#and i dont think that means someone is a bully in fandom tbh. like. you do you or whatever.
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macchiatosdumptruck · 5 months ago
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as someone who used to be huge bts fan and biased jimin and jk to now really only caring and being excited about jimin and his art feels so horrible to me tbh but i cant help it jungkook especially made me so dissapointed in this second chapter and i lost so much affection for him. i feel like he lost his appeal to me. Jimin however blew me away smf was just beyond amazing and then face and lc with all the art and heart in it ppl making all kinds of theories connecting him to poems, movies, queer ppl and writting essays about his work. I miss that i miss feeling of excitement and love like that with all 7 of them but jimin just seems to have stolen all my affection. i dont wanna be a solo stan tbh but i feel like i will never like bts as i used to.
Your line of thinking is so categorical, which is something very common when we're operating within a fandom. You mentioned lost affection, which indicates why you're feeling like this. It's the emotional involvement that makes us so involved and to feel so strongly about everything they do. And it can be something positive, like you said about Jimin, or something more negative, like your feelings towards Jungkook right now. I think it's easier for us to navigate these conversations once we acknowledge our position and we understand and admit were we're coming from. For example, I know that almost everything of Jimin's work is elevated and given extra importance in my mind because I like him. It doesn't mean that it's false or I made it all in my head, but if I only heard of him vaguely and looked through some of his work, I'd probably say at first "cool dude, he's interesting". And maybe if I was in the mood, I'd look it up more. It's the same as Jungkook fans now defending/celebrating every step of his career in Chapter 2 and they do that just like any other fan of an artist who is deep into a parasocial relationship. (Also, let's no hide or say only a category of fans are like that. Most of us are and we manifest in various ways).
If you want to label yourself as a solo stan, fine by me. Categories can make life easier, but they also limit not just us, but also those we are interested in or we don't really like. To me, this position is not one I would choose and I see the damage. Being so much involved in fandom, from the position of a solo stan, or a particular shipper/supporter or ot7/whatever else there is, can make us obtuse sometimes and more often than not, really mean in an environment in which online bullying is now acceptable. I see what JK solos say about Jimin and I see what Jimin solos say about Jungkook. It's horrible. Not only that, it's predictable because what they say is what is being transmitted throughout their own communities. It's like learning a script, especially when it comes to insults. And one has to be categorical and hateful. Not critical, because that would imply nuance and we know how no one cares about that.
I'm not enjoying the music Jungkook has been putting out in Chapter 2. I'm not enjoying how it's promoted. But to go from there and change my entire opinion seems too dramatic for me. He's not this horrible guy that he's being painted at. Just listen to him talk, watch his wlives. He's still a dork and he seems genuinely nice. I can live with all these thoughts in my head. Like I said, emotional involvement makes us go crazy, but in my case, previous experience with other creative people and celebrities is influencing the way I see things. I have favorite directors/actors that have some films that I consider really bad and so far from some of their earlier good stuff. But the world doesn't end there. It's ok. It's either a phase or they'll go down the hill, but there's still films that I like or I enjoy their way of looking at the world through their art. I like stuff from people I find displeasing, but I can put that aside and only look at the object.
It's the same with Jungkook for me. And if I don't like something, I will not waste my time trying to find excuses for it or defend it just because I like the person.
Just now I saw that clip of Bang PD talking about JK and it confirmed what others and I've been saying since Seven was released. This was Scooter's work, just as 3D and the other songs that will be released on the album. Jungkook in Chapter 2 musically and Golden are now the result of the partnership between Hybe and Hybe America. And it seems that the strategy is to focus on collabs to bring more attention to it, let Scooter gather all the songs and basically set the tone for everything and deliver a recipe for success. Do I wish Jungkook would let himself be convinced to put out a music album by other sort of people and not Bang & Scooter? Yes. But it was his decision and I can only look at the results and say that it's not for me. But I'm talking about it because I have an interest in Jungkook and because I have the right to say it, just like everyone on the internet.
I'm perfectly fine with all of these contradictions, while still expressing some of my frustrations. I won't expect from Jungkook something similar to what Jimin does because artistically they seem to not have that much in common right now, separately. It doesn't mean that I don't consider Jimin's work to have more artistic value. It has and it's something that I'm interested in and to which I pay attention to.
And sometimes, pop music is just pop music and we can simply enjoy it. Theoretically, that's Jungkook's path right now, but given how it came to fruition, the message it sends, knowing what Jungkook is capable of in terms of producing/writing lyrics, then it is disappointing to me. And so be it.
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quillkiller · 4 months ago
for the hot takes thing:
idk if they are hot takes on this blog tbh because the tumblr fandom has messed up my perception of what is popular and what is not but anyway here they are
i do not give a fuck about dorlene. i cant see it. it very often seems like forced lesbian representation to me. like, oh, lets throw them in here so that people dont say maybe i should have some sapphic women in my art if im trying to write about the queer experience. i read only one fic in my entire life that made them interesting and fleshed out characters. usually they are incredibly boring and i dont like it
marauderstok makes me a gatekeeper. i hate gatekeeping but then i see someone on tiktok talking about bartylily or sunkiller or moonrose or peter x barty and i just cant deal with that. they dont get them!!!! i dont even like most of these ships that much but i have moots that do and im overly protective of their blorbos. those people on tiktok dont understand bartylily!!! they are just into it cause it seems weird and unusual!! they dont see the vision of the pure hatred between barty and james that turns into sexual tension! they dont understand why barty would fall in love with peter and they try to make all of these ships into sketches!!! they are not!! those are my children youre talking about!!!
i am not a james fan tbh. probably because of how long ive hated him for. when i was a child and read hp for the first time the scenes with snape made me despise the guy. i spent years trying to explain to people that yes maybe he changed but he was still a terrible bully and nothing can ever excuse that. it got so bad my mom banned me from talking about james potter in our house because ive just said the same things over and over. 9yearold me was very determined. i know that all the marauders were involved but somehow it only affects my relationship with james. i know it unlogical but i just dont like him
on the topic of marauders and sev. i HATE the way fandom acts about it. acknowledge that your favorite characters were flawed! they weren't good people! what the fuck do you mean "i'm proud of james for bullying snape! someone had to do it. snape was just so bullyable"?? snape was a 11year old kid who was incredibly abused at home!!
again on the topic of severus. if i see one more joke made about his hair i'm going to go insane. are you guys aware that sometimes children are neglected so bad that their parents don't teach them things that are obvious to most of us, like how to wash your hair? have you heard about this concept of people not caring about their child and not buying them hygiene products? have your heard about poverty? have you heard about not having enough money to provide your child with all the things they need, including shampoo?
