#and his pride in defeat as an implicit acceptance of death
tyrannuspitch · 1 year
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kind of obsessed with this shot of odin and i haven't entirely figured out why yet
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persephoneyss · 3 years
Bad Movie.
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x f! Reader. Ft. Jungkook.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, angst, gore a little.
Summary: ❝Looking for the person you love, beautiful woman.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, harassment / stalking, humiliation, forced marriage, non-sexual intercourse, abuse of power, implicit murder, drug use naming, minor past master / pet relationships, secondary character abduction, ugly hallucinating hoseok , beatings, blood, photos depicting abuse, mistreatment and death, bribery, sexism and humiliation (directly aimed at female prostitutes), hoseok mistreats and humiliates jk, awkward marriage proposals, use namjoon as a secondary character because it hurts more:(, etc.
Number of words: 6000+
︙Author's Note: This is my longest fic so far, I think. It took a lot for me to do it, especially since I didn't have a clear idea about the whole plot that would take and the role that each character would develop. So if you see Jungkook in a kind of strange character, blame my mind for including him almost last. Also, I hate Hoseok in this fic. Namjoon angel and fallen soldier, by the way let me know if they cried with his death, it hurt me to write it. Thank you very much for the 200 notes in my previous fic, I'm crying.
Read the Warnings well and enjoy!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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Confidence, a beautiful and treacherous feeling at times.
Feeling superior is a constant whisper of the ego within you, calling to be released and make others feel as what they really are, despicable and useless trash. It was fun laughing at losers when you haven't had that sense of defeat yet.
Hoseok fervently watched his rivals fall at his feet, laughing at his incompetence and stomping even more pathetic defeated form even though they were already dead in tears of pain. He smiled, he always did when he felt invincible and He bit his lip gently to hold back an excited laugh.
No one could be compared to him, and in his high sense of power he could never be alert when he struck him with a blast of vengeance.
It was you.
His eyes stared at you in horror and anger, his ego inside him hated you from the first moment. Because while despicable, he loved you for much more than his pride and winning sense.
He fell at your feet but he never made you notice it, behaving as he normally would around you even though he was always behind you.
Luck was her greatest ally, he always smiled at her and she helped him. It was fun to play with your opponents pretending to be the victim, the cornered mouse and then smash everyone with a snap of your fingers.
His mother looked at him with love and his father with pride, he was the only and favorite son of the Jung family. His success was never derived from love, much less, it was blasphemy in his family to say something so false and impossible.
Hoseok admired his family when they met in the great message of his parents' house, his grandparents smiled and his relatives brought out their most exquisite stories to entertain. They were all crows pretending to show interest in a prestigious place in the will of the family's monarch, his grandfather.
It was at one of those dinners that he got to meet you, he used to get bored of hearing his cousins ​​tell their anecdotes with prostitute women who mostly called, whores of a night. Mocking their shocked faces when they refused to pay them and threw them out of their big luxurious houses.
He rolled his eyes when a family friend, little Jungkook who was known to his father because of his prestige in his last name, chimed in trying to get into the conversation with a shy smile.
Lucky bastard, he thought bitterly. He didn't like the little idiot sticking his hands in boiling water, he wasn't even supposed to be there.
He hummed a goodbye as he walked out the front doors, walking aimlessly to his bored eyes. His feet stopped abruptly with a strangled sigh when he first saw you, you looked tired as you apparently searched for a key inside your bag. Could visualize the logo on your shirt from the grocery store where he assumed you were employed, He stood looking for what seemed like an eternity at you before you find the keys and rush through the back door. He snorted before lazily continuing on his way, however the next day he ended up following in your footsteps again and with even more confidence.
It took a few weeks for him to be able to enter the small commerce store and be able to look you face to face for the first time, it was expected that you would serve him with a smile asking if he was offered something. But he did not see you anywhere, he looked for you before another equally young woman approached him kindly, he sighed making a face of disgust surprising the she worker, his expensive shoes got dirty on the floors of the humble place with shame. His little investigation and search took him through many corridors of the establishment, he observed the shelves and each person who seemed to be wearing the uniform of the store thinking of finding you distracted with your work, maybe he thought of approaching you and asking for directions which he clearly didn't need. Knowing that  she you couldn't refuse because that was your job. In a way, you were there to serve him.
He let out a bored sigh, tired of playing hide and seek, he turned around ready to leave that place that disgusted him so much in a certain way, but once again he stopped in an instant. It was a moan. He clenched his fists, walking hurriedly to the place where the noise came from, he was sure it was your voice and that made him even more angry thinking that he would find you in a compromising position with someone.
He did not think that his lover would be such a stupid and dirty person.
You were crouched on the floor, grimacing with pain and exhaustion. You seemed very annoyed trying to lift a box with your arms, the scene was tender and certainly pathetic, she smiled noticing that you were so distracted that you were never aware of how I was watching you with carnal desire and painfully bad adoration.
