#and his deltones
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heyneon · 2 years ago
Take It Off
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kalaidekalou · 2 months ago
A secret Santa gift for the Outer Planes server, featuring Shoobee’s ( @fantasy-and-fiction-things ) Tav, Delton! 💕
Yes that glitter is the magic allowing him to hold his boy up 😂
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pipwasreal · 5 months ago
Day 6: books + stripper
Characters: Edwin Payne, Charles Rowland, Niko Sasaki (mentioned)
Content warnings: sexual themes? Non-explicit discussion of stripping and yaoi
Idk this one's pretty tame and silly tbh. Enjoy!
Edwin has a two-foot high stack of Niko's manga on the desk and he's been working his way through it with a frankly alarming intensity. Charles knows they're mostly pictures, but the breathless speed with which Edwin turns the pages seems excessive.
He's still only halway through the stack though, progress halted by frequent pauses to consult a Japanese-English dictionary, or to jot something down in his notebook. He's been thoroughly absorbed for bloody hours and Charles is bored.
"Read to me?" he asks.
Edwin, frowning in concentration, doesn't respond.
"Mind if I pop on a Deltones record?" Charles says, a little louder.
Still no response.
Charles sighs dramatically and tosses himself down on the worn leather settee.
"I swear, I could be dancing about in just a collar and cuffs, and you wouldn't even notice."
Edwin's head whips up at that, expression confused and a little alarmed.
"What? Why would you be in a collar?" He raises a sceptical eyebrow. "And handcuffs? We are ghosts, Charles, we cannot be arrested."
Charles grins and sits up.
"Nah, mate, I didn't mean it like that! I meant a shirt collar and shirt cuffs, but no actual shirt."
Edwin looks at Charles as if he has lost his mind.
"Like those American blokes," Charles continues doggedly. "Chippendales, or whatever. The dancers? Well, strippers."
Edwin's eyebrows practically hit his hairline.
"Oh bloody hell," Charles mutters. "Forget I said anything. Please."
"No," Edwin says thoughtfully, narrowing his eyes, "I don't believe I shall."
He glances down at the open book in front of him, then closes it and folds his hands neatly on top.
"There are male striptease artists now? And they wear only detachable collars and cuffs? That sounds ridiculous." He scoffs, pauses. "How do they fasten?"
"I dunno, do I?" Charles groans. "Velcro? And like, they do wear trousers. Until they tear em off."
"Tear them off?" Edwin asks, incredulous. "They must be very poorly manufactured garments indeed."
"Nah, they're made to..." Charles trails off and runs his hands down his face, regretting ever opening his mouth. "You know what, never mind. Can we please stop talking about strippers?"
"You were the one who brought up the subject," Edwin points out. "I was thoroughly enjoying this series Niko lent me, about boys who are in love."
Charles perks up at that.
"You've just been sitting there, studiously reading porn?" He says, mock-scandalised, then grins. "And you weren't even going to share it with me?"
"It is not pornography, Charles!" Edwin protests. "It is erotica. There is, I am assured, a difference."
He doesn't seem entirely convinced.
"And," he adds, "I would be happy to read it to you, but I fear that my halting translations would not be a particularly enjoyable listening experience for you."
"Mate, I don't mind about that. I just like hearing you read. Being involved, you know."
"Very well," Edwin says, with a long-suffering sigh. But he's smiling as he opens the book and begins to read aloud.
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please-let-me-be-horny · 7 months ago
Digital Genie
The following story is a concept that came to me whilst having a chat with one of my mutuals. Credit to them for inspiring this obvious work of mental illness 🫠
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The components of the PC had outgrown their case months ago.
Water cooling pipes, RAM drives, and memory cards all spilled out the sides of the PC, forcefully gutted and reassembled so many times that it had quickly turned into a Frankenstein of technology. All for the sake of this one experimental experience in virtual reality.
Harry looked at the mess of tech on his desk and gave a satisfied nod. It was ugly as all sin, but the diagnostic reports on his monitor filled him with the reassurance he needed. His very own super computer. Finally ready to run the first build of his new game.
