#and his feelings about the twins are pretty clearly explained
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
So I've been rewatching and re-reading K stuff (yet again) and there was something that really really irked me the wrong way. When Homra are discussing "the new Blue King" in R:B Yata says "if only those Blues dare to try something with Anna again".....while they are actually the ones hiding the twins (who were involved in Anna's torture from Mizuchi to make her into the new Blue King alongside Shiotsu) from the new Scepter 4 under Reisi, since he wanted to bring them to justice. This is actually soo hypocritical and annoyed me to no end!?! The audacity to make Reisi out to be the bad guy when, let's be honest, he's the one person that always had everyone's best interest in mind and tried to always do the best possible thing for everyone and in every situation, yet the majority of people (both characters from the anime and irl fans) give him so much shit, totally undeserved! The truth is all of Homra should be thanking him for saving them again and again.....the ungratefulness is off the charts! But that line from Yata was the last straw for me!!! So I wanted to ask what are your thoughts on this matter?
I do think Munakata gets some undue shit from Homra’s end of things but most of my irritation on that point is like post-S1 with people blaming him for Mikoto’s death (and annoyance with the narrative itself that tends to paint S4 as in the wrong), I think the hostility makes more sense in the early part of the story. In this specific case, remember that R:B takes place before LSW, so Homra hasn’t helped the Minato twins at this point and their only interaction with S4 was the whole deal with Anna and the Center. That being the case I think it makes perfect sense that Yata would be distrustful, from his point of view these are the guys who did horrible things to Anna and now they have a new head. Yata’s not exactly the deepest thinker so I doubt it really occurs to him that there might be differences in leadership style between the old and new clans, and the idea that the previous S4 were doing what they did at the behest of Mizuchi and Shiotsu felt backed into a corner and that there was no room for argument isn’t something Yata would even consider. To Yata it’s just very simple, the twins were from the Blue clan and they were the ones harming Anna, so now that they have a new King he’s suspicious. 
Similarly at this point it’s not like Munakata’s done anything that should make Yata trust him, in fact at that point he was trying to interfere with a Homra member and Yata’s whole natural tendency to see things as ‘us vs them’ certainly makes this seem like the work of a hostile adversary. I don’t have any issue with Homra and S4’s hostility pre-S1, they’re clearly different groups with different goals, and what Munakata wants is not necessarily more correct than what Mikoto wants — and obviously this changes more with S1, where Munakata gets painted by the show itself as being a bit more villainous, early on at least, even though at that point he really is right and is trying to save Mikoto, and then after when everyone keeps bringing up that he killed Mikoto as if he had any choice. I don’t blame Yata for being on edge about a new Blue King, to him all of Homra’s interactions with the Blues at this point have been bad and why should he show any special deference to Munakata, Munakata isn’t his King and Munakata’s way of Kingship is different than Mikoto’s.
Also as far as Homra hiding the twins goes, LSW actually makes note of this. No one’s super happy about sheltering them, that was Kusanagi’s decision because he’s on good terms with Shiotsu and was doing him a favor. After Akito fights at Homra’s side Yata basically immediately switches to seeing him in a more favorable light because Yata’s the type who sees someone fighting at his side as a sign that they’re comrades now, something Fushimi gets notably irritated by. I feel like could be seen as one of Yata’s good points honestly, he doesn’t hold grudges if it seems like someone’s stopped being his enemy and he’s happy to invite Akito as a comrade. Also on the end of  Character Development, Yata has a lower opinion of the old S4 members who would go to the new King because he can’t imagine ever serving another Red King besides Mikoto and so in the moment he’s more sympathetic to the twins because he thinks this is what he would do if his King was gone, not submit to the new one (and then when confronted by the actual reality of that situation in MK he sees that it isn’t so simple and changes his mind, because Yata has grown up a little). 
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thegoldencontracts · 6 months
Is Azul Actually Kind?
I know how it sounds but pleaseee hear me out.
Azul isn't kind. That seems to be pretty obvious, right? His benevolence is clearly a facade, meant to hide the selfish, cunning nature lurking within.
I thought that too. But then I saw something that made me question it.
Namely, Azul's Platinum Suit Vignette, where he looks at the Sea Witch's actions regarding Ariel, and calls it 'tough love'.
He isn't talking about himself, he has no reason to fib. He even brings up his Grandma, making it pretty evident he's being sincere. He views the Sea Witch's actions - punishing deal breakers and setting people on them - tough love.
And the Sea Witch's actions are remarkably similar to his own. He makes deals, and he punishes people who can't fulfill them. But there are some very interesting things that, to be, combine with this to bring about the theory that deep down (or maybe not so deep down) he views it as an act of tough love.
1. Azul almost never harms his clients in a truly crippling manner. The one exception to this is the Prefect, but I feel that's easily explained by the fact that this was shortly before his overblot, and like other characters, Azul too was behaving in a manner worse than usual.
Other than that, though, his punishments are typically servitude, or giving up a talent. Keyword: a talent. Not the thing itself. Someone with a good voice who gives it up doesn't become voiceless, they just start sounding hoarse. This is proven during his backstory.
2. Azul comes from a place where 'survival of the fittest' reigns dominant. This is proven during book 6, where he mentions being hypervigilant and a risk of predators under the sea. This was also heavily implied by the twins.
To him, people who don't understand not to trust others likely seem misguided - especially considering his childhood.
3. Azul and Riddle have a lot of Parallels
This one is interesting. If you look closely, Azul and Riddle share many similarities: Sophomore Housewardens, Honors Students, completely broke down during their overblot rather than still concealing their emotions, tyrannical behavior over underlings, heavily implied eating disorders, incredibly hard-working despite their smug appearance, being short-tempered, the list goes on.
Riddle also truly believed that he was doing a service to the students of Heartslabyul by enforcing the rules the hard way. He likely viewed it as a form of tough love.
And so, Azul being kind in his own, odd way starts to make sense. It would give him another parallel to Riddle. And his 'survival of the fittest', bootstrap-pulling upbringing may be he doesn't actually find his actions that cruel, if anything, he genuinely may believe he's doing them a favor by teaching them early on not to trust others, to only make deals they know they can keep. And he's not exactly crippling them, so it's better him than someone who will.
So yeah, maybe Azul really does think he's being kind - at least, deep down.
Discourse, critique, and requests for proper citation are always welcome!
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sassycheesecake · 5 months
"Hello everyone, I’m going ta do a -" The young Miya chef starts to speak into a video camera, his black shirt carrying his restaurant logo over his right pec muscle. His black messy hair looks like he just rolled out of bed ten minutes ago, which he secretly did because Atsumu has shown up at seven in the goddamn morning to remind Osamu of the bet that the younger twin has lost only a month ago.
The Miya twins challenged each other to do the Chubby Bunny challenge and when Osamu was about to win, you came running into the living room in just a towel because you saw a cockroach on the bathroom wall and didn't know that Atsumu came over while you were in the shower. The chef almost choked on the marshmallows when he saw you in a single towel, causing Atsumu to shriek in victory with his mouth full of marshmallows as well. In the end, you had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on both of them.
Since it’s off-season for the professional volleyball player, he has nothing better to do than bother his younger brother and Osamu‘s pretty partner on a regular Saturday morning.
"You’re not even going to introduce yourself?" You interrupt him with a little laugh behind the counter with the video camera, where you are seated next to Atsumu so you can film your boyfriend.
"I’m Osamu Miya and today-" The ravenette starts again.
"Ya forgot ta mention the great Atsumu Miya's twin brother-" Atsumu adds cheekily, interrupting him yet again.
Osamu can’t stop the highly aggravated sigh escaping from him, and he sends his brother a death glare behind the camera.
“ANYWAY- I am going ta show ya’ll how ta make a simple deep fired shrimp onigiri. Joinin' me today is my beautiful assistant an' partner-in-crime, (Y/N)." The grey-eyed twin looks behind the camera where you are seated.
You look up with a surprised face, clearly not expecting to be helping your boyfriend.
Scooching off the bar stool in front of the counter, you hop down and make your way with slow steps to Osamu who watches you with adoration and fondness in his gray eyes.
"What’s the first step?" You ask excited, almost hopping up and down like an excited puppy.
Osamu gives you one of his rare breathtaking smiles, feeling his heart speed up by the happiness on your face.
"Well first, we need ta make sure we got all the ingredients for makin' this." The black-haired chef explains while the camera zooms out a bit and the viewer is able to see the laid out ingredients for making the dish.
Osamu points to each ingredient, explaining what it is, what you need it for and how much you need of it.
"Looks like we got everythin'. Ya ready?" Osamu leans on the counter as he watches you with a grin.
"Yes, chef." You giggle and roll up your sleeves on your hoodie.
You can hear Atsumu gag behind the camera as he hears your flirting.
"Alright. First, yer gonna crack an egg in a bowl an' whisk it, afterwards yer gonna add the flour an' the cold water. Mix all together. Add some spices so it’s not completely flavorless. Ya followin' so far?" Osamu raises his dark eyebrow as he asks you.
You do as he says, nodding in confirmation.
"Good. Now yer gonna put that off ta the side an' grab the other bowl with the flour innit an' put the shrimp in there."
Grabbing the already peeled shrimp out of the fridge, you dump them in the flour and mix it together, making sure that there are no bare parts left on the shrimp.
"Now what?"
"Now yer gonna dip the shrimp in da batter, hold it by its tail and then dunk it a few times in there. I already prepared da fryin' oil pot but I don’t wantcha ta hurt yerself so please let me do the fryin'." Osamu looks at you with his stunning ash-grey eyes and every time he looks at you with those eyes, it makes you weak in the knees, so all you do is stare at him with big eyes and nod your head.
The chef chuckles at your reaction and those chuckles send shivers down your spine.
"(Y/N), yer startin' ta drool over mah brother. Try ta tame yer thoughts please, I can hear them from here." Atsumu teases you with a mischievous grin.