"I-can I help you." He was surprised at his little babble, justifying himself later. Nobody ever managed to make him nervous, his father used to despise weak people and certainly he always sought his approval by doing things that were not correct. "They seem heavy."
Your face pale before the scare, turning into a face of shame quickly, you shook your head with a gentle movement, smiling still pained. "I'm fine sir. Can I help you? Maybe he got lost, let me guide-..."
"Actually, I do need help but not with your services." I speak in disagreement, you seemed confused but she nodded at his request. The customer is always right, right? How convenient. "I need you to allow me to help you with that heavy box, not to be rude or calling you weak miss, but you can't seem to handle it."
Lie, under his politically correct excuse was a dialogue about how insufficient you are even with things as easy and common as carrying a box, obviously you needed his help and Hoseok could give you that and more, much more. You just had to say it, it was so simple and fun.
"I -... I can do it, but i will accept your help sir ..." He smiled making an emphasis for he to give him his name, he let out a small laugh finishing his sentence.
“Hoseok, you can call me Hoseok, darling..." He mock imitating his position, your name left your lips like a melody and he immediately felt the sweet taste of it slide down his tongue. Beautifully perfect, indeed. "Now that we can finish the introductions please allow me."
Her expensive outfit crumpled as she bent down to lift the box with ease, you were once again oblivious to her incoherent and certainly crazy fantasies, it was like a romance comedy movie in her eyes. The charming fellow always stays with the girl. And likewise, no one could go against the fictional plot.
He was immersed in the beautiful narrative that you would be hers at the end of the credits.
It was not the last time she saw you, she returned to her same routine of continuing to stalk you with obvious impudence. The only thing that really changed was her new setting and her character, he was hiding between the shelves waiting for the right moment to appear in front of you with a charming smile. Over and over, he was locked in an infinite loop.
He was starting to get tired of just having you in his arms and sheets just in his heavy and lustful dreams.
"A date? How funny Hoseok."
His face twisted in annoyance, but he put on a fake smile again when you looked at him again. "Hobi." He corrected in a high-pitched voice, insisting that you call him that. "And she spoke very seriously my dear, everything is ready."
"Eh ... I -..." A simple wave of her hands was enough to shut you up, you frown in confusion and secretly disgusted.
"On Saturday, I'll send you the address of the restaurant. Goodbye, dear!"
You watch it for a few seconds but he's already gone, you resign yourself to continuing with your work of ordering the products on the shelves. Thinking and trying to remember when you gave him your number. A very characteristic noise distracts you, a call makes you smile with love and adoration.
The plot is taking an interesting turn.
Hoseok was charming by nature, his economic position made him even more desirable to the opposite gender and even his own. It was not strange to see people flirting with him or being suggestive with his proposals, he was on a pedestal and he enjoyed it. His subconscious whispered a little bored. I couldn't deny that he became boring in a way, but you appeared in the story as an extra who soon became a main character. You changed the script of his life already established and narrated.
You were so funny.
He smiled in front of the mirror when he thought of you, since he met you that day he started chatting with you secretly from your supervisor. You had told him several anecdotes to make him laugh, you were also naturally charming pulling out various expressions of adoration that you did not even notice. Oblivious to that, you'd better get ready for the climax of the movie.
The wind was strong in the streets of Seoul, your hair was noticeably messy causing you to let out a tired sigh. You should be planning your wedding banquet right now, but you honestly didn't want to leave Hoseok alone at the dinner he had organized. You put the invitation in your bag, thinking of giving it to her when the time was right with a smile. He seemed like a good person and undoubtedly a good friend in the future.
"You're on time, I was just about to order our food. Honey." The last word slid down his tongue with malice and arrogance, Hoseok inwardly chuckling at your disengaged expression.
"Thanks, but don't stop you can order for both." You say arranging your chair correctly.
The restaurant looked relatively empty, there were only three other people including a couple who ate dinner while chatting enthusiastically.
You smile unconsciously, thinking about what would also make you feel the same way.
"I was looking forward to this dinner, my dear. I also hoped I could tell you how much you have captivated me for a long time, specifically since the first day I saw you." And the others too, he thought shifting your posture.
"Thank you, I'm very flattered to cause that feeling ... in, good in you." You whisper clearly uncomfortable forcing yourself to stay calm. You were sure that you had never given a hint or anything else in Hoseok to establish romantic feelings. "But I-... "
"I know, darling. That is why I have to offer you the opportunity to be my girlfriend and my future wife."
For a moment, you feel a rush through your body. You refuse to make a scene in front of all the few people present out of respect, you calm down by counting to ten slowly in your head, but it becomes very difficult for you as you continue to observe his comfortable smile and how he behaves. He seemed very sure of the affirmative respect you would give him, you snort angrily at the thought.
"I am sorry to have been misunderstood Mr. Hoseok, but I am not seeking a relationship with you and very sorry I reject any relationship beyond friendship." Your body lifts up, making Hoseok laugh well in advance of your final sentences. "I am engaged and my future husband is waiting for me, good afternoon."
