#and i did just use another 1-copy blueprint i got for being a runner up sometime to get myself a copy of the abbe f one
iniquity-fr · 2 years
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should probably get my skin/accent shop going again sooner or later and actually uuuhhhhh take orders/sell these. maybe some other stuff if i can think up ideas (which i want to but ? agh)
i just hate running a forum thread lol but i have to take stuff by preorder so uhhhh. hopefully we'll get back to it someday soonish. just posting this to show i didnt forget about these haha
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year
No Tears of the Kingdom for me until USPS delivers the damn thing, but I beat my run of Breath of the Wild tonight.
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I kind of rushed through it, especially toward the end when I started looking up all the remaining shrines I had left to complete. It's not an ideal way to play unless you're a speed runner, but BOTW for me is a long con that takes well over a month to beat. I probably could have taken my time just a bit more since I knew my copy of TOTK would not be here today. But I also maybe should have started sooner...but Mario brain would not let me. I was too high off of the movie. Anyway... despite all that, I still had an amazing time.
It's not perfection but this is exactly what I needed the next Zelda game to be after I was severely disappointed with Skyward Sword. And it's what I hope Zelda continues to be, but more refined, and slowly re-integrating what worked from the old formula...
Frankly, I don't want to ever fully go back to the old formula. I don't see any reason to. I think they nailed it the very first time and have not improved on it in any meaningful way. All the 3D games that came after OOT, followed that blueprint, but they all essentially took a swing at the king and they all missed... the old formula can live on in the form of 2D Zelda, which I don't think is going anywhere. Besides Ocarina, my favorite Zelda game is the original game on the NES. And playing this game felt a lot like playing both of them for the fist time again. And being able to go where I want with an obvious intended path very much reminds me of Zelda 1.
When I first played this game, I had a gut feeling... that this would be my new favorite Zelda game for several years, but the instant they released another one that expands on the foundation of BOTW, it's going to plummet down my ranking, dethroned by it's successor. And I do hope that ends up being true... but I also hope there will still be a reason to come back to this one. If not... well I'm just glad I got to take one more adventure before Hyrule changed. Ah... on this play through, I did the main quest as soon as I could, and then the Champions Ballad as soon as I could, because my god the Master Cycle Zero is the best thing that has ever been in a Zelda. I don't use horses, but you can't get me off of Master Cycle zero for anything... it's still wild that this concept was born in Mario Kart 8 on Wii U and made it's way to canon Zelda games... did not do trial of the sword though. Fuck that. Once was enough. Got all 120 shrines because I did want to get that Wild Armor set... I don't dislike Link's new look, but to me, Link's color will always be green... and if the Tunic of the Wild is not in TOTK, I will be doing most of my adventuring in the Hylian Tunic dyed green, assuming the dye shop is still in business... if the wild set is in the game, I sure hope it's not an end game reward. I want to have stuff to do besides looking for Korok seeds in the iconic green outfit. Now what to do with myself while i'm still waiting for TOTK to arrive...
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seanmeverett · 8 years
Notes from Gigaom’s AI 2017 Conference
Insights from Enterprise AI startups, CIOs, and Data Scientists
I. Setting the Stage
Yesterday we attended the Gigaom’s Artificial Intelligence conference in San Francisco. The focus was on the enterprise, from the perspective of what’s actually being implemented rather than the possibilities of what could come in the future.
All of the notes below are typed using the exact words said by the participants. We did not take any leeway with the language, interpretation, nor have we provided any opinion on this.
What you read below is factually accurate as best as we could copy from the participants themselves.
II. Blueprint for Building & Deploying Enterprise AI Solutions Across Industries
Tim Crawford (moderator)
Somya Kapoor: ServiceNow
Josh Sutton: Publicis Sapient
Kumar Srivastava: BNY Mellon
Biggest industries from a survey (most participants work in a company with 1K to 25K employees)
Financial services
Where do people get started with AI?
33% are in evaluation stage
25% in planning and getting to production
Why still early stages?
