#and i don't fecking remember it
royalbstrd · 1 year
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We back and adequately soggy.
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writersdrug · 5 months
Thinking about Simon with a goth! gf, and introducing his team to you.
Warnings: cursing, very slight nsfw, pda
Typed this up on my lunch break, not thoroughly proofread, ending is meh but it's been rotting in my brain so I had to push it out. Feel free to send me asks about this headcannon, I'd love to write more about it! <3
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Simon insists on dragging his team to the nearest pub after a particularly rough day, offering to buy then a round of whiskey. They are all reluctant at first, complaining about aching backs and heads, and Price saying that the missus was expecting him.
Then Simon mumbles something about how his girl would've loved to meet them.
"Yer wha' now?"
"My girl."
Suddenly, Gaz's headache is gone. "Must've just been dehydrated, I suppose." Soap's back feels much better, after being able to sit in the car for just- five minutes, now. And Price? Apparently, the missus was at a dinner raffle for her charity- thing, and he'd just now remembered.
So, drinks and a quick bite at the pub you worked at. It was settled.
Simon leads them in shortly after parking the truck. The other three quickly scan the room for anyone who stands out. As Simon brings them to a booth in the back, they all take a seat, heads on a swivel for some pretty thing to come bouncing over and latch herself onto him.
"Gonna hit the head." Simon says. "I'll put our drinks in- she'll bring 'em over, she'll be done with 'er shift soon."
As he leaves, Soap, Gaz, and Price all sit there in a few moments of observatory silence. It's much harder to sample the crowd, they realize, since there's apparently no dress code for the servers. Johnny eyes each person like a hawk, until he sees a potential pick.
"Tha' one." He says, nodding towards a busty, long-legged blonde. Price and Gaz follow his line of sight to her as she leans against the bar, playing with her hair and laughing at something her friend says. Her bootcut jeans and frilly top accentuate her curves, and it's obvious that every man in her vicinity is ogling. "Twenty on 'er. Seems like he'd be into swimsuit models, eh?"
Gaz humms, scrunching his nose disapprovingly. "Nah, mate- too simple."
"Feck is simple 'bout 'er?"
"I mean for Simon." Gaz corrects Soap. "Don't think he'd want someone so... ditzy- no offense to her." He adds. "I think he wants a girl who can hold her own, in the physical and the figurative sense. Someone..." he narrows his eyes, searching through the crowd of people. "Like her."
He discretely points to a woman across the bar. She's playing darts with a few people, and hits the bullseye perfectly just as Soap and Price look her way. Her tank top and cargo pants show how defined, yet lean her muscles are. She looks like she could last a few decent minutes in a brawl. "I bet on her."
"Well I'll raise ye forty - I ken LT wants someone more... passive."
"Forty it is, then. I'd love to have you pay my bill tonight."
"If I may..." Price chimes in, leaning against the back of the booth with a smug look, arms folded over his chest, "I'd love to get in on this little game o' yours, and walk away with eighty pounds t'night - because you're both wrong."
Soap smirks. "And how's tha', Cap?"
Price smooths his fingers over his mutton chops. "Well, for starters, I'm a bit ashamed o' you boys. Neither of those girls actually work here, do they? Mm?"
Gaz groans, letting his head drop against the wall behind him. It takes Soap another moment, but then he remembers Simon saying this was where you worked. The whole point of them going to this specific pub was because you'd already be here, on the clock.
"Shite..." he mumbles.
"Alright, sir." Gaz says defeatedly. "Lay it on us."
Price leans his elbows on the table and points his finger straight ahead; Gaz and Soap both follow it to the bar, where a sweet-looking girl is punching orders into a server tablet. She has long, silky, red hair, and a petite frame. She smiles so kindly at every patron who speaks to her, and when she makes their drinks, she is quick with it, still engaging in conversation as she shakes the mixer with a powerful arm. Despite the crowd, she seems to be managing fine on her own.
"Her." Price says, tucking his hand back onto the table. "Y' see that face? The way she talks to 'em all? How she's soft and tough at the same time? Imagine that birdie tucked under his wing, eh?"
Soap and Gaz can imagine it. She's a cute little thing, a social butterfly, it seems - the perfect polar opposite to Simon that just might be the perfect fit.
"And I know he's got a thing for redheads." Price adds.
"Piss off, how d'ye ken tha'?" Soap grumbles.
Price shrugs. "Call it intuition."
Simon comes around the corner, carrying several glasses of neat whiskey. "Sorry-" he says, setting a glass in front of Price, and handing out the others as he sits down on the end of the booth. "She's on 'er way now."
"No worries." Price says, trying to hide his smirk. "Didn't know y' were into redheads, Simon."
Simon pauses, looking down at the table in confusion - then he chuckles. "Yeah, s'pose I am. How did y' know? Did she come by already?"
Price laughs. "No, son. We were just sayin'-"
"Hey baby!"
You turn the corner and lean down, squealing as you throw your arms around Simon's neck and kiss him. The other three look on with shock, and Soap is about ready to throw this random woman off of Simon, until he holds you just as tightly and kisses you back.
Price's smirk falls right onto the table when he realizes that he is just as wrong as the other two.
You're Simon's bird. Simon's raven. Black, styled hair, with black lipstick that is currently smudging Simon's chin. You have a choker - no, several chokers, wrapped around your neck, as well as a tiny corked bottle filled with red liquid that makes Soap and Gaz nervous, dangling from a chain. Long, black-painted fingernails, with small spiderwebs decorating the tips, caressing his face and the back of his neck. Your arms and legs are covered with torn fishnets and small tattoos, and you're wearing a black number with a corset, paired with studded Doc Martin's.
You finally pull away and look at the rest of them. "Sorry- nice to finally meet the lot of you." You say, shaking each one of their hands. Your eyes are striking, with full, dark lashes, eyeliner, and red contacts. Gages and a bull ring, too. Soap feels a shiver run up his spine when he looks at you head on, and Gaz hasn't picked his jaw up off the floor since you came around.
"Erm-" Price clears his throat, "pardon us- call me John. This is Kyle, and Johnny." He gestures to the other two, still watching you with a mix of curiosity and awe.
"I've heard so much about you. It's good to put names to the face." You say with a smile, shaking the other two's hands. Gaz manages to smile a bit, but Soap has the same shocked expression plastered onto his face.
Simon has a love-drunk, black-smudged smile on his lips as you sit down in his lap. "She's been wantin' t' meet you all for a while, now. Sorry I kept 'er a secret."
"To be fair, I'm usually hard to find." You say, grabbing a napkin and wiping the lipstick off Simon's face. "I'm either here, at class, or roaming around and people-watching... at night, of course. People are more interesting when it's dark out." You traced a fingernail along his jugular as he stared up at you.
"John 'ere knew you were a redhead."
"How?! Oh my god- are my roots showing?"
"Nah, luvie, he's just observant. 'S our job." Simon places a kiss to your forehead. You smiled, leaning into the kiss.
"Oh, kitchen's about to close. You wanna split a burger, Si?"
"Sure, get what you like."
"'S no onions ok?"
"Fine w' me - chips?"
"You know it." You giggle, making a show of squishing his cheek and biting it. You turn to the rest of his team with a smile. "You boys hungry?"
Price is the first one to speak, taking a heavy breath in, causing Soap and Gaz to finally snap out of their trance. "Erm- whatever you get, we'll do the same. On us tonight."
"Oooh, you sure?" You asked, raising your eyebrows. Simon looked at Price curiously.
"You positive, cap?"
Price nodded. "Lost a bet."
Simon looks even more concerned. You pat his shoulder and stand up. "I'll go punch it in, be right back." You give him a peck on the cheek, and begin to walk away - Simon's attention returns to you as he hooks a finger in the chain choker around your neck and tugs you back.
Soap, Gaz, and Price all watch, stupefied, as you land back in Simon's lap with a giggle. He grabs your chin between his thick fingers and kisses you on the lips, shamelessly letting his tongue slide past your teeth and squeezing your thigh. You laugh into the kiss, letting him devour you for a moment, before tapping his cheek and breaking away.
"I got fifteen minutes to put everyone's order in, Si."
"That's plenty of time, dove."
"Yeah, but then kitchen will get mad for doing it last minute, and I don't want-"
He chuckles, gently shoving out off of his lap and smacking your rump through your skirt. "You're fine, go on."
You smile, then disappear behind the booth, boots thudding against the hardwood floors.
Simon looks back at the three of them - Soap is staring between you and him, a blush covering his face. Gaz immediately turns to look at the wall, scratching his chin, and Price is gazing into his whiskey, though there's a lingering surprise in his eyes.
"So- what bet?" Simon asks, adjusting his hips; Soap notices his hand reaching down to palm at the fabric over his groin. "I don' remember bettin' nothin'."
"We weren't bettin' on ye pullin' her out ye pockets, LT." Soap comments, trying to avoid Simon's eyes. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out forty pounds, slapping it onto the table.