Trembling, you leave the invitation in silence, leaving the luxurious premises in the same way. The waiters watching you with surprise, being an audience of rejection and humiliation on your part. Hoseok sighs, sipping his wine glass patiently pretending not to hear what the couple behind him are saying.
What a bad luck.
Life wanted to want to return all his damn vanity to him, making fun of him with your almost imminent rejection, obviously he knew that you were engaged and that you loved the poor man who had the bad luck to be his competition, but love is not always the important thing in a relationship or at least not of both parties. The voices of the waiters and the couple distract him from his plans for his next step, he clenches his fists angrily dropping the silverware on the plate calling the attention of everyone in the place.
"Filthy vulgar and talkative people, she will be my wife even if her words have been heard by her prying ears." He raised his voice, causing everyone to shut up. "It's just part of the script."
Maybe if the character who wanted to be the main loses the role of him, he should be the villain. The bad guy in the movie.
He read the invitation with meticulous delicacy, laughing at the little message you put aside. He thought about attending for a second, wondering if it would be nice to walk in to go straight to the altar and shoot your husband willing to take his place by your side. But that would be risky.
"Where are we going, sir?" He asked his driver with a smile.
"Take me to the best brothel in Seoul." He whispered delicately, smiling just as happily as before your rejection. I'd make you pay double the bill for your indulgence.
And likewise, the world is a truly small place. Jungkook nodded clearly uncomfortable obeying someone other than Mr. Jung. Hoseok cornered him like a helpless rabbit in the claws of a cunning fox, flashing his jaw in warning. He felt confused about his little assigned task, watching the direction pointing the right way to his chauffeur who only followed orders.
A small feeling of remorse ran through him, making him want to vomit when he remembered how Hoseok's face was so close to his with arrogance, as his hands roamed his arms gently. He was disgusting how he used his power to such a useless and demanding gain, sometimes without any realism.
"Little Jungkook, you have a very lovely name. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, you were so insignificant that you seemed pathetic to me." He whispered making her wince. "My father told me that you are good at obeying, I would like to test his theory." His cold hands were constantly running down his arms, making a shiver run through his body. "Still remembering well, I already did it before."
Jungkook was weak under his cloak of power, where he could so easily hide it. Lose it. "Yes, h-hyung." An inappropriate moan came from his lips causing him to cover her mouth in shame, a little touch near his crotch was enough to tempt him. Hoseok smirked, narrowing his eyes before walking away slowly wiping his fingers on his expensive clothes in disgust.
"I want you to befriend someone, don't ask, just do it. I'll tell you your next step when you're done." He ordered bored.
"We are here, young Jeon." Notice Jimin with a smile, Jungkook sighed wearily thanking him before getting out of the car ready to fulfill his mission.
I observe him for a few seconds standing in the entrance without doing anything, he was cleaning the windows of the building with force. He seemed like a nice person, certainly a bit humble. He approached making the man bow respectfully, even though he was older. Money can buy everything, they say.
"I am young Jeon, a new investor. May I have a chat with you?"
The man was surprised, no one who was someone by name and a few numbers along with several zeros would be able to notice his presence and at least greet him. A coffee sounded more intimate and undoubtedly inconvenient for him, but again out of respect he accepted the offer with a smile adorning his features.
"My name is Jungkook informally, but I like you and you can call me that." He spoke kindly.
"Namjoon, Mr. Je -... I'm sorry, Jungkook." He corrected sheepishly, making her smile.
He still didn't understand that he planned to do Hoseok with a building cleaner, but he didn't feel in a position worth asking. Furthermore, he would still not receive an honest answer.
He passed by the same place every day, pretending to enter the building only so he could meet Mr. Kim and talk about unimportant subjects. He gained his trust almost immediately, promising that he would give her a better job soon at his own company. He felt like an idiot taking advantage of the man in front of him in such a way for a simple whim from Hoseok.
He was an idiot, but he didn't want to go back to what he was before. A pet.
"I'm very happy, I think she will make a good wife." He responded with encouragement, seeing how Namjoon nodded looking for a picture of his fiancée to show him. He seemed excited, Jungkook understood his happiness after he explained that he saved for a long time to achieve his dream of getting married in a church. They were both in it together, in looking for a future.
He got lost in his thoughts, maybe if he lied to Hoseok about gaining trust from him, saying that Namjoon was a very cold and quiet man, he could make him forget about it. He sighed squeezing the coffee cup in his hands, Namjoon caught his attention by showing a photo of you smiling at the camera with a background of the bridge and the sun behind making a beautiful background.
Jungkook became alert, having seen that face before.
Hoseok had you as the wallpaper on his phone, he knew it was you because of your characteristic features and the scarf you wore in both photos. You were the new fad of a rich fool.
"T-is ... She's so cute, you're very lucky."
Namjoon nodded with a smile, apologizing before returning to his work upon being called by his supervisor. Jungkook put aside his cup feeling the bitter taste of his thoughts, Hoseok was planning something, he knew he was a son of a bitch who liked to keep his plans under lock and key and in a deep grave. He walked away calling for Jimin quickly, before being accosted by Namjoon who came running over, seemingly forgetting something of the utmost importance.
