#and i am glad i was able to finally finish this gif set
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mrs-remarkable · 1 year ago
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Evelyn was... she was the absolute best. No two ways about it. But, well... she isn't here any more, Siegfried. [...] She'd at least want you to try and be happy.
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levis-poison-is-my-medicine · 5 months ago
Tea Lovers
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A Levi x reader fanfic (Flufftober 2024)
Crossposted from AO3
Maybe your love for tea is the only thing you have in common. Maybe your biggest talent is annoying the shit out of Levi, and still somehow always getting away with it. But maybe he wouldn't have it any other way.
tags: fluff and humor, silly and sweet, tea-obsessed fem!reader with their head in the clouds (word count: 3.33k)
(Levi x reader Masterlist)
"Please?" you asked Erwin for the umpteenth time, making puppy dog eyes while trying to keep up with him as he walked swiftly back towards his office.
The moment he had seen you making his way towards him, his steps had significantly picked up speed, but you didn't even notice, too busy trying to put as much pathos into your voice as possible. This would be your last chance, so you were dead set on convincing him this time.
"Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?"
But as always, your pleas fell on deaf ears. None of your tactics worked on him. You had been begging Erwin to take you with him for weeks.
The moment you heard he was heading to Mitras for work, you knew you just had to go with him, but for some reason, he said no every time you asked him.
Maybe this was because you had no business being there, only occupying a low rank in the scouts. Maybe it was because you had a habit of talking too much. Either way, he didn't seem too keen on the idea.
Erwin let out an exasperated breath. "As I said before, this is a meeting between the military leaders of the three divisions. You won't be able to attend."
He gave you a stern look, but it was lost on you.
"Besides, I am only there for a day anyway, so what would you even want to do there?" Erwin added in a final desperate attempt to discourage you. Needless to say, it didn't work.
"I'm glad you asked!" you said excitedly, a little out of breath since you had to break into a little jog to keep up with his long strides. This didn't stop you from rambling, though. It never did.
"I promise I will stay out of your hair! In fact, you won't even notice I'm there. Because while you're doing your official commander business, I'll be out on an important mission myself, roaming the streets of the city, looking for the good stuff. The kind they only sell in Mitras, you know? The finest, fanciest first class shit only reserved for royalty and aristocrats. I will get it all! Well maybe not all... But as much as I can afford! I saved all of my wages for the fateful day that I would be allowed to step foot into the capital and–"
"So you're saying it was never your intention to attend the meeting?" Erwin interrupted you.
You blinked at him. "Well...no. I thought that was obvious. Why would someone like me be there?" You were just a common soldier, after all. "I only need a ride there and back again."
Erwin groaned.
"Why didn't you lead with that? I can't believe you pestered me all this time because you wanted to go on a shopping spree..." he muttered, defeated.
You perked up at his words, eyes twinkling with hope.
"Does that mean you'll let me go with you?"
He dragged a hand across his face and sighed. "Fine. If that means you'll finally leave me alo–"
"Yay!" you interrupted him, the biggest goofy grin plastered across your face as you broke into a small victory dance. "I promise you will not regret this!"
"I don't know about that..." Erwin mumbled, having finally reached the safety of his office. He unlocked the door, attempting to shut it before you could enter, but you slipped in right behind him, much to his chagrin.
"Is there something else?" he asked, looking between you and the mountains of paperwork he would still have to finish before leaving for Mitras first thing tomorrow morning.
"I just wanted to say... thank you, commander," you said, still smiling widely.
"I'll be forever in your debt! If you ever need help with something, anything, don't hesitate to ask me! Big or small, be it manual labor or administrative stuff I'll–"
"Actually," he interrupted the exuberant stream of words gushing out from your mouth, his eyes on the documents sitting on his desk. "I might have something you could help me with."
– –
The next morning you practically skipped to the carriage which would take you to the ship, barely able to contain your enthusiasm.
Erwin was walking alongside you, eyeing you incredulously. He knew you couldn't have gotten much sleep last night as you had stayed up with him, working your way through all the paperwork, but it didn't seem to affect you much.
Another surprise to add to the list then, since last night he had already been astonished to discover that despite your seemingly airheaded nature, you were actually quite a serious worker with attention to detail.
Quite frankly, he hadn't expected much when he had enlisted your help yesterday, but your ability to focus on such a mundane task for so long made him reconsider the preconceived notions he had about you. Maybe you weren't so bad, after all.
You were still chattering away in joyous anticipation as you climbed into the carriage, not minding the fact that Erwin didn't say much in return, when suddenly you stopped dead in your tracks.
There was another person inside the coach.
He looked up at the sudden noise, a blank expression on his face, and your eyes widened in recognition.
Sitting there with his legs crossed, book in hand, was none other than Levi Ackerman. You never had the chance to speak with him before, as you were part of a different squad, but of course you knew who he was.
Delighted, you thrust out a hand and introduced yourself. He stared at it with raised eyebrows, not returning the gesture. "I'm Levi–"
"I know," you said happily. "You're Captain Levi. I'm so pleased to finally meet you." You slid into the seat across from him, allowing Erwin to enter behind you. "I had no idea that you were coming with us. Erwin must have forgotten to mention it."
His eyebrows wandered even higher at your familiar way of addressing the commander, and he shot Erwin a glance.
"Don't ask," the man mumbled as he sat down next to Levi. This was just the way you were with people. He had given up trying to correct you.
Levi hummed, turning his attention back to the book in his lap. It was a long ride ahead and he was looking forward to reading in peace.
Clearly you had other plans in mind. "So I take it you will sit in on the meeting with Erwin?" you asked, unperturbed.
Levi scowled, looking back up.
"Yes," he said flatly, then attempted to focus on the book once again.
"Figures. With you being humanity's strongest, and all," you said, nodding.
He tutted irritably, eyes still trained on the pages.
There was a moment of silence which actually allowed him to parse the meaning of the sentence he had been re-reading for the fourth time now. However, it was short-lived.
"There's this one famous shop I'm dying to visit, though," you started.
Levi snapped the book shut. He was now full-on death-glaring at you, but you gave no notice, just happy you had his attention.
"You should go there, too, if you get the chance. It has the rarest, finest–"
"You should try to get some rest. How can you be so full of energy after last night?" Erwin interrupted you, trying to salvage the situation. He had watched Levi's eyes growing narrower and narrower and was honestly fearing for your life at this point.
"Why, it's only the power of black tea! Two pots, to be exact," you replied eagerly.
"Two... pots?" Erwin repeated, dumbfounded.
"Well, usually the two pots are reserved for getting me out of the food coma after lunch, and I only have one in the morning. Can't face the dread of getting up without it. But today called for more, since it's a special occasion." You gave him a warm smile. "Thanks again for letting me tag along."
"You're welcome," Erwin said, still a bit taken aback by the sheer amount of tea you consumed. He glanced at Levi, who was still looking at you, the glare on his face now replaced with his usual deadpan expression, and heaved a sigh of relief.
"If you ever need help with paperwork again, just give me a holler. It was actually kind of fun," you said, still smiling.
"You have a strange definition of fun," Erwin muttered, shaking his head. "But I will." He rubbed his eyes, which were dry from the lack of sleep.
"I'm glad. You look a bit... overworked," you pointed out, taking in the bags under his eyes. They were so pronounced that even you noticed them.
"I'm just tired. I'll try to get in some shut-eye on the way."
"Got it. I'll keep my mouth shut." You grinned.
Fortunately for the two men, you spent the rest of the ride glued to the window, quietly taking in the sights around you.
– –
Your silence lasted until you got to the boat, then you just couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Wow, this view is breathtaking," you said as you leaned against the railing of the ferry, looking out onto the river leading you deeper inside Wall Sina with big eyes, hair fluttering in the stiff breeze.
"Don't you think it's amazing how fast this moves? With this speed, we'll be in Mitras in no time."
"You act like you've never ridden on a ferry before," Levi said dryly.
He and Erwin were standing some distance away from the railing to avoid the sharp winds.
"That's because I haven't."
He shot you a surprised look, watching as you craned your head up towards the steel wires suspended above the river which helped the barge move.
"Did you know that these boat can carry up to 150 tons? That's like 300 cows or something."
"I'm sure cows are heavier than that," Erwin said.
"300 horses, then," you said. "My point remains. These wires are strong as hell."
"They are indeed," Erwin conceded.
"I didn't know farm animals were an accepted unit of weight," Levi deadpanned. "You forgot the pigs."
"Hmm," you went, seriously considering the answer. "Maybe about 750? They are much lighter than horses."
Levi shook his head at your earnest response and watched as you leaned even further over the railing, putting your entire weight on your upper body.
"If she keeps this up, she's gonna end up falling in."
Erwin hummed in agreement. Neither of them made a move to stop you.
"I'm going inside," Levi said, taking out his book again. He hadn't planned on being outside at all, but you had insisted, sputtering nonsense about the beauty of nature and taking in the sights.
As he sat down to read, he couldn't help but to take a last look out the window at the deck, half-expecting you to have fallen into the river already.
But you were still there, arms stretched out at the surface of the water like you were trying to touch it, an expression of pure and utter delight on your face.
"Idiot," he mumbled, and turned his attention back to the book.
This wouldn't be the last time he glanced up to check on you.
– –
After you had reached Mitras, you were quick to run off the boat.
"Let's meet here again for the last ferry of the day!" Erwin called after you, not sure if you even heard him.
He watched you disappear into the crowd of people and sighed.
"What am I going to do with her..."
– –
You made it back just in time before the boat departed, waving at the two men who waited at the dock as you ran towards them.
Out of breath, you skidded to a halt in front of them.
"You're late," Levi said with apparent distaste.
"I'm... sorry," you panted. "Got lost... on my way back. I didn't know the capital was... this damn big."
"It's fine. I'm glad you made it," Erwin said mildly.
You were still wheezing and clutching your sides, a single bag inside your left hand.
"That's it?" Erwin asked, gesturing at the bag as you made your way onto the ferry. "I thought you wanted to go on this grand shopping tour and spend all of your money."
"Oh yeah, I did! I went all out and splurged everything on this!" you said excitedly. "I can't wait to show you."
Levi watched the exchange with raised eyebrows.
"Everything I heard about the capital was true! In fact, it was even better than I imagined! I actually thought I was in heaven. It was so hard to decide which ones to get. There were so many different varieties," you continued enthusiastically, gesticulating wildly for emphasis. "But I decided to go for quality instead of quantity. I mean, that's what money's for, right? It's not every day that you get to be in the capital, perusing the finest shops for the finest goods this world has to offer."
You carefully set your bag down on the table and took a seat in front of Levi and Erwin.
"Sooo... Are you ready to see the precious fruits of my long and laborious quest for the best of the best?"
You didn't even wait for an answer, taking out tin after tin and placing them on the table with dramatic flourish.
"Isn't this amazing?" you asked happily, your face practically glowing with rapture as you took in the sight of your haul spread out in front of you.
Levi nodded, looking actually interested for once.
"Is this all... tea?" Erwin asked in disbelief.
The table was, in fact, filled with tea canisters of all sizes.
"Of course it's all tea. What did you think I was going to buy?" you asked, genuinely puzzled that he could possibly think you would spend your hard-earned money on anything other than tea.
"I just assumed you meant clothing and the like."
"Huh. I could have sworn I told you," you murmured, still unconvinced.
"You did not."
"If you say so."
"I do say so," the commander retorted, a twinge of irritation noticeable in his voice.
"Okay, whatever. Who cares. Let's return our attention back to what's really important," you said, gesturing at the tea in front of you.
Erwin heaved a deep sigh as you giddily started to showcase the tea you had bought.
For each one, you started with its region of origin, then you named its grade, which was of course always the finest, followed by a florid description of its aroma, never forgetting to mention what set it apart from other, lesser ones, until you finally opened the tea tin and made everyone smell it.
"How did you get this?" Levi asked in astonishment, examining the smallest of the tea canisters. "This is from Wall Maria. I thought there was none of it left."
"Ooh, I see you know your stuff. I'm always glad to meet a fellow coinnoisseur." You gave him a cheerful smile.
"I was actually planning on saving the best for last, but oh well, since you're interested..."
You took a deep breath. "You're right. It's only the last special finest tippy golden flowery orange pekoe from the most distinguished tea growing region in the south of Wall Maria. I basically had to sell a kidney to get this. Remember that famous tea shop I told you about on our ride here? They are known to have the rarest leaves, usually only reserved for royalty. But I got to talking with the owner and used all of my persuasive power to get him to sell it to me, until he finally caved!" You smiled gleefully.
Erwin could imagine exactly how that had gone. He felt sorry for the poor guy. You must have pestered him the same way you had Erwin when you tried to get him to take you to Mitras with him.
"So it's actually legit?" Levi asked, not entirely convinced.
"Go ahead, open it," you told him with a grin. "And see for yourself."
He did, holding it under his nose to take in the aroma.
"It's exquisite, isn't it?" you said excitedly, watching as his eyes grew wide.
"It is," he admitted, sounding impressed.
"You smell it, too, Erwin!" you exclaimed and took the canister from Levi to practically thrust it in Erwin’s face, then proceeded to look at him expectantly.
"It smells the same like the others to me. Rather like tea, as one might say," Erwin said matter-of-factly.
You gasped in horror. "Take that back. How can you even say that? That's sacrilegious."
Erwin shrugged. "It is simply my opinion."
You harrumphed and shook your head in disbelief.
"There is no place for opinions here. This is excellent tea, and that's a fact," Levi said surly.
"Thank you!" you exclaimed. "I'm glad that at least one person here has taste and is distinguished enough to recognize true greatness when they see it."
You glared pointedly at Erwin before giving Levi a sweet smile.
"Since you seem to be an expert judge on the matter of tea, maybe you can help me decide which one to put in this? It's too big for the little I have of the Wall Maria one."
You reached inside your bag to take out one last item. It was a beautiful dark blue tea canister with an ornate, flowery design. "They had so many gorgeous ones, but I ran out of money, so I could only buy this one."
Levi looked at it, brows knitted. "It's yours, decide for yourself."
"Oh come on, please? I really can't make up my mind."
He clicked his tongue in annoyance, but then pointed at one of the bigger tea tins.
"That one, then."
"Yay, that's a good choice, thank you so much!" You beamed at Levi.
He averted his gaze and scoffed. "It's not like I put much thought into it," he muttered.
But you didn't even hear him, too busy humming happily as you put the tea back into the bag.
"This was the best day ever!"
– –
"This was the worst day ever," you groaned as you slunk into the room you shared with three other scouts. Two months had passed since that trip to Mitras.
There wasn't a single body part that didn't ache from today's intense training session. To top it all off, you had been in charge of cleaning duty. Now the day was basically over.
"So much for having a good birthday," you grumbled. No one besides Erwin had even remembered it, and he remembered everything, so it didn't count.