Feeling your face heat up a thousand degrees, you watch as your boyfriend skillfully puts the shrimp in the frying pot, turning them over occasionally because taking them out to put them on a drying tray.
"Leave mah girl outta this. She just knows that I am a lot hotter than you." Osamu explains as he finishes the last bit of frying the shrimp.
"Yannow, if I'd known ya would be disgustin' like this, I would have stayed at home." Atsumu scrunches up his face.
"Door's right over there." Osamu mentions his head towards his front door, clearly not bothered and more than happy to have some alone time with you.
Atsumu pouts and slumps over the counter.
"(Y/N) do something. Yer ass of a boyfriend wants to kick me out." The Setter looks at you for help, giving you those brown puppy eyes.
Curse twins and their equally good looks.
"We still need Atsumu for making the video. And he can clean up afterwards since we are both cooking." You grin up at the younger twin.
"I ain’t cleanin' shit."
"He’s not gettin' anywhere near my damn kitchen."
The twins say in sync.
You laugh at their words, setting the already cooked sticky rice on the counter next to the shrimp, along with the seaweed strips, salt, water and boiled sauce for dipping the cooked shrimp in, before putting it into the rice onigiri.
The restaurant owner shows you how it’s done step by step, being slow with his movements, so you know how it’s done.
During the trying to copy his movements, the blonde excused himself to use the restroom and Osamu uses the chance to get closer to you.
He stands behind you, putting his giant hand over yours to help you shape the onigiri. He does it on a daily basis and you’re so happy that you are his and he is yours only.
"Try doin' it yerself." The dark-haired man whispers in your ear, sending shivers all over your body and getting goosebumps by his dark voice.
You feel his strong heartbeat against your back and your breathing picks up a bit. Leaning his head next to yours on your shoulder, you feel his smile against your cheek as he watches you try to shape the next onigiri by yourself.
Holding the somewhat triangular-shaped onigiri (it’s more heart shaped actually), you present it to him with an unsure look.
All of sudden, Osamu took a large bite out of it, getting some rice on his lips, shocking you a little bit even though you should have seen this coming, this is Osamu Miya after all.
Humming in bliss, your lover swallows the food before giving you a flirtatious look, turning you around so you’re standing face-to-face.
"Compliments to the chef."
Smiling in delight, the ravenette places a smooth and loving kiss onto your lips, pulling you closer to his body.
You forget the world around you, it’s just you and Osamu. And nothing else matters.
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stinkysam · 10 months
Vinsmoke Sanji - Me ?
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “that shapeshifter thing was SOO cute omg. could you do something like that with sanji??” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : once again, reader can only shapeshift because their devil fruit allows them to steal someone's abilities.
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You gently caressed his face, your thumb stroking his cheek. You didn't see how his heart jumped at your touch.
“Wanna see something cool I found ?” You asked and he nodded eagerly, heart thumping.
Then you touched your own face, changing into him in a blink.
He almost choked on his own spit when he saw himself.
What the fuuuck ?
“Huh ? W- w- what ? H- how ?” He blinked, feeling weird to see himself from this close without a mirror. You smiled, laughing. God it felt weird to hear your pretty laugh coming from his mouth.
“I stole it from someone.” You replied, winking proudly with a smirk.
“Why ?”
“Mh ? Because his power seemed cool.”
“No, why… turn into me ?”
“Because I like you.” You replied.
He blinked at you, not understanding how it could be this simple.
He doesn't doubt that you like him, though at times it's hard to believe for him but he doesn't understand how you could like to be him.
Sure, you didn't know everything about him to hate him. Because if you did know, you would hate him. But even with what you knew now, there was nothing special about him to like being him.
So he didn't understand.
He's a bit uncomfortable with you turning into him and he will tell you.
Yet this doesn't stop you from turning into him when you can.
“I like being able to hear your voice. Even though it's my own words.” You simply explain. “And when I look in a mirror, it's like you're here.”
He relaxes a bit at your words but he's still unsure about it.
Unlike Buggy, he doesn't particularly want people to think he's so confident he'd fuck himself. He's confident in his strength and cooking but not enough in himself to want to fuck his clone. Even if it's you.
He never thought about it unless you mention it and he quickly shuts it down.
“Why would I want to… fuck myself ?”
You shrug.
“To try ?”
He grimaces.
“Wouldn't it be like fucking my twin brother ?”
“Yeah but it's not really you, it's still me.” You say.
He looks at you, visibly uncomfortable. Nope. Clearly doesn't want to do that or to think about it.
“It's okay I won't force you, I was mainly joking. Don't worry, Sanji.” You say, turning back into yourself to rub his arm soothingly.
“Can I still turn into you when I miss you ?”
“Of course. As long as you don't prefer him than me.” He smiles gently, reassured you weren't serious about it.
“I would never, I prefer the original Sanji.” You grin, wrapping your arms around him, and kissing him. “I can't kiss myself.” You laughed, as if it were the only reason.
“Good. I don't want another man to kiss you. Even if he looks like me. Even if it's you.” He said kissing your forehead and you snort.
“I promise I'll only kiss you.”
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therainscene · 1 year
I’m obsessed with @wheelersboy’s theory that Mike thinks Will is in love with El. It’s one of those takes that’s so simple, yet so perfectly explains every odd little detail you couldn’t quite account for before, that you know you’re on to a winner.
I always thought it was bizarre that the Willel reunion at NINA was framed in blatant love triangle imagery:
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If this was supposed to be yet another reminder that the sad widdle gay boy has fee-fees for his best friend, we’d expect him to be gazing at Mike or otherwise looking conflicted at both of them. But he isn’t. His steady, adoring gaze is for El only. Yes, he loves her, but that love is strictly fraternal, so why the romance symbolism?
Is it straight-bait? This scene comes after his thinly-veiled love confession to Mike (in the same episode, no less), and the Duffers and Noah both made a point of confirming that Will was gay in post-vol.2 interviews, so making the audience think that Will is in love with El clearly wasn’t the intention here.
The Willel romance-coding isn’t for the audience -- it’s for Mike.
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We often joke about Mike being crushed that Will didn’t laugh at his vomit green socks, but follow Will’s gaze -- it’s a little hard to see in the still image, but he’s staring at El, checking to see if she’s going to heed his advice. Mike's discomfort isn’t because he’s upset that Will didn’t like his joke, it’s because he doesn’t understand the weird tension between these two and is frustrated that his attempt to lighten the mood didn’t dispel it.
Mike’s smart enough to correctly connect the dots by the time Will starts sobbing in the van though: Will is destroying himself in his efforts to be supportive of the relationship between his best friend and the person he’s in love with.
But heteronormativity and a severe inferiority complex lead him to draw the wrong conclusion -- he thinks he’s the best friend and El is the one Will’s in love with, and that gets confirmed in his mind when he catches them making goo-goo eyes at each other at NINA.
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And not once, after figuring it out, does he get jealous about it -- he guides El into Will’s arms at NINA, he looks conflicted as hell during the “I love you” monologue as Will hovers over his shoulder -- he just wants them to be happy and is prepared to put his own feelings aside to make it happen, even though it would hurt him terribly to do so. Exactly the same fucking thing Will is doing. It’s utterly farcical. I love this theory so much.
I’d like to springboard off this by taking a look at what it implies about S5.
Between Will’s history with Vecna and the Wonder Twins foreshadowing--
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--it’s looking pretty likely that Will and El are going to be spending a significant amount of time together next season.
So we can already see that conditions are perfect for Mike to go through a similar arc as Will did in S4: being a third wheel between his best friend and the person he’s in love with and feeling like he can never truly be more than a third wheel, leading him to sacrifice himself in an effort to support what he thinks they have together.
Mike is very much at risk of doing something stupidly self-harming in S5 -- this is the same kid who jumped off a cliff to protect Dustin’s baby teeth, after all. He feels like he has no value if he isn’t needed by Superman. And there’s a goddamn mind-reading despair demon stalking his friend group.
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Of course, it’ll all work out in the end. He’ll be saved at the last moment, the truth will be tearfully revealed, and we’ll finally get that big, dramatic, affirming kiss for our OTP.
You might have noticed that everything I’ve said in this analysis so far is consistent with either Byler or Milevn being endgame.
Many Milevns and GA members don’t just believe that Milevn will triumph over Byler -- they believe there isn’t any conflict between Milevn and Byler in the first place. The lack of evidence that Mike isn’t into boys is meaningless to the heteronormative mindset -- he’s the protagonist and dating a girl, therefore he’s straight, therefore Will’s hopes are dead in the water, therefore Mike has no romantic dilemma to solve.
By introducing a misunderstanding in which Mike imagines that his best friend is competing for his girlfriend -- couching his dilemma in relatable heterosexual terms -- the audience will be forced to accept that Mike is experiencing a distressing internal conflict involving Will and romance that won’t be resolved until the queer truth comes out.
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The GA felt bad for Will in S4 because they assumed there was nothing he could do about it, but they’ll be tearing their hair out with frustration at Mike in S5 -- “you’re wrongly assuming he’s straight, you idiot! Just talk to him and this will all be cleared up!!”
It would be an absolutely genius way of getting the audience to question heteronormativity without them even realizing they’re questioning heteronormativity.
Once Mike’s queerness is revealed, the parallels between his arc and Will’s will suddenly become clear, and the audience will realize that, despite his straight-passing invisibility, Mike was just the other side of the same gay coin Will was on all along.
