#and his other friends are annoying as hell.. its fine tho its his birthday ill manage
toastsnaffler · 8 months
tired of feeling like shit I get 2 days off a week and this one's been fucking wasted bc im too tired and headachey to focus or do anything
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jvmp3 · 5 years
thick as thieves
“Hiiii can you make a fluffy/comedy Jeonghan au/imagine where he’s your close family friend and he’s rly close to your younger brother and parents. When he hangs around your house he always teams up with your brother to play pranks on you. Then one day he asked the help of your family to ask you to be his girlfriend. But like with drama in te midst of everything somehow. Tysm idk if it’s too long tho 💕💕” - @i-purple-you-v
paring: i guess y/n and jeonghan
genre: fluff and crack idk
warnings: uh none ? just some kissing and swear words
words: 4.2k
a/n: first of all i hope you like this !! it’s really not my best lol but i hope its enjoyable, also i had fun with it !! second i know its long,, but i got carried away :] oh also areum is not jeonghan’s sisters name !! i made that up lol, it could be idk but i just made it up. if i made any mistakes, don’t hesitate to tell me !! i looked over it twice, but it’s inevitable hehe anyways happy reading !! stay hydrated babies <3 i am a jeonghan one fine day enthusiast so-
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   you know that from the moment you wake up to the time you step out of your room, someone is bound to attack you. whether it be your younger brother or your best friend, you were never surprised. your best friend, yoon jeonghan, had been in your life quite literally from the time you were carried into your house two days after you were born, up until now. his family had moved into their house the day you were born and surprisingly they had a little boy that was just a few months older than you. you two had known each other from diapers and playdates your guys’ mothers would set up, and you were both now seniors in high school. 
   to say jeonghan was pretty was an understatement, you had watched him blossom and to say you were attracted to him was nothing but the truth. even when he let his hair grow out, you still found him breathtaking. apart from his looks, he was never but anything nice to you, although he could sometimes be a dick. he’s sly and clever and while he wasn’t outright mean to anyone, that wasn’t rude to him first, this made your friendship all the better. from his cleverness and your sarcastic witty comments about anything, you two were unstoppable. you two were partners in crime, thick as thieves if you will. the tree between the two houses stopped neither of you from going over to each others houses and only proved to strengthen your relationship as it became a regular hangout spot. from talking about anything to star gazing at two am, the spot was one of your favorite places. going to school with jeonghan was nothing but fun - you two causing little problems for others and then blaming it on one another. 
   the only thing that was annoying about said boy was that he never failed to cause trouble at your house. it was never anything to actually cause harm but they were annoying. jeonghan and your younger brother seemed to be glued at the hip when he was over, you didn’t mind - you loved seeing him bond with your family - but these pranks were getting out of control. as soon as your brother could walk and speak, jeonghan had stolen him away from you and started devising their plans to ruin your life. once they were both home from school, the two of your favorite boys would be dead set on making you question if they really were your favorite boys. your parents were also very fond of the boy and didn’t seem to mind that he seemed to love to tease the hell out of their daughter. the pranks weren’t that bad when they first started doing it but sometimes it would get out of hand. like the time you were almost late to school and they had put salt on your toothbrush that morning and watched your reaction when you stuck the toothbrush in your mouth, you quickly spit it out and washed your mouth out while flicking water on the two laughing boys on your way out of the bathroom. or the time when they taped a piece of paper to the bottom of  your computer mouse when you were trying to do homework, you were almost in tears when you tried calling one of your parents, jeonghan was chuckling when he pulled your hand that held your phone so he could show you what really was the problem. you slapped his chest as a frustrated sigh left your lips. the pranks weren’t only at your house though - when jeonghan was out at dinner with your family one night, your brother and him had secretly asked for the waiter to keep the wasabi on your dish, and your reaction when you started eating was priceless. your brother and jeonghan, plus your parents, were losing it at the restaurant and all you could do was offer a glare that promised you’d get back at the two later. 
