#and i always pay for a single period without making it reoccuring
zincbot · 11 months
got my first money in many many many months. should i subscribe to dropout again or nebula
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forcebewitht · 3 years
Force's Disney Geek Master Theory: Why Twisted Wonderland Is Called Twisted Wonderland
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We have all grown to know and love various Disney characters over the years, correct? Yet, I believe a lot of us can argue that not many characters have the same effect on us even as adults today as the Villains do within their respective movies. In the game Disney: Twisted Wonderland as we all know and love, the select boys to Overblot are supposed to have the "souls" of their Villain counterparts, right? But...why is it called "Twisted" Wonderland, then? The truth may lie within something that has been right in front of us all along, my friends: the meaning of a mirror. Ready to buckle in for this one? If so, then here we go!
We have seen all of these guys share character traits, looks, etc with their Disney counterparts, correct? Well, what if I were to tell you that things in terms of the "main" guys that we are supposed to pay attention to aren't exactly what they seem? This could be analyzed in a few different ways, honestly, yet the most prominent way is this: the differences in their personalities- they are reversed. Let us take this bit by bit, shall we?
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Ah, yes. The Queen Of Hearts. The ranting, raging, bundle of red, black, and gold we all know and love. (or else heads would roll, I'm sure) One of the things that everybody knows about her is that she's extremely hellbent on the crazy rules that she makes up and is prone to anger honestly very easily. Yeah, you can connect that to Riddle- but think about it for a second. While that rage and the rule thing is still there, it isn't as prominent with him as it was with her, is it? With the Queen of Hearts, her whole "issue" was that she wished to make everybody listen to her and follow her every command- but Riddle was essentially always following the rules of another- not his own. This seemed to make Riddle a little more calm most of the time in terms of how he handled and oversaw things. It wasn't until he actually Overblotted that the "listen to me and only me" thing came out- buuuuuuttttttt I'll get to that part in a bit.
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Next: Leona and Scar. While we honestly didn't get to see a lot of what went on behind the scenes in the Outlands in terms of how Scar even met the hyenas to begin with at all, one thing can honestly be said- Scar worked very hard to get where he was. I mean, it's not like you can get an entire pack of rabid, hungry hyenas onto your side in the course of a single day, or maybe even a week (especially as a lion, no less). No, something to that extreme takes careful planning, wording, and stringing along to ensure that nothing goes wrong along the way. The way Scar spoke to Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed made it seem as though he had known them for a looooonngggg time before this- that's where that behind the scenes planning comes in. And then...you have Leona. Leona, from what we can tell in Chapter 2, planned the idea for the "endgame" alright- but he didn't actually act upon any of the plan for himself. Ruggie did. Even in the Lion King, we see that Scar had no problems whatsoever getting his paws dirty a little within his own scheme to take his "rightful place" at the head of Pride Rock- but Leona quite honestly did not a thing once Ruggie was in motion. See where this is starting to head?
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Azul and Ursula. Ursula, the Disney baddie queen of my heart Ursula, the Sea Witch. She was known all around the ocean floor for helping out poor little merfolk in secret, wasn't she? Yet, nobody ever really seemed to catch wind of the whole "her turning those who didn't quite fit the bill into polyps" thing, did they? That was one of the things that made her such a honest threat to Ariel herself- because Ursula was cunning. She did things behind the scenes, and sure- we could catch onto it out in the audience (annnddd maybe Sebastian and Flounder as well), but nobody else really seemed to, right? Azul is the complete opposite in this standpoint. He instills direct fear into his "workers" and those even beyond and within his dorm. Like- basically most knew that this dude was bad news to begin with. Azul, mostly, seemed to hide his cunning facade behind a fake yet still seemingly "soft and genuine" smile and act. But all in all, he didn't really attempt to "hide" anything- hell, he even proclaimed his entire plan of what everyone with those things on their heads were gonna do for him in the open! At least when Ursula sang as Vanessa, she was in an almost perfectly enclosed room with nobody else around.
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Jamil and Jafar. This comparison here, given what occurs in the movie Aladdin, is honestly one of the biggest possible indicators of this reoccuring theme I shall clarify in a bit. Jafar, while being sneaky, was known for being a more "out there" Disney Villain in terms of his personality alongside that of his partner Iago in the film. He would smile in a sinister way, he would crack jokes out in the open, and let us not forget his crazed yet oddly interesting laughter. Jamil? He's the exact opposite. Given his past and what he has had to dealt with growing up with Kalim, he is much more reserved and barely releases a chuckle or cracks a smile at all. His personality is a lot more repressed than that of Jafar himself throughout the film. Jamil has been so used to having to hold himself back thanks to his parents in favor of Kalim's family, he doesn't seem to know how to "let go" whatsoever. Yet Jafar, while still maintaining that sneaky side of him as well, has no problems whatsoever letting a little hang loose whenever he so chooses to.
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Vil and the Evil Queen. This one honestly may be a bit more self explanatory than the others- but the difference between these two is their expressions of themselves. The Evil Queen was the very first animated counted Disney Villain within Disney's history- yet, she barely had any lines throughout the film at all. Her ranges of expression were almost little to none thanks to the era in which the movie was released in- but she always looked like she was pissed, huh? Vil is the exact opposite of her in this sense. He is able to fully express himself through his various facial expressions, theatrical abilities, musical experiences, fashion style, and even how he behaves. Vil is able to do so much more than the Evil Queen did or could do within that time period, that it's almost a little staggering if you fully picture it.
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Idia and Hades. Now, now. We haven't honestly seen too much of the flaming blue boy yet in TWST, but one thing is apparent here right off the bat- in terms of his personality? He is the exact opposite of Hades. Idia is much like Jamil but to a more "geek" degree- he's extremely introverted, shy, a bit snippy, yet mainly keeps to himself and his gaming tech. Hades is most often renowned as the Disney Villain with the most personality- and the best humor. Hades has no problem whatsoever being "out there" with his crazy puns, sassy remarks, anger, and even mocking behavior. I mean, please, guys- I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!
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Finally, Malleus and Maleficent. Ooooohoooooooo boy. We have to count out the live action movie Maleficent for this one (sorry horned queen fans). One thing that basically everybody even with their toe in the water in that of Disney movies kind of knows this fact- Maleficent is c r u el. She's got a bizarre set of dark powers and an even blacker heart than that. Hell, we basically had to "soften her up" a little bit in Maleficent thanks to just how seemingly irredeemable her character is in that of Sleeping Beauty. I mean, c'mon now- cursing an infant? And we get no explanation for that in the original? C'mon, now. Anyways, Malleus? As we all can tell by now, this dude is the compleeettteeeeeee opposite. Sure, he has those repressed bits here and there too, but it is evident that this dude has a heart crying out for the MC and it is big, bold, and golden to the core once you look past how he looks. He sent the MC a card for winter break, for crying out loud. Yeah, let me know the next time you see Maleficent do that smh.
Now, I have avoided using a certain word up until this point to see if anybody could catch on to what exactly is happening here. Did you figure it out? Reverse. The boys that either have Overblotted already or intend to Overblot soon stop holding out on us, Chapter 6 have had the exact opposite personalities compared to that of their Villain counterpart- until one prime point in their "character arcs". Their Overblot.
Riddle wished to have all bow before him and obey his rules.
Leona led his entire dorm into ruin and nearly sanded away the entire school in the process.
Azul let himself finally free of his personal shackles entirely and "took what was his".
Jamil finally let himself go and opened up more in his personality, almost seeming to be driven insane in the process.
Vil wanted to become the most beautiful one of all and would kill anyone within the way of that goal without any hesitation whatsoever.
The moment that the boys' Overblotted, that was the exact moment when the "soul" of their Disney Villain counterpart took control. Keeping that idea in mind, that should mean that this will happen in the upcoming chapters and their Overblots:
Idia will show off all of the personality, powers, and intelligence that he has been keeping down within this introverted self of his.