Most organizations are used to the past rate of change
But now time period is a much shorter cycle
Many people are hurrying to react and do it smartly
Now people are getting in deep
Are enterprise projects net new?
90% of AI work is net new activity
Existing things in production means you have to refactor what’s already there and takes time
This it’s easier to start fresh
Traditional devops is not used to dealing with new models
Easier to try something new business production container is new. Deploy that up front and no legacy software to deal with
Smarter for enterprises to start with net new
Learnings from starting to implement AI (commands)
Modify how a user or employee operates
Based on patterns this might be the right thing to do, adds an extra step. Safer, harder to inspect a black box AI
How to retrain employees for working with AI
People seem to start with Bots as their first experience with AI
Vast majority of respondents sit to 5 to 100 bots, not 1–5 buckets
Intent and entity abstraction
Next up consolidation of bots
Entire customer journey experience (look at the entire thing, not just one small piece) is the holy grail
accounting, supply chain, customer service
Are people looking to solve a broad set of problems or specific?
Vast majority of respondents are split evenly between a broad approach and holistic approach
One problem that gets solved first then use that to build off of for the holistic strategy
Agile and BI opened the door
Initiatives can start in IT (becoming a service later, reduce headcount)
Password reset is one of the biggest requests for Bots
Training the people is one of the hardest things to do
Strategy situation from Board to CEO, lots of competition within the firm: different solutions for different problems that don’t work together
What part of the organization started the AI conversation?
Finance (cost cutting as goal could result in problems in the future)
Huge drop off after that
But there’s an expectation that other parts of the organization will be able to consume what comes out of IT. Needs to be a company driven strategy.
IT is becoming a provisioning layer so others can consume it
Doesn’t matter where it starts just that it does
But needs to become consistent with a coherent strategy
In House vs External?
45% are building their AI services in-house rather than getting outsiders
Market is flooded with too many vendors
ServiceNow taking a two-prong approach (google, Watson) don’t feel like they can solve it all by themselves
What role does open source play? And how?
Have the best minds in the world working on this stuff, competing to give away the best services
Leverage but know you still have to build on top
Majority of AI effort starts with open source
Platform company so have to work with open source but have to add more
Two types: academic or large tech companies (incentives) both are starting points
Use them to go from zero to 60 very quickly
Many product companies are based on open source underpinnings
75% of survey respondents say open source plays a very significant role
Explainability is the big problem. How do you rewind the decision-making for transparency for how it works?
Use case
Show how a customer incident is correlated to a knowledge article based on machine learning
Confidence interval. Can’t say why it’s the answer but can give you 99% confidence that it is right
III. How To Consider Proof of Concept Use Cases, Building & Scaling Your POC
Soma: Madrona Group (moderator)
Jim McHugh: NVIDIA
Peter Marx: GE Digital (predix platform, former CTO city of LA)
NVIDIA DGX-1 is a supercomputer in a box
Most of the people working on AI don’t have the resources to set up a farm
NVIDIA wanted to come out with something turnkey, democratize it and make the compute power accessible
Only been about 4 years from AlexNET
GE has 380,000 employees
Turbines produce about 12% of the world’s power (scale is crazy)
60% of airplanes run on a GE turbine
Been in AI world for a long time, came out of medical imaging, then Apple to work on videos, then work in video games (football AIs, race car AIs)
Techniques has been around a long time but what changed is access to data (and processing power
How do you get started in a POC?
Peter Marx:
GE looks at asset performance management across all their machines, when will they break?
LA has several million trees. Lifetime of a tree is 80 years, 3 years to establish a tree, fancy neighborhoods have more trees. Trees represent equity, how thriving the city is, and different than urban street islands with no trees.
With the drought, LA had to figure out what to do with the trees along with 20-year lawsuit on sidewalk damage where replacing a couple hundred thousand trees
Need a catalogue of trees, hiring a bunch of people to drive around the streets doesn’t work in today’s world (need more fidelity and automation)
Tensorflow and computer vision techniques used to identify species: did it on google street view, the computer is driving down the street and cataloguing getting down to sub-meter resolution
How do you do that in a mayor’s office
He did a small POC in Caltech then pulled up satellite image from 1996 data (pretty scratchy). Over 20 years many things changed. Get started with a small area, make it highly visible. Then we said we need money to do it across entire city of LA. By the time they got the money, had already done it across the entire city of LA and looked like Gods.