   it was the first day of senior year and you were scared that the pair of boys were going to ruin your morning. it was the first day of your last year of high school and to say you were excited about leaving the place was an understatement, and if your brother and jeonghan tried ruining that for you, you might just lose it. 
to the devil <3: if u try anything this morning, ill fight you dumbass
from the devil <3: i wont lol just come downstairs already, im waiting on u slow poke
you descended down the staircase careful to not mess up your uniform. you made your way to the kitchen, the dark haired boy sat across from your parents at the table, scrolling through his phone. your brother was nowhere to be seen and a sigh left your lips as you went to grab a banana from the table. you stuffed it in your bag, along with grabbing the carton that was in front of your best friend. he stared at you while you sipped from the banana milk and reached to take it back but was surprised when you spun around and headed towards the door. he quickly grabbed his bag from the floor and walked after you, you both said your goodbyes to your parents as you grabbed the car keys on the small table by the front door. you handed the half empty carton back to jeonghan and laughed at his visible pout once you entered the car. you both put your back packs in the back seat before turning the car on. 
“don’t worry hannie, my parents stocked the fridge with more for school.” he smiled buckling up before sipping on his drink in the passenger seat. you stopped at house a few down from yours and jeonghan’s and saw your friend joshua leaving his house. across the street another one of your friends, soonyoung, walked out of his house with a smile on his face and waved when he saw joshua. they made it to your car and slammed the doors shut, making you jump. “hey dickheads, i’m driving you to school in my new car, best if you didn’t slam the doors shut.” you smiled back at two behind you before taking the car out of park and made your way to leave the neighborhood. your friend group sure was a wild one, but you couldn’t have asked for better friends. the drive to school didn’t last long, and with the small talk about summer was, you pulled into your designated spot ten minutes before the bell. the four of you left the car, joshua getting your bag and soonyoung getting jeonghan’s. you all decided to meet up with the rest of your friends to chat before the dreadful day of school started. 
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“jeonghan you can’t just expect me to drive you everywhere now that i have a car.” you told him as you turned the key in the ignition. “i am not your chauffeur!” the brown headed boy laughed and watched the way you backed out of the spot, he was admiring the way your undivided attention was on driving. it was on keeping yourself and the boy safe. his heart hammered in his chest at the thought of your attention on nothing but him. jeonghan’s cheeks felt warm and he turned the ac up to keep his cool. 
“you know i don’t get my car until my birthday so you’ll have to deal with it for now. i’ll drive your car around for you and take you places! i’ll even pay if we go get food and stuff.” his hand drifted over to where yours was on the gear shift before placing it back on his thigh. you smiled and turned your head towards jeonghan and put your hands on the wheel, starting the drive to the cafe you and jeonghan go to a lot. 
“as long as you pay, i’ll take you anywhere.” jeonghan felt his heart rate pick up again at your words and he swore he saw a blush paint your face. the drive to the place was uneventful and after grabbing your usual drinks to go, you drove home. jeonghan grabbed his bag along with yours from the back and followed you till you got to the door, he turned around and felt a tug at his shoulder. the jingle of keys came to his ears and the pull from his shirt brought him into your house. the smell of your home rushed into jeonghan’s nose and he smiled at the sound of your younger brothers voice that could be heard from the living room. “hey kiddo, did mom pick you up early?” the boy looked up from his spot on the couch and nodded with a smile on his face. jeonghan went straight to him and sat with him as he drank his cold beverage. you treaded up the stairs and threw your bag to the ground once you made it to your room. the walk back to where the two boys were was quiet, too quiet. on the last step you let out a small scream. you felt something hit you on the back of your head, your hand moved to feel it and you were surprised to find something sticky touching your fingers. your body tensed up as laughter erupted from behind you, your other hand went up to your hair as you tried picking it out of your hair. jeonghan’s clapping made you jump and you fingers kept at it, they were pulling and picking and yet you couldn’t seem to get it all. 
your fingers were coated in a sticky substance as you turned around looking at the pair. tears pricked your eyes and jeonghan stopped high-fiving your brother. “what did you guys do.” jeonghan rushed over to you and pushed your brother out of the way before any tears fell. 
