#and i always imitate the singer… (its fun to me)…
majorshatterandhare · 11 months
Okay, so, speaking of Jessica Law: you ever think about the fact that she says the word “law” in both Trial by Song and Gunfight at the Dolorous Guard? Like I’m sure it’s nothing but I think about it every time I hear it.
I also think about her accent a lot. I *really* enjoy /g/ on the end of /ŋ/ words.
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
(tonight we're gonna party like it's) 1999
god damn i haven't done one of these in a while. its charlotte nilsson time baybee
Lithuania REAL SHAME about this staging. it's a nice song and aiste has a great voice clearly but she doesn't have the right kind of stage presence for this. the dancing around that she was doing didn't feel right for this genre, it was discordant and distracting. also the pink lighting didn't work. if i could go back in time and fix this i'd tell the lithuanian delegation to keep the camera close on her upper body at all times.
Belgium nice song nice voice well staged but she's too damn quiet. i can't really hear her. especially at the beginning. sad bc i have no other complaints about this one except for maybe "is that guy blowing into a horseshoe crab?".
Spain she's a good singer so it's a shame about that dress. also, the verses are kind of boring and i only really enjoy the chorus. also, i keep misremembering this song as having the tune of a bosnian song called "zena svijetom upravlja" or something like that that a friend of mine submitted to a tumblr fancontest forever ago. also also, did i mention that dress? distracting.
Croatia love the "ah-ah-ah-ah"s in the chorus. favorite thing about this song. (maybe because that's what's familiar because that's the thing that everyone puts in the fourth place compilation recap vids or whatever). she looks nice in that dress i guess but something feels kind of off with the staging. i can definitely tell that this followed immediately after dana international. there's something in the way she's moving that's making it clear she's trying to imitate dana in some way.
UK i love this one!! love a girl band, the main singer is really good, and those silver outfits are great. that "say it again, say yeah" is the most catchy/memorable line i've heard so far tonight that i hadn't already seen in a recap video. unfortunately one of the girls was a little pitchy in the high harmonies and that got on my nerves a little.
Slovenia i mean i don't love it but there's nothing to hate about it really. she sounds good. nice classic eurovision ballad.
Turkey this is every turkish entry ever, right? it's not bad really it's just not my speed. i spent most of my time watching this thinking about danish barbershop quartet the clementones and admiring the stage, because this year's stage is cool. more on that later.
Norway ngl kind of disappointed? the dance routine was good, i guess? idk it's not my kind of song and he wasn't great vocally. and that shirt wsa sort of. a choice. didn't work imo.
Denmark you can always count on denmark to do a good happy duet with a guitar. love this. if they hadn't fucked up that very last note this would have been absolutely perfect to me. <3
France like if that song "free fallin'" got eurovision'd.
Netherlands early dutch country is also every eurovision song that follows it for the next like 5-6 years, more at 10! nah but it's alright. and she's pretty, which helps. the song started before she started singing and i was like "?? this is gonna be so good?" and then i remembered it was the netherlands and my expectations instantly went medium. lol.
Poland great belt on this man. not like a literal belt but like his voice near the end when he's belting his high notes, that's good. good tone. song's ok i guess.
Iceland this song slams and i fucking love it in studio but the staging was... a little too over the top, tbh?
Cyprus her voice isn't a good fit. the slow start goes on for just a little too long and she's just kind of shrill.
Sweden it's good, i can see why it won, but her outfit is just so MUCH. i hope it was a candidate for barbara dex. the eyeshadow. the flesh colored fabric underneath the pretend crop top. no thank you charlotte.
Portugal not bad. rui bandeira is kind of a guy who looks like a girl who looks like a boy iykwim. idk it kinda sounds like all the other ones.
Ireland this song is too low for them and it does funny things to their tone quality. too much vibrato.
Austria she's cute, i like the guitar line, this is very radio-friendly and american in a way that allowed me to like... yes tune out but not tune all the way out and just kind of vibe.
Israel it is a sign of how brainpoisoned i have become that i saw a quartet of guys on the stage and thought, "ah yes, the guy in the different shirt is the lead, he has the tenor and the bass on either side of him, and the other guy is the bari". i'm in hell. good song though. i mean i guess. why is it happy birthday?
Malta their harmonies aren't really locking. given, i have a much higher bar for that these days due to the aforementioned brainpoison, but still, some of these chords are heinous. also the song is just sort of not good.
Germany song is alright except for the bridge which is unnecessarily cheesy. i mean, even for the thing that it is, which is a eurovision song.
Bosnia & Herz d... dino merlin? idk this one is weird, they're like conjugating french verbs or something and also this one was muted in the video archive i had and the dino merlin official youtube upload had terrible audio quality so i feel like i can't really judge it
Estonia the onstage aesthetic vibe of this is beautiful, and i like the song, too. it's a shame that it's not a good vocal fit for evelin. a clear precursor to randajad and good use of the stage too.
My top 23 1)Denmark 2)Estonia 3)Portugal 4)Iceland 5)Sweden 6)Austria 7)Belgium 8)Poland 9)Israel 10)Germany 11)UK 12)Slovenia 13)Spain 14)Croatia 15)Ireland 16)Turkey 17)Netherlands 18)Lithuania 19)Cyprus 20)France 21)Norway 22)Bosnia 23)Malta
shoutouts again to my friend rachel's prefsorter, because we can't always have gerbear
Miscellaneous commentary the little cgi tour of europe at the beginning was cute. but also very funny because of how squished together and contiguous everything was. lmao @ the host greeting the "distinguished guests" and everyone there in nice clothes. like wow the contest has changed in 20 years obsessed with these postcards btw. cartoon eve fully tits out. jesus represented as a hot guy in a suit. joseph and his brothers singing in barbershop harmony. the baby moses video game. priceless recaps are so short? i already have a hard time remembering how each song goes but like the recap snippets help absolutely not at all lol at the sun prop. it was a really excellent stage, honestly, a lot of contestants were able to use it really well, but after last year's debacle i just kept giggling whenever i saw the thing move. overall like...it's hard to judge the songs in this era, it's hard to rank them, because really i don't like most of them? like they just aren't really my style. i feel like for many of the 90s rankings the margins between songs are going to be very thin and i'm going to have trouble remembering a lot. i don't listen to a lot of 90s music so it's like... ok? sure? do i even know if this is good? no i don't!
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upalldown · 1 year
Kylie Minogue - Tension
Album number sixteen from Australian-born pop singer-songwriter featureing contributions from Oliver Heldens and Lostboy
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In a 2021 interview with BBC Radio 2, Kylie Minogue was asked about the sound of her then in-the-works 16th album. Coyly, as if about to upset her legions of fans, she revealed it would be built around TikTokcore… No, of course not, she said electropop, the scene of her greatest achievements. Eyebrows were not raised. In fairness, as is her occasional wont, the relatively restless pop legend recently drifted away from her musical bread and butter, with 2018’s country-inspired Golden and 2020’s Studio 54-indebted Disco, adding, well, disco to the sonic mélange.
So it’s chiefly back to the electropop of Fever, X and Aphrodite on her new opus Tension, an album given an almighty boost by the undulating meme generator, Padam Padam, her best lead single since Slow 20 years ago. That the sweaty, sex-positive anthem eventually shimmied its way into the UK Top 10 – her first time there in a decade – despite Radio 1’s initial reluctance to playlist a 55-year-old woman, speaks not only to the song’s Can’t Get You Out of My Head-esque hypnotism, but also to Kylie’s enduring ability to tap into shifts in the cultural mood. While her recent singles – Golden’s Dancing and Disco’s Say Something – mused on death and enforced separation respectively, Padam Padam leans into our collective need for some post-pandemic frivolity.
It’s a feeling that courses through Tension’s 11 songs. The playful title track mixes huge 90s house riffs, the odd vocoder embellishment (including an incredible bit where her treated voice elongates the phrase “call me Kylie, don’t imitate”) and at least three different choruses. Like Padam Padam, the song is hot, heavy and primarily controlled by Kylie’s deepest desires: “Almost there, touch me right there,” she demands at one point. On Vegas High, she muses, “make my eyes roll back when I feel that Vegas high”, as synths strafe laser-like around her.
Dubbed SexKylie in the early 90s for daring to grow up into a woman who prioritises pleasure, Kylie also knows her audience enjoy her ability to find joy in situations that aren’t so heady. The excellent, synth-slathered Hold On to Now is loaded with confusion and mentions lonely heartbeats – “Baby, what are we holding on to?/ Baby, where do we want to run to?” – but the unknown is quickly romanticised into a gift rather than a curse. “We’ll figure it out somehow, keep holding on to now,” she sings as a propulsive New Order-esque bass riff drives things forward. Things We Do for Love, meanwhile, opts for seizing the day (“so just kiss me here right now, we’re running out of time”) over an explosive pop tornado that recalls vintage Xenomania, all featherlight electronics on the verses, hints of guitar throughout, and then a sudden sonic whoosh that rockets the chorus skywards.
It’s when she strays away from Tension’s core sound that things unravel slightly. Both Hands and Green Light – two of the three songs on the album not to feature Kylie on the songwriting credits – dip into funk and disco territory (the former also, questionably, has some light rapping). While neither are awful, they feel like they’ve sashayed in from another album. They also slow the album’s frenetic pace (there are no ballads), offering the option for a quick breather when all you really want to do is rejoin the sweaty throng on the dancefloor.
While the penultimate 10 Out of 10’s hi-NRG mix of 90s house and 00s Europop fits nicely in context, the closing Story opts for something darker. “I had a one-way ticket that was going nowhere,” Kylie softly sings in the first verse, later adding: “Everything is fun until the walls come closing in.” The excellent middle eight, meanwhile, continues to show flashes of a side we’re not always privy to: “I was fighting the dark light/ Raging hard on the inside.” Just when it feels as though our protagonist is spiralling into irredeemable depths, Kylie, as she does, reels us all back in with a transcendent, glitter-bomb chorus: “You said, turn another page/ Baby, take the stage/ You know the stars are coming out for you.” The closing repeated mantra of “you’re part of my story” suggests she’s talking directly to her loyal fanbase; a stable presence during times of turbulence.
In this view, Tension is quintessential Kylie. As deep or surface-level as you need it to be, it offers both a carefree escape from reality while also remaining emotionally available. It’s an album packed full of gleaming choruses, gold-plated melodies and Kylie’s uncanny ability to make love and loss shimmer with possibilities.
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probably-haven · 3 years
can i just... choir AU..... hear me out because this is the funniest shit.
Bard boy first, Venti is a soprano, no i dont take criticism. He’s actually really good at singing from natural talent alone and he knows it but he also loves attention and you cant get that by staying in line. He’s that bitch who ignores the sign to stop, sings the high notes just a wee bit higher to stand out, add random notes that definitely were not in the sheet music. He’s a prodigy but the teacher is just so fucking done.
then there’s Bennett, He’s probably a tenor. He’s really into it- and he really loves being a part of the class but he’s- really fucking bad at singing, and it doesn’t help that his voice keeps cracking loudly at the worst possible times every time without fail. They were doing one of their performances once and Bennett fell off the raised platform thing and ‘broke a leg’ literally. his chair keeps breaking every time he sits on it. always shows up to concerts at least 15 minutes late and covered in who knows what.
Razor can’t read. He can’t read the notes for the music and he cant read the lyrics for the music, he’s just trying to do everything by ear and it is- not working. He probably howled during a concert because he got exhausted from trying to imitate everyone for the past two songs. Somehow is better at following along when the song is in a different language. they made him a tenor too. tried to sneak one of his dogs into class once. 
Jean has like 5 different extra curriculars and still manages to practice choir more than almost any other kid in the class and is probably gonna burnout before long. She was a soprano during first year but asked to be switched to alto when Barbara was put in soprano because she wanted to be able to harmonize with her sister. 
Barbara is a soprano, as stated, wants to be an idol and is one of a couple who actually practice harder than Jean at it. She studies music theory in her free time which Jean tries to help with but Barbara resists because please Jean has enough on her plate already. The ideal choir student, helps everyone with their stuff and actually memorizes all the different parts so she can do that better, though she has to raise it an octave for the lower parts. Beautiful singing voice. 
Fischl is another alto. She’s... technically good- like she could be good if she just... sang... but every time she does she does it with the most over the top exaggerated voices/accents because she thinks it makes it sound better. A lot of the time when she walks into class tho theres this big ass raven just perched on her head or shoulder and its intimidating as fuck. It keeps following her and she calls it her familiar. It’s only fitting as the prinzessin der verurteilung afterall.
Sucrose is a soprano and sings beautifully, shes another one with a decent grasp of music theory... but she doesn’t have the most confidence in her singing ability so she does it really quietly or sometimes just mouths the words on bad days. Also she tries not to but she keeps zoning out and accidentally missing the sign to stop- a truly terrifying experience as she’s left the only one still singing, though most of these times Venti will quickly resume singing loudly and obnoxiously to take away some of the attention.
Mona is here for the easy A. She’s an alto but doesn’t really pay attention to what any of the notes actually are, alto parts tend to be pretty monotone anyway, so its fine, right? She has more interesting things to worry about like memorizing everyone’s birth charts and reminding the teacher every single time one of their planets is in retrograde. Skips performances if the astrology says its an unlucky day.
Noelle not the best singer but a sweetheart and the unofficial TA probably. She’s a soprano and she always auditions for solos but- when her competition is Venti and Barbara... lets just say she’s still trying. Probably takes professional voice lessons or something to be able to improve. overall takes it way too seriously for an elective. 
Rosaria is an alto and she’s actually really fucking good... if she tried. The songs are stupid and what is this- fucking latin? and she says exactly how she feels about it. probably suggests that the choir sing a Billie Eilish song instead or something- like seriously why are all the choir songs so religious isn’t that illegal or something? she does sing the right notes but ensures that every single word sounds like a chore. She wouldnt have bothered at all but Barbara is oddly convincing
Lisa is an alto as well. Very pretty voice and is good at getting the notes and stuff but she doesn’t look at her sheet music at all- she’s just really good at doing it by ear. She’ll get the packet and be like ‘aww, thanks’ before just closing it and putting it behind her without a second glance and then still somehow manages to get it right.
Amber is a soprano and she loves it, her voice is about average but the energy she puts behind it make her really fun to listen to. not the best voice for a choir but that’s okay because she’s having fun and makes other people have fun Probably the type to randomly start singing choir song during passing period, it helps her remember them afterall!
Eula’s family probably had her join. She’s an alto as well and definitely 100% has voice lessons. Probably assumes that everyone does and talks about them like everyone knows exactly what she’s talking about. Always declares vengence every time someone gets something wrong enough for the teacher to point out... or whenever someone tries to help her. 
I’m sorry but Albedo is tone deaf. He’s a tenor because honestly- mondstadt’s tenor section is doomed anyway with Bennett and Razor. He does very much understand music theory though and has a tendency to suggest changes to the music that somehow end up working better than the original piece- and yet he sucks at performing it. doodles on his sheet music. 
deep breath
Diluc is a baritone... the only one- but to be fair mond doesn’t have a lot of dudes and choirs dont usually have a lot either. Joined choir because he thought he wouldnt be in the same class as Kaeya and he was very disappointed. He does try though since he’s the only one in his section and if he messed up they would know exactly who it is.
Kaeya is a tenor. makes comments about how since tenor is higher than baritone it means that Kaeya is above him. Taking full advantage of the fact that the date to transfer classes passed. He’s actually pretty good at singing but he’s not the best at reading music, which Diluc is quick to remind him of whenever the need for a comeback arises.
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cierrabiscuits · 4 years
Miya Atsumu X Fem Reader : Eligible Bachelor Alt route.
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Word count: 5.4 K
Warnings: Some suggestive content, harassment, alcohol consumption, Nightmares, and a dab of angst. Happy ending :) 
 AN: I felt awful for breaking his heart in Sakusa’s route, but I’m atoning for my sins today. I went with a new approach and the ending is very fluffy! Also a big shoutout to @ambershaydeoffical for helping me edit and giving me some ideas! I hyper linked all the songs used! I hope you guy enjoy.-CB
Find Sakusa’s route here
Find Bokuto’s route here
 “Why did I ever agree to let you pick me up?” Your hand was gripping the support bar In Atsumu’s car for dear life.
 “Because you love me and you know I’d get lost without my lovely Y/N.” Atsumu gave you a goofy smile as he shifted the gears. 
 “First off I’m your manager, second can you please go the speed limit. I’d like to make it to this charity event alive and in one piece.” You looked over to see him giving you a devilish smirk. 
 “You said we were late, therefore I’m making up for the lost time.” You rolled your eyes at him, but knew he was right. 
 “Maybe I should have let Omi take me, at least he would have driven the speed limit.” You said smirking at the setter.
 “Oh yeah? Well yer stuck with me, besides I play good music.” He spun the volume button on the console all the way up. ‘This is what you came for’ started to boom through the speakers. 
 “Baby, this is what you came for Lightning strikes every time she moves And everybody's watching her But she's looking at you, ooh, ooh-” His thick accent attempted to sing along. You couldn't help but break out laughing.
 “Tsumu I love you, but there is a reason you're a setter and not a singer.” You turned the music down so he could hear you.
 “So you do love me?” He whipped his head to look at you. Your face ran hot, but panic came right with the rush of heat.
 “Umm-TSUMU WATCH THE ROAD.” You screamed as he swerved a bit. Your hand found refuge yet again on the support bar. “Thank God we're almost there, you're an awful driver. Maybe worse than Bo.” 