sorry for all that about sev. i am just very passionate about the way he's treated in this fandom. on the topic of characters being treated poorly by the fandom - dumbledore. some people truly believe that it's all his fault which is just so weird to me. he's obviously a deeply flawed man who made a lot of mistakes and i don't necesserily like him but i think we can all acknowledge that he's not the one who killed lily and james? like. he should've fought harder for sirius, obviously, but he didn't murder dorcas. he's not the ultimate villain that people make him out to be
i realise this is more about the fandom than the characters itself and i apologize it's just what's currently on my mind
whew lets get into it……
agreed. they often feel like the token lesbians that are just. already there. so might aswell just throw them into the story lmao and they wont have to flesh them out. i like my own version of dorlene, but yeah :/ people just aren’t interested in lesbians but what else is new
honestly i respect this so much... your mom banning you from talking about james made me laugh out loud…… Mad Respect
honestly. im very grey in this area. i like making fun of his hair unfortunately, but in other contexts i also think sevs greasy hair has a swaggy seductive lesbian flair. depends on how he’s being characterized. i saw a post today that was like ’cant help but laugh at people being angry about people objectifying fictional characters when they’re fundamentally dependant on being objects’ which i fully agree with. it’s part of litterature and film making that the (im gonna talk in film terms bc im a film student) that the mise-en-scene is an active choice, meaning that the way characters are dressed and presented is meant to, on purpose, reveal things about said characters. and often its driven by stereotypes that the audience has. severus is meant to look like a loser because he’s portrayed like a loser / and as someone who will be the victim of bullying. its simply the way his characters is canonically written and portrayed, and writers and viewers pick up on that. also im unfortunately one of the people who think bullying fictional characters is funny. it’s fictional and fandom, and never once have i stumbled upon a person who can’t balance the made-up fandom rules regarding fictional characters and their actuail real life morals. not saying these people don’t exist, but i certainly don’t kiki with them. fandom just doesnt affect real life issues in way some people sometimes seem to think. im personally a severus Lover and his biggest hater depending on the setting/hc’s/etc
i love albus, but i love him because i genuinely think he’s despicable. im not interested in his supposed reedming qualities and i personally dont think he has any….. he allowed teenagers to fight his wars and canonically didnt deny that he doesnt care for harry / and that he raised him like a pig for slaughter. its what makes him interesting. his childhood and early adult years make him one of the most fascinating characters in the fandom.. like i have so many feelings about him. he breaks my heart, he’s awful, he believes he’s good because he has good intentions, he yearns after grindelwald all his life and it was a 2 month summer romance, he killed his sister, his brother barely speaks to him. he’s a tragedy, but still despicable…… but i respect your opinion so much king thank you for sharing
MWAH loved these, thank you…. 🤍🤍
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usercelestial · 3 months ago
okay putting my real and comprehensive opinion on bvddie here even though no asked just because i feel like i dont make it very clear
i ship bvddie but i do not think its happening, i lost hope for it around season 5 when i dropped the show because i felt like we were constantly being baited and tbh i couldn't stand what the fandom was. thats mostly why i dont post bvddie a lot because ultimately i don't want to interact with the loudest portion of that fandom. after buck came out as bisexual, i stopped caring about it even more even though i still enjoy the idea of it because instead of just thinking about buck being queer, he actually was. first and foremost, i like canon queer representation so bucktommy obviously takes precedent because eddie isn't canonically queer (yet, idk, maybe tim minear will pull a fast one on us). i care way more about hen and karen than i do about taylor/lucy, even though i like both ships. i'm okay with criticism of it, especially of the fandom because to be honest, i do think it's fair to call bvddie theories ridiculous and out there because they kind of are, BUT i don't think it hurts anyone to think that or hold out hope, and it's nice to see speculation and theories bc thats what fandom is all about. that couch theory still has a hold on me even though i dont think it's intentional lol. i don't think it's okay to directly make fun of any bvddie for having crazy theories because we've all had ships that make us crazy and thats okay. the exception here is if that particular bvddie is making fun of bvcktommys for their theories n stuff because at that point its hypocrisy. this goes both ways. if you're gonna come up with a crazy theory, you can't look at other people's crazy theories and claim any high ground there, which is unfortunately something i see a lot in both fandoms.
although one thing i will not do is say "well both sides are equally bad" because objectively bvddies have been around a lot longer and done much worse things. that doesn't mean bts are all innocent either however, one ship clearly has dominance over this fandom and has a large, extensive track record of harassing actresses/generally being aggressive about their ship before bt ever even happened. so there are many, many more cases of those shippers feeling threatened and lashing out unfairly while the others are often just acting out of defense. if there's a bully on the playground picking on someone else, and that person kicks them in the shin, i'm obviously going to hold the bully much more accountable for their behavior than i am for the kid defending themself. while that's obviously not always the case, (i've blocked my fair share of bvcktommy girlies for being weird about female love interests) when it comes to the "both sides" argument, we literally just know that's not true. also most of the shit said about tommy by antis is deeply homophobic so jot that down.
tbh i think being anti bt is much more egregious than being anti bvddie because that's actual queer rep that you're bashing and hoping dies. but there's a difference between being "anti" anything and just not liking it and thinking its annoying.
at first i think i understood it because i think bvddie kind of was the underdog when it first started bc it's was non canon queer ship between two canonically straight characters but thats obviously not true anymore and hasn't been for a while. bvddie has the attention of the actors, has the positive acknowledgement of journalists that get to directly interview those actors, and has the popularity within the fandom. so it's kind of just punching down at other ships at this point, especially ones including female characters who already don't get a lot of development.
that being said, again, I STILL LIKE BVDDIE, and have plenty of bvddie mutuals that i love so i try to avoid the generalization of "ALL bvddie shippers are like this 🙄" because obviously thats not true and there's nothing wrong with shipping bvddie obviously lol it's just a ship and a cute one at that. i think its ridiculous to care that much about hating a ship you just don't like that much, which is fine but like i think many ppl in this fandom need to take several steps back and realize it's not that fucking deep, just like the things you like and leave everyone else alone.
tldr: i like bvddie but im not gonna avoid criticizing a big part of that fandom. ultimately i think ship wars are silly and i don't really understand them. i like queer representation and i like queer headcanons but im not gonna hold out hope for anything. im very ship and let ship until you start to be a dick about other people shipping and then i think you deserve to be called out, especially if you're actively being homophobic/misogynistic/racist. also i think bvddietommy should be endgame lol, let chris has THREE dads and then everyone's happy :D
edit: oh and obviously i like bvcktommy if that wasn't abundantly clear lol
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brilliantfantasticgeronimo · 10 months ago
the star beast reactions:
the end of time part 2: “the story never ends” switches to “ the story hasnt ended yet” this show is driving me to cookoo land
taxi logo! Very 2005.
“That says grand mistress!” “oh, catch up” [….sentient physic paper headcanon? Maybe everything the doctor carries is secretly sentient sdlkfj rip all those sonics that fell in battle]
"me putting up with that" ksksksks "what do I care? I’ve got the true greatest girls in the world" just u wait for what’s coming shaun. Hope u always secretly wanted an autistic queerplatonic husband.
"and I shoukd know, I invented them!" bully!donna headcanon comfirmed (?) to go with already-canon teenage!wreck donna.
"oh, yes definetly" sylvia "queer-coded mom "mother of a queer " subtext finally becomes text as "grandmother of a queer"!!!!
"you had a bit of a breakdown… and then you got better" sksksks every “the doctor is a hallucination” dark!fic ever/ alternatively: amy coded
"I should be really happy"'... but sometimes I lie in bed thiking, what have I lost?" THIRTEEN CODED THIRTEEN CODED OH GOD THE REGRETS OVER DROPPING THE FOBWATCH….
“Fuge” is iconic
14 is definetly someone who lived 11/12/13's lives lol my girl is so tired
"I’ve read the files" when UNIT personel says this the translation is: I’ve watched all of three’s era.
"I dont know who I am anymore" understatement of the billenia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "she's happy! Is she?” I mean tbf, is anyone ever? in this economy? Lol
"I don’t believe in destiny but-" (yeah you do?)
"You know my rules, no secrets in this house" I wonder if Donna didn’t get at least a little bit mad after this that everyone lied to her for 15 years dlskjf
the bit with wilf’s accomodation was a good subtle commentary about accesibility again…
ok…. But the definite article bit was excellent??? sdlkfj i swear fandom is so recalcitrant sometimes
"two hearts! so do I!" [rtd: in case u didn’t notice, this is what we call A Foil]
"that’s not concrete ', it’s mortar" "thank you, bob the builder"
the doc in the wig…………………… valeyard coded
There will be no violence... UNTIL he deems it fit and proper! and that’s GROWTH(tm)
solar psychodelia my beloved eu band
"it just felt like the sort of thing he woukd do" t.t
"who cares about me?" "i do" T.T!!!!!
(sdklfj tho ngl it feels like it escaletes to this emotional level wayyyy too quickly)
clifftops.... grief... fingerprint… THE SMELL OF DUST AFTER RAIN……..
I mean he did very much kill donna (again?) ddklSjs THIS IS A VERY SIGNIFICANT THING THAT JUST HAPPENED???
“She chose her own name…” trans doctor fodder?
"male and femape and neither and more" tbh this works rlly well on the metaphysical level I was talking about (note to self: elaborate on that in another post), do have to agree it sounds a bit iffy on the gender politics front...
"cryptic, I hate that" liar, you’re all about that
tbh "shame you are not a woman anymore" feels riiiiiight in line with "you two are just time lords, you dumbos!" sdkfj donna has to be a lil’ bioessentialist about meta cris-es every time doesn’t she.
"and we choose to let it go" / [the one adventure I could never have] / [terf island will eventually let go of transphobia] / [“how to let go of depression”: the scifi/adventure series]
"why does it have to be one last trip?" good question!!! yaz would like to know as well!!!
Fun as hell! But i did feel a tinge disappointed that rose and the nobles aren’t that developed (and Shirley as well).
I think The Point and The Message is a bit clumsily delivered, but overall the writers’ hearts are in the right place and it does work philosophically for where (I think?) the series is going next. As a ~Trial Of A TimeLord Enjoyer~ the bit where 14 puts on a wig made me go feral.
The meep is well realized but tbh I don’t think the OG story is that strong? And I think my Hot Take is….. I think that a straight-forward story wasn’t super compatible with all the mechanics and logistics and exposition that this “fix fic-ing the doctordonna” story necessitates. So the whole thing feels kinda bogged down by having to be a recap.
