#and i could not pass up the opportunity to attack one of my personal art inspirations
squisheebugdoodles · 2 months
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An attack on @isa-ah of his characters Joaquín and Andrés who absolutely enamored me with their vibes 💛!!
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
Dark!Max Caulfield au
So after looking at a piece of fanart by tovanori
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I was inspired to write this post on what a dark version of Max Caulfield would look like My dark Chloe au post
So saving William is the decision on what makes Alternate Max a member of the Vortex Club. What could make Max Caulfield dark? I've come up with multiple ideas
This Max in all three different timelines would wear red and black. Red and black three piece suits or Black hoodie and Red Coyote shirt to symbolize how different this Max would be.“The coyote is a complex dream symbol. … The appearance of a coyote in a dream may symbolize a lack of ambition or a weakness of some kind. It may also indicate that you are attacking those around you who are weaker and can't defend themselves as well. Coyotes represent “tricky” and unexpected elements in life.“ “A Navajo saying holds that if Coyote crosses your path, turn back and do not continue your journey. The coyote is an omen of an unfortunate event or thing in your path or in the near future.“
This is a Max Caulfield who never meets Chloe Price, without Chloe in her life, Max turns cold and more introverted. Only having a morbid sense of photography and her sense of style catches Jefferson's eye. He helps her perfect her craft and lets her in on the dark room. And after taking this apprenticeship, Max's ability to rewind awakens and she uses it to help Jefferson perfect their art. Max lures them under the guise of friendship and a smile, but that smile is bait. Max, Jefferson and Nathan work together to perfect their models, but what changes is Max and Nathan fall in love. Because of this, Nathan is not fixated on Rachel Amber. Max helped Nathan in becoming a more stable and dependent person and Max is the person who helps Nathan achieve the Prescott destiny with Max by his side.
Nathan kills Chloe before her eyes, Nathan kills himself and this leaves Max traumatized. This leaves Max vulnerable and malleable to be indoctrinated and groomed by Jefferson to becoming his new apprentice. Max becomes detached, cold and ruthless. She acts as the bait for the victims and doeses them and delivers the new models to Mark while he photographs them in the dark room and after Jefferson is done, Max disposes of them. It starts as just wanting a new partner, but soon blossoms into obsessive love. Mark loving Max and Max loving Mark and both willing to killing anyone that comes between them. Her powers never come and the storm never arrives. All that's left is Jefferson and Max working together to find the perfect muse for their sick obsessions and no one would ever expect them while they masquerade as the famous photographer and his prized pupil and as lovers, in reality they are wolves among the sheep.(I don't ship the cursed ship, I just felt it was the darker direction for this timeline)
This is a Max who has lived in Seattle all her life, Victoria Chase is her childhood best friend and she meets Mark Jefferson earlier than she would in canon. Jefferson offers to take Max on as his apprentice and Max is so enamored by the famous photographer and her parents couldn't be more thrilled. Jefferson helps Max to become a better photographer, helps her become more confident in her abilities, give Max a sense of style and flair and lets Max in on his true nature and to his surprise, she doesn't flinch, in fact she offers to help him with his victims and gets Victoria to join them. While Victoria flinched at first, she came around. As long as she's with Max and her favorite artist, it's all worthwhile to Victoria. Victoria would be who lures the models while Max and Victoria went to work. The Chases would help finance their "projects" because having a renowned photographer like Jefferson in their gallery is an opportunity they cannot pass up and thinks Victoria's idol will be the role model she desperately needed. Eventually they move shop to Arcadia Bay. Get in touch with the Prescotts and help set up the Dark Room. Eventually Nathan becomes a problem and Victoria tries to help him and Nathan lashes out, Max witnesses this and sees Nathan trying to kill her and that's when her powers manifest. Victoria goes to Max and they begin to plan Nathan's downfall. But as Nathan falls, Jefferson notices and feels Victoria has become a distraction to Max and tries to kill her. Max makes the hard choice. Her best friend and the girl she loves or Jefferson her mentor. Max lures Jefferson into a trap. When he thinks he has Victoria at her mercy, Max doses him and ties him up. Jefferson loses it, raging at her for betraying him after all she did for her and demands she unties him and kills Victoria. Max gets the gun and says "It's like you always taught me, Mark. Always take the shot" and just like that, Jefferson is dead. They go back to Arcadia Bay and see the storm raging. They make it to the lighthouse and see all the destruction. Victoria is distraught and asks Max what they should do. Max kisses Victoria and says "fuck it, let's blow this town and go back home." All that matters to this Max is Victoria and she'll be damned if Jefferson or a freak storm will take her from her.
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xdraonarts · 1 year
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[Prompt List] | [Day 1] | [Day 2] | [Day 3] | [Day 4] | [Day 5] | [Day 6] | [Day 7]
@satbkpromptweek @sonicstorybook
my entire body has unionized against me and sold me out to both OSHA and the IRS, but yknow what? I got a whole series of really cool art I am very proud of. So who’s the real winner here. That’s right. It’s ME.
Wanted to end everything off with a bang and I can NOT pass up the opportunity to draw a really cool dragon, so here’s the final boss fight of my (at least first) SaTBK au storyline. Against the Metal Overlord himself. One day I think I do want to do some in-between lore illustrations and finish out the visual story I was going for during this prompt week, but... thats a thing for future X to decide. Present X simply wishes to bask in these pretty pictures.
Lore below the cut so it can be seperate from the artist commentary
During Arthur’s party’s search for Atlas and a way to harness it’s powers to see if it could cure those corrupted by what’s known as the Phantom Ruby, Infinite had personally taken it upon himself to help the cursed Robotnik soldiers regain their old selves, horrified that their leader would not only kill his most loyal men, but rip them of everything that made them.. well. Them. While he fell mostly on deaf ears, he seemed to have the most reach with Prince Ferris.
Over the course of two groups’ bonds, Ferris grew increasingly angry with his father and, with the Jackal’s help, plotted revenge.
After finding Atlas, King Arthur and his adventuring crew make haste back towards Camelot, all the while allowing Francesca to test the sword’s properties on a recently captured Robotnik soldier, Termina the Goat (not pictured but one day I’ll have to draw her). Fortunately, Francesca’s studies have varying degrees of success in clearing the Robotnik Curse out of those it’s afflicted for a time.
Unfortunately, however, the adventuring party seemed to be late to save Camelot and the Robotnik Empire from harm. Finding the Camelot knights fighting a seemingly futile battle against the newly transformed, draconic body of Ferris.
Unwilling to let the Dracolich claim the lives of more of his men, Arthur rides into battle armed with Atlas. Francesca urges Exxie to follow, giving her as much of the elixir to ward off the Robotnik curse as she can muster. While Infinite was more than happy to sit back and let his new companion snuff out the lives of any knight dared cross the prince, the bandit interferes with his own attack on the kingdoms to try and keep the remains of the Jackal squad safe from the havok he’s helped to create.
And thus the climactic battle against the wrathful prince begins.
fades into the distance and leaves yall on a cliffhanger lmao
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The Fine Art of Kitten Wrangling
And to the person who had to wait the longest - @falasta​, thank you for your patience! This one is, with over 4k words, the longest of the Catsiversary fics, out of the simple reason that you gave me the perfect opportunity to use a fic snippet that I didn’t really know what to do with. I hope you enjoy! ♥ All my love to all who read/like/reblog! :)
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It was not often that a cat looking for trouble came to the junkyard, but when it did happen once upon a time, it was always the hottest topic in London for weeks on end.
On one of these occasions, little Pouncival laid on his back in the middle of a small private clearing, all four legs stretched towards the sky, and gave his best efforts to contemplate his third name. This was quite a hard exercise for such a young kitten as him, and Asparagus had often assured him that it was just fine to think about his second name until he could bring up enough concentration to start with his third, but Jemima was already thinking about her third name a lot, and she was younger than him, so he could do it just as well as her.
Or so he claimed.
In reality, his thoughts kept drifting to the latest game he and Tumblebrutus had come up with, and from there to Munkustrap’s last story, which had been very entertaining and made him giggle when he only thought about it in passing, and from there they drifted to the new toy he had found in the rubbish that a human had left at the outskirts of the junkyard a fortnight ago… And when he remembered what he had tried to do in the first place, he promptly fell asleep.
His surprise was great when he was rudely awakened by someone slapping at his outstretched legs. His outraged squeak only drew a threatening hiss from his attacker.
Pouncival raised a warning cry, just how Alonzo had taught him, although it sounded more like a mouse choking on a too-big piece of cheese. He felt very brave, either way.
The attacker stood tall in front of him. It was a rather bedraggled looking tomcat, and as far as Pouncival could see (which wasn’t very far, as he was covering his face with his paws), he was sporting brown fur with black patches, was missing half of his tail and his teeth were more crooked than Plato’s milk teeth had been.
“Where is your leader.” the tom said, and it didn’t really sound like a question.
Pouncival carefully lowered one paw, resisting the urge to suck on the other like a nursing kitten. “At the vicarage,” he managed to squeak out, only remembering that he probably should refer from answering any questions. Then again, it hadn’t really been a question, had it? Jenny would certainly believe him if he told her –
“I don’t mean that ole’ shoe brush,” the tom snarled, tail lashing aggressively. “Your leader. Where is he.”
Pouncival was very scandalized at this ugly, know-nothing cat calling Old Deuteronomy a shoe brush, but he had enough sense to not argue. That wouldn’t be very clever, after all. And he wanted to be clever, just like Mister Mistof–
“Bring me to him!” the tom shouted at the poor kitten, who cowered and brought his paw back up over his face.
“To whom?” he whispered.
“The silver one. With the deadly kick.”
Pouncival took both paws off his face this time and frowned. “But he’s not our leader. He’s our storyteller.” He turned to the hills of junk behind him, impatiently waiting for reinforcements. After a moment of consideration, he raised a second warning call, just to be sure. It was quite a bit louder this time.
The tom flinched at the call, his claws extending. “He is your leader.”
“No, he’s not.”
“He is your leader,” the tom repeated.
“Is not.”
“He is.”
“Bring me to him!” the tom barked, in a tone that would have made the bravest pom make a run for it.
Pouncival wasn’t a pom. He stood his ground, tail pulled between his legs.
Before he could inhale to utter a third warning cry, Alonzo was suddenly between them, going to town on the unsuspecting tom who very quickly lost his tough attitude after a few well-placed hits against his muzzle.
Pouncival sat back on his haunches and lifted one paw back to his face to suck on it, purring a little to calm himself down. Everything was alright now, he was allowed a little self-soothing, wasn’t he? Jenny surely wouldn’t reprimand him.
Apparently, Alonzo had grown tired of smacking the impoliteness out of the other cat, since he came to a stop, breathing heavily, tail waving quickly from side to side in warning. He turned around to Pouncival. “Alright, Pounci?”
Pouncival nodded dutifully, still sucking on his paw. Alonzo wasn’t big on physical affection, but that was alright. He hadn’t been hurt, anyway.
“Your leader,” said tom wheezed, licking at his shoulder. Everlasting Cat, he was surely insistent.
Alonzo hissed. “What about him?”
“The silver one. Bring me to him. I want to speak to him.”
“Say please,” Pouncival said, feeling a lot braver now that Alonzo was there.
Alonzo sent him a look, but he didn’t hide his amusement well.
The tomcat pulled a face as if he had a bad case of gas. “Please. I want to speak to him.”
With a grunt, Alonzo picked up Pouncival by the scruff of his neck and nodded at the tom, gesturing to him to follow.
The junkyard-Jellicles were no strangers to unexpected guests, and they were always open to newcomers, always offering shelter and food if they had enough of both. The streets were hard on any cat that didn’t have a human home, and thus every cat was welcome, as long as they abided by the rules. Sometimes, when a cat in need of help came to them, he or she was mistrustful or downright rude, but the Jellicles knew better than to take it personally. Those who made the junkyard their permanent home came out of their shell after a certain amount of time, becoming a part of the community without much troubles after staying for one or two Balls. Thus, Alonzo didn’t chase the tom away, even if he was inclined to do just that with how rudely he had treated the poor kitten he was carrying.
It was very hard to withstand the temptation.
“Get Munkustrap, if you would” he told Plato as soon as he entered the main clearing, setting Pouncival down in Jennyanydots’ lap, who immediately began to groom the kitten, purring loud enough for Alonzo’s whiskers to pick up the vibrations a few meters away.
Plato blinked slowly and shook his head. “He’s not here. He’s escorting Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer to their human family.”
Alonzo could feel the strange tom bristle behind him. “Thank you, Plato,” he said, breathing deeply before turning around to avoid grinning a bit too widely.
“You’ll have to wait–“ he began, but the tom beat him to the chase.
“I am Geralford and I will become the new leader of this tribe!” he announced unceremoniously.
A perplexed bout of silence fell over the junkyard.
“Erm,” said Alonzo.
“I will challenge Mousetrap to a duel of strength and endurance, and the winner shall acquire leadership over this tribe!” Geralford continued self-confidently, every singly hair on his body raised up to make him appear taller.
Someone snorted a laugh at the tom’s creative mispronunciation of Munkustrap’s name.
“Ah, my dear,” Jellylorum piped up from the sidelines, “that’s not quite how it works, I’m afraid.”
“Winning leadership by fighting? Cat above, where are we, the middle ages?” Asparagus muttered from his position on the pipe. Tumblebrutus next to him shook his head in exasperation, even thought he hadn’t listened and wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to be exasperated about.
Geralford huffed. “I was told by trusted sources that the Jellicle Cats had claimed the Junkyard as their territory. Mousetrap defeated Macavity and gained the position of the leader of this tribe in the same night,” he spoke confidently, looking down at Alonzo, who had flopped down into a nice patch of sunlight and was snickering quietly.
To everyone’s surprise, Mister Mistoffelees raised his voice. “Macavity never was the leader of our tribe,” he scoffed, irritatedly scratching at his right ear. “He is a fiend and an intruder, and that is all he has ever been.”
“And Old Deuteronomy certainly didn’t become leader by fighting for it. What a distasteful idea!” Jellylorum’s whiskers twitched with carefully repressed irritation.
“I will speak to Mousetrap about it,” Geralford said stubbornly.
“Nonsense,” Jennyanydots said, sending an immaculately groomed Pouncival off to go play and get dirty again. “It’s not on him to decide. George, dear, if you’d be so kind to show Geralford here where he can find something to eat?”
Alonzo’s grin grew a little wider. Sending George was Jennyanydots’ version of an intimidation tactic, even if he wouldn’t dream to even hurt a fly. Geralford, however, didn’t know that, and was appropriately worried when the calf-sized mutt plodded towards him, panting with excitement and tail wagging with joy.
“We will consult on a possible… er, management change,” Jennyanydots continued nonchalantly, turning around and making her way to the empty den behind the tire, which was often used for conferences, or, in this case, for meetings of the elders’ council. Jellylorum, Asparagus, Skimbleshanks, Marsily and Bustopher Jones followed her, leaving Geralford with a very dutiful George, who grasped the big tomcat by his collar and dragged him off to one of his preferred hunting grounds.
As soon as they had turned the corner, Alonzo stood up and entered the ‘conference room’, where he was met with a heap of elderly cats falling over themselves with laughter.
“A management change,” Bustopher boomed in delight, having to hold onto his monocle while he dried his laughing tears.
Skimble had pulled up his vest halfway over his head to try and stifle his boisterous giggling in it, without any success.
Alonzo smirked and waited until they had calmed down, then he said: “Well, what does the council decide?”
“A very good question,” Skimbleshanks answered, still having to cover his mouth from time to time to not start giggling again because of Asparagus having the hiccups.
Jellylorum dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, stifling a snort of laughter in it every now and then, and Jennyanydots groomed Marsily’s back to calm herself, her purring interrupted by fits of wheezing.
“Well, he’s a stubborn one, and he won’t leave it alone and make a tantrum until we’ve come to some sort of conclusion,” Jellylorum offered, “so we’d rather think of something fast. I’m not looking forward to him making a fuss like that everyday until Munkustrap agrees to fight him to the death.”
Alonzo made a great mistake in asking: “Don’t you mean Mousetrap?”
The following fits of laughter were so severe that more than a few cats curiously poked their heads into the den, fighting grins of their own with the infectious guffawing that greeted them. Soon, the den was full of at least 30 mirthful cats, walls trembling with their laughter.
“I don’t – hic! – I don’t think Geralford will be – hic! – content if we tell him that the Everlasting Cat chooses the next Jell- hic! -le Leader, and no-one else,” Asparagus said finally, fighting against his hiccups.
“I will allow no fighting,” Jennyanydots said resolutely, “we have enough problems with Macavity’s henchcats. Cat knows what he’ll do after he finds out that defeating Munkustrap didn’t help him in his quest to become leader.”
“Then we’ll throw him out. He stands no chance against all of us, even without Munkustrap here,” Plato spoke up.
Bustopher hummed, tapping his chin in thought. “Mightn’t we have a little fun? He seems a little dull, if you get my meaning. And it would serve him right.”
“It would,” Cassandra agreed, ears perked up with curiosity. “Do you have anything in mind?”
The kittens giggled in excitement. A prank, how wonderful!
“A competition!” Etcetera suggested, bouncing up and down.
Electra grabbed Etcetera’s tail and cuddled it. “Mh-hm. A competition.”
“If this competition doesn’t contain any fighting, I’m in favour,” Jennyanydots said, proudly patting the two kittens’ heads.
Jellylorum suddenly looked unusually sly. “Out with all of you,” she commanded, manoeuvring everyone but the elders out the door.
The kittens protested, wanting to know what the competition was to be about, but Jellylorum stood her ground.
“You’ll know, don’t worry,” she promised when Jemima threatened to cry if Jellylorum didn’t tell her right now. “But it’ll be worth the wait.”
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Munkustrap returned the next day, herding Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer and looking a little crinkled. He obviously hadn’t gotten much sleep, which was unfortunate, but very helpful for the competition the elder cats had planned.
It wasn’t very complicated, really, but it promised to be very entertaining.
Alonzo had brought Geralford onto the clearing, followed by an eager George who begged to keep his new friend. Said new friend didn’t seem that sure of himself anymore.
“The competition for the leadership of this tribe will begin now!” Jellylorum exclaimed, making both competitors blink in confusion.
“Competition?” Munkustrap asked, fur bristling. “For leadership? Jellylorum, what is going on?”
“Oh, darling, don’t you mind that. Go and find something to eat, now won’t you?” Jennyanydots interrupted, quickly guiding him away from the clearing.
Meanwhile, Bombalurina walked up to Geralford, a squirming Bill Bailey in her arms. “Hold this for me, will you?”
Geralford didn’t even reach out to take the kitten, instead pulling a disgusted face and stepping back. “What?”
A disappointed murmur reached their ears from the tire, where the rest of the elder cats had gathered. They whispered among themselves and seemed to confer.
Geralford’s ears flattened to his skull, lips pulling back in a confused sneer.
Bill Bailey in Bombalurina’s arms gave an impatient mew, itching to continue playing with the other kittens.
Cassandra approached them, holding Carbucketty.
“I will not hold him for you,” Geralford hissed before Cassandra could even open her mouth. He was met with unforgiving eyes, as hard as steel.
Carbucketty was thrust into his arms without precursor.
Neither Geralford nor the kitten seemed to be very convinced of this arrangement, and Bill Bailey squirmed more impatiently when Bombalurina held him in front of Geralford’s face.
Geralford took him reluctantly, holding both kittens in one hand each at an arms length.
Bill Bailey gave another annoyed mew, accidently kicking Carbucketty as he writhed in the uncomfortable hold. Carbucketty gave his best hiss and scratched at his littermate in retribution, leading to a very unusual brawl, suspended in the air as they were.
Geralford obviously hadn’t expected this to happen, and promptly let both kittens fall. Luckily, Bombalurina dove down quick enough to catch them before they fell on their heads.
The murmuring of the elders grew louder, and Skimbleshanks hurried across the clearing to see if the kittens were alright. He needn’t have worried – the shock of the sudden fall had removed all thoughts of murder and revenge from their little heads, and not five seconds later they were off, chasing after a moth.
“Me pleasure to tell you that you lost,” Skimbleshanks told Geralford unceremoniously, face stern and unforgiving.
Geraldford looked even more confused than before, but Bustopher interrupted.
“There, there, old chap, not too hasty now. The other competitor has not even had a chance to claim his victory!”
Speaking of the devil, Munkustrap re-entered the main clearing, tail dragging behind him with exhaustion. He lifted his tail in a friendly greeting when Alonzo walked up to him, Tumblebrutus throning on his shoulders. They quickly became engrossed in conversation, and the attention of the elders shifted from Geralford to them.
Alonzo went down the list of everything Munkustrap had missed during his outing with the twins, excluding their new guest. He purposefully left out a few details; he didn’t deem it fit to stress out his friend with a potential threat, not if they had it covered so far. Munkustrap nodded and listened attentively, so attentively in fact, that he barely reacted when Alonzo casually grabbed the kitten on his shoulders and set him in Munkustrap’s arms, except by readjusting his hold so that Tumblebrutus was comfortable. The kitten in question didn’t seem to have anything against being held, gleefully dangling his legs and kneading Munkustrap’s shoulder fluff with tiny paws.
An appreciative hum came from the cats on the tire. Munkustrap’s ears twitched into their direction, but since he didn’t sense anything amiss, he let them be.
Just as Alonzo came to the end of his report, Demeter and Jemima turned the corner. Jemima wasted no time to swiftly climb up Munkustrap’s left leg and settle across his shoulders like a small, purring scarf.
“Oh, hello,” Munkustrap said with a smile, giving Demeter a nod and gently bumping his head against Jemima’s. “Glad to be home?”
“Very much so,” Demeter sighed, exchanging a wave with Tumblebrutus and touching paws with Alonzo. “Our humans treat us well, but Cat above, they are ever so loud.”
Bill Bailey came plodding back to Bombalurina, having decided that he did want to be held a little. Bombalurina picked him up and presented him to Munkustrap. After a beat, Bill Bailey stuck out his arms towards Munkustrap demandingly, and the Storyteller obeyed, situating him on the arm that Tumblebrutus didn’t occupy already.
Pouncival came next, hissing at Geralford in passing for good measure and then attaching himself to Munkustrap’s shin.
“Hello, Pouncival. Are you tired?” Munkustrap asked, wiggling his leg a little. The attached kitten grumbled and clung.
“I see.”
Geralford sat down on the saddle of a rusted bike, trying to make it look like he wasn’t pouting. At least he wasn’t screaming anymore, so this suited the Jellicles just fine.
Cassandra snatched up Carbucketty when he scampered past, and with a delighted squeal he was placed on Munkustrap’s arm next to Tumblebrutus. Munkustrap didn’t comment, still chatting with Demeter about humans and their unpredictable temper. No sooner had one presented one’s belly to them to show one’s trust, they started to attack and try to mess up one’s fur with their fingers! Humans were peculiar.