"I apologized Mr. Jeon, but I wanted to give you this personally. It is an invitation, in addition to the proposal to be the best man at our wedding. My fiancee said that it would be appropriate for me to choose someone and I decided that you were perfect, you can decline if you prefer. . " He spoke kindly, as always. Namjoon seemed to have no hatred in his heart, making his own feel heavy on his chest.
Could he bear the blame?
"It's my pleasure to accept her proposal, thank you for considering me. Good afternoon, namjoon-hyung."
He said goodbye by getting into the car as fast as he could, making Jimin look at him with derision. Obviously noticing his nervousness, Jungkook sighed hiding the invitation as much as he could before reading Hoseok's message ordering him to go to his house to sort out his affairs.
It seemed like a joke as he always looked so flawless, ready to humiliate him again.
"Jungkookie, I'm glad to see you again. Now, we'd better come in for our talk." He smiled making anger grow inside him, Hoseok sat on one of his expensive furniture before pouring himself a glass of wine. "Well, I heard from a little bird that you accomplished your task. Good pet."
"Don't call me that, hyung." He grunted in annoyance, making him laugh. "I can't go through with this, I did what you wanted. Leave Namjoon-hyung alone."
"Oh, they're close now really cute. But you forget that I can't fulfill your wish, because "Namjoon-hyung " is an essential piece in my little game." I speak mocking him as always. "Then we will move on to the next step ..." He thinking for a moment, before snapping his fingers. "Invite him to a bachelor party night at the brothel in the center, I already made the reservation. When they are there, leave him alone. A whore will take care of him properly, and maybe you can go make him a oral another yourself." He sneered evilly, reminding her of his past, Jungkook bit his tongue resisting the urge to respond properly. "Since you're clearly good at it, little pet."
"Yes, hyung."
Hoseok nodded saying for him to leave asap, tired of seeing his stupid face. He got up ready to do so, but his arm was taken tightly before bringing his face closer to hers, Hoseok let out a sigh, doing he could smell his breath of mint and wine combined. His hand lowered him into his pockets dangerously close to his crotch, he bit his lower lip to resist a moan escaping him, this had happened before and he begged it to stop forever. From his pocket, she pulled the invitation out, making her gasp in horror.
"Godfather of wedding, new facet of you... kookie." Rolling he eyes pushing him away from him, he fell to the ground before being met by a blow to his cheek. "What a shitty pet, you idiot."
Two days was enough for you to tremble at the thought. Your dress was proud to be seen, it was the most comfortable dress you could find at a fair price. Namjoon tried to enter but he was stopped by your friend who said that he will wait until you keep the dress out of his sight avoiding bad luck. A smile wavered on your face, everything was perfect up to a point.
Namjoon looked at you, a blush covering his cheeks before asking his obvious question. You didn't expect him to want a bachelor party, but you couldn't refuse because you simply trusted him.
Maybe it was your mistake.
You wished him luck, feeling an inexplicable emptiness. Your friends didn't offer to make one for you, they just sat on the couch in their living room talking about movies and arguing about what color the cake would be. It was the calm before the storm.
Jungkook felt a giant headache, the lights of the place were making him dizzy. Jimin had insisted on going with him to such an 'unusual' place to keep him safe. Namjoon had brought a couple of friends who seemed to be always close to him preventing the woman who did the job Hoseok had him do from becoming difficult.
He smiled, thinking that he would have no choice but to let it go. But Hoseok was not a good loser, and neither was he a good winner.
He distracts his friends, and be careful what you say, kookie.
Received at 11:30 p.m.
He bit his lip, glancing around the bar, thinking he'd find him sitting somewhere spying on everything but nothing looked suspicious. He sighed, sending Jimin out for drinks with one of Namjoon's friends who he gladly accepted. He got up having pushed one away, the other who introduced himself as Jackson seemed more reluctant to leave his friend alone but with a few excuses about feeling bad managed to get him out of sight.
Believed that he would find Namjoon sitting right where he was before but no, he was gone. He felt a burning feeling of guilt, maybe if you didn't find out, nothing would happen.
"You're still the same as before, boss." Jimin sat down next to him, making him uncomfortable.
"Same as before? I am no longer a child."
"But you continue to obey as one. The manipulation they use on you is your greatest weakness, you are afraid, you obey without hesitation thinking about how this will indirectly affect you. But you never do anything to avoid it, you feel bad about this but you still sit here without doing nothing."
"What can I do, Jimin? I don't know if he really left by his will, or if they forced him. I don't want to enter a room in this dirty place and see him sleeping with another woman, because he wanted to and is a fucking infidel . "
Jimin ignored his words, falling silent after several seconds.
Feeling unhappy is a horrible feeling without a doubt. The curious eyes looked at you as if they themselves could judge your story.