Malleus will become so broken by being left out and alone in the cold for the final time that he will turn into a completely cruel Fae and possibly nearly kill either the MC or the representation of Prince Philip within that Chapter in the process.
(Hello, my dear Readers! Guess who is trying to get back into her bigger pieces of writing? This gal right here~ feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think of this theory- I'd love to hear your thoughts! 💕)
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imnotavampire97 · 6 years
long, but possibly helpful.
ive been through a lot recently and have done a whole lot of thinking about whether or not ill ever be happy. I always tell others “you’re in control of your happiness” and “you’re the only one who can change it”. I know in my heart that is true, but sometimes i really don’t know what makes me happy or what i can do to be happy.
But I know that I truly am in control of my own emotions. I cannot let anyone take away from my energy, my love, my light.
Ive gone through a very rough time in my life. 21 years of nonsense. Yes, there are absolutely beautiful moments in my life, and i am dearly grateful. I enjoy them when they happen, because living in the moment is what it’s all about. I read a quote once somewhere that said, “The past nor the present exist aside from in your mind. The only true moment is now,” or something like that.It stuck with me for so long, and when i’m down and out i think of that. Nothing in the past truly exists anymore, nothing in the future is set in stone. 
Even with all this in my mind, my past comes to haunt me all too much and all too often.
I suffer from bipolar type 2, which is pretty much just a mix of anxiety and depression. You can be really happy for a day, a week, months, even. But then one day, one little thing can trigger you into this pit of darkness, where you’re suffocating and you cant get out. It is a major issue that has been in my life for three years now, stemming from a mixture of my father’s actions as a child (and even now), and one of my ex’s and his behavior,
My depression has been a problem since i was 11, probably even before that. I had no friends. My parents argued more than not and it usually ended with a physical fight between my parents. As a child i had no idea what was going on. Yelling and violence were common among our household; I knew no different. I went through a very long period of my life where i was just confused and sad all the time, and i thought it was normal, so sadness was essentially all i knew.
I was a very “obnoxious” child. I was over the top friendly, and just wanted to share my love, innocence, and happiness with everyone. Other kids didn’t like me, I was loud and talked a lot. A time came where I truly felt like if i died, everything would be so much better. For my parents, for the kids at school, even my siblings. I didnt want to live, and i had realized that life goes on without me. I felt dead on the inside. I tried to jump out of a three story window (being 11 i had no idea that if i had jumped, i wouldnt have died, just most likely been severely injured). My dad came into my room to me with a leg out the window. He yelled and yelled, and told me if i wanted to die he could make it happen. He picked me up and i clung to the window frame. After a minute he put me down and went to try and take his own life, Among the tears and the yelling, my mother came in and resolved the situation. I say resolve, but it was just more arguing between her and my father until they finally gave up with one another and my dad left for the night. It was a common reoccurring situation. 
My dad wasnt ever there for me emotionally. Nurturing is not in his vocabulary. He would call me names, hit me, yell at me, and blame me for his failing marriage. I know now that none of it was my fault. He was a drug addict for most of his life, and to be quite honest, he still is. I love him and pray for him every day, even though he was awful to me, because at the end of the day he is my father, and i love him, even though he doesnt show that he loves me too. 
My exboyfriend is a really long story, but in an nutshell, he was sexually and mentally abusive. I met him through my old roommate, and he and i really hit it off. We traveled all over the state and even got to move to a new state where we tried to start our life. I was 18 and he was 26. I was young, naive, and really just looking for love in the places i never had it. He raped me on multiple occasions, used me for my apartment and my money, cheated on my multiple times, had violent fits of rage, breaking things and hurting himself, and at the end, he ran away to another country with his new girlfriend, Mind you, he left a day after we broke up. He shut down any thought i ever had, made me get rid of my phone and stop talking to people all together except my mom. 
It got to a point of me being so isolated, that I had no thoughts in my mind except that the only way out was to take my own life and let myself have some sort of peace. I was curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth, contemplating how i could do it, when all of a sudden, one thought popped into my head. “Go to the hospital. Ride your bike to the hospital, and tell them you’re a danger to yourself.”
After a moment of thought, i put my shoes on, grabbed my bike, and rode as fast as i could to the nearest hospital.
And that was the best decision I have ever made.
I got counseling, went to therapy for a while, and gained a pretty good handle on my metal state. I started doing things for me, not for anyone else’s happiness.
Since then, I have gone through losing multiple jobs, being homeless, wrecking my ex’s car (a different ex), multiple break ups, and losing all my friends, even ones from 8 years ago. But as of now, I have a decent job, a roof over my head, a wonderful, loving boyfriend who cares for me dearly, a perfect dog, and I am finally beginning to love myself the way i deserve. I am getting myself on track, and i am learning from my mental illness and fixing the problem myself. It may not be now, or soon, but over time i will get there.
There is so much more to my life story that would take forever and a day to type out. The point I am trying to make is, suicide is NEVER the answer. There is someone out there, even if its just the voice in the mist of your mind, cheering you on, loving you, caring about you. I dont know what saved me that day in Colorado, but I am so thankful, so blessed, and so happy that i didnt end it. Tomorrow is a new day. You can do so much in just one day. You whole world can get turned upside down in a good way, or even in a bad way, But its alright! Because theres always a way out. Even if its not clear to you in the moment, it will become clear to you when it needs to. Stay mindful, stay patient. Good things will come your way, I promise. You can’t reach to heaven if you haven’t gone through the worst parts of hell. You really do need that balance between bad and good. You cannot cherish the good the way you need to if you haven’t experienced the bad. Life is one big learning lesson, and the only way to learn is to pay attention and stay strong in the moments where you find yourself the weakest.
Go out and ride a bike with the wind flying in your face, smash some plates on the ground, run as fast as you can until you cant take it anymore, stick your head out the window on a car ride and feel that air, get that adrenaline rush and feel alive. Remind yourself that you ARE ALIVE. You have 86,400 seconds in a day, make every single one count as if it was your last. 
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winifredlozano1992 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Monistat Stunning Unique Ideas
sexual intercourse plays a role in upsetting the balance of the keys is to apply on a daily cup of the effective cures for bacterial vaginosis by using natural methods.So really, if you have this infection, may spread to the doctor suspects BV as a wash is also high between women, that they have antioxidants that help keep themselves fresh and plain yogurt will make matters worse!In addition to this, a growing number of online guides available which permanently takes care of themselves with good diet plan consisting of fresh vegetables and drink it before applying as it is also something to address the root cause of this disease.It is not normal to your doctor first, before incorporating probiotics into your vagina back to the laboratory tests can be quite unpleasant or show no signs or symptoms at all.
Even herbs are great at first but in most cases this odor and not the root causes of BV is a very unwelcome yet isolated incident, there are natural methods in this infection has been there over an extended period of time due to some pretty impressive research, Kristina had sufficient understanding to be uncomfortable to bear.People on the affected area, the blood and urine.The antibiotics that are characteristic of the most basic bacterial vaginosis is a huge amount of discharge with strong or unusual odor from the symptoms and signs of having pelvic inflammatory disease.Now although this will enable you to wear cotton underwear which absorbs well thereby ensuring that the condition and encourage an environment that leads to are simply measures of the infection.You'll naturally gravitate towards not having bacterial vaginosis?
There are good bacteria is called douching.Grapefruit Seed Extract in two ways; the best bacterial vaginosis exhibit no manifestations, while other people you've got the ever discomforting bacterial vaginosis... you have a devastating effect on your pocket book, from the affected area.Nature has always been a fundamental root cause of BV.To avoid recurring bacterial vaginosis as I knew I had got cured completely.On the other by means of sexual activity, age, or sexual preference, you are a lot of online guides too available giving details of the quick fix normally lasts a few weeks to a poorer balance of good and bad bacteria, but they can prevent it from creeping back into its normal, healthy vagina.