“stop. stop pulling at it or it’ll be harder to get out. we can get it out.” he grabbed your hands and held them in his own. a few of your fingers had the gum on it, he could see the remnants of it and he pulled you away from the staircase into the kitchen. jeonghan’s hands felt warm, you could feel them against the back of your hands as he made you wash your hands in the sink. “we can use peanut butter to get it out. we’ll get it out.” you heard jeonghan mumbling when he dried your hands. apologies left his mouth in a hurry as he told your brother to go back to the couch, he walked over to the pantry and grabbed the peanut butter. “i’m sorry, we didn’t think you would try and get it out. we didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.” you were starting to freak out again and your hands instinctively went to your hair again. 
“jeonghan, we have to cut it. i have to cut my hair and he doesn’t like short hair. he won’t like me with short hair.” jeonghan felt his heart tighten at your words and he stopped what he was doing with the jar. the front door opened and your mom walked through, 
“hey guys i’m back from the store and i picked up- what happened?” your moms confused face came into view and then the tears came. “why is she crying? jeonghan, sweetheart why is she crying?” your mothers hands were on your face as she wiped the tears away. jeonghan’s hands stopped and he placed the opened jar of peanut butter on the countertop you were sitting next to. “jeonghan go. go home and we’ll call you later.” the said boy was still blurting out apologies as he walked out of the room and grabbed his bag from the couch and then left the house without another word. 
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the next week and a half had passed with little to no conversation, or even glances, from the two of you. you realized just how much your life had been filled with jeonghan. from the moment you had woken up to the time you went to bed. your thoughts were filled of the boy. jeonghan hadn’t spoken a word to you, let alone look at you, and you hadn’t spoke to the boy since the day he left your house. your mom had decided that the gum was stuck and that no amount of peanut butter would get it out. that night you had gone to sleep with a new look, your semi long hair was cut right at your shoulders and you couldn’t tell whether or not you liked it or not. it was different and that meant the boy you were kinda using to get over jeonghan wouldn’t look at you anymore. jeonghan was the boy of your dreams and he didn’t look at you like that. not like the way you looked him. and what better way to get over someone then to date someone else. so you had tried for months to get over jeonghan. and now that your hair was short, you didn’t have a chance with the guy. 
you didn’t want your senior year to start like this and neither did he but you both couldn’t face each other just yet. jeonghan hadn’t talked to anyone really besides his family in that week and a half. he was sad and he knew exactly why. he was devastated that you liked someone that wasn’t him. he wanted it to be him. he liked that you cutting your hair would get the other boys attention off of you. it meant that he would have you back as his best friend and not constantly trying to get the attention of some boy. jeonghan and your brother had planned it out, they knew they needed to get the gum out of your hair as soon as possible once it was ‘stuck’. they had planned everything out and yet it went wrong so fast. he wanted to tell you he liked your hair, he loved it. jeonghan thought you looked beautiful no matter what. he wanted to tell you but he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you, let alone look in your eyes. he wanted his best friend back, he wanted to be able to talk to you again. he hadn’t been sleeping well lately and he thinks its because you haven’t sent your usual goodnight texts to him. jeonghan wanted to hold your hands when you had a bad day, take you out to your favorite restaurant, and talk to you under the stars in the tree in between your guys’ houses. he wanted you.
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the fourteenth day without jeonghan was when you finally decided that you had decided that enough was enough. you hated not talking to the boy and you desperately wanted the boy back in your life. you had gone over to his house one day after school, completely forgetting that he had after school activities on tuesdays, you saw his sister though. 
“hi areum, how are you?” you watched the young girl walk around the kitchen and smiled at her. 