 “I was kind enough to offer you a ride since your car is messed up and this is the thanks I get.” Your car’s transmission decided to go out, leaving you without transportation until it was fixed. But it ended being a blessing and a curse. Blessing being you get to hang with Atsumu alone and not to mention how sexy he was driving the standard shift. Curse being he was a crappy driver and your transmission broke your savings account.
 “In all seriousness thank you Tsumu, you're the best.” You knew you were feeding his ego by saying that, but you were truly grateful. But he didn’t speak or even give you one of his normal cheeky comments. You looked over to see his cheeks glowing red,. You wish you could take a picture of the blushing athlete, but the venue was the next turn off.
 “Tsumu, turn left at the next light.” You could see the huge venue center, the picture you saw online didn’t do the justice.
 “You really sound like a GPS Y/N. Cute.” He turned the wheel with one hand and pulled into a parking spot.
 “You have reached your destination.” You tried to imitate a GPS voice, but failed. 
 “I hear ya, wait here.” Atsumu unbuckled and hopped out of his car. You sat confused but then realized he was coming to open the door for you. He opened your door and offered you a hand which you gladly took.
 “What a gentleman. Tsumu you're spoiling me.” You could get used to this side of him.
 “No fair, Omi didn't open the door for me.” You turned your head to see Bokuto pouting. 
 “You're lucky I even drove you here, quit pushing it.” Sakusa rolled his eyes. “That goes for you too.” He then shot a death glared at poor Hinata.
 “Okay guys less fighting more walking, Now pick those feet up, I need to meet with the event coordinator!” You lead the boys towards the venue. It reminded you of a  Roman colosseum. It was stunning.
 “Wow this place is huge! I bet there's a lot of people in there!” Hinata looked up at the venue it awe.
 “How dreadful.” Sakusa  said, adjusting his facemask. You had to beg him to come. After a little persuading he finally said yes.
 “You already agreed to come Omi, please don’t back out now.” You pouted at Sakusa, causing him to roll his eyes. “Besides we’re already here.” You pointed at the large doors that led into the venue. They all looked excited to be here (Minus poor Sakusa). 
 “I know yer just itching to letcher us. I can tell by the look on your pretty face.” Sporting a smug look, Atsumu leaned on the side of the building. He never missed an opportunity to make your heart flutter. 
 “You know me so well Tsumu.” You smirked at the setter. You turned your attention to the rest of the group. “As you already know this is for charity, so keep it classy. You will also be auctioned off for a date, so whoever gets you, please be nice and respectful. You have a little time to kill so explore the place a bit and put yourself out there.” 
 “We'll be on our best behavior!” Bokuto chimed in giving you a thumbs up.
 “I know. Now let's head in.” You went to open the door but Atsumu beat you to it. A heat tried to crawl its way up your neck, but you pushed it down. There was a time and place to dwell on the way Atsumu made you feel giddy. Now was not the time, sadly. It was hardly ever the right time, being the manager was a demanding position, their public image was one of your main concerns, which meant having an unprofessional fan girl moment was out of the question.
Once inside, you couldn’t settle your eyes to any one spot. To say the venue was packed would be an understatement. It was a flood of designer dresses and fancy tuxedos. It made you feel severely under dressed, but you're not here for fun. As much as you would love to dance the night away with the boys, specifically Atsumu, you were mature enough to realize how important tonight is. 
 “Bokuto let’s go eat! Atsumu isn’t your brother catering some of the food?” Hinata asked, eyeing the onigiri.
 “Yup, he worked all day to make enough onigiri for tonight.” Atsumu said proudly. He and his brother may fight and quarrel, but they are both so supportive to each other. 
 “We better hurry and get some!” Bokuto grabbed Hinata by the arm and ran towards the food.
 “You know where I’ll be. Just come get me when it’s time.” Sakusa walked towards a secluded corner.
 “Now what do you plan on doing Tsumu?” You asked looking around the crowded room. 
 “I don’t know. I’ll probably bother Omi-Omi at some point.” He glanced at Sakusa sulking in his designated corner. 
 “Leave him alone! I need him to stay cooperative.” You wacked Atsumu in the back.
 “Whatever you want doll. I have some orders for ya too.” Atsumu’s bright hazel eyes met your tired ones. Could he tell how nervous you were for this event? What could he possibly order you to do?
 “What would that be?” You looked up at him, ready to deny his request.
 “If you're gonna dance, make sure it's with me. We killed ‘Down on me’ at the last gala we went to.” Atsumu wiggled his eyebrows. You will never forget that night, you were full of liquid courage and danced on him all night long. 
 “Tsumu you have to dance with whoever bids on you. I’m in manager mode tonight and I’m staying sober this time.” You glanced at your watch and it was almost time to meet with the event coordinator. “ I doubt I’ll have time to dance at all. Oh snap, look at the time,I have to go to Tsumu.” You turned to walk towards the stage but he grabbed before you could get too far.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll make my way to ya. Count on it.” He spoke right next to your ear, causing your hair to rise up. He released you and disappeared into the crowd. Your face was burning from the bottom of your throat, to the tip of your ears. Damn that Miya.
 “Y/N thank you for coming!” The coordinator extended her hand for you to shake. 
 “No problem, I look forward to working with you.” You shook her hand and smiled. The flashing lights of the dance floor blinding you for just a moment. You wished you were dancing instead of working.
  “Same here! Now let's get down to the plan. We’ve got a good line up tonight, I’ve got everyone lined up by group size, with yours being the smallest we will have your guys go last.” She scanned the clipboard in her hands. “Have them here in an hour please! I better get going, the rugby team is next and they have a lot of the team here! Ciao Y/N.” She made everything sound easy enough, but the hard part was rounding the boys up.
 The music was booming, and the vibrations went through your body like an electric current. You wanted to dance so bad, but you remind yourself you have things to attend to. You try to spot the boys in the sea of people. You went to the food bar first but it looks like Hinata and Bokuto attacked it already considering there was nothing left. You began to walk towards the dance floor and heard the ‘cupid shuffle’ start playing. It was an iconic dance song, and a fun one to get a crowd going. People began to line up and make room to dance. You notice the tips of Bokuto’s hair, Hinata was on his right and Atsumu was on his left. You needed to reach them before the song really kicked in but It was too late.
 “Just in time Y/N!” Bokuto beamed down at you.
 “Guys we need to get lined up. Plus we still have to grab Sakusa.” You semi yelled over the music.
 “Come on Y/N one song won’t kill ya, well get rounded up quick after this okay?” Atsumu wrapped an arm around Bokuto and Hinata. “Now get beside me, you always mix your left and right up.” He wasn't lying, you loved to dance but sometimes became uncoordinated.
 “Fine.” You accepted defeat and got beside Atsumu, you took the chance to check him out. He looked so good in his suit, he had a grey tux that fit him like a glove. The white shirt underneath was unbuttoned and his tie left loose around his throat. He was too pretty for his own good. The music finally reached the start of the shuffle, and it pulled you from your thoughts. You followed the music with the rest of these boys in perfect sync. Tsumu nudged you in the right direction every now and then, but no one could see his hand lingering on your side. You smiled from ear to ear, it felt so good to dance some stress away and it felt even better to be so close to Atsumu. You watched his smooth movements, he was calculated on the court and on the dance floor. You could tell he was catching the eyes of women besides yourself. But right now it was you dancing next to him and that's all that mattered. The song came to an end and everyone tried to catch their breath.
 “Okay now let's go get Omi.” You lead them out of the dance crowd and toward where Sakusa was. You find him exactly where you left him. He had an intense aurora surrounding him. If looks could kill you would be six foot under right now.
 “Omi It's time to go lineup, are you ready?” You asked and he nodded his head. “Follow me guys.” You lead them to the side of the stage. 
 “So who’s going first?” Hinata asked nervously. You could only pray he wouldn’t puke on stage.
 “Hmm good question, lets have Bo go first, then you, then Omi and Tsumu last.” You felt nervousness creep on you, this was really about to happen.
 “Y/N you really saved the best for last hmm.” Atsumu flipped his hair dramatically. You rolled your eyes at him.
 “Do I have to take my mask off?” Sakusa gave you a pleading look.
 “Whatever is comfortable with you. I’ve put you through enough,” Sakusa sighed in relief at your words.
 “Okay now, make sure to make a good impression and run these rich ladies pockets up.” You smacked your hands together. “I better get going, remember I’m counting on you guys.” You gave them one last thumbs up.
 You got a seat in the front so you could take some pictures of the boys. You were definitely going to get some good ones for the teams Insta. You know what the fans want and you feed them. You were to caught up in getting your phone ready you didn’t notice someone sit next to you.
 “Hey Y/N.” Osamu adjusted himself beside you.
 “Oh. Hey Osamu! Your onigiri was a hit tonight I heard.” Too bad you didn’t get any, you thought.
 “They paid me good for catering tonight, I wanted to make sure it was the best. I even had Tsumu come and try new recipes. He ate so much I thought I'd end up taking him to the ER.” He chuckled. You knew Atsumu loved his brother's cooking. “But enough about that airhead. You looked a little sad earlier when I saw you walking around, Is something wrong?”
  “Everything is fine, I’m just stressed. Plus I want to dance and can’t.” Your hands fell to your lap in defeat.
 ‘Why can’t you dance? Are you hurt?” He gave you a concerned look.
 “No I’m fine.” You smiled up at the twin. “I have to take pictures of the boys with their dates and make sure everything goes smoothly. Plus my dance partner will be taken anyway.” You let out a laugh to hide your disappointment. You really wanted to dance with Atsumu, but he will have fun with whoever gets him. 
 “Oh I see.” He seemed to have a small smirk on his face. “It looks like it’s starting.” The lights of the stage turned on and an upbeat song came on. 
 “Welcome to the annual Valentines day date auction! We are so glad you all could come out and join us. We have a great  line up or should I say roster. This year our theme was sport team singles! Ladies if you plan on bidding tonight just raise your hand when you see the man of your dreams. Shall we get started?” The announcer said hyping up the crowd of women young and old. Neither your or Osamu paid any attention to the stage, instead you made small talk and showed him embarrassing pictures of Atsumu. Your favorite one being his face pressed up against an airplane window fast asleep. You sat beside him on that flight and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder. You remember him covering you up with his blanket at one point, he was a sweetheart when he wanted to be. Time flew by and it was finally time for the boys to get on stage.
 “Next up we have the MSBY volleyball team!” Bokuto was called up, you got some good pictures of him flexing and just being his goofy self. Hinata came on stage and was more collected than you thought he would be. Sakusa came out and was stiff as a board the whole time, but you wouldn't complain considering he was kind enough to even come. And now it was Atsumu’s turn. You saw him walk on stage and your stomach began to feel like a merry go round. His wavy hair bounced with every confident step he took, he was hot and he flaunted it. Your eyes were glued to him, and once he found you in the crowd his eyes locked onto yours. He winked right at you and gave you one of his shit eating grins. You felt the embarrassment creep up on you, your attention went to your phone to take pictures of the cocky setter.
 “I wonder what poor soul will get Tsumu.” Osamu stuck his tongue out at his brother.
 “Hopefully someone who can put up with him, and keep up with his erratic dancing.” You laughed out. If you were being honest you wished you were the ‘poor soul’.
 “I only know one person who fits that description.” Osamu smirked at his brother
 “What?” You looked up at him confused. “Who?”
 “Alright for 175,000 yen, going once , twice...” You eyed Osamu and he reached his hand out and tickled your side, causing your arm to shoot straight up in the air.
 “We are now up  to 180,000 yen! Going once, twice, and sold! That concludes the auction! We hope you all have a wonderful night and a Happy Valentine’s Day.” Astumu gave you one last smile before exiting the stage. You were still in a state of shock as the stage lights dimmed.
 “I know what yer thinking Y/N, but it will be easier if you go talk to the dumbass. He’s a watin for ya.” Osamu got up and left you in a state of shock. You stood up quick and  made a beeline towards the large crowd of athletes. You could feel your heartbeat pick up the closer you got. You just had to know why.
 “Y/N over here!” You heard Hinata’s familiar voice over the crowd. You made your way to him and noticed the rest of the team standing with him. You wanted to congratulate everyone before you interrogated Atsumu.
 “You guys did so well! I’m proud.” You smacked Bokuto and Hinata on the back. “Your dates should come get you soon, remember to have fun and be kind to them!” Sakusa was standing nervously against the wall, you hope someone tame got him. You looked over at Atsumu and he mouthed ‘Let’s go to the lobby.’ You nodded your head and you left the team to find out what was up. He led you through the crowd and into the empty lobby.
 “I hope you're not mad at me Y/N, truth is I had something planned for you this Valentine’s Day, I wanted to surprise you,  but we ended up having to do this which ruined my plans. Kinda.” Your eyes widened at his words. “You may be the team's manager and I may be the setter. But tonight let’s just be Y/N and Atsumu. You won me fair and square so either way you're stuck with me.”
 “Okay, I’d like that actually. But I still have to check on the other every now and then.” You felt your heart rate pick up again. “But I have to know, who paid for you really?”
 “Samu did. He was going to give most of his earnings back to the charity anyway.. I didn’t want just some girl beside me tonight, I wanted my girl. So after some begging he agreed to do it. But In return I must refer to him as the superior twin for the rest of the year.” Atsumu had you dumbfounded. You would have to thank Osamu later. 
 “Tsumu what do you mean by ‘my girl’?” Your knees felt like jelly. You knew what he meant, but you needed to hear it.
 “Exactly what I said. I think we both know about each other's feelings. I love you more than Omi loves flu shots and lysol.” This was the oddest declaration of love, but it still made your heart melt.
 “That makes you mine too, right?”  He nodded his head and began to rummage through his pockets.
 “Yes It sure does darlin’. I’m glad to get that off my chest. I got you a little something, close your eyes and hold your hand out.” You closed your eyes and felt his hands clasp something around your hand. “And open.” You looked down at the tennis bracelet you’ve been eyeing for a long time.
 “Tsumu how did you..” You were at a loss for words, the bracelet was something you’ve been saving for. It was a pretty bracelet with a pretty big price tag. You couldn't help but smile.v
 “When we all went to the mall a few months back I went to find you and saw you trying it on at the jewelry store. You looked sad when the cashier put it back in the case. As soon as you left the store I went right in and bought it. And before you say a thing, that smile you have on is worth every penny I spent.” 
 “Tsumu thank you, but I’m sorry I didn't get you anything.” You felt guilty but he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
 “Having you with me right now is plenty enough for this fool. Now let’s go check on everyone and get on the dancefloor.” He began to walk you back into the ballroom. You spotted the boys talking to their dates. Bokuto was with a shy curvy girl, she was absolutely stunning and she was definitely his type. You knew he would treat her good. A volleyball player from America bided on Hinata, they were talking about receives. She was a perfect fit for him. Sakusa was with an older woman, she seemed to be very respectful and calm. She mentioned that he reminded her of her late husband. All was well. They left with their dates and now it was time for you and yours to hit the dance floor. Atsumu grasped your hand and led you to the center of the dance floor. 
 “Tsumu wait.” You stopped a server and downed a glass of champagne.
 “Oh my, here we go again.” Astsumu rolled his hazel eyes. You and drinking never ended good.
 “I won’t go overboard. Now let's go dance.” You began to speed walk to the dance floor. The DJ was playing some straight up bops, you felt the music take over your body and you began to dance. As soon as ‘hips don't lie’ began to play you both went straight feral. You pulled away from him and swayed your hips side to side. Atsumu's eyes stayed glued to you as you let Shakira guide you. You came to a stop when you felt a lingering presence from behind you. You felt an unfamiliar pair of hands linger over your hips. You felt a wave of panic wash over you but Atsumu was quick to react, he wrapped his strong arms around and spun you away from the creep.
 “Don’t even try, she obviously ain’t yours, now screw off asshole.” Astumu held you as close to him as humanly possible while telling the creep off. The smell of his cologne grounded you. The man flipped Tsumu off and disappeared back into the crowd. “Are you okay Y/N?”
 “Yes thank you, but I need a drink to loosen back up.” You said eyeing the bar. You swore sobriety tonight, but you were feeling yourself. “But just one.”
 “Sureee just one,  I know better than that. You’ll be plastered by the end of the night.” He leaned down and whispered in your ear. His thick accent made your hair stand up. You rolled your eyes and led him to the bar. Bokuto was with his date at the bar, he was talking her head off, but she seemed to be interested in what he was saying. You didn’t want to disturb them, but Bokuto called you and Atsumu out.
“Tsumu! Y/N! Drink with us!” Bokuto ordered him and his date another shot.
 “I’m not drinking tonight, I’m the DD tonight. But our manager here is feelin bold.” Atsumu waved down the bartender and ordered your favorite drink. 
 “Don’t get too drunk Bo, Sakusa will kill you if you get sick in his clean car.” You downed your drink. The champagne from earlier already making your head buzz.
 “Yes ma’am, now me and this cutie are going back to the dancefloor. Have fun.” Bokuto held the girls hand and guided her back to the dance floor. They looked so cute together. 
 “I’ve got to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” Atsumu left you alone at the bar. Bad idea. You waved the bartender down and ordered two shots of tequila. You needed to get loose and the sugary drink he ordered for you wasn’t gonna cut it. You downed the shots and felt the warmth in your cheeks. You ordered one more for safe measure. With the evidence gone Atsumu didn’t suspect a thing when he came back.
 “Ready to get back out there?” You nodded  and headed back out. You noticed Bokuto was absolutely throwing it back on that girl, she looked so embarrassed but was definitely enjoying it. Sakusa and the older lady were enjoying a conversation at a secluded table. Hinata was hyping up the volleyball girl as she slowly dropped on the dance floor. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. 
