#and i feel like fang would absolutely spoil his kid(s) and give them the happy childhood he didnt get to have
vani-candy · 1 year
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i love the burrito baby they posted on the subreddit
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Hi! Uh so Billy aka Dwayne and I have the same birthday (June 23). I don't really like my birthday because I've never gotten to celebrate. I haven't had a party since I was a kid and now I just always spend the day sad and with no friends. If you wanna write something with the lost boys celebrating Dwayne and reader's birthday together, I'd really love it. (No pressure tho. I really love your blog and hope you'll have a great day ✨)
Aw, I’m sorry to hear you’ve not been able to celebrate your birthday for such a long time. Hopefully I can give you a little taste of a great birthday with the boys, and a very special (belated) birthday to you from myself and all of my readers, you are an honorary Fang Babe which makes you a part of a community that’s there for each other! If you ever feel sad, I got my DMs open 24/7 if you ever need to just vent up a storm! All are welcome. 
Happy Birthday to You Both
Dwayne x Fem!S/O
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Today was supposed to be special, yet the entire day everyone was so preoccupied with their own little lives that no one had even bothered to remember it was your birthday today. It was absolutely miserable. All the while your boyfriend Dwayne was currently tucked away at the abandoned hotel hiding away from the sunlight. Bursting into flames was certainly an occupational hazard. By this point the whole vampirism thing had come and gone, and while it did frighten you, nothing was more frightening than being without your dark crow.   
Rather than stay at home to be ignored you opted to go out for the afternoon, browsing shops for a special occasion. No, not yourself. See, as luck would have it, June 23rd also held significance to Dwayne. Marko, one of the younger members of the coven, had told you two weeks prior it would be Dwayne’s birthday as well. You had to keep your own secret. Not at their request, but your own. Overshadowing his birthday would be dreadful, you hated the idea of taking it from him. Besides, no one remembered anyways. 
Weaving through brightly lit shops, you pondered each piece wondering what would suit him best. Clothes were out, maybe a new skateboard? Just looking at the little white tags stuck to the back of them made you cringe. Okay, so that was out. You weren’t made of money. 
There was an old mystic shop selling a handful of oddities, somewhere called Madame Medusa’s Mystical Boutique. A few interesting necklaces caught your eye, but one seemed to be directly calling you. It was a crow skull attached to a leather cord, bordered by two carved red beads on either side. Two thick black feathers were wedged between the beads. Gently you slipped it off the hook, running your thumb over the chilled, smooth surface. 
“It’s a lovely item, isn’t it,” an elderly woman asked. Truthfully she startled you from behind the counter, almost making you jump a few good inches. 
“O-Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see-”
“Don’t worry dear, hardly anyone does,” she chuckled, tenderly plucking the skull from your hand. “Shall I wrap this up for you?”
“Oh- Well I wasn’t, I mean it’s nice but-,” you stuttered, but already she was shuffling towards the counter again. Boy pushy woman. You didn’t even know how much it cost, you weren’t exactly on a budget but you couldn’t be going on any big spending sprees.
“Hush now. He’s going to be waiting for you, somewhere nearby. I can guarantee that this is the one you’re meant to give him,” she insisted, wrapping the necklace under aged brown paper. 
“Yeah, I’m sure he’d like it but-,” you couldn’t help but trail off. How- How did she know?
The woman pushed the little baggie your way, giving a tender smile before she began to hobble towards a curtained room behind the counter.
“W-Wait, I didn’t even pay for it!”
She waved off your concern, looking behind her shoulder while she parted the curtains in her path. 
“Consider it a present from those who neglected you. Take it to him, you’ll see..” And with that she vanished behind them, leaving you stunned where you stood. Silently you glanced down at the small plastic bag, almost jumping in place when a dusty old grandfather clock began to ring through the store. One, two, three, four, five, six. Oh! It was already six o’clock. Crap the boys would be up any minute!
It didn’t take too long to spot the gang of vampires sitting on the worn, wooden banisters talking amongst themselves. Dwayne was just as eager to spot you, sweeping between the boys and lifting you up in his arms. “Happy birthday, princess,” He gushed, planting tender kisses all over your cheeks.
“How did you know? I didn’t-”
“My bad,” Marko spoke up. He leaned back from behind Paul to wave your way, as if he were waving a flag of defeat. Damn. You weren’t even sure how Marko figured out your birthday in the first place, there was just no keeping secrets from that guy! 
Dwayne set you down, although he carried a much more concerned expression this time. “Why keep it a secret in the first place, Y/N?”
