#and i don't have anyone that can be a guarantor for me
amalthiaph · 10 months
hello there, i need help
Okay, first of all, I really hate to be doing this. I really don't want to be a bother to anyone, but I really need your help.
I'm opening my commissions over on Ko-Fi because I need to raise money due to a running debt at one of the hardwares in my city (the one with the cat if you can remember).
Just a quick backstory of what happened: I haven't been active because I've been managing a construction. The client wants it to be done by a certain date this December. Not only that the project had to be rushed but they had a lot of additional works that they did not provide budget for. Our company wanted to help them out, so, we decided to use our own money and soon had to loan from that hardware to have the additional works built by their target date.
The hardware agreed to loan us but like all cases, they set a due date. The due date had passed and we still haven't paid them because the client won't pay us (after many, many requests for payment) and they claim they would pay us by next year.
The hardware had my brother-in-law as guarantor and they had been coming after him and me for the past few weeks. I went as far as telling the exact whole story to the hardware in an effort to make them understand. Luckily, they are nice people and they undestood but I'm not sure how much longer they'll understand. I fear that the next time they come after me and my brother-in-law would be to file a lawsuit.
Which is why, I'm coming forward to ask for your commissions. I really don't want to ask for just donations bec I wanna make sure you get something in return. But for those who are willing to just donate, I highly appreciate it, and will still be giving a chibi of your chosen character.
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heathersdesk · 3 months
Listen. You can't think in a straight line without your ADHD medication? Yeah. That's normal. That's the consequence of leaving us unmedicated.
This is true no matter which kind you take. Stimulant. Non-stimulant. Doesn't matter.
You don't owe anyone an explanation for what happens when you're unmedicated and how it affects them, outside of "I can't get access to my medication at the moment. I'm not okay. I'm really struggling. You're just going to have to be patient with me."
Because that is the reason you're struggling. Not because there's something "wrong" with you. You are not the problem, you beautiful beings of chaos. And if the world we live in wants to make it harder for you to get the medication you need to function, they can deal with the consequences. Because they're making a choice on your behalf, but somehow want you to take all the responsibility for the consequences of their choices?
Absolutely not. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Start telling the people in your life that if they can't handle you unmedicated, they need to stop telling you and start telling their representatives and senators who like playing doctor so much. Tell the corporations who own the pharmacies and the pharmacists who work in them. Tell the insurers and the financial guarantors who treat our access to medication like a game they can play to enrich themselves.
You deserve better. All of us with ADHD deserve better. And it's not our fault they don't treat us better. Don't internalize any of this garbage as a personal failure.
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I went through this same thing when I bought a car. My mom had to co sign because I didn’t have a credit score…because ive never been in debt and only spent what i have in the bank. Fortunately my financial advisor gave me some great tips to improve my score very quickly
So funnily enough this came up when I was renting this new place. Never happened before but they checked my credit score and it was too low. They gave me the option of a guarantor (like a co-sign basically) but they have to reside in the UK which my parents don't and I felt it was unfair to ask anyone else to do that. The other option was basically paying an extra month's rent which will be saved in an account in case I end my tenancy and can't pay. I also sent them my bank statements just to be like "I have over £50k in savings my dude, I'm fine" haha. So I have just been haemorraghing funds lately. It'll be fine but it's annoying and it's weird that it actually impacted me for the first time ever so soon after it came up! One of the first things I need to do in my new home is to get one of those cards which is specifically for people looking to build credit and work that up so I can buy a place in a year or two.
