#and his external ones ain't much better
infinitethree · 1 year
[the faint sound of many small bells heralds a new message] Heya Daz! It's been a little while since we last spoke! I got wrapped up in this and that and it led me away from observing for a little while, sorry about that. Or welcome for it, since I'm aware you aren't a terribly big fan of us seeing your every move. You're just too fun! I /gotta/ keep coming back. Though it does feel, perhaps, a little exploitative... but all the best entertainment is! I wonder, do you remember me? I hope so.
Daz just barely manages to stop himself from screaming.
Prime fucking damnit; the last thing he needs is to have another of his fanclub poking at him when he feels so volatile.
Before he speaks, he takes a moment to exhale and gather on his years of acting under pressure. "Chime. I see you have a new calling card."
Rich that they know how much he hates being watched and how exploitative watching him for entertainment is…and yet don't seem to actually care about his feelings on the matter.
You're a hypocrite, comes the sneering voice in his own head. You manipulate your so-called friends all the time– to say nothing of everyone else! You fuck with other people just because you can.
He doesn't need a fucking lecture from someone who wanted to commit a genocide, thanks. The peanut gallery can go back to shutting up.
Awfully rude way to talk to someone whose help you need. What help could he possibly need from–
There's a shadow that lingers in and around places where strange things happen. It seems to like the T3 quite a bit.
He scoffs. There’s no way it noticed something like that. What, did it learn that from a friend?
It laughs, but there’s a bitter, angry edge to the sound. You're a clever guy. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.
…Whatever. He’s not going to waste more of his time and energy on Innit. The damn thing has made it perfectly clear it hates him and wants to see him suffer.
He sighs, flipping onto his back on the couch on the upper part of his San-proof rooms.
Under a hidden trapdoor is a ladder down to the more spacious area, set up for times when he or Raine need to feel just a little bit safer.
Or when they and other members of the Council need to speak in absolute privacy.
"Hard to forget part of my…fan club," he says to Chime. The term is paired with a slightly sour tone. He can feel the power and control that served as the platform for his already dubious mental health crumbling underneath him.
The Observers, as well as the Scribe, are entities he can’t do jack and shit about. He’s had to grit his teeth and make deals that rip open long-festering wounds in his psyche. If he doesn’t know what’s going on, then he has failed at his core purpose.
Information is his armor, weapon, and tool. He wields and weaves it so that he can stomp out problems before they grow large enough that the Swords and Shields are truly needed. If he can’t do that, then what is he good for? Why is he here, if he can’t protect the people he has devoted himself to?
What is he, without the power of information?
Nothing, the monster in his head tells him. You’re nothing, and that’s why you're scared.
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kosi-annec · 3 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 8
Fuck 8-4 that's too big of a gap, they need to score the next points or else they're not gonna catch up..
Suga idk if it's smart to tell the enemy team your next plan, but it seems to piss tendo off lol
AAA NO ITS USHI AGAIN- OH nvm thx you for messing that up hskshk
No. 10 on field, let's go hinata! Get us them points back. Oh hey this background character (idk wat his name is) is doing pretty good.
AH OOF that's gotta hurt sheesh.. BUT KEEP GOING HINATA DON'T STOP- oh wow even TENDO was fooled by that. I gotta appreciate the fact that hinata was actually thinking before he spiked cuz he's not working w kage
wait hinata let himself get hit in the face ON PURPOSE?? I mean, if it keeps the ball up ig
"he shows no sign of the talent or intelligence of those other players" ouch, but true lmao
Ok you two (ushi & hinata) stop trying to assert dominance HSKSHS
Ngl kage just jumping up and down in the corner looked so silly
HINATA GET AN ICE PACK IF YOU CAN TASTE BLOOD, wat is with the karasuno boys getting hurt these past few matches, 2 have been sent to the nurse and now lil tangerine is technically bleeding just not externally
Nice Suga forcing him into a receive. Oh shit they're gonna do it again, oH THEY GOT THE POINT! Tendo was so caught up in trying to read em he didn't act
KAGEYAMA BACK ON FIELD LEZGO!! Pft- "better watch the back of your head, squirt" god i love the eng dub
All of this build up for kage's serve is either gonna end really cool or really bad. OK it went well- holy cRAP KAGE?? He was all the way from the back tf??? HOLY SHIT and we're back let's go!!!
hhh come on crows, they can't let shiratorizawa get any further ahead of them
Ok eita up on field. Wait he's also a setter? Ngl I don't remember. Yknow that's fair from eita ig, cuz everyone has eyes on ushi and ig tendo if only for his amazing blocking style, so it's nice to get that attention on you, if for a lil bit
FUCK- NOOO 12-9 they're getting too close to 15 for comfort..
YES BEST OLDER SISTER! These kinds of situations is exactly why there's cheer squads n shit. When the team is starting to feel down it's the audience's job to lift their spirits up, to let them know that someone believes in them
?? Is that a fucking anthem shiratorizawa's audience singing???