You fiddled with the bag still clutched in your hand with eyes cast downward towards your feet hoping a good excuse could get you out of just admitting you’d rather play backseat. But, you didn’t. Not that you couldn’t come up with any excuses. Rather, you didn’t want to be sidelined even for your boyfriend’s birthday. It was yours too, and for the past several years it seemed like you were constantly being set aside so that other things could happen. Your sister’s wedding, that trip to Colorado your parents took, grandma and grandpa visiting, your brother’s soccer games- everything seemed to take precedence over the celebration of the day you were born. And worst of all is you never got your Sixteen Candles happy ending. No one would really recognize they screwed up. You wouldn’t be apologized to with tearful shock when your parents realized they forgot your birthday, your friends- if you could even call them that at this point- wouldn’t try to cheer you up, and there was no handsome crush ready with a birthday cake to make it all go away. It’s like Dwayne already knew your feelings because before you could get a word in he pulled you into a crushing hug. Your head pressed against his chest. Sometimes you forgot he had no heartbeat and instead only listened to him rumble when he spoke to you.
“Just because today is for me, doesn’t mean it isn’t for you too, princess.” 
Those words hit you harder than you anticipated. Your throat felt as if it were swelling, dry with each labored swallow, and a tight pressure squeezed the bridge of your nose. Inevitable tears eagerly rushed down your while burnt cheeks. 
Dwayne only held you in place. He never let go until you were the one ready to release him, wiping away those pesky droplets of emotion staining you. “Now, I was saving this for when we took you to the hotel…,” he began with his hand jammed into his jacket pocket, rustling around for whatever it was he needed. “But, I figure maybe you need it now.”
A thick banded ring of aged silver sat in his calloused palm, an oval cut of turquoise clasped in place by a weaving border. Veins of black and copper split through chunks of blue-green paths. Rather hold it out to you, Dwayne tenderly took your hand into his own to slip the hefty piece over your ring finger. It nestled perfectly in place and you couldn’t help but let out a breathless laugh, slinging your arms over his neck. He already knew what to expect. Iron arms engulfed your waist and lifted you up. His stubble scratched the edges of your mouth when you crashed your lips into his. The sensation was overwhelming. It wasn’t just that he got you this, it was what he had gotten you. 
Dwayne had often told you myths and lore on lazy nights when the hunting grew slow and the hours were long. Once you found yourself admiring a very similar cut of jewelry decadently adorned with many fine cuts of turquoise, finding your curiosity piqued when asking him what the significance was to all these pieces. Why was it such a commonly used stone in so much jewelry, especially with Native American tribes.
“From what I can remember,” Dwayne thought back at the time, leaning over you to admire the pricey baubles kept protected under a thick sheet of glass “, my grandmother told me that every tribe has always valued it. I mean, they all have their reasons. It’s a powerful gem that carries protection, life and strength. I’ve even seen it change colors depending on where you find it. I hardly ever saw it though when I was alive, even back then it cost a fortune.”
But now, through one way or another he’d remembered how you admired them from afar, yearning to have a ring like that of your very own. The one to five hundred dollar price tags always scared you off whenever you’d come to find them in stores- at least, the real ones. For once you didn’t care how Dwayne had acquired your gift. Gift! Oh!
“Oh, hold on,” You interjected between kisses with the little bag presented before him. “I um, got you something too. From that crazy lady in the mystic items shop!”
A warmth spread through your chest watching him lay the necklace over, the skull placing perfectly atop his many others. It suited him perfectly. 
The whole night was just perfect. You spent the entire time going on rides with the boys after they spoiled you for dinner, later dragging you to the hotel where you realized what Dwayne meant earlier. There were streams of colored paper hanging off the rafters and old piping, red balloons tied to the furniture, and a banner of paper reading out “Happy Birthday Dwayne and Y/N” written in big, red marker letters. You couldn’t even make a wish when they brought out a cake for the both of you. After all, what more could be asked? They had already given you the most perfect birthday you could have ever hoped for. 
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more bio shit (i’ll edit this to look more presentable when i have access to a computer, tumblr mobile really sucks :< i apologize if it’s hard to read for the time being)
Sans owns the house that everyone lives in. He’s pretty laidback and lenient about lots of things, so it takes a lot to get him angry. But when he does, he gets pretty fuckin’ scary. In fact, everyone is or has been scared by Sans at one point (which is kinda funny, considering Sans’ biggest fetish is fear). Thankfully he’s only gotten super angry twice. No one likes to talk about it.