Finally… I think the resolution feels a bit too... mechanical? because Rose is not developed / put as the POV at the start, it’s not enough of an emotional thrill to see her saving the day (other than like, idk, if I interpret Rose Noble triumphing being a metaphor for Donna’s life being complete when she has her own life but also the doctor back again (?)).
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ollyou · 1 year ago
Sorry another non-art post but I wanted to point out to some very disrespectful people that this is NOT an art only account > <“
This account was actually made to be mostly rambles, and just because I like pmtok and center most of my stuff around olly doesnt mean thats all i do either! I never wanted to be a pmtok-only artist; i just draw what i want to rather than what other people like to see
I’m a rambler at heart and if you dont like that then you shouldnt follow me, or just mute #rambling !! Alternatively if you don’t want to see any negative posts, mute #negative ^_^
Tbh as someone who has never had an anonymous ask box before joining the pmtok fandom, stuff like this just comes off as really mean and dehumanizing?? Please unfollow me if you have a mindset like this. I constantly tell people to just send me fun asks and stop trying to order me around like a slave and then people who claim to follow me pull this…. 😓 I hope you know that if you think you’re entitled to my artwork and can tell me to “shut the fuck up” for simply speaking how I feel about the constant harassment the toxic side of the fandom has given me and my friends/mutuals, I do not like you and you’re not allowed to enjoy my art tbh….
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There is no ��we”, just this rude person who likes to pretend they are a fan. But no fan acts like this. I want my fanbase to be a nice and welcoming place full of gentle and friendly people, not entitled bullies who treat me like their slave. Keep it to yourself if you don’t enjoy my rambling, please, or just unfollow/mute the tags I appropriately place for these sorts of posts <3
I blocked this anon immediately after screenshotting this but tbh I’m not sure if that blocks their actual account too… cause I wanna make sure they can’t view my account if all they want to do is dehumanize me. Idk it’s really weird how this fandom acts sometimes which is why I’m so strict with my dni and byf stuff but people don’t listen most of the time…. Agh!!
I make one post telling the people harassing and stalking me for several months if not years to leave me and my friends alone, and these people suddenly get the idea I’m just an art-making machine…. It’s frustrating but in the end I just want to receive nice anon asks. I appreciate all the friendly anons!! Thank you so much. You make my days so much better. I feel bad that sometimes I can’t respond to them, but I read them all. I save them all. I love them all <:)
But yeah… please unfollow me if you’re unwilling to just mute my #rambling and #negative tags when all you do is complain I don’t post art enough…. Also idk, if you want me to post more art then…? Why not you compliment my art? What’s the point of not ever supporting my art when I post it, then complaining and belittling me when I don’t post it? That’s why I block these people. Very very disrespectful.
I know it’s best to just ignore this stuff! And I do. I ignore a lot of it. It is quite annoying, but I ignore it so I can give the nice people room to speak. It’s really rare that I actually speak up about this stuff tbh. I’m almost positive these are all just the same few people block evading me via VPN anyway hahahah. Especially since I’ve seen them do that, too.
Also, I do recognize it’s very likely no one will read this all the way. But I usually don’t write things expecting people to read them! I mostly write stuff for myself, like a journal of some sorts. :D It’s probably a bit weird when I advertise my art and whatnot too, but y’know. I don’t want my tumblr blog to be just… some soulless art dump. I’m not looking for attention, just respect, I guess.
Ah, in the end I’m sure those bullies will use this to fuel their constant harassment of me anonymously (because they too cowardly to hate me normally, I guess), but tbh they just kind of… complain about a singular post I’ll make for the first time in forever for days straight and act like that type of post is all I make, so I guess there’s no appeasing them. Not that I even want to make happy the people who treat me as subhuman.
Idk why people are so entertained by being assholes, but maybe that’s just the naive part of me thinking! I’m no grown adult or anything. In my head I am just a little baby still learning about the online world as I was raised very sheltered from all that stuff and avoided toxicity wherever I went… 💦 I am a tumblr baby! Sorry..!
Ah!!!! Rambling too much. Hahah. Thank you for reading. Hey, if you got this far, why not you send me a friendly anon message? Gotta clean out all the garbage from within my inbox, though I think I’ve done a pretty good job at it as is.
I will post again when I have something to say or more art to share!!!!
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kuumara · 2 years ago
Do you ever feel like this fandom just isn't fun anymore?
The homophobia on other platforms seems to be worse than ever. People on here are having Byler doubt because of all the propaganda the homophobes are spreading. None of the Stranger Things or Netflix social media accounts are addressing the rampant bullying and homophobia, even when people are commenting the most disgusting things and including them in it.
And even on our tag, you see people get a bunch of hate for harmless things like headcanons.
I'm sorry to unpack all of this on you, but I'm curious to see if you or anyone else feels the same.
its alr lmao and i get where ur coming from anon although i dont rly feel the same, i mean the homophobia and stuff is veryvery bad but that's why i stick to my tumblr dashboard and go nowhere else. i agree it would be good for someone with a lot of influence to say smth but i dont think theyre aware that much, except for the duffers saying they hate reddit which. we all do
and dw even though the stranger things subreddit has 1.1mil members it's mostly harmless questions so don't feel like there's more homophobes actively against bylr, i mean uve seen that poll mleven lost in the first round (yeah we all voted but i doubt we would get mevil out just by us voting esp not when there was sm votes for it)
idk i hope this wasnt inunderstandable and hope ur feeling better tbh it's not worth not liking smth anymore just bc the homophobes are insane
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kyywtii · 2 years ago
Tears Of Themis boys as ||𝚃𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚁𝚂||
𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚐
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Chill and relaxing games
No screaming
No keyboard smashing
No table banging
No chair jumping
Just peace
Talks to his chat more than he actually plays tbh
Games like Unpacking and Townscaper where you don't need to use your brain that much
Sometimes... JUST SOMETIMES...
He feels like streaming for 7 hours to play all the Sherlock Holmes games humans have produced
7 hours playing the same game if he's really into it
Or if his chat is being annoying
Even fangames-
Every time there's a save point in the game he's just "Chat, let's take this opportunity to discuss all we've done so far"
Has an inside joke within the fandom about him having an OnlyFans account
Just cuz he attempted to make a joke once
"@Art3m1s feet pics when~"
"These are not for free"
"... guys what the-"
His mods hated him that day
Complete chaos
"@Art3m1s where did that picture of you and @Mariland go ? I can't find it on Twitter TT"
"Oh I just-... guys no"
"Omg is it what we think it is"
"Everyone... don't-"
Doesn't know how to deal with any of this istg
𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎
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I don't know what he's doing either don't ask me
This man rage quit Stardew Valley once
"@LukeyCharm... you need to use the right bait..."
"... I'm not playing this game anymore the cat is ugly anyways"
Switched to cooking Mama instead
Professor Layton is his bitch actually
Once the light in his room turned off because, well, light bulb
And that was the day he got his "man who doesn't pay his bills" reputation
"Omg @LukeyCharm... we didn't know you couldn't afford to pay for your lights we failed you as a community TT"
"It's okay !! You don't have to be ashamed ^^"
"We'll make sure to help you in the future ! Guys, make donations !!!"
"Guys I made a petition to raise funds and provide enough money for his electricity bills, go sign it!"
"Let's go ! Let's go! Sign it !!!"
Is actually so done with his community it's hilarious
"Will the lights hold until the end of the stream this timeeeeeeee???~"
"... I'm banning you"
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝚅𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗
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Listen first of all
Cat and dog ears filters
A price
He got multiple filters with multiple sizes and multiple colors and multiple shapes of multiple species
Depending on how long you want the ears to stay on his head
The price is all types of wallets friendly
Screams 24/7
Plays horror games to scream even more
Gets bullied by his chat on a daily
"@Mariland gives such bottom energy"
"??? Excuse you ???"
"Ikr !!! I mean one glance is enough to tell that!"
"HELLO where did this COME FROM"
"Omg @Mariland looks so cute when he's scared~~~"
"... I hate yall"
He actually loves yall
Someone paid 50$ just to ask him to say "UwU" one day
He actually was shocked ngl
"I'd do anything to hear him say UwU"
"Huh- nah I'm not saying that"
~ilovemelon donated 50$~
".... what was it you wanted me to say-"
Plays Genshin impact
And the Sims
And anything that comes his way tbh
𝚅𝚢𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛
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H i m
Which one of you encouraged him to do this
I mean forced
His community is by far the most disciplined one
Wonder how he has a community in the first place he treats his viewers like absolute trash I'm sorry-
Love hate relationship with his fans
"OmG @Vynyl remember that day when you couldn't pronounce the main character's name ???"