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thinfatfit · 2 years
omg no i pretty much cut myself off from family too but when I was 23, i can't imagine bring an orphan obvious there must be so much pain there and it's very different. But I think even tiny things like I hung out with a friend and her mum bought her lunch. or like family giving leftovers. Having someone to drjve you somewhere. Being alone somewhere late at night and not having a 'last resort' for someone to call. Every doctors office asks for an emergency contact and I put down a friend I have i asked her and she let me luckily. But it still feels very tentative. Also having ppl who've known u since birth and feeling safe abd stable with them and having them know your quirks and yoru personality. Having little things in common and missing those moments together. Jesus like the stability of a job or having choices and options even in a small way. even having family connections that can help you even if its just a friend of a friend knowing someone at a place that's hiring. Or having someone older and experienced who will vouch for you. Having ppl who can help with moving who can even things like. Giving you old furniture or random stuff if ur like 'Damn I don't have x thibg.'and theyre likd 'Oh we have an old... sewing machibe/some old plates/an old wardrobe they can give you. Like... or even not having room for smth and veing able to leave it with them. Like u gotta be able to take care of everything you own. And not having anyone or anything to fall back on. It's terrifying. Even stuff like family history and information bc u wanna know what u were like as a kid. Or to get a diagnosis. Or some kids book or old thing u wanna remember. And u can't just go ask them. All of that memory and information is just. Gone or inaccessible to you. And it's really lonely. ❤❤❤
Yes I 100% with every single thing you said yes yes yes and we both know there are a million other things too. One thing I thought of reading this is not being able to have someone to co-sign a loan with you or sign as your guarantor if you want to rent an apartment and you don’t earn whatever they’re random minimum is (even though you earn enough to more than pay rent).
I’m really sorry you’re experiencing this. It sucks and it is super lonely agreed. And just like….. no one understands. And yes get triggered when my friends say or I see small things like they have food at their house from their mom. Also ya just constantly have to justify and explain why life is so hard without a family. Also people who have families but are like I’m pretty self sufficient and brag about how independent they are and I’m like you get all these perks you don’t realize. Lol one time this girl was saying that if her kids are eighteen when she dies she won’t leave them any money even if she has it because she was self sufficient at that age (she wasn’t lol). I hate all those people who are like you don’t need a family past 18 and I’m like tell me you have a family without telling me you have a family.
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about27th · 1 month
why choose the University of Dundee??
i finished my masters degree at the uni last year and recently moved to another city for a new job. Having spent nearly two years in Dundee, i really grew to appreciate the uni and the small-town vibe. that's why, I'm here to convince you --- why you should consider the University of Dundee for higher education!
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a compact campus uni
i know the uni inside out, having been both a student and a staff member. i've used almost every service and facility; it is a great campus uni in a decent size where everything essential is included but never feels overwhelming
need help? the enquiry centre is there for you.. want to meet new people? the global room is the place to be (ps. both offer free tea and coffee during the week) plus, there are free fitness classes during exam periods to help with stress, and international events with free food during festivals!! there's always something fun happening and i really couldn't ask for more from this uni --- it's an absolutely fantastic place to live and study🙌
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breakfast club & campus pantry
the uni is very generous in helping with living costs. They run a breakfast club and campus pantry during the semester; students can get a free roll or cereal with a hot drink every morning from mon to fri and get free groceries up to 10 items every 2 weeks. the latter has limited space though running by booking and I had never got a spot (they fill up really fast😭) but the free breakfast was a big big help --- I got fed well and didn't lose a fortune, I'm genuinely grateful for it🙇🏻‍♀️
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this is one of the best perks about joining the uni --- CreateSpace is inside the main library and has awesome tools and devices like 3D printers, sewing and embroidery machines, Cricut devices, and lots of toolkits; they even offer free courses to teach you how to use everything!!
i've used the space to repair my clothes, create gift for my friends, make stickers to sell and even fix my laptop with their tiny screwdrivers; it makes the uni super homie as everything is so handyyyyyyyy, leaving this space behind for my new job is truly my biggest regret💔
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rooms for groups & individuals
as i began my job hunting, i found myself needing a private space for job prep, interviews, and also hobbies👀(I started dancing again during that time to reduce stress🤫). after a long search, I discovered that students and staff can actually book any room within the teaching buildings --- there are even piano rooms, fancyyyyyyyyy; all i had to do was find a room, reserve a slot and wait for confirmation, how good is that!