Sans is also a space geek — more than a few times has he been caught reading a thick astronomy book “hidden” inside of a little paperback full of jokes and wordplay. If you have a question about the universe, he’ll most likely have an answer at the ready. Suffers from hypersomnia, so he sleeps a lot.
Papyrus is a pure SOUL, and everyone can’t help but love him. He’s super sweet and loves to help everyone out! Unsurprisingly, he’s very good with kids. He’s often given the nick Creampuff and he’s come to not only accept it at this point, but to embrace it. YES he is a creampuff, soft and fluffy with yummy filling inside! What of it?! He’s so full of energy, and would absolutely beat you in a game of DDR.
He is nonbinary, going primarily by he/him pronouns, but any pronouns are perfectly okay with him! Papyrus is also gray-ace, preferring to keep away from any sexual stuff, but is not outright repulsed by it.
At first glance, Red would seem to be your stereotypical “macho man.” He’s big and burly, drinks and smokes, he’s loud and rude — basically a skeletal frat boy. But what most people don’t see from him is his softer side; he’s such a romantic, he will go out of his way to plan the perfect date night for he and his partner/s. He loves to spoil, and will do exactly that. He’ll give little inexpensive gifts every now and then, like your favorite candy he picked up while buying some cigarettes, or maybe a pair of shoes you’ve been looking at during your online window-shopping. He’s better at showing his love through actions than through words, and he tends to stutter when he shows any sort of strong emotion, like anger or nervousness. Despite this, he’s not one to sugarcoat his opinions. Has an affinity for cars and casually watch NASCAR (he’s not a huge fan or anything).
Boss... oof. Boss is Red’s younger brother. He and Red grew up in a very hostile environment. I won’t go into it much on this post, but Red took raised him from a babybones, but once Boss reached adolescence Red fell into a deep, heavy depression and the roles were reversed. He’s strict and a little mean at times, but he’s only doing what he was taught in order to protect himself and others. That being said, his displays of affection start out very rare, as showing affection was considered a sign of weakness. Eventually he’ll open up to hugs, kisses, cuddles, and even *gasp* PDA, but it will take some time before he gets to that point. He has a high LV, the highest of all the skeletons, and it affects him greatly. When Boss feels any sort of strong negative emotion, he’s at risk of his LV taking over his mind and body, putting not only himself but those around him in danger. There’s a special protocol in place to calm him down whenever this occurs.
On a brighter note, he loves to cook and is very good at it. He keeps a small booklet of everyones favorite recipes! His dream is to open a five-star restaurant.
Stretch loves sweets, adores companionship, and taking everything slow and steady. He’s never in a rush, the chill stoner he is. Most of the time you can find him lounging on a sofa or armchair playing cheap games on his phone. He’s the kind of guy who would spend hours browsing a Spencer’s, staying towards the back and giggling at the silly sex toys. Stretch is extremely interested in the concept of body piercing, and though he’d never get any piercings himself, he’d love to become a professional body piercer one day.
He lives off of touch, both giving and receiving; hugs whenever he’s greeting someone, a bit of hand holding while walking together, little head pats or shoulder touching when he’s standing next to you. His primary love language is touch, and it becomes apparent very quickly. He also had an oral fixation, and will usually be seen with a cigarette, a joint, or a lollipop between his teeth.
Blue, it almost seems, is going through a permanent sugar rush. In fact, he’s not really allowed to indulge in sweets because of how even *more* hyperactive they make him. That’s okay though, he’s more into salty and savory foods. He has a habit of working himself to exhaustion, sometimes even having to be nursed back to health by Stretch or Papyrus.
Blue’s a little -shit- /troublemaker/, using those big, bright eyes of his to play innocent, easily deceiving anyone and everyone (unless you’re used to his tactics, then he just gets frustrated). He’s a social butterfly and absolutely hates being alone for long periods of time. He doesn’t do well under pressure and as a result, isn’t good at lying or keeping secrets. He loves sports, but most of the time he’ll just go for a quick run with a buddy.
Slim is a gentle giant, easily towering over all of the other skeletons yet wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s selectively mute, speaking only once in a blue moon. In fact, if it wasn’t for his extreme height, one would almost forget he existed. He’s been through a lot back home, developing severe general anxiety disorder and perhaps showing signs of C-PTSD? No one but Razz can say for sure, and Razz isn’t going to tell anyone anytime soon. Slim’s jacket is his security blanket, and he rarely takes his hood off, even home. The only times his entire skull is seen is straight out of the shower, or in the morning after he stumbles out of bed. Even during heatwaves, he has to be coaxed into taking it off.
