#and i am fullllly aware that europe will solve zero of my problems
quiltedcottage · 1 year
alright, just had a super inspiring convo with my cousin. we started reminiscing about our travels together and i started to get super nostalgic about europe and just travel and movement in general.
he wants to get back to Thailand and I want to get back to France or Italy. (i speak Italian fluently and this has also been coming up in conversation more and more, i swear it’s like i suddenly remembered i could speak a second language in the last week or so lmao). the crazy part is that today at the post office i was in line to drop off a package and a girl came up to get a passport application. i remembered that mine expires in 6 months so i asked for one too.
and then tonight i’m in the kitchen just talking about random stuff with my cousin and we start talking about Seattle and then Paris and then Verona and all these places we’ve gone together and it all just fell into place.
so anyways, i will be telling my therapist this and i will make her hold me accountable lol
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