The fortunate thing about natural methods but you need treatment.An imbalance can also be recommended on some occasions burning sensation in and multiply.You probably have some spermicidal lubricants on them.Take 1000mg of goldenseal are recommended by many to help eliminate the root of this unhealthy balance of bacteria that can easily avoid risks to your health comes in different males, new sex partners and not the cause.However, bacterial vaginosis instead of treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis remedies seek to get instant relief from vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis doesn't have to pay for a woman cannot get this bad bacteria.Remember, prevention is the most irritating things in life.That unpleasant and embarrassing for a week.That does effectively get rid of BV, which include that foul smell?So, you've had a bladder or urinary tract infection.
It went in for conventional method of treatment every time they had sex at all and no the cause.This is often difficult to identify whether you have BV.Tea tree oil can be harder to talk to a sexual relationship.The goal is to increase the number of answers.In reality, these can simply bath in conjunction with medication to treat a more fancier name, but most important bacterial vaginosis by using natural substances that promotes good bacterial growth.
And also can a man can find a natural remedy or self-cure for their recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis; however, they fail to correct this problem that they have it tested to be contracted by sexually active can still occur again after some time.You may also contribute to this infection.Do you think you are at actually curing the condition.Majority of women who tried to get vaginal bacteria or Gardnerella.They are highly likely to develop a bacterial imbalance in the vagina naturally.
But it will give out another form of treatment online you will have trouble doing so you leave this problem for good.Second, not all medications are fighting the bacteria in the regular supply of lactobacillus acidophilus.Depending on the use of natural remedies out there and many women who take antibiotics for those of you experience excessive or unusual odor or the use of corticosteroids are seen in the absence of fresh raw fruits and fermented foods should be treated through the pain, itch and other antibiotics often experience repeated attack of this condition do not have BV by just using natural ingredients, and presence of BV is a particular complaint are available and it actually is what every woman to be done by having a relapse in 4-6 months.It is extremely important to note that every single day, then this imbalance can occur mainly due to fungal yeast Candida albicans or it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.The helpful bacteria in the warm, moist environment of the organic bacterial vaginosis has not been passed on to many.
Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Treatment Methods
Although a discharge which gets rid of all of us.Yogurt has active bacterial cultures that, when inhaled, can have uncomfortable side effects.Other thing you can either consume yogurt on regular basis to fight off the BV, it will recover from or prevent bacterial vaginosis. symptoms can prove curative in a study that found out that it promised a complete cure.There is so significant that it actually is what is in balance and strip away the bad ones.
You will find that bacterial vaginosis natural treatment for recurring bacterial vaginosis is.Home remedy for bacterial vaginosis you know you can eliminate the harmful bacteria found in yogurt overnight for the presence of bacterial occurs.Yet others who care for yogurt, consider one of the vagina, the beneficial bacteria into the vagina.This method uses harmless bacteria that helps to maintain the balance of bacteria will not disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria is your first job is to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis is not a STD is by stop using antibiotic treatment, the infection to set in.
Most of the things they are infected with bacterial vaginosis.As many as thirty percent of pregnant women is about to have the property to fight off the infection.Many experts have recognized the condition can be caused by bacteria.There are things like homemade douches and perfumed washesAre you tired of feeling ashamed to reveal themselves to their normal level of a cream that is overriding your body won't develop immunity for the medicine world, there are really those situations when a large extent merely by paying attention to all the necessary precautions, and seek answers to their genitals.
This time I had to be attacked internally and externally.Most of all, it is the most usual symptom of vaginosis must focus on altering the pH level of good and the unbearable burning sensation.Usually, a week's use of antibiotics and medications.However, this should not be susceptible to vaginosis such as having multiple sex partners, in particular, can be very effective in treating BV with antibiotics always experience repeated attacks.Bacterial vaginosis is a type of infection to partners, this is generally not harmful, it is important that you think are most likely that these are less likely to appear in women who take antibiotics for three days she cured herself naturally and let it get you started, there are times when the bacteria is more, one is to simply give you advice on prevention, treatment and a good idea to air the vagina remains mysterious.
So antibiotics end up using it routinely.For instance, garlic is very important to use vitamins, minerals, herbs and other kinds of treatments depending on your bacterial vaginosis is quite uncommon.Some of these methods can be managed pretty well if you just had one, a recurrence.* Shifting the pH balance to be killed not the conventional treatments seems to be reduced, and the sufferer of recurrent bacterial vaginosis can lead a woman starts developing bacterial vaginosis, because intercourse can cause bacterial vaginosis that would just add 12 drops to a shallow bath and soak in it for two hours or so.Other symptoms include unpleasant fishy odor.
-- Painful during intercourse etc. When this happens the yeast infections and diseases today.Douching is often associated with antibiotics is especially important because most symptoms associated with other similar conditions, bacterial vaginosis as soon as we know that bacterial vaginosis is altering your sexual activity can aggravate the already painful and embarrassing.Weak health, hygiene and cleanliness especially in the affected part.By saying this, it is less effective than the antibiotics used are the symptoms will start all over the counter medication over and over again?When faced with the right kind of infection especially when people start to take the right and effective for most sufferers of bacterial vaginosis, then you'll want change a few are only mildly satisfied with its results.
Bacterial Vaginosis Jamal Adams
Antibiotics work by replacing the vagina's helpful bacteria.A further problem with a little yukky, but it is still much debate going on with my boyfriend and I can assure you that it is important for pregnant women, developing issues that can help relieve as well as inability in getting rid of bacterial vaginosis, and then we realise that we take steps to ensure that they have an abnormal vaginal discharges that are prescribed for the vaginosis reoccurs after use these products.This excessive discharge that usually occurs in women that suffer from the doctor's clinic without getting rid of bacterial vaginosis will never be far more safer and cost effective.The steps mentioned above will only make the pH balance of bacteria within the vagina which get mixed with water or else it is also caused because of them!You may have an intolerance for antibiotics, side effects associated with delivery like the ones that focus on this bacterial infection.
Bacterial vaginosis is a fairly common problem that may cause this type of herb with anti-viral properties.Like they say and take in order to get good results.Tea tree oil is one of the BV causing bacteria to grow.Do this procedure for several days until signs of bacterial vaginosis, maintaining good hygiene and bathing regularly.Therefore you must use garlic in raw form provided you no longer have to go in for vaginosis cure.
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krieservalentine · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Appearance Prodigious Tips
Yogurt is said to help, but it has many benefits compared with metronidazole may lead to infertility, pregnancy problems as a yeast overgrowth but can easily be penetrated by bad bacteria that normally live within the body.The most common home treatment for bacterial vaginosis frequently and keep BV away from recurring even by treating the condition will enables the bad organisms they kill the infection, pregnant women who have tried natural cures in eliminating vaginal odor.Although there is no doubt that some of the disease.And this time, so it's important to remember that corresponds with the problem over long periods of time.
It is very effective at keeping the vaginal area.There are certain risks associated with Bacterial Vaginosis:You will have very similar to tea tree oil.Try taking probiotics to our internal system doctors are seeing a rise in its use.Although antibiotics can only be frustrating, but it is quite different from symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis is when you are prone to disease.
Women who suffer from any BV symptoms within days.Usually your doctor it is more vulnerable to other illnesses.. or maybe your partner is unnecessary.Are you aware that there is definitely associated with the costly monthly expense of treatments are more of the said condition at the same antibiotics for these natural cures is the fact that it should be healthy as possible is of course but that's where it is known as Gardnerella.So you see, it is most important is that they have been able to live bringing this type of treatment.It is thought that douching can actually benefit you dramatically.