Despite being so withdrawn, Slim craves companionship and tries to join in on group activities to the best of his ability. Like Stretch, he’s very touch-hungry and will help himself to cuddles. He’s pretty primal and dog-like, and uses petplay as a coping tool. He kiiinda has a problem with drooling, apparently it’s happened ever since his fangs got -pulled- knocked out. Even his new gold replacements don’t seem to help any. He doesn’t let it bother him, he just wipes his mouth on his sleeve and moves on. Most skeleton monsters have the ability to purr, and his is the loudest.
Whereas Slim is the tallest, his brother is the shortest of the group. Razz often wears heels to compensate for this, so most of the time he appears just about the same height as Blue (or taller, depending on the pair of shoes he’s wearing), even if he’s three or four inches shorter. He doesn’t let his lack of height get in the way, as he still has the the courage to boss everyone around. He’s very hard to please and can even be pretty argumentative about the littlest things. Despite this, he tries not to push people past their limits and he looks out for those closest to him, even if he has questionable ways of showing his love.
Razz keeps his interests to himself most of the time, so not too much is known about him when compared to the others. What we /do/ know is that he’s interested in fashion, sometimes sketching out a few designs even if he’ll never have the ability to create them — at least, not yet. Maybe someday he’ll pick up tailoring and fashion design as a full-time hobby. The closest he’s ever come to that was designing and creating the collar Slim constantly wears around his neck.
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cartooness · 5 years
Bby Lav AU
 “The moon sings me to sleep every night”
“The MOON?”
“Yeah! He’s very nice, I love Moon uncle”
Lav to a friend as a 4yr old bby
 And she makes friends with mason when they're 7!!
 Super childhood friends to lovers
 Y E S
 And she's always sleeping in someone's room. She doesn't like being alone
 There is always a child's blankey in all the rooms for whenever she wants to sleep with someone
 Someone- Oh can I schedule an appointment on this day?
Hadley- Oh I'm so sorry but that day is taken. I can put you for... a week from now?
Someone- Alright.
 Hadley was actually just rocking lav to sleep.
 Father’s Day is a BITCH for her lmao
 Ok so she's at like Vivi's house or apartment whatever, and she drops her off at HQ, and there's a giant roll of easel paper, taller than bby lav, with all her dad's on there
 Or failing in Decan’s case.
 Bby Lav gets a hold of Hadley’s umbrella wand.
Hijinks ensue.
 Otto has to literally YEET Hadley into the fucking sky to grab her, grab the wand, and float safely to the ground again.
 Hadders- Othello. Throw me.
Otto- Um??
Hadders- JUST DO IT
 And then they’re floating down, and Hadley’s cradling the Bby in one arm, holding his umbrella up with the other.
 Like Eclipsa with Meteora lmao
 If Lav can ever teleport, she and Decan could do the thing Glimmer and Angella do in that last episode of season 3.
 You know, the teleport and catch thing.
 Decan flying after her and catching her and all that in his winged form. Or even Otto doing that!
 Y E S
 Hadley is subsequently freaking the fuck out on the ground.
Otto proceeds to blow him a rather Loud raspberry lmao
Otto- you heard the little lady!! Again!
And Otto blows another raspberry. And makes a rather crude joke.
And Hadley is jusT O F F E ND
 Hadley: *Bitching at Otto*
Otto: “PBBPPBRBTBRBRPT!! Jeeez, Hadley, all that hot air you’re blowin’ is contagious, crack a window wont’cha?”
Hadley: *Pterodactyl screeching*
Decan- MAKE US.
 Meanwhile Lav is enjoying the silly stuff her papas are fighting over and is thrilled of being tossed around. XD
 Decan’s just laughing and twirling and stuff. He’s all just “It’s fiiiiiine!”
 Lav’s presence just screams ‘Gay Rights’ to all the other little kids.
 Even if not all of the parents agree.....
They get told off
 Lav- And this is all my papas!! They all love each other very much.
The teacher- Lavender, sweetie, did you say that your "papas" all.... love each other?
Lav- Yeah!! Daniel and Cecil love each other. Decan and Otto love each other. Lewis, Vivi, and Arthur love each other. Merlin and Quentin love each other. And Percy and Hadley don't have love yet.
The teacher- *grimace*
Some kid- You're dad's are all *insert slur here*!!!
Lav- Stop, that's mean!!
Some kid- No it's not, it's true!!
And he gets shoved out if his desk.
And poor bby lav comes crying when they pick her up, explaining how all the kids made fun of her and her family.
 Hadley then calls in to the office when he picks her up from school that day.
