#and i forgot where i even took these pictures 😭
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gh0ul1sh-gr1m · 7 days ago
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Red Dead Redemption 2
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kamiiik0 · 11 days ago
♧How I Induced the void through SATS
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And i know, I've wanted to and said that i'll induce the void through lucid dreaming, but here's the thing. Sats is actually so easy and effortless to do, lucid dreaming feels like a chore now (to me). And the thing is, I, ironically took break from tumblr and void because void state was starting to be viewed "too hard" (💀) to get into, literally induced it unintentionally through sats, it was THAT easy. Let's get right into it, I'm gonna start from the very basics, so you can know how sats works and how to actually utilise it :)
1. What exactly is SATS?
It's a deeply relaxed state, a state where you're groggy and drowsy. Like, yk before going to sleep, you hit this one point where you're half dreaming, half awake ish? like you can't (or don't want to) open your eyes, and you're just halfway through drifting off to sleep. That's exactly it! Your subconscious mind is HIGHLY suggestive to literally anything you tell it in this state. You access right before sleeping and right after waking up, and if you use it carefully you could really benefit from it :)
2.! How i Induced the void through SATS and how to relax :)
I actually did not realise relaxing was subjective to everyone until this experience. Let me tell you what happened.
It was a normal day. Like I mentioned above, I had taken a break from tumblr so I just scrolled through youtube. I was tired that day and wanted to sleep, but yk me and my phone addiction lol. So long story short, I saw some video about a beach, and then I just decided to go on pinterest, look at some comforting dark stormy beaches (💙) and some more peaceful shit and just imagined scenarios that RELAXED me. I like visualization and I'm good at it so imagining the scenarios was extremely peaceful. Basically I just looked at them pictures and just imagined sitting or laying there peaceful and relaxed, and other stuff.
Then i re-downloaded tumblr because I couldn't resist, and the first thing I saw was bunch of void success stories from a tumblr blog. They motivated me a lot and improved my mindset towards void, one of them being like "I was tired, so I affirmed, relaxed, felt a sucking feeling and entered", which to me was crazy because I was already tired and relaxed. So I laid down, relaxed, and almost immediately got into the SATS because of how relaxed and tired I was. Then in the sats I started to affirm for the void. And guess what? I felt a sucking feeling, something pulling me in, and then it was total black. I couldn't feel, hear or see a thing. I didn't affirm anything because of how peaceful it felt and forgot I had to do that (😭). When I woke up it motivated me a lot because I just realised how EASY it was and that I proved myself wrong.
Now, how is relaxing subjective? because to me, relaxing was like blindly following a guided meditation. Almost every blog i saw told me to meditate to relax (NO HATE TO ANYONE!!), and I thought meditation was just meditating to some guided meditation on youtube or the typical high frequency breathe in breathe out shit, which made me alien to the idea of meditating, because for me honestly following some youtube video on how to relax just didn't sit with me, because I wasn't even "relaxing". After the experience I realised what relaxing or meditating actually is. It's about discovering your own peace. It doesn't matter what it is.
(p.s. from the same concept I Induced the alpha state, lmk if you want a post on that. And no I did not count from 13 to 1 then 12 to 1, or even count at all).
and that was literally it. Imagining some peaceful scenarios, lying down, immediately getting inside sats and affirming, then inducing. I even entered 1-2 times after in two consecutive nights which boosted my confidence. Guys, it really is that easy.
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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 7 months ago
Please can we have more Yan justice league?
Maybe the reader has a boyfriend in the military so she doesn't see him much and when he comes back to visit, the go on a fancy date before they crash it?
It would make it even better if they reacted to the boyfriend about to propose to her!
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A Day in Life: Heartbreaks
Synopsis: A day in your life where your yanderes find a secret of yours and tell you another one.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Modern!40s!Bucky Barnes X Reader
Tw: Bucky you’re one of my fav characters from Marvel, I'm so sorry I did u dirty😭; Heavy mentions of cheating and NO forgiving; Stalking; English isn’t my 1st language.
Word count: 1k
Requested? Duh.
Extra notes: I should be studying instead of writing this. Also omg I got so many requests in just a few hours, thank you very much!! I'm writing them all!!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Since most of your days became filled with stress and anxiety, you started appreciating even more moments where you could just forget all your problems, from small ones — like, lack of motivation to go to the gym, bad hair days and an ingredient you forgot at your fridge and became rotten—, and big, out of your control ones — like seven superheroes, who you see almost everyday, stalking you.
Your boyfriend getting back was one of the best dic(k)strations.
Bucky was a sergeant, he spent weeks, even months, away from you on missions. It was hard, but you were both busy people, so your mind was usually too stimulated to think about boy problems only all day, most adults were, and you believed the hard work would be worth it one day. The future was hopefully bright.
The League never mentioned him. Actually, some of them implied more than once that they thought you were available, so they probably didn't know about your relationship. You didn't use much social media and your boyfriend got especially busy this year, so it made sense.
He paid for you to get your nails done earlier and took you to a nice restaurant. After that, Bucky took you for a walk around the city, lively and beautiful even at night, and stopped at the park where your first date happened. Everything was fine, until he got on his knees. Suddenly, seven, mostly colorful, figures descended upon you from out of nowhere, screaming.
— (Y/N)! YOU CAN'T MARRY HIM! — Flash’s voice startled you, confirming your suspicions to who the group was.
You growled.
— SERIOUSLY? LEAVE ME ALONE! IT'S MY DAY OFF! — Bucky, who had swiftly gotten up with his fast reflexes as soon as the heroes charged, blinked at the sight. He looked between you all.
— Doll? What’s this? — You looked apologetic at him.
— Sorry, Bucky. Since I got my job, my bosses got… Protective over me… — You didn't want him to get hurt. Bucky and his friends had a great sense of justice and hated bullies. He would surely want to do something if he knew the true extent of things. You also didn't want to ruin the vision he had of his idols.
Since their obsessive behavior started, you just counted your lucky stars that they would just get tired of you one day or wouldn't sabotage your relationships. They seemed fine with you having friends, but dating was different.
You turned to the League.
— Go! — They shook their heads.
— You can't trust this bastard, darling. We have proof of his betrayal to you. — You looked at Wonder Woman skeptically and crossed your arms. Bucky gulped.
— Oh, really? How so? — You raised an eyebrow.
Batman fiddled with his wrist computer, a second later, a protection was shown and different pictures and videos of your man talking and being very intimate with someone very familiar to you appeared. Your stomach churned and your heart ached.
— This is fake! Doll, you have to believe me! — Bucky cried out and got in front of you, holding your shoulders, trying to cover your vision from the images. You took a step back and kept looking at the images.
The League had more than enough means necessary to fake all of this, but you knew Natasha was Bucky’s ex, and they were still friends and coworkers, even with their intense heartbreak. You sometimes got insecure and worried since they spent so much time together, but he always told you you had nothing to worry about…
You gulped.
The League was all glaring at his back while he shouted a hundred words per minute, desperately trying to convince you he was telling the truth.
Superman growled and walked forward until he grabbed Bucky by his shoulders and pulled him away from you.
— Stay away from them, you asshole. (Y/N), I would never do that to you. — You ignored Green Lantern's words, like you were doing since the pacifier incident. You knew he was getting desperate and that made you specially scared, but at least he gave you some distance.
— Not now. — Batman took a step forward. — A few hours ago, we discovered your relationship. For security reasons, we searched, and found these pictures and conversations from his second social accounts, that he uses to commit his cheating.
— He didn't try to hide much, he thought he wouldn't get caught. — Flash stated.
— I-I need more proof… These could be old… — Your first words spoken made Bucky shut up. Mind scrambling for something.
— Let the Lasso of Truth speak for him. — In a second, the Lasso was thrown around Bucky's torso and he was squirming. — Speak, you worthless mortal! — Wonder Woman ordered.
Bucky was able to struggle for a few seconds, before he blurted out.
— It's truth! It's truth! I told her we broke up and started dating her again! I thought I could have you both at the same time!
You gasped. Your hand shot to your chest.
Flash was on your side in a second, trying to hug and comfort you, but you pushed him away. You started crying from heartbreak and anger.
— HOW COULD YOU?! — You glared at him and pointed at his face.
— Doll… I swear I love you both. But I'm also narcissistic, insecure and look down on women. — The Lasso was really doing its job. You laughed humorlessly.
You had nothing to say anymore. No reason to stay. You took advantage of his tied arms and got close, punched his nose, and stomped away.
The League contemplated going after you and trying to bring you comfort, but Batman and Martian Manhunter decided to just let Bucky go (after intimidating him so as to not get close to you again) and follow you discreetly, watching you from the shadows, intervening only if necessary.
Like, comment and reblog 🥰
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starkwlkr · 2 years ago
banned | charles leclerc
Charles and Y/N were in bed watching some netflix documentary. It was a Saturday morning, the couple didn't have any plans so they decided to stay in bed for an extra hour. Ruby was in her room playing with her dolls, but as time went on, she walked into her parent's room, still in her pajamas, and told them she had gotten bored of her barbies.
"Papa, can I play a game on your phone?" Ruby asked, climbing onto the bed and laying ontop of Charles.
"What happened to your iPad?" Charles questioned.
"Its with grand-mère, I forgot it." Ruby frowned.
"Okay, but not for too long." Charles sighed and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. "If someone calls, bring it to me, okay?"
Ruby nodded and climbed off. Her little feet took her to the living room. She sat on the couch and tried to find the game Charles had installed for her to play. Instead of clicking on the game, a certain colorful app caught her eye. She clicked on the Instagram app and the first thing she saw on Charles' feed was a picture of Y/N that she had posted recently. Her chubby fingers clicked on the heart then clicked on the comments. She knew how to spell since Y/N and Charles were teaching her so she slowly typed out a comment.
charles_leclerc MOMMY
seconds later, hundreds of notifications came flooding in.
forzacharles SAME CHARLES
gasly10pierre he's so real for that
back in Charles and Y/N bedroom, Charles was too focused on giving his wife her morning kisses. They had completely forgotten about the documentary that was playing on the tv. Y/N was also too busy to even notice the notifications going off from her phone.