"Remember that day when you got blacklisted and got restricted access to content on this channel? I mean today?"
"... I'm sorry"
Gives his chat the silent treatment everytime they start being annoying
"I'm not even gonna acknowledge seeing whatever it is I just saw"
Actually lets his fandom choose the games to stream every now and then
Once someone requested a game saying it was one of the funniest most amazing underrated games ever
It was neither fun
Nor amazing
And it wasn't underrated rather overrated as a matter of fact
That bs shouldn't even have existed first of all
Man was so disappointed he decided to play Subway Surfers for 3 hours straight
"@Vynyl... Can't we switch games..."
"This is so booooooring"
"Suit yourselves"
"Cant we just do something else already TT"
"Next time you'll make sure to choose wisely."
Don't try to get him involved in any drama fr
"@Vynyl is so problematic he's literally so insensitive and disrespectful"
"... I literally saw you barking in my live yesterday"
72 notes · View notes
narcissa-black-supermacy · 3 years ago
love your thoughts about how people are giving regulus sirius' traits! i also feel like there's this drarryfication of jegulus happening in the fandom right now. i've seen so many posts lately being like "how did i never ship drarry, they are literally jegulus" or "same ship, different fonts" and i just... disagree? completely? like, yeah, there are similarities obviously but if you actually think about it just a little bit further than the surface level "potter boy dates slytherin who at one point was a death eater" they're entirely different
Hey there hayati <3 i told myself "keep this short" but ended up writing an entire character analysis so please excuse me for this. I highlighted my key thoughts with bold, if you dont want to read everything.
Tbh I haven't seen as much "drarryfiction" of Jegulus, but maybe that's because I barely engage with the Jegulus fandom at all anymore, so I don't see it.
There are some similarities, and I do like when people draw parallels (especially seeing how Draco is a Black as well), but not beyond anything superficial.
Drarry is by far much more nuanced and developed than Jegulus (it wasn't always like this, I remember when Drarry was also unbearably cringey and obnoxious - sadly most people remember them by that - but it's gone a long way since). James and Regulus have the potential to be even more than that, but from the fics I read, the fandom still has a long way to go with them.
Draco and Regulus are actually more similar than most people think, I wish people would let Regulus be a snobbish, arrogant, cocky jerk like Draco is allowed to be in Drarry. But I also think that Regulus would be so much smarter than him (I mean-- it took Draco a whole year to figure out how that closet [forgot the name] he let the DEs through worked, he's not exactly bright, yknow what I mean?; while Reg canonically figured out the Horcrux thing by himself, the only person other than him being Dumbledore and his 'gang').
Also while I do think that Regulus is much more arrogant and self confident than most portray him to be, it would be in a radically different way from Draco, who was raised as the only long-awaited son by Lucius and Cissy, who obviously spoiled him into oblivion. Reg on the other hand had a stricter upbringing, I think he would be more elegant about it, less "my father will hear about this" and more "do you know who I am?". I think he wouldn't necessarily go out of his way to "bully" anyone, but if someone looked at him the wrong kind of way, he would hex them on spot.
Another key difference is that Draco, the way we see it, was very much pressured and forced to take the Mark. I don't think he was willingly seeking out any "power" beyond simple school bullying. Reg, on the other hand? And that's one of my biggest pet peeves - how in so many fics Regulus is literally forced to take it by Walburga and Orion. While from every existing implication in canon, it's pretty clear that he was actively seeking out some kind of power in the war (in combination with the desire to provide security and safety to himself and his family).
But overall, I think the main difference between Drarry vs Jegulus is in Harry (vs James), not in Draco. Harry comes from the muggle world (vs James who comes from a known pure blooded family), from relative poverty (vs James who comes from riches), from an abusive home (vs James whos the only one in his friend group w a stable home life), from a position of having the "chosen one" title shoved down his throat without asking (vs James who seeks out glory). Harry is very introverted (James is loud and confident, surrounded by people), Harry is not very good w people (James is the life of the party), Harry just wants people to leave him alone in peace (James led all of his friends to join the Order and fight in the war). Harry was forced into the life he had while James chose it. In a way, Drarry both were forced into their fate, while in Jegulus they both actively chose it.
James -and maybe its an unpopular opinion but- is also a very underdeveloped character, even more so than Regulus (he was written for years as a side character with Lily to Wolfstar, and hasn't gotten any "main character" spotlight up until recently, so maybe he just didn't have the time yet?). He is often reduced to being the "golden retriever mum friend" (?) and often feels like a supporting character, even in fics where he's supposed to be the main lead character/narrator? (what?)
In this sense I do wish Jegulus was more like Drarry because in the latter, I feel like at this point in fandom, after so many years, both Draco and Harry get equal amount of attention to their issues. In Jegulus it feels like...James is just kind of there to be Reg's therapist? He is there to "fix him" while getting nothing in return?
James' main negative traits, in my opinion, are that he is very hypocritical, self-righteous and also the only one in his circle with the real privilege to see the world as strictly black and white (which in canon also eventually leads to his death). I think Regulus and Lily are both good for him in the sense that they force him to see the world in a more nuanced light. I want to see Jegulus where just like James explains to Reg "hey those words your mates are using? thats not cool", Reg also, in return, explains to James "hey people arent just bad and good, its more complicated than that".
Moving on, I also think that while Drarry is a proper "enemies to lovers" trope, Jegulus aren't really enemies right away. They do have negative opinions of e/o at first, but it's deeper and more personal than that. In James' eyes, Regulus is his best mate's little brother, who stands for all those things that hurt Sirius; in Reg's eyes, James is the guy who took Sirius from them.
This is another trope I hate in Jegulus fics - how James seems to like Reg straight away, while Regulus is wary of him at first - if anything, it would be the OPPOSITE. I can absolutely see Regulus interacting with James one-on-one for the first time and being like "hmmm Sirius might be onto something with that Potter guy" but James would NEVER like Regulus right away, it quite literally goes against everything he believes in.
This is why I think Jegulus is good for James (better than any other ship), because it's the ONLY dynamic in which he is forced to face himself and everything he was raised on and kind of re-evaluate his world view. I absolutely see James and Lily (in a reality where Jegulus is a thing and Lily find out about it) sitting down and Lily being like "hey you sure you're not doing the exact same thing you told me I was doing with Snape?" and James absolutely freaking about about it.
bonus rant feat. snape:
(and when you think about- yes, Jegulus and Snily actually have a whole lot of common. I already said this one on here and was absolutely butchered for it but I will say it again - Snily and Jegulus are awfully similar. James(/Lily) ignoring how all of Regulus'(/Snape's) surrounding and close friends are pure blood supermacists and wannabe death eaters; James(/Lily) ignoring how despite Reg(Snape) suffering, he is insistent on staying in the same place he is in (his family) and not changing anything to get out; James (Lily) justifying Regulus'(Snape's) bad deeds by telling himself that he had (has) a rough childhood and he "can fix him"; James (Lily) ignoring Regulus'(Snape's) hostile behavior towards his (her) friends in favor of a "better" version of Regulus (Snape) that only exists when he's alone with James (Lily); James and Lily both ignoring every red flag in existence until they are forced to look at the actual Dark Mark on their arm.
Regulus is actually more similar to Snape in a lot of ways than the fandom would like to admit - Reg would dislike him at first out of a "who does that nameless half-blood think he is, challenging me like that" place, but ultimately, I think they have more things in common than apart. Both followed the Dark Lord seeking power only to later turn on him, both had people they still cared for on the other side (Lily; Sirius), both had the "young mad scientist" vibes (seeing how Reg found out about the Horcruxes, I assume he was also messing with Dark Magic and spell creation at a young age like Snape))
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years ago
Been lurking on the Percy stuff on twitter, tumblr and insta these past few days. Found your blog, I read everything. I dont think I believe these girls but tbh it makes me feel like im a crap human being. I legit feel like shit because what if he did something to someone and those victims are getting shut down and bullied online.
But if he didnt do anything and they are just using this for revenge over some petty high school drama and falling out then omg. I cant even imagine what this kid went through in the past month. The humiliation, the name calling, the worry about his future, those freaking nudes. I would be in a depression by now no joke. I would be thinking about killing myself. If he is innocent for the love of God I hope he has good, supportive and calm people around him.