Sighing with exhaustion, you let yourself fall onto your bed, only to let out a little cry of pain. "What the hell?" you asked as you rubbed your lower back where it had made contact with something hard lying in your bed.
You rolled over, examining the culprit. It was a beautiful dark red tea canister with blue flowers dotting it, the inverse image to the one sitting on the shelves next to your desk.
"Could this be… a birthday present?" you wondered, a happy smile already spreading across your lips. "But from whom?" You turned it over, looking for a clue, but you found none.
You asked your roommates when they came back, but they sheepishly admitted that they hadn't even known that it was your birthday.
"Hmm," you said. There were only two other people who knew about your prized tea canister: Erwin and Levi.
Erwin, always the fair-minded one, had already told you that he didn't get anyone presents. "If I gave you one, I would have to give one to every scout, and I'm afraid I can't afford that."
So this left you with only one option. It had got to be from Levi.
"That's a fellow tea lover for you," you whispered, touched, as you pressed the present to your chest.
"But which tea should I put in it?"
You knew just who to ask.
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Notes: Soo this marks the beginning of The Tea Lovers series, a bunch of short and sweet and mostly just silly fluff pieces I am writing for Flufftober. They're set sometime after the fall of Wall Maria in S1 (before Eren and co. join the scouts) and feature the same reader. You happily live in your own little world where everything revolves around tea, totally oblivious to what you're doing to Levi, lol. I am going to be releasing the next part soon, so stay tuned!
Click here for Part 2
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ironstrange1991 · 6 months ago
Can't Live Without You
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is feeling lonely and doesn't know how to deal with his own feelings and needs.
Word Count: 3,1k
Warnings: SMUT: Male masturbation.
A/N: This is not my best work, but I am glad I'm finally able to post something. Hope you guys enjoy it and have a nice reading ;)
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Stephen couldn't remember the last time he was completely alone in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Ever since the other Stephens arrived, he had gotten used to having them roaming within those walls, but both of them were out on different missions.
Defender went with Wong to Hong Kong's Sanctum and they would stay there for a few days and Supreme were in another planet with the Avengers. Wong not being in there  was the only reason he wasn't tormenting Stephen with the most boring tasks he could think of, but to be honest, Stephen was already missing his friend.
Christ, he really wasn't doing well to have gotten to the point where he missed Wong's nagging. In fact he was feeling alone. Lonely. That was the word he was trying to find to express the feeling he had been feeling in his chest all day. What a weird thing to feel.
He was missing you. You had gone on a work trip earlier in the week, but although you had promised to return in three days, it was Friday and he hadn’t had no sign of you other than the text admitting that you wouldn't be able to return before Monday.
He got angry when he read it. Not at you, but with the fact that somehow he was getting a taste of his own medicine: alone on a Friday night while you worked.
Of course he could come to you. Anywhere in the world, he could come to you, but he couldn't do it without you telling him you wanted so and every night you talked on the phone you didn't mention it. It wasn't like you suddenly forgot that your boyfriend could open a portal in your room to fuck you. No, Stephen was almost certain that you were using those days to distance yourself a little bit from him. Like a Stephen detox. After all, you had three of him and he admitted that they were not at all easy on you.
Stephen sighed, walking down the halls to the kitchen and took a good look in the fridge trying to find something to eat. There was leftover Chinese food he bought on Wednesday, two pieces of pizza he bought yesterday and some Tupperware with leftover food that he promised you he would get rid of and clean up, but he hadn't.
Shit, he was a terrible housekeeper.  It was pathetic, but it was true. Before you, he used to live of take-outs and the things that Wong cooked. Now he could barely imagine living the rest of the weekend like that. Obviously, he could try cooking. There were some half-finished things in the fridge, easy stuff, but he didn't want to risk setting the kitchen on fire, so he took the box of Chinese food and put it in the microwave to heat it up. While he waited, he took a piece of cold pizza and started eating while opening a bottle of beer.
He was starving and tired. He needed a good shower and a good night of sleep, but he hadn't been able to sleep well since you left. It wasn't a coincidence, you were the only person who could make him sleep when he was having one of his insomnia crisis. The methods you used were... how to say? Delicious.
He smiled to himself just at the thought of your nights together, then the microwave beeped  and he sat down to eat, but even that made him feel depressed. Stephen, who for many years lived alone and always thought it was great, now began to understand that he hated being left alone. He couldn't even conceive the idea of ​​living alone again.
He ate in complete silence and when he finished, he checked all the Sanctum seals and went up to his room. He crossed the room, getting rid of the boots he had worn all day and which were already making his feet hurt and took off the top of his robes,  took a pair of sweatpants from the closet drawer and headed to the bathroom.
The water was hot enough to burn his skin, but that was exactly how Stephen liked it. The fog fogging up the shower glass and enveloping the entire bathroom. Stephen let the hot water fall directly on his back and little by little he felt his tense muscles relaxing. He soaped himself quickly and washed his hair taking as long as he could and when he finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and dedicated himself to shaving. He was used to shave once every two days, goatee maintenance was a priority for him because he knew you loved it, it made him want to always make it perfect for you. In fact, as time went by, Stephen realized that everything he did was for you.
Finally, he threw himself on the bed feeling the tiredness of the day hitting him. He wanted to sleep, but he wasn't sleepy. That was one of the worst feelings in the world: being tired, but not being able to fall asleep. Usually you helped him in these situations, you made him sleep in your special way. God, he wanted you. He needed you.
He rolled over on the bed to reach the nightstand and threatened to take his sling ring, but stopped, scolding himself. Give her space, Stephen Strange. He thought, trying to convince himself, but the mere idea of ​​opening a portal in your hotel room made his body react instantly and Stephen sighed, realizing that maybe there was only one way to get through that hellish night without you: to handle the issue himself... thinking of you.
He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head allowing himself to run his hand down his abdomen imagining it was your hands reaching for his growing bulge. Stephen moaned softly with the contact of his hand on his cock even through the fabric of his pants. He was without a lay for five days. It was absurd to him, he couldn't imagine lasting another day without you and yet there he was being forced to resort to masturbation because you weren't there. It was unfair and cruel and he wanted to scream to the world that he didn't deserve to go through that, but deep down he knew he was being melodramatic.
When his hand went under his pants and his trembling hand made contact with his hard, sensitive member he closed his eyes immediately and your face was what he saw. You smiling sweetly at him. Stephen had an extra factor that made masturbation always intense: his photographic memory.  He could basically remember in great detail every moment you ever spent together, every touch, every kiss, every moan that came out of your mouth. It was all there in his head ready to be used like a movie whenever he needed it. And that night he needed it.
His cock pulsed in his hands the moment he closed his fingers around it. The tremor in his hand, previously a problem, was now an even greater stimulation that made jerking off more pleasurable.  Stephen had been working on it for some time. Hours and hours of physiotherapy to try to regain a minimum of strength in his hands that would allow him to pleasure himself without having to resort to magic. Of course, he would never admit that was the real motivation behind his decision to seek help after so many years. It wasn't significant enough to solve the problem, but it strengthened his nerves enough for him to gain the necessary autonomy.
Obviously he still preferred your hands. Oh god, your hands were magical. Much more magical than his. They were small and delicated and way they were soft and yet had a firm and insistent grip was enough to make him see stars.
"Fuck sweetheart..." Stephen moaned softly, moving his hands slowly up and down inside his pants. He didn't want it to end quickly. He was just working himself up, just letting his mind wander as he felt the sensation building inside him. His balls were full and sensitive. So much cum contained there. So much to give you, but you weren't there.
But if you were, he knew exactly how you would treat him. How you would get down on your knees and prop your body to show up your tits for him, how you would look him right in the eyes with that naughty face biting your bottom lip and then pull the hem of his pants to free his cock and how you would smile pleased seeing how hard he was for you.
You were so dirty, you loved sex as much as he did and he never needed to ask for a handjob or blowjob because you loved to give. You were perfect for him and he was irrevocably yours.
He moaned again finally releasing his cock and then conjured a bottle of lube in his left hand and poured some of the sticky liquid onto his cock and began to stroke himself slowly, but putting a little more firmness into the touch. In response his cock pulsed in his hand and his hips jumped up.
Oh you would love to see him doing it. You would praise him for it and would say how much you loved him and how much you adored seeing him pleasuring himself. You would call him Steph. Such a silly way of calling him, yet so sweet coming from your lips in your sweet voice. Stephen knew very well he loved everything you did.
He lolled his head back onto the pillow and bit his lip to hold back a loud groan.
Following the memories that played in his mind, he thought about how you always moaned while jerking him. How having his dick in your hands made you horny and how it always made him feel.
He thought about the way your lips curled into a shy smile every time he started talking dirty to you. How the grip of your hand got tighter, how you loved it. You were a dirty little thing. His dirty little thing.
Stephen let a louder moan echo through the room. You loved that too. The sounds he made when you held him in the palm of your hand. He closed his eyes and stroked his cock harder and faster. The tip was leaking precum and he was so ready to be inside you, but all he could do at that moment was think about it. And that's what he did.
He thought about how wet you always were when he touched you after you give him a handjob. How his fingers easily slid in and out of you and how you always squirmed around his fingers, begging for more. He thought about how you always begged for him. How you couldn't bear to wait, how you shamelessly opened your legs to welcome him in.
"Always so good to me." He murmured "My sweet girl is always so good to me."
Stephen started using his other hand to massage his balls too. It was how he liked you to do it. He liked to be stimulated as much as possible, he liked when you licked and sucked on his balls. He liked it dirty and messy and you knew exactly how to do it.
He knew you like no one else and he liked to think that even the other Stephens didn't know how to satisfy you like he did, but at the same time he liked to see them trying.
"Oh shit." Stephen was startled by that train of intrusive thoughts and increased the strength of his strokes as the room was invaded by the wet sound of his hands working on himself.  He thought about how he loved watching you get fucked by the other Stephens. It was no surprise, but the images that invaded his mind were of really intense moments and they almost threw him over the edge immediately, such was the strength they had as stimulation.
Stephen let out a breathy laugh as he shook his head in disbelief, but he did not try to change the thoughts in his mind, instead, he dwelled in those memories. How you always looked beautiful bouncing on top of Defender while you kept Supreme's cock in your mouth, and that bastard always fucked your mouth roughly and you loved it and Stephen loved the sound it made, the tears that ran down your eyes as they abused you.
Stephen thought about how he loved watching you get creampied. How delicious it was to see them emptying themselves inside you, to see you being violated by their release knowing that you would have to take one more.
His hands now punished his cock with a touch of violence and his mouth was half open, eyes squeezed shut as the images played in his mind.  He thought about the delicious feeling of fucking your pussy full of cum, how the wet squelching noise turned him on even more and how you always seemed gloriously spent after rounds and rounds with the three Stephens. It was pornographic, it was filthy and beautiful.
"F-Fuck yes." He moaned spurting his release all over his stomach and making a mess on himself. Still, he didn't stop, he kept bringing himself dangerously close to overstimulation as his mind focused on the expressions you made as your entire body writhed in ecstasy with your orgasm. How your cheeks would turn red when they were done and how sweetly you would smile at them. Almost innocent.
"Such a dirty girl." He muttered to himself, slowing down his hand until it came to a complete stop, but he didn't have time to recover as he was surprised by the sound of his cell phone ringing.
"Shit." He grumbled, wiping his hands quickly on the sheet and making even more of a mess when he turned to pick up the device on the nightstand and felt his release running down the sides of his ribs.
It was your name on the display. In fact, the word Sweetheart.
"Hey, sweetheart." He answered, still trying to regulate his breathing, but of course you noticed.
"Hey. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to..." But you stopped for a moment and then asked, "Were you running?"
Stephen instinctively cleared his throat. "What? No. I was..." But he couldn't think of anything to say and there was a silence on the line and then a little giggle.
"What were you doing, Stephen?" You asked.
He sighed feeling his cheeks get hot from the fact that he had been caught. There was no point in lying.
"I... I missed you, Y/n."
There was an affectionate hum from your side of the line.
"Well, I called to ask if you'd like to come and meet me now. I'm missing you too, Steph."
He chuckled nervously. "I thought you would never ask. I thought you were enjoying having some time away from us."
You giggled, "Don't be silly. I was just really tired. But it's okay if you don't want to come now that you've solved your problem on your own. Maybe you would prefer to go to sleep…"
But he was already getting up.
"Now who's being silly?" He ran to the bathroom and quickly cleaned himself up and went back to the bedroom to get his sling ring. "Remind me again what hotel are you in?"
"At the Plaza." You responded promptly. "I told you yesterday and I thought..."
But you stopped talking when the portal opened in your room and he walked through it, heading towards you and taking you in his arms in an intense kiss.
"I missed you. So badly." He confessed on your lips, letting his forehead rest on yours. You smiled, looking surprised by his confession and cupped his cheek. "It's only been five days, Stephen. You've already spent three weeks on a mission."
He shook his head, "It's horrible. Staying at home. Without you.
He confessed to which you smirked.
"Now you know how I feel."
"I'm very sorry." He said pulling you back into his lips.
Stephen was staring up at the ornate ceiling of your hotel room with a smile plastered on his face. Making love to you had that effect on him. His arm was extended so you were cuddled close to him, your head resting on his chest, moving slowly as he breathed. The two of you were silent, still enjoying the afterglow of your release and his heart was finally at peace. Outside you could hear the sporadic sound of cars passing on the street and conversations in the hallway.
"The sound insulation in this place is horrible. How have you been able to sleep here?" He asked breaking the silence and you hummed, apparently still unable to form a sentence.
"Your boss could have paid for a better hotel." He continued and you shrugged.
"I liked it here. The room service is great and the food too."
Stephen smiled to himself. You were always so satisfied with everything. You never complained about anything. Totally the opposite of him.
"Besides, I'm always so tired when I get here that I fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
He nodded, stroking your cheek and was silent for a moment, just a minute, but long enough for you to tilt your head to look at him.
"What is it?"
"I think I made a discovery this week and it was kind of scary." He said already knowing he would regret what he was about to say.
You smiled convinced as if you already knew what he was going to say. "Did you find out you can't live without me?"
He chuckled "I already knew that. I just realized the obvious and it wasn't pleasant."
You frowned trying to understand what else it could be then.
"I don't think I can live alone anymore. Before, when I worked at the hospital, I liked the silence of my apartment, but this week the empty Sanctum filled me with horror to the point that I missed Defender and Supreme."
You smiled glancing at him "That's something I never imagined you would say."
"I never imagined I would feel this way, sweetheart. The truth is, I like them. I can talk to them in a way that I don't talk to anyone else."
"It might have something to do with the fact that they are you” You reminded him.
"You are right."
You brought your hand up to his chin scratching his goatee. "How are things at home? No problem, I imagine. No demonic entity has tried to take over our washing machine?"