Ruby was having too much fun with her dad's phone. She kept liking photos and even took some up close photos of her face with funny filters. That's when she saw the LIVE option. Ruby, being the curious girl she is, clicked on LIVE and wondered what it was doing.
charles_leclerc started a live video
The screen showed her face, but nothing was happening. She was extremely confused. Then the comments started popping up.
schumacherlegacy BABY LECLERC
f1weekly yooo house tour
f1paddockgirlies omg someone screen record this iconic moment
"What's a credit card?" Ruby asked as if someone was going to tell her. She thought it was recording so an idea popped up in her head. She raced to her room with Charles' phone in hand and grabbed her favorite barbies. As she ran back, Charles called her name, unaware that his phone was capturing everything.
"Ruby! Slow down, I don't want you to fall." Charles called out.
leclercxl/n i feel like i shouldn't be watching this 😭 she probably doesn't even know what's going on
y/nscloset guys don't screen record!! she's a child, we shouldn't be spreading information about her without y/n or charles knowing
"Sorry, papa." Ruby apologized.
"Its okay, baby. Are you hungry?" Y/N asked her daughter.
"No," Ruby quickly said and ran back to the living room.
"Ruby Jules!"
f1gossip omg they named her after jules 😭
wagstyle ok charles come get ur child before she leaks your address
Ruby positioned the phone against her mom's favorite candle and showed the camera a barbie that her uncle Lorenzo had gotten her.
"I like this one. She has pretty hair and my uncle Enzo got it for me." She brought the barbie extremely close to the camera.
leclercfamily she's in her vlog era
Ruby then set the barbie down and grabbed her favorite american girl doll that Charles got for her. "Papa got me this one. She has purple hair and has a crown, see?" Ruby showed the camera yet again. "I have more. And I have things for her hair." This time she ran to her playroom where most of her dolls were located. Instead of taking the phone with her, she left it propped up against the candle.
This game the users a clear view of the Leclerc family home, well some of it.
maxsupermax they really have a giant ass piano in their living room.
Ruby came back with all her american girl doll accessories. They were in the classic american girl red bag, but Ruby decided to dump it all on the floor.
"Ruby! What are you doing?" Y/N called out as Charles kissed her neck.
"Playing." Ruby said casually.
"Charles, get up. This girl might be writing on the walls." Y/N said, but Charles wouldn't get off of her.
"She's playing on my phone, she's okay."
"Still, let me get up. My amazon package gets delivered today. Get up, Perceval!" Y/N pinched his side, causing him to groan in pain and finally get off his wife.
Charles dramatically rolled onto his side. "It hurts. It hurts more when you don't have a shirt on."
"You're alive, dear husband." Y/N rolled her eyes and got up from the bed. She put on her slippers, not bothering to put on a proper shirt so she walked to the front door in her matching black silk shorts and lace top. She failed to notice her daughter on Instagram live.
y/nisamilf Y/N TURN AROUND
ricciardofiles RUBY GET UR MOM
verstappenxpiquet does she even know how to read?
"I know how to read." Ruby said to the camera.
Once Y/N opened the door, she heard her daughter say something. "What did you say, baby?" She said, still not looking in Ruby's direction as she retrieved her package from the front door.
"I said i know how to read." Ruby replied.
"Yeah, you do. You're a smart girl." Y/N nodded and went to her office that was right next to Ruby's play room.
Ruby continued showing the camera her toys.
leclercstype american girl haul slay
paddockbitches ruby is MY world champion
Then Charles finally came into the frame. He was shirtless so all the comments went by too fast for Ruby to read. Like Y/N, he didn't notice Ruby trying to read comments on the phone.
As Charles was about to ask Ruby what she wanted for breakfast, Y/N's phone started to ring. Charles quickly made his way back to the shared bedroom. He looked at the phone screen and saw that his brother Arthur was the one calling. He answered the call.
"Hey, good morning-"
"Get your phone! Ruby is on Instagram live!" Arthur said.
"She's live, Charles!"
Charles quickly ran to the living room to find Ruby showing the camera a framed photo of Charles and Y/N's wedding. "Ruby, give me the phone!" Charles raised his voice, making Y/N come out of her office wondering what was going on.
"I was showing the pretty picture!"
Y/N ran to Ruby and saw that she was showing the viewers her wedding picture. "Baby, give papa his phone back."
"Okay. The game was boring." Ruby handed Charles his phone back and went to her playroom.
Charles quickly ended the live and put his phone on the coffee table. "She's never playing on my phone ever again."
"Who told you she was on Instagram?" Y/N asked.
"Arthur. He called you, I answered. He probably got a notification that ruby went live." Charles sighed. "Well, I think everyone knows her name by now."
"Oh my god, wait give me my phone. I have your post notifications on." Y/N gasped.
Charles handed her her phone. He watched as she scrolled through all the Instagram notifications. She then held the phone out for him to see. "She used your account to comment on my picture. Look what she said."
Charles laughed at the comment. "Well she's not wrong. The fans did call you a milf."
"Imagine the ones that missed Ruby's live, they're going to see this comment and think that you have some weird kink. Good luck explaining that, Perceval." Y/N kissed Charles' cheek and went to Ruby's playroom.
"From now on, Ruby is on a phone ban!"
ruby is so chaotic i love her, she's my fav leclerc fr
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lunavrse · 1 year ago
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summary ★ : charles decides to take a page out of justin bieber's book. let's see how that works out for him.
category ★ : smau.
notes ★ : disregard all times and dates, they don't matter. all spelling mistakes are intentional. everything is fake and unrealistic but thank you delusion. terrible flirting and the usual type of jokes/language you see on the internet.
me basically:
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tagged: yourbestfriend
Liked by yourbestfriend, yourfriend, user61 and 147 272 others
youruser so proud of ﹫yourbestfriend, she absolutely killed it and even took some cool pictures of me💚🥂 new video coming 🔜
View all 534 comments
yourbestfriend thank you for coming my love💚
youruser always😘
yourbestfriend it's not hard when you have such a gorgeous subject
youruser thank yewww
user6 stunning 😍
user12 you look amazing and ﹫yourbestfriend did fantastic!
user89 THE DRESS🤩
youruser i knowww, it's from meshki
user3 you're a beauty
user62 i need to know where the dress is from 🙏
youruser it's from meshki !
user56 can't wait to stare at the screen for the next few hours
user47 isn't her videos usually like 20~45 minutes?
user56 i know what i said
user1 oh !
user9 she did her big one😌
user11 pretty!
yourfriend serving face and body
youruser 🤍🤍🤍
user24 face card is lethal
user61 ﹫charles_leclerc
user60 ❤️🔥
user77 can we get a little commotion for the dress🗣️🗣️
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Liked by pierregasly, user61, landonorris and 516 382 others
charles_leclerc who is she? if anyone knows, please tag her.
View all 3 272 comments
user4 nah, this guy
user26 this is crazy.
user92 WHAT IS GOING ON ?!!?!!
user5 is this real? like am i actually seeing this?
user15 he's got to have been hacked
user25 ain't no way
user13 actively going insane thanks to this actually.
user8 giving me flashbacks to december 8th, 2015
user14 i've got ptsd 😭
user10 from what? the war?
user49 bros acting like they were in a war💀
user8 it was a tough time to be a jb fan 😭
maxverstappen1 is this who we are, is this what we represent??
user3 max is done💀💀
charles_leclerc i said i had a plan, not that it was a good one mate
user1 wish it was me he's looking for
user45 that's me!
user86 in your dreams maybe
user58 get over yourself<3
user20 ﹫youruser
user67 She's so pretty, I want to cry
user76 she's so pretty, i want her
user48 ^^two types of people
user93 my brother in christ, stand up!!!
user07 he's just like me fr
user84 mans is moving mad📢
user100 this is embarrassing
user34 think im gonna be sick
user30 don't be so dramatic
user51 i don't blame her
user70 she's obviously the prettiest girl ever🙄
user68 ﹫youruser !
user97 that's me !
user59 I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now
user31 side eye
user29 who is she? she's stunning
user40 why is my fav youtuber in this picture
user46 iconic actually
user17 I know we can't see her face clearly, but she's serving
user21 i know her!
user37 what's her ﹫
user21 it's ﹫youruser, i follow her
user101 i want harry styles to do this but with me
user88 me too lol
user65 this is down bad behaviour
user201 thanks for ruining my day 👍
user248 it's giving wattpad vibes
user119 charles, look at me, this isn't you, think about the kids
user996 i was genuinely scared this was a hard launch
user123 alexa play that should be me
user8 how ironic
user147 ﹫youruser
user313 that's my girlfriend ﹫youruser
user05 praying for this girl cause the toxic charles fans, yikes😬
user000 gonna be delusional and pretend it's me 😁
user128 see i was so excited when i saw the notif and now i'm just 😐
user01 i cried when i saw this post btw
user306 imagine he posted a pic of asking who u are ﹫user43
user43 pls i would cry
user61 ﹫youruser
user007 idk and idc
user400 this is me if you even care
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Liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, user4 and 253 953 others
youruser hello new people, where'd y'all come from?
View all 1 753 comments
yourbestfriend do you not check your notifications or...
youruser you know i don't
user245 girl...
user4 im in love with you lol
user500 just came from ur yt video, i'm so glad you had fun at the event!
user16 so this is the girl my husband is leaving me for🥲
user04 charles leclerc in her likes😭😭😭 ooh i'm sick
user287 then you're not gonna like this... he's flirting w her
user04 just fell to my knees in despair
user61 so real for that last slide
user56 pretty😍
youruser tysm pretty girl🤎
user791 charles mfing leclerc posted you!?!!!
user792 charles mfing leclerc liked!!
user793 charles mfing leclerc commented!!!
friend3 let's kiss 💋
youruser 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
user005 i too wish to kiss all the pretty girls
user800 idk what's going on rn but i loved your latest video, you and yourbestfriend were so cute and seeing you guys backstage together was sooo wholesome
user494 the part where they saw each other and started hyping each other up was my favourite
use712 her looking up a makeup tutorial 2 hours before she had to leave was so me
user55 he's in her likes y'all!
user942 thanks bud, i would never had noticed without u
user039 oh so she's dumb and ugly 😒
user44 and you're bitter and jealous...
use222 I wanna kiss you too 😞
user777 personally, i came from yt
user420 hi *louder than everybody else*
user311 what lip liner are you wearing babes?
youruser ﹫makeupbymario brown lip liner : )
user42 need a makeup tutorial!!!
charles_lerclerc my fault 🧍‍♂️
youruser i'll let it slide cause you're cute
charles_leclerc you think i'm cute? giggling, kicking my feet
youruser and blushing?
charles_leclerc mhmm, yeah
user456 deffo flerting
user942 YEAH?!???!!!!