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[Part 2]
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murdrdocs · 1 year
ethan landry is perfect for romcoms.
ethan landry in a meet cute romcom. he spills coffee on your shirt when you have an interview for a job that would make your college experience tolerable. your shirt is white, pristine, perfect for the interview, and now it has a damp brown spot over your chest that you don't have time to fix. he apologizes profusely, and you let out a clenched "its fine" because you have to run back to your place and change. you're late for the interview, but it goes well, and you see ethan in a dining hall that afternoon and he looks like a deer in headlights when he sees you. he offers to buy you dinner, you accept, and the entire thing spirals from there.
ethan landry in a friends to lovers romcom. he's been your neighbor, and close friend, for years. you've always been closer to his sister, quinn, but the summer between your years of college when you're both home, a little more mature and willing to explore, changes things. through beach days, pool days, lake days, country club days, and movie nights, you grow closer and closer, emotionally and physically. and there's one night where you go to a party, and you're disrespected by some douche, leaving ethan to defend your honor, and suddenly you're kissing him in his car as a thank you before he drops you off next door. you're a little tipsy, he can taste it on your tongue, which brews a misunderstanding that isn't completely cleared up until the week before you're both due for move in. but there's always next summer. you both promise.
ethan landry in a hallmark romcom. your old friend from high school, the guy you hooked up with on the night of senior prom, and the guy you tried to forget as you went to college. now graduated and heading into the Real-Real World, you're back in your hometown for christmas after your december graduation and you just so happen to run into him at the place you both bonded over at 16. you share a coffee and a bite to eat, and can't help but notice how much he's filled out over the years. he helps you buy a tree, and helps you decorate. he goes gift shopping with you, and vents about how horrible he is at wrapping. he watches you as you teach him, and you start to notice just how he's looking at you. and it all comes to a head on new years eve when he finally kisses you just as the fireworks go off.
ethan in a "the bet" romcom. he went from the gapped tooth kid on the playground who used to do treasure hunts with you, to the jock who's best friends with the schools alpha, chad meeks-martin. you've stayed mostly the same, finding comfort with mindy meeks-martin, chad's twin sister. you're still in the same orbit, but far enough from each other to barely even give small smiles and waves. but suddenly he's really into you, asking you to homecoming, giving you his varsity jacket, taking you to sonic late at night to share oreo blasts with you. it's everything 8 year old you wanted, until you find out the truth after hanging out with his friends. they're laughing, 'ooo'ing, taunting you about being so dumb, and the only boys who look a little upset are chad and ethan. ethan's trying to apologize or explain, but you don't let him, reluctantly getting in the car with chad –– who you're also upset with because he knew –– who takes you to mindy, a shoulder you finally let yourself cry on.
ethan (and chad) in a love triangle romcom, the summer i turned pretty style. spending a summer on the island that your best friends have permanent homes on. you're torn between catching up with chad and ethan. your feelings are torn between chad and ethan. one a jock, everything young you ever dreamed of as you stared at posters of channing tatum during his modeling days. chad is suave, charming, experienced. and the other a little more nerdy. ethan is adorably awkward, a little timid, but he clearly cares about you so much. he's gotten so buff since the last time you visited, and his hair has gotten so curly and you just admire how pretty his teeth are without the braces you used to make fun of. late nights stargazing with ethan where he holds your cold hand up to point out constellations. nights at the local diner with chad where he tells you to order whatever you want and he gives you quarters to put into the jukebox. early mornings with ethan where he takes you with his dad to go fishing. early mornings with chad where he takes you surfing, giggling (and shirtless) as he teaches you the ins and outs. going to a kegger on the beach with both of their sisters, running into each boy separately, then together, all of the tension colliding in the moment where you stand far enough from the fire to not hear the chatter of teenagers. it's cold, the wind blows against you, they both offer their jackets, and you're left standing in the middle, trying to decide where to reach your hand.
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queerponcho · 7 months
Transfixed | part 3
previous part | part 4
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collage made by me with pictures from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: AHHH- Thank you all so much for reblogging, liking and commenting on my past chapters!!! I just reached 50 reblogs and it honestly means the world that people are embracing a newbie like me (✿◠‿◠)
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, (eventual smut, the chapters will be marked individually), inaccurate depictions of DID, egyptian mythology and religion (although I did extensive research I took liberty in changing some things to adhere to my plot...), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: Steven and Marc have a little...carfuffle when Jake finally lets them front again, after days of taking over. The date plans are set and both parties eager to meet soon but are we surprised when things don't go as planned..?
2,200 words
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Steven at home
‘I can’t believe this- how does this even happen Steven?’
‘Mate, I don't know! You were there weren’t you? You know how it happened…’
‘So you’re tellin’ me that any pretty girl can just sit there and you will literally tell them all about our personal business???'
‘How else was I supposed to find out about Jake huh?? Say that he’s my identical twin brother and then have to explain myself-'
‘Steven you would never have had to explain anything! Because this was supposed to be ONE conversation over a non-committal coffee- not a damn first date.’ Marc replies sternly. He looks at Steven in the glass of the fishtank and notices him looking deflated and guilty. Great- now he feels guilty for making Steven feel guilty. ‘I-I am sorry man, I shouldn't've gotten this mad, you know how I am about…personal stuff.’ Marc says sincerely. He really has been trying to be better at communicating, it’s been a feat to get here but he would do anything to make Steven's life easier. ‘It’s alright Marc..you’re right I should call off the date’ Steven says while looking at his hands, remembering your touch on his shoulder. The way you made him trust you so easily, even though he barely knew you. How desperately he wanted to get to know you an- ‘Steven, you know we share a brain right?’ Marc says trying to stop Steven from swooning any further. ‘Look- clearly you like her and she seems to like you as well, so who says this won’t turn out well?’ ‘well- you know: “we share a brain”’ Steven says, mocking Marc's previous comment. ‘Okay okay I get it-  I messed up. I’m sorry. There, will you let me help you now?’ Marc looks at Steven expectantly.
Days passed since they had returned home after you left them in the cafe. Steven was pretty sure Jake had taken over after leaving the coffee-shop but he was finally fronting again after a few days. Steven squints his eyes at Marc but relents ‘alright fine, I don’t know what to text her…I think she might be waiting for me to initiate conversation…’ ‘You realise we wouldn't have this issue if I had fronted and you wouldn't have had the chance to fall in love like a desperate teen-boy’ ‘I thought you said you lay off with the mean comments! And i am NOT in love-’
‘yeahyeah, you’ve never had a girlfriend have you? You must be reeaaally nervous…’ he adds in a singsong voice. Marc won’t let up, he’s being dragged into this mess so he might as well have a bit of fun. ‘Okay now I know you’re just takin’ the piss- are you gonna help me or not?’ Steven says fully aware of his embarrassing situation. ‘Alright, you text and I tell ya how to start, alright?’
‘Oh bollocks- uum okok I-I can do this..’ Steven is fronting now sitting on the office-chair and stares at his phone screen, starting with a simple introduction.
steven is typing...
‘Hiya- it’s me Steven!’
He had written, deleted and rewritten the message about six times before finally sending it.
You answered very quickly, you’d been waiting for him to text since you got home a few days ago. Processing everything that happened between you and steven- and well, Jake.
‘hi:) glad to hear from you. I wanted to apologise for leaving so abruptly, but it was all a bit much to process and i was running super late for work haha…i hope you understand’
‘Of course luv. If you’ve got any questions you can always ask, I hope you know that.’
‘i do’
‘i was actually hoping to ask you some questions on that date you promised me;)’
You seemed a bit more forward over text and Steven did not mind it one bit, since it was just the push he needed.
‘Right! I thought we could meet friday? There's this great vegan restaurant, I'd love to take you there?’
‘sounds great! could you pass me the address of the place?’
‘No need luv- I’ll pick you up.’
‘that works too’
You hadn’t realised the age gap until this moment. They were probably around 10 years older than you with you being in your mid-twenties. You did notice the wrinkles and silver strands when you first saw Jake but hadn’t really thought about the fact that he was about a decade older than you. Just now as he offered to pick you up did you realise the generational difference. You didn’t have an issue with it, you’ve always liked your partners to be a bit older so this definitely wasn’t a turnoff. If anything it only amplified your attraction.
‘I’d love your address’
‘Whenever you get the chance to send it:)’
‘right! sending it now…’
You send him your address. 
‘Thanks luv. Alright, I’ll see you Friday at 7pm then?’
‘yes! see you tomorrow steven<3’
He sat back, setting his phone on the sink. ‘Alright there's your date’
‘Thanks for taking over, Marc- couldn’t have done it alone’
‘Relax Steven- this was just texting. But you realise I can’t just take over during the date, right?’
‘Of course I know that…doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand by just in case…’ 
‘So- wait, what are we gonna do with Jake's notebook?’
‘I uuhm couldn't find anything besides drawings and sketches of her…I mean at least we had those, otherwise we would’ve never found out about him loaning that book.’
‘By the way…we know Jake likes her as well, by getting to know her better, we have a chance of actually luring Jake out-’
‘That might be true but that's not our goal! I- I actually like her…she might become my first proper girlfriend, I don't wanna mess this up.’ Steven is adamant on getting to know you, very hopeful of the connection he feels towards you. An almost magnetic pull he felt between you, one he has never felt with anyone before.
Marc chuckles at the reminder but reassures Steven, ‘And we won't, I promise, you will do fine Steven’
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It’s 4 am. You’ve been trying to sleep for the past four hours but the thought of getting to see Steven and possibly Jake later today was not letting you relax. If anything it was causing a very persistent tension…in places you really dont wanna delve into. In fact, you’re trying really hard not to think about that tension, which might be the exact reason as to why you can’t seem to find your way to a peaceful slumber. You try to distract yourself by thinking of how this all even started. The way Jake intrigued you since the beginning and had you speechless every time he appeared. And you think about steven- steven who's the polar opposite to jake and is this shy sweetheart that can’t seem to even look you in the eyes but somehow managed to bluntly ask you out on a date. You keep thinking about them and their differences and analyse them, not noticing your eyes slowly shutting closed and your thoughts slowly forming into vivid dreams based on your memories with the boys…you sit up in your bed abruptly remembering your texts with steven. Realising you had shared your private address with a fucking stranger…you hold your head in your hands and push your palms into your eye-sockets trying to calm down. You don't actually know shit about these men…you really should’ve told your friends about them cuz literally no one knows about these encounters. But truly it was all so bizarre and absurd that you really didn’t want your friends to spoil it for you by using anything close to logic or realism. To maybe argue that they could have anything untoward in mind with you. 