Goshiki I thought you'd realize by now that no.10 ain't your average 1st year player, that tangerine is a monster
Aw kage basically telling kazuhito (finally learnt bg char's name) not to worry too much on how he plays
TADASHI GIVE US A GOOD SERVE! Yesss he's so confident in his abilities now, he's grown so much
CRAP nooo the crow's pinch server is out now- wait what?? OH goshiki touched the net. NVM THEN KEEP GOING TADASHI!!
Tbf kazuhito's the one that got hit and he's not used to the power behind ushi's spikes. aaAAA OK THAT'S OK BG GUY, you got a point that's all that matters right now
HSKHSJS OMG KAGE'S GROWN SO MUCH, he's literally adjusting himself to suit the spiker
YESSS the stress is getting to them, shiratorizawa's making mistakes, and by shiratorizawa i mean goshiki
Damn, that.. actually really sweet of ushi, cuz that man only says shit if he believes it, and goshiki needed that
GIVE US ANOTHER TADASHI- Ah fuck, and there goes the streak
FUCK, aaagh i thought he was gonna do a strong hit, ok so goshiki's not as reckless as i thought
Ooh, old man flashback? Oof yeah that's the worse, where ppl deny you becuz you lack on something you don't have control over
I do find it interesting that the choice of music for this final point is not like hype or something loud, but more emotional and hopeful sounding. Idk im not a musician
FUCK NO! AHH they can't do another deuce again they HAVE to get the next 2 points..
Oh shit, coach?? Well, he's a man of few words, but those words are enough to light their fire again
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silver-wield · 10 months
Having processed that trailer for over 24 hours now, I still can’t believe they decided to focus on the LTD. If that was really Aerith’s farewell trailer, that’s just so sad. They’re basically reducing her to ship fodder. They not only made her look like a selfish person that doesn’t care about anyone’s boundaries or feelings but also ignored her importance as the last Cetra in the story. Isn’t that part of her story more important and compelling? They could have focused on her role as the external heroine of the story. By focusing on the LTD instead, they also made Cloud look bad, because knowing that he ends up with Tifa after this game just makes him look insincere. We know his real self only loves Tifa, but that doesn’t mean his actions when he isn’t himself don’t matter. Letting his dead best friend’s girl, who is best friends with the girl he loves, cling to and flirt with him and in turn, holding her back and staring into her eyes is just so so disgusting in ways I can’t get over. Honestly, Zack and Tifa suffer as well. They look like punching bags and pushovers. Honestly, both canon ships just look less genuine now. It’s a pity because I have loved Cloti for years since I played OG when I was younger. Although I’ve always kind of felt Tifa deserves so much more and Rebirth is just hitting that home for me.
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They fucked around and now they're finding out it's not a good idea to piss off the people who pay to indulge the people who wave around printed out pictures.
I never thought much of Cloud. I've said so plenty of times that AC didn't endear him to me. I didn't like him aside from when he was fighting. I thought Tifa deserved better.
Remake made me reconsider what I knew and I was like okay he's a stupid boy who can't express himself but he's obviously in love with Tifa, so I let it slide because AC was before Remake and obviously character development and better tech showcase him better now than however many years ago
This trailer totally undid all the good opinion I had of him. If he can't even reject some two faced back stabbing bitch who's been going around calling herself the bestie of the girl he loves then he's scum and never deserved Tifa no matter what hardship he went through. Idgaf if he's in soldier mode or is literally overtaken by the ghost of Zack in that moment. We have the premise he's in love with Tifa. If he cannot remain consistent to those feelings for five fucking minutes just because some skinny white bitch throws herself at him then he's not worthy of Tifa and never was.
Course, Tifa's too nice to ever reject him, but it makes the whole relationship so fucking toxic if Cloud's constantly in this state of "ooooh Aerith" for one reason or another. Tifa deserves someone's whole heart, not just a piece of it.
I honestly hate they kept the optional GS dates. It's such a toxic and hateful concept. They could've created something new and wonderful for fans that didn't cause people to turn away from SE as a whole, but ofc they never really respect our feelings and expect we'll "get over it" and pay out and pay out and support them forever like we're Tifa giving away lifetime food and drink vouchers. Well, we ain't. SE's profits are down and part of that is because they disrespected their customers. That's what we are. We are their customers, not fans. We ain't just gonna suck up anything they give us. And they should've realised by how popular Tifa is, and how unpopular Aerith is, that the people they shouldn't fuck with are us.
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pennycat83 · 7 months
I don't usually leak my stories until I finish 'em but I am willing to serve up some good shit
(⚠️Following contains mentions of death/graphic violence, as well as a described panic attack and other poor mental health.⚠️)
I fully admit this is another feral moment regarding a shitpost FNaF fan game, but somehow it also works as a relationship study? I don't even know what kind of coincidence went down for this to happen but I digress. I wrote this a bit different too for weird external reasonings (that and this is a shitpost fangame).