Stephen giggled "No. All boringly normal."
"What a shame!" You said, feigning disappointment.
Stephen smiled to himself and lifted your chin enough for him to kiss your lips.
"I love you, sweetheart. With each passing day I love you more. You changed my life for the better and changed me in the process. I'm definitely a better man because of you."
You sighed softly, your throat bobbing. "Oh I love when you say these things to me, Steph."
He smiled, pinching your cheek provocatively. "I may not be Defender, but I know how to be romantic sometimes."
“Of course you do.” You smile "And I love you too. With all my heart."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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lamoreelovi · 9 months ago
Shion Madarame x Virgin F! Reader
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Warning: Passionate sex, lots of cum, cockwarming, pussy eating, mentions of reader getting pregnant, first time, aftercare, nicknames such as babygirl, my beloved and such will be used.
A/N: To my followers here, I am so sorry for not posting omg, just finished our school year and this week was filled with too many dramas and events for me to be able to write smuts again but I'M BACK‼️The gif reminds me of Shion, Idk why, but I hope you guys like this one, I legit still can't get over Tenjiku arc.
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Shion seems like a bad boy, he is. Considering how he's a part of Tenjiku and one of the Four heavenly kings at that. But y'know, when you started dating him, you would've expected to get an abusive boyfriend. One that would beat you up and often go to clubs to fuck other women while you watch them, but things were not what you expected and you were glad it wasn't. Shion was the damn opposite of abusive, greedy, and disgusting. He was heavenly, kind, sweet and considerate. Like how he knows you just finished your finals exam today so he took the extra time, skipping his Tenjiku meeting just to help you relax. Even though you rejected his offer and insisted to let him go back to his meeting, he was also stubborn. One of his bad yet good qualities with you. And since you were the kind girlfriend you are, you couldn't say no to your handsome boyfriend.And that's what led you here, on your bed, legs spread and his head in between. His tongue was lapping and sucking on all the juices your pussy would release. This was heaven for you and it was also for him. Your back arched as you grip the sheets underneath you.
"S-Shion.. s'too good.."
You moan out, your voice almost whimpering and cracking due to how intense he ate you out.
"Baby.. keep moaning for me like that.. moan my fucking name, baby.."
Shion spoke lowly, his voice was deep and seductive yet muffled due to being in between your legs
"M'gonna cum, Shion.. oh my god.."
Once you said that he immediately stopped. He pushed himself away from your dripping pussy that was now clenching on air and he stood up from kneeling while you whimpered frustratedly
"Shion.. why.."
You croak out in a small voice, he chuckles and looks at you with list and hunger as he unbuckles his pants and removes his boxers, springing free his hard cock that was already dripping with precum. His cock seemed very enticing, it was big, really big, 8 inch and built like a damn coke can, he had a set of properly trimmed hairy balls that made it all the more sexier. The veins popped out of it and you can see it twitching
"Like what you see, Babygirl..?"
He gave a smug look, chuckling as he pulls you to the edge of the bed, your lower body dangling as he holds your thighs to keep you steady
"Mm, Shion, I.. wait.."
You told him to wait for a moment, he does so and raises his left eyebrow slightly
"Scared, baby?"
"No.. I'm not.. It's just.. I'm.. a virgin.. and this is going to be my first time so please.."
"i know, my beloved, I got you, I'll be nice and gentle hm? You just relax, m'kay?"
Shion asked so nicely that even though you were scared you felt slightly more at ease now. You knew he wasn't going to go nice and gentle, well, not until you finally beg him to go hard and fast. Shion hovered over you, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hands grip your hip to keep you balance and steady. He looks you in the eyes and smiles softly, he finally aligns himself with your entrance, slowly pushing in.He was so big, just the tip already felt like you were full, you whined, sharply gasping as you scratch his back due to the pain.
"It hurts, shion.."
Shion showers you with small affectionate kisses on your neck and face to distract you from the pain
"Shh... It's okay, just relax.."
He continues to shower you with kisses as he finally pushes his whole length in you. You gasp softly at the feeling of your pussy being full of him
"S-so.. f-fucking tight, baby.. relax.."
Shion groaned at how tightly you clenced around his cock, he started moving, a slow pace to help you adjust to him. You could feel your gummy walls clenching around him, you could feel every vein on his dick as he thrusts slowly and gently. He continues his slow pace for a few minutes till you finally tap him two times on his bare chest and he finally moves faster.You moan louder as he starts pounding into you, his cock reaching spots you never knew were even there, your head leans back on the pillow and your eyes also roll back, your hands gripping his arms tightly as he continues pounding your wet pussy"Shion... Gonna cum.. please let me cum.."You felt your stomach tie into a knot as you felt your orgasm near, he groaned and spoke with a growl"Cum on my cock, baby, I'm about to cum too.."He growls as he lifts your legs up his shoulders and into a mating press, you moan loudly at the new feeling as you felt him go deeper than last time if it were even possible.
"B-baby.. let me cum inside, hm? Let me get you pregnant, baby.. wanna see you with my babies."
You were fucked out at this point. You could hear him but could barely manage to let out a response so you nod eagerly, only letting out moans of 'yes please and mhm, yes, just like that.'
As you nod, Shion groans loudly and thrusts sloppily yet faster as he feels you come undone around his cock and he stops and finally cums inside you, his seed spilling inside your womb as you both pant heavily
"I love you, my sweet girl.."
"I love you too, Shion.."
And as you both say your declaration of love to each other, he carries you to the middle of the bed, he lays himself and lets you sleep on his chest. He gives one last kiss on your forehead before he also closes his eyes, embracing you contentedly
I wanna give a shout out to my fav smut creators:
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ilovetheriddler · 9 months ago
Escape room affections.
(BTAS) The Riddler/Edward Nygma X F!Reader.
(The escape room is really badly designed, and the puzzles don't actually do anything. This obviously frustrates Edward greatly.)
Word Count: 691.
Contents: Edward being frustrated, kisses, and affection.
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You couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight of your boyfriend Edward, slowly losing his mind as a result of the escape room that you thought would be a fun date idea to do.
You truly love and adore Edward and how intelligent he is... but at times, that is his biggest flaw. Like now, as he was overthinking this escape room. He was so frantically trying to piece together puzzles that, in his mind and opinion, should work.
A part of you honestly didn't even have the heart to tell him that those puzzles weren't actually important and that the escape room was just really poorly designed and didn't actually use puzzles, that those were just there for decoration.
"Damn it! Why isn't this working? It's clearly the only correct solution to this!"
"Edward, sweetheart, I think that -"
"Not now, my love! I'm trying to figure out why this isn't working, These puzzles are borderline, something a toddler could solve. So the fact that they aren't working, despite me having clearly solved them, is a huge insult to me!"
He continued trying to solve the, quite literally, useless puzzles. The frustration and growing anger apparent on his face. You feel a bit guilty. When you saw that a new escape room had been opened, you thought it would be fun for Edward, that it would be a cute date idea. But perhaps you should have looked more into it beforehand. You walk over to him and place your hand on his shoulder.
"Edward.... the puzzles aren't important...."
A genuine look of surprise and confusion immediately crosses his face. He's silent for a few moments, clearly processing exactly what you just said to him. Before it fully registers with him and that look of frustration returns.
"Well, that's just idiotic! What kind of archaic fools create an escape room that doesn't rely on puzzles?!"
"I don't know.... listen, um, I'm sorry about this... I wasn't aware of it beforehand... so I'm sorry if I've unintentionally ruined our date...."
He looked slightly taken aback by your sudden saddened tone.
"My love, I assure you that while I am frustrated over the foolish design of this escape room, I'm not upset at you. In fact, the fact that I got to spend time with you is the only saving grace from this evening!"
"Really...? I'm glad then... oh! Um... here, I found it in one of the plants a few minutes ago..."
You hand him a simple key, more specifically, the key to get out of here. You feel your face heat up slightly once he leans in and places a simple yet sweet kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you, my love. I appreciate you trying to set up a date that I'd enjoy. It's not your fault that it went.... somewhat awry."
He unlocks the door, and the two of you leave the wildly underwhelming escape room. Edward has a certain look in his eyes that catches your attention, like he's planning something in his head.
"You know, I could make an escape room leagues more impressive than... that disgrace back there! Oh... perhaps i could even use it as a new challenge for Batman! Yes, that'd be perfect!"
"Well, if anyone can design an insane escape room, then it'd probably be you..."
He gets a somewhat smug yet genuine grin on his face at your compliment. He drapes his arm over your shoulders as you walk, leaning into you some. He then presses a gentle and quick kiss to your lips suddenly. Ruffling your hair slightly once he pulls away.
"Oh course, it'll be great, my dear. I'll finally be able to put an end to that caped crusader after all this time! I'm sure it'll work this time... oh, and I'd love for you to test it out for me.... before I add anything lethal, I mean."
"I'd be overjoyed to test out your escape room trap whenever you finish it....."
Edward walks you back to your apartment, bidding you goodnight before he starts making his way back to his place. He has plans that he must attend to...
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bbywtfamidoing · 2 months ago
Damien and Afab character
Use of they/them pronouns, they have been together for quite some time but they finally both wanted to take the step forward in their relationship
Jagi used as a pet name meaning baby/babe in Korean
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It had been a few months now
Damien had gotten quite comfortable being anywhere as long as they were there, it made him feel more and more confident. He always had an air of confidence but now that he had a partner who seemed to be perfect in all ways- he had wanted to ask them about their interests, he never wanted to rush anything in a relationship but he found himself thinking and having multiple ideas pop up. They were pretty comfortable and open with one another so seeing them just change out in the open from one thing to another let his mind wander, part of him wondered if they felt the same when we did it.
He needed to just bite the bullet and ask them about it, so here he was after shooting them a text about them coming to his place. It took a solid ten minutes as they texted back
Them💕: be there soon! Just got outta the shower.
Me: Perfect, see you soon
Carefully moving around the apartment as they went to get their lotion and spray, slowly getting themself coated in a softly scented lotion and a uni-sex cologne they found out Damien liked, by found out- Damien hugged them and wouldn't step away very far to stay near the scent. They smirked at the idea of him just running his hands across their body and pressing kisses everywhere, their face flushed, and closed their eyes as they got dressed into a simple sports bra and tank top with flared jeans and their Converse.
So now they worked on drying their hair and doing a light smattering of eyeliner and mascara, they seemed more worried about a few things but shook off the anxiety that built in their chest. Finally, they finished getting ready and made their way out. Finally, they got to Damien’s, stood at his front door, and went to knock as they remembered they had the code to his place. Typing it in and walking in with a soft him as the u closed the door and Damien called our from the kitchen “Jagi! Hooenyoure hungry I got us take out”
Damien let his hand move to rest on his hip walked out and let his eyes flicker to their face “You look- amazing as always.” he walked forward and pulled them close to his chest, he sighed as the smell of their cologne hit him “Oh my favorite..” he carefully nuzzled his face into the crook of their neck and inhaled.
They felt their face flush and held him close to their chest “Youre so fuckin cute- I can't handle it.” he hummed and pulled away as he let a hand move to the side of their neck and leaned forward to kiss their cheek “Well- I am quite the catch.” they rolled their eyes as they moved up to kiss him gently “You’re a goober.” he chuckled and led them forward to the kitchen
After eating they both seemed pretty content and Damien breached the topic “I wanted to ask you something.” carefully reaching over to take their hand into his own “I know everyone is different when it comes to taking steps forward, are you comfortable with the concept of us doing anything remotely sexual?”
They looked at Damien with a worry in their eyes at first and they sighed with a smile “I wasn't sure what you'd feel about that, I'm open to it. Very open to it.” Damien chuckled “I wanted to know if you'd want to take our relationship to that? It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow but I want to be able to show you how much I think about you. I'm open about the things I'm into or have a past with. So I wanted to ask you?”
they smirked at him “Anything and everything at least once, I mean.. If you wanna show me all the thigs you've thought about id like to do that. Sooner then later.” Damien smiled “Im glad you said that, now I wanna set limits for the both of us. So If you want to stop at anytime you tell me okay?” that made them pause “What if I stay to stop and I really don't want you to? Maybe we could use the color system?”
Damien hummed “Hm, yeah? I bet your quite the tease.” Carefully he stood up and reached a hand out to them “Wanna go and see what happens?” they carefully moved up and smiled “Yes. Show me.”
Damien walked with them and his hands moved to carefully sit them on the edge of the bed, moving to press a knee between their legs and push them apart slowly and pressed against the seam of their jeans. He leaned down and pressed his lips to theirs and smiled as he carefully laid them back and pressed his chest against their own and pulled away and syatyed moving fronntheir jawline down their neck “You smell so good Jagi.” they moved their hands to his hips and pulled him closer “Youre always so good to me.” He carefully moved his hands to the bottom of their shirt and pulled it up and over to show the expanse of their skin “Hm-“
Damien carefully leaned down and kissed them passionately as a hand ran down their body, he needed to see what exactly they would look like in this moment.
They let their hands move up to press against him as they ran their hands down his sides and slipped their fingers underneath his shirt with a soft hum “You’re so perfect.. fuck..” Damien smiled softly as he pulled away and carefully worked at their jeans to pull them down as he threw them to the side and ran his hands up their legs with a soft hum “You’re perfect..” letting his fingers trace up and pressed his between their legs as he carefully applied pressure to the front of their sex, carefully letting his fingers push and rub and slipped underneath the fabric “Here we go..” his fingers pressing through their folds, he groaned softly “How’re you already so wet for me?”
They smiled at him as they let their legs fall apart and tilted their head to the side “You’re not the only one that lets their mind wander.” They chuckled and carefully grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down close “Come on, stop teasing Damien.”
Damien leaned back and smirked as he moved to slip his hand away from their sex and pressed his fingers to his lips and groaned softly “Can’t expect me to make this quick Jagi.” He moved to pull at their underwear and slid them down as he moved to crawl forward and tucked his arms around their thighs and pulled them close to his face as he leaned down and pressed his tongue against them and waited, pressing a finger into their core. carefully pressing his tongue further in and hummed softly at their soft noises that escaped their lips.
They moved to grasp onto his hair and pulled softly and relished in the softness of his black hair between their fingers, the soft scratch of facial hair against their thighs with a soft groan “Taste better then I could’ve ever imagined.” He muttered as he dove in for more.
Throwing their head back and moaning as he seemed to find all the right places and the scratching against their soft skin was enough to make a soft red rash against their very skin that was “under attack”
He looked up at them and smiled softly as he leaned forward as his mouth fell open and pressed his tongue next to his fingers, he chuckled and moved to let his hands grab the back of their thighs and pulled them to the edge of the bed as he kneeled in front of his prize.
They pulled his hair and curled her toes, "P-please... I n-need it... I want it... eat me please..."