Namjoon disappeared as quickly as the wind, many sharp tongues said that he eloped with a lover so as not to marry you. Others believed it was a kidnapping, maybe a robbery gone wrong and he was taken away or he was killed somewhere far away. A sob escaped you just thinking about it, the detective in front of you watched you cautiously.
"We don't know anything about him yet, but we will continue with the investigations."
You nod, without saying a word. Jungkook came in minutes later with a handkerchief in hand, he observed you before gently hugging you. You had the pleasure of meeting him after Namjoon disappeared that night, he introduced himself as a close friend from work and quickly offered to help you with the search.
Maybe he felt guilt.
"Thanks, Jungkook." You smile wiping the tears that escape from your eyes.
"They are looking for the best they can, they even alerted the Japanese embassies in case they might take him there."
"Japan?" Puzzled questions. "Why would someone take him so far? He's just a man with little money, that's ridiculous."
"We don't know, but I promise I won't rest until I find it."
Hoseok sighs bored, witnessing the moment. He had been bribing the bloody police force to hide the information from you about the discovery of your fiancé's corpse floating in the middle of the waters of the river where they used to go together. The only thing that was removed intact from his clothes was a small photo of you smiling, sitting on the banks of the same river.
The police mourned the death, but his faces left grief when they saw the money in his hands. He made fun of Jungkook as usual, who passed by him ignoring him when he went to his house to talk to his father, he knew that the useless little one was very meddlesome in the search for your future husband and ex-fiance. He rolled her eyes remembering how she used to look at him with discontent in meetings, suspicious of him.
He was a good detective, he couldn't deny the obvious.
"You didn't have to do this, a I'm sorry was enough." You say admiring all the bouquets of flowers that came to your house from him. "And I'm sorry for your loss."
He wasn't sorry.
"My dear, losing a loved one is something without a name. I can give you more than this if you promise to smile again, I love your smiles."
Jungkook snorts approaching you from behind, Hoseok to growl at noticing him so close and see how he puts his hand on your shoulder, apparently like support.
"Hyung, he didn't think it's a good time for ... That."
"But little kook, when is not a good time to express how you feel about your loved one?"
"When that person you say you love is crying over the loss of someone special because of evil people who don't know what remorse is. Do you understand that, hyung?"
"No, not really." He laughs cynically making you lose your patience, your little body comes between the two men, with one already furious and the other inadvertently giving up, you make a face of annoyance before speaking.
"Sirs!" You yell at him immediately, Jungkook steps back adjusting his tie. A mania that he had and that you noticed when he presented himself in front of you with regret, he did it when he was uncomfortable or nervous. "This is not the time to argue, I think you'd better leave my house if you're just wasting your time. Thanks for the flowers Hoseok, and Jungkook ... I, I want to continue the investigation on my own."
"What you heard, don't feel responsible for Namj's disappearance -..." You tremble correcting your words, making Hoseok scoff. "My husband, he was just at the wrong time in the wrong place. Thanks for your help, I'll see how to pay you very soon." Jungkook denies trying to insist but fails when you are already closing the door and giving him an apologetic smile.
Your breath feels heavy, you sigh falling to the ground sobbing again. You wanted to find Namjoon, but a large part of you was afraid of how. Dead, with another woman, with serious injuries or simply ... Alive but with trauma for life. You did not want to see him suffer, it was your judgment in life to see the person you love cry in his pain.
You observe yourself, telling yourself that you would be fine when you find it.
Your email seems to explode with thousands of messages received from people claiming to have seen a man like Namjoon near their homes. You ignore them knowing that most of them were false, the first few days you read all of them giving the police false clues that they quickly denied and dismissed.
You dry your tears, closing all the windows and cooking a simple instant soup, eating in absolute silence. It was overwhelming feeling alone at home, where you were supposed to feel safe indoors.
The rain, thunder, and evil outside seemed to be invisible within that place.
A chill runs through you, the control of the television seemed tempting to calm that neat silence and avoid your boredom. You give up turning on the TV, you see the first channel, you keep changing looking for the unknown, you didn't know what you wanted to see. Maybe a newscast saying they found a tall man with dark brown hair and charming eyes unconscious, with a couple of blows to the face and a few scratches but okay, safe, alive and waiting to see your face waiting for him with a warm smile.
Swearing never ever to let go.
A couple of tears slide down your cheek, ruining your fast food. A few knocks on the door manage to scare you, causing you to bite your lip in anger.
"Who is?!" Questions in a shout.
"It better be good ..." You say in muttered, you open the door expecting to see a child running to his house laughing at his childish joke.
But no, there is no one at the door. Just a small envelope that easily slipped underneath, you take it hoping it's a letter from the police announcing good news. Maybe a simple identification of suspicious faces, or footprints at the club.
"I hate being the bad guy, it makes me feel good.
He's dead, I did it for you. For me. For us. I want to make you happy but it's so difficult when I don't know what you want, tell me what you want.
Love you. Love you. Love you.