 “Now let's get back down to business.” Atsumu spun you around and pulled you close to him. “You have no idea how happy I am right now. I’m so glad your with me ” Atsumu planted a kiss on your forehead.
 “Me too, I figured it would be another lonely valentines day, but this was a pleasant surprise.” You kissed him back on his cheek. Under the flashing light you could see the blush spreading on his cheeks. 
 “You won’t be lonely as long as I’m around Y/N. And that is a genuine Miya promise.” He crossed his heart as the upbeat music came back over the speaker. “Now let's get busy.” You two danced with your bodies hot and heavy against one another. It felt like heaven the way your bodies swayed under the strobe lights. It was like no one else was on the dance floor but you and him.  You were fine and then all at once the tequila from earlier hit you like a train. The room was spinning and your spirit was rising. The liquid courage strikes again. You pulled away from Atsumu and stood in front of him.
 “Tsumu you  are so freakin sexy did ya know that?” You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his neck.
 “Well yeah I am pretty sexy, but what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” He quirked his eyebrow up.
 “Tsumu, I had a little extra alcohol while you were in the bathroom. Don’t be mad please, but I’m feeling greatttttt.” You slurred out your words. “But don’t *hic* worry *hic* I can still dance, I’ve got a ton of songs left in me.” You looked up to see three Atsumu’s looking down at you. Between the alcohol running through you veins and the bright lights flashing your head went dizzy. The only thing you remembered before passing out was Atsumu saying something along the lines of “ARE YOU KIDDIN ME Y/N.”
“Next on the stage we have Miya Atsumu, he is the setter for the black jackals! He is single and ready to mingle.” You watched Atsumu walk up on stage, your body felt frozen. You watched him but his eyes never met yours once. You heard girls screaming out his name and bidding on him. But he's yours, right? You were unable to move, unable to speak. You wanted to scream out to him, but no avail. 
 “Going once, going twice, and sold.” You watched Atsumu jump off the stage and ran to the girl who won him. He picked her up and spun her around. This can't be right, he was yours. He wanted you, why is he going after her? He looked so happy to be with her, but he was yours, he even said it.  
 “Tsumu why?” Your voice came out finally.
 “Your not good enough, you never were.” He began to laugh at you as the girl pulled him by the tie and kissed him on the lips. 
 “NO!” Your body jolted up. You could feel your heart rate skyrocketing. You realize you had a nightmare, but it felt so real.
 “Y/N what wrong? Baby are you okay?” You heard Atsumu's voice but couldn’t make out where it was coming from.
 “Tsumu, where are you?” You felt hot tears run down your face. You see a lamp flicker on and spy Atsumu wearing a white fitted shirt and boxers. You realize you are in his bed, you could tell from the sheets and comforter you helped him pick out a few months back.
 “Hey, hey It's okay, tell me what's wrong.’ He came over and sat down beside you.
 “Tsumu am I enough for you? You could do so much better than me.” You sobbed out, he gave you a confused look.
 “You’ve always been enough, I don’t need better when I already have the best. Tell me what has you sayin these things.” He began to rub soothing circles on your back.
 “I had a nightmare, you told me I wasn't enough and there was another girl and she kissed you.” Atsumu looked sad as you explained your nightmare to him.
 “It was just a nightmare Y/N, yer my one and only. No one even compares to you.” He kissed your tear stained cheek. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
 “Kiss me.” You blurted out, you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. “Tsumu you don’t have t-” Your body fell back on the bed and Astumu hovered above you. 
 “Ask and you shall receive.” He leaned down and gave a kiss that made you lips tingle. He pulled away and look down on you with a gentle smile on his face. “Better?” 
 “Umm.. yes.” You lifted yourself back up. “Not to kill the mood, but what happened, how did I get here?”
 “You blacked out on me princess. I had to get Bokuto to help drag you out of there and load you in my car. I was going to take you home, but I brought you here to make sure you were alright. No more drinking three shots of tequila back to back, Sakusa saw you and ratted you out.” Atsumu handed you some aspirin and a bottle of water he had on his nightstand. 
 “Sorry Tsumu.” You lowered your head in shame. You felt guilty for making him go through all the trouble.
 “Don’t be, you were kinda cute clinging to me.” He got up from the bed and walked towards his dresser. 
 “Uh, Tsumu what is this on the floor?” You asked looking at a pile of pillows and blankets scattered beside of the bed.
 “That is my makeshift bed, I was going to sleep on the couch, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He rummaged through the dresser.  “I’ve got some of your spare clothes from the last team sleepover. Do you want to shower?” He handed you the clothes.
 The hot water felt like heaven on your tired body. You lather yourself in Atsumu body wash and tried to remember what happened exactly. You can remember Bokuto and Atsumu gilding you to his car at some point. You also remember Sakusa  dragging a drunk Hinata to his car, at least you weren't the only one. You remember a little bit of the car ride, Atsumu drove alot smoother thankfully. You stepped out of the shower and dried off. You felt like something was missing. You changed into your clothes and looked into the foggy  mirror. You reached up to fix your hair and noticed the tennis bracelet Astumu had given you was missing. You slammed open the bathroom door and ran to Astumu’s bedroom, he was laid back playing on his phone.
 “Tsumu my bracelet is missing!” You began to look around the room in sheer panic.
 “It's here, I took it off ya when we got here.” He pointed at his nightstand and you see the bracelet shine under the light of the lamp. You grab your chest and sigh with relief. 
 “Thank God, I thought I had lost it. I would be devastated if I lost the first gift my boyfriend gave me.” You eyes widened when you realized what you said.
 “Boyfriend huh? That’s got a nice ring to it.” Atsumu turned his phone off and plugged it into a charger. “Are you ready for bed, my girlfriend?” That did have a nice ring to it. You nodded your head and climbed into his king sized bed. Atsumu went to get back in the floor but you grabbed his wrist.
 “I’d feel a lot better if you slept next to me. Please.” You averted your eyes.
 “Anything for you, I’m relived you asked really. The floor is not very comfortable.” He lifted the comforter and crawled in beside of you. He kept a distance from you, despite what people may think, he was a true gentleman. You inched you way to his side of the bed and it didn’t go unnoticed. “Your making it obvious you want cuddled, come on over, I don’t bite.” You scooched over and laid your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you securing you in place. Your could hear the soft beating of his heart lulling you to sleep.
 “I love you Y/N.” He softly whispered into you ear and gave your forehead a feather light kiss. 
 “I love you too Tsumu. You’ll be here when I wake up right?” Your eyes struggled to stay open.
 “Yes I will, I will always be here. Sweet dreams my pretty girl.” You smiled and slowly fell asleep feeling safe and loved in his arms.
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pochiperpe90 · 4 years
To be (and not to be) De André
He looks a lot like him. Yet the first thing he said, when they offered him the role of Faber in the film about his life, was: «l don't quite measure up.». He succeeded thanks to Dori Ghezzi. That helped him to find the only way possible: don’t try to imitate Fabrizio, but to sublimate him. 
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«It wasn't fear, it was pure terror; I had no idea how to do it, what to do». Vigilant, magnetic and irresistibly reticent, Luca Marinelli recalls the days when he knew he was candidate to become Fabrizio De André on the screen. At the time, he still didn’t imagine that he had already passed the first exam, the most severe, the approval of the second wife and life partner of the great Genoese singer-songwriter who died on January 11 of the 1999 at the age of 59, who had supervised the project: “The first thing I anticipated to the writers and the director was: the right actor will be the one who will tell me not to be up to it. Those were Marinelli's first words," recalled Dori Ghezzi after having witnessed the gigantic and touching interpretation of the young Roman actor at the Milanese premiere of Fabrizio De André. Principe Libero, which, after its film debut, will be broadcast in two episodes on Rai1, February 13th and 14th. "The day before I met Dori I sent a message to a fraternal friend, just the one that gifted me ‘Storia di un impiegato’ by De André, making me promise that I would always listen to it from beginning to end, as if it was a story" Marinelli insists, playing out of time with a sense of inadequacy. “So I wrote to him: with pride maybe I will make a film about Faber. Shortly after he replied: "Are you crazy?". And he didn't show up for weeks".
His interpretation, however, has now also won the resistance of the most perplexed among the fans.
In the end, I thought that the best thing was to create my own Fabrizio De André, who was not the real De André, but a character like many others. This gave me a little more peace of mind, I started working as I have always done, with the same commitment and seriousness, gathering all possible information: a thought came out of it, my idea of De André.
An idea of De André who sings and plays his songs in a convincing way.
And for this I will always thank Dori, who held my hand even when I wanted to be anywhere except in a recording studio. And with her Luvi (daughter of Fabrizio De André and Dori Ghezzi), together with all the musicians: I will never forget the night we recorded the ‘Canzone dell’amore perduto’: we got there and they ripped something out of me, that was the second gift of this film.
You said you felt like a fish out of water even on the set of the TV series Trust, about the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III (on Sky Atlantic this spring). 
It’s true, but thanks to this “American” project, paradoxically, I discovered Calabria: I play Primo, the knot of connection between Rome and the kidnappers, between the capital and Calabria. I had never been to its mountains, I knew little about the people and the places.
La solitudine dei numeri primi,Tutti i santi giorni, La grande bellezza, Non essere cattivo and Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot: you have already been defined the most promising of the young Italian actors, what are you doing? Are you trying to climb Hollywood now? 
Never say never. But for now I'm fine in Europe.
When did you decide to become an actor?
When I was a child. My father is a voice actor, he has given voice to many actors, from John Goodman to Gene Wilder, but he has always regretted not having studied acting. Perhaps this is why I decided to enroll in the National Academy of Dramatic Art, thinking that, if I hadn't been successful, I could always do something else. In addition, my grandmother is a lover of Italian cinema, I saw all the classics with her, from Ladri di biciclette to I soliti ignoti: looking at them I never thought it was a profession, it seemed to me that the actors were having too much fun.
And the theater?
I miss it a lot, but I don't have time at the moment. I miss the constant jolts of adrenaline: you can't go wrong there and if it happens you have to improvise. On the set, everything can be redone.
You worked in Germany and live in Berlin. What's it like to act in another language?
I had a role in ‘A dangerous fortune’, a television movie based on a novel by Ken Follett, in which I acted in German. They were happy and didn’t want to dub me. I love working in Germany, and I love Berlin, where I have chosen to live. The Germans are efficient, precise, thanks to them I have learned to be more disciplined.
What else have you learned in your short and intense career?
To not take it badly if I don't get a role. There is always a reason, the important thing is to continue to be curious.
Gioia - Febbraio 2018
Just wanted to translate this old interview for the non-italian’s fans ^^ (sorry for my English)  
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akaashisbabydoll · 4 years
NEKOMA TEAM: Type of boyfriend
Tetsurō Kuroo
he carries you a lot, not because you want tho. he just sees that you’re very tired and cant bare it.
while you’re on your way home he talks about this science stuff that you dont actually have any interest at the first place but shockingly grew fond of
he always offer you his clothes and note that his huge so you wear clothes thrice your size
he exaggeratedly talks so much he sometimes forgets that you’re on his back and you almost fell and just slapped him but you still both laughed it out
his voice is like your lullaby, no matter how loud he is you always fall asleep with his voice
he got used to your sleeping habit that his line always is “Goodnight kitten. I love you” and kiss your forehead.
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Nobuyuki Kai
he’s that type of boyfriend who never fails to ask how was your day
stares at you and every time you caught him staring he just says “nothing”, shook his head and laughed a little, added immediately “you’re like the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me”
clingy, loves holding your hands in public, just hands
very caring and understanding
never fails to make you smile when you’re at the verge of crying
the type of boyfriend who always remind you how important you are and you’re worth every good things here in this world
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Morisuke Yaku
not really fond of pda but very clingy when it comes to you
he loves to bring you to his fav restaurant and let you pick the meal of the night, he doesnt care as long as you eat together
the strong believer of “the couple that eats together, stays together”
strict to everyone except you, he lets you do things that makes you happy
when you both not in the mood to go to your fav place he cooks for you, he always wants to make his dish perfect so you always fall asleep and when he wakes you up, you always have that smile on your face when he says “dinner’s ready, baby”
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Taketora Yamamoto
he’s the bf that do crazy shits on the street like making the street cones as horns and have a battle with him, whoever gets dizzy first lose
he’s literally whipped for you, just call his name and he’ll melt
most probably the bf who will fan you when its hot af
when you suddenly ask for watermelon and he wants to give it to you immediately, he was panicking and cant find the knife so he just smashed it with his head, it was messy but you both laughed about it and just ate what was left with the fruit
the type of bf who’s bruh with you in public but softie when you both are alone
very clingy, kisses every inch of your face and reminds you how beautiful you are
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Kenma Kozume
the player bf, he is always on his computer. he actually noticed how pouty you are when you dont get the attention you want from him
he smiled and tried to teach you the basics of it so you could play together
he losses with you though, gets very competitive and now he’s the one who’s pouty bc you’re winning on one thing he’s good at
he’s not the type of bf who likes outdoor dates but still takes you out on a date bc that is what you deserve
you two baking his fav apple pie is the most fav date that ever happened, you both having fun and experimenting with different ways to bake apple pies, its your ritual
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Shōhei Fukunaga
bf who’s action speaks louder than words, like literally. he doesnt talk much but when he does, he melts your heart
he’s a very patient bf, understanding and who always listen to every problem you have
type of bf who listens to every tea you’ve heard somewhere and gives opinion when it needs too
he’s actually very good with advices
he does this sweet things that actually makes you cry everytime
he takes you on a date at night most of the time bc he wants to hear your voice more than other things in this world
his arms are the most comfortable place you’ve ever been, you love to lean on his shoulder as he loves to hum your fav song until you fall asleep
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Sō Inuoka
he be a very playful bf
you do this thing together where you mimic sound animals and imitate them on shadows
he’s actually loud af and very energetic that whenever you’re tired, you just suddenly feel great when he’s around
he’s the source of your energy and he doesnt even know that
he’s quite gullible, slow and very stupid sometimes but he’s also the sweetest and the most passionate bf you’ve ever had
he never gave up on anything, especially when it comes with you. he knows when you’re sad so he do his best to be the funniest and at the same time convincing bf or maybe just buys an ice cream and share it with you.
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Tamahiko Teshiro
he’s the calmest bf you’ve ever had you dont care on how people sees him
he loves to play your fav song on his guitar, not really a great singer but its ok
he actually wrote a song for you but not really good with guitar so he just made it a poem for you
he loves to do household chores with you, most of the time he wants you to take a rest but its kind of your thing to do it together so he gave up in making you rest
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Lev Haiba
type of bf who loves to give forehead kisses
he loves to carry you like a bag of potato most of the time
hides you from his sister bc he doesnt want to share your with her
he’s very clingy like he wraps his long arms and legs around you and you love that shit
you both ask weird things to each other like “ What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence? “ or like share each other weird facts and argue which is which and ended up calling her sister to know who’s answer is better
you both love to play card games, any card games and tally the scores for like ever since you started dating until now its still going
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Yūki Shibayama
he be a very shy bf at first but when he gets very comfortable with you, he gets very clingy
you both love to ride a train and doesnt know where to go, wherever the train stops that would be your destination, its your thing now
he’s actually great at making you feel safe and worth loving every inch of your existence
he likes giving you surprises like once he actually made a scrapbook of your dates since day 1 and now both of you still filling that up
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note: photos not mine, credits to all the rightful owners <3
Tried to make something :( kinda emo while doing this shit bc i love every character of haikyuu and now i want a bf from haikyuu :( lol
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Traditional costumes part 2
Remmember, GN!MC. And stay for a big hollyday surprise!!!
Beel (Chiapas La chiapaneca)
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·         Wearing the typical costume of your state, always made your heart expand in your chest, that night wasn´t the exception, using all the elements of nature made you really happy. That night Lord Diavolo prepare a big dinner to celebrate the exchange students, most likely he just wanted to take a break from the exams that you took a week ago. So you prepare yourself with the very best clothes you had.
·         Beel knocked in your door, saying that it was about time to go out, and he only heard one single scream from you that he panicked and with frenetically movements he opened your door. You were almost done, but usually your grandma would do the last touches for you to be ready, that made you sad. And Beel noticed it.
·         With a silent movement and a soft whisper in your ear he asked what was wrong, and how he might help you.
·         “You know Beel, this is my evening dress, not only because it´s beautiful but… It´s all about the story behind it: This costume was created towards the end of the 1920s, (1926-1927), when a highly successful theatrical company from Central America arrived in Chiapas de Corzo. In her first performance within the state, the lead singer performed a song that was called "Las Chiapanecas", in honor of her audience. The most popular story in terms of the traditional clothing of this state is carried by the Chiapas, who year after year parade showing their wonderful dresses. Characterized by its multiple colors and flowers; generally, on a black background, the traditional dress of Chiapas women represents the different ethnic groups that coexist in their region, such as the Tzeltales, the Lacandones, the Jacaltecos, the Choles and the Tojolobales, among others. Likewise, reference is made to the immense variety of botanical species that exist in Chiapas, since it is a state in which all kinds of ecosystems converge, from the mountainous places of the sierra to the coastal towns. In the case of men, allusion is made to elements such as the sun and rain, so necessary for the fertility of the Earth, and protection against the forces of darkness. The men also remember the Spanish conquerors, imitating certain characteristics of Europeans such as their blond hair; through the headdress that they put on their heads.��
·         Beelzebu wasn´t a man of tons of words like his older brothers, he was a man of actions. He hugged you as tight as he could (without harming you of course) after the hug he just smiled at you. “You are the connection in the three realms, but those are some complicated words that Lord Diavolo usually use, you are all of them for me, the flowers and plants, the mountains, the sierras and the ocean, for me. You are all of them and more.”