"It makes sense..." Gaz, chimes in. "With your whole skeleton look, she fits you."
Simon slowly smiles, understanding what they had bet on. "Oh... I see. Lemme guess - you thought I's with someone more... simple? Lile that blonde at the bar, is tha' right?"
"Tha's what I said!!" Soap exclaims, dropping his fist to the table. "You got te give me credit fer pointin' t' a swimsuit model first, aye?"
"Oh- because every bloke on earth is shallow enough to care about swimsuit models." Gaz scoffs. "I at least picked someone who didn't look so bloody helpless." He gestures to the girl playing darts with her friends. "You don't even know if the other girl's a model."
"Well, one can imagine..."
"Feel as though I's the closest..." Price mutters under his breath, making the other two glare at him.
"Ye were not."
"Get off your high horse, cap-"
"Well- try this." Simon leans on his forearms with a smug look on his face. "My bird? She's a model, and she's a black-belt in Judo, and-" he looks at Price- "she's a natural redhead."
They all look between Simon and you, as you stand behind the bar and punch their orders in, laughing with the other redhead. Their eyes would drop onto the table if they were any wider.
"You sly dog-" Gas comments with a chuckle.
"I don' believe ye." Soap says, crossing his arms. "Wha' kind o' model?"
Price chokes on his whiskey.
"Bullshit." Soap snaps. "Pictures or ye lyin'."
"Nah." Simon sighs, leaning back in his seat and daking a sip of his whiskey. "Not the ones I have, at least. But pick up the last "Bloodletting" magazine, and she's there."
They all sit there, a bit dumbfounded, watching you walk back to the booth. How on earth did someone like Simon land someone like you?
Simon's full of surprises, even in his personal life.
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kizzyedgelll · 1 year
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MOVIES I WATCHED IN 2023 [14/?] ⤿ The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) dir. Martin McDonagh
My mammy, she was nice. I remember her. And my daddy, he was nice. I remember him. And my sister, she's nice. I'll remember her. Forever I'll remember her. [...] I don't give a feck about Mozart. Or Borvoven. Or any of them funny name feckers. I'm Pádraic Súilleabháin. And I'm nice.
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dixieconley · 9 months
Bipolar Fox
So I was feeling unusually depressed, as you do, when I remembered, oh.  I have a mood disorder.  I can take happy pills for this.  Which gave me an idea.  (Ignore the utter implausibility of the Corries having supplies or of Kaminoan genetics allowing for mood disorders.)
Triage: Fox, you have a fecking mood disorder.  Take.  The.  Pills. Fox: I don't like them.  They make me feel happy. Triage: ... Fox: ... Triage: Take the kriffing pills or I have caf banned from HQ. Fox: ::grumbles, takes pills::
::two hours later, in the chancellor's office:: Thorn: Fox, why is the chancellor dead? Fox: 😀 Thorn: And why do you have a lightsaber all of a sudden? Fox: 😁
::six hours later, when Fox has come down:: Fox: Now do you see why it's a bad idea for me to take those?
::Senate in ruins, Senators fleeing in all directions, many many cauterized holes in the surroundings and, by the way, Fox is swirling the lit saber casually like it's a beskad and not something that can sear someone's arm off, Fox!!!:: Thorn: YES!!! Triage: ... Triage: Okay.  We can try a lower dose next time. Thorn: Next time??!!
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rallamajoop · 4 months
Hi!!! okay so i love your theory crafting abt re8 & the free cam pics and analyzing everything so i thought maybe you would find this interesting (and maybe a little reassuring)
i dont think heisenberg has nazi affiliation, despite some of the nazi military equipment we see him with. and i dont think its mentioned anywhere in the game, but rather implied, that karl scavenged that stuff from a battlefield? for example, the tank used in his boss fight is a combination of a nazi gun tractor, combined with an american tank. the two guns mounted on it are also a german recoilless rifle and an american machine gun.
personally, i think his dogtag is probably his dads, but thats just a headcanon based on what little we know of the early concept designs and stuff (originally the giant metal and meat monster was heisenbergs dad. and to me heisenberg probably wouldve outright mentioned being a soldier or something in at least a diary entry or note if he was old enough during ww2 to remember it) it could also just be more stuff he scavenged. which is what i think is the deal
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Hoo boy, you're really going to make me do a deep dive into all the evidence that Heisenberg might've been a Nazi, aren't you? (For context for anyone coming in cold, this is a response to my post on the fact Heisenberg's costume includes a very distinctive Nazi signal lamp, and why that bothers me.) Goddamnit. Fine.
So, first up, for a character we get as little background on as Heisenberg, there's no point framing this one "was he a Nazi?" Of course he wasn't, he's not anything, because he's not real. What we can ask is whether what made it into the game suggests that he was maybe going to be a Nazi at some point in development (or at least, that someone on the design team was uncomfortably into Nazi paraphernalia). And the answer to that one is, unfortunately, that it seems very plausible.
To be clear, there's nothing here you can't easily find other explanations for, at least for your own headcanons. "Heisenberg was a Nazi" is no more valid an interpretation than any other, based on what made it into the text. What annoys me is that it's arguably no less valid than any other take either. I do not like Schrodinger's Nazis popping up unexpectedly in my escapist fiction. And I hate to say it, but the more I've thought about the points you make here, the more Nazi shit I keep finding ‒ well beyond what I covered in that last post.
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Let's start by going back to the dog tag. The inevitable problem is that the act of wearing one after the war ‒ regardless of whose it was or what country they fought for ‒ is that it kind of loudly signals pride in your military service. The tag may not be from WWII. It may not even be German. But Heisenberg is a character with a German name, who names his creations in German, and who's lived in the village under Miranda's thumb for decades. Statistically, most Germans who ever carried a dog tag that looked like that probably fought in WWII. And he carries that fecking Wehrmacht signal light to go with it. At that point, trying to argue that "maybe he just scavenged the signal light" or "maybe it was his Dad who was so proud of his Nazi service that he passed his dog tag on to his son to remember him by" starts to feel a lot like someone's protesting too much. You don't have to interpret Heisenberg as a proud Nazi soldier, but the costuming clues don't look great.
i dont think its mentioned anywhere in the game, but rather implied, that karl scavenged that stuff from a battlefield? for example, the tank used in his boss fight is a combination of a nazi gun tractor, combined with an american tank. the two guns mounted on it are also a german recoilless rifle and an american machine gun.
Uh, look, do you have a source for any of this beyond "someone wrote it in the wiki"? Because anyone can add anything to the wiki, that doesn't mean it's more than some military nerd's headcanon. Even if part of the vehicle looks like an actual American tank, all that means is that someone working on the game used one as a reference, maybe.
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Meanwhile, the one genuinely plot-critical thing we're told about that tank is that it's made of metal-polymer composites, strongly implying that all the components were custom-made in the same place. The idea it's tacked together from salvaged components just doesn't hold water.
So how would Heisenberg have made those parts? Simple: his factory used to make tanks.
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I'm sure it's possible to miss the half-dozen partially-wrecked tanks in the front yard outside the building ‒ there's a bunch of other scrap metal out there too, they kind of blend in. But when you've spent as much time as I have digging through the game files, it's much harder to miss how many files relating to the factory are explicitly labeled 'tankfactory' (...at least when they're not labeled 'geek'). There's even an asset for a pile of tank cannons. I don't know if or where that particular asset actually appears in the game, but no-one has that many tank parts lying in a pile unless they're building the things. Heisenberg's obviously re-purposed the factory for soldats now, but it plainly used to make tanks.
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i think he scavenged that stuff bc of germany invading romania during ww2
I really hate to keep jumping on you here, but you can easily google this stuff. I am no-one's expert on the history of Romania in WWII, but even a cursory read up on the subject tells me that a fascist political party took power in Romania in 1940, and voluntarily allied with the Germans. Romania was itself an Axis power. How they were actually treated by their new 'allies' looks like it might be a thornier subject, but goddamn it I do not have time to fall down yet another research rabbit hole right now (my apologies on that front to any actual Romanians, god knows there is a lot of WWII history that us Westerners do not get taught about in school).
But now that I've had to look that up, I can pretty confidently state that if Heisenberg's factory was functioning during the war, it would have been manufacturing tanks for the Nazis. And if Germany did set up a tank factory in Romania, it's not implausible they'd have assigned a German to take charge (say, a former soldier who excelled on the battlefield, and is proud enough to keep wearing his dog tag?), so that all adds up uncomfortably well.
If anything, the more ambiguous part is whether the game is even set in Romania. Most people assume that was the intent, but the only location we're ever given is 'a county in Eastern Europe'. God knows if anyone at Capcom ever bothered to google Romania's involvement in WWII either, so I can't speak to their intent. But "maybe the German wearing the WWII era dog tag and the Nazi signal lamp wasn't personally responsible for manufacturing tanks for the Nazis with the tank factory in Nazi territory that he apparently lived in" is not an argument I'm prepared to build my house on. Let's at least allow that it does not look good. It'd hardly be the first time a piece of Japanese media has stuck its foot in its mouth over Nazi shit either.
to me heisenberg probably wouldve outright mentioned being a soldier or something in at least a diary entry or note if he was old enough during ww2 to remember it
Earnestly, why? Heisenberg's diary tells us nothing about his background whatsoever. We don't know what country he was born, how long he's lived in the village, how he became one of Miranda's experiments, how many decades he's been part of her family ‒ anything. Why would military service rank a special mention, when even clarifying whether he's a village native doesn't?