Damien moved his hand to settle on their thigh and pulled them close as his tongue pushed into them slowly and took a deep inhale through his nose
They pulled his hair harder, back arching while bucking their hips against his tongue and fingers, moaning loudly.
Damien loved the feeling as his hands moved and pressed roughly into the soft plush skin, he took a deep breath before he dived in and devoured them , licking and kissing and doing all he could to taste all of them on his tongue.
They bit their lip to stifle their moans, wrapping their legs around his neck and digging their heels into his back to push his tongue deeper inside.
Damien moved his head closer as he was pushed to as close as he could get to the hilt of his tongue as it moved and pressed all around inside them, he moved and focused as he hit their g-spot continually
squealing and fluttered around his tongue, moaning out and keeping his head in place. He loved the feeling of their hand making sure he stayed where they wanted him, he moved carefully as he pulled out of them and quickly moved back into her as he started to press and tease their g-spot once again
They moaned out and squeezed his head between their thighs, feeling themselves getting closer and closer to the edge. "S-so close..."
He laughed and moved to press even further into them with a dark smile as he moaned into their core and whimpered softly at the taste of them coating his lips.
They pulled hard on his hair, clenching around his tongue and screaming as they rode out their orgasm, body twitching from the pleasure.
He made sure he was helping them through their orgasm as he let his fingers move to pull them closer and smiled as he pulled his fingers out of them slowly and moved to look up at them and chuckled softly “good job..”
They panted and shivered at his words, drool dripping down the sides of their mouth. "Th-thank you"
“Anytime Jagi.” He moved up between their legs and straddled their hips and kissed them softly to let them taste themself on his lips
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humbledragon669 · 4 months ago
S2E2 - The Clue Write Up P1 - Land of Uz (2500 BC) and London (Present Day) up to the credits
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Ooh it’s been a while since got to use an in-screen caption as one of the headers and I am delighted to be able to do it again! I may well just use the same two headers as we switch between the two time periods in this episode, just for simplicity. Sue me.
There’s a tiny detail that’s been applied to this opening shot that I absolutely love – the video here has had an of effect applied to it to give it a vintage film feel. Sorry, that’s as close as I come to describing it with any sort of eloquence – I’m referring to the “fake” black marks and scratches that appear on the image briefly (you can see a couple on the header above). It doesn’t last long (only until Crawley finishes his first line), but I think this subtle little effect sets us very firmly in a cinematic (cinematographic?) context. I also feel like the colouring of the image has been altered for the same purpose – it puts me in mind of one of those historical films from the 50s and 60s, like Ben Hur and Spartacus (which I suspect is probably the whole point).
There’s something else interesting about Crawley’s appearance in this scene – his sunglasses. Cast your mind back to episode 3 in the first season (Hard Times), in which we saw him appearing without sunglasses all the way up to (and including) 33AD. I did comment on the appearance of the sunglasses in the 42AD scene in the write up for it:
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I’m not sure I actually find this sudden appearance of sunglasses some 2500 years earlier all that interesting. There’s a part of me that feels that they have probably been included here because we, as an audience, have come to expect Crawley/Crowley’s costume to include a pair of stylised sunglasses by this point. I’d actually be strangely satisfied with that if it was the case – I feel like the reason behind his choosing to wear them could be so much more interesting if this was simply a “continuity error”.
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Just wanted to include this because I am thrilled Aziraphale finally gets a really bad-ass entrance. How many times have we seen Crowley sauntering his way into a scene, looking like the coolest thing on Earth (and knowing it)? So glad the angel gets a turn at that here. That said. Why exactly is it that Aziraphale has happened to show up at this place and time? As we will come to find out shortly, Crawley is actually acting with Heaven’s authority so I don’t think the angel would have been sent there. It would present an interesting parallel to Crowley’s supposed knack of knowing when the angel is in trouble, but also resurfaces the suggestion about them being aware of the other’s whereabouts more often than not. I have to say, based on the conversation between them here, that seems unlikely – this exchange feels nothing but businesslike to me, cold even. Aziraphale even goes so far as to apologise (unapologetically) for having to do his job. We do learn that it has been about 500 years since they’ve seen each other, which is a nice little piece of backstory to have. I also consider it interesting to see Crowley providing a prompt to Aziraphale on how to complete his task, which provides a loose mirror parallel to what we saw Before the Beginning, that time with Aziraphale prompting his newfound friend that the incantations (for want of a better word) were not complete.
Side note: don’t you just love those little goats for staying exactly where they’ve been put? Pretty sure most animals would have scarpered extremely quickly when a huge flaming ball appeared above them, never mind having another being literally appearing from thin air in a really spiky portal of light. They must be some very calm goats.
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Given the light show that Aziraphale has brought with him to make an imposing entrance on a demon, I’m pretty impressed with the restraint Crawley shows when he responds here – I mean he’s not exactly known for his patience is he? I also wonder if Aziraphale’s comment about jokes is meant to be a throwback to Hastur’s vehemence that he doesn’t like them, but the line is so throw-away that I can’t see what relevance it would add at this point. What I do find interesting is that, now we’re no longer in the “present day” of this season, we see Aziraphale struggling with his preconceived notions of right/good and wrong/evil. It’s something we saw quite a lot of in the first season, in both historical and “present” timelines. In the second season though, what with Aziraphale no longer working for Heaven, we tend to see it a lot less. We saw it in the first episode in the Before the Beginning segment, and we’ll see it again in the coming episodes, but predominantly in the historical scenes. There’s something about the fact that Aziraphale appears less conflicted about morality once he has been removed from the morality-defining authority, become more connected to humanity, and is found to be exercising his free will that I find deeply profound. No wonder the poor guy took 6000 years to realise that being Good isn’t just about following orders, especially when you consider that instruction is tied to his very existence. That whole thing is a big concept, and I struggled to put it into any words that made sense, so I hope I’ve at least been kind of clear. Basically, what I wanted to say was that I love that the historical scenes are being used as a way to remind us of the character development that Aziraphale has gone through over the millennia – they show us where he came from. And it’s not just the angel that gets this treatment:
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We haven’t seen this version of Crawley/Crowley for quite a while, have we? The one that takes such delight in his mischief. And in case you missed it, we really should have known what he was up to – you can see two birds taking flight in the background behind his head, with an accompanying “caw” to draw attention to their presence.
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I’m including that gif for no other reason that I find it Muriel’s impersonation of a goose adorable. I do wonder what exactly would have been deemed important though, if Job’s farm, camels, goat, oxen, children, and geese are all disposable. I’m not going to go into the underlying subtext of the bet that has been made between God and Satan here – the story itself is little changed from its original biblical source so I feel like it’s a bit out of scope for an episode write up. What is interesting to see is that the item on the list that Aziraphale balks at is the same as the one that Crowley has previously demonstrated (on more than one occasion) is his “line in the sand” for unacceptable acts – killing children. This will also be the first time, chronologically, that we see Aziraphale take his doubts to other angelic beings (some of whom are his superiors). I’m assuming his way of doing things is a little more diplomatic than Crowley’s was when he was in his angelic state, even if it is just as (un)fruitful.
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This attitude towards Sitis and Job keeping their existing children rather than having them replaced with new ones says a lot about the Heavenly standard when it comes to understanding humanity and its eccentricities; his reasoning here being that it shouldn’t matter if Job’s existing children are murdered senselessly, as long as they’re replaced with an equal (or greater) number of different children. There is no appreciation of the complexities behind human relationships, desires, or emotions. I feel like it makes the fact that both Gabriel and Michael claim to understand the difference between the subtle technical differences between “killing someone” and “not stopping someone from killing someone” pretty ironic, particularly when they are taking advantage of this technicality to maintain their stance of being the good guys. And all said in such a convincing (and convinced) tone. Gabriel’s stance really only makes sense when you take it out of humanity’s context, which I think is why it’s just not something Aziraphale would ever be comfortable with.
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Alright, we’ve jumped back into the present day to find Aziraphale apparently deep in thought about something. My take on it, and I think it’s a fairly common one, is that the whole Job sequence up to this point is a flashback as seen through Aziraphale’s eyes. (Side note: a cash register ringing noise is an interesting sound effect to employ to highlight the placards here, seeing as we all know the angel never willingly sells a book) There are a couple of things I picked up on during this delightful little scene, the first of which is this line:
AZIRAPHALE: I just didn’t see you coming.
I don’t think it would be a huge leap of faith to say that this line is probably not meant to be limited to this scene, but to Gabriel’s appearance on the whole. I don’t think it’s a huge revelation, I just love that it’s dropped in there so casually. And just as a quick note, I had previously wondered where Gabriel had been that he was able to sneak up on Aziraphale so easily, but it turns out that he would have been in plain sight as he approached the desk:
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I love the way Aziraphale is bothered that somebody is bringing order to his chaos. It’s my belief that those books are likely arranged in such a way that only he knows how to find anything. After all, customers can’t buy books if they can’t find them, can they? The idea that somebody might actually be bringing some order to that must be distressing. It’s alright though, seeing as nobody will ever find anything they’re looking for using Gabriel’s sorting system anyway.
We also have the first reference to the Buddy Holly song “Everyday” in this scene. I’m really pleased that it was included in the second season – apparently it was something Terry was really keen to use as a device in the first season. The script book even includes stage directions that the soundtrack for most of the end credits should be stylised versions of the song. The story goes that when David Arnold presented his version of the theme tune for the first season, it was deemed to be so appropriate that the “Everyday” theme was dropped. I do absolutely love the theme tune we got. I also love that “Everyday” was brought back in for the second season. Both things can be true 😊
Last point of interest for this scene. The book that Jim reads from is “A Tale of Two Cities”. I will confess I haven’t read it, and used Wikipedia to summarise the plot, which as I understand it revolves around a central character who is compelled to disassociate himself from the wrongdoings of his family. There’s a drunken man that testifies on behalf of the main character and helps to get him acquitted of a crime. There’s a trip to Paris in 1792 that sees the main character imprisoned in the Bastille and the same man that helped acquit the main character travels to Paris in 1793 in an attempt to rescue him. There’s also a character called Gabelle, whose request for assistance in a prison escape leads to the capture of the main character.
It’s vague I’ll grant you, and I am sure I have missed a lot of the finer plot points. With that said, I don’t think I’d be alone in feeling like there are more than a few similarities to the 1793 Paris scene from Hard Times. Paris, the year, a prison rescue, and that name that’s awfully similar to Gabriel… It makes me wonder if this might be a Clue as to Aziraphale’s true purpose in Paris, and I suspect there might be a nice little project here to look at parallels between the novel and the 1793 storyline, but that would probably involve reading the original novel. In case you had missed it, time is not something I have a lot of right now, and classics bore the living shit out of me so it’s not something I can commit to so if anybody wants to take up that mantel, please feel free.
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Don’t you just love that this is the first time we actually see Crowley sleeping in the show at all? There was a scene that didn’t make it to the final cut in the first season that saw him sleeping (in a bed/against a wall/on the ceiling), and one from just after he got out of bed. There is also explicit mention of his love of sleep in the book and we as a fandom have taken that cannon well and truly to heart. Yet this is the first confirmation we have in the show that he does in fact sleep. It’s a nice little touch for us to have – there really is no denying that this demon sleeps from this point on.
I made a note of Michael referring to Aziraphale as a “former angel” at the end of the first episode, and commented on how this feels like an inaccuracy. Interestingly Crowley makes an identical inaccuracy here in referring to himself as a “former demon”. To recap:
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I feel the same way about Crowley and his status. I also note that Shax doesn’t correct his use of the past tense, but perhaps that’s because she’s confused at his use of sarcasm. What’s also of note is that she appears not to have any knowledge that Beelzebub and Crowley have already discussed the matter of Gabriel, likely because the former is trying to keep that under wraps. It makes me wonder if Crowley might have noticed that discrepancy had the discussion not turned to talk about the miracle that was performed in the bookshop the night before. And now we can briefly turn to the controversy that I raised from the last episode about whether Crowley actually had anything to do with said miracle:
SHAX: A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of archangels could have performed.
So from her perspective, it looks like she believes Gabriel (as Supreme Archangel) performed the miracle himself. My theory about Crowley not playing his part in it gets pretty shaky at this point, because Aziraphale supposedly wouldn’t have been able to perform a miracle of that strength on his own. There is a “but” here. Or rather, an “unless”. What if Gabriel contributed to the miracle that was performed, but unknowingly? Possibly even unwillingly? His power, either alone or being added to that of another, might explain the colouration of the plume we see originating from the bookshop on the globe at the end of the episode. Yeah, that’s right, I’m not dropping this theory yet! It’s such a shame we don’t see any other example of plumes, because that would really either lend weight to it or completely discredit it. Shax clearly doesn’t think much of Crowley’s claim to the miracle regardless – she doesn’t even respond to him when he offers the possibility that it was him that did it.
It's also notable that Crowley makes no protestations about Shax’s label of “friend” when referring to Aziraphale. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see his face when she says it, but we do see that it’s unchanged when the close up returns to him. I’m not saying this is a denial of his true feelings, merely pointing out that this would have been hotly refuted prior to the body switch incident. Whether Crowley doesn’t care that Hell knows about his “friendship” or just can’t be bothered to argue isn’t clear at this point. What is clear, is that Shax’s threats are convincing enough that the plants are frightened – you can see (and hear) them shaking in the background:
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I’m sure Crowley probably starts the car in a pass-agg response to his being threatened, but there’s a big part of me that believes he really does it because Shax has had the audacity to frighten his beloved plants. I don’t have any evidence to suggest that’s the case, but I won’t be swayed on that regardless. As a final point of note: this will be the second time Crowley has been offered the “opportunity” to help Hell and refused. He clearly has no interest in helping them – his bridges are well and truly burned as far as he’s concerned.
And with that, we’ve arrived at the credits, which feels like an excellent place to wrap this part up. I don’t think this instalment has been quite as controversial as the last one but as ever: questions, comments, discussion, always welcome. See you for the next one! 😊
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1d--louhaz · 2 years ago
After Show Surprise (HarryxReaderxFlorence)
AN: This is my first time writing something like this and it sat in my drafts forever so lmk what you think. As always idk how to finish a story so I may continue it, there’s not much harryxreaderxflo content on here but I liked writing abt it so if you have thoughts or ideas reply or ask!
WC 1.8K
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Tonight is Harry's last night at MSG, you are beyond proud of him and ready for the few days he has off before moving to his next residency. You have seen this show enough times that you know when he is almost finished with his set, so you slip away from your seat to set up a surprise for Harry in his dressing room. After a show, he has so much adrenaline pumping through his veins and he can't wait to get back to the hotel to rip your clothes off, so as a surprise for his last night you thought you'd let him have a sneak preview. Usually after the show he comes back to his dressing room and has some alone time as he comes down from the high of being on stage.