 He has a few words XD
 A few.....very polite, very CHOICE words.
 And then he’s like to Lavender.
“Now, I’m not one to spoil children, but I do believe that an ice cream....or two....is warranted at a time like this.”
And that means a lot when HADLEY’S the one doing the treating. The responsible, rule-driven and sometimes strict parent.
 “Just....don’t tell anyone else. They’ll have me strung upon a wall, or....thrown in the stocks.”
Very old fashioned boi lmao
 Lav, a good girl, - Okay Papa Hadley!
 And she proceeds to eat two scoops of peaches and cream ice cream.
 I know!!
 They're in the same first grade class and they're table buddies!!!
 They probably have play dates all the time!!
 7 year old Lav- Mason, Mason!!! Look what I can do!! *makes a pinecone out of magic*
7 year old Mason- :OOO THAT'S SO COOL LAV!!!!
 This is way too fucking cute, I can’t.
 Mason, showing his pinecone to Kyle, then Nicole, - NICKY, LOOK WHAT LAV MADE ME!!!!
Pre Transition Kyle- Woah! That's so cool!!!
Mason - I'm gonna keep it in my box of special things, where it'll be safe!!!
Pointy ears, Tails, Wings, Dec’s Horns, Otto’s Fangs
 “Woooow! You’ve got weally big teeth, Papa Otto!”
“You have vewwy pwetty wings Papa Decan!”
 And they’re just....melting.
 Hadley’s super long and thicc hair lmao
 Y E S
 One day, Hadley's hair is just. Covered in hair accessories.
 And lav says to keep them in all day. And so he does.
 And it takes like half an hour to take all of them out lmaooo
Someone- Why do you have... girly band aids all over you?
Otto- the doctor said I had to keep these on and if I take them off I will die.
 He’s sitting in a chair, like, grumbling as Cecil and Daniel have to take them out.
 Big Masculine Buff Man.
Princess Bandaids. And they’re, like, his pride and joy.
 Best part of getting beat up. Lav gives him the Princess bandaids. He says they make him look badass.
Proud Papa.
 Cecil’s a fashion designer.
Bby fashion.
 I D E A S
 Also YES all of that is über wholesome
 Otto goes and when people are, like, homophobic or whatever, he sorta lounges back, feet on the table, and does his sorta ‘Blow-Raspberry-Fart-Jokes’ routine that he loves so much at all the other people and they’d be like ‘Honestly this is an grown-up affair, why don’t you act your age you disgusting slob of a man’ and he’s just like ‘Really? Then why don’t y’all stop acting like a bunch of whiny children, whining about the 21st century? Then maybe I’ll treat y’all like adults and this meeting like something important. (Otto is the king of Fart Jokes lmao. He’s a big old child.
And terribly dad-like like that. It’s just one of the truths about him.)
 Okay so, they're both like, 12 I guess, and it's Lavender's birthday, and Mason gives her like, a really cute stuffed animal, and she Instantly Loves, and she gives him a big hug and a peck on the face.
 Cue awkward silence
 Everyone sees.YES EXACTLY
 Big old moment.
Baby’s First Kiss
 Mason, not knowing what to do, just returns the favor.
 And Lav is almost about to DIE FROM HER MASSIVE BLUSHING.  Mason's fucking. Avoiding all eye contact with everyone, and it's a very uncomfortable silence.
 And finally Lav breaks the silence by grabbing his face and kissing him.
 Hadley, in the back of the room,
Emotional Moment.
And the supposedly steel-hearted Hadley finally breaks down crying. All that internal emotion becomes external emotion.
(And his makeup gets smudged, and it’s all crazy and emotional.)
Otto fucking SCOOPS Lavender up into his big, hairy arms and hugs her. All “HELL YEAH GIRL! How’d it feel!? What was it like?! I know he’s not as good a kisser as D-EEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKK-an, but STILL!” He had that emotional bat-screech moment.
And Decan’s just a blubbering mess. All proud Daddy style. They grow up so fast and all that.
Vivi just cheers. Mama Bear style.
 And Lewis is all
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HURT HER IN ANYWAY I WILL BREAK YOU: Mason, scared,- Y-yes sir. I'll um, I'll be good, I promise.
Hadley’s like that too. But a lot less overt.
And a lot more shadow-over-the-face serious.
 He pulls Mason aside for Tea, and has a full on discussion with him over it. Making for DAMN sure he knows what he’s getting into, and making damn sure that Mason has no intention of in any way fucking around and breaking her heart.
 Mason, at the end of it all,- Yes, sir, I understand. Am I free to go?