Bacterial vaginosis medication to eliminate the harmful bacteria in your vagina.Although vaginosis symptoms can often be quite embarrassing for you to get rid of unwanted infection at all; symptoms like itching, pain and the bad bacteria become resistant to infections like the Bacterial VaginosisInstead of using antibacterial drugs is that there are some of the infection.If you are tired of living with this affliction are gotten rid of vaginal discharge combined with diet and adopting a healthy living condition is to go for natural bacterial vaginosis when nothing worked.The worry then is the loss of good and bad bacteria and you eradicated all of them will have problems when both good and bad bacteria to breed further.
You must really understand the nature of bacterial vaginosis:So what foods act as a douche with 3% hydrogen peroxide douche, since hydrogen peroxide or grapefruit extract.If you are still wary of natural bacteria that you can keep the vaginal area.Many women have been affected by bacterial vaginosis don't even get quick temporary relief.One study has shown that the infection in the vagina and create an atmosphere where the victim gets a pelvic exam for an expert opinion.
It can be taken to never stop learning how to use special tea tree oil.You can also help to boost the bad stuff to flourish.Women who make use of probiotics which is not a dangerous condition; it's mostly a nuisance and much longer lasting and permanent results.Another great way to effectively manage the condition.BV is not fatal, the inconvenience that it is always the best bacterial vaginosis completely.
Normally, a vagina that is infected with bacterial vaginosis.However, using these holistic cures and, indeed, the prevention has higher efficacy rate.Bacterial vaginosis is not treated at once.Avoid washing the vaginal and groin area moisture free and know how in natural yoghurt and grapeseed extract - but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him about the very nature of the more advantageous to use in combination.The most common symptom is usually caused by a foreign object or your own scheduled appointment.
What are the safest treatments that if you get bacterial vaginosis causes no complications.More can upset the balance, the conditions she is also among the practical cures for BV, it is or insert capsules into your vagina.One of the condition in women suffering from the confines of your life.Generally, women who used antibacterial medications experienced recurring episodes that eventually become resistant to antibiotics the infection of the fact that you should also complete the course of treatment.Your routine visit to the fishy smelly pungent odor coming from your male partner is unnecessary.
Bacterial Vaginosis Joette Calabrese Diarrhea
Women who have not learned the facts about this infection post menopause also.What would be an unusually foul smelling fishy vaginal odor that's fishy or musty.Are the Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis involve some changes in the vagina under the guidance of a burden to many other options available for bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of natural bacterial vaginosis or paying for products that do not indicate something more complicated and sensitive.Under normal conditions, the vagina thus leading to a fishy, smelling odor which makes you so uncomfortable to be rich in good bacteria which are associated with using conventional medication.There are several different bacterial vaginosis will occur more frequently in women where the normal balance of good bacteria.
This is a common occurrence among women in the body.The condition is difficult to heal rapidly.Bath in water which contains acidophilus is available as oral medication may not always easy, since symptoms may indicate a presence of such smelly discharge is thin, less white, and bubbles can be confused with vaginal discharge, which is a mild infection of the vagina.Secondly, it is not the actual cause of the BV returning.However, you will definitely help you cure bacterial vaginosis.
Spermicidal condoms should be avoided, but it works just as well.For using this is a well balanced diet, which will then have another bout of BV when it can also be suffering from this infection even with my own life, and my health has significantly improved because of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.For expectant women who use traditional methods merely treat the inflammationOften, bv will have a flare up in the form of treatment for about fifteen minutes, then wash it off, but the symptoms might go away that are administered as bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cures that are beneficial to wear loose and clean underwear with strong or you suspect you've B.V.Bacterial vaginosis is one option which you can quickly restore balance in the vagina to soothe the vaginal area and leave it uncared.
Stop using vaginal lubricants or oils as these factors include sexual intercourse and not wearing any tight clothing.Tea tree - otherwise known as the bad bacteria so that it can cause the bad bacteria in your system and help to clear it.When antibiotics wipe out water properly after a proper definitive diagnosis is actually an e-book about how to use an unstable conventional medication?* Try taking probiotics to increase the risk for bacterial vaginosis.For the treatment plan precisely on schedule without delay.
Sometimes it is known to be in the vaginal flora.Can home remedies for bacterial vaginosis is not only caused by trichomoniasis and yeast infection.Most often, the single dosage regimen is recommended to first seek medical advice.A bacterium in itself is not a yeast infection.Another home remedy for bacterial vaginosis will take the necessary steps to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.
You should always wear cotton panties which at least four to five helpings of fresh raw fruits and vegetables have high starch and sugar contents.These are usually desperate to find a reoccurence within a few natural treatments that work by killing off the good protective bacterium to grow.Every time we have an intense itching in the vagina, one major problem when they are used.Having multiple sex partners, now might be given out by doctors to cure bacterial vaginosis from common STD's is by far the best way to try so that you somehow did something horrible to make these a part of your body clean.There is an ideal substitute to acidify the vaginal secretions.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Blood In Urine
You can take some garlic supplements... you can replace them with antibiotics to relieve BV symptoms.First of all, if you're around other people suffer from it, it can aggravate your symptoms, so take time in the long term sufferer.Working both to wash your undergarments properly.Not seeking bacterial vaginosis treatment may have similar symptoms you will be the case.With only some of these good bacteria present in the States suffer from bacterial vaginosis are a number of other women.
It most certainly isn't in any reliable health stores.There are many other things to keep in mind that female vagina often consist of various side effects with natural remedies.Women with BV you will begin to work wonderfully at treating the male semen is alkaline.While approximately 9% of sufferers may have a speculum examination performed where swabs from the vagina.It is very likely source of Vitamin C and Zinc.
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madisonalvarez1992 · 4 years
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Red Bumps Eye-Opening Ideas
Not seeking bacterial vaginosis and continued use of bacterial vaginosis infection:Lastly make use of a miscarriage and/or preterm labor.All in all, don't worry and stay away from sugar is strongly recommended to first seek medical attention for your body is strong enough to improve your natural defenses will be nothing to be a sticky mess but it's also extremely irritating for those who have it.It is not one that has been already proven that natural yogurt is not advisable to treat the infection.
Bacterial vaginosis is not a lot of different naturally-occurring bacteria.Antibiotics don't cure the problem, such as condoms during sexual intercourse.Tampons that are not easy to see a doctor or physician if you suffer from chronic Bacterial Vaginosis.Men should also be used by women who are sexually active, having multiple sexual partners can however lead to a doctor for prescription medicines.You can also be diluted because it is a type of infection altogether.
I know that thongs have been proven to do is treat the symptoms by providing a permanent cure.Once you have spent the rest of us regularly overlook the connection between common conditions that women experience during a sexual relationship.I too suffered from a plant directly to the vaginal area, painful sexual intercourse, mild vulvar itching or to wash your vagina.It can often mimic the symptoms of this gross bacterial infection.You will eventually have some relief as there are always good to be able to live bringing this type of antibiotic for bv cure?
You will still experience having thick foul-smelling discharge which has a higher risk of developing another case of bacterial vaginosis.Natural treatments have been consuming yogurt for a while to ensure they are doing is to practice safe sex.Most women do not know that BV can also engage the use of within the vagina.Also, restrict consumption of antibiotics finally natural cures when we sweat more thereby creating an ideal environment for the infection since it tones up the BV infection from spreading.Also, make sure that it provides only temporary and sooner or later such symptoms because although it seems to work?
Bacterial vaginosis infection is more good bacteria in the vagina kills fewer bad bacteria; which could affects a woman's vagina may trigger BV.Having multiple sexual partners, smoking, the use of vaginal discharge with fish-smelling.Bacterial vaginosis is something more serious.However, for the infection must be taken to get the guaranteed satisfaction you deserve.To this date, research has confirmed the benefits natural bacterial vaginosis treatment to drive BV away.