You lay back down and finally feel a wave of exhaustion hit you. You want to believe that they actually maybe even like you…of course there is a possibility that Steven only asked you out to find out more about Jake. oh and marc, was it? You wonder what he might be like and if he's anything like his alters. You turn from your clock having hit 5am and finally force yourself into sleep.
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You wake up to your alarm blaring and prepare yourself for work. You start the day groggy and tired due to only sleeping four hours. But just the thought of your date tonight has you motivated enough to hurry up and catch the next bus.
Moonboys POV
Marc woke up around noonish since Steven took forever to finally fall asleep. Lately he’d been better but last night he was as jittery as a six year old the night before christmas. Currently standing in the kitchen brewing himself a cup of black coffee and prepping his mug with two brown sugars. ‘So loverboy, what are you planning for tonight?’ He says while wearing an amused smirk on his face.
‘Okay well first off, cool it with the nicknames yeah? And secondly you literally texted it for me yesterday. We are goin’ to my favourite restaurant.’ Steven replies proudly while also ashamed for not even having the balls to text you himself. ‘About that…I don’t think that place is open right now- in fact I think all the restaurants are closed today, no?’ Marc remarks and pours himself the long awaited bitter brew. ‘Wha-Whatareyousayin mate??’
‘Well’ He clears his throat ‘when I woke up I saw today's date and remembered that today is that weird holiday, the only thing open are convenience stores and the 24-hour Tesco’ he says, his voice laced in an amused tone and takes a slow sip of his sweetened coffee. ‘Bollocks- what am I gonna do?...I could cook?’ ‘Steven’ ‘No, I-i can't even make a- a salad! How the hell am i supposed to cook for her if I can't cook marc?!’ he says panicked ‘Steven’ marc sternly interrupts, carefully putting his half empty mug on the counter 
‘I can help you. I may not be amazing at it but I can remember a few things from- from what our dad taught us.’ Marc and Steven rarely talked about their past but recently they were kinda forced to deal with it. Just the fact that they, let alone Marc, can mention anything from that time so casually is kind of a huge step for them. 
Marc and Steven spend the rest of the day planning, buying and preparing the food for the date. The time comes when Steven has to take over the body to get ready to pick you up. He finds a shirt in the back of his closet- same oversized cut as his others but a bit less casual and more sleek looking than the usual shirts he wears. His hair is as unruly and fluffy as usual despite Marc insisting on sleeking it back. He convinces him to use some curling cream he had found in the back of the bathroom drawer.
Steven applies it sceptically, coming to the conclusion that it does look pretty good. He makes his way to your address making sure to ring on the right door. Basically buzzing from anxiety, Marc is doing everything to keep him calm and rehearse with him what he was gonna do and say when you ringed him in and opened your door, knowing full well, that all the preparation would fly out the window when he actually met you…Jake is silently watching this all transpire and cant help but be amused at all this, not admitting that he was actually a bit nervous himself.
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You came back from work tired BUT extremely excited to get ready. You had to stay a bit longer than anticipated and thus only had about one hour to get ready. Hopping in the shower as quickly as possible you try to calm down under the warm streams of water hitting your body, melting all the tension out of your back, shoulders and sore legs. Work had been exhausting and this shower was proving to get difficult to leave. But the alarm you had set to remind yourself of the time, successfully cut your relaxation short. You quickly exited your shower wrapping your body in a fluffy white towel. Wiping the steamy mirror to see your reflection more clearly, you start getting ready. Adding whatever products you use to your hair and applying sweet smelling lotion to your body, basically doing any- and everything to make you feel as confident and ready as possible for your date, who was supposed to arrive iiiin…twenty minutes?!
You hurried your makeup routine and rushed to your room quickly picking out an outfit you felt sexy in but also had a grounding and comfy vibe. You threw on a beige knitted sweater, which had an oversized fit with a mini-jean skirt. Paired with sheer brown tights, thigh-high beige cashmere socks and brown leather knee-high, high-heeled boots. Finishing off the look with your favourite jewellery and accessories, you look over at the clock. It's 6.50pm and you are just adding the last finishing touches to your look and making sure you've moved all the important things from your ‘work-bag’ to your ‘going out purse’ when the door rings. ‘He's here’ you mutter to yourself, running to the door making sure it's him and pushing the button to the intercom. ‘Yes, hello?’
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a/n: hope yall liked this chapterrr- in the next chapter you'll be able to read all about the date and i am SO excited for yall to read about it *squeals* don't mean to toot my own horn but GURL it's so good i already wanna post it ♪(´▽`)
The lovely people in my taglist: @lilladyblink14 @lemongirl5910
please notify me if you want to be added/ removed from the Taglist<3
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dc418writes · 8 months
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✨Pairing✨: NFL!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader
Summary🪄: Your brother has the worst timing
🚨: allusions to past happy adult fun times, mention of nudity (brief), mention of parent death, pretty much all floofy hilarity
🎤: an early Valentine’s Day-esque fic based off an idea I recently had. Hope you guys like it☺️!
*DISCLAIMER!: although visual made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they were all found via Pinterest*
“What are you doing here?,” you ask locking the door after your brother casually saunters in. Unannounced and uninvited you might add
“Wanted to treat you for Valentine’s Day,” he answers. A slight tilt to his brow - looking every bit like your father - from your unusual greeting. “Sup with you? Why’re you acting weird?”
“N-Nothing I just wasn’t expecting you. Plus you typically call first and let me know you’re in town.” Which would’ve been very useful right about now.
“I wanted to surprise you. Plus I knew you wouldn’t be doing anything.” Rude.
Arms outstretched, he flops back on your light pink sectional making himself comfortable as if it were his own home. His wide smile instantly twisting into a smirk noticing the bouquet of mixed flowers along with a yellow duckling plushy leaning against the clear vase. Luckily you're able to grab the notecard before he can prompting that eyebrow tilt again
"Who're those from?"
You nonchalantly shrug your shoulders, "A friend.”
"This friend got a name?"
"Marshall I don't come in your place being nosey," you sigh feeling yourself becoming increasingly annoyed. "And you haven't been doing anything for Valentine's Day, so why now?"
The mood between you visibly shifts from the drop of his playful smile to something more serious. Regretful even.
"...Since dad passed, I uh..realized how we really don't know when our last day is you know?," he explains slowly rubbing his hands together. His eyes focused on them as a way to help clearly put his plaguing thoughts into words. "I just don't want something to happen to you or ma and I have all these regrets about what I didn't say. How I could've done more."
When his gentle eyes - doe like and dark brown - finally look up to meet yours, an instant warmth mixed with sorrow fills your chest and strikes deep in your heart. At the reminder of your father’s sudden passing and hearing your twin be so vulnerable.
Since college, it was pretty much football 24/7 with Marshall. Training to be the best and improving in any and every area so he could eventually make it big. Now in the NFL, there wasn't much change. If anything it got a bit worse now having to keep up with public appearances and meet with press here and there. Needless to say, you figured you and your parents rarely crossed his mind besides for the occasional, and rare, check-ins
To hear his worries, it sends a pang of guilt from the pit of your gut and throughout your abdomen
“Marshall,” you quietly speak taking a step towards him before a thud startles you both.
"The hell was that?,” he asks.
"Probably the neighbors kids,” you answer with a wave of your hand as if it were nothing. “They play around a lot."
Another thud followed by an “ow”, has your brother standing to his feet ready to investigate. "That sounded like it was in here though."
"Well you know they make these walls thin. Plus it doesn’t help their room is right next to mine," you nervously giggle. Actually it was the bathroom sharing a wall with you, but he didn't need to know that. “I’m gonna go ahead and get changed. Meet you in the car?”
“Uh..yea sure.” You know he’s still suspicious from his hesitation. Taking one last look towards your bedroom - where he could swear the noise directly came from - then at you flashing your most innocent smile, he strides from your living room and to your door. “Aye try not to take so long. I wanna get there before I’m 60.”
Rolling your eyes, you just nudge his chest - well try to at least - urging him past the threshold and choosing to ignore his little jab as he chuckles on the other side.
“What’d he want?”
Turning your head, you’re equal parts annoyed and flustered seeing Ari - your boyfriend not boyfriend? - standing in the doorway of your bedroom naked as the day he arrived on Earth. His sun kissed skin, smooth and toned, with dark hair sprinkled along his strong and defined pecs, arms, and legs. Being a linebacker for the NFL, you wouldn’t expect anything less than the gladiator physique
“He wants to take me out for Valentine’s Day. And what was that? You promised you’d stay quiet.”
“I’m sorry somebody threw my shirt behind the bed,” he retorts rubbing the back of his head with a wince checking to make sure no blood was left on his fingers
“Get mad at yourself then. That was your doing when you took it off me in the middle of the night.”
A smirk forms on his pretty lips remembering that exact moment. You lying peacefully on your side throughly exhausted from your earlier rounds. Lips pouted as your even breaths fanned across his arm under your head.
With your backside positioned right in front of his crotch, he just couldn’t help letting his large hands wander and mouth attack your neck and shoulder. Feeling you push back on him amid your tired groan, he silently chuckled before his shirt on you was gone and moans were filling the room again.
“Oh yea,” he chuckles biting his lip. “Definitely should do that again when we get back.”
“Ari I’m going with Marshall,” you say gently brushing past him for your closet to find something to wear.
“I was here first though.” Even with your back to him you can clearly see his toddler like pout. How his thick arms are more than likely now crossed on his chest. And you can’t lie, the adorable reaction makes you want to stay to make him happy again.
When did you turn so soft for him?
