone else can suck it. People ask me why, and i ask them stuff like, "vote for trump?" If the answer is yes, i can't trust you. January sixth? "Didn't happen", equals Surprise, i cant trust you. Flat eather, nope. Christian "in todays market" nope. Republican? Then fuck no i cant trust you. Doctors? I cant trust them to know how to do their jobs with what ive seen n heard. By this i mean literally dr. saying things like "dont know what it is, if you find out let me know". Pertaining to? It was a fucking podiatrist looking at toenail fungus. Then theres trust the vaccine commercials right aftet pharma lawsuit compensation commercials.
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The worlds on fire. Nobody in power gives a shit about the environment, doesn't matter their words n proclamations mean shit compared to actions n actual words spoken in meetings n hot mics about how it doesn't matter cutting back wont help so keep going as is. Everybody hates everyone right now. These idiots around here actually side with Putin because "trump liked him." Siding with Hitler (yes, actual hitler appologists) because of what's happening with Israel right now, "maybe Hitler was right with the genocide n all that.
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Everything is getting so arbitrarily compartmentalized to such an ineffective way. That nobody knows whose job it is to do what job, for who n when , in government offices and organizations.
Then the whole "women afraid to have a child" for fear of ANYTHING needing immediate attention because of the lack of dr.s an doctors afraid to treat women for fear of legal troubles if anything they do happens around the womans miscarriage or causes it. Women can't even save their own lives or go to a Dr. in some places because the doctors won't see the women without a husband/mans approval.
This world, these people, the willful ignorance, the hatred on women and foriegners, and anyone that happens to be different. The out right "fuck you" from corporations openly admittedly screwing over people n nobody cares to do shit about it. Congressman n women, believing their constitutes shouldn't get what they (as a body) ask for, because would you (paraphrase) "give a child cake for breakfast if they asked? Sometimes they don't know whats good for them n you gotta just say NO. You cant just GIVE them what they (collectively) want." Politicians and private citizens with so much fking money n public persona that they're untouchable with their crimes and offences. Lets be real, to many i know personally say Bill clinton should be locked up for that blow job. But trump paying off porn stars after they sucked him off n continuously lying about a defamation case a woman brought against him n she won on rape allegations, while making fun of her and keeping up his lies about her. Even after getting slammed again right after for claiming the same lies against the woman, Trumpers believe and republicans that THATS ALLLL OK but Clinton must suffer legally for a bj. Uuuuug
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rantarang · 10 months
Thank you for admitting that the very real genocide of Palestinian human beings in the present matters less to you than the hypothetical prosecution of a singular American (you) in the future. Most democrats aren't willing to come out and say this, so I appreciate your honesty.
for context, anon comes from a reply where i said voting is still something you should do. because republicans in office will cause MORE harm.
how will ceding the elections to republicans help palestinians?
'hypothetical prosecution', what do you mean by that? what is hypothetical about the real push to genocide that transpeople face in the US from the republican party?
This is not team sports, you do what causes least harm, thats it.
posturing and acting like youre more pure because you wont do what it takes to make sure less harm happens is really really dumb.
I fucking hate Biden for what hes doing, i cant fucking believe that the democratic party is this zionist when the people are not. I hate that, I want it to be rectified. I can think that and also think voting is still better than whatever the fuck the republicans would do. The twoparty system is fucked beyond belief obviously, you have to work with what you have. and what you have is a stupid idiot party thats allergic to winning, and a stupid EVIL idiot party that wants to remove democracy and kill people who aren't white christians.
please tell me how republicans in office will be better for palestinians i'm all ears.
theres more elections also, you can vote in OTHER elections than the presidential one and pick someone who doesnt love sending weapons to israel. and on top of engaging electoraly you can do other things, but there only so much one person can do who doesnt hold political power in a nation or is insanely rich, and one ONE of those things thats very very simple. is to cast a vote in a democratic country.
You are playing into the hands of people who want you to die when you don't vote given the opportunity, they will take your silence as a yes.
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harmcityherald · 1 year
I think Im going to start pissing off my fb stalkers again. time to go impale some nazis. I will probably at some point make my tumblr private again because the last things those choads would do is make their own tumblr just to stalk me which btw has been done. I hide. and Im sorry I do it. zucky is sure to jail me when I get going. I got frenimeys just waiting for me over there. just waiting for the right moment to do it. no fault divorce seems like a good place to start. yesterday I started with pictures of your kids on social media and kids are people with rights. today we will go at no fault divorce. I think I have come to the realization that the nazis close to me like that Im scared for my family. terrorized into silence. well....
lets start saying hello to them. are these what you all call gatekeepers? like they got me boxed in so I don't tell their kids to vote them out of existence? is that what that means? cause Ima kick that fucking gate down. I needed this. direction. take my mind off the track its been on. so yea Im lacing up my boxing gloves. emmy gonna hate it so there will be tension that way. sometimes I think I married a nazi. so many times i say "you are actually defending that point?" or "that poor man they wont leave him alone" you know who I mean. so my fight starts in the bedroom. but *quint voice* yall know me, know how I make a living. I'll kill this nazi for ya"
let the show begin.
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