You quickly make your way to the room; having been there for 2 weeks you finally have a good understanding of all the hallways backstage. When you get to Harry's room you find your bag and begin changing clothes. You can hear Harry start his final goodbyes, so you know you have about 5 minutes until he gets off the stage and makes his way to you. You switch out your usual concert fit of ripped jeans and a cropped tee, for a sexy black body suit. It's a combination of lace and satin, with the lace detail in just the right spots so you can show off all your assets. You pair the bodysuit with a satin robe and get comfortable on the couch while you wait for Harry to get back. You sit back right in the middle of the comfy, oversized leather couch, cross your legs, and drape the robe off your shoulders so everything is on display.
You're looking down adjusting your top when you hear the doorknob click open. You look up, smiling ready to greet Harry but there's much more shock than enthusiasm in his eyes. Before you can register the message his face is sending you, you catch a flash of blonde hair move behind his shoulder and hear a melodic singsong "Surprise, Y/N!"  You would recognize that voice anywhere. Florence, now standing beside Harry as he quickly shut the door, got a full view of your surprise.
"Erm, Y/N, Flossie was able to make it to the second half of the show and we were gonna surprise you." Harry laughed, walking toward you. "But I see now I should have given you a heads up because you had other plans for tonight." You laugh along at Harry's comment trying to cover up how mortified you are in this moment, instinctively you pull your robe closed over your chest. "Obviously I am a little underdressed," you state trying to make a joke to feel less awkward. You stand up to kiss Harry and try to act normal when you turn to Florence. "This is a wonderful surprise! I am so glad to see you, just wasn't expecting it," you hug her too.
"This is embarrassing," you blush, looking down. "Give me a second and I'll get dressed." Florence takes your chin and tilts your head up, "there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you're stunning. Have to say, also not what I was expecting, but I can't complain." She smiles and nudges Harry, "Is this the kinda treatment you're getting every night, H? I'm kinda jealous."
"I know, I'm a lucky guy," he responds, smiling at you and taking your hand. They're being so complimentary you almost forget how exposed you are right now. "You guys are too much, but still, let me put some real clothes on. Come and sit," you lead them to the couch you had been sitting on, and as you turn to find your bag of clothes Florence grabs your arm. "Don't worry, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, you've seen more of the two of us on set anyway. Plus, I won’t be long, I don't want to spoil whatever you had planned for the evening."
Still semi-reluctant, you settle on the couch next to her and catch up for a few. You and Harry had been on tour for ages, and it had been so long since had time to talk. The three of you sat on the couch together laughing and catching up. Harry opened a bottle of wine, a few rounds later, hours that felt like only minutes had passed. You felt like it was getting colder, you looked down and realized your robe was slipping off. You were suddenly aware again that you were in fact basically naked and quickly fumbled with the robe. Florence stopped you, "you don't need to do that," and she reached up and brushed the hair out of your face.
You felt all of your blood rush to your face, as the thought of Florence flirting with you finally registered. You glanced up at Harry, but he was, as usual, hard to read. The two of you had been with a third in the past but never anyone you actually knew. And as far as you know, Florence didn't know about that, so she was coming to this conclusion all on her own. Harry wouldn't have ambushed you with this so he couldn't have set it up but thinking back three glasses of wine deep you were probably putting the energy out there all on your own.
Feeling all the tension, Florence spoke first, "Sorry if that was too forward, but I've been thinking it all night." Although you had never really talked to Harry about inviting Florence into anything with the two of you, you had considered it. It was hard not to, spending all that time on set with them watching them together and their chemistry and imagining yourself in the scene with them.
"Don't worry about it," you reply to her. "It's crossed my mind too." Suddenly you notice every detail of her face, and how her chest rises and falls with every breath. You look up to Harry again to get a sign of what the next step should be and the look on his face seems to say it all. You can tell he's studying the energy between you and Flo the look in his eye says he likes what he sees.
You turn back to Florence, but before you even say anything, she is slipping your robe the rest of the way off your shoulders, exposing your skin to the cool air, your nipples poking through the lace. She cups your face in her hands and pulls you in, embracing your lips with hers. They're much softer than you expected, kissing her is gentle and warm. You intertwine your fingers in her golden curls, deepening the kiss, your tongue find hers, her hand finding your breast. She takes your nipple between her finger and thumb and rolls it meticulously, bringing a soft moan from your lips.
You feel Harry's hand on your waist from behind. He places rough, wet kisses to your neck, as his hands explore your body too. They know their way around you too well, and he finds exactly what he's looking for. He finds your core between your legs and begins to massage you.
Placed between them, there is such juxtaposition to the way they each kiss you; yet, there's so much passion coming from both sides. You begin to pull Florence's jacket off her shoulders, and she quickly helps you with the process. Your lips break apart just long enough for you to pull her dress over her head. "Perfect, now we're even." You smile. She is wearing a white bralette, just as see through as your top, nipples perfectly poking through.
Harry is still using his expertise of your body against you; you can barely think straight. Before you combust, you lift your hips off the couch, forcing Harry's pursuit to pause, and push Florence onto her back. You begin kissing down her body. Starting with slow, soft kisses on her neck. Then you move down her chest, placing gentle nips and kisses. You massage one of her breasts in one hand while slipping the other out of her bralette. She hums her content as you kiss your way to her core. You leave gentle licks and kisses across her stomach and thighs until you find your target. She wiggles under you in response to your first contact, as you begin licking and sucking her clit, you can’t help but moan in unison with her.
“This is a great view and all, but don’t forget about me!” Harry traces his fingers down your back and kisses your shoulder. You pause your pursuit of Flo, to which she groans in frustration, to turn back and kiss Harry. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn next,” you reassure him. But as you turn back towards Florence, he grabs your hips and pulls you against him. “No, I want to give you yours!” he demands as his hand finds its way back between your legs.
You bite your lip, trying to stifle your moans, because of course Harry knows your weakness. But he knows you all too well, before you can contradict him, he’s got you up on your knees and he’s slipping out of his jeans. You lock eyes with Flo before she even says anything, her desire is all over her face -and yours. “Oh, I didn’t forget about you,” you whisper to her. Your tongue leaves a long soft trace up to her core. Just as you begin your pursuit again, you feel Harry slam into you from behind. Your gasp is softened by Florence.
The impact of Harry’s shaft radiates throughout you. It takes all your strength not to succumb to his throbbing member, as you still massage and caress Florence’s whole body. As you begin to grow higher your moans deepen and ripple across her core pushing her over the edge. The chorus of moans is what you needed to meet her there, letting out a final moan as your orgasm pulses through you. You felt Harry pull out as you fell forward resting your head on Florence’s stomach.
“Oh my god” she panted, running her hands through your hair. “I know” you looked up at her, still shocked that she was even here. Harry sat down next to you and took a sip of his drink, “so, Flo, how long are you in town?”
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fermentedfanfics · 2 years ago
a little wine and charcoal.
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hello welcome to my first writing that wasn’t a rewrite in a while. i hope you guys enjoy this ?? i randomly thought of this idea at like three in the morning and wanted to write it so bad– so forgive me if this is a little all over the place or written badly because i finished writing this at like six am and wanted to post it immediately. i might make a sequel to this, i kinda wanna write some smut for them. please know that this fic is explicit and for 18+ audiences only, minors dni.
summary: you enjoy taking figure drawing classes at your local college a few times throughout the year– this month you take up figure drawing again and find you’ve caught the model’s eye. (model!loki x artist!f!reader)
warnings: (possible smut for future sequel) fem!reader, make out sesh, reader is a little drunk, more than a little she’s a lightweight like me, light praise kink, kind of dry humping, orgasm denial, slight dom/sub dynamic (reader calls loki sir,) no usage of y/n. i’ll add more if i think of anything. word count: 3.2k
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You are keenly aware of a pair of eyes on you, and you’re almost afraid to lift your gaze off the newsprint paper in front of you.
For a moment you wonder if you’re the only person who feels uncomfortable, but when you drag your gaze across the room you find everyone hard at work– focused on properly taking in the form of the man in front of you. Was he really a man though?
His ivory skin is chiseled like a marbled statue, and his thick, pitch-black hair was pulled back tucked behind his ears at the start of the class but has loosened and fallen into his face now. It’s given him a disheveled look and you’re rattled by how attractive he is. You’ve barely drawn anything, but you’re glad he’s not fully nude. Well– he is, but the way he’s posed has completely covered himself. You aren’t sure how you’d hold up if you were able to see him completely.
These figure drawing classes were supposed to be a source of relief for you. Twenty-five dollars and three hours of drawing live figures in silence with a couple of cups of wine was such a steal, and you’d truly enjoyed the last few times you’ve been– but the recent model has stolen that comfort from you.
At first you didn’t want to be conceded, clearly he was not staring at you directly. But the entirety of this month, each time you’d come and sit in that stuffy little classroom and painfully tried to draw the most beautiful being you’ve ever laid your eyes on, you could always feel him staring. It’s intensified by the wine you sip on throughout the class, your skin humming with the warmth of the alcohol and hot just from his mossy shaded eyes watching your every move.
Your hands delicately slip around the epicure of the glass next to you, it’s red and stinks of cheap wine but you drink it anyways to break the edge. Finally taking your eyes from the paper in front if you to the model, you swallow thickly when your eyes meet. You didn’t mean to look directly at his face, but curiosity got the best of you. Gripping the piece of charcoal in your hand, you begin to sketch.
You avert your stare from his face and to his body, and your mind wanders as your hand moves. Does he like your gaze? Observing every curve and rocky edge to his sculpted form– does it turn him on as much as it does you? You’d probably notice if it did. Each sip of the wine has your mind cloudy, and fills you with a kind of confidence you know isn’t good for you. Sneaking a peek to his face, you instantly regret it. His stare is intense, and the shine on his lips indicate he’s wet them with his tongue sometime between you taking your time studying every part of him and the last time you looked him in the eyes. You shiver.
The class wraps up faster than you expected. The conductor of the class brings the model a robe, and when he leaves the room bursts with conversation. “My god he was sexy, I couldn’t focus the entire time!” One of the women next to you boasts. Each class has a set of people who've never tried it before, or you’re simply just not lucky enough to get paired with anyone you’ve drawn with before. You feel seasoned among those around you, but you would be lying if you said the model hadn’t affected you in the same way.
You swallow the rest of the wine from your last glass, setting it down on the nearby tray it sat on. Trying to drown out the chattering and clattering of the class putting themselves together to leave, you try to pull an image of the model from your brain. You’ve seen him three or four times now, you didn’t keep count– each time you try to engrave him into your mind. You think this drawing is the closest you’ve ever gotten, fingers stained with charcoal. You decide to take this drawing home instead of leaving it like that last time.
By the time the room is empty, you’ve finished gathering your things. You take your time, knowing you have to call an uber since you finished about three cups of wine and you were a lightweight. Taking one last look at your drawing, you begin to take it down from the isle you used.
“I think yours is my favourite out of the bunch.”
His voice completely startles you, causing you to tear the top of the paper for a split second. You quickly stop yourself, letting go of your drawing allowing it to float helplessly to the ground so you wouldn’t completely destroy it. Instantly annoyed, your hazy, drunk gaze looks over your shoulder. It’s then you realize the class model is speaking to you.
He’s fully dressed, the first time you’ve seen it. It seems more intimate, you feel yourself burn hot at his voice as he apologizes, bending over and picking up your drawing. Smooth, sultry, and thickly accented– he’s rendered you speechless. “I always like the ones you draw– you’re very good.” He offers the paper to you.
“Thank you..”
You barely whisper your thanks, carefully taking the drawing from him. The rip doesn’t reach the art, thankfully. All your words are caught in your throat, he’s openly staring at you this time and you think he knows the effect he has on you. Swallowing your spit, you visibly relax ever so slightly as you begin to roll it up ready to leave.
“Do you come here often? I’ve seen you before.”
“Couple times a month.”
“Mr. Kilmyer let me keep some of yours of me, they’re hanging in my home. You’re incredibly talented– is this your profession?”
You’re trying to be respectful and listen to him, but you can’t. Your skin is boiling and the way the stupid cashmere turtleneck he wears fits him so perfectly that you can practically see his sculpted form beneath it is driving you up the wall. Though, that’s probably because you’ve seen him naked before and want to see it again. It’s fresh in your mind, and every time you blink you get a flash of his intense gaze. Wine plus him does not mix well.
“No.” You breathe out. He’s stepped closer, you’re in a full blown conversation with him now and you can see the quality of his face better. He has beautiful high cheekbones and strong brows giving him an intoxicating expression. His lips are thin and pink, you see he’s put chapstick on now. You wonder what it tastes like.
“It’s just a hobby. Um, thank you– I’m glad you like them.”
He cracks a smile, and your heart leaps so far into your throat you’re sure you can taste it. He seems to realize he hasn’t introduced himself, and offers you his hand. You’re delighted. “I am Loki, it’s a pleasure.” Your hand slips into his easily, a friendly shake sending electrifying shocks across your sensitive skin. You’re too drunk for this.
A little smile curls onto your lips, finally he thinks. You tell him your name, and he tastes it on his tongue for a moment, repeating it back to you.
He catches the slow blink of your eyelids, it’s late. You’re tired, and drunk– he can tell. He pulls his hand away and tucks a strand of his own hair behind his ear, drawing you in more. Does he know how sexy he is? You think he does. “I apologize, you must be tired. I don’t mean to take up your time, it’s just amazing to me how you’re able to master the human form in such a beautiful way.” His compliments give you a dopamine rush, your brain is fuzzy like the sizzling of a firecracker.
“I have to order an uber, so it’s okay..I have time.” You simply respond, he watched you drink those three glasses of wine.
Loki opens his mouth to say something, closing it as a thought come across his face. He sucks his lip in ever so slightly, biting it. He thinks for a moment, finger coming to his chin to caress it. His skin looks so soft and you’re instantly jealous of his own hand. Everytime you see him your mind floats away. Every single time he models, he’s fueled the bank in your mind to use late at night when you’re feeling lonely. You feel guilty a lot of the time, using a stranger to pleasure yourself– but you simply think of it as a one night stand. (That you keep going back to.)
You’ve imagined what it would be like to kiss his pretty lips, how it would feel and taste. You think he tastes like some kind of bourbon, and maybe caramel. A delicious mix. You especially enjoy remenecing on how he’d look at you while you drew him, how his mossy eyes bore deep into your soul and ignited a sexual flame in you faster than anyone ever had.
“Those can get quite pricey, hm?” He pauses, drawing your mind back to your conversation and away from your intrusively nasty thoughts about him. Loki rubs the side of his neck slightly, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “Well, I know we only just officially met– but I could drive you home if you’d rather save the money?”
His offer lingers in the air for a moment, before a surprised oh leaves you and your brows raise. Free ride from the pretty model that eats you up with his stare every single time you see him? Yes please!