“But he’s my brother,” you call over your shoulder as you scan through your dresses. “I’m not gonna say no if he wants to spend time with me.” Ari knew he couldn’t get too upset at that, but that didn’t stop the small ache at his ruined plans.
“Plus I uh thought dinner last night was it?”
“That was the main plan, but I dunno..was open to see where it went,” he mumbles towards the end with a shrug. At his slightly defeated tone, you turn around unfamiliar with this side of him. Since your first meeting, he maintained that confident and uncaring attitude he carried on the field
Some might even call it arrogance how he paraded around with chest puffed and that signature tilted smile
Stepping towards him - a dress in each hand - you give him a sympathetic smile wanting to hold him but restraining yourself
“Maybe we can do something tomorrow? Or later this week,” you suggest.
His tongue clicks against his cheek. “I’m busy this week. Maybe you could come to my game for once..?”
Ari’s playful, blue eyes and finger tapping under your chin makes you softly giggle. “You know I can’t.”
“No one would know who you’re there for. Just a fan lucky enough to get in a suite.”
“Or someone wonders why Marshall’s sister is there,” you counter. He simply tilts his head back and forth. There goes that hint of disappointment again. “One day though.”
A fraction of that brilliant smile returns on his lips making you feel somewhat better. “One day,” he begrudgingly agrees before his gaze drifts to the dresses in your hands. He goes back and forth for a moment before pointing to the shortsleeved, burgundy knee length dress in your left hand
“This one. And take your black sweater. The long one you usually wear because you know you’re gonna get cold.”
Your stomach flutters as a shy, “thank you” leaves your lips and his soon press against yours. Softly at first, but then moving together how they were last night - and many times before then. So passionate and needy until you’re both left breathless yet still craving more
“Get dressed. He’ll be calling soon,” Ari says leaving one final peck on the corner of your tingly mouth. “I can use the spare to lock up.”
Then that guilty feeling returns. The same one that you’ve tried ignoring the past few times you’ve hung out with him, but just couldn’t shake immediately thinking of your brother. How you’re slowly yet surely falling for his rival
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r0-boat · 1 year
Some SFW headcannons if that's ok with you. Can we get some headcannons about Dad Submas with their kiddo (whether separate or a poly s/o au is both fine)?
Holy fuck yes sir(gender neutral) been waiting for this shit
Submas as the fathers of your child/children
Ingo has always dreamed of having a family despite that permanent frown on his face being quite menacing to the children. He was pretty fond of kids. Always very gentle and patient. Holding his kid in his arms for the first time, he shakes, afraid he might hurt him or scare him. But who could ever be scared of that soft kitten smile? His heartwarming, when his child looks, sees him, and giggles.
His child is a precious treasure, and their happiness is Ingo's number one priority. Yes, Ingo may or may not have spoiled them a few times but seeing them so happy warms his heart every time.
Like any good parent, Ingo values his child's safety he's a Subway boss safety is part of the job; of course, safety is an important part of his parenting. And it is the same with Emmet. They both agree that their child must know about safety.
Ingo is a first-time father. He doesn't mean to be bad, but of course, some parents make their own mistakes. As their child grows older, Ingo seems to have a problem where he still sees his child as his sweet baby, and sometimes he gets a little protective because it's bittersweet when a parent sees their child grow up. Eventually, he does accept that his child is growing up, and sometimes he won't be there to protect them, but he'll make it known that he'll always be there for them.
I can already feel that poor kid's embarrassment when Ingo screams their names during assemblies every time they get a reward or their name called for one.
He's always having a conversation with his child, even if it's just babbling. He would be having a fake argument with his toddler.
Emmet is the for-your-own-good type. He's a serious parent, but he is not unfair; rules are there for a reason and are very important, and he'll make sure that his child knows. He ensures that he teaches his child that actions have consequences; good behavior gets rewarded while bad behavior is punished. ( though not every situation is black and white like that.)
If his child ever asks why for anything, he will explain clearly and calmly. Rip for their belief in Santa when they inevitably ask their father.
Emmet takes safety very seriously, and Emmet can be a little bit of a mother hen. He just doesn't want anything to happen to his child as their parent and a Subway boss; it is their job to protect them.
No parent is perfect; Emmet struggles with personal space and privacy issues. He's always had this. He himself is not really a private person. He says what he says, and he means what he says. It might sound mean, but he'll say it anyway. And the lousy habit is from expecting everyone else to be like that, especially people who are closer to him. He wants his child to be open and honest with him at all times, and he wants to know what's happening in their day-to-day life even though they don't want to tell him. And I can see him getting a little antsy when someone won't tell him or they are hiding something from him. It's something that he always struggled with.
If his child ever gives him a logical argument on why he's wrong when he says no to something he will just freeze and think about it for a few seconds then just say "Ok, verrry fair... carry on."
Emmett gets obsessed with little baby onesies and baby clothes "look!! a little Joltik Halloween costume ah! So verrry cute!"
Ingo x parent!reader x Emmet
( the brothers are sharing one love interest no incest)
Usually, they're pretty good at getting along when it comes to Parenting, but sometimes their different parenting methods clash between two. Usually, they would ask you for advice after that or come to a fair agreement.
If they have twins, they can't be happier. Ingo would bring it up constantly, and Emmet would immediately start picking one color for each twin.
When they come home from Gear Station is usually your time off. They make sure you get plenty of rest because they know how tired you would be after taking care of your children all day.
Emmet would let his child hold a Joltik for the first time.
Ingo would give them a Litwick night light.
When the twins are together, they will always be excited to take their children for hikes or go places to have fun, like parks. We're walking around the amusement park or just seeing Aunt Elesa while you take a rest.
The first thing they do when they realize they are becoming fathers, is cram their minds with as much parenting knowledge as possible they're both excited and scared and praying they'll be prepared enough to deal with a kid.
Soon enough, you'll find them both asleep on top of a pile of notes next to another pile of parenting 101 books.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
achilles heel - I: Ben's Sister
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 2.1k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 4th, 2019
B: i'll be at the caf in 10 if you want to grab breakfast before class
Her phone buzzes twice in quick succession as the screen lights up on the table in front of her. She leans over to read it, putting down her coffee mug and rolling her eyes slightly to herself. Grace had already eaten the same thing she always does, being frozen strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast, and is finishing up her first of several cups of coffee for the day when she receives this text from her brother.
g: okay, back table in the corner
She sends her quick reply and goes back to what she was doing, pretending to read her textbook and hoping to absorb at least the key points before her eight am class. So far, this method has worked well for her. Only one semester down so far, but with a 3.91 GPA, Grace is feeling pretty good about her academic career.
Her brother, Ben, on the other hand, got into the same school on a scholarship for soccer, and Grace is pretty positive he's only doing the same degree as her so she can tutor him while he lives in a frat house. Which he very promptly moved into after orientation, leaving Grace on campus alone, and she didn't mind it one bit. Having some space from her brother and her parents for the first time has been amazing.
Grace looks up as her disheveled-looking brother slides into the seat across from her at the table, practically throwing his plate down. She removes her headphones to hear what he's saying. "Huh?" She asks, prompting him to repeat himself.
"I said..." He draws it out, clearly frustrated his sister didn't listen. "You're already reading that? It's only the second class."
"Oh, well yeah, they're assigned readings for a reason." Grace replies, putting in her bookmark and closing the book, shoving it in the bag at her feet before looking back at her twin brother. He looks like he just rolled out of bed, which, of course, he did.
"Right. Give me the summary then, yeah?" He asks through a mouthful of cinnamon and sugar toast.
Grace sighs a little. "So, basically, there's this guy, totally a dick." She begins to explain and Ben nods, but he's already looking down at his phone. "So he shoots this elephant, right, and then someone else shoots him, and then that's how the third world war started."
"Wait, what? Really?" Ben asks, his attention suddenly drawn back to her.
"No. There was no World War III, dumbass." She replied flatly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Do you even know what this course is about?"
"Not yet but that's why I'm here isn't it?" Ben chuckles, taking another bite of his toast and instantly chasing it down with his orange juice.
Grace cringes a little as she watches that. "Not exactly..." She replies, looking down at her watch. "We have fifteen minutes. We should probably go, we have to get all the way across campus."
Ben nods and shoves the rest of his one piece of toast in his mouth and picks up the other to carry with them while they grab their bags and clean up the table.
No one really knows what it is about the first week of the semester, but Grace, as well as every other girl she's seen so far, has fallen victim to the idea that you need to look put together and organized knowing damn well that by two weeks from now, she'll be showing up in pyjamas. But today, for the time being, she's actually wearing jeans and makeup to class.
They walk across the beautiful campus that overlooks the city from a hill. It's January, but the sun is rising and there's hardly any snow left on the ground, not that there ever was much to begin with at UNC. Grace grips her coffee cup with both hands to try and warm them- it was probably an oversight to leave her gloves back in her dorm.
They make it inside and find their classroom, walking in and looking around, scanning to see open seats. Grace's eye lands on a table with two seats that no one is sitting at, and makes a beeline for it, placing her bag down before realizing her brother isn't at her side anymore.
"Hey, man, how's it going?" She hears as she looks back over her shoulder, seeing her brother grabbing the hand of a boy sitting in the back row. She sighs and sits down as he sits in the back with someone she's assuming he knows from his frat or soccer or something,
"I'm pretty good. Don't know why I took an eight am but here I am I guess." Ben's friend, Rafe, says as Ben takes a seat next to him.
"Honestly, same." Ben laughs slightly, pulling his laptop out of his bag and placing it on the desk.
"Hey, uh..." Rafe starts, leaning closer to his friend and lowering his voice. "Who's that girl you came in with?"
"Why?" Ben asks, taking on a defensive tone as he digs around in his bag, looking for his textbook.