Lowering the VR headset that hung from the ceiling down onto his crown, he took the VR controllers into his hands, and navigated the various programmes in his PC, booting up the game, before giving a nervous sigh, and pulling the headset down over his eyes.
That was to be expected.
Despite standing alone, surrounded only by the blackness of his digital void, he never felt more claustrophobic. His senses had tricked him. This wasn't an empty space. But a dense mass of messy computer code and binary programming. Intangible air, filled with invisible ones and zeros. The ultimate sandbox to control and manipulate to his will.
He started small, waving his hands in the space and opening a variety of menus, as he began to fill his new world with creation. Plant life. Rocks and dust. Stars. Small, inconsequential creatures made of glowing digital light that bounced through the darkness and over his rapidly developing scenery.
Harry smiled to himself in pride and wonder. This was working. Everything was working. After years of planning and imagination and coding and trouble shooting, he was finally stood there, experiencing and creating a new world for himself.
His smile faded when he saw the glitch.
Small at first. A flicker in the distance. A stuttering in the very fabric of his universe. A flaw. A mistake.
The very presence of the glitch insulted him. He approached the area, Investigating the breach in his vision.
Then it spoke.
"Harry....You are....Harry...."
Harry stood motionless, gazing in horror and curiosity at the fluttering mess of pixels and light Infront of him. The voice wasn't human. It was ethereal. A ghostly digital whisper that echoed and filled the space, despite sounding so small and soft. Harry was aware that he had included A.I into his first build, but only as a means of filling in the gaps within his creation. Managing the behaviours of the NPC's inhabiting this world of his. It shouldn't be able to recognise him, let alone know his name.
"you are Harry...of 34a Rockwell towers....on Delton Avenue...son of Greg and Martha....you had a sister who passed away following a car accident in 2006..."
As the voice continued, the stuttering and glitching Infront of harry began to grow and coalesce, swallowing more if the space it resides in, and growing brighter. Harry was frozen, a mixture of morbid curiosity and fear paralysing his body as he watched this strange error in his code grow and take form.
"you are...afraid...afraid of your creation...." Soon, the cluster of broken code took form, a glowing, androgynous silhouette, made up of a polygonal grid, with notes of light traveling across the various lines that separated it from the black void around them. "You fear....me?" Now fully formed, the figure approached.
Despite knowing he was alone, Harry spoke for the first time, muttering under his breath. "What the fuck?" He muttered audibly, expressing his confusion. Despite this, the figure seemed to notice, cocking it's head to the side in curiosity and confusion. Harry suddenly felt very seen and exposed.
"you are confused...?"
Harry swung his hands up to his headset, ripping it from his head and staggering backwards into his bed. Whatever it was, it had heard him. It had seen him. Standing up and running to his desk, he quickly checked what connection might have fed his own audio into his game. No microphones connected. No webcams. In a panic, he shut down the programme, and killed power to the PC, killing the sound of the many cooling fans that had filled his bedroom for the last few months.
He stood alone, in silence, gazing at the sleeping beast that was his unpowered PC. He checked the time. He had been in his simulation for nearly 3 hours. Where had the time gone? It sure didn't feel like 3 hours. He shook the panic and nerves from his head, leaving his bedroom to settle down and relax for the night. He'd come back fresh tomorrow morning to see if he could fix this hiccup. Though a small part of his dreaded the idea.
(Part two probably coming soon, since Tumblr is a pain in the ass to write stories on. 💀)
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mitchie-m · 1 year ago
I have posted a short video featuring KAITO on YouTube!!
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remarkablehomes · 3 months ago
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Frank Lloyd Wright's Smallest Project, the “Seth Peterson Cottage"- 1959 - Wisconsin.
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
The Seth Peterson Cottage is a two-room lakeside cottage located in Mirror Lake State Park outside Lake Delton, Wisconsin, United States. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1958.
At just 880-square feet, Wright’s plans for single-bedroom home, his smallest residential design, resembled a single room with a sloping roof.
Despite the tiny footprint, the cottage, in the words of the architect’s assistant William Wesley Peters "contained more architecture per square foot than any building Wright ever built." Wrapped around a central fireplace, the cottage offers clears views through large window to the east, south, and west.