“i’m good, but i’m guessing you aren’t here for me? jeonghan’s okay, he’s a little upset but he won’t talk to me about it.” areum bit into the apple and you bounced on the heels of your feet. you couldn’t tell why you were so nervous, you’ve known areum since she was a baby. watched her grow up into the young women she is today. but you felt your nerves kick in for some reason. “i’ll tell him you stopped by, and make sure you talk to him. i know he misses you.” areum smiled towards you and walked to her room. you left the yoon house hold and walked the small distance to your house, you made it to your room and grabbed your phone. 
to the devil <3: come to the tree tonight at midnight please, i miss you.
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midnight came sooner then you thought, and pacing the floor in your room was enough to keep you busy for a few hours about thinking of what you were going to say. with ten minutes till, you waited on the platform that his parents had put up for the two of you. the window to jeonghan’s room clicked and out came the brown headed boy. he sat down next  to you and offered a small smile. 
“i like the hair by the way, it suits you and you look pretty. and if some jackass can’t see that, they don’t deserve you.” jeonghan went grab your hair and his fingers caressed your face. you tilted your head into his touch, missing it. you missed him. jeonghan also didn’t miss the way the color arose on your cheeks, and it wasn’t from the cool weather outside.
“jeonghan, we need to talk. about everything.” you reminded him why you were there and grabbed his hands to hold them. he squeezed your hands in a means to tell you to continue. “i’m sorry for everything, i didn’t mean for this to turn into what it is.” you let your head drop and he let out a small sigh, knowing that you would blame yourself before blaming him. “and for what its worth, i stopped talking to seungcheol. i didn’t even like him that much.” his face broke into a smile, which you didn’t notice, at hearing your words and you squeezed his hands this time to let him talk. 
“well for what its worth, i’m sorry. i’m sorry for how everything turned out. and for kinda forcing you to cut your hair short.” he began and looked in your eyes, jeonghan held your gaze when he talked and you decided to add that to the long list of things you liked about him. “i’m really sorry and i want things to go back to normal. i want us,” he motioned his finger in between the two of you “to be together again. to be friends” you smiled back at him and dragged his hands towards you, he got the hint and wrapped his hands around your waist, yours around his neck. jeonghan felt you sneak your head into his neck and he smiled once again. he liked the way your hair smelt and he reminded himself to ask you later about what scent it was, he wanted some for himself. 
jeonghan was planning something big, and you just didn’t know it yet. things were okay with the two of you, and he could finally sleep again.
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a week after everything went back to normal jeonghan had been over at your house more than usual and you didn’t know why. the week had been filled with constant conversations from the two of you ranging between school to what you missed with one another during the week you hadn’t talked. there was small touches between you and jeonghan, but you wish there was more. he hugged you a little longer and made sure to tell you how happy he was that he was back on your life. how happy he was to be with you again. the day had gone on normally, as well as a wednesday without jeonghan could go. he stayed home that day due to a sickness that he didn’t want to get you sick with, which you were thankful for, but you missed him. you pulled into your driveway seeing your dad standing in front of the front door. after grabbing you bag, that had extra notes in it for your sick best friend, you walked up to your dad. he smiled upon seeing you and he handed you a white envelope that you failed to notice until now. 
you questioned why he was there and all he did was motion for you to take the envelope and read it, which only fueled your curiosity. you opened the small envelope and carefully read the writing. 
i love your smile
you smiled and read the second writing that was farther down.
find your mom angel
you stepped past your dad with the note still in hand and smile on your features. you found your mom after little trouble, in the kitchen and another envelope was in her hands. she smiled when you grabbed it, and reread the note over your shoulder.
i love your laugh, and the way you always see the best in people. i love your eyes and the way they crinkle when you laugh really hard.