Im sorry to write to you while everyone seems to be caught up, but I just have this awful feeling in my chest about all this. I miss the days when I just used to fight about Xavier vs Tyler. Those were the days. Now I just feel like an disgusting human being for not believing everything these girls have said. Its been hard as a fan not gonna lie and not knowing the actual truth ever will be so hard to deal with.
I know that this is still relatively new and that maybe once he appears with Jenna somewhere or Georgie things will be better maybe, hopefully I dont know. But until then I dont think that little rock in the middle of my chest will go away every time I think about this.
This Wednesday fandom is very toxic I find, more than any other I have been a part of so far. I hope things get better, thats all I can do at this point, just hope
Hey anon. Please don't apologise, I am sorry it took me so long to find you buried under the other asks.
It's okay to not be "caught up". And it's okay to not believe in these girls. You aren't disbelieving on them to be a horrible person, you are because their stories have changed so many times. I have thought a lot about what you said - what if he did do something? And the conclusion to my thought process is this: these girls had 2 weeks where they were heavily supported online. They could have brought forth evidence. Gone to the police. Found anyone that he actually did something to, even if he never did anything to them, and their stories really are all lies. But they didn't. And they tried. They tried a lot to imply that there were more victims. No one came forth. Only victims of people Percy had been friends with. And that he isn't friends with anymore. He isn't responsible for anyone's actions other than his.
If he did do something to someone (and I don't believe this because no one came forth with actual evidence while he was being heavily canceled by the internet...) these girls screwed any chance of anyone believing. They have wronged this so much, that they made it way more difficult to any victim to come forth about a celebrity abusing them in the future. They are hurting real victims.
My best friend @heavenlyvixen has made a couple of posts about this. You should read it. And if you ever need, come to my chat.
You are NOT a horrible person for not believing them. It just means you have critical thinking skills.
And I agree with you - Wednesday fandom is the most toxic one I have been in a decade. There are some really good people here though, and they make it worth it.
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iamthedamndonutdrawcat · 3 years ago
hey i hope its okay to send you an ask like this but all your thoughts on the heartstopper fandom are just so true like?? i dont know how to put it into words but like the fact that it was just our own little safe space and suddenly its all big and popular and sort of lost its earnest charm. i love the show dont get me wrong but the fandom just doesnt have the same effect it used to. kind rich speaking as ive not even been in the fandom two years but i miss the ‘old days’ where we had like 10 fanfics and none of them were kit connor x reader smut. idk just its comforting i guess to know im not the only one who gets this sort of emptiness from the fandom these days. just like thank you for your contributions to this fandom and having such correct opinions haha <3
hey i'm so sorry for responding so late but i've been kinda freaking out over social media lately. i'm so glad to hear that you can connect to the shit i talk all the time, i often feel like i'm just venting into the void (which is fine but its great to hear people think the same).
yeah i mean i knew heartstopper as a big fandom would be problematic but i didn't think it woul go this bad this fast. i was literally just on ao3 and there was someone posting those kinda 'fanarts' where they edit the actors faces onto porn and then into the show settings and its like.... wow...... we really went here in one month?? i saw people in the comments like 'hey delete this it's sexualising the actors but also like.... the characters are minors wtf' but also people really supporting that kinda stuff????? idk i really wanna bleach my eyes.
and yeah about 'old days'..... i get that. i mean i've been in the online fandom since like march 2020 but i do feel like one of the oldies who've seen better times. kinda sad tbh
and now that i'm at it i really do needa talk about kit connor bc its like. he seems to be a nice person and yes he's somehow attracative but i've gotten to the point that i don't wanna talk about him anymore. half the fandom is being so so disgusting about him and he does know and he's stated it makes him feel terrible and that he doesn't even wanna use social media anymore. how can a fandom praise itself on being extremely correct and nice and then bully and sexualise the actors in such disgusting ways. i'm literally horrified.
i'm so so happy to hear you feel seen in my rants :)) but yeah 'it ain't old times anymore'
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creacherkeeper · 3 years ago
writer ask game- tagged by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly !! thank you!!!
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
horrible question to start out with for me cause i dont think i really have one???? i tend to not be as ship-focused as many people in fandom, and also unfortunately am the type of person to get REALLY into things and then many times my feelings dont stay super strong over time. so some Honorary Mentions are shules from psych cause thats probably my oldest remaining ship, ineffable husbands from good omens cause that was my first gay ship, and clintasha from marvel because thats the oldest ship i still have waves of strong feelings about
How many works do you have on AO3?
95, 8 of those being more than 1 chapter/a collection. i also deleted a good handful of fics from older fandoms when i rejoined ao3 in 2015 (i was an early adopter but then left for a while), as well as having a decent amount of fics on ff.net and a fandom specific site from Back In The Day
What’s your total AO3 word count?
just with the fics on there now, 348k. total fics i've written across sites/before deleting was probably closer to 400k. if we're including original fiction / fully rewritten drafts of the same books, i'm definitely over a million
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hello my old heart (3209 - she ra, touched starved catra 1)
wherever is your heart (1700 - she ra, touched starved catra 2)
you or your memory (1262 - she ra, catradora ptsd exploration)
the memories and scars (1115 - fullmetal alchemist, parental royai and elric brothers fluff)
time take us (773 - she ra, adora chronic pain au)
also shoutout to this untitled good omens ficlet that got 17.5k on tumblr but did not do nearly as well in the ao3 collection lmao
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
yes, i always do!!! idk it makes me happy to acknowledge the kind things people say ;; and frequently they say stuff in their comments that i want to scream back about or give explanations/behind the scenes for. also i've made friends this way!!!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
im not super a person to leave off with angsty endings, so in recent memory probably this catra cuts her hair fic that takes place after save the cat. or maybe this fic that is almost entirely claudia thedragonprince whump cause i was really Going TF Through It at the time and had to take it out on someone
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
i tend to go hurt/comfort or bittersweet a lot, but probably the like. just absolute Happiest is heartlines on your hand which was the last in the touch starved catra series and was just. the sappiest sap to ever sap
Do you write crossovers?
the only crossover i've ever done was an agents of shield/air bud crack fic that we DONT talk about. i got fucking bullied into doing it okay
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not that much honestly? i got a few kind of mean comments on the touch starved catra #1 but also like. that fic got so popular there were bound to be a few. nothing else to my memory?? if there were a few on older stuff i probably just dont remember it at this point lmao
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i really dont lmao. besides not writing a ton of shippy stuff in general, i dont tend to write anything too Spicy. probably the closest i ever got was one short scene in this ineffable husbands 5 + 1 kissing fic that did not do as well as i thought it deserved tbh hahahaha
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of????? yall would tell me right lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i wrote a little ficlet about elena aos celebrating a colombian holiday with the team and a colombian friend translated it for their family! but i believe that is it. that ficlet isnt even on ao3 i tried to find it but was unable to. i dont believe anything has been translated for public consumption
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i don't think so? but i have gotten fanfic for my aos adoption au series!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i pretty much write things in one sitting or not at all lmao. i dont tend to take on a lot of series and stick to one shots as well. unless its over 8k i probably wrote it in one day. even the ones longer than that usually took less than a week from start to publication (for example, paladin!aelwyn fic is 15k and took 4 days of actual writing over less than a week to write, edit, and publish)
What are your writing strengths?
i feel like im best at dialogue and tend to get a lot of compliments on in-character voices. dialogue is my favorite to write lmao. i also think im good at describing spacing and movements, because i tend to think like. almost exclusively verbally and like?? physically?? if that makes sense?? when i write i picture almost nothing but i can "feel" what the character is doing. like i imagine making the gestures and everything but dont necessarily see anything as a picture in my head
(fun fact: for actual play fic i actually uh. picture the players acting it out, not the characters in the world. lmao whoops. like the first draft of it at least is 'what does this look/sound like at the table' and then i make it into a fic)
What are your writing weaknesses?