I hope these two goofy weirdos keep being friends and possibly killing stuff ! (also I apologise if this makes no sense, I used the Evil Ending from the third game since it makes the best reasoning for them interacting. I refuse to imagine anything outside of the TTS voice used on Dave since the idea of him talkin' like that as a person is brilliant)
Penny Cat
Cold...hell felt so much colder than he had assumed. Wandering aimlessly as those final words pounded through his crushed head, "I...love you". To the person who had abused him, to the person who sided with Him. His heart dropped as the thought festered more, "I love you", nothing in his isolated life had ever even brought him close to saying those words with sincerity, and he blew it. He ruined his one relationship without even realising. He...HE-
"Yoyo!". The sharp, friendly robotic tone made him jolt, shifting his arms and stance into something like a wild animal. "Y'good?", "W-WHO'S THERE?!". He braced, his eyes had already adjusted to the darkness but it was near impossible to make out the voice. "Shi-ni-gami at yer service!", "y-you mean...". His heart dropped, legs starting to buckle slightly as he stumbled back. "P-please...I...I didn't want to...I...I'm sorry...show me SOME kind of mercy Mr-p-please!". His demeanor breaking down with his voice. Slow wheezing started to emanate from the Davetrap suit.
"Yo, hey cool it bud it I ain't gonna fuck with ya!". It sounded softer now...The voice came into better view with the speaker. Short clops broke the silence as they gained less of an echo. The speaker finally gained more of a discernible form. They stood shorter than even Him. The mention added another surge of pain into his already pulsating breathing. The white cloak rippled slightly as they proceeded further, muffled metallic clanking came with each footstep. The 'face', however, was what his eyes couldn't peel away from.
The helmet was the same ghostly white as the cloak, a large black screen covering most of it. A pair of plastic transmitters stuck on top, giving more devilish illusions. That same synthesized voice spoke up. "David Miller", "d-d-don't call me that". He tripped on one mangled foot, stumbling back, hands scrambling with his legs as they etched further and further. The being stopped, crouched down and stared. A pair of comedically large gloved hands emerged from the cloak, supporting the beings non existent cheeks whilst propped up on their knees in an amused pose. A silence wavered out throughout the void, he continued to twitch slightly as he studied their movements. They stayed static, mimicking him slightly as they continued to linger back. "W...w-what are you...", "Shinigami fer duty sir!", "w-what the hell is that?", "I mean technically it can be translated in two ways, God killer or the Grim Reape-".
"S-SO YOU A-ARE GONNA-!". He jolted back once again, falling even harder on his ass as they...stayed. "Ok bud seriously, cool it I'm NOT gonna hurt ya, I have no reason TO hurt you". They raised a large fist to the rim of helmet, mimicking a slightly humoured, thoughtful pose. They watched, then raised one of the hands out for his. He hesitated, curling up slightly as he declined. "A'ight". They remained static, "w-where am I?", "midway", "s-so I can-" "wouldn't, come back as a zombie basically and still end up here". They extended their arm out once again. Their grip wasn't as strong as he assumed, if anything there was a slight warmth in how they slowly lifted him back up. Subtle movements preventing him from his already shaky heart from caving in. "Ya good?", "l-lil bit...", "welp even if ya ain't 100% yer still somethin'!". He stared at the knight (? It felt weird to call them a grim reaper due to the upbeat attitude... although personality didn't always equal your job), it continued to watch him expectantly. "T-thanks?", "no prob". They heaved a slight sigh, their entire facade deflating with their stature as their shoulders sank, "...I'mma be honest I can't do this shit righ' now, jus'".
In a single cape swoop the full armoured figure changed into her casual outfit. A, pin-...cat...girl...thing? His mind was already spinning at the concept of being greeted by a hypothetical  reaper in a poor man's space suit. "I'm sorry, what the hell are you again?", "yes!", "huh?!", "I don't like being a 'Thing', like doin' my own stuff". She shoved a hand in her jacket pocket as her other waved a cut motion to emphasize her point. "Y'could say I'm a cat creature tho", "but cats don't have human hair", "eh, like havin' it", her hand flipped it slightly.
He still felt rigid. "Penny chan". She extended a hand, "right...", "yer fine by the way". He paused, "huh", "ya seem tense... this place ain't gonna hurt ya. Yer safe". He looked around again, the atmosphere remained the same smoky inkiness he had stumbled into. "Y-you sure?", a hint of concern barely managed to line his tone. "Well I mean I'm here, folks tend to say I'm pretty safe t' be 'round", "...". He moved back, arms folded slightly as he moved away.
"...I mean hey, don't blame ya fer a sec! Y'wanna talk fer a bit?", "I...I'm good, thanks". He etched further back, she stayed. "A'ight well I mean I gotta say yer dead so I ain't gonna kill ya, no one can, vice versa...also that's the wrong way". Dave paused, bracing himself, his heart still straining under the soul crushing anxiety...He booked it passed her. "Don'y ya even wanta...i-it's cool!". He didn't stop, pulse revving into full steam as he continued, further and further.
He tripped slightly. Heart physically trying to pump itself up and into his mouth as he heaved. It hurt, it all still hurt. Jack...Henry...all of it. He wanted to let it out, get SOMETHING out of this. Tears began dripping to the floor, glistening against the inky space. He curled up, struggling slightly from the springlocks piercing and digging into his flesh. Heaving, shaking like a damn leaf. "...ey...hey...". She was back, mocking him just like Henry. He barely knew her and yet all he saw was another Him.