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guarantor scheme
the uni introduced this service not too long ago, to help students secure private accommodations more easily; this wasn't available back before I came so I had to either pay extra rent or use a guarantor service, which cost me more money. This new policy is super duper thoughtful, saving students a lot of hassle when relocating to the uk👍
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24/7 in-person emotional support
to me, the around the clock emotional support has made the UK a great country to live in. Besides nationwide virtual support available from Samaritans and Breathing Space, etc.. Dundee has a unique Community Wellbeing Centre in the city centre offers 24/7 face to face emotional support for anyone feeling stressed or just needing a chat. Knowing that there's always a place to go to, day or night, has made a huge difference to my anxiety; this exclusive service makes Dundee a wonderful place to live🧘🏻‍♀️
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flexible bus tickets
xplore dundee is the primary bus service serving the city centre. i really like their 10-trip bundle tickets that never expire – it’s a great way to save money; plus their group tickets for up to five people, which are perfect for days out with friends or family
you can buy tickets on the bus or on their app; I find the app convenient as i don't need to worry about paper tickets. The only downside is that you can't change your mind once you buy a ticket online --- strict no transfer no refund policies
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learning opportunities
sometimes free courses arise exclusively for the Tayside region, including Dundee. i had taken an 8-week online workshop on data management in excel, which was fully sponsored as i meet the minority background requirements (check the pic above) i got a certificate at the end, which is great for my cv; it was a good experience having to upskill and meeting people with the same interests. i highly recommend taking advantage of these opportunities during your time in Dundee!!!
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Dundee has so much more to offer than i've mentioned.. it's a small city with everything you need nearby, a low cost of living and have easy access to various Scottish cities (30 mins to Perth, Arbroath, St Andrew; an hour or two journeys to Aberdeen, Stirling, Glasgow, Edinburgh and so on) it's a perfect starting point for anyone new to exploring and living in the country
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writing this post brings back so many wonderful memories❤️ while i’m on a new adventure now, Dundee will always hold a special place in my heart --- a place that nurtured me and shaped who I am today; i’m incredibly proud of that
hope you will have a lovely journey here too, just like I did😌
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broodyjoey · 8 months
my gambling addict mother is SO weird, like she's out here saying that people shouldn't look down on her because of a financial situation that SHE HERSELF got into and then in the same breath, she tries to secretly take away a small amount of my sister's ang pao money... 🤨🧐
Like that's such weird and suspicious behaviour. Why did she think anyone would trust her with money if she's like this..?
And I hate the fact that you can't approach her straightforwardly in her face, because she's gonna pull that narcissist playbook moves like it's a pack of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
My dad tried it when she got our house plastered in pink/red court stickers and she quarrelled with my dad about how it's not her fault for not paying the bills. (She used the bills money to gamble) Meanwhile, my dad had to clutch by asking my paternal grandpa to be the bailer/guarantor (I am not familiar with the terms in English) and pay to be able to legally get the stickers taken off.
Such a suspicious person...why did she think that people would entrust her with money at all..? My dad says that she loves thinking that people are dumb about her motives, but the truth is even when we were teens, me and my sis already knew she was sus as shit...she just doing some stupid things and kept thinking we weren't going to tell each other about it...
In the end, my dad, sis and I always have a random meeting everytime there's new information about her suspicious activities......truth is, you can't trust an addict to tell the truth, not when they're not ready to quit yet.
If they're ready to quit, that's a different story. But she's never been ready to quit any of her vices; her smoking & gambling.
Always on about how she tries to quit but then her actions don't match, in fact, she even smokes/gambles harder than ever before. Nowadays, we don't even bother to tell her to quit. It's moot point.
Always on her suspicious behaviours, even on CNY...not even a day of peace, I can't fucking believe it. My mom even refused to call my sister to check on the amount I was supposed to deposit for her. She so hurriedly took the fraction of the CNY money and said it's hers, gdi even taking your daughter's money.
Damn gambling addict has no shame, and she wonders why my auntie has been trying to cut ties with her. So easy to see, I can understand it, even if I am upset at the way things have turn out.
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Yes you're right it's superdrug! That and boots are the main ones. And actually wtf why is islamophobia even a thing anymore??? I actually have to remind myself sometimes that society is progressing and moving forwards because things like this make me feel like we're back in the middle ages.
That's crazy about your rent, how can anyone afford three times rent? You'll have to live in a tiny box! I think I'd probably be homeless if I had to earn three times my rent that's the weirdest rule I've ever heard. In the UK we just need proof of a steady income, and we have a named guarantor who can cover us for rent if we don't pay it.
Anyway thank you SO MUCH for the George content, I'm kind of feral over how scary he looked, I'm a George, Ross and Matty girly at the moment it's not going well 🤣🤣
I don’t knowwww man. The apartment thing is driving me crazy. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
Listen the boys are all hot it’s really emotionally difficult being a fan when they pull shit like this.