Reason GE is moving into Predix is because we’ve reached the limits of performance improvements in our engines, materials science, process engineering. But now we can start to optimize thrust across an entire fleet of planes and power performance. Level of complexity not taken by man before.
Jim McHugh
Bring people through their demo center
Put cameras in car and let them learn intuitively, after 100 hours they were hitting all the orange cones, after 3000 hours it’s driving through the streets of New Jersey in rain and showing the power of image recognition
Identifying objects: “do you know how many warehouse issues that solves for me?”
Showed it to consumer companies: P&G, Oil of Olay (do a study of your face and recommend right lotion, 60% to 70% didn’t understand product line, after app it’s a 90% product satisfaction and 88% repurchase rate)
Pattern recognition: studying network traffic patterns then detect an anomaly, understand where connections belong; same thing with Voice
Always start with Gaming in demo center, incredible amount of computational math, showing raw compute power and simulation (don’t need experience in real life)
PRISMA art overlays on top of your photo, generate new scenes for Blade Runner
Oxford getting 93% accuracy at lip reading, most humans are just above 50% (what can you do with cars and trucks)
IV. Fireside Chat: Auren Hoffman & Byron Reese
Auren Hoffman Bio
Started LiveRamp sold to Axiom
CEO of a startup that makes data sets for AI
Angel investor
Why was now the time AI is coming out?
We have enough data (stock market)
Over-predicting self-driving cars, most still driven by humans in the next 10 years
Under-predicting other interesting types of AI
What can we do to speed up the development of AI?
Really focus on getting the historical data on the truth of what happened
Truth is really important (chess moves, stock market mostly true)
Building models based on bad data can compound the mistakes very quickly
How much time are they spending on data?
80% to 90% of their time is cleaning, munging, dealing with privacy
Spending only 5% of their time on the actual AI
One of the reasons Google gets all the researchers is they don’t have to do any of the other stuff around the data, just work your magic (compelling recruiting pitch)
Biggest complaint is they have to do all this other stuff, the problem is labeled training data
Enterprise problems
500 vendors yesterday, 5,000 vendors today, another order of magnitude tomorrow
Wal-Mart has 1,000 vendors for just marketing technology alone
Number of vendors is astronomical and it’s growing
How do you manage vendors? Law firm, for instance
Instead of using a spreadsheet, now using an API
Almost a vendor assembly line, sometimes vendors work together to move data around
A company’s DNA is defined by their vendor: it’s like a fingerprint
Thesis for investing in AI companies
Have to tease out if someone wants to be cool, or do they have a passion about this particular thing
Hard thing to test for
Invests in B2B kind of companies, but seems a bad idea
Just investing in a good time to be a good time to be an investor
Where do you get data?
First, make sure the data is true (bad algorithms from bad data)
Scale is important, what is scale?
Watson Oncology, data from Sloan Kettering (procedures and outcomes); going to need more data from more sources, guessing the data is labeled, true, and clean
Probably want data from all hospitals that don’t have the best people and practitioners, and from all over the world. Variation.
Most interesting data sets that he has at his startup?