"1...2...3...4, hold 1...2...3...4, release 1...2...3...4". Her voice almost seeped softly out, his gaze shot up to her. Just like before she knelt down ahead of him, subtly motioning him to mimick her breathing pattern. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YA WANT FROM ME?!". She raised her hands slightly, "n-nothin' man. Just felt like helpin'", "so you can make me do whatever you need me to?! S-so you can break me!". A slight look of surprise came across her face, the calm energy didn't leave her. "N-no...I jus' wanna help ya", "bullshit!", "eh, fine then...don't believe me if ya want". She sat down cross legged across from him. He stared at her more. "Whad'ya do to calm down then?". He stayed silent, "look bud even if ya don't trust me, least I can do is make ya feel a bit better". Her tone remained the same softness it had before... the heat left his brain slightly as he struggled to even remember."Hug..w-well I did hug my f-friend", "guessin' that ain't so easy to do". He shook his head.
"How 'bout ya hug me!". He seemed to physically recoil at the notion. "What ya think a fully deoderated gal ain't good enough?!", "I don't even frigging know ya", "that's true...then again...". She made another offer to lift him up, continuing her conversation as she gently assisted him back up. "Hugs're the best way to trust som'one, so...", she raised her arms out in antici...
Pation, he falteringly embraced her. The metal pressuring against her arms slightly as he await a response, almost automatically, her arms completed the embrace, finding their ways around the back of his neck and resting gently on his opposite shoulders. His breath hitched at how...safe it felt, melting in her embrace. His breathing steadied out slightly as she began rocking to the sides slightly. "There, there, it's alright...", her voice was like cotton candy by this point, his chin started quivering slightly. Her grip loosened after a while. Eventually dipping back down to her diminutive size. 
"Feelin' better?", "y-yeah...I...I-I think-". His voice broke, in a brief instant he broke into a blubbering fountain of tears. "You good?!", the genuine concern in her voice only drove his tears more as he looked up, piercing white pupils wavering from behind the Davetrap mask. "W-what, I...I, w-why are you...". She offered out her hands once again, feverishly accepting her gentle strokings of his head as she continued to reassure him. "Jus' in my nature bud, ain't that complex...people like ya come my way, I do what I can t' help".
"R-really?", "dude if I wanted to fuck with ya then I'd have a reason", "do you?". She laughed, a warm full chested laugh rang out, barely echoing amidst the void. "HA! nah dude yer fine!". She continued stroking his head until he pulled away. "Yer...nice, heh a-ain't had somethin' like that for a long time", "wan' me to keep going?", "n-no! not now...". She nodded, shoving her hands back into her jackets.
In a quick move, she whipped her fingers back out into finger guns, snapping them as she lent against one leg for extra emphasis. "Oh shit! ya wan' that thing off?!", "y-you can do that?!". She made grabby hands at his head once again "yeyeyeyyeyeyeah", slowly beginning the process of removing the mask, "don't ya need a hand cra-", "yer dead". He struggled to nod a sign of comprehension until it finally came off. "So ya are cute~!", the sudden flirtatious tone caught him slightly off guard. She continued to etch the rest of the suit off him, finally pulling him away by  one free hand before any further springlocks claimed a freebie.
His height was one of the things she was already aware of, alongside his neck cracking as it completed his towering height. But the jarring 2 dimensional, almost, blocky, feel of Dave still caught her off guard, though slight puncture holes and open wounds broke the illusion here and there. He looked down at her properly, pulling a few muscles. "Thanks for that. Didn't think ya'd care enough to be honest", "why the hell wouldn't I give a shit about ya?!". He seemed to have finally had a mental shutdown on that comment. "Y-you...", his laughter rang out as he doubled over. "Eh...I don't really mind if ya believe me 'r not...kinda stuck with me bud", "eh-heh...hah?", "I mean I know this place better than ya so like...". She rolled her hand to conclude her sentence, "so what's to say you ain't doin' this to fuck with me?", "good point...how's this, I make you do horrible shit 'n I blow my-".
She faltered slightly on that proposal, "nah...too intense 'n 'dundent...".  She pondered for a moment until she pounded a fist into an open palm. "NYAH! I don't fuck with ya, ya can be my friend!, "...but...". In a rhythmic pattern, David then started contemplating. "I'm gonna be honest yer makin' my head spin a lil", "Penny chan, hire able as the Shinigami if ya need. Lover of tech, terrified of slugs 'n kids", "why'd you bring up a fear?", "eh, jus' felt like it". He contemplated her words, "Dave, love simple things...I dunno what I really hate to be honest".
"Eh it's fine", "really?". His tone perked up at the notion, "yeah, no pressure dude, go your flow". Her wording kept adding more and more complication to his situation. "Wait, so I don't gotta...". He seemed to falter more. "I mean it ain't that complex, some shit y'just gotta keep to yaself, y'know?". She seemed slightly fixated on his arms, "oh shit, brb". "br-", in a split instant she had disappeared.