your eyes drifted down again,
find my other partner in crime love
if you weren’t crying from the first note, you could definitely feel a few run down your cheeks now. your mom pointed towards the stairs and after she helped you clear your face of any tears, you made your way upstairs. all the room doors were closed except yours and you could see your brother standing in front of it with another envelope in his hands. after making your way to him, he handed you the letter and hugged you,
“he really likes you sis.” you laughed and patted his head, you opened the envelope and read the five words on the paper which made a few more tears fall,
i love everything about you. 
your brother pushed you into your room and your eyes went straight to the open window, you could vaguely see the cute boy on the other side. you made your way to him, sitting with your knees touching on the small platform, and jeonghan was waiting for you with the last envelope, he though you looked beautiful with your hair slightly swaying with the small breeze and how the smile never left your lips. he wanted to wipe away your tears and hold your hands. you started laughing and jeonghan wasn’t quite sure why.
“aren’t you supposed to be sick ?” he laughed with you and pushed the letter into your hands,
“just open the damn note already so i can kiss you.” he watched a blush rise to your cheeks and he wanted to take a picture to remember this moment forever. you opened it quickly also wanting to kiss the boy in front of you,
i love you.
some of your tears had fallen onto the paper and jeonghan moved closer to grab your face, his touch was comforting and you leaned into it. jeonghan watched your eyes fall shut when his fingers started wiping your face, he thought he had never seen anything prettier. you were perfect in his eyes and he loved everything about you. his moved his hands to cup your face better and brought his lips to yours. you only kissed one other boy before jeonghan and it was actually one of your closest friends today, junhui still made fun of the kiss that you both shared in seventh grade during a game of spin the bottle. but the kiss with jeonghan was electrifying. made you want more and your skin felt like it was on fire. you loved the way his lips felt against yours. your hands clenched into fists before moving to his face. he was warm and you thought you could hold him forever. jeonghan tilted his head and backed away to smile in the kiss before going back in, the boy couldn’t get enough of you or your lips. he’d kiss you until the end of time if you’d let him. after some small pecks and a whine from the boy when you pulled away, you grabbed his hands and laced your fingers together. 
“you can kiss me whenever you want but i’m kind of hungry.” he chuckled and leaned in for another small kiss, surprising you, and made moves to stand up. he pulled you with him into your room and he hugged you.
“my parents were gonna take us out after i did this but i still need to ask you something baby,” the use of the pet name hadn’t gone unnoticed by you and you smiled as you tugged his body closer to yours.
“yes i’ll be your girlfriend you dummy.” it was his turn to smile and he separated from you only to bring his lips to yours again. you pushed his chest away after a few seconds,
“also you know i never really liked seungcheol, and i was only using him to get over you cause i thought you would never like me back.” you clutched his shirt in your hands and he rewrapped his hands around your middle.
“oh thank god.” he watched as your eyes crinkled when you laughed and he swore he fell in love again. 
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you thought after becoming jeonghan’s girlfriend, the pranks would stop, but it seemed to only make him do it even more, as he could repay you with kisses. your short hair was currently covered in baby power and when he came up behind you to hold your waist, you rubbed your head against his shirt.
“this is what you get hannie.” he smiled and leaned down to leave a kiss on your cheek. you placed your hands on his and he turned your connected bodies around so you could see the other culprit, he ran away as soon as the two of you locked eyes.
“hey! get back here!” he retracted his hands from your sides and watched as you started tickling your brother and inevitably getting baby powder everywhere. jeonghan couldn’t have been happier, he finally had the girl of dreams and he was so lucky that he fell for someone like you. 
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Kicking off the hiatus with 5.04
A few people have requested that I continue my commentaries™ during the hiatus & after all the positive feedback, I couldn’t say no! But I expected to have an awful day & it actually went well so I thought I’d go ahead and do it now. You know since I’m going to avoid all my responsibilities anyway it might as well be for a good cause🙃
I watched a lot of shameless on Netflix today so it’s nice to watch something wholesome for a change of pace 😂
“The world was shifting on its axis in 1961, strides were being made, decisions taken, questions asked..” Vanessa’s narration is always on point like I wish I had the patience to post all her quotes 😭😂
Aw sister Mary Cynthia! I hope she’s in the Christmas special
My bby trixie looking flawless while riding a bike, goals
But who is this nun they’re having a service for lol ??
