#and i always wanted to draw them in blood*borne outfits so this was the perf excuse <33
azuphere · 22 days
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thunder and lightning
insp by blonde!phil and the ii m&g where phil said that if dan were a kind of weather he'd be a storm
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
I could not stop thinking about this since I've came back in this website because the nostalgia is so strong.
So I finally made me my own version of Splendorman, bc he was always my favorite
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Here's some highlights
Gave him lots of ringmaster fits and carnaval aesthetics. Pretty self-explanatory so I won't dive much into it. However I really want to point out that I used a 1910s & 1920s style to make him feel sort of old-timey and nostalgic yet refined.
I kept his iconic colorful spots on some outfits but toned them down a little bit, and I added lots of stripes to make him look taller and lankier. He's like at least one head taller than the rest in my head.
A Top-hat also works, but I want him to use more smaller or shorter hats like a Boater hat or a Derby hat because I feel like he'd look too accumulated wearing a top-hat all the time. Also to have some variety.
He has a little bit of build, or at least he's slightly beefier than the others. This to show his physical strength and "healthy" livestyle.
I feel like because he is the only one with pure intentions, those good habits should be represented in his physique so I want him to look very healthy and athletic. Also because he'd be more huggable, but also way more scarier if he's mad and trying to harm you.
His hands have a black (kinda reddish) gradient. I haven't figured out a good excuse, I just really like the detail. Maybe it's dry blood from times he'd attacked someone on a fit of rage, maybe those are scars or maybe he was just born like that idk.
He's always wearing gloves anyways.
My version has a more "natural" skin color. I think this is kind of the norm, but I see that some people draw him with white skin like Slenderman's so I wanted to point that out. I feel like that would make him more "humane".
I guess that's all I have
Splendorman has been my favorite creepypasta/happypasta since I was in the fandom when I was like 13. And I really want to work a lot on his character since I always see that people portray him as this innocent and childish person. But he has so much lore that it just feel like wasted potential when he's reduced to being the "goofy one". He needs a little bit more agency.
I'll post another blog where I gloss over my own lore and mythos surrounding him soon enough.
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Hey! I finished my Perfuma Re-design! I made her a deer person to diferenciate her a bit from other characters and also because i think would make sense with her character since she lives in the forest. As for her outfit, i pretty much mixed a whole bunch of stuff, like the hippie fashion of the 70s, Fairy core and Galadriel from LOTR, i think the dress still looks a bit too simple and empty but i imagine it having a silk like texture especially her top, i wanted to make a flower crown but i wasn't able to draw it so i simply added to her horns.
As for her character, i imagine her kingdom being a close ally to Bright Moon since they are probably the closest one, her father was part of the rebellion a long time ago and ended up dying because of one of the Horde's machines,making Perfuma resenting technology a lot. She was born blind and was dubed not fit to rule the kingdom due of her disability, being treated as incapable for a big part of her life till the Horde invaded the Kingdom, killing her parents and destroying a big portion of the forest on the process, because of the anger of losing her parents, Perfuma awekend an incredible powerful magic that she used to create a giant plant monster and banished the Horde soldiers alway from her home. After the Horde was send alway, she realized that their home was almost entirely destroyed, she then ordered to flee the kingdom and rebuild it in another place, completly hid from the Horde and any outsider deemed unworthy.
Because of her powerful magic, Perfuma was the only protector of her kingdom for a very long time, having the help of only the animals and creatures from the forest to help her, since then the Horde has been unable to enter the Whisper Forest and it was deemed an dangerous place protected by a blood thirsty monster that kills whoever enters it. Perfuma was considered a very valueble and strong ally to the Rebellion, being the one who keeps the Horde alway from Bright Moon, but she's been distant ever since her parents died and rarely visits the Kingdom or even keeps contact, which is what causes Adora, Bow and Glimmer to visit her and show She-Ra.
In question of personality, Perfuma is a very pacific, compasionate and kind person that sees the good on everyone and everything, she fantasized with She-Ra her whole life being the center hero of all her people's myths, hoping that someday She-Ra would come back to save her people and put an end to their suffering. Perfuma's was very shielded on her childhood, not being alowed to play with other kids, with the only exception being Glimmer who is her childhood friend, but despite that Perfuma was a very lonely kid and spend most of her life playing with the animals from the forest, learning to speak with them and training to be more independent despite her condition, that friendship with the animals would later pay up with them helping her defend The Forest and Bright Moon. Despite having a calm demeanor, Perfuma can be easily prone to anger and stress, due of being trusted with a lot of responsability in a very young age (she was only 14 when her parents died, with Glimmer being around 9) because her powers are linked to her emotions, Perfuma constantly meditates to keep herself calm because she's afraid to hurt someone if she's snaps. But despite being gentle, Perfuma holds a big anger and hate towards the Horde for taking her parents, destroying her home and for their machines who cause a mess in the enviroment, making her very suspicious of Adora when she find out she's a former Horde soldier, but begins to trust her after seeing she have a pure heart. She pretty much acts like a mix between Galadriel and the butterfly girl from Demon Slayer.
Perfuma's the oldest of the princesses (being around her early 20s) and she doesn't really know any if them except from Glimmer who was her closest and only friend. She acts like a big sister to her and is very worried about her friendship with Adora at first but after seeing how Adora cares for Glimmer she calms down a bit, she's also have a close friendship to Mermista after entering the Rebellion and later on she's also makes friends with Frosta and Scorpia, despite not trusting her at first either. She doesn't like Catra at all, especially after knowing what she did to Scorpia and Adora (when i say "don't like her" i mean she's literally ready to kill that cat at first moment notice) and she also have a complicated relationship with Entrapta because her machines often cause a lot of harm to the forest and because their kingdons have been at war before (i'll explore that lore a bit, give me some time). After the Horde attack, her kingdom rune stone had almost been destroyed, with one of the remaining piece being the gems she use around her body and after hearding She-Ra was back, she hoped to finally heal the stone and bring the kingdom to it forme glourious self, since she knows a lot about She-Ra, she acts as kind of a guide to Adora, helping her connect with She-Ra trought meditation and teaching her about her connection to the planet, which made them very close and she have kind of a motherly way to treat Adora. Among her powers, Perfuma have heightened senses for being part animal (and above that, being blind) especially her hearing who is 2 times better than other people from her race, she have a very powerful plant magic which can be dangerous if she gets too anger or emotional, making her a bit scared to use her full potencial, she also have healing powers which is an old magic of her people that they learned with She-Ra herself and she can talk to animals, even monstruous creatures
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toastingpencils37 · 7 months
Crystals and Blood (Ninjago Is Always On Some Shit)
This is going to be the first fic in my Eclipse Born AU. This one isn’t by any means crucial to read for when the plot actually starts up, but I still wanted to get it out there.
A brief piece of context I want to add before you go on to read this fic is that in this AU, Vangelis is a Fraud Skull Sorcerer. Skull Sorcerers are Elemental Masters or Beings of Death that are also, well, Sorcerers. Vangelis is not a Death Elemental, nor is he a Skull Sorcerer. Not that he knows that, because Hazza D’ur didn’t bother to inform him. In the AU, Hazza D’ur was a previous Elemental Master of Death, but there’s a lot about that that’d I’d have to get into, and it isn’t really important to this fic, so I’m not going to right now.
I had tried to change it to “Crystals and Blood (Ninjago Is Always On Something)”, but that just didn’t flow right, so I stuck with the original name. 
The next fic written in the series will be the Series Prologue itself, which will show the actual event of something that will be referenced a lot within the series. That will be my first multi-chapter fic, having two chapters.
(Also, real quickly, as a brief alert concerning author’s notes in this series – and the end notes of this fic, sorry – they will be quite long. I can get quite ranty, especially about this AU. And these lengths are even with me withholding information. So yeah. When I get to the actual season fics, they probably won’t be this long for every chapter, but there will definitely be long ones. That aside, have fun reading!!)
Ao3 version
I will probably update this with cover art and possibly more art to add into the fic itself.
6K Words
Trigger Warnings:
Finding herself in Ninjago City during the Crystatrophe and not being able to go back home for some time due to magic complications, Jes has to find some way to pass the time. And find ways to deal with the silence and Crystals. Because Ninjago City is not always a fun place to be. Especially while in a lonely situation like this. Even for someone immune to the Crystals.
Running down a street, a figure wearing a black hat and sleeveless outfit along with a white mask pants for breath, seeming to have run for a while. The person darts into an alleyway, skidding to a halt when she realizes that it is a dead end, muttering under her breath, “Shit, shit, shit.”
Behind her, multiple pairs of footsteps can be heard, thumping on the ground as they run after her, accompanied with a multitude of voices yelling at passerby to clear the way.
Glancing behind herself at the sound, her left eye flashes green whilst the right flashes orange in alarm. She turns back to the dead end, staring at the wall. Then, quickly, she pulls out a piece of chalk and rapidly draws a circle (albeit shitty and bastardized) that a person could easily fit through.
Stepping back, she watches the circle transform into a portal, and leaps in just as her pursuers finally reach the opening of the alleyway.
Emerging and landing on the other side, the portal closes behind her. Noticing the sting in her arms, especially the left one, she glances down with a hiss.
On her left arm, she has the typical mystic scarring from occasionally using too strong magic for her skill level reaching up to the palm of her hand. However, the new mystic wounds just opened from the creation of the portal are much longer, stretching all the way up to the elbow, with purple blood slowly seeping out of them.
Her right arm has new and old scars such as these as well, albeit without the blood due to the arm being mechanical rather than organic.
She just stares at the sheer length of these new scars, baffled by the implication that she, an experienced sorcerer with expertise in portals, had somehow gone far beyond her limits.
She snaps out of her bafflement once she notices some of her purple blood starting to drip off her arm. She reaches towards one of her back pockets to pull out dark gray bandages in order to cover the blood and stop it from flowing.
While bandaging her arms, she looks up at the sky, which is strangely overcast with dark purple clouds. She frowns, knowing damn well that clouds of that color are not a regular weather pattern. Standing silently, she also notes just how silent the whole area is, with no people around whatsoever.
Cautiously, she walks towards the street, which is oddly very empty except for a few cars and pink crystals scattered across the road, including a big blue prison bus sitting in front of… Borg Tower?
Left eye turning light blue and the right turning pastel orange, she gasps in excitement, she rapidly darts across the street without bothering to look both ways, halting in front of Borg Tower with a grin on her face. She peers up at the massive tower, saying to herself, “Ohoho, me, Jesiba Ramirez, being the first to be at, let alone in the city of, Borg Tower! Ohhhh I just have to send this to Derek and Kiera! They’re going to lose their fucking minds!”
Her right eye becoming a pastel purple, Jes pulls out her phone and takes a selfie of herself wearing a shit eating grin and the extremely tall Borg Tower sitting behind her. Pulling the phone up after taking the photo, she attempts to message it to her siblings, frowning when her phone declares she has no cell connection.
“No connection? But I thought Derek patched that up… Riiiiight, I’m an ocean away from home,” Jesiba says, proceeding to stand still for a couple of seconds with a stupid smile on her face before her left eye flashes green and her right light blue in panic. She exclaims, “Oh shit I’m an ocean away from home! I somehow portaled across an entire fucking ocean?!”
Beginning to pace around, she starts ranting to herself, “I somehow portaled across an entire fucking ocean?! How? I thought Hazza’Dur had his wards or whatever preventing me from doing so!” Pausing and putting her finger on the mouth painting on her mask, she continues, “But he is dead dead now.”
Stopping and taking a deep breath, Jes stands quietly for a moment in an attempt to calm down. Then, looking back at where she emerged from, she states to herself, “I just need to open a portal and return home. Easy peasy.”
Walking towards a building wall, she pulls out a piece of chalk, pressing it against said wall. However, she hesitates, looking down at her left forearm, on which the bandages are stained purple with blood. Seeing how far up the bandages stretch, she pulls the chalk away from the wall, realizing that she can not safely create another portal to return her home without causing more damage to her arm, possibly even extending beyond minor surface damage.
Looking behind herself at the desolate cityscape, she mutters to herself, “Looks like we’re staying here for a few hours until my arms calm down and heal.”
Stepping back from the wall and putting her chalk back in her pouch, Jes turns around. Taking a dramatic step towards the street, she declares, “Well may as well make the most of it and explore this city, though strangely desolate today!”
Beginning to walk down the street, she begins her solo tour of Ninjago’s Capital City.
Approximately ten minutes later, Jes is still walking around the city, although less enthusiastic than she was before, now feeling more perturbed by the silence of the city, as well as the presence of those strange pink crystals. Sure, she knew that Ninjago City constantly went through the craziest shit, but this was actually pretty creepy.
But maybe that was just because she is not used to experiencing a situation such as this. But on the other hand, she would swear that whenever NInjago City attacks showed up on the news, people would typically be present in the videos, whether they were running away from the assailants or just going on with their daily lives as if nothing was going on (as well as all the commercials filmed in the heat of the moment while attacks are happening).
Coming to her surroundings, Jes realizes that she had stopped walking, and is now just standing on the sidewalk staring into space. Shaking her head, she prepares to start walking again, but stops when she hears a voice speaking along with the sound of marching, though the thumping of footsteps did not sound regular at all, and sounded more like rocks hitting the ground.
Before Jes has the chance to duck into hiding, an army of Vengestone warriors with pink crystals just like the ones littering the street walk past the corner and down an intersection, turning at the sight of the random woman in the middle of the road.
Perplexed at the utter absurdity of these crystal monstrosities just standing there, Jes cocks her head, just staring, left eye turning bright pink and bright blue in confusion.
While staring, another creature with pink crystals but no Vengestone that Jes had not noticed flying around prior lands on the ground forcefully. Strangely enough, the flying gray creature had no eyes whatsoever.
She then notices the person standing on the creature’s back, who was not someone she ever expected to see again after the whole shitshow in Shintaro over a year ago, where the Earth ninja had slammed Hazza’Dur’s skull into the ground, rendering the False Skull Sorcerer powerless.
And yet, Vangelis was standing on the creature’s back, wearing the mask of a Death Elemental, yet no Skull or ghost of Hazza’Dur within sight.
The two stare at each other for a couple moments, both taken aback by seeing the other wearing the Skull Sorcerer’s mask. Then, as an attempt to appear cool and unphased, Jes goes to lean on a pink crystal to her right, to the absolute confusion of Vangelis, definitely not waving her arm towards it and fumbling as a way to find it. Once she is finally able to lean against it, left eye flashing light purple and the right bright pink in embarrassment, she props her chin on her hand, questioning, “So, back to being the Fraud Skull Sorcerer again, I see? Now, where’s your little skull friend, just so I know who to have a teensy conversation with?”
Having never seen this person before in his life, Vangelis promptly forgets about the impossibility that Jes had just committed by leaning against the crystal, and takes offense to the title she called him, shouting, “The Fraud Skull Sorcerer? I am the one and only Skull Sorcerer!” 
Rolling her eyes, Jest retorts, “Suuure you are, buddy. Let me guess, you could whip up an army of dead bodies right now using your non existent elemental powers, am I right?”
Before he is able to respond, some sort of communicator dings, and a feminine voice speaks in an irritated manner, saying stuff that Jes cannot make out. Grunting in exasperation, Vangelis says, “I have somewhere to be and no time to deal with ‘fans’ of myself.” Waving his hand to five of his Crystal Warriors, Vangelis orders, “Take care of her for me. And make sure to do what that useless chunk of crystal did and Crystalize her.” With that, the crystal winged creature he is standing upon takes off into the air, and the rest of the army proceeds to begin marching again.
Pushing herself off the crystal, Jes exclaims, “I am not a ‘fan’ of you! Wait, what do you mean Crystalize me? What does that even mean?” Before Jes can say anything else, the Crystal Warriors charge at her. Jes quickly squares up, bouncing on her toes, ready for a fight, and mutters to herself, “Why did I leave my sword at home?”
She catches one of the warriors with a punch to its Vengestone jaw, sending it reeling to the side. However, the other four warriors grab onto her, pushing her down in an attempt to Crystalize her like they had done countless civilians within the city already, causing her eyes to revert to a light green on her mask due to the Vengestone. 
Using her left arm, upon which the blood from her wounds is starting to seep through the bandages, she pushes on the warrior’s by its crystal arm, attempting to throw it off. But before Jes gets the opportunity to properly do so, her purple blood makes contact with the crystal, causing it to explode with a shattering sound.
Flabbergasted at whatever the hell had just happened, Jes’ left and right eye do not flash any color, unlike how they normally do. Unlike Jes, however, the Crystal Warriors are unphased, and still attempting to Crystalize her, which mainly just involves them standing and touching her. Jes kicks them off, jumping to her feet and looking at the warriors.
So, doing the most obvious thing you should do when you apparently have magic hands that can shatter pink crystals when you touch them, Jes proceeds to run up to one of the warriors and punch it on its arm. With the right arm. The one that has no Oni blood on it.
When it does nothing, Jes stares at her arm confused, and then jumps away from the warrior, squaring up for another hit, yet again bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Another of the remaining four warriors quickly rushes at her, which is a surprise due to how slow they generally move, and swings its crystal tipped weapon at her. Ducking to the side, she moves her left arm up, then shoves the elbow down on the warrior, her blood making contact with pink crystal yet again and shattering the warrior, leaving the number down to three.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” Jes exclaims, appalled. She catches a whiff of Oni blood, causing her to sharply look down and finally notice the blood seeping out of her bandages. “Ah fuck,’ Jes mutters, “My bandages are leaking? This almost never happens!”
However, before she is able to properly readjust her bandages, the final three warriors surge towards her, going in for their final attacks.
Jes, who is now sick of the entire situation, shouts, “Come on! Will you fucking quit it already! I have bandages to readjust!” She proceeds to fight the warriors, exchanging and dodging blows with them. Throughout all of this, she avoids using her left arm, trying to keep her blood from potentially touching and destroying anything.
After knocking one of the warriors’ staffs to the side, she kicks both that warrior and another away, turning towards the one now closest to her. She bends down, using her left arm to grab at the staff and pick it up. Yet again, for the third time, however, when she touches the crystal, it explodes.
Staring at it, Jes finally realizes what is going on and what is causing the warriors to shatter. Smirking to herself, left eye flashing purple and the right orange, Jes quips, “Third times the charm I guess.” Then, eyes flashing light purple and bright pink again, she mutters, “Though it should’ve taken me less time to realize that.”
Fixing her attention back to the warriors, now all standing again, Jes rapidly unbandages her left arm, and holding the blood covered bandage in her right arm, runs towards the warriors. The warriors march towards her, in no rush to attack, and prepare to explain blows. However, when Jes comes near them, she jumps and flips over the three of them, landing behind them. Whipping around, she presses the palm of her hand against the back of the middle warrior, quickly darting away right after her bloodied palm makes contact with the crystal and shatters it. Then, she lunges towards the warrior on her left, throwing her arm out to make contact with the crystal. Once contact is made and the warrior explodes, she pivots towards the one on her right and whips the bandage in her right hand out at it, making sure one of the wet bloodied parts touches the warrior’s crystal.
Following the shattering of the final crystal warrior, Jes steps back, and takes a deep breath, eyes becoming a calm brown and blue. Then she lets the air out, breathing in again, and proceeds to holler while throwing her hand with the bloodied bandage up in the air, “Take that, fuckers!” She subsequently gloats, taunting the now nonexistent warriors, “You just got destroyed by Oni blood! Personally, could not be me!”
Calming down again, jes glances down at her left arm, which still has the glowing wounds upon it, signifying that her body is still recovering from the massive amount of magic used. She sighs, knowing she cannot currently make a big portal jump like she had to accidentally get to Ninjago, stating, “Guess I have time to kill.” Still looking down at her arm, an idea pops up in her mind, and she rapidly glances at some of the pink crystals scattered along the street. Jes advances towards one of the crystals, and then slowly stretches her left arm towards it, palm spread out. She lightly makes contact of her palm with the crystal, causing it to immediately explode underneath her fingers, despite not pushing much force outwards.
Jes pulls her hand away from where the crystal used to be, and smirks down at her arm, declaring, “And I think I know just how to pass said time.”
A group of three Ninjago City civilians striving to find a safe place to wait out the Crystastrophe walks carefully and quietly down a sidewalk, hoping to avoid any Crystal Warriors or Crystalized civilians.
Coming towards a street corner, one of the people peers out past the building at the corner to check that no Crystalized person was anywhere near waiting to ambush them. Seeing that it was all clear, he motions for his two companions to follow him, and begins to walk down the street towards the next place they can temporarily hide.
After five minutes of constant jogging and hiding, they finally come across the next intersection.
However, this time, when the lookout peers around the corner to check that no one is there, he notices one of the members of the Council responsible for the whole Crystatrophe walking around, going up to crystals and tapping them, all while making an annoying “Bap” sound every time they touch one of the crystals. Which was all in all a very strange action for one of the people responsible of the the Crystals sprouting up everywhere to be doing, but what truly concerned the civilian was that the person touching the crystals was slowly going down the street towards him and his group!
He retreats back behind the corner, quickly ushering his two companions back down the street from whence they came and into a small alley, gesturing at them to be quiet. Confused by what was going on, one of his companions fumbles around and knocks a box off another within the alleyway, causing a loud thump to sound from within.
Walking down a street, Jes goes from crystal to crystal, pressing her bloodied hand against them, saying, “Bap” every time she touches and explodes one. She heads towards a corner, not really trying to go to one particular place in the city. After all, she is just destroying the crystals to pass the time and let her body recover enough to make another portal to head back home. However, when Jes begins to cross the intersection, she hears a loud thump sound towards her left, coming from the street perpendicular to the one she is currently going down.
She turns around and sees three people staring at her with terror in their eyes. Uncomfortable by the emotions in their gazes, Jes leans her left side against a crystal right next to her as a way to appear nonchalant. And then proceeds to harshly fall against the ground with an “Umph” when her blood makes contact with the crystal and shatters it, causing her support to vanish out of existence.
Jes quickly gets up and brushes her clothes down. Glancing up at the people, she states, “Well, what a situation is going on right now, eh? Ninjagois always on some shit, am I right? Or am I right?” She grins, clasping her hands together while waiting for a response.
However, the people within the group exchange glances, nodding to each other as looks of determination cross over their faces, proceeding to dart out and rush at Jes. The apparent leader of the group shouts, “We will not let you take over Ninjago, you monster!”
Shocked, Jes dodges backwards at their slow and clumsy attacks, exclaiming, “Take Ninjago? What? Why would I take Ninjago?” As one of the civilians punches at her left arm, she has to extend it out of reach, reproaching, “And stay away from my arm! I don’t want to bleed on you, okay?”
Despite that, the group keeps on trying to attack Jes, who in her attempts to not harm them, keeps moving backwards. While taking a step back, the heel of her foot knocks against a loose crystal. She quickly picks it up and swings it towards one of the people as a way to stop them from attacking without actively harming them, shouting, “That’s it!”
Yet, despite not meaning any harm, when the crystal makes contact with the man’s body, he starts to go through a painful transformation, writhing around. Eyes turning purple and green, Jes fearfully steps back, staring in shock at what is transpiring, all while holding the crystal that caused it.
After the man fully becomes crystal, his companions begin screaming and running away. Alert at the sound, the crystal zombie slowly ambles towards them, gaining speed as he chases them.
Still staring in shock and fear, Jes looks down at the crystal in her hands, dropping it as her hands begin to shake. While staring, Jes hears the two people screaming, and snaps her head up to see the zombie running after them. Then, she runs towards the zombie in an attempt to prevent it from attacking the two uncrystallized civilians.
Catching up to and surpassing the zombie, she grabs a chair outside a cafe nearby and hits the zombie with it, knocking it off its path. Distracted from its previous targets, who continue running away, soon out of sight as they turn a corner onto another street, it then starts ambling towards Jes to attempt to Crystalize her and spread the crystals across the city. Throwing the chair to the side, Jes prepares to punch the zombie with her bloody arm, before realizing that doing so may result in the zombie exploding like all the other crystal things she had touched rather than going back to normal. So, running to where she threw the chair to pick it up again, Jes rushes back to the zombie, proceeding to try to temporarily pin it down.
After succeeding in doing so, she quickly climbs up a two story building to its roof, walking towards the edge and staring down at the zombie. The crystal zombie quickly frees itself and rushes towards the building, just roaming around once it realizes that it cannot easily get up onto the roof where Jes is perched. Looking down at the zombie, Jes sadly says, “I’m sorry. But I can’t help you. If I try, you’re more likely to get hurt than if I don’t. Hopefully the ninja will help you or something. I don’t know.” Cracking a weak smile, she says, “Never been to Ninjago before.” Turning around she runs on the roof, and leaps onto another building, and another, traveling away from the crystal zombie.
Climbing a taller building and looking into the windows, Jes notes that multiple people are residing within it, presumably taking shelter from the whole situation going on outside in the city. And now knowing what those crystals were capable of doing, it made sense to Jes why no one was outside. But they were not being very quiet about it. Though they were in higher stories of the building. So maybe they were not as concerned about being found by the Crystal Warriors as they would be if they were closer to the ground. Climbing a few more stories to the roof of the building, Jes pulls herself onto the roof and leans against the entrance to the stairs leading below.
Ignoring the sounds of whatever everyone was doing inside, she looks out towards the sky, her attention drawn towards the big floating island with an Oni face carved on its front situated around the middle of the city. Emotionally and physically tired from the whole situation, Jes looks down at her left arm again, which still has the glowing scars reaching up her forearm, the upper half had considerably dulled. Seeing that she probably had about an hour or two left of waiting, Jes says to herself, “Heh. Have more time to waste, I guess.” Yawning, Jes makes herself comfortable against the rooftop access. Jes begins to nod off, falling asleep a couple of minutes later.
A bright purple blast jerks Jes awake, who notices many crystals now growing on the building’s rooftop. Jumping up, Jes shouts, “What the fuck!” After realizing that nothing is coming to attack, she calms down, relishing in the silence. 
Jes looks around, noticing that the floating island had drifted towards a different part of the city while she was asleep. Then, she realizes just how quiet it is, with no one within the building making any noise. Panicked, Jes darts into the rooftop access, throwing open the door and rushing down the stairs, trying to find someone.
Only to find everyone Crystalized. But this time their Crystalization was different. Unlike that one guy Jes had seen get Crystalized, these people were not moving at all, and were instead stuck in one position, most with fearful faces. Walking through the crowd of stationary people, Jes stares in shock. 
Shaking her head in fear, Jes turns and runs towards the stairwell, running down all the flights until she reaches the bottom story, at which point she runs out of the building. 
She runs out onto the street sidewalk, stopping when she sees all of the new crystals laying everywhere, the city somehow even more silent than it was before. 
Breathing hard, Jes then grabs her hat and pulls it down on her head as if trying to adjust it, hysterically saying to herself, “This is fine! Everyone except you is just a statue of crystal!” She laughs. “Bet this happens all the time in Ninjago!”
Then taking a breath, she says to herself again, “Stuff like this happens in Ninjago all the time. And then the ninja will somehow swoop in and defeat the big bad, and everything will be alright. No reason to be worried.” Turning towards the crystals that are almost completely covering the street now, she raises her left hand, saying, “And I’ll destroy some of these crystals to help, and definitely not because I have no idea what is going on or what to do!”
Walking to one of the crystals, Jes places her hand against it, only to find that nothing happens. Confused, Jes looks down at her hand to see that the blood has finally dried, and the scars have stopped glowing.
“Orrr I could go home now.” Looking around at the Crystalized city, she asks herself, “Would that be wrong of me to do?”
While contemplating, some of the crystals around her begin to fall apart on her own. Baffled, Jes looks around her, wondering what is happening, right before a bright yellow light flashes from the sky behind her. Turning around, she catches sight of the floating crystal island exploding into what looks to be white and yellow sparkles, and the deep purple clouds mysteriously vanish without a trace, revealing the time to be around sunrise.
Face breaking into a smile, Jes says, “See? I knew the ninja could handle it!”
People start to exit from the building she had come from, rejoicing at Ninjago City having been saved. However, one of the people rejoicing notices the Skull Sorcerer standing in the street, and shouts at the rest of the individuals, “Hey! It’s one of those goons responsible for this whole mess! Get him!”
Diverted from their rejoicing, the small crowd turns to Jes, who, not wanting to be attacked by civilians thinking that she was Vangelis again, says, “Shit,” turns tail, and runs. A few of the people run after her, but Jes climbs a building, pulling out a piece of chalk once she hits the roof.
Drawing a massive (and again bastardized) circle on the roof, Jes laughs, saying, “Funny how I got here because I was running from people and now I’m going home because I’m running from people. Except now it’s random civilians!” Once she finishes drawing her circle, Jes activates the portal using sorcery, and then jumps in, landing on her bed in her bedroom feet first. And immediately falls onto her back, unable to properly balance herself in time.
The portal above closes, and Jes sits up, looking around. Smiling due to finally benign home again, Jes then notices her arm, on which the mystic scars have reopened, though not reaching as far up her arm as they had when she opened her first portal in the past few hours. Smiling to herself, Jes swings her legs off her bed and walks to her dresser, grabbing some bandages out of it to rebandage her arm.
Looking up in the mirror, Jes sees her face still covered with the Skull Sorcerer mask. Her smile dropping, left eye turning a dull brown and the right a dull green, she processes what that mask meant to the people in Ninjago. Shaking her head, her eyes turn brighter, Jes removes teh mask and hat from her head, and goes to exit her bedroom, shouting, “Hey, Derek and Kiera, got the file chip or whatever the fuck you needed!”