Peterson loved the plans, which were delivered in April of 1959, and he began hiring laborers for construction, who fashioned the square, Usonian-style home out of sandstone, Douglas fir, and cedar shingles. Peterson was thrilled seeing the structure come together, until he heard the tragic news of Frank Lloyd Wright’s passing. In early 1960, as the cottage neared completion, Peterson, depressed over Wright's death as well as a number of personal issues, tragically took his own life.
Six years later the house was bought by the State of Wisconsin, which, intending to expand the adjacent Mirror Lake State Park, left it abandoned.
In 1989 local volunteers formed the Seth Peterson Cottage Conservancy and negotiated a lease with the State Parks Department to manage the house.
After undergoing extensive renovations the cottage became the first Frank Lloyd Wright home available for overnight rental.
The cottage can accommodate up to four overnight guests, up to twelve for a meeting, and 30-40 for an event. The cottage is also open for a public tour on the second Sunday of every month.
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months ago
Postcards from Snagglepuss
So what is (ursine) love exactly?!
That very question being put to our ursine guests, Hair Bear of the Hair Bear Bunch, and Emmy Lou, that rather gracious Southern gal ursine, on a delightfully crisp fall afternoon beside Artificial Lake Delton's legendary waters.
HAIR BEAR: To put it simply ... our mating season will pretty much be late spring into early summer, but when you're a bear, you want to make the most of it, and feel rather good about it! Ohhhh, just to feel that sensation in the loins as the magic of ejaculation releases itself for the good part of an hour with a rather fascinated female in orgy mode! How else could Nature dictate the significance of the sexual act, and how it should feel exactly? EMMY LOU: Just recognising what the feel of the love season must be like among us bears isn't exactly enough, to begin with ... us bears, when you get right down to it, could never feel more delighted than with a male close to us, releasing his Inner Need inside him and me just helping things along in our own distinctive manner, almost like those Polynesians such as one Peter Potamus likes talking about, who can't help but embrace the fun side of the sexual experience without being so unnerved over it!
(This, mind you, over cheese, crackers and sausage.)
@warnerbrosentertainment @railguner34 @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @passionateclown @jellystone-enjoyer @multi-fandom-girl-451 @archive-archives @hanna-barbera-land @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @hanna-barberians @thylordshipofbutts @themineralyoucrave @hanna-barbera-show-blog @warnerbros-blog1 @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu @theweekenddigest @aquablock68 @funtasticworld @warnerbrosent-blog
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myvinylplaylist · 1 year ago
Dick Dale And His Del-Tones: Surfers' Choice (1962)
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1963 Reissue
Deltone Records
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fantasy-and-fiction-things · 5 months ago
“Well? Impress me with the magical caffeine I was promised.” “I don’t tend to just impress you.” He laughed, his deep voice rich and warm. “I intend to wow you. Now, come on, hold out your hand.” Delton raised an eyebrow, a smile dancing on his lips despite himself. “Oh, I don’t know if I want to be included in your schemes.  “Indulge me.” His smile was so sweet that Delton couldn’t refuse him any longer, holding out his hand. The human shocked him by grabbing his left wrist and, after pausing to check that it was okay, twisted Delton’s hand palm out. Guiding him just a step forward, Gale placed Delton’s hand against the wall, his own palm sliding up to cover the half-elf’s. He was situated just behind Delton, his breath and hair tickling Delton’s pointed ear. Bergamot and cedar wafted into Delton’s personal space, close enough to smell the wizard’s cologne. Unconsciously, Delton has started holding his breath, something like anticipation swirling in his stomach.  Gale slowly dragged their hands in a c-shape, his larger frame not-quite pressing into Delton’s back. The wizard grasped his other wrist, guiding it to the apex of the c-shape just as their left hands finished the movement, left and right hands now touching. He guided the hands down and out, mimicking the shape of a cartoon fish hook, all the while chanting some incantation. Delton’s breathing sped up and eyes widened, becoming acutely aware of his snare-drum heartbeat. Delton wouldn’t be able to repeat it if he tried, his attention focused on keeping his breathing even and not allowing his heart to beat out of his chest.
Chapter 3 of my modern AU is out! Featuring some cute flirty and one terrible boss.