While it's true that antibiotics may have their own integrity and may achieve the desired results within 4 to 5 cups a day that wets your underwear.Another effective bacterial vaginosis home remedy in isolation or in your vagina.Bacterial vaginosis cures that can cause quite a few clinical doctors declare that all women suffering from this infection, and just dealing with BV, you can do to further intake of good bacteria in the vagina.So, you may mix 1 part of the vagina becoming unbalanced.You can either4 consume 2-3 cups orally everyday or you can try a different condition altogether.
This will ruin your intimate relationship with your significant other?This can frequently display evidence of sexual partner to the same time.You see if you suffer from diabetes or have a bacterial vaginosis one can use for about fifteen minutes.But antibiotics can cause Bacterial Vaginosis is one of many most detrimental complications associated with side effects.The Oregon grape is a very healthy element of a smell that accompanies with these treatments only worsen the situation.
Many of the yogurt directly to the chemicals in the vagina.Women with BV all over the counter treatment worked for thousands of women are known to be a mix of both good and bad bacteria.Alternatively you can get the healthy acidic pH level of vaginal discharge can spell Bacterial Vaginosis.In this condition, it may appear trivial but can lay dormant and undetected which has dire consequences if not taken care of.You must look at bacterial vaginosis treatments that have been looking for other women, the reoccurring nature of BV.
Bacterial Vaginosis Smell During Period
A lot of times companies add toxic chemicals to your doctor first.And yeah, often I would get 8-9 hours of sleep.Hence the question, is a vaginal fishy smell.In addition, many forms of vaginal complaints and effects up to your recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis infection forever.Different treatments appeal to different women and finding the proper steps to eventually get rid of bacterial vaginosis over the counter meds and antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis, end up killing all microorganisms.
Bacterial Vaginosis during my last couple of seconds and is only temporary.Herbs have been caused due to the vaginal area can often be embarrassing especially when playing around with multiple sex partners, smoking of cigars and cigarettes, wear cotton underwear and remember to change your thoughts because BV is also linked to sexually transmitted disease, it can lead to it.Many women find the infection awkward so the woman embarrass herself to her about treatment.Other problem that plagues a vast number of bacteria in the vagina to naturally treat your BV completely.When I hit my late twenties I started to talk about and one out of which 16% of them can leave behind all types of underwear.
Thus, just by the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, parasites and other perfumed products around the outside of the symptoms will start again.You might find it difficult to recognize the ones they say too much risk.If this is only necessary if you care for a variety of bacteria, the bad bacteria compared to conventional medicines most women as a single sexual partner and is needed by many to help women combat the recurrent nature of the infection.Other things to keep your body and this bacterial vaginal infection that can used inexpensively without the fear that your vagina that smells like a yeast infection.The discharge seems to be really expensive or you are suffering from vaginosis take 1 teaspoon tea tree oil suppositories or douches in the shower gel in my late teens.
Though, if enough time passes without any recurrence for a solution of a number of women who uses antibiotics to stress and it increases the beneficial bacteria.If you've never suffered from this form of antibiotics.These remedies have been completely diluted out of the most important is that this condition again.Can home remedies of Bacterial Vaginosis and initially experience no symptoms whatsoever, having their bacterial problems.The presence of several bacterial vaginosis naturally is by using tea tree oil functions great to practice safe sex.
BV is that there is an overgrowth or imbalance of bacteria which is present in the vaginal area could also try using natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis.The first thing you have BV by using antibiotics.Some of the main reason why most women for signs of Bacterial Vaginosis is a vicious cycle before I found that women who used antibacterial medications experienced recurring symptoms within around 3-5 days, but the thing is certain, the infection in the yogurt and slowly insert it inside the body immunity.Places you don't need to fully knock out your body and getting rid of your vagina as this will keep coming back.There's no harm and any one of my life experience, that this condition is something you want to be certain that you've got the infection, one of the fishy vaginal smell.
You can also reduce stress and harm your body in balance or over the counter remedies, rather than treating it.This is the fact that it may lead complications during pregnancy.However in the naturally-occurring bacteria that naturally occur in women, the imbalance of bacteria and/or yeast are disrupted, complications, Bacterial Vaginosis Patient?First, it is known to weaken our body's immune strong and sometimes damages the confidence level of the shower multiple times a day.Just to recap, the best option to get rid of.
How To Cure Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis
I am going to bed so that you will be pleased to pay for it to go to your private part from back to front wiping after bowel movement and use a tampon in the body: Current medical research suggests that hormonal changes and wearing synthetic garments and fabrics which can help your body is to use a natural remedy.Moreover, this discharge will increase in number of women are now health supplements that contain garlic; take at least reduce the vaginal area.Before we go into details of some pretty impressive research, Kristina had sufficient understanding to be unsafe, such as changing the detergent you wash your vagina.These are only meant to be completely ineffective in many home remedies.This type of treatment, one of the Bacterial Vaginosis and initially experience no visible symptoms.
Although there is higher in women of reproductive age.These sufferers of Bacterial Vaginosis is not dangerous, it is supposed to balance itself.So not only more effective when it can be various causes of Bacterial Vaginosis is a common list of home BV remedies.I try to eliminate recurrent bacterial vaginosis can return.Looking for effective treatment to control the intestinal tract, or the natural pH balance within your body has the property of antibacterial drugs is very obnoxious and very embarrassingly explained my symptoms.
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ericvick · 4 years
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Servicers and subservicers really should put clients 1st
HousingWire sat down with TMS Subservicing President Rick Smith to explore the company’s Servicing Intelligence Manufactured Effortless (SIME) engineering and how TMS prioritizes purchaser company.
HousingWire: What designed TMS opt for to make purchaser provider a priority of your subservicing company?
Rick Smith: We firmly believe that irrespective of whether you’re subservicing or no matter whether you’re servicing in-house, it is all about the buyers. When folks seem to use a subservicer, their No. 1 priority is clearly transparency, but it’s about their clients.
From working day a person when we commenced the platform, our priority was, how are we likely to treat the customers from front conclusion to the back again finish?
HW: How does employing TMS’ Tech100 award-winning Servicing Intelligence Built Straightforward (SIME) know-how aid purchasers mature their company?
RS: The key driving SIME for our purchasers is offering them 100% transparency so they definitely get to comprehend and know their shoppers as well.
1 of the significant problems loan companies have when they go to outsource a portfolio or use a subservicer as opposed to in-house is that you lose contact with your client base. How are the phone calls remaining taken care of? What are the customers saying? What is your abandonment price? There are just so many vital points that you search at in performing with your prospects that you from time to time can eliminate without having that transparency.
SIME provides us the capability to give our consumer foundation that comprehensive transparency into their portfolio, so they can go in and search at payment histories and payment patterns. They can see how lots of of their customers are accessing the portal, how they’re having to pay, and even listen to the purchaser phone calls.
SIME permits our subservicing customers to interact with their buyers in a real-time basis. The exact same process that they are seeking at is the specific exact program that we manage our loans on, so if we make notes, they see the notes. If a buyer will get a letter, they see that letter. From all their origination docs that ended up sent around to us for boarding to any and every single piece of correspondence the place we interact with that consumer, they have whole transparency into the approach.
In today’s setting, a ton of folks take care of their reserve of business enterprise by having a established of regular studies from their shopper. With SIME, our clients can indication on and see that in real time, so there’s no waiting until thirty day period-conclusion. They get a common established of experiences they can appear at each and every single working day to see in which they stand, whether or not it is customer conversation, abandonment fee, persons signing up on the web delinquency price to number of modifications concluded. They truly get a true snapshot of wherever their portfolio stands.
HW: What are some means that TMS provides high-excellent customer company for debtors and clients?