And again, it isn't hard to come up with theories where Heisenberg isn't a Nazi. Maybe he was a deserter, who still carries that dog tag because 'Karl Heisenberg' is really just a sham name Miranda gave him to match one of those four founding houses, and that tag is the only proof he's got left of his real name. Or maybe it's the only thing he's got left with his Dad's name on it, even though his Dad always said the war was bullshit, sure. Maybe the factory really was run by Nazis who left shit like that signal lamp lying around (to be repurposed into a handy electronics case like I suggested in that last post), and Heisenberg only moved into it more recently, because at least he speaks enough German to read all the shit they left around the place. Or maybe he only moved in because he found out someone was using it to build that polymer composite tank to kill him (why remains a much bigger dangling question than how), after which he figured he should probably stick around to make sure no-one else tried the same thing. These are all perfectly valid interpretations, and no-one is wrong for preferring them to having to deal with all that Nazi bullshit (though most still depend on some awkward German-nationality-coincidences). The fact that Heisenberg runs a tank factory and carries Nazi paraphernalia is really easy to miss, and no-one's less of a fan for not spotting it.
What little we do know is that Heisenberg's family got rewritten repeatedly during development. He was a twin at one point, his mother may have been used for experiments, his father was variously Sturm, Heisenberg's monster form, the village mayor, and maybe even Urias ‒ it's all over the place (all this comes from notes on the concept art that comes with the game, if anyone wants to fact-check me on it). Heisenberg probably wasn't originally meant to be Ethan's pseudo-ally either ‒ it's Ada rather than Heisenberg who gives him the chance to escape his trial in that early storyboard. Fuck, maybe at some point he (or his dad) really was going to be a goddamn Nazi mad scientist who fled to Romania and hid up a mountain somewhere, or whatever (though I can't easily imagine any Nazi scientist would be wearing that dog tag ‒ that's an accessory for the expendable rank-and-file of the military machine).
But possibly (and I'm really just speculating here), as Heisenberg became a more likable, ambiguously-grey character during development, Capcom may have decided it would be a good idea to tone down the Nazi stuff. They just accidentally left in the dog tag, the signal lamp, and the goddamn tank factory in presumably-Nazi territory, and had to quickly deny all Nazi associations when people made the obvious connections. If the official word from Capcom is that Heisenberg isn't a Nazi (or at least, that we aren't intended to read Heisenberg-the-fictional-character as having any Nazi sympathies or affiliations), I should be pretty happy to take that as official.
If you really want textual "evidence" that Heisenberg wasn't a Nazi, the best I can offer is the fact Dimitrescu dismisses him as 'a child', which suggests to me that he's much younger than her, and possibly even younger than her daughters (though I still can't buy he was a child when he first met Dimitrescu or Miranda). We don't actually know how old she or her daughters are, of course (they were in already the castle in 1952, but whether they'd just moved in or whether they'd been there for decades we don't know), but dismissing someone who was old enough to have served in WWII as 'a child' strikes me as a bit of a stretch even for Lady D. But that's not much more than interpretation, and one can easily be a Nazi sympathiser without personally having taken part in the war.
I still love Heisenberg as a character, flaws and all. I'm definitely not going to stop writing about him being his terrible, ridiculous self. I'll gladly go on ignoring all this nazi shit as much as I can get away with. I'm absolutely not here to tell you that RE8 is now #problematic and can only be addressed after adequate hand-wringing. That shit helps no-one.
But back in the real world, where fascism is on the rise again across the globe, and where the internet would have me believe that coded references to shit as vague as the date of Hitler's birthday is apparently a popular cryptofascist dogwhistle or some shit, do I have to waste mental energy on whether it means something serious that there are surprise Nazis popping up in my innocent little zombie-horror-game? Like, if a character isn't a Nazi, is it so damn hard not to include two different bits of Nazi memorabilia directly on their character model? The horrors of capitalism I signed up for; the horrors of People You Never Realised Were Secretly A Nazi is one I could have done without here, kthx.
And the sad fact is, it's really not that easy to just explain away.
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md-confessions · 4 months
I had a dream prior to ep 7 dropping that was about episode 7 and it was really fucking bizarre
So, it started off in Gmod of all things, on this very poorly made map where the sky was dark green and the ground was just a rectangle with a grass texture and there was a poorly made mansion in the back. It looked kinda like the Elliott mansion but also like the mansion from Luigi's Mansion.
Then, a really tall and lanky minion walked on screen with a crowbar out and did...something (I don't remember what) and then walked away. I think a title card came on screen or something.
Then the actual episode starts or something but I forget a lot of this crap. But at some point, deep deep in the labs, Uzi and N end up in...memories? Like, the space around them is black but they're in the corpse spire with the pod. Memory V and a few other DDs are fighting or something.
Then, N walks up to Uzi and leans down and grabs her chin, both going in for a kiss...only for N to pull away and look at the camera with text on screen that says "Romance with Uzi has ended, V is my crush now"
and then some more shit happened I can't remember but the episode ended with some guy on Earth watering his lawnmower
Now some additional context I didn't give. During this whole thing, I was chatting in my dream with a discord server I'm in. This is an actual discord server that's for a MD fanfic I really like. And the whole time I was live reacting to the episode and I was "Guys, this is so fake. There's no way this is real." And I lost my shit at the "Envy is actually canon" part. Anyways, the way I confirmed it was fake and this was all a dream (because I was trying to prove I was in a dream? I guess?) was the end bit. How? Because it took place on Earth. Not because the guy was watering his lawnmower, but because Earth should be destroyed.
My dreams are fecking weird. They're all like this. I kinda hope I get a dream for ep 8 as well just to see what my brain comes up with.
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ieatkeyboard · 5 months
@ewesless This is gonna so hard- I'm doing this on my phone and I needed to shove Satan in photoshopped for his- So I'm hoping this goes well :,] PLEASE REMEMBER EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION AND I'M NOT HATING ON THE CREATOR, THESE ARE JUST THINGS I DONT LIKE.
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Okay duck feet. I just realized his little pins are :) :| :( I LOVE THAT- I hate his hair dude holy feck BUT THIS IS ABOUT HIS CLOTHES SO I'LL LEAVE HIM ALONE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS.
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I definitely tried- I made the shoes a blueish-gray. The jacket is light and dark purple, I really liked the pins so they stayed the same. The pants are still gray but I took away the yellow stripe and made the cuffs also purple. His headphones are black, pastel bue and pastel pink with hearts. You know those pastel asthetic gaming set up videos? That's the vibe-
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Oh fuck me- the leggings? Under his shorts- I'm getting very big ideas. But this color scheme and pattern is FUGLY AS SHIT. So let's fix it
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He looks like he's about to go to the convenience store- I made his jacket black, kept his actual shoes matching colors but changed BOTH places because why tf wouldn't you?? Made the headphones purple with little hearts agaaain and made the cuffs of his sweater purple :]
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OKAY. I have the sleeves. AND IT ISN'T EVEN MUCH DETAIL AT ALL? AND I HATE IT. Don't overall like the white on his chest and hood either.
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I took inspo from the "scales" in his pants. I did the hoodie the way I did to make it looks like his envy was ripping him apart (Hence the "ripped" sweater and the purple all around the zipper). SOOO YEAH. 😎
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souldoes-things · 3 months
ok. more irl gossip time ☺. Sooo this one time I was at a store. looking over the snack shelf. thinking what snack to buy. AND THIS FUCKER. I don't know him. didn't even spare him a glance. I clearly looked unapproachable and in a bad mood. AND THIS FUCKER. Just approached and said hi. then said "just saying hi." then introduced himself (don't even remember his name.. dude was stranger-zoned☺) and asked what MY name was... dude I only realised you exist five seconds ago... and that isn't even a hyperbole??🤨🙄🙄 tf why you asking me for my name????🤨🤨🤨🤨 then that same guy(turns out were from the same school, never even saw him around...) continues to approach me at school SEVERAL times, trying to talk to me while I'm CLEARLY ignoring and hostile towards him. girls (gender neutral) I'm the woman from the "the worst she can say is no" memes. boy feck off I'm clearly uninterested😒😐.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Also would like to know you take on Neptune (3 degrees) and Uranus (14 degrees ) both in the third house
3h signs, degrees, and planets: communication, sibling relationships, literature, hobbies, and more
i was sitting here like i guess we will answer this ask THEN I WAS LIKE FECK IT FULL SEND let's see if we can start another series!!!
planets in a house can tell you a great many things BUT if it does not resonate please remember the sign of the house, the degree, the aspects to the planet(s), the planet(s) being direct or retrograde, what house the house ruler is in, etc all of that plays a role in a chart. all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. if you have question of why i think the way i do feel free to write me and ask - but again, i don't tolerate disrespectful tones or language so please be mindful.
warning: i can be harsh. please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
let's get to it.