A discontented grumble came from the tire, but this time it wasn’t because of Geralford, but because of the Rum Tum Tugger, who swaggered onto the clearing, Etcetera and Electra following him like ducklings.
With a smirk and a wink, Tugger lifted Etcetera in Munkustrap’s arms, which resulted in a small ripple of movement; Jemima moving from across Munkustrap’s shoulder onto his arm next to Bill Bailey, Etcetera crawling up to dangle backwards over Munkustrap’s right shoulder. Munkustrap didn’t have enough hands free to help readjusting their positions, but they sorted it out themselves fairly well.
Munkustrap frowned as Tugger draped Electra over his other shoulder like a towel.
“Is something wrong?”
“On the contrary,” Tugger chirped, scratching Jemima’s chin. “You’re all looking very comfortable, I must say.”
Munkustrap looked down at himself, seemingly only now realizing that he was covered in kittens. His right arm, where Tumblebrutus and Carbucketty were situated, was starting to go a little numb.
A soft pitter-patter of small paws made itself heard only a few moments later, and then Mungojerrie shot out of a heap of junk and launched himself at Munkustrap, wrapping himself around his waist like a little tiger-striped monkey. Munkustrap didn’t budge a centimetre, that stance of his absorbing Mungojerrie’s impact effortlessly.
“Aren’t you sick of me for today?” he asked the cheeky kitten, and Mungojerrie beamed up at him.
“Where’s your sister?”
“Ahh… she must’ve been just behind me.” Mungojerrie pressed his cheek into Munkustrap’s soft belly fur and turned his head as far as it would go. Munkustrap was a little worried for his neck.
“Me legs are longer’n hers,” he said after a while when Rumpleteazer did not appear. “Might be with George, to play fetch.”
Alonzo nudged a part of Munkustrap’s shoulder that wasn’t full of kittens with his forehead. “I’ll go and look for her.”
“Thank you,” Munkustrap said, sounding a little distracted.
Walking would be an effort, as it was, since he didn’t want to lose any kittens or kick Pouncival off.
“Kitten wrangler,” Bustopher mumbled into his moustache, and none of the cats on the tire had ever thought of any designation to ring more true than this one.
“Etcetera,” Munkustrap said, careful to not move his shoulder too much, “Etcetera, would you mind sitting up a little? I wouldn’t want you to slip off.”
Etcetera chirped and held onto Munkustrap’s ear to pull herself upright, curling up and wrapping her arms around his neck. “All safe.”
“That’s good,” Munkustrap replied, discreetly wiggling his numb arm a little. The kittens that were attached to it squealed with glee.
Shuffling a few steps proved to be impossible, he was quite stuck. Not that he minded, of course, any minute with his kitten hoard was time well spent, but only now he could make out a foreign scent and an unfamiliar coat pattern, which could only mean that they had a guest. One who he wouldn’t able to greet for a while, as it seemed. Munkustrap was mature enough to admit to himself that this knowledge made him a little antsy; he was eager to meet any newcomers and try to help them feel at home, but the others had apparently managed well, so he tried his best to tamp down his restlessness.
Mungojerrie’s tail hit Pouncival in the face when he wrapped his arms a little tighter around Munkustrap’s waist. “’Scuse me. I’m a duffer at aiming.”
Pouncival bared his teeth at the tiger-striped tail, but didn’t try to bite or catch it. Munkustrap was grateful; he was a little too preoccupied (and also occupied) to prevent a brawl.
Jemima had grabbed onto the ring on Munkustrap’s collar and swung her legs, her heels colliding with Munkustrap’s ribs like little hammers. “Munkustrap, the elders are scheming,” she whispered conspiratorially.
Munkustrap flicked the ear that wasn’t being held onto. “Oh?”
“They’re reliving their young years,” Carbucketty ruminated, giggling shrilly when Tumblebrutus reached over to bap him on the head.
When he turned his head to the tire, Munkustrap was marginally unsurprised to discover that all eyes were on him. His slow blink was reciprocated by seven pairs of eyes, but nobody approached to explain anything to him, and he couldn’t exactly walk over, either.
Before he had decided if he should call out to them or not, Alonzo returned, holding Rumpleteazer upside down by the ankles. She didn’t seem to be bothered by it, instead chattering without pause about her opinion on spices she had found in her human family’s kitchen.
Alonzo swung Rumpleteazer upright with a single flex of his arms, producing a shriek of elation and catching her in the air. Then, she was held out towards Munkustrap.
The silver tabby in turn came to a devastating revelation:
He had neither an arm nor any space at all left to take her.
The long, mostly sleepless night finally took its toll as he spiralled into desperation. Poor Rumpleteazer, hopefully she wouldn’t take it personally! And worse; what if she or another kitten needed a hug, or a private talk, or wanted to play? He was severely indisposed…
(The fact that every single kitten of the junkyard bar Rumpleteazer was currently attached to him in some way didn’t occur to him in his panic.)
The elders decided to relieve him of his misery and declared the competition as concluded; Geralford retreated to a far-off corner to sulk as Skimbleshanks hurried to take the squirmy Rumpleteazer and notify Munkustrap that he had indeed won, having to stifle a hysterical snort at the absolute confusion displayed on the overtired tomcat’s face.
One after another, the kittens left the sinking ship, scurrying over each other and around and through Munkustrap’s legs like a downy anthill. Munkustrap touched offered small paws and patted little heads here and there without even trying to ask what all this had been about, which certainly said a lot about his current state.
“I have a den that’s calling your name,” Marsily told him kindly as soon as the kittens had dispersed, having clearly picked up on their Storyteller’s exhaustion. “And a story, albeit a short one. Walk with me?”
Munkustrap walked with her, eyes growing larger and larger the more Marsily talked. When they turned the corner, the cats on the tire smiled and trilled with satisfaction at his exclamation of “Kitten stacking?!” and following incredulous laughter.
Pouncival toddled to and fro, indecisive how he should spend the rest of his afternoon. He wasn’t really in the mood to try and contemplate his third name again, maybe he truly was a little too young yet. Playing was the next-best option, but he felt a little too riled up. Maybe he could go to Plato and ask him to throw him…
Without his notice, Pouncival’s legs had carried him directly in front of the spot Geralford had claimed for himself to nurse his lost pride.
With his heart in his throat, Pouncival stared at the other’s scrawny legs, trying to think of a way out without provoking an unpleasant reaction.
But then again… Geralford had lost the fight, hadn’t he? Even if it hadn’t really been a fight.
Resolutely, Pouncival lifted his head and stared directly into Geralford’s eyes.
This kind of direct staring came as close to a middle finger among cat kind as one could get, but Pouncival was sure that he could be forgiven for it this one time. He hardened his glare when Geralford stared back, huffing and puffing with anger.
Geralford unsheathed his claws and raised his hackles, teeth bared.
They stood at a stalemate for a few long seconds, tails whipping and backs arched.
And then, Geralford looked away.
Pouncival was so surprised that he choked on the hiss he’d prepared in the back of his throat and plopped on his behind. A second later he pranced off, ears and tail as perpendicular as they would go, carrying his own little victory with him and out of sight.
Geralford grumbled under his breath and hid his head under his paws. Maybe he would have to wait a few more days before he could confidently show his face again.
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Being a duffer at something: to be bad at something “Marsily” is my chosen name for Exotica. :) Also, meet my OC Geralford! He fucking sucks <3 I am so, so very happy that I was finally able to use this thing ajskdjakd it was just gathering dust in my WIP folder and I thought it was a shame! Poor Munkustrap, he has only two hands and three (dozen) kittens. Thank you for reading! ♥♥♥
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chasingpj · 3 years
pairing: percy jackson x child of aphrodite! gn reader
requested?: yup!
warnings: mentions of underage drinking, one curse word, and mentions of sexual tension
category: fluff, shy boy x obviously interested girl trope
a/n: don't mind me I'm just projecting and I got carried away
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you’re not sure what gravitated you to percy more
the crystal green eyes, the freckles over his nose, the disheveled dark curls, or his clumsiness
the first time you laid eyes on him, he was walking back to his cabin after sword-fighting practice
his tan skin gleamed in the sunlight as a hand came up to swipe away the damp hair sticking on his forehead
for an action so mundane, it made your stomach flutter like crazy
and then the beauty of the moment was ruined right when he trips over the steps of his cabin
you heard stories of the kid killing the minotaur, blowing up a volcano, and rumors of being the suspected child of a huge prophecy
yet, he was not immune from tripping over his feet
and you’re sure the dorky charm of that moment made you think, he’s mine
for the next few days, you were determined to approach him
but you didn’t just want to come up to him and introduce yourself; that would be too plain and forgettable
you ended up finding your opportunity during a capture the flag game
silena gave you instructions to distract percy, and you headed over strong, ready to make your first impression while also taking him down for your team
sure, he had water powers and done a bunch of cool things, but your father made sure you were well trained in sword fighting and martial arts even before you knew about the camp
you planned to take him by surprise, and luckily it worked
with ruthless attacks, it didn’t take long for you to sweep him off his feet and knock his sword out of his hand
by pressing the flat of your sword under his chin, you forced him to look up at you, and you peered into those clear green eyes
gods, he’s cute, you thought
“hey,” you said
percy was stunned, not sure if it was because you effortlessly took him down or if it was because you were one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen
“... hi,” he sputtered, gawking for a moment as you offered your hand
you swore you felt sparks when his fingers brush across your palm... even though the contact was a little sweaty
in the distance, you heard the satyrs blow the horn and the roars of celebration from your team
“i should go back to the others. catch you later, ocean eyes,” you flirted
percy’s shoulders tensed up when you blew him a kiss; awkwardly frozen in his place as you waited
“well, are you going to catch it? you can’t just let my kiss fly away.”
percy shifted on his feet, not sure if you were serious or not, but when you held your ground with arms folded over your chest, it was clear that’s what you were waiting for
and so with a flushed face, percy awkwardly grabbed the air in the front of him, and you couldn’t help but giggle
“good, i wouldn’t want it flying to a stranger,” you commented playfully. “you know, i don’t really like this whole outdoor camp life thing, but seeing your pretty face around here makes it a lot better”
“uh… oh, thanks?” he stammered, not having the words to respond
you winked at him before walking off, more than satisfied with your first impression
after that, you were contemplating your next move
children of aphrodite can see all the possibilities in a potential relationship
you were able to see you and percy eating ice cream in central park, holding hands at camp, a shy kiss on your first date
you wanted all of it, and you going to make sure you get it
of course, silena and your siblings were your wing women
if percy was in the strawberry fields, you were picking strawberries beside him
in the fields, you got to know him and his sarcastic humor, which made your crush flourish
you even took sword fighting classes at the same time as him and made sure he was your partner most of the time
whenever you had a chance, you’d affectionately fix his hair or his armor just to hear his shy thank you’s
he’s never had a girl show this much interest in him, so you definitely made him a little nervous, but despite that, he opened up to you pretty quick
sometimes he’d help you out in the stables, and you noticed how he’d fumble with the harnesses or knock things over when you would flirt with him
you loved his reactions so much that you always took it up a notch just to see how he’d react
you suppose the pegasi didn’t make percy’s shyness any better
there were times where he’d shush them, or the tips of his ears would grow even more flushed at a neigh or huff from one of the pegasuses
as the summer came to an end, you gave percy your email and made sure you stayed in touch
you didn’t live very far from one another, but you didn’t dare ask to hangout
you wanted to be asked first!
and you were disappointed when the invitation never came despite the two of you being consistent with sending emails
the year flew by fast, though, and you were excited to return to camp for an array of reasons; percy being one of those reasons, of course
when you saw him for the first time that summer, you were in awe at how different he looked after a year
he was taller, broader, and just more handsome overall
your stomach went into a frenzy when he greeted you with a boyish smile while his hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously because he didn’t fail to notice how, somehow, you were even prettier than he remembered
unfortunately, having the prepare for the war meant you guys were too busy to hang out as often as you did the previous summer
but when you did have time to see each other, it was still fun
there was an unspoken rule between you and percy that any talk about the war wasn’t allowed
it allowed you guys to just bask in the nights where you would watch the sunset while joking around and sharing funny stories
those nights were calm and still; they brought a sense of normalcy amongst the chaos and growing tensions
because of this, percy had sought out your company whenever he could get it
being with you made him feel like time slowed down
inevitably, the battle of manhattan occurred and passed, causing the summer to end with the grief of losing your siblings
while campers arranged the ceremonies to honor their siblings, percy hopped around to help
losing silena as a counselor meant it was time to pick a new one, and to your surprise, your siblings nominated you
you were silena’s right-hand person, the oldest in the group after her, and the strongest fighter, so your siblings felt it was fair that you took the role
but it didn’t feel right to you; the pressure of being a newly elected councilor while still grieving silena weighed hard on your shoulders
after the nomination, you needed time to get away and sit with your thoughts, and you were only there for a moment alone until percy had found you
his eyes studied your somber expression, and he was quick to ask what was wrong
as you poured out all your worries, percy was quiet and attentive
you cuddled up to his side for comfort, and even in your sorrow, you didn’t fail to notice the way he tensed up
finally, when you let everything out, he chimed in to soothe your worries
your expression was a little lovestruck as he said everything you needed to hear, and well, his strong arm around your shoulders definitely helped too
you were so elated that you couldn't help but press a kiss on his cheek to thank him
his flushed face was enough to lift your spirits for good that day
by the time the summer officially came to an end, you could feel that percy’s feelings for you were becoming stronger
the romantic possibilities you envisioned became more apparent, but percy hadn’t asked you out yet
and like, you guessed you could have asked him out, but that wasn't fair in your book
you were already making the first moves; it was his turn to do something about it
then you were sure your mother pitied you because finally, after a few more months of emailing, percy asked if you to go ice skating with him, and of course, you agreed
but then, you concluded that it was more like a cruel joke from your mom because percy never showed up
you waited hours for him before you trudged home in defeat
heartbroken wasn’t even enough to describe how you were feeling
being stood up with no follow up from him made you conclude that he just wasn’t interested and you just needed to move on
it wasn’t until you went to CHB for christmas break did you find out percy was missing
you were crazy worried about him and helped as much as you could to try and find him
when it was confirmed that he was still alive, you were more than relieved
from that day on, you were itching to see him again, and finally, after the giant war, you were able to speak to him
you only said a hello before you got sucked into a game of truth or dare with your friends
the game was self-explanatory; spin the bottle and the person who’s chosen is submissive to the person who spun it
you made up some lousy dares for the first few people until you spun the bottle in percy’s direction
“truth or dare?” your voice was challenging, and a little flirty
percy shifts in his place, “truth.”
“do you want to kiss me?”
“kiss me.”
the instigating coos of your friends made you smile, which contrasted percy’s stunned expression
“never have i ever-”
“that’s not even the game, percy!”
your friends laughed at your interaction, but you were honestly a little annoyed
he liked you; you could feel it, so what was he even waiting for?
“it’s fine. you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to,” you say with a playful smile in an attempt to hide your disappointment
“shit, i’d kiss you,” leo joked, and you suddenly perked up at the request
a new idea came to your mind
“so kiss me,” you snapped your gaze to leo, a smirk on your face
leo gasped so hard; he choked on his own saliva
while he coughed erratically, showcasing all his shock on his face, you announced, “new rule! you can only give up a dare if someone else in the group offers to take it for you.”
your gaze fixed on leo, “so, are you going to kiss me or what?”
“uh, only if you want to,” he stammered, and you smiled, moving to lean over in his direction
suddenly, percy cut in, “i didn’t give up the dare.”
your attention shifted to him, and you didn’t fail to pick up the jealousy radiating off of him
your stomach flipped with anticipation at the success of your idea
if percy needed a push, you were going to push him
“you’ve given leo false hope then,” you joked, and playfully leo sighed.
“man, so close,” he mumbled.
you bit your lip as you leaned in percy’s direction
you felt his attraction to you; his eyes told you everything you needed to know and more
and before you knew it, your lips were against his
the kiss was short, but for a moment, the world around you was drowned out; you barely heard the coos and cheers of your friends around you
with a satisfied smirk, you pulled away, settling back in your spot as percy’s eyes averted elsewhere, too shy to look at you
you and your friends played the game until you grew bored and found something else to do
because the festivities kept pulling you in one direction to another, the only interaction you had with percy was the occasional longing glance and nothing else
as you escorted a few of your sisters who drank a little too much back to your cabin, you were sure you’d have to wait another day to talk to him
lost in your dismay, you automatically denied piper’s offer to finish the task
it wasn’t until she scoffed did you pull out of your thoughts
“are you kidding? go. i’ll get them back. you find percy.”
“oh yeah. you guys need to do something about that sexual tension. are you gonna date him or what?” another one of your sisters slurred
before you could even protest, you were shooed away by not only piper but by the rest of your siblings too
you stayed in your spot, making sure they had at least made it to the steps of the cabin before you pranced up to percy’s cabin
you figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if he wanted to go on a walk with you
your knock is followed by a few moments of shuffling before he opened the door
and, whew, you were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a shirtless percy
“hey." you leaned on the door frame, your eyes trailing down to admire his toned torso
“eyes up here," percy playfully demanded
you were almost hesitant to avert your eyes, but you obliged.
"i wanted to ask if you wanted to take a walk. you know, i just haven’t been sleeping well."
percy leaned against the door frame, amused at the dramatic pout on your face.
“sure, let me put on a shirt firs-”
“oh, you don’t have to. i don’t mind,” you cut him off, and his head tilts back just a little as he laughs
“i’m putting on a shirt,” he declares playfully, and you whine in fake disappointment
on your walk, he told you all the crazy things that happened while he was missing, and even though his stories were a lot more interesting than what you had to say, he was eager to hear about what you've been up to
your conversation persisted as you walked around the camp and as you arrived at the docks, another idea came to mind
suddenly, you cut yourself off mid-sentence, your gaze fixed on the water
“perce, you know, i can’t swim,” you mention, stepping on the wooden dock
it was quiet for a moment, and percy's expression was laced with confusion as you kicked off your shoes
you didn’t even care that you were wearing designer clothes, running straight off the dock and into the deep lake water
you heard percy yell your name right as your body completely submerges in the water
and it wasn't even more than 3 seconds before percy jumped in, one arm immediately wrapping around your waist to swim up to the surface with you
his baffled expression sent you into a fit of laughter
“what? why did you do that?!”
“cause i knew you’d come and get me.”
percy’s lips curved up into a smile, and you took the time to admire his features in the moonlight
you swore you saw his eyes flicker to your lips for a second, and the action made you hyper-aware of how close your noses were
"kiss me!" you thought in your head as you circled your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer
you could feel his admiration, the accelerated thump of his heart, the fluttering in his stomach that mimicked yours
the kiss you shared earlier was far too short for your liking, and you were already looking forward to the next opportunity to kiss him again
“i haven’t forgotten that i owe you a date.”
you smiled at his words, half-distracted at the proximity of his lips
“so it was a date all along?” you asked, and percy nods, amused
“you know, i was thinking now that there isn’t another big prophecy and the chances of me disappearing again aren’t likely, that, maybe, you and i could-”
“yes! gods, yes.” you cut him off, and percy laughs at your eagerness
you waited too long for the question that you couldn’t even let him finish asking
he isn’t able to say anything else as you pull him into a passionate kiss
it was as if the years of anticipation were being poured into the movement of your mouths
the kiss was long, growing in eagerness until the harpies had ruined your fun and the two of you had to run back to your cabins
a part of you had wished that all of this would have happened sooner
you had plenty of nights where you were stared at the ceiling with conflicted thoughts, wondering if you guys just weren't meant to be, if you somehow made up his attraction to you in your head, or if you should ask him out first and save yourself the potential regret
but when you returned to your cabin full of enthusiastic siblings asking why you were soaking wet and why your lipstick was smudged, you realized you wouldn’t have changed a single thing
masterlists taglist:@xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @-thatgirloverthere- @passionswift @nanskidoodle @s0urcru5h @ilikefluffygingercats @all-hailreyna @autmngirlworld @sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless @yelenabel0vaswife @t0xicmuse @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @tomriddles-wh0re @amy-writes-blog @muted-mayham @shawkneecaps @dreamerball @earthtokace @thehighladyofday @theverydramaticcabbage @lala-llama123 @tootsdoll @slytherindaughterofposeidon0 @black-rose-29 @somekidnamedkai @possiblylostchasecousin @silver-gemini @hamdehlesmis @shadowsndaisies @cami05sworld @does-anyone-hear-me @scarlets-widow @sol-the-salmon @hipsdofangirl @tatofan @missusstark @atryx0-tal @iamparou
if your username is bolded that means i can’t tag you ! you probably have your visibility settings on !
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bibbykins · 3 years
Cookies and Fingertips (M)
Some Jimin loving! We love to see it! I hope you all enjoy this installation as I try to figure out how to properly flesh out characters in a drabble series. Am not sure how I’m doing there but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. As always, tips are not required but greatly appreciated, just like your thoughts! Pls share your thoughts though, they brighten my day!
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Note: This is part of a drabble series The Household’s Bunny
Summary: You and Jimin met long before you moved in, and yet, you’re not sure if he even likes you. So what else is there to do but take every opportunity to talk to him until you figure it out? 
Jimin has had a debilitating crush on you long before you moved in and he is almost positive there is no way you’d feel the same. And yet, he doesn’t have the strength to properly avoid you.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: 18+, soft yandere-ish, obsessive thoughts, possessive thoughts, fingering, handjob, subspace, cum eating (sorta?), discussion of hospitalization, mentions of a stalker, mentions of passing out, the word “fat” is used, a moment of thigh riding, surprise kiss, insecurity
Jimin looked across the courtyard as his eyes remained fixated on your form. You were a simple second year in college and he was just a breath away from graduating. He first laid eyes on you a mere year ago and he can't remember what life was truly like before you smiled at him. You both had only ever exchanged pleasantries, so he opted to wait for the right time to make his move.
“That’s not true.” Your voice snapped Jimin from his staring contest with the PowerPoint slides, “That’s an antiquated idea, not a proven theory.” He looked to you, a couple rows down. You were plump and cute to say the least. He recognized you from a few of his courses. He had heard you were a double major in Art and… damn, what was the other?
The man you had rebutted had his face turning red, “It is proven, it was studied in 1973 with significant results yielded.” Jimin had no idea what you both were debating but he watched a sea of student nod in agreeance with you, some with the guy. What class was he even in? He looked at the PowerPoint slides, reading them for the first time today. Ah, he was in his psych of gender class. Maybe you were a psych major.
“In 1973, with no women in the participant pool, are you not seeing the issue in making a multi-gendered generalization whilst utilizing one genders perspective, a perspective that is also quite dated, mind you?” You cocked a brow and Jimin found himself a bit amused at the man who scoffed.