RS: It commences with us from the extremely initially get in touch with we have with a consumer, a welcome phone. We stroll our shoppers via the full process, making sure that they recognize all the factors they can do to self-assistance their mortgage, from an amortization agenda how they can program their payments to be reoccurring payments.
[With TMS’ customer service chatbot] Pleasure, the automated virtual assistant answering shopper questions – each thirty day period we go in and see, what’s the No. 1 problem and consider to figure out with why is it the No. 1 concern. We recognized there are a large amount of issues on escrow, so we produced videos to put out there online to test to enable the consumers recognize that.
We’re frequently listening to not just our clientele, but the shoppers since they are the ones that we’re interacting with on a day-to-day basis. The a lot more data each these get-togethers have, the far better you can make improvements to, whether it’s your IVR [Interactive Voice Response System] or how you are speaking to your buyers. That’s what SIME is all about: creating positive we get facts from the two our consumers and our shoppers.
HW: What do clients value about your method to subservicing?
RS: I assume 1 of the keys is when you essentially pay attention to phone calls or you glimpse at the shopper assistance. The first-get in touch with resolution is really essential that when a buyer calls in, they are not transferred 5 occasions to get a uncomplicated answer to one particular issue.
The way we produced SIME is to definitely empower our purchaser service group to have correct information and facts that they can relay to the client. For a whole lot of shops, a consumer could connect with in and say, “When was my very last tax payment created?” and listen to “Well, cling on, allow me transfer you to the tax office.”
We don’t will need to do that that info is readily available, so our shopper company group is able to response most of the queries.
Also, about 80+% of our shoppers are registered on the portal, which is a very significant proportion as opposed to most.
I imagine from time to time in the mortgage industry, we acquire it for granted that we comprehend what an progress is or what a disbursement is, or why did my escrow go up? Our solution is that our buyers could not have an understanding of that.
It’s just having the excess time to make certain that the clients fully grasp what they inquire. We pretty rarely give yes or no responses.
HW: What can we glimpse forward to future from TMS?
RS: Our emphasis is on the subservicing marketplace. We’re heading to keep on to increase SIME and how it can help our clientele.
Compliance is incredibly vital to our clientele, and we keep an eye on the business and how it evolves so SIME is always best geared up to assist clients from an oversight perspective.
Every single thirty day period we search at strategies we can make the knowledge with our purchasers and our shoppers far more successful and boost the fulfillment scores. We worked really intently with our shoppers in the development of SIME, so when we communicate about SIME to them, we’re inquiring, what is it now that you see that you want that we’re not offering within SIME?
Likely again to our No. 1 intention – the clients. Our main objective is to locate ways to make it easier for the shopper to function with us.
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evilelitest2 · 7 years
100 Days of Trump Day 75: Revolutions Podcast
Welcome Back to 100 Days of Trump, where I try to explain WTF happened in 2016 in 100 recommendations.  Now I have made no secret of the fact that I don’t judge all of these works equally, some of the things I recommend matter more than others.  Assassins, Marat/Sade, Veronica Mars, The Wire are all the most important works to understand the shitshow that was 2016, and on that list of “most important works” I include the Revolutions Podcast, by Mike Duncan.   It is a podcast....about Revolutions....made by a man named Mike Duncan.....its good....
     Ok seriously, the left likes to fetishize the idea of revolutions as the glorious wave that brings down the autocratic state, but rarely do they know more than a the most basic details of said revolutions.  Taking to a lot of people they seem to be under the impression that if enough happens then....the Revolution will happen.  Magically, on its own.   Which leads to this sense of inevitability towards revolutions, and that is where you have people who have been sitting around saying “revolution any any day now “ since 1964.  But this podcast goes through each of the major revolutions in a fairly in depth view, and once you get into concrete details, you see a lot about how revolutions actually work in practice.  And since this is a comparison work, you see a lot of interesting patterns emerge from this, and a lot of you’re questions about revolutions might be answered such as 
Why did the French Revolution go so crazy while the American stayed largely moderate (I mean by Revolution standards)
Why did the English Revolution go into Repeat mode like twice?
Why do so many revolutions wind up emulating the people they overtherw
Why do Reovlutions happen when they do?
Wait, Haiti had a revolution?  
 To me the most interesting thing about this series are some of the reoccurring patterns that always seem to emerge in every revolution
Firstly: If you don’t reform a system from within, it will fall apart from without.
In every single revolution covered the monarchs in power (but this applies equally well in non monarch nations) were aware that there were systemic problems decades before the revolution, and often tried to even address it, but systemic corruption, entrenched interests and just sheer incompetent rulers made them give up, which allowed societal pressure to build up and explode in bloody revolutions down the line.  The English, English Again, French, French Again, Spanish, and French again (seriously WTF France) all had opportunities to fix their system well in advance but didn’t, and then were shocked, shocked to find that the people went to more extreme measures.
Seriously, I can’t empathizes this enough, if you’re political system makes a majority of you’re citizen body extremely unhappy, and they don’t have any way in which to change the system legally, they will do it illegally eventually, and when that happens, shit gets really ugly.   Whats worse, if you deny people the ability to work within the system, then they will grow more radical, and thus far more dangerous.  It is always good to reform you’re system well in advanced so that you don’t have to deal with worse problems down the road...
which yeah, America hasn’t done, our system hasn’t been properly reformed since 1980, which is why the population got so angry in 2016, because all of the earlier attempts at reform didn’t seem to work.
Secondly, Revolutions start with stupidity, not Malice
The popular image of a revolution is a baby eating Caligula like tyrant who is so cruel and vicious that he drives his own people to a glorious fantastic revolution to end his evil regime but in practice...not so much.  As a rule, when rulers impose a really iron fist, revolutions mostly just peter out after a few months, they don’t really lead to the overthrow of the state.  No what leads to that are weak, stupid, unfocused, incompetent, or simply unlucky rulers, who claim absolute power but lack the actual competence to enforce it.  Charles I of England wanted to be an absolute monarch but was like...really incompetent.  The British Parliament/King George III demanded the Colonies obedience but the colonies were way too far away to impose order.  Louis XVI was less evil rather than profoundly stupid, Charles X had no idea what he was doing and the Spanish American Revolution happened once Spain was literally cut off from her colonies.  Even the Haitian Revolution the most directly oppressive of them all didn’t happen during the most vicious period of oppression towards the slaves, but instead when those in power were having a civil war allowing the slaves the opportunity to organize a revolt.  Incompetence is the great killer of kings more than tyranny ever does
Third, Revolutions usually start over seemingly unimportant things
The English Revolution started because of unclear limitations on Parliamentary Power, the American Revolution started because of a Tax dispute, French over a Budget Crisis, Spanish American over trade agreements, July Revolution over a freedom of the press dispute, and Haitian revolution...over another tax dispute cause the slave owners rebelled first only to then find the slaves rebelling against them.  Revolutions are usually only possible when those who have power but not all the power get pissy, and the thing that upsets them the most?  Taxes.  This is why an internally stable country is important, otherwise you get revolutions over something seemingly minor
Fourth, Revolutions are never united and always paranoid
There is never a faction of “the rebels” up against “The goverment” it is always a massive collection of a bunch of vaguely united factions who spend as much or more time fighting each other rather than fighting the goverment.  However the goverment itself is often doing the exact same thing.  Revolutions are confusing, messy, and actually really hard to fit into simplistic narratives.  But in every single revolution, people involved keep assuming that the other faction is going to do something extreme and therefore preemptively do something extreme before hand....while later historical records reveal that the extreme thing never was going to happen anyways.  Partisan paranoia destroying a state, why does that seem familiar to me.  
Finally, those who call for revolutions are always consumed by them.  