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sun / leo (5°, 17°, 29°)
adaptability: these people adapt better than most - their ambitions make them search for the best way to grow and become the best person they can possibly be.
siblings: these people may have an older sibling who they can be very close to; there is a tendency to brag and be loyal to this sibling (idolizing). oftentimes, these people have their popularity paved for them by an older sibling in a school setting.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people tend to know how to ride a bike and they may even have a show-off energy in which they can do tricks or have a dream version of their ride. it is likely that at some point in life these people will own and drive an expensive or classic car. alternatively (or additionally), this could indicate an excellent runner or someone who runs for fun (because the sun is the heart and running is very much a cardio intensive activity).
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: their communication as well as their voice tends to be very authoritative and dignified. this person tends to be a great leader and often popular because of this. as a popular person, these people have all eyes on them thus are likely to experience some level of gossip or rumor circulation regarding them and their activities.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: they tend to be very organized which leads to them being very concentrated, eloquent, educated, etc.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: their hobbies tend to be more socially oriented. their ideas tend to come from a place of being in charge. they tend to read (and some even write) autobiographies and self-help/growth books and watch documentaries of a similar caliber (they probably watched blonde when it came out).
moon / cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)
adaptability: these people are darwinian by nature - they will survive anything and everything. i want this person with me when the apocalypse breaks out - they adapt to all circumstances quite well (so long as the moon is not poorly aspected, of course).
siblings: these people tend to have younger siblings and sometimes - stay with me - they may be brought up alongside a sibling's child. the moon respects babies and a "domestic" village (sometimes their neighbors are involved in their home life as well) - so these people tend to resonate with the phrase "it takes a village" likely because their home is an amalgamation of many generations and branches of their family (extend, adopted, chosen, etc). the main point is that they are often the eldest of the children in a family unit - they tend to help raise their siblings and maintain a household.
travel (airway, boat, automobile, bicycle, and running/walking): these people are typically not into airway travel, but they are boat/cruise people - they likely travel a lot by boat too. i know a few people with this placement that take a ferry to get where they are going. most people i know with this placement like to boat, kayak, canoe, fish, water-tube, jet-sky, or just swim in their free time. often these people have their own boat. these people are casual bike riders. they are the type to go on vacation then rent a bike or bring one with them to get around (instead of using a car). i would vote them most likely to use the phrase "it's just like riding a bike" due to their solid common sense as well.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: in the same vein, these people tend to be pretty decent at communicating their thoughts and feelings - they have a deep sense of consciousness regarding everything that occurs around them. due to their openness and great ability to be vulnerable, sometimes people can accuse them of being too sensitive, moody, or perhaps even crazy... often their voice is great at inflection. they may be decent at voice acting!
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: despite their sense of concentration and perception being rather keen, these people are often impressionable to the perceptions of those around them. these people very in educational setting (likely depends on the aspects of the moon) they could be homeschooled, the most popular, or the class outcast - though they are often close with their teacher at some point in time.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are prone to hobbies like journaling, art, the occult, chess, and meditation. they tend to read (and some even write) psychological books and watch documentaries (they probably watched dahmer right when it released and will do the same with the next monster series) of a similar caliber. their handwriting tend to be bubbly by nature - some use cursive or calligraphy.
mercury / gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) / virgo (6°, 18°)
adaptability: like moon 3h people this placement has an incredible ability to adapt to any and all new circumstances. their brain is fabulously immune to overly fight or flight parasympathetic responses - they always appear to be calm and collected; often they give off an air of nonchalance.
siblings: these people are likely to have quite a few brothers - or to be a part of a heavily masculine dominated groups/hobbies (football, wrestling, nascar, golf, etc.).
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people are active travelers. to return to an earlier remark - nascar - they often own a fast car or drive extremely fast. they are probably the car enthusiast of the bunch (though aquarius/uranus people is next on the list). they do know how to bike; quite often though they are again more likely to use a "fast bike" - electric, moped, motorcycle, or dirt bike - something that has an engine in bike form *laughs*. these people are air or ground travels - they are most likely to get sick on a boat / experience sea sickness. they are often runners - sprinters - they probably did track when they were in school.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: often they have a nack for languages - they are polyglots. they can appear as though they are absentminded or forgetful, but, in reality, they are often the smartest or the most clever person in the room - they communicate accurately, articulately, and with plenty of detail. they often have hot takes and extreme opinions - funnily enough these people may talk eloquently and formally (as though they have the highest intelligence in the room), but they will be the first person to curse or state that education is a waste of time. otherwise, these people are incredible to have a conversation with (my academic advisor has this placement and she is probably the most intelligent person i have ever met). they are often gossips in that regard - they like to tell stories, very little gets in their way when doing so. their voice is often very clear, loud, and articulate. their diction perfectly captures their wit.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: they make incredible teachers, tutors, and students.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they are again a part of a heavily masculine dominated group and hobbies (football, wrestling, nascar, golf, etc.). they tend to read copiously - they read anything they can get their hands on. they frequently read more than they watch in terms of movies/tv. these people often publish something - fiction, research, educational (like textbooks), journalism, memoirs, etc. they are natural storytellers. their writing is often small and neat - i have noticed often they only write in cursive or very tightly together - i believe it has to do with the speed of producing writing.
venus / taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) / libra (7°, 19°)
adaptability: these people are optimist - they are often the ones that manifest their way through things. with the power of love, hope, and positivity, they survive most everything. they adapt best in social settings - they are great at improv and adapting to the company around them.
siblings: these people often have younger siblings and commonly they have sisters. though they often have drama amongst one another.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these are staycationers - i find that they often enjoy going to local spots like bed and breakfasts. but if not, they are going wherever the culture is the most readily available - they don't like to experience the tourist side of any place they go; they want to be with the locals! they travel by any means necessary to get there too. these people like to cutesify their car - they probably have crystals, a stuffed animal / riding buddy, car vent clips, etc.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: these people are natural actors/actresses, so it is difficult to say whether or not they are being genuine. they are often involved with some form of drama. other than that, they often are elegant and formal where communication is concerned. their charisma often makes them appear flirtatious!
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people are the type that rewrite their notes to be more aesthetic. they often have a high aptitude where the arts are concerned - they do best in the humanities (particularly english - these are the people who naturally understood shakespeare in school). these people are natural people watchers, they use the actions modeled before them for a later time (especially those who enjoy acting).
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are artists by nature: they are thespians, dancers/ballerinas, painters, band members (often i see piano with this placement though), etc. some just have an immense collection of all things related to music. they love costumes, clothing in general, and cosmetics. these people sometimes are cheerleaders or they take part in another hobby/activities that is dominated by feminine individuals. they also are the type that do a lot of wine tasting when they are of an older age - they are the type that takes a trip to the vineyard. they love to read/watch/write dramas, erotica, romance, and foreign films.
mars / aries (1°, 13°, 25°) / scorpio (8°, 20°)
adaptability: these people have choices when it comes to what they will and won't change for. they can be ambitious enough to change with their surroundings and circumstances. but they can also be argumentative/obstinate and fight against the circumstance in which it could be easiest to simply let go.
siblings: if these people have siblings they are likely of the masculine variety and/or they likely argue with them a lot. it is likely that they make an initiative to connect with their sibling(s), but their sibling's personality and actions are the source of the strain in the relationship.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): these people are typically athletes so they generally do well with any travel in which their physicality is involved - canoeing, kayaking, biking, running, etc. when it comes to driving, they are aggressive and tend to speed. it is likely they drive something with a lot of horsepower or something that is well built: texas armoring mercedes benz g63 amp 6 x 6, paramount marauder, range rover sentinel, etc.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: it is highly likely that this is a person who knowingly starts drama within a group. their communication is tactful and often not much is said by accident - even when emotional, they say exactly what they mean. they can be characterized as abrasive and defensive when it comes to confrontation - they don't appreciate being instigated or antagonized. they wish to have the upper hand with social interactions - these people are often extroverts (it's giving entp).