user011 you guys know dms exist right???
user0 damn, i wanted to see this play out more 😭
user811 chill, my man is on this app
user35 she a baddie she know she a ten
user555 face card is never declining 😍
user411 do i want to date you or be you?
user87 so real!
user05 so we all saw them flirt right?
user942 yes😭
user69 GET A JOB (directed to you user28)
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, user12 and 443 854 others
youruser day(s) n night(s)
View all 2 748 comments
user103 nottt her trying to be sneaky👀
yourbestfriend am i seriously losing you to a MAN???
youruser 'm always urs pooks💚
yourbestfriend tell loverboy that
user656 charles' new nickname is 🔥
user48 the way charles was here in the first few minutes of her posting💀
charles_leclerc et le prix de la plus belle fille te revient [and the award for the most beautiful girl goes to you]
youruser merci beau garçon
user12 Them speaking French to each other is all that I'm thinking about rn.
user707 A YT MAN?!?!?! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!!
user349 wish she was calling me a beautiful boy 😭
use117 i see you 4th slide, studious queen🤧
user824 charles try not to be a simp challenge
user107 level : IMPOSSIBLE
user41 ﹫user23 50 quid that's charles
user23 do you think i'm stupid?
user41 do you want an honest answer or?
user23 do you want to tell me your lastest test score or?
user41 ...
user23 yeah that's what i thought
user662 noooo pls don't be who i think it is
user35 she a baddie with her baddie friend(s)
user723 okay but the lashes ate💅🏾
user991 this is so weird, why are you posting him?
user75 you don't even know if that's him and you're already being defensive over a man who don't want you or even know you exist? don't pmo. get off her page!!!
user940 me when😔
user129 what about us?
user130 what about everything we've been through
user329 who is that man girl
user477 so are we just gonna ignore charles' comment or...
user452 just made me even more sure that it's him
user02 pretty girl<3
user170 if my future boyfriend don't bring me flowers on the first date, i don't want him🙅🏽‍♀️
user244 we get it, for some reason charles leclerc wants you😒
user311 ugh,,, the lip look always eats
user710 real, I'm obsessed
user536 is that charles?
user537 be serious, that is not happening
user539 ok 😐👍
user536 i actually can't be sirius, he's dead. hope this helps👍
user863 imagine that's not him and we're all just being crazy
user37 if that's not him, he's probably crying
user11 shittt, I would too, look at her
user29 he's probably the guy in the photos
user163 we all saw that interview right? it's definitely him
user288 yass, he looked so cute
user565 enough about charles, can we focus on how pretty she and her friends are??
user479 10s across the board fr
user504 I thought you were for the girls 😭
user716 i'm calling it now, that's a date w leclerc
user231 you look stunning 😍
user406 anyone noticed how he liked? he wouldn't do that if she went out on a date with someone else right?
user410 only everybody with eyes?
alex_albon yeah, no, he would be sobbing in a corner if that wasn't him
use535 so he couldn't have fumbled, right....
user534 well...
user210 alex is just here to create chaos and honestly, i respect that
user73 please don't post your man again😒
user66 real!!! i come here to see you not him🥲
user711 love to see women getting treated right 😌
user385 slide 6 made me sick to my stomach
user858 he brought her flowers😫
user705 that HAS to be him
user701 you never know, sometimes he is his own worst enemy
user898 did NOT 🚫❌ like this
user999 what if this was my last straw
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tagged: charles_leclerc, youruser
Liked by user, pierregasly, user0 and others
allthingsleclerc local (monégasque) man seen out with mystery woman who sources claim is yn
View all 843 comments
user624 why is she still serving while blurred
user210 liked by pierregasly 🫣
user833 charles' friends are exposing him 💀
user0 that's definitely ﹫youruser
user04 serving cunt and he's there ig
user547 just becoz it's blurred doesn't mean you can't tell that it's her
user622 he looks miserable, he doesn't like her😭
user595 what? are you of sound mind?
lunavrse pls don't look too closely at the picture 😴
user923 What's the square root of 64?💅🏾
user700 they're just minding their business, why can't y'all do the same?
user674 it's a public place
user700 ☝️🤓 it's a pUbLIc PLaCe
user103 no bc they're lowk matching 😭
user933 it's so over😭😭
user72 that's so cute🥰 who wants to have a sleepover on the highway with me?
user33 that could just be a coincidence?
user172 i actually don't care but THAT DRESS, i need to know where she got it from
user32 oh ! i didn't realise that she was actually his type
user79 ... i wish there was a side eye emoji
user18 oh that's not-
user32 nonono in a sense that he usually dates like brunettes
use499 wdym, 'm pretty sure she is brunette?
user03 we know what you meant lol
user270 wish i could live in delusion
user320 he's probably paying for everything 🙄
user419 and? he's literally a millionaire, if he wants to spend his money on his (alleged) girlfriend let him. it's not your money
user232 girl, pipe down
user890 I don't see the problem?
user52 why do you assume that? do you know her financial situation? or you a close friend of either of theirs who knows what's going on? if the answer to these questions are no, shut the fuck up, thanks<3 peace and light to you.
user562 try not to say mother
user587 [failed]
user612 Why can't she stay away from him?
user258 why can't you mind yr business?
user718 first picture of them out together and they look great
user106 her rn: damn i'm the only bitch serving cunt here😭😭 omg😭 i'm so embarrassedd😭😭😭
user211 she should be at the club, not on gossip pages😭
user261 fuck she looks too good, i wanna kms
user211 real
user586 took a social media break and came back to this😃 great !
user404 i wanna say parents🤭
user648 this actually made my day
user446 Gonna sleep on the tracks tonight🥰
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youruser and you're kenough for me❤️
charles_leclerc thank you barbie !
most beautiful barbie ever❤️
landonorris this ken's job is simp
charles_leclerc you'd be a simp too if you could actually date such a stunning woman but you can't 🫶
landonorris you're a cruel, cruel man
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 749 365 others
youruser me gusta la mar🏖️
View all 2 836 comments
yourbestfriend wish i was on a boat right now😔
youruser i literally invited you and you said no?
yourbestfriend i have to face unimaginable horror (work)
user12 that boat looks familiar
yourbestfriend you look stunning babes💚
youruser tysm, means the most coming from uuu pookie 💚
use501 forget about charles and give me one(1) chance pls
charles_leclerc me gustas tú
user784 chill, it's a song lyric
user779 yeah but have you heard the song???
charles_leclerc gorgeous view, and the sea looks good too i suppose
youruser my view was much better but thank you<3
charles_leclerc i doubt that. je pourrais te regarder pendant des heures sans jamais me lasser. [i could look at you for hours and never get bored]
user055 someone is coming for your smooth operator title ﹫carlossainz55
user964 Charles Rizzclerc???
yourbestfriend she's screaming btw
youruser no i'm not
yourbestfriend then why do i have a vn of you screaming?
charles_leclerc 😊
user96 it's quiet🤐... no back talk
user71 stay focused my brothers, we must stay focused
user53 i am looking respectfully, i promise
user131 when will someone tell me the things he says to her🙃
user677 everytime you post a picture my jaw drops
yourfriend oh my gorgeous coco butter melanated caramel skinned goddess, please notice me🙏🏾
youruser oh you've got jokes🤨
yourbestfriend GOODBYE😭 im showing this to ur man
yourfriend you really thought you did suttin🤣 he knows who he's dating😋
user22 I would sacrifice my favourite duck plushie for just one chance to be in your presence 🙇‍♀️
youruser that's so sweet yet so disturbing pls keep your plush safe
user22 Yes queen, whatever you say 🫡
user803 if you look close enough, you can see me drowning myself in the ocean 🤗
user70 forget vroom vroom boy n give a g(ay)irl a chance😫
user312 charles in his simp era
use314 love to sea it
user312 that's a terrible pun and i hate that i laughed
user2 you know who has a boat??? charles
user057 the way that you're actually glowing in these🫠
user717 i love the hat, it just kinda brings the whole thing together
lilymhe you look amazing! and i love the bikini!
youruser tysm🫶🏾 i love u!!!
user742 a friendship i never knew i needed
user335 Since when did Lily and Yn know each other??
user386 since they're both wags, it only makes sense
user360 but yn's not a wag
user386 yet
user109 hi lol
user634 her body is teaaa
user7 did someone say body-ody-ody-ody
user19 he can do so much better than you
user482 I know you want him but I can be so much better than him in so many ways, I swear, please please please please *begs excessively*
user888 Does Charles have her post notifications on or what?
user938 i'd say yes cause how else would he like her posts so fast
user064 the swimsuit is everythinggg
user229 it's giving hot girl summer ⛱️
user177 i could start a whole new ocean with the amount of tears i've cried
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Liked by user621, youruser, pierregasly and 927 375 others
charles_leclerc me gusta el viento
View all 3 276 comments
user905 he knows exactly what he's doing
user200 Not him having the exact same meal picture as her
user080 let's talk about the matching captions
user621 most beautiful man I've ever seen
youruser me gustas tú
user331 in fact, you're both so sick for playing with us like this
user774 we know you like the wind, we've seen your hair
user405 jajajaja
user607 okay, you might have nibbled with this a little
user775 jail!!! do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars
user379 what she said wasn't even that bad nor untrue
youruser now THIS is a view. tu as ta place au louvre avec toutes les autres grandes œuvres d'art. (you belong in the louvre with all the other great works of art)
charles_leclerc oh ! thank you, i am so normal about you and this comment
pierregasly great, now he's glitching and going crazy in the group chat again
user2 AGAIN?!?
alex_albon spoiler alert ⚠️ he was not normal about this
user125 who blames him? not me. instead, i am insanely jealous
user508 oh he's so fine🤤
user933 the matching captions and matching replies,,, god I'm NOT your strongest soldier
user36 yesss king, give us beach!!!!
user078 well, boat but yes!!!
user649 he said im speeding up the soft launch
user573 by 0.25x speed
user649 at least it's something?
user378 honestly i will take these crumbs instead of absolutely nothing
user269 i LOVE crumbs 🤤 mmhmm😋
user120 is really considered a soft launch when they make comments like THAT?
user801 someone sedate me, im unwell🤒
user903 he's trying to thirst trap us into ignoring the 4th slide
user754 well it's working😫
user028 charles!!! te amo 😘
user753 gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure like a rat/mouse with a giant block of cheese
user136 One like and I'll drown myself.