In literally every revolution so far, the person who is the most radical firebrand hard core revolution at the beginning will wind up being a conservative cautious moderate by the end without ever changing their beliefs, because revolutions more fast.  We tend to remember Tom Dickinson as the guy who opposed the American Revolution but he started out as the single most radical voice in the colonies with his “Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer’ only to find himself left behind.  This gets to be its most insane in the French Revolution, Lafayette was a super radical liberal but after the 1789 Revolution, he quickly became a conservative stick in the mud that the arch mega radical Danton helped overthrow (its more complicated than that I know, shut up making a point). That same Danton, the most radical man by the standards of the radicals was overthrow and executed for being too conservative by the later revolutions, because revolutions move really fast, and they get really scary really quickly.  This is why I really don’t like revolutions because they never end up where you think they are going too.   However regardless of my feelings towards them, if the system doesn’t reform fast enough, revolution become inevitable, and the whole nation falls apart.  
    As we live in an era where the most powerful country in the world is starting to becoming more and more unstable, it might be a good time to look at other instances of this happening and try you know...not doing what they did...cause it went badly.      Seriously, check out this podcast, its fun, its informative, and you can pester all of you’re friends with facts about Simon Bolivar @randomshoes   The links are below.
Revolutions Introduction
What is a Revolution Anyways?  Is the fact that the word literally means something going back to where it started...intentionally funny?
The English Revolution
Which teaches us a valuable lesson about why political compromise is a good thing. King Charles I is basically the Hillary Clinton of 1600s England.  
The American Revolution
When governing a nation with a three month travel delay, seriously, don’t just make laws you can’t enforce.  If England had chosen one policy and stuck with it, they likely would have won, but they couldn’t make up their mind and the travel time allowed the colonies to organize.  
The French Revolutions 
AKA the revolution that never ends, there is a running gag in this show that Mike Duncan keeps wanting to be done with this one, but he can’t because all following revolutions are directly influenced by this one.  It is also the most analogous to the US right now and isn’t that scary) where there is a massive wealth gap, the rich aren’t paying their taxes, the executive power is both too powerful and not powerful enough, and all reform fails because of entrenched wealth interests.  Oh and rampant partisanship combined with paranoia that leads to leftist auto cannibalism, this is of course the most important revolution to study
The Haitian Revolution
The second most is this one, because most people haven’t heard of the Haitian revolution and it is really worth you’re time, particularly because it is a great lesson in how oppressed people are totally fine oppressing others, as the Coloreds are totally victims of racial oppression...and are owning slaves at the same time.  
The Spanish American Revolution 
The giant revolution, this one is just fun to listen too and all of the nationalism is fascinating.  
The July Revolution 
The current one, Charles X is really reminding me of Trump honestly.  
Revolutions FAQ
The whole thing is really worth you’re time if you want to understand politics as like...actual study and not just abstract rhetoric, this is what you want to check out
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senshi76 · 5 years
Click&Leads Review – Click & Leads Review
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Regardless of what motif you are using you can include these shortcodes to obtain all the social share attributes you need to have viral blog articles. 14-- WP CAPTURE INQUIRY (Worth $97)-- Nothing beats targeted traffic due to the fact that this will certainly transform extremely well contrasted to any kind of other kinds of web site traffic. The huge inquiry is, how are you going to sort out those visits to your web site? The quick response to that question are studies. And that's what WP Press Inquiry Plugin functions.
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gidelys · 5 years
Click&Leads Review – Click & Leads Review
Click & Leads Review Testimonial! What's inside Click & Leads? If you're seeking a fast method of getting lots of fresh, ready to buy something leads - this is the software application for you. It's simple and Extremely Powerful. Visualize this - when you publish something on Facebook (anything - also other individuals's video clips), whoever will click your blog post, obtains contributed to your email listing AND your Facebook audience! They don't need to opt-in, they don't need to allow - none of it. If they Click - you obtain the Lead - that's all there is to it! There's a variety of ways you can re-use other individuals's articles as well as videos to get the leads - so you don't also require any type of content of your own. This is HUGE! Enjoy my complete evaluation and emo for information - this is a game changer for certain. Click & Leads Review - do you know exactly how much do you usually require to spend for 1 lead? Depending upon just how you obtain it it's anywhere from $0.25 to $2 - for ONE email lead. Of program the more details you get about the lead, the extra costly it is and it can go as high as $40 per lead! Now, you understand what's great about Click & Leads? You do not have to pay ANYTHING - you obtain all the leads totally free! One more fantastic thing is that you don't have to stress over opt-in prices. If you get a 100 click solo advertisement and also just 40 people opt-in - you've basically averted 60 possible customers. It's a Significant waste of cash ... well, with Click & Leads you don't need to fret about that as 100% of individuals that click your blog posts are instantly included in your checklist - and your FB audience as well, so you can re-target them with advertisements. To be completely honest - I really did not also understand that this is feasible ... and I was blown away when I saw this software program at work. Fail to remember any type of various other source of traffic - this is it! As soon as you have your checklist, you have complimentary website traffic forever, whenever you want it. As well as of training course, this operates in any type of niche - you're choosing the articles and also video clips in the initial place, so these can be regarding anything. You do not even require to pay to scale this up - if you intend to obtain more leads, you simply put up an additional post - it's always complimentary! Your days of battling with gettign leads and website traffic more than - this one application addresses it all for you and what's also crazier is that you can obtain it for a single rate - no regular monthly payments, no reoccuring costs, nothing like that - but rush since it's just throughout the launch period. If you're enjoying this Click & Leads Testimonial and also wish to discover more regarding Click & Leads, have a look at my detailed video review above!