That show seemed so fun and beautiful I’m here almost wishing I were there myself hahaha.
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albonium · 2 years
it feels like i'm never gonna be able to move out again ahahahaha
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You are my dreams, Princess Elia...
You are my only redemption,
Princess Elia!
Every night a zephyr haunts me,
saying your name.
The golden, lion's mane is no longer illuminated, the only right thing to do - the Sun of Dorne.
Knight without honor. Traitor.
Whispers people carry within them a rustling like a weapon - contempt. An irrelevant sentence of conscience, the nagging times of ostracism, mockery - mockery and ... fear in the form of a softly uttered scold, which hardly anyone agrees to throw the heir of the lion's family in the face, because the claws of a predator can be long and sharp.
You will hear about him that he gave his sword "Faithful to oath" to the noble maiden - a knight, Brienne of Tarth, because he himself did not prove himself worthy by getting rid of the mad ruler at an adolescent age, killing as if taking someone's life was as easy as breathing. King is dead long live the king! However, no one will go into the motives. The Lannisters stood at the gates. The friendship between the lion and the dragon family has never become so fragile - like the latches of the main gate that would surely burst if the storming and looting of King's Landing had begun earlier. Which side was this damned man to take, the arrogant cynic; for the long, long years of his life and knightly condition? Loyalty on the line, where will it prevail when torn by feelings, the code, oaths taken? On the one hand, cursed words, "protect the king", on the other, a sense of duty according to your own father. Cursed will Jaime if you keep your oath, damned if you don't. Doesn't it matter who you killed then?
Not for a world that sees the death of one man, despite the fact that so many wanted a change of power. And how many people did the golden knight save their lives when Aerys shouted, "Burn them all"? Who did the Mad King mean when he spoke of "everyone"? Me and my children first, two little dragons. You stood up for me then, you killed ... promising to smuggle little Aegon. You were proposing to run away with yourself, away from people's eyes, the guarantor of life and safety sealed your Jaime smile and hope in your eyes ... I refused! Willing to stay:
Unbroken -
according to the motto of the house of Martells - a faithful wife, stubbornly believing that Rhaegar would emerge victorious from the battle of the Trident and return. I was wrong and I paid for my mistake with death. You Jaime was late to rescue me and Rhaenys from the tormentors' ticks, you were not allowed to renew the offer ... temptation. One oath too far ... Who would have guessed that you would see me again wrapped in the crimson of doom? The red coat of that day took death, the red coat with the golden lion - so well known to you.
"The Lannisters are paying off their debts" - your younger brother used to say, and I will perversely ask who owes whom? You saved one of my children, you fulfilled a vow; before standing between me and my father-in-law - saving us all.
Come and experience redemption. At the side of the sun of Dorne will shine the Bright Roar - the lost valyrian sword. No one will doubt your honor anymore.
@thelastdragonsnet @desertspaceship @sundragonofdorne @thesunsdragons @preasoiafsource @dornedaily
@asoiafwomensource @rhaenysmartell77-blog
@rhaenysiii @rhaenysmartelltarg @martelldaily
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bondsmagii · 7 years
I saw you mentioned that 2 years ago you were homeless; if you don't mind me asking, how did you get yourself out of that situation?
a lot of luck tbh. I had to travel hundreds of miles to find a place that might let me rent a flat without having a place to live/anyone to be my guarantor, but luckily myself and my partner managed to find a place that was willing to give us a shot. between us we had enough for rent and we even offered to pay for it up front if they felt better, and I think because we offered to do that (and proved we could) they took a chance. the money came from a lot of saving, commissions, selling shit, and spending several months living in my car and not eating at all (seriously, I think I was eating about 100 calories every other day or something).
it took many months and was not easy at all. it was also my fourth time being homeless in my life, so as you can imagine, I was very done with it by that point. I mean thankfully I picked up a lot of skills and knowledge from being homeless before but like, holy shit. it gets old fast.