coming from the last question, definitely description, again because i picture almost nothing when i write. i have a VERY VERY hard time thinking with visuals. even when im coming up with description, i just THINK WORDS that would describe something, not picture it. so a lot of time i have to base my description on something or im just like. pulling descriptive words out of my ass with no basis. and the visual of it doesnt always make sense to other people. the other thing i struggle a lot with is action scenes, rip
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think there's a time and a place and a right way to do it. i think with anything, it's not a "write what you know" but "know what you write". if youre writing someone multilingual, understand how multilingual people actually talk and use those languages. i think the closest i've gotten is "writing signs" for amaya from dragon prince. obviously thats not exactly the same, but for those fics i went back and forth between translating what she was saying, giving the exact signs without grammar, or just describing the movement of the signs. i dont know that i did it perfectly, but i did my best and learned from it. everything in those fics was knowledge i gained from my ASL classes in college (mostly taught by Deaf teachers)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically digimon when i was like 7 years old lmao but first published fic was for avatar in 2007 on ff
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
it definitely changes depending on what i've written recently, but i'm really proud of paladin!aelwyn fic and am still really happy with the catradora ptsd exploration and this self-indulgent ineffable husbands mutual pining fic, but i also will say that writing humor is not always easy for me so whenever i feel like i pulled it off i am very proud of that hahaha
tagging @agentcalliope @floralprintshark @beatricexbenedick @marshmallsy @frenchibi @rizguks @strangetorpedos @labelleofbelfastcity
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bisexualoftheblade-old · 4 years ago
how many wips do you have? like what are they all, and not the number of wips in a fandom? what are all the names?
okay. fuck you. fuck you so much. fuck you.
i’m putting this under a read more cut no one else deserves to see this shit. a lot of these are requests, and for those i will just write out the request itself
domestic polycule fluff with tem, jessa, and will because im not a coward
- hehe hoho i request destiel hehehe
- request 61/? cai cai cai cai i need you to rewrite the destiel scene but yk. GOOD. not like i'm in the know about the spn fandom or anything, it's been years for me. but DO IT
Bright Sessions
- caleb/adam grisha AU
- mark bryant vs. united states aka sue the AM
- caleb/adam college fluff
Umbrella Acaademy
- request 31/? i want a ben and klaus drabble please spare me some brotherly bickering
- AND SO BEGINS NIGHT 4 with request 13/? oooh oooh can i get a raymond and allison playlist??? i think their vibes together would SLAP
- hi there night 2 is technically morning 3 but who's counting not me anyway request 5/? can i get a ben moodboard? gotta rep my tua bb
Percy Jackson
- request 9/? can i get a percabeth moodboard or quote edit?? like god they're the og couple goals take me back to high school cai
- For the 100 follower things :D Jercy getting caught in the rain
- request 29/? a drabble about literally anything to do with pjo. i’ll be happy with anyone and anything i’m love these children
- *somersaults in like I’m a real fancy acrobat* hello ello ello may I request some camp half blood chaos possible involving *does a flip* ✨side characters✨ <3
Penumbra Podcast 
- request 52/? drabble about the penumbra podcast. this is for ren bc ren likes it and i don't actually know anything about it. juno? i think? that's the one ren likes. write it for ren
- Tpp ghost hunting / buzzfeed unsolved au
- sad juno smut
- final resting place fic go brrrr
- request 6/? i'm going to my roots y'all can i get a spider-man playlist? if not a playlist then i'd honestly be happy with literally anything involving spider-man
- request 15/? i'm going crazy this is recorded evidence of me actually losing it ANYWAY can i get a quote edit for something from iron man? literally anything that man says is gold so cai's choice :D he deserved better in endgame i'm still bitter
- request 42/? do another spidey thing that differs from the other spidey thing
- request 73/? you have Opinions. rant about infinity way and/or endgame. go.
- request 74/? quote edit for deadpool!!
- spideytorch relationship character study
- peter parker as a tired grad student monitoring the young avengers (send help)
Six of Crows
- okay listen i wasn't going to request anything bc i worry about you but also? if you want to/have the time hit me with a playlist for our girl nina zenik
- request 43/? fuckin give me the ending anya should have had. she is alive and with her new son and having a great time
- request 45/? inej moodboard?
- request 47/? will you make literally any meme of your choosing for six of crows?
- request 48/? write a drabble for kaz, my favorite bastard
- okay so i don't actually like nina or mattias that much but i still wanna hear about your thoughts (and also see if you'll change my mind)
- kaz brekker turning 18 fic. birthday party, everyone singing, whole shebang. i need it stat
- religious trauma fic aka i started shipping kaz/alina/inej and i can’t stop
- kaz trauma soup (he has D.I.D. and you can’t prove me wrong)
- my two redacted fics for @grishaversebigbang​
- wesper fake dating
- six of crows bright sessions crossover: everyone gets therapy
- uhh... s1 gang having a nice time? melanie getting to have some Pride™️? some "fun" horror thing?
- request 7/? spare steph and jason bonding? please sir? spare some for a humble child such as myself?
- okay so this was meant for night 3 but i had midterm shit SO this is honorary night 3 let's DO THIS request 8/? i want a moodboard of extremely out of context magnus archives shit like i mean confuse the FUCK out of me i don't go here i know Nothing about it
- request 11/? OKAY so i need tim stoker meeting tim drake now i need my timmy to meet your tim plus i want to see character differences no i'm not trying to create a tim stoker in my head so i can read a's fic while NOT thinking of tim drake whaaaaaat you're crazy
- request 18(i think)/? i need a quote edit of every time within the first like. 15 eps of tam where jon is like “sounds fake but go off” thank u bb
- request 40/? i challenge you to write a tma drabble based only on the episodes i've heard. i'm currently halfway through episode 23
- Jon being lovingly bullied into taking a break. I'm aware this has been written a million times but it is one of my favorite things.
- spiral!sasha AU
- extinction martin go brrrrr
- high school era timsasha. they've both been friends for years, and everyone always asks when they will be a couple. they decide to fake date, to prove everyone wrong and show what a bad couple they would be. turns out that's a bit trickier than they thought
- after sasha comes back, tim is broken. he can't let go, scared that if he looks away for even a minute he'll lose her again. sasha suggests shibari as a way for him to give up control
- sasha pov mag 19 au, sacrificing herself to save the others, knows that if she gives herself up to the not!them it will let the others live
- this is the "tim finds a polaroid of sasha" trope
- early archives days,, long nights in research,,, clothes sharing,, somft. late nights and falling asleep at their desks warm and safe in the other's presence
- two parts: timsasha as kids, each picking a constellation that is "theirs". just soft kid antics. tim at sasha's grave glancing up to see their constellations
- continuing your job’s a joke (you’re broke)
DC Comics
- my redacted fic for @batfam-big-bang​
- request for you to get a decent amount of sleep? serious answer, dickkori, SAL's Venus
- request 4/? timsteph morning after 👀 mayhaps?
- a concept: nonbinary stephanie brown
- teehee hi mom, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but can i request damian angst for your accomplishments 100 followers?
- hi you can ignore my first request if you want, or you can ignore this one. but bls possibly write some bikini ra’s? -the bikini bitch
- request 27/? jay is asking through me for a jondami playlist but tbh i also want it so win win yk?
- "I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does" with bruce and jason? im just craving bruce being a good day to jason for once
- “I am putting you in time out because you need to understand the consequences of your actions.” with steph and jason as dumbass disaster bi best friends pretty please?
- request 32/? timsteph patrol date!!!
- request 33/? timsteph *gala* date? mayhaps??
- request 37/? tim drake drabble but make it Edgy cai
- request 39/? drabble of a prank war between tim and damian
- joyfire cuddly fluff please? or like just any outlaw fluff if joyfire isnt your thing (feel free to add every member of the outlaws, dont feel like u gotta stick with jason, kori, roy i love them all)
- barbara and robin! jason fluff? bonding over books or something?
- request 62/? i need a drabble about the chaotic trio jason, tim, and steph i'm love them ty
- request 63/? batfam x mcu crossover. batfam meets ironfam. give me ALL the cliches. ALL OF THEM
- request 64/? young justice x young avengers - jay cuz idk SHIT about the young avengers
- request 66/? jondami moodboard pls and ty
- request 67/? timsteph moodboard!!!!!!
- request 69/? HEHEHE kinky 😏 i would v much like a timsteph drabble of the almost first time. does that make sense? like i don't want you to go all the way NSFW cuz i know that's against the rules and i'm a rule follower. but like they *almost* go all the way. this could be fade to black or some shit i don't care just make it a lil steamy and have Fun
- i request damian angst! all of it
- hmm... maybe i request? jondami?
- mayhaps,,,,some batfam,,,,,committing crimes? ily be gay do crime <3 - lu
- How about a ficlet with Steph and Cass?
Found Family Bingo Prompts
- no powers au
- tunnel
- first day
- join the club
- hurt/comfort
- experiment
- playing favorites
- hold on
- possession
- 10 o’clock
- singing
- road
- snitch
- curfew
- timer
- fantasy au
- zombie au
- dreams
- campfire
- are you okay
- movie night
- games
- scared
- a request: Write A Drabble, Coward
- is it too late to request a moodboard for me?