“You learn those words in high school two months ago?” He snapped back and Jimin grimaced along with most of the lecture hall. 
“What? You need me to define them?” You quipped, eliciting some laughter as the professor regrouped.
“Ah, educational discourse.” The professor joked lightly as Jimin’s eyes remained fixed on you as you noticed a few lingering gazes on you, shrinking in your seat.
He saw you in the lunch hall, sitting alone, not uncommon for anyone in college, except your eyes were a bit puffy. Before he could even question the urge, he acted. Within a few steps, he was at your table and you looked up in confusion, “Uh, hi?” You meekly spoke and Jimin realized he had no plan.
“U-Uh, you… uh… do you like the cookies?” He forced out and immediately wished he could disappear.
You looked down at the cookie on your plate, “Uh, yes? Is-Is this a fat joke or do you actually want to know?” You asked cautiously.
Jimin’s eyes widened, “No, I mean yes, I mean no, I would never make fun of your weight.” He squeezed his eyes and sighed, not able to see your growing smile at his mental turmoil, “I have psych of gender with you and people rarely talk in that class so I thought you were pretty cool.” He smiled and he noticed you relax.
You nodded, smiling slightly, “Ah, I see. Thank you.” You beamed and it was like he felt the warmth from you, “I don’t do super well with attention but I also have poor impulse control.” You chuckled and he finally understood why you had cried and his heart strings were tugged a bit, “And yes, the cookies are good.” You split one in half and offered it to him.
Life goes by a lot quicker when one waits for the perfect opportunity. This much he found out quickly when he found himself a year later, looking across the courtyard at you, this time as your TA. He tried dating to get the daunting idea of talking to you after that singular interaction in which he forgot to give you his name from his mind to no avail. No matter, surely this would be the year.
”Jiminie is so hot!” Jimin continued to pretend not to hear his ex, Yoora, whine in your ear as he observed the intro to modern dance class.
You looked to her thoughtfully as you stretched, “You mean the TA, that is not that far away?” Your voice was lowered, but he could still hear you. He found himself listening closer, wondering if you remembered the singular interaction you both had. Yoora nodded in the corner of his eye.
“Yep.” She affirmed, “We dated, it was magical, and he’s still hot.” She mused and Jimin grimaced a bit, feeling bad he dated a girl that seemed to be a decent friend of yours, “Do you know him?”
Jimin perked up a bit, “We talked once, seems nice, is obviously hot.” You shrugged, “I doubt he remembers me, though.” You leaned down to reach past your left foot as Yoora urged you on with her eyes, “I had gotten into a weird debate with this one dude in a class we had and he saw me after, and I had just cried because I hate arguing and stares.” You and Yoora laughed a bit, “Then, he just came up to me and asked if I liked the cookies I were eating, and I wasn’t sure if he was calling me fat at first.” Yoora gasped and Jimin felt pain just thinking about the awkwardness, “He wasn’t, and he got cutely flustered when I asked and then I gave him half of my cookie and that’s all.” You moved to your other leg, “And then he never talked to me again.” You laughed and Jimin wanted the floor to swallow him.
Another year goes by. The day before he was going to try and ask you out, you were hospitalized. He didn't know how to even approach the topic with you, but he did try to be there for you throughout that year. The professor he was TA for insisted Jimin also utilize his emails, so all throughout your brief stay in medical care, it was him who received your bubbly emails. The emails full of little emoticons and exclamation points that made him giddy and took him hours to conceptualize a response to. Although you didn't know it was him giving you extensions and safe regards, he still meant it. 
He was practicing when he got the email, 
“Attention students, 
We have received knowledge of an incident that has resulted in the hospitalization of a student that occurred within an apartment close to campus. Proper authorities have been notified and the student is recovering well. Please remain safe and vigilant.” 
His face twisted in confusion when he got a text from the professor he was TA for that you were the student in question.
Throughout the semester, Jimin watched you with careful eyes as you slowly acclimated back to yourself. He wondered how he could have been so blinded by your smile that he couldn't properly see your eye bags or the way you looked over your shoulder when you thought no one was looking at you, or how he couldn't see he wasn't the only one looking at you. 
When you returned, he watched your eyes relax and your guard go down again. He just wished he could've been there to help you get there. He trudged home one day and found you, and then his whole world was flipped by you again.
Since moving in, he found himself way more advanced with you than he ever imagined. You would plop next to him on the couch and give him a smile, "How was your day, Jiminie?" You beamed at him each time and he nearly choked on his spit each time.
He would mumble an answer and you would hum before watching TV with him, a show he deliberately put on each time he heard you come home. Eventually, you began watching competition shows together, theorizing who would win what. It was comfortable and close, and he found himself falling for you even harder.
"Do you wanna have lunch together?" Your voice pulled him from his thoughts in the practice room he had on his floor in the building. He had agreed to help with your final. The only time he could talk to you without it being a mental nightmare was when it was about dancing. The only time he could initiate contact was in this studio. 
The studio gave him a certain air of confidence that even you could see. He wasn't a different person, more so multi-faceted. There was the shy and bumbling part of Jimin just as much as there was the sharp-eyed and focused Jimin. Not to mention the way his fingers would dance on your form as he gave you pointers made you unreasonably aroused.
Even so, determined to challenge himself, he nodded, "Lead the way." His voice was smooth even after two straight hours of practice and you wondered how he could look so hot work out clothes.
You both decided to pick up food and eat it at the studio. You sat across from each other as you ate in polite conversation. It was after you both picked up the food and sat on the floor you spoke up again, "You know, Jiminie." You started, eyes shyly fixated on the floor, "I wanted to thank you for not telling the guys about my, uh, incident a year ago." You finally looked him in the eyes, a soft smile on your face, "Not that it's a huge secret, especially on campus, but I just prefer to tell people myself." You mused.
He blinked, surprised you would thank him for something like that, "O-Of course, I mean, a lot of rumors were going around anyways, so even if I did want to tell them, I doubt I have only the facts." He shrugged, "It's not anyone else's business regardless."
You stifled a little giggle, "Yeah, some of the stories got a bit crazy." You sighed a bit, "From a stalker attacking me to me passing out in the middle of the street." Jimin looked up at you. You didn’t meet his gaze, most likely reliving the aftermath of the whole campus finding out you were hospitalized and are a cam girl in the same week. Not that you were ever hiding you job, but you just wished you could tell people on your own terms.
"Yeah, some crazy things get told in the Arts department." He murmured, "I only knew most of the facts because your TA for Professor Lee's class."
It was your turn to look up, but instead of confusion he saw a polite smile, "I know, silly." You chuckled and when you saw his confused face you looked at him incredulously, "Come on, you're Park Jimin! Of course I'm gonna know the 'hottest dance major'" You fake gushed and he finally broke a laugh, making you giddy. 
"Of all things to know me by." He shook his head, smile still present.
You studied his face as his eyes scrunched and cheeks lifted, making you smile as well, "I've never made you smile before and your smile is so pretty." You mused, "I need to step up my comedy game."
"You've never seen me smile?" He looked surprised at this, considering he always smiled like an idiot when he stared longingly at you.
"I mean, sort of, but not to this degree." You shook your head, "I was starting to think you didn't like me for a while." 
His eyes widened at this and he panicked, "No, no! I do like you, a lot!" He exclaimed, much to your amusement and to his dismay. You watched him get red with a grin.
He stammered, staring at his fork before he heard your melodious laugh. He looked up and his face softened at the sight of your smile, "You're too cute, Jiminie." You reached forward and pinched his cheek, making his breath hitch. Your cooing tone made something click inside him. He didn't want to be just cute to you, he wanted to be more than any adjective, he wanted to be yours.
He reached up, hand going to wrap around your wrist loosely, "I was the hottest a second ago and now I'm just cute?" A glint of confidence shown in his eye as he made you gulp, "Is that all you think of me, y/n?" Your own name coming from his mouth sent a shiver down your spine and a beat to your core.
You were in a trance while being eyed by the man with a vastly different energy than he had just moments ago. You shook your head lightly, "I think you're beautiful." He cocked a brow and you scrambled for more words, "I had a huge crush on you from the moment I gave you half of my cookie." You breathed before even thinking, snapping you back to reality as you watched his eyes widen, "Ah, me and my mouth!" You admonished yourself, "I didn't mean to make you uncomf-" You frantically moved to take your hand back only for his grip to tighten, pulling you forward, placing your hand at the nape of his neck while his arm wrapped around your waist.
You gulped at the newfound closeness, bodies nearly pressing against each other as he eyed you sharply, "Do you mean it?" He breathed, "You had a crush on me?" You made a move to slink away, but you he gracefully laid himself down with you on top of him, his thigh mere centimeters from your core and he gave you a mischievous smile, "Don't leave me hanging." He teased.
"I-I mean… yes, but can-"
He cut you off with a sigh and a laugh. You braced yourself for him to laugh at you, and say how weird it would be had you confessed and how weird the idea of you two together would be.
It's a song and dance you've seen many times as a hopeless romantic chubby girl. Of course, now you know you were just too much woman for such little men, emotionally little at the very least, but you would be a liar if you didn't still feel the hurt of humiliation. The last thing you wanted was to look into Jimin's eyes and find the same pitying glint, but you were nothing if not a bit brave, at least sometimes.
You forced your eyes from his chest to his gaze and found… an emotion you've only every seen in the eyes of your housemates, an emotion you don't quite know yet, even if you felt it too. At your curiosity, Jimin beamed at you further, "I'd be really frustrated right now if you weren’t on top of me." He chuckled a bit and explained further before you could ask why, "I have had such a huge crush on you for years now." You balk at this, shaking you head.
"That's not a funny joke, Jiminie." You huffed, "If I were even a bit more gullible, I would seriously believe you and then my feelings would be hurt-" He pulled you flush against him as he captured your mouth in a soft and sweet kiss. He was slow, but focused, in the way his mouth moved against yours.
Inside, though, Jimin was freaking out. What if you didn't actually want to kiss him? Why didn't he ask beforehand? Should he pull away? But your mouth feels so good. Are you kissing him back or is he just that enthusiastic?
You laid his worries to rest when you used the hand at his nape to pull him closer, mouth opening to nibble on his bottom lip. He groaned lightly, pulling you closer as his tongue mingled with your own and he pressed his thigh into the thin material of your leggings. You gasped at this and it was like a fire lit within him as he sat up and shifted you for your legs to be on both sides of him as he pressed his mouth onto yours further.
His fingertips danced along your form in a much different context than you were used to, but fuck, did it feel nice. Where one arm was securely holding your waist, his hand reached beneath your shirt, getting accustomed to the soft skin as he waited for you to nod. You wanted him to touch you further. You didn't understand what all these hot men wanted with you, but right now, it didn't matter one bit. 
Jimin's eyes rolled back when he reached in your sports bra to run his fingers over your hardened nipples. You twitched against him as you gasped, fingers intertwining with his hair roughly, "Shit." He groaned at the sensation.
You both sloppily kissed as he explored your chest with his hands, moaning into each other's mouths at the euphoria of unresolved feelings coming to fruition and the sexual tension finally snapping as you gave him unrestricted access to feel you beneath his fingertips, "Wanted this for so long." He murmurs into your mouth, "So beautiful, fuck." The praises don't stop, and only further spur you wandering hand on as you feel his sculpted stomach.
"Wanna touch you." You whine as your fingers play with the waistband of his sweats and he nods, his own hand travelling down to cup your core, making you squeak, "Fuck, I'm so wet." You realized, half embarrassed and half aroused.
You could feel his amusement as he slipped his hand beneath your tights and panties to make skin to skin contact with your soaked core, and he didn't know how he made it this far, but he just wants to keep going as he feels you soak his hand, "Yeah, baby, you are, just for me." He moans when you follow his lead, hand wrapping around his hardened erection and giving a small squeeze, "Shit!" He gasps as you wiggled your hips against his hand, grinding yourself little by little. 
Your hand massaged the head, smearing the precum as you begin stroking him. You both continue moaning into each other's mouths as his hips jerked and you twitched against his hands, "So fucking wet, baby, so sexy." He growled and he slipped a finger inside of you, him groaning at your pulsating warmth wrapped around his finger, "Slid right in, angel." He praises and you let out a choked gasp and he presses his thumb against your clit.
He drank your moans into his mouth like they were an oasis in the desert, and he’s not sure how he’s lived this long without them. Without you by his side and in his arms. He held you close, refusing to even consider loosening his grip because your body against his was bliss in the highest form. You were his, even if just in this moment, and you would be nobody else’s. Nobody could make him feel the way you do, and he, along with the other men that resided in the building, were determined to hold the same monopoly over your emotions. He refused to entertain the idea of anyone beyond this building making you feel anything close to what he was now as he pushed a second finger in, relishing in the strangled moan you gave as you babbled about feeling full.
With the excitement of his dream girl dripping against his hand and your own hand working expertly on his dick, Jimin could feel himself getting close and you could tell from the breathy whines he gave you as he began thrusting his hips in time with his fingers inside you, "Cum for me, Jiminie." You purred before licking at his tongue and he came beautifully with his eyes screwed shut and mouth open as you swiveled your hips agains his, now two, fingers.
"Baby, so good." He whined as his high settled down. He shifted all focus to you and your impending orgasm as he watched you fuck yourself onto his hand, "Feeling good, darling?" He asked teasingly and you nodded dumbly, lips pressed together as you felt your high approach, "I can feel you clenching around my fingers, fuck, you gonna cum in my hand all pretty?" He cooed and you nodded as he met your thrusts, making you clutch onto him harder.
"Can I cum?" You whimpered and Jimin could almost feel himself get hard again at how willing you were to give him the reigns.
"Because you asked so sweetly, of course my love." He let the name slip before you both could even acknowledge it consciously. However, the closeness and the intimacy of it all sent you over the edge and you bit down on his shoulder in attempt to hide how loud you were. He held you close, not minding one bit at the mark you were surely leaving as he fucked you through your orgasm, "Felt good, angel?" He mused and you tucked your face into his neck as you nodded, holding him close as his finger stilled but kept you full until he felt you relax. 
You both giggled as you met eyes, licking the other person's cum off of your hands, "Thank you Jiminie." You hummed cheerily.
"Thank you, bunny." He chided before giving you a kiss, "We all really, really, like you, you know that right?" He asked and noticed your hesitation.
"Sure, but people can be sexually attracted to me and not want to… be with me." You spoke wistfully, "People can like me and not want to be with me." You let out a humorless laugh, "And few things make me feel as dumb as getting my hopes up for no reason." Although you had a tendency to do it time and time again.
"Don't be scared to assume we want you as much as you, hopefully, want us." He spoke quickly before he planted another kiss on you and the affection made you smile.
"You realize the irony of the statement coming from you, right?" You chuckled as he helped you stand on shaky legs before just carrying you, "I cum once for you and all of sudden you know everything and are all confident." You chided, unsure how to process his words yet, mind hazy from your orgasm.
"What can I say? You opened my third eye." He joked and you rolled your eyes before leaning your head on his shoulder, enjoying his embrace, the idea of your housemates loving you back seeming just slightly less like an outlandish fantasy, "Although, it will wear off and then we'll have to do it all over again." He sighed dramatically and you giggled.
"What a shame." You fake gasped, "I hate engaging in sexual relations with hot guys." You complained sarcastically.
"So you do think I'm hot!" Jimin cheered triumphantly.
You laughed against him and realized the only times you felt so free were with your beloved housemates. You wondered if they felt the same. You also found a more insecure part wondering for how long they would feel that way. How long would it be until a girl, or several, much prettier than you or less needy catches their attention. You wondered if you could take the pain of watching the sincerity drain from their eyes just as you've seen in your mom, your dad, your uncle, your first relationship to your last. You wondered what it was about you that made it so easy to be left behind.
Jimin's phone pinged, ripping you from your melancholic thoughts. He sighed, pulling it out and you fought the urge to see if it was another person vying for his romantic attention. He didn't belong to you, even if you wanted him to, "Ah, Namjoon wants to know if you want the demo for the new zombie game he's working on and Jin wants to know if you'd like your first pick of the new stickers he got, and Hoseok wants to try a new hairstyle on you and ah, they all sent me something to ask you…. Gosh, they all think I'm your secretary when we're together." He whined and you held onto him tighter with a light laugh as he went through everyone's inquiries for you.
You also found yourself how you went on this long without them and how you could even consider hesitating if they asked you to stay with them for much longer.
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flickeringart · 3 years
Mars Retrograde in the natal chart
I’ve written about planets in retrograde in the natal chart before, find the post about Mercury, Venus and Mars here and the post about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto here.
In this post I’m going a bit deeper into Mars Rx.
As we all probably know, Mars is the planet of personal drive, aggression, assertiveness and outward directed energy. Mars it works on behalf of the personality as the warrior – as forward movement, strength and desire. Mars enables us to be goal oriented, to stand up for ourselves and have a sense of direction and momentum. Depending on the sign Mars is in, the style in which one goes about one’s interests will vary. For example, an Aries Mars will be direct, impulsive, straightforward, loud, non-apologetic and open in taking action. Taurus Mars will be calm, patient, stubborn and energy preserving. Gemini will be cerebral, creative, mischievous and all over the place. Cancer Mars will be careful and protective of emotions while trying to secure a goal. Leo Mars will be demonstrative, proud and demanding. Virgo Mars will be purposeful and practical, going over the steps required to reach a specific goal. Libra Mars will try to smoothly get other people to get on board with one’s direction without ruffling any feathers, usually through using reason and logic. Scorpio Mars will assert its will “undercover” often through subtle yet effective emotional blackmail and strategy. Sagittarius Mars will be bold and restless, potentially quite clumsy and funny. Capricorn Mars will be serious, patient, mature, responsible and steadfast. Aquarius Mars will potentially be acting on behalf of a collective mission and thought-movement, considering what lies in the best interest of the “group”. Pisces Mars will be easily directed by influences from the environment, compassionate, soft and a bit confusing.
Having Mars direct in the natal chart means that desire is merged with action. In other words, action is employed in the name of desire. In the most basic sense, a person sees something of value (Venus) and Mars is the one who is in charge of conquering it. Venus and Mars can’t really be discussed separately for this reason because something has to catch one’s attention (Venus) in order for there to be anything to attain and achieve. Simply put, Venus is the object, person, place of esteem and Mars is the force that is in charge of closing the gap between the person and that which is desired.
When Mars is retrograde in the natal chart the drive to achieve is equally as strong as with Mars direct, but it is turned inward instead of being directed outward. This causes inner frustration, pent-up energy and often feelings of being ineffectual – unable to directly go after what one wants. Many sources state that since Mars is a masculine planet, Mars Rx is more bothersome for men, as women tend to not suffer from lacking in masculine traits as acutely because of identification with femininity (Venus). This is probably true, yet women will similarly experience the debilitating effects of Mars Rx – sometimes through the lover and partner of choice.
Some sources state that natives with Mars Rx had a childhood where they were not allowed to get angry or to stand up for themselves. Perhaps no one listened or bothered, perhaps displays of aggression were forcefully disapproved of and punished. There could have been a lack of support of the native taking initiative and paving his or her own path. I have had the reverse experience of being accused of not being assertive enough. I have Mars Rx in Virgo in the 3rd house and I was constantly criticized for lack of extroversion growing up, particularly in school (the 3rd house rules lower education) by teachers and peers. I was “too quiet”, “too inhibited”. In a sense, I was attacked for my “lack of Mars”. Unfortunately, I think this is quite common for people with Mars in Rx, we seem to invite aggression (in my case criticism because Virgo rules my 3rd house) in the area of life (house) that Mars is placed. I never attempted to “strike back” but kept my own pent up anger inside feeling worse and worse about myself, humiliated, yet for some reason unable to project the intensity outwardly – probably because it would only have caused me more reprimanding. However, the positive thing I’ve noticed with Mars Rx is that I have the ability to act independently of outside influences. In a sense I can act without desire being merged with action. Or rather, I can choose to redirect the build-up of intensity into unrelated activity. It’s definitely counter-intuitive, but it’s very useful in situations where one is required to act despite of a goal. Since people with Mars Rx have an obscure desire nature, there’s the ability to simply put one foot in front of the other and see what comes of the action.
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There’s something to be said about inviting aggression from the outside with Mars Rx. Other people seem to want to cause a reaction by provoking the Mars Rx person to make them stand up for themselves and display some assertiveness. This never works because Mars Rx people don’t react defensively to personal attacks on the spot. They sit tight, face the situation calmly yet is feeling a build-up of energy that is likely going to erupt later, when the situations has passed and when it’s no longer relevant. They get angry with themselves for not acting on the spot, for not saying the things they wanted to say and display the strength that they really do possess. Mars Rx people often question their potency and can beat themselves up for not being more willful. As stated, the bouts of anger come only at a later time, which does nothing to gain the individual a reputation of being impactful. The moment has passed and the opportunity to strike is gone. It’s important to not be too hard with oneself, Mars Rx isn’t a character flaw, it’s part of one’s unique blueprint and one would do better focusing on the benefits rather than the down-sides. Mars is after all about confidence and there’s no reason why Mars Rx should settle for feeling “less than” confident. The key is to not look for external proof of one’s potency and be content with knowing that one is powerful despite appearances of lack of assertiveness. With Mars Rx one should avoid comparing oneself to other people. Comparison and competitiveness don’t benefit these people, for obvious reasons. Measuring one’s strength against another will leave one feeling neither strong nor confident because the strength of Mars Rx is passive and felt internally.
In order to not feel emasculated with Mars Rx, one has to be squarely doing one’s own thing and avoid caring about what other people think one should do or even what oneself think one should do based on social values. This is the only way to be happy with this natal planet in my opinion. Stop competing = stop depleting, stop comparing = stop caring. Mars Rx people have the opportunity to be real individualists when they start valuing their internal integrity rather than the outward display of it. In a sense, Mars Rx is a very pure Mars. It’s simple action, unmotivated and unresponsive. It will not win us any battles in the moment; Mars Rx doesn’t build any momentum, energy is extended outward in bursts, starts and stops. The approach that works the best is to let action flow through, rather than directing it deliberately. This is usually going to translate into a quite soft energy but it can be quite beautiful. The famous male ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov had Mars Rx – he was especially admired for his gracious jumps and seemingly effortless soaring in his dancing. He’s a good example of Mars Rx manifesting in a very powerful way – he uses his Mars to move independently in a non-confronting “Venusian fashion”. Yet, no one could claim that he lacks strength. The famous basket player Michael Jordan also has Mars Rx and he is widely considered one of the greatest basketball player of all time. It makes sense that dance and sport should suit these people because these activities require starts and stops more than building momentum.