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asktheseresunbrothers · 1 year ago
Can you all remember your old haunting (if you had such)? What made you become orphants or abandoned for Ray to pick you up?
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Delton: "...We were all babies when our father adopted us"
Astrea: "As a matter of fact, we weren't even hatchlings yet! We were all adopted in different timelines so we don't even know who our biological parents are"
Marlo: "Besides our older brother, cubber,he does have so haunting skills of his own, he's known our father longer than we have so he's been an orphan himself when he was first adopted at age 10"
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renerox · 6 months ago
SURFING-EAST COAST! (60’s Surf & Drag) Re-post!
. Surfadelic 2021. comp. cool mix of surfin’ instros and vocal tunes featuring The Dolphins, Dick Dale And His Deltones, The Spats, Carol & Cheryl, The Astronauts, Eddie & The Showmen, Gary Usher, Ronny And The Daytonas, The Hondells, Jim Messina & The Jesters, The Buddies, The Kickstands, Shutdown Douglas, Willie And The Wheels, The Trashmen, The Revells, The Silly Surfers, The Competitors, The…
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biggisdickis · 9 months ago
The quaint suburb of Delton was always a place you were told not to go, a bitter slum filled with terrible bitter people, no safety, no services, and awful food. But Aaron Antwerd had never been one to do what people told him, and when a man who was almost certainly a catfish invited Aaron over to a local diner after having disarmed him with a very nice conversation about reptiles and string instruments, Aaron did have a moment's hesitation when Keith Ofsolm sent him an address deep in Delton.
First off, buses *did* go to Delton in spite of popular lore. People always said the buses refused to drive the full route and would simply turn around after Ipswitch, but no! The driver kept on as stone-facedly as he always did, but the bus did empty, leaving Aaron in his fluffy winter coat, beanie, and wellies, alone.
He wasn't a fool. This was, after all, a date in a new area with someone far too gorgeous to be real, so of course he brought a taser. And when he found himself in a quiet, seedy, but eclectic diner with flickering lights waiting almost twenty minutes for Keith, he felt more and more as though he might need to use it. But Keith did burst through the door with a flurry of apologies and looking somehow better than in the photos. His voice was a soft and deep tremor that soothed Aaron into a long and winding conversation over some delicious Greek food. Keith, to Aaron's annoyance, said he had already eaten. But the whole thing seemed so sincere that Aaron was willing to write it off.
"So why here?" Aaron popped the question later into the conversation when he felt the both of them were well comfortable.
"You said you like good hummus."
"Nono, I mean why'd your family choose Delton. I don't really care, but it does have a reputation."
A smirk formed on Keith's face that spoke of new and interesting knowledge. "Well, Delton folk aren't particularly trusting. We aren't all that interested in gentrification, and the people here are very.... politically active on the whole."
"And you?"
"What, Delton? I love it here. I love this community and I would die for it. I don't imagine myself moving in any future I want for myself." He laughed nervously, the strange dichotomy of experience-reinforced confidence and bashful anxiety rearing it's head with him again.
Aaron was honest with himself, Keith not wanting to leave was a huge red flag, and the whole affair almost broke down right then and there. But the conversation was fun, the food was excellent, and the walk around the town after was quite nice as well. Apparently they had spared no expense ensuring the original streetlamps from the 1850s were preserved, much like the rest of the village. It felt like a total time-warp. Cobbled stone streets divided these rows of varying sorts of shops and houses, some of which looked straight from the time of King James, and others resembling a much more eastern European tilt. but the thing that really shocked Aaron was the liveliness of the night life!
"So everything is open... at 1am?"
"Oh yes. A lot of shops don't close until 5."
"But don't these people need sleep?"
Keith only laughed.
And as they walked, they stopped by shops where the owners all greeted Keith by name, but that was where the similarity stopped. There must have been four different languages spoken to Aaron, and he seemed to understand them all, though he generally replied in english. There would always be a moment of hesitation and a nod of the head towards Aaron followed by a relaxed wave of the hand and a short explanation very much not in English.
But it was the gypsy tent they came across in the town square that night that provided Aaron with the most profound experience that night. The lady was everything you were taught to expect of a mystic; ancient, a wide smile, and eyes so bleary under her colored makeup you would almost assume she was blind.