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people can be very determined to do well, but they have to acknowledge that they do not know everything. oftentimes these are the people who are the least likely to ask for / admit they need/want help. they may have a passion to know a lot and to focus on tedious subjects. but they also must recognize that they shouldn't always act on impulse when answering things before the question is even done being read/asked. they wish to quickly move on to the next task which is commendable and often makes them very perceptive of the world around them. this person is likely very good in the subject area of history.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people are sporty; their hobbies often have to do with movement and athleticism, but they could also be interested in the source of their energy - food. these people can be foodies and love cooking/baking in their free time. they may not be writers by trade but they do know how to express their passion for something/someone when writing. as for their taste in literature and movies, of course they love a good action film or war documentary, but i know they have a soft spot for romances as well.
jupiter / sagittarius (9°, 21°) / pisces (12°, 24°)
adaptability: these people are the best at adapting - "they will survive the apocalypse" level of adaptability. their high levels of sociability lead them to having a high understanding/perception of social cues making them the OG glue of any group - they pick up on stress/tension in a group and work to quickly squash it. they're willingness to listen to other also benefits their ability to adapt as they tend to gain wisdom from paying attention to their surroundings as well as those around them.
siblings: it is very likely that these people have a bunch of siblings - and they are often extremely close to one another because they value one another's presence. some tend to be the black sheep of their siblings as they seek to be incharge of the bond or to expand beyond the confines of household expectations of family dynamics. oftentimes these people have non-blood siblings; they choose their own family as they seek to go beyond the limitations of shared DNA.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): accomplished. just accomplished. these people love all of it. they love to win - they will race you, be it biking, walking, running, kayaking, canoeing, etc. they will do whatever it takes to win and to go as far as possible in the quickest amount of time. they also seek to travel anywhere they have the opportunity to go. they are most likely to travel where the knowledge is (this leaves like a european traveler - show me the roman colosseum) - chances are they will commute daily to a learning institution over dorming or they might take part in a study abroad program. they generally value all new experiences in which they can see and learn new things. these people are also likely to own multiple cars and possibly their "dream car" at some point in life.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: they will talk a lot; there is no doubts about it. they could win an award for being the most social in any group of people. they might even be part (or were a part) of a debate team in high school. when it comes to gossip and rumors, they will find they are frequently apologizing because they do say too much and it does get them in trouble. other then that, these people are quite kind - they make great counselors and excellent judges. they are quality individuals who have high-morality and a honest nature. these people are probably the grammar police and "politically-correct" cops as well.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people tend to have a killer concentration - "thread through the eye of a needle on their first attempt" type of concentration/skill. they see the small details and most every situation - they tend to be super perceptive. in an educational setting, they accomplish and achieve in multiple areas of study. they tend to have many advisors who wish to aid them on their path to the next stages of education - they are almost always encouraged to continue pursuing education. they are made to be a teacher's pet and put forth very little effort doing so because they naturally pick up on due dates - they do all the reading, answer all the hard questions, etc. they love to learn and take to education very well.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: is there a hobby they don't have? they pick up so many things with ease that it is hard to keep track of what is holding their interest at the moment. they are blessed to have a conceptual mind that tends to simply look at how something is done then they can reproduce it. constantly though they are bound to literature - this is the best method for them to gain knowledge and experience: "readers live thousands of lives" they say. these people are the type to read and write about noble characters - they will read epics: arthurian legends, beowulf, etc. they love a good adventure plot and they love morality tales. it is likely these people will publish whatever it is that they write at some point in life.
saturn / capricorn (10°, 22°) / aquarius (11°, 23°)
adaptability: these people are likely apprehensive when it comes to change in any situation - they tend to be very rigid. they face a lot of discomfort when they have an event played out in their minds only to find that goes in a different direction - often this presents itself as social anxiety. they seek patterns and thus struggle when it comes to situations/relationships that require some adaptability in location or socialization.
siblings: oftentimes these people are only-children - they have no siblings. they don't mind solitude, but, as they age and see that their parents eventibly age and pass away, they find themselves lonely and wishing they had a sibling. alternatively, these people can experience step-sibling(s) via their father, and they typically do not get along with them.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): they are probably not the most adept at travel and transportation. they might not know how to ride a bike or they could get their drivers license later in life compared to their peers. travel could make them anxious - they could be worried about germs, whether they have everything, going somewhere alone, not knowing a new place, etc. speaking of not knowing - do not give these people the task of giving directions to the driver... they aren't the type of people to step outside of their comfort-zones - they likely see all the negatives/morbidity associated with a travel method. for example, they know where in the plane to sit so if it is to go down, they have a higher rate of survival... statistically.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: these people are highly introverted - they aren't likely to have a group. they often feel lonely in terms of those around them - they could be surrounded by others yet feel lonely. often they do not give others a chance and instead seek solitude. they say very little when communicating with others (they likely use a lot of abbreviations when texting or just "react" to the message *thumbs up* *emoji*) which makes everyone in want for more; those around them tend to listen very carefully when they speak knowing how rare it is when they communicate thoughts and opinions. there speaking manor has two options - bored, calm, and apathetic OR nervous/stuttery. overall others can tell these people have a concise, fact-of-the-matter, pessimist method of speech. often they have a tenors pitch. they aren't the type to start gossip or rumors, but they are the type to hear it all.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people commonly have a learning disability often regarding an auditory function: CAPD/APD, ADHD, misophonia, etc. this causes/caused them a great deal of trouble when it comes (came) to learning. their conscientiousness is not faulty though - they wish to do as well as they possibly can. also their perception tends to be all over the place noticing everything or being hyper focused on a single object and it's details.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: these people seek therapeutic solitude hobbies - pottery, pattern/monotonous activities (crochet/knitting), tv, etc. they don't typically enjoy reading though they do enjoy plot lines (book, movie, and/or tv) that are like "exposure therapy" - they like horror despite their anxiety and hunger for calm. they also enjoy tragedies; they are likely to enjoy stories that do not end in a "happily ever after".
uranus / aquarius (11°, 23°)
adaptability: these people don't care about blending in or adapting based on their environment. they enjoy being different and appearing apart from the world around them. they do take well to different atmospheres though - it is mostly an obstinatance thing that stops them from adapting/blending.
siblings: agape - brotherly love, bromances. these people tend to get along with the sibling(s) they have. it is likely that they have brothers. or they may have "adoptive" siblings like being in a fraternity, they could be adopted, have an adopted sibling, etc.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): they travel in peculiar ways and via non-mainstream vehicles. they are the type to use one of those recumbent bikes or to drive an old orange truck (*eyes bella swan*). they could also be very into engineering/mechanics and how things work together to cause motion. they probably know all sorts of car, train, and/or bike facts. speaking of and returning to a previous thought - these people likely travel, more often than not, via non-mainstream vehicles - they could be a pilot or frequent flier, take the train, a ferry, etc. more than they drive a car.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: they almost always come off as aloof in conversation. often they are animated talkers they have a lot of facial reactions and could abruptly change the trajectory of the conversation. SARCASM - these people are extremely sarcastic, they have a true gift for witticisms. gossip and rumors are something these people toe the line with - they tend to manipulate the situation in favor of who they care about most. though oftentimes, they stay out of it, instead they mentally record what gossip and rumors they hear and sometimes they seek the truth of what was said.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people can seem likely they aren't paying attention at all but they totally are. when it comes to education they love science and math. they are/were likely part of a ton of clubs when they were in school - art club, tv/film, hunting club, environmental/sustainability, LGBTQIA+, band, etc. they wanted all their bases covered in terms of expose to different experiences. their teachers likely always appreciated their thoughts and written assignments from their originality.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they will watch, read, write, and do anything. they tend to be outgoing like that. they adore anything that has to do with paranormal, sci-fi, or animation. but i know they also enjoy a romance every once in awhile. these people are probably youtube junkies; they love diy video. they also are likely in to astrology.
neptune / pisces (12°, 24°)
adaptability: they generally aren't the most pliable when it comes to adaptability, instead they are the most likely to have others adapt to their will. they have the power of persuasion on their side and can easily coax others into changing for them.
siblings: these people, if they have siblings, tend to have a love-hate relationship with them. they tend to be prone to having close vulnerable relationships with their sibling(s) then at some point they may feel betrayed by them, thus their emotions toward their siblings tend to fluctuate.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): swimming - these people love their water ways. it is likely they were involved in some sort of water sport growing up be it water polo, rowing, or swim team. i know a few people who had this placement who also briefly did ballet for a period of time. the world of movement is via whatever flows - typically that is the waterways. they might have a yacht at some point in life or do travel that involves boating for a period of time.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: ugh the drama! this placement knows it all, but sometimes their confusion becomes everyone else's confusion. sometimes they are half paying attention and something gets "lost on the wind" so to say and they run with a half-truth because that's "what they heard". it is often that they are feeling as though they are being betrayed or they are consciously betraying others (i know some who have made fake social media accounts to "draw people in") - it is a very fine line that they walk when it comes to "protecting" themselves and others. their voice reminds me of a flute? it airy and soft - if that makes sense?