Mars Rx has a reputation for being sluggish and lethargic. I think this is inaccurate to accept as a rule, but it is certainly possible for these people to seem like they are. Other people often perceive Mars Rx people to be at least very chill and calm, which is not always the case, it’s just that the boil hasn’t reached the surface yet and when it does, it’s out of tune with the outer situation and its momentum. The Mars Rx person might sit tight in a social interaction, never showing any sign of annoyance or agitation, despite being pissed off. It might be frustrating to not be able to release energy directly but Mars Rx energy is better channeled into purposeful activity, into independent action. Some sources claim that Mars Rx can be prone to self-destructive behavior and self-harm because of pent-up energy and unexpressed anger. I think this is true, especially if one lives in a very hostile environment and has a hard time, because of one’s Mars Rx, to do something about it – to fight back, to spontaneously immerse oneself in “combat” and defend oneself. It could also be because one’s aggression, when openly displayed, is turned to a social disadvantage. People might claim that one is “over-reacting” because the anger response is out of proportion with the situation at hand. “Over-reacting” is common problem for people with Mars Rx, because they’re typically calm, until they burst – and then they’re commonly labeled crazy or even abusive. There’s no way to “win” socially with Mars Rx, I find – either one is accused of being too passive or too reactive. This social disadvantage could easily turn into self-hate and self-rejection, because one doesn’t get any approval from the outside. Depression is sometimes linked to planets in retrograde, and this is quite understandable, in the light of everything that they imply. Depression is after all often associated with repressed anger, of a blocked drive and frustrated desire.
People with Mars Rx say that it gets better with age and that Mars is gradually more easily expressed because of experience and understanding of oneself. This might be partly due to Mars going direct in one’s progressed chart, however, one cannot make Mars go direct in one’s natal chart, it is a fixed blueprint that one will have to contend with. This is not to say that one cannot become more conscious of one’s own psychology.
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lostcoves · 3 years
– parisian nights 
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+ ft. tamaki amajiki
+ wc: 2.5k
+ format: one-shot
+ premise: tamaki amajiki, heir to amajiki enterprises, has it all. yet, all he wants is you. could a sudden trip to paris be enough to win your heart?
+ note: my piece for @bakugohoex​’s 3k collab! hope you all enjoy!
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tamaki amajiki, in a literal sense, had it all and anything he wanted was at a snap of his well-manicured fingertips. every luxury sports car, every trip to the tropics, every gaming system was only one lip pout to his daddy and mommy. he was spoiled to say the least but what kind of rich kid wasn’t?
it wasn’t until tamaki stumbled upon you that he took a moment to reevaluate his life as a rich boy.
you had humble beginnings, coming from a family of average societal standing. your family didn’t have to worry about money but they were nowhere close to the standing of the amajiki family. humble and modest, tamaki thought you were the cutest thing in the whole wide world! 
and what tamaki liked, tamaki got.
he remembered flashing you a fat tip for your service at the coffee shop you worked as a barista at. tamaki struggled with social interaction at times but all of that went out the window the moment he locked eyes with you. he found that he didn’t have to work on his social skills, as long as he had the money to buy the friendships and interactions.
he thought you were the same as the others, easily swayed by money.
yet, you weren’t. 
you rejected the tip and told him to put it in the communal tip jar for all the baristas shared from. tamaki was stunned but did what you asked of him. anxiety bubbled in his stomach and his facade of suave rich guy nearly cracked.
but tamaki wouldn’t give up so easily.
“morning, amajiki-san,” you greeted him every morning with that same gentle smile of yours. barely any customers were in the coffee shop, which tamaki preferred. he utterly despised crowds of people.
“good morning, (l/n)-san,” he returned the greeting and the smile.
“the usual?” you already got a medium-sized cup out.
“yes please,” he hummed. tamaki actually hated coffee, it made his anxiety worse but he would risk an anxiety attack if it meant he could interact with you.
you nodded and got to work, preparing a medium iced coffee for tamaki. he watched you move around from behind the counter, his eyes fixated on your gorgeous form.
“one medium iced coffee for amajiki-san!” you handed the coffee to tamaki.
“thank you,” tamaki fished out an envelope from his pocket, “your tip.”
you furrowed your eyebrows at the envelope and took it cautiously, “what’s this, amajiki-san?”
“your tip,” tamaki repeated. 
carefully, you opened up the envelope and pulled out its contents. 
“amajiki-san..” you uttered his first name, “what the hell is this?”
“two tickets to paris,” tamaki leaned against the counter, “well, the tickets are more of a formality. we’ll be taking my private jet to the city.”
“amajiki-san..” you sighed. 
“pretty please, (l/n)-san?” tamaki flashed you his famous puppy eyes. 
“why should i go with a guy i barely know?”
ouch, that hurt. 
“well, we can use this as an opportunity to get to know one another.”
you frowned, “i’ll have to think about it.”
“come to this address in a week from now at two in the afternoon,” tamaki got out a pen from his pocket and wrote down an address on a piece of napkin, “if you’re interested in coming.”
you took the napkin and nodded, “very well then.”
tamaki could only hope that you would come.
tamaki paced around outside the private jet, frantically checking his watch every two minutes. it was nearly two o’clock and you still weren’t near yet. you weren’t coming, tamaki decided, much to his dismay. 
“amajiki-sama?” the pilot poked his head outside the jet, “ready to take off?”
“no, not yet!” tamaki hollered. the pilot flashed a thumbs up and returned inside the plane. tamaki let out a heavy sigh, where were you?
“am i late?”
tamaki perked up at the sound of your voice. he saw your figure approaching the jet, the wind ruffling your white sundress and sunhat. a lone suitcase rolled behind you. 
“you came,” tamaki stated in surprise.
“didn’t think i was gonna show?” you chuckled.
tamaki let out a soft laugh and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “yeah..”
“well, i’m here!” you smiled, “you’re gonna treat me to the trip of a lifetime, correct? why in the world would i miss out on that?”
tamaki’s heart fluttered at the sight of your smile, “well, what are we waiting for? let’s get this trip started.”
a flight attendant exited the jet and took your luggage. tamaki took your hand and guided you inside the jet. your lips formed a small ‘o’ in shock at the interior of the jet. it was much larger on the inside than it was on the outside with push-lined seats and entertainment systems galore. a person could live without worry in this jet.
“you own this?” you asked tamaki, as you took a seat in one of the comfortable looking seats. 
“my parents do,” he answered, “they use it for business trips.”
“i see,” you eyed at the approaching concession cart. the flight attendant before earlier was operating it and she offered you a wide selection of drinks and snacks. you ended up getting a plain green tea while tamaki got a bag of honey barbecue flavored chips. 
“so what made you decide to invite me on this trip?” you took a long drag of your green tea.
tamaki paused from munching on his chips. he cleared his throat, “i thought ‘why not?’ in all honesty,” that was a lie, tamaki wanted to impress you with a flashy trip to the city of love.
“do you take all the girls you’ve met on trips to paris?”
“only the girls i like.”
tamaki almost choked at his comment, his cheeks flushing a nice shade of pink. you raised your eyebrows at him in an act of bewilderment. tamaki attempted to change the conversation and informed you, “we should be there in thirteen hours, so it��s best to “get situated.”
you gave him a nod, “alrighty. well, i’ll be asleep so you have fun.”
tamaki opened his mouth to reply, only to given the cold shoulder as you reclined your seat and got noise canceling headphones on. he watched, as you situated yourself and promptly fell asleep. he chuckled, that was adorable.
a two day trip to paris, what could possibly go wrong?
tamaki gently removed your noise cancelling headphones from your head.
“we’re here, in paris.”
you let out a groan, as your eyes slowly opened. how long were you out? a couple of hours?
“you slept the whole trip,” tamaki laughed quietly.
“oh.. i did? sorry,” you murmured, rubbing the guck out of your eyes.
tamaki brushed a loose hair out of your face, “it’s alright.”
you blushed slightly at his warm touch but masked with a cough, “so! uh! whatcha wanna do in paris?”
tamaki blinked, he hadn’t planned that far ahead.
“would you like to see the louvre?”
japan had nothing on the bustling streets of paris. the sidewalks were filled to the brim with people mulling about, some on their phones with shopping bags and others chatting amongst themselves. the louvre was only a block away, crowded with tourists eager to see the mona lisa.
“no need to worry about the crowds,” tamaki gave you a smile when you two approached the louvre, “i set aside us a private tour of the musuem.”
“oh really?” you crossed your arms with disdain.
tamaki pouted, “would.. would you rather do a normal tour?”
you smiled, “yes please.”
the two of you pushed your way through the crowds and entered the louvre, you staring in awe of the artworks. tamaki concealed a small smile at your wonderment, he found it to be absolutely cute to watch. 
you’re more than a work of art, (f/n). was what tamaki wanted to say but he didn’t have the courage nor the guts to say it. 
“wow, the mona lisa is so tiny!” you commented to tamaki when you two found the famed piece of art. you were right, the mona lisa was surprisingly small. you grabbed tamaki by the hand and pulled him closer to the painting, “look how beautiful it is, amajiki-san.”
tamaki grew flustered at your touch but gave your hand a light squeeze, “(l/n)-san.. you can call me tamaki, if you want.”
you gave him a look and tamaki cursed internally. was it too soon to be on a first name basis?
“okay, tamaki.”
tamaki let out a sigh of relief.
“where would you like to go next?” tamaki questioned to you after the two of you finished your tour of the louvre. 
you pondered on the question for a moment. 
“let’s go shopping.”
tamaki patiently waited outside a fitting room, as you tried on various articles of clothing. he offered to pay– his parents gave him an allowance for the trip– and to his surprise, you actually accepted his offer. 
“you alright in there..?” tamaki asked, not wanting to walk in on you half naked.
there was some rustling and you emerged from the dressing room, “how do i look?” you asked tamaki, twirling around in your new dress.
tamaki gulped at the sight of the dress. its neckline highlighted your collarbone quite nicely and hugged your curves just right. he pulled at his collar and adverted his gaze, “er.. you look.. uh.. very nice..”
“i do?” you hugged his arm and pressed yourself against tamaki. he was sweating bullets now, “yes! y- yes, you d- do!” his eyes widened, not his stutter coming back at the worst possible moment.
“you have a stutter?”
shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.
“so wh- what if i d- do..”
“it’s cute.”
tamaki’s eyes widened.
“y- you th- think so?”
you nodded rapidly, “of course i do! i’m not gonna poke fun at it.”
tamaki coughed, “th- thanks.”
“of course,” you released your hold on his arm, “the night is still young, what should we do next?”
tamaki peered outside, nightfall was upon the city.
“a trip to paris isn’t complete without a visit to the effiel tower now, isn’t it?”
being on top of the effiel tower made the world seem so small. 
tamaki took a moment to enjoy the cold breeze that passed through his indigo locks, closing his eyes and just enjoying the feeling of being on top of the world for a moment. you stood next to him, doing the same thing. you hated to admit it but this had been the most fun you have had in a while. all thanks to tamaki amajiki, of course. 
“hey tamaki?”
“yes, (f/n)?”
“can i tell you a secret?”
tamaki opened his eyes, “of course.”
you stared out onto the city of lights and leaned against the guardrail.
“i never left japan until yesterday.”
tamaki laughed, “that’s not much of a secret. it was a little obvious.”
you scrunched your nose up in annoyance, “meanie.”
tamaki acted wounded, “that hurt.”
you rolled your eyes, “i enjoyed today. i hope you can ensure the same for tomorrow.”
tamaki looked down at his shoes and sighed, “i hope i can.”
“hey tamaki?”
“yes?” he looked up.
“what’s the real reason you invited me on this trip?”
tamaki hung his head down low.
“tamaki, look at me.”
he looked back up.
“tell me the truth.”
tamaki couldn’t lie to you anymore.
“it’s because.. i like you, (f/n).”
now it was your turn to hang your head low.
“why me, tamaki?”
tamaki pressed his lips together, “what do you mean?”
taking his hands into yours, the two of you were forced to look one another in the eye. you took a deep breath and began to speak your piece.
“i want to know the real tamaki amajiki. not this fake version. i think the closer we got was what happened in the fitting room. i get it, you’re rich.. but you didn’t have to whisk me away to paris just to confess that you had a crush on me, tamaki.”
“wh- what should have i done instead..?” not the stutter!
you half-smiled, “take me out for coffee, silly.”
was it really that simple?
“maybe i- i do that next time.”
“next time?”
fuck, was there not going to be a next time?
“there won’t be a next time until you tell me about yourself,” you gave tamaki a playful punch in the shoulder. he winced a bit but played it off. tamaki looked back out onto the city, “what would you like to know?”
“what’s it like being an heir?” you leaned against the guardrail.
tamaki tilted his head back and let out a long breathe, “exhausting.”
you cocked your head to the left, “how so?”
“my parents have high expectations of me. forcing me to go to college to study business for the sole purpose of taking over the company. this might sound silly but i wanted to study food science and become a nutritional therapist,” tamaki clasped his hands together tightly, “there’s no true freedom. money has a price and that price is your freedom. the public hounds you, the elite is full of backstabbers, and i just want to settle down with a nice girl.”
“and that nice girl would be?” you smiled.
“you, of course.”
you blushed at tamaki’s response.
“i would give up all the money i have if it means i can be with you,” tamaki confessed with tears in his eyes, “i truly mean it. i fell in love with you the moment i saw you in that coffee shop, (f/n) (l/n).”
“re- really?” now you were stuttering. 
“truly,” tamaki cupped your cheeks and bore his eyes into yours, “i truly mean it. i only want you, (f/n). i would give you everything and anything you could have ever wanted. i want to be there for you.”
“b- but you barely know me!” you protested.
“then let me get to know you,” tamaki fired back.
you were rendered speechless. you adverted your gaze from tamaki and he removed his hands from your face. tamaki bowed his head in disgrace, “i- i’m sorry, (l/n)-san.”
“it’s okay, tamaki!” you exclaimed, “really it is. i admire your fire. i want to get you better, as well. truly, i do.”
tamaki relaxed his shoulders and placed a hand against his chest in an effort to calm his rapidly beating heart. you looked heavenly under the lights of the effiel tower with your new dress and your pearly white smile. he just wanted to kiss your damn face already. 
“yes, (f/n)?”
“here,” you pressed a kiss to his lips. tamaki’s eyes widened for a moment before he closed them, allowing himself to get lost in the kiss. your lips tasted like the croissant you had earlier that day. tamaki could kiss you forever. 
“let’s get to know one another better before a second date, okay?”
tamaki was more than fine with that. 
one day, he’ll be yours.
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Forest Wolf Academy Idea
I formed this idea after I read a Miraculous fanfiction where Marinette transferred to a school for magic along with Chloe, Nathaniel, Marc, and her brother. At the school already is Felix and the Quad kids. The magic schools are actually for those that are members of witch covens and you must be a member of the coven to join the school. Luke and Juleka are also witches but in a different cousin. Marinette and the other transfer because of Lila. Adrien soon joins them at the school as well. I also got inspiration from the anime Fairy Tail.
I loved the concept of it so much that it gave me my own idea. My idea if an Adrien-focused story since he is my favorite character and always will be.
My idea started after Miracle Queen. Because of Chloe working with Hawkmoth and because Lila had turned so many of Marinette's friends against her, her parents transferred her to an art school so that she can focus on her designing. The only ones that stayed her friends were Adrien, Nathaniel, Kim, Alix, and Juleka. Outside of the class, she had a lot more friends, but her parents wanted her away from Chloe and Lila.
Adrien's dad still makes him model with Lila despite how Adrien and the staff are always telling him that she is the worst model ever. She never shuts up with her lies, never poses as she is told to do, and is basically also sexually harassing Adrien as well. She drives them all crazy.
But then one day during another photoshoot, Adrien hears some music and is drawn toward it. The music is like a siren song that he does not notice that only he can hear. When he arrives at the source of the song, he finds an old friend of his, Lyon Garden. Lyon and his twin sister Vallia are friends of his that he met in Greece when their family hosted a charity fashion show at their family's nature and animal sanctuary. Adrien had gone there with his parents a year before his mom vanished and he kept in contact with them the entire time.
Lyon and Adrien are happy to see each other, Adrien spilling his guts about everything bad going on. Especially all the things with Lila and Chloe. And Lyon gives him an extraordinary opportunity. The reason why Adrien was able to hear his magical song was because he was magical as well. A fellow witch. So, he was able to offer him a place at his school, Forest Wolf Academy.
The two of them went to Gabriel and he actually let Adrien go to the magic school. It turns out that Adrien's mom had also been a witch and that was why he was allowing Adrien to go so easily. Adrien is more than happy to accept the offer.
When Adrien goes to Forest Wolf Academy, he is amazed to see such an incredible school. Forest Wolf is not the only magic school in the world. Each school is hidden in a pocket dimension where they can be entered in any place in the world through the use of a magical key. But each school still has a main magical doorway in the home of the founder of each school. Forest Wolf's main door is in Athens, Greece.
Adrien only lets his real friends know that he is transferring. He would have told Nino, but he no longer considered him his best friend since he turned against Marinette. But given that magical people can hear Lyon's magical song, there are more teen witches in Paris than Adrien knew about. So, even after he transfers, he is actually soon joined by a lot of his true friends. Luka, Kagami, Nathaniel, Marc, Juleka, Kim, and Alix. And each of them would have their own powers that Lyon and Vallia help them learn to control.
Lyon has siren song magic. He is a real-life siren with the added abilities to control sound and music, not just being able to use his voice as a weapon. Vallia has rainbow aura magic. She is also to surround herself with different color light auras that give her other abilities like how sky blue gives her flight and ruby red helps her shoot fire like a dragon.
Adrien would find out that he has light magic, being able to control all forms of light and even be able to change into it like a human shooting star. Luka would have enchanted instrument magic, being able to do all types of things by playing different instruments while still having his natural ability to hear a person's inner song. Juleka would have a similar ability called music spirit magic, where she is able to turn into magical creature spirits that are hybrids with music like harp playing fairies or werewolf drummers. Kagami would have Requip magic, where she is able to store weapons and armor in a separate dimension that only she can access. Nathaniel would have art-to-reality magic where he is able to bring his drawings to life no matter what they are. Marc would have Fairy Tale magic where he could read from a magical storybook that he has and summon any legendary or mythical creature from it. Kim would have were-beast magic where he is able to turn into any were-creature version of any animal like a werewolf or cat creature. And Alix would have time magic, where she would be able to manipulate time around her while also being able to travel through time on her own.
All of them actually have a great time at Forest Wolf Academy and learn to appreciate and covet their magical lives even if Hawkmoth is still a problem. But he would actually have become less active lately as if he is losing motivation for trying to gain the miraculous.
Vallia would actually gain a crush on Kim and the two of them would eventually start dating. The same would go for Juleka and Alix as well as Luka and Kagami. Nathaniel and Marc would be an already established couple since they are too adorable to break up. Adrien would also find himself gaining a crush on Lyon, something he never expected to have on his old friend.
But, as per all good things, their peace had to come to an end. Magic itself was not hidden, just the people that used it. It was why heroes and villains like Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Hawkmoth all had masks when they used the miraculous.
But, the schools have come under some fire with people thinking that they were secret evil cults that wanted to take over the world. So, they all had to open their doors to people. To politicians, school field trips, and even some tours of powerful world leaders just to show that they were all perfectly normal schools that just happen to teach magic to their witch students.
Only, one of the schools that request to tour Forest Wolf Academy is Dupont High, which puts the new students on edge. Especially Adrien and Juleka because of Lila and Rose. It did not help that Lyon and Alix were very protective of their partners and would hurt anyone that tries to hurt them.
But since they have to keep up appearances as a "normal" magical school, they have to accept the field trip request. Luckily, it is the whole school and not just Bustier's class. So, there are still good students like Aurore, Mireille, and Zoé. It is only Bustier's class that believes Lila, anyway.
Adrien and the others do their best to avoid Lila and her attack dogs. They have their jobs to stop the more temperamental students from attacking the annoying group with how they obviously bully almost everyone around them. Not to mention all of the lies that keep coming out of Lila's mouth that she is related to so many powerful witches, how she is a descendant of Merlin, how her grandparents run the best magic school in the world.
There are a lot of students that wanted her head. Especially since it was known through Adrien and Lyon that she had not heard Lyon's magical song, meaning that she had no magic at all. And since magic was passed down from parent to child, that also meant that no one in her family had magic either. Not unless they were one of those families that had been stripped of their magic for crimes against the magical world.
And if it wasn't Lila causing problems with her lies, Chloe was causing problems with her attitude. And how she kept trying to force the students to do as she says and make them her slaves. Like she would go to those with ice magic and demand that they get her a cold drink. Or she would go to the students with gem and crystal magic and demand that they give her the biggest diamond that they can make.
Once the former Dupont students are found by the group is when things really go downhill. There is a lot of yelling about how they abandoned their friends, that they should not be so jealous of Lila's accomplishments, how they needed to get over themselves, how they needed to stop being bullies. And the group fires back that they can not abandon friends that abandoned them first, that they can not be jealous of accomplishments that never happened, and that they never talk to Lila let alone bully her.
Meanwhile, Adrien is trying hard not to be seen by Lila or Chloe since he does not want either of them hanging off his arm like they usually do. But, Lila soon locks her eyes on him and down try and latch onto him, crying her crocodile tears about how much she missed him and how she wanted him back since he "promised to date her."
That is where Lyon steps in and would be so close to using his sonic scream on the annoying liar. Adrien uses his powers to turn into light and get back to Lyon's side. That is when the two of them go into a big "why Lila sucks" speech and reveals that the two of them were dating and that Adrien would never EVER date Lila.
She is not exposed, but a new demonstration of the more dangerous powers from the students, low key threats against the annoying class, makes them never come back after they leave.
Lila hopes to be akumatized over her rage about not being able to lie her way into dating Adrien, but she does not know that Gabriel gave Marinette the butterfly miraculous and the peacock miraculous already. He gave up once he saw how truly happy his son was and did not want the wish to change his son into any other version of him that would never be this happy. It also helps that a few witches from the school that could heal offered to help him restore his wife.
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todoroki-waifu · 3 years
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Atsumu x F! Reader
Scenario: When you try to subtly confess to Atsumu.
Word Count: 1,970
Genre: Fluff and humor.
Warnings: Cursing, female reader, and some OOC-ness (maybe?). My first time writing for Atsumu and the rest of the Inarizaki team. 
“I get that she’s the most beautiful here, but we are here to check out the art, too.” Atsumu jumps slightly at a voice and hand on his shoulder. 
"Could you be any more obvious?" 
"I-I wasn’t doing anything!” Atsumu huffs, a blush attacking his face as he shakes off his brother’s hand. 
“Why don’t you ask her out already before someone else does?" 
"I’m working on it!" 