My heart is so weak in your cold eyes, I feel that you look at me with ignorance of my feelings. Do you want to find it? Do you want to do it?! Okay. Good luck with it. "
It was everything, plus a picture of a golden ring with a large diamond shining brightly. You wrinkle the letter in anger, tossing it into the first bin you found nearby. It seems that in the end, someone did want to joke with you.
Your days remained the same, you went out to work and in the afternoons you called each of the investigators to ask for new news, it was almost always a solid wall, there was nothing really important to report and little by little, they gave up.
Jungkook knocked on the door, he heard some footsteps approaching making him have a little hope. But when the door opened he saw you with a worried face, he felt his heart squeeze in his chest when he tried to get closer but you avoid him by leaving in a hurry. You were dressed in a long black skirt and a white blouse, you were elegantly ready for something.
"Where are you going?" He ask stopping your hurried pace, taking your arm tightly.
"Yo, listen... He... Or her, I don't know who it is but ... You know, he or her know where, he's alive I know. I just don't have time, please."
Your mouth moves wiht fear, you were hiding something but not from him. You were willing to tell him but not now. Not at that time.
"Let me accompany you, I can take you and I will feel better if you are safe."
You nod, letting go of his grip and running down the stairs, outside there is a very elegant car, apparently waiting. The driver smiles at you as if he had known you before, you make an uncomfortable face trying to continue on your way but Jungkook introduces him saying that he works for him.
"Jimin, he's Jimin. He's a good person and a great friend, I've told him about you before."
"I see, sorry." You speak with a bow before climbing to the back, Jimin just smiles kindly, as always.
"Where are we going today?" He asks animatedly, Jungkook takes your hand for support making Jimin remove the smile from him. Your nervous state and your afflicted face are enough for him to understand the situation.
You give him an address, Jimin searches the map being unknown to the place. Your eyes sparkle when the lights of Seoul are reflected in them, Jungkook holds your hand tightly in fear of letting you go again. He felt sick when you stopped calling him, cutting connections with him totally to this day. He spend sleepless nights looking for more clues, the only thing I had until that moment was the identity of the woman, she was a prostitute without anything special, when he spoke with her he seemed indifferent saying that he did not know Namjoon and that the last time he saw him It was when he drugged him and left him in a room as ordered.
The whore made fun of him saying that he would give him this information if he did not tell the police anything, he obviously accepted. Now he repented, the woman disappeared after that and days later she was found in a garbage container. It seemed to be a suicide, the container was from her building, the window of her old apartment faced just where she was supposed to fall if she threw herself without thinking twice.
Right in the garbage.
The wheels of the car made a thud when it stopped, it was a cabin, the only one nearby. You came down quickly thanking Jimin who just made a flirty face. Your hands trembled with the cold, you look at the letter that tells you where and when you should be standing at the door.
"Wait for me here, if we don't go out or you hear noises, you know who to call."
"Yes sir!" Jimin obeys with a laugh at the boss's serious tone of him.
"Y-you should go, I can do this alone." Your voice rises in the echo of the silent place, Jungkook rolls his eyes before offering his arm to you, making his decision clear.
You laugh calming your nerves, the door opens just as you both step close to it. A man stops them, saying that only you can enter the next room. You stop Jungkook who was to protest, you calm him down by leaving your ring in his hands with a smile.
Your body disappears when another man closes the door silently, Jungkook sighs looking annoyed at the guards who ignore him.
A message coming to his phone distracts him for a few seconds.
Should I call the police, Mr. Jung, or the hospital?
Received at 9:35 p.m.
Smile ready to answer before hearing the door open again, he approaching you to ask everything and at the same time nothing. Your pale face is enough to make want to hit the person who was inside with you. Questions remain in the air, your arms surround him while you sob for forgiveness.
From the shadows Hoseok smiles, admiring the document in his hand, your signature shiny as gold is glued to it. He thought it would be more difficult to convince you to accept his marriage proposal, but the precious and expensive ring fit you perfectly. He raised his hand proudly admiring his own, the wedding would be planned as soon as possible making him jump like a happy child.
You had accepted, with the promise that he would bring you back to Namjoon.
But it was never specified in the contract that he would be alive.
The wedding was in a meadow, outdoors with distinguished guests and a few friends and family of yours. Hoseok greeted everyone, by taking your hand tightly introducing you as his wife immediately. It's as if he wants to show everyone that you now belong to him, as if you were a prize.
And maybe if you gave him the key to her success.
"You better smile my dear, nobody wants to know what will happen if you don't." Her lips brushed your hand before placing a chaste kiss on it. "I love you, my beautiful protagonist."
You sob, tears falling from your face as you melt into his disgusting caresses. The man in front of you, your un-predestined husband. The one who stole the position of your true love, he was kissing you delicately.
"Don't cry, decorate the room just the way you wanted. The photos were a special touch ..." His teeth bit into the sensitive skin of your neck, an involuntary groan of pain escaping. "Love you."
Your eyes move desperately to find a photo where the beaten, abused or dead body of Namjoon cannot be seen. You scream when you find one where you see blood everywhere, you are resigned to look down at the ground where Hoseok was crouching kissing the inside of your thighs.