To which two voices respond simultaneously, “It’s a flash drive, not a chip!”
A week later, Jes is sitting on her bed scrolling through her phone, reading a news article that had come from Ninjago a few hours ago regarding the situation now known as the “Crystatrophe”.
There had been many articles released about the Crystatrophe, including Aquari ones just restating everything Ninjagan news anchors and civilians had said about the disaster. However, this articles was different than the other articles released from Ninjago, at least to Jes. The majority of news articles and videos either had to do with the whole catastrophe itself, the armies of the Ninjagan kingdoms uniting to fight the Overlord, or the Jade Princess apparently being alive. But this one, unlike the others, was about Vangelis.
Or, more accurately, “Vangelis”. Because the person interviewed for the article was one of the three who had mistaken her for Vangelis. In the article, the guy told his story of how “Vangelis” had attacked one of his friends and Crystalized him, terrifying the other two.
Jes had been reading the article for the past twenty minutes, having reread it multiple times.
Her brother, Derek, walks into her room unannounced with a laptop, going to sit on her bed and open the laptop. The two sit in silence for a few minutes, Jes still rereading the article and Derek now clicking away on his laptop. Finally, Derek decides to speak.
“So I noticed the new mystic scars you’ve been hiding for the past week.”
“Hm. Yeah, well. I’m your brother. I know you. And you aren’t the type of person to hide mystic scars.” Pausing for a moment, Derek frowns and types something onto his laptop. Continuing, he says, “Unless you did something you were not supposed to. And looking at how far up your arm the new scars stretch, I’d say you probably did something you weren’t supposed to.” He then looks up from his laptop towards Jes, pushing his braids back over his shoulder, continuing, “Plus you’ve been obsessing over articles about the Crystatrophe all week. With the exception of the Great Devourer attack and the whole Wojira situation a year ago, I’ve never seen you obsess over news from Ninjago catastrophes like this before.”
Once Derek says that, Jes finally looks up at him and sighs. “It’s just, all the stuff with Vangelis and him being the Skull Sorcerer… Everyone in Ninjago thinks that the Skull Sorcerer is supposed to be a bad person because of him, some random dude who’s first time being around in the Ninjago City public views was the Crystatrophe.”
Raising an eyebrow, Derek questions, “You do realize that people hate Skull Sorcerers here too, right? Because I’m pretty sure you should. You know, being the Elemental Master of Death.”
Adjusting her position so that her body is facing more towards Derek, Jes throws her hands out to the sides, saying, “Well yeah. But that is because of all the shit Hazza D’ur did all those millennia ago! Everyone here knows about it!” Wilting a bit, left eye turning a dull brown and the right a dull orange, she carries on, “In Ninjago they don’t know all of that. For them, Vangelis is the first Skull Sorcerer they’ve ever seen. And they thought I was him.”
Staring at Jes dumbfounded, Derek says, “I’m sorry, what?”
Looking at Derek semi-confused, left eye medium blue and right bright pink, Jes says, “They thought I was Vangelis?”
Still staring at Jes, Derek suddenly exclaims, “You were in Ninjago? How the hell were you in Ninjago? Last time I checked you don’t have the sorcery skills yet to make a portal that far… wait a minute that’s why you have those mystic scars, isn’t it?”
Smiling awkwardly, eyes flashing purple and dark red, she says, “Maybe? It was an accident.” Her smile widens.
Putting his head in his hands, Derek mutters, “Dipshit! You are going to be in so much trouble if your mom finds out.” Perking up, Derek asks, “Though I am just slightly, very much just slightly curious, not dying to know at all, what was it like there? Did you meet one of those Nindroids? Please tell me you did.”
Huffing out a little laugh, Jes says, “Well it was pretty desolate, for a Ninjago catastrophe. You know all those live news videos that constantly circulate when attacks happen where people are just busy going on with their daily lives?”
“It was nothing like that.”
“And I didn’t meet any Nindroids.”
Seeing Derek’s shoulders sag a bit from his excitement getting crushed, Jes then remembers one of the first things she had done when she found herself in Ninjago City. She grabs her phone from where it was laying on the bed, going into her photos app and clicking on the selfie with Borg Tower in the background, angling the phone to show the picture to Derek.
Eyes lighting up when he sees the image, Derek quickly grabs the phone from Jes’ hand and pulls the phone closer to his face, pushing his glasses up with his shoulder, exclaiming, “How did you get this?”
Puffing her chest out and wearing a smug grin, Jes says, “I took it, being a sort of phone genius, you know?”
Looking up from the photo just to glare at Jes, Derek says, “You know that isn’t what I meant. And you are no phone genius, seeing as how you had no clock on your phone homescreen for a whole month.”
Gasping dramatically in offense, jes rebuttals, “Says the person that just didn’t notice he had a welder torch on his desk when he needed to use it to build that car or whatever the fuck it was!”
Scoffing, Derek replies, “Ignoring your insult to my work, the difference is I can make fire with my hands. You just decided to leave your phone without a clock without asking anyone to fix it, somehow doing so for a, and let me say it again, whole month!”
“You do know something called the Internet exists, right? Because you can literally just look up the time there.”
Gesturing emphatically, Derek vociferates, “Yes! I do! And the clock is supposed to be on your lockscreen! You’re not supposed to have to actively look it up for your own timezone1”
Snickering, Jes says, “Yeah yeah, whatever.” She nudges at Derek’s shoulder, continuing, “Go on, get out of here. I’m sure you have important stuff to invent or whatever.”
Getting up off the bed, Derek says, “Yeah. Lots of work to do.” Walking to Jes’ door, he slightly turns and says, “If you ever have anything to talk about, you know you can talk to me, right?”
Waving him off, Jes says, “Of course. Just as you can do the same. Now get on out of here!”
Frowning, Derek leaves Jes’ bedroom.
Once Derek’s footsteps leave her hearing range, Jes turns her phone on again, staring at the article, yet not truly reading it. Shaking her head, Jes scoffs and turns it off, dramatically throwing herself back to lay down, tossing her hands to her sides. Turning her head to the right, Jes stares at the Skull Sorcerer mask laying on her dresser.
Turning her head back to stare at the ceiling, Jes mutters to herself, “Now I have two legacies that aren’t my own to deal with. Great.” Getting up, she says, “Well, may as well get some training done, or whatever.”
Walking towards her door, Jes grabs her sword off her shelf, and walks towards the room exit, taking her sword with her. Pausing at the doorway, she looks back at where her Skull Sorcerer mask is laying on her dresser. Frowning, she stares at it for a few moments, wondering if she should bring it. Shaking her head, she leaves her room, leaving the Skull Sorcerer mask on the dresser where it lay.
The main purpose of this fic was to kind of introduce the readers to my OC Jes, as well as give myself a bit more experience writing.
Now, to rant a bit about other stuff that made me want to write this fic, let’s talk about Garmadon and the Crystal Warriors. When he is fighting them, we see that Garmadon actually touches and throws the warriors around without getting Crystalized, especially towards the beginning of the Crystatrophe, where so much as touching one of the Crystal Warriors results in Crystallization. We also see this happen with Lloyd, who also doesn’t get Crystalized when he touches the crystals. (I don’t remember for sure, but I think this happened with Wu as well). 
So of course, I looked at that, and looked at how pure Oni and pure Dragon power can defeat the Warriors, and pretty much went, “Yeah, the crystals probably don’t do anything to Oni or Dragons.” And hence this fic was born.
I do also want to talk about the building scene where everyone is Crystalized and not moving, because there is a slight thing in “Roots” that we don’t know about, and it just irked me a tad bit. So when the Crystal Island does that final blast downwards, which Crystalizes the ninja, and when the camera zooms out to see the city from afar, we see more Crystals erupt. But I do want to draw your attention to Wu and everyone else during that scene. Because we see them look up when the blast comes down. But then we don’t see them, or anyone else in the City, again at all until after the Overlord is defeated and the Island and Crystals have been destroyed. But they’re still at the same building. Just like the four ninja once they recover from their Crystallization. So the ninja didn’t move. And nor did their allies. Which led me to believe that everyone, with the exception of Lloyd and Garmadon (who were on the Island) and possibly the members of the Crystal Council were Crystalized by that blast. And unlike the other times, they stopped moving, possibly due to the Overlord’s powers having had somewhat weakened at that point (Hence the fight scene with the Warriors in the previous episode).
I do want to go over mystic scarring right now, because I wasn’t properly able to in this fic. (I am planning on having this explanation in AU canon during Season 1, but I have no clue when that’ll be written, so here’s a canon explanation not currently written in a canon interaction right now).
Basically, mystic scarring is supposed to serve as a warning system for light magic users. It can easily be set off, though it usually only reaches to the palm, and mainly only does minor surface damage. But they do leave permanent scars. Almost every magic user has them, as when you are learning something such as that, you are probably going to at some point go a bit beyond your limits. Mystic scars are generally prided upon by mystic users, because it’s proof that they are able to use sorcery, and that they learned. Except, like in the case of Jes in this fic, when that user uses their power in a way they shouldn’t have, or did something really stupid. Then they’ll probably hide their scars, especially if they’re really long and obvious like Jes’ became.
There is a lot of unfamiliar stuff in here, mainly because with how this fic is set up, I cannot have a character infodumping. In this fic, Jes is either interacting with people that know about these topics, or people who wouldn’t give her the chance to talk about it, mainly due to fear responses. If Jes was interacting with a character who didn’t know about this stuff and was interested in hearing about it, she would be able to talk about it, which would give more information.
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marthammasters · 8 months
dude tell me abt ur dnd chara!!! im abt to start a campaign rn with a few friends + im super psyched. also dnd related but check out this rad dice bowl i got 👀
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SO AWESOME. it looks like the word grime in the coolest way. Hope ur campaign is soo funsies!! Anyway here goes this my baby my heart Noctis ⬇️
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He’s a drow bard born & raised in the underdark babey. I’m not an expert on alignments but I’ve pegged(🫣) her at chaotic neutral bc she’s niceys if ppl are niceys to them but if someone is mildly annoying or rude or looks rich they dgaf about whatever crimes they’re asked of to do to them. Or just do em for fun. (Ie saved the tieflings happily in bg3 act 1 but at any chance he got to ask for money/sumn in return he always takes it) as with any bard tho he gets what he wants mainly thru verbal charismatic means. As hot as blood is it’s very staining to clothes and instruments!! <-noctis’ words not mine. very opportunistic in general lol. Started learning instruments and ~bard life~ for a similar fashion as that/busking but oops! New passion! Now he gets so funky all over the realms. And if he extorts ppl on the way welll oh well. Lolth-sworn bc i lovee deranged deities and misandry. 2nd half of that sentence legally a joke. Will def draw him out w an actual main outfit 1 of these days..
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bluelizze · 8 months
More on Elliott’s background that i thought of during my life drawing class last week
tw/// death, suicide
Elliott is French and was born a couple years before the French Revolution
Elliott’s surname, Allen is not be his real surname because it is implied that he came from a high-class family during his youth
After meeting the current talior’s grandfather, he helped elliott in many ways possible
vía be helping him express himself and exploring his identity to the point that it thanks to him that he was able to realize that he is actually a man but was born in the wrong body
And he was the one who helped Elliott picked his new name and surname
I had thought about Elliott’s mother and her secret lover and how they play a major role in Elliott
Basically either his mother or lover will be executed
I’m leaning more to his mother bc i figure it would be more reasonable for her to get executed during that time
So her lover might die from suicide bc she can’t handle the news of her lover being executed
Elliott was very close to his mother and her lover as mentioned so obviously, he got PTSD from that
His father tried to marry Elliott off to a suite he found for him but elliott ran away
Elliott hated the thought of marrying someone to keep the bloodline going
Which is pretty ironic bc not long after everything he became a vampire
So he’s keeping the bloodline alive by being immortal
But not intentionally
So back to the tailor, elliott would leave the tailor every few years and travel around Europe before returning
Bc he doesn’t want to cause any suspicion of how and why he isn’t aging
He made a somewhat fake background whenever he meets the the current tailor of the time
It’s always, “my grandfather has worked with your tailor many times. I want to uphold his honor”
How he met grelle was just peer coincidence and the first thing he thought was just that she was a beautiful woman
So he invite her to try out an outfit he designed but he needed a model to test before making adjustments
His vampire nature came from shortly after running away from home
He retry much got caught and almost died
On the verge of death, a mysterious figure came to aid him and basically was like “I can help you, but you gotta drink my blood and kill me”
So he was given blood to drink and painfully turned into a vampire
Was given a knife but the figure and killed them, and drank some of their blood
I’m still working on how he becomes a vampire and this is the best I got
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lightat25ji · 7 months
Even before I downloaded the game I always thought Ena was super pretty. But when I downloaded, I got to play it myself, got to see her myself. The first time that I was reading her dialogue, oh my god. I would just press the screen and as the dialogue changed, she would make another cute face, and another, and another. And when I first saw her smile. It was truly a magical moment. Then I read the story. I read all of the Nightcord main story. I watched her self intro. All of her first and second side stories on the Ena cards I own. All the event stories with Ena in it. I know all of the Ena lore. No one knows Ena Shinonome from Project Sekai more than me.
Whenever I play Nightcord at 25:00 songs, and I hear Ena’s voice in the song, I lose my shit. How can one have such an angelic and mesmerizing voice? Then I see her dancing. Oh my lord. Every day I wake up and think about Ena Shinonome. I think of that how she was born on April 30th, how she is 158 centimeters tall and how she wears a choker in one of her outfits. When I wake up and open Project Sekai I first go to her profile and admire her beauty. Her beautiful brown hair and eyes. Every day I think of how unfairly everyone treats Ena. I just want to kill her shitass dad. Like man why don’t you put your bulldog face away and treat your daughter with some respect like she deserves. He does not deserve to share a blood bond with Ena. She is absolutely so talented and you have no right to say otherwise because you are a dumbass. Same with Akito. God I just hate Akito Shinonome. I wish to never see his face in my life again. I wish to never hear his voice. I wish for him to be deleted from Project Sekai. He is truly a nuisance to everyone around him, especially Ena and the other members of Vivid Bad Squad. That mf does not deserve to be in the same group as An. An is a goddess. Anyway this is about Ena let’s continue. Another person that does not deserve Ena at all is Mafuyu. Bro you get to sing with Ena Shinonome and talk to her everyday but you are still depressed? Man I would be the happiest person on earth. Yet you still show no emotions with ur brocken ass and tell Ena that her drawings are just “ok” like please shut up nobody likes you. Ena is an amazing artist and I am so proud of her. Her personality is amazing as well. I absolutely love how she can be a softie sometimes, especially towards Mizuki (#mizuenacanon). If she was real I would make thousands of alt accounts just to follow her social media account. I love you Enanan. I wish you could know how happy you make me. I will pull all of her 4 star cards, just you watch. I love Ena Shinonome with all the love I have in my body. She is all I need. Only I deserve to have all her cards. I will buy all her stamps (I only have a few left), and all her covers (almost none left right now). Ena was my favorite Project Sekai character before I started playing Project Sekai, she was my favorite when I first downloaded Project Sekai, she was my favorite when I first played Project Sekai, she was my favorite when I had the game for a month, and today is my 2nd month anniversary of playing Project Sekai and she is still my favorite character in the game. I have never betrayed Ena, she was always my fav Project Sekai character. There is no greater Project Sekai character like Ena Shinonome. I live Ena Shinonome, I breathe Ena Shinonome, I am Ena Shinonome. Be a true Ena fan and then tell me you are an Ena fan. I am the only one who’s worth of Ena Shinonome. No one else deserves her as much as I do. I will protect her with all my love and energy always. I will always doxx Ena haters. I am here for you Ena. I will not let anyone hate you. I am the biggest Ena Shinonome fan. If there are 10 Ena Shinonome fans in the world, I am one of them. If there are 5 Ena Shinonome fans left, I am still one of them. If there is 1 Ena Shinonome fan left in the world, I am still one of them, that one person IS me. And if there are 0 Ena Shinonome fans left in the world, I am dead. (copypasta)
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choco-pudding · 2 years
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p.008-013 and 020-021 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edit by myself)
Please excuse the excessive amounts of typefaces, that’s just how this book is. My favorite details are Noize saying he’ll tell them secrets so long as they keep it to themselves only for it to be published in a book and that fact that Ulala’s white outfit is just her normal orange one inside-out.
Edit: Fixed a typo. Noize says their usual rating aren’t that spectacular on page 10. Edit: 6/27/22, new scans, some minor translation tweaks.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far. 
Plain text below
Noize's Evaluation: Rumors & Impressions of Co-workers As I said before, my main job is being the operator for “Ulala’s Swingin’ Report Show.” The other day Channel 5 was in the spotlight due to the Morolian Invasion… hmm. Well, I guess things here haven’t changed much. Anyway, since we were directly and deeply involved with the Rhythm Rogues Incident, I’ll of course cooperate with investigation. I'll give you some facts about my co-workers and even tell you some secrets about them that aren’t directly related to the case as long as you keep it to yourself. I'll tell you everything I know.
Ms. Ulala. Like me, she's part of the Special Report Team as the lead reporter. She gives it her all every day 'cause she wants to be the best reporter in the galaxy. She often plays dumb to hide her true anxieties, I get the impression that she acts like a big goofball to cover her outburst of feelings, her resolve must be strong. She always wears headphones so sometimes when I try to talk to her, I get an “ah?” as a reply instead… I know some other details about her, too. She was born on May 30th, 2477 at 1:18 AM and is 22 years old. Blood type is B. Favorite food is space peking duck. Just between us, she gets pumped up and excited whenever she sees Mr. Jaguar.
Level: 00 004 Left Up Chu Chu Chu
Chief Space Michael You know Space Michael, the super star that rocked the galaxy? Since Blank left after the Morolian Invasion scandal, we requested Space Michael to become our new Chief. You can say Space Michael my ultimate boss! He gives the Special Report Team direct instructions! He usually stays at the headquarters, it seems that he doesn’t to dance as a much as he wants anymore, I feel kinda bad or rather I apologize for that. That being said, I frequently see him chatting with other staff members in the staff cafeteria (laughs).
Director Fuse The Special Report Team's director, in other words, my boss. There is this kinda old-fashioned TV man-like vibe to him. He's an electrifying person with lots of skill and talent but true to his name, once he blows his fuse, he can be pretty scary. Sometimes when he's giving Ms. Ulala instructions from the Astrobeat, I catch him acting differently from his normal behavior and instead acting flamboyantly… Ah, that's right. Maybe Mr. Fuse doesn't like to be photographed—I don't have any photos of him—so I asked Ms. Ulala to draw a portrait of him. Ah… this isn't Mr. Fuse… these are actual fuses. Ms. Ulala… this is way too literal.
Level: 00 005 Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
Noize's Evaluation: Space Broadcasting is Really Fierce 1
Channel 5 only stands out because off all the incidents around us that happen by chance, our usual ratings aren’t that spectacular. I guess it can't be helped (laughs). It’s been about 100 years since the first space channel launched, (Pine’s note: Space channels can distribute broadcasts over approximately 1.5 million light-years in diameter through the use of the dimensional curve) and now we’re in the multi-channel age with about 300 of them. Man, Channel 01 really had a big impact. It's a smorgasbord now. I’m relieved only a few stations have special news programs. Well, specifically…
Space Channel 5 First is Channel 5. Well, it's pretty run of the mill, a long-established and comprehensive station in the Space Broadcasting industry. A long time ago it used to be popular but right now… not so much. There isn’t anything that really stands out. That’s why we want to get it back on track with our Special Report Team.
Space Channel 5 Trade Name: Space Broadcasting Station Co. No. 05 Number of Employees: 1,234 (as of 2499) Work Motto: Be a pioneer in the space age.
Level: 00 006 Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
Space Pirate Broadcasting Station A group that broadcasts all over the galaxy through guerrilla-like tactics on their Space Pirate Broadcasting Ship, Bad Tuning. All the staff members are Space Pirates. The leader, um! I'm not sure but I think it's Mr. Jaguar. Naturally, they don't have a broadcasting license.
Space Pirate Broadcasting Station Trade Name: None Number of Employees: Unknown Work Motto: We are the ones who reveal the truth.
Level: 00 006 Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
[Edit and translator’s note: the space pirate’s motto is the same line that Jaguar says in Japanese before fighting Ulala (真実を伝えるのは我々だ). A more official translation would be “We are the voices of truth,” or “We’re here to uncover the truth.”]
Noize's Evaluation: Space Broadcasting is Really Fierce 2
Space Channel 42 Channel 42 has been gaining popularity among the younger generation ever since it changed its focus on being a “Music Company” six years ago. It also seems that they’re focusing on publishing music. After Pudding became its idol, it was no longer a small company.
Space Channel 42 Trade Name: Space Channel Company 42 Number of Employees: 788 (as of year 2499) Work Motto: Contribute to the future with unique creations
Pudding’s Bike
Space Channel 88 Trying to differentiate itself from others, this station incorporates the latest technology in its broadcasts. For instance, it was the first station to invent a robot reporter installed with a super AI before anyone else as to stay ahead of rival stations. It’s a relatively small business but still big in the industry. Personally, I like this station.
Space Channel 88 Trade Name: Space Broadcasting Station Co. No. 88 Number of Employees: 500 (as of 2499) Work Motto: Be ahead of the universe with the latest technology.
88Man’s Bike
Lv. 10 Groove 007 Right Left Chu Chu Chu
Moro Chan 5 I don’t… I don’t think this is a real station. Since the people of Earth are in charge of alien affairs, after everything settled down they allowed the Morolians to stay in their UFOs and obtain a broadcasting license in accordance to regulation laws. Even though in actuality, they just wanted one to "play" with Space Channel 5's broadcasting equipment.
Moro Chan 5 Trade Name: Alien Corporation Employment Association Number of Staff: 10? Comment: Television is interesting, Moro.
[Translator’s notes: “Maru” is part of Japanese ship naming conversations and is also a pun on the ships appears being very round, which “maru” also means]
Space Channel 01 I think you know this already, but this is the station that manages Space Broadcasting. Maybe because it's such a role model to other stations that there are still many other broadcasts that stick to the basics. "Simple and concise" as they say. I'm surprised with how many new programs are coming out of the blue lately. Mr. Tachibana is their greatest asset.
Space Channel 01 Trade Name: Space Broadcasting Association Number of Employees: 12,680 (as of 2499) Work Motto: Precise information, prompt communication.
Tachibaba’s Bike
Lv. 10 Groove 008 Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu
Noize's Evaluation: The Start of the Rhythm Rogues' Attack
It was 9 A.M. On that day, as per usual, we were preparing to broadcast "Good Morning Ulala" which was supposed to start at 5:45 on the Space Symphony's main floor. Afterwards, when "Good Morning Ulala" finished, the Space Broadcasting Association was going to air their program "Space News" at 7 A.M. while we waited for "Good Morning! Go Go Cheerleaders!" to air. We were planning to return to the station at 9 A.M., take a break, and then spend the rest of the afternoon preparing for the "Ulala's Report Show" at 18:30. However, when we just started to begin preparing for "Good Morning Ulala," we got a message (in English) from Chief Space Michael. "A mysterious dance group was spotted flying over the Space Symphony. 
Lv. 4 Groove 016 Left Left Right Right Woof Woof
“Please get the special report team ready and rush to the scene!"… When the Chief’s emergency message got to us, our schedule changed completely. Mr. Fuse quickly got really serious, but Ms. Ulala, who was asleep at the time, hurriedly got up and put her outfit on. You know, she didn't turn it right-side out so that's why her report uniform wasn't orange. The distance between our headquarters and the Space Symphony was only about 3 hours away, so that's why the Astrobeat was able to get there in just a few minutes. I wasn't sent out, so behind the scenes I quickly got the new white uniforms accessories that the station sent for a spring festival so she could hurry and change into it. By the time Ms. Ulala and I arrived at the Space Symphony, the security system wasn't working anymore, and what was waiting for us in the lounge was—
Hello Space Cats!
Lv. 4 Groove 017 Up- U- Uh- Up Woof Woof
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babyybitchhhwrites · 4 years
Hisoka x Reader 18+
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Title: An Unexpected Surprise 
Rating: Explicit/R-18+
Words: 4445
Warnings: barebacking, cowgirl position, hot tub sex
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24581845
Finding Hisoka waiting for you in your room was not a particularly surprising turn of events. The man had a history of simply letting himself in whenever the mood to do so struck his fancy and, despite not having a keycard to grant him access, you’d never been able to find any evidence to suggest forced entry. His enigmatic response every time you’d asked how he did it had been “It’s magic”. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was infuriating and unnerving in equal measure but you’d since become grudgingly accustomed to these impromptu visits. It seemed to be part and parcel where any acquaintance with him was concerned. 
Finding Hisoka naked and waiting for you in the hot tub your room was outfitted with, however, was unexpected. The candles and the scattered rose petals floating in the water with him were especially concerning and you froze in the doorway, trying to process what you were seeing. Nude man. Cheesy romantic setting. The smell of wisteria and jasmine wafting from the burning wicks that were strategically placed on every available surface. If you didn’t know any better, you might have thought he was looking to genuinely woo you this evening but you were much too familiar with his twisted inclinations to fall for that trick. 
“What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” He simpered and submerged one sharp nailed hand under the water before lifting it back up so that the resulting splash echoed off the walls. An errant petal cascaded down into the water again and another plastered itself to the elegant curve of his wrist, looking for all the world like a splotch of blood against pale white skin. The handful of candles floating in the tub shifted against the ripples and slowly drifted in opposite directions as he brought his gaze up to pin you with a pointed leer. “I’ve been waiting for you, love. For some time now, actually. I think I might be starting to prune.” 
“Pity.” You murmured, thoroughly distracted. “That doesn’t answer my question though. What’s with all of … this?”
Cocking his head to one side when you gestured vaguely at the bathroom, Hisoka allowed his smile to widen. “Don’t you like it? I was under the impression that most women enjoyed this sort of thing.”
“I don’t.” You shot back, sounding unnecessarily petulant to your own ears.
“Well, I do. Now get in.” 
Lifting a brow at the command in his tone, you stood your ground. Hisoka didn’t seem daunted by the look of challenge you were pinning him with though and he merely continued to stare you down with a level of patience that spoke volumes. He was willing to wait as long as it took and he would not be leaving until he got what he wanted. Typical. 
You finally gave in with a deeply bothered sigh and reached for the hem of your shirt. “Fine. But I expect an explanation once I’m in there.” 
“You know I’m not in the habit of leaving you disappointed.” Hisoka purred as he watched you jerkily disrobe, annoyance with his antics evident in every quick motion. 
Saying he was unperturbed by the prickly display would have been an understatement and, realizing that you weren’t going to get anywhere by acting like this, you dropped the pretense altogether. Your shoulders relaxed and you reached back to unclasp your bra, shrugging the straps down the length of your arms. Hisoka’s pointedly dangerous attention zeroing in on your exposed chest made your skin crawl in a way that was as exciting as it was disconcerting. You tried not to pay him any mind though, ignoring the goosebumps that erupted across your body when you slipped your fingers into the waistband of your panties so you could slide them off. 
Your nipples tightened and peaked for your audience of one as you straightened back up upon stepping out of them. Being naked in front of this particular man was always an experience, if not because he was quite possibly the most deadly individual taking up residence in Heaven’s Arena then because you never knew what to expect from him. He was capable of any number of atrocities, as violent as he was unpredictable, and here you were, nude as the day you were born. It always left you feeling indescribably vulnerable and defenseless but, in this case at least, he was just as naked as you were. 
Somehow, you found that marginally comforting and you stepped over to the hot tub without bothering to try and cover yourself. Such bashful behavior would only serve to amuse Hisoka and give him a reason to tease and bully you, which wasn’t something you usually invited. He’d have his fun with you either way before this night was through so there really wasn’t any reason to give him more ammunition to work with. 
“I’m starting to think I should talk to the staff about upping security on my room.” You said, casually offhand as you climbed over the ledge of the tub. 
“That won’t stop me, I’m afraid. You’re welcome to give it a try though.”
Shooting him a quick look, you stepped down into the water and couldn’t seem to resist issuing a quiet sound of pleasure when the warmth immediately started seeping into your muscles. It felt much too good for you to cling to your displeasure with his invasive escapades and total lack of respect for personal boundaries. The tantalizingly sweet, relaxing aroma drifting throughout the steamy room also helped and your last remaining reservations were gone before you even realized it.
Humming contentedly when you lowered yourself down to sit, you watched the candles rock around you from the resulting slosh of your added mass to the water. You probably should’ve known better than to trust Hisoka with so many fire hazards in a single space but, so far at least, he hadn’t done anything outwardly distressing enough to warrant panic on your part. Besides breaking and entering his way into your room, that is. 
You glanced across the expanse of the tub to find him watching you, a knowing smirk curling his damnably kissable mouth, and you huffed. “Spill it.” 
“Whatever could you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean. What’s with this lovey dovey atmosphere? It doesn’t suit you.” 
He had the nerve to look shocked by that assertion. “How rude! And here I am trying to do something thoughtful for you.”
You pinned him with a wry smile. “I don’t buy that, Hisoka.” 
“Good. Because it was bullshit.” 
You laughed before you could catch it. That seemed to please him and, drawing a slow breath that made his broad chest puff out, Hisoka gradually leaned forward so that the candles scattered again with the redistribution of his weight in the tub. He was lythe and sleek in the flickering light, all sinewy muscle and unfairly attractive. An entirely different animal with his vibrant red hair down, the signature star and teardrop you were accustomed to seeing absent for once. Your throat cinched as you watched him close the distance between you two but didn’t try to escape; allowing him to brace his hands against the ledge so that your head was bracketed between his arms and you were effectively caged in. Trapped. 