It’s not about one data set, but many together
Quant hedge funds
Graphing data cross data sets
Originally look at each data set by itself, train and that works relatively well, each data set had some sort of value to get better performance
But the real value they found was graphing all these data sets together, then asking questions
But by putting these things together, you start to learn a lot of interesting things
Nutrition is hard: everything you ate, wealth, DNA of people all together to graph for understanding on what’s going on
But if we could we would unlock the benefits to humanity
This is basically general intelligence
V. Line of Business AI: How Marketing, Sales, Customer Support, HR, Finance & Product Can Use AI Without Being a Data Scientist
Sam Charrington: CloudPulse strategies (moderator)
Simon Chan: Salesforce
Matt Gandolfo: Charlotte Russe
Terry Cordeiro: Lloyds
Charlotte Russe
Fast fashion, don’t rebuy products, have to make decisions quickly and repeatably
Issue is with a lot of people making decisions manually
Instead of just prescribing an action, actually take that action
Identify that the fleet is in the right location
If you shut a store down can ecommerce pick up the slack
They’re looking for commoditized solutions so they don’t have to hire data scientists or machine learning
Aren’t going to hire a bunch of data scientists and PhDs because they’re too expensive
Components of change management and retraining people when you get rid of their job of updating excel spreadsheets
AI is nobody’s full-time job, only have 50-person IT team total
So the question is how do they leverage solutions
Partnered with a vendor to take data around physical stores and eCom, other attributes to run a bunch of what-if scenarios
Problem is it’s built on an external vendor’s platform
cost was cheaper, shifting more data to them is more risk, what if data leaks out
Einstein platform, AI that runs on top of Salesforce as a CRM tool (came from Prediction.io startup he built)
Automate tasks they don’t want to do
In addition to metamind acquisition
Focus on improving the customer experience, customer improvement
Have an AI system that can help them
Make their business more efficient, and make AI customizable for any business to use
They have 100 machine learning researchers / PhDs
Data is already in the cloud and ready, so much easier to get benefit from it
Cloud is the infrastructure that can empower AI (get data ready, get model ready, get production ready)
When compare in-house development vs external: moving from POC to mass production they start to see the cost difference (maintenance in own IT infrastructure)
Pivotal point where people look to external solutions is when the scale and productionization happens
Keeping business users in the team with data scientists, that’s when real value is created
Privacy and data protection seems to be a big problem (at least with consumer use cases)
Trust is #1 value of salesforce
One of the products they want to build is a cognitive platform; started thinking about virtual assistants and then extended into the rest of the business (“empower colleagues as well as customers”)
Definitely a skills shortage in this area
Build a centralized AI team that offers AI as a Service to the rest of the organization
Good relationship with IBM Watson so chose them, use Bluemix as their dev environment, use data already had
Learning: spent too much time training the model, should have done it quicker and cheaper
Have 5 people: data scientist, product manager, scrum master, engineer, architect sit around a table and get something done quickly (paid for by different parts of the bank)
Can’t do this on-premise, would be impossible
Build components out as services, then put a wrapper around it
Use some open-source
Their differentiator will always be their data, and the bank should use that intelligently
IP will be in AI as a Service platform approach
Very worried about sensitivity of data in the cloud
VI. Super Powers of Innovation
Sandy Carter
CEO & Founder, Silicon Blitz (spent 20 years at IBM)
Narrative Science has been doing research on AI
80% of business executives in 2017 believe AI will help improve worker performance and create new jobs
Gartner predicts 85% of interactions will be done without a human in 2020
Bloomberg: $300M as first investment in new AI startups
PWC: 1757 execs: 93% of execs depend on innovation to drive growth
Forrester: why companies DON’T use AI
42% there is no defined business case
39% not clear what AI can be used for
33% don’t have the required skills
29% need first to invest in modernizing data management platform
Jeremiah Olang (did a study on innovation)
114 companies, asked them “What is innovation?”
Answer was across 4 areas: AI innovation in product, operational, client experience, business model
Startup: 360 Fashion collaborating with Intel, Chinese government, and CCTV (1.2 billion people watched new year’s celebration)
Smart glove fashion
162 dancer synchronization, sensor based, learned gestures
Use of AI in media and entertainment using these smart gloves
#36 on Fortune’s most innovative companies list
Who are you, are you you, what can you do
85% of payments are still done with cash
Disruptive business model
Look at a profile and look at unconscious bias in hiring company (removes it from resume)
Diversity and inclusion, automatically review matches
AI in cars, obviously
Ecosystem around their technology (if you leave your car at a charging station, keeps charging you)
Marketing AI Use Cases
Content Creation & Curation
Recommendation Engine
Search Optimization
Product Pricing
Customer Service
Ad targeting
Voice recognition
Segmentation (her favorite as a past CMO)
Super Intelligence: understand the technology, but also the business and use case
Super Speed: ability to experiment rapidly
Super Synergy: build ecosystem of partners (not just a standalone system)
