#and hopefully this does make sense i tried not to fuccin
draconicfool ยท 2 months
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A Splash of Red Amid the Snow: Plot Relevance
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So before we get into this I'm going to preface that this is sort of going to canonize how I have Eros refer to characters in threads that don't involve them, such as the Express Crew, Natasha, the Overworld characters, and Sampo. I am not ever going to make other people adhere to these and we can build our own sort of 'first meetings' and what not. The only person who's interpretation of a character is actively being factored into here is @dreamscapesalesstore's interpretation of Sampo just because we've more or less discussed these losers at length, making Doc a sort of main/affiliate here oop
It's important to note that Eros' understanding of events come first and foremost from Sampo, given the two are the only Masked Fools on Jarilo-VI, it helps to keep each other informed, after all. When Sampo disappears from the original altercation with the Silvermane Guards on the Snow Plains, it's down to the Bahre Family Clinic that he goes. There's a need to get a 'check up' with those water works he likes to play. Using it as an excuse to apprise one of the two resident doctors on their new visitors. Even if Eros' response is that such things are 'going to cause a real mess.'
For awhile Eros is more like a lingering figure within the story rather than an actual character you interact with. The first time he's seen would be outside Natasha's clinic, talking with a few of the miners. Somebody you could more or less miss, but can interact with all the same, mostly since this appearance is during the hide and seek game with the Moles. If interacted with, he merely gives a laugh and tells the trailblazers "C'n't say that I have. They're real slippery ones, those Moles~." And then he's gone by the time the next cutscene is done.
With a minor change in the approach to finding Sampo once he's in the Underworld, one can find him with Eros before the cutscene where he takes you to find Seele and Bronya. Prior to them both realizing they have onlookers, the crew can hear the two arguing. Or more so, Eros scolding Sampo. The conversation has Sampo more or less just doing the puppy dog hand wringing while the doctor chews him out. "Why didn't y'call me? Y'have a phone y'know! Y'text me whenever y'get m'shipments in! Y'could've said more th'n jus' 'oh there are some strangers on th'planet'! But noooo instead y'drag these four down here and Nat and I are gonna have t'clean up th' mess--!" His attention turns to the Express Crew and he tries and fails to give them a reassuring smile. "Looks like y'have company, Koski. Stop by th' clinic when y'er done. We ain't finished speakin' jus' yet." Which then in turn transitions to the usual cutscene.
The next time that we see Eros is in going to Svarog's with Sampo. It's important to note that the pair at least seems to be on friendlier terms than when last they were seen. Though when asked about why he's joined- and who he even is- the response is thus. "Well, someone's gotta keep an eye and make sure y'all don't end up hurtin' if somethin' goes wrong. Might as well be th' only other doctor in Boulder Town." To which there is a resounding response from Sampo of "See~? The doc just loves me sooo much he'd never leave me hanging!" After there is a momentary black screen and a 'Yeowch!' from the con-man. "'m not gonna tell Oleg 'no' when he asks me t' help. There's enough goin' on 'round here without bigger disasters comin' b'cause y'all didn't have a a capable medical on hand."
When arriving at the Robot Settlement, Eros will make mention that he's got a 'different kind' of certification, but he unfortunately can't use it to help them get in. Due to setting up a make-shift clinic in the Settlement that he frequents from time to time, he can more or less come and go as he pleases to see Svarog and Clara. Mostly because he runs check ups on the young girl when he can, and keeping the Boss apprised of the health of both her and any of the Scavengers is rather important. Though, seeing as its always been just him, he can't exactly bring in other people, let alone outsiders.
When Sampo disappears to go and find Natasha, Eros does not go with him, but confronts Svarog with the others. Before the battle ensues he simply whispers a "'m sorry sweet pea" to Clara before the combat.
After this, Eros is not seen again until before going to the Overworld. This is my own personal little 'push this in here cuz I need there to be more reason for him to exist' really. Sampo makes mention that 'before going to the Overworld, we should really see the doc. I bet he has all sorts of things he'd like if I picked up' which would thusly introduce the Bahre Family Clinic as a place that can be gone to similarly to Natasha's. It is, more or less, a little detour since Sampo doesn't join the Trailblazers inside and would be found back where he was with Oleg prior. Upon entering, the conversation will prompt with: Sampo said we should see if you needed anything. "Typical of him t' have someone else come in and talk t' me about it...that idiot, I swear." > Well you do seem like you're upset with him "I wouldn't be so upset if that man learned t' actually send a text! Honestly, standin' a guy up...tha's jus' plain rude..." > Standing up..? "Tha's- neither here nor there! Jus' tell im t' bring me good news!"
After this, he can of course be interacted with once more which would prompt a 'Did y'need somethin' else, sugar?' and a '> I wanted to ask you a few things, actually.' Which lead into various different prompts and things that can be asked. > Tell me about Sampo Koski "Tch, y'wanna hear about him? He's a pain in th' neck if ever there was one! Always comin' t' me cryin' over somethin'. Oh, doc, I got shot by one of th' guards t'day. Oh, doc, 'm comin' down with th' sniffles. Oh, doc, I scraped m'knee runnin' from Wildfire!" He groans audibly. And then, there's a soft sigh. "He's a good guy, helpful. Jus' knows how t' push all th' wrong buttons." > Tell me about Natasha "Nat's good people. Plenty of people ask if 'm upset she set up a clinic when she moved t' Boulder Town, but I say th' more th' better, y'know? M'Daddy used t' say that many hands make light work." He laughs at this. "So, needless t' say th' other doctor who happens t' lead wildfire? She's a good friend." > Tell me about yourself "Me? Shucks, there ain't really much t' tell there. 'm jus' y'er local doctor. Lived here all m'life jus' me and Daddy. Took over th' family business, y'know. Nothin' special at all."
When returning to Sampo to ask questions, there is of course, a 'Tell me about Eros' option "Y'know you could have asked the doc himself if you wanted to know more about him. Unless you want the dirt, in that case... It'll cost you." With his stupid hand rubbing animation. "Just kidding! I don't need to get on the bad side of one of the only two doctors in the Underworld. For such a little guy, he sure packs a punch..." Pathetic little whiny sigh- [this is courtesy of Doc so ty Doc <3]
After all is said and done, Eros can be checked in on before going to see Natasha for the re-opening. He'll be found in the clinic as he was the last time you spoke, though there will be miner NPCs due to everything that's been going on. Prompting a conversation will give you this: "Y'all really did it! Oh, I thought Koski was lyin' through his teeth! Oh, this s'amazin'! I really c'n't believe that we're gonna be able t' see th' surface again." He puts a hand over his heart, looking back at one of the framed pictures over his fireplace. "D'ya hear that, Daddy? S'finally happenin'. Oh, what I wouldn't give if y'could see it." And then he turns back towards the Trailblazer. "Tell Nat I'll see y'all at the 'celebration.' However much that ends up bein'."
He can be seen after Bronya's speech with Pela and the kids, but doesn't partake much in the conversation. He is, of course, pleased as ever to get in a picture. He says that it 'shows how much he's grown.'
And given that I've gone into his Companion Mission and his relevance as it relates to Jolted Awake From a Winter's Dream, that's really all that I can put in as of right now. There'll be more if we/when we go back to Jarilo-VI and I do want to sort of think of a 'canon reveal' to him being a Masked Fool as we've gotten for Sampo and Sparkle but I think that would come later than the first encounter with him- despite the fact his join team lines sort of give that away.
Thank you for reading my insane ramblings of 'Rat's favorite time: inserting my oc into canon shit' <3
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