"Hey, who’s that with __(y/n)?” Suna chimes into their conversation, nodding to where you had been standing and admiring a portrait. The two see a man conversing with you, both of you very engaged in whatever topic that was being discussed. He brought out a small electronic device, looking a bit nervous as he showed you the screen. 
“He’s probably going to ask for her number.” Osamu replies indifferently, but did a quick glance at his sibling.
“What?!” Atsumu immediately leaves the group.
“Wait, but doesn’t that guy-” Aran questions, but Kita cuts him off while the others hold in their chuckles.
“Let him figure it out." 
"So if you put your-” While you were listening to the young man who approached you, a familiar face made himself known.
“Hey, buddy, is there a problem over here?” Atsumu suddenly inserts himself in between you and the stranger. He stands tall, looming over the shorter male.
“N-no, there is no problem.”
“Atsumu-kun, he was just-” You placed a hand on his arm and tried to explain the situation.
“Don’t worry, __(y/n)-chan. I got this.” Atsumu gently pushes you behind him to hide you.
“Was there something you needed from her?” He continues. 
“No, si-sir. I-I was only trying to-”
“Well, if you ain’t got any business with her, I suggest you beat it.” The blonde twin glares at the male hiding behind his black device. He smirks victoriously, watching the scared stranger run away. He turns around to find you with your arms crossed and an incredulous look. 
“Why were you so mean to him?”
“Mean? What do you mean? Wasn’t he trying to hit on you?”
“What? No! He works here! He’s a staff member." 
"But didn’t he have his phone out to get your number?”
“Get my..-you mean his Ipad? He wasn’t trying to get my number, he was asking for my email so he could send a survey for us to fill out on how satisfied we were with the staff and the place." 
Atsumu had no answer, processing what he did to the innocent and diligent worker and to you. You must think he’s a crazy idiot for sure. 
"As funny and adorable that was, you’re coming with me to apologize.” You grabbed his hand, dragging Atsumu to find the man who he wrongly yelled at. 
“Yes..” He pouts, but obeys. You’re zipping through the crowd until you finally spot your target.
“He’s with someone else, but we’re waiting until he’s finished and I’m not letting go until you do." 
"I-I wasn’t gonna run away.” His cheeks heat up at your clasped hands, avoiding your gaze. 
“Just in case.” You continued to look forward, __(e/c) eyes too shy to meet his brown ones. 
“Thank you though,” You break the short pause, “I know it was a misunderstanding, but it’s nice to know that someone has my back.”
Atsumu directs his head to you, but is unable to see your face since it’s turned away with your finger busying itself with a strand of your hair. 
“Of course. Always.” Your heart skips at his soft reply. You feel a gentle squeeze on your hand and respond similarly, fighting back the smile that was eager to present itself.
“Oh look! He’s done. Let’s go.” You gently pull him towards the staff worker once he has finished speaking to the other customers. You’re about to release his hand, but Atsumu keeps a tight grip. Probably he’s nervous about admitting to his mistake, you assume. 
So you hold his hand just as tight, figuring he needs the support. You knew how much of a big baby he was.
But really, Atsumu was using this as an excuse to hold you just a bit longer. His fingers felt right in between yours. 
You managed to take some great pictures wherever it was allowed, but the artwork that forbade photos, you captured in your memory. After touring around the entire museum, you and the boys were starting to feel hungry, so everyone agreed to eat at the nearest restaurant.
You saw a few people scattered outside and you volunteered to ask the host how long the wait would be. Osamu steps behind his brother and lightly taps the back of his knees with his.
“Remember, that guy works here." 
"Shut up, 'samu! I know that.” Atsumu huffs, red cheeks puffing out slightly as his friends laugh loudly. They stop as soon as you near them, telling the boys that there was a table open that could accommodate your party.
You sat in between the Miya twins which made you both nervous and happy. Your crush on Atsumu was getting worse every day yet you didn’t hate the feeling. You distracted yourself by looking through the menu, all of you deciding to share a couple appetizers before choosing your individual meals. 
“What are you getting, __(y/n)-chan?” Atsumu asks, brown eyes looking at you as he lowers his menu.
“Hmmmm, I’m not sure yet. I’m caught between number 8 and 9.” You point to the items on the main course list. 
“Oh! I was going to get the number 8. How about I get 8 and you get the 9 and we can just share? That way, we can get a taste of both. I’m curious about number 9 also.”
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?" 
"Yea, of course I wouldn’t mind!” He grins, folding the menu before placing it on the table. You copy him and wait for the server to collect your orders. 
You then bring out your phone, taking pictures of the boys and the restaurant’s interesting decor. Despite your school’s motto, you liked to keep the memories. 
“Ne, Atsumu-kun, mind if I borrow your phone? Your camera is better than mine.” Your cell phone was a few years old, but Atsumu just replaced his and you were waiting to upgrade yours. Part of you was glad that you hadn't yet because you were going to use this opportunity to see how he feels about you. 
“Sure. Here ya go.” He hands you his phone. 
“Thanks!” You start taking pictures of yourself, really impressed with the photo quality. 
“Take a selfie with me.” You change the camera view as you hold out your hand in front of you and Atsumu.
“You’re so far! Get close to me like you actually like me.” You say jokingly as you hear a few, muffled snickers around the table. Atsumu stutters a response, but you interrupt him when you start counting from three. 
“Ready? Smile!” You take a few shots before looking at each one closely.
“Yeck, I’m deleting that one. I look gross in there.” You weren’t satisfied with how you smiled and your eyes looked like they were in mid blink. 
“What? Don’t say that. You’re gorgeous!” Atsumu looks up at you after he watches you remove one of the many pictures. You blush at his statement, dodging his stare.
“Oh, ummm. ..t-thank you." 
"You don’t gotta thank me. It’s the truth.” Atsumu murmurs, but it’s coherent enough where you could understand him.
“Get ready with your orders. The waiter is coming.” Kita sees the server walking towards your table. You went first and while everyone else was focused on the waiter, you quickly dragged your finger around on the phone screen. You immediately closed what you were doing and handed Atsumu back his phone. 
Your heart was beating fast, but you kept a calm smile on your face as you casually made conversation with the volleyball team. None of the guys knew about your crush, afraid that they would make fun of you. Not that you believed they would, but you weren’t comfortable telling anyone yet. 
Except for today. 
You finally were going to tell one person about your crush and that person was Atsumu. You planned everything out for a while, thinking of every possible situation that could happen and how you would approach it. You were surprised at how smoothly your idea was going, but that made you even more uneasy. 
But you already made your move and hoped that he would notice the little message in his phone. 
Dinner was both fun yet stressful. Every time Atsumu would check his phone, your heart would jump at the thought of him seeing what you put. But he made no reaction so you assumed he had yet to see it. 
And you were fine with that. You’d prefer if he read it at home instead of in a public place. 
Everyone went their separate ways after the restaurant except you and the Miya twins. Your house wasn’t too far from theirs so they walked most of the way with you. Once you were close enough, you waved goodbye to the brothers.
“Bye! See you soon! And don’t forget to send me those pictures later, okay, Atsumu-kun?" 
"Yeah, I will! Bye, __(y/n)-chan!” Atsumu waved back before turning away with Osamu.
Unfortunately, he never sent those pictures. He must have forgotten, but with how many days has passed, you believed he probably felt awkward with the little note you put. 
If he saw it. He never acted any differently when you saw him at school.
Maybe he never did see it? But you were too afraid to ask so you were just going to live quietly with your heartache. 
“Oh, shoot! I forgot to send those pics to __(y/n)-chan!” Atsumu says loudly while he and Osamu walk home from practice.
“You haven’t sent them yet? It’s been a week.” Osamu shakes his head. 
“I forgot! I was too busy thinking of a way to tell her I like her. I gotta make sure it’s perfect.” The setter takes out his phone and taps on the photo album icon. As he selects and scrolls through the photos, his eyes become rounded at one particular image. 
It was a selfie of you and him, sitting close, cheek to cheek as you both smile happily. What made him pause was the heart drawn over the two of you with the words ’yes or no?’ written at the bottom.
“Ahh! ’s-samu! Look, look!” He shows his phone to his brother. “I think __(y/n)-chan likes me back! She put this on our picture!”
As soon as Osamu sees what’s on the screen, his eyes also widen slightly then suddenly smacks his brother at the back of his head. “Dumbass! That photo has been sitting there for that long already?”
“I told you already, I forgot! And she never said anything! Other than to send the pictures after we ate- Oh my God, 'samu, I really am a dumbass!” Realization hit Atsumu harder than his brother’s slap.
“I knew that a long time ago. Now, why are you still here talking to me? Shouldn’t you be talking to __(y/n) instead?" 
"You’re right! I gotta text her!” Atsumu’s hands were working fast in trying to find your text message conversation. Before Osamu could even make a snide comment, Atsumu becomes aware of a better alternative to communicate with you. 
On your way home, you received multiple texts from Atsumu, all saying the same thing.
’The hell? Yes to what?’ Right when you were about to reply, you saw an incoming call from the setter who made your heart skip a beat daily. 
“Hello?” You answer. 
“Yes! __(y/n), yes! I want to be your boyfriend!”
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
Zelink Week 2021 prompt #7/7 @zelinkweek2021
Word Count: 3,684
Incarnation: Breath of the Wild 2 (pre)
Additional Prompts Followed: Forsaken Fates, Lost Eternities
Inspired by this art by @morniae
A big thank you to @braidy-maidy and @linktheacehero for beta-ing!!
He wasn’t expecting a fairytale reunion as his horse trotted slowly, arriving at the Forgotten Temple with next to no fanfare. All sorts of geniuses from every race of Hyrule had gathered to study this place, to pull it from its lost state and unearth its secrets, to discover the reason behind its eternity and maybe even why its fate was to be forsaken and forgotten to all of history.
Link left his horse with the many others that were being cared for on the left side of the canyon and began to navigate the ruckus on foot. It seemed crowds of scientists and historians alike were out here securing their tents, making food, and languishing in a well-deserved rest. Link felt as if he stuck out like a sore thumb with his small brain, but no one paid him any mind, not even her.
In fact, she was nowhere to be found.
Perhaps he was expecting some fairytale reunion as he peered his head around every Sheikah, Goron, Rito, Zora, and Hylian in sight. He didn’t care that there was no fanfare, in fact, that may have made it even harder to spot her if it were a big deal that the hero of Hyrule had arrived. Thank Hylia these ruins were more interesting, that no crowd had congealed into a true tidal wave of obstacles. He missed her dearly, after all, no matter how short a time two weeks was in comparison to a hundred years.
He made his way all the way to the shrine in the back when he finally saw her. Zelda smiled when she spotted him and bounded over, clutching the Sheikah Slate.
“Thank the goddesses you’re here,” she said, pecking his cheek. “They haven’t made anything good for dinner in days.”
She walked right past him. Link’s mouth popped open as she practically flew to another inscription of the ruins being studied. Purah, following close behind Zelda, approached Link as he looked over.
“Two weeks she hasn’t seen me and I get a colder welcome than ten thousand year old ruins.”
Purah clicked her tongue and began to cross past Link.
“Sounds like you better get cooking.”
And so he didn’t see his blur of a girlfriend until dinner, when he was serving a ladle-full of meat stew to everyone who passed by with a bowl, salty chunks of meat and sweet carrots swimming in a broth that radiated a scrumptious scent for at least a mile.
The last person he served came up wearing a forehead beaded with sweat and sticky blonde hair from a hard-days work. As she approached, she lightly hit the empty wooden bowl against her hand, and pursed her lips taut with eyes almost apologetic. Her steps shuffled in the sand.
“Look who it is,” Link said before she could muster an apology. He looked more amused than upset, anyway. Zelda sat on her heels in front of the cooking pot and handed him her bowl.
“Sorry,” she said, “it was just a busy day. We think we’re close to finding--”
Link and Zelda’s eyes met. They both knew what she was going to say. The entrance to the caves. The hidden reason why this expedition was such an extensive operation. Only Purah and Impa knew the true reason, after all. Everyone else was just here for research. Bless their hearts.
They knew they needed to find it, but not finding it meant more of an excuse to not go down there.
To not let go of the illusion of peace.
To not face their mortality once again.
Not yet.
Link looked down to pour soup in her bowl. With everyone else fed--and Zelda more than likely went to the back of the line on purpose so that she would be the last one to eat--Link poured himself a bowl as well. They soon sat down in front of Zelda’s tent.
“When are Impa and Paya arriving?” Link asked.
“Tonight,” Zelda replied, but she swallowed hard, regretting taking another spoonful with a “mm”. 
“Oh my gosh I almost forgot!” she said enthusiastically. “You should have seen it, Link. The reunion between Purah and Robbie? They just marched up to each other, both short, old, and wrinkled, said each other’s names and walked off. It’s hard to believe they used to be lovers.”
Link choked on his stew.
“Did I not...mention that?”
Link was still coughing, eyes tearing up.
“No?” He croaked, before coughing a couple more times. “You’d think I would remember something like that.”
“Believe me I wish I didn’t,” she said, before changing the subject. “Oh yeah, how did the meeting go?”
“Horrible,” Link said between spoonfuls.
“What do you mean?” Zelda inquired, slightly disappointed. She had hoped diplomacy would work.
“If I had known that Kohga had an eight year-old hiding somewhere in that hideout, I never would have attacked him,” Link started. “Apparently we needed him to keep his son in check. The kid is so hell-bent on revenge that he didn’t even read the treaty. He’s determined to hunt us down until the end of our days. Even his guards think he’s taking it a bit far. I could see it in their faces when Sooga was going on and on about his forces being strong and ready to fight. Those poor men and women are tired.”
“I thought the Yiga wore masks?”
Link shook his head.
“Not anymore,” he replied. “Sooga wants them to be proud of themselves, whatever that means. Goddesses, that whole meeting was like getting a child to eat their vegetables. I’m pretty sure Riju was about to slap him at the end, the little runt recycling the dogmas of the Yiga that are ten thousand years old now. Even when I ask him why he said such things about Hylians, he doesn’t give a straight answer. He knows less about history than I do and I had amnesia. He’s just been conditioned, raised to hate.”
“That’s unfortunate, but not hopeless,” Zelda said. “I’m sure Riju and the rest of the Gerudo will be able to work it out if the entirety of the clan no longer backs him. Is there any danger until then?”
Link shook his head and swallowed his current spoonful.
“Not yet,” he said once he could. “The only reason they haven’t attacked here is because he wants to find the entrance of the caves as much as we do. He didn’t say it outright, but he’s waiting for us to do it for him.”
“That’s not frightening at all,” she said sarcastically. “We’ll have to increase security when we do eventually go down there, make sure he doesn’t follow us.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it, Zelda,” Link said. “He’s only eight years old, and he’s pretty short and lean.”
Zelda smiled as she sipped her soup.
“I remember a little eight year old like that who could best adult knights,” she said with a smirk. “People say he saved Hyrule.”
“Never grew an inch after eight years old though.”
Link scoffed.
“I can and will pour the rest of this stew over your head,” he said as he held it up. Zelda laughed, but put her arms out in defense.
“Don’t you dare!” She exclaimed. She stood up and began to back away “I’m a princess!”
“Not anymore,” Link said, forgetting about the soup and tackling her. They wrestled playfully, rolling down the rocky slope and laughing joyfully until they stopped suddenly in a gulch, Zelda hovering over Link and sharing with him panting breaths.
“I win,” she said.
“By chance,” Link argued. He brought a hand up and lightly coaxed her head to lower. It, however, did not take much effort, as Zelda more than willingly met his lips to his, exploring his mouth and enjoying the sensation. She felt her cheeks warm. Kissing was all they had ever done, so being flush to him was frankly exhilarating, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest.
They both heard the reigns of horses, the clatter of a covered wagon, the jingle of Kakariko-style bells, but it blended too much into the rest of the ruckus for them to think anything of it.
“Paya, you brought us to the wrong place,” Impa said. “I wanted to go to the research expedition, not a mating ritual exhibition.”
Zelda pushed herself off Link and attempted to fix her hair, composing herself as best she could. Link stood up, but he let his messy hair be.
“H-hey Impa,” Zelda said, walking towards her oldest friend. Despite her feeble frame and short stature, Impa hopped off the wagon like a child. “How was the trip?”
“Long,” Impa said, bruskly.
“She’s a bit cranky,” Paya explained as she stepped off and started to untie the two brown horses from the wagon. “Where do these go?”
“Over there,” Link said, pointing over to the mini-stable on the left of the canyon. “And your tent is the one next to ours. If you’re hungry, there’s probably some stew left.”
“Please,” Impa said, allowing the young man to lead the way to the appropriate cooking pot. She even let him help her walk when the terrain wasn’t the smoothest.
They had left Zelda alone, but it gave her the opportunity to help Paya with unloading the wagon, and to catch up with one of her newer friends before they all turned in for the night.
Zelda was surprised to find Paya as reserved as she was when they first met, but after a bit of grilling she admitted to Zelda that Impa had told her of their true purpose here, that sealing Calamity Ganon may not have been an ending they could trust. Her red eyes were sad and apologetic for learning the secret but Zelda wouldn’t have it, insisting to Paya that it was okay, that it won’t be a secret for long, and that Hyrule was going to be okay.
That last one was a lie Zelda thought about well into the night.
He opened his eyes to the dark tent, the edge where tan cloth met a small patch of dry grass.
Link couldn’t believe a whisper was what woke him up. Still half awake and already turned away from the center flap of the tent, he kept his eyes closed, hoping he could doze off again.
“Zelda, wake up.”
Someone gently shook Zelda’s foot, and Link guessed the voice belonged to Paya.
Link felt Zelda’s arms slide away from holding him and he tried to slow his breaths. They both would feel so guilty for waking him.
“What is it?” Zelda asked, the rustling that followed suggesting that she got out of the tent. “Should I wake up Link?”
Paya must have shaken her head, or said something to suggest that it wouldn’t be necessary, because that was the last Link heard of the conversation.
He inwardly wrestled with the decision to get up anyway since he was, in fact, awake, but his comfort insisted otherwise and he drifted off before he made up his mind.
The sunlight was bright, even through the dulled filter of the canvas tent.
He felt Zelda’s hand on his shoulder, and he rolled over at the gentle prompt. Link found her green eyes.
“We found it,” she said. “An entrance to the caves.”
Link closed one eye and scrunched up his face. Zelda knew he did that when he was both tired and confused but with his messy bedhead she saw it as adorable.
Link moved his arm to the other, pinching his own skin somewhere around the wrist and, once he felt pain, his entire body sighed exasperated. He faced the top of the tent and closed his eyes far too tight to go back to sleep.
He opened the blue gems one at a time and took a deep breath.
“I assume we are leaving as soon as possible?”
Zelda nodded.
Link didn’t say another word when he got up and started getting ready, almost ignoring Zelda and how she sat on her heels in her own silent and undetectable bout of sadness. He even left her there in the tent but Zelda let him have his space, let him breathe his last breaths in this wild, fresh air, let him hear the birds and see the sun before she dragged him down to hell, back down to war, back down to fear and panic and worry and trauma and everything he had worked so hard to heal from.
It wasn’t until they were several steps into the caves that his stoicism really started to wear at her. One statement and all of him was left in the tent. He just…walked, looking forward, not saying a word. Zelda hated it as much as she did a hundred years ago. She tried to remember that he wasn’t really mad at her back then, so he couldn’t be mad at her now…
She looked over at his profile again.
The hooves of the large, blue ox behind them clapped along.
“I, uh…” she began when he gave no response. “I’m sorry about all this.”
“It’s not your fault,” Link said quickly and briskly.
Zelda’s lips parted. Her pacing slowed to a halt. If she hadn’t stopped pulling the ox along, it would have rammed into her.
Link looked over his shoulder when he realized he was the only one moving, turning around completely to see Zelda with a slightly furrowed brow.
“Why don’t I believe you?” Zelda asked.
He decided to look elsewhere as he hugged his arms close, the stone ground, the cavernous chasm above them, the rocky wall, anywhere but Zelda.
“I’m not mad at you, I...” he said quietly, “I’m just feeling a little off, okay?” He said quietly. “I had trouble breathing when I left the tent this morning.”
Zelda’s expression softened. She closed the distance between them and attempted to comfort him with a hand on his shoulder.
“You could have told me that,” Zelda said. “I’m nervous too. We have a right to be. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Yet Link still refused to look up.
“I almost collapsed, I felt so weak,” Link said. “The dread, the fear of facing it all again, the thought of losing you…it gathered, I felt it here.”
He placed a hand on his chest and he started to pant. His fingers began to clutch at the brown leather, the blue cloth and he stumbled to his knees.
“Link!” Zelda exclaimed as she grabbed him under his forearms, kneeling down with him. His breaths were shaky and fast, and he stared down at the ground.
“Link,” she repeated. “Link.”
The next sound from Link was the combination of a spurt of fresh paint and a croaking frog, warm vomit spilling from his mouth in smelly chunks of beef and carrots. It was instinct that Zelda stood up with a yelp and backed away with arms floating up, the gathering of vomit ending up mere inches from her toes. If she had stayed where she was, her pants would have been covered in Link’s partly-digested dinner.
“Oh gosh, Link,” she said once she got over the shock, rushing to his side and drawing circles on his back. He didn’t react though, only staring at the mess on the floor with his weight on his hands.
Zelda’s eyes stung with tears as she ran her fingers through his hair, some drops even lopping onto Link’s mess. She held him as best she could while still giving him the distance he needed, but that could never stop her from the occasional kiss on the side of his head and whispering sweet assurances of love into his right ear.
After a couple fruitless lurches of his back and neck, Link hurled a second time. As ironic as it was for her to hope for anything from the goddess anymore, Zelda prayed it was the last one.
“Zelda,” he said between heavy breaths. It was apparent his lungs were exhausted. He coughed a couple times.
Link looked into Zelda’s eyes, finally, although they veered towards horror, the green marbles conveying desperation for how to relieve this poor young man.
“I know,” she said, trying to smile. She wiped away Link’s tears. “I know.”
Wary of the mess near them, she brought him into a proper embrace, rocking him back and forth and holding him in such a way that she was sure he knew he was held. She wasn’t sure how secure he could feel on the cusp of embarking into danger, but she would try her best.
“I’m scared, too,” she said. “Down here is an untouched wild that was left alone for a reason we know not of. Nothing is scarier than the unknown, especially for us who have been hurt again and again by the unknown. Hope has betrayed us too much for us to readily depend on it, but we have to try.”
Link looked up, tilting his head to see her.
Zelda lips parted. She stammered speechlessly. He seemed so hurt by her hopefulness.
“Together,” she said, attempting to fake her confidence. There was still a small question mark at the end of her statement that she didn’t mean to expose.
Link stood up and faced away from her. He crossed his arms.
“Do you know how long a version of Ganon has been terrorizing Hyrule?” Link asked. “How long he has been reincarnating?”