Rafe instantly shakes his head, leaning back in his seat. "Just wondering." He says quickly, looking forward at the long-haired girl sitting a few rows in front of them. "I didn't know you had a girl- I just thought you would have told the team."
"What? I don't." Ben looks up at him to see his friend staring at his sister. "That's just Grace. My sister." He admits, leaning back in his chair as well.
Oh, his sister. Rafe thinks to himself, nodding slightly in response to his friend, that was now watching him, watching his sister. Time to look away. "You have a sister?"
"Uh, yeah, dude."
"You never talk about her," Rafe says, glancing back at her.
"Not much to say I guess." Ben shrugs in response. "Uh, we're twins, I don't know she likes to read apparently. She's a history major, she lives here on campus. I don't know what really there is to add."
"Oh, really? I was thinking of doing history."
Ben laughs. "Dude, as if Ward would ever let you even think about taking anything other than business. Pretty much the only thing you can do with history is write or teach, that's boring as hell."
Rafe sighs, he knows Ben is probably right. "I mean, like, I wouldn't hate that. At least it would be my choice."
"Yeah, I mean, whatever you want man. Why not, right? Being a prof makes bangin money too. People respect you and shit-" Ben rambles on but Rafe isn't really listening. His eyes are trained again on the girl sitting closer to the front of the room, as her hair cascades over her shoulders when she leans forward more, writing something down in a notebook.
"Right?" His thoughts are interrupted.
"Oh, yeah, totally." Rafe nods, completely unaware of what his friend was talking about by now.
"Okay, so we've got some new faces in here today." A man who Rafe assumes to be the prof says, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention as the room quiets down. "You, in the back there. You missed introductions on Monday, so basically we all shared our names, our majors, and what year we're in if you'd like to share as well."
He's looking dead on at Rafe in the back, and everyone's heads turn to look at him. "I, yeah, sure. I'm Rafe, uh, this is my first year, so I haven't made any big decisions yet, but I'm thinking about majoring in history." He says, making eye contact with Grace and giving her a slight smile.
"Right, yes, Rafe Cameron. You're on the soccer team with Ben here. Your dad is Ward, right?" The prof asks and Rafe nods.
"Yes sir."
"I've met your father, he's a really nice man, hey?" He grins and Rafe nods again slightly in response, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Anyway, let's get started, shall we? Did everyone get the readings done?"
Grace gets up at the end of class, placing everything in her bag and her headphones back in, assuming that her brother would take off with his friend.
"Shouldn't we wait for Grace?" Rafe asks Ben as his friend turns to the door.
"Nah, I'll talk to her later." He shrugs in response. "Come on- we've got practice this afternoon and I want to have a nap first."
"Hold on one sec," Rafe replies, holding his hand up at his friend signaling for him to wait, and watching as Grace turns around evidently surprised to see them still standing there looking at her- waiting.
"Oh, hi." She says, removing one of her headphones.
"What did you think of the first real lecture? Did you write down every word?" Ben asks her and she laughs a little.
"No, but I'm glad we're getting into something interesting at least." She replies, avoiding eye contact with his friend, who's watching her intently.
"Hey, uh, I'm Rafe, by the way." He says to her before Ben can get a word in.
Grace looks briefly at her brother, who is staring at Rafe with an indecipherable look on his face. "I'm Grace." She says, looking back at her brother's friend and smiling politely. "You said you want to take history? That's my plan too." She adds, making an effort to move the conversation along so they don't just all stand there staring at each other.
"Yeah, I mean, maybe. My dad wants me to take business because he owns a company and I'll have to take it over eventually and all that crap." Rafe shrugs as the three of them head for the door.
Grace nods at that, shoving her hands in her pockets as they walk out the door and down the hall. "My boyfriend was supposed to take business too, or that was originally his plan in high school. He decided to go into chemical and electrical engineering instead and he's loving it, but I guess it's a bit different than your situation but I still think it's important to do what you want, not what other people want you to do." She shrugs, as Rafe looks at her brother, giving him a 'what the fuck, man?' expression.
Ben raises an eyebrow at him, the silent exchange finished with his confusion, and Rafe quickly continues his conversation with the girl who wasn't watching them, eyes straight ahead as she walked. "Yeah, I guess you're right. My plan right now is to sell it as soon as my name's on it, so my degree won't really matter."
"Yeah, you probably don't need a degree in business for that." She agrees, laughing slightly as she shakes her head.
As the three approach the end of the hall, Rafe takes a few quick steps forward to grab the door, and Ben smiles at him, laughing slightly and patting him on the shoulder as he walks through. "Thanks, bro." He steps outside, leaving Rafe to stare at the girl who took a turn down the hall instead of following them out. 
"Not going back to dorms?" He asks her, making her turn as she continues to walk backward staying with the flow of other students.
"I have a class in C building in ten minutes- this way is much faster. It was nice meeting you!" Grace smiles with a slight wave, popping her headphone back in as she turns around and continues down the hall. Rafe smiles back and raises his hand in a quick wave, sighing as he's stuck holding the door for a few more people before he can follow Ben.
"Dude, you didn't think to tell me she has a boyfriend?" Rafe asks, jogging slightly to catch up with his friend.
"Sorry, didn't think you'd be into my sister. Didn't think it mattered- that's not like, the most important thing about her, you know." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"Well, of course not. Would've been nice to know, though." Rafe grumbles, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
"You're not hooking up with my sister. Listen, even if she wasn't dating that loser I wouldn't let you. That's like, fucked up." Ben says sternly. "What would you say if I said I was into Sarah, huh?"
"Dude- gross. She's like, seventeen." Rafe shakes his head, scrunching up his nose at the thought.
"Exactly." Ben agrees. 
"Okay, well, that's different."
"You're digging yourself deeper and deeper man- you've just got to let it go." Ben insists, turning to walk towards his car on the opposite side of the parking lot from where Rafe parked his bike. "I'll see you at home!" He shouts back.
"See ya'," Rafe replies, walking in the opposite direction. He pulls the other side of his backpack over his shoulder, holding tightly onto the straps as he makes his way back to where he parked his bike- completely unaware that he was being watched through an upstairs window in C building by his friend's sister.
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ahhh finally part one!! i’ve been working on this one for a hot minute so lmk all your thoughts and everything- i don’t have the whole thing planned out so also if anyone has any requests on where this should go, pls lmk!!
taglist: @madelynie @slut4drudy (message me or reply to this to be added!)
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I LOVE accusing every single character of being a Breach collaborator without ANY regard for whether it makes sense or whether it's likely. Hell, it's almost better if it makes absolutely no sense and isn't all that likely, since this is entirely for my own amusement. But, some of them do make at least a bit of sense, and that's also so fun to think about. Ever since the Hieronymous drop, I've just been randomly pointing fingers at any character we don't yet know either way, and coming up with reasons that would be interesting or funny or how it might work, for funsies.
Jedediah Pom? He's extremely well-placed as a member of the media, and I'm constantly suspicious of how closely he watches everything, even with considering his job. Backpack? She always seems to be in the oddest places, and I would not be surprised if information was coming through her—knowingly or unknowingly. Kozma? Would fit in with her (horrifying) propensity to "collect" people and could function as a kind of first-look deal (awful).
Agatha Ledge? I feel like the gap between her Incendiary Imaging Device and Breach stuff can be very small if you lay the cards down right, no, I cannot explain (but a mad scientist-type who changes sides because they're unhappy with their pay or access is always great). One of Imelda's brunch group (Penny, Gert, Lucille, Desiree, Maeve)? The BETRAYAL! Olga Costigan? Extremely unlikely, but it would make Spahr's life worse in a specific way that is funny to only me. Gretel? Actually, this would be pretty great because she worked directly under Spahr, and also this would make Spahr handing off Hieronymous to her at the hotel really funny.
Arno Delagny? Maybe we should be questioning why so many former employees of the Delagney Hotel at the Vantage have Breached. Imogen Loxlee, Milton Fleit Sr.? Just imagine the chaos of that for a second. The Miravette twins? They clearly need something better to do with their time and sedition might be it. Melinda Crowne? She IS a friend of Sherman's and Emmet's mother. Spahr's parents that I assume he has? Again, would stress him out so much in a way that is funny to me specifically. Speaker Corsovia, Ambassador Isadore Riley? We don't know anything about either of them for this to mean anything, so why not.
It's genuinely so fun for me to just be constantly like: today's Breach collaborator is [spins wheel]
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fakesimp · 1 year
Can I pretty please request headcanons for (Luxiem) with a flat chested reader that constantly likes to confuse people with her gender (like dressing up as a boy one day and the next day she's looking like a model?)
Totally not self indulgent I think this is fun, feel free to ignore this tho! Have a awesome day/ night/ afternoon
Crossdressing, With Luxiem
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Warning !
Fluff ; Crack ; Mentions of Crossdressing ; Fem ! Reader
A/n !
Haiwo ! Sorry it took a while for me to answer this.. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) but I do hope you enjoy this ! Apologies in advance if they're ooc (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
Vox Akuma
Is going to be confused.
When he first saw you, he was convinced that you're a guy !
He almost thought that he was gay when his heart skip a beat when he sees you.
He started to question himself internally, but if he is turning out gay for you. He doesn't mind.
And then the next day comes, only for him not to see you anywhere.
Or so he thought.
He sees you as a whole different person, like what in the sorcery magic did you do to yourself over night????
You were a guy yesterday, how did you become a damn sexy woman the next day?????
He's going to ask his friends about it, definitely not convinced you are the same guy he sees yesterday.
Until he finally manage to see your face clearly, you were confused why is he staring so closely at you.
"What happened to you? What did you do to yourself??"
"Uh? Elaborate???"
"I was convinced that I was gay."
"?????????? "
But after knowing you can be both handsomely hot, and be sexy woman-
He's such a sucker for you, you know how he is with ike? Yeah, but to you instead.
Mysta Rias
He was amazed how cool you looked when he first sees you.
He would steal glances at you.