·         That made your heart “Doki, doki” yes, maybe that was the last thing you needed, like a magical spell just for you.
Belphie ( Traje Mestizo Quintana Roo) 
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He was sleeping in your room, nothing out the ordinary, most of his weekly routine was staying in your room sleeping, until he sniffed something different. He might be sleeping under your bed when he found out the costume inside the box under your bed. Was it like a good luck item? Or did you just didn´t wanted to see it again? He approached his left hand until he touched the box, he took it out and opened it.
In that moment he understood why you were hiding it, the costume was so beautiful. If someone else saw it, they would sell it, eat it, or use it, even asked you to use it. When you opened the door, and found him with the costume you screamed with full joy. “OH BELPHIE DARLING, YOU FOUND IT! I thought I lost it!” So you weren´t trying to hide it? You lost it? In your own room? Heh what a weird human.
“You know, my great grand mother made this for the generations after her. She would always be telling us Mestizo clothing is particularly representative clothing of Yucatan, and has been associated with Quintana Roo clothing. This is due to the proximity that exists between both states and of course, because both complement each other as tourist poles in Mexico. Particularly, the mestizo woman's costume is made up of a huipil embroidered in cross stitch, whose motifs go on the collar of the garment, the hem and the skirt. While the man's is much simpler and he only wears a shirt and pants made of a raw blanket, matching with a plaid apron, leather espadrilles and a palm hat.” You said with a big smile in your face. “Maybe we could ask her to make you one of it What do you think?”
He nodded, you looked so excited about it, that he almost forgot one little thing, How old was your great grandmother? He panicked just a little, but he recover the posture and with the nicest smile he could use, he said. “Well… But first how about you showing me the costume and then we could ask your great grandmother about it”
You smiled once again and ran into your bathroom, it was going to be an amazing evening.
Diavolo (Sn. Luis Potosí, “Las huastecas.”)
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It was a nice party for you, some of the greatest demons were at the castle, the brothers tried to protect you as much as they could, but they did had their own responsibility’s, being the seven rulers of the Devildom wasn´t a simple task, and you knew it.
Diavolo tried to approach you on multiple times, failing everyone of them. Until a duke actually came and talked to you. It was notorious you were uncomfortable, he was touching your most precious clothing, and making some rude comments about it.
When Diavolo was about to make his intervention, you took the demons hand and with a scary smile, you started. “It might not be as beautiful as you may think, but at least my dressing has a bigger meaning that that tuxedo of yours, my culture is not for you to make fun of, it deserves to have respect.” After that the prince of the Devildom approach to the both of you, as an excuse for you to join him for some drinks.
Both of you went out of the party, the garden was nice and the moon in the Devildom was brighter that night, Diavolo took your hands with his. “You are a brave human.” He started. “And you look delightful tonight, like someone full of dignity that can rule along with me.” He kissed your hands with the respect that he might show to his fiancé.
“You know Diavolo, my culture is a descendant from the Mayas, we use a tangle that reaches a few inches below the knee. It is made of a white blanket or a plain black cloth on the back; the front has four planks. Is held up by a factory-made sash with red and blue speckled stripes and has a braided fringe at both ends. The blouse or loose jacket is made of flowered calico or pink or blue artisela; It has puffed sleeves, high neck and pleated bib, ending at the waist with an olán or loose skirt that covers the girdle. On top of the blouse, we wear a white cotton quechquémel entirely covered with worsted embroidery with cross stitch. I am proud of my culture.”
As soon as you conclude he smiled, and asked you nicely to go for a dance. After that night he will make that duke pay for what he has done.
Barbatos (Oaxaca, Traje de las tehuanas)
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After visiting the human realm your grandfather gave him a nice CD full of music, Barbatos wasn´t the musical type of demon, but he accepted it anyways. After a few months the whole devil castle would have music that was just nostalgic for you.
One day you decided to go on your Huasteca outfit, not the casual one, but the gala. If Barbatos wanted to you could dance for him. When you arrived to the castle there he was, his usually stoic face turned into a surprise one when he saw you enter. His eyes started to shine like a small child when they saw a candy store.
He walked as fast as he could to see you, that was the first time he was close enough to listen to his breathing. He even started to say: “This typical costume was born in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, using it both the Tehuanas and the Juchitecas, it is said that it is a living costume, since they use it in any type of celebration, making it current over the years, even with the countless modifications it has undergone. t was in 1853, when the composer Máximo Ramón Ortiz composed the musical theme known as the Sandunga, that is when the Tehuana costume managed to cement its fame and prestige as a characteristic of the Oaxacan culture.”
You looked at him astonished, he even knew the history behind your costume, with a laugh caught in your throat you smiled at him. “It was a present from my family, sometimes I miss going to the river in Oaxaca, or even talking with my family in Zapotec.”
He was clearly impressed about the details in the costume, he even took your hand and ask you if you could dance with him. With a big smile you nodded and enter the castle.
It was a nice dance between the two of you, he even made your favorite  tea.  
Simeon (Yucatán Terno) 
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He was researching old cultures for his new book, until he found out something he missed while thinking, you were like an expert of the topic, right? Maybe you could tell him more about it, so he ran into the house of lamentation, hoping you could help him.
And there you were, using a beautiful costume, while talking with Satan, his heart started to beat faster, as he heard your story.
“Its origin dates from the time of colonization; When the Spaniards arrived in Mexican territory, they were surprised by the beauty and high quality of the blankets woven by the indigenous people, so they began to create adaptations taking various elements from both cultures to create what we know today as the suit or gala dress. for women and the mestizo costume for men.”
That would help him develop one of his new characters, but when you saw him in the door threshold, immediately your face became red. He notice it and laugh. He actually took your hand, and asked Satan nicely that he needed a piece of advice from you.
“You look stunning Mc.” He said to you while looking right into your clothes. “I must say, this is the nicest surprise of them all. Is it an important day for you to wear it?”
“Not at all, sometimes I only use it so I feel more at home.” With that say the both of you stayed talkig for a while.
Luke (Baja California Sur. Flor de pitahaya) 
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He was with you, watching the nicest video of the whole realms, something about the dance in front him made his heart a happy heart.
“Mc! This is beautiful!!” You looked at him with a warm smile, and told him, it was your mother dancing for a festival.
“You see Luke, my mother is a folkloric dancer, this dance in specific is from our state, and the full outfit has a big meaning and even a history behind it.” When you concluded, he looked at you with those big blue puppy eye of his, you pat his head and started.  “Some people say that this suit was created in 1951 as a result of a summons issued by the government of General Agustín Olachea Avilés, others, that it was in 1955, since there was no suit that represented our state. At that time, "period costumes" were used, since other states had a representative costume since ancient times, that is why this call came out in order to have a "symbol" that represented the roots of the inhabitants of Baja California Sur, being the winner "La Flor de Pitahaya” The Pitahayo is a cactus that grows in Baja California Sur, both on the coast and in the mountains, and when it blooms, it shows an abundance of nutritional wealth with its fruit the Pitahaya that peninsular indigenous people and now inhabitants have enjoyed for years.”
He was amazed, “You know Mc! I´m just a young angel, but listening to the story makes my heart melt, Is it normal?” with a warm smile, you told him: “Well, of course it´s normal, my stories have that magical power!”
After that day Luke would practice his dancing for you to be proud of him, sometimes he even saw you using the dressing for important parties in the castle of Diavolo. It was so nice!
He even saw your performance once, when he went to visit you at the house of lamentation, and he knew, he needed to work harder if he wanted to have an opportunity to dance with you.
Solomon (Nayarit  traje de los wixárikas)
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The both of you went to the Human realm, he needed to know more of you if he wanted to teach you even better, your family actually welcome him with a big surprise and a big meal, your family was known for using the traditional costume almost the whole year, so everybody knew how proud you were with it.
Solomon received  one of the largest lectures you had heard from your father. “The typical costume of Nayarit corresponds to the clothing of the Huichol culture, or as they prefer to be called: wixárikas. Most of these descendants of the Aztecs live in the Sierra Madre Oriental. The female version of the typical Nayarit costume is quite simple, compared to its male counterpart. This includes an embroidered blouse and a skirt, it also includes a cloak embroidered with flowers that serves to cover their heads and a quechquemitl as a complement. The quechquemitl is a triangular garment with a central opening that in pre-Hispanic times was reserved for the goddesses of fertility, or for certain women of the nobility who identified with these deities. Men wear more elaborate garb. All his garments are decorated with beaded embroidery and brightly colored threads: the shirt open on the inside of the sleeves (cuarri), the pants (breeches), the cape (turra), the sashes that hold the cape and the backpack that crosses his chest. They use symmetrical designs loaded with symbolic, mythological and magical elements. For example, a zigzag can represent lightning (associated with rain). These embroideries are, at times, so profuse that they do not reveal the white fabric in the background.” Solomon just stayed astonished when your father finished the lecture, he made it in one breath, that was amazing, and yet he wanted to use the clothing.
After a few days his dream became true, when your grandfather gave him his very own clothing, the old man said that if he was going to teach you, he must use it for now on.
Solomon was a happy little baby, and he would brag about it in front of the demon brothers, and even in front of Diavolo. Maybe the two of you could go into a party with matching clothes, just like your grandma and grandpa do.
After a while he got used to wear the costume your family gave him, and he even have a time record, and if you want to help him, that would make him as happier as a human could be.
He was grateful for the gift and having you in his life.
It is I, the writer behind the headcanons, So! For the hollydays I´m planing to make place for 9 comissions! (Originaly they were 10 but someone won one of the space) So you can ask about culture, romance, comedy etc. Remmember, I usually write for Latin American Mc, but if you have another idea for another MC, we can make that happen! Anyways, thanks for the support! And I will be reading you!!! Happy Hollydays. 
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kponion · 3 years
please do list all your biases. that stuff is always interesting to me. and i love lists! i know f all about a.c.e members and i can't say i have a bias with so little knowledge but junhee was the one who caught my eye from the beginning. it's an aesthetic thing. i really like doyoung too. i think he might've been the first nct member i ever came across. i watched some of his covers on youtube. he pretty and talented 🥰 random q: tell me your top three nct tracks? from any subunit.
i had to check the oneus and n.flying members from kprofiles to see who your biases are. i adore that cute keonhee gif set you reblogged before awws.
yunho was my first ateez bias! 💕 that didn't last long tho before yeosang came in the picture.
glad to hear you liked the songs. if you figure out what song no lie reminds you of please tell me too. and i thought you might like forget me not for its rockish vibes.
have a fun weekend! it's imitation finale time for me next. i stalked your blog a bit yesterday was it and saw you watched some of imitation too. honestly i started watching it only for ateez and i wouldn't be finishing it without them. jongho (and that blue hair dude he's always with) was the surprising highlight for me in it. wait why am i talking about kdrama now. anyway. until the next one! -☀️🌙
Oh boy, okay here we go (in alphabetical order bc otherwise i'm gonna forget a group):
(and I'm gonna put it below a cut because this got ridiculously long)
a.c.e - junhee astro - mj ateez - yunho bts - namjoon cix - seunghun day6 - jae golden child - y/joochan got7 - jaebum monsta x - minhyuk n.flying - hun nct 127 - doyoung nct dream - renjun oneus - keonhee onewe - dongmyeong onf - e-tion onlyoneof - love pentagon - shinwon (jinho) seventeen - seungkwan stray kids - jisung the boyz - jacob txt - soobin/beomgyu victon - sejun wayv - hendery
whelp, seeing them listed like that i feel like have a kpop problem, hahah. i do listen to and follow a bunch of girl groups too, but not enough to have a bias.
junhee might be the most beautiful man i've ever seen, only rivaled by doyoung. And i love doyoung's covers, he's such a good singer. a.c.e also has some of the best covers i've heard too, you should listen to their cover of youngblood!
Oh, hard question... hm. I think my top three nct tracks would be love me now - nct 127, baby don't stop - nct u, puzzle piece - nct dream, and regular - nct 127 as an honorably mention, hah.
Keonhee is really one of the cutest kpop boys, i adore him so much. And i understand the pull toward yeosang, he's such a lovely and beautiful dork.
Right, imitation is already coming to an end? Maybe it's time i finish watching it too then lol. I only gonna finish it bc of jongho and the blue-haired dude. Yunho might be my bias and i love him but his character is bland as flour... unfortunately.
Hope you had a nice weekend too!
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padfootagain · 4 years
Girl Crush (V)
Chapter 5: A Touch Of Hibiscus
 Here we go again!! New chapter! Cuteness, cuteness, so much cuteness I am melting myself, this is disgustingly sweet!! But then, you're reading the Queen of Fluff, so you should have known better ;)
I hope you like this new chapter! Please, tell me what you think about it!
Word Count: 3648
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Of all the places in the word, Harry had decided to go to Jamaica to write his new album.
It meant that once again, he was away, and you still missed having your best friend around.
Best friend. It sounded strange to some extent, the title was newly found, but it was true though. You knew everything about him, he knew everything about you. And it felt so nice to trust someone so completely, it felt new too. It was comforting, to have someone like Harry by your side, even if he was thousandth of miles away most of the time.
But him working in Jamaica had a few good sides too. Namely, the fact that by sleeping in the house where he was staying, you could plan a trip to Jamaica, where you would have probably never travelled to if it wasn't for him.
Harry was ecstatic at the idea of seeing you. He went to pick you up at the airport, and gave you the biggest hug you had ever received.
You spent some time with his band, with his 'dream team' as you liked to call them. It was all a lot of fun, and for the five days you stayed there, you had the time of your life.
You barely slept, there was no time to lose for that. Between parties, and watching rom coms with Harry, lazily lie down in the sun on the beach, swimming across coral reefs and surfing, there wasn't enough time to spend resting.
But the best part of these vacations, you found out, wasn't even the scenery or the amazing activities you had been sporting for the past few days. It was the fact that you were doing all these with Harry. You had missed spending so much time with him, and it was never more obvious than now that you had him by your side again.
You found everything more endearing because he was there. Your cheeks hurt because of how much you were smiling. It seemed that a laugh was always there, like a tingling in your belly, ready to pass your lips to bloom.
You loved getting tipsy with Harry, until he was drunk enough to be all sleepy and cuddly when he would rest his head upon your shoulder and close his eyes.
You loved watching TV with him, in your pyjamas and under warm blankets while eating your favourite cookies – that Harry had all the time, you noticed, and couldn't help but figure that he had bought them for you and made a point to replenish his stock after every quiet evening you spent together eating them.
You loved lying on the warm sand by his side, talking for hours or simply lying in silence, listening to the waves.
Swimming across coral reefs had always been a dream of yours, and you had to admit that doing it with Harry had made it all only better, because you were watching all these colours, all this life, with him.
And you loved the way he tried to push you off your board as you surfed together, and how you floated together in the ocean waiting for a wave.
Maybe you enjoyed it a little too much. These days the thought kept on crossing your mind. Sometimes you wondered if you were crossing a line.
Harry was your best friend, but the line between friendship and romance was less clear than you had thought.
Sometimes your heart beat a little too fast, you laughed too hard, you missed him too much, you dreamt about him too often. You couldn't really face whatever it was that you were feeling though.
Several reasons kept you from facing the truth: because Harry was just getting back to his feet after his break-up. Because your lives were so different and often happening with so much distance between them. Because you were terrified at the idea of feeling this way for your best friend. Because you didn't think that he would ever see you that way.
Even now, as you listened to Mitch and Jeff singing to Nirvana with Harry making margaritas, you pushed the thought away. It was karaoke night in the mansion Harry and his friends had rented, and you were having quite a laugh so far. Mainly because you had dodged the performing part till then.
It was nothing, you had just missed your best friend too much, that was all. You were reading too much into your own feelings, right?
The music waned, and all of you cheered for the singers, while Harry was bringing the drinks.
He was a little tipsy already, which only made him smile more. His hair was starting to grow a little more from his work for Christopher Nolan, and he was sporting a Hawaiian shirt and some large shorts. You loved this relaxed, casual style on him. He looked happy.
"Thank God I'm the singer around here, Jeffrey!" Harry laughed at his friend, who answered by making a face, but laughed anyway.
"Well, if you're so bloody good, then it's your turn!" his manager replied, accepting one of Harry's drinks.
"Sure! But only if Y/N joins me."
"Oh no, no, no, no!" you shook your head. "I pass on that one, karaoke is not for me."
"What?! Who doesn't like Karaoke?!" Harry asked back, stunned and a frowning mess.
"I don't dislike Karaoke," you defended yourself. "But as Jeff here pointed out, you're a bloody professional at this! And I can't sing!"
Harry rolled his eyes.
"Don't be so bloody dramatic! We're just having a laugh. Don't worry about it. We're just having some fun. Come on, sing with me."
He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the sofa.
"Please," he pouted, and you hated him for it. How on Earth could you say no to him when he was pouting like that? "You can choose the song, I'll sing whatever you like!"
"I hate you."
"We both know that ain't true though, darling."
You huffed in response, trying to ignore the fact that he had just called you darling, in that terribly adorable accent of his, and stood behind the mic despite your sudden discomfort.
"What's your favourite song?" Harry asked. "We'll sing your favourite song."
"Girl Crush."
"Girl Crush. My favourite song is Girl Crush."
"It's country, I think. Or something like that," Mitch indicated, and Harry seemed to remember then.
"It's a slow song, right?" he seemed to think hard, taking a sip at his cocktail.