Hadley - Yes. But remember, I'm always watching. *does that I've got my eyes on you tea sip thing*
And he IS!
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason. Plot twist is that he KNOWS. And is testing to see whether or not she reproduces what he’s already seen. To test wether or not she’s lying. And if she IS, Mason told her to lie and he’s bricked.
He’s terribly cunning like that.
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason.
 Lav- Aw, I'm glad you asked! He's so cute, that Button. Anyway, we've been eating lunch together and we shared a cookie, um, we held hands a lot, what else, um, please don't be um, mad, but, um, we kinda..... fell asleep together while you were at work.
Hadders- Oh I know.
Lav- What?
Hadley: Lavender, Darling, you should know by now. I make it my business to know everything. The surname ‘Trivia’ doesn’t come for free.
He could easily pull an Eclipsa and cast some sort of All-Seeing-Eye.
Hadley doesn’t see limits when he’s protecting someone. He’s willing to go as far as it takes.
 Lav- Are you mad at me? I mean, we weren't doing anything, like, BAD, but still, if you don't want us to do that we'll stop.
 H: On the contrary! I’m very happy with you. You passed the test.
I was watching you both. The whole time. And I wanted to be sure that he hadn’t convinced you to lie to me if you were asked. Or, heaven forbid, you lie on your own will. And you didn’t lie at all!
Lav- Oh. Uh, cool! I guess! Also, he is a very good cuddle partner. Just thought I'd say that. Also his hair is really soft and it's fun to play with. And- *proceeds to ramble on about Mason lol*
 Hadley then just sorta sits down and conjures some coffee for himself.
She's in love, Hadley!!!! Yep lol
 And Ashley, on the other hand, is listening to a very happy mason go on about Lavender and it's adorable. He announced to Kyle (he had just transitioned) over the house phone about his new relationship with Lav and Kyle's so happy for him and, of course, teases a bit, but asks for all the details.
 They're Those (tm) friends who love info dumping about things they're passionate about.
Omg, imagine Lav going on and on about Mason to Decan and Otto. They’re just sorta babbling with her. Otto TRIES to give relationship advice but he’s just.... Terrible, it’s terrible advice lmao. He’s just trying.
And Decan’s laughing his li’l head off.
Decan, fanboying,- Oh my goodness, Peaches!! You guys are so CUTE!!!!! When's the wedding~~~
Lav- DECAN!!!!!! Ò//////Ó
 Decan - I'M JOKING. *mostly anyway, they still get married after college graduation*
 O: “K, you gotta try and outsmart him into letting you kill him! But you’ll find as you go that you’re actually falling for him and he’s falling for you too and it goes from there! And you can win him over with pick-up lines or fart jokes or by rapping for him as he sings along and I got notebooks for that sorta stuff if ya-“
D: *While laughing* “Otto, darling, c’mmoooooonnn! That advice sucks, not everybody falls for that crude humour and personality like I did, you know!”
O: “Psh! Oh yeah! Watch her try it and watch it work like a charm!”
D: “Oh yes, a charm, indeed.~ If your ‘embrace your inner animal’ way works then naturally my way would happen next, wouldn’t it? Soften you to mush and then claim that mush as mine.”
O: “Oh, ya li’l SCAMP! GET IN HERE!”
*Otto then proceeds to pull Decan in and noogie him between his horns as he laughs and kicks.*
Lav- Uhhhhh. I think I'll just. Go with the flow and maybe I'll try and kiss him again on Friday. Might bring a flavored lip gloss with me that day....
Lav- DECAN, PLEASE!!!! ÒÒ///////ÓÓ
 ~~Otto got REALLY lucky finding someone as naturalist and oblivious to human sociality as Decan, let’s be honest, if ‘inner-beast’ crudeness and rude-fraternity-boy charm is his play style lmao~~
O: “Decan, we’re gonna be there and we’re gonna bring the MP3.”
D: “Love-songs, Yes? Can do.”
O: “Warm up those vocal chords!”
D: “Only if you warm up yours.”
O: “We’re gonna give them the best ambience EVER!”
D: “Historical. It shall be written down and carried down till the end of time!”
 Lav- uh, you don't have to do that, it'll be like. Maybe after school? In the courtyard?
They’re, like, playfully pouty like ‘Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.’ But really they’re just happy for her.
 God, Otto and Percy are, like, the disaster parents for Lav. Especially for Bby lav.
Otto, especially, would absolutely ADORE Lav. I can’t speak entirely for Percy but I feel like they’d love her a whole bunch, but god, Otto absolutely adores Lavender.