- request 20/? i’m going off book because i’m in a Chaotic Mood™️ can you just absolutely vibe check me like go off cai demolish me
- request 21/? i formally request that you pick a favorite cai. i don’t care what that favorite pertains to, just pick a favorite something
- request 23/? roast me
- request 24/? can i have a buzzfeed unsolved spoopy playlist but spoiler alert it’s not spoopy bc shane doesn’t believe does this make sense it has been a Day™️
- request 25/50 i want a jake and amy fic make it Soft cai i’m love them b99 is so good
- request 28/? i know nothing about the lord of the rings so make something that will confuse the shit out of me
- request 34/? malvie and jaylos moodboards 😈
- request 35/? a moodboard for the bbb mods!! perceive all of us!!!
- request 36/? moodboard for the tua mods too???? mayhaps??
- request 41/? doctor WHO? idk but i want a drabble of him and the one character i know from doctor who which is rose
- request 46/? make an alignment meme with our group, have fun!!!
- request 49/? i want you to kin assign me a character from every fandom you can/want to. go feral
- request 50!!!!/? this is a special request. the most special request. can you make a bastards tbh playlist? i want our vibes encapsulated. i want us in music form. i want to hear those songs and be like "that's me and cai" and smile.
- requests 51/? i know jack shit about good omens. explain it to me in the most confusing way possible. make me know less by the end than i know now
- request 53/? can you write a mel aesthetic? i'm Curious
- request 54/? give me a list of book recs cai i want some good book recs pls
- request 56/? edit a picture of US together too
- request 58/? oooh can i have a disney edit? like. hm. i just really love disney and i want anything to do with disney. like a quote or an aesthetic or an aesthetic edit i just want disney.
- request 59/? i would v much like a recipe for carbonara. i've never had it but it sounds fucking delicious
- request 60/? ooh hey can i get a makeup tutorial? i know you like makeup, i'm shit at doing makeup. teach me
- request 65/? i need the most emo playlist you can make that vibes with dear evan hansen thank you
- request 68/? i want a superwholock moodboard. this can be serious, with the actual fandoms in mind, or literally what the era felt like. the insanity. the horror.
- request 70/? ooh ooh ooh do you have a good bread recipe?? i wanna get that bread
- request 71/? i want a playlist with the vibes of summoning a demon. please don't ask questions. i don't have answers. and if i do, no i don't.
- For the requests, how about writing something based on a friend?
- request 75/? MMMM i want literally anything to do with natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812
- request 76/? i want some healthy recipes. help a girl out
- a feral bbb quote or two?
- you perceive my plant but now I dare thee to perceive mine own visage
- okay this is a two for one request. 1. you did the bee movie script so now we need a shrek two script edit 2. sleep please
- Pansexual mb for my lil queer soul?
- my (probably) final request is just for you to ramble about something, i don't really care what
- HI ILY CONGRATS AS WELL CAUSE IM LATE BUT CONGRATS. could i request a pirates of the caribbean (or just pirates) or whatever you what to do, free range.
- mood board for the beluga whales who got brought to the animal sanctuary in Iceland please?
- 100 follower request: Moodboard for my stuffed cow Oaky?
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astrologysvt · 4 years ago
What are your thoughts abot the recent news about mingyu being a school bully?
hi! so i wasn’t going to be commenting on this but i’ve spoken to a few friends about this and i figured id put my thoughts out there in case anyone is feeling anxious and hopefully it can ease their minds a little bit. 
ive looked into the situation and understand that there is still a lot that isn’t clear, a lot that was lost in translation, and some aspects that are highly circumstantial and based in perspective. i’m not about to comment or invalidate/validate any single direction/statement/thought process. what i will say is i think bullying is awful and no aspect of it, no matter when it occurred or the circumstances, should be excused. being an idol does not give anyone a free pass to not accept responsibility for their actions when called out. 
what i will say is that if you’re struggling with this recent news i hope it brings to light the flexibility we need to have when understanding/perceiving our idols. when i heard about this situation, and pretty much every single bullying scandal ever in kpop, i wasn’t shocked. people are capable of doing stupid, awful, and mean things -- especially when we are young. i always struggle to feel pressed whenever news like this comes out (and maybe this is a personal flaw of mine) but i personally do not have the energy to try and hold a third person account of something that happened 10+ years ago over a person who has performed a lot of good now in their adult life. i dont say that in an attempt to invalidate the victim’s experiences because no matter how incidental, unintentional, or minor such an act was on mingyu’s end in terms of bullying -- that doesn’t mean it couldn’t have long lasting effects on someone else’s self-esteem and mental health. with that being said, i try to be empathetic to all perspectives in this situation because the reality is everyone is capable of hurting others. there are people i know who have hurt me deeply that i wouldn’t fault now for their actions, and similarly there are a lot of things ive done that i deeply regret and i simply hope that if i were ever in mingyu’s position that those who ive intentionally/unintentionally hurt would offer me even just a small bit of human forgiveness and understanding as as we both reflect on the situation as adults. i honestly just see the victim’s own personal attempt at speaking about her situation as an attempt to process her own trauma with the situation, and i think stan/idol culture is skewing our ability to accept this reality while also understanding that our idols can still be redeemable years after doing those things. i don’t think it’s particularly fair that we’re using the victim’s attempt at airing out her grievances as a kind of fandom fuel. i feel this way whenever there is a serious issue in kpop. i feel like it should be a given that our idols could be capable of these things, and that we shouldn’t take these scandals with actual important issues to discuss as merely a “fandom” issue. like even tho i don’t hate mingyu now, nor do i feel like i need to choose whether or not i should unstan svt -- that doesn’t mean i can’t empathize or validate the victim’s experiences. tbh to me it just feels tone deaf. like “i see mingyu all the time and it hurts because no one knows what i’ve gone through and he’s being put on this pedestal as a perfect human being who can do no wrong meanwhile im still trying to process a lot of personal issues” and instead of being like “wow that must be difficult and seeing him must be super counterproductive to any progress you try to make. it must feel like for every two steps you take you take three back and simply by hearing him sing on the radio” -- fandom culture now pits these two people against each other, either paints her as solely a victim and now mingyu as the villain or vice versa where she’s attempting slander and mingyu still cant do no wrong. like tbh i think it’d be super validating to her if, adult mingyu now, addressed what he had done in the past and asked for forgiveness and promised her that the person she sees now succeeding isn’t the same person who hurt her all those years ago. maybe shed be able to hear svt songs and not have it set her progress back. i just don’t think the way fandom handles these things is fair if i am being honest, and i think it’s possible to wish for the best for both of them. 
i think the biggest thing people struggle in these situations is having to face the reality that maybe our idols aren’t good people. to that i have to say that the reality is more than likely far less exciting than that. mingyu, the rest of svt, and every idol out there are not extraordinarily good or bad people. they’re just people we’ve stumbled across that we’ve gotten attached to. they’re likable people but they’re also flawed. i don’t think a person needs to be perfect in order to be likable, and i think it’s possible to hold our idols accountable for their mistakes while also investing in their success. its just what humans do. 
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reidsconverse · 4 years ago
Tik tok do be a little toxic like huh-
answer under the cut (also do not send hate to or about the creator of the tiktok i will not tolerate it)
no stop the second hand embarrassment i just got because i’ve seen so many if these and theyre all sooooo :/// .
tbh they’re not wrong about somethings??? SOME!!! reid stans do have some annoying traits but most of them that act like that are like 13/14 and are on tiktok....idk its just weird and slightly ignorant to generalise a whole group of people based on the actions of a few. (not the creator i know they specified it was a specific group im just talking people who way “i hate reid stans” “reid stans are toxic” in general)
i completely agree with the dilaudid jokes, they are not and never will be funny, but once again its a small group of people who make those and think its funny i can assure you not every reid stan does that.
also the “sexualising thing” is weird to me.... i get it if people are upset about sexualising matthew but.... spencer??? a fictional character??? who isnt real?? who does not have real emotions, or feelings or straight up does not exist??? you literally cannot sexualise someone that isnt real, and it frustrates me when these kids learn a new word and throw it around without knowing what it means.
also once again; hating on jj//aj and tearing down other characters is a small group of a individuals who are most likely young and ignorant, i love jj and aj so much snd ik sooo many other people do???? also the only character we should be tearing down is seaver (she just personally annoys me, i’ve explained my reason before y’all say “omfg reidsconverse hates women 😩😩” )😾😾
god i dont know, the cm fandom really frustrates me sometimes because its fullof these young children who learn everything they know off the internet and never do any actual research themselves? and theres so much fake wokeness/policing its irritating...
and also i feel like a minority of stans think theyre the first fandom in the universe to make things like fics???? baby....smut n rpf has been around longer than you’ve been alive, its fake...its imagination... im not gonna go into but its annoying to see people quit writing because some kids (who shouldn’t be reading it anyway) have bullied/harassed them... AND THE FACT THAT so many of these kids screaming about rpf arw the same ones who post the pie eating video/sandwich thing with EXPLICIT CAPTIONS??? like whats the difference??? same crime different method....
god i just... its just annoying and idk if its bc im older now and have seen fandom after fandom be ruined by toxic stans, but i can safely say cm fandom is fucking awful sometimes 😾😾 i miss last summer when it wasnt so..,idk :// theres a reason why so many are leaving n its bc certain types of people just dont make it enjoyable or safe.