"Yeah. But it's still my favourite song… At the moment, at least. Not good enough for a karaoke with you?"
He rolled his eyes.
"I told you we'd sing your favourite song, and we will!"
He looked for the song through the karaoke machine, and was all proud of himself when the first strings of guitar echoed through the room and the lyrics appeared on the screen.
And you realized then that you had never really heard him sing.
You had joked around imitating silly voices in his car before. You had heard him sing on his records. But you had never actually heard him sing seriously before.
And your poor little heart was not ready to take it.
You merely stared at him, with a dreamy smile on your face.
It was soft and reassuring, his voice like a balm you could place on your heart to heal all the cracks it had suffered from. And for the first verses, you even forgot that you were supposed to sing with him, or that it was a karaoke for the matter. You were aware only of Harry singing a song you loved, the rest of the room, of the world even, had vanished. You were grinning like an idiot, and you didn't even notice.
It was only when Harry turned to you with a questioning look on his face that you tore yourself out of your reverie, and realized that you were supposed to be singing too, so you joined him for the chorus.
I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
You had been a terrible liar and he would tease you for it. Your voice was lovely. Perhaps not as powerful as his, but it made him smile and he didn't really know why. Your eyes locked and you both giggled over the next verse, but none of you really cared.
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
You were surprised when Harry dropped the microphone in his hand to reach for you instead, and you could only giggle when he made you twirl.
I don't get no sleep
I don't get no peace
You abandoned your mic as well, both of you laughing and grinning and missing some of the lyrics as you weren't looking at the screen anymore, but none of you cared. The rest of your friends were clapping to the rhythm and laughing too, singing along at some bits, but you didn't notice any of it. You were staring at Harry's eyes instead, and he was smiling so brightly because of you, his cheeks were almost sore.
Thinking about her
Under your bed sheets
The way that she's whispering
The way that she's pulling you in
You danced together across the room, and if Harry left a respectful distance between your two bodies, it didn't mean that you weren't inches from each other, with one of his arms on your back and spinning across the living room hand in hand. When he made you twirl again, he caught you perfectly, and your hand naturally found back its rightful place on his shoulder, as if it was meant to rest there.
As you stared into Harry's green gaze you knew that Girl Crush would always remain your favourite song from now on, you had no doubt about that.
Lord knows I've tried,
I can't get her off my mind
He made a dramatic face that made you double with laughter and miss the beginning of the chorus, and you shook your head at him in the most adorable way. He was such a goofball…
You quenched the butterflies in your stomach and forced your racing heart to slow down.
It didn't mean a thing, it was just… your best friend, standing in front of you and being silly to make you laugh, and dancing with you…
I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
It was just Harry, just your best friend holding you and making you dance across the room, and singing so lovingly whenever his eyes met yours, as if then he meant to really speak the words to you…
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
… But then he was a singer, he was good at that, right? He was even an actor now. It was just part of performing, the professional singer transpiring through your friend. It didn't mean a thing…
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
…It would never mean a thing and you'd better get that in your silly head as soon as possible, if you didn't want to make the same mistake as Icarus. It was never good to fly too close to a sun. You always ended up falling before you could even reach it.
It didn't mean a thing. It was just your best friend.
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
Just your best friend…
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The stars were bright above the ocean, a sea of shimmering glows trapped across a velvety canvas. There was a soft breeze blowing, making ripples on the calm waves, and clearing your head from Harry's margaritas.
You shivered, rubbing your naked arms but had no intentions in going back in just yet.
One song had turned into five songs and by now your throat was sore, you had no regret though. By the end of the evening, everybody was screaming at the same songs, at one point Harry had found himself jumping on the couch while Jeffrey and Mitch were laughing too much to breathe and you tried to make Harry fall on the cushions… you smiled at the memory, it encapsulated the spirit of the whole evening quite well.
You were startled at the feeling of soft fabric on your arms and shoulders, but relaxed as soon as you recognized Harry's scent captured in the jacket he was placing on your shivering frame.
"You alright?" Harry asked, joining you on the large balcony, leaning against the bannister by your side.
"Sure. Just needed a bit of fresh air."
"Well, I could see you shaking from the living room, I do think the air is fresh enough for you."
You playfully nudged his arm, laughing. Silence settled between the two of you, and for a while you thought that this moment was going to be one of the quiet ones, the ones where seconds and minutes flew by and you didn't say anything to each other, simply enjoying whatever was around you and being together to witness it. But Harry tore the cloth silence had wrapped around the two of you with a question he didn't want to ask, and that you dreaded as well.
"When is your flight tomorrow?"
Your hands tightened around your own skin.
"4 pm."
He nodded, taking a deep breath before speaking again.
"Thank you for coming this week. It was great. I needed a break from spending my days and nights in the studio."
"Thank you for inviting me here. It was amazing."
"We've barely spoken about your work…"
"It's fine. I don't want to talk about it, to be honest. Tonight is… it's nice."
"Yeah… uhm… it is nice."
"We haven't talked about your break-up either."
He shrugged.
"I'm feeling better. Thinking less about her. Missing her less."
He was about to fight back with a 'there's no but', and he would have with anyone else. With you, however, he knew it was useless to pretend that everything was fine. You had a special talent to read through him as if he were an open book displayed for the sole purpose of revealing all its deepest secrets to your eyes.
He had quit fighting a long time ago.
"I'm… not so confident about everything else," he let out in an unsteady whisper, the words mumbled more than spoken.
"What do you mean? About the album?"
He nodded.
"Maybe I can't do it on my own."
"Don't say that. That's not true."
He shrugged.
"We haven't written anything good in two weeks."
"Well, I've been wasting all your time for a week, so that's not as bad as it sounds."
He rolled his eyes, but a smile was tugging at his lips again.
"I miss the boys," he admitted, resting his forearms on the metal of the bannister, his body half-turned towards you and towards the dark ocean ahead. "I miss having them around. I miss having more people to help me write. I miss the whole craziness of it. I miss… I miss asking for help. And I guess… Before that I could always push a part of the blame on a 'collegial decision' if things went ill. I can't do that anymore. Because I'm the one taking all the wrong decisions, and I write all the songs, and if something is shit, it's because I made something shitty. I… craved for it. I craved for finding my own voice, and for writing on my own, and for not having my entire life decided as a vote. But I lack the backbone to do it, I think. I lack the… the training for it. Ever since I was 16, when I moved out of my mom's place, every decision I've made was taken as part of a group, and I've found out… I'm not sure I know how to take decisions on my own now."
He fell silent, and you weren't sure if it was because his voice had broken our because he had said all he meant to say.
And at first you didn't know what to say. How were you supposed to comfort him now? He seemed fragile, lost, aching, and all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and tell him that things would be alright.
So, you did just that.
He didn't seem to be expected the gesture either, but he reciprocated the hug as soon as your arms closed around him.
"It's gonna be okay, Harry," you breathed your words of reassurance in his ear, voice so soothing and soft that it made him close his eyes at the sound. "You're gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay."
He buried his face in your hair, breathing the scent of your shampoo until his senses were numb.
"You're so talented, Harry," you went on. "It's scary to be on your own, I get that. But you're going to make an amazing album. As long as you make the music that you want to hear, the music that feels right for you to sing, then you're gonna be alright. And you're not alone, you have a team with you. You have friends and a family who support you. You have me."
He tightened his hold on you then, and you were almost certain that he was crying.
"Maybe it's scary, but perhaps it's a good kind of scary too. And that feeling you had of not taking the decisions, or to have more responsibilities… I reckon that everyone goes through that at one point. It's part of growing up. It doesn't mean that you have to face everything on your own though. It only means that you get to do what you want to do, instead of what everyone else wants to do. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?"
He shook his head, but didn't answer.
"As long as you make the music that you feel proud of, and that you feel passionate about… as long as you make music that you love, then no one can say that you're making bad music. If you put out there something that comes earnestly from the bottom of your heart, then you're going to make some great songs. And no one can tell you otherwise. Okay? It's your first album on your own, it's gonna be tough, because it's the first page of a new chapter. But a new chapter just means that it's new, not that you ought to compare it to the rest of the book. And you have plenty of chapters left to write about music, so don't give up on it now, okay? You've come so far already. Music is what you love the most, and you're so good at it, it'll be just fine. Okay?"
He let out a long sigh, and his body grew numb as you ran your hand through his hair to soothe him. He hadn't felt so peaceful in weeks. Was it because of your words or just because you were holding him like this? You seemed to be shielding him from the entire world, and he felt safer in your arms than in any place he had visited. He reckoned that besides his mother's embrace, he had never felt so thoroughly himself anywhere but in your arms. He felt like he belonged right there, engulfed in you, pressed to your chest, his forehead seemed to fit so perfectly in the crook of your neck… It felt like… what was the word he was looking for? It was hard to describe the feeling, it was like…
"Are you feeling better, little spoon?" you asked, humour back in your voice, and Harry chuckled, but didn't move away from you yet.
"Yeah, a little better. Sorry, was just…"
"Overwhelmed a little?"
"Yeah. Too much stress."
You pulled away just enough to hold his face in your hands.
"You're not alone, Harry. Okay? You're not alone, and you'll never be. I can't help you writing songs, but I'll always be here for you."
"Promise." You nodded, giving him the softest of smiles.
"You know, I've been so unproductive in writing these past few weeks, you could help!"
You laughed, drying his cheeks with your thumbs.
"You've just heard me sing, you can assess the damage I would make if I helped!"
"Don't say that," he frowned. "Your voice is lovely."
"It isn't."
"It is! Since when do I lie to you?"
You merely chuckled in response, and took a step back, but Harry stopped you before you could walk back inside the house.
"Thank you. For coming here, for being here for me, for… everything, really. Thank you, Y/N. I don't think that I could do this without you. It's… it feels like you… always pull me back on tracks, like you… you always bring me home."
You weren't sure what to answer to such a statement, so you merely smiled instead, hoping that words weren't necessary this time. You were right, he offered you back a smile, and seemed to understand what you couldn't say.
You disappeared inside the house again, but Harry stayed there for a little longer. There were words stuck in his hed he couldn't shake off, he could almost hear them being sang…
It was 3 am when you were woken up by the sound of guitar echoing through the hallway, coming from Harry's bedroom.
You couldn't decipher the words he was humming thanks to you though, only the whisper of the slow craft of a tune being born on metal cords.
Sweet creature, sweet creature,
Wherever I go
You bring me home.
Tag list: @ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​ @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​ @stuckupstucky​ @snek-shit​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony​
@madamrogers​ @cronias13​
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saltypicks · 3 years
reviewing may’s comebacks (in june, because i have shit to do)
There were a lot of comebacks this month. I guess it's summer now? No idea, there's no summer in my country. The girl groups have started coming back in full force but are not impressing. The boy groups seemed to mostly go the groovy route and now I need an adjective other than 'groovy' to describe songs.
Not The End, Highlight
I'm so glad it's not a ballad. It's not bad.
You are so beautiful, SGO
Everyday I'm grateful for the retro trend and this is a great representation.
Gray Area, Hi Cutie
At some sections I like this song (the verses and the chorus) and at others I dislike it (the trap breakdown, the middle of the chorus). I complained about MAJORS' company having no money previously but Hi Cutie's company is bankrupt. Poor nugus.
Dreamcatcher and GWSN have far superior 'Red Suns' but this song is okay and I'm happy the girls look so happy to have some work (and hopefully some money) at last.
Today, CITI
A nice midtempo song. And no, I did not hear it first from a drama OST.
Make Up Your Mind, AILEE
Sounds like a Beyonce-type song.
Apparently this is a drama OST (Imitation, to be specific. It's based on a webtoon). Basic boy group song but it sounds like it's from the 2010s or something, and that's a compliment.
Hot Sauce, NCT Dream
Initially: Um...at least Renjun looks good? Honestly I don't know what to say about this song. NCT is a group I stan so this will definitely grow on me but...is this really not an advertisement for hot sauce? Also the set resembles the set for SHINee's Atlantis in my opinion. Now: The shouting is annoying and unnecessary. Love Chenle's voice in this; it provides a nice contrast to Haechan and Renjun. Someone said the chanting should've been left to the rappers and I fully agree. Don't know about Jisung and Jaemin but Jeno and Mark would be a good fit with a chant. In my opinion the dance break isn't really needed but is it NCT without a dance break? Also, wtf are they wearing around their necks? Someone should inform the SM stylists that less is really more.
It's light and pleasant but if this song was a meal it would be a tiny appetizer that tastes good but doesn't satiate you.
I didn't think I'd like it at first but this is groovy and makes me want to dance while doing my chores.
Always, VAV
Song for the fans but if you need a VAV song to listen to I recommend Gorgeous.
Hurt, Baekhyun & Seomoontak
Hasn't Baekhyun been shipped off to the army yet? Anyway, love how dramatic this is.
Waiting for Victor, 015B ft. Dawon
Another great retro song! Also the singer is cute and her hair is cute as well. She reminds me of Chuu a little.
Uncertainty Principle, 015B ft. Dawon
I prefer their other song, but this one is retro as well and it's great.
척���면 척, 강혜연 (Kang Hyeyeon)
Trot that's kind of subdued but still danceable.
Badly, SURA
Loved it from the first second.
Then: Is it good enough to make up for No Diggity? I don't know about that, but this song is groovy and I'm somewhat okay with it. Doesn't have much replay value for me though. Now: Eh, it's basic groovy boy group song but I won't skip if it comes on.
Breathe Again, BLITZERS
Another boy group with a somewhat questionable name. This song is pretty good as a debut and it's somewhat memorable. I wonder if my rating increeased because of the guitars? District 9 was the same for me, but right now it doesn't interest me. I think this song will stay for a good while on my playlist though. I like the anthemic vocals in the chorus and this song needed more of that.
The girls looked good but the storyline kept getting interrupted by shots of the girls. Yes, we know they're all visuals but I'd be more interested if there was actual action and plot. The song is good objectively but doesn't really interest me. Who knows? Maybe a few more listens will change my mind.
Outerspace (ft. Loco), Kang Daniel
Groovy and better than his last two releases.
Giant, Yuqi
So nice to hear Yuqi's voice on its own. The song was fine until the chorus crushed all my love for it.
Glass of Tears, HONG JA
Appropriately dramatic for a song named 'glass of tears'. It's good and if you like trot you'll like this one.
Taste of Life, Yang Ji Eun
What do you call this? Folk trot? Whatever it's called, it's good.
WE GO, fromis_9
It sounds like the token girl group summer song. I don't dislike it, but nothing about this song stands out to me. Honestly with a mini-album called '9Way Ticket' I expected more, because it reminds me of Nine Muses' Ticket everytime I see it. The b-side 'Airplane Mode' is pretty good though and the other one, 'Promise' is a slow song but I don't really mind it, it's fine as background music.
Next Level, aespa
Umm...what is SM's plan for these girls? How can a rookie group from the big 3 have only 3 songs? And only one is an original? The song is not the best thing ever and SM surely can do better but at least it wasn't as bad as M.A.F.I.A. aespa deserves more than this.
Finally after Bim Bam Bum these girls have a title track I enjoy. You can't go wrong with covering Take On Me, can you? It's no Platonic Love or Sea of Moonlight, and it certainly could have done without the rubbish trap section but it's a bop anyway. Meanwhile, the b-side Ride is great and I hope they promote it. This song would be more enjoyable if their voices weren't so shrill in the chorus. High notes aren't a necessity for good songs.
Advice, Taemin
Not the best of Taemin but it's good. I love the fast tempo of the piano and the way it drives everything. Taemin's performance also elevates this song and I'm grateful he's leaving us with a good song before going on his two-year vacation.
They're really going all out with this 'tribe' thing, aren't they? It sounds very Middle Eastern to my ears at times, sometimes it sounds African-ish and the other times it is just typical trap kpop. DOOM DOOM TA was better and more fun. At least they got the catchy catchphrase right. Blackpink in your area who? Tri-bee da loca! The b-side 'LORO' is not much fun either. The only difference is it's Latin-influenced.
Shadow, Dreamcatcher
Typical Dreamcatcher song slowed down by a lot. It's not bad, plus it's nice to hear Dami sing. Also what is it with Korea and zombies? With the MV the song sounds a lot better but the MV distracts me. Shouldn't zombies be mindless? How do they use tools and know martial arts? Or is it just my eyes? And can that tiny gun protect anybody? Are you sure that's not a toy?
The beginning of spring, E'LAST U
Not horrible but not for me either.
One of the few new ggs in a while with unfortunate names. They've clearly upgraded in terms of styling and MV budget, but their song quality is no different.
Let Me Know, PIXY
Sonically it sounds nothing like their dark concept. Actually it does sound like a dark concept, if done by a boy group. It's not bad but it's not good. The industrial-like sounds in the back are interesting but the whole song is not.
Son of Beast, TO1
TOO rebrands as TO1 with this song. It's groovy.
For the first time I like a Heize song. The MV is interesting too, the story was cliche but I liked the visuals and aesthetics.
Rhis song was from the [BORDER: CARNIVAL] mini. I listened to that mini but I remember not really liking any of the b-sides except the outro and the intro, so this is a surprise.
My Flower, Kim Jaehwan
Nice upbeat song with guitars all over it. I like it.
Corazon Perdido, Yesung (Super Junior)
Initially I wasn't going to review this because I didn't even review the title track but the final moments of this song are beautiful and it deserves a mention.
Butter, BTS
The song is smooth as its title. The MV is fine except for that ARMY thing; I cringed so hard.
Bonnie and Clyde, Yuqi
Better than the other one.