“This,” He intoned in a sly, lilting voice. “Is all for me, love. You’re just the lucky girl I’ve decided to share this special night with, that’s all. Don’t you feel honored?” 
“What’s the occasion?” You asked thinly, idly wondering if now was a good time to start panicking. 
Supple lips parting on a breathy chuckle, Hisoka dipped his face down to brush a fleeting kiss across your mouth. You didn’t make a move to return the gesture, letting him deliver increasingly more demanding pecks to your face before eventually pulling back with a soft, reverberating groan. 
“It’s my birthday.” 
Your brows shot up in stark surprise, jerking your attention around to look into his face. “Your birthday?” He nodded, once, and you valiantly tried to wrap your head around that information. “You mean to tell me someone actually gave birth to you and you didn’t just … appear one day?” 
“What a mean thing to say.” He admonishingly chided, but the glint of amusement reflecting in those ocher eyes suggested that he found such an accusation funny rather than offensive. Rolling his shoulders back in an enticingly slow shrug that made the muscles in his chest flex, Hisoka nudged even closer and you tensed when you found yourself pinned against the side of the tub. “Isn’t there anything else you can think of that might be more appropriate for this situation?” 
You thought about that for a moment, trying to pretend like you didn’t notice the spark of pooling heat in your gut. “You’re a Gemini …” You said at last. “I’m not surprised. Actually, that explains a lot.” 
Hisoka promptly threw his head back and laughed up at the ceiling. You chanced a tentative smile, finding his good humor tonight a bit suspicious, but then he abruptly shoved himself up against you so hard that water splashed out over the side of the tub and slapped against the tile floor. Mouth opening in shock, you shuddered as he forced his way between your legs until his pelvis was slotted tightly against yours. The unmistakable weight of his cock, already straining hard, settled on your stomach and your hands flew up to blindly sink nails into his biceps. 
“Hisoka - !” 
“I was expecting to hear ‘happy birthday’, at the very least.” He cooed, peering down at you from just a scant few inches away. “Where are your manners, darling? Hmm?”
Leaning close, he teasingly brushed the tip of his nose along your cheek in a blithe imitation of affectionate nuzzling. You tipped your face up at him and brought your legs around his narrow waist in silent encouragement. It was impossible to deny the dizzying heights of arousal this incredibly dangerous man inspired within you but all he did was laugh, the puff of hot air on your skin making you tremble. 
“What a curious little thing you are. One moment you’re acting like you could care less and the next you’re so eager for me to have my way with you.” He paused to nip at your earlobe and the sharp sensation of teeth sinking into delicate flesh caused you to gasp. Mouth curling in a devious smirk, Hisoka pressed his lips against the outer shell of your ear so that his voice was the only thing you could make out over the sound of your own pounding heartbeat. “Do you really expect things to go your way just because you’re willing to submit to me? Is that it?” 
You tried to speak but nothing came out. All you could focus on was the hard length resting threateningly against your lower belly, the palpable memories of his cock carving out a space within you inspiring white hot pangs of desire throughout your core. There was a veritable laundry list detailing exactly why engaging with him like this wasn’t a good idea but you still found yourself arching into his touch when Hisoka brushed the rough pad of his thumb over your puckered nipple. You couldn’t escape his gravitational pull even if you’d tried. 
“Well?” He prodded, letting the sharp point of a single nail just barely scrape the peak of your breast. 
Sucking in a haggard gulp of air, you clung to him even more fervently. “If you want to hear it so bad, I’ll say it.” You managed to croak out.
Hisoka noised a thoughtful hum and drew back, surprising you yet again when he slipped out of your hold in favor of retreating back to his end of the hot tub. “I think I’d rather have you show me.” 
You stared in rapt disbelief as he reclined against the side, bracing his elbows along the ledge so that just the tips of those sinfully long fingers dipped into the water. It took a prolonged moment for your cloudy mind to catch up with what was happening but, at last, you grumbled something unkind under your breath before moving after him, much more mindful of the bobbing candles than he’d been.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
“I’ve may have heard that once or twice before.” He said with a flippant shrug. 
Pursing your lips, you climbed up to straddle his lap. Hisoka offered you a smile that could only be described as condescending, making you scowl even as you reached under the softly rolling surface of the water to find his cock. You gave it a tight squeeze, reveling in the silky skin under your fingers, and his chest hitched at the sensation.
You let out a slow breath through your nose while you pumped him, resigned to your fate. He probably would’ve been content to take the lead as he always did if you’d just told him what he wanted to hear, but it was clear now that he wouldn’t lift a finger to assist until he’d deemed your transgression paid in full. Such bratty behavior was par the course for him though, so not at all surprising, and you angled his cock so you could rub the glans against your clit in tauntingly slow passes.
“Did you want anything else for your birthday?” You ventured quietly. 
“No. Just you.” 
You cocked a brow at that but the cryptic grin Hisoka fixed you with seemed to imply that was all the explanation you were going to get. As much as you knew better than to unquestioningly trust the things that came out of his mouth, there really wasn’t much you could do to argue the point and you grudgingly left it at that. 
Using your fingertips to guide the hard length of him to your entrance, you started to sink down. The bulbous head dipped into the flesh of your labia, forcing the meaty lips to spread for him, and you sucked in a faltering breath to steady yourself. The lack of meaningful prep added onto the resistance of the water made penetration a slow going process but you basked in the searing burn. He breached your body one torturous fraction at a time, the pressure just this side of painful, until the glans finally popped through the first barrier. You stilled above him, giving your body a chance to adjust before bearing down on him again with an unbidden moan that seemed to claw its way up your throat.
Hisoka responded with his own rumbling noise of pleasure and you choked on a disgruntled squawk when he lifted his hips to force himself another inch or so inside. You swayed above him, reaching out with both hands to grab onto his shoulders when the tension in your loins doubled and threatened to bowl you over. The stretch was exquisite, blurring the line of pleasure and discomfort so thoroughly that you weren’t sure which side you were on anymore. It hardly seemed to matter though and, biting your lip in concentration, you pushed down until he was sheathed within you halfway to the base. 
You had to stop and regroup then, taking several long blinks to clear the starbursts from your eyes. Hisoka shifted underneath you, making your pussy ache and flutter around him, but he didn’t try to force you to take the rest of his cock just yet. Instead, he nonchalantly brought one of his hands around to idly tweak your nipple and you gasped. Brows furrowing, you tucked your chin down to watch him pinch the sensitive nub between thumb and forefinger before giving it a playful tug. White hot static raced down your spine, making your cunt ooze more sticky slick, and you eagerly arched against him with a low sound of wanting. 
“Are you making those pretty noises just for me, love?” 
Groaning deep in the back of your throat, you haltingly pivoted your hips - up, down, up and down - to loosen your passage and coat him in more arousal. When you started to lower yourself again just a brief moment later, the penetration came easier and Hisoka’s cock slipped against your inner walls until you were fully seated on his lap. You tossed your head back, sighing in pleasure, and he took that opportunity to approvingly squeeze your breast in a tight grip. 
“Look at you.” He breathed. “So lovely when you’re enjoying yourself on my cock like this.” 
“Hisoka …” You whimpered and rocked against him, the gentle slosh of the water echoing in your ears. 
“Tell me how it feels. Tell me just how much you love being stretched and filled up.”
Screwing your eyes shut, you leaned into the sturdy muscle mass underneath you and linked your arms around his neck. “I love it … you always feel so good when you’re inside me. I can feel every bump and vein. Every time you even twitch it drives me wild. It’s like your cock was made specifically to fit me.”
Hisoka chuckled and nuzzled into your hair. “Maybe it was.”
You rolled your eyes at that, safely out of his line of sight with your chin docked over his shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind your lack of response though and when you pushed up so that he drug against your clinging cunt until just the head remained wedged inside your body, he issued a pleased groan. You sunk down again in shuddering slow motion, acutely aware of every inch of him that entered you. It was thick and heavy, pushing up on that dense cluster of nerves just right to make your breath come a little harder. A little faster. Nails sinking into his skin, you started bouncing on his cock at a subdued pace while trying to be mindful of the water level but it quickly became apparent that this wasn’t going to be enough to satisfy you. 
It was hard and fast that you needed to get off and you knew the same applied to him. The two of you had gone through the motions with each other enough times in the past to recognize what would make the cut and what wouldn’t. This slow, gentle tempo was decidedly not it and you hissed in frustration as you started bouncing with more enthusiasm. Just as you’d expected, the water churned around your heaving body and it didn’t take long at all for you to catch the sound of it splashing over the edge to hit the floor below. The thought of getting billed for any incurring cleanup costs flitted through your mind, and you were sure it wouldn’t be cheap in a place like Heaven’s Arena, but then Hisoka was working a hickey into the side of your neck and you promptly forgot all about it. 
“Oooh … shit …!” 
Slyly humming his agreement, he threaded fingers through your hair and pulled it aside, nails catching your scalp in the process. You hissed at the lingering pain and obediently tilted your head, exposing the vulnerable line of your throat to him. Hisoka’s mouth immediately descended upon the pounding pulse point laid bare to him, sucking and nipping at the spot until it was minutely throbbing in time with your heartbeat. Another juvenile hickey for you to hide in the coming days, you were sure, but it was hard to be annoyed with him for that when his cock felt like it was tickling your cervix on every downward thrust. The sheer force at which you were driving down onto him seemed to punch the oxygen right out of your lungs, making you suck in one ragged gulp of air after another. You tried to pace yourself over the next few minutes but it quickly became too much and you finally had no choice but to slow to a stop and try to find your bearings again. 
Having him sitting hot and heavy inside you was too much to ignore though and you weakly ground down on him with twitching hips. Hisoka’s response was to moan right into your ear in an undulating, rising pitch that went straight to your cunt. It fluttered and clamped down around him, a warning tremor rippling through your body, and you wheezed. 
It still wasn’t enough. 
“Hisoka …” You mewled, pressing your face into his shoulder. “I don’t think this is going to work.”
He issued a thoughtful sound and pressed a deceptively chaste kiss to the mark he’d worked into your neck. “How unfortunate. Though I might be persuaded to help if you say the magic words ...” 
Knowing it wasn’t ‘please’ he wanted to hear, you scoffed. He could be such a spoiled brat sometimes. “Fine. Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy many more.” 
The way he laughed made his cock twitch inside your pussy and you jerked, starting to pant more vigorously. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it? Although it didn’t exactly sound convincing coming out of your mouth, I suppose I’m willing to accept it.” 
You were about to tell him to shove it when Hisoka abruptly brought both arms around your back and pinned you flush to the front of him. It made your breasts squish against the firm expanse of his chest, the electrifying jolt of friction to your nipples sending fresh waves of pleasure shooting down your back. Sucking in a faltering inhale, you allowed your head to loll to the side where it was pressed up on his shoulder and you clutched at him all the more fervently, bracing for what would come next.
Even when you were expecting it, Hisoka managed to catch you off guard when he flexed up off the bottom of the tub and drove into you with enough force to have you shrieking in delight. Your whole body shook against his and you instinctively tried to push away with your knees, attempting to escape the blinding pressure he was exerting on your pulsing cunt. His hold on you was as good as iron though and you couldn’t find a reprieve, helplessly ragdolling in his arms as he started up a brutal pace that had water violently sloshing out over the sides of the tub. You probably would have been horrified by how much of the floor was soaked if you’d had the wherewithal to care about that sort of thing while you were getting your brains mercilessly fucked out but you were too far gone to give it more than a passing thought.
“Hii - Hiso - ka!” 
The thin chuckle that filtered over you was enough to make you claw at his shoulders, his back. Any part of him you could reach. You barely had enough time to draw a single, ragged breath before he was slamming back home and knocking you senseless again, your guts quaking under the intensity of his thrusts. The pressure inside you swelled almost nauseatingly fast, indescribably better than your own attempt at getting off which seemed pitiful in comparison to this. Hisoka was a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring, and the strength in his slim build was never more apparent than when he was pounding into your cunt hard enough to make it throb. 
Uncontrollably shaking, you blindly dropped your hands from his scratched up back in favor of holding on to the edge of the tub in a white knuckled grip. You tried to use it as leverage to push your body upward and lessen the intensity of his hips driving into you, but it was useless. Hisoka merely tightened his arms around your back and forcibly yanked you down to meet the punishing thrusts tit for tat. You wailed, unable to do anything except sit there and take it while the rapidly mounting tension in your loins continued to build higher and higher, leaving you swaying dazedly in his grasp. 
“Ooh! God!”
“Is this what you needed, darling? A nice hard fuck to get you off? Hm?” 
Hisoka, unsurprisingly, didn’t have the grace to sound so much as a little out of breath and you wanted to hate him for that even as you threw your head back, eyes rolling in your skull. The reverberating clap of skin on skin was practically deafening and the sticky wet squelch of your pussy sloppily sucking him in deep on every jolting thrust only added to the lewd cacophony filling the space of the bathroom. It was overwhelming in the best possible way, indescribably more satisfying than anything else you’d experienced before, and you twisted in his arms like something wild. Something possessed. 
“I can feel that pretty little pussy of yours squeezing me like a vice grip.” Hisoka groaned, sultry and unbearably heavy. “Are you about to cum for me?”
You sucked in a sharp breath, held it, and the coil snapped. Every inch of your body rattled as if you’d been electrocuted, the full brunt of orgasm slamming into you like a sack of bricks. You went ramrod stiff against him and screamed out your pleasure as he fucked you right through it, the pace of his thrusts not faltering for so much as a second. Hisoka enthusiastically moaned underneath you each time your palpitating cunt squeezed down around him, sounding like some wanton whore, but you were no better yourself. The two of you made quite the pair.
Your throat was raw and scratchy by the time you finally started to come down some moments later one convulsing tremor at a time. It was only when you began whimpering in high strung, oversensitized distress that he slowed down, though he didn’t stop altogether. Hisoka’s cock was sliding easily in and out of your thrumming cunt now and you could feel what a churning mess he’d made of you with every taunting push of his hips, the goopy consistency making embarrassingly loud sucking noises. Seething, you put shaking hands on his chest and pushed back to look at him imploringly.
“Hisokaaa …” You mewled, breath hitching when he brushed against the dense cluster of pulsating nerves from a different angle in this position. 
“Don’t tell me you’re ready to tap out already.” He purred and hungrily licked his lips. “That was only round one and it is my birthday, you know. That means you have to keep going until I’m satisfied.” 
You issued a frazzled groan into the statically charged air, deciding once and for all that this man was going to be the death of you. The fleeting thought that you’d die happy, at least, didn’t serve as much of a comfort.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Experiment 21 (M)
Jimin x Reader x Seokjin
Genre: Dystopic!AU, Poly!AU, Strangers to Lovers!AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Jin teaches Jimin the WORKS, Body Worship, Marking, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Impreg Kink, Cum Swallowing, Face Fucking, Multiple Orgasms, Masturbation, Fingering, Soft Dom!Jimin, Soft Dom!Jin, Doggy Style, Cream Pie
Other Warnings: Blood, Stabbing, Death Of A Super Insignificant Character
WordCount: 21.7k
A/N: The beautiful banner is from my love lady @ladyartemesia she makes such wonderful moving imagery and I’m always consistantly astounded. This idea came about because of @ppersonna, one day she said “Donna, Jin and Jimin, please.” Faithfully, I can only answer yes ma’am.
Another grandiose shout out to @ladyartemesia​ and @xjoonchildx​ for betaing everything I have so far and giving me such great feedback. I could not ask for a lovelier squad.
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Stark white. There's something about the color that makes Jimin feel so dirty as he sits down in the white chair at the white table. Maybe it was because his one piece outfit was the color of soot. Someone once told him that people called 'mechanics' in the old world wore outfits just like his. They used to have silly names scrawled in ovals over their hearts like Karl or Bubby. 
Or maybe, he felt dirty because of the handsome well put together man that sits opposite of him at the table. His grey three piece suit seems to exude richness, exude power within the small white confined room. Jimin's head dips down, eyes flitting to the table as the handsome man looks up before throwing a tablet onto the table. With a few clicks, a hologram pops up. "Jimin." The voice draws his attention back as the man in the suit puts his elbows on the table.
Clearing his throat, his fingers intertwine before placing his hands on the table. "You've done considerably well throughout this term, my little potent friend." The man's voice has a gruff backbite, one that takes Jimin by surprise as he taps his fingers to his kneecaps. It's no surprise Jimin's handler has jealousy enraptured throughout his voice. He was one of the few that were still virile after The Great End. 
The damage to cities and civilizations was catastrophic, the damage to the human body was even more so. Reproduction came few and far between, pregnancies sometimes not even completing to full term. Babies born through The Meeting weren't guaranteed to be virile later in life either, it was simply a question science couldn't answer. 
One would think the few that could reproduce would be held high in this sort of society, but alas, they were lab rats. Lab rats to be tested upon and made to reproduce without an inkling of care for the virile. Jimin's friend Namjoon once told him that they were like 'worker bees' always doing their mindless duty to perform and please without a second thought. Generations of The Fertile had passed since The Great End, the few reproductive humans left had evolved to feel no pleasure in culminating in man's greatest gift. Just simply two bodies meeting to reproduce. The male and female would house together until the female became pregnant. Upon becoming impregnated she would be taken to The Great Home, where she would live out her pregnancy amongst the other fertile women. 
"You've had six attempts this term and all six have completed with pregnancies." Jimin's handler tells him as he flicks through the women Jimin had stayed with for some time throughout the six months. Jimin gives a small nod before pulling on the fabric of his soot colored one piece. It was something of a coping mechanism for him when it was demanded of him to wear clothes. It keeps him comforted in this familiar sickly white room. "We've discovered a female who has a very strong chance of fertility and the Masters would like you to participate." 
A girl's face arrives on the hologram. She seemed quaint in Jimin's eyes. Friendly to look at. Her eyes expressed emotions he found himself feeling uncomfortable with. Clearing his throat, he leans against the table. His chest presses against the lip of the table as her hologram begins to smile. He looks up at his handler before raising an eyebrow. "Participate?" His handler chuckles quietly, a noise that makes the younger man unsteady as he shoves off of the table. 
"Recently...I shouldn't be telling you this-" His handler mumbles before looking towards the closed door, the reflection of the Peace Maker through the glass has him pressing his body closer to the stark white table, "Recently, Peace Makers went to the Ruins. In the Ruins they found documents signifying there was a very small chance of something called Heteropaternal Superfecundation." Jimin blinks at his words. 
"Heter- What?" Jimin asks as he pulls at the fabric once more. He wasn't the type to ask questions. He did as told and was perfectly happy with getting a few more food tokens after each successful reproductive attempt. "Heteropaternal Superfecundation. A set of twins fathered by two completely different males." Furrowing his eyebrows Jimin can only scoff at the notion.
It was hard enough to reproduce with a female. They want a female to drop two eggs during fertilization? That's a stretch. Jimin runs his hands over his face before looking at his handler. "You want me to mate in the presence of another male?" His handler points at him before clicking his teeth. 
"There have been twenty experiments so far, not a single woman has succeeded. But this woman-" He points to the hologram, "This woman has had two consecutive ovulations where she has produced two eggs." Jimin tilts his head before looking at her again. She has attractive lips, he finds himself noticing before looking back up. His mocha irises meeting the sky blue orbs of his handler.
"You are the most virile man in this part of the country. And this man." He flicks the screen showing a handsome man before pointing. "This is Seokjin, the most virile man from the other side of the country. The Masters would like you to try. Try and get this woman pregnant, she seems to hold high standing with them." Jimin pulls on the fabric of his one piece before sighing. A few extra food tokens certainly wouldn't hurt.
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At first, Jimin found it incredibly uncomfortable to be around so many scientists. He was taken to The Masters when he was eighteen after many series of tests. Now, he is fully comfortable standing naked in front of people without a care. Laying out on the medical table, his eyes stare up at the flecked ceiling. He shivers at the cold gloves as they prod at his skin. "Good morning." The voice is melodic, one not heard before by him. 
His head turns to the voice, the face from the hologram in the flesh as she leans against the doorway. She raises her hand before giving a gentle wave to everyone in the room. "Miss Y/N! Welcome! Please come in!" Jimin raises an eyebrow at the eager voices of the scientists. His eyebrows flicker higher as you begin to smile at them. 
You seem kind. He notices how fancy your clothes are, the fabric of your dress was not one of the matronly women he usually meets. "If you could take off your dress and lay down next to Jimin." One of the scientists relays before looking back over at him. 
Both of your eyes meet, your head tilting as you wrinkle your nose and he finds his body relaxing at your gaze. Your hands come to the zipper on the side of your gray dress before slowly pulling it down. Jimin was never one to take interest in the bodies of the females during his mating experience. His handler once told him that back in the old days before The Great End, people used to lavish on bodies for pleasure and love. A concept far beyond his comprehension. 
Stripping yourself of the dress, Jimin's eyes lazily roam your naked body. Taking note of how puffy and pretty your nipples look before looking back up at the ceiling. Pleasure and love, so far beyond his reach. Such a concept was a fairy tale in these times. Laying down on the table beside Jimin, you hold your hand out. He lifts his head before clearing his throat. "Y/N, nice to meet you." He shakes your hand briefly before jumping as the scientist presses the cold glove to his scrotum. 
"Jimin." He mumbles before closing his eyes. Jimin stayed with the females he mated with for a relatively short time. He was good at the task at hand and that was about it. He didn't need to spend time with them. He didn't 'hang out', a term his friend Yoongi once used after a three month stint with one female he mated with. Jimin never needed to get to know the woman he was staying with. It seems artifice to become friendly with someone who just won't stick around. At least the other guys of his housing block stuck around. He could afford to get comfortable with them. 
"Don't you just hate it when you get shivers during this?" You ask quietly to him as gloved hands run over your breasts. He hums gently to you and he wonders if you're nervous. Talking just to talk, to take away your fright. But, that thought gets wiped out as an alcohol pad is wiped over his inner elbow. "I hear you have a lot of success with impregnating women." You say before turning your head to him. 
You take in his handsome features. The sharpness of his jaw and how attractive his small eyes are. His nose is perfectly straight and his lips were plush and pretty. You've heard that men and women who participate in The Meeting are generally blunt and to the point. Jimin seems a bit cold but it's nothing you don't think you could get past. You weren't usually a part of something like this, this was new and something special. So, no matter how standoffish Jimin could or would get you would take it in strides. The experiment is exciting and if you could bring two new lives into this world it's worth it.
"I get extra food tokens." Jimin mumbles and you find your body going rigid at the notion. That's incredibly depressing, honestly. You didn't need to worry about things like that, you never needed food tokens and the thought makes your stomach roll. "Oh." You whisper before looking up at the ceiling.
He runs his fingers through his black hair before lifting his hips as instructed by a scientist. "Are you comfortable, Miss Y/N? The exam will go quickly and we'll get you back to your home in no time." You smile kindly at the words before nodding.
"Your home?" Jimin questions before turning his head to you. You find it awkward now, once he sees your house he'll surely hate you then. "Yes. We'll be going to my house instead of a Meeting House." You whisper to him before getting the okay to get up.
"Who are you?" He inquires before sitting up. Putting your dress on, you stare at the one sided glass opposite you. "Just Y/N." You whisper before zippering your body out of sight.
He grunts gently at the notion before hopping off of the table. "Sounds like anything but 'just.'" He mutters before putting on his one piece. 
"Well at my house you don't need food tokens, you can just be." You whisper to him before tying your hair up in a satin ribbon. The tendrils of the ribbon fall over your shoulders, the harsh fluorescent lights of the examination room highlighting your features for Jimin to see. A Peace Maker steps into the doorway and Jimin finds it hard to keep his head up as he notices the electric wand in his hand. Never used on him before and he intends to keep it that way. "Come." You tell Jimin happily before putting your hand on the Peace Maker's shoulder. 
Exiting the examination building, Jimin has a hard time keeping his eyes off of the Ruins in the far distance. The multitude of buildings that have been destroyed, toppled over one another as nature reclaims the Earth. The vines and trees that sprout amongst the rubble make him uneasy. A hand is pressed to his back before shoving him forward towards the car. You scowl at the Peace Maker before folding your arms. "Is it necessary?" You ask gently, Jimin's head snapping to your encounter with the taller man as he tilts his head. 
"I'm sorry?" He asks, the tone sending a chill down Jimin's spine as he tries to grab your arm to pull you away from confrontation. 
"You should be. I said is it necessary?" You ask once more as the car doors fly open readying itself for your entry. 
Jimin takes a sharp breath through his nose, mocha irises flitting between your form and the large man in front of you.
"I was just-" Tilting your head down, your gaze pierces the Peace Maker. Daggers of anger thrown at him with one simple look. "No Miss. Not necessary. I apologize." Jimin widens his eyes as you turn to him. Clapping your hands you smile kindly.
"Well then. Let's go." You whisper to Jimin before sitting inside the car. “Who is she?” He murmurs before bowing his head to the Peace Maker. Jimin clears his throat before awkwardly crouching to get inside of the car. Of course he has seen one before but The Fertile never get to ride in one. They have their own system of transportation, they use the underground trains. His fingertips rub at the metal band clamped onto his wrist, eyes tracing over the familiar symbol of a fish inside of a woven basket. His eyes look to your arms as the car begins to move on its own. “You don’t have a band.” He announces as you turn your head to his voice.
You smile gently before pointing at the red satin ribbon in your hair. “This is my band.” You tell him before looking out the window as the streets begin to pass you by. People dirtied with mud and dirt approach the car as it begins to slow down and you clear your throat awkwardly as you drive through the Slums. Jimin is engrossed by the sight, uncomfortably shifting on the leather seat as people knock on the windows. Their muddy knuckles leave prints on the glass. “Pouch.” You say gently before smiling as the car stops to a halt. A drawer opens beside you and your fingers dig into the velvet interior before producing coins. 
Jimin has never seen the Slums before, his handler had told him stories of the people that live here. How they starve and get sick because they have no useful talents to bring them to other more viable areas to work. He jumps, hand flying to his heart as someone knocks on the window beside him. “It’s okay.” You mumble to him before lowering your window. 
Your palm opens, the gold coins reflecting light from the sun as you smile at the people who stand before your car. He notices the coins immediately. Food tokens. Jimin tilts his head in disbelief as you hand them out. You don’t flinch or pull away as your hands become soiled with dirt, your smile stays kind. It’s almost endearing in a way. “Who are you?” He questions again as the people thank you audibly. Some women and men even sob as you nod your head to them.
“Just Y/N.” You reply again before rolling up the window. “Onward.” You say before wiping your hand on your dress, the dirt smearing over the expensive looking fabric. Jimin folds his arms, finding it almost enlightening to be in your presence. You certainly were different, certainly held some sort of high profile. Jimin suddenly wishes he would have taken those classes on history they were giving out for free a few months ago. He wishes he was a learned man. Until now, he never really felt the need to know more than was graciously given to him. Now, he wishes he understood this world and everything in it. It would make it a lot easier to see where you were coming from and just who exactly you were.
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Arriving at your house, Jimin’s eyes widen at the great stature of it. “People once called this a mansion.” You tell him as you exit the car, your feet gracefully climbing the multitude of marble steps before opening the brass double doors of your home. 
His room has exactly four walls. He had a bed, a toilet and a shelf to put trinkets and knick knacks. Some even put books on the shelf. This was grandiose and before he could find himself in wonder of the majesty of this place, anger reached him first. With a scoff he looks up at the gray painted walls, old pieces of art hang in gold frames as they litter the walls of your home. You had furniture, nice olden looking furniture with claws for feet. Everything was expensive and exuded an air he found simply debilitating. “What do you think?” You ask before your hands press to your sides.
“It’s ridiculous.” He mutters before poking a gold statue of a horse that sits upon a small table in front of your couch. You nod to him before clearing your throat. He is certainly not comfortable, that much is obvious. “I had a room made up for you, you don’t have to wear that around here if you don’t want to. I have other clothes for you that my brother gave me.” You say before pointing to the curved staircase behind you. His eyes look up at the second floor before furrowing his eyebrows. 
He was out of his depth here, simply feeling bovine in the grand amazement of this place. “Go ahead, explore if you want. Seokjin should be here soon, too. We can get to know each other.” You tell him before standing up.
He watches you ascend the stairs, leaving him to his own thoughts. He would probably need space, this is a big change for him. Jimin pulls at his one piece before looking around at the mansion. “Absolutely ridiculous.” He murmurs before narrowing his eyes at two doors on the left side of the house. 
Without a second thought he walks over to them, gripping at the gold handles before pushing the doors open. “Jeez.” He whispers before taking in the room, books line the walls in their entirety. Some books even burnt and frail looking as if they were from before The Great End. There was a desk and a leather chair behind it. Papers and books atop the cherry wood table. He closes the doors behind him before running his fingers through his hair, his eyes glancing up at the gold painted ceiling before slowly sliding down the doors. He folds his legs inward before putting his fist underneath his chin. You were someone of great importance, he finds himself thinking. 
He doesn’t know how long he sat in the library, how long his irises flitted from book to book. But, he found his anger slowly becoming replaced with wonder. He wondered just how important you were and how just being virile had brought him to this great opportunity. He began to think if he wasn’t virile would he have ended up in the Slums? Would he have been strong enough to go work in the Mines or the Dam? He guesses he’s just lucky in this way. Then he thinks of you. How gracious you are, giving him space and reading him so thoroughly. The way you gave food tokens to the poor as if it was just the right thing to do. It was a wholesome experience in this black and white world he had never experienced before. 