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people aren't the best at remaining focused. they can be very absentminded - many doodle while they listen to what is being said. however, they are incredible intelligent individuals especially where art and literature are concerned. their mind tends to work in a fantastical manner.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: they have artsy ambitions and hobbies that allow them to express how they see the world (which is extremely different from the rest of us). some can compose music, many play a stringed instrument, a lot dance, many paint or draw, and some are writers of the highest skill. often their art and media of interest is aesthetically pleasing - they enjoy fairies, fantasy, mythology, pirates, poetry, and/or romance
pluto / scorpio (8°, 20°)
adaptability: these people are so used to change they are unbelievable adaptable - you know how they say that the cockroach will be crawling the earth long after it ends? that's these people - call you kafkaesque in that regard (offended? google it, gregor samsa, it is a compliment. you'll outlast us all). these people are super resilient; they have my envy. they give me lisa mcvey vibes in that regard - they can survive even the darkest of situations.
siblings: if this placement has a sibling, they are either fiercely loyal to them, or they despise them. there doesn't tend to be an in-between from my experiences. they tend to torment one another as well be it out of affection or to annoy them out of spite.
travel (airway, automobiles, boats, bicycles, and running/walking): if these people have not been in a subway/tram/train they need to. i swear these are the people that enjoy daily life on the subway, the L, the tram, the train - whatever you wish to call it. they may have a passion for cars and may have rebuilt a car or they think about doing so - this pursuit typically goes well for these people because they see the potential life in disregarded bikes or cars or whatever it is that they are revamping to help themselves get around.
communication (style), gossip, and rumors: an enigma they know so much but are like a vault; they don't give up information without an exchange of something (typically a secret - gotta have the receipts and potential blackmail if there is a leak). sometimes when they talk they come across as blasé, contemptuous, degrading, and/or sultry. there is something menacing about them in conversation that makes them feel like they know everything - which is nice in some regards because they do tend to have incredible advice. they are incredible liars though - they can convince you that they are speaking a universal truth very easily.
concentration, education, ideas, power of perception, teachers, and written test taking: these people are very perceptive they pick up on a ton of details that get skipped over by others. they aren't really interested in the traditional landscape of education - they have a deconstructist philosophy toward it and believe that it teaches uniformity over skill/knowledge. they could be a "menace" in their teachers eyes. they are nihilists or anarchists through and through.
hobbies, literature, writing, and documentaries: a lot of these people were up to shady things growing up from my experience. they did a lot of "under the table" and "above the law" type of "work." their genre of choice is typically horror, satire, and/or smut. they love psychological documentaries - they love the gritty elements of this world and seeing that not all people are good. they also love witchcraft. they are likely to write under a pseudonym if they do write.
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iliiuan · 1 year
I'm also annoyed at the language use. I'm not super vested in particular accents for the various regions (ok, that's a lie, I do have very specific pronunciation imaginings), but the *words* should match what's used in the books. Bastard, bitch, feck... even mate isn't part of the wot lexicon. Jordan has a rich tapestry of language. Woolheaded, Light, Burn me, Blood and Ashes, Blood and Bloody Ashes, Mother's milk in a cup, something about goats that I don't remember because Uno wasn't on screen long enough... you get the idea. Sure, give them British pronunciation, whatever, but have them use the wot lexicon for fuck's sake.
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ok-sims · 1 year
Things in Good Omens 2 I still find weird after maaaaany rewatches - Part II
Hey everyone! First of all, sorry for my spelling mistakes in the first post 🙈 Somehow I was able to misspell the misspelled word, but I give my word as an angel that am I not a demon. Also, I loved to hear yout thoughts on some of the topics! There were quite some things I hadn't noticed, like Miss Cheng's resturant on Aziraphale's list. Now that I had some more time to think and rewatched the show 2 more times there are some other things I still don't quite understand:
👩Nina and Maggie being immune to Aziraphale's miracles🛡️
Obviously they aren't immune to the miracle he put on the bookshop during the Jane Austen ball, since we can see they are being made to dance, despite their will, and Nina herself comments that something is forcing her to feel different emotions (she was sad after her breakup, but suddendly didn't feel sad anymore). But when Shax's legion of demons tries to break into the bookshop, Aziraphale tries do do some miracle on Nina and Maggie so they agree to leave the bookshop with the rest of the humans (Maggie is acting like her weird self again and wants to stand there and fight????, which falls into Maggie acting off the whole season), but the miracle does not work. It is clearly intended to show that Aziraphale is casting a miracle (he does the hand gesture and the miracle sound effect plays). But it is also made clear that it did not work (including Nina's comment, "are you trying to hypnotize us?"). Another scene that corroborates with their "immunity" is when Crowley scorts out of the bookshop, when the Hell and Heaven gangs arrive after Aziphale blow up his halo. When they are outside, Crowley says that Nina and Maggie should forget everything that happened that night (he told the same to the others humans who attented the ball, and it apparently worked - check Mr Brown's quick convo with Mutt outside of the café). What the feck is going on with Maggie and Nina?
📙A.Z. Fell's diaries✒️
While it is pretty clear to me now that all the flashbacks in this season (officialy called "minisodes") are told from Aziraphale's perspective. In episode 2, the minisode seens to be Aziraphale remembering his and Crowley's encounter with Job, and getting so lost in this memory, that Gabriel points out that a long time has passed and Crowley even had left the bookshop by the time Aziraphale is done, making it clear we are getting Aziraphale's take of the Job story. In episode 4, the minisode starts right after Shax is able to "trick" Aziraphale, and the minisode storyline revolves around an incident she mentions during their conversation. Crowley is not even in this scene, despite being a central topic of their talk, and of the minisode itself, so it is safe to say we are getting Aziraphale's take again.
But the other minisode is "triggered" in a different way: it starts with Aziraphale writing in his diary (btw it is the first time he having a diary is ever mentioned!), and he states that there many volumes of these diaries. Funnily enough, his diaries are not mentioned again. Of course, once again we can clearly see the minisode is from Aziraphale's perspective (it could not get any more "in your nose" than that). But the fact that these diaries are not brought up again, even if it would have made sense in context (for example, the other two minisodes could have used the diary as a narrative device as well) is kind of odd to me. My best guess is that the diaries will be important in S3, while Aziraphale is way in Heaven, and Crowley/Muriel/a secret third character happens to find them/needs to find them for some reason.
🍷The toast after Wee Morag's death 🪦
This one might be a little silly, but I can't really wrap my head around it. In The Resurrectionist's minisode (as told by Aziraphale in his diary), Crowley and Aziraphale are having a date in a graveyard happen to stumble on Elspeth stealing buried bodies to make some money. We see the minisode unfold until Wee Morag tragically dies, and Elspeth can finally get some cash (albeit less than expected), so she steals some laudanum, buys wine and, for some reason, returns to the mausoleum were Wee Morag died to have a toast with Crowley and Aziraphale.
Why is she meeting with them again? How did they know how/where/when to find her? Since only Elspeth and Mr Dalrymple apper in the scene she steals the laudanum, I'm pretty sure Aziraphale and Crowley weren't there with her, and when the toast scene begins, they are shown entering the mausoleum again (so it is not like they were waiting inside the Mausoleum for Elspeth to come back and make a toast). I'm not sure if the minisode takes place during only one night (Aziraphale explicitly states Crowley wanted to meet him at midnight, so the minisode starts around this time), because it seens like a little too much to be done in such a short time, and when the minisode ends, it is still nightime (when Crowley is dragged to Hell), but the point is: why and how would the angel/demon duo get back to the mausoleum to have a toast with Elspeth? I'm not saying they wouldn't want to do it, but the logistics seen a bit off to me.
Once again, please let me know your insights on it! I was very pleasantly surprised with the interactions with the previous post, I'm glad to not just be shouting into the void, and I loved hearing everyone's perspectives!
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songfell-ut · 2 years
General project and also life update
Hey guys, remember this pic? If not, well hello to this pic by @xxkoichiixx because it's an excellent pic.
I don't do this often, but it occurs to me that y'all have something of a stake in my general affairs, and I have an update about them under the cut.
Tl;dr is that I did not swindle you guys but
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God, I hate this fecking interface. Anyway.
You all know how I raised funds a little over a year ago to go on an anniversary trip with my husband, and promised to write a certain quantity of smut? I fully intend to do so, and it will probably be soon, taking place immediately after the end of chapter 27.
The reason I feel icky about it has nothing to do with smut in itself, and only somewhat to do with it being so gosh-darn late. The thing is, when I pitched the whole thing as "husband desperately needs and deserves this trip please help make it happen," I wasn't fibbing whatsoever. He did, and we had an absolutely wonderful time, the memory of which I will genuinely cherish for the rest of my life.
Does that sound alarming? It should. We're getting a divorce.
There are several reasons, and the ones I feel comfortable sharing are that I realized I cannot help him become a better or happier person, despite 15+ years of my absolute best efforts, and I do not owe myself or our daughter any more of the heartache of living with someone so bitter that he barely tolerates his loved ones.
He's also wanted to explore his gender and sexual identities for a long while, but it's a terrible time to be LGBT+ in America and he's genuinely frightened to do so. I fully support him in whatever he needs to do to be happy, and anyone trying to taunt me for "making him gay" will receive a head pat and a kick in the dick (said dick will be provided first if necessary)...but ngl, it does kinda sting that he has to ditch us for everything to be just right.