user112 why did you like it🤨
user136 Damn Nessa, mind ur business😐, why did YOU🫵🏽 like it?
user388 them posting sea/boat pics on the same day? THEY'RE TOGETHER
user33 hear me out, it could be a coincidence
user388 *shakes you violently* HOW MANY COINCIDENCES DO YOU NEED
user770 i think we're focusing a little too much on the wrong thing here
user911 if i said what i was thinking, i'd be banned from this app.
user762 can't wait to see you at the next race! praying for a podium finish🙏!
user63 Who are you taking pictures of Charles???
user894 Gee that's a tough one/s
user720 he didn't really think we'd ignore the 4th slide
user402 i am here to do some good ole fashion SLUT shaming🗣️📢
user309 Love them trying to out-compliment each other
user61 he has such a gorgeous smile
user7 actual post of you and ﹫youruser when?
user633 nobody wants to see that
use105 speak for yourself
user708 😍😍
user808 i don't know who's luckier, her or him
user809 both, both is good
user007 hope you're having fun destroying my heart😭😭
user169 charles please, please, do you need a dog because i swear i can bark. in fact i am barking and drooling violently rn
user196 you really get me
user45 he's taking pictures of me y'all 🫶🏼
user502 🥵🔥
user19 you can do so much better than her, i promise
user67 i cried a little when i saw your post of her was still up
user64 I feel like a Victorian man™ seeing a woman's ankle for the first time 😵‍💫
user664 feeling like how teachers think boys feel when seeing a girl's shoulders
user325 don't forget to keep applying sunscreen!
user04 he's so pretty, i'm sick to my stomach.
user758 he tryna kill people i swear
user99 honestly, i think he looks so at peace/happy and i'm grateful for that
user74 you're honestly ruining my life by not being mine 😭😭😭
user981 that looks like too much food for 1 person
user523 that's because im with him🤗
user296 screaming, crying, throwing up, banging my head against the wall, wailing like a banshee.
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tagged: youruser
Liked by youruser, user291, landonorris and 973 638 others
charles_leclerc play all mine by brent faiyaz
View all 4 726 comments
user39 just fell to my knees in a Walmart
youruser this is not the soft launch we agreed on mon bijou
charles_leclerc just wanted to show you off mon ange
youruser oh !
user505 ALL MINE BY BRENT FAIYAZ!??!! oh it's really over 😭
landonorris can't even get picture creds for the 4th slide
user444 you didn't even get a reply 💀 everybody point 🫵🏼 and laugh
landonorris just looked at your bio and it says ln4, i really is your own fans😞
user528 can't believe she invented green 😮‍💨
user553 them in the photobooth, fuck, is it hot🥵🥵 in here orrr
youruser who is she???
charles_leclerc oh you know, just the love of my life
youruser kicking my feet, smiling SO hard right now. je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime.
charles_leclerc je t'aime encore plus mon ange❤️ (i love you even more my angel)
user378 The launch we've been waiting for
user957 the way they're looking at each other, parting my hair with a knife 🤪
youruser you're obsessed with me
charles_leclerc well, yes! am i not supposed to be??
user39 no shame in admitting it, i respect that🤷🏽‍♂️
user291 serving cunt like she got a master's degree in cuntology from servington universitea
user239 charles, can you fight because i feel like i'm gonna steal your girl
charles_leclerc ... you have five seconds to delete this🙂
user805 If I speak...
user806 charles would probably block you
user575 charlessss i can make you happier, trust me
youruser no, i don't think i will
user575 my bad girl, didn't think you'd see this.
maxverstappen1 you guys are so sickening, please get a room
charles_leclerc who even invited you???
youruser wow max, i thought you liked us
maxverstappen1 YOU DID
maxverstappen1 not enough to watch you both be so touchy sorry
yourbestfriend my stunning girl💚
charles_leclerc i think you mean, MY girl
yourbestfriend i'm not arguing with you, ﹫youruser please come get your man
youruser i think 'm gonna stay out of this...
user332 when will someone post me to my fav brent faiyaz song🫤
user333 manifesting getting posted to stay down 🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾
user334 my wedding song frfr😩
user018 why did daddy's home start playing 🛐
user12 FINALLY
user618 is your girlfriend single?
charles_leclerc read that first part again for me
user540 not one word spelt correctly, open the schools!!!
user843 who is cutting onions😭😭???
charles_leclerc feeling really blessed 🙏🏻
user912 this is so unserious 💀
user440 love love love 😘
user54 love a black woman from infinity to infinity!!!
user113 in the words of dove cameron, i could be a better boyfriend than him. trust🙏🏾
user53 NOOOO YN come back to meeee!!!
charles_leclerc i think she's good here, next to me
user17 can't breathe!!!
user17 hottest gf alive
user17 she looks too good i can't breathe 🫠
user27 showed this to my therapist and she's finally gonna let me kill myself
user065 to be shown off like this,,, i beg
pierregasly the fact that we were together in the last slide...
charles_leclerc but is this a friend group hard launch?
user513 call this hard launch an ugly twink the way it cannot be topped
user83 the wording is CRAZY
user48 not Charles beefing with everyone in love w his girl💀💀
user259 just bought a whole house with the 1st pic. her face card is insane
user613 kissin the screen😙
charles_leclerc kissing her👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
youruser ok that's enough
user613 oooohhhh you got scolded 🫵
user084 the audacity to use that emoji, ijbol
user40 i hate you
user40 i'm sorry that was jealousy speaking, so happy for you❤️
user069 i - no words
user675 charles, I heard she throws rocks at orphans
charles_leclerc i'm not an orphan but she can hit me😊
arthur_leclerc NO SHAME😭
youruser i do not throw rocks at children, ﹫charles_leclerc hi
user675 yeah, i lied but he's something...
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Liked by charles_leclerc, user61, yourbestfriend and 985 732 others
youruser think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else...
View all 4 662 comments
user73 didn't i say don't post your man 🥲
charles_leclerc who is that guy?
youruser he's just this guy i'm hopelessly in love with
charles_leclerc he's very lucky❤️
youruser we both are❤️
user23 we all know who it is girl🤣🤣🤣
charles_leclerc i can't believe you didn't post a single picture of me where my face is visible 😪
youruser i hate you, you know we agreed on the soft launch
charles_leclerc you hate me? so enemies to lovers😏
youruser 🤦🏾‍♀️
user704 she's so mean to him, what does he even see in her
user202 you know there's this thing called banter and he's a grown man who can make his own decisions?
user525 can't wait for the future videos of her at any of the grand prix races
user4 he's got a grip on you in every picture i've seen of y'all together so far, like chill lil bro, she's not gon run away🤣🤣🤣
user206 he's actually just like me bc if she was my girl...
yourbestfriend the best launch because we don't have to see his face
user180 ur so real ily
yourbestfriend jokes, but I'm happy for you both💚
youruser love you💚
user16 i'm so😭 happy😭 for you😭 both😭
user444 lover gyal era!
user407 must be nice to young, sexy and in love
youruser it really is🥰
user350 do y'all need a third, a dog, a maid, or anything really because i can do it all!
user110 shattered.
user12 feeling giddy asf like i'm the one who got posted😵‍💫
user61 you two look great together😊
youruser thank you aoife🤎
user08 lord, i see what you've done for others 🙏🏼
user940 when will it be me.(with you)
charles_leclerc never, not even in the next thousand lifetimes 🤣
user838 CHARLES???
user839 OHMYDAYS?!?!
user516 the rope in my backyard looks so tempting
user133 I love k. so much
user48 feet? for free? in this economy?
lilymhe leave him for me, let's run away together💒
youruser packing my bags 🛍️
charles_leclerc ﹫alex_albon please come get your girlfriend
alex_albon lily... what is this
lilymhe as the saying goes, never let your boyfriend stop you from finding your wife
charles_leclerc NOT MY GIRLFRIEND THO
youruser boooo tomato tomato tomato i'm throwing tomatoes🍅🍅🍅
charles_leclerc mon ange???
user909 lily was cooking ♨️🍳
user102 remember everyone, he is NOT a mountain, he CAN be moved!
user00 Donatella VERSACE💜
user6 i love the eiffel tower
user315 because you're parisian, right????
user57 i don't think that's the reason💀💀
user510 do you want another boyfriend?
user204 i just think it really weird that you're not posting his face when he literally posted multiple pictures of you on his account, like what are you hiding?
user832 i think it's weird that you don't know how to mind your own business? like it's crazy that you think you're entitled to a reason. this is her account to do what she wants with it, even if she posted him, you'd complain. so please, just shut up.
user278 not my boyfriend having the audacity to steal my girlfriend from me🫤
user98 honestly if I looked like her, i would not know how to act
user122 facts
landonorris what is with you and your boyfriend not giving credit for pictures i take???
youruser this isn't about you right now🫶🏾
user444 at least you got a response this time
landonorris again, for someone who has ln4 in their bio, you sure like to bully me
user444 you think this is bullying? i can actually bully you if you want
landonorris no, i'm good👋🏻
user303 that one girl was right about you liking the wind a lil too much
user926 yeah this is cute and all but can i land this backflip off a cliff?
user376 those flowers are so pretty 🤍🎀
user401 driving home in the wrong lane tonight🤣
user527 the way i was right the whole time and now my friend owes me money 🥰
user830 you guys are such a cute couple
user010 this would have been such a good soft launch dump of we didn't see his hard launch 😅
youruser added to their story.
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user09 posting a man to MITSKI?! oh it's serious, ur actually down horrendous
yourbestfriend hard launching on ur story when you soft launched in a post is crazyyyy🤣🤣
youruser hard launching when i see a ring 🤗
nah, im kidding but if they want to see him, go to his profile🤷🏾‍♀️
yourbestfriend IKTR 💅🏾
user215 now my man's gonna expect me to post him on my story like this😑 but i forgive you queen 🙄
landonorris finally made it in a post!
youruser finally you can stop complaining 🫶🏾
landonorris why are you and charles so mean to me
youruser because you deserve it, hope this helps🙌🏾
francisca.cgomez double dating with you was so fun! can't wait to do it again 💞
youruser yes! gonna go bother charles to make plans for another one soon 😁
user121 the sun drawing around ur eyes🥲 crying, that's so effin cute
yourfriend not you being all sentimental with the daniel caesar song AND the puzzle pieces
youruser damn, can't even do something nice🧍🏾‍♀️ see if i post you again
yourfriend you're so dramatic pookie
user531 the bear and the flowerss, please where can i get man like that😖
user479 so many gorgeous girls🥰
user06 glad you're surrounding yourself with people who make you happy and bring out this lovely light 🤎
yourfriend2 when the plans finally make it out the group chat🙌🏾🎉
youruser love that for us🤧 but i swear getting stuck in that elevator made me reconsider all my decisions leading up to that moment
yourfriend2 the 1st hour wasn't that bad tho
yourfriend3 we will never be free🙁
youruser please shut up😭😭
yourfriend3 no bc you didn't listen when dr umar said "SNOW BUNNIES NEVA🙅🏾‍♀️❌"
youruser i do not see it🧘🏾‍♀️
𖦹 𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𓂃 𖦹
⤷ end note ‧ ★ : halfway through making this i went "hmm, this should be a lando smau" but then i continued doing this. it posted like 5 times which freaked me out and was supposed to be done ages ago but yeah. also french is from deepl. enjoy.