But, he hasn’t had many experiences before this to be fair. Jimin was bred in captivity much like every other person. He was born in The Great Home. He lived his early years in The Child Unit, undergoing tests to see what his quality of life would be if he wasn’t one of the Fertile. Upon turning eighteen he went for the test, only to find out he was one of two Fertile that were born in his year. He was then taken to the Fertile Housing Unit and lived among men, some of which became his friends. And, that was about it. It was droll and boring and he too found himself droll and boring. His handler had told him that he was a great addition to this world, so far more important than anyone else besides The Masters and yet, he found it all drivel and pointless. 
Stagnant. That was a word, Namjoon had once used to describe how Jimin felt throughout all of this. He was the learned one amongst their friends. “I should have asked him so many things.” He finds himself whispering before looking back up at the gold ceiling. 
A knock comes to the doors behind him and he’s quick to jump up before opening the doors. You stand before him, that same gentle smile on your face before leaning against the door frame. “Do you like to read?” You kindly ask him. He takes in your new clothing, something simpler than before and yet, expensive nonetheless. 
“No. I-I don’t read very often.” You hum at his words before entering the library. He watches you waltz past him, finding your strides almost endearing as you approach the large wall of books. Your fingers trail over the spines of the books before you’re pulling out a book. “Here. If you want, you can read this.” You tell him before turning to him. 
He looks at the book in your hands before tilting his head. “Society Then, Society Now?” He asks before taking the leather bound book. You nod to him before folding your arms. “It’s a good read. Who knows, you might like it.” You tell him.
He nods slowly before opening the cover. “You’re very important, aren’t you?” He asks you before putting the book to his chest. You shrug before intertwining your hands. “Someone people might say so. I don’t think of it that way. I’m just Y/N.” You whisper before hearing a knock in the distance.
“That’ll be Seokjin.” You tell him before leaving him alone in the library. He looks down at the book before running his fingertips over the inscribed letters on the cover. Maybe getting to know your mates isn't a terrible notion.
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Seokjin was cocky. Or, Jimin thinks so anyway. He was also talkative. Too much so for his liking. He arrived with a wide smile and handsome features that made Jimin feel as plain as day. Apparently people from the other side of the country don’t wear one piece outfits like here. They wear woven pants and shirts that highlight their body forms. A weird concept in Jimin’s opinion. He had taken flight to his room, to get away from the awkwardness and to honestly just change. Pulling out a white shirt and white pants, he finds it almost humorous that he looks forward to dressing in clothes that his handler would be seen in. 
His bedroom was beyond impressive. The bed alone, as it stands within four posts, looks like something from an old photo Namjoon had once shown him in a history book. The toilet was in another room, along with a shower. His own shower, he didn’t have to share with anyone else. “Amazing.” He whispers before putting on his new clothes and looking in the free standing mirror. 
A mere second and he is laying down on the bed, closing his eyes. It would seem a shame to go back to his life after experiencing this. This was too good to be true. Too suddenly wonderful and interesting. Rolling onto his side, his eyes open. His gaze passed through the window to the garden outside. Gardens were rare, fertile Earthen soil after The Great End was hard to come by. To have such a stretch of land for just a garden seems like a waste. The flowers were pretty though, it brought solace to his heart. “Jimin, dinner is here.” His head turns to the door as your knuckles rap gently against the wood. 
His housing unit had a cafeteria. Dinner was served at six on the dot, and the food tokens would provide you with food that was somewhat tasty but provided enough nutrition to get you through. Standing up off of the bed, his bare feet pad toward the door before the scent of food wafts through the air. His mouth begins to water, saliva pooling and he realizes just how famished he actually is. He catches a glimpse of you as you descend the stairs. You were graceful in everything you did it seems. 
Entering the dining room, his eyes caught sight of Seokjin. He changed as well, into something that seemed to fit him well. He was a handsome man, someone that seemed to fit a more important role than what he has been given in this life. “Sit!” You say happily before sitting down at the long table. Jimin looks over the table, his eyes widening at the great selection of food before gasping gently. His stomach grumbles and he is quick to sit beside you as you place the linen napkin over your lap.
“How am I supposed to go back to my life after I eat this?” Jin jokes and Jimin can find no humor in his question because to him it’s very serious. You snort, a gentle breathy noise that appeases Jimin’s ears. 
“We can take our time with the experiment, you know. It probably won’t happen on the first go. It was rare in the old world. It’ll be incredibly rare even more so now.” You say before cutting into your steak. 
Jimin grabs a roll of warm bread before ripping it. His eyes on your steak before swallowing gently as saliva pools. To get a piece of steak, someone must have fifty food tokens and request it a week in advance. Taehyung, Jimin’s best friend and the only other Fertile man of his year, did it once. Saved up one token from every mating for years just to be able to get it and here it was on a silver platter in the middle of the table. You look up at him before smiling gently, “Eat.” You whisper before wrinkling your nose.
With unimpressed eyes, he watches Seokjin devour the food at the table. Steak, chicken, corn, carrots. Everything he could possibly get his hands on. “Jimin.” Seokjin calls to him before wiping his mouth. Jimin looks up at him, purple tinted water in hand before sipping it. “Do you feel pleasure?” He asks the younger man as if it’s a common thing. 
Jimin opens his mouth before furrowing his eyebrows. “Pleasure? No. I-I don’t.” He murmurs, the sound of his voice travelling through the still air as Jin nods. “Me either. It’s such a shame. I know someone who does, though.” Jimin sits up straighter at his admission before setting down his roll of bread.
“Really? What do they say it’s like?” As annoying as Jimin thinks Seokjin is, this is truly interesting. 
“His name is Guk. He said he fell in love with one of his females when they were living together. It took them a few months to get pregnant. He used to feel nothing at all until he had sex with her. Now he says that it’s something euphoric. Something so beyond what we could ever hope to experience.” Seokjin says before picking up his glass of water. You raise an eyebrow as your teeth clamp down on the fork before pulling it clean out of your mouth.
“So in order to feel pleasure, you have to love the one you’re mating?” You ask him as he leans back in his chair. “That’s what Guk says. He even masterbates now.” He finishes his sentence with a whisper.
“That’s illegal.” Jimin mumbles to him across the table before picking at his roll of bread. Seokjin shrugs at him before pushing some carrots around on his plate. “He says it feels so good, he can’t help himself.” 
Jimin hums to him before tilting his head, what must pleasure be like? What must it feel like? “Sounds like bullshit to me.” You say before putting your linen napkin on the table. Jin does the same and Jimin chides himself for only eating bread and corn throughout this dinner. He should have had the steak. 
“Maybe. But, it’s something to look for.” Jin says before smiling. 
“Something to look for?” You ask gently before standing. 
“It’s boring to do the same thing over and over again without looking for a new outlook. Right, Jimin?” His head bounces up at the question before sucking a breath between his teeth. That certainly is an interesting way to look at things.
“I could see that as an interesting view.” Jimin agrees before standing up. He goes to grab his plate before your hand grazes over his. There’s something short, a feeling of warmth surging through him as he coils away from your touch in shock. You flex your hands surprised before clearing your throat. “You can leave the plate. Someone will be around to collect it.” You tell him before stepping into the living room.
“So when does the experiment begin?” Jin asks you. 
“It has already begun.” You tell him before walking out of sight. 
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Jimin’s room has no windows. Lights would go out at ten o’clock and would come on promptly at seven in the morning. He finds it difficult to fall asleep with the moon light peering through the large window by the bed. The moon was full tonight, small wisps of clouds drifting by every so often. He finds it majestic to look at. Sitting on the window sill, his fingers graze over the leather cover of the book you had given him. Opening to the first page, he rests his head back against the wall to tuck in for a read before you knock at the door.
The door creaks gently as you peak your head in, “Everything okay?” You ask him in a hushed voice. He nods to you as you enter, your satin black nightgown makes him sit up straighter as you point to the book in his lap. “Good?” You ask before sitting on the end of his bed.
“I haven’t started yet.” He admits making you smile. 
“You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. I can summarize it for you if you like.” You tell him. He finds himself smirking at your words before turning towards you, his feet landing on the wooden floor as you lean back on your hands. “You like to read, huh? You seem very learned.” You look up at the gold ceiling before giggling gently.
“I know a little about a lot.” You say with certainty before looking back at him. His smile grows wider and you tilt your head at the warmth of his smile. 
“You don’t hate me, do you?” You ask as the moon peaks out from behind a cloud. Your body becomes illuminated in it’s white light. Jimin leans his temple against the wall as he drinks you in, “No, I don’t hate you. I just find it difficult to adjust to the grandness of this place when my home is just a room.” He says to you and you fold your arms before raising an eyebrow.
“Just a room? I thought The Fertile had their own apartments. Living rooms and our own bathrooms?” You ask sincerely. You had learned from when you were little just how respected The Fertile were. How great their lives were. Jimin gives a surprised giggle at your questions. 
“We share showering rooms. Everything in our rooms is white. You get a bed, a toilet, a shelf and that’s pretty much it. We also have a clothing dispenser, we get a new one piece every day.” You widen your eyes at his admission before scoffing gently. So it was a lie?
“And your meals? Doesn’t one food token provide you with half of what we had today?” He shakes his head, eyebrows furrowing at your ridiculous words. 
“No. One food token gets you a roll of bread.” You feel embarrassment ripple over you in waves as you put your hand over your mouth. “Oh my Gosh, I’m so sorry! I was taught that...that The Fertile were held high above most others.” You tell him before sitting up straight.
He snorts at your false information before taking his head off of the wall. “Whoever taught you that was a liar. My friend Namjoon has described us like worker bees. Y’know, mindlessly droning on doing our duties without a thought or care.” You find yourself feeling unabashed horror. 
“Oh, Jimin. I-I didn’t know. I’m really sorry.” You mumble as he shakes his head. You were kind, way kinder than he gave you credit for earlier. And, genuine. “That’s okay. You didn’t know.” 
“I wondered why you weren’t eating earlier.” You whisper more to yourself than to him. He chuckles before folding his arms, “I’m definitely going to eat tomorrow. That steak looked delicious.” 
You nod fervently to him before standing, “I’ll be sure to order it. Is there anything else you want to try?” Jimin hums quizzically before snapping his fingers. “Shepards Pie! It’s worth forty food tokens. I’ve never had it before.” You feel your heart ache long and low before nodding to him. 
“Sure. Shepherds Pie it is.” He finds your face quite pretty in the moonlight. He holds up the book before wiggling it. “Thanks for letting me read this.” His voice is enwrapped with sincerity that makes you feel soft at his words.
“My library is your library.” You tell him before patting your thighs. You turn towards the door, your nightgown shifting with every step. He clears his throat, taking in the curvature of your supple backside before raising an eyebrow. Was every woman he has mated with this appealing? He can’t seem to find it within himself to agree to that question.
“Y/N.” He calls to you before running his fingers through his hair. You turn to him with a smile.
“You could teach me the contents of the book, if you like? I think it would be fun to see things from your perspective.” He says before tapping the leather cover with his finger. Your smile makes one spread on his face as well, his cheek dimpling slightly as he shrugs.
“Sure. I think that’d be fun. Tomorrow then?” You ask before opening his bedroom door.
“Tomorrow.” He whispers as you nod to him. Watching you leave he finds himself thinking of how warm your touch was earlier at dinner. How soft your fingertips were against the skin of his hand. Intriguing really.
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Jin was easier to get along with as days passed. He really wasn't so different from Jimin in all honesty. He was just trying to cope with his situation a bit differently. Although, Jimin couldn't help the twinge of ache in his heart as you smiled freely at the older man. The way your knees would knock together as he caressed your cheek bone or ran his fingers through your hair. He was far more comfortable than Jimin could ever imagine. Jimin began to look forward to late nights with you, staying up and learning about history. He had almost completely forgotten about the experiment, hanging out with you was just simply nice. 
"There used to be places where you could go and watch movies in groups. Sit in rows and eat snacks." You tell Jimin as you lay next to each other on his bed. He chuckles gently before turning his head to you. "Oh really? Next you'll tell me there were places to hear people sing." He quips to you before turning on to his side. 
Your nightgown ripples as you copy him, your hand pressing underneath your head for support. "There were! They were called concert halls." The corners of his lips quirk up, with the roll of his eyes he presses his lips together. 
"You're a know-it-all, Y/N." Your response is a giggle. Your eyes find his as the moonlight invades his now familiar bedroom. Staring at each other, hearts as light as air you find yourself clutching onto something that seems faux. Something unreal and yet, you want it.
"I don't want you to go back to your housing unit." You tell him. He takes a large inhale through his nose before laying on his back. His eyes close, brow creasing as if he’s in pain before sighing gently. “Me either.” He replies truthfully. 
He enjoyed being here, having finer things but above all he enjoyed spending time with you. And Jin, coincidentally, no matter how jealous his heart burned with acid at the mere touch of you. He became enthralled by your words, your movements. The subtle way you would cross your legs when Jin would bring up something sexual or the way you would tie up a ribbon in your hair when you read to keep it away from your eyes. He found it enrapturing to listen to your tales of how it was before The Great End, how much you knew about small things and large events. He found himself keen to be with you, wondering from time to time if Jin’s friend Guk felt this way about the mate he claimed he loved. 
“I want you to stay with me, both you and Jin. I’m so lonely here in this house.” Jimin’s head turns to you as you grasp his hand. That familiar warmth surging through his bones. His nerve endings feel aflame, goosebumps prickle his skin as he leans towards you. “The babies, if we make them. Will they be yours?” He finds himself asking.
Never one for questions, Jimin couldn’t seem to bear the idea of your children being taken away to the Children's Unit. Nodding to him, he finds himself relaxing slightly. “It wouldn’t be false to say that they would undergo testing for the rest of their lives though.” You mumble to him and his heart twangs with regret.
He’s produced many children, but this child will mean more to him that you could ever seem to realize. He’s bonded with you, grown fond of spending time together. “I don’t want you to get pregnant then.” He whispers before turning his head to look out the window. His eyes linger on the garden beside the mansion, watching the flowers sway in the night breeze. 
“I do.” You reply and he shakes his head before sighing. 
“Any memory of the both of you is worth it to me.” You tell him honestly, the surge of warmth echoing through both of you as you run your fingers up his bare arm. With a gentle gasp his head lolls back, eyes flitting to the ceiling. “You feel it don’t you? The warmth?” He nods slightly to your question. He could feel the stroke of your fingers, the energy so raw that it makes him lightheaded. 
“It feels so good.” He admits as his eyes flutter shut. 
“People before used to kiss.” You tell him as you lean your body closer to his. With a sputtering giggle he sits up, keeping your hand over his arm as you begin to smile. “Kiss, what’s that?” 
“Pressing your lips together. It was a way people showed their attraction to one another. It was pleasurable.” Raising an eyebrow he snorts. “Seems stupid.” He mumbles, his breath hitching in his throat as your eyes fall to his plush lips.
“I want to kiss you.” You mumble weakly and he licks his lips as a reaction to your admission.
“Y/N.” He whispers as you sit up, your backside falling to the balls of your feet. Your hand leaves his arm, a sudden wave of disappointment flitting through him before you caress the apple of his cheek with your thumb. He gasps gently, the warmth traveling through his skin as he leans into your touch. You lean in closer, his breath fanning over your face as he swallows nervously. “We can’t feel pleasure, Y/N. This is stupid.” He mutters out, more for himself than to you.
“Then I’m stupid.” You quip back before pressing your lips to his. It’s awkward at first, both of you having never done it before. It was wet and your teeth clashed a few times but the feeling was stupendous. His hands grip at your arms, his heart beating faster as he gasps into your mouth. Was this it? Pleasure? You read somewhere that sometimes one would even nibble on the other’s bottom lip. So you try it, earning a groan from him as he wraps his arms around you. 
“Oh my God.” He whispers against your lips before pulling you down to the mattress with him. This was it, this was pleasure. Pulling away, he presses his forehead to yours before gasping for air, the tingles that emit throughout his body make his eyes widen. “Am I stupid?” You ask before touching your lips. 
“No.” He says breathlessly, “Never.” 
Why drink water, why eat when you could kiss? It was something amazing, straight out of a fairytale. Something so potent, you both could never find a comparison. Kissing could last a lifetime, Jimin only hopes. And suddenly, he feels his pajama pants tenting as you pull away from him. His eyebrows furrow as he pulls at the crotch of his pants finding the fabric tightening. He has an erection, without the help of supplements. Clearing his throat, he tugs at the waistband before eyeing his cock. Hard at the thought of your soft skin against his. 
He rushes into the bathroom, locking the door behind him before closing his eyes as he sits on the marble bench. His hand grips at his cock, tugging once curiously before gasping at the feeling. His toes curl as his head lolls back. Eyes opening wide as his heart begins to beat harder.
He begins to stroke himself, a choked groan leaving his lips. Clasping his hand over his mouth, his eyes begin to water as precum pools at his slit. This is illegal and yet, he can’t stop. It was forbidden to waste sperm in this society. He thinks of the curvature of your ass, how soft and supple the globes of your ass would be. How pretty and puffy your nipples are and he bites down on the skin of his palm as he whimpers. Even your kiss, how soft and warm your lips are. This is euphoric, the feeling of pleasure coursing white hot through his bones as he begins to stroke his cock faster. 
“Jimin? Are you okay?” He hears you faintly through the bathroom door.
“Yes! Fine! Just a minute!” He calls out before he approaches the sink. His hard cock grazing against the cold porcelain sending a shiver down his spine as he stares at himself in the mirror. How could he feel such throes of pleasure? How did this happen? An anomaly. A complete mystery. And, he couldn’t wait to have more. 
Leaving the bathroom, Jimin looks over at the bed. His heart hammering in delight as he gazes upon your parted lips. The shallow breaths you take as you sleep soundly in his bed. His feet patter gently on the hardwood floor as he approaches his bed. Sliding underneath the covers, your body presses into his. Your leg lifts onto his as you press your face into his clothed chest. He finds it comforting, in fact. His lips press to your forehead, his body shivering at the delightful warmth before closing his eyes. Can't wait to have more, is right?
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Jimin had to undergo observation today. It was just you and Jin. Trying to teach him chess was like trying to teach a penguin to fly. "So if I move my piece here then you'll be able to check me?" He asks for the third time and you giggle before nodding. 
You've become fond of the handsome outspoken man that sits before you. He was a fun filled presence in this shit world. Tilting his head he scratches at his band on his wrist. Jimin has fish inside of a woven basket, signifying his fertility but Jin's band was different. "Your band. It's different then Jimin's." Jin follows your gaze before nodding. 
"Yeah, in my part of the country fields of wheat signify our fertility." He says before showing you his wrist. You run your thumb over the silver metal, a familiar warmth quite like with Jimin spreads through you and you find Jin smiling with ease. It doesn't seem to bother him or surprise him like it did with you and Jimin. "I feel pleasure." He whispers to you as if he's telling you a massive secret and your eyes widen. 
"You said you didn't." You whisper back and he nods at your words.
"I didn't want Jimin to feel left out." He says before running his thumb over your wrist. It would explain how comfortable he was with holding you and lavishing you with attention. 
"When did you find pleasure?" You question as he smiles at you, his handsome cheekbones bouncing up as he tilts his head.
"Maybe a year ago. With a girl I was mating with. She taught me so many things before she left." You hum to him and as your thumb passes the band once more, the metal shifts and you see black scrawling underneath the band. 
Jin clears his throat before shoving up the band, it's a simple scrawling of a braid and your eyes flit up to Jin's as he puts the band back in place. "A tattoo? Those are illegal." You tell him before leaning back in your arm chair. 
"I masterbate. That's illegal too." He quips before folding his arms. He was intriguing, almost viciously so. 
"Did you miss her? When she went to The Great Home? The girl that taught you pleasure?" Jin clears his throat at your question before sniffing gently. His eyes fall back to the chessboard as he picks up the pawn. 
"She didn't go to The Great Home. She went somewhere else." He mumbles before staring at you. Holding the chess piece up, his fingertips clasping at the base. You tilt your head in confusion as he taps his tattoo. 
"Do you know anything about the Fierce?" He asks leaning forward. That was something that was never talked about. Something that was strictly forbidden and just the mention makes you shift uncomfortably in your chair.
"No, and I don't care to." You say as he throws the pawn piece onto your lap. Jin sighs gently, his fingers card through his black hair before he hums gently. 
"They still exist, you know." Taking in a deep breath you look at the chess table, the eerie calmness of the large house makes you shift once more as you take in his words. “Jin, you really shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s not right.” You whisper as you put the pawn piece back on the chess table.
“She went Elsewhere. We got pregnant and she left for the Ruins. The Fierce live beyond, beyond the entanglement and the Ruins. They live off the land. Rebuilt old hospitals for the sick and dying, the pregnant.” You stand up at his words, chair scraping loudly against the wooden floors as you fold your arms. 
“We could go there, Y/N. All three of us, we could live Elsewhere. We could get pregnant and stay together. You said you didn’t want us to leave you and this way we won’t have to.” Jin says calmly before standing. 
Your mind was fuzzy at his words, heart beating rapidly inside your chest as he makes his accusations. “And how do you know?! How do you know that this is all true?” Your voice is filled with nervousness, your questions ending with squeak as he wraps his arms around you. The warmth fills you then, coursing through your body making your limbs feel sluggish. He shows you his tattoo underneath the band before running his lips over your forehead.
“Because I am one of the Fierce. All those people in the Slums, that you so earnestly give your food tokens to have been brought back. The Masters, they lie. The people in the Slums have been discovered when Peace Makers go out for raids. They get brought back, forced to live in dirt and grime as punishment for defying.” You shake your head, eyes welling with tears as he runs a hand over your hair.
“We can do it, Y/N. We can live Elsewhere.” He promises to you, his fingers clasp at your chin. Pulling your head up, he leans down. His plush lips press to yours and you feel the warmth slowly seep through your bones. The Masters, they lie.
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Jimin finds it uncomfortable to be in the car by himself. He wore his new clothes today instead of his one piece. He felt more confident in the body fitting wear than he cared to admit. They poked and prodded at him and he went rigid at their touch. A pair of gloved hands had run over the inner skin of his thighs and he remembers pressing his lips together trying to hold still. It was completely new. This sensation of feeling but no one should know he could feel, he would never give them the satisfaction. If the scientists found out he would be taken away. Taken away from you and he couldn’t let that happen.
He was enamoured by you. Simply in awe of your being. Muddy knuckles take him out of his reverie as people knock on the glass windows. He clears his throat awkwardly, before bringing the car to a stop. “Pouch.” He says aloud, shocked that the car obeys his orders. 
If you were here, this is something you would do. And, he wants to do right by you. Always. Without a second thought he lowers his window, hand digging into the velvet pouch before producing food tokens. He finds it jarring how far the people from the Slums dip their arms into the car, almost touching his face as he puts coins into their hands. You wouldn’t shy away from them, though. You had a sense of serenity whilst doing this task. It wasn’t like you did it for anyone but them, not even for yourself. You were so giving, beyond in ways Jimin could never imagine. Handing out the tokens, his eyes catch sight of black scrawling on all of the wrists and he tilts his head at the sight. 
“What is it?” He asks a woman who thanks him vigorously. 
“It’s Elsewhere, my dear boy.” He furrows his eyebrows at her words before rolling up his window. Elsewhere? He’s never heard of the term. 
The house was deathly quiet when Jimin arrived back. He assumed you would be in the living room but you weren’t there. Nor in the library where you found sanctuary. Jin was nowhere to be found either. It was odd. “Hello?” He calls out to the home, his echo reverberating off of the walls as he intertwined his fingers delicately in front of him. 
“Out back!” He hears Jin call, he sounded breathless and a twinge of jealousy sets into his bones. He sounds like you both have been kissing, like Jimin had done with you so many nights previously. “Foul git.” Jimin mumbles before heading to the backyard.
Setting foot in the backyard, he shys away from your gaze as Jin slings his arm over your shoulders. “Was everything okay?” You ask him as you sit down on the bench, your bare feet sweeping through blades of grass. He hums to you, eyes trying to look anywhere but you before noticing an old looking machine propped up onto the garden table. 
“Whoa.” Jimin whispers before approaching it. 
“I told you movies were real.” You quip happily as his fingers run over the olden technology. 
“How did you get one?” He asks before looking up with wide eyes. “I asked for it, so therefore I get it.” You say happily before patting the bench beside you. 
“Who are you?” He questions for what feels like the billionth time before rolling his eyes as you give the same answer as always. His feet trudge over, sitting down next to you on the large bench. You tilt your head, kissing his cheek and he feels sudden relief spread through him at the warmth of your lips. 
“People used to film themselves playing as other people, with worded prompts. It’s quite fun!” You say before intertwining your fingers with his. You grab the remote in your hand before pressing the play button. The back of the house was perfect for this and Jimin gasps gently as the wall becomes illuminated with the moving pictures. 
“It’s like a hologram.” Jin explains and Jimin nods. 
“This movie is called Titanic. It actually happened a long, long time ago.” You tell him and you find comfort as his body leans into yours as the movie begins to play.
The final credits roll and Jimin finally closes his mouth from the amazement he feels. “Wow, that was...incredible. The singing and the way those people played their parts like that. It was fantastic.” He says, noticing how hard he is clutching onto your hand. 
“And long, damn. That movie is like four thousand hours.” Jin says and Jimin finds himself smiling at his words. 
“They also made very risque movies when people felt pleasure.” He quips an eyebrow at you as you scroll through the contents. 
“Risque? Oh, pornography?” Jin asks with a laugh before holding you closer to his body. Jimin feels at a loss as you point to Jin in confirmation.
“Porn.” You say before pressing play. Jimin hums uncomfortably as a man with a pizza box knocks on a front door. 
“He’s delivering pizza?! That’s like, thirty food tokens!” Jimin says astounded and you giggle before running your thumb over the back of his hand. He chokes on his spit as a woman answers the door naked. His eyes take in her body and for the first time he finds himself stirring at the sight. She wasn’t anything compared to you though, your breasts were quite a bit more wonderful than hers and he counts himself lucky to have seen them now. Probably before Jin, and the thought sets smugness into his expression.
“Why would you order food without a way of payment?” You ask with a laugh at the ridiculousness. 
Jimin was hearing new terms to describe body parts, something about them and the actions he was watching strained his pants as an erection grew. “Pussy.” He mumbles after the man and Jin can’t help but smirk.
“I can teach you, if you like. I’ve seen pornography before.” He tells Jimin. The sudden admission makes him forget about the sexual movie as it plays on the wall. “You have?! That’s so incredible! I would love to learn… Y/N has shown me pleasure, now. I-I feel now.” Jin nods happily before tapping your thigh before standing.
“Come.” He tells the both of you before shutting off the movie and entering the house. 
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Jin’s bedroom is quite like Jimin's, he notices as Jin sits down on his bed. Leaning against the doorframe, you raise an eyebrow as Jin leans back on his hands. “I lied to you, Jimin. And, I’m sorry for that.” Jin tells him. 
“Lied? About what?” He asks gently as you sigh gently. 
“I feel pleasure. I lied to you about it because I didn’t want you to feel lonely.” He says quietly. Jimin can’t say he’s angry at this. If anything it seems nice of him to try to make Jimin comfortable, he wasn’t so bad really. “That’s alright, I can experience it now.” 
Jin nods to him before looking at you, “Come, baby.” The pet name was new, something heard from the pornography you three had just watched. You knew it was supposed to be a joke but something inside of you stirs at the simple word.
Jimin sits down on the bench at the foot of the bed as you approach the both of them. “Have you mated before Y/N?” You shake your head to Jin’s question and he nods slowly. 
“Alright. Would you feel uncomfortable getting naked for us?” He asks as he reaches for your hand. His thumb swiping comfortable strokes over your skin as you swallow thickly. You certainly weren’t uncomfortable with the idea, society had taught you that bodies were just bodies but now with the surge of new found pleasure coursing through your bones it was an absolutely titillating suggestion. 
“No. I wouldn’t be uncomfortable.” You whisper and Jin smiles at your words. 
“Go on then.” Jimin sits up straighter as your hands reach for the side of your dress. The ribbon comes undone and you squirm gently as the fabric becomes slack. 
"So pretty." Jin comments as your collarbones come into view. His praise strengthens your resolve and you showly shrug the dress off of your shoulders. Jimin takes a deep breath through his nose. The lacy underwear that adorns your body is so arousing to both men in front of you and Jimin suddenly wonders how he's never felt this before. He shifts on the bench as Jin lowly whistles. "You're beautiful." 
Jimin wishes he knew romantic things to say like that. He wishes he had experience in pleasure before this to truly understand how to get the most out of it. Your hands reach around your back before Jin shakes his head to you. "Come." He stands off of the bed, running his hands over the sheets.
You lay down on the bed, Jin kneeling to one side of you before instructing Jimin to do so. “Nipples and the vagina feel the most pleasurable to a woman, but there are other things too.” He tells Jimin before helping you sit up. He guides Jimin’s hands around your chest and he chokes on a gasp at the warmth of you. 
“Unhooking a bra is fundamental. Step one.” He whispers before pushing some stray hairs behind your ear. 
“When do you ovulate?” Jin asks as he brushes his lips over the apple of your cheek. “Next week.” He nods gently before pulling away.