Actually, it stings a lot. 2022 was one of the worst years of my entire life. I thank all my fandom friends for their love and support, without which I low-key don't know what the fuck I would have done. Shout-out to @dale-the-human in particular. You know what u did >_> <3
(I'm logged into this account on my laptop and my God, the computers I used at college 12 years ago had better emojis than this)
Speaking of Dale, it's been a rough time all around, but we're still slogging along on the videos. I don't remember who I told that it'd be about a month, but that is probably not correct, for which I apologize.
Songfell itself is coming along too, but as you can imagine, in addition to the stress of existing in general, I have had tremendous difficulty writing about a broken family trying to heal. It's even worse for Beauty & the Bones, as "husband who does not give a shit about his wife's feelings/expresses it badly enough to really hurt her" could not be a sorer subject for me and all I want is to make that Sans suffer. Aggre: Seeing Red should hopefully get updated by the end of the month, but we know me, so we'll just have to wait and see.
In conclusion, I hate to provide that cap-off to the smutraiser, but the money generated was not wasted, and the trip was crucial in helping me see that while the man I married is in there somewhere, all it takes is a molecule of reality to crush him, and he will no longer accept my love or friendship to help him through it. (And a giant part of the heartache is that we emotionally split in September, but he's still living here because he can't afford to move out. Cute, eh?)
You guys have been unrelentingly patient with me, and it means more to me than I can express without dissolving into weepy gifs. I will try to get better about responding to reviews and posting literally anything on Patreon shiiiit I knew I was forgetting something argh and life in general. Peace out for now <3
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Taming ofthe Shrew
Snippet of something I tried to write years ago that never went anywhere. Remus Lupin X OC, Sirius Black scheming, nerdy flirting. kink if you squint
1.2k words
"Juuuniiiii" I could hear Sirius whine from the row behind, stage whispering to get my attention. Merlin, I just want to get this question done, can't he let me be for one goddamn moment. " I know you can hear me" Sirius shifts in his seat to lean closer "I need help with the muggle studies essay meet me in the Gryffindor common room?"
"Aye no, I need to run through new plays with my team" trying to focus on the work in front of me.
"tomorrow?" He looks at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. Sirius doesn't ask for help, he's up to something.
I hesitate "Fine." What is that boy up to? I didnae think he studied, on a Friday night no less!
If I get one more look from one of these bloody Gryffindors I'm leaving, he's fecking late, I guess I'll help him some other time. I turn back to my book, try and ignore the gits walking by and gaggle of Third years giggling coming up with reasons I'm sat in their common room.
The amount of people in the common room dwindles, it's getting dark out where the bloody hell is he?
"Juniper!" merlins beard gimme a heart attack why don't you! Remus was stood at the bottom of the stairs looking equally surprised by my presence.
"Hullo, Remus" I swear this boy is getting taller.
"hi...sorry um not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" he stumbles over his words, how precious "I-just mean, 'cause you're a Hufflepuff ya'know?
"oh aye thank you for noticing, no I'm meant to be helping Sirius with Muggle Studies" meant to be.
"Oh, well he actually asked me to help him with the potions essay hence" Lifting the books and parchment in his hands.
"Funny. He's not in your dorm I take it?" Remus shakes his head, merlin those curls are bouncy. "well I'll just have to wait here to tell 'im off then" turning back to my book.
"Do you like him?" What? He quickly clarifies "Shakespeare I mean, well his work," he says clearing his throat.
"oh aye this one's my favourite 'taming of the shrew', bit problematic but it has some good scenes ." I wonder if he's read it. "I have to admit it's always better performed," I turn back to the page I was on and murmur "s'not meant to be read."
"What part are you on?"
"where Kate and Petruchio meet for the first time." I smile, hoping he knows why. It can be a hilarious scene if it's done right. He nods and I go back to my book, play? script, no um-.
"Good morrow, Kate for that's your name, I hear." Hmm, he knows the first line, okay let's see how much boy wonder remembers.
"Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing. They call me Katherine that do talk of me." I attempt to put on the character, probably a good thing I didn't decide to be an actor as a bairn.
"Liar." I feel myself getting warm as he looks at me, eyes boring into me" for you are called plain Kate, and bonnie Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kate and therefore," he pauses slowing himself "Kate. Take this of me, Kate of my consolation: Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, yet not so deeply as to thee belongs. I am moved to woo thee for my wife."
Shite okay, pretty boy. I get up from my seat to stand in front of him just to be sure he cannae read my book.
"'Moved,' in good time. Let him that moved you hither, remove you hence." I feel myself smile a little as I watch him think over his next lines, "I knew at first you were a moveable."
"Why, what's a moveable?" He asks already knowing the answer.
"A joint stool."
"You're right, actually." his confidence falters as he hesitates on the rest o' the line "Come, sit on me."
I didnae think he was actually going to continue, well, I'm gonna have some fun with this one. I decide to do it and sit in his lap. Good lord, does he always smell like this? what is that, chocolate? line, what's the line. "Asses are made to bear, and so are you." I read attempting to regain my stubborn kate-like demeanour.
"Women are made to bear, and so are you," he says lightly patting my stomach. that smug mother fecker.
"Not by the likes of you!" I get up in an attempt to seem angry and not at all flustered.
Mockingly "Oh heavens, Kate, I wouldn't think of burdening you. I know how light and carefree you are." my he's really gotten into character, who knew.
"Too light for such a swain as you to catch, and yet as heavy as my weight should be." ooh we're getting to the fun bit, I wonder if he'll-
"' Should be'—should buzz!" he gets up off the lounge.
"Well like a buzzard, Buzz off!" he continues to move closer.
"If I'm a buzzard, you're a turtledove." He winks! what's this boy trying to do to me."Come, my little wasp, you're too angry."
Hmph well " If I be waspish, best beware my sting." I step toward him in an attempt to regain my composure. bad Idea.
"My remedy is then to pluck it out." he says, has his teeth always been this nice? Gods I wish I could wipe that stupid, smug look off his stupid face.
"Oh aye, if the fool could find it" I wonder how far he's going to take it, he clearly knows the play well.
"Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail." he's bloody close, merlin's beard.
"In his tongue." keep it cool, it is just a boy, wow he has so many little scars you wouldnae see until you get this close, they're faded, old.
"Whose tongue?" oh um-.
"Yours, if you talk of tales. And so farewell." I move back toward my things picking them up off the couch.
"What, with my tongue in your tail?"He's stood directly behind Merlin oh mighty "Nay, come again, Good Kate. I am a gentleman." oh my lord his hand slides down my waist, I smack it away before he moves any lower trying to stay in character.
"A gentleman? that I'll try!" whipping around to face him. Bloody hell he's staring into my soul I swear, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
"I swear I'll cuff you if you strike again." Holy shit who are you and what have you done with boy wonder. No stop we're friends, but that cuffing thing dinnae sound so bad. oh crap, he's looking at me. you know kissing him wouldnae be a bad idea right now. If I just leaned forward a bit-
"Nice one James!" oh shite,
Remus and I quickly sort ourselves. Like nothing happened, hm."Oi, what happened to muggle studies hmm? what happened to 'oh please I'm failing I need your help' 'it has to be Friday night'?" I turn my attention to Sirius.
"I forgot?" of fucking course, I collect my stuff and proceed to walk toward the portrait hole.
"wait!" Remus stumbles over pulling on his robes "I'll walk you back if we get caught this late I can say I caught you out during rounds and am escorting you back."
"oh yeah, Mr prefect" I forgot about that." you hoping for head boy next year?"
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themadlu · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Days of the week are a social construct, ok? Don't judge me and my bad prioritisation skills please.
Tagged by the amazing @vixstarria, thanks!
Sooo, I have been busy with a new job and travelling for said job recently, plus exams for a possible career change, so I haven't had as much time to write for fun. I'm also struggling with inspiration, but to make up for the longer waiting time between stories, here are two excerpts.
One is from my Astarion and Zélie longfic Dutiful As Death, and the other is for a new series with another BG3 OC that I'm still unsure whether to post on Tumblr or keep on AO3. Let's see if anyone guesses who the poor lass is doomed to fall for (he isn't happy about it either).