This is so great and I'm glad it got its own video, even if it was just a dance video glorified as a 'Special Stage'. Now if only I could stop chuckling whenever I hear "looks rike a lainbow".
Rush Hour, GAHO
Love it, especially the guitar strumming moments and the chorus when the electric guitar comes in.
Love how the vocals don't distract from the great instrumental.
In a comment section someone said La Di Da was a fluke and I kind of agree. Everglow returns to their usual style (chanty chorus + catchy riff repeated over and over) and this song is in the same vein as Adios. I like the chorus but the rest of the song is hard to recall. Siyeon, Aisha and Yiren are the only ones who actually look good and EU needs more lines and her blonde hair back. Also why does kpop think that moving the camera around a lot creates the illusion of motion? All it does is make me dizzy.
Like It Hot, GWSN
Sometimes I like GWSN title tracks, and sometimes I don't. I don't think much of this song, but their album is great.
Je T'aime, Joy
I love you Joy but this is boring. If it was meant to be a lullaby then SM succeeded.
Burned All Black, Kim Jaehwan
His other song is a ballad which is somewhat pleasant. Well, it was until it slowed down in the first chorus.
Purple, woo!ah!
Still not one song from woo!ah! I like.
GGOMA, Tae Ho (IMFACT) and Choi Ye Geun
Loved Choi Ye Geun's Scarecrow so I was happy to see her again. The song is groovy but the chorus sounds somewhat...empty? Love the scat at the end, should've been longer. This is also a great example of a bright boy group song. See? Upbeat and bright boy group concepts don't have to be childish.
DIAMOND, Sparkling
Another Imitation OST. I honestly doubt that there are actual kpop songs as bad as this.
7days Tension, Weeekly
Ad song. Bright and the chorus is nice.
0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You), TXT feat. Seori
The angsty opening line caught my attention, then the verse after it dropped the energy. It picked up again in the chorus and pre-chorus, thankfully. It's very much pop rock, except there are no guitars in this. Doesn't stop the song from being good though.
Hello, Joy
I love Joy's voice as always but this song doesn't do much for me even though it's upbeat. A few more listens might change my mind.
Call Me, Omega III
Another Imitation OST. Doesn't do much for me, just like all the Imitation MVs. At least let us understand what your drama is about. Instead we get these random shots of what idols are supposed to be like? I don't know much about idol life but it's obvious these girls would be called nugus in real life, and I honestly doubt nugus have such nice living conditions.
No Answer, LA LIMA
Jiyeon from T-Ara is on this one. This and MALO are my favourites from the Imitation OST so far. The song is nice with a sleek catwalk vibe to it but like the rest the MV is boring.
Show Me, Tea Party
Are these the Omega III girls? Not sure but I think so. MV still boring, song doesn't interest me.
Let me go!, The Volunteers
Great rock song, I just wonder why it's all in English (I'm not complaining).
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misssophiachase · 4 years
KC Bingo - Thank you
I just wanted to say thank you to Luiza @itsnotacrimetoloveyou from @klaroline-events for organising KC Bingo, it was so much fun (especially in these weird times).  Everyone did such amazing stuff and I loved reading/looking at it all!
I managed to do 20 squares (maybe next time I’ll do them all) and these are my works if you’re interested.
1. Throne -   Art Imitating Life - He’s a Prince hiding out from a pending arranged engagement in downtown NYC and she’s a school teacher minding her own business.
2. Flower Shop -  You Don’t Send Me Flowers - Who says the customer is always right?
3. “Do You Ever Think Of Me?” - The Boxer and the Ballerina - Caroline is Prima Ballerina for the American Ballet and Klaus is the World Boxing Champion. From the outside they seem to have nothing in common but they share a past not many know about.
4. Sketchbook - The Luck of the Draw -  Klaus loses his sketchbook at school and Caroline (his sister’s best friend) finds it. The problem is it contains drawings of her and Caroline has enlisted his help to track down its owner. 
5. Paris - The Artist and His Muse - Every artist needs their muse. 
6. Alien - I Married an Alien - Musician Klaus’s tour bus stops in Roswell New Mexico and he meets jewellery designer and ‘ET’ Caroline.
7. Opera House - Safe and Sound -  Bill Forbes is a well known mafia boss in Chicago. Caroline turned her back on her upbringing and left to study in Europe. Fast forward ten years and she’s a famous opera singer. Due to recent security concerns, she’s been saddled with a bodyguard she’s determined to resent, mainly because she knows the idiot.
8. Champagne - The Heiress and the Bartender -  She’s trying to avoid an impromptu and unwanted proposal and enlists the unsuspecting bartender to help thwart the plan.
9. Genie - I’m in Love with My Brother’s Genie -  Klaus and Kol find more than they bargained for in their mother’s attic.
10. Desert - The Runaways - Sightings of celebrity couple Caroline and Klaus at Joshua Tree National Park in wedding attire stoke rumours of a possible elopement. 
11. School - The Preppy and the Townie -  When his Porsche convertible blows a tire, private school student Klaus Mikaelson needs it fixed. Enter townie and daughter of the local mechanic, Caroline Forbes.
12. Vervain - A Compelling Argument -  Caroline has a profitable, vervain business in New Orleans. Problem is the King of New Orleans decides its popularity is hindering his business of general murder and mayhem. 
13. Work - The Model and the Photographer - Jet setters Klaus and Caroline meet up around the world and have a love/hate relationship.  
14. Losing a Bet - Not For Sale - She beats him at poker and in return Klaus must participate in a bachelor charity auction at one of her events. 
15. Anger - Hate That I Love You -  Klaus is the son of a well-known mob boss and Caroline’s mother is a FBI agent. Opposites attract is an understatement.
16. Greek Mythology - You Gave Me Peace in a Lifetime of War -  My take on the story of Achilles and Preseis. During the Trojan War, Caroline is captured by the enemy and given to Klaus for his personal entertainment.
17. Storm - Shelter From the Storm - They met in a rainstorm but fell in love under a rainbow.
18. Memory Loss - Thanks for the Memories -  Klaus has amnesia after a car accident and Caroline comes up with an inventive reminder to express her love. What she doesn’t plan on is the Mikaelson siblings using her innocent idea for evil, not good.
19. Enemies to Lovers - Right of Way -  At the Palm Beach Equestrian Club, Klaus is the prince of the polo field and Caroline the showjumping darling. They immediately dislike each other but, at the same time, can’t seem to get out of each other’s way.
20. Hurt/Comfort -  Accidentally in Love -  Caroline’s boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously and her two best friends Enzo and Klaus make it their mission to help her out.
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bandzrus · 5 years
The No Fun Tour (Part 16)
The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
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SUMMARY // You’ve been working as a roadie for Motley Crue for a number of years because of your interest in the music business and family connections with Doc.  The boys just got off tour with Ozzy and things are looking promising for them.  After babysitting Tommy for the last leg of the tour, the two of you admitted your feelings for one another.  Your relationship is now out in the open, and you’re still trying to adjust.
NOTE // well this chapter took me waaaaay too long to write.  I’m also not very happy with it, but it’s a filler chapter so I’ll live a guess. Only 4 more until TNFT is over! Crazy right?
WORDS // 2897
TAGLIST // @mainly-me @shamelessobsessions @broken-pieces  @calspixie  @shouttatthedevill  @cigarettes-after-sexxx  @thatbandchick39  @buckyofthemyscira  @countrygirlswonderland  @kawennote09 @tommyfuckinlee @miserablecunt @madsthegroupie  @livingforrt  @catsoo12 @whisky-a-go-go @motherloovebone @rysepieces98  @kickstartmyheartmc  @voguesixx @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @princesof-theuniverse @cordysblog  @everygoodusernameistaken16  @brooklyn-antiques  @queens-rose-garden  @fandomshit6000  @hxllywood-whxre  @ladycrow666 @sandy-anakin  @tamedhearts  @cosmicsskies @repostsfanfics  @bella-0104-123  @mustbeaweasleyginger  @freddie-roger-brian-john  @captainloki1 @divaanya  @curlyrxth  @krazykatkay456  @ratedrkohardychic91  @bohemian-war @whydoilooklikekurtcobain @xxchloejoe @imtrashlikeeveryoneelse @nassauartist @teddyboyharrison @anxieteaandsadboihours @thekidbakerinthetardis  @bohorhap  @allmyheart2 @darcytherandom @kitten-overdose @allie-mcginn @aliensforleaders  @premiumcable  @snitchthewitch  @heavymetalprincessa  @applcrumbl @pixrcethesirens @samantha2247-blog @goodoldfashionedqueen @sweetdayme4427 @writingmyanxietiesaway  @therocketqueensaje  @swoopygorl @chasityquinn  @yesloverboy  @scarecrowmax @vintageratdoctor @imtheonetheycalldrfeelgood @supertravelerofbothtimespacefan @totallynotkaibiased @anxious-diabetic @liebe-ist-ein-wildes-tier @perriwiinkle @itsametaphorbriansblog  @juliarose21  @superstitiousinstincts  @angstydogblog  @99percentsure  @knightwhosaysnii  @motleybitxh @littlesunnymoon  @joes-milk  @everlinachevalier  @vnathaliexisabelv  @slowandangry @floregrohlssard @thoughtfullyscreechingphantom @thanks2pete  @crazysaladchopshop  @grungegirlfungirl  @killer-queen-ofrhye  @countryday @zoe0401 @lighthousefromthesea @mgirl08  @momothepeachgirl  @luv4fandoms @katysfunsized @snatchedbylele @weakmoony-stuff @keepcalm-and-beyou @sincereleygmg @samanthadegaro  @isabellarose5150  @letslyn @iwanttoberogersdrums @hailey-the-heathen @falcon-arrows @iiwontgiveuponmilkk @saturatedsunrise99 @fayereed15 @random-internet-user-4471 @high-voltage-rockandroll @defin8lyhetero @am-tired-bois  @thexbasketcase  @terminallydisorganised  @samanddeanstolethetardis221b  @samanthaofanarchy  @cruebaby @ panics-at-the-everywhere @myheartdesirepure @volcaniccth  @babypink224221  @tommy-lee-81 @oh-well1  @rosie-sixx  @softommy @its-hope-babe  @florenceivy  @anotherhopefulgirl  @lain-ee @star-incandescent   @sharon6713  @irishhiggins  @obsessivecompulsivedestructive @verywell-fandango  @valentines-in-london @ggore-horror  @samanthajbenbow  @freddiessmallnipples  @d0ntfitin @vamprlestat  @yourfavbabymom  @lauravic @the-soulless-spider @kellysimagines @princesadeltoro  @kajk9727  @looksthatkill666  @rocknrollcantdie  @kohanayaki @letdecemberburninflames  @fanofnightz  @leterscam @impartinghades @forthe-culture  @blackrose8898  @chlobo6 @gnrskrt  @tommyleeownsme  @anyasthoughts @keithseabrook27  @nikki-six-is-daddy  @phoenixbloodmoon  @madeofsunshineandsugar  @imgonnakillgod  @yellow--inlove  @accio--jesse @babybloomer  @no-shxt-sherl​ ((sorry for not activating any of the tags; I had to remake this whole post and it takes FOREVER))
              You couldn’t wrap your head around it.  It had been days and you still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you and Tommy had been given the clear.  It didn’t feel real.  Which was funny in and of itself, because when did you and Tommy dating in secret start to feel real?  It was just strange to think that the two of you could go out or talk about whatever you wanted and not have to watch yourselves.  You didn’t have to worry about how much physical contact you were making, or how long Tommy was staring at you anymore.  You could just… hold hands whenever you freaking felt like it.
              Which you did.  A lot.
              So much so that Mick started making gagging noises whenever the two of you walked into the recording booth.  The boys had been going in to record more and more lately, and you kept coming along for the ride.  It was an easy way to spend time with them, since your time together with Motley Crue was going to be coming to an end in a month and a half.  You’d still see them, just not nearly as much as you had in the past. It was going to be weird.  Just as weird as you and Tommy being out and official.
                “I was going to go out for coffee, you boys want anything?” you asked, leaning your hip on the doorframe of the recording room.  Motley Crue was crowded onto the couches around a shrine of empty bottles, cans, ashtrays, fast-food wrappers, and scribbly lyric sheets. Tommy leaned backward over the back of the couch and gave you a big smile.
              “Tall, black?” he said.
              “Of course.”
              “Can you do a booze run too, Y/N?” asked Vince.  He draped his arm over the back of the couch and tried to imitate Tommy’s signature puppy dog eyes.  You always pictured the blond more as a scraggly cat.
              “It’s 2pm Vince.”
              “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!” Nikki said in an attempt to convince you.  He still had a half-full bottle in his hand.
              “The coffee shop is 5 minutes away, the liquor store is 20,” you sighed.
              “Ah, come on, Y/N, please?” begged Vince.  At this point in your career, you should have been invincible to the band’s pouting.  But you weren’t.  You let out a sigh.
              “Fine.  Just beer?”
              “Anything else?”
              “My groceries?” asked Mick, before he stopped himself.  “Wait, never mind.  Your hands have been on Tommy, I don’t want you contaminating my food.”
              The band laughed.
              “So tall black coffee, beer, and Daniels – got it,” you repeated, smiling at Mick’s tease anyway.
              “Oh!” Nikki shot up.  “If that guy down the street is selling hot dogs—“
              “Fuck yeah, dude, those are killer ‘dogs!”
              “Get the ‘dogs!”
              “The ‘dogs!  The ‘dogs! The ‘dogs!” the boys all started to chant.  Laughing, you pulled your hip off the doorframe.
              “Tall black coffee, beer, Daniels, and ‘dogs; I’ll be back,” you chuckled, giving them a wave and then sliding out of the building.  You shook your head and smiled to yourself.  Every damn day you spent with those boys they made you laugh.  Tucking your hair behind your ear, you headed towards the coffee shop.  The hotdog stand was on the way, and you prayed the guy was actually there today.  You knew what kind of wrath you’d face if you came back empty-handed.
              As you walked, you realized Tommy hadn’t offered to come with.  Usually he’d abandon whatever the boys were working on to tag along with you.  They had been working pretty hard on their new album (which sounded amazing, and they still had a long way to go), so maybe he just wanted to stay and work on it, but now that you’d thought about it, it was going to nag you.  Was something going on?  You’d spent enough time with Motley Crue to pick up signs that they were planning something.  
                Back in the recording studio, Tommy and the boys waited until you had left before they all huddled around the table.
              “So what’s the game plan, T-bone?” asked Nikki, taking a quick swig of his drink and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.  Mick pulled his guitar into his lap.
              “When she comes backs,” said Tommy, wiping his hands on his jeans. “Vinny, can you introduce the song?”
              “Hell yeah.”
              “Are we just going to start playing it then when Y/N comes through the door?” Mick cocked an eyebrow.
              “That was the thought.”
              “You have those?”
              Vince and Nikki laughed and then Vince slapped the drummer on the back.
              “It’s going to be great, Tommy, she’s gonna love it,” promised the singer.
              “I fucking hope so, otherwise I’m going to look like a dumbass!”
              “I think Y/N is into dumbasses.”
              “Shut up, Mick.”
              You’d overestimated how far away the liquor store was.  It was probably more like 15 minutes; 10 from the coffee shop. Any normal person probably would have felt weird carrying a large coffee, three bottles of Jack Daniels, and a case of beer all together, but you were used to it.  The hotdog guy obviously wasn’t bothered by it either. Coffee and case of beer in one hand, bag of Jack Daniels and hotdogs in the other, you somehow managed to get the studio door open with your foot.
              “I’m back,” you called, waiting for it to shut before you headed to the recording room.  You were trying to make sure you didn’t trip over any empty bottles and spill everything you were precariously balancing in your arms, when Vince’s voice got your attention.
              “And next up we have a song called ‘Without You’,” the singer announced. “Written by Mr. Tommy Lee for the lovely Y/F/N.”  He gave you a huge smile, and then a big sweeping gesture.  You stood there in the doorway, cradling hotdogs as all the boys began to play.
 Without you, there's no change
My nights and days are gray
If I reached out and touched the rain
It wouldn't feel the same
 Without you, I'd be lost
I'd slip down from the top
I'd slide down so low
Girl, you'd never, never know
 Without you, without you
A sailor lost at sea
Without you, woman
The world comes down on me
                They all joined in for the chorus, and maybe it was just you, but Tommy was singing the loudest.  You had been pestering him to sing more (ever since Gilligan’s Island), and in that moment it was the sweetest thing you’d ever heard.  Vince might have been singing the rest of the song, but when you saw Tommy, you knew it was really him singing it to you.
 Without you in my life I'd slowly wilt and die But with you by my side You're the reason I'm alive But with you in my life You're the reason I'm alive But without you, without you
 Without you, there's no change My nights and days are gray If I reached out and touched the rain It wouldn't feel the same
 Without you, without you I'm a sailor lost at sea Without you, woman The world comes down on me
                You were crying.  There in the hallway with your arms full of booze, coffee, and hotdogs, you were crying. You weren’t a crier, but this was the song Mick had told you about over the phone that night after the tour. This was the song Tommy had been working on.  This was the one song you hadn’t heard them play yet and now you knew why.
 Without you in my life
I'd slowly wilt and die
But with you by my side
You're the reason I'm alive
But with you in my life
You're the reason I'm alive
But without you, without you
 I could face a mountain
But I could never climb alone
I could start another day
But how many, I don't know
 You're the reason, the sun shines down
And the nights, they don't grow cold
Only you that I'll hold when I'm young
Only you, as we grow old
 Without you in my life
I'd slowly wilt and die
But with you by my side
You're the reason I'm alive
                In most cases you watched the whole band when they performed.  But right now you had eyes only for Tommy. He wasn’t looking as his drums either; just at you.  As the song wound down, you finally remembered you had stuff in your arms and quickly deposited it on what available table space there was.  Your hands were free just as Vince put down the mic.