Big, buff, tuff, ill-mannered-gentleman Vamp Dad and his li’l goddess.
 OMG HOLY FUCK NUGGETS YOU KNOW THAT THING? WHERE IT'S TWO ADULTS AND ONE BBY IN THE MIDDLE? DECAN, LAV, AND OTTO. Y E S. OR WITH ANY COUPLE ACTUALLY. AND THEN THEY SWING BBY LAV OVER LIKE CURBS AND STUFF AND AHHHH I'M SOMFT. SO CUUUTE!!!! OOH IN THIS AU, MASON AND LAV ARE STILL HELLA CUDDLY AND SNUGGLY. Gonna stop doing all caps lol. Anyway, masonder happens a bit earlier, but they've been friends for like 5 years at the time they are a Thing, so yeah haha. They are THE cutest thing ever. Always holding hands, face holding, sharing food, small pecks on the face, all that cute stuff uwu. They're in 7th grade btw. Both 12. They're relationship is steady and lasts all throughout middle school and high school. (Yes. They are the DEFINITION of an "Endgame Ship.") And then after they do the whole college thing, they tie the knot, have a baby, and live happily ever after uwu. :P
( This next bit is from a comic I did lol)
Have a crossbow, it’s much more powerful.” “Just don’t go staking papa Otto through the chest, now! It’s bad for me!”
 Lav- Oh cool! What about a sword! I'll be careful, I promise! And Hadley’s losing his mind lol Decan: *Does the moon butterfly magic sword thing*
“Here you are!” Bby Lav-
Hadley- Lav, honey, that's illegal.
Lav- But Mx. Percy does illegal stuff all the time!! Hadley: *Scoops Lavender up and Mary-Poppins flies the fuck out* YES
And that's what we came up with lmao
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Sweet Pea fluffy A-Z
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A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
how brave you are. never once would you say no to a fight, or to do something that may hurt you. when you and sweet pea got arrested one time for trespassing, you were fine, not really caring while sweet pea was freaking out on the inside. when fangs was shot, both of you went crazy trashing the high school. when the northsiders came up, you took out your knife and opened it up, charging towards the tough boys. the tip of your knife against archie’s neck with your face close to his. 
“you stupid northsiders killed my friend, he’s laying in a hospital bed clinging for life because your bulldog reggie shot him!”
“it wasn’t reggie, it was mrs. klump!”
“i don’t care! whether it was reggie, or mrs. klump who pulled the trigger, a northsider put him in there! you took our friend, our land, you’ll take everything if we give you the chance” you back away and pick up the garbage can, dumping out the trash onto the floor. “so now you’ll get to watch as we burn your school to the ground” you let out a loud grunt as you threw the metal can at the trophy case, the bulldogs jumping back.
sweet pea was so attracted to how brave you are. not caring if you were to get hurt. he was so attracted to how strong you were as well.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
yes. your friend polly asked if you would watch her twins, and sweet pea was in heaven. babies were always a weakness for him, their giggles, their eyes, even their spit up. and after he fed one of the twins and burped he would smile so big. one of the serpents had a baby, and sweet pea always babysat for her, he became ‘uncle pea’ 
when sweet pea became a dad, the only way your baby would stop crying was to have a bear that smelt like you and sweet pea’s flannel around the bear. sweet pea bought extra flannels just for his little baby, he’d do anything for you and his baby. 
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
he’s a big guy, yes, but tall guys need cuddles too! his favorite cuddling position to do was you as the big spoon, arm over his side with his fingers playing with yours, your other arm above your head and scratching his head. his right hand held your hand and the other hand behind your thigh that was over his hip. 
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
simple, just like fangs. he didn’t like going to fancy restaurants, he likes going to pop’s. his favorite thing to do was grab food and drinks from pop’s, going to the drive-in movie and cuddling in the back of his truck. 
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
you are my home. home isn’t a place, but if it was, it’d be your arms. 
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
sweet pea only felt real love and that was friend love, and fatherly love from fp. every minute he hung out with you he knew he was feeling something for you, he didn’t know what. 
when sweet pea witnessed you singing and dancing as you were making a snack, it hit him, pink rising to his cheeks. “’i love her. goddamn it, i love her so much”
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
a gentle giant!!!!! i mentioned today about sweet pea being a preschool teacher, and i see him sitting on the rug, eventually falling because the kids climbed on him. 
“mr. pea mr pea! what’s on your neck?” one of the girls poked it making him laugh. 
“it’s a tattoo”
“a tattoo?! those hurt!”