Zelda, who was now sitting on her heels, shook her head.
“No,” she said honestly.
“Do you know what makes us any different from the people who tried to stop him in the past?”
“No,” Zelda repeated, again, honestly.
Link nodded.
“I don’t either,” he said. “And that scares me.”
Zelda stood up.
“Link, we—”
“I can’t lose you!” Link exclaimed, turning around quickly. “I ignored it, okay?! All this time when you talked about there being caves, there being another journey, I ignored it! I put it off! I casted it aside! I focused on us.” His voice broke. “I thought that was all there would ever be…”
He placed his hands on his hips and collected himself.
“This morning it all collapsed,” he said. “Right before my eyes. Everything I could have ever hoped for.”
Zelda scoffed.
“Do you think I was happy to have found these caves?” Zelda asked rhetorically. “To have been woken up in the middle of night and told that this place I saw in my nightmares was indeed real, that I was to investigate a threat that hasn’t been faced in ten thousand years of Hyrule birthing warriors more capable than you? I had to keep a straight face, but Link, I wanted to scream so loud that even Lurelin could hear me!”
Zelda released her residual anger at the world in heavy pants of her breaths. Once she sighed herself calm, she snagged a small rag from the heaps of resources strapped to the patient and by now likely deaf ox.
Zelda stepped forward and washed Link’s stunned face clean of vomit.
“Then I thought of our future,” Zelda continued. “I was angry because coming down here means jeopardizing that. I scorned myself for how selfish that was. I told myself that this wasn’t about me and you, that this is about a peaceful Hyrule. That helped but...do you want to know what really helped?”
“What?” Link asked.
“The people of Hyrule want to live in peace, and so do we. They want to raise families without worrying about another Calamity.” Zelda smiled. “I think we do too, when the time comes.” She perished the thought. That was a long while down the road. “But this isn’t just about a peaceful Hyrule, it’s about our peaceful Hyrule. I’m no longer a princess, distanced from others by a pedestal, and you are no longer a knight, distanced from others by a sword. We actually feel like a part of Hyrule this time. Of course we loved the Champions, my father, but we aren’t acting as Hyrule’s weapons anymore. We don’t feel like cards to be discarded or pawns to be knocked off in a game of chess. All of this is voluntary. We can’t blame a kingdom or a calamity this time. The possibility of losing each other is already giving us stomach-churning guilt because no one told us to go down here. We came down here because we want to preserve peace for all of us, preserve peace beyond even our lifetimes.”
Zelda placed a hand on Link’s cheek.
“And we will,” she said. “We have to believe we will. If we don’t think we’ll get out of here, then there is no chance we will. This is our first on-our-own decision and it’s a damn risky one. We can always turn back if--”
“No,” Link interrupted.
Link’s hand went to hers and his thumb stroked her soft fingers.
“No,” he repeated, however shakily. “We are going through with this. I just need to process it, that’s all. I didn’t think we would actually be doing this. I think we both held on to the fantasy of peace. I definitely held on to it too much.”
He finally let her touch soothe him.
“I’m here,” Zelda assured him softly. “I’m right here.”
She took his hand and placed it on her heart, the rhythm of which pulsated through his own veins.
“I’m not supposed to be alive right now,” Zelda said. “I should have died an eighty year old queen about thirty years ago but here we both are, young and spry. These caves are filled with dangers we don’t know, but with my heart in your hands and your heart in mine I know we can dare to do the impossible again.”
Link met his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. He tried to breathe the way she was, to feel her calm and to adapt it into his own body.
“Okay,” he said. “I’m ready.”
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
SK8 the Infinity Sentence Starters #11-20
A collection of the SK8 the Infinity sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
11) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“Somehow we need to persuade him to let you have that skateboard for an hour or so,” Langa murmured, watching Miya as he hung out in the shop, looking bored, skateboard tucked under his arm. He’d come in to “pick them up” and take them to see one of his skating matches in person, but as soon as he’d entered the shop and Reki had seen his board, he knew it was in no condition to be used in a competition. One of the wheels was about ready to pop off, which was a hazard to say the least.
Reki had tried to convince him to let him fix it, but Miya was insistent that it was fine. The redhead hummed, considering a moment before nodding to himself. “I got this.” He shuffled around one of the tables and walked up to the younger skater. “Yo, Miya.”
“Are you ready to go now, slime?” Miya asked by way of reply, looking up at Reki. “I’m not going to wait all day for you, you know.”
“I need to fix your board, Miya. It’s dangerous to ride on it right now. Surely a professional like you can see that.”
Miya pressed his lips together, clutching his board tighter. “It’s fine.”
“Let me fix it. It’ll only take a little bit, I promise.”
Reki sighed and cracked his knuckles. “All right. I didn’t want to have to do this, but as your friend, I can’t let you go to a competition on that board.”
“What are you talking abo-OUT?! Gahk! R-Reheheheki, nohohoho!” Miya doubled over in giggles when Reki latched onto his sides, tickling gently but firmly. “Stohohohohohop! I’m not a kihihihihid anymore!”
“Doesn’t mean tickling won’t work on you,” Reki laughed along with him. “Come on. Let me fix it.”
“That’s cool. I can do this all day if you want me to.”
“Reheheheheheki!” Miya squealed, finally dropping his skateboard to use both hands to grab onto the redhead’s wrists, trying and failing to pull him away. “Plehehehehehease, stohohohohop! You can fihihihix my bohohohohoard!”
Reki ceased his tickling attack, smiling at the younger skater. “Great! I’ll get right on it. You’ll thank me later, trust me.”
Miya shoved him away, cheeks pink. “Just go, slime,” he muttered, but he was still smiling.
12) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“I’m gonna get you!” Reki teased playfully as he chased Miya around the park, fingers wiggling teasingly.
“Back off, slime!” Miya shot back, launching himself up the tiny set of stairs leading to the playground. “You’re too big to fit up here!”
“Oh, am I?” Reki quickly proved him wrong by climbing up after him, then ducking under some low-hanging play pieces on his way to the smaller boy.
Miya yelped and practically threw himself down the nearest slide, taking off at a sprint toward Langa, who was sitting on a park bench nearby, eating a sandwich and watching them nonchalantly. “Langa, make your stupid boyfriend leave me alone!”
Langa just took another bite and waited as Miya took refuge behind him and Reki hurried to catch up, still wiggling his fingers.
“You know, Miya, you’re just making the tickle monster even more excited to play with you~”
Miya’s cheeks flushed bright pink. “Shut up! I’m not a kid anymore!”
“Doesn’t mean the tickle monster isn’t going to eat you up when he catches you~”
Reki vaulted over the bench, taking Miya off-guard just long enough to finally catch up to him. He tackled the smaller boy into the grass, surprised and amused to hear that he was already giggling hysterically. “Nohohoho, nohohoho! Dohohohohon’t!”
“Whaaaat? I warned you what would happen if you ran.” Reki smirked, gently skittering his fingers along Miya’s sides. “Now the tickle monster has you alllll to himself to play with~ Isn’t that lovely?”
Miya squealed, giggling harder and kicking his legs. “Lehehehehehet me gohohoho! I’m not a tohohohohohoy!”
Reki chuckled, grabbing into his ribs and vibrating, making him burst into laughter. “Hmm…the tickle monster thinks otherwise, little Miya~”
13) Switches Reki and Langa
The pillow hit Langa square in the face, and Reki burst into laughter. “Gotcha!”
Langa grinned, grabbed his own pillow, and chucked it at the redhead, who dodged it expertly and then picked it up himself, brandishing both in the air like trophies.
“You’re ridiculous.” Langa beamed, climbing onto his friend’s bed to try and wrestle one of the pillows from his grip. “Give me that.”
“Never!” Reki declared, trying to push Langa away with his bare foot. The blue-haired boy struggled for only a moment before finally deciding to switch tactics, grabbing his ankle and scribbling his fingers over his exposed sole. The redhead shrieked and flopped back onto his mattress, giggling hysterically. “Nohohohoho, dohohohohon’t do thahahahat!”
“Oh?” Langa gripped his foot tighter and kept it up, smirking. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Ahahahahaha! I’m g-gohohohonna—!” Reki suddenly wrenched his ankle free and shoved Langa back harder than intended so his friend was half-dangling off the side of the bed, his hair brushing the floor while his legs scrambled for purchase on the mattress. The redhead quickly sat on him to keep him from falling, reaching forward to squeeze his hips and sides rapidly. “My turn! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Nahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohoho!” Langa pleaded, his cheeks turning a beautiful shade of pink as he laughed helplessly, unable to sit himself up to fight back. “Plehehehehehease!”
“Aw, can’t get away now, can you? Tough luck for you~”
Langa blindly reached for Reki’s knee, succeeding in giving it a hard squeeze, making Reki squeal and fall off the bed as well. Soon both boys were on the ground, wrestling each other for dominance, grabbing any ticklish spot they could reach.
“Gihihihive it up!” Reki giggled, drilling into Langa’s ribs. “You’re mohohohore tihihicklish than me!”
“Thahahahahat’s a complete lihihihihie!” Langa shot back, shoving his hand under Reki’s shirt to scribble at his tummy. “You lohohohose every tihihihihime we have tihihickle fights!”
“Nohohohohot thihihihihis time!”
“Oh yeheheheheah? Prohohohove it!”
Reki and Langa continued to tickle each other until they were totally worn out and surrendered at the same time.
14) Lee Langa, Ler Reki
Reki had to hand it to Langa – the guy was really good at remaining calm.
During a sleepover that had inadvertently become boring after they had to remain quiet for Reki’s younger sisters, the redhead challenged Langa to a “don’t laugh” competition. The catch? Tickling was allowed, and actually, tickling was the only thing they could use against each other to make each other laugh.
So far Reki had grinned, yelped, jerked aside, and generally reacted every single time when Langa poked or squeezed or scribbled over one of his many, many ticklish spots. But Langa had done exceedingly well in remaining as stoic as possible. He may have jumped once or twice, but so far Reki had yet to get even a twitch of a smile from him.
Well, that was about to change.
Langa reached forward and lifted his shirt slowly, teasingly, wiggling a single finger in front of his face. That was another rule that Reki had long since regretted adding – you couldn’t resist or fight back until the tickling actually started. So he had to sit there and watch as his best friend lowered that wiggling finger towards – and eventually into – his navel.
Reki giggled, pulling away upon contact.
Langa smirked at him. “You laughed.”
“I didn’t laugh!” Reki replied indignantly. “I giggled. There’s a difference.”
“All right, your turn.”
Langa wiped the smirk from his face and held perfectly still as Reki finally went for the sweet spot that he knew would work. He lifted the blue-haired boy’s arm and scribbled into the exposed armpit with a vengeance.
“Nahahaha – okay, okahahahay!” Langa giggled, then laughed in a panic when Reki refused to let him go, following him as he struggled and began to topple over. “Reheheheheki! You wihihihihin!”
“I know,” Reki replied with a giant smile, drilling both hands into both of Langa’s underarms, forcing him to burst into laughter and lose the challenge even harder. “Now I’m claiming my reward!”
15) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“Hold still – you’ll get paint everywhere.”
“I cahahahahan’t help ihihihit!” Reki protested, clutching the throw pillow to his chest with everything he had, doing his best to stay still and make Langa’s job easier. “It tihihihihihihickles so bahahahahad!”
Langa smiled, gently brushing the paint-covered brush up and down Reki’s bare soles, taking care to cover every inch. “It’ll only take a minute.”
“Why cohohohohohouldn’t I just stihihihihick my feheheheheet in the bucket?!” Reki tossed his head back and shrieked. “Gahahahahahaha not the tohohohohohoes! Lahahahahahanga!”
Langa chuckled, amused by Reki’s struggle. He gripped his friend’s ankles tighter when he tried to jerk his feet away. “Hold still, I said.”
“Plehehehehease, I cahahahahan’t! Hurry uhuhuhuhuhup!”
Langa dipped the brush in the paint bucket, giving his friend a brief respite before swiping it down his arch carefully, holding him firmly in place despite the squirming and loud cackling Reki was letting free at this point. The redhead started pounding his fists into the pillow, tears springing to his eyes from the strain of trying to hold still for this stupid art project.
“I cahahahahan’t, I cahahahan’t! Plehehehehease, Langa! I cahahahan’t do it!”
“Come on, I’m almost done. Just a couple more swipes.” Langa smirked. Truthfully, he’d been done painting Reki’s feet a few minutes ago. He just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make his friend laugh helplessly like this when he thought he couldn’t fight back. He dipped the brush again, then swirled it in tiny circles over the heel of his opposite foot. “There’s a small spot right here that needs a little more.”
Reki brought the pillow up to his face and screamed into it, laughing hysterically, his pleading muffled against the cushion. “Plehehehehease, stohohohop, Langa! Plehehehehehease! No mohohohore!”
“Just a little more.” Langa dragged the bristles under Reki’s toes. “You’ve got this. Just hang in there.”
Reki pulled the pillow back down, revealing a his pink, tear-streaked cheeks and uncontrollable smile, and Langa beamed, loving every bit of it. He made sure to take his time covering every inch of Reki’s feet with the paint. The redhead could surely handle just a little bit more.
16) Lee Miya, Lers Reki and Langa
“Give it back!” Reki cried.
“No!” Miya curled in on himself, cradling the package of cookies to his chest. “They’re mine!”
“They’re meant for everyone,” Joe said calmly, chuckling at the scene. “Be nice and share, Miya.”
“You’re not my dad,” Miya spat, wrenching away from Reki’s hold on him. “Let me go!”
Reki growled, lunging for him again. “Don’t make me tickle you, Miya. I’ll do it!”
Miya yelped, darting around both Reki and Joe to try and get to the door, but suddenly Langa was there, standing still as a tree even as the smaller boy plowed into him at full force. He barely even stumbled. “Share, Miya.”
Reki grabbed him from behind, startling a loud squeal out of the smaller skater, followed by rounds of helpless giggles as the redhead tickled his sides. “Gotcha! Give them here, Miya. Don’t make me tickle them back from you.”
“Nohohohoho! They’re mihihihihihihine!” Miya snickered, still clutching the package even as he wiggled and squirmed.
Reki sighed dramatically. “Langa?”
Langa tried prying Miya’s arms away from the cookies while Reki continued to tickle, but when that didn’t work, he started helping his friend instead.
“Aieeehehehehehehehe! Nahahahahahahaha!” Miya was practically crushing the prize they were all after at this point, giggles turning to laughter as Langa joined in on the fun. “Stohohohohohop! No fahahahahahahair!”
Joe chuckled, finally joining the fray by coming up behind Miya and unwrapping his arms easily. Langa reached out to grab the falling package before it hit the ground.
“Ah! Okahahahahay, you’ve gohohohot your cohohohohookies! Let me gohohohoho!” Miya squealed. He struggled in Joe’s hold but went nowhere fast, and Reki just kept tickling him, smirking at his newfound helpless state.
Joe shrugged, holding Miya’s arms above his head with ease. “Sorry, kid. You asked for it.”
Langa blinked, considered for a moment, then set the cookies aside and went back to work helping Reki tickle Miya silly. All three of them enjoyed the sound of his laughter for the next several minutes, and Miya would be lying if he said he wasn’t having fun with this ticklish game, too.
17) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“You’re not going anywhere,” Langa chuckled, grabbing Reki by his ankle and pulling him closer, quickly moving to straddle the already giggling redhead.
“No, please – Langa, plehehehehease! No!” Reki shot his hands down to grab at his friend’s wrists, but he couldn’t stop the fingers that were suddenly wiggling into his belly, squishing and tickling the pudge beneath his t-shirt. “Stohohohohohop!”
“What’s the matter, Reki? A little ticklish?” Langa beamed down at his friend, enjoying the pink blush and panicked giggles and wide eyes staring back at him with glee. “That’s just too bad, isn’t it?”
Reki squirmed and kicked, going absolutely nowhere and loving every second. Langa rarely got playful with him like this, so when he did it was always more exciting than if it were anyone else. Still, he arched his back with a shriek when Langa found his belly button and wiggled into it. “Ahahahahaha Lahahahahahanga!”
“Oh? Did I find your tickle button?”
“Dohohohohohon’t cahahahahahall it thahahahahahat!” Reki protested, his giggles morphing into laughter the longer his blue-haired friend stayed in that spot. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“You’re so ticklish, Reki.”
“I knohohohohow! Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup!”
“I like making you laugh, you know.” Langa was speaking so casually, it was only making this tickle so much worse. “I especially like that I only have to poke this tickle button to get you giggling.”
“Agh – shut uhuhuhup, I sahahahahahaid!”
“Don’t want to.”
“Lahahahahahanga!” Reki pleaded, the steady tickling really driving him insane now. He shook his head as laughter poured from him in uncontrollable bursts. “Plehehehehease, stahahahahahap!”
“Why should I?”
“It tihihihihihihickles so bahahahahahad!”
Langa only smirked and kept it up in a slow, steady, relentless rhythm of gentle tickle torture. “I know it does~”
18) Lee Reki, Ler Langa
“This is childish!” Reki cried, trying to bite back his laughter as he struggled against Langa. “And I’m not a child anymore!”
Langa kept up with him relentlessly, finally managing to snatch a wrist to keep at least that hand from punching him as he drilled into his friend’s side. “What’s childish is that you stole my juice box. My juice box, Reki? Really?”
“I w-wahahas thirsty, and y-yohohohou weheheren’t drinking it anywahahay!” Reki’s voice turned pleading the longer Langa tickled him. “Stohohohohop!”
“I wasn’t drinking it yet,” Langa corrected him, though his smile was playful. “Jerk. I was looking forward to that apple juice.”
“Okahahay, look, I’m sohohohohorry! Lehehehet me go!”
“Hmm…nah.” Langa suddenly dove right for the sweet spot – Reki’s tummy. In an instant the redhead had toppled onto the floor from the force of his laughter, squirming and kicking desperately, especially once his friend slipped his hands under his hoodie to scribble at his bare skin.
“GAH!! NONONO LAHAHAHAHAHANGA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Reki tried to grab Langa’s arms desperately but only managed to weakly tap against him, his own laughter working against him, sapping his strength. “I’M SORRY, I’M SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! I’LL BUY YOU ANOHOHOHOHOTHER ONE!! PLEASE!!”
Langa laughed with him, shoving his hoodie up so he could find his navel easier, dipping a finger inside and wiggling mercilessly. He enjoyed Reki’s screaming laughter and pleas for mercy for several seconds before finishing off his attack with the loudest, longest raspberry he could manage right above his belly button, forcing the redhead into silent hysterics.
At last the blue-haired boy had enough, and he sat up, releasing his friend with a smile and a quick ruffling of his hair. “There. I think that’s about one juice box’s worth of tickle torture, don’t you?”
Reki shoved him away playfully, trying to hide his smile and blush. “I hate you.”
“I’m sure you do.”
19) Lee Langa, Ler Reki
“I don’t think you understand how much this means to me,” Reki said, swinging a leg over to straddle Langa, who looked back up at him with a confused smile.
“It’s just tickling, right?” His friend inquired. “How meaningful can it be?”
“Oh, where do I begin?” Reki cracked his knuckles and reached down to wiggle his fingers against Langa’s ribs, making him sputter out his first giggles. “Tickling is fun, but it’s also a total loss of control. The fact that you’re willing to let me be in control and make you laugh is so awesome. It means a lot to me, you know?” He danced up and down his sides. “I like hearing you laugh. Really laugh.”
“You’re ohohohohonly kind of in controhohohohol,” Langa pointed out through his snickering. “You’ll stohohohohohop when I ahahahask you to…rihihihihight?”
“Right,” Reki affirmed immediately, smiling. “I suppose you have a point. We’re both in control, aren’t we?” The redhead began walking up towards his underarms, then suddenly shot up and drilled into them, making Langa shriek and explode with cackling mirth. Reki beamed. “I still feel really good being the one to make you laugh like this, though.”
“AGH!! REHEHEHEHEHEHEKI!!” Langa screeched, his laughter bright and happy and louder than either of them had thought possible from a soft-spoken person like him. “EHEHEHEHEHEASY!! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES – AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Reki grinned. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
“You know, that pink blush of yours really goes with your hair.”
“Nah~” Reki chuckled, deciding to give him a slight break by going back down to his hips and belly instead. “I think you like it just as much as I do.”
20) Lee Miya, Ler Reki
“I hate you,” Miya giggled, staring up at Reki with wide eyes and a huge smile he couldn’t contain no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the wiggling fingers approaching his belly. “I hate you – I h-hahahahahate you!”
“Aww, really? That makes me sad.” Reki smiled playfully, slowly reaching under Miya’s hoodie to gently trace his fingers along the skin of his stomach. “You were practically begging for this, and now you hate me?”
Miya flushed bright pink. “I – I was not! You just…you tricked me!”
“Tricked you? How?”
“By…” Miya scrambled to find an answer. He knew as well as Reki did that he had been asking for this, just not in as many words. Still, he wouldn’t give the slime the satisfaction of knowing how badly he wanted to be tickled. “By…um…”
“Better think fast,” Reki teased, beginning to scribble. “Soon you won’t be able to speak at all~”
“W-Wahahahahait! Wait, no – Reheheheheheki!”
“Tick-tock, Miya~”
The younger skater was blushing completely now, twisting his face to hide in his arms which were pinned above his head. “Ehehehehehehe! Nohohohohoho!”
“Time’s up!” Reki suddenly dug in firmly but gently, sending Miya into fits of sputtering giggles and cackles, enjoying how his face lit up with a bright, happy smile even as his body instinctively tried to squirm away from his fingers. “Uh-oh! Looks like someone’s a little tickle, tickle, ticklish!”
“I hahahahahahahate you!” Miya screamed again, dissolving into helpless hysterics the longer the redhead teased him and tickled his sweet spot like that. “Reheheheheheki! You jeheheheheherk – I hahahahahahahate you!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Reki smirked, slipping a finger inside Miya’s belly button, making him throw his head back and explode with laughter. “I think the tickle monster can convince you otherwise~”
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ygreczed-3 · 4 years
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The Red Guard and the Snow Angel
Summer Falls desert concept art
Hank and Connor
Gavin and Nines meditating + thunder, snow, fire and wind seal
Gavin and the thunder spirit
More concept arts - traditional art & inking
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
When they go through the Summer Falls desert, Connor and Nines pass out fairly soon due to their intolerance to fire magic. They only get better at night, when the temperature drops, so they stay awake to watch out while the humans sleep. During the day Hank and Gavin have to take them on their horse/Sumo and walk beside them, even though the intense heat isn't making things easy for them either. They reach a village in an oasis where Connor and Nines get better, and when they realize there's a spring in it, they decide to go and rest a bit as the night arrives.
Nines and Gavin are gone meditating on a less crowded part of the spring.