              “Oh my god!” you cried, hastily scrubbing your cheeks with the backs of your hands.  “Did you write that, Tommy?!”  You knew he had, but nothing could have prepared you for this.
              The drummer had put down his drumsticks and was making his way over to you when you threw your arms around him.
              “Did you seriously write that?  It’s beautiful!”
              “Yeah,” said Tommy, blushing.  His hands felt warm around your waist.
              “Tommy it’s amazing!”  You planted a kiss on him.
              “I wrote it for you.”
              And there it was again.  Every DAMN time!  You didn’t think you could love him any more and then he did something and somehow you did. For fucks sake he wrote a song about you!  Not only was it the most romantic thing anybody had ever done for you EVER, you knew from years of experience with music that once somebody wrote a song about you – you became immortal.
              “Holy shit Tommy, I can’t believe it.”
              “So you liked it then?”
              “Liked it?!  Tommy, I swear to god there is NOTHING that could make me love you more right now.”
              The drummer finally stopped fighting the smile he had been holding back.
              “Wanna bet?”
              “GET A ROOM!” shouted Mick, causing the both of you to start laughing. Still hugging the drummer for all you were worth, you shuffled over to the couch where the rest of the band was congregating.
              “I can’t believe you guys did that for me,” you breathed, wiping your nose and smiling up at Tommy.  “I can’t believe you wrote the song, AND made me walk 15 minutes to the damn liquor store just so you could surprise me with a concert when I got back!”
              The boys all chuckled and ducked their heads.  They looked so cute and suddenly you were struck with a wave of sadness.  You were going to miss them all so much.
              “It was all Tommy’s idea,” Mick confessed.  “We just went along with it ‘cause we knew it’d make you happy.”
              “Since Mick’s not gonna say it,” sighed Vince.  “We’re all really going to miss you, Y/N.”
              It was your turn to laugh, but you could tell the blond caught the tinge of sadness in it.
              “I’m not gone yet, guys.”
              “Not to ruin this touching moment or anything, but you got the ‘dogs right?” Nikki asked, sliding back onto the couch.  Everyone started laughing and you could feel the sadness leave the room again.
              “Right in front of you, Nik,” Tommy gestured, his hand still resting warmly on your waist.
                Motley Crue had finished their studio session about an hour ago.  All the guys went their separate ways, but Tommy suggested the two of you go for a walk instead of just heading home right away. The air was fresh and it was still light out, plus it was quality time with the drummer.  Hell yes you wanted to go for a walk.
              Somehow being on tour had made you forget how much you loved LA.  You’d spent a lot of time walking the streets in the early days of Motley Crue.  There were so many beautiful houses and little stores that showed off just how unique a place it really was.  It didn’t surprise you at all that so many people came here to follow their dreams – there was something for everyone.  You smiled inwardly knowing you were one of them, and you’d succeeded. It was almost a little scary how perfect your life seemed right now.  A tiny part of you was waiting for the hammer to drop, but you kept reminding yourself that it already had when Doc found out about you and Tommy.  
              You and the drummer had been walking probably for an hour when you came upon a park.  It was getting late, the sun was going down, and the park was empty.
              “Wanna sit down for a bit?” Tommy asked, eyeing up a bench.
              “Only if we get to sit on the playground,” you smiled, tugging at his jacket to follow you.
              “Are we five?”
              It had been a long time since you’d been on a playground.  You’d always been a monkey-bar fiend as a kid and you made a mental note for later to see if you still were.  Clambering up, you laughed as Tommy tried to scale the fire-pole in leather pants and cowboy boots.  Finally you had to give him a hand.  Hauling his dumbass up, the two of you sat on the highest platform and leaned against the rail.
              “The sunset looks cool,” you pointed out.  The clouds were all pink, and just where the buildings interrupted the horizon, the sky was liquid fire.
              “You look pretty cool,” mocked Tommy, bumping your knee with his.  The fucker was so damn cute.  You snuggled into his side and pushed your hand into his. How insane was this.
              “I still can’t believe this is all happening,” you said, finally voicing what had been circulating around in your head since your conversation with Doc.
              “The us-allowed-to-date part, or the management part?”
              “Yeah, it is kinda insane,” agreed Tommy, resting his head again the rail and looking up at the sky.  You wished you had your camera on you – he looked beautiful.
              “It doesn’t really feel real.  I keep waiting for the hammer to drop or for me to wake up or something.”
              “Me too.”
      ��       “I’m glad it is real.”
              “I really don’t know if I could survive if it wasn’t,” Tommy said.  His chin came to rest on top of your head and you wanted to sit there forever with him.  He smelled good; like Tommy.  The two of you watched the sky for a while, enjoying the quiet; something that didn’t happen often in Motley Crue, until Tommy broke the silence.
              “Did you really like the song?” he asked, rubbing his thumb in circles over your hand.  The look you gave him should have said it all.
              “Tommy, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.”
              “You really mean that?”
              “One-hundred and ten percent.”
              “Mkay.  Just wanted to make sure,” the drummer blushed.
              “If I kiss you, will you stop doubting yourself like an idiot?” you inquired, leaning in until there was barely an inch between your lips.
              “Yes,” promised Tommy.
              So you did.  Gentle and tender; probably the softest you’d ever kissed him.  Reaching your hands up to his hair, you felt the drummer’s rough ones pull you close.  And then you kissed him again – longer this time (and maybe a little harder).  You could feel him smile into it.  Shifting so you could get a better angle, it wasn’t long before the whole thing turned into a damn make-out session.  After a few minutes you had to pull back and laugh.
              “Oh my god,” you snickered.  “I feel like I’m in fucking high school.”
              “It’s the playground.”
              “No, it’s us making out like a bunch of idiots.”
              “Does that mean you wanna stop?”
              “Fuck no.”
              Straddling Tommy’s lap, it was your turn to smile into the kiss.  Making a cute little noise as Tommy’s kisses moved from your lips down your jawbone, you settled into his lap.  The drummer’s lips were still heading south, and you shuddered under the touch of his fingers as they tugged at your collar.
              “Tommy,” you mumbled, brushing your hair out of his way.
              “What are you doing?”
              The drummer stopped his kisses for a brief moment to answer, but his hands were starting to lift up the hem of your shirt.
              Your hands were knit deep in his hair, and it was taking a bit more concentration than it should have to keep quiet.  The LA air was starting to cool off and as it hit your skin, you felt yourself break out in goosebumps.  Tommy’s warm knuckles against your stomach as he felt under your shirt were a welcome feeling.  That and the drummer knew what to do with his damn hands.
              “Tommy,” you tried again, feeling your willpower to say no to him decrease by the second.  “We probably shouldn’t be doing this at a park.”
              “Mm, but doesn’t it make you feel like just a little bit of a rebel?” asked the drummer, his hands getting dangerously high and his lips dangerously low.
              “I’ve been a rebel for a long time.”
              “I guess so – you decided to go out with me.”
              “Do you wanna –“ he paused for a moment, finally bringing his lips back to yours.  “—go back to my place?”
              To answer his question, you sank a little lower into his lap.
              “I’ll take that as a yes,” Tommy smirked, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the slide.
sorry guys!  I don’t know what happened to this post - it was fine up until December 8th.  Hopefully it stays put now.  :(
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dantays-inferno · 4 years
reputation is a rock opera
There are three key points to this theory:
1) Taylor sings as three different characters: Herself, Karlie Kloss and Tom Hiddleston.
2) The songs are musical numbers where characters interact like you would see in a stage musical.
3) The album as a whole follows the story of what happened between the three characters in the summer of 2016.
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Point #1: Taylor plays characters
So, the basic idea here is that Taylor uses three different vocal styles to indicate which character is speaking.
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When Taylor “plays” Karlie, she evokes the distinctive over-enunciating voice that Karlie speaks with in real life. Listen to her here:
She also tends to turn up the sass and melodrama for this character and it sounds like she constricts her larynx so that her voice sounds tense instead of open. She hits consonants hard and sometimes even sounds like she’s snarling or mocking. When Taylor performs as Karlie (like in the gif above) she tends to runway strut, roll her eyes, wink, pretend to push and pull people, etc. 
Listen to “Look What You Made Me Do” for a good example of her voice. 
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When Taylor plays Tom, she lowers her voice and makes it sound broader, so it (appropriately) sounds like a woman imitating a man. He doesn’t show up as much as the Taylor and Karlie, but he is sometimes represented when there are three-part harmonies. 
Listen to the beginning of “End Game” or the chorus and bridge of “Delicate” for good examples of his voice. 
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Taylor’s voice when she plays herself tends to be higher, breathier, more open, and almost angelic/innocent/child-like.
Listen to New Year’s Day for a good example of her voice.
The harmonies in the songs are the characters singing together though this can be difficult to work out, so I won’t go too much into it.
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Point #2: The songs are meant to be musical numbers
Now that you can hear the different characters, close your eyes and listen and you can probably imagine the characters on a set, singing to each other or commentating on the other side of the stage (like the Phantom does in Phantom of the Opera).
Here’s an easy one to imagine. Put on “New Year’s Day” and imagine a stage with a different New Year’s Eve party on each side. Taylor sings from one party and Tom sings from the other. Suddenly, it’s a sad closing song because they’re separated.
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What gets confusing is that Taylor is, well, playing all three characters. She tends to use changes in lighting color or whether backup dancers or singers are with her to designate characters and character changes. She also has certain walks, facial expressions, and dance moves for characters. Sometimes she even does something as simple as spinning around or turning her head abruptly to the side to signal a character switch. I think she also sometimes has a male backup dancer come behind her and then duck down at times when she needs to play Tom. This sounds very weird, but watch the reputation tour video on Netflix again and see if you spot any of this. 
There are some great examples of Real Taylor switching between Taylor and Karlie in sequences like “...Ready for It?” / “I Did Something Bad” and “Call it What You Want” / "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" / "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things". 
Watch this performance of “I Did Something Bad” at the AMAs and pay attention to how the staging tells a story like in a musical.
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- So in this number, Taylor is playing Karlie, who she represents as a kind of chief demon, with the backup dancers playing the demons who follow her.
- Look at 0:44 and note how she laughs (as Taylor--or at least mocking the way Taylor laughs) then rolls her eyes (as Karlie). The red light that represents Karlie briefly changes white as she laughs.
- At 0:50, Karlie turns her back to the audience and then looks back at the audience as Taylor as she sings “they tell me three.” Here we have three character switch cues: light color change, turning around, and a vocal change (you can hear Taylor relax her larynx into something more natural and emotional.) But the character switch is very short, and Karlie returns to tell Taylor “This is how the world works.”
- At around 1:22, white light takes over and her backup singers surround her and she is singing as Taylor. Then at 1:43, the red light, demons, and Karlie return, but this time, white light is flashing intermittently because Karlie and Taylor are singing together.
- During the bridge (starting around 3:48), Taylor and Karlie trade off lines (watch her facial expressions).
- My favorite part (4:42): Karlie’s lifted up and stretches her arms out like she’s being crucified as Karyn the giant cobra comes up behind her. Then she is taken down and carried around by the backup dancers, like she is Jesus lying in the grave while the demons dance. Essentially, Karlie is pretending to crucify and make a martyr of herself. (This is echoed in the LWYMMD video when Karlie stretches her arms in front of the neon T. See our other posts about the video.) 
They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one (Karlie)
They’ve got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons (Karlie)
They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one (Taylor)
And it’s just for fun (Taylor)
They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one (Karlie) 
- The whole thing looks and sounds like a hellscape.
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Point #3: This is the story of the summer of 2016
But the snake is not named Kanye or Kim. Its name is Karlie. And Joe is 0% involved.
From what I can tell, the musical tells the story of Taylor and Tom meeting and quickly falling for each other (”End Game”, “Delicate”). But Karlie feels threatened by this relationship perhaps because she would lose control over Taylor, so she takes measures to try to break them up (”I Did Something Bad”, “Look What You Made Me Do”). Taylor and Tom can’t make it work because of the challenging circumstances (”Getaway Car”, “Dancing with our Hands Tied”). And Taylor tries to free herself from Karlie, but Karlie always twists the narrative to make herself the victim and lands on her feet (”This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”, “Call it What You Want”). 
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In conclusion, this may seem bizarre, but it helped me make more sense of the album, which has eluded me for a long time. I think Taylor might have used it to tell a story that wouldn’t be easy to see because the media was just skimming all her music for tea. And it’s really, really bleeping brilliant if it is true. I’ll post more to flesh out the idea some more, but try listening or watching the tour to see if you notice anything. It’s interesting to see how a song can take on a whole new meaning when you think it might be from someone else’s perspective.
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pochiperpe90 · 4 years
Trust your instinct. Interview with Luca Marinelli
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“Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes” wrote Brecht. Let alone superheroes. The vices and problems of the characters, however, are extraordinarily human.
There are people enthusiastic about the film and others who have seen it and have told me: "You know, it's not my genre, actually I wouldn't have gone to see it, but I would have been wrong because it's special, it thrilled me". Because it's about something real. There is the suburban boy who lives for his own sake, who only thinks about how to turn the day, then the superpowers arrive and he wonders what to do, and it’s like if the question was addressed to the public. After will comes the love, that will change him, will makes him go further. Love is the greatest superpower. I don't know, maybe I’m too romantic but the superpower of love is a very strong one, that we all own and that changes the movie as well.
Is Lo Zingaro one of the many young people "sick" of social networks?
He uses the modern roads to arrive at what for him can be the success, to be seen by anyone, so he uses the channels of social networks. As a kid he had tried to become someone and they closed the door in his face, so now that the world is moving in this direction he wants respect, he wants his greatness recognized. In my opinion he has never really been seen, maybe this is the problem.
Is this why he loves to perform?
The character has always been like that and that's the thing that drove me crazy: his histrionic side. It was also for this reason that when I went to the auditions I greatly exalted this theatrical part of lo Zingaro, but Gabriele planted my feet on the ground saying to always remember his paranoia, his strong pain, his great and real need. Then we gradually looked for these things, to enhance his desire to be recognized by everyone on the street.
Cesare from Don’t Be Bad and Lo Zingaro: two outcasts, two fragile characters who harbor anger.
I loved them both but I find it hard to put them side by side, but the fact that there is this suburbs background is certainly the common starting point of the two. And I like how Gabriele wanted to respect this place and its inhabitants, without ever labeling, without representing Tor Bella Monaca as the den of pirates, the place of bad guys.
Ostia for Cesare represented a prison from which to escape, does Lo Zingaro want to escape from Tor Bella Monaca as well?
There is this desire to go out, it’s true, to succeed in something, to escape, to at least try to escape. The watershed of the suburbs is different, if one never grow up there, they will never understand it. It’s a question of sensitivity. Cesare chooses one thing or the other, he sees his friend taking a path but doesn’t believe it completely, perhaps because he finds the other much more concrete. There is a basic desperation there, there is the world that crumbles under his feet little by little, here instead there is something different: it’s the nature of lo Zingaro, the nature of wanting to be, he is there. It must be. Lo Zingaro wants to escape from there, but even if he had been born in the Parioli it would have been the same.
For his androgynous look, Lo Zingaro resemble David Bowie. When building a character, do you start from an external characterization?
As for me, when I approach the character I try to mimesis with the text, with the director's ideas, with my visions. This changes everything, from the physical to the attitude. The character becomes a robe. When you put on the character's clothes, you are him, then you take them off and really slowly you separate yourself from him, then he comes back the next day when you get dressed, and maybe you just keep him as a memory in your head in the evening, at home, when you want to do something with it.
How important is instinct instead?
Fundamental. Many times things have happened, that I don't know how to explain. You have to trust your instincts, always. It’s a bit of a form of self-respect. Many times when preparing a character you don't have to think about it too much. You need to think about it first, then you have to make a blank page, because what you need is permeated inside.
“Una parola detta piano basta già ed io non vedo più la realtà” (A word said slowly is already enough and I no longer see reality), reads the lyrics of “Un’emozione da poco”, the song you sing in the movie.
We were looking for a song that could catch the eye of lo Zingaro during his adolescence. And if you go to re-watch Anna Oxa's performance at Sanremo, her first festival at the age of sixteen, here, putting myself in the role of the character, but also in mine, I thought: "Wow! Look at that woman. Look at that force." From this comes the fact that this is his song, which it’s also his cell phone’s ringtone. What I also like is that all his explosive strength comes from our wonderful singers of those years: Loredana Bertè, Nada, Gianna Nannini and Anna Oxa. And it's nice that it comes from there: it‘s the strength of women.
I remember your featuring in a song by the hip-hop’s crew “Jagermasterz”. Do you also have a passion for music?
A friend, Dj Demis, asked me about it many years ago, and I enjoyed it a lot. I've always had a passion for rock music, when we were kids we had a band, we played funky: we covered Red Hot Chili Peppers, but mostly our songs, good times.
Did you imitate Anthony Kiedis?
I was a little more in tune (laughs). No, I actually played the guitar. I was the second guitar of the group. I still keep playing for me, though. Every now and then I tell some friends to get together and make a small group, but it's just moments where we get together and play some covers. An artist with a folk guitar is something that drives me crazy, I really like everything acoustic.
I know you used to watch a lot of movies with your grandmother as a kid.