Would also be confused why is his heart beating so fast for a guy?
Is he gay now? What-
The next day comes, when he walked pass you, he stopped.
He turned around and stared at your back, confused.
Your face seems familiar, at first he thought that you had a twin.
He had that thought almost a week until one day, he asked you about it
"Hey, where's your twin?"
"Twin??? What in the actual- I'm the only child in the family, what makes you think I have a twin?"
"Huh????? Then, what happened to you- the dude? Wha???"
"Ah.. About that."
He listened to you throughout the explaination about the crossdressing you do
He would definitely be amazed but still confused, at least you manage to explain to him that you're born as a female.
Don't worry, he's taking his time to get used to you changing your, ...gender? No, fashion?
"I really need to get used to you being both a guy and a woman."
"You'll manage."
Luca Kaneshiro
This man.
He noticed, but he won't say anything about it. For now.
He would just go on with the day like usual, talking and joked around with you and his friends.
Till one day he asked about it,
"Say, why do you, uh keep changing your fashion ?"
"What? ...Oh, just for fun you know"
"You're changing yourself from men to women for fun???? Pog!"
It doesn't really bother him honestly, he cheers you on for it !
Wouldn't ask much about it since you seems happy with what you're doing so it doesn't really bother the man
Unless something happened that made you uncomfy, he'll come and save the day ! Like a golden boi he is.
"What's wrong? Did something happened? Don't worry! I'll fight them off if somebody pick up on your fashion!"
Ike Eveland
It would genuinely surprise him.
But he'll definitely support you ! As long as you're happy with what you're doing
He'll never judge you for it !
Though it would take sometime for him to get used to your fashion changes, but he will. Don't worry.
He's lowkey want to help you with it, but too shy to ask for it.
But if you actually asked his help, he's going to feel ecstatic about it
"Hey Ike? Can you lend me a hand?"
"M-my help? Sure! I'll do what I can!"
"Though... May, I ask you something? ..Why is it that you, like to dress yourself, as a boy? Oh! You don't have to answer me if that question made you uncomfortable!"
He's a good boy, he'll listen to your explanation if you do answer him
He'll apologize if you said that it is a bit of a sensitive topic
"Me? Oh I don't mind with you dressing up the way you are, as long as you're happy with it!"
Shu Yamino
Is questioning it but won't ask you about it
He'll probably keep quiet about it until you bought the topic up yourself
Even if the curiosity are eating him up, he doesn't want to intrude on your private life
If he finally got the chance, he'll shyly ask you about it
"Hey, ...sorry if this sounds offensive to you, but, I was wondering.. why, do you like to dress yourself like this?"
"Hm? Why do you ask?"
"O-oh! I was just, uh, a bit curious about it.. though you don't have to answer me if it's, a bit, uncomfortable for you to answer.."
He's genuinely curious, why would you dress yourself the opposite gender
And no he's not going to judge you about it, he'll definitely lend a hand if you need help
So don't be shy to ask for his help ! He'll try his best to help you !
"Oh! Hey, what's up? Hm? You need help? Sure, I'll help you, what do you need?"
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
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theawkwardsiren · 3 months
Toxic - Veneer x F!Reader (angst/fluff) part 3
summary - things just kind of snowballed. part three of this series i ended up writing. part one, part two. part three. part four. part five.
warnings - angst (little bit), more insane, toxic behaviour from your ex
a/n - guys please don't think Veneer is a cheater 😭 i don't think he'd ever be. also i think i'll finish this at 5 parts...hopefully...
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"Don't kill me! I can explain!"
As the green-haired boy stuttered and stammered out panicked nonsense, your eyes drifted back to the pictures. The message was definitely connected to them, and you were pretty sure you knew who sent it.
"THEN EXPLAIN!" Velvet was strangling her brother, obviously pissed off. "We can't have any of this drama! It will ruin us!"
You didn't know how to feel. On one hand, doubt and fear started to creep in, like it was a repeat of what happened with (Random Name). But on the other, this just didn't strike you as a flirtatious encounter, and it didn't feel like a Veneer thing to do. Boy is so clingy, he would never risk losing what he already has.
"She just dropped her new bag! I was picking it up and giving it back!" He was protesting, trying to get his sister to loosen her grip. "And then she asked for an autograph so I signed her arm!"
"And WINKED?!" Velvet didn't let up. "Why would you wink?!"
"I wink at all my fans!"
"I believe him," you finally looked up from both phones.
Veneer exhaled in relief as Velvet lets go of him to turn to you. The look of disbelief is evident on her face, so you explain yourself.
"Veneer can't keep secrets. And he has no game. Also he's super clingy so it's hard to believe he would seek someone else's attention. Once he's attached to something or someone, he doesn't let go."
"Hey! Why did this turn into a Veneer-bashing session?" He pouted, crossing his arms like the cute big baby he was.
Velvet rolled her eyes and snatched her phone back, "I guess you're right. But we need to deal with this rumour and fast, before we lose all of our fans!"
Before you could respond she was gone, which obviously meant you and Veneer needed to sort this out. The moment she was out the room, Veneer's arms and legs were wrapped around you and he was clinging to you like a koala.
"(Name) I'm so so sorry, you know I would never!"
He was clearly panicking, so you had to calm him down before you could think about how to get your maniac ex to stop ruining yours and the twins' lives.
"I know, I just said I believe you," you rubbed his back soothingly.
"Oh, I thought you were saying that just because of Velvet." You raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled nervously, "Sorry."
You sighed, "He's never going to leave us alone."
Your phone buzzed again, but this time it was a message from (Friend's Name), who was no longer gushing about Veneer, but rather her new boyfriend - the interviewer Kid Ritz.
my platonic love <3
remind me what you ever saw in (random name)?
he is screaming psycho rn
call the police
or better yet, i'll get the shovel
You couldn't help but laugh at her last text, shaking your head at her words. She was crazy, that's for sure, and that's why she was your best friend.
"She sounds like Vel," Veneer observed over your shoulder, "It's scary."
You laughed at that, "She does. Never thought of that before."
You messaged her back, not sure what to say for the first message. Clearly what you had seen when you were with him had just been a facade, a mask he wore to hide who he really was. Thinking back on it, a lot of his behaviour had seemed crazy and irrational, but you were too infatuated to care. Now that you had moved on, it was easy to see his faults and pick up on what he had done wrong. (Friend's Name) was right, he was screaming 'psychotic'.
Something ticklish danced across your shoulder, and as you giggled you realised it was your lovestruck boyfriend giving you soft kisses.
"That tickles!"
He laughed with you, before becoming serious, "But you know I'm really serious when I say I would never do that right? I'm not like him."
"And never will be," you smiled, nodding. "You are the furthest thing from him, the complete opposite. Being with you has opened my eyes up to what love and joy really look like."
"Good," he pecked your lips.
That cheating rumour was shut down so quickly by Velvet and Veneer that a few days later, no one even remembered that article. Even the girl involved debunked the rumour, clearing Veneer's name. By their next performance, his fans were screaming for him and going crazy like nothing had happened.
For once, (Friend's Name) was at the performance arena with you, because she had been invited as Kid Ritz's plus one. You were so happy for her, and even happier that this meant you had someone to share all the chaotic parts of being the girlfriend of someone famous with.
"That girl's looking a bit too long, don't you think?" She asked you as you stood aside, watching Kid Ritz have a brief interview with the twins about the performance they were about to give.
"Hmm?" You hummed, not really paying attention. Your eyes were drifting around, sieving through the crowd. You weren't sure why you were so paranoid, but you had a bad feeling about today.
"(Name)!" (Friend's Name) waved a hand in front of your face. "Earth to (Name)!"
You snapped out of it and turned to look at her, "What happened?"
She sighed, "You don't have to worry, okay? he won't try anything with Veneer here, and those massive bodyguards, but if he does I'm right here to defend you. So relax, and enjoy your boyfriend's show!"
You took a deep breath and smiled, "You're right, I shouldn't be worrying. Let's go find our seats."
The two of you entered the building, completely missing the mop of dark hair that appeared at the back of the raging crowd.
"He's so hot!"
"Girl, how do you stand this?" (Friend's Name) laughed as you both listened to his crazy fangirls.
"End of the day, he goes home with me," you replied, laughing as well. "Why? How do you handle girls raving about your famous lover?" You looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
"With a knife," she answered, then laughed harder, "Kidding! I ignore."
"Right..." You teased. "Cause you're so good at that."
"Do I detect sarcasm? Is Velvet rubbing off on you??"
"Surprisingly, Veneer is more sarcastic than her."
Enjoying the show was easy. Your boyfriend was an amazing singer, and his voice never failed to leave you in awe. Your eyes remained on him the entire show, and he seemed to notice because his cheeks were slightly pink. He took his revenge, pointing at you in the crowd and blowing you a kiss. Your cheeks burned as you smiled shyly, and he chuckled.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Too engrossed in the music and your boyfriend's enchanting gaze, you didn't realise that there was someone slipping closer to you and (Friend's Name) behind you. You didn't notice that the crowd was making it easier for them until you realised you were further from the stage than you originally thought, but by then it was too late.
A hand touched your arm, and you whirled around to hit whoever it was but stopped dead when you saw the girl (Random Name) cheated on you with.
"Hey, (Name) right?" She bit her lip. "Can we talk?"
You frowned, "I have nothing to say to you."
"I know, I know," she sighed, "I can't tell you how sorry I am. He didn't even tell me that he had a girlfriend. But I'm here because I need to talk to you, it's urgent."
"Well I'm kind of busy, my boyfriend is performing," you tried to excuse yourself, but she gripped your arm tighter.
"Please," she insisted. "He did the same thing to me."
This made you hesitate, and you eased through the crowd with her to get outside. You had no idea why you did, and no idea why you hadn't told (Friend's Name), but you did.
Silly mistake.
"For a second I thought that wouldn't actually work."