Gavin : That's stupid… How can this make me stronger than my training ? Nines : Stop talking and focus on your breathing.  Gavin : Grmphh.. Nines : Can you feel the source of magic inside your body ? Gavin : … Yeah. Nines : You have to… establish a connection with it. Show him you don't fear it Gavin : But I fear it. Nines : The war spirit you host is an incredible source of power, and you can believe me, it is as bellicose as you are. It only needs a goal to aim for and you'll be able to channel its energy.  Gavin : … You know I'm your enemy… Why do you help me ? Nines, closed eyes : I know I can compete with you. I'm ready to be challenged. And it's funnier to fight a skilled warrior than a scared little boy. Gavin : … Fucker.
Connor and Hank in the hot spring
Connor : I think that's what your hug feels like. Hank : hm ? Connor : The hot water. I think it's what hugs feel like. Hank : You said my hugs... Connor : Did I ? I was just thinking… about how you hug Sumo sometimes. He loves it. Hank : Yeah, this big boy loves cuddles  I admit that. Connor : It must feel good. Hank : What… You've never been hugged before ? Connor : Golems do have… intimate behaviors, of course but it's not… I mean we're… not physically warm, so... (NB : I was thinking golems in this universe would be like vampires, not as freezing as actual snow but still colder than humans) Hank : ...Thought you didn't like heat that much. Connor : Warmth from human's touch is different from fire magic : it feels more… safe, less aggressive. I think I'd like that. Hank : … How do you know that ? Connor : I touched your back to heal it, remember ? Your warmth feels nice. Hank : Yeah okay, you touched me, but you don't know what my hugs feel like ? Maybe you'd hate that. Connor : I wish I could know.
They look at each other, but then Hank looks away and stands up.
Hank : It's late, I'm tired. I'm going back to the inn. Connor seems disappointed, but then Hank keeps going. Hank : You coming ?
When they enter the room they share all together, Nines is already in stasis and Gavin is snoring loudly.
Hank takes Connor's wrist silently, looking at him in the eyes as if tacitly asking for permission. Connor just lets himself be enveloped by wide arms, and rests his cheek on his collar bone.
Connor sighs, closing his eyes as he enjoys that nice bear hug. He feels that warm something in his chest growing in his body, invading his stomach with pleasing flutters. 
Connor : Hank… Hank : Shhh… it would be embarrassing to wake those two idiots up now.
Connor bites his lower lip as he silently reaches for Hank's hand, his skin turning white as he presses gently each of his fingers against Hank's. It's known to be a quite intimate gesture among golems, and the closest human equivalence to it would be a kiss. Connor is aware that it could even be interpreted as indecent given how close their bodies are, and that if Nines was to wake up at that moment he would probably choke on thin air. Of course Hank has no clue about that and just thinks it's funny.
Hank : What, you wanna dance ?
Connor realizes they're holding each other on the left side and touching hands on the right side, and it seems like they're going to waltz. He chuckles from the absurdity of the situation from a human's perspective. 
Connor : I wouldn't know how to. Hank : Good thing, I'm a terrible dancer. Connor : Ahah...hmm, Hank, I like it. Can we stay like this for a moment ? Hank : Sure.
One night in the middle of the desert, Gavin is on the watch as Hank sleeps in the tent. Connor is with him, but Nines inexplicably stays around the fire, silent. Gavin is bored out so he just starts the conversation. 
Gavin : I feel like the old man and your stupid brother are getting along. Nines : I have this feeling too. Gavin : Doesn't bother you? Nines : What can I do ? I asked Connor to be careful, but I'm not blind… He's shining with glee whenever Hank is around him. I can't… force him not to feel. Also, I think Hank isn't that bad of a person… for a human. Gavin : Still certain we're the bad guys ? Think about it : you were made to serve us.  You betrayed your creators and let us starve like dogs. Nines : Humans didn't create us. Kamski did, and if he had wanted to, he could have made unthinking, obedient golems. Maybe we were meant to break free. Gavin : Oh yeah, so why can't you even procreate ? Simple answer: you were not designed to be an individual species from the start. You were built with no other purpose in life than to help us survive.  Nines : Didn't that even occur to you that humans did bad things too ? Gavin : We're just trying to survive ! Nines : So we are. Gavin : … So what ? You're saying we're two evils ? Of course we are. But I have to protect my people, you understand that ?
Nines stays silent, exploring the surprisingly genuine glare Gavin throws at him. Of course he understands that. His own despise for humanity is only driven by his deep desire to protect Connor, Marcus, and his people. He looks back at the fire heating them, unconsciously processing how ridiculously similar they are.
And yet, something starts growing in his mind, the irritating sensation his relationship with Gavin has changed from the moment they met, and that he unexpectedly wanted to protect him as well.
Nines : Would you kill me ?
He can't even explain how this sentence even made it out of his throat. He already knows the answer. Gavin stares at him longingly, noticeably surprised by the question. He stays silent as he puts more wood in the fire.
Gavin : If I had to, I probably would. But I… hum… don't want to. Nines : … hm. Gavin : What about you ? Would you kill me ? Nines : I don't know. If lives were at stake, certainly, even if I'd find this decision… regrettable. Gavin : ... Oh wow, is that your way to tell me you like me ? Nines : … Don't set your hopes too high.
Gavin breathes in a laugh and goes back to silence, smiling smugly. 
They arrive in Nestlepeek and split in two teams, Hank and Connor go to the center of the town, where Connor hopes to find more precise information about Kamski and where he hides.
Gavin and Nines were supposed to go buy supplies, but as they head to the covered market, they are challenged by a man in the street to defeat his champion in a fight. As Nines realizes it's all for illegal gambling, Gavin accepts and finds himself in a cage, combating a birdman.
He thinks he's got the hang of it but as soon as the birdman starts flying Gavin can't touch him with his sword anymore and becomes vulnerable to his aerial attacks.
Nines : Gavin ! Summon the spirit ! Gavin : No way ! Nines : You'll lose if you don't ! Gavin : I know what I'm doing, alright !? Nines : You obviously don't ! Thunder magic gives you advantageous long throw attacks, you can't win against a flying foe with close combat techniques ! Gavin : I think I killed enough Golems to know how to fight flying foes ! Nines : You bastard…
Nines uses his snow magic to catch the champion in ice and immobilize him.
Owner : What the hell !!! Who did that ?! Nines : I did. I'll replace your champion, open the cage.
The owner is confused first but then he sees the opportunity and accepts. Nines enters the cage and gets ready to fight.
Gavin : … You wanna die ? Told you I could do it. Nines : We've been talking about this fight for ages. It's time to see what you're capable of.
They start fighting and they're pretty even for the first ten minutes. Their fight gathered a lot of gamblers and spectators.
When Nines starts to take advantage, Gavin's eyes suddenly turn bright yellow, and he charges at him : Nines can see the thunder magic halo surrounding him. He parries many strikes but Gavin has gained in speed and ferocity. Soon enough, Gavin throws him to one extremity of the cage, and as the crowd around them is screaming in excitement, Gavin holds up his dagger. He's trembling, electricity forming around his hand. 
Nines can make eye contact but somehow, Gavin isn't answering his glare.
Nines : Gavin- You hear me ?
Gavin doesn't say anything, and Nines is sure he's gonna die when the human warrior shoots down his dagger… only to hit one of the cage's bars just behind him. Gavin closes his eyes, and opens them, showing blue-green orbs again, and he straightens up, breathless.
The crowd boos them as Gavin takes a step back and drops the other dagger. He asks the owner to open the cage and leaves the place, Nines following him, still out of breath as well.
Nines : Gavin !
Gavin stops, letting Nines get closer, until they face each other again.
Nines : You did it. You mastered the spirit… Do you realize that ? Gavin : I could have killed you, then everyone around me. That's what the spirit wanted to do… Do you realize that ? Nines : But you didn't. With a bit more training-... Gavin : I almost killed you, Nines, for fuck's  sake ! Nines : … So what ? Thought you were ready to. Gavin : Listen, this beast wanted you dead, everyone dead so bad… How can I… How can I use this power when I know how dangerous and unstable it is? Nines : … But you stopped it, right ? You can control it. Gavin : You fucker, if it wasn't for you, I know I couldn't have stopped it. I would have killed all those strangers, I know that, and I'm not… I'm not a murderer. Nines : … What do you mean, for me ? Gavin : Drop it. I need some air, don't follow me.
Hank and Connor enter the library, Connor is looking for the archived events-records to see if Kamski came into this village (which is most likely given it's the first one you can find after the desert)
It appears that the local people can fly so the library is very high, and most scales don't even reach the top of the bookshelves.
Hank : How the hell can we reach the archives ? Connor : Wait a minute, I'll go there and take some volumes with me.
Connor spreads his wings, that widen to support his weight as he takes off to the highest point of the library. Hank is impressed by how graceful Connor looks in the air. When the golem comes back with a consequential pile of old, handwritten books, he's just there, mouth open in amazement.
Connor : Here we go… the last 10 years of history in this village… Ready to pull an all-nighter ?
Hank doesn't reply.
Connor : Hank ? Hank : You're beautiful.
Connor blinks once, his lips slightly parted from the surprise, his eyes conveying nothing else than confusion and yet, low-key content.
Connor: ..I'm sorry ? Hank : When you fly I mean… that's impressive… and beautiful. Connor : Huh… Thank you, I guess ? Anyway hum… let's… let's find a table… Hank : “Thank you” ? But do you even realize how beautiful you are ? Connor : I was created to meet some human ideal. Why would I be proud of something that isn't my doing ? Hank : Ah, don't be so modest.  Connor : … you know, I think I find humans more attractive than Golems. Each one of you is unique, and I love everything you call “flaws”.
Hank laughs halfheartedly at his last line.
Hank : You don't make sense, kid.
They read the archives until it's dark outside. Hank can't help but yawn as Connor lights the candles to keep reading.
Connor : You can go back to the inn, Gavin must be there already, and Nines can take over. Hank : Nah, I'm good. Connor : Hm… Hank : You okay ? You look… worried. Connor sighs : … What if we can't find Kamski ? What if… I was wrong, what if we had to go back to Detroit and Jericho with just nothing ? I don't want to return to a situation where I'll have to fight you… I just can't.  Hank : … Yeah, I understand that. I don't think I can remain a Red Guard after what we've been through… After I got to know you. Connor : If we were to fail… nothing will never be the same again. Without you.
Hank just looks at Connor with sharp eyes, as if he's got the urge to say something. At this point Hank knows he's falling for the Golem, but of course, he won't say anything, because he's sure it's only one sided, Connor is so young and handsome he can't possibly feel the same.
Actually the dark haired golem is totally in love with the man, but again, he thinks Hank can't reciprocate his feelings since he's probably into women (after all he used to have a wife), and definitely not into Golems anyways. It just feels so unfair to both of them to consider going back to their normal life when they just want to stay with the other so bad. They just wish they could stay together and run away in some romantic and lovesick lunacy. Again, they won't tell each other about it.
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If you're still taking prompts,
How about "I love it when you laugh!" With Darkstache? Because I am soft 😭
(Also I saw it from the "Just cute things" post lol)
Anon, I am ALWAYS accepting prompts, especially when I was trying to think of a cute Darkstache idea. Never worry about that!
Wilford woke up feeling more like William. Luckily, whether he is in a ‘reporter mindset’ or a ‘soldier mindset’, he still loves Dark with all his heart.
Word count: 806
When Wilford woke up that morning, the world was a little duller. His eyesight was fine, there wasn’t a random paint job he had forgotten. Whatever he had dreamt about had unlocked something in his brain and let memories from another life slip through. It was a day Wilford would dedicate to being pensive, or to simply try forcing that lock shut again so he doesn’t have to think about those topics anymore. He had rolled out of bed, tugged on his fluffy dressing gown, and trudged down the stairs with the intention of getting a mug of coffee to kickstart his brain.
But Dark was already in the kitchen. His attention was placing two cups on a tray when the loud shuffling caught his attention.
“Ah. Looks like you’ve finally woken up. I was just about to go wake you up.” The entity crossed the small space of the kitchen to pass a cup of tea to the reporter. Dark smiled.
A thousand moments flashed in Wilford’s mind at the same time of a bright-eyed mayor’s smile, and William found himself falling in love all over again.
William blinked. Dark had no idea that something wasn’t right, which meant that William would have to play along and act like nothing was different. It was better to avoid the questions.
“Sorry, sorry… I’m still wakin’ up. Yer real pretty today.” William kissed Dark on the cheek and accepted the tea. He was thankful that it was a day off. Working when he felt less bubbly was hard. But more importantly, he could spend time with Dark without anyone else there.
One good thing about the world being duller was that everything was sharper. Without the daze of ‘head empty’, William caught more of Dark’s quirks than simply putting them all under the category of ‘Dark is so handsome’. He could see many of Damien’s mannerisms in everything Dark did. He was hit with a moment of guilt and the regret in ruining everything they had by being drawn to Celine for a brief spell. But right here, right now… None of that mattered. It was like they were starting all over again. If Dark didn’t know what was going on in the reporter’s head, then this could be a day to be self-indulgent and create better, happier memories.
As the pair relaxed on the couch with their tea, William did just that. He made it his mission to compliment and throw light-hearted flirtations Dark’s way at every opportunity. He even banked on ridiculous puns that hit the target that wasn’t just a couch cushion smacking him in the face - Dark laughed. Not just that, it was Damien’s giggle. William could recognise it anywhere.
“I’m just saying. You’re a koala-tea person and it’s a darn shame ya don’t be-leaf me!” William finished by loudly sipping his tea, relishing the glee at Dark’s snort in an attempt to hold back the laughter. To play on this, William raised an eyebrow. “Somethin’ wrong?”
“It’s you. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with making me laugh today.” Despite the protest, Dark’s face was flushed from giggling. There was a sparkle in his eyes. Even the colours around him seemed to retreat slightly in embarrassment. It was as though they were teenagers all over again.
“It’s because I love it when ya laugh! Why wouldn’t I?” William placed both cups on the table and pulled Dark onto his lap so he could plant a kiss on the entity’s nose. “Yer laugh is my favourite music. Yer face is a work of art that I’d gladly stare at fer hours. Everythin’ ‘bout ya is perfect, an’ I’m so glad I’m th’ lucky guy who gets ta be here an’ love ya. Yer handsome -” He was cut off by Dark putting a hand over his mouth.
“You’re making it your mission to embarrass me, aren’t you?” With the ability to speak briefly removed, William closed his eyes and shook his head. Then, he gently tugged Dark’s hand away so he could turn it and kiss the wrist.
“Not right now. I wanna make sure ya know I love ya, an’ I wanna make sure it’s th’ thing I never forget. C’mon, beautiful. Let me have this moment. Please?”
Dark glanced aside in contemplation. Something was on his mind, but it never got the chance to be spoken. William took the split second of weakness to reach out and tickle Dark’s sides. A peal of laughter broke the silence as William quickly flipped their positions to trap Dark on the couch. Fortune was on Dark’s side as his partner quickly ceased the attack, opting instead to lean down and blow a raspberry on Dark’s neck.
“Plus, yer adorable when ya laugh. Can’t pass any opportunity ta see ya look so damn cute!”
64 notes · View notes
renegadewangs · 3 years
Van Zieks - the Examination, part 11
Warnings: SPOILERS for The Great Ace Attorney: Chronicles. Additional warning for racist sentiments uttered by fictional characters (and screencaps to show these sentiments).
Disclaimer: (see Part 1 for the more detailed disclaimer.) - These posts are not meant to be taken as fact. Everything I’m outlining stems from my own views and experiences. If you believe that I’ve missed or misinterpreted something, please let me know so I can edit the post accordingly. -The purpose of these posts is an analysis, nothing more. Please do not come into these posts expecting me to either defend Barok van Zieks from haters, nor expecting me to encourage the hatred. - I’m using the Western release of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for these posts, but may refer to the original Japanese dialogue of Dai Gyakuten Saiban if needed to compare what’s said. This also means I’m using the localized names and localized romanization of the names to stay consistent. -It doesn’t matter one bit to me whether you like Barok van Zieks or dislike him. However, I will ask that everyone who comments refrains from attacking real, actual people.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Bring on the game's credits! BRING IT! The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo part 2 is here!
Episode 2-5: The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, part 2
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This is the first time in a while that I actually want to try other options to see what happens. The 'accusation' leads to some witty banter with a frustrated Stronghart, but 'report' is one that gets a reaction from Van Zieks himself. Ryu theorizes that 'since Klint was a well-bred and fastidious man, and knowing the end was near, he might have wanted to tie up some loose ends in all of his outstanding business'. Van Zieks immediately replies that his brother had no outstanding business.
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DID I JUST GET PENALIZED BY THE DEFENDANT??? Just for implying his brother might've had some loose ends to tie up? Van Zieks really hates it when people show his brother even the slightest bit of disrespect, huh? Well, it's about to get a whole lot worse. Let's go for the confession option! Van Zieks definitely doesn't take kindly to this one.
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“What are you saying? Do you even realise?! A confession...about the true identity of the Professor... That, that would mean...”
He fumbled his speech, there. We've never heard him do that before. And he's gone back to that bobbing, unsteady animation halfway into the above dialogue. Ryu insists it's the only explanation that fits. The man who murdered those members of the aristocracy wasn't Genshin Asogi at all, it was the one believed to be the fifth victim, Klint van Zieks himself.
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Welp. We broke him. Stronghart remarks that Pandora's box has opened at last, making it clear he already knew what we just revealed. The gallery is outraged.
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We've gone from well-bred to thoroughbred, have we? Susato feels very bad for Van Zieks, but Ryu asks himself whether such a brilliant prosecutor never suspected “what his older brother really was”. To clear up doubt further, he asks whether Klint Van Zieks owned a dog. Barok doesn't intend to dodge the facts of the situation, it seems.
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Not what the concept art says, but it's possible Klint owned a different, smaller dog before Balmung. Van Zieks talks about how loyal the dog was and how it wore a jewel-studded collar which was stolen from the house “some years ago now”. This implies it was less than ten years ago, and must've been kept in the house as a keepsake even after Balmung passed away. Ryu and Susato bring up that they've seen such a collar; it was Selden's loot in case 2-2. They note the fancy B emblem on it, and this is the first time we find out that Klint van Zieks was a married man. His widow's maiden name was Baskerville. It's a little odd to me that for someone who thought so highly of his brother, Van Zieks never mentioned his sister in law before now. Conveniently, it never came up for the sake of a twist, I suppose. Either way, the emblem confirms the collar they saw was Balmung's. Ryu notes there was a considerable amount of blood on the collar (nobody washed this thing?) and while it could've come from typical hunting trips, it could just as well have been human blood. With that, the gallery begins to lean towards the truth that Klint van Zieks really was the Professor himself. Stronghart seems to have realized there's no way out of this now and announces that 'they may have the truth'.
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Here comes that 'true nature' thing again, just worded a bit differently. Van Zieks doesn't intend to shirk away from it, though. He's open to the insinuation that his brother was, in truth, something truly horrible. Stronghart explains that Klint attempted to fight the growing darkness in London, only to end up being consumed by it. He also admits that after the fourth victim fell, Genshin showed up at his office, putting forth the accusation that Klint was the Professor. He didn't have any evidence and needed a warrant to get some, but Stronghart refused to anger the aristocracy based on the accusation of a visiting student, so he sent Genshin away. As a result, the man headed over to the Van Zieks mansion and Klint perished. Stronghart continues to admit that he was responsible for pinning the Professor's crimes on Genshin, right down to ordering Gregson to fabricate evidence. Sure enough, the late inspector's earlier claims ring true: it seems he did genuinely believe Genshin to be the killer, but was reluctant to falsify anything until Stronghart strong-armed him into it. The jailbreak agreement was also part of Stronghart's plan; he manipulated Genshin into agreeing by proverbially dangling his 14 year old son in front of him. Van Zieks brings up one more point: that Stronghart was the mastermind behind the Reaper organization. Not only does he admit to it, he calls it a “brilliant idea” and even takes credit for how his “minions” worked tirelessly to ensure Van Zieks was never accused of being the Reaper himself. What a smarmy bumhole. He insists it was all for the preservation of law and order across the empire, and the gallery is actually suckered into falling for this ploy. It seems as if he's going to get away with his masterminding without decent consequences. Kazuma now has one more question for Van Zieks, and it's the exact one Ryu asked himself earlier; did he never have any doubts about his brother?
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“My brother's sense of justice was extremely strong. Perhaps...too strong, I observed. […] During the time of the Professor killings, my brother did not appear to be himself. But it was only once. Not more. Klint wasn't the culprit. That was my conclusion at the time. And I still believe that now. […] The third victim...was the Lord Chief Justice at the time. It was he who had recognized my brother's potential and trained him as a prosecutor. No matter what the circumstances, it's unthinkable that my brother could have killed his friend and mentor!”
So here, we learn that Klint wasn't an infallible paragon of virtue in his brother's eyes. Simply by saying that his sense of justice was “perhaps too strong”, a flaw is being brought to light. Younger Barok saw that Klint's need to ensure justice was overpowering him, and he also saw that during the time of the killings, something was off about his behavior. Enough to have the younger Van Zieks consider, for a brief time, that perhaps the Professor was him. However, the death of the third victim was like a lifeline to him, a flotation device keep him from going under- or perhaps more like a straw to grasp. It offered a sort of justification to him; a firm belief that Klint would never kill his own mentor and therefore he couldn't possibly be the Professor, and Barok was wrong to ever doubt him. However, it was just a very meager excuse to put his suspicions at ease and blind him to the truth. There are, after all, plenty of reasons why Klint would kill that Lord Chief Justice if indeed he were the Professor.
So Stronghart now tries to wrap everything up with a neat little bow, saying that's all the truth they'll be able to get from this trial and he'll present himself at the Ministry of Justice for whatever sanctions are deemed necessary. Since he's the Lord Chief Justice, I can't imagine the Ministry of Justice will give him more than a slap on the wrist. However, he says just a bit too much in his closing statement and Ryu jumps on that immediately. A third page of Genshin's will was hidden from everyone! Turns out, it was a personal message to Kazuma that they never bothered to send to Japan. Governor Caidin conveniently brought it with him and the contents are read aloud after some pressuring. With this last secret message left behind by Genshin, Ryu manages to find Klint's last will and testament hidden inside the Asogi clan's sword. GASP.
Oblivious to the shenanigans playing out in the Court Record section of the game, Stronghart once again tries to end the trial and even goes so far as to say Klint was basically insane when he took his mentor's life (to which Van Zieks objects fiercely). Ryu interjects, saying he has one more piece of evidence to present. When Stronghart calls the very notion absurd, Van Zieks once again raises an objection, pointing out that “this gentleman has an uncanny habit of producing evidence at the final hour that had escaped everyone else's attention.” Which, y'know, is true. That's how Ace Attorney works. I do want to draw attention to the fact that he said “this gentleman” as opposed to “this Nipponese” or even something like “this barrister”. He considers Ryu a gentleman now! So with that, Ryu has the opportunity to shove Klint's will in everyone's face and things escalate very quickly.
