#and hey first time drawing Gabriel!
simonsquest · 3 months
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After saving Selena from Dracula's castle.
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ponytailzuko · 2 years
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[ID: Two images showing a digital comic of the character Ladybug from Miraculous. In the first comic, it shows Ladybug looking at her yoyo, waiting for a response from Chat Noir as he types. Her previous messages say, “hey its been a bit r u still coming for patrol? just wanna make sure u remember we changed the time.” Chat Noir responds back, “Sorry, got caught up with talking to my family. Coming now” and he adds a smiley face at the end.
Ladybug thinks to herself, “Chat Noir has a family... I wonder what they’re like?” It cuts to show Chat Noir’s family according to Ladybug’s mental image. Civilian Chat Noir sits in a chair with a family of black cats, including one with a bowtie imagined as “M. Noir”, another cat with a ribbon imagined as “Mme. Noir”, and a box of kittens on Chat Noir’s lap imagined as Chat’s “litter of little siblings.” Ladybug is trying not to laugh at her own imagination. 
In the second comic, it’s after the identity reveal. Ladybug furiously says, “I cannot believe M. Noir turned out to be Gabriel Agreste.” She compares the two in her head, M. Noir is a cute fluffy cat dad, and Gabriel Agreste is referred to as “DISGUSTING.” Ladybug keeps on talking, “mon chaton deserves only the best parents this world has to offer!” That sparks an idea, and she smirks to herself as she thinks, “I have the best parents.” Her smirk grows as she thinks, “Plan to Get Chat Noir a New Family: Step 1. Convince Adrien on the merits of eloping.” There’s a cartoony drawing of Marinette on one knee proposing to Adrien. End ID]  
the drawn version of a post i made a couple days ago. in summary of that post i want marinette to think about what chat noir’s civilian life is like. and i want her to come up with the most bizarre conclusion possible because she really cant imagine chat noirs life at all. and also because she cant contemplate him being anything but a catboy.
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[ID: Ladybug holding a cat while Chat Noir watches. Ladybug says, “chat noir look its ur sibling!” He replies back, “m’lady i’m not related to every cat in paris.” She responds, “so u r related to some?” End ID] 
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maddascanbe-blog · 2 months
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Part 1 of the unifications.
Hey remember when I said I was planning to change some of the names when they were truly egregious? This is what I meant.
So we have (from left to right) Dragonfly, Viper Noir, Shadow Moth (they still call him Hawkmoth), and Ladybee.
Dragon-bug was a stupid name, I know they were saving Lady Dragon for Shanghai but that doesn't mean we give up all together guys. Dragonfly just makes more sense.
I know I'm not the first to say that the Ladybug Dragon unification was great. It's actually one of my favorites. It showed off how good the Ladybug, and by extension Marinette, could look if the artist put a tad more effort into her suit. I definitely deviated pretty far here, push the dragon elements, like giving her two horns. The big ones on the side of her head and the little ones that attach to her antennae. The boots, and tail elements which were super fun to draw. And finally drawing Mari with her hair down because it looked cool.
Viper Noir just to add a bit more spice to Snake Noir's name. I almost called him Black Mamba but wasn't entirely sold. So that's that. I didn't give Aspik or Viperion a hood because I was saving it for this, much more Chat's style than Aspik was. The cat ears on the hood were a pain to make look right but turned out cute. And now they both have gold accent's! look how matchy they are.
I am forever on the fence about if I like Shadow Moth's design but I can't really begrudge the name? It's alright- it certainly feels very Gabriel, a man who has a track record of bad naming skills. I figure most still call him Hawkmoth though. I actually designed both Shadow Moth and Hawkmoth at the same time, so the plan was to always add Peacok feathers to the head and the double tailcoat. I almost based him on an actual peacock butterfly but changed my mind.
Just know that the additional feathers are just as painful as the butterfly wings. And now there is more! Hooray! Hawkmoth suffers!
And Lady Bee, this one felt easier than I expected because I already had Honey Bee. I might go back and fix her eyes though, they’re a bit uncanny rn.
Blue Dragonfly to go with Ry-blu-ko
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naughtyneganjdm · 3 months
Good Luck Charm - Chapter 33
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Summary: Five years pass and Negan has come to terms with being locked in his cell if it means keeping his family safe. But when he discovers that Evie has been hurt in an accident, Negan decides that it is finally time to take matters into his own hands for a better future for him and his children.
Characters: Negan, Evie, Nathan, Judith Grimes, etc.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39423063/chapters/145133371
Notes: Just hoping to get this done soon. Thanks for taking the time to read this story for those that still do.
Living in Alexandria in this cell had been hard. Really hard. But Negan was doing his best to make it work. Over the years, things got dark, but Negan made a promise to Evie that he would never try to hurt himself again. This time, unlike all his other promises in the past, Negan kept his promise. He would eat and take care of himself. No matter how hard things got because Evie begged of him. It didn’t stop him from having bad thoughts at times, but he did his best.
Through time, things progressively got better. Eventually Gabriel started to let the children come down to see him. It felt like it was a reward for him being the model prisoner now. They also allowed him to have personal items in his cell. He was allowed to have books, Evie’s drawings and they let him practice some hobbies. He wasn’t acting out for many years so they worked with him. At one point they even found out about the jewelry that Evie had given him when Gabriel spotted them during one of Negan’s baths. Negan got a lecture about it, but they never took it away from him. Michonne and Gabriel allowed it. Grudgingly at first, but they did. There were also rules that came with everything. Like the visits with the children were only on specific days and neither of them were allowed to come into the cell with him. It sucked not being able to fully hug or be near Nathan and Evie, but it was better than never getting to see them.
Shifting on his small cot, Negan stroked his fingers over the locket that Evie had given him so long ago. It was his safety net. The thing that he had when things started going wrong. It helped calm him. He was thankful for that. For so long all he had was his own mind when he first got here to torture himself with. He still had those negative thoughts, but over the last five plus years or so, his jewelry was there as a reminder of why he was still around. Because Evie wanted him to be.
Hearing a rustling sound at his window made Negan smile and he tipped his head back toward the window to look. Since Negan was better, they had taken the boards off the windows and allowed him to have actual light in his cell.
Scrambling to his feet, Negan pulled himself up by the bars of his cell window, “Hey there…” Negan paused when he saw that it was Judith sitting beside his window after she took a seat. With a slight tip of his head, Negan gave her a wink and leaned back against the wall. “Hey kiddo.”
“I wasn’t who you were expecting?” Judith questioned, her young voice drawing him to smile when he shrugged his shoulders.
“Today is the day that Evie usually comes with Nathan to see me,” Negan explained, getting comfortable while he stared out at Judith who had a book tucked under her arm. “They are later than normal. I thought you might be them.”
“I think they have Evie working on something,” Judith informed Negan with a long sigh, lifting her hand to block out the sunlight as she was looking in the distance. “She’s really smart and helps design things for them.”
“Sounds like my little girl,” Negan grumbled under his breath, his eyebrows furrowing with the way that Judith looked at him.
“Little girl?” Judith whispered and it made Negan’s smile grow wider. “How old is she?”
“She’s seventeen,” Negan answered after adding up the years he had been there.
“Then she isn’t your little girl, is she?” Judith pointed out which had Negan sucking in a sharp breath of air and he immediately shook his head.
“She’s always gonna be my little girl Judith. Just like you are always gonna be your mama’s little girl. No matter how big you get,” Negan answered with a wrinkle of his nose and an amused rumble of a breath fell from his lips.
“I see,” Judith lowered her head, her fingers curling around the book that she had with her. “Nathan is my age.”
“I know,” Negan sucked in a sharp breath of air, his head tipping to the side. There was a moment of silence that fell between them and Negan sighed loudly. “You and my boy are friends, aren’t you?”
“You know that,” Judith frowned, rolling her eyes slightly before giving him back her attention.
“Just making sure. Nathan is gonna need good friends like you growing up,” Negan winked noticing that she pulled open the book that she had in her lap. “You need help with your homework again?”
“Yeah. There is something I’m just not getting,” Judith held out her schoolbook allowing Negan to reach outside the bars to grab it. Looking at the page, Negan stroked at his short beard before lifting his gaze again. “I was hoping you could help me understand.”
So that’s what they did. For quite some time they focused on Judith’s homework helping her understand a problem that she just wasn’t getting. After that she talked to him about life and asked his opinion on things. They were deep into a discussion when someone ran up beside the window.
“Boo!” a young voice muttered making Negan snicker when he saw that it was Nathan who had crawled in beside the window of Negan’s cell. “Did I scare you?”
“Terribly,” Negan placed his hand in over the center of his chest causing both Judith and Nathan to laugh. They knew he was just being ridiculous and that was the whole point in being dramatic like he was. “I’m getting fucking old Nathan, gotta be good with your father’s heart.”
“Hey, language,” Judith corrected Negan and it had Nathan giggling with her response.
“Have you met my dad? He doesn’t know how not to swear,” Nathan stood up from where he was and pointed over toward the door. Judith packed up her book and followed Nathan into the room Negan’s cell was in once they made it downstairs. “You got that tennis ball?”
“Of course,” Negan reached down for the ball and the glove that was at the corner of his jail cell. Dropping down onto his cot, Negan tossed the tennis ball between the bars of the cell and Nathan eagerly caught it. “Where’s your sister bud?”
“I think she’s still working,” Nathan bounced the ball a few times before tossing the ball back to Negan who caught it. Motioning Judith to prepare for the ball, Negan bounced it and allowed her to catch it. “I think they are working her really hard. Because she’s good with her drawings and all the math. Every day she comes home, makes us some food and then just crashes.”
“I should get your sister to help me with my math,” Judith admitted, tossing the ball back toward Negan, but it hit the bars and she huffed. Reaching for it again, she got it through this time and it made Negan smile.
“Hey now! I don’t think I’m a bad tutor. I’ve helped you so far,” Negan reminded Judith, throwing the ball back to Nathan who eagerly caught it.
“Yeah, I guess. But I think she’s smarter than you,” Judith noted causing Nathan to burst out in laughter when Negan let out another offended breath. “I’m just saying Negan. The people around here think she’s really important to everything that is going on. She works with Eugene a lot. That says something.”
“Yeah, that the poor girl is likely miserable,” Negan scoffed which had both Judith and Nathan laughing. Catching the ball that Nathan threw, Negan tossed the ball back to Judith before sighing. “You know, I’m pretty smart too. She got her intelligence from someone you know.”
“She’s the best of both you and mom,” Nathan quoted Negan from the things he heard in the past. “You say that all the time.”
Nathan waved his hand about in the air to get Judith to look at him, “My mom was really big in this company that she was working at. Evie gets that from mom. Dad was always smart. Has this photographic memory where if he sees something once he can remember it. He was just lazy.”
“Hey,” Negan hushed Nathan who dramatically threw his hands up in the air.
“Well, dad wanted to be a baseball player too. So he