“I would hate to bother you..”
“It’d be my pleasure, truly! I do feel a bit honoured talking with someone who views me in such a lovely perspective.”
You don’t fight again after that, a sheepish grin taking hold of your lips– you giggle. It’s heaven to his ears. “Sure.”
The walk to his car was short, but he continued to ask you questions– egging you to socialize with him. You wanted to just stare and eat up his features, engrave as much as you could of him into your brain because you’re sure this is the last time you’ll see him. You’re able to muster up questions to ask him, so you’re not such a boring chatting partner. He is giving you a ride home after all. Loki does not model often, but he did get roped into it after his brother suggested him. It’s relaxing for him, because he’s able to mentally check out for a few hours and not worry about anything– it’s nice.
You realize he may have just been spacing out in your direction and you’re deeply embarrassed that you came to the conclusion that he was equally staring at you. Loki opens the door of the passenger side for you, it’s amusing to your intoxicated little brain and you can’t help but laugh as you get into the car. “It feels like you walked out of a fairytale.”  You murmur.
“Never had a gentleman open the car door for you? Such a shame.” He tuts at whatever past relationships you’ve had, and you can feel your standards raising.
Your drunk limbs find immediate comfort in the seat of his car, relaxing and laying your head back. The car ride is peaceful, and he lets you roll your window down so you can feel the cold wintery air on your skin. I’m a fan of the cold. Loki simply stated when you worried over him becoming too chilled. The cold air feels good on your warm skin, you know you’re in for a good night sleep.
Loki comfortably chats with you the entire car ride to your home, giving him weak directions as you try not to drift to sleep. Is it weird you feel completely at ease, and safe, with a complete stranger? Yes. But so far, he hasn’t given you any reason to feel any other way. In reality you wanted to fall asleep in his arms, but his car would have to do.
Thankfully you’re able to keep yourself awake, and when he pulls into your driveway you raise your arms above your head to stretch. It’s a damn good stretch, a euphoric feeling rushing through your body as you feel your muscles contract. Loki delightfully takes in the rise of your shirt, the sliver of skin showing your belly before you plop your arms back into your lap. You’re eternally thankful to him.
Looking back over to Loki to thank him for the ride home, you’re unsettled by his deep stare on you. It makes your chest and head thump once more. “Thank you for driving me home, Mr. Loki..” You try to be respectful, but you’re only turning him on.
“Of course,” He hums, not sure if he wants to let you leave just yet.
You don’t think your night will go much further with Loki, your hopes are not high. But when you grab for the handle to open your car door, his warm hand is wrapping around your free one. “Y/N..” He starts, and the way Loki says your name is magical. It’s the first time, and you’re a little worried at how much of an effect it has on you. You shiver once more, gulping thickly. “Yes, sir?” Your voice wavers for a moment, and you can’t help your usage of sir. You do wish to be respectful to him afterall. Your usage of sir seems to break him, make him snap– Loki is quickly leaning over the console and caressing your face with his hands.
“May I kiss you, Y/N?”
“Yes, please.” Your response is quick, and his lips crashing into yours is quicker.
Your stomach explodes like fireworks feeling his lips on you, and the desperation that follows only makes the heat rising in your core burn brighter. His lips are much softer than you were expecting, coating your own in that chapstick you can now taste is strawberry. You moan after tasting it, and Loki takes this free time to work his tongue towards yours. His lips are sweet like strawberries, but his tongue and mouth is minty and the stark contrast makes your head spin.
Loki’s left hand is wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you closer while his right hand cradles your face like you’d simply disappear if he let you go. The desperation in his kisses make your stomach twist in the familiar sense of need, want. Your hands have found his biceps to hold onto, fingers digging into the fabric of his pine-green cashmere turtleneck. “You taste so divine.” He breathes into you, devouring the whimpers and moans that float from your throat with every kiss.
Each compliment he spews is another match thrown into the fire thats on your skin. Your head is indescribably fuzzy, and you feel like you’re going to pass out. But it’s good. It’s so, so good. You might doubt this to be a dream later on.
The hand on your face is exploring you now, and it doubles all of what your feeling. His hand slides to your hip, rubbing circles into the fabric of your shirt. It’s overstimulating at best, and turning you on even more. You instinctively rub his biceps, feeling his muscles underneath. Loki drags his hand down your thigh, rubbing and caressing just the same as you are to his biceps. It’s stimulating the heat growing in your pants but it’s not enough and when you buck your hips ever so slightly all thoughts are thrown out the window.
Loki’s hand palms your clothed cunt, ripping a ragged groan from the back of your throat. He hasn’t even moved yet and you feel like you’re about to melt, about to cum. Please, please, please, please. Your tortured voice peeps into his mouth as he bites your lip. You spur him on without even trying too hard. Slowly, but with pressure, Loki begins to rub his fingers and thumb up and down the length of your cunt.
You hiss, and before you can moan out his kisses are occupying you once more. His tongue barrages your crevices once again, exploring your tongue, teeth, roof of your mouth– anything he can. “So good for me, good girl.” He moans praises, and you echo his vocal pleasure with your own. Thank you Mr. Loki, please! Feels so good, sir.. Your groan hitches when his thumb glides over your clit through your jeans and panties– he’s instantly dragging his thumb across the area. It shocks you like a voltage, your body tensing in utter glee as it begins to climb for it’s release.
Please, sir! You gasp as his simple drags of up and down have turned into calculated wiggles and zigzags that have you keening. Your skin is burning, and you’re so close. So, so close. He can tell by your breathing, your gasping between kisses– it’s so cute. Just as you’re about to reach your climax, just as your about to cum Loki seamlessly removes his hand from your warm, wet clothed cunt and grabs the side of your face in a deep kiss.
You finally tap his biceps, and he releases you from the passionate, breath-stealing kiss he pulled you into. You’re gasping for air, trying to ignore the wetness of your panties and dull ache coming from your hole. 
Loki catches you slightly as you slump, head far too heavy for you to hold up now. He remembers you’re drunk, and a giddy smile comes to his features. “Oh dear, I ‘ought to get you inside, yes?” He’s so sweet again, like he hadn’t just stolen your soul and heart with those kisses. If you weren’t so drunk you’d be pissed.
Scratch that– you are pissed. Your body is screaming for release, and you know you’re going to be too tired to rub one out once you’re inside your home. But Loki looks so mesmerized by you, so encaptured.
A small line of drool has dripped from the corner of your mouth, and tears have streaked your cheeks– your eyes still welling from lack of release. “Oh, princess..” He murmurs, kissing your cheeks where your tears roll down from.
Without another word, Loki gently releases you to rest against your car seat before exiting the car and making his way around. He opens the door for you, and helps you get out of the car. Your legs are wobbling, like a new-born deer. You want to throw yourself against him, beg him to come inside and finish what he started but you’re too tired. You’re too exhausted, and it’s hard keeping your eyes open. Perhaps it’s best the two of you stopped here.
He escorts you to the front door of your house, and places a loving kiss on your forehead and lips. He watches you fumble to open your door and get inside, bidding you a goodnight before heading back to his car.
You’re still buzzing with excitement by the time you crawl in bed, your bag and rolled up drawing laying haphazardly on your desk. You want to cry, weep even. You’re unbelievably horny and he simply just left you like that– although you want to keep thinking about how much he screwed you over and how much you’re going to pounce him the next time you see him, sleep has taken over.
You fall asleep with Loki on your mind, and a determined mind for next time.
Next time.
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iwanttobeliv · 7 months ago
Yo soy Betty, la fea (Now and then)
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Man, I’ve been meaning to write something ever since I finished watching the very first episode of Betty la fea, la historia continua but there were too many thoughts and feelings and too little coherence to make it happen, and yet, here I am trying it anyway.
Even in Brazil, a country that culturally embraces telenovelas, every now and then when I said Betty, a feia was my favorite, people would look at me funny. And it’s kind of difficult to explain or make people understand that there is just so much more behind Betty’s fringe, braces, and very peculiar laughter. Yes, Armando did yell a lot. And there were perhaps too many episodes focused on Sofia and Efrain's drama or those final ones with Inesita’s ex-husband, and when I managed to rewatch the whole thing, boy was I glad to be able to fast-forward these parts. Some of the sets, like Betty’s room were very clearly low-budget and full of strange choices that I could never quite figure out, and yet, none of this really mattered because the writing was phenomenal. The characters were engaging. The actors were brilliant. And the love story, that was just the best.
So I watched and rewatched. I managed to come across friends who were happy to talk about it and dissect all the things that made it work so well, and so subtle is the distinction that despite the many many adaptations worldwide, to me, none have ever been better than the original Betty.
When Betty was first aired in Brazil, I was about 15 and I can’t begin to explain how seeing a young woman who never belonged anywhere due to her looks resonated with me. Someone who was made fun of for being different and used a sense of humor to keep going. Someone who had hopes and dreams and felt none of them were within reach. And someone who managed to survive all the terrible things life would throw her way in pursuit of her happy ending.
And I guess this feels like something that needs to be said first.
As far as I'm concerned, what makes Betty so fundamentally brilliant is the fact that in YSBLF, when it comes to the love story, the guy falls in love with her being exactly who she is. No more or less. There are so many stories about the ugly duckling who manages to be seen after becoming a swan, and yet there it was, a story that showed that the duckling didn’t have to be anything else to be deserving of love and happiness.
Watching her we went through all ranges of emotion. I remember closing my eyes as I tried to watch her going through her first ‘transformation’ and the disaster it was. I remember feeling joy for her, for having such a good friend in Nicolas and such loving parents. I remember watching Armando as he was, having his feelings change little by little, all while she became an essential part of his life and work. And then, watching expectantly as we had to go through the awful plan he and Mario came up with and all the repercussions that would come of it. I remember thinking that JEA had to be a pretty great actor and that Armando had to be very well-written otherwise it would be impossible to feel anything but disgust for him and what he did. And then watching him fall for Betty utterly and completely. I remember sharing her fury and thirst for revenge when she found the letter. And then drinking up on every interaction between the two of them, knowing what she knew and waiting for the bomb to go off. And then to watch Armando go through hell and lose everything that meant something to him, and Betty trying to pick up the pieces of herself and survive the worst of times. And finally her triumphal return and what would soon enough lead her to a happy ending.
Last year, when we got the news of the remake and the OG was made available on streaming, I watched it once again and felt all those things all over again. But now, almost two decades later, with a very different understanding. I still loved every minute of it, but there were things I would have liked to be different.
Like many soaps, as soon as the main couple manages to patch things up it’s a quick jump to the expected happy ending, and while I fully expected Betty to get one, I couldn’t help but wonder, how a relationship could ever work after such a thing. Sure we knew Armando’s feelings were real and there, and all of that way before Betty, the ugly was made beautiful. But she didn’t. How could she truly forgive and trust someone who managed to betray her trust and make her go through hell as a result of deliberate actions? I would have liked to see more of it. It’s the one thing I don’t particularly enjoy in so many love stories and most soaps. How they are always in such a hurry to end the story as if by being together there was nothing else to be told about these characters and their relationship. Oh the potential wasted by their need of getting to the wedding and a baby on the finish line.
And then, much to my surprise, they decide that there’s more to tell. That the story didn’t have to finish there. [Yes, I’m aware of ‘Ecomoda’ just as I’m aware of the universal consent that it never managed to do justice to the characters we loved and cared for. Which is why, I think, the sequel now also made the choice of ignoring it.]
So now I’ve watched the first four episodes. And I have thoughts I would very much like to share and discuss. Things that I don’t particularly like, but understand. Things I wish had been done differently. Things I absolutely love. But this post feels already much too long. For now, I just want to say, I never expected the sequel to be perfect or to perfectly preserve what the OG managed to perform. But I’m genuinely happy we get to see Betty again. And to be able to laugh and cry with her, with all of them. 
It takes me back and it fills me with expectation for what’s yet to come.
Is it Friday yet?
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hazyspiderwebs · 2 years ago
Stood up
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You were a tourist on the island and JJ was a waiter at one of the few restaurants there. One of the Kooks asked you out on your first night. As you were waiting you couldn’t help but notice the cute waiter. You felt your heart flutter as he walked by. JJ was known for not caring too much for the touristy type but he wasn’t blind. After five minutes of waiting he finally came back and got your drink order. He nodded sideways in reference to the other menu and the empty chair that was across from you. “Maybe he’s running late?” You replied as more of a question. JJ nodded and walked off to tend to his other tables. Little did you know he didn’t have any other tables and was currently judging the guy that was supposed to accompany you.
After setting your drink down he asked you what the guy looked like. “Oh that’s the island flirt. He has 3 dates a day at least with a different woman every time. What made you interested in him?” JJ asked the last part with clear disgust laced in his voice. “I don’t know. Nothing better to do?” You responded again still not sure of your own choice. “I may be able to change that.” He replied with a wink. “By the way there’s only a handful of things I would actually recommend eating from here.” He spoke in a hushed tone and subtly pointed to what he recommended. “Ah the third one you pointed at sounds good.” “You have good taste. That’s my favorite.” He replied with a wink.
At JJ’s request you managed to eat your food slow enough that you finished just before he could clock out. The two of you quickly hit it off and spent his shift with mainly sarcastic banter. JJ happily showed you his favorite spots and some of his hideouts. “What else is there to do here for fun?” “Why don’t you meet me here at 10 in the morning and find out?” He countered back.
You ended up spending your entire trip with JJ and his friends. JJ walked you to where your boat was waiting. “Ya know I’m glad what’s his face never showed up for your date.” JJ said with a smirk that you couldn’t help but laugh at. “I am too.” “Frick I’m really going to miss you.” JJ spoke as he hugged you. You were pretty sure you could feel a few of his tears on your shirt but he’d never admit it. You hugged him back and tried to take as much in as you could. “I’ll be back in a few months.” You reassured him as you both broke the hug. “I know. But I want you here now and forever.” He replied practically pouting. It felt like your heart was breaking seeing him like that but you had no choice but to go home. Or did you?
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dream-a-little-bigger-x · 2 years ago
A Little Less Conversation | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, allusions to sex, talk of murder.
Author's note: Literally one person asked for a third part in the Glitter & Crimson universe, soooo...
I used the following songs: Beggin' (A cover by Marcela for good reference) and Into You by Ariana Grande
Words: 3,077
Part three to Glitter & Crimson
(Here's part two: Steady As A Drumbeat)
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As soon as Spencer and y/n stepped onto the jet, their coworkers were staring at them with smug looks on their faces. With a sigh, y/n dropped her go-bag in the overhead compartment and took a seat across from JJ and Luke, allowing Spencer to sit down next to her. 
“Okay, you’ve got five minutes to give us shit. After that, it’s over and no one else is allowed to say anything about it,” she told them. 