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jade-jini · 1 year ago
My brain still has some g!p loser virgin Minjeong left so I need to keep talking do not shut me up.
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(I need her deep in my *cars collapse*)
Ok clearly she ain’t a virgin anymore lmao but still she’s not experienced at all. You’re surprisingly patient with her:’) guiding her through the basics of it. She was very eager to learn how to eat you out. So when she first did it it was both messy but also so good. “So this is your clit, right?” She asked softly touching it with the tip of her finger, lying in between your legs nsfndk loser. “Yes. Remember what I told you?” “The more I stimulate it the better you feel?” “Good puppy. Do you wa- holy fuck Minjeong!” You couldn’t even finish and she was already licking it up and down 😭 like yeah it felt nice but she was being so messy and impatient you actually had to grab her hair and slowly guide her. Which ended up in you basically fucking her mouth. That day she was so focused on ONLY eating your pussy and using her fingers. She wanted to get better at it and make you proud :( so she kept going until the only reason you were grabbing her hair was because of how good she was making you feel.
“Is that good y/n?” She’d ask while looking up at you and smdnfk those puppy eyes I’m telling you. “So good puppy, you’re so good…” you’d moan while patting her head and that made her so happy.
Minjeong is such an impatient puppy when she’s inside you, so you teach her how to have a less erratic pace, grabbing her hips and guiding her when she’s the one on top, or fucking yourself on her cock when she’s behind you (which she loves even after she gets better). And of course, the more you fuck the better she got at not.. coming so fast dnndkd.
You can’t be too good and patient tho, you torture her a bit and that’s where cockwarming comes in the picture 😌( mainly the reason I wanted to continue writing shdjdjw). You’d take her home after class and since you’ve been teasing her all day, she assumes you guys are gonna have a lot of fun once you’re at your place and she’s so excited already lol. So when you explained to her that you were gonna watch a movie she was a little confused but, nonetheless was ok with spending time with you. Oh but poor thing.. didn’t know what was coming (spoiler alert: not her for a while). You guys were chilling at the sofa, when suddenly you started unzipping her pants which she willingly took off, silently grateful to know all that teasing wasn’t for nothing. When you also took yours off and slowly sat on her shaft, she was quick to grab you and start moving you up and down on it and Omg it felt so good you almost forgot what the plan was. Ah yeah- cockwarming. “Wait-Omg wait minjeong.” “Hm? what’s wrong y/n? Did I hurt you?” She asked worried and immediately stopped sndjdjf why did she have to be so cute all the time. “No no, but there’s something I want us to try today ok? Just stay still, don’t move.” And so she did. But you see, being inside you and not being able to move was so hard for her that not even 20 seconds went by and she was already asking you “w-what do I do now? When can I move?” “Once the movie is done. But you’re gonna go through the whole almost 2 hours without coming, ok?” “..What?!” She gulped. Wdym not coming?! What did she do? Jeongie didn’t understand if this was some type of punishment because nothing sounded crueler than that. You quickly turned around, now facing her and grabbed her face to softly explained to her that she didn’t do anything wrong. You used the excuse of “this will help you last longer”. And she doesn’t have the brain to fact-check on that so she just trusts you 😭. She just wants to make you feel good so she’ll do whatever you ask her for even if it was something as hard as this.
Ofc you didn’t make it easy for her tho. You didn’t only move a little bit throughout the movie, but also left little kisses and praise her from time to time. She’d only hug you closer to her and whimper, trying her best not to lose it. After a little more than an hour tho she was already begging you to please let her come lol and you almost gave in but no! She could hold it in a little longer. She wanted to prove she was your good girl right? So she better behave. Poor girl almost looked in actual pain, sobbing against your chest while she hugged you, whispering how good your pussy felt and how much she needed to come inside it and ughhhh- the rest of the movie was as painful for her as it was for you. Once it was over tho you made sure to reward her and ride her so good ‘till her legs were shaking dndkfnjd. (The pic of minjeong sitting down with that dark shirt-).
She gets touchy too 😳 whenever she gets horny she goes behind you and holds you by the waist, her hand dangerously getting closer to your boobs, but if it’s in public you just look at her, daring her to actually do it. Ofc, she doesn’t 😭 so she just groans and stays holding you. If you’re alone tho she will grab them and get your ass right against her already hard dick, silently begging you for some attention. When y’all fucking her hands will travel everywhere; from spanking your ass, to grabbing your legs, playing with your boobs, grabbing you by the neck 😩specially when she’s behind you, holding you closer and closer to her and you can be sure sometimes you’ll have marks on your skin.
teaching her not only how to pleasure you, but also teaching her things she could do while you’re both far from each other 🙊. A lot of phone sex. Making her masturbate for you either on FaceTime or simple call, talking her through it. If it’s regular call then you’d tell her to describe exactly what she was doing for you. She does it but gets so lost in pleasure she ends up mumbling and moaning. “Hmmgh y/n… I need you here.. I m-miss you so much.. please..”. Also controlling when she comes. Making her touch herself fast then slow then fast again and once you finally tell her to come for you she makes a complete mess in her hand. Telling her to clean it for you and to show you 😳 she looks so hot doing it it makes you fantasize about if you were the one with the dick and how you’d make her suck you off- I’m losing myself rn one second one second.
So yeah anyway girlie ends up becoming so good at fucking you 😳 and she’s so proud of herself.
“You’re such a good fucktoy, just mine. Aren’t you, puppy?”
“Yes y/n, only yours…”
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serqphites · 8 months ago
Lee harker x single mom!reader 🤯🤯🤯🤭🤭🤭
STOP BC I COULDN’T IGNORE THIS UNTIL TOMORROW (yes it’s 2:40 while i’m writing this rn) you have given me such bad brain rot with this 😭
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okay so let’s say you have a daughter around the age of 3. things had been rough before meeting lee, life pretty much being put on hold for you as you couldn’t go anywhere without your child.
you met lee in your local store, just minding your business when your daughter decides it’s time to play matchmaker!
despite calling for her as she runs and runs further away from you, she still doesn’t listen until she finds herself hiding behind a very stiff lee harker’s leg.
girly is stressed LMAOOO, like where the hell has this random child come from and oh my god why is her mother so beautiful??
“oh my god i am so sorry!” you’re trying your best to remove your daughter from lee’s leg, but apparently your child has super strength and forgot to tell you.
“no no-“ GULP, “you’re fine” you’d honestly think someone was holding her at gunpoint and forcing her to smile, why is she just showing off her teeth instead of smiling with them?
i can SMELL her gay panic.
once your daughter eventually lets go, you continue apologising profusely as you begin walking away.
“wait!” lee calls out, her voice shaky. she does an awkward little jog over to you, her arm extended towards you as she waves a small elephant teddy in the air.
oh yeah that’s when you decided to get her number. the baywatch jog to hand deliver the toy to you reallyyyy did it.
fast forward a few months and things are going great! lee comes over every friday after clocking out and doesn’t leave until she has to. your weekend sleepovers are consistently the highlight of her week.
she’s definitely… interesting when it comes to your daughter.
“sooo, this is your room.”
and your kids just sat in her bed like “ya.”
yeah you dragged her out of there. “lee you don’t need to talk to her like she’s a suspect, just be normal”
“that was me being normal” and she hits you with the :/
she defo sends you money for stuff like sitters and daycare to help with your part time job. it also frees you up for date nights!
(lee keeps tabs on the babysitter and every single person who works in the daycare your daughter attends, she came to stand on business)
when things start to get really serious between you two, lee decides to move you into her cabin! this cutie even changed her study into the cutest little forest themed nursery you’ve ever seen.
“lee it’s perfect! thank you” you’re literally on the verge of sobbing and she’s just stood in the doorway like 🧍‍♀️🙂
lee does become better around your kid, acting more loving towards her and not being as afraid of her LMAO
also she’s so fucking overprotective.
lee never asked why you were a single mother, she didn’t really think it was her place. it took you quite a while to open up to her about it, her holding you as you finally let out all of your emotions for the first time since falling pregnant. men fucking suck.
jumping straight into it, it turns her on so much that you’re a single mother.
i can picture her sat at her desk that’s now in the corner of your bedroom, her fingers hooked into the loop of your jeans as words of adoration spill from her lips.
“i think you’re so strong”, “it’s so hot that you did that all by yourself”, “you’re so amazing”.
before you know it she’s trailing kisses down your stomach, one hand coming up to rub the center of your chest as the other undoes your belt buckle…
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1800-page-not-found · 8 months ago
Man my friend likes to tease me for liking kdj and she drew kdj being alone on his birthday and he looked so sad 😭😭😭😭😭 it was even worse when i realised his birthday was a day after valentines 😭😭😭 can i request reader celebrating kdj's birthday and making a surprise for him or something, spoiling him?
Yes ofc omg xx
its summer so i should have enough time to get through everyone's req yippee
Although the apocalypse took a toll on everyone's minds, you never forgot his birthday. How could you? After all, you cared for him so much.
When Kim Dokja first opened up to you, he told you that he never really celebrated his birthday. After all, who would he spend it with? Besides, even if he invited say, colleagues, they would all be busy, after all, it was the day after Valentines Day. Everyone had a lover but him.
It was you who changed his routine, and it was you who allowed him to look forward to tomorrow.
It was supposed to be the first birthday you'd spend together, but then his fantasy came crashing down onto his reality.
He was never the kind of person to hope for something...but maybe...maybe you would remember.
It was fine if you forgot...the apocalypse was more important.