“There’s little to no risk of her getting pregnant today, so we can just enjoy each other's company.” He whispers as your nipples begin to harden and strain against the lacy fabric of your bra.
“This is illegal.” Jimin reminds the both of you as he struggles to unlatch your bra. Jin chuckles quietly as his lips roam over your neck, licking small circles over the heating skin. You find yourself moaning, a sound that sets Jimin rigid as he finds it even harder to focus on the task at hand. “Not everything illegal, is bad my friend.” Jin whispers before suckling at your neck. 
Finally your bra becomes loose and Jimin sighs happily as he lays you back down gently. Jin pulls the fabric away from you before cooing at your hard nipples. "Baby girl likes it." He mumbles before looking up at Jimin with a glint of deviousness. 
Your nipples are pretty, Jimin finds himself thinking and without thought his hands reach out before recoiling. "It's alright. I want you to touch me." You tell him, feeling liquid arousal pool within you. You've never felt this before, this sudden urge and yearning. Feeling like a live wire waiting for a sudden spark. 
Jin nods to Jimin before leaning back into your neck. The younger man takes into account how your face distorts with pleasure, quite like the woman in that pornographily you had just watched. He watches Jin pluck at the soft skin of your neck, and he finds his hand absentmindedly reaching for his throbbing cock. "Touching yourself is okay, Jimin. It feels great." He whispers before running his fingertips over your bare stomach. Jimin finds it odd how well Jin controls himself, how his need for pleasure doesn't supersede the need to please you. 
"Instead of touching yourself, you can touch Y/N. You can show her how much you want her and it makes your orgasm more worthwhile." Jin instructs before pinning your writhing hips to the bed. Jimin listens, his hands press against your breasts before squeezing gently. Your moan goads him on, feeling powerful that he has made you react in such a way.
His thumbs brush against your hardened nipples and the sob of pleasure you let out makes him recoil quickly. "I'm sorry!" He says confused, simply out of touch with what he should be doing.
"That's okay. You liked it, didn't you sweetheart?" Jin mumbles as his lips trail to the shell of your ear. You nod fervently, body beginning to shake like a leaf as you whimper. 
"She's such a good girl. Go on, Jimin. Touch her pretty tits again." Jimin takes a sharp inhale, his eyes snapping to the older man as such filthy words leave his lips as if this is an everyday thing. "This time why don't you try pinching and rolling them gently." He suggests as he pins you down to the bed harder.
"But… These feed our babies… What if I hurt her?" Jimin asks, carding his fingers through his hair.
"You won't. Don't worry. Just try it, I'm sure our pretty girl will adore it." Jin pulls you into a kiss, the feeling sending you reeling for more as Jimin grabs a hold of your breasts once more. 
He pinches your nipples gently between his fingertips, rolling them for good measure like Jin had told him. The moan you elicit, has his nostrils flaring as his hips rut into the air. He can feel precum leak from his throbbing cock. "When she moans like that, you can kiss her nicely. You want her to feel good. You can even run your tongue over hers. Like this." Jin thrusts his tongue into your mouth, your back arching as your wet muscles slide over one anothers. You grip at his hair pulling him closer to you on instinct and he hums into your mouth.
"That's it. Good girl, baby." You whimper at his praise, head lolling back as his lips caress your skin again. "You can suckle on her skin, that feels good too. But, if you want to leave your marks you leave them where Peace Makers can't see them. They've been trained to look for such things." Jimin finds all of this information wildly fascinating and he has so many questions for the older man beside him but that goes out the window as Jin ghosts his fingers over your pubic bone. 
"Suckle her nipples." He instructs Jimin, earning furrowed eyebrows. 
"What, like a baby?" He asks confused. Jin gently pushes his hand away from her right breast before bowing down. "Not quite." 
His tongue peeks out and Jimin sits on the balls of his feet as he watches with enraptured eyes. Flicking your nipple with the tip of his tongue, his thumbs caress your hip bones as your back bows off of the bed. Your mind is foggy with lust as you grip at his wide shoulders. Jimin takes the lesson in, hand absentmindedly stroking his cock through his pants as Jin's lips encircle your nipple. He sucks gently, a choked moan starling Jimin as he watches your cheeks tinge pink with pleasure. 
You were beautiful, simply gorgeous and he finds his heart swelling as you whimper Jin's name. But, he wants his name to fall from your lips. He wants you to call out to him in your throes of pleasure. Abandoning his cock. His head bows down as Jin lifts up. "That's it." He mumbles as he runs his thumb over your jaw. 
Jimin flicks at your nipple gently, eyes on your face as you moan in unabashed pleasure. He suckles sweetly, trying to gauge how to get his name from you. Suckling harder, he groans against you as he finally hears it. He wants more, so much more.
Without a second though, his hands fly to his waistband about to pull down his pants. Jin chuckles good naturedly before tapping his shoulder. "Your time will come. Don't worry. Baby, can I take off your panties? I think you've soaked them through." You furrow your eyebrows before sitting up on your elbows. Lifting your hips, he pulls your panties from your sodden core. Strings of arousal cling to them before breaking and sticking to your inner thighs. "What is it?" Jimin asks aloud. 
They were given lube for mating. The men took supplements to get an erection and would lube their cocks before rutting until completion. "It's natural lube. Baby girl produces it herself when she wants to be fucked." You widen your eyes at his words before he taps your knees. 
"Spread wide for me, sweetheart." You do as told, enraptured with how wet you are and you gasp gently as Jin splays his fingers in a V motion before spreading your pussy lips. "Look at how wet she is. Does it hurt, baby?" His voice is gentle as he licks his lips. 
"Yes." You reply honestly, you could feel your core throbbing with wanting as he nods. "This is her clit-"
"I know what a clitoris is. It's useless." Jimin mumbles, his cheeks flaring at Jin's words. Jin clicks his teeth before wagging his finger from side to side. "When you don't feel pleasure, it's useless. Look how swollen it is. You can see it throbbing. Her body wants you to touch it." Jin mumbles, before tugging at the crotch of his pants as his erection pressed against the confines of the fabric. 
He holds up his hand before gathering some of your spilt arousal on his two fingers. He looks up at you, your eyes connecting before he touches his fingers to your clit. Your body shakes, arms falling out beneath you as you moan loudly. The loud noise makes Jimin gasp as Jin rubs smooth circles on your throbbing bud. "Baby, you have to be a bit quieter. Okay? Other people don't know what pleasure is like. They might think we're hurting you." He tells you and you clamp your hand over your mouth as you release a shaky breath. 
"Fuck." Jimin curses at how attractive the sight is before him. 
"Lick it." Jin instructs him before running his fingers over your inner thighs. 
"Lick her clit?" Jimin asks as he kneels between your legs. 
"Yeah, lick it. It tastes good. Feels good to get her thrashing beneath you." Watching the handsome man bend down between your legs is so erotic, your eyes widen at the notion of his tongue on you. "I'm going to hold your hips down, sweetheart. You're going to move quite a bit." Jin tells you as he places his hands on your hips.
Jimin's tongue hangs loose, the scent of your arousal wafting through his nose. He groans at the delicious smell, his eyes widening as he gives a flat stripe to your sex. You whimper loudly into your palm as your eyes begin to brim with tears. "Your pussy is so pretty, baby." Jin coos to you as you clamp your hand tighter over your mouth. 
Jimin gives a kitten lick to your clit before looking up at Jin as you writhe underneath his grasp. He winks at the younger man and Jimin does it once more for good measure. Your arousal was thick and sweet on his tongue. The taste driving him mad as he ruts his hard cock against the mattress to take off some of the edge. “Tastes good?” Jimin moans in response as he licks another flat stripe over you.
“Suckle her clit.” Jin whispers before bending down and moving your hand. He kisses you with furious need, his tongue roaming over yours as Jimin begins to suckle gently on your clit. You moan loudly into his mouth, thighs beginning to tremble as Jimin suckles harder. You feel your channel beginning to clench around nothingness, stomach tightening as you grasp onto Jin’s shoulders once more. 
“Put a finger in her pussy.” He instructs quickly as he pulls away. You whimper out, eyes screwing shut as white hot pleasure courses through you. “I-In?” Jimin asks loudly.
Jin pushes him over before running his finger around the tight ring of virgin muscle. “She’s so fucking wet.” He whispers more to himself then to his younger counterpart. He presses his finger to your sex, your muscle swallowing him greedily and he lets out a choked chuckle at your tightness. 
“Oh, sweetheart, your pussy is so tight.” He enters his finger in slowly, your hips lifting off of the bed for more as your body careens towards the precipice of pleasure. “She has a spot inside of her, that if you stroke it nicely she gets great pleasure from.” 
Jimin hums, distracted by how sweet you taste. His eyes on your pleasured face as he licks faster against your clit. He wants to see you reach the peak. He wants you to fall into utter bliss beneath his ministrations. Jin curls his finger upward before finding the soft patch of muscles within you. Your legs lock, toes curling as tears roll down your cheeks. “Good girl.” Jin praises as you clamp your hand over your mouth.
With a loud, long moan your pussy convulses around his finger. Your vision goes white behind your eyelids as you whimper loudly. You feel euphoric, completely and utterly blissed out as you sob. “There. Good job, baby.” Jin whispers before kissing over your thigh. 
Jimin sits up watching your cunt try to milk Jin’s finger and he swallows thickly as his cock throbs within his pants. “Come back down to us.” He whispers before pulling out of you slowly. Your breath is ragged as you lift your head sluggishly. 
“I’m going to teach you how to please us with your mouth now, okay sweetheart?” Jimin furrows his eyebrows in surprise and you nod willingly before sitting up. 
“I’m going to show you on my cock and then Jimin is going to take your pussy. Does that sound good?” He asks before putting his finger in his mouth, groaning gently at your taste. You just felt the most phenomenal pleasure and you couldn’t wait for more. You nod vigorously to Jin and he gives you a sweet smile before helping you sit up. 
Jimin sits back on his heels as Jin tugs down his pants to his knees. Your eyes widen at his large size. You could never have expected to see him this big. Long and thick, rosy colored veins greet your eyes and you whimper at the sight. His bulbous head was an angry shade of red and the precum that pools at his slit makes your mouth water as it slaps against his shirt. He strips himself of the fabric before smirking. 
He knew what he packed but to see you ogle it makes him that much more impressed with himself. Your eyes coast over his golden skin, the way small abs present themself with every deep breath he takes. He was truly handsome, and all yours now that you think about it. “Come.” He whispers before holding his hand out. 
Grasping your wrist, he presses your hand to his cock before shuddering slightly at your warm touch. “Grip it.” He instructs and you do so willingly. The sight so arousing Jimin finds himself whimpering beside you both. 
“Take out your cock, Jimin. It’s okay.” Jin whispers before his eyes flutter shut as you stroke him once for good measure. Feeling every contour and muscle underneath his smooth skin as you watch precum lazily traipse down his length. 
Jimin pulls down his pants, slipping off his shirt a moment after and you take a second to take him in too. His cock was almost as big as Jin’s maybe an inch or so shorter but he was thicker, so thick you wouldn’t be able to wrap your hand around it and touch your thumb to your index finger. “Oh Christ.” You mumble before licking your lips. Eyes glazing over Jimin’s eight pack you feel Jin’s finger tap delicately on your cheek. 
“Right here, sweetheart. Let me teach you.” You look back over, eyes lingering for a second as Jimin’s cock twitches underneath your gaze before giving Jin your attention. “Lick the head.” He instructs before grabbing your hair away from your face.
With a whimper your head bows down, you give a test lick only to hear him gasp through clenched teeth above you. Your thighs press together at the noise, wanting rekindling within you. You lick at his precum, curious of the taste before moaning. He was thick on your tongue, the salty musk enrapturing your taste buds as your eyes widened. “Taste good?” He asks, running his thumb over your collarbone. 
You hum in response as you lick at more as it pools mercilessly. “Good. Some women don’t like it.” He tells Jimin who can’t seem to hear him as his heart beat fills his ears. He grunts gently at the arousing sight. Cock throbbing for release as he watches you. "Swirl the head with your tongue." Jin whispers gently, his hand grasping tighter at your hair as he waits.
You do as told, earning a gentle moan from him and as if on instinct you do it once more before bobbing your head down. He moans loudly then, head lolling back as he curses. "Fuck! Good girl, just like that!" You whimper at the heaviness of his cock on your tongue. You can feel the warmth of his precum coat your mouth as you begin to bob your head over his long length. Whatever couldn't fit was diligently stroked within your grasp. "Ah, s-shit! You sure you haven't d-done this before? Fuck!" He whines and a smile spreads over your lips knowing your pleasing him so well. 
"When she's- fuck- she's sucking your cock you can pinch and roll her nipples like before." Jin tells Jimin before doing so. You moan at his touch, the vibrations of your mouth have his hips thrusting towards you. You gag gently, eyes watering with tears as you whimper. "Aren't you hurting her?" Jimin asks as he wipes stray tears from your cheeks.
"Am I hurting you, baby?" Jin asks delicately as he rolls your nipples lovingly. You shake your head slightly and your tongue licks over his base feeling power surge within you. 
"Oh shit! Good girl!" He mumbles through clenched teeth. Saliva and precum dribble from your mouth, gliding over your chin and Jimin can't take much more. His hand grips at his cock, gasping at the pleasure as he strokes himself. "Stop. Save it for her pretty pussy." Jin finds it within himself to warn Jimin. 
With a huff, he lets his cock go before the older man grips at your head. "I'm going to fuck your face. Tap my thigh if you understand." You tap repeatedly, wanting to feel whatever he gives you. "Sheathe your teeth as best you can." He tells you before thrusting his cock into your mouth. 
You whimper at the action, gasping for air as he grits his teeth. Your eyes meet his, his pupils blown out as he purchases his plush bottom lip between his teeth. "Fuck! You're so good at this! So pretty letting me rut inside of your little mouth." He murmurs and you feel your pussy begin to clench around nothing once more as you feel his cock grow thicker and longer within your mouth. 
"Play with her beautiful nipples, Jimin. Please our girl." He whispers before groaning. Jimin presses his chest to your back, hands reaching around your chest to pluck at your nipples delicately. Whimpering and moaning underneath his ministrations, you find it wildly difficult to concentrate on just about anything. 
"Feel my cock throbbing?" Jin asks you as he runs his thumb over your cheekbone. You whimper in response to him before feeling Jimin's cock glide through your soaked thighs. He moans loudly, pressing his forehead to the back of your head. "I'm going to orgasm for you, sweetheart. Do you want to taste my cum?" You moan loudly in response, so curious to know what it must be like.
Jimin knocks your knees open with his own, primal wanting taking over him as he grazes your shoulder with his plush lips. He runs his cock through your soaked folds. The bulbous head of his cock, dragging deliciously against your clit with each rut. "Y/N. Fuck. I'm cumming, baby." Jin announces as he grips your head harder.
His thrusts become uneven, eyes rolling back in his head as he stills within your mouth. His cock erupts, ropes of warm cum coat your mouth and tongue. You take a deep breath through your nose before swallowing diligently. He moans loudly, hand clamping over his mouth as his body shakes with pleasure. Jimin's eyes are enraptured by the sight, simply yearning for more as he gathers your arousal on his cock. "Wow. Fuck, that was incredible. Thank you, baby." Jin whispers before pulling his softening cock from your mouth. 
He takes notice of how Jimin ruts between your legs before raising his eyebrows. "Lay down for Jimin, baby. He needs some serious relief." Jimin groans at the loss of your heat before spreading your legs and situating himself between them. He was no stranger to this part, he was quite good stamina wise.
He grips at his cock before lining up to your entrance only to have a hand placed on his shoulder. "This is going to hurt her, you'll want to be gentle." He cocks his head to the side.
"I've taken a virginity before. She didn't feel pain." He tells Jin curiously as he lays down beside you. 
"This is different now, she might bleed. You have to be gentle." Jimin nods, not seeing the point in going back and forth. Jin clearly knew so much more than him. 
Jimin's eyes meet yours before softening. You were so beautiful. Truly. "Are you ready?" He asks quietly. 
"Ready." You reply, your hips wiggling with excitement and he can only smile at your earnestness. He prods at your entrance, eyebrows furrowing at how tight your virgin hole is. You grit your teeth as he begins to stretch you. It surely is painful. You gasp with a groan before Jin's lips press to your neck. "Shhh. It's okay, baby. You're okay." Jin whispers before suckling at the skin.
"I'm sorry." Jimin finds himself saying before inching more of himself inside. He moans loudly at your warm, tight channel. Your muscles simply refuse to stretch for him. He bows down as he enters himself to the hilt, his lips suck at your nipples to try and ebb the pain away. "Think about how nice this will be when you're ovulating, hmm? How nice it will be when we get you big and pregnant for us." You whimper at Jin's words as he ghosts his hand over your empty womb.
"How pretty you'll look swollen with our children inside of you. Taking care of them like a good mommy." Jimin feels your cunt relax around him and he gives a small thrust to test it. You both moan, his forehead faltering to the valley of your breasts. His arms shake as he holds himself up. Never before has he felt this euphoria course through him. He whimpers your name gently and you take a small gasp at how loving your name is said upon his lips. "You feel so good. So beautiful." Jimin whispers before kissing over your breasts as he begins a slow pace. You can only moan for him, legs wrapping around his waist as he ruts himself inside of you.
"Fuck! Jimin!" He lifts up only to press his lips to yours. Pleasure was one thing but he feels his heart strings tugging as you moan his name. He can feel this overwhelming surge of emotion take over him as he begins to fuck you faster. Jin's fingertips roll your nipples between then as you lift your hips to each thrust. Moaning loudly into each other's mouths, you run your tongue over his and his hand clamps around the back of your head. His thumb leaves loving strokes against your temple as he gasps into your mouth. He's felt his cock throb for release before but it was always a dull, unpleasurable feeling. Now, he can't help the way his thighs tremble with excitement as your pussy begins to clutch around his. 
"Rub her clit so she'll orgasm on your cock." Jin instructs before pinching your nipples harder. Jimin finds it a shame to let your head go from his grasp but he takes pleasure in seeing your back bow as he rubs circles on your clit.
"J-Jimin! Yes! Please, more!" You gasp out as he groans for you. Using the last bit of strength, he bulldozes himself inside of you. Feeling your velvet walls fucked open by his thick cock. He can feel your cervix folds with every thrust, he wants to get his cum deep inside your womb. "Fuck! Fuck! Y/N!" He cries out as Jin clamps his hands over both of your mouths. You reach climax first, your pussy milking Jimin for his cum as white noise fills your ears. 
"So tight! Fuck!" He whines against Jin's hand as his body falls over yours. He feels it then, his cock growing thicker as pleasure freezes him still. He ruts gently as he moans your name, tears spilling over his cheeks as his cum paints the walls of your cunt. You gasp gently at the warmth as it spreads through you. You sob with the aftershocks of pleasure as Jimin wraps his arms around you. Burying your face into his neck, you kiss over his sweat sheened skin. His eyes meet yours and you both smile at each other. 
You kiss his plush lips before turning your head to Jin. "I want to go Elsewhere." You whisper to him and a smile spreads widely on his face before kissing you deeply. 
"Anywhere you want to go, we will take you." Jim mumbles against your lips before looking at Jimin.
"You'll do it, won't you? We'll get her pregnant and get away. Where we can be a family?" Jin asks the younger man. Jimin pulls out of you gently before pressing his lips into a straight line. He's never been one to want anything, always simply going along with what has been given to him. But now, he can feel. He no longer wanted to be stagnant. He wanted you, and he never wants to let that go.
"Yes. I will go Elsewhere." He says before chuckling as you tackle him into a hug.
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Going Elsewhere was not as easy as it seems apparently, there was a lot to do in very little time. It was a stretch to say the experiment would work immediately but you needed to be ready to leave in two weeks time. Just in case. You had taken the boys to every appointment you had, just to be able to drive through the Slums. Seokjin would show his tattoo to the men and women that would approach the car and he would talk to them. Asking news of where the Fierce leave from in order to make their way to the Ruins. You began ordering extra water and things of that nature to store in the house for when you were meant to leave. Jin would roll down the car window, handing food tokens for extra information before receiving a very dirtied piece of parchment that has directions on how to escape. There was a wall, slightly broken and unelectrified from a previous engagement with Peace Makers that you could scale to get away. It was risky, dangerous even as the wall stood ten feet tall but you three had agreed to do it. Although, Jimin felt it necessary to always interject his worries. 
"What about the babies. If she falls, they could get hurt." He whispers aloud as you all eat dinner. You have gotten so close lately. Jimin even found himself admiring the older man to his left instead of the burning jealousy he once felt for him. "We won't let them get hurt, Chim. Don't worry. The babies and Y/N will be safe. I promise you." Jin says before putting his hand over Jimin's. He nods to the older man before eating a piece of his steak.
You look up at them both, pressing the linen napkin to your lips your head tilts. So fond of these men in your home. So loving in nature they are for you and you finally think it's time to tell them. "I have something I want to say." You whisper before sipping the purple tinted water as they look over at you. 
They give you their undivided attention, putting down their utensils and all as they smile at you. It makes you nervous in a way. What if they come to hate you because of your admission? You clear your throat before leaning back in your chair. "Jimin always asks me who I am and I always reply that I'm just Y/N but that isn't true now is it?" You ask before looking between both of the handsome men as they raise their eyebrows. "I get everything I want and...do whatever I please because...I'm...well...I'm…" You take a deep breath before giving a nervous giggle. 
"We love you anyway. You don't have to tell us." Jimin whispers and your heart leaps into your throat at his words. He was the one that always asked you and now it was suddenly okay? They would always wonder and it isn't fair. Not really.
"I'm the Head Masters daughter." Your words tumble past your lips so fast you aren't sure if they even heard you. Jin hums before nodding. "Wow." Jimin mumbles before scratching the top of his head.
"I just...thought you should know. Sin-since I was keeping this from you." You whisper before looking down at your lap. 
"Hey. Hey." Jin whispers before grabbing your hand over the table. "This doesn't change a thing. Does it, Jimin?" Jimin shakes his head quickly before grabbing your other hand.
"We so earnestly love you. This changes nothing. We'll just have to be more careful when leaving. When we get Elsewhere you won't be anyone's daughter. You'll be a wife and a mother. That's all. Hmm?" Jin kisses your hand before looking into your eyes.
"He lied. He taught me all wrong information and kept me here away from everyone else. To protect me." Jimin nods at your words before clicking his teeth.
"Guess we'll just tell our own kids the truth then, won't we babe?" You nod at his words before he kisses your temple. 
"That's all. See. Nothing to it. Love is stronger than lies that generations before us have built." Jin mumbles before standing. You nod slowly before feeling a weight lift off of your chest as he rounds the table. "Come Jimin. Let's show our girl how much we love her."
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Today was the day, climbing into the car your knees bounce as the two men you have grown to love sit opposite of you in the car. "Two eggs. It's incredible." Jimin whispers before looking at the document on his lap. He's gotten comfortable with the idea of becoming a father. Loving this child unconditionally with you and Jin by his side. 
"Do you want to go first when we get back? You can't seem to keep your hands off our pretty girl." Jin says with a laugh as Jimin rakes his thumb over your bare knee. Jimin notices this before chuckling to himself. He doesn't pull away however, if anything he leans forward more as he looks up at you. His small eyes wrinkling with happiness before the car comes to a halt at the Slums. 
Jin leans past Jimin, lowering the window before giving out food tokens to the Fierce who have been reclaimed by this dreadful society. "May the Mother deliver you Elsewhere." A woman says to Jin who replies back with the same words before closing the window.
"The Mother?" You ask as the car continues to push on. 
"Mother Earth. The infinite mother who will always reclaim what has been stolen from her." He says before pointing at the Ruins in the distance. Your eyes focus on the ivy that crawls up rubble and abandoned buildings before nodding. Jin is wise. Wise, indeed. 
Jimin looks between the both of you before clearing his throat, "What happens if Y/N only gets pregnant with one child? Or perhaps gets a set of twins from just one of us?" He asks gently. Jin looks at him before slinging his arm over the younger man's shoulder. 
"Then we'll continue to try. Again and again for years to come until we die of old age." He jeers making Jimin laugh before nodding. To think of a future with just these two men that you love, without having to be alone anymore it's far greater than any gift you could ever receive.
Entering the house, as soon as the doors close from public eyes you are swept off your feet by Jimin as he presses a passionate kiss to your lips. "Hi beautiful." He whispers before ascending the stairs as you giggle.
With Jin hot on your trail you find it oddly satisfying to know that you could possibly be with child from the both of them by the end of the night. He gives you a smirk as Jimin kicks the door of your bedroom open with his foot. "I'm so excited." Jimin whispers, earning a laugh from Jin. 
"We see." He replies, finger pointing at Jimin's pants before kneeling beside you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It is with this kiss, that your hips lift off of the bed. Jimin's fingers slowly undo the belt that keeps it wrapped at your side. His hands push at the fabric, warmth radiating from his touch as he drifts over your stomach. “So pretty.” Jin whispers against your lips.
His touch is gentle as he lifts you up, undoing your bra in a quick fashion that makes Jimin practically sulk. Even with all the practice these past days, he wasn’t as skilled at the task like the older man. “Are you excited, sweetheart?” Jin asks peeling away the bra to reveal your hard nipples. 
With a whimper you nod, arousal unfurling within you. “That’s our girl. Excited to get pregnant for us, hmm? Get swollen with our children and show us how fertile your womb is.” Jimin licks at his plush lips before tapping your hip. You lift at his command, his fingers hooking into the sides of your panties before slowly peeling them down. He never gets tired of seeing your natural lubricant. Never gets tired of the taste or the sweet scent. It was perfect. 
He spreads your legs as Jin suckles red and pink marks to the skin of your breasts. His arms enwrap you as your back bows off of the bed, panting and begging for more. Jimin spreads your pussy lips, finding it pretty how your clit becomes swollen with need. "Your pussy is so swollen, baby. You want our babies that badly?" You whimper loudly. He's gotten much more comfortable with speaking such words, words that have you completely undone within a matter of seconds. 
He licks a flat stripe up your sex, watching your body sag into the mattress as you grab onto Jin's arms. "So wet." He mumbles before his lips attach to your clit. Suckling gently, his arms wrap around your thighs as you writhe beneath him. 
Fuck food tokens, this was the only thing he cared to eat for the remainder of his days. "Such a good girl you are." Jin whispers before abandoning your breast to give love to the other. 
"Chim eats your pussy so well, doesn't he sweetheart?" Jin mumbles against your nipple as you beg for more. Jimin hums in response, letting go of one leg to prod two fingers at your weeping cunt. He found the golden spot not long after Jin had taught him where it was, he was getting quite good at pleasing you. So much so that Jin kept telling him how arrogant he was becoming. 
"Behave." Jimin chides you before entering his fingers inside of you. Moaning gently you whisper his name, fueling his deepest desires as he curls his fingers upward to the soft muscle patch inside of you. "Your breasts are going to be so beautiful full of milk for our children." Jimin closes his eyes at Jin's words. Groaning at the thought, he suckles harshly against your clit. Fingertips dragging quickly against the spot inside of you, he relishes at how your thighs clench around him. "That's right, beautiful. Cum for me." Jimin whispers before rubbing smooth circles on your bundle of nerves. 
"Oh fuck! Fuck! Jimin!" You whine loudly as Jin presses his lips to yours. You moan loudly into his mouth as Jimin continues his ministrations against your pussy. You feel the now familiar bubbling within you, raring to let go. Rolling and pinching your nipples, Jin goads you towards your release before pulling away from your lips. "Cum for Chim and we'll put our babies inside of you, sweetheart." Your mind becomes foggy, eyes squeezing shut as Jimin fucks you quickly with his fingers. 
He can feel your pussy begin to pulse around his fingers, and he lets out a wanton moan as your legs clamp around him tighter. "That's it, beautiful." 
"Cum." It comes out as almost a growl from Jimin before you're submitting to his word. White noise fills your ears as you moan loudly. "Good girl, sweetheart." 
A flush of wetness leaves your sopping cunt and Jimin gasps gently before looking up at the older man beside him. Your hips wiggle and they watch you ride out your high. “I’ve heard people say that women can do such a thing. I’ve never seen it before.” Jin mutters out before bending down to kiss you. 
Jimin watches as your tongues swipe over one anothers. Watching how your hips lift at the arousing act. He strips himself of his pants before hissing as he grasps his cock in hand. He still hasn’t been able to keep his desires quite at bay like Jin but he’s definitely getting better. He finds comfort in seeing you so pleased beneath the both of them. Spreading your legs, he taps the head of his cock to your clit just to watch you whimper into Jin’s mouth. “Eyes right here, babe. Let’s go.” Jimin whispers before running his hands over your thighs.
The warmth that creeps through his body, the tingling of fervent needs sets his mind aflame with passion. He watches as Jin pulls away from you slowly, strings of spit clinging to both of your lips as he trails his thumb over your bottom lip. Prodding the head of his cock to your entrance, he shivers as your heat seeps into his bones. He enters you slowly, both of your mouths opening wide as you groan. He was so thick, stretching your needy cunt so well.
“You’re so wet, baby. Fuck.” He whispers before leaning down, his lips encircling your peaked nipples before whimpering. Thrusting in slowly, he savors the way your cunt clutches around him. Begging his cock to get you full of his cum. He sheathes himself to the hilt in your warm, his eyelids fluttering shut at the softness of your cervix folds. “So fertile for my child. So ready to become the mother of my baby.” He whispers above your breast before his eyes meet yours. 