Overlapping sounds and exclamations erupted through the jet. The intensity of all of their questions hitting the couple all at once, not even giving them time to properly register it all. Spencer held his hands up, urging them to stop. 
“One by one, please, guys,” y/n ordered as the team fell silent. 
“How did this happen?” JJ asked. 
Spencer and y/n exchanged glances, silently debating about who was going to answer first. “Well,” he decided to take the lead. “Last night, I dropped her off at her place and I… stayed the night.” 
“And… what we did wasn’t very appropriate for work…” y/n added, grimacing as she felt her cheeks heat up. In an attempt to hide her bashfulness, she placed her hands over her face and leaned into Spencer’s shoulder. 
“Finally,” Luke scoffed. 
“What do you mean “finally”?” Spencer asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
Luke exchanged glances with the rest of their coworkers before JJ responded. “Oh, come on, Spence. You two have been fawning over each other since you met.” 
Removing her hands from her face, y/n looked up at Spencer before glancing at the others. “You guys knew,” she pointed out, slightly confused about how they would know even before she had figured out her feelings for Spencer. 
“It was pretty obvious,” Tara agreed, slowly nodding her head. 
“So, you guys are actually a thing now?” Emily then wanted to know. 
Y/N and Spencer opened their mouths to respond, but nothing came out as they simply looked at each other, unsure of what the actual answer might be. But then Spencer’s features softened the longer he looked at her. “Yeah,” he then answered, much to y/n’s surprise. “I’m in love with her.” 
A tender smile befell y/n’s lips as she looked at him, her insides positively melting at his admission in front of their friends. “And I’m in love with him.” 
“Awwww!” came Penelope’s voice through the screen. “I missed half the conversation, but I heard that last part and I am so friggin happy for you both! I just wanna squeeze you!” She squeezed the air to emphasize how badly she wanted to hug them both. “All the happiness and cuteness aside, we’re gonna go back to the gruesome and gross. There’s another body found. Same MO, same signature.” 
Emily nodded her head. “All right, y/n, Spe–” she stopped herself then shook her head. “Y/N and JJ will go to the ME. Spencer, Luke and Matt, you’re on the latest crime scene. Tara, Rossi and I will set up at the police department.” 
Usually, Emily did pair Spencer and y/n up together, but with the latest developments in their relationship, she wasn’t too sure if that was something she should be doing anymore. Not before they signed all the paperwork. To Emily’s luck, neither one of them complained about it. 
The case, however, was a tough one, and y/n was glad when the team entered the office again to finish up their reports before heading home. Especially when that meant she was going to be able to cuddle and kiss Spencer again after having refrained from doing so for three days straight. 
But then she remembered something… She had rehearsals tonight. 
“Hey,” Spencer greeted when he sat down on the corner of her desk while she was gathering her stuff. 
Grinning, y/n looked up at him. “Hi.” 
“Do you maybe wanna come to my place tonight? Just… hang out?” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Just… Hang out?” She repeated his words with a slight undertone. When Spencer nodded his head, she got up from her chair and placed her hands on his knees. “Or do you mean make out?” she whispered and pecked his lips in an appropriate-for-work-kiss. Everyone had already left, but it still felt weird kissing him in the office. 
“That sounds good too,” he replied, unable to wipe the smile off his face whilst his eyes stayed focused on her lips. 
Mirroring said smile, y/n scrunched her nose. “I can’t tonight though. I’ve got a rehearsal to go to because tomorrow, we have another gig… If we’re not called away on a case…” 
Spencer’s smile turned into a smirk at the thought of watching his now-girlfriend behind the drums again. “Can I come watch?” he asked. 
“No,” she simply replied and giggled upon noticing the disappointed look taking over his features. “The band doesn’t really like people watching in on our rehearsals. But you can come and watch us tomorrow. We’re playing The Atlantis again and there’s a DJ coming straight after us, making it into one big rave or something.” 
“A rave?” he asked, a lot less excited about that. 
He looked adorable when he was all confused and slightly disdained. So, y/n couldn’t help but giggle at the boy’s awkwardness. She knew he had never been a fan of big crowds, big parties or anything that required being social. 
“Uh-huh,” y/n hummed as she stepped between his legs and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But we don’t have to stay for that. Unless…” 
As if on cue, Penelope’s voice echoed through the empty bullpen. “There’s a RAVE at The Atlantis after your gig, y/n/n?!” 
A soft groan rolled off Spencer's lips, knowing that the girl in front of him would not be able to resist going out with her best girl friend. Which meant he was going to have to go with them if he wanted to spend a night with y/n. 
“You bet, Penny G!” y/n exclaimed, her excitement level with the flashy blonde, as she stepped back from Spencer’s embrace. “I was kinda hoping you would be excited about it since I don’t think I can convince this one to come.” She threw a thumb back at Spencer. “And I really kinda wanna go.” Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout as she stole a glance at Spencer in hopes it would help. 
Penelope halted right in front of the couple, her eyes darting from one to the other. It seemed she had almost forgotten about the recent revelations in their relationship until she stopped and let the situation she walked into register in her brain. “I think I just interrupted some adorable lovebird-ery, didn’t I?”
“It’s fine,” y/n responded. “We probably shouldn’t be doing any lovebird-ery in the office anyway.” 
“Okay, good,” Penelope grinned. “Because I wanna know everything! We’re doing a pre-rave get-ready together at my place tomorrow so I can interrogate you.” 
Y/N laughed at Penelope’s excitement. “Sure thing, Pen. I really need to go now, though.” She looked over at Spencer, who walked around to his desk to grab his own stuff. Once the couple had their belongings, the three of them headed down to the elevators, chatting about seemingly random stuff. 
It was nice to know that everything was out in the open. Though y/n would’ve preferred she figured out her relationship with Spencer without the others knowing, it didn’t bother her too much. At least now they didn’t need to sneak around. 
Now they could love each other openly. 
– – – – – –
“So, tell me,” Penelope started when y/n was at her place and they were enjoying a nice glass of wine whilst getting ready together. “It’s common knowledge that nerds are stinkin’ good in bed. So, how is our resident genius?” 
Heat rose in y/n’s cheeks, but she quickly washed it away with another sip of her wine. “Really stinkin’ good. You know when you’ve been wearing heels all day and then at the end of the day, you’re taking them off and it’s that near-pornographic feeling that rushes through you?” Penelope nodded her head, understanding y/n’s analogy. “That, but ten times better.” 
Penelope’s jaw dropped in shock. “I knew it. Nerds really do have hidden depths.” 
Y/N couldn’t help the constant smile as she continued doing her makeup in Penelope’s bathroom mirror. Just thinking about Spencer and the night they had spent together just four days ago had her spine tingling and toes curling. 
“When did you know?” she then asked, but y/n just continued with her eyeliner without faltering. 
“Know what?” 
“That you loved him?” 
This time, y/n put the cap back on the pencil and stared at her best friend through the mirror. “I think I’ve been falling in love with him slowly but surely since we went to see Amélie together. I thought I might have more than platonic feelings for him, which is why I had asked him to go in the first place, just to try and see what that would give. I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind ever since.” 
A soft squeal rolled off Penelope’s lips while she wrapped her arms around her best friend, squeezing her into a sideway hug. Y/N let out a laugh at Penelope’s antics. The woman was just one big ball of colorful excitement and it was the most infectious thing ever. No one could ever be sad around Penelope. She always knew how to make you smile. 
“All the mush aside,” Penelope then announced when the both of them were done with their makeup, and turned towards her closet where she brought out the possibilities of her outfit. She had a whole bunch of fun, colorful dresses to choose from and once her best friend had picked out her personal favorite, she reached for the one that was the complete opposite. 
“Hey!” y/n called out, almost offended. “Why’d you ask me to choose if you were gonna pick another one anyway?!” 
Rolling her eyes playfully, Penelope started gathering her accessories for the outfit. “You know I always pick the opposite of what you pick. You should take that into account by now, Miss big-shot Profiler.” 
“You are terrible, Penelope Garcia.” 
“I know, it keeps me awake at night,” she mumbled before turning towards y/n. “What are you gonna wear? It should be something that makes Spencer stay for the rave. I wanna see him at the rave.” 
With a smirk plastered on her face, y/n turned to her bag. She fished out the two options she had packed with her. “It’s gonna be either leopard print pants with a black top or jeans shorts with this leather number.” She held up the leather tube top with tassels that went around her upper arms. 
“Leather! Leather! Leather!” Penelope called out like a chant. 
And with that so promptly decided, the girls continued getting ready, just in time for their chauffeur to arrive. Her excitement was nearly flowing over as she and Penelope bound towards the door to let Spencer inside. When the boy’s eyes landed on y/n, his jaw dropped ever so slightly whilst his eyebrows quirked. 
“You look…” he trailed off, at a loss for words. 
Smiling, y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips tenderly. “Thank you,” she replied even though he hadn’t even finished his sentence. “Are you ready, Penny?” she asked her best friend while stepping away from her boyfriend. 
“Yessss,” Penelope hissed as she grabbed her purse and scurried her friends out of her place, following suit. 
All the way from Penelope’s apartment to the car and even during the car ride to the club, Spencer and y/n held hands with their fingers intertwined. It was a new development that y/n still had to get used to, but she was happy to. Feeling his palm pressed against hers, his slender fingers slotting perfectly between hers, it gave her a sense of calmth that she so desperately needed right now. 
“All right,” y/n started when the trio had entered the club. “I’m gonna go set up with the band,” she announced and quickly kissed Spencer on the cheek before letting go of his hand and joining the rest of her band. 
“So, you and tall guy, huh?” Elena, the bassist, teased, which earned an elbow-nudge from the drummer. 
“Shut up,” y/n muttered. 
The band quickly set up and got ready for their set. Once they were all ready, y/n took a seat on her drum stool and looked out into the crowd. Where she had left Spencer and Penelope, the rest of the team had joined. A nervous flutter went through her stomach, and it seemed the man with the honey-colored eyes noticed it straight away. He sent her a quick wink and a smile, calming her down immediately. 
And just in time as the lights dimmed and the spot was on their lead singer who sang out the first notes. 
“Put your loving hand out, baby'Cause I'm beggin'”
Y/N hit her sticks together, counting the band in, and all of them started the song together. As soon as they started, any nerves y/n was still feeling vanished. She lost herself in the music, in the beats she was creating. As she did so, she kept stealing glances at her coworkers, who were dancing along to the music with wide smiles on their faces. It was something that fueled her confidence. Even more so when they burst out into applause and cheers after every single song. They were the loudest cheers, the loudest whistles. Her loudest supporters. 
The cheers and applause was even louder and more obnoxious when she left the stage and joined them in the bar. Heat rose from her cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears though her cheeks hurt from smiling so much. 
“You were so good!” JJ and Emily exclaimed at the same time, each one hand on y/n’s shoulders.
Still grinning, y/n reached for the hands on her shoulders, squeezing them as a thanks. Before she could say anything else, the DJ started playing a remix of the Fifth Harmony song ‘Work From Home’, sending the entire club into a frenzy as every tipsy girl filed out to the dancefloor. 
Even JJ, Penelope and Emily let out an excited gasp. The two blondes reached for y/n’s hands to drag her to the dancefloor, but y/n quickly turned to Spencer to see if he was okay with staying. All she really wanted to do was spend time with him while also staying to party. 
It was the biggest dilemma she had yet to face. 
After Spencer offered her a reassuring nod, y/n allowed the girls to drag her towards the dancefloor where all four of them started moving to the music. The boys were keeping an eye out from their spot near the bar, not wanting to interrupt their girl-moment. 
One by one, the boys joined the girls. Even David Rossi had found his way to the dancefloor, somewhat to his own chagrin. The only one that hadn’t joined, was Spencer. He was nursing a lime soda at the bar when y/n’s favorite song started playing, so it wasn’t going to take long before y/n dragged him away from that bar. 
“I'm so into youI can barely breatheAnd all I wanna doIs to fall in deep”
With a slight gasp, she made her way over to the bar and grabbed Spencer’s hand. Panic flashed in his eyes as he watched the girl he loved drag him towards the dancefloor. No matter how hard he complained, she wasn’t letting off. 
“So, baby, come light me upAnd maybe I'll let you on itA little bit dangerousBut, baby, that's how I want itA little less conversation and a little more touch my body'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you”
Y/N danced around Spencer, who stood there for a while, just watching her in pure terror. It took her grabbing his hands and guiding him into somewhat of a sensual dance that the man actually started moving. Especially when she guided his hands all over her body, something he had done a few nights prior by himself. 
As the song ended and another one faded in, y/n’s hands were in Spencer’s hair and she pulled him in to kiss him on the lips, something their coworkers didn’t quite appreciate that much, judging from the shouts of disapproval, “Get a room!”. Though when y/n looked up, she noticed the wide grins on their faces. 
“You wanna go home?” she then asked him whilst still moving along to the beats. 
Spencer shook his head. “Nah, I’m okay, dancing with you.” 
A chuckle rolled off y/n’s lips before she leaned up, her lips grazing his ear ever so softly. “Let me rephrase that, Doctor,” she said and pressed herself into him. “Take me home, Spencer…” She pulled away ever so slightly, just so she could look into his eyes as the next word rolled off her lips suggestively. “Please.” 
With a nearly feverish nod, Spencer took a step back and grabbed y/n’s hand to turn to their coworkers. “We’re gonna– we’re gonna go… Yeah, we’re–bye!” 
Y/N could barely wave at her coworkers as Spencer dragged her out of the club, her giggles following them. It had been four days since anything had happened between them, but it was still quite adorable to watch him get so excited at the promise of a bit of skin and something a germaphobe’s nightmares are made of. 
But that night, Spencer took charge again and it was safe to say there was a little less conversation and a little more touching of her body than any night at the club could provide. Y/N was soaring with his touches, his kisses and his gravelly voice ordering her what to do or say. 
Y/N was completely addicted to Spencer’s touch. Never had she thought she would be sharing a bed with her coworker in this way. But now that it was happening, she couldn’t complain. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh
Criminal Minds Taglist: 
@boimlers-gonna-boim @samsbirks @tinaasthings @dysphoricsanity @love4lando @elenamoncada-ibarra @r-3dlips 
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furymint · 2 months ago
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2024 Creator Reflection
1. Playing with each others' fingers
it was nice to write wwi again... id planned for a complete conversion of nol and eli's story into this verse, but other hyperfixations got in the way and i forgot all my research for it (thankfully I have lots of notes). i liked how both of them are ridiculous here, and how nolanel is able to show both reason and disorder under an incompetent system.
2. Frightened
i think this was the strongest nol/eli writing this year. i had a lot of fun working out the correct verbs and balance during the fight. challenging nol w magic and garleans was also satisfying. i didnt get to participate much in nutley's extraordinary Tower rp plot, so im glad i could write this little bit of nol during endwalker. his silly convo w eli abt crushes is also set during that time.