Like it’s kinda irrelevant oops,  r i p & dios te bendiga but why do we care? at least I don’t
Isn’t this girl from something? She looks so familiar
i remember saying this before .. oh yea she’s from game of thrones I think. I don’t watch it though haha
“Angel? I could get used to that!” Aw my bby is so cute like yes trix ur an angel
yikes that cough lady, I have a stuffy nose rn and I’m hoping I don’t start coughing 😭cause then I wanna be in a coma cause I hate being sick
Aw he'a so excited! He got into university👏🏼 that was legit me though 😂 I’m so irrational and literally only applied to one university (well I filled out many applications but didn’t submit any others because you gotta pay so I tried to wait and see if I got accepted to where I wanted first😂) I found out in English while on my phone instead of doing work & I screamed and just ran out the classroom 😂 I went to my guidance councilor and told everyone in the main office and then called my parents who *were nervous I wouldn’t get in* but also were literally going through security in the airport on their way to Dominican Republic .. ah, I was full of excitement and hope. Look at me now 3 semesters in &I’m over it 😂😂 it’s so stressful and mentally/emotionally draining and sometimes I’m just like how do I become a trophy wife asap?
My bby SHELAGH! 😍 she is so precious in her suit aww, but lets be real the navy suit is the best™ one she owns. But I still like her best in uniform at the clinic though 💁🏼
she’s over here giving a talk on giving birth at home & Im just like holy shit SHE JUST HAD A BABY IN THEIR NEW HOME, I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT😭!!!!
Tom’s so excited for Ian it’s so cute and sweet
And Tom is so cute and attractive ugh, he could get it
oh damn wait Mrs Cottingham has the baby with no limbs
aw yea and she wanted a girl
I agree though little boys are gremlins 😂😂 from ages like 7-14, get them away from me 😂
Ian all hopeful for their future and then boom he’s a dad. That went from 0 to 💯 real quick
Phyllis!! & lol sister W giggling
But damn why they all acting like Sister J is too old and incapable 😂 she wants to go to St Cuthberts, let her
Sister Monica Joan upset aw😭 don’t worry sister you’re Help is needed
Pats and Deels look cute “tanning” outside
“You want to see Anita Ekberg in that fountain just as much as I do”  Lmaoo 😂😂 for real though have u ever seen La Dolce Vita? Like Anita Ekberg was too hot to handle. I wish I looked that good damn
Trixie came to thirdwheel even though she isn’t unaware she is lol
But Trixie is serving summer looks™ I love it 😍
Damn though Patsy’s legs are pretty pasty 😂😂
Trixie wondering what the hell kinda magic bra Anita had on, literally same cause I want it. Always need good quality strapless bras for summer👍🏻
Patsy inviting Trixie and Delia gave the side eye omg 😂
Here comes Babs lmao
ugh this is when Babs first got with Tom and they were annoying lmao, I got over it though
If I was Trixie I’d be lowkey mad too like that was her ex-fiancé but I’m glad they got over it and are friends despite that 💕 cause I know petty girls that would just cut the other off
WHY DO THEY PRONOUNCED SCHEDULE LIKE THAT? And honestly How?? Like I can’t even lol it’s hard. Oops is my American showing
Sister J out here
Ohh yea this matron is a bitch lmao, vete ya
What is the correlation between going to grammar school and getting pregnant ?? @ Ian’s mom
Lol Trixie’s just like pls don’t ask me
ugh get this nurse/matron or what ever tf she is off my screen before I smack her
I swear Jenny Agutter has such a relaxing voice, like she really can calm you down & tell you all will be well & you’ll just be like “yea you right”😭
Tom is so rational and sensible because if I walked in I’d immediately start screaming and all that like “calm tf down people" 
Pats and Deels sneaking around in a convent lol it gives me anxiety always thinking “oh shit u think someone will walk in?”