His blown out irises show emotions he never thought he could have. Love. Passion. Pleasure. You’ve taught him so much in such a short time and he would never have to leave you again for a second. “You’ve taught me what love is, what love can be.” He whispers before pressing his plush lips to yours. Jin watches on, heart swelling as he smiles at the sight before him.
He pulls out of you slowly, taking pleasure in the moan you give as he pries your pussy open. “Look at that.” Jin whispers to himself before taking off his own pants. Snapping his hips hard, Jimin thrusts back inside of you before burying his face into your neck. “Going to look so beautiful full of our children. So big and round. Shit.” He whispers into the crook of your neck as his thighs shake with tremors of unabashed pleasure.
“Your pussy is so needy for it, so needy for my cum. Isn’t it baby?” Your back bows off the bed as he begins to pick up his pace. Bulldozing you deeper into the mattress as he moans your name. “I want it! I want your cum deep inside me! Want your babies!” You choke out as you run your fingers through his hair.
“Spread your legs wider sweetheart, take his cock deep in your needy cunt.” Jin whispers as he strokes himself gently to take some of the edge off. Doing as told, your legs butterfly open wider. “Press her knees to her chest.” Jin instructs Jimin.
Jimin’s hands grip at your knees as he pushes them to your breasts, eyes faltering to the sight of his cock disappearing quickly into your pussy. His thighs were so wet with your arousal, the delicious squelching echoing throughout the master bedroom as his eyes screw shut. Jin’s fingers begin to rub circles on your clit, watching as you whimper out the younger man’s name. “Fuck, you’re going to be a good girl and take it. Isn’t that right? You’re going to take my cum deep into your pussy and give me what’s mine. Give me my child.” Jimin mumbles as he runs his fingers through his hair, sweat gracing his golden abs as he forces his thick cock deeper inside of you. He can feel the barrier of your soft cervix and he grits his teeth as every thrust meets it. 
The pleasure builds within you, your hips lift higher as Jimin whispers your name like an ardent poem on his lips. The new angle has Jin’s hand clamping over your mouth as you sob loudly for him. Your body shakes like a leaf as every thrust brushes against the soft muscle within you. Your eyes become spotty, ears becoming dull to everything else as Jin rubs quicker circles on your clit. “I love you. I love you.” Jimin moans like a prayer as he grips at your hips. 
He could feel his balls tightening, his pleasure coming to the precipice. “Oh shit. You’re such a good girl! So ours. Fuck, baby! I’m going to cum! Going to put my child in you! Fuck!” He whines loudly as you grip at the sheets beside you, knuckles going white as your back bows off the bed. 
The pressure within you is intense, so much so you find yourself drooling and babbling against Jin’s hand as he whispers sweet words in your ear. You can feel your head fogging over as he slaps your clit with his hand. The sharp sting coursing through you like a song. “That’s it! Y/N! That’s it. I feel it, I feel your cunt trying to milk my thick cock. Cum for me, baby. Show me how much you want my child.” Jimin begs with a moan as he pinches your nipples roughly.
With a sharp yelp, you tip over the precipice. Careening into a white void as you orgasm for the second time. Jimin gasps loudly, covering his mouth with his hand as he ruts himself inside of you, chasing his own orgasm as you become boneless before him. “Such a good girl cumming for Jimin’s cock like that.” Jin whispers before trailing his thumb over your jaw. 
Whispering your name repeatedly Jimin stills within you. A gentle whimper leaving his lips as he orgasms. Ropes of warm cum lather your aching cunt and you sigh gently at the feeling. “How beautiful you are.” He whispers before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You whine gently as he thrusts his softening cock inside of you trying to let every last drop of his cum coat your insides. 
“I love you.” You mumble against his lips and his smile takes your breath away. He nuzzles his nose to yours before kissing you once more. “I love you too.”
He pulls out gently, looking over at Jin before nodding. “Flip onto your front and lift your hips so we can keep as much of Jimin’s cum inside of you while I fuck you.” Jin whispers and you do as told. Angling your hips up, you whine at the odd feeling as Jin shoves Jimin’s cum back inside of your cunt as it oozes from your tight hole. “Gotta keep as much as we can. I want you to get nice and big for us.” He whispers as his lips graze over your shoulder blades. 
It fills Jimin with pride as he watches your cunt cream with his cum, his eyebrow raising at the sheer eroticism of it. That’s his cum, his baby being made within you and his heart swells at the notion. He lays on his back beside you, head dipping underneath your arms as they hold themselves up to suckle at your puffy nipples. With a whimper you ready yourself for more, hips wiggling as Jin knocks your knees open with his own.
“Ready, sweetheart? I’ll be gentle. For now.” He whispers before prodding his cock at your entrance. You hum in affirmation as Jimin rolls your other nipple between his fingertips. “I can’t wait till your breasts are swollen with the milk of our children.” He whispers beneath you and your breath hitches as Jin’s cock begins to spear your cunt open for him. 
He thrusts in slowly, trying to shove Jimin’s cum past your cervix folds as he groans at how lewdly wet and tight you are. “Fuck, you’re so messy with Chim’s cum. Shit. Feels so good on my cock.” Jin mumbles and your body shudders as he buries himself to the hit. You can feel a dull pain flaring at your cervix folds as the head of his cock nestles against them. He gives shallow thrusts trying to fuck the younger mans cum deeper inside of you before groaning. Your eyes flutter shut as you whimper his name.
You feel so full, and yet, so ready for more. Jimin moves his head out of the way letting your body rest on the mattress as you bury your face into the pillow. Jimin’s hand lazily drifts over your cum filled womb as Jin begins to give harsher thrusts. His cock frothing Jimin’s cum as he grips at your hips. “You’re so loved and so precious, sweetheart. I hope you know this.” Jin whispers before snapping his hips back to you. The globes of your ass jiggle upon impact and he can’t help but smack the flesh with his hand as a groan leaves his lips. 
“Jin!” You whine loudly into the mattress as he fucks you faster. Gentle moans and groans leaving his throat as Jimin keeps his hand over your full womb. “You like it, sweetheart? You like getting fucked stupid by the two men who love you? Like getting pumped full of cum to bear our children inside of you?” He asks through gritted teeth as he kneads at the flesh of your ass. 
He lets out a grunt as your pussy clenches at his words. “So fucking ready to be a mother. So beautiful bearing your fertile cunt for us to breed. You’re so amazing, sweetheart. Fuck, I love you.” Jimin takes a sharp breath through his nose at his words and finds it hard within himself to deny how fond he’s grown of the older man before him.
Jin lets out a whine as Jimin’s hands dip between the apex of your thighs. He rubs smooth circles onto your clit as you buck your hips back to Jin at every thrust. “Oh shit! Sweetheart, I can feel your pussy begging for it. Cum on my cock.” He punctuates every word with a harsh thrust, fingers gripping at your hips almost to the point of bruising. 
“Gonna cum again for us, babe? Suck our cum deep in your fertile pussy? Hmm?” Jimin asks, his breath fanning over your neck and face as he hovers above your ear. Jin lets go of your hip to wrap his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you back on to his cock with a force that makes your legs quiver and your breath get hitched within your throat. He lets out a broken sob of pleasure as his head lolls back, eyes screwing shut as he moans wantonly. 
“I’m cumming!” You whine lowly into the mattress as Jin presses his chest to your back. He feels your pussy twitch repeatedly around his cock, getting ready to milk him as your pleasure builds towards its peak once more. “That’s it, sweetheart. Cum for me, cum on my big cock.” You whimper at his words, eyes rolling back in your skull as Jimin pinches your clit like Jin has taught him.
You were a beautiful sight to behold as you orgasm. The way your knuckles clenched tightly at the sheets, as they turned ghost white. The loud, voracious moan that becomes stuttered into the mattress as you call out Jin’s name. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears as he gasps for you, your pussy clenching tightly around him as your muscles goad his orgasm. “Oh yes. Fuck! I’m cumming!” Jin murmurs in unabashed pleasure as he uses his final ounce of energy to bulldoze himself inside of you.
He presses his forehead to the crook of your neck as his hips stutter. His lips caress your shoulder as he orgasms. Ropes of cum caress your filled womb as he whispers your name. "Good girl sweetheart. You're incredible." Jimin smirks at the sight as your body struggles to hold itself up. 
Pulling out of you slowly, Jin's hand caresses your bare back as he kisses over your face. "Stay like this for just a few more minutes, hmm? Let the cum get as deep as possible." He mutters before kissing the top of your head.
Jimin runs his hand over your back before pressing his face into your neck. "We love you." He whispers before laying down beside you. Pressing his lips to your forehead he closes his eyes. "Elsewhere soon." Jin hums to his words.
"Elsewhere soon."
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"Fourteen bottles of water, nutrient blocks, water purifier, pain killers, bandages, hooks and rope." Jin reads off the list as you sit in the living room, his hand rubbing at your stomach before putting his feet up on the coffee table. 
Jimin nods before throwing the duffel bag on the floor. "The clothes bag. You have that?" Jimin asks before looking at you. You point to the bag at your feet before clearing your throat. "I asked for some baby clothes and I got some. Diapers as well, the Masters thought I was nesting." You tell them as Jimin sits up to meet your eyes.
"Good. We'll at least have a little something for them." He whispers before looking over at Jin. "When nightfall comes, we'll put the bags in the car. We’ll go tomorrow for the tests and if it’s positive we’ll get out in the Slums and make our way towards the wall.” Jin whispers as he runs his thumb over the black ink on his wrist. 
There was this sort of false confidence in the air, each one of you saying positive things without trying to dwindle on the negatives. There could be lots of things that go wrong but you didn’t want to think of them. You couldn’t. Getting to Elsewhere, you would be free. You could have a family with them. Living off the land and simply being together. That sounds perfect, you couldn’t let anything get in your way. Especially nervousness.
Clearing your throat you lean back into the couch before crossing your arms. “Hey.” Jin says calling both of your attention as he sits forward. “We’re going to be just fine.” 
He kisses your cheek before pulling you into his chest, he smells of fresh soap and lingonberries. It’s a scent that keeps you grounded to the Earth as Jimin sits beside you. “We’re going to be fine.” Jimin utters before kissing your temple.
The outside world never seemed to look so cruel until now. You never thought about how grimy and dull everything was until you were able to truly feel. You never had bile rising in your esophagus as you watched Peace Makers hit people in the fields if they didn’t work fast enough. “Jesus.” Jimin mumbles before looking down at his lap as the car drives by. Jin runs his hand over the bags before looking at you. He gives a smile, trying to be reassuring but you can’t seem to return it. You had so many questions, so much anxiety of what’s to come and sitting in this small car only makes it that much worse. 
“They have fields of animals in Elsewhere.” Jin perks up trying to distract you and you’re grateful for the sudden distracting words. “Do you know how to even milk a cow?” Jimin asks before looking back out the window as his knee begins to jump up and down. 
“I can learn. To feed our family.” He whispers before looking at the silver band on his wrist. Our family. Those two words have your chest puffing up as the fields change to civilization. The restored buildings look tacky now that you really look at them. Concrete buildings boarded up and looking menacing greet your eyes as the car drives by people walking on the streets. Their fashion was quite like yours, holding folders in their arms with the word Classified stamped on them in big red letters. Everything about this society is a fucking lie. It's gobsmacking, truly. Nothing about this place is real. Everyone kept in a giant pig pen of a ten foot wall to insure there would be no escape. 
When you’re found you’re put in the Slums to live out your days, injected with a disease that slowly eats away at the cortex of your brain. Making you frail and damaged. Passing through the Slums now, your heart thuds heavily as you grit your teeth. You would get away. No one would stop you.
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Poking and prodding by the scientists is unbearable at this point. Your body feels like a live wire, as they probe you to check for signs of impregnation. Gritting your teeth to keep your legs from jumping you begin to count the tiles on the ceiling. Then you begin to count the flecks of black that speckle them. “You are pregnant.” The words have your head lifting up quickly, almost pulling a muscle in your neck as you widen your eyes. 
“Yeah? How many?” You ask before narrowing your eyes at the sonogram screen.
“Two.” You breathe a sigh of relief before seeing the long needle that is behind the scientist as she checks the fetuses. You were pregnant, and now this was go time. You couldn’t afford to be scared or worried. You have to focus on what will be. And, you will be getting out of this pig pen. 
“What’s that needle for?” You ask the woman as she pulls the probe from you. 
“To take blood from the fetuses and to check who’s babies these are.” You hum before laying back. You hope it’s one from either of them. You could imagine both of their disappointment if they’re a set of twins from just one of them. You hope you wouldn’t have to give them such terrible news. 
“Okay.” The scientist says as she grabs the sheet of paper from the printer. 
“One fetus is from Sector 42A Jimin and one fetus is from District 2 Secortor 3A Seokjin.” You breathe a sigh of relief before nodding. You could cry, you're so delighted but there isn’t time for that now. Born into a life of coddling and being kept safe, you will yourself to see beyond it. To see beyond anything that feels comfortable. You hop off of the examination table before putting your dress back on. Your eyes glancing around the room before spotting the Peace Makers as they walk the two men you love back towards the entrance. 
Tying your hair up in your red ribbon you bow your head to the scientist. She smiles kindly before turning her back to you as she rifles through her documents. Your eyes fall to the tray she keeps beside the examination table and you close your eyes before taking a deep breath. You step gingerly, feet slowly gliding over one another as your hand reaches out for the scalpel on the table. You need it. Or, so you think. You cringe as the tray begins to roll, the wheels squeaking and you turn your head quickly to the scientist as she doesn’t move. “May the Mother take you Elsewhere.” She murmurs before standing up. 
You take a deep inhale through your nose before pocketing the scalpel in your dress before slipping on your shoes. Scuffling out of the room, you slam into a Peace Maker before collecting yourself. You brush your fingers through your now mussed hair before clearing your throat. "I'm sorry ma'am." You bow your head to the Peace Maker before walking towards the exit. Just keep it up, stay normal. As normal as you could be.
"Please tie your hair back up ma'am, wouldn't want you looking defiant." You hear from behind you and you grab your ribbon immediately to tie up your hair. Swallowing thickly you tie your hair up tightly as the French front doors are opened for you. "We will come to collect the Fertile tomorrow morning." You hear a Peace Maker say and you nod to him before looking at the car as it waits for you. Enough time to get away.
Descending the stairs, you find it hard to concentrate as nerves muddle your thinking. Your heart beat is voraciously loud in your ears as you hop into the waiting car. You turn to the men you love before breathing a sigh of relief. The car starts and as you begin to drive away they look at you expectantly. Your hand is placed on your womb before you smile at them. "It worked. Both of you. Fathers." Jin's face breaks out into a smile as Jimin lets out a loud sob. His hands cover his face as he whimpers. 
"Thank you." He mutters out, the sound of a broken sob ripping through his words as he places a hand on your knee. You feel your throat clenched tightly before smiling at him. Jin kisses the back of your hand briefly before looking out the window of the car. "Okay. We have to get to Elsewhere. Our woman and babies depend on it." He tells Jimin who gives a nod as he wipes at his tear streaked cheeks. He finds his resolve as Jin passes him the bag filled with water and other supplies. 
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The car already knowing your routine stops in the Slums. There’s a quick glance between all three of you as you take large breaths. “We can do this.” Jin whispers and you nod more to yourself than to him as if that would help you strengthen your resolve. Wrapping your hand around the door handle, you tug it once before a screech echoes throughout the car. “Oh fuck.” Jin whispers before shoving Jimin back as he begins to kick at the door. 
“Someone had to hear that!” Jin yells as people from the Slums begin to pull at the door trying to pry it open. You gasp loudly as the car begins to shudder. “HELP ME!” Jin yells to Jimin who puts his hand on your stomach before kicking hard against the door. The metal creaks and moans as they grit their teeth. Out of the corner of your eye you can see movement in the distance of the empty streets. Men in white peeking around corners to view the commotions.
“Come on….COME ON!” Jin yells loudly, his neck veins jutting out as he kicks at the door with all of his strength. The door goes flying open, a few people getting knocked into the muddy ground. “Let’s go. Now.” He says before climbing out of the car, throwing the duffel bag over his shoulder and holding his hand out to you as Jimin climbs out quickly. “Come on Sweetheart, we have to move.” You whimper, head turning to see men walking down the now filling avenues and you squeak loudly before grabbing his hand. 
“May the Mother take you Elsewhere!” The people of the Slums murmur as you rush by. Mud and dirt smearing on the bottom of your dress as Jin pulls you. You catch him in the rays of sunlight that peak through the decrepit buildings of the Ruin, how handsome his sweat sheened face is. “STOP THEM!” Your breath catches in your throat as Jin looks at you. 
“You’re going to run with me, sweetheart. Quickly now.” He  says before jumping over some strewn cobblestones from a building that had given way a long time ago. There was rubble everywhere as you make your way through the Slums, parts of broken buildings that nature never got to reclaim. Mud and dirt along everything as you jump over dead bodies. You yell out as your feet take off beneath you, jumping over someone who was still twitching as they die. “Don’t look, let’s go baby!” Jimin yells as he throws the bag on a higher part of an abandoned building. He grunts with effort as he jumps up, pulling himself up by the strength of his arms before leaning down and holding out his hand. 
“Come on, baby. We gotta go-” His eyes look up as Jin jumps up beside him, “-We gotta go now!” He yells as Jin holds out his hand. You grip both of their arms as they haul you up and you groan loudly as your knees scrape against the concrete of the building, leaving scrapes and cuts in its wake. Jimin grabs the bag before helping you up, “You okay?!” You nod quickly before hearing shouting outside of the building. 
“Lets go!” Jin yells and as you begin to take off through the slanted building, running up what feels like the biggest hill your eyes catch black markings of mud on the walls. The braid that is tattooed on Jin’s wrist is the same on the wall and you feel a swell of confidence in your heart as you pull out the scalpel from your dress. Stopping for a second you cut away at the loose fabric of your dress, pulling it off at your mid thigh before beginning to run again. Your thighs strain as you force yourself to sprint up the incline of broken floors through the building towards the window. “GET HER!” You whimper as Jimin looks back, his foot catching before he falls. His arms crashing into the floor first as the Peace Makers run their way up the steep incline. “Jimin!” You yell before holding out your hand, he looks up eyes dazed with pain before gripping on to your hand. 
He forces himself up groaning loudly before running towards the broken window of the building. You’ve probably ran up what seems to be dozens of flights and you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your system like nothing you’ve ever felt before. “Through this window!” Jin yells before stepping out on to the window sill. Jumping over a broken floor you groan loudly as your thighs shake. 
“Come on sweetheart!” Jin yells as Jimin lets go of your hand. “Chim!” You yell as he grabs what seems to be an old looking locker. He grits his teeth, dirt and spit gracing his face as he shoves the locker at the Peace Makers as they make their ascent. The locker rolls once before sliding down the large incline and Jimin doesn’t take a second glance to see if his narrow idea has worked. Grabbing your hand he pulls you towards the window before ushering you out. The sun is blinding and you gasl as your hand coils around the windows' broken edges. Only broken glass and rubble lies beneath you as Jin looks forward towards the Ruins and the wall to your left that keeps you from it. “We’re at least seven feet off the ground. Mind yourselves, don’t look down.” Jin says quickly before beginning to scale the outside of the building. 
You groan loudly and your eyes instinctively look down. “Look at me.” You whimper pressing your back hard against the edge of the building, “Sweetheart! Look at me.” Your head whips over to Jin as he wipes at his dirt covered face. 
“Stick with me, yeah? You and the babies, stay with me.” He says before nodding to you. Swallowing you nod back before ripping your gaze off of him towards the Ruins. “We gotta move! They’re coming!” Jimin calls out next to you and with shaky feet you begin to scale the outside perimeter like Jin. Taking deep breaths you try to zone out, only thinking of the way forward and your hand rests on your stomach as Jin comes face to face with the broken wall. He pulls out the rope and hook before taking a deep breath. 
He swings the hook in hand before throwing it with a grunt, it makes a loud ringing noise as it reaches the top of the wall and he tugs on it a few times for good measure. He jumps off of the building before pressing his feet to the wall. “Okay?” Jimin calls out as you all hear crashing and yelling from inside the building. 
Jin gives a thumbs up with a grunt before walking up the wall at a slow pace. “You go first!” You tell Jimin and he widens his eyes at you before putting his hand on your back. “No! Go!” He yells as a foot perches through the window. 
“Go! I’ll cut the rope so they can’t follow us!” You tell him and he sighs loudly before gripping the rope. You put the scalpel between your teeth as he wraps the rope around your waist. He ties it tightly before pressing his feet to the wall and climbing up behind Jin. “Let’s go, baby!” Jimin yells as you grip on to the rope. With every move they make you are hoisted off of the ground, their bodies carrying your weight as you grab the bottom end of the rope. You begin to cut the rope with the scalpel as you are slowly pulled off the ground. 
“They’re breaking the wall line!” A Peace Maker yells before jumping at you, you scream loudly as he catches your feet. The two men above you faltering into the wall at the sudden weight. Your head smacks into the gray wall of concrete as you kick at the Peace Maker as he holds you tightly. You whimper loudly as you hear your name screamed into the open air by Jimin. You grip the scalpel tightly before jutting it into the Peace Maker’s neck. He gurgles, his grip loosening as you gasp loudly. You grip on to the rope as he falls the seven feet with the scalpel still impaled within his flesh. 
“Come on!” Jin yells before groaning as he pulls himself up the rope. You press your feet to the wall before climbing up with them. Your body is exhausted, simply begging for you to quit but you can’t. You need to find Elsewhere. You need to make it. 
You reach the top after a few minutes of hard work before running behind the both of them as they reach the large crack in the wall. Jimin holds you close to him as Jin sets up the rope to abseil down. The wind picks up, the red ribbon in your hair coming loose and flying away in the breeze as Jimin taps your shoulder. “Just a bit longer baby. Come on.” Jimin murmurs before kissing your temple and handing you the rope. He descends above you last and you hear Jin yelp out as he falls from the rope. “JIN!” You scream loudly as his back makes contact with the grassy floor. The wind is knocked out of him as he gasps for air, coughing loudly as he puts his arm over his face.
You scream incoherently as you try to descend faster, your hands becoming chaffed and red with rope burn. You jump down the final few inches before putting your hands to his chest. He gives you a small smile before sitting up slowly. “Rope burn.” He whispers before showing you his bleeding hands. Jimin jumps off the rope before helping Jin up as sirens begin to scream loudly throughout the distance. 
“I guess your dad knows you ran away, huh?” Jimin asks you before looking up at the Ruins. He bends down before running his hand through the grass. “I’ve never felt grass before.” He whispers before looking up at the both of you as Jin pulls a water bottle from the bag. He cracks the top open before pointing to a building in the distance. 
He pours the water on to his hands before groaning through gritted teeth. “That’s the Way Station. We have to make it there.” He tells you both before passing you the water bottle. 
“Drink. You aren’t just you anymore, we have to take care of the babies too.” He whispers before wiping his shaking hands on his pants. Jimin stands up before slinging the bag back on his shoulders. “Let’s go then.” 
The trip to the Way Station was wondrous in a way. To see all these vines and trees sprouting out of the ground, Earth taking back civilization, it’s incredible. To see deer and other wildlife so close as you jog through. The way that waterfalls have created themselves through broken streets and buildings, it’s eye opening. 
“Through here!” Jin yells happily as the tattoo shows up painted on a wall close to the Way Station. Climbing through a broken window, you realize that this was once someone’s home. Pictures in frames of a family, smiling happily as they sit outside of the house you just entered. You could see dishes set out on the table as if the family were about to eat right before The Great End happened. It makes your heart clench as you pick up the photo. You break the frame before taking the picture out of the broken glass. Jimin stops his jog through the house before looking back at you. He holds his hand out before smiling, his eyes closing tightly. “We’re home.” He whispers as you take his hand. Jin shoves open the back door before turning to the both of you as he folds his arms. “Come sweetheart.”
Walking through the house to the backdoor you focus on the building as it comes into sight, you can see shadows of people moving throughout the building and your breath hitches in your throat as Jin jumps down the patio stairs. He jogs over to the white fence that is broken down before looking up at the Way Station. It’s with tear filled eyes that Jimin clasps tightly on to your hand as you follow behind Jin. He takes a deep sigh before stepping up to the glass door of the Way Station and knocking five times. You hold your breath as shadows and murmurs echo throughout the station before the front door opens. An old woman, white hair down to her waist smiles at you as you put your hand on your flat stomach. “Welcome to Elsewhere.”
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“What’re you up to?” Jimin whispers to his daughter as she picks a daffodil from the field before you. You smirk as your hand is placed on your growing belly before looking back at the wooden cabin you found shelter in all those years ago during your escape. Jin groans loudly as he sits down beside you, his plush lips brush against your temple as he sighs. “Thank you for trusting me.” He whispers before putting his hand on your belly. 
“Hey! Jiseok!” Jimin calls to your other son as he jumps onto the ledge of the hill you live upon. He turns to Jimin with a wide smile and Jimin immediately melts at his gaze. “Get down from there, you know we stay hidden from prying eyes.” Jin chides his son before rubbing your belly. You look out into the distance before putting your head on Jin’s shoulder, your eyes taking in the Ruins in the far distance and the Capital even further beyond that. It’s been seven years since you ran away. Seven years since you’ve found yourself and found the safety of the world beyond what you once knew. Seven years since you found the men you love and could be with them forever. “If someone was to ask mommy who she is, what do you think she would say?” Jimin asks as he places his daughter in his lap before pushing some stray hairs behind her ears. She puffs out her cheeks, making your nose wrinkle as you begin to smile. 
“Just Y/N.” Your daughter says loudly before holding out the daffodil to you. You lean forward, Jin’s hand resting underneath your belly for support as you grab the yellow flower. You nod to her before running your thumb over your cheek like Jin has done so many times over the years to you. “That’s right. Just Y/N.” You whisper before looking back up at the city in the far distance.
“Just Y/N.”
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broadstflyers · 3 years
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A/N: Alright, here it is! Chapter two. Thanks for the support on the first chapter! As always, you can add yourself to the tag list for this series or give constructive feedback here. This chapter is still in the past tense. This one is a longer chapter, sorry! Although I have a feeling most chapters will be this long. If you like this series and want to read more, give it a like or reblog or pop into my asks, it encourages me to continue. any feedback is appreciated :)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: None
Summary: They say at fourteen you’re too young to know you’re in love. But what if you aren’t?
Navigation: chapter one
Grade: 9
Age: 14
Ever since that class, you and Joel became inseparable whenever you were within talking distance. You just seemed to gravitate towards him, and he seemed to do just the same. When you needed a pep-talk before a big test, he was there. Whenever you needed a laugh, he was there. He seemed to just always be there. He even noticed when your hands started to slightly shake before a quiz or test. How would he respond? He’d do what any nice, respectful, and caring teenage boy would do: goof off. The way he did so was completely up to how rambunctious he was feeling that day.
Would he throw crumpled up paper at his friends and just smile as the teacher yelled at him?
Or try and balance the close by meter-stick on his head (that was soon taken away after)?
Or would he possibly take a different turn and re-explain a topic you were still shaky on?
He was just unpredictable in that sense.
Now how were you feeling about this newly kind Joel?
“Your face is the reddest I think I’ve ever seen it,” Luna teased while you both walked out of the classroom after the bell rang, “and if I held up my bright red backpack to it, I don’t know which one would be redder.” She was on a roll that day.
You scratched your eyebrow in a lame attempt to hide your glowing cheeks. See, on that day, Joel decided to calm your nerves by drawing a star on your hand. Yes, your hand. It went sort of like this:
Your right hand was resting on the table so the back of your hand was facing Joel, who was also on your right. He was messing around with an orange marker, threatening to draw it on his friend just a table over.
“Draw one on y/n,” the friend slyly suggested with a devilish smirk. Joel’s eyes widened to the size of hockey pucks and he whipped his head around to look at you. He glanced down at the marker and then regained his cool facial expression.
Meanwhile your blood ran cold and your head started to pound uncontrollably. You glance at Luna and she nods vigorously. You ball your hand into a fist and shakily stick it out, the adrenaline causing your hearing to slightly go. He offers a light smile, and you swear you can see him slightly exhale from relief. He positions the marker in his hand to get a good grip on it, because if he was going to draw on your hand, it had to be perfect.
He rested his hand under yours to hold it steady. Yes, his hand. He cleanly knocked the breath out of your lungs. You could feel the warmth radiate from his hand. He carefully and neatly (well as neat as a fourteen year old boy can) draws an orange star on the center of your balled up fist.
When his hand finally let go of yours, the touch felt too brief but also like forever.
You literally wanted to jump out of your skin. A mix of different colors felt as though they were swirling around your head in an intense blur. You wanted to throw up color and those sickeningly sweet feelings.
At this point, unlike the first time you guys were civil to each other, you surpassed the point of being screwed.
No. As soon as he touched your hand, you knew one thing for certain: you were in love with Joel Farabee.
“Now that’s one perfect good luck charm,” he says with a smirk.
Man, you just wanted to kiss that stupid smirk. That stupid yet adorable smirk….
And that’s how you ended up almost falling over in the hallway with Luna. In the hallway, she takes your hand and looks at the perfectly messy star.
“You’ve got that boy head over heels for you,” she sassed and laughed.
You playfully shoved her, but your heart skipped a beat.
You couldn’t help but wonder, did you really?
“LOVE?” Luna practically yelled in your room. Your parents let you guys hang out after school that very same day because it was yet another Friday. Which is how you ended up with Luna screaming at you on your bedroom floor.