Nice enough to help him out the suit like it was nothing, willing to embrace and console him...His head was still pounding from the comment before. "'Sup". She was back, medical kit shoved under her shoulder. "Huh?", "what, some peeps gotta fix up their wounds 'fore they go on 'less they linger". He rubbed his temple slightly, "yer gonna...fix me?", "I mean the wounds yeah", "I-I'm sorry this is just startin' to fuck with me ya know?", "oh no dude totally get it, just gonna bandage up yer wounds 'n let 'em heal so yer body can learn that 'n do it automatically".
Penny chan gestured for him to sit as she began rummaging around. "So, how exactly does this place work?", "I mean not all people end up here, some just kinda get dropped where I am. If ya do tho then ya gotta wander there yourself". Her clawed fingers delicately dabbed antiseptic on the wounds, moving it around to clean up the edges. "As I said before though, some folks ain't lucky 'n end up with permanent deformities from their deaths". She made a subtle flip of the clump of hair covering her right eye, he lifted it. A nearly 10cm gaping hole greeted him, it's fleshy depth seemingly infinite. He shuddered, "eh know some poor bastard who got his upper torso ripped clean off, got a fear of losing his central spine's control now". She continued cleaning up the wounds before pulling out the plasters, "Y'want Hello Kitty 'r My Melody?", "I don't really know those guys", "My Melody it is". She stuck the smaller ones over the minute punctures whilst using regular plasters and  extra bandaging over the gaping holes covering his arms. One done she motioned him to sit up a bit better so she could address the one caving in his chest. "I mean hey, already got the immortality thing goin' for ya". She moved closer, leaning over as she began work on it. His chest physically pulsated under her touch as she worked, politely ignoring it until she grappled around for the bandages, his hand met hers slightly as he brought them up to her, "thanks...", "no prob.
Finally, he looked somewhat better, despite the fact his face was now 10 shades deeper than the rest of his body. "Feelin' better?", "yes'm. He squeaked his response out as she sat back, tidying up the medical kit. "Ya wanna head to my place then?". They had already lingered for what seemed like an eternity, sitting crosslegged as they blathered back and forth. "You have yer own place?", "ye". She nodded her head rapidly, causing her tongue to slip out from the corner of her mouth. It seemed to change in shape and size, from goofily rounded to it's natural state? (he wasn't completely sure if it was supposed to be point and nearly 15cm but-)
She helped him up once again, letting him put some of his weight against her shoulder. "Listen, I know this sounds kinda dumb seein' as I don't even know what ya do or where you're takin' me but...are we, like, friends now?", "I dunno, y'wanna be? I mean I just kinda let people call me whatever", "how's about old Sport". That familiar warm laugh wheezed out of her, "go nuts! dun really care". He beamed, "thanks fer that Sportsy!" "no prob pal!". She gave him a slightly unsettling grin, "sorry, kinda suck at controlling my face", "it's cool", "manage t' convince ya I ain't a threat?". He seemed to contemplate that question. Nice enough to console, get him out the suit and bandage him up and give him weird advice. "Ya I'd say so", neat!". She patted his back gently as they continued past the registration desk.
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last-starry-sky · 5 months
Early happy anniversary! I discovered you on one of Toni’s prompts that you rb’ed with an added drabble and I really liked it ☺️ do you have some ideas bouncing around already? Maybe you can do a little poll?
I’ve always thought about a secretly obsessive reader with Ghost. Who thinks she’s sly and sneaky in masking her obsession but ofc Simon is observant and clocks everything
Awww ❤️ Thank you so much!
((also !!!! no fucking way omg. Which one? @shotmrmiller is just the best and sweetest. ❤️ I'm eternally thankful for her tolerating my presence letting me get my start by rambling on her awesome posts!!))
I was thinking maybe I'd either release a fic or collect and answer some prompts??? but nothing is set in stone yet! 😅 I know i've got time, it is only barely spring here so July feels like a lifetime away, but i would like to be prepared. Spread some of the love around to all of yall ❤️ The poll does sound like a good idea! I'll have to get drafting that soonish.
a+ idea there at the end too like omg just IMAGINE
You're fucking smitten from the word go, and how can you not be? Tall, sexy voice, actually give a fuck about the men underneath him
((what you wouldn't give to be underneath him- what who said that))
You do your best to observe him, figure out what he likes in order to get in his good graces. Which goes horribly, by the way. If what's coming out of your mouth isn't absolutely necessary to his task at hand, if you aren't needed in that moment, he's dismissing you with one or two harsh words.
You swallow your pride that day, but it doesn't deter you. Not at all. You're nothing if not persistent. You collect yourself, plan, figuring out a better way to get him to accept you. And what better way into an externally stoic man's heart is there than through his friends?
Soap doesn't want to fill out his reports? Don't worry!! You've got it!!
Gaz can't find his favorite carabiner? You'll spot him yours!! You'll help him find it later!! ((you stole it, but you know he'll never find out))
Even Price, the fucking Captain, starts to take you up on your offers and you do every single thing he asks. "Mind making a few extra copies of this? Grab us some coffees while you're out, too." Absolutely. 🙂Yes sir. 🙂 You worm your way into becoming his happy little (unofficial) secretary.
You keep up the act, happily mopping up all the little tasks they hate, living for the little compliments they drop around Ghost.
"Such a helpful lil' doll, ain't she?"
"Would cut off my arm to have her on our next mission, cap."