She spoke english, and although Keith tried to pull away, she insisted on a tarot reading when she had the chance to look at Aaron's hands.
The cards spoke of great change, unexpected love, an open mind, and not being fearful in the face of new revelations. Nothing terribly specific, but then the cards seldom were. But it was when they were getting up to leave that the woman took Aaron's hand and gave him a conspiratorial smile.
"Don't shake it off till you've given it a real chance, my dear."
And with a wink, she let go.
They continued to walk, Keith acting as the consummate guide for the town, slowly seeming more relaxed but still guarded, which made Aaron guarded in return. Nothing about the experience told him to leave though, so he didn't. And when they found themselves are Keith's front door, the night seemed far too short all the sudden.
"So no pressure either way, obviously. But your bus doesn't arrive for about 40 minutes. I could walk you to the bus stop, it's about eight blocks that way. Or... you could come upstairs if you like? We have wine."
"Oh, don't you live with family you said?"
"They're actually out for the night for an event. They won't be back till morning, and trust me, they're deep sleepers."
And then Aaron was truly put on the spot. He assessed the night, looked Keith deep in the eyes once more, and a voice inside him said fuck it, why not.
Once they were inside, the conversation didn't last all that long. Something that had gone unnoticed through the night, this invisible shroud, came completely undone, and all that was left was craving. It was some of the best sex he'd ever had, with some tricks from Keith that again spoke to a level of experience much deeper than Aaron would have thought under that sheepish demeanor.
He woke up feeling ravaged in the best way and horribly hungry. Keith was by his side looking like some kind of model, and Aaron felt gobsmacked by his luck.
"We're nocturnal folk, most of us." Keith said after they both awoke.
"Well that's good, I am too."
Keith smiled warmly, stroking Aaron's hair.
"Would you... come again? Sometime?"
Aaron sighed dramatically. "We'll have to see. I haven't drained my balls like that in about as long as I can remember. I don't know if my body even has the will to make more after that barrage."
Keith cackled. "Well how about breakfast?"
"You guys have that here?"
He looked affronted for a moment, but only in jest. "Honey, we have everything in Delton. And anything we don't is only because that thing was too boring for us to make a staple."
"You aren't about to tell me chicken and waffles is too pedestrian for Delton, are you?"
"You kidding? We practically invented the bloody dish. Come on hot stuff, I'll teach you."
But before Aaron could get up and follow, Keith turned back with a much more sincere expression.
"And, erm, I just want to say thanks. You aren't my first by a long shot, you know that. But nobody really... trusts me enough to.... you know, drink while we're at it. So yea, it was really good."
He was stroking a sore spot on Aaron's neck, and the moment was so good that he stifled his utter confusion about words like 'drink' and 'trust', and he kissed the wrist that held him.
"Of course, love. So long as you ask first."
And if it was possible, Keith's smile began to radiate. He hopped off the bed and mentioned something about grabbing drinks before dashing out of the room, leaving Aaron to stumble off the bed on legs that were unbelievably weak.
"Jesus, he rocked me right didn't he."
He sauntered over to the bathroom to wash his face, thinking about the oddness of Keith's admission. He was sincere and sweet, so it mustn't be too bad whatever it was. Aaron couldn't remember drinking last night, but then again, he couldn't remember anything much at all other than a few very delightful images.
He thought that perhaps Keith simply meant that people tend not to trust each other enough to get drunk around each other on the first date, which made total sense. Aaron couldn't say exactly what compelled him to let his guard down that much to be honest, but 3 months without sex would do that to a man, he supposed.
But when he came up from the sink to check in the mirror how much work he'd need to do to look civilized again, he finally saw what Keith meant. And his whole world changed.
"Are you sure you're fine living on this street?" "Yes mom. The werewolves across the street party too loud, but they turn it down if I ask them. Plus the vampire family next door keeps the crime rate low here"
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lboogie1906 · 3 months ago
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Garnet Mimms (Garrett Mimms, November 26, 1933) is a singer, influential in soul music and rhythm and blues. He first achieved success as the lead singer of Garnet Mimms & The Enchanters and is known for the 1963 hit “Cry Baby”, later recorded by Janis Joplin. According to Steve Huey at AllMusic, his “pleading, gospel-derived intensity made him one of the earliest true soul singers, his legacy remains criminally underappreciated.”