Your mind tried to process the idea that Namjoon had been killed, mutilated and thrown into a river that washed away his body along with happy memories. Farewell to him was prolonged as your body faded in pain.
Hoseok enjoyed the sight of your eyes tightly closed, his cock throbbing inside you as she fucked you like his wife.
The head of the bed moved crashing into the wall, and unconsciously your walls tightened around it causing it to release a curse aloft to the sky.
We got to the end of the movie, smiled as he dazzled the credits by seeing Jungkook's lost name. His little bitch who was his toy for many years, laughed remembering how she did wonders with her mouth.
He pretended not to know him when her father introduced him, taunting her hurt face.
He held you in his arms tightly, you had been struggling to free yourself from his grip as he continued to abuse you over-stimulating your pussy. Your eyes closed falling asleep from crying so much.
He caressed your face, kissing your dry, chapped lips.
The end.
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vellikvr · 4 years
◇ forbidden sins
Tumblr media
demon x angel taekook au
dynamic: kookv (slight sub taehyung)
angel guk—with a debauched identity crisis—discreetly comes out from the heavens in a darkly grunge appearance, only to catch an eye from a promiscuous demon named taehyung only prowling for mates of his own kind. However, it wasn’t realized that Jeongguk intended to seek new thrills.
cw // mildly implicit sexual content
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
Black claws glide up the back of Jungkook’s satin shirt, leaving a long tear in the track of his lifeless, black index.
The two are nestled in the corner of the human bar and night club. Jungkook was only here for half an hour before he stumbled upon a pair of eyes from across the beaming lights. The eyes were of an unearthly creature, an ungodly creature. Yet he carried himself towards the boy. Shortcomings, they end up on the couch with the demon’s hands all over him……
Persistent like a natural-born, Taehyung hooks a leg over the male who’s already reacting under the other’s heated aura, and straddles him.
“This is not who you’re looking—I’m not what you expect, you sulfuric death of a man...” Jungkook spits, despite the growing arousal under his skin.
Jungkook feels his senses heighten when a new aroma of intense petrichor and magnolia fill the air around them. He witnesses the pearls of taehyung eyes dilate.
“So hostile for someone who’s already enticed. Listen, I’m not quite familiar with the most innocent of my tastes, and although i’m not a simple convenience, you are my prey for the night. Well, poor you and your blinking purity, and you think you have it right—” Taehyung teases.
Jeongguk only peers up at the individual with lidded eyes, having no reaction to the vulgarities coming out of the blackened lips.
“—but I’m not quick to sin like the immortal beast you shortly presume of me, my dearly handsome—righteous angel”
A rich chuckle leaves the man, lush cherry lips curl upwards, testing the other’s nifty behavior.
“You’re a pure blooded sinner,” Jeongguk teases. “You thrive in this uncivilized world. You shamelessly reach a high under any vile circumstance. You salivate in spite of human misery. But I’m not asking for defense of your own identity…”
Taehyung’s breath hitches when the man grabs his hip tightly and intently with a bestial smile.
“I’m a prideful man of righteousness under my heavenly name, but I’m left with no modesty. No morals. No supervision, clearly. I’m alone...”
Crisp nails dig into the ashy skin of the demon ahead of him. The deep black eyes are what encourages Jungkook to remain persistent to his dishonorable wishes.
“I’m a victim of lust, but not condemning it was my greatest sin. But you wouldn’t know such a thing, you hellcat. My dignity has been shattered already, I’m not what you call innocent. You are under my mercy, at this moment—and I’m at a narrow lock of patience for such a filthy boy like you.”
Taehyung jumps, feeling his tail perk up in a stimulating sense of joy. He’ll never admit submission, but he’s never met an angel who’s truly accepted defeat to their own desires. He’ll mask the inner turmoil at the thought of feeling the man’s, pent up frustration surge and violently penetrate through his body like an earthquake.
“What’s your implication?” Taehyung tries but when his body responds to the strangers’s advances, he yields fast with his voice quickly subdued. He feels a warm hand twirl the end of his aroused tail. The feast before his eyes left no warning of such intentions.
Taehyung’s eyes are consuming darkness of desire before the man of saintly gold irises.
Taehyung then scents a crisp cedar wood and hot wine, making his legs go numb and limp. His chest thrums with excitement. His stomach knots with lustful fury.
“There’s hell to pay when two can play this game, little devil.”
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tlbodine · 6 years
Here we go! My video analysis of horror structure in The Babadook. 
Re-watching this movie always reminds me of how much I love it. Commentary transcript in text under the cut.
1 - THE WORLD IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS See a brief prologue where the mother, Amelia, is having a dream or memory of a car accident; in the distance, we can hear her son, Samuel, calling for her. He, too, is having nightmares, and worries about a monster.
2 - PUTTING THE PLAYERS IN ACTION We learn that the boy's fear of monsters is a bit over-the-top, and that he is a bit "much" for his tired and over-worked mum -- this introduces the primary internal conflict of the story.