The morning of his birthday, you told him to meet him in an alleyway after dinner for something special. It wasn't really a surprise, but it didn't matter, you remembered. What gift could be better than that?
Throughout the day, everyone had wished him happy birthday. Even Yoo Joonghyuk. (Who although actually didn't say it, once he found out it was Dokja's birthday, he acted a little less violent.)
Finally, dinner had been eaten. Everyone was getting ready to take a good nights rest. Kim dokja stood up and walked out.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Han Sooyoung shouted at Kim Dokja. He smiled and turned around. Although she couldn't see his face, due to the fourth wall, it was unmistakable that Dokja was very happy.
"Just somewhere." He smiled, humming to himself as he walked to the alleyway. When he turned the corner, he realized how clean it was.
Flower petals adorned the sides of the alleyway, and hanging lights swayed above him. A small green tent was at the end of the alley, a warm faint glow came within, and Dokja walked closer.
He opened the entrance to the tent, and you looked up at him, smiling with a warmth he would only feel with you.
"You made it." You whispered, beckoning him to sit on the pillow placed on the ground, across from you. Between the both of you was a small square table where a lovely cake sat on top.
"Of course."
"Happy Birthday, Kim Dokja. I hope I get to spend every birthday you have with you."
You place the sparkling candles on the cake, and light them. Gold sparks fly as Kim Dokja closes his eyes, making a wish.
I hope everyone will be happy in the future.
He opened his eyes, watching the sparks slowly calm down.
"I have a birthday gift for you." You reach beside you and hand him a box tied with a ribbon.
He pulled the tail of the bow, undoing the ribbon which kept the box together. The box unfolded, and in it were pictures and memories of the two of you.
"How did you capture this?" He asked, amazed. This was the first time he had received such a thoughtful gift.
"I used an item, Uriel had gifted to me when I prepared your gift."
At the bottom of the box, was a ring. "Think of it as a promise ring. Let's settle down after this apocalypse. I want my memories to be filled with you."
Kim Dokja started to cry, sniffling as he put on the ring. A description of the ring came up.
-Kim Dokja's Ring-
Part of [L. Name] [Name]'s life essence is stored in this ring.
A powerful being's wish is stored in this ring.
Must be Kim Dokja
When hit with a fatal blow, Kim Dokja will not die. [Uses, 3]
Stamina +10
Strength +35
"I...I...You did this just for me?..."
"Kim Dokja. You are not alone. The 'Dok' in Dokja stands for reader. Please, don't throw yourself into situations recklessly. We care for you."
"I'll keep that in mind"
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beartitled · 2 months ago
Found your art through the STP Reddit and now I have a new TSPUD artist to enjoy!!! Your style is gorgeous :)
Reddit 🤨❔
I don’t have reddit
*sounds of paws tapping on the keyboard*
Aha repost with no permission I see? 🔍🐻‍❄️👓
This ask actually send me on a mini research lmao
I didn’t expect to see like 4 posts on Reddit with ppl posting my comics/sending a screenshot from ?Pinterest? and asking who the author is
That made me chuckle :'D
To be clear, I don’t really mind reposts if a person credits me
Always appreciate ppl askin permission 👍
For the reference: Reblog - a button that looks like this 🔄, shares a post on your page while showing the original author; Repost - when you screenshot/save someone’s art and post it on your page (ideally with credit, but if you’re a meanie you will just post images with no word about og author); Credit - a reference to the author «this art was made by [@author] on [this social media]». Sometimes see ppl mixing up terms 🫡
(Most of the time creators dislike reposts, bc it often leads to art theft)
Since we’re on the topic, specifically what I do have a problem with:
- Don’t use my art for AI training or for NFTs
- Don’t profit off my art (no merch is allowed without my approval, if you want to use my art for commercial purposes, this must be discussed with me in advance)
- Don't pass off my work as your own (here does reposting my art without credit, creating blogs/accounts impersonating me and so on)
- Don’t use my personal projects (this applies to my ocs, any original IPs/content I create: picture books, comics, artbooks, megadrawings etc. At some point in the future I may register a legal copyright for them btw.)
I’m more flexible and forgiving with fandom art, but still would appreciate ppl communicating with me. Fandom comic dubs - are welcomed, just be sure to credit me (tag me and share the final dub too man, I’m always interested). Fandom comic translations - ask permission first please.
This list is a pretty standard for any artist really, if you’re doubting something - feel free to ask 👍
If you see somebody breaking those/potentially breaking those - feel free to notify me 👍
I considered creating “blog rules” or “list of boundaries”, but I’m not sure if it’ll work on my blog 🤔 My header is pretty oversaturated as it is - portfolio, tags, navigation and so on; if I add rules to the pile, something tells me ppl won’t even look at it 💥 + I didn’t have specific issues with anyone yet (as far as I’m aware), I might create a list if something happens, but stayin hopeful for now
There’s certain things that do make me very uncomfortable/are triggering to me. But again didn’t have any specific issues where it was a huge problem + those stuff are highly personal to me to just put publicly. For now, I prefer to resolve issues personally, there wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle at this point 🫡 Mayhaps in the future it may change, we’ll see
Also some might have noticed that I don’t use any watermarks/signatures on my art, again considered that, but never ended up implementing that 🐻‍❄️ Some part of me just likes lookin at pictures in full HD quality with no watermark 😭 (I have an art signature, but I mostly use it in my mega drawings or if someone specifically asked for a commission lmao)
Sorry for a wall of text on such a sweet ask 💥 Just saw an opportunity to talk and took it lmao
Thank you, I really appreciate your words ❤️💕
Made a doödle of the narrator bois for the old time sake :D
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Surprisingly there is a bunch of reposts of my art, with is a bit wild to me (you guys actually like my comics? 🤨 what? 🤨)
Especially never imagined my voices x princesses would get so popular 💥
Oh I see you went under read-more
Come closer
Just a smol step more
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I forgot to draw Smitten’s brows in this specific frame
Now you will never unsee it 😈😈😈
*tiny mischievous bear giggling*
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cfyslvr · 8 months ago
Celebrating your birthday with him
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╰┈➤ author's note: (y'all look at this silly little man 🤲🏻) since today is my birthday, I've decided to try and write some birthday headcanons with our lovely boy Mikey! also I've seen a few requests and I just wanna let you know that I'll get to them as soon as possible, thank you!
╰┈➤ warnings: nothing, pure fluff :)
- your boyfriend has been planning on how to celebrate your birthday literally months before the actual date
- but when your birthday finally came around, he somehow forgot 💀
- emma reminded him during breakfast
- when he finished eating he IMMEDIATELY ran out to buy a gift for you
- would 100% ask draken to go with him + would drag emma with him cuz he isn't sure what to get
- would spend AGES looking for the perfect gift, since none of them seemed special enough for you
- once he finally picked out a gift for you, he instantly drove to your house
- the second you opened the door for him, he scooped you up into his arms and began spinning you around while wishing you a happy birthday
- once he placed you back down onto the ground, he gave you a long birthday kiss and asked you to spend your birthday with him
- his eyes lit up when you said yes, he grabbed your hand and took you to his motorcycle
- he drove you around and took you wherever you wanted before stopping at a small pastry shop where he insisted on buying whatever you wanted
- he even shared the dorayaki he bought for himself (it's a rare occasion even with you) 🥹
- you two would spend the entire day together and when night fell, he took you to a more reserved area with less people around
- the two of you went up a little hill with a small bench at the top of it
- you sat down onto it and he gave you your present
- poor baby couldn't contain his smile as he watched you opening it
- your eyes widened when you opened the box and saw an adorable kuromi plushy in it, surrounded by some of your favorite sweets
- you were so happy and took the plushy into your hands, but were even more surprised when you saw a picture frame hidden under it
- you took the frame out and your eyes almost welled up with tears when you saw the picture in it
- the picture was one with you and mikey when you were kids, you were holding his hand while smiling at the camera while mikey had chocolate smeared all over his face and was looking at you with sparkly eyes 😭🤏🏻
- you remembered mikey saying how much he hates that photograph because of how stupid he looks
- yet he still printed it out to gift it to you because he knew how much you loved it 😭
- when he saw that you weren't saying anything and was just staring at the gift, he couldn't help but ask "..do you like it?" in a slightly shy tone
- once you heard his words, you immediately jumped into his arms, which caught him off guard but he soon returned the hug without hesitation
- you kept repeating how much you love the gift and he responded with a soft "I'm glad.."
- after a few seconds of hugging, he suddenly pulled away, the excitement coming back to his face as he tells you that he has one more thing for you
- you look at him with a confused expression before he grabs your chin and turns your face to the side, where colorful fireworks meet your gaze
- yes he did beg draken and baji to stand under the hill and set up fireworks just for you 🫠
- the two of you watched the fireworks together in silence, your hands intertwined and your head on his shoulder while his rested on top of yours
- once the fireworks ended, he grabbed your chin once again and pulled you into another long kiss before pulling away and smiling at you
"happy birthday, y/n, thank you for coming into my life. meeting you was one of the best things that ever happened to me, I don't even want to imagine a life without you. thank you for putting up with me all this time and for being by my side whenever I needed you. I love you."
- that did it for you.
- you started bawling your eyes out as he hugged you tightly, bringing your head into his chest
- he couldn't help but giggle proudly when he managed to make you cry happy tears, he swore on his life that he would only make happy tears fall from those beautiful eyes of yours
- he took you home and insisted on staying at your place tonight
- you two ended up falling asleep in each other's arms, but not before you thanked him for making this birthday your best birthday so far :)
- bonus: although he always claimed that he hated that picture of the two of you, the next time you came over to his house, you noticed the exact picture framed and sitting on the nightstand next to his bed, making him realize that he, infact, didn't hate it as much as he thought he did
© cfyslvr 2024 | please don't steal or repost my work on other platforms !! | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated !!
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kaeyachi · 10 months ago
Spoilers Below!