He first recorded as a member of the Norfolk Four, for Savoy Records. He returned to Philadelphia after serving in the military and, after a spell in a doo-wop group, the Deltones, formed another group, the Gainors, in 1958, with Sam Bell, Willie Combo, John Jefferson, and Howard Tate. The Gainors recorded several singles over the next few years for the Red Top, Mercury, and Talley Ho labels, but failed to have any chart success. He and Bell left the group in 1961 and joined with Charles Boyer and Zola Pearnell to form Garnet Mimms and the Enchanters.
He left the Enchanters for a solo career; with Sam Bell as lead vocalist, the group went on to have a minor hit with “I Wanna Thank You”. He continued to record for United Artists and had several minor R&B hits over the next two years, including “One Girl” and a cover of the Jarmels’ “A Little Bit of Soap.” Some of his recordings at that time, including “It Was Easier to Hurt Her”, “As Long As I Have You”, and “Looking For You”, later became popular on the British Northern soul scene. Berns and Ragovoy produced Mimms’ final Top 40 hit in 1966, “I’ll Take Good Care Of You”, which climbed to #15 in the R&B chart and number 30 in the Hot 100. He released three albums on United Artists, As Long As I Have You (1964), I’ll Take Good Care Of You, and Warm and Soulful (both 1966). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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biographyfamousepeople · 6 years ago
Alex Shnaider
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Age, Biography and Wiki
Alex Shnaider (Alexander Yevseyevich Schnaider) was born on 3 August, 1968 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is a Co-founder of the Midland Group and Talon International Development Incorporated. Discover Alex Shnaider's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 55 years old?Popular AsAlexander Yevseyevich SchnaiderOccupationCo-founder of the Midland Group and Talon International Development IncorporatedAge55 years oldZodiac SignLeoBorn3 August 1968Birthday3 AugustBirthplaceSaint Petersburg, RussiaNationalityRussia
We recommend you to check the complete list of Famous People born on 3 August. He is a member of famous with the age 55 years old group.
Alex Shnaider Height, Weight & Measurements
At 55 years old, Alex Shnaider height not available right now.
Who Is Alex Shnaider's Wife?
His wife is Simona ShnaiderFamilyParentsNot AvailableWifeSimona ShnaiderSiblingNot AvailableChildrenErica Shnaider
Alex Shnaider Net Worth
His net worth has been growing significantly in 2022-2023. So, how much is Alex Shnaider worth at the age of 55 years old? Alex Shnaider’s income source is mostly from being a successful . He is from Russia. We have estimated Alex Shnaider's net worth , money, salary, income, and assets.Net Worth in 2023$1 Million - $5 MillionSalary in 2023Under ReviewNet Worth in 2022PendingSalary in 2022Under ReviewHouseNot AvailableCarsNot AvailableSource of Income
Shnaider partnered with Donald Trump in the construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower, which is in Toronto. Trump was a minority shareholder in the project, and his firm owned the property management contract (the minority share and management contract were bought out in 2017, with the property renamed the Adelaide Hotel Toronto). In 2007, Shnaider was reported as having decided to keep the penthouse suite for himself, at an estimated value of $20 million. In 2017, the building and Shnaider were named as key links in a financial connection between Trump and the Russian government. Shnaider reportedly used proceeds from the sale of his Ukrainian steel mill to partially meet cost overruns at the Toronto Trump Tower.
Shnaider is married to Simona Shnaider (née Birshtein). They have three daughters. In August 2016, they sold their home in Bridle Path, Toronto, for $22 million.
On 30 December 2015, Shnaider invested NIS₪39 million in Mishorim Development Ltd., a real estate company controlled by developer Gil Blutrich. Shnaider had already invested alongside Blutrich in the King Edward Hotel, which Blutrich invested in via Skyline International Development Inc., a Mishorim subsidiary. On July 2016, he increased his holdings in this company from 21% to 37%.