"What would we do without y', hen?"
Ghost doesn't say a goddamn thing.
You're about to give up, move on, convinced he doesn't even know your name, when he corners you in the kitchen. You've got three teas in front of you on the counter while you're waiting for the water to boil. He says your name and it makes you jump. He sounds gruff, annoyed, pissed he even has to be around you. Before you can speak he's right up on you, crowding your space. You're crushed against the counter (and his chest), forced to look up at him as he very literally talks down to you.
"Don't know what you're fuckin' planning, but stop," he says, hands on his hips as he leans over you. "Think we'll keep you around just because you know how to make tea?" he scoffs. "Tired of watching you fuckin' simp around. Bad enough I gotta listen to the others prattle on about ya. It's pathetic. You're a soldier. Act like it. Now make yourself scarce until you remember who you are and why you're here."
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if dathan was kenobi?
I believe this to be a reference to this meme of mine and asking if I would've liked The Rise Of Skywalker better if Kenobi were Rey's father? If that's indeed what the ask was:
Short answer: no.
Medium answer: give me Rey Nobody or give me death.
Long answer:
It may not be as bad as Rey Palpatine (that ain't hard), but it's still a bad idea. It creates problems for Obi-Wan's characterization & for the Star Wars timeline, besides it just... Not being at all interesting thematically or narratively.
Like, WHERE would Rey fit in the timeline, given Obi-Wan was mostly celibate except for hooking up with Satine, who died way before she was born? Even if he hooked up with someone else later, why would he sell his own kid to slavery?! Hashtag Not My Obi
But those problems are easier to solve, sure. My main issue with Rey Kenobi is that it is NOWHERE as interesting & refreshing & narratively fitting as Rey Nobody. I mean, lets remember the "No, I'm your father" twist. What made it work? Mostly Luke & Vader's relationship.
Luke looked up to the myth of Anakin Skywalker, it was his inspiration to be Jedi, & believed Vader killed him, which weighs in his hate for him. When Luke discovers Vader is Anakin, it changes EVERYTHING for him. Vader's no longer the dragon to slay but his father to save.
That, as well with little things that retroactively became hints for the twist ("-he has too much of his father in him -that's what i fear"; "he... killed your father"), is what makes the twist work. Now, what makes Rey Palpatine suck? Well, it changes nothing & came from nothing.
Rey has no relationship with Palpatine. And learning he's her grandfather (actually "original" of a failed clone who was her father because TROS novelization manages to make it worse) changes nothing in what she has to do. He's still just a wrinkly old baddie she must kill.
And well... With Kenobi we can say the same thing. At least from the "it came from nothing". Rey has no relationship with Kenobi. We don't hear of him in TFA or TLJ iirc. So why should it matter to what her characters NEEDS? To what she needs in order to GROW, not what she wants?
And now comes the heart of my point: another thing that makes Luke's twist work is that it's the LAST thing he wants to hear. Now Rey, what she wants is external validation, to be told she is important, that her parents love her & will come back. What does she NEED though?
She needs to discover her own inner worth & strength, learn self-reliance, that "the belonging you seek is ahead". Narratively, the only way to challenge her character in order for her to learn that is to have her parents having been assholes who sold her off for nothing.
THAT's what would make everything change for her. Besides being the only actual surprising answer the saga could have given. And INSPIRING. It's like Yennefer of Vengerberg having been sold for 4 marks by her stepfather. How BAD would it be if The Witcher went "he did that to protect you!"?
It's not just about her parents not being powerful ("what about Ezra Bridger & Ahsoka Tano & Obi-Wan Kenobi &-"). It's about the abandonment. Also, none of the characters Rey Nobody critics mention are chosen ones. That a Chosen One can be an Abandoned Nobody is powerful.
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Part 2 Jean Gray S/O Mukami Edition
sorry for the delays not to get too personal for privacy reasons but I've had an accident that's made typing slow plus with my exams wrapping up it's safe go say I got busy lol.
Eve had been taken by the Sakamakis and causing quite a fuss. Yet Karl their saviour had promised to make up for it only to have this risk thrusted upon them.
Unknown strength forcing them back from their approach and a familiar look in her eyes. Like a falcon in a cage ever thinking on how to get out. In a sick sense they realised they were staring at a mirror of their younger selves, as if they were somehow the monsters that had harmed them.
You would think being previously human himself this dumbass would've realised that he's not smart from having some fangs. But no violence instead, sure he has a dark past, is old, and is basically in a cult but that doesn't excuse hurting others.
His inferiority complex, especially when it comes to women because ✨mummy issues✨, are going nuts. Every part of his little noggin is cycling through ideas of ways to turn off your powers or break you down to where you don't think you even try. Of course the mind reading throws a particular wrench in the plan.
Ruki shows every sign of his control issues being trauma responses from his past and while that's definitely a real issue it ain't your issue. You aren't a member of the cult that sends these girls you haven't been raised in such a toxic environment to view yourself as needing to be this female savior figure. Ruki is almost attracted to it but there's so much confliction going on. And you're fully aware how the smartest play is to never let on you know his parents names, his nightmares, his scars and his fears.