Shameless Cynonari shipping up ahead as well folks ✌️
Ok, I'm just gonna bullet point the entire thing coz I don't have much time (i basically speedran the quest a bit as well) so here are my thoughts:
Cyno and Cyrus then Naphis and Tighnari having basically the same hair is a bit funny to me ngl (but it is cute)
Naphis and Cyrus old man yaoi ✌️ I'll get back to this later but I clocked it early on
Cyrus inviting Tighnari for lunch was cute
Cynonari + Collei probably do a lot of camping trips together 🥺
Collei is also more confident lately! You go girl!! WOOHOO
3 tents...1 for us and paimon...a scene where we see tighnari alone in his...and collei in her own tent...then we find out that cyno left for a supply run and tighnari is already awake...should we be connecting some dots here? (Cynonari shippers come get yall juice)
THE KAVETHAM SCENES IN THEIR HOME WERE INSANELY SOFT AND DOMESTIC. Also, Kaveh sitting on the table is *chefs kiss*
Tighnari was so quick to say he'll run after Cyno. I immediately started sobbing coz wow does he have a fast reaction when it concerns Cyno's safety. He probably would have gone after Cyno alone if we weren't there 😭
Kaveh, Alhaitham, Dehya, Candace, and Faruzan repeatedly telling Cyno to ask for help if he needs it makes my heart soft
Tighnari, meanwhile, doesn't even tell Cyno to ask for help. He straight up just rushes to his side, and that's adorable af. I swear it was starting to look like Tighnari has a one-track mind when it comes to Cyno's safety. Some of his braincells fly off! (good thing he has plenty)
SETHOS. MY SON. HE LOOKS SO GOOD. SETHOS SWEETIE IM ADOPTING YOU IN THE NEXT UPDATE (also wow that was not the voice i was expecting for him in EN, but I aint complaining!)
I keep coming back to it, but Tighnari is really quick when it comes to Cyno's safety and really doesn't pause lmao. Bro cut off Cyno's offer to ask Sethos with a hand and just started walking
new area pretty 🥺 I keep taking screenshots and pictures. got me going "omg! a lotus head column!!"
Sethos downgraded from 5-star to 4-star caught in 4k hd ✌️ from polearm to bow too
look, the cyno lore was expected, BUT THE TIGHNARI LORE AS WELL?
Hermanubis being a Tighnarian and was King Deshret's chosen familiar hundreds of years ago, and now a full vessel of Hermanubis and a descendant of the Valuka Shuna meet and became friends in the Akademiya and are now companions 🥺
"I like that story." Yeah, I bet you do cyno, sethos basically called you and tighnari soulmates/ destined to meet and be together 🙄 also the ears to cyno's head gear actually really does represent tighnari's ears in some way after all lmao. i remember people making jokes about that
um...why is Bamoun buried like a pharoah?
NAPHIS SCOLDING CYRUS SO HARD LMAAOOO. he worries in his own way
Faruzan scolding everyone is so funny to see pls
cyno, tighnari, and collei having codes and gestures to give each other messages 🥺🥺🥺 tighnari and cyno used to say those codes back in the akademiya for each other, and now, in Cyno's own words, it became a family tradition 😭
Kavetham library date 🩷 then them returning to said date after our coffee sesh 🩷🩷🩷
Cyno taking us to his secret base and APPARENTLY ITS A CYNONARI DATING SPOT BACK WHEN THEY WERE STUDENTS. Y'all think they did the "It's beautiful." and "Yeah (looking at the the person instead of the view)" trope? coz the view was fr beautiful
Cyno and Sethos are officially brothers! yipee! (i will fr be pulling for him to complete the family)
THE PICTURES LISA TOOK OF CYRUS AND CYNO WERE SO CUTE 😭😭😭 cyrus and cyno are planning on visiting mond hehe
I need to review the entire quest again coz i bet i forgot some things BUT CYNONARI AND KAVETHAM NATIONS WE ALL WON
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charmsponies · 6 months ago
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🩷💚 Custom Fizzy Takara Doll 💚🩷
Created using the 3d model made by Otteroflore!
Wip description and pics below the cut ^^
So I am a COMPLETE AND TOTAL NOOB when it comes to technology. and I made a lot of mistakes trying to print this Fizzy due to my own incompetence and also everyone online assuming you already kinda know something about 3d printing if you own a printer. We recieved a 3d printer as a gift and I knew Nothing about it so I reallly struggled trying to figure it out. Also my computer is ancient and had to download a like 5 year old out of date version of a 3d printing program (cura) to even get it to work. took an entire week and several failed tries T-T
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FINALLY we got an attempt that was salvageable! And had to rip out all of the support beams from it. But even then there were some major mistakes:
It did not print hollow. Nobody online explained that if you want it to be hollow it wasn’t enough that the model itself had hollow parts, you have to turn off a hole setting in cura and mess with the infill or something
For some reason the bodies were Very Fucked Up? The middle and sides printed Weirdly to where, once the supports were all removed, They had no sides/shoulders. Wuh oh.
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The way I combatted this was by taking extra filament plastic and a soldering iron gun to weald it on and do literal plastic surgery.
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(A before and after) it looks like complete ass and is a little janky but. please be kind to her it was a major operation 😭😭😭
Then sanded things down a bit more. I know people say to sand it down until you can’t see the lines anymore but im an impatient motherfucker and only had a little bit of sandpaper so :P
Then it was painting time! Used my own fizzy to color match, painted her green with a white nose and a milkshake cutiemark. I also glued stick on gems into her eye sockets
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Then the hairing! Used a sewing needle heated up with a lighter to easily poke holes into her skull! The lovely user minticat on Mlptp provided great reference images of what a takara’s hair length and hair holes look like, so I did my best to mimic that
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Her hair is the closest color matches for fizzy that Shimmerlocks had: Cotton Candy pink, Angel white, Heart Throb 2.0 pink and Gusty green. Now the head isnt actually all that hollow (I hollowed it out best I could with my soldering iron but still not the best) so I couldn’t use the usual hairing method where you punch the hair in and then glue it from inside. I realized I needed to attach glue to the hair itself and then get it into the holes.
At first I was too much of a scardey cat to use my actual hairing needle in fear it would break on the plastic, so I tried a very infuriating method of putting glue on hair strands and painstakingly trying to push them into the holes with a pin. This was awful. I quickly gave up, braved up and grabbed my rehairing needle. Punched the hair in after applying glue to the hair, and it worked out surprisingly well!
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All that was left was to 1) String the doll using elastic bands to tie the legs and arms into place but still make sure they were moveable. 2) GENTLY trim, wash and style the hair (using buggys special method of getting tiny curly curls. 3) Figure out the head
I originally wanted to make a neckplug for her out of clay as you see here but it didnt work too well. The plastic of the doll is much harder than the clay and it kept breaking after trying to put the head on. So I accepted I would have to glue the head on in place (It cant turn, unlike the arms and legs 😔) You can also see i used some clay to patch up a crack in the plastic that formed (which I had to paint over again)
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FINAL STEP was making the dress!!! I forgot to take ANY pictures of that ùwú Not that pictures would be useful to you guys as I kinds fuckin winged it and made up a pattern as I went. I think its adorable, but in the future I would make it a little bigger (the back doesnt fit quite right). Maybe if theres interest I’ll fix up the pattern so its better and share another doll dress tutorial with the class? 😳 sound off in the comments below haha
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aestheticpebbles · 4 months ago
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Saturday October 19th,2024 New York Comic Con
So I took a solo trip to NYCC and attended, let alone dressed up for such an event, for the first time. (I literally assembled my cosplay within a week bc I got my hair dyed the previous Friday, and my best friend pushed me off the ledge out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to dress up!).
Somehow, one of the absolute WORST weeks of my life due to major personal life issues between my car engine exploding in the middle of the woods in north carolina, being forced to stay in georgia until literally 5:30pm THE NIGHT BEFORE (FLEW up I-85N to the closest airport when I could finally leave. delta literally saved my life when I managed to catch a flight leaving at 7pm to go back home where ALL of my cosplay outfit pieces)straight up $🔥🔥🔥 hurt so bad but I was NOT missing this event for anything)) landed at 11:30pm and ended up just pulling an all-nighter to get ready and drive 3 hours back to nyc. my layover was in laguardia and it hurt so bad to know I had to turn around and drive right back past it LOL. however, the week I was PRAYING for to end, still ended off to be an incredible first-time experience thanks to these two, and everyone else I met who attended!
Someone sedate me. How am I supposed to sleep at night knowing the very first words he said were “wow, look at you”, and then “I’ll sign whatever you want” at the table? talk about giving me a free lobotomy on the spot bc I couldn’t formulate a single sentence. Matt was so nice too!! I wish I was able to interact w him more but im so thankful that I was able to get a duo picture.
tom autographed a copy of our solo pic together, and I didn’t even make it out of nyc on saturday night before running to the first target I saw to grab 4 8x10 photo frames.
I circled back around the line after realizing he was willing to sign my crown too and he had his white pen out and ready!! 😭😭 I was so excited and awkwardly laughing bc I was flustered as hell that I walked right by the swau booth. completely forgot that I added the up charge to have them authenticate it, but I guess it doesn’t matter all that much because this crown will only be pried from my cold, dead hands.
Jokingly told my mom to bury the crown with me and a few other trinkets like a pharaoh’s tomb if you will. I got an odd side glance from her. Reminded me of Penguins of Madagascar’s “smile and wave boys… smile and wave….😬😀”
I didn’t even realize Tom wasn’t feeling well and had to leave early because of how bright his smile was, and how responsive he was both when taking pictures and signing autographs.
Dream come true! 💚💚 blushing, giggling, swinging and kicking my feet.
gotta lock it in, im literally yapping right now… not done yet though :)
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spay me for saying this— i cant tell what i enjoyed more about meeting him: seeing his toothy smile, or smelling his cologne, or learning what the IRL height difference is? 🤤🫠
okay yall imma shut up now but OMG!!! im obsessed with how good these pictures came out! im so excited to receive more. I hope everyone who attended had an amazing time!!
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starlostastronaut · 5 months ago
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kim seungmin × reader - fluff, non idol au, coffee shop au, barista!seungmin - 1.1k
summary - seungmin spends his birthday working because his friends are busy. but are they really?
links - masterlist
yall i finally finished this. i forgot about seung's birthday and none of my drafts felt right so i wrote this quickly today. it's still 22nd in korea so i'm still on time. happy seungmin day! happy birthday my love! <333
no proofread and written in hurry. i hope you still enjoy and let me know your thoughts! <3
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The bell rang above your head as you entered the small café. There were not many people inside at this hour. It was nearing the evening and the café was slowly going to sleep, people leaving and employees cleaning the emptying tables. You looked over the place, your eyes stopping at the coffee station. There he was, busy with preparing drinks and looking stupidly hot while doing it. Nope, focus, not the time for that now.
You felt it was a crime to make Seungmin work on his birthday, but volunteered anyway, when another barista called in that morning with food poisoning. When you asked why he did it, he just replied why not, the extra money was always worth it and his friends were busy anyway today.