Your blood turned to ice at the sound of that voice, body stiffening in fear and shock. You didn't need to turn to look, the panic told you enough. You looked at his affair partner, but she just shrugged and had the nerve to look apologetic.
"He's hot," she tried justifying it, "I'd do anything to keep him."
"You do realise that he's obsessed with me in all the creepiest ways, right?" You tried to keep your voice from shaking.
"He'll get over it eventually," she replied, "Once he gets tired of you again."
That word echoed in your mind, bringing back the traumatic image of him and her making out on his bed. So that's why he'd done it? He'd gotten tired of you? Bored?
"He'll notice I'm missing," you warned them, "He'll come looking for me." Your voice was starting to shake, giving away your fear.
"Let him," (Random Name) smirked smugly, moving closer. "He may not be easy to frame for cheating, but you are. By the time he finds you, the whole world will know you cheated on him, and no one will be there to vouch for you." His hand came up to caress your cheek, and you had to try to hardest to keep your nausea at bay.
"He won't believe you."
"Really? Not even if I have proof?" He held up a camera.
Your face paled, "Get away from me."
"Hmm, let me think...no."
You tried backing away, but he grabbed your arm roughly and shoved you into his car, getting in the driver's seat with what's-her-name in the passenger's. Before you could complain, or call out for help, your phone was tossed out the car and it took off.
You could only watch in despair as the building faded into the distance.
"(Friend's Name), where's (Name)?"
Veneer and (Friend's Name) looked around the emptying room, but found no sign of you.
"Maybe she went to get some air," she suggested, "She was looking a bit worried before the show."
Veneer's worry only grew, anxiety gnawing at his heart. It worsened when they went outside and found noting but your phone laying on the ground, and Veneer felt faint.
"Looks like she had every reason to be worried."
a/n - please don't kill me, i don't even know what's going on 😭
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waywardstation · 6 months
I'd rather not have a "present day" cameo in PLZA tbh. Be it Emmet or any other character for that matter. This time I only want actual ancestors/descendants of the characters. I don't want people being lost across time and space anymore. At least they gave Anabel in SuMo somewhat of a resolution. (though it appears her displacement is of a different origin than Ingos [and no one "actually" me because if Ingo was a Faller Hisui would also be crawling with UBs (though it would be interesting to save Hisui not only from Frenzied Pokemon but also some UBs wreaking havoc thanks to the friendly neighbourly amnesiac])
Though I totally understand the craving for some updates or a solution... The way I want it to be done IF they do it is for something on the mainland of Unova (not BB Academy) and have the twins together and happy. Maybe briefly mention Ingo's little adventure across time and space but that's it. Nothing more nothing less... Because personally I wouldn't be able to take another small bite and wait forever for the thing to be resolved IF they EVER resolve it in the first place.
That being said I still think the possibilities fans come up with can be pretty entertaining regardless. Just don't want it to happen in canon... Canon could be disappointing in the games... Like Lusamine went crazy after her husband was lost across time and space but when finally meeting him in the game she just lets him walk off like: "he seems happier now". I don't want to see a similar resolution where Emmet and Ingo finally meet but decide to part ways since the other "feels happier now" NO, they DON'T it's plain as day how miserable Ingo is. He still makes the best out of his situation due to his rather outgoing and friendly personality but he is only 50% of what he used to be!
sorry about that rant needed to get that off my chest
You know I think this is why I tagged my last post about this topic saying I’d still rather not see Emmet at all in the games — it seems like it’s pretty clearly expressing this is a different time period (past or future? Idk, I see people making arguments for both but I’m not really hoping for one over the other either way), so for Emmet to appear in it, there would probably have to be more time-space displacement. And yeah, I wouldn’t want that either :(
I couldn’t place why I had initially felt pretty conflicted in the last post but yeah, this was why, I had forgotten the reason until you mentioned this haha.
I want what you want — to see them back together, but for there to be some indication that it is post-PLA, whether through words or character designs.
And I’d be more than happy to just get that resolution; if how things got to that point isn’t explained, fans can fill it in however they like. I’ve already liked seeing all the theories and fics and headcanons of Ingo making it back to Emmet and I’d be happy to see more. People can get so creative!!!!
But above this I’m hoping for nothing cause I doubt we’d get this in PLZA ^^;
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mouwrites · 11 months
I love your one shot about Lloyd and his twin and about the tomorrow tea. I was wondering if you if it’s not too much trouble if you have any hc about the aftermath like what happened when Lloyd arrived home, twin’s reaction to their suddenly being older, etc?
You got it!
Word count: 685
Ninjago - Being Lloyd's Younger Twin After the Tomorrow's Tea Incident
Part I here
You bounced your leg impatiently. It had been several hours since your brother Lloyd had left to help the ninjas, and you were starting to get worried. You had both been instructed to stay put while the ninjas responded to a distress call, but when you received a call from Jay requesting that Lloyd (specifically him, and not you) bring their weapons, Lloyd decided to oblige him. You tried to convince him to let you tag along, but gave up pretty quickly when you realized that you could have the TV all to yourself.
That was several hours ago. The TV was no longer of interest to you—you were watching the dark sky outside more than the screen.
You stood up, resolving to call one of the ninjas to see what was going on. Before you even picked up the phone you heard the unmistakable hiss of the Bounty docking on the roof above, and with a rush of relief you hurried up.
You were met first with Nya, who smiled at you, but there was something off about the smile. You’d almost say there was pity in it, but you couldn’t be sure. 
Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane, Wu. They were all shooting similarly pitiful looks at you as they each passed in succession. You ignored them, looking past them for your brother.
“Where’s Lloyd?”
You felt a hand on your shoulder, and Nya’s sympathetic face appeared beside you. “Y/n, there’s something you should know before you see him.”
You didn’t like her tone. Clearly, something bad had happened. You glanced over the ninjas. None of them appeared to be too roughed up, and with a sinking feeling you wondered if that meant that Lloyd had taken the brunt of an attack.
“What happened?” You asked, trying to keep the panic out of your voice. “Is he okay?”
“I’m fine,” a new voice came from the direction of the Bounty. It was familiar, but… altered. As if the speaker was using a voice filter. 
You whirled around to see Lloyd. Was that Lloyd? It couldn’t be. He was so tall! And his voice; it was slightly deeper than that of the Lloyd you knew.
But he had the same platinum hair. His emerald eyes sparkled with his signature charm—part mischief, part maturity, all lovable. 
Your apprehension must have shown on your face, because the stranger (or was he not a stranger?) laughed. 
“I look a little different now, huh?”
You heard the ninjas scrambling to explain, but their voices were just noise to you as you stared confoundedly at your brother. You caught enough to understand that some kind of magic potion had caused him to age several years at once; everything else went straight through one ear and out the other.
Lloyd was smiling somewhat awkwardly at you. You didn’t like it. His chiseled face was so different from the youthful roundness that you were accustomed to. 
This isn’t my brother. But it was.
The distrusting way you looked at him that night continued for several more days. Every time you laid eyes on him, it was as if your brain couldn’t compute that this was the same boy you’d grown up with. No matter how many times you corrected yourself, you just couldn’t seem to grasp that this wasn’t a stranger.
These thoughts weren’t helped by his shift in behavior. He had played video games with you mere hours before on that fateful night, and now he wouldn’t even sit on the couch with you. He was always training or helping the ninjas with their duties. You were lucky if he gave you so much as a passing glance, let alone a minute of his time. 
You tried to tempt him: turning up the volume while you played his favorite games, deliberately splaying Starfarer comics on the table, anything that might’ve caught the old Lloyd’s attention. But this new Lloyd was simply too busy. Too responsible. Too mature. 
You stared at your round young face in the mirror. Tears pricked your eyes as you whispered to yourself:
“He grew up without me.”
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Thanks for your request, and thank you for reading! Take care sweets <33
(divider by saradika)
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
What know what other character I love who gets paid dust? Fleur frickin Delacour. My girl was a Triwizard champion and a war hero. She was an extremely talented witch and a very smart (BILINGUAL!!!) person, not to mention badass and tough as nails, and yet other characters treat her like some kind of floozy. Ginny and Molly are allowed to antagonize and make fun of her with zero consequences, and the text validates it. What is it about Fleur that makes her so awful in their eyes? That she’s French? That she’s quarter Veela? That she’s pretty? That Bill is marrying her and not some demure English girl his parents picked out for him? Like the twins do with Percy, they constantly antagonize her and then act like SHE’S the terrible one when she defends herself. My girl put up with being objectified her entire life. Pay her some respect.
She literally deserves the world. She wasn’t even from Britain, yet she permanently moved there for Bill and was still getting accustomed to learning English. She also quite literally had NOTHING to do with the war besides Bill. She could’ve fled, but willingly stays and risked her life for the man she loved. She may have been “aRrOgAnT” (are people not allowed to complain about things they aren’t used to??) but she was also brave, loving, kind, strong, loyal, and protective. Molly was a grown ass woman and should’ve given Fleur more recognition for moving countries and making an effort to form a good relationship with Bill’s family. She should have also scolded Mione and Ginny whenever they’d mock her. She also tried to pair Bill up with Dora despite the fact that both of them were in love with someone else. And shouldn’t she have made an effort to be nice to Fleur? Bill clearly loved her, did Molly not trust her own son’s judgement?
If Fleur had not been a traditionally feminine French woman, I’m sure as hell they wouldn’t have antagonised her.
And, like you said, she was literally objectified by everyone all her life. That dinner scene in the Yule Ball where Roger Davis literally wasn’t listening to a word she said, like holy shit imagine that kind of shit happening to you everyday. And the phrase “Just look at her! She was asking for it!” must’ve been used on her a billion times, it’s literally so gross I feel so bad for my girl. She deserves all the respect
Also I was writing my tags and my sister asked me why I was so invested 💀 I’m out rn but I still wanted to answer this
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