“yeah, a little bit. but i’m okay” he smiled at the little girl and she smiled back. 
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
the very first time you two held hands, it was slow. you two sat on his couch watching tv, you sliding your hand over and linking your fingers with his, his hands gigantic prepared to yours. he didn’t know how to react, he never held hands like this. your fingers curled, and his slowly did the same, and both of you smiled. the way sweet pea likes to hold you was his arms around your body, his chin on top of your head or on your shoulder if you two were sitting down.
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I = Impression: first impression/s
you thought sweet pea was very cocky and rude, because the first time you met him was when you and jug headed to southside high. but after joining the serpents and talking to him for a bit, you realized he wasn’t this cocky asshole you thought. he was actually very genuine and let his guard down and opened up. 
his first impression of you was that you were very gorgeous, but very mouthy. you didn’t put up with anyone’s smart remarks about your hair or your outfit, or who your father was. he watched you walk and noticed how confident you swayed your hips, how high your head was held. 
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
YES. ABSOLUTELY. he does it constantly, recording it and sending it to his friends. his favorite prank he pulled was tying and taping you to the bed so you couldn’t move, and he put chocolate syrup on you making you freak out.
but i think you can guess why that was his favorite “prank”
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
with such passion. his fingers holding your jaw, or his hand on your cheek. your fingers around his wrists or arms, on your tippy toes because he’s so tall, or him bending down. after every kiss he’d whisper i love you then kiss your cheeks, forehead, or nose
L = Love: who says I love you first?
i think this headcanon will help you determine that :)
The “L” Word / Sweet Pea Headcanon
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
singing and dancing to songs in the living room when one of you is having a bad day. there was an anon the other day who said sweet pea secretly listened to 5SOS and 1D and i firmly believe this statement.
sweet pea sat on the couch with a beer bottle on his knee, slouching. you pouted and went over to the speaker, hooking your phone up to it and playing “She Look So Perfect” by 5 Seconds of Summer, a song that sweet pea listened to secretly. you walk to him, slowly taking the bottle from his hands and putting it on the table, singing to him. 
“simmer down, simmer down..” you laugh as you sing, for he was angry and needed to simmer down. you grab his hands and dance with him, both of you laughing and singing. after that song was over, “18″ by One Direction played and you two slow danced, ending with pea dipping you.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
sweet pea will spoil you when he gets the chance. he loves getting you little gifts and loves seeing your face lights up. there was a post of the boyfriend buying his girlfriend an 8 dollar ring and she showed it off like it was the most expensive ring, and you would do that when he bought you a ring for 5 dollars, or a bouquet of flowers that he either bought or picked straight from the ground. he had good intentions of giving you flowers to make you happy, and it did. or also got you a necklace with ‘sweetpea’ on it
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
a maroon. he always found the color beautiful because it was so dark. you always wore a maroon lipstick, and your favorite shoes were maroon combats that were dark enough to look like black, and the color always reminded him of you. 
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
baby girl, princess, angel, rose (because that was his favorite flower to give to you) (especially maroon roses)
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
his vinyls. he like to play the vinyls when outside was pouring rain, slow dancing with you and just falling more in love with you. 
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
just like i mentioned above, he likes to play his vinyls and dance with you. he also loves to draw! drawing snakes, you, or brushing your hair. 
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
like mentioned, listening to 5SOS and 1D. dancing around and being silly. he loved the song “young, dumb and broke” by khalid because it was you two. 
when sweet pea was sad and needed to cry, you let him. you held his head to your chest and stroked his hair, letting him crying. one hand clenching your shirt and the other holding your wrist, shaking as he cried to you.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
he loves to talk about how much he loves the serpents and how he’ll do anything for them and you. sweet pea is such a loyal member and loyal boyfriend, and will take a bullet for you. 
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
working on his bike, playing with your hair, coloring, listening to his vinyls. 
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
you! he also likes to show off the ring you got him, a black band with a golden inside and sides, with your initials on the inside. 
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
he jokingly proposed when you two were drunk, but he was cut off half way through the sentence by a burp and you two laughing. 
he proposed while you two were dancing in the wyrm, everyone around and witnessing it. toni played “True Companion” by Marc Cohn. you and sweet pea danced, and the chorus hit for the last time and at the line “i’ve got my heart set on our wedding day” , sweet pea pulled away, got down on his knee and asked you do marry him. 
X = Xylophone: What’s their song?
“young, dumb and broke” by khalid
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
you’re the knife to my pocket :)
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
a pitbull. he knows they’re gentle. he also would like a snake, or a guinea pig named snickers!!!
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