#and i had to keep combing back thru to catch all the messages bc it was skipping over them the first time
northern-passage · 1 year
i cleaned my inbox out the other day (like 2k messages 💀) but. i think it broke my inbox. i can see messages on my notifs page but it won't let me get to them in my inbox. so. not sure... how to fix that......
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Thank you for tagging me @sabitchhh !!! Not tagging anyone so anyone who wants can do this <3
what is the color of your hairbrush? I have a wooden comb that I got in Estonia but I barely use it, only once a week or so
a food you never eat? Bacon!
are you typically too warm or too cold? Really depends, cold in the mornings and warm when it's stuffy
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Eating dinner with my family. My dad made mashed potatoes with dill in it, truly a russian feel-good food<3
what is your favorite candy bar? It used to be bounty but I can't eat those anymore 💔 can't think of any good vegan bars off the top of my head:/
have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yes I've watched several karate competitions and participated in a national one (got 4th place for kata!!)
what is the last thing you said out loud? Honestly cant remember, probably "ok" or soemthing to one of my parents
what is your favorite ice cream? Chocolate or caramel
what was the last thing you had to drink? water
do you like your wallet? Yes!! I got it in Primark like 6 years ago, its brown and its the perfect size for me. One of my rats has chewed on it a little which I'm actually not annoyed about, it's like a present
what was the last thing you ate? Matza with hummus (trying to finish the stock we have like 4 left)
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Yes I did actually! Got some 2nd hand jeans and a top
the last sporting event you watched? Eurovision 😗✌
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Plain salty x just like me
who is the last person you sent a text message to? My friend who is in Italy:(
ever go camping? I did a few times when my friend came to visit me from Israel
do you take vitamins? I take these multivitamins made for vegans they have B12 in them and shit (I often forget though)
do you go to church every sunday? i’m jewish, sweaty (keeping ur answer xx)
do you have a tan? I live in northern England so
do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Probably Chinese
do you drink your soda with a straw? I don't drink coke it can die. Also don't like straws in general for me they are unnecessary
what color socks do you usually wear? I have many black ones with different colour toes, some white and some funky colourful ones with random shit on them. My favourite ones are these blue and black ones with stitch from lilo and stitch
ever drive above the speed limit? Yeah but I try to go back down to it as soon as I notice
what terrifies you? Never fitting in, never finding friends or a partner. Being alone
look to your left, what do you see? My very messy night stand. I need to clear it
what chore do you hate? Wiping down dust, and folding laundry
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? This Australian woman who runs a cooking channel on YouTube (it's called "how to cook that" check it out!)
what’s your favorite soda? I don't drink fizzy drinks xx
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Neither really? We don't have many drive thrus in the UK first of all. Second I'd rather get chips or pizza at a pub
who’s the last person you talked to? My mum
favorite cut of beef? I don't eat beef aha
last song you listened to? Shrinking Universe by muse
last book you read? Currently making my way through harry potter and the chamber of secrets for the 100000th time
favorite day of the week? Saturday
can you say the alphabet backwards? I can't say it forwards
do you like your coffee? Hate coffee I'm a tea person
favorite pair of shoes? My green lesbian boots. They are starting to crack:(
at what time do you normally go to bed? Between 11 and 1, depends
at what time do you normally get up? Used to be around 9-11, now 7:(
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets for sure. Had some of my best moments during sunsets
how many blankets are on your bed? 2, one duvet and 1 stinky thin one my rats curl up in
describe your kitchen plates. They're from Ikea I think, white with light blue flowers and a sprinkle of red here and there
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? The pink gin lemonade that comes in cans in supermarkets. I am very classy
do you play cards? I used to as a preteen and it makes me sad that I don't anymore. Knew all these Russian games that I now forgot, have to fix that!!
what color is your car? I do not have one but I drive my dad's car which is black
can you change a tire? Nop I am a fake lesbian
what is your favorite province? If we're talking area id say north east UK xx
favorite job you’ve ever had? Have not had real jobs bc I an studenting. But for a week when I was 16 me and my best friend helped out at a summer camp that we used to go as kids and got 100 shekels for the week that was really fun
how did you get your biggest scar? A scar on my right knee, I was 9 I think and me and some classmates were playing catch on the gravel in the school yard right before a big school show that our year was doing with dances and everything (including a dance that involved kneeling on your RIGHT KNEE). One of my classmates who was chasing me (damn it marta) fell on top of me and I grazed my knee really badly on the gavel, my skin was hanging off it was disgusting. But I somehow managed to do all the dances 30 minutes later, with a bloody knee that was sticking to my trousers
what did you do today that made someone else happy? Really nothing
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