3. Possessive Hand-Holding
This one is cute. I like culture shocking nol and eli with each other's communities, but i usually do that w nobility or penury, not making nolanel walk into a cruising district HGTHGTHHU 
1. For Now I Am Winter
i have two more to write, but this is 200 words each (plus a couple bonus longer ones) of teredios in winter. i got to write some wwi au which kind of made me rly happy. i started to get used to the tiny frame as i continued throughout the month, and it rly enabled me to explore some ideas whether or not they fit in such a limit or not. i ended up liking each response in its own way, but i think 4. tinsel, 10 icicle, and 16. candles are my favs. i also need to give a big thank you to my friends for absolutely exploding my emails w comments. you make me so happy 😭😭😭
2. the waves now loose
tall ship brain rot finally indulged in.. it was fun to be back on the water after so long. getting to write invulnerable, young, spiteful dion after coming from my tired post-game dion was also great fun. it took me about 4 months to finish it and it began w this bullet point i cooked up while brainstorming lavendre's 2023 secret santa/No murmur against Fate.
even if this is canon-compliant tedi (the sanbreque navy is REAL OK🤡), i liked getting to establish some more of terence's refusal to accept the wider financial responsibility of knighthood bc that will be big in The Light I Hear ch3. talking abt the violence and tragedy of the ship is what i did best tho i think.
'terence writings words on dion's back w his finger' is a very old concept i had in my pocket for nol/eli which never had the right time. this fic has the longest and most explicit smut ive ever written (which isnt a lot lbr) and i think it finally kicked that bug out of my brain that liked writing it. which is also to say, idk how to reflect on it bc i feel neutral towards it rn. i have a lot of brainworms i need to wake up in 2025 to feel passionate again.
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im not gonna put too much detail into this before i make myself upset. i didn't really meet any of my goals from last year. i did a lot of tellier research and made some astounding developments on that end, but not much else. i want to write more no matter what. i can feel the rust on myself every time i try to write, and when i look at my older writing and its beauty i get paralyzed by how i can no longer produce something like it right now.
i had a lot of good times last year too, though, and miku expo was probably the best day of my life. i also got to see kikuo, masashi hamauzu, nothing but thieves, and ffviir2 orchestra. we went to new york and i met karo and anew! i went to tellier's apmnt and found new poems! i made wyvern tails and gave a few out. i played a lot of disney dreamlight and made some decor im rly happy with. i plotted jillian's xmas gift for a while and she really liked it. i enjoyed the new dragon age game a lot. i bought some books im super thrilled to have. i got the sculpture arts aerith statue.
i need to build my stupid pc no matter what. i need to take care of myself. i need to let myself write instead of fearing my inability. im going to finish my degree next year. im scared about 2025, but it'll also be the year me and jillian get to see hachi. i really hope we can see hitorie at miku symphony.
thank you everyone for being my friend
past reflections:  2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
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siennaditbot · 2 years ago
Just finished watching all of Kim Possible for the first time ever (and in English) and man, it's such a great show.
I did watch it as a kid whenever it aired in Finnish. (I miss those fun school mornings...) The dub was ok as well, though I won't go back to that again. Did check for some clips and I'm glad I was able to watch it back then, but CCR and Will Friedle are so good. The others are too, ofc.
Anyway, back then it was all tainted by my own feelings, cuz I too had a guy childhood best friend I had feelings for. I saw him and myself in them and wanted the same yadda yadda yadda. Well, stuff happened and we haven't talked in at least a year. No big, pfft.
At least this time I got to enjoy this show without them stupid feelings affecting my experience lol. (Except with the So the Drama "a loop has been formed and I'm not in it" and all the Ron feelings about Kim finding someone else. Ugh, been there.)
Anyway, binge watching gave me a completely new experience. Not much shipping related stuff in the first 2 seasons, though there were some I giggled over and replayed to analyze. Mostly just best friends being best friends. No significant awkwardness.
Seasons 3 and 4 though? GAHH. So much ship teasing. Emotion Sickness is my absolute fav episode with Kim getting a device that controls emotions and makes her fall in love with Ron, and the guy's so confused but also so so lovestruck. (He didn't know abt the device at first btw)
I love all those soff little Ron moments, I keep replaying them over and over.
"It (them dating) could happen!"
"It's not that I haven't thought about it, I mean who hasn't?"
"What's not to like about Kim? She's smart and cute..."
"Something's different now. I mean there's something between us... Who am I kidding, that's not different. There's been something there for a long time. I think there's something there. Does she?"
Gahhh I love soff Ron so much.
Also yes I am the type to rewatch all the soft and kissy scenes over and over, there are others too since compilation videos exist!!
Anyway, just realized how most of their kisses are initiated by Kim, but my favourites? (Lol that feels cringe to say. Fav kisses? Pfft) Either both going in or initiated by Ron! (The Emotion Sickness one is great too, Ron's so love struck!!! Adorable.)
-> So the Drama dance scene (THEY'RE SO SOFF GO LOOK AT THEIR FACES), one where they run into each other's arms, and the final one where Ron places his hands on her face and goes in first.
I never knew how much I wanted to do a forehead touch->kiss or have someone hold my face like that.
Also S1 EP1 Ron voice superiority. So low and cute. That makes me swoon. Gahhhh. Rewatched the first few minutes and DANG I WISH HE KEPT THAT VOICE. I'm barely able to form a sentence rn. Gahh.
Also adore all the denial scenes, Kim's too. Girl's so jealous of Yori. "Awk-weird" to bring your best friend as a kinda date to an event? Oh yeah, feed me. I love the awkward pre-dating stage so much that I'm mad my Sonic fic doesn't have more of it lol.
All the tiny nods to stuff changing during season 3? Ron going "She's not my girlfriend!!" to Shego of all people, all of a sudden and without probing, just cuz she asked where Kim was! I love him.
Also, the theme song is banger. Also also, I set the communicator beep-beep-be-beep as my notif sound. Kinda confusing while watching, though, heh.
Was that all? I think so, maybe. I'm pretty sure no one will read this but hey, what is Tumblr for if not stuff like this. Yay for fictional men and couples!
As a final note, I don't think Ron's an absolute swoon worthy guy (barely feel compelled to draw him), I just appreciate guys being soft. Yes, go talk about your feelings and yes, stutter your way to victory!
Anyway, now I'm done.
I'mma throw some gifs under the cut though.
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spookyserenades · 11 months ago
Just finished reading chapter 16 AND HONEY; I AM UNDONE. The Seokjin fluff we got was precious and absolutely delicious. I ate that shit up like it was a five-course meal, lol. Seokjin just announcing their relationship to the world?? Possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever read, along with the way he was so touchy and clingy. Finally able to indulge in his wants!! My poor heart!!
Taehyung felt so distant in this chapter, and it breaks my heart! Especially with that other woman at the club 😤😤 who you talkin to, Pookie?? I miss him.. and I can only hope he isn’t trying to get over his obvious feelings for the MC with someone else; I won’t be able to handle that angst!!
But seriously, that ending felt so unexpected. I thought I could finally rest easy after the previous cliffhanger from chapter 15, but nope, here you go again! It’s incredible how well you are able to build up suspense within your work. I am captivated each time and desperate for more! I can only imagine how much work you put into each chapter; writing 20k nearly each time, + editing is really impressive! It flows well, and each detail you put into your work shows the way the relationships between everyone seem to grow. Truly amazing!! I remember reading the first chapter of Trouvaille when it came out, and I’m just so happy that romantic relationships are finally developing. It’s so rewarding :)
Sorry for the long ass ramble. Love your work and take care~ <33
HEHEH!!! I hope you enjoyed the wild ride!!! OOF There's nothing better than romantic Seokjin, I KNOW he'd be the best boyfriend ever 🥺 He's also turning into a goofball he's so happy he can love up on her,... All of the touchiness, the clinginess god I wish I was Y/N.
Ah... Tae 😭 I smell some angst coming up surrounding him, sorry to my Tae bear stans in advance 😭 Eventually things will end up working out in the end, but there has to be some rocky conflict in order to keep things balanced and zesty. I miss him too 😭 I can't believe he had the courage (or balls) to flirt with another girl in that club...
Stopppp you're too sweet, M! 🥺 Honestly I don't set out to write so much each month, but as I go, I keep getting new ideas and oops suddenly its 20k 💀 I'm so happy that you think it's flowing well, that's one of the things I worry about, so thank you for telling me 💜💜💜 AH I love how close they're all getting, even the friendships like Jin/Hoseok and Joon/Jeongguk 🥰 EEE I can't believe you've been here since the beginning, I'm honored 🥺 We're on quite the journey together and I'm so glad you're here with me! Sending you so much love and thank you for reading and writing me a lovely message 💕
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jjungkookislife · 11 months ago
IT’S HERE!!! 🥳 I’ve been waiting for this since you posted that you were part Daddy’s Home Fest. I love me some domestic fics with cutie babies 🥺 I would just like to say that this might be all over the place cause I wrote my comments on my notes as I was reading so please bear with me 😅
Right from the sneak peak you showed us, I knew their bickering was gonna be a fun ride 😂 I can’t really blame them for being mad at the other cause I see both sides and can understand each one.
I love how right after talking it out with Yoongi being told to just not park there anymore, he still calls it HIS parking spot 😂 I mean if there’s no official spots for staff, then it’s the spot of the one that parks first. So their fight over it is hilarious to me 🤣 And why does he keep ruining her clothes?!?!? I can’t really blame MC. Even I would think it’s intentional by now, but knowing it isn’t makes it funnier. He gets annoyed cause he already apologized but it’s kinda hard to accept his apology when it keeps happening. He’s pretty clumsy and unaware of his surroundings, good thing he’s cute 😂
Poor Tae, must be hard since he knows Jimin isn’t a bad guy but also wants to be loyal to his bff 😅 but I love how she doesn’t want Tae to be caught between their “fight”.
I also want a JK and Hobi to give me a basket of products frequently 😫 cause that ain’t cheap and my broke ass could only dream of having friends THAT generous 😳
MC being petty with by taking the last hazlenut coffee and taking her d*mn time to finish making it. Pure evil 😈 there goes being “cordial” 🤭 They’re both so petty, i love it 😍😂
And it’s so cute how Harin and Mc adores each other 🥺
Oh no, MC is upping her game and convinced Tae to help her scheming. And now the prank war begins and no one wants to be the first to back down 👀 Personally, I am not a fan of pranks, especially those being done to me cause I’m also petty and hold grudges 😬
Not Tae calling her out the she like him 😂 Those two just wants to rile up each other with these pranks 🥴
Ohmygod! The fake poop 😱🤢 I would seriously be mortified if I saw that on my car 😭 Harin’s reaction was adorable 🥺😂
I knew when friday the 13th and the chocolate cake was mentioned that it was Jimin’s bday cake so I was already dreading when MC took a slice of it 🫣 Good thing Jimin laughed it off but I would seriously still be dying of embarrassment in MC’s place 😭
Are Harin and Jimin’s bday the same or just really close?!? And Mama Park setting Chim up with MC 👀 Good thing cause this petty “war” needs to finally be done 😮‍💨
Koo and Yoon are having the time of their lives finding out who MC is and then Jimin and the others finding out too 🤣
Not MC daydreaming about Min right beside him during the game 😂
They’re flirting 🥴 And they finally apologized, took them long enough 🙄😂 The kiss at the end was 🤌
I really loved this story 😍 That was so good and you wrote 16k worth of it 😳 I really loved the characters you created and hopefully, you can let is see a glimpse of them in drabbles in the future. Only if you want to ofcourse. No pressure ☺️ All in all, it was written really well and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for this and I hope you take care of yourself 💜
Ah, honestly this fic came to me so easily after i signed up so I'm glad i was able to post it :)
you took notes? I'm screaming thank you!
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A lot of schools I worked at as a substitute teacher or tutor (especially our office) had limited parking spots so if you didn't get there early, good luck finding a spot! once i parked, that's where i stayed until I had to leave lmao
Imagine if they're fighting over the spot, and someone else entirely uninvolved took it one day lol they'd be dumbfounded or perhaps think the other got a new car lol i can see them staking out the spot to confirm and be confused af when someone else gets out
Yoongi was trying to be the voice of reason lol but Jimin just would not listen lmao in his head, it was HIS spot lmao maybe they'll carpool after their date. And something i learned in college and later on from working in schools, always have an extra set of clothes in the car, undergarments included bc you never know when you'll have to change. Jimin was so clumsy but it wasn't his fault (okay it was) he wasn't aware of his surroundings and the pudding had a mind of its own 😂😂😂
Taehyung was in a rough spot. He tried not to get involved but he did without being fully aware of what was going on when he went to lunch but overall i think he did a good job trying to stay neutral 😂
JK and Hobi had ulterior motives for the skincare lol they figured if they did it as a friendly gesture, Jimin wouldn't suspect they wanted him looking fabulous before they suggested he start dating, so all in all, they were trying to butter him up. if he hadn't found MC then the next step was a new wardrobe
They did their best to get on each other's nerves lmao MC loves annoying Jimin, especially since he got coffee and pudding on her clothes. so any opportunity to annoy him was a win 😂
Harin absolutely ADORES mc, they get along so well, and Harin is MC's star pupil :)
I wanted the pranks to be as harmless as possible, more of an inconvenience than anything else. i HATE hurtful pranks so I went with the desktop background thing and the googly eyes and fake poop. and Jimin left his car in the lot over the weekend. he was originally going to get picked up in an uber in front of MC but Yoongi was already picking up Lila and Harin, so it made sense Jimin would get picked up too lol
Harin's reaction to the fake poop was hilarious! she's so cute! and Tae immediately realizes that MC has a crush on Jimin! he's been around for ages so he knows how she gets with a crush lol
I loved the Friday the 13th cake incident! i was so excited to write it lmao Harin's birthday is the 14th of October so they shared a birthday party and yes, MC was mortified when she realized she had cut and eaten Jimin's birthday cake. Jimin found it hilarious!
Jungkook and Yoongi were having a wonderful time laughing at Jimin's expense! everything just clicked! and mc can't help but daydream about Jimin lmao she wasn't expecting to meet Jimin's friends and her mom's friend of a friend who wanted to set her up with her son who happens to take her parking spot everyday lol the kiss was my favorite! they were supposed to kiss the second time they fell on each other but i wanted it to be a little more private.
I definitely had so much fun writing this story, i was surprised i hit 16k whoops, editing was rough, i had to do it in sections and then go back and fix a few more things. and then tumblr wouldn't let me post so i had to use my husband's computer lol bless him. i would like to write a few drabbles for them in the future, maybe of their first date and a few of them later on in the future and perhaps Halloween and their first time carpooling lol
thank you so much! i know i say this every time but i appreciate you so much 💜💜💜 take care! 💜
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