VII. CIO Panel: Do It Yourself, Partner, Or Buy?
Tim Crawford (moderator)
Paul Chapman Box, prior at HP
Tom Keiser: Zendesk, prior Gap, then Victoria’s Secret
Elinor Mackinnon: Devcool, prior esurance, prior Blueshield California, prior biopharma company, prior Charles Schwab
Where is AI fitting into CIO agenda, or is it not?
consumer of AI right now, it is definitely one of the tools they use
Don’t really have an AI initiative, have a series of initiatives to drive productivity and scale (which have some AI components)
Growing rapidly globally requires customer service touchpoints
Global products that need to be secured
13 data centers now, each year a few more, whole series of AI around capacity planning, knowing when bad things are going to happen
Heavily millennial workforce, taking friction out of product
Deliberate set of investments to change how employees interact with technology
Dialogue-based user experience, Bots, voice controlled conference rooms, Alexa
Expectation that they’re a forward thinking tech company
Deliberate that there’s enough meat to move the company forward
Insurance (P&C)
See a pretty big spectrum
Use an internal team for service and support like Lloyds
Struggle going from low impact, low risk and moving to something that would have a big impact is very risky and hard for them
Attendees at InsurTech: many were from outside the US (lots of innovation globally), many called themselves purely AI
Small startups taking a narrow slice of AI combined with something else (dongles and data for car insurance)
Is AI like mobile apps where you plug into the cloud, or does it require something net new?
400 service reps closing out a ticket from 100,000 tickets
A reply of “thank you” from the customer re-opens a ticket so machine learning can learn not to open that instead of “thank you, but”
Role of CIO, where does CIO fit in conversation around AI?
Depends on how role is defined, sometimes the expertise of other business unit leaders can bring AI to the table
Some CIOs are likely spending a lot of their time working on infrastructure-related issues
AI slash deep learning, AI slash IoT, AI slash robotics
AI is not just in a vacuum or in a silo, it’s always coupled to something else
AI for support functions is a big deal, take out the repetitive processes
CIO previously was a foreign relationship in the C Suite, now it’s a much closer relationship
The language of IT
“AI is the convergence of the physical, digital, and biological set to disrupt everything.”
In the world of insurance, who do we insure if nobody is driving a car, do we stay in the business, get out of it, what do we do with the actuaries
Build versus Buy?
Most of the survey respondents are using a best of breed approach solution rather than using a platform
Outside providers, all of them want to be a platform, all my data is in there, second platform
No one is selling you just the component you need, instead they want them to live in their platform
Insurance space: move to micro-products, go small instead of selling you an entire platform
Don’t know if there ever will be a single platform?
Before we pick a platform, lets have a strategic conversation, architecture could get really complicated
“Show me the org chart of Ralph Lauren” instead of having to go through single sign on, two-factor authentication, navigate to the person, then open it up
Big use case for email:
3 suggested responses to any email based on your tone and writing style, inherent to the subject of the message
Most innovation in insurance tech
UK: less regulation
Micro products, people don’t want to buy an entire portfolio of insurance products, they just want to turn some product on or off
AI: use service side of it to give insurance customer an entirely different experience in the moment when the problem happens (it how they remain loyal to the companies)
Insurance: such a huge corpus of data, all available in the public domain
I want to take my bike out of the house, turn my insurance on, bring my bike home, turn the insurance off
— Sean
Recommended Reading For You
Do We Want Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Intelligence
Biologic Intelligence is NOT Artificial Intelligence
A Novel Framework for Creating Self-Learning Artificial Intelligence
The Next Motor of the World
Early Stage Robotics & AI Funding Versus Market Size
Notes from Gigaom’s AI 2017 Conference was originally published in Humanizing Tech on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Stories by Sean Everett on Medium http://ift.tt/2lWt4Yq
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