Oh boy. Kou is not as impatient as a Sakamaki, he also is better practiced in manipulation with people other then previously mentally broken down girls. He's not dumb enough to rush his hand as much as he hates it. Your a cat, independent and impossible to herd in his mind. Of course unlike a cat you aren't about to come sit in his lap regardless of how nice he acts.
That's when he learns your mind doesn't only affect the external but can also pry. Pry. Pry. Pry. Such a naughty little kitty you are hiding the truth from him so sneakily.
He decides there and then he'll be the one to kill you he just isn't sure how yet.
Uneasy but by far the most receptive to it. Maybe it's favoritism but I think of the four Yuma is the most receptive to humanity but has been hardened and still values his brothers more than clinging to humanity.
You're useful in the garden, you're not fragile, and you're not taking part in the messy charade that is the vampire feeding cult. He does have an issue not being able to easily drink but I think he's the most likely to be able to work around it. ON ONE CONDITION...
It's the mind reading I'm getting so repetitive here and I know this may look lazy but let's not lie to ourselves. All the Diaboys got trust issues so mind reading is well out their comfort zone.
So as long as he knows about everything though its chill. The giant and the powerhouse dynamic means you have a relatively chill existence, until either you eventually escape or you and Yuma run off.
Big fan but doesn't understand the true meaning ya know?
Dude gets a kick out of it which is an issue for you with the whole being left alone and not harassed by vampires thing. You learn pretty fast to be gentle pushing him away to try minimise his attempts to get you to hurt him. I don't think he'll care much about the mind reading he'd just see it as more reason to be punished.
I also think he won't even careto buffer the attacks of his brothers, thus adding to your stress. Needless to say it's setting up a weird dynamic.
If you're his flavour of fucked up it might be fun for you but that's pretty fucked up.
If not, you've now got this shadow to try shake.
Maybe in a post therapy world you be his protector but as it stands you refuse to be another tormentor.
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brunotrash · 3 years
Hi! This is for the matchup trade! Sorry for the wait 💕
Might I get a romantic matchup for Osomatsu-san and a Security Breach animatronic? I saw you asked for the same thing so I hope doing a matchup for SB is okay on your end! If not, I understand. I’d like to be matched with a male, please (: and my pronouns are she/her.
My big three are as follows: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, and Capricorn rising! I’m also an ENTP! I think these typology things suit my personality pretty well. With friends and family, I’m pretty brash, humorous, and easygoing. I love to tease any romantic interests and make my friends laugh. I’m actually a huge flirt — I think of it as a defense mechanism — as well as a competitive hot-head. Just the smallest lost can get me really heated. But the cool part is that my anger eases itself just as quickly as it comes. I might get angry at irrational things, but it takes a very short amount of time for me to soothe myself! I guess I’m only good at openly expressing anger. I HATE being sad in front of others ): that being said, I have a hard time asking for help and accepting advice. I’m a true-born leader who is both responsible and impulsive. I’m assertive, too, and confident within myself and my abilities. However, the person I am with a lover is much different. While I’m still chill and very much adrenaline-seeking, I open my heart to sentimentality and sappy stuff. I really love being a romantic nurturer! Gentleness and praising are things I know well (: comforting others is easily my favorite thing to do
My giving love language, the language I use to share my love, would have to be physical touch and words of affirmation! I’m really touchy and, again, super sappy in romance. However, I’m most attracted to acts of service — do stuff for me and I’m literally in love. I’m also a fan of those who can return my sentiments and be vulnerable with me!!
Some of my hobbies include singing, writing, and playing video games. I’m super into outer space, astronomy, and astrology. My room is an absolute disaster of zodiac tapestry and solar system “merch” tbh LMAO and I also have a thing for crystals, horror movies, and stormy weather <3 singing has been my highest talent since the day I was born. I’m also really adrenaline-seeking — I like changes of pace and doing exciting things.
Sorry if this was a little long! When I get in a writing mood, it’s hard for me to stop haha 💕 can’t wait to write your matchup for you! (:
Your Security Breach matchup is...
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Honestly, you guys are pretty similar but I believe that would work well within the relationship
Would be able to handle your brashness (and enjoy it since he's the same way)
This gator is absolutely whipped for you but he would show it through his actions more so than his words
Monty would totally be the type to be flustered at your flirting but hide it by flirting back (if you blush he would tease you about it even tho he's blushing himself) 
Even though you are both hotheads, I feel like you can teach him how to handle his anger better. You would be the only one he listens to since he feels like you're the only person who truly understands him
Although he doesn't admit it he LOVES sentimentality and the sappy attention that comes with it 
Being praised by you makes Monty's imaginary heart flutter and he would try to make you feel the same way
Understands you not feeling comfortable being sad in front of others but doesn't want you to bottle up that sadness either, so he would try to distract you with your favorite activities or being silly for you to laugh 
If you do open up with any sad feelings to him, he'll be all ears and ready to beat up whoever made you sad. If no external force is making you sad he'll comfort you with cuddles and reassuring words (he ain't letting go until he's sure your fine so get comfortable lol)
He loves it all! Hand holding, head pats, cuddling, etc. He would even let you touch his tail 
He would definitely return the favor he can't keep his hands off you <3
You love acts of service? Monty is your guy. He would do whatever you asked him to 
He would use your love of acts of service as a way to show off (plz praise him when he shows off he would be on cloud 9 and his tail will start wagging it's adorable ^v^) 
Although Monty is very boisterous he can have his chill moments and cherishes those quiet moments with you 
Would make sure you get to play every game the mall has to offer
Loves to hear you sing and thinks you sound lovely! Would show off his bass playing skills in return (he’d be down to make a song with you if you asked-) 
Doesn't understand much about astrology, astronomy, and crystals but he will intently listen to you talk about it 
At first, he thought crystals were the same as normal rocks, so one time he gifted you a pebble and it was so stupidly cute that you couldn't be mad at him 
Loves horror movies and watching them with you (and trying to scare you throughout the movie lmao)
If you look up excitement in the dictionary Monty will be the picture next to it so no worries of ever being in a stagnant relationship when with him
Your Osomatsu-san matchup is...