Which was true. But not for the reason Seungmin thought. Ever since this morning, your secret group chat was blowing up with things going wrong. First the cake you ordered arrived damaged, then the restaurant canceled on you at the last minute… it was always something. Even now, you felt your phone constantly buzzing in your pocket.
You found yourself at a quiet corner table, where Seungmin wouldn't immediately see you from where he was and you took out your phone, dreading whatever catastrophe was awaiting you. Rolling your eyes at the chat name (seriously, who let Hyunjin name it?) you opened the messages.
sunshine baby sent a photo
sunshine baby: me and minho-hyung just saved the day!!
work of ART: wow the cake looks amazing lix
work of ART: me and changbin-hyung are almost done with wrapping the presents
work of ART: btw who's idea was it to do everything with pochacco paper? i hate that damn dog now he's everywhere 😭
devil bunny: stop being dramatic hyunjin you volunteered 🙄
DAD(dy): karaoke reservation for 7pm confirmed
DAD(dy): get your asses here and help innie with decorating
Oh. Finally some good news. You quickly responded to the guys, deciding on when to bring Seungmin to the karaoke. Checking the time, you realized you had about an hour left before Seungmin's shift ends and you need to somehow get him to the karaoke, where there is a surprise party waiting for him. Hopefully. But you trusted Chan that he can handle his six chaotic kids and nothing would go wrong again.
Deciding to make your presence known, you walked up to the counter. “Hey Seung,” you said, leaning your forearms on the counter as you checked the menu. “I'll have… whatever this is.” You pointed to the picture of this month's special drink, not daring to guess what was inside. But it looked big and complicated enough to hopefully fill some of the hour you had.
“Y/N.” Seungmin looked up in surprise, his lips immediately stretching into a soft smile when he saw it was you. He looked almost surprised to see you there. “What are you doing here?”
“I had to see my favourite boy,” you smiled. “And because he's working today…” You looked up, your eyes meeting his. Looking into Seungmin's eyes was always an experience. His dark, deep, chocolate eyes held the stars of the universe in them and you often found yourself weak to the love you saw when he looked at you. Sometimes, it took all your willpower to not avert your gaze. It felt like a bright beam of the sun, blinding and warm at the same time. And you weren't backing now.
If Seungmin's coworker was here, he would have by now uttered some ridiculous comment about the very obvious tension and to get a room. Luckily for you, Jongho was cleaning up spilled coffee, facing away from you.
“I wouldn't drink that if I were you,” Seungmin chuckled. What? Oh right, you were ordering a drink.
“Why not? It looks… fun?”
“It's disgusting as fuck.” Seungmin quickly looked around, letting out a relieved sigh when his manager was nowhere to be seen. “Our manager keeps coming up with insane things, but it went downhill after the first one. I'll make you your usual?” he offers instead.
You chuckled at his answer. He was the expert here. “Sure, thank you baby.”
Seungmin winked at you and began making your usual order. Moving away to not stand in the way but to have a good view of your boyfriend still, you leaned on the counter.
You loved watching Seungmin to do just about anything. He moved with practiced ease, knowing the steps by heart. If you woke him up at midnight and told him to do something, he would excel at it half asleep. He was calm, confident and always knew what to do. It was hot.
“There you go.” Seungmin slid your drink over to you and you smiled when you saw a cookie next to the cup.
“Is this the girlfriend privilege?” you laughed, carefully unwrapping the cookie and breaking it in half. You waited for when Seungmin was free again to call him over and feed him half of the cookie as he laughed and protested he's on the clock and shouldn't. As it turned out, bothering Seungmin was a great way to pass up your time and before you knew it, he was clocking out and offering his hand to you so you could leave together.
You led Seungmin to the karaoke, making up a lie about how you wanted to eat dinner together to explain why you weren't taking the usual route back to his and Felix's place.
“Karaoke?” Seungmin raised his eyebrow when you arrived in front of the building.
“You like singing and the buffet is great?” you shrugged, pulling him inside.
You made your way to one of the rooms, leading Seungmin into the darkness. “Happy birthday Seungmin!” the guys shouted as you flicked on the light, revealing your friends, balloons and gifts wrapped in matching wrapping paper and the cake Felix and Minho made.
While Seungmin stared in shock, you grabbed your present, lining up with the guys to congratulate him. “Thank you, Y/N,” Seungmin smiled as he received the box and you knew it wasn't just for the gift.
Later you watched him unwrap the presents with a glass of champagne in hand, enjoying his reactions to the gifts of all sorts. Sentimental ones, nice ones, and Minho's. That one deserved its special category, because the way he doubled over in laughter when he saw the shorts and couldn't show you for a solid two minutes, was something you very rarely saw. His eyes sparkled, barely visible with how much he laughed and that would forever be your favourite sight.
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© starlostastronaut 2024 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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nina-renmen · 2 years ago
Sorry for spam liking your fics yesterday I'm new here and rlly love your fics 😭!!
Could you do a hc's on how pickle would react to the reader dancing to beautiful liars by Beyonce ft. Shakira?
Also hope you're taking care of yourself 🙏🏾💕
No worries Anon! And thank you, I have been taking care of myself 💕💕
Pickle X Reader Dancing to beautiful liars
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Pickle was in his arena like always, he either sat, slept or killed something that was brought to him. But curiosity spiked within him, the sound of something unusual and the sound of footsteps. But no one was coming.
So with a small grunt, Pickle lazily stood up and walked over to the small noise. You were oblivious, your headphones leaked a lot of music but you never thought it would be enough to attract someone.
Y/n swayed their hips, softly singing the lyrics. Their voice was pretty, it was pretty like a hummingbird, and they seemed fragile. It was as if they would break with a touch. With a small twirl y/n was startled by the giant primitive man. They shreiked. Without thinking they reeled their/his/her fist back and punched his face. Pickles nose bled as he stepped back, putting his hand underneath his nose and touching the blood.
Y/n still hadn’t realized who he was. They/he/she only seen him on the news once and forgot his face right after that. So with quick motions y/n pulled out a handkerchief and put it under his nose wiping the blood.
“I-I’m sorry! My headphones were so loud I didn’t even hear you.” Y/n fretted as Pickle looked down at her. They/he/she was taking care of him. Pickles eyes sparkled as y/n continued wiping off the blood until he stopped bleeding. “I’m sorry.” They/he/she apologized once more, They/he/she took a step back to retrieve their phone but he picked up their headphones first.
Pickle gave a curious look at the headphones. It was some type of cord that plugged into a small box. Y/n gasped when he stood up straight making her stand up straight as well so it wouldn’t look like she were cowering in fear. But because of that the music ‘Beautiful Liars’ blasted through her phone. Echoing throughout the stone hallway they were in.
Pickle looked down at the phone at the same time y/n did. The two reached down quickly to grab it before the other but unfortunately Pickle had grabbed it.
“Give it back!” Y/n exclaimed reaching up for the phone that Pickle had took. It was weird to him, people were in this small box. But where were they? Pickle shook the phone making it accidentally slip out of his fingers. With quick reflexes y/n grabbed it and stepped back, turning off their phone. But a notification popped up.
‘Pickle, the primitive man has killed an endangered tiger.’ It read, showing a picture of Pickle.
Y/n’s eyes widened seeing the picture of pickle and looking back up at the primitive man. It was the same person. Pickle tilted his head to the side, picking up the headphones that lied on the floor. He opened his mouth to eat it.
“N-No! B-Bad boy! That’s a very bad boy!” Y/n exclaimed. Pickle stopped opening his mouth, a whine erupted from him giving Y/n enough time to pull their headphones out from his hands.
“This is not food!” Y/n continued to scold until they/he/she yelped. Pickle had picked them up, throwing them over his shoulder and began walking back to the arena. “L-let me down!” Y/n exclaimed. Sure, they were a fighter but there’s no way in hell they’d try and engage in a battle with pickle.
Pickle sat down, pulling her to his lap. Y/n Sat frozen, what were they to do? Should she/he/ they stay? Should they try and run? As y/n was analyzing the situation in their head, Pickle tapped their phone. His nail making a ‘tap, tap’ noise against their phone screen.
Y/n sat there confused but turned on the phone. Pickle only grumbled, tapping the phone again. ‘Does he want the music?’ Y/n thought as they punched in their passcode and began to play the song. Pickle brought his hand away from theirscreen. And only snaked his hands around Y/n’s waist, pulling them closer to him.
Y/n would never realize this but now, whenever Pickle hears the song Beautiful Liars’ He thinks of Y/n.
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kindaasrikal · 8 months ago
Remember that rlly old Morro fanart i talked about but never posted the completed version of? Yh, i finished it today
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Rant under the cut+a clearer morro picture
It took me AGES guys you don’t understand and even after that you can barely see some of the details.
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You can see morro better in this image, where i took away the background, chains, tentacles and a few other things.
When colouring his face i made a slight mistake before realising it could look like a sick scar so now morro has a scar that could be caused from whatever on his face.
I also forgot his green streak so that was quickly added too.
Morro’s clothes took a lot of time (Morro was drawn months ago, and i did the background today, so somethings I’ve forgotten) but i believe i used Pinterest to find i thinkkk Japanese male clothing to base it off of and then used my own twists to its actual design. Morro’s clothing consists of different shades of green and teal, and well as gold and yellow to represent Wu and his effect on Morro, such as the golden rope around his waist that was given to him by Wu. The silver-ish thing on his chest was placed there and inspired by the ones that men and women may wear on their chest, and on the cloth that lays between Morro’s legs (with the wind like patterns on top of the skirt-like garment (PLEASE someone tell me what it is actually named i tried genuinely)) at the bottom where it looks like am arrow is a skull like picture.
Morro also has a brown skin tone in this because i head canon him to be both east and south asian. Also I put Morro is very ‘flowy’ or baggy clothes because he’s the wind elemental and likes to freely feel the wind.
Overall the scenario if this image was Morro still being trapped by the preeminent, but as he is known as the second to only the preeminent, he us held in high standards and strength with all the other cursed ghosts, almost like a prince (Respected but is also someone who is constantly threatened, as expected). Morro is also depicted to be alive, showing him to be trapped and forever affected by her influence for the rest of his existence. But also show his innocence and naivety when this is before he ever died and was groomed to the person we know today.
And for the love of God, ignore the hands and feet i do not know how to draw them 😭
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