Dutiful As Death (Ch. 2)
She is on a beach. A beach that is not the one from her childhood, or from anywhere she has been before. She was high in the mountains and she is now somewhere else entirely.  Right. Breathe. In. Out.  The world spins as she sits up, but her trained breathing eventually helps her settle down. Still crouched, Zélie studies her surroundings, taking in every detail that can clue her to where she is.  She is on a cliff.  She is facing not the ocean as she thought but a river—an impressively wide one at that. Discontent weaves through her when she realises the area is unfamiliar to her.  Not Biarritz then. Nowhere else close to home either.  She instinctively searches her pockets for her phone before remembering she left it in the car in her rush to follow Percy. Worry for her brother’s safety mounts in her chest, but she forces it to subside. Nothing good ever comes from allowing fear to be in control. She survived so that she could search for her brother. She will not waste precious time with counterproductive worry.  Master your circumstances not to be mastered by them, Grandmama’s voice rings in her ears, authoritative even when distributing advice
Foul No More (some chapter somewhere)
"Listen, mate, I dunno who it is you think you are, but lemme spell it out: I. Am. Not. Sending. Any. Of. My. Crew. Back. There. I won't say that again. Now, I'm drinkin', you're leaving." He was close enough that he would have spotted the hard base of her horns peeking through her forehead like an oversized scab. Thankfully, he was too enraged (or too ignorant of anything non-human) to notice. Chiyo felt chastisement radiate from the blooming bruise on his right cheek already turning a dark purple. She was aware she should have at least tried to solve things diplomatically at the Grove's entrance. She was usually better at cooling things off (such a bore even fistfights lose their pathos), but that blasted man and the obscenities he spewed, he was begging to be hit. Maybe Bahamut put him on her path as a test of her wisdom and patience. She would say a little prayer to her god later on. Just to check. "I am not saying you should send your crew," Chiyo allowed, staring at the human's flaring nostrils. "I am saying you should come yourself. You know the way, you can show us around. We'd be much quicker." If looks could kill, she would be a pile of ashes now. The man's eyes bulged and he took a half-step closer, towering over her. His crew mates eyed her with anger. "And why would I walk to my death when I just escaped it, under-half-breed? We're done. Feck. Off." He all but spat through his teeth before turning his back to her to stomp to a nearby chair. Perfect angle for a kick in the backside. He was definitely Bahamut's doing. "Because you haven't seen your companions' bodies, have you?" Chiyo chided. Then, with more grace than she thought she could muster, "They may still be alive. Will you let them rot in a goblin's prison because you gave up on them so easily?" The tawny man stopped in his tracks.
Tagging (no pressure) @amywritesthings and anyone whoo feels like sharing!
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I have a whole ass storyline featuring these two, spawned from that very okayish movie.
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Also a spoiler review:
The sequel was pretty okay. I had a good time watching it. Obv it's very technically impressive and the way that the water ways is very good™️. The designs in general were very neat. Super pleasing from a guy who likes designs. I prefer looking at the human vehicles over the creatures but yknow, sucker for lower sci-fi stuff.
From what I remember of the first movie (which is almost next to none), I think I enjoyed the characters here a lot more. Super Memorable Main Character Jake Sully wasn't at all too interesting here. All he's really got is:
a) guerrilla leader, which the movie skips out a whole lot of potential in the prologue like seriously there was so much they could've done with that but they just didn't
And b) kinda strict father figure. Like I mean, it's something, for sure. But he never really does anything that a father figure wouldn't reasonably do. There was this bit in the beginning were his sons, uh. Noatok and Middle Child, mess up really bad and got a number of folks killed, but Jakesully kinda ignores that and berates Middle Child that he nearly got his brother killed. And his punishment for nearly screwing up a military mission? He's grounded. Around two thirds of what made this dynamic interesting was abandoned when the family bounced. Honestly though I can understand why his character takes a bit of a backseat as the film now has to devote screentime to his kids, which is more of an excuse than the previous film had.
Neytiri has largely the same issues too. I didn't really think of her as anything more than Scary Mom and Spicy Wife, but I don't rlly know what else they could've done with her.
That being said, I liked the kids a whole lot more even if the only ones who had an arc were Middle Child, Kiri, and Spider. Which is. More than ¾s. Anyways they were just kind of fun to be around even if I was getting a little tired of the discrimination aspect, though I understand why that exists. I'm especially happy with what they did with Kiri. Having that dynamic with Grace and Eywa was an amazing concept and I'm very interested to see what they do with it in the next one. I'm personally hoping we see Grace back in her Avatar.
Quaritch, compared to the last movie from what I remember, was way more interesting here than in the last movie (which is more than I can say for his squad. They weren't even particularly harder to kill than any of the human mercs. While the blue was flashy and cool, I'm disappointed with the lost potential here, even if it was only for better action scenes). It's good to see him with an attitude that isn't Military Man. He's also the main reason Spider exists, in and out of universe. At the beginning of the movie I was like "why does this kid exist besides the self inserts for young men" but during his scenes with Quaritch, I'm glad he does. I'm really into the esthetic of the military gear on the wyverns. Mega, Mega cool. Which is another thing.
I'm kind of disappointed with the treatment of the humans here. Very nearly none of them have any sympathetic qualities whatsoever. Even the ex-humans on the Naavi side were basically entirely useless. They only existed to paint a target on the Seal Naavi, telling Jakesully that, yknow, Kiri having seizures underwater could be bad (also it's very convenient that Naavi don't have the instinct to inhale when they suffocate like humans do. Very odd tbh) and to also claim that Kiris visions were caused by brain problems, which, while possible, they have actual, measurable proof that Eywa and her effects on the environment exist (I mean for fecks sake one of thems an Avatar too. Literally just stick him into a tree or some crap. I'm pretty sure they have recordings of Grace confirming this, no?). I sincerely hope this is improved in the next one, like Jesus this is a thing that took me out of the film for a bit
There's also this feeling that this whole conflict is really black and white, as in all the humans are bad guys and all the blue peeps are good guys. I'm no supremacist, and I understand that they're gonna do something with the concept with the introduction of the fire nation, but at least give us at least something to suggest that this conflict isn't that simple, like something more tangible than bullies for the blue side and, y’know, any sign at all that the humans are worried about the future of their people on the sky side.
Something besides all that, that I wish they did, was lean into the mixed esthetic like they did with Quaritch's wyverns. Something I think would've been cool for Jakesully's character. How, although he loves his wife and family and wants to separate himself from the worst parts of his heritage, he still mourns the things he lost. Even Especially if it was only the little things, like beer with friends or the general esthetics of Night City. Another thing that could've made the vibes more mixed. Like the weird coms gear that the Avatars use. I'd like some signs that both humans and Naavi have something to learn from each other, like some technical skills and even just an interest in cultural studies (if Eywa wasn't a force that solves damn well near all their problems and if they had a more open mind on anything that wasn't Eywa, although I could understand why they wouldn't considering the circumstances), and maybe, besides the incredible biology studies, a little bit of culture exchange on the humans side (if they weren't both desperate and assholes and led by a megacorp)
And besides that, some nitpicks
JakeSully's decision to leave when Avatars are targeting his family. Dumb, dumb on multiple levels. 1, You're like the only competent guerrilla leader of these people and you're leaving them high and dry. 2, You're leaving the hallelujah mountains, your most strongly defensible position, as on top of the general hostility of the entire planet, it has electro magnetic shenanigans that make the human instruments malfunction. And 3, if you decide to settle with anyone else, you'll be putting their community into danger by association because you cannot tell me you thought they were just gonna leave you alone if you disappeared from radar for a bit.
Everyone besides the kids lack of concern for Spider. JakeSully takes his family and bounces when he hears he's been captured (altho tbh what was he gonna do besides not leave, massive dumbdumb), and Neytiri takes him for hostage. She was emotional and they had Kiri, but still like wtf both of you. Butthole moves, you guys that was fucked
Why are the whales sapient? They don't seem to have admin privileges like the Naavi (or hands with which to create). What tf is the plan here Eywa
The mosasaur looking thing abandons the chase of a large fish out in open water, in favour of a much skinnier and more inconvenient Middle Child
The sea mercs plans rely nearly entirely on the whales refusal to retaliate in any meaningful way. I don't remember how much damage Middle Childs buddy did in his flashback, but his bros had all been killed. What was the difference between then and now? Where are all the high explosives that you dudes obviously need on standby?
The Sea Naavi dissappear in the middle of the climactic battle
Despite all that tho movie was pretty and I had fun, hoping the next one is better :)
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sammaelsfatcock · 8 months
ok so this is gonna be my pinned post
Hello, This first section is being edited in light of ongoing events.
Hi, I'm Sam! I'm a really rather queer, bisexual person in a bit of a gender mess. You may refer to me by he/him or she/her pronouns, or it/its if you're feeling kinky about it. Yes yes, I know. A queer tumblrite beginning to use different pronouns? I do wonder where this will go- And yeah. I know. Just- let me get there on my own time.
This is a blog dedicated to my horny thoughts, to whatever gets me off, and to sometimes writing smutty anons in people's inboxes just to see how it goes down. I would, of course, much appreciate any smutty/slutty things deposited into my inbox, most especially if you want to run some of the things marked in red down below.
Assholes get blocked. With prejudice.
You'll meet some fair hard kinks on this blog, including but not limited to: Consenting Non-Consent (CNC) Blood Monsterfucking Furry stuff FICTIONAL Incest Rope stuff Puppy play Hypnosis (of the kink and potentially real variety) Forcefem Masochism etc.
Scat, feederism, vomit, or anything of the sort. Do it yourself, but keep it well away from me, thanks. Also, don't come in here if you're the type of feck to dodge aftercare. I'm not having it, not even as a kink.
Also if you're a TERF you better leave and go take a good long think about your life.
Have fun! And remember, drink some fuckin' water. You need it.
(for spitting on me, obviously)
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