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biaswreckingfics · 4 years ago
I GOT SO MUCH TO SAYYY!! gosh pls dont find me weird okay, and these are just my personal opinions and im not hating any groups!! but my unpopular opinion is: i think kpop has become very toxic after bts and bp got famous in America. And tbh if you ask me, i wouldnt want any other kpop groups to be famous in America... i only stan exo but i think i speak for all groups when i say they are safe as they are now... of course if exo ever get even more famous i will be happy and proud for their success. But look how fame and America has changed bts and bp... not tryna hate but look theyve changed, idk if anyone else noticed but after fame hits bts, i realised how theyve start to become very...white?? like they are so westernised and like example, they start focusing on America only, they even curse (not a lot but i’d still point out) casually like for example, jungkook singing a curse word in his cover song for jason derulo savage love i think (speaking of cursing, after nct127 got famous in usa mark started getting influenced by them too and he casually cursed like “oh fuck” and everyones like 😃😆) even i curse and im not saying cursing is BADD but yeah i am, and how they sing a whole song in english, not to even mention how toxic america is but in grammys they have sold tons of albums yet they didnt win anything but when they release an english song, they won.
Some half of them americans are very toxic, racist, and just theyre basically acid, like bruh, its evident that once bts got famous there are soooo much hate thrown towards bts too cuz theyre asians, or how some would say theyre gay or look like girls...if my favs (exo) ever get these kinds of treatments (not that they dint but veryy little cuz thank god they ain exposed to the western culture) i will B R E A K, i could never handle that so i would never want that to happen to them. Also noticed how, after bts got famous, most armys are equally as toxic, whether they are just stanning bts just cuz theyre famous there, or like how their fans dont even know anything abt bts and coming after so many groups and their fans. Most of them are fake and i think its cuz of the fame for bts lmao. One thing i’d like to say too tho, is how they are so overrated and their songs are played all the damn time, people would randomly talk abt them, like everywhere you go THEY ARE JUST THERE, like in my opinion if i am an army, i would just feel like they are so common and theres nothing special about them anymore and theres no excitement, like what even is the point anymore. idk if anyone gets me but thats just how i feel about my favs being “wOrLdWiDe fAmOuS”, i will love them and their music but its just something i think about tbh🤷🏻‍♀️ like let me listen to them on my own and vibe and love them, dont play it 24/7 just cuz they are famous and ure tryna get people’s attention, like imagine ure in the subway and u hear ur favs song cuz its EVERYWHERE and ure there like 😐😐 not that u dont love their music but its cuz horrible people dont deserves to listen to their songs, and like people arent going to appreciate them anyway so yeah i feel uncomfortable listening to my favs as others dont even bother, like imagine if that subway is filled with people who are in ur fandom, yall would just hv the best time in the world and VIBE, if not what even is the point. Idk if im explaining it properly, but its badically like, u feeling UNCOMFORTABLE or should i even say SELFISH cuz u do not want to be sharing ur favs with people who dont even deserve to KNOW about them. Basically like seeing how someone you HATE or bullied you back then talking and being all friendly fake with ur BESTEST FRIEND or even boyfriend/girlfriend, cuz u just want to protect them from EVIL (im so dramatic)
And well lastly, no Bts did not paved the way, or “bts is the best and only group” like no, so many amazing artists were breaking records way before bts was even a thing (no hate to bts) but they really need to get slap for having that mindset, they really make a bad image for bts...tbh kpop before was so peaceful (a little toxic but still, compared to now...BYE) and everything was just about idols and fans love, listening and supporting and loving their music and just so comforting... urgh anyway thats all i wanna say and here are some texts i saved relating to kpop groups going famous worldwide uwu
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these are also examples, and honestly speaking here, i dont want to be specific as in “exo” cuz i think this happens for ALL the groups out there and the love and relationship between the idols and their fans (family) are just beautiful, but for bts and armys... tbh i feel bad because i just dont see or feel any love they hv for each other (sure we see bts saying i love you armys or armys supporting bts but with all the toxicity in their way, theres just no spark or chemistry or bond no more it’s basically like one direction and their fans and thats all they are, celebrity-fan, but for kpop its family), i can see other groups and their fans interacting or how idols would light up talking abt their fans, but for bts, theres just soooo much mess going on in their fandom its not special anymore, they lost the deep meaning of their group love and IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but YEAH DJSHSKSJ OH and to add somethign else, they got famous in America, look at all the collabs🤡🤡 blackpink with cardi b, bts with nicki etc... not that collabs arent fun... im just saying these american artists... they dont exactly have a good reputation (americans singing about sex (not the good kind), money, girls and drugs) 🥴🥴 dont influenced my faves and let them be exposed to the toxic culture YALL GET ME?? KPOP HAS THE LETTER K FOR A REASON😭😭😭 let them be their own shining star, not everything has to be involved or a part of aMeRiCa to be amazing.... PHEW IVE SAID IT NOW BEFORE ANYONE GETS MAD AT ME, I DONT MEAN TO SOUND RUDE TO YOU, if youre an american and youre no where near being toxic, I LOVE YOU but im just saying, the western culture is toxic and im just saying what ive been observing and noticing🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ ps: i still love exo till the max and everything about them is perfect and theyre just amazing people (everything i said that bts and armys dont really have anymore, i think thankfully, EXO (sorry im biased) most fandoms still have so much of the L O V E there and i find that extraordinary) and he fandom is so comforting and amazing and idk dkdjjdjss thats why i dont want them getting famous worldwide...sorry exols ANYWAY THATS ALL FOR MY RANT ITS 4AM AND I AM THINKING OF DELETING THIS💀💀💀 anywya sorry for taking up so much space but i just wanna say I FREKAING LOVE NO EXIT, NO LIMITS, basically all ur exo fics cuz why not🥺🥺 i think ur writing skills are amazing as well as the plots and all especially forsaken, and THANK YOU for two bbhxoc fics😭😭😭 i cant!!! also if u reached here idk i-🥲 i hope u didnt get mad or offended 👀
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Reply under the cut!!
Kpop has become extremely toxic with the growth of international fans and the rise of 3rd/4th gen. I wasn't around to experience the previous generations, but I know damn well they weren't a mess like these newer ones are.
Gaining fame in America does seem to change idols, and idk why. The group members change and the music changes also. While I do enjoy hearing idols swear (guilty pleasure) and I am an American so I get to enjoy their English songs, I can see how it makes all the other cultures/countries feel some type of way.
I will say this, though, the Grammys are shit and I dont get why people care so much about them. They've proven time and time again the awards don't go to the best artists. However, this doesn't mean that I think BTS deserved a Grammy imo.
Americans are a very toxic and hate filled bunch (again, I am one, so I get to see this shit every day). I 100% know that some of the hate directed towards Asians is because of racism (as seen by the insane uptick in crime against Asian Americans right now) and because some see kpop male idols as too feminine.
BTS is literally everywhere, which is one of the reasons I stopped listening to them tbh. They'd be in commercials, on talk shows, late night shows, in magazines, on the radio, just everywhere. It took the joy out of watching anything from them just because they were always in my face, so I can see what you mean.
I feel like the relationship between BTS and army has changed (from an outsiders perspective). Its no longer about loving and supporting your group and being happy for them. Now, its "so-so wants this? We MUST do everything in our power and spam every possible thing ever so they get what they want". Its almost frightening. They also no longer care about the quality of the music being put out. Doesn't matter what it is, they stream the ever loving shit out of it and make it break records when, honestly, it doesn't deserve to (again imo).
Lastly, I didnt get mad or offended haha. I understand a lot of these viewpoints, and thank you so much for liking my work!! I do wonder what would happen if I made a true BBH centric fic and not just spin offs or continuations of previous works where oc ends up with BBH 🤔🤔 I think that fic would have too much power haha.
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