With my grandmother I saw all the great classics of our past, but as a kid one of the first films I saw alone was “The Silence of the Lambs”: I found this videotape and I watched it, my parents thought I was playing and instead … But I wasn't scared, I saw the fun of those people and I liked that. That's what I find in my work right now. I feel like I could make a movie for a year, because waking up in the morning and knowing I can go to the set is a great luck, it’s never a burden to me.
Now that the journey of Don’t be Bad is over, how do you remember the journey with the Caligari’s band?
For me it's not finished, tomorrow I will have to meet some guys in Rebibbia because there will be a screening of the film. I still feel it intensely. We are still a strong group, I still like what Don't be Bad means. The Caligari’s band is always there, it's in the heart.
Don't you have the impression that with his death, Caligari was "canonized"?
It’s sad. A person who was only allowed to make three films and now people cry it a miracle, when he could have made many more. This is the greatest sin. But I say “always and in any case, cheers to Claudio!”. I have never lived an experience like this: a person who is dying and wants to give something to others. Seeing a person who isn’t afraid in this way, who wants to give but without knowing what he will receive back. Indeed, knowing how many doors in the face he had received. A crazy life lesson. In the end, it’s an attitude that does not surprise me, it gives me a little stomach ache but that's okay. The film remains, this is the important thing, what a whole crew carries in their hearts remains, Claudio and the Caligari’s band remain.
For sentimental reasons you have lived in Berlin for years. How is our cinema perceived from abroad?
We are always a great cinema. All our movies that were in Cannes last year are now in theaters in Germany, in short, we are there, we are always there. I am really convinced that last year some great Italian films were released, not many, not distributed at their best, but all films that make me proud. The thing I like least about our cinema is the lack of courage of the producers, if I think that Don’t be Bad risked not being realized, I get goosebumps: a film that took us to Los Angeles risked not being made. And the same story goes for They Call Me Jeeg. The truth is that only comfortable things are done.
Money, glory, passion, desire to recover from shyness: Luca Marinelli for what reason is acting?
It seems a simple question, but it’s not. Passion in the end means nothing. I would tell you out of necessity, but maybe that doesn't mean anything either. So I'd tell you why I like it so much. Just like the Roman say: me piace (I like it). I think I'm lucky to have chosen what I love to do in life, and to be able to do it. Because I can't imagine being able to do anything else. Of course, if in five years I can't do it anymore, I will have to invent something.
I don’t know. Before this I thought I was an archaeologist, unfortunately with little success. I was making a mess, I even got the lesson times wrong.
Just wanted to translate this old interview for the non-italian’s fans ^^ (sorry for my English)
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happymetalgirl · 4 years
Rating Christmas Songs
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Yep, it’s that time of year we get inundated wherever we go with mostly shitty Christmas music, usually the same stuff as the years before and the many years before. There are some songs among the barren crop of overplayed tunes that I think are pretty enjoyable, but for the most part I feel pretty confident that most of us are just putting up with the vast majority of the holiday playlist (I mean no one is dying to play any of these songs any other time of year, so they can’t be that great), so it’s time to set the record straight.
Here’s a rating of a few of the season’s musical staples and some brief reasons behind them. I’m sure I’m missing a few classics, but do feel free to bring them up and I will offer my thoughts on them. Granted these songs all have dozens, of not hundreds or thousands of versions, so I’m kind of going by an average of what I generally hear, not the dubstep remix version or even my favorite version necessarily.
“Jingle Bells”
The classic, easy to sing, easy to play on whatever instrument, upbeat childhood Christmas song. It’s hard to mess this one up, and I’m just glad it’s not trying to get all overly serious about Christmas as many of the songs further down this list do. But I mean, it’s fucking “Jingle Bells”, who actually gives a shit about this plinky-ass song.
“O Holy Night”
This one’s cool the first several years you hear it because it sounds pretty grand and epic, but it does wear off after awhile. Still, I’d rather hear this song than most, and I’ve yet to hear it truly butchered. So cheers to that!
“Jingle Bell Rock”
The failed swaggering “update” or cousin of the classic children’s Christmas song, it’s one of those songs that sounds like a bunch of upper class white folks sipping wine and putting on the usual façade of in-person Facebook-style humble bragging and life-highlighting about their year for the family they’ve not flexed on all year or since Thanksgiving. The song though is so drab and seemingly intentional sucked of lol the fun the kid’s song had, and in its place is just overly drolly Sinatra-imitation with no spirit at all. It’s the definition of background music, and it’s for the worst kind of background. Dancing to it sure as hell sucks. If you’re hearing this song, you’re probably not having as much fun as you’re supposed to be for a song that’s supposedly more “rock”.
"O Tanenbaum"
While his semi-jazzed-up approach that characterizes the rest of the soundtrack still seeps into this song, I’ve always loved the more stripped back piano-centric approach that Vince Guaraldi takes with this song on the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. The simple and sweet lullaby-esque melody at the core of the song really works well with the instrumentally minimal approach (which I do hear most often) and it evokes a sense of very sweet nostalgia (for me at least), and I can’t not like it.
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
You know I’ve heard some pretty alright versions of this song when it’s pushed toward its more energetic side. That over the top run on “glOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoria” tends to be the make-or-make moment of the song, and when a singer or choir commits to it and goes all out, it can sound pretty rad; I’m sure some power metal band somewhere out there has put a decent spin on it. The rigid, traditional delivery I hear more often, though, sadly sounds more often like it’s had the life sucked out of it.
“Silent Night”
Probably my favorite of the soft Christmas songs, just soulful melodies abound here and written in a way that hasn’t encouraged too many stupid renditions.
“Santa Baby”
This song is just fuckin’ weird, and I get the place of romance it’s coming from lyrically: finally dropping the charade of Santa Claus and being romantic with the speaker’s husband after putting on the act for the children. It’s cute and endearing, but god is it always so weirdly sung, in a hyperseductive baby voice, not subtle at all, and kind of not fitting with the kind of sweet endearing romanctic tone you would think it’d be carrying if you just read the lyrics. There are definitely worse Christmas/holiday romance songs, and I can definitely imagine this song being performed more sweetly than it usually is.
“Hark! the Herald Angels Sing!”
This. Song. Is. A. Banger. Glorious and triumphant as shit! It sounds good slow and fast, but definitely best when it’s played bold and loud, as opposed to some contrived-ass attempt at a ballad. This song feels like finishing a marathon. I’d pay to hear Khemmis do this fuckin’ song.
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”
Sinatra’s version of the song is probably the most famous at this point, and as a consequence, the very title I think tends to invoke his signature smooth delivery on its own. I used to hate this one, but these days I find its naturally soothing character much more welcoming, god, especially this year. I can see why some find it to droll and sloggy, but I think it’s a nice wind-down tune.
“Last Christmas”
You know, the original synth-pop version by Wham! isn’t too bad on its own; George Michael’s delivery is pretty heartfelt and I can see why it’s become such modern Christmas staple. However, in the context of Christmas background music, that repetitive chorus refrain that seems to be the only lyric anyone knows in the song, gets really grating when it’s the only thing that sticks out, the more scaled-back delivery of the verses aiding their being buried in the chatter with your eggnog-sipping relatives. Furthermore, I’ve yet to hear a cover of the song less dry than sandpaper. Positive points to the original only.
“Away in a Manger”
This song certainly gets points for its strong narrative consistency, but aside from the “the stars in the sky” line, the melody is really really lame, and infantile in a bad way, and I have yet to hear a version that doesn’t sound like it was done by or similar to an apathetic children’s choir. It’s that quintessential song that every church kindergarten choir gets forced to sing because it’s nice and slow and narrow-range that all the kids look absolutely braindead singing. Not that it’s ever the kids’ fault or anything, it’s just a boring-ass song whose weak-ass strategy hinges on a bunch of 5-year-olds getting into something they clearly don’t give a shit about.
“The Little Drummer Boy”
You know, I could envision a slow-building post-rock-esque version of this song being pretty cool, but to date, all I have heard is stiff corny solo vocal delivery a la Angela from The Office and haphazard attempts at injecting tons of energy into the song that don’t really fix the kooky melody at the core of it. I swear you can always hear whoever is singing it getting red in the face from the needless intensity.
"Christmas Time Is Here"
Another solid cut from the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas, its rather simple instrumental foundation serves as a pretty solid introductory piece for the season; it feels so much like welcoming in the winter. And then of course the jazz embellishments on the instrumental version are some of the best in the Christmas genre, though listening to the soundtrack these days makes me wonder what it would be like if a more bombastic and dynamic jazz band took these songs on a more wild ride. I would love to hear that.
“Joy to the World”
It’s a little bit cheesy, but I kinda appreciate how ridiculously celebratory this tune is. It’s another one that I think would be interesting to hear Khemmis do a quick cover of, despite the religious theme that doesn’t really fit into their style. At the very least, it always sounds fun or, indeed, joyous.
“We Three Kings”
I’m not convinced anyone cares about this song.
“The First Noel”
This is another one of those songs whose runny melody tends to lead to it being delivered so often way too seriously, never really all too fun or worthy of the seriousness either.
“O Come, O Come Emanuel”
This is another one of those songs that, on the surface, seems more genuine with its minor key and often stoic delivery, and that definitely makes it better than the vast majority of Christmas songs, but the melody and lyrics are a bit oddly mismatched, and the melody that serves as the key appeal in the song does wear thin as the years go on. Nevertheless, I always do seem to find a cool new version ever year or two.
“Do You Hear What I Hear?”
Goddamn this is such a goofy-ass song. Who the hell made this? I cannot take it seriously. One point for all the kids for the apt “do you smell what I smell?”
“Mary Did You Know?”
Again, who wrote these lyrics? Like, in the story Mary made up to explain her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, that was kind of the main thing, that this kid would do some crazy shit. I can’t take this song seriously either, especially when it gets the goofy overly operatic treatment.
“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”
It’s another one of those songs that literally just says what Santa Claus does. Musically it’s catchy-ish, but I mean it’s about Santa Claus, and it’s so often sung in that overly serious, toned down Motown style that no kid likes. I never liked hearing it then, and I don’t now.
“12 Days of Christmas”
Structurally iconic, this song really doesn’t offer anything beyond that; have you ever tried listening to someone doing the whole thing? It gets old really fast, and the fact that the “halfway” point in the song, the six geese a-laying, isn’t actually the halfway point, because the verses get longer and longer... fuck! The only thing this song is good for is for structuring workouts around, nothing regarding listening to the song. It gets one point for its utility.
“It Came upon a Midnight Clear”
We really are in a stretch of trash Christmas songs right now. I don’t think this is anyone’s favorite Christmas song. It’s so lethargic and sleep-inducing, I’m falling asleep just thinking about it.
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”
Eh, it’s kinda not a really important song. At least it wakes you up, but apart from throwing some energy into the Christmas playlist that many are often desperate for, it’s just a cheery addition of holiday-themed white noise.
“What Child Is This?”
Finally some good fucking food. I’ve heard some baller versions of this captivatingly grand song, whose accidentals and minor key really make it one of the more interesting listens during the holiday season. I would dig an Opeth cover or a Pallbearer cover, or... a Khemmis cover.
“Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”
This is just one of those standard, old-timey, inoffensive season-themers. It’s alright, I’ve never heard any version of it that really blows my mind.
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
This one is almost indistinguishable from, but significantly less annoying than, “Jingle Bell Rock” and is similarly stiff in a way that it’s clearly not meant to be.
“White Christmas”
This might take the cake for the sleepiest Christmas song out there. It is SLOW, like Bell Witch should ironically do a 20-minute-long cover of it just to see how it goes.
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”
The shopping mall theme song. It’s always given that Sinatra treatment and it only barely fits well enough into that style.
“Feliz Navidad”
This one always feels like it needs to be sung with a big, cheerful group to capture the liveliness that its main appeal is based in, which puts it at a distinct disadvantage this year. Still, it’s always a fun, sometimes even bouncy song to play during the holiday season.
“Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer”
I do actually welcome the absurd narrative that has somehow made itself one of the season’s ironic staples, and its slightly dark humor makes for a nice change of pace in the playlist with its upbeat, campy humor.
“Deck the Halls”
Fa la la la la, la la la no.
Annoying as fuck: 2/10
“Frosty the Snowman”
God, this song should be way more cheery and kid-friendly than it is. I mean, I’m sure kids don’t mind it, but it’s just yet ANOTHER one of those songs that can’t escape its old-timey suit-and-tie incarnation for the liveliness it desperately needs.
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”
One of the more compositionally clunky of the well-known minor-key Christmas songs, this one unfortunately tends to show why minor-key songs are generally a weird fit for theme. I have heard a good few modern renditions though that make the song worth keeping around.
“Jingle in the Jungle”
This one’s for the real ones out there. “Jingle in the Jungle” is not a real Christmas song per se, but it pushes the boundaries; it’s courageous. The song comes from the television series, Bob’s Burgers, in a stressful Christmas-themed episode where the musically adventurous son of the titular character, Gene, burns out his dad’s cell phone battery waiting on hold for a radio station to request this song. The phone dies and he does not get the chance to request the song, but a Christmas miracle occurs, and the station decides to play the obscure, bongo-laden song anyway, and it sure is a fun minute-long diddy.
“Wonderful Christmastime”
Paul McCartney’s peppy Christmas tune that only kinda accomplishes its light-hearted goal is simply one of many throwaway inoffensive modern Christmas songs that seems to have only gained cultural traction due to it being repetitive and simplistic af, and being made by a Beatle.
“Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”
Well it would only make sense to have the battle of the Beatles here with John Lennon’s standout Christmas track, a far more soulful, bombastic, and triumphant song that echoed his idealistic spirit in a way that makes this song not all too different from his standout solo works and compositions with The Beatles. It’s a warm, hopeful song that draws from a grounding in the harshness of reality rather than some escapist fantasies about Santa or religion. Despite the acknowledgement of the ills of the world, Lennon’s vision of Christmas and his wish for the world is a day of recognition of love and unity, which is purer than 99% of the dogmatic or materialistic Christmas music above, and definitely the song right below this one.
“The Christmas Shoes”
Alright, rubbing the hands together, we’re coming to the end here, with this fucking song. It’s not the most famous Christmas song, thank God, but when I heard it for the first time, I was immediately repelled by the saccharine melody, uncannily blank-faced delivery, and sappy lyrics, but it’s one of those special songs that gradually reveals several layers of shit the more you fixate on it. For the uninitiated, the song came out in the year 2000, from the Christian band NewSong; it’s an aggressively sentimental holiday ballad with a bit of pop country vocal flair that only adds to the sinister hokey-ness of the lyrics. And that really is the ugliest facet of this song; as sickeningly cheesy as the music is, the simple lyrics here are more morbid and more disgusting than the grossest brutal death metal songs. The song is a simple narrative about a poor boy buying his sick mom some nice shoes on Christmas Eve so she can look nice for Jesus when she dies, tonight, on Christmas Eve. Yeah, it’s fucking sickening. The song is narrated from the perspective of a man in the store when the boy is buying the shoes and the narrator offers to buy the shoes for him, and he muses vaguely and confusingly on his generosity and Jesus being the “true” meaning of Christmas. Yes, there are so many questions being begged by this narrative. Why would Jesus give a shit about the shoes? Why is getting shoes this divine Christmas gesture? How do these shoes even come close to offsetting the pain and suffering and loss this family is suffering. This is like the opposite of John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas” in that it’s offering a pathetic consolation for the cruelty of a world where a loving God apparently offers only a stranger’s mild and momentary generous gesture for a poor family in the thralls of a mother’s illness. It’s grounded in the same reality that John Lennon presents, but it whitewashes it and minimizes the suffering in a manipulative way to shoehorn a rather cliche reminder to adhere to religious dogma and to keep your mind pure and holy and only on Jesus. A plain-faced telling of the narrative on its own makes it seem kind of benign, but the weirdly sappy tone of it all does a pretty poor job of hiding how contrived the emotion is and how unnatural it all is. Every facet of the lyrics is crafted to maximize the superficial primal tug at the heartstrings; it’s supposed to feel extremely tender and sweet, and aside from being completely transparently manufactured, the response it delivers to the story it sets up is creepily unhuman, the opposite of a natural response to the details of what the song presents, and its misplaced sense of justice makes the song a pretty apt representation of so much wrong with evangelicals’ attitudes surrounding Christmas.
“All I Want for Christmas Is You”
by Mariah Carrey. Ending on a positive note. Probably the best and most classic modern Christmas song to come out in my lifetime, it’s a sweet, romantic, upbeat love tune that really captures the best aspects of the holiday season. Never mind the relatives and their dumb political views and drama or the religious nonsense that people get so disingenuously up in arms about, or the consumerism. Christmas at its best is a time to appreciate love, and this song gets it.
And that is it, for me, I obviously know I will never be able to rate every Christmas/holiday song ever.
I had some time, so I had a little fun and charted the 38 semi-serious ratings of Christmas songs here, which I will also be doing with the 200-something metal albums I’ve been reviewing and now rating at the end of the year. Should be interesting. Now 38 isn’t a particularly huge sample of the huge swath of Christmas songs, nor was it random (I just listed a bunch of songs I was familiar with). It didn’t produce the normal curve I somewhat expect for the larger sample of metal albums later at the end of the year; rather, it shows a two-peak pattern, which could be due to the sample size, or maybe it just illustrates a somewhat unsurprising polarized sample of opinions on Christmas songs. The songs that I remember that are (mostly) pretty common, I either really like or really don’t like, most of the songs are not in the middle. These were songs I have heard for a long time and remembered pretty vividly, so I’ve developed some relatively strong opinions on them. Anyway, look at this graaaaaaphh.
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