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Ooh, his speech faltered again. He is shook! And it gets even better when he gets a closer look at the document.
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Stronghart panics and demands Ryu hands the document over to him at once. When that fails, he even tries to forcibly adjourn the trial and get everyone to clear the courtroom. If that isn't suspicious, we don't know what is. It sure is satisfying to watch him squirm. Naturally, he can't actually put an end to the trial now- not with so many people watching, so the document is read aloud. It's revealed that Genshin challenged Klint to a duel, so that he might “depart this world with honor”. Klint goes on to write that he finds himself undeserving of this honor and that “the Japanese are a truly merciful people”. So here, already, we get the final nail in the coffin for Van Zieks's entire motivation for racial prejudice and for hating Genshin in particular. Klint never thought ill of Genshin, not even in his final moments. If anything, he was grateful for being put out of his misery and being allowed to 'depart the world with honor'. Genshin's actions were not betrayal; not ever. They were merciful. (COOL MOTIVE, STILL MURDER.) What we also learn is that while Klint did indeed take the life of the first victim on his own accord, he was then immediately identified as the culprit and blackmailed into the next three killings by someone else. You guessed it, it was Stronghart! Despite his earlier panic, he now has a myriad of justification ready, talking about how sacrifices have to be made for the sake of justice and whatnot. He also explains that he was the one who pressured Jigoku into shooting Genshin in the graveyard when Drebber showed up there. He acts like Jigoku is the only one to blame, but considering Stronghart was basically screaming in Jigoku's ear, I wouldn't be surprised if this poor man pulled the trigger by accident simply because he was startled by the shouting. Stronghart was the one who decided that Genshin needed to die and forced Jigoku to act, so Stronghart is the one ultimately responsible. Naturally, Ryu and Kazuma both attempt to argue Stronghart's justifications into the ground. At one point, Stronghart plays the victim card and asks them to acknowledge his 'struggle', but Kazuma insists that this jerk has done nothing and:
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WELL. Okay. Looks like we've finally convinced Kazuma that Van Zieks is a victim in this whole ordeal, as well as someone who 'acts justly'. That's a wonderful way forward. With all this out in the open, though, Stronghart offers a literal round of applause. It's true; he's “done nothing” and “merely been surrounded by fools who've acted very rashly indeed”, which means he can't be charged with any crimes. We can't even prove he threatened anyone into doing his bidding, as he says it might as well have been “bargaining”. Thing is, bargaining with someone to end a third party's life is known as “contract killing” and is, in fact, illegal. I can't find any sources to verify whether it was already illegal in 1900 England, but I can only assume so, or people would've gotten away with murders very easily. I guess the bottom line here is that we can't prove Stronghart really did extort or pay anyone to take a life, since there's no material evidence for that sort of thing, nor anyone who can testify on it. Stronghart claims that the minutes of the trial will be heavily redacted to remove matters not related to Gregson's death, in the interest of preserving law and order, as well as to protect the queen. The gallery has now turned against us as well, chanting Stronghart's name.
Here we have a singular opportunity to deviate into the closest thing to a bad ending this game series has. Anyone who remembers the iconic 'the miracle never happen' ending in AA2, or even the bad endings in AA5 where either Trucy or Athena is implied to be killed by Aura, will be sorely disappointed by this one. First, to compare... In the standard ending, no matter how far along you've gotten in the trial- including proving that Stronghart was the Reaper- Van Zieks will still be found guilty. Stronghart will utter the words that he “would like to think however misguided, [Van Zieks] acted out of a sense of justice nonetheless”, and then pronounces the poor man guilty of crimes we've already proven were never committed by him. Now, in this slightly different ending, if you run out of all your penalty points because you fail to present Harely, the dialogue is tweaked. Stronghart declares that for the sake of justice, “the only correct course of action has been unanimously acknowledged by the clear majority here present. All mention of that which has been discussed in this courtroom today will be struck from the records. Barok van Zieks – Or should I say, Reaper of the Bailey... The heinous crimes committed by your brother, Klint van Zieks, will be lost in obscurity, this time forever. May you also find peace now as you join your sibling in the eternal darkness.”
And then, just as in the standard ending, Van Zieks is pronounced guilty and the doors slam shut. So effectively, the only real difference here is that Stronghart really rubs it in our faces that Van Zieks is taking the fall as the Reaper in the eyes of the public. He knows Van Zieks isn't the Reaper- everyone present in the courtroom knows it. However, since the entirely gallery is siding with the real mastermind, the minutes of the trial will be confiscated and destroyed so that the truth will be lost forever. Neither Kazuma nor Ryu reacts to this turn of events on-screen, which is a shame. Van Zieks doesn't fight the adjudication either, he simply accepts the verdict in silence- Hang on, where have we heard that before? Genshin? And didn't Van Zieks say that so long as his death served a purpose, he wouldn't mind dying over being called the Reaper? Stronghart certainly seems to feel that Van Zieks ought to be thrown under the omnibus and sent to the gallows for the sake of minimizing crime in London.
But we're not going to let the true antagonist of this game get away with his bullshit! Time to pull Harely's ears! Cue another (S)Holmeus Ex-Machina where it turns out the entire secret trial has been livestreamed to the Queen of England through holograms. By royal decree, Stronghart is stripped of his title and will be prosecuted for his crimes at a later time. FINAL BOSS, DEFEATED.
With Stronghart out of the way, Van Zieks has some closing sentiments to offer.
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“Is that my brother left this world without a word to me.”
I can see why that might bug him. Van Zieks always looked up to his brother and shielded him from disrespect even a decade after his death, but Klint in turn didn't seem to want to leave any parting sentiments for him, not even a simple farewell. That's not the case, though! Susato points out there's actually more to Klint's will than was read aloud, so let's hear it now.
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“Barok, you have always looked up to me, and now, you follow in my footsteps to become a prosecutor. It is my fervent wish that my unspeakable deeds should not hinder your advancement. I ask not for understanding, for none could understand my depravity. I ask only for forgiveness. Asogi is a fine detective, and a hunter worthy of respect. He has agreed to honour my final two wishes. The first is that this document survives. The second... I cannot commit to paper. I have confessed my sins to my wife. May she find resolution in my death. With my eternal gratitude to my Japanese friend, I rest my quill.”
Imagine how different things would've ended if the will had found its way to Van Zieks shortly after Klint's death. It would've prevented so much grief and so much prejudice, because if Van Zieks had learned that Klint still regarded Genshin with so much respect and gratitude even in this situation, he would never have blamed him for Klint's death nor considered it too great a betrayal. Everything that happened was in line with Klint's wishes. As it stands now, the words in Klint's will basically serve to scold Van Zieks for his attitude and hatred these past ten years.
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Yep, there we go. The final straw. He's been truly, utterly embarrassed and made to confront his mistakes. When Stronghart explains how his ambition to become Attorney General is what prompted him to silence people like Watson and Gregson. Van Zieks asks him whether he ever bothered to count the number of brilliant people he had killed. Kind of a questionable remark, since Stronghart mostly had criminals killed. We don't even know for sure whether Watson was a good person or not; he comes across as a cowardly skeeve. I guess Van Zieks is mostly talking about Genshin, but even that is... Uh...
I received an Ask a while back, bringing up the matter that Genshin appears to be exonerated of any wrongdoing when the truth of Klint's death is revealed. That despite duels being outlawed and it being literal murder, Kazuma seems to take this truth as his father's name being cleared. Indeed, going over everything we've learned so far, it feels as if the narrative has set up both Klint and Genshin, and even characters like Jigoku and Gregson, as victims of Stronghart's manipulation. The thing is, though... Both Genshin and Klint took at least one life of their own free will, Jigoku pulled a trigger twice for the sake of his own career (and recruited someone into an assassin plot), Gregson conspired with a notorious assassin to commit over a dozen murders just because his boss told him it was the right thing to do... Feeling bad about murder or resorting to it because 'the other person is even worse and needs to be stopped' doesn't change that it's murder. It doesn't seem as if Kazuma or anyone else outright says their loved ones are absolved of any responsibility/their names are cleared, but it does really come across as if the narrative wants you to forgive them. So uh... Yes. This is something the game should have properly addressed, instead of just going 'oh, these poor people, all used as puppets by the final boss'.
Anyway, (S)Holmes takes the time to remind Van Zieks that he's the defendant in this case, not the prosecutor. Our old friend Santa Judge returns for the adjudication! Turns out, he was in the gallery all along. (Was he chanting Stronghart's name too?) He talks about how the darkness of the past ten years has lifted, in part thanks to a bright young star from the East. Awww, we've completely won over the judge! Van Zieks now also has something to add.
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“I had the faintest of intimations. That if British justice, so warped and twisted over its long history, was finally to know change... This might just be the man to do it. But at the time, I wouldn't allow myself to acknowledge the possibility. I couldn't overcome my hatred of the Japanese, after the circumstances of my brother's death. Mr. Naruhodo...”
He takes a flourishing bow here, an acknowledgment that Ryu is worthy of his respect and perhaps even that Ryu is superior to him, then stands up straight again for the final whammy.
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Ryu is shocked and Susato is brought to tears. We did it, y'all. We've secured the full, heartfelt apology. I'm not sure there's really anything to add to this, nor anything we could want from it at this point in time. Ryu doesn't say he forgives Van Zieks for his discourtesies, but considering how hard he worked to get this guy cleared of murder, that would feel kind of out of place. The forgiveness happened long before Van Zieks apologized, or so is the implication. (Is that the correct narrative path? Not at all, but I'll get back to that in the conclusion.) So after some more closing words from Ryu, Van Zieks gets his not-guilty verdict and court is adjourned.
In the defendant's lobby, Ryu feels a bit conflicted about how this whole thing went down. Susato tries to cheer him up by saying that everything will seem much better once he sees Van Zieks's smiling face. Indeed, in most other Ace Attorney games, this would be the point where at last, an emotionally distant defendant/witness drops their walls and allows themselves to smile (or cry). Just think of Gina, Lana Skye or even Athena Cykes when she cries tears of joy during AA5's ending. Hilariously enough, Van Zieks is not one of those characters.
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This is a really fun subversion of expectations and Ace Attorney tropes. And I still believe his face got frozen like that. Even so, he's got something heartfelt to say.
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“For you to have risen to the level of excellence you demonstrated today... Well, it's quite remarkable.”
Sounds like a hatchet job of a compliment at first glance, but the sentiment is there. It is extremely remarkable for a foreign exchange student who's only been in the country for about 9 months- and who only spent like 2 of those as an active lawyer- to rise to such a level that he not only uncovers the truth of the current case, but of a cold case from 10 years prior, which was part of a huge cover-up. Ryu points out that he exposed a most 'unpalatable truth' in court and that he feels as if he robbed Van Zieks of something precious. Van Zieks doesn't seem to agree. He reminisces on Stronghart's words.
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“But that... That was just the feeble excuse of a coward. Only those with a steadfast eye for the truth have what it takes to fight the dark forces of crime. You made fine work of establishing that fact in court today.”
So once again, he's complimenting Ryu's courtroom performance. Not only that, but he's acknowledging (in different words) the earlier sentiment that the truth needs to come out, no matter how painful. Perhaps, indirectly, he's calling himself a feeble coward as well. Ryu and Susato are proud of Van Zieks's growth, with Susato saying that surely Kazuma would be smiling if he were here. Naturally, when he shows up at that very second, he isn't smiling at all. Like mentor, like disciple! Kazuma takes a polite bow before Van Zieks and congratulates him on his acquittal. Naturally, after watching Kazuma prosecute so ferociously for two whole episodes, that doesn't feel sincere. Van Zieks asks him whether he doesn't instead want to curse him. Kazuma apologizes for his earlier behavior, which does feel 100% sincere.
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“Your father, Genshin... If I had been stronger, then perhaps... I made an unforgivable error of judgment. … I can offer no excuse.”
One more apology to add to the pile! And here we once again reach that question of whether the narrative is acting like Genshin should be absolved of all blame. In a technical sense, Van Zieks wasn't wrong to prosecute Genshin, since he did seriously murder Klint. That alone is already warranting of the death penalty, so the added crimes of the Professor on top of that don't change too much. However, I don't think Van Zieks's lines truly relate to the Professor trial itself. The error of judgment, in my eyes, can also be seen as the blind acceptance that Genshin betrayed him (as well as Klint) when there was actually far more at play. This notion that Genshin was a horrid traitor who abused their trust and hospitality was then allowed to grow into an irrational hatred which festered for a decade. Regardless of whether Genshin killed Klint, the insistence that the man's true nature was that of a monster was wrong, and I think that's what he's apologizing for. To be clear, he's not apologizing for racist sentiments uttered towards Kazuma or anyone else from Japan with these lines. This purely relates to his treatment of Genshin. However, he already apologized for his many discourtesies back in the courtroom and I think the racist outbursts were part of those discourtesies.
Kazuma says he can offer no forgiveness, which is totally fair. Kazuma isn't obligated to forgive this man. He does, however, admit that he has respect for Van Zieks, since he “fought for justice and the truth”.
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Awww! Remember how in my very first 'strong thought about Barok' post, I pointed out that Barok almost appears to have been designed to be Kazuma's rival prosecutor instead of Ryu's? Yeah. Here we see it very clearly. The reconciliation conversation between these two feels like a much better resolution than the conversation between Van Zieks and Ryu.
So now Kazuma brings up that Genshin promised to do two things for Klint, but the second wasn't mentioned in the will. Mikotoba shows up to share a very heartbreaking tale about Klint's unnamed widow, the lady Zieks-Baskerville, who was hiding out in Dartmoor and passed away from childbirth very shortly after Genshin was executed. The newborn baby girl survived, though! Van Zieks blurts out that that makes no sense. “Why on Earth wouldn't Klint have entrusted the child to my care in that case?!” And that alone is already kind of tragic, but what really packs a wallop is this:
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This means Klint and his wife deliberately kept the pregnancy from him. It's never explained why. Genshin showed up at the manor in the spur of the moment and Klint died that very same night, when his wife must've already been around 8 or 9 months pregnant. (she gives birth about a week or two later, after all.) Klint says that he 'confessed his sins to his wife', but that also must've been very recent, if not that very same night, since Stronghart was threatening to tell Klint's wife and brother of his misdeeds. Stronghart's hold on Klint would've weakened if he'd told her the truth months ago, which in turn implies the both of them decided not to tell Barok while she herself was still oblivious to the Professor truth. Honestly, it all feels like a vague plotconvenience.
What is explained is why the newborn baby wasn't entrusted to Van Zieks. It isn't because Klint had the amazing foresight to know his younger brother would become a salty, loner alcoholic; it's because he and his wife feared the truth of the Professor might come out. Heck, if Genshin had never been arrested for Klint's death, perhaps it would've come out for certain. “The girl would be forever branded as the daughter of the infamous mass murderer.” So the baby girl was distanced from the Van Zieks family as much as possible, with all of London unaware of her existence. This girl is, of course, Iris.
Right on cue, the Harely plushie activates to receive a call from (S)Holmes and Iris. She invites everyone over to 221B for a feast and makes sure to invite “Mr. Reaper” too. He very awkwardly declines the offer.
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Humanization? Humanization! He does, however, give Iris his word that he'll present himself at 221B in the near future to express his gratitude. I think a big part of why he declined the offer was because he wouldn't feel at home during the big celebration when a whole group of people is there. He'd much rather visit Iris during a more quiet, private moment and that's sweet too. Plus, I don't think he's in the mood for a celebration, considering all the horrible truths he's learned in a single day.
So now Kazuma prepares to leave and asks Van Zieks to accompany him. The wording of “would you care to-” makes it very clear this isn't a demand, it's a very soft request that Van Zieks is free to decline. Not that he hesitates for even a second. Here's some more parting words.
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“I believe... You saved my life.”
He takes a deep, flourishing bow and honestly I've lost track of how many times he's praised/thanked Ryu by now. More than Edgeworth thanked Phoenix, most likely. The prosecutor duo prepares to walk away, but Ryu calls after Van Zieks, asking him to wait. Which he does. Ryu asks him what he intends to do now.
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... “Prosecutor van Zieks chooses death”??? In a way, he's thinking of pulling a similar move. He intends to publicize the full truth of the Professor, and I can only imagine that includes Stronghart's involvement in what went down 10 years ago. Maybe he'll even share the truth of the Reaper who's haunted the courtroom all these years. He believes that “once that's done, the Van Zieks family will be ostracised completely from London society.” (I don't think he means living family members, but rather, the legacy of the Van Zieks name and the rights associated with it.) So because of that, he intends to leave the capital as soon as he's free of his employment. Considering how easily this man took a five year sabbatical and adding in the fact that the Lord Chief Justice just got arrested, I expect his resignation could be as easy as packing his desk and leaving his office without saying a word. Kazuma, however, calls him a fool and a coward. He basically dares Van Zieks to keep going now that he's finally freed from the pseudonym of the Reaper. Van Zieks neither agrees with the sentiment nor shoots it down, instead saying it's unexpected to hear those words from Kazuma of all people. With that out in the open, they leave for realsies.
Just as Van Zieks doesn't attend the Baker Street party, he isn't there when Ryu's at the docks to return to Japan. I like to think Kazuma did bother to tell Van Zieks that Ryu is leaving the country, because withholding that information seems like a bit of a jerk move, but... Well. Not showing up at the docks to say some final farewells is even more of a jerk move on Van Zieks's part. Though it's possible he felt he wasn't wanted there, and may eventually ask for Ryu's address so he can write a letter (which is far less imposing than invading a heartfelt farewell with a scowling face). It's a shame, though. I would've liked to hear his thoughts on Ryu's departure.
We learn that Kazuma will “stay in Lord van Zieks's tutelage for the time being” to become a full-fledged prosecutor. Which is fine, I guess. It doesn't matter whether he's a defense attorney or a prosecutor; all that matters is the pursuit of the truth. What catches my interest is that even with all that bad blood and refusal to forgive Van Zieks, Kazuma still agrees to keep studying as his disciple. This implies to me that he sincerely doesn't believe Van Zieks to be a bad person anymore, and acknowledges he can learn a lot from this man. Which is not the same thing as being on friendly terms with him, but at the very least he's giving Van Zieks the benefit of the doubt when it comes to improving their... Well, their dynamic, I suppose I should call it.
On to the credits scenes we go! This time, Van Zieks legit does get a scene of his own, but before we address this one, I want to skip ahead real quick to Albert Harebrayne's scene.
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“He sent me a very nice letter saying he'd like to show me around now that everything was settled. B-But what have I done? I was so excited, I picked this splendid hotel and now I can't afford the bill! Oh Barok! Come to my rescue again, please! I, I wish I could just vanish into thin air sometimes!”
Several things of note can be taken out of this little scene. First of all, with the Reaper nonsense behind them, Van Zieks seems to have wasted very little time with asking his best buddy to return to London for that sightseeing that was promised. Presumably, he even paid for the trip (again), since Albert still seems to be very low on money. This, coupled with the fact that Van Zieks was reading that letter with quite a bit of dedication in his jail cell, indicates to me that he's longing for the good old days, when he could smile and have friends. He's trying to return to a sense of normalcy and since Albert is still considered his closest friend, it makes sense he'd reach out to him instead of a relative stranger like Kazuma. Baby steps. Now, the fact that Albert says “come to my rescue again” sets the very clear tone that this guy believes Van Zieks has helped him before- during the trial, of course. It's another reinforcement of the notion that Albert is thankful Van Zieks chose the role of prosecutor in order to defend the teleportation theory, even if it meant that he himself would be branded a murderer. Despite his gruff exterior and blunt words, Albert thinks of Van Zieks as a sort of knight in shining armor who will come save him. … With cold hard cash, in this case, but it's the gesture that counts. Van Zieks might allow Albert to stay in his mansion instead, but it depends how high the risk of assassination is at this point in time. People are probably hating on the Van Zieks family now that the truth of the Professor is out.
On to credits scene of Van Zieks himself! We have confirmation by now that he hasn't retired as a prosecutor, since Kazuma already expressed his intent to keep studying under him. So we see Van Zieks in his office, addressing Klint's painting.
“In those days, when I was known as the Reaper, I felt your presence at my side. Once, unable to bear the burden of that grim pseudonym, I even retired from the courtroom. Despite everything, I still wear your prosecutor's badge with pride. But the darkness that beset me is no more. As you, too... Are no more.”
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The first two sentences of this bit feel very disjointed and barely related to me, so I had a quick look at some fan translations. First is the sub translation on Youtube: “I could feel you standing by my side through the days in which I was called the Reaper. Yet there were times I could not bear the burden of that name, and left the courtroom far behind me.” The “yet” is very crucial, since it makes the insinuation that feeling his brother's presence was very important to Van Zieks, but the burden became so overwhelming that he retired anyway. Taisa the Gamer's script doesn't have a “yet” in it, nor any equivalent, but the sentence structure still flows well enough not to cast doubt on how he felt about Klint's supposed presence. Contrasting that, the localization's wording with “even” almost makes it seem like feeling Klint's presence was a negative thing- that he was overwhelmed by it and that this was the burden associated with the Reaper name, as opposed to the killings. Which can't possibly be right; he already admitted to us that the idea of his brother's ghost helping him was one of the main reasons he kept on being the Reaper. So long story short, the localization's take on these first two lines is a little off.
The prosecutor's badge thing, however, is spot on. Despite everything- despite the 'true nature' of Klint now exposed, Van Zieks still wears the badge with pride. We know the badge is symbolical, of course. He still believes in Klint's sense of justice and he's still going to openly admit to being Klint's brother- to being a Van Zieks. That's sweet. He goes on to say that the darkness within him is no more. To really grasp what that means, let's go back to the end of case 2-3 for a second. There, Van Zieks says that after his brother's death, he found himself in “a very dark place indeed”. In case 2-4, he mentions that he refuses to trust others to protect himself against betrayal, but has now sunk into a proverbial mire which makes it impossible to breathe. All of that is the same darkness he's referring to now, I'm sure. I don't believe depression can lift this easily; there's no way that darkness is no more. However, I think what he means to say is that it no longer has such a strong hold on him that it manifests in paranoia and irrational hatred. He has a chance now to start fresh and that's what he intends to do. He's striding away from that darkness, towards a brighter future. In order for a person to change for the better, they themselves have to want to change, and it looks like Van Zieks is all for that. Which at last brings us to the conclusion of this essay series! The conclusion, which looks back on the original query posed in Part 1, will once again include a load of screencaps. To keep the post size lighter, I'm going to put it in a separate post. I hope you'll look forward to it!
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