“SHHHHH,” you aggressively said as you tried to calm her down. You pointed downstairs to your parents. You had told them earlier that Luna drew the star on, not Joel. They didn’t even know Joel existed.
“Sorry,” she whispered, “but LOVE? You’re in love with him? Are you sure? Aren’t we too young for that? At least, that’s what my mom says.”
You sigh deeply. “Look, I know, Luna. But there’s just something so different about him. Something I can’t explain.”
“Okay, but you also haven’t liked more than two people,” Luna counters, “and we’re fourteen.”
“But have you looked into someone’s eyes before and felt safe? Have you wanted to cling onto them and never let go? You’ve got to listen to me, these feelings are so intense that I want to throw them up in a glittery mess. He runs in circles around my mind 24/7. I wonder how his hugs feel, I wonder how I would act if I met his parents.” You pause for a moment and stare her in the eyes.
“I barely understand how I feel, myself,” you whisper. “I am so screwed, Luna, but I don’t care.”
Her face relaxes and she slowly nods her head. She breaks out into a smile.
“I hear you,” she calmly states as she takes one of your hands. “I will be here with you while we figure this out, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod in a soft whisper tone.
Maybe it was the cumulation of him constantly caring for you in his own way. Maybe it was the way he never made dumb jokes at the expense of your feelings. Maybe it was the way talking to him came so easily and naturally to you, like you’ve known him for lifetimes. Or maybe it was just the fact that you were young, like Luna said.
But you knew deep down you couldn’t wholeheartedly buy into that logic.
Because in the end, you knew you were right.
You turned fifteen on November 25, so you’re always exactly three months older than Joel, which he definitely did not appreciate. He found out when the teacher wished you a premature Happy Birthday the day before Thanksgiving Break.
“I cannot believe you,” he said in a mockingly defensive manner.
“Joel, I can’t exactly control when I was born you know,” you jokingly shot back. The playful banter was your favorite part of the day. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t look forward to it now.
“Well, how am I supposed to wish you a happy birthday when we won’t be in class?” He dramatically pouted.
I could give you my number, you thought. You’d never actually say that, though.
Suddenly, he turned and snatched a random piece of paper from one of his friends, and judging by the sharp “Hey!” that came out of the friend’s mouth, it probably was of some sort of importance. He grabbed your pencil and borderline slammed them down in front of you.
“Here, write down your number and all of our problems will be solved.”
Did he just? Did what you think just...happen? Fourteen year old you was absolutely dumbfounded.
“Sure,” you said as nonchalantly as possible, when in reality you were about to black out.
You scribbled down your number and handed it to him.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the bell rang, and you both scrambled for your things in the midst of chaos.
“I will be looking forward to that birthday wish,” you called out as he headed for the door. At first, you didn’t think he heard you, but at the last moment, he turned around and winked before stepping out the door.
You would have melted onto the floor if it wasn’t for Luna squealing in your ear like it was a holiday morning.
November 25 couldn’t come soon enough. Yes, you were excited to turn fifteen, but now you had another reason.
The question was, was that a good thing?
November 25
Age: 15
Grade: 9
You woke up on your birthday morning with adrenaline coursing through your veins. After a fun Thanksgiving with family the day before, you were excited to finally celebrate your birthday with just your mom and dad, like you always did.
You’d be lying if you said the first thing you checked was not your phone. But, It was the first thing you reached for on your nightstand. Not your glasses, like normal.
You quickly scrolled through your notifications looking for an unknown number. There’s a text from your aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousins. Your heart sank when you reached the end. Nothing from him.
You placed your phone down and shook your head to clear out the negative energy that engulfed your body.
It was your birthday, you weren’t going to let anyone ruin this day for you. Even him.
It was after dinner, which was your absolute favorite meal. You had gone to the mall with your mom and dad for some birthday shopping, a tradition you were very grateful for.
On the way home, you were happily thinking about the new outfits you were gifted, until your phone buzzed. Your heart quickened.
Luna!!: did he text you yet?
You exhaled sharply.
You: no, he hasnt :(
Thanks for the reminder, Luna.
Luna!!: bummer. i’m sure he will soon.
Luna!!: he’d be an idiot not to, don’t worry, love!
You mindlessly stared out the window of the back seat, hoping the blur of the trees would take your mind off of him.
You could sense your dad glancing at you using the rearview mirror.
You turned to look at him. “What?”
“Everything okay?” He asked.
You plaster a huge smile on your face and say yes, of course, because your parents have done so much for you that day that you should have been fluttering from happiness. You mean, you were happy. You couldn’t have been more thankful. Your heart just yearned for him to fulfill his promise.
Because you didn’t know what school was going to be like if he didn’t, and you weren’t ready to face that reality.
That night, you brushed your teeth and got ready for bed. Your heart felt heavier each time you checked your phone and “No Older Notifications” was displayed instead of seeing the one you longed for. You glanced at your clock on your nightstand. The bright red numbers glared at you. It was close to 11:00.
You sighed and spun your phone around in your hands as you thought. Call it delusion, but you refused to put your phone down. You knew he was going to follow through.
Did you know why you knew? Not a clue.
Without warning, your phone vibrated in your hands. You couldn’t have flipped it upright faster if you tried.
Maybe: Joel
Maybe WHO?
Maybe: Joel: Happy birthday math partner 🥳
Maybe: Joel: This is Joel by the way, that’s probably important to add
Maybe: Joel: Although you do only have one amazing math partner
You really thought you died there for a second. They were, like, a handful of words (excluding the Joel part) but they were enough to make you hug your pillow from overload.
You spastically texted Luna.
She must have been waiting for this text all day, just like you. She responded right away.
You: Happy birthday math partner with the 🥳 emoji and he forgot to say his name until the second text lmaooo
Luna!!: aww thats so cute! he sounds like he has an empty head but you go hon!!
Luna!!: now text him back idiot before you forget or he goes to bed
You: yep one sec
Your thumbs circled aimlessly around the keyboard. You wanted to say so many things. You settled on this:
You: thanks, math partner :)
You hit send on that, hesitated for a moment, then typed:
You: and yes you’re a pretty great one
You took a deep breath and pressed send. You changed his contact to “Math Partner”
You wanted to throw up, but in a good way? You sighed into your pillow. Almost as quick as you sent it, you felt another buzz.
Your hand shot out to grab your phone.
Math Partner: Hey, anytime you need a star, I’m here
You glanced down at your hand, where the orange star was just a few short days ago. It was gone. You wished it didn’t fade.
You: the orange one has already faded :(
Math Partner: Well, to make up for the late birthday wish, I can give you another one once we go back to school since we have another big test
You nodded vigorously, as if he could see that through the screen.
You: maybe in red this time? it’s my favorite color
Math Partner: Whatever you want, birthday girl
What a simp, you thought. Also, you were surprised you still had a pulse at that point. Birthday girl?
Math Partner: I have to go now, I have hockey super early tomorrow. Goodnight 😁
“Hockey?” you whispered to yourself.
You: yay, thanks :) and goodnight!!
He plays hockey? you thought. Shouldn’t you have known that?
You frantically Facetimed Luna and whisper-yelled every word you two exchanged. Luna beamed with so much happiness that you could have sworn she was getting the guy.
“This is literally the best thing EVER,” she quietly exclaimed.
You just laughed a giddy yet nervous laugh. You still had no clue what was happening, but you were ready to embrace it.
January 25
Age: 15
Grade: 9
When the teacher switched around the seating charts during the year, she mostly kept you and Joel within talking distance each time. If that thing about teachers sensing when kids like each other was thought to be true, she definitely proved it to be so.
Thankfully, she kept this trend going when she switched the seats around on Joel’s birthday. She moved you guys back next to each other for the next quarter. Before, she briefly separated you guys for about two weeks (when Joel wouldn’t stop yelling to his other friend who was near him). During that time apart, you both were noticeably droopier and mopier than normal. He still joked with his friends, but you only heard his loud laugh a handful of times instead of….too many.
As for you, some kid you’ve never even talked to asked you if you were okay. The answer was of course no, but you couldn’t say that.
So when the brown haired boy sat down next to you for the first time in two weeks, it felt like the day he drew the star on your hand all over again. You wanted to reach out and hug him so he’d never leave you, much less say something, anything, but you just couldn’t still. Thankfully, he did the talking for you.
“Miss me?” he joked with his trademark smile.
“Very much so,” you said with a balance of sarcasm and lightheartedness. “Happy birthday, by the way.” You lightly shoved him, not entirely knowing where the guts to do that came from.
“Thank you, thank you. Did you get me anything?” he teased. He lightly shoved you back.
Your heart beated frantically. Your impulsivity urged you to do something you never would have a few months ago.
“Actually…” you paused for a moment. He raised his eyebrows. You reached for an orange marker and uncapped it with a pop.
“May I?”
He could hardly believe it.
“Do what?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Draw a star, dummy.”
“Ohhhhh,” he said as he connected the dots. He stuck out his clenched fist as he fought back a huge grin.
You couldn’t believe you were actually doing that.
You tucked your hand under his to keep it steady, just like he did with your hand a few months back. You took your time making sure each corner was connected precisely. You also didn’t want to let go of his hand, like, ever.
You finished way too soon for both your likings. You pulled away and closed the cap.
“Happy birthday, Math Partner.”
“Thanks,” he said. He had his eyes glued on the star you just drew. He didn’t even try to fight the grin that was creeping on his face.
Now you were the cause of his smile. Warmth flowed through your body. You just wanted to keep him that happy forever.
That night, Luna called you on Facetime because apparently talking about those events in the hallway afterschool wasn’t enough.
“What’s up?” you calmly asked, as if you didn’t know why she was calling.
“What’s up? What do you mean what’s up? I mean, first you lightly shoved him. Yes, I saw that. But then you draw a star on him? I don’t know where this confident you came from, but I am living for it. I am so proud of you,” she sincerely said through a smile.
“Aw thank you, I appreciate it. Yeah, I don’t know either, honestly. He just brings out this good side of me now.”
“I can see that, and I love it. So...” She dragged out the “so,” and that was never a good sign.
“So?” you asked.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“About what?” You played dumb as best you could.
She didn’t buy it. “Oh come on, y/n. You know you love him, why don’t you tell him?”
You shuttered at that idea. By doing that, you risked losing what you’ve created so far. You were texting him roughly once or twice a week at that point about random stuff and talking to him in class every chance you got. Losing that was just something you were not prepared to face. And you told Luna that.
She (mostly) understood.
“I respect that,” she said. “But if you guys don’t hang out in the summer and keep this going, I will kill him.”
You snorted. “Me too, honestly.”
Could you guys keep this going for that long?
Only time would tell, you told yourself.
Grade: 9
Age: 15
Every time you saw Joel, you came home with a pep in your step. It was like clockwork. You would bounce into the house with a grandiose “Hello Mother” and hum a song stuck in your head. Today it was “Love Story” by Taylor Swift.
“How was your day?” your mom asked with a hint of suspicion. After months of letting your intriguing happiness spell go, it was too obvious for her to ignore.
“Good,” you said. You didn’t really want to tell her much about Joel because you knew she wouldn’t believe you if you told her how you really felt about him. Those strong feelings didn’t waiver once over the last few months. Okay, maybe once on the day that he accidentally spilled water on your homework. But you couldn’t stay mad at him after he willingly placed his own homework in the same water.
“You’re very happy today. Anything happen in particular?” She prodded.
“Nope,” you pop the letter “p”.
“Who’s the boy?”
You froze. “Boy?”
“There has to be, you haven’t been this happy to go to school pretty much ever.”
You sighed. It was your mom after all. Maybe she would believe you if you told her.
“His name’s Joel, he’s in my Algebra class,” you mumbled.
“Is he nice? Is he smart? Does he play hockey?” The questions flew from left and right.
“Yes, he’s nice. He’s really sweet to me. He is way better at math than me. Yes he does,” you rattled off the answers to her bombardment.
“Excellent,” she smiled. “You like this boy?”
“Yeah, I really do. A lot actually.”
She raised an eyebrow. “A lot?”
“Yeah, honestly, I might love him.”
That confession froze the kitchen over. She paused.
“Honey, you’re too young to know that,” she tried to reason.
Your chest stung. “What if I’m not?” You questioned.
“You’re fifteen.”
“I know Mom, I know.” She opened her mouth to talk, but you said, “I have to go start homework.” You charged up the stairs and crashed on your bed.
So what if you were fifteen? You didn’t care how old you were. Call it being naive, but you were sure you knew everything when you were young.
You just had to wait for timing to fall into place to prove everyone wrong.
tagging: @teamcanadasimp :)
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embretheworld · 3 years
I was bored so here’s some hc’s
I have a lot surprisingly so a lot of these are coming off the top of my head
-Laxus does not have good eyesight in the eye with a scar because that's where the lacrima was implanted. But he can still see out of it, it just gets blurry sometimes.
-If you had a lacrima implanted in you, there's gonna be a scar where it was implanted, and depending on what type of magic it is determine's the shape.
-Laxus's mother was born without magic and had the same thing happen to her but she was 16 when she had it implanted in her hand, she also had asked to have one and Laxus didn't.
-Laxus was born without magic thanks to his mother being born without magic too.
-When you get a lacrima implanted in you, depending on what type and how strong it is, depends on how sick you get. It's a counterbalance so people won't always get lacrima's implanted in them. The day it was implanted you get very sick as the body's reaction to an overwhelming influx of magic in your system, it happens every year in the same day it was implanted but the first time is the worst.
-"This is what I get for being emotionally slutty," Loke probably looking back on some kind of event.
-Loke with freckles!
-Loke sleeps when he's bored.
-Lucy suffers the worst writer's block ever and can't seem to ever get out of it no matter how hard she tries(I feel you girl).
-Plue really likes candy.
-Happy got Lucy a little frame that said "Life is better with cats" for her Birthday and despite how much Happy annoys her sometimes she keeps it on the desk she writes on and treasures it dearly.
-Do not let Erza play whack a mole or the games where you have to throw balls at clowns or vases you have to knock down to win a prize.
-Or let the dragon slayers play any driving game in general.
-Horror movies do not scare Aries, a lot of things do, but not horror movies.
-Mira really likes candles, but always gets them when they're on sale.
- Gray once got banned from a strip club after being mistaken for one of the strippers.
-Juvia could literally kill someone if she wanted to since our bodies are made of 60% of water but has no idea. She desires to learn more about blood magic if she so desires but hasn't.
-Levy wants to study rune magic but procrastination is her worst enemy, also people trying to attack the guild interrupting her every time she tries to cracks open a book to try and learn it. She's stopped trying to learn it in fear that if she tries someone will start attacking the guild again.
-Gajeel & Juvia and Gray & Loke are very underrated friendships that need more attention.
-Natsu chugged hot sauce and didn't even flinch. (A friend of mine did that and they scare me.)
-Lucy carries around a box of matches just in case Natsu wants a snack whenever they go on missions.( which is a lot of the time, a lot of her money has went into buying matches, she's had to go to plenty different stores to buy some because she's scared the clerk will think she's up to something and explaining it will only make her seem more suspicious.)
-Technically demon slayers are just exorcists but with more violence.
-In a human au Gray was an exorcist once.
But in normal Fairy Tail he takes side jobs on getting rid of demons from ordinary houses or other places which pays a lot.
-The wool Aries can make, can make really nice jackets. She's made jackets using it, but Loke stole it cause he likes comfy things in general.
-Loke actually needs his glasses, his glasses double as both sunglasses and normal glasses(someone I know someone who has the same type of glasses, I also wear glasses so.) due to being in Earthland too long, certain things started deteriorating like important sense's thankfully it wasn't on a major scale but on a longer one but it can't be fixed.
-Due to his eyesight deteriorating he has better hearing.
-Loke and Evergreen are nearsighted, Levy is farsighted.
-Ivan named Laxus because Laxus looked so much like his mother it only seemed fair.
-Laxus has an aunt who's his mom's sister. He talks to her through letters because she lives across the sea.
-"My little dragon," was a nickname that Laxus's mom gave him after he had gotten the dragon lacrima implanted in him against her wishes since if they were to do it, she wanted to do it when he was 16 like her but Ivan thought 8 was a much more appropriate age. (It was not). The only one who knows of this nickname for him is Makarov, his mom, his aunt, and his dad.
-His dad once used the name in a fight against him and he wanted to punch him so bad.
-If Mira were to swear she'd put sailors to shame.
-Erza has horrible road rage.
-I refuse to believe that Loke has two sets of ears, he does not have human ears and lion(cat ears?) ears at the same time just lion ears while in his celestial form and humans ones in his human form. He wears the piercing he used to wear on his human ears on his cat ears when in said celestial form, or outfit or whatever.
-The car ears(I'm calling them that now) are actual ears, you'd be surprised how many people try to pull on them in thinking that they aren't only to be pleasantly surprised that they in fact are. He likes to be pet behind them whenever they are there and he doesn't have regular human ears.
-He also despises chokers/collars with the very soul of his being. He might hiss at you if you bring one even close to him that's how much he hates them.
He doesn't even have a reason to he just hates them.
-Erza sometimes refers to her guildmates as "Feral children".
-Dragonslayers cannot whistle if their life depended on it.
-Loke knows French because most of his masters were in the French Court meaning it was mandatory for him to learn it. (I refuse to believe anyone with common sense would date him with that haircut he had in the human world, looked like something a 5-year-old would draw on a stick figure in an attempt to draw hair).
-Levy knows French, Arabic, and a few other languages.
-She fucks with people by talking to Loke in French and making them think that they're talking about that person why they aren't.
-Mira tried to learn French, she failed very badly since she kept forgetting the parts before the word and kept messing it up.
-The dragon slayers can purr when happy, growl when mad, and whimper when sad.
-The same thing applies to Loke but mostly because he's an overgrown cat.
-In order to date someone at the guild if you aren't in it you have to get Erza's blessing/asking her if it's alright since she's kinda the older sister and also the first one you wanna tell.
-Loke does not blow-dry his hair after he washes it because it just poof's up and there's no way to fix it other than to wash his hair again and look like a drowned cat for an hour or two. Though his hair is very soft after he washes it and it properly drys and isn't wet.
-Celestial spirits can dream, but their dreams consist of looking back on old memories from an outside viewpoint.
-Freed says "Let's have another round tonight" very unenthusiastically when drunk, just that sentence, no other sentence, just that one, only when he's drunk.
-Loke's good with finances along with fashion because one of his previous master, Valeria, pushed her financial work on him as a 'learning experience'.
-Loke was also offered a modeling job before and Lucy is super pissed since he of all people can get one but not her. (In the human au, he actual does modeling)
-If Mira and Loke were to team up it'd most like to be to help people in the guild get together.
-They would succeed.
-They both also like wine.
-Loke and Erza are bi, Mira is pan.
-Upon learning about this, Juvia considered Loke a love rival, be assured her that he was none and that he'd give her some advice to trying to date Gray because Gray and romance don't go well if she kept quiet about it.
-Gray ended up figuring it out and still holds it against him.
-Loke does not like being compared to a cat, he despises it so Gray as the best friend he is does exactly that.
-The two of them have blackmail on each other, and Gray often drags Loke into watching horror movies knowing he absolutely despises him with the very core of his being.
-Gajeel will fight anyone who hurts his best friend, Juvia.
Or anyone who hurts his guild but Juvia is different since she's been with him since they joined Fairy Tail.
Natsu once grabbed a pan straight out of the oven and horrified everyone in the room.
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Ahhh my final submission for LH drabble week: Angst Monday (yes i posted it on a tuesday)! Please enjoy and comment your thoughts and feedback. @levihan-drabbles
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë Characters: Levi Ackerman, Hange Zoë Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 126: Pride Spoilers, Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 126: Pride, Shingeki no Kyojin Chapter 132: Wings of Freedom Spoilers, Angst and Feels, right person wrong time, What-If Series: Part 8 of Short Fics Summary:
They just wanted an ending.
The sound of the shotgun rang in Hange’s ears as she shot two of her ex-soldiers dead, tears trickling down her face. She hated that it had to end up like this. She had known them personally, too. The whole world was against them. She took a deep sigh. After surveying the forest and deeming it safe, she returned back to Levi’s side. He was unconscious with Hange’s Survey Corps cloak wrapped around his face. Her heart ached when she started unraveling the cloak, exposing his injured, tainted face. The biggest scar ran from the top of his forehead, through his right eye, into his cheek. She felt herself get overwhelmed seeing him in this shape.
“The pursuers are all gone, Levi…” It’s safe, for now, she wanted to say. You’re safe with me. She knew this was temporary, though. They would never truly be safe again.
Hange had begun to set up camp. She pitched a tent, chopped at trees and gathered sticks to start a fire and was able to clean Levi’s wounds and body. He could develop an infection if she didn’t act fast. After all, she wasn’t sure how long he’d been face down in the mud unconscious. She started with his hand, using a wet cloth to clean the dirt as gently as she possibly could. Then, she wrapped his exposed wound, starting at his wrist and weaving the bandage around the empty space on his hand. She brought his hand to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on top. It broke her heart to see him in such critical condition.
After his hand, she tended to his face. She dampened her cloth in the basin of water, slowly and gently caressing his face to clean off the dirt and mud. She took this moment to indulge in admiring him. He looked peaceful, at least for that moment. She brushed his raven black hair out of his face, patting his gash with the cloth, blood crusted on the scar. His skin was smooth as she couldn’t resist the urge to touch his cheek with the back of her hand. His eyelashes were long and straight which she never noticed before. She had never been this close to him before. She made her way down his face to his lips. She dunked the cloth in the basin again, wringing it out, and then dabbed at his lips to cleanse them. As she cleaned him, she felt tears well up in her eyes. 
“The fact that you're still alive with these wounds is because you’re an Ackerman,” she determined, starting to sterilize her needles in the fire. She grabbed the thread and started to stitch his face. She was careful, making sure to only go as deep as she needed to avoid causing more pain. Her heart throbbed in her chest when she imagined how much pain he was in. I wish it were me instead. She thought. After carefully poking and prodding at his face, stitching him up as well as she could, she dumped her tools into a pot of boiling water to be cleansed. She ran a hand through her hair, gripping a chunk of it and squeezing, tempted to pull it out. She felt like she was going to explode. After everything her and Eren had been through, he still turned his back on her and her soldiers. Rage boiled up inside her, poisoning every cell in her body. 
Why couldn’t things be different? She’d ask herself.
“I’d rather the two of us just live here. Right, Levi?” She said softly aloud, turning to look at Levi’s unconscious face. Her selfish ideas spilled from her mouth and into the ears of her partner. She truly wanted to live with him. She wanted a life with him. She wanted to wake up with him every morning, make him tea, explore the forest, forget about the shitty world they were born into for even just a moment. She was grateful he was unconscious and couldn’t hear her. She allowed the tears to flow for just a brief period. No one was around, she was safe to let it go. Her exhale was shaky as her throat tightened. She blinked and hot tears came rushing down. She covered her face with her hands, allowing herself to cry. Not just cry… to sob. Her heart felt as if it was being torn apart strand by strand. Like someone physically shoved their hands inside her chest, pulling it apart. She felt a strong urge to scream, but she covered her mouth tightly with her hand, allowing a few moans to escape.
All she wanted was peace. She wanted all the suffering to end. She wanted Levi to be healthy and happy. She wanted to explore the world with him, try new things with him. There was so much she wanted to do couldn’t, and she knew that. When she joined the Survey Corps, she knew what she signed up for. She wasn’t afraid to die for the cause, but she just wanted Levi to be happy. She knew how deeply he had suffered. He lost his mother, Isabel, Farlan, Gunther, Eld, Petra, Oulo, Mike, Erwin, and countless more soldiers. She would do everything in her power to make him happy and not just survive but to truly live.
Later that evening, she began to work on building the cart to carry Levi. She contemplated carrying him on her back, but it was unrealistic. She was strong, but not strong enough to carry him for possibly days on end. She was working on hammering a nail into the wheel when there was a crash of lightning. Suddenly, she was knelt in soft, white sand. The sky shone turquoise behind her. She placed her makeshift hammer down, leaving an imprint on the sand. She put her hands on the ground to help her stand up. That is where she saw a familiar tall man with his dark brown hair tied in a knot. He was facing away from her, sitting in the sand with his knees to his chest. She slowly walked up to him, sand filling her shoes.
“Eren?” The man turned his head to face Hange. She is hesitant to sit down, but he waves her over to him.
“Hange-san,” he began. “I am sorry for everything.”
“Wh… What are you talking about?”
“You’re going to die soon,” he admitted, drawing circles in the sand. “Levi will try to stop you, but you can’t let him.”
“I don’t understand… how do you know all this?”
“This is all a part of my plan to eradicate the Titans…” he muttered. “But I am sorry it has to end this way. I know how much you and Levi care for each other. It will be painful, I will admit. But it is for a good cause.” 
Hange shook her head in confusion. “What the hell? What will happen to Levi? Isn’t there another way?”
“No… There's no other way. Levi will be survive in the end. Don’t worry about that.” He had already made up his mind. “I am sorry. Go inside. Levi is waiting for you.” As Eren spoke, he pointed into the distance. Suddenly, they weren’t in the sand staring at the turquoise sky anymore. They were in a similar forest with tall pine trees. There was a small cabin with smoke exiting through the chimney. The cabin looked like it was something Hange and Levi could’ve made themselves. She opened the door hesitantly to find Levi sitting in the rocking chair, a cup of hot tea in his hand. 
“Hange, you’re home,” Levi said, pleasantly surprised. She noticed his scar was present, clean and healed. He didn’t wear an eyepatch like she did. His right eye was white and cloudy. He stood up slowly, placed his tea cup in the tea dish, and walked towards her. She was able to admire his outfit. He wasn’t in his military gear, but in a beige sweater and grey trousers. He looked comfortable and at peace, which is what Hange always wanted for him. She was at a loss for words.
“What is this?” 
“This is the most I can give you, Hange-san. A life with Levi.” She felt tears well up in her eyes. “I can let you stay here a little while longer.” Eren disappeared when she looked back to where she heard his voice. She looked at Levi, placing her hands on his cheeks. Levi’s lips curled into a small, sad smile.
“Look at our house, Hange,” he said, gesturing towards the center of the room. She looked away from him to admire the house. Their house. It was very cozy: it had two large burgundy sofas against the back and right wall, a fireplace in the center of the living room which had fierce flames. Levi led her to the kitchen and dining room. The kitchen had off-white square tiles as the floor and wooden cabinets, as well as a stove. There was a wooden table with two chairs. It made Hange’s heart swell, even bringing tears to her eyes. They did get to live together in another life.
“Levi…” she whimpered, looking at him again. He grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers.
“We’ll be here again, one day…” Levi said. Suddenly, she felt a breeze flow through her hair. Then, the house started to fade into nothingness and blow away. Levi was the last to disappear. Hange felt herself reaching out and grasping for him, begging him to come back. 
Then, she was back to reality; hammer in hand, arm in the air, ready to swing.
What just happened? She asked herself. She felt as if she had taken a long nap, dreaming of a place so distant. She swore she had a dream, but it was long forgotten, deep in her unconscious mind. A tear was streaming down her face, her heart pounding in her chest, as if she just woke up from a nightmare.
“Don’t tell me… Eren… the world…” she muttered. The words came spewing out of her mouth for a reason unknown to her. “LEVI!” She turned to look at her partner only to find out he’d woken up. He was attempting to sit up.
“That damned beast titan…” he groaned, pain overwhelming him. 
“You don’t need to get up,” Hange insisted, placing her hands gently on his chest. He eased back to his previous supine position. “What happened?” He briefly explained what happened, how Zeke was prepared to die for the cause. Hange sighed. She could barely handle the thought of what happened. She did hear the thunder spear go off, after all… She felt guilt tug at her damaged heart. Maybe she could’ve prevented it.
“I know you’re full of regret, but for now…” She was interrupted.
“What's left if we run and hide like this?” Levi asked, looking her in the eyes so fiercely she couldn’t look away.  She felt her face turn red and hot.
“So, you heard my soliloquy, huh…” She mustered up the strength to look away. She was embarrassed, but then she realized he didn’t reject her. He said ‘what if we run away and hide like this?’ Him, her, together. He looked past her shoulder.
“What is that? Are you planning to pull me by horse? I know you, you aren’t able to stay out of the action…” She noticed his eyes were starting to appear wet… was he tearing up?
“That’s right. I can’t.” Hange sighed, looking into her lap.
The two knew what was to come; Hange and Levi knew what was coming from the moment they joined the Survey Corps. Duty first. Love second. They yearned to be together, but they knew that they had met each other at the worst time. Perhaps in another life, they would find peace. They would find freedom from this terrible world and find comfort in each other. They just wanted an ending. An ending to the war, an ending to the suppression of true emotions, an ending to the strain on their hearts since the first day of joining the military. They didn’t care where or how, as long as it was an ending together.
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murdereraisuha · 3 years
Classpecting TWST: Savanaclaw
Time to classpect the dorm that deserved better writing-wise. I’m gonna start tagging these “twst analysis” now too cause I am basically using the classpect stuff as a vehicle for getting a better understanding of the characters
Spoilers for chapter 2 and some of the trio’s personal stories. No knowledge of Homestuck required to read.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Leona, the symbol for the hope aspect, and the words “Leona Kingscholar: Prince of Hope”]
Before we get to the reasoning, I just want to say, Leona I am so sorry you have to share a classpect with Eridan. Okay now I’ll hand the mic to past me.