3 - SETTING THEM ON THE PATH Samuel is acting out at school, and not for the first time. But instead of accepting any of the help the school is offering, or reaching out for any help herself, Amelia doubles down on the insistence that he doesn't need any special help and begins to take on more burdens for herself by pulling him out of school. This begins the path that will isolate the two of them together.
In the midst of this, we also learn some more crucial information about the internal conflict -- namely, that Samuel's father died in a car accident driving his mother to the hospital while in labor with their son. That's a pretty heavy burden to be carrying, and it's little wonder it seems to be haunting them.
4 & 5 - THE WARNING & FIRST CONTACT WITH THE MONSTER Our first glimpse of the titular Babadook comes with its own warning in the form of the creepy picture book that Samuel asks his mother to read to him. The book warns them quite explicitly that there is trouble on the horizon -- but because they do not yet understand what they're dealing with, they don't know what to do with that knowledge.
Right now, Amelia is understandably creeped out, but she has no idea what sort of danger they are actually in.
Around the 13-minute mark, we have already started on the path; what follows is a slow ramping up of tension as Amelia deals with her internal struggle and now this new supernatural threat that she does not fully understand or respect but which is becoming increasingly menacing.
Throughout this section of the film, the tensions ramp up: Amelia grows increasingly exhausted, impatient and isolated, while Samuel becomes increasingly vigilant about his fear of monsters and in turn acts out more and more.
6 - SHIT GETS REAL The transition between the first and second acts starts with Samuel's largest outburst and his mother's decision to put him on sedatives so they can both get some much-needed sleep. Unfortunately for her, this won't come anywhere close to solving the problem -- because no sooner has she done it than the Babadook book, which by rights should have been destroyed, literally comes knocking on her front door.
This time, the text of the book has changed, become more threatening, and the warning has become more dire. The struggle with the supernatural element has come to the forefront of the story, launching us into...
7 - THE CHASE Amelia is hitting her breaking point, and it's only going to get worse. We see her confronted with increasingly spooky supernatural threats (and the possible implication that she may be losing her mind). She's overwhelmed with both the internal and external threat, and desperately needs a good night's sleep.
8 - FAILED CONFRONTATION Exhausted and at the end of her rope, Amelia tries and fails to keep her little family safe -- but leaving the house doesn't get them away from The Babadook. Amelia grows ever more isolated as she cuts herself off from any possible outside help.
9 - THE DARKEST HOUR The internal and external threats have converged - The Babadook, we start to realize, is not so much the man in the hat as it is a creeping malevolence that has possessed Amelia in her sleep-deprived state.
The two of them are now completely isolated -- Amelia has cut the phone lines, turned away any outside help, stopped going to work, and is all alone with the monster (which is, of course, herself).
At one point, she speaks to her dead husband in the basement, who tells her to bring him the boy. The Babadook attacks her and takes over her body shortly after, and she kills the dog -- and then goes after Samuel.
10 - A DIFFERENT SOLUTION The internal and external conflicts have now converged entirely as the possessed Amelia rails at Samuel, angry at him for surviving instead of her husband. But Samuel is prepared for this moment, being the monster vigilante that he is, and he takes charge. Amelia's attempts to go it alone have failed; it's time to get some outside help, even if that help means being tied up by a 6-year-old.
11 - SEEKING OUT THE BEAST "You let it in. Now you have to get it out." Samuel, broken little badass that he is, leads what is essentially an exorcism. Amelia is possessed and ready to kill him, but he refuses to stop loving her, and that brings her back from the brink -- because she DOES love her son, however hard it is to remember that at times. It's enough to drive The Babadook out of her...for a little while.
12 - THE TRUE COST IS REVEALED The problem, of course, is that you can't get rid of The Babadook. It's given up its hold on Amelia, but it's not quite done with their family yet.
13 - SACRIFICES ARE MADE Amelia is confronted with the specter of her dead husband, and the grief and guilt that have followed her for all these years. But she refuses to give in to his demands; instead she chooses her son, and it's an act of love that succeeds in driving The Babadook down into the basement. It's not a perfect solution -- they can't actually defeat it, but they can learn how to live with it without it holding all the power over them.
14 - THE INEVITABLE FALL-OUT We see at last some happiness in the family. Amelia has gone back to work, she's put Samuel back into school, and she's accepted help from her neighbor.
But most importantly, she has accepted Samuel for who he is, and their family for what it is. For the first time, we see her talking about her husband's death without shying away from it, and see her react with pride rather than embarrassment when Samuel speaks his mind. It's not a perfect family, but learning to accept it -- and the monster in the basement -- is the key to keeping the evil from winning.
15 - EVIL CANNOT BE CONQUERED, ONLY DELAYED You can't get rid of The Babadook. But you can learn to live with it. In a sense, although the monster is never defeated, The Babadook has a more optimistic ending than many other horror movies. But there's always that implicit threat: If Amelia does not choose each day to love her child and let go of the darkness in her past, the Babadook might be able to come back into their lives.
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