In March 2010, Shnaider invested in a property consortium that bought Toronto's King Edward Hotel for $50 million. The asset was purchased in a distressed sale from Lehman Brothers. Shnaider originally invested alongside three other real estate companies, Skyline International Development Inc., Dundee KE Inc., and Serruya Realty Group Inc. However, on 1 August 2012, Omni Hotels & Resorts CEO James D. Caldwell also took a stake in the hotel; and on 24 November 2015, Omni Hotels and Resorts announced that it had bought the other parties out and fully owned the hotel.
In 2011, Shnaider formed a Delton Retail fund, a property group, with N3 Real Estate, owned by Dutch businessman A.D.G van Dam.
According to the Panama Papers, in 2010, Shnaider sold at least half of Midland's ownership in Zaporizhstal to buyers financed by Russian state-owned Vnesheconombank, who were then themselves acquired by the development bank.
In December 2007, Shnaider bought Israeli soccer team Maccabi Tel Aviv for an estimated 12 million euros. On 4 August 2009, Shnaider sold the club to Canadian property developer Mitchell Goldhar, after investing $20 million in the club. Goldhar took on Shnaider's 80 per cent stake in the club by agreeing to take on its financial commitments; he also paid $750,000 to the Maccabi Tel Aviv sports foundation for its 20 percent stake.
Shnaider bought Jordan Grand Prix from Eddie Jordan in February 2005 for approximately US$50 million, and renamed it Midland F1 Racing for the 2006 Formula One season. On 9 September 2006, the team was sold to Spyker Cars.
In 1994, Shnaider co-founded Midland Group—originally a steel producer—with former business partner Eduard Shifrin. The company operated in Ukraine before government-owned steel factories were privatized. In 1999, Midland Resources began buying shares in the Zaporizhstal steel mill. By 2001, Shnaider's consortium had bought 93 per cent of the mill for $70 million.
Shnaider moved with his family to Israel when he was 4, and then to Canada when he was 13. He graduated from York University in Toronto in 1991 with a bachelor's degree in economics.
Alexander Yevseyevich "Alex" Shnaider (Russian: Алекса́ндр Евсе́евич "А́лекс" Шнайдер ; Hebrew: אלכסנדר (אלכס) שניידר ‎; born 3 August 1968) is a Russian-born Canadian entrepreneur and former commodities trader. He co-founded the Midland Group with Eduard Shifrin.
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searchwiki · 5 years ago
Alex Shnaider Biography
Alex Shnaider (Alexander Yevseyevich Schnaider) was born on 3 August, 1968 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is a Co-founder of the Midland Group and Talon International Development Incorporated. Discover Alex Shnaider's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 55 years old?
Alex Shnaider Early life
Shnaider moved with his family to Israel when he was 4, and then to Canada when he was 13. He graduated from York University in Toronto in 1991 with a bachelor's degree in economics.
Alex Shnaider Midland Group
In 1994, Shnaider co-founded Midland Group—originally a steel producer—with former business partner Eduard Shifrin. The company operated in Ukraine before government-owned steel factories were privatized. In 1999, Midland Resources began buying shares in the Zaporizhstal steel mill. By 2001, Shnaider's consortium had bought 93 per cent of the mill for $70 million.
According to the Panama Papers, in 2010, Shnaider sold at least half of Midland's ownership in Zaporizhstal to buyers financed by Russian state-owned Vnesheconombank, who were then themselves acquired by the development bank.
Alex Shnaider Sports investments
Shnaider bought Jordan Grand Prix from Eddie Jordan in February 2005 for approximately US$50 million, and renamed it Midland F1 Racing for the 2006 Formula One season. On 9 September 2006, the team was sold to Spyker Cars.
In December 2007, Shnaider bought Israeli soccer team Maccabi Tel Aviv for an estimated 12 million euros. On 4 August 2009, Shnaider sold the club to Canadian property developer Mitchell Goldhar, after investing $20 million in the club. Goldhar took on Shnaider's 80 per cent stake in the club by agreeing to take on its financial commitments; he also paid $750,000 to the Maccabi Tel Aviv sports foundation for its 20 percent stake.