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I love your blog!! You're literally living the dream right now, I'm dying to live in New York once I graduate! Just wondering if you've any tips for a fellow Irish girl on getting out there, did you know people before moving over? Also are you dating anyone atm? 😂
Thank you so much.. Although I rarely update it anymore. I’m making it my mission this coming year to work more on my writing and photography. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see me post about too I’d really appreciate them :) Living here when you graduate is totally do-able and its good that you’ve decided that now so early on so that you can begin to save and figure out how you're going to get what you want out of this year. I suggest starting to save up 2,500 for the visa as soon as you can - Just put away birthday money or some money from work every single week. I went with USIT and the process was pretty straight forward, they even let you change your flights an unlimited amount of times so if anything happened you could put off going, i changed my flights at least three times. Most of the hard works starts when you get over here and have to hit the ground running though and you really need to have savings as well as a few contacts. I’ve been lucky because I knew a designer over here and he was kind enough to put me on his PR team, but before I reached out to him i was shooting out emails left right and centre to places I never got responses back from. It really is about who you know unfortunately. Finding a place was difficult too because it was between living with totally strangers on Gypsy Housing or doing the impossible and getting approved to sign a lease on a Manhattan apartment. I couch surfed and lived with friends in Hoboken and Bushwick until eventually myself and my friend got a place on Broome St. The only reason we could get it was because the broker was kind enough to let us take it without a guarantor. If you apartment shop here then they’re always going to ask you for one and always ask for American bank details and a credit check. It was a really long process and most of what we had to do seemed so pointless but we’re happy in there now! Once you get over here you should fire me an email and I'll give you the name of our broker - He was so helpful! I’ll go more in-depth about that whole visa in a post if it would help you - But for now I think it’s important to just go into USIT and make sure you get a place because they can go fast, I don't think you even need to pay a deposit at first, you just need to tell them you’re interested.And no - So far I’ve more or less been tearing away from any boy. I really don't want to be with anybody right now, its too soon x
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Knight without honor. Traitor.
Whispers people carry within them a rustling like a weapon - contempt. An irrelevant sentence of conscience, the nagging times of ostracism, mockery - mockery and ... fear in the form of a softly uttered scold, which hardly anyone agrees to throw the heir of the lion's family in the face, because the claws of a predator can be long and sharp.
You will hear about him that he gave his sword "Faithful to oath" to the noble maiden - a knight, Brienne of Tarth, because he himself did not prove himself worthy by getting rid of the mad ruler at an adolescent age, killing as if taking someone's life was as easy as breathing. King is dead long live the king! However, no one will go into the motives. The Lannisters stood at the gates. The friendship between the lion and the dragon family has never become so fragile - like the latches of the main gate that would surely burst if the storming and looting of King's Landing had begun earlier. Which side was this damned man to take, the arrogant cynic; for the long, long years of his life and knightly condition? Loyalty on the line, where will it prevail when torn by feelings, the code, oaths taken? On the one hand, cursed words, "protect the king", on the other, a sense of duty according to your own father. Cursed will Jaime if you keep your oath, damned if you don't. Doesn't it matter who you killed then?
Not for a world that sees the death of one man, despite the fact that so many wanted a change of power. And how many people did the golden knight save their lives when Aerys shouted, "Burn them all"? Who did the Mad King mean when he spoke of "everyone"? Me and my children first, two little dragons. You stood up for me then, you killed ... promising to smuggle little Aegon. You were proposing to run away with yourself, away from people's eyes, the guarantor of life and safety sealed your Jaime smile and hope in your eyes ... I refused! Willing to stay:
Unbroken -
according to the motto of the house of Martells - a faithful wife, stubbornly believing that Rhaegar would emerge victorious from the battle of the Trident and return. I was wrong and I paid for my mistake with death. You Jaime was late to rescue me and Rhaenys from the tormentors' ticks, you were not allowed to renew the offer ... temptation. One oath too far ... Who would have guessed that you would see me again wrapped in the crimson of doom? The red coat of that day took death, the red coat with the golden lion - so well known to you.
"The Lannisters are paying off their debts" - your younger brother used to say, and I will perversely ask who owes whom? You saved one of my children, you fulfilled a vow; before standing between me and my father-in-law - saving us all.
Come and experience redemption. At the side of the sun of Dorne will shine the Bright Roar - the lost valyrian sword. No one will doubt your honor anymore.
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@makaria13 @libby-the-lion
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