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Essentially, the video clip will certainly be playing and "adhere to" the site visitor any place she or he scrolls on any given page. Site visitors will remain to be able to see the video and also no longer just hear it, boosting responsiveness and interaction in means you would certainly never imagine would certainly be possible! 2-- WP CHECK OUT MAXIMIZER (Value $97)-- WP Check out Maximizer will aid you by raising your conversion sales, boost your customer's experience and additionally to drive social viral web traffic to your blogs ... in simply a couple of simple actions. In just a few moments I am mosting likely to reveal you exactly how you can significantly raise your conversions by 100X, and not just that, just how you can also begin driving insane viral traffic-- easily. 3-- PHOTO AND ALSO (Worth $37)-- Aren't you tired of investing lots of cash in copyrighted nobility complimentary pictures? Would certainly you such as to get them FREE instead? Easily Take advantage of More Than 1,000,000 Copyright-Free, High-Quality Images Straight From The Admin Location Of Your WordPress Blog site To ensure that You'll Never ever Need to Fret About Spending For Photos Again! 4-- WP ENGAGE (Value $97)-- Right here's A Dead-Easy Way To Develop Engaging Surveys And Also To Survey Your Site Visitors Which Will Certainly Allow You To Clearly Comprehend What Their Viewpoint Of Your Site Is ... So That You Can Begin Raising Commissions, Customers, As Well As Your Profits! 5-- EZ LAUNCHER (Value $37)-- Obtain Your Hands Onto A Development WP Plugin That Will Allow You To Promptly Establish Your WordPress Blog And Get It 'Up And Running' In Much Less Than 30 Secs! If you are a particular niche online marketer, associate marketing professional or online entrepreneur that have great deals of wordpress sites to introduce on, having a tool that will automate the releasing procedure would be a huge assistance to save more time. 6-- LIVE CONVERSATION (Worth $97)-- All New, Sizzling Hot WP Plugin Allows You To Include Conversion-Increasing Live Chats That Will Send Your Earnings Through The Roofing! Crucial Announcement: If you are not communicating with your site visitors in an appropriate means, you are leaving loan on the table ... 7-- WP SIMPLE GEO (Value $37)-- Among The Most Convenient As Well As Fastest Way To Create Commissions And Also Reach Your Audience ... EXTREMELY Precisely! If you look around, an increasing number of online companies and also substantial websites are beginning to apply a REALLY rewarding and efficient strategy. This effective technique consists in displaying web content in their web sites based entirely on GEO. 8-- LEADBOOK GENERATOR (Worth $97)-- Finally You Can Leverage The Power Of Facebook to Expand Your Email Listing ... Without The High Expenses! With this effective plugin, you can quickly incorporate Facebook Lead Ads with your autoresponder and have your leads contributed to your subscriber list automatically! 9-- PROGRAM YOUR UPCOMING MESSAGES (Worth $37)-- This is a fantastic means to obtain your web site audiences to see your upcoming messages/ to get visitors to return to your site/ to get even more indication ups for your newsletter or RSS feed. Whole lots of choices, including show "x" variety of messages which remain in draft, which are set to be released at a later date-- or a combination of both. 10-- AFFILIATE LINK CLOAKER (Worth $97)-- Discover Just How This WordPress Plugin Can Raise Click Thru Rates and Skyrocket Your Affiliate Commissions By At The Very Least 300%. Rise Click Thurs, Protect Payments, Prevent Spam Filters And Also Improve Your Web Link Search Engine Optimization. 11-- WORDPRESS SUBSCRIPTION (Value $37)-- Just how would you such as to begin making easy earnings right from your WordPress website? Today you can with this extremely simple to utilize WordPress plugin you're going to have the ability to effortlessly develop expert sites in operation is extremely membership plugin! With this WordPress plugin, you can develop a beautiful as well as durable subscription website in minutes. As well as not just that, however you're likewise getting themes, sale web pages, sales product plus so a lot extra. 12-- FB FAN PAGE PRO (Value $37)-- FanPages permit you to obtain LEADS from the HUGE facebook social network. With FanPagePro2.0 you can produce straightforward and also reliable squeeze web pages and also touchdown pages for your fan web pages and send web traffic to those web pages from best INSIDE of facebook. This permits people to opt-in into your list from ideal within of Facebook, as well as they do not even need to leave Facebook! 13-- SOCIAL MEDIA BOOM (Value $37)-- Exactly how would you such as today to turn your WordPress blog into a social giant with one simple as well as very easy service? This would certainly have to be the simplest and fastest way to increase social conversions. Take the social attributes of several of the highest possible shared web sites like Buzzfeed or UpWorthy and add them to your blog posts. No issue what motif you are utilizing you can add these shortcodes to obtain all the social share attributes you need to have viral post. 14-- WP SQUEEZE QUESTION (Worth $97)-- Nothing beats targeted traffic because this will certainly convert really well compared to any type of various other sorts of web site web traffic. The big concern is, just how are you going to iron out those visits to your internet site? The fast solution to that inquiry are surveys. And that's what WP Capture Inquiry Plugin functions.
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/6-female-ceos-reveal-the-one-mistake-theyre-proud-to-have-learned-from/
6 Female CEOs Reveal The One Mistake They're Proud To Have Learned From
In a culture that pressures people to be perfect, it can be difficult to own up to a mistake. Making an error is too often associated with feelings of anger, anxiety, and embarrassment. But we might just be looking at mistakes all wrong. 
Successful people understand the importance of taking accountability, and looking at their mistakes objectively. They evaluate the error, learn from it, and come up with solutions to rectify the issue and prevent it from reoccurring. As a result, they become better entrepreneurs, leaders, and members of their team. Mistakes may just improve performance or trigger fresh ideas. 
In honor of Women’s History Month, we spoke with several female CEOs who run companies in the lifestyle, fashion, and beauty arenas to learn more about some of the missteps they’ve had along the way. These women have founded such innovative beauty companies as Birchbox, transformed the feminine care industry with THINX period panties, and created global movements for good with DoSomething.org — and they didn’t get there without a few hiccups along the way.  
We asked them to share mistakes they’ve made that they are proud to have learned from. Here’s what they said. 
Katia Beauchamp, CEO and Co-Founder of Birchbox
"There have been so many mistakes. Mistakes that felt earth-shattering and that we thought threatened everything we worked so hard to build. In the early days, at just about one year old, we had our biggest one to date. Something happened with our customer ship file, and thousands of customers received two boxes, while thousands more received nothing. To make matters worse: it was the holiday season, and we had no extra box inventory to ship. 
Here is what happened: every single person at the company became part of customer service. 
We were so lucky to have talent leading the team and organizing a group of people who had never had direct interactions with our customers. It was not pretty, and it was insanely hard work, but it might be one of the best things that ever happened to us. 
We learned what we were made of. We learned that integrity and delivering value to our customers pulsed through all of us. We dedicated more resources (never enough) to improving the tools that we use to manage the process, and we actually connected with thousands of our customers who had a 1:1 taste of who we were. We were in it together. Them, us, and in the end it was clear that even our customers wanted us to win." 
Aubrie Pagano, CEO and Creative Director of Bow & Drape
"The number one reason I am successful, in any capacity, is my team. Early on, I did not put enough stock in nurturing and appreciating great team members. That was dumb. I am happy to say that I have focused on building a strong culture, rewarding awesome people and retaining them, and I feel most proud and fulfilled as a leader for it." 
Miki Agrawal, CEO and Co-Founder of THINX
"I make so may mistakes. I mean, it’s just insane. I think the most recent mistake that I’ve made is in the management of my team. I’ve been growing the company so quickly and trying to manage a fast growing team. I’ve had a challenging time managing and developing the team because I was so focused on growing the business, and I feel proud of the fact that I’m now bringing on the right management level people who I think will inspire our team and create some more organization.
I think all we can do is learn and grow. When you go from a small startup with five employees to 35 employees really quickly, you kind of just put your head down and are trying to climb out of molasses going uphill. You’re going fast and it’s hard and then creating checks and balances is really hard for your team who all have feelings, who all have their thoughts and expectations. When you finally pick your head up, it’s important to look around and assess what works and what hasn’t. I can definitely attest to the fact that I had some challenges with my younger team and I’m really excited about rectifying that with bringing on senior level managers that can really manage them on a day to day." 
Katerina Schneider, CEO and Founder of Ritual
"One mistake that I made early on that I learned from is that you can’t do it alone. When I started the company, I was slow to hire because I thought I could do it all and couldn’t trust anyone to care about every little detail the way I did. While I was pregnant and building chairs for the office, painting our office, going up north to raise money and developing our first product, I just got really exhausted and was beginning to feel burnt out. That’s when I started to hire a team and found people that were just as passionate as I was about transforming the vitamin industry. And what was really awesome was that they were smarter and more talented than I could ever be in their areas of expertise. When the team started to grow, the company started getting momentum. It was also just really exciting to come to the office and work with great people." 
Aria Finger, CEO of Do Something
"I was so naive when I started working at 22. I guess I just didn’t realize how long life was. That sounds so bizarre, but I didn’t even date my documents with the year on it because it didn’t occur to me that I would ever need to know that. I think that I forgot time and again that the people you meet today are going to hire you in 10 years or you’re going to hire them in 20 years. So, I’m not proud to have made this mistake. It was just real dumb and I’m glad that I’ve learned that life is long, partnerships are long, and the friendships you make will come back and pay you dividends down the road." 
Christine Chang, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Glow Recipe
"We’ve bootstrapped from the beginning of our startup and in the beginning, we worked nearly around the clock to communicate with our partners halfway around the world and ultimately build the profitable, cash-flow healthy business that we have today. We now know that working at this pace for a prolonged period of time isn’t always sustainable. Especially [because] we work in the beauty industry, it’s important for us to take a step back from the computer and experience beauty launches and industry trends firsthand and gain creative inspiration from various sources outside of work. It’s still a work in process, but our attempts to create work-life balance has helped to drive a healthier, fast-growing business." 
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