Alex Shnaider Real estate
Shnaider partnered with Donald Trump in the construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower, which is in Toronto. Trump was a minority shareholder in the project, and his firm owned the property management contract (the minority share and management contract were bought out in 2017, with the property renamed the Adelaide Hotel Toronto). In 2007, Shnaider was reported as having decided to keep the penthouse suite for himself, at an estimated value of $20 million. In 2017, the building and Shnaider were named as key links in a financial connection between Trump and the Russian government. Shnaider reportedly used proceeds from the sale of his Ukrainian steel mill to partially meet cost overruns at the Toronto Trump Tower.
In March 2010, Shnaider invested in a property consortium that bought Toronto's King Edward Hotel for $50 million. The asset was purchased in a distressed sale from Lehman Brothers. Shnaider originally invested alongside three other real estate companies, Skyline International Development Inc., Dundee KE Inc., and Serruya Realty Group Inc. However, on 1 August 2012, Omni Hotels & Resorts CEO James D. Caldwell also took a stake in the hotel; and on 24 November 2015, Omni Hotels and Resorts announced that it had bought the other parties out and fully owned the hotel.
In 2011, Shnaider formed a Delton Retail fund, a property group, with N3 Real Estate, owned by Dutch businessman A.D.G van Dam.
On 30 December 2015, Shnaider invested NIS₪39 million in Mishorim Development Ltd., a real estate company controlled by developer Gil Blutrich. Shnaider had already invested alongside Blutrich in the King Edward Hotel, which Blutrich invested in via Skyline International Development Inc., a Mishorim subsidiary. On July 2016, he increased his holdings in this company from 21% to 37%.
Alex Shnaider Personal life
Shnaider is married to Simona Shnaider (née Birshtein). They have three daughters. In August 2016, they sold their home in Bridle Path, Toronto, for $22 million.
Schnaider is President of the Jewish Russian Community Centre of Ontario.
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months ago
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Another autumn, another round of mayhem with Crazy Claws
BY THE SHORES OF ARTIFICIAL LAKE DELTON, WI: After a couple days or so at the Mall of America, including quite the mix of shopping and Huntington Bank Rotunda appearances, it was getting to be time for that annual autumnal sonata by the shores of the legendary Artificial Lake Delton outside Wisconsin Dells, hardly the sort of spot where Peter Potamus could be imagined doing a day's diving considering the murkiness of its waters--or so Crazy Claws, the legendary comedic observator of Wisconsin Dells, would phrase it.
"So murky, in fact," the witty wildcat noted over luncheon of chicken chili and flatbread ham and cheese sandwiches, "that I suggested to Peter's crew his trying Devils Lake by Baraboo. And just hope the swimmer's itch doesn't get anybody."
"So how did they manage?" Huckleberry Hound asked.
"At least," Crazy Claws rejoindered, "they came out as one."
Yet what really made Crazy Claws rather surprised was the ursine contingent represented by the Hair Bear Bunch as much as Emmy Lou and Jenny Lee ("Quite a setup, imagining some fun-hungry bears just off the summer mating run and a pair of lovesick Southern-type ursines most irresistable!"--Crazy Claws, observed over some lunch during the Wo-Zha-Wa celebration in Wisconsin Dells not long after our arrival).
"Though I've imagined," Emmy Lou remarked, "the notion of Peter Potamus maybe inviting us over the winter to join their diving crew for some diving escapades down by San Diego there--"
"I believe you mean La Jolla," added I, referring to the training camp and diving base of Peter Potamus' band of divers, and quite an interesting band they could get to be; Crazy Claws remarked that he had several of Peter's privately-circulated tomes of his diving exploits and otherwise general experiences in Polynesia Uncharted, and read them on occasion. "I think you might want to read them as well," Crazy Claws remarked to Emmy Lou and Jenny Lee.
"Glad to take up your invitation," Emmy Lou respondeth.
Mind you, the fall by Artificial Lake Delton's waters couldn't be a more fascinating sort of time ahead ...
@warnerbrosentertainment @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @groovybribri @iheartgod175 @passionateclown @archive-archives @hanna-barbera-blog @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @hanna-barberians @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @hanna-barbera-land @warnerbros-blog1 @aquablock68 @zodiacfan32 @funtasticworld @multi-fandom-girl-451 @warnerbrosent-blog
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