Throughout his personal stories, we see that Leona is fine with resorting to underhanded tactics, but he specifically values cleverness and creative use of resources. Leona looks down on those who don’t exhibit those things (ex. the Savanaclaw students in Leona’s dorm uniform story who tried to beat up Jack using sheer numbers).
Leona tends to only expend effort on things that benefit him in some way.
Leona is a powerful and intelligent magic user; he could have easily graduated already if he wanted to, but it seems he doesn’t want to.
Despite Leona’s strengths, those around him criticized him and constantly compared him to his brother due to Leona being the 2nd born prince. No matter what he did, he could not sway those opinions. He could never become number 1.
Because of this, he developed the belief that life isn’t fair and he gives up on things rather easily.
Based on this, I have 3 aspects in mind: rage, hope, and doom.
Rage and hope go hand in hand as opposites: rage is negative emotions, rejection, and doubt, while hope is positive emotions, acceptance, and ideals. For Leona, his story seems to be about him having given up on his hope and dreams of ever succeeding. In its place he has become quick to deem efforts worthless. He acts antagonistic to people like Vil and Malleus, and he seems to disapprove of some of Jack’s honorable ideals. All of these things connect to the parts of rage/hope.
Doom is also a possibility, as it represents negativity, decay, and limits. It is the opposite to life, the aspect that I picked for Kalim. Therefore, I think doom is plausible since Leona shows the opposite side to the luxuries enjoyed by Kalim and Farena as first borns.
Now for classes. I don’t think Leona does much stealing, he doesn’t suffer from indecision, he doesn’t put up any masks, and he’s not a very healing focused person. I think that narrows it down to witch, heir, mage, prince, and bard.
If it’s prince or bard it would have to be hope, in which case prince of hope fits Leona best due to his destruction of hope being focused more than just happening naturally. Though Leona has suffered, it seems to have more hampered his potential than gave him useful knowledge so now I’m kicking out mage. Heir seems to fit best if it’s as a heir of rage. Finally, I’m also kicking out witch since he he doesn’t do much manipulation of any of the 3 aspects.
Between prince of hope and heir of rage... it’s prince of hope. Since Leona says that nothing he did could sway people’s negative opinion of him, we can assume that Leona had hope earlier in his life that he could change those opinions. He did stuff like studying and improving his magic until he finally realized that that wasn’t changing his image at all. Rather than preserve his hope, he choose to destroy it, making his class the active destroyer class, prince.
In chapter 2, he rallies Ruggie the rest of his dorm against Diasomnia, using their hopes as a tool for destroying the other teams. In 2-24 Leona then tries to destroy their hopes once he deems their plan useless. At one point he says 「じゃあ本当のことを教えてやるよ」, translated by Shel_BB on youtube as “Let me give you a dose of reality.” This and the other things he says this episode really connect to the hope/rage themes of reality vs fantasy and stop vs go. Therefore, quite ironically since he is an actual prince, Leona's classpect seems to be a prince of hope.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Ruggie, the symbol for the Life aspect, and the words “Ruggie Bucchi: Rogue of Life”]
Ruggie grew up in a poor environment with food insecurity. Many of his clothes are hand-me-downs, he’s fine with eating odd things like dandelions, and before holiday break he raids the cafeteria for food to bring back for the others in his town.
Ruggie’s official hobby is part-time jobs. From working at Mostro Lounge to selling mandrakes, he’s really focused on earning money however he can.
His skillset, which includes pickpocketing and haggling, lets Ruggie pull off plenty of clever and underhanded tricks.
However, like Leona, Ruggie still has standards: in one of his ceremony robe voice lines, he says that he prefers his lot in life over that of a spoiled, rich person without any problems. 
His dorm uniform personal story, where he teams up with Trein’s cat to get magic history help and catch rats, is about using the power of others instead of relying solely on himself.
There were 3 paragraphs of stuff here that I deleted because I was getting absolutely nowhere. I didn’t expect Ruggie to be this hard.
Like, Ruggie's problems kinda seem to stem from just poverty and Leona being an asshole. Well, hm, actually if we combine the moral of his dorm uniform story and Ruggie acting like Leona’s maid, perhaps Ruggie’s problem is something like he keeps taking on burdens? Out of everyone who lives in his slums, he’s likely the only one going to a prestigious school like NRC. He’s likely well-known there because of that and him bringing back food a lot. Are Ruggie’s ambitions for a good job not only his own ambitions, but that of the whole community? I’ve always been a bit confused about why Ruggie helps Leona out outside of the magift tournament stuff. Is he... so used to having to help others and constantly take on jobs that his standards for what’s reasonable work are gone? I just went through the chats and in Jack’s one with Ruggie, Jack is telling him about having to find something to draw for a homework assignment and Ruggie immediately offers to go get his warthog piggy bank. Bruh?? Doesn’t that have your money? Why are you just lending it out like that????
Alright, because Ruggie is a guy who needs to chill and have some me-time, I’m narrowing his class down to rogue, maid, or knight. For aspects, I’m thinking life (energy & luxury), time (action & death), or blood (community & responsibility).
On second thought, I’m kicking out maid and blood. Rogue & knight and life & time seem to fit Ruggie better. And now my best guess is rogue of life. First, he obviously fits the stealing aspect of the class through his skill at stealing. Like how a rogue redistributes things, Ruggie obtains money/food to redistribute to the others in the slums. He also injured the people in chapter 2, basically taking life from them, which resulted in Savanaclaw's chances of winning the tournament getting stronger. For the tendency of rogues to have a hard time coping with having their aspect, Ruggie has a hard time accepting luxury/relaxation time. He funnels all his resources into efficient causes and his community. Also, in Jack’s dorm outfit personal story where Jack tries to help him out with stuff, Ruggie is distrustful of him and goes out of his way to avoid him.
I didn’t have any sort of eureka moment with this one like I had with the twins, so I’m still unsure about it. However, considering that TWST characters obviously weren’t meant to get crammed into the classpect system, it makes sense that some might not fit perfectly. So, with what I do have, I think that Ruggie is a rogue of life.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Jack Howl, the symbol for the mind aspect, and the words “Jack Howl: Page of Mind”]
Jack values honor, strength, and hard work. He believes that people should accomplish things through their own efforts rather than lowly tricks.
Therefore, Jack disapproves of Leona and Ruggie's method of doing things. 
In contrast to how Leona and Ruggie use others, Jack sometimes refuses help, like in chapter 2 when he claims he can handle his dorm by himself.
Jack is quite intelligent and insightful, as shown by his comments throughout chapter 3 and his scary outfit personal story.
Jack respects social/group hierarchies and takes care not to disturb order, as shown in his dorm outfit personal story.
Also in his dorm outfit personal story, Jack says that he wants to become someone with a single true purpose.
So, I'm already kind of stumped. He doesn't have any big moments in the spotlight during the main story, so there's not much to go off of there. 
We have to start somewhere though. So, first off, I’ll eliminate the destruction classes and theft since he doesn’t do much of either. I’ll also eliminate the knowledge classes since I don’t think he holds any special knowledge of anything.
For potential aspects, after eliminating the ones that seem mostly irrelevant to him, I’m left with mind, heart, hope, rage, or blood. The 2 that particularly stick out to me are mind and heart.
Mind is the aspect of logic, unbiasedness, morality, and blending in. For Jack, his strong focus on justice even when it means going against someone he once admired seems very mind-like. His care in not stepping out of line in social situations also relates to blending in. Of course, we should still keep mind’s opposite, heart, in consideration.
Now that I’m pretty confident his aspect is mind or heart, we’re left with 12 possible classpects. I still can’t narrow it down well, let’s go back to Jack’s traits.
What challenges does he face or have to overcome? In the main story, the problem he faces is trying to correct the injustice in his dorm by himself. In his dorm outfit story, the problem he faces is being over zealous about helping Ruggie. Wait, actually, that’s not right. Though that is a problem, it seems like the main growth/realization for Jack is about his motivation for helping Ruggie. When questioned by Ruggie in part 1, he mainly cites the group hierarchy as the reasons for his actions. However, later on, Deuce deduces (haha) that Jack looks up to Ruggie like a big brother. Though Jack denies it, at the end of the story he asks if Ruggie would let him call him big bro.
It’s like he is concerned about justice and social harmony (mind stuff), but in reality he does stuff according to his impulses and emotions (heart stuff). This doesn’t feel like a prince/bard situation though, it isn’t dysfunctional or destructive enough for that. I thought that the pages of the cast might be Epel and/or Sebek, but it seems that Jack may be a page.
Pages, the passive exploitation class, are characterized by a deficit in their aspect that they try to hide and overcome. Like how Jack takes his service of Ruggie too far, pages often overshoot in their efforts to correct their weakness. However, as they grow and learn from their mistakes, pages become masters of their aspect, like in Jack’s scary outfit story where he starts out with a bad idea then at the end develops it into a sound plan to scare the tourists. That also fits well with mind, since smoke and mirrors is another big part of that aspect.
Therefore, with how well this class seems to fit with Jack’s actions and motivations, I think that he is probably a page of mind.
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (43)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
A lot of things happened last night, a lot of revelation especially, the whole thing having been concluded by a... wild night. You could feel aches everywhere, it must be said that you did not go slowly, you and Jed... I mean Danny. It will take you some time to accept this reality. All this time, this dear Jed, this boy who seemed shy, adorable and very concerned about the others, was actually the one who at night, was going to commit murders, but also come to see you, under the name of Ghostface.  It will take you time, but you will still have to adapt quickly. Because only one misstep and Only God knows what Danny will do to you.
You were still in bed together. You felt aches and pains along your body, and it's no wonder, with the beast sleeping next to you. He was wilder than when he was Jed. much wilder. He was turned towards you, his hair scattered all over his pillow, his face peaceful. You gently release a strand of hair from his face which made him react. And without having time to realize it, you find yourself glued to him, his arms blocking you like a child who hugs his teddy bear tightly. Luckily, you're not working today. But you still want to get up. You try to get out of your way but all you get is Danny's grunts and a slightly tighter embrace.
“Hmmm... stop moving.” Said Danny grumbling a little.
“You are slightly crushing me against you. And I want to get up.” you respond.  
“Why? You don't work today, if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah, but I can’t stay in bed all day. Come on Danny...”
Danny grumbled again, letting you get up before complaining even more when he heard his phone ring. He got up, before taking the latter and looking at who dared to disturb him so early. It was his boss Mr Hembrook. You could notice that a twisted smile appeared on his face, as if he already knew why his boss was calling him. And in a sense... you also have your little idea about it.  
“Hello? In 20min? Yes of course Sir why?... Are you serious? Yes, yes, I go there right now. Okay, he's going to be happy to see me... You too sir. Good bye.” said Danny before hanging up the phone and looking at you with a wide smile.  
“What did he want?” you ask even if you already knew the answer.  
“Wilhelm is at Hoggins' villa... they have just found his body. And my boss wants me to go there to get some information. And help Wilhelm if possible.”
“I suspected it a little. You must be proud, all this time you made everyone believe that it was Hoggins who killed McKellan and made up everything to make it look like a Ghostface murder... and there... You literally turned everyone's brain upside down.”
“That's what it's like to be me. I have had plenty of time to improve since my first murder. I made mistakes, adapted my modus operandi according to the situation, and I created my own signature. I confess that I didn't really like attributing MY McKellan's murder to Hoggins, but I had to draw attention to him. In addition, this moron brought me everything I wanted on a silver platter.”
“You mean everything you found on Hoggins was true?” you replied surprised.  
“Honey, I am a criminal, but I am a journalist first and foremost. Everything I found and showed you on Hoggins is true. I can't really have fun falsifying documents that need to be published in the newspaper. Otherwise, my boss will suspect something. No one fools him so easily.” He responds before getting up and head to the wardrobe to pick up clean clothes.
“In this case I come with you.”
“Oh? Do you want to see in what state I left this bastard? You know that curiosity is an ugly flaw... but if you insist, I'm not going to say no. And that way you can reassure yourself about his death.”
You both have breakfast quickly; you get dressed and Danny took his bag that contained his journalist's belongings. You could see in his office another bag, surely the one in which he put his Ghostface’s outfit and others. You leave the apartment to get into Danny's van, setting off for Hoggins' house. It's going to be weird to go back there for a murder, when that's where the reception was held. An unforgettable evening. During the ride, you discussed everything and nothing as if it were one of your usual days. Once he arrived in front of the hoggins' house, Danny parked, turned off the engine and took your arm before you went down.
“Remember what was said last night. For everyone, I am Jed. So, no missteps, otherwise... I would be obliged to make you assimilate them... in a less diplomatic way. Oh, and try to pretend you don't know anything. Let us avoid drawing attention to ourselves.” He said before letting you go.  
You leave the vehicle and join Wilhelm in Hoggins' office where his corpse is. When you arrive in the room, a vision of horror, and a desire to vomit, took you. You turn your head by refraining from vomiting, indeed, we can say that Hoggins is dead. Danny has accomplished his little revenge with perfection. The latter was talking with Wilhelm explaining the reasons for your presence. After all, in the eyes of the law, you are a civilian, and civilians do not have to be at the crime scene.
“Are you okay Miss? If you want to vomit, you have the toilet which is just the room after from the left. Anyway, the owner of the house is no longer able to do or say anything against you.” Said Wilhelm looking at you.  
“Yes... Thank you.” you simply respond.
“Well... we can say that he was more than creative this time. I knew he had imagination but here, it's too much for me.” Said Danny.  
“The worst thing is that this bastard leaves a little note. He was the one who killed McKellan! he used Hoggins as a scapegoat. Goddamnit !” replied Wilhelm, hitting the wall next to him.  
“It cannot be said that Hoggins was a saint... there was quite a bit of evidence against him too. I think that Ghostface knew this and that he used it. This guy is always spying on his victims...”
“This is not wrong Olsen... this is not wrong. In the meantime, I thought I could end McKellan's murder, and in the end, not only it’s not the case, but I also find myself with Hoggins' murder on my hands! I'm going to smash that dirty little asshole if I catch him!”
You see Danny making a discreet but sneaky smile behind Wilhelm, something you shake your head slightly at. He had done this not only to take revenge, but also to make fun of Wilhelm. You wanted to hit him on the shoulder, but it would be useless. what is done... is done. And then, like Danny told you earlier, it's better to avoid attention on both of you.
“He literally crucified him. And turn that cross over to make him a demon. It’s really twisted. Maybe a follower of religion? One of these... Satanists? In a sense it would not surprise me. Given all the blood he sheds.” said Wilhelm.  
“Maybe... or maybe not. That's the problem with Ghostface, he knows everything about everyone, but nobody knows anything about him.” said Danny.  
“I find it strange ... he seems to appreciate you well Miss. Because all those who tried to harm you are dead.” Replied Wilhelm, looking at you.  
You look at the two men, not knowing what to answer. Danny made you understand that you had to quickly find an excuse or something to say. Otherwise, suspicions will arise on you. It was inevitable and real, Danny killed everyone who got too close to you and threatened you. Think pickle brains, think!  
“Great...as if McKellan and Hoggins hadn't been so... horrible, I had to attract the most twisted murderer in the city.” you respond, faking an annoying face.  
“All we have to do now is know why. it's not like you've been living here for a long time, and Ghostface had started his murders long before you arrived. But here, it seems that he is tired of attacking small fish, he wants to catch the bigger ones.” said Wilhelm looking at the reverse cross.
“Go find out what big fish he's going to attack next time... Me... You... or the mayor.” said Danny, taking notes.  
Wilhelm and Danny exchanged a look that meant everything. A cold settled in the room. Don’t forget that these two men do not get along at the base... If you didn't understand why with "Jed", now that you know the reality of things, with Danny, it didn't surprise you in the end. Still, be as close to the one who wants to capture you... you really have to be twisted to play so much with fire. Both took notes, observations of the crime scene, and recorded hypotheses about what might have happened.
It was demoralizing to see how Danny was making fun of Wilhelm, knowing himself that he’s the perpetrator of this murder. He knew how to lie, that's for sure. You were sure that he convinced himself of his own lies. After a few hours, you and Danny end up leaving the scene, Danny "promising" to notify the inspector if he ever had any information. On the way back, you look at Danny pouting like a child unhappy that he didn't have an ice cream.
“What?” Danny finally said.  
“You should be given the medal for the best liar in the world. And the best actor too. You act as if nothing had happened and you provoke the inspector without thinking that there will be no consequences or that he will not suspect you by saying this.” you respond.
“Ha ha I know Honey I know. I was born with this talent as an actor. It's innate in me. And the same can be said of you.”
“Except that compared to you it doesn't make me happy to lie to people. And I pray that no one will ever discover the truth.”
“Oh, you can. Because if it happens... I'd know where it came from.” replied Danny.  
You take a lunch break to eat, as usual, at the park and then around 1pm, you quickly stop at the newspaper, while Danny aka "Jed" or "Jeddy" according to Mattew, reports to his boss. It was fun to see the locals where Danny was working, you were the first "civilian" to go inside, at least to go up to the office. Usually, when you deliver the cakes for the newspaper, it’s the security guards who take care of receiving the packages.
Mr. Hembrook greeted you warmly it was the first time he smiled like this. From what Danny told you, he wasn't the type to joke about, he was someone very serious about his job. But, outside, no one knows how he is. After a few hours of discussion about the article to be published on Hoggins, a discussion in which you took part, you both leave the Roseville Gazette’s building and get back in the van.
“So? What do we do now?” you ask.  
“Well normally tonight I had planned to... find a new victim. Or start this article. But you see, I don't want to. I want to spend a quiet evening, without work, without murder, just you and me. So... What would you say about a short trip to Zanesville just you and me? there are many more things to do than here.” Danny said with a bright smile.  
“Oh, you're doing a rebellious teenage crisis again? the one who only wants to have fun and nothing else?”  
“Ha ha. Really funny. I may have been a model student, but I knew how to have fun. Okay, so? it's yes or no, Miss Rainbow...” replied Danny chuckling.
“Hey! You promised me to not call me that.” you respond, hitting him in the arm.  
“Correction, JED promised you to not call you that anymore. Not me. So?”
“...Fine. But promise me to tell anyone about that.” you said sighing before laughing.  
Danny restarted the van and set off for Zanesville. The road was made in music, and even being himself, Danny still had the same musical tastes than when he was Jed. Indeed, Zanesville has more to offer in terms of entertainment than Roseville. A big city has everything, but it will never replace the tranquillity of a peaceful small town. You looked through the window at the various shops, restaurants, libraries, and even the arcades! there were also shops that sold CDs and films. Basically, there was everything, in addition to grocery stores and small supermarkets.
“Ready to have fun?” asks Danny.  
“Ready!” You respond smiling.  
I hope for you that you know how to hold out until late... very late. Because there, with Danny... you're not ready to go to bed anytime soon. Oh no you're going to be awake all night. Let the party begin!
Until your body lets you go.  
(I think I'm at my... 6/7 run of Road 96 and I still never get tired of it! the good thing about this game is that each road is unique, even if we know the different answers we can give, we can create multiple situations that can lead either to our arrest, our death, or our freedom. It's a game with a gripping story and also very endearing characters. Well, I must admit that Zoe now... as soon as I see her, I want to kick her in the head. She's not a bad character, and I know she doesn't do it voluntarily, but she always puts us in danger every time we meet her. And after a while it's just irritating. I hope you’ll like this chapter like the other ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya! )
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morganaseren · 3 years
OC Introduction
Tagged by: @illusivesoul Thanks! Sorry this took so long!
Tagging: @this-is-something-idk-what, @noeldressari, @alessandramortt, @theherowarden, @jellydishes​ As per usual, I can never figure out who has or hasn’t been tagged by this. No pressure if you don’t want to participate though! Below is the template you can use.
My answers will be under the Read More.
Full Name:
Occupation and Titles:
Birthday & Age:
Physical description:
Clothing style:
Preferred fighting style:
Special skills:
Love interest:
Best friends:
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Guilty Pleasure:
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Fandom: Dragon Age
Role: Inquisitor
Full Name: Niamh (pronounced “Neev”) Cousland
Nickname(s): Neevy (from Sera), Brat (from Leliana lolol), Storm Pup (mostly from her late mother’s side of the family)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation and Titles: Niamh is the leader of the Inquisition forces and is also hailed as the Herald of Andraste. Although all her rights to the Cousland estate along with any titles associated with it were forfeited the moment her magic manifested, her ties to her family name are still recognized and vice versa--perhaps especially so now with her being Inquisitor. Thus, in accordance to an older tradition from her late mother’s family, she is also titled the Storm Wolf of Highever per her brother Teyrn Fergus Cousland.
Birthday & Age: Niamh was born on the 3rd of Cloudreach in 9:08 Dragon, so she’s 33 as of Inquisition and 36 as of the Trespasser DLC.
Physical description: She’s a woman of middling height (5′6″ or 168cm). Niamh’s hair is pitch-black, which settles asymmetrically around her face with a longer fringe covering one of her eyes--a pale, misty-grey hue. Physique-wise, she’s full of wiry muscle, especially along her arms, shoulders, and back--testament to years of heavy staffwork.
Clothing style: This is more dependent on what setting she finds herself in. Around Skyhold or in more official circumstances, she tends to garb herself in formal wear such as the one seen below.
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When she’s out and about on missions, her attire consists more of cloth and leather as depicted in the screenshot above. As a native Fereldan, she has a tendency to favor fur in her overall field outfit, which is evident in the black Great Bear fur seen along the spaulders atop her shoulders. Then, as an occasional artist, her sketchbook is ever present, constantly hanging from her belt as she draws flora, fauna, and anything of interest in her travels to properly document later. Littered amongst the sketches are also occasional plans for whatever project she’d like to work on back at Skyhold.
Art and crafting is ever her way of relaxing.
Despite being an artist, her color palette in terms of clothing remains relatively simple even if the cut of them are always finely-tailored. She favors darker colors overall with white and varying shades of grey. Occasionally, a splash of color is thrown in every now and again for visual emphasis.
For instance, the red scarf you see on her is a gift from Bethany Hawke. ;3
Niamh is the youngest child of Bryce and Eleanor Cousland.
She was born beneath a violent storm that only settled as her newborn cries filled the world--a telltale sign perhaps of the destiny that would later be laid out before her.
She was taken away to Ferelden’s Circle when her magic manifested at the age of four. Niamh was the youngest to enter Kinloch Hold that year, and she was inconsolable for several months as she struggled to adapt to her new surroundings and the many strangers that were meant to be her new family of sorts.
Of all the mages present, she was closest to Jowan since he was only a year or two older than her, and the then young boy was responsible for drawing her out of her sullen shell--enough to where she could finally be comfortable with interacting with others after months of frightened silence. The two children did everything together and were otherwise inseparable. Unfortunately, their relationship would later become strained as they entered into adolescence, especially as Niamh grew into her magical abilities and surpassed him entirely in power, astounding the likes of First Enchanter Irving and Wynne--both whom became her respective mentors--with her command over the elements. 
Niamh was able to successfully undertake the Harrowing at the age of seventeen, earning the right to be recognized as a full-fledged mage. She was never designated an Enchanter throughout her time in the Circle, for she had no personal apprentices of her own. The few new ones to arrive at the Tower were assigned to those who had passed the Harrowing before her, but she was content to help them and the Senior Enchanters however she could. Her kindness, patience, and calm diligence earned her easy friendships.
...or at least she thought so until some of her colleagues turned on her with Uldred’s coup following the onset of the Blight.
Caught between blood mages and Templars who believed she had a hand in Uldred’s machinations, she likely would have succumbed to either party eventually had her sister Saoirse--now a Grey Warden--not arrived to help cleanse the Tower of abominations and save First Enchanter Irving and the remaining Senior Enchanters.
For her efforts in saving them, Niamh was allowed to accompany her sister on her travels across Ferelden along with Wynne. She formed a fast friendship with Leliana early on, and it eventually led to heavy infatuation on Niamh’s end, but it stuttered to an abrupt halt when she realized her sister was also in love with the bard. Believing that she had nothing of worth to offer to Leliana as a mere mage, Niamh buried her feelings for the other woman, watching from afar as she fell for Saoirse.
Saoirse was as bold as all great heroes could ever hope to be, and so she was well-suited for Leliana, but it was Niamh who tempered much of her sister’s impulsiveness, especially when it came to matters of diplomacy.
"Can't we just--"
"No." Niamh just kept her gaze forward as they walked out of the Deep Roads, refusing to look at her sister.
"But it's a good idea!" Saoirse insisted earnestly.
"Saoirse, in no world where you throw the crown at the two candidates for Orzammar's throne and expect the least most concussed to be King can ever be considered a 'good idea,'" Niamh deadpanned.
Yet, for all her brilliance with tactics and matters of negotiation, Niamh was unable to convince Saoirse to allow Morrigan to use her Dark Ritual despite knowing it would have saved any of the Grey Wardens from being sacrificed. Worse, her sister made her promise not to tell Leliana of Saoirse’s own plans to slay the Archdemon in the final battle.
As expected, it resulted in Saoirse’s death.
Racked with guilt over never telling Leliana the truth of the matter, and believing she had been left the last of the Couslands--a mage that Thedas would have never recognized--she disappeared following the end of the Fifth Blight. Niamh placed herself in a self-imposed exile abroad for over a decade until news of a Conclave by Divine Justinia was brought to her attention. The Divine had hoped to bring together both sides of the Mage-Templar War and negotiate its end.
For Niamh, this led her to return to Ferelden. It was her last hope to see if the world could finally begin to change for the better.
Instead, she was given a far different destiny...
Preferred fighting style: She prefers keeping herself at range on the battlefield, for it allows her to better survey it. She sees everything like an intricate chess game, and she always tries to place herself and her team at the best advantage to overcome their opponents.
As a mage, Niamh incorporates a lot of staffwork in her fighting, especially when it comes to casting magic. However, when she was living abroad, she had to learn to adjust her fighting style altogether so that she would never be suspected of being a mage. As such, she taught herself to fight with spears and polearms, as they were still similar enough to normal staff-fighting that it wouldn’t require a completely new foundation with which to work from.
Because the new style of fighting required her to be within relatively close quarters of her enemies, she learned to try and limit the time of the engagement with them as much as possible with quick, brutal strikes. That methodology happens regardless of how many opponents there are. A quick takedown means a much quicker escape after all. As a runaway apostate, she couldn’t risk leaving a trail of bodies behind her wherever she went.
Special skills: Niamh is specialized in all the elemental houses of magic although she favors lightning the most. During her time with the Inquisition, she also specialized in necromancy--much to the surprise of many.
Family: Of the renowned Couslands, only she and her older brother Fergus remain, but despite their years apart(she honestly didn’t know that he survived the Battle of Ostagar until she returned to Ferelden in 9:41), they remain loving and supportive as always toward one another. Of her late mother’s family, the Mac Eanraigs, she gets along well with them, especially her Aunt Eithne (who will be making her first official appearance in chapter 24 of OtSttCA).
Love interest: Leliana (although they won’t be an official couple until close to chapter 30 or so)
Best friends: Dorian, Sera, and Cole. She views the three of them like younger siblings, which was an admittedly odd feeling for her at first, given that she’s the youngest of her own siblings.
Of her other companions, she is also closest to Vivienne although Niamh sees her more like a fond, maternal figure than a best friend. She greatly respects how the older woman was able to take her status as a mage and turn it into a position of power within the Orlesian Imperial Court, especially when so very little of it was ever afforded to their people. When it comes to the mage allies she gathered from Redcliffe, she trusts Vivienne’s judgment in overseeing them along with the Knight-Enchanters Niamh requested of her back in chapter 13, especially since Niamh travels so much between missions. Then, when it comes to just about anything regarding Orlais, she goes to Vivienne as much as Leliana or Josephine, mostly wanting the insight of a mage in regards to the culture and politics seen there.
Then, of her War Council, Leliana and Josephine are her absolute favorites. Niamh and Leliana have so much history between them that it’s impossible to separate themselves from one another, and she appreciates Josephine’s sweet nature as well as her diplomatic acumen.
Positive traits: Her adaptability. There’s an almost... chameleon-like nature to Niamh at times. As such, she can acclimate herself to whatever her environment asks of her and find a way to thrive in spite of it all. She’s also quite intelligent. Ever the eternal student, she constantly looks to expand her wealth of knowledge. Had she not been born a mage, she likely would have done well as a scholar in the world of Thedas. Niamh is also benevolent, always seeking to place more kindness into the world rather than contributing to the bad already within it.
Negative traits: After years of being taught rather toxic, religious doctrine from the Chantry in regards to mages, Niamh has rather low self-esteem, especially when it comes to the subject of love. She doesn’t believe herself worthy of Leliana for instance. As brilliant as she is, her mind can be rather restless at times. This can lead to overthinking outside of any tactical or official setting, which tends to feed back on her latent anxiety as a leader. Then, having spent a decade constantly on the move, she’s not used to staying still for long periods of time, which lends itself to some trouble, especially if she’s injured. She is quite literally the worst patient ever. :P
Likes: Storms, the ocean, mabari, tea, strategy games, sweets, books, art
Dislikes: The Chantry, Templars, discriminatory behavior, incivility,
Fears: The Rite of Tranquility, outright failure as a leader
Guilty Pleasure: Niamh has the most terrible sweet tooth. If given half the chance, she’d get her entire day’s sustenance through sweets alone. She actually does like fashion; she just couldn’t allow herself to indulge in it since her nomadic lifestyle before joining the Inquisition didn’t permit such luxury. She’d happily window-shop the entire day away if given the opportunity.
Hobbies: Sketching, painting, crafting, reading, chess
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