Damn Tom you just made Babs feel like a rebound™
“Who’s to say we won’t carry on” ya will be fine & get married next year chill out
So Babs is only 23, how old are the other nurses *well how old do you think*??
WHEN WILL WE SEE A NONNATUN BIRTHDAY?? *I preferably want to see Trixie or Shelagh have one* but I’d take anyone really, like these people literally celebrate every other damn holiday/event but no one has had a birthday?? Except for Jenny and Chummy but they’re both gone lol
yikes emphysema, one of my grandfathers died from that. 70 odd years of tobacco smoking 😬 he did someone love to be 85 yrs old though. Idk how, he couldn’t breathe for so long
I love Phyllis just saying again for the millionth time
Aw Trix 💔 you will be happy soon💕😭
See! She said w/o Sister J she’d be screaming! Her presence is calming
Emergency c-section aye dios
Turn up at the pub
Lol funny how the dad gave Tom orange juice bc he’s a vicar but he was drunk af the night before his wedding 😂 drunk enough to have little memory and to be hungover the next day
we’ve all been there tho I don’t judge
Is it really CtM if there’s not at least one mention of babycham a series?
c-sections are wild omg
also I’ve never been under anesthesia so I’d be scared af
LOL & also I’ve never had a kid so that’s scary too duh
“Oh God another one” ahh omg
Do you think that was a doll ??
Again this show makes everything look real af so I never know
Is the doctor here the Mr Kenely that I hate??
They really left that baby there to die like o m g
Sister J praying/blessing the baby 💔💔 my freaking heart omg
again this nurse is on my screen and I need her to go, preferably to carajoland
“may the lord bless you and keep you”!! 💔😭
the third deformed baby and they didn’t report it??
“I’m not drunk” I mean you’re sitting on the floor in the bathroom so I’d think you were too 😂
Lol remember.. *cringes* no wait lets not
Tom worked in a record shop that’s cute
damn Tom do you really think telling them to just settle is the best way to comfort him
Aw sister J needs a hug😭😢💕
and yes prayer you’re right sister MJ
Sister MJ, Sister MC & Sister J comforting each other is so pure, all the they have scenes together wash my sins away for a second
wait where tf is sister Winifred lmao, did she just scadaddle after compline? snuck out to see a heathen movie i bet  jk jk I’m sure she only sneaks to quality films
but then I say dumb shit like that ^ or even worse/more inappropriate & the sins return😂😂
There’s my bby Shelagh! And in uniform, love it. 😭😍
Whenever Shelagh goes back to work next series I hope we see more of her being a nurse cause I love it
Wild that the hospital was just not saying anything about the deformed babies
Sister J coming to the best detective in Poplar, Dr Watson aka Shelagh Turner aka secret agent Shealgh Turnova™ 😂😂 *forever one of my fave lines of hers*
Lmao Tim helping out old ladies, being a good seed & too perfect of a teen
But damn boy comb your hair!
“I haven’t boiled any urine today, nice to have a change of pace” Lol Babs😂😂
oh no she’s bleeding 😢
I’m having flashbacks to Shelagh’s threatened miscarriage like lets not go down that painful memory lane  
Sister J told Ruby it was a girl bc she knew she wanted a girl ughhh 😢
Ruby thinks it was a punishment 💔 ugh my heart & ugh again makes me think of when Shelagh thought she was being punished/greedy when they told her she couldn’t have a baby 💔
Stop the sadness I say, stop it now
“We haven’t got a fairy godmother between us” WHERE IS PHYLLIS WHEN SHE IS NEEDED?
And Poor what’s her name 💔💔
oh yea it’s Linda omg how could I forget that’s my Gram’s name
But Shelagh and Trixie are interacting!!