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He would be very flustered when you flirt with him. He's used to rejection so it's shocking to him and makes him stutter (which he beats himself up for :,])
Even though he tries to play it cool, Karamatsu is visibly nervous around you. Your humor and easy-going attitude will make him realize he doesn't need to be nervous though
Relates to your dislike of being sad in front of others since he's the same way (especially around his family) but would be there for you during those times 
He wouldn't force you to tell him anything but if you do, he will be honored and it would help him open up to you as well 
This is the sappiest of sappy men ever omg
He will do all things romantic (not anything too expensive) but to make up for it his advances would be very personable and creative <3
This man loves the attention you give him and may get a little bratty if he doesn't get it 
Karamatsu is a people pleaser by heart and would give back the affection tenfold! 
I headcanon Karamatsu's love language to be words of affirmation as well so you guys would most definitely have cute nicknames for each other
His fav nicknames for you are "angel" "my karamatsu girl" and "baby"  
Thinks your singing voice is the most heavenly thing on Earth and furthers his idea of you being his lovely angel 
Would make songs for you and perform them on his acoustic guitar 
He finds it so attractive when you rant about your interest so don't hold back!
He thinks outer space is super interesting so be prepared for a bunch of questions about it. He thinks it's super cool that you're so knowledgeable about space and astronomy
Doesn't know much about astrology but is willing to know more 
Finds your room super cute all decked out in solar system and astrology stuff
Is a huge scaredy-cat but will still watch scary movies with you (scaring him during the movie will make him scream like a little girl it's hilarious lmao) 
He really enjoys doing exciting activities with you it makes him feel young again  
This was my first time writing a matchup for someone so I hope you enjoyed! You were pleasant to talk to and I hope your blog gets more traction. Please check out her work cuz her writing is so good <33 
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Sunday, Sunday. November 14, 2021. 7.49pm.
I find Sunday to be a kind of 'nothing' day usually. A day for staying under the duvet until the sheer boredom of it rouses me somewhere around ten o'clock when Bud gently paws my nose to remind me he wants breakfast, like now!
This morning however was different, in as much as the chili from yesterday evening had by now worked its way through my system and Usain Bolt wouldn't have beaten me to the bathroom. There I sat for twenty minutes to the point where I was on the verge of losing power in both legs through numbness, and Lulu; who I have to say has a very peculiar bathroom fetish, was typically quizzical.
It was then Bud's turn to poke his head around the door, probably concerned that I was dying before he had the chance to eat - judging by his facial expression at least. Lulu, on the other hand by now had perched herself in what she sees as her perfect place, between my back and the toilet seat cover. Her fetish should rightly be something of concern, however my focus was on doing my very best to recall in entirety every prayer my Catholic education taught me while sitting there in discomfort. Unlike yesterday this was no time for random thoughts of Johnny Cash!
By now nearly an hour had flown from 06.50 when I woke up to almost 8 o'clock, and it was time to return to the warmth of my pit where I would stay until 10am, well at least that was the plan - until the next bathroom visit and the final one after that.
In between visits my time was not wasted as afterthoughts from yesterday's blog got me thinking further about how I've segued from one thing to another, and more to the point how my relationship with myself has grown and matured over the years in much the same way as those longstanding weddings we read about in the press, where couples have been together for thirty, forty, fifty years or longer.
Marriages where people grow together, support and nurture each other through thick and thin. This was a lightbulb moment for me as I began to realise that the closest relationship any of us will ever have in the entirety of our lives is the relationship we have with ourselves. We are married to who we are; our better or worse self; the internal and external being; the conscious and subconscious; the yin and the yang.
This was my Zen moment, an appreciation and acceptance of the calmness within, and feeling comfortable with my other half - just being as one. It's never been a perfect marriage by any means, but I've had to stick with it because there was no other choice. There ain't no divorcing me from myself so everything has had to be negotiated and worked through.
Then for me it's back to the real world of people and Facebook before I rise from bed. I see couples getting together and breaking up. I see the bitter back-biting and animosity, resentment, jealousy, and shattered lives, and I wonder how well people really know themselves nowadays before embarking on a relationship with someone else before they've even got to know who they are.
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