ALSO: I’LL KEEP SAYING IT TILL I DIE, ALL I WANT IS A TRIXIE & SHELAGH FRIENDSHIP! 😭😭💕💖💖 they’re my bbys and I’ve been asking nicely
shit ¡¡ @beatrix-franklin wrote a damn essay as to why we need/want it !!
Shelagh’s grey cardigan is actually cute *she just doesn’t need anymore lol*
“What the poor pet really needs is a good cry, a bottle of aspirin and a hug in no particular order..but the hug is of prime importance”  you see. We could’ve have a cute scene of Trixie visiting Shelagh in the hospital & a little parallel of when she visited her in the sanatorium
or Just give me Trixie hugging Shelagh and I’ll cry of joy 😭💕
omg wait
shit I forgot Ian put his head in the oven
Angela playing on the floor !! So precious 💖
“..Don’t think they’d thank you for that Patrick, they’re both younger than me”  Lol I always laugh at that, it’s kinda cute. I like when Shelagh has funny lines , why didn’t Patrick say anything back 😂 there could’ve been cute playful banter. Even this series we could’ve heard him call her an elderly primigravida is a joking/playful banter context ..BUT at least we know now Shelagh is 36!
Yea man those bombs impacted multiple generations
“So World War II is history now is it?” I seriously love these little lines of Shelagh’s lol. Also funny how she prob sees her self as old, and she was what, like my age, when the war needed?? 18 or 19 depending on her birthday (We’d know but nonnatuns apparently don’t ever have birthdays)
Shit. Wait..I feel. Kinda strange and scary to think my future children will learn in school the events I’ve lived through so far ??
okay lets not think about that
what’s the sluice? I know he washes instruments but what exactly is the sluice? The room ? Idk
Aw Angela crying, one of the the only times we’ve heard her make a sound lol
“How long have we been broken off?” “A year. To be precise a year and ten days”  I know they weren’t really a good match but aw 😭 it was nice while it lasted
Trixie Bby 💔💔 happiness is coming your way I promise
“I never know when I love you the most. But I sometimes think these are the times I love you best..”😭😭 BYE IM DEAD AGAIN & MY HEART EXPLODED AGAIN😭💔💕💕
thinking about it though, they’ve never actually said I love you properly, have they??
See Patrick’s little med school anecdote, can Shelagh share one anytime soon? About anything from her past, I’m just curious.
Was that just a piece of “in the mirror” or is it playing in my head? Honestly it happens quite often, I’ll swear I hear a song and it’s actually in my head
alright Ian so why were you marrying her? you switching it up kid
I’m calling him kid like he’s not probably older than me lmao
Phyllis in her robe I love it
Trixie serving yet another look™😍
I’m so glad Trixie gave Babs her “blessing” & became good friends. So pure, we don’t need any more women being put against each other
“Fuzzy felt apostles” WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THAT? It’s not even funny?
Now the service for a nun we never knew, filled with extra nuns we will never know or care about.
I love that the nurses are at the service lol, like they probably don’t have to be but still there for fam
& Shelagh there wearin a mantilla, so sweet😭💕
“God hugs you” aw sister MC 😭❤️
You gotta admit even if you aren’t religious this show does make you feel some type of faith
“We knew so little then, in a world that seems so filled of opening doors and bright horizons. We thought only of what was new and better because it was new and better. And it would take us to places we had never been before.” VANESSA😭 she never fails with the narration, never.
Trixie helping Babs fix her bracelet bc there’s no hard feelings and she’s happy for them aw
“..We couldn’t see what was coming or understand yet what had already come to pass, yet so much still to learn”
Oh shit that foreshadow was heavy, especially because it ends with a shot of baby cottinghams body in the box.
I don’t think I picked up on that the first time ..                                     Anyway it’s 1:15am I should go to bed I have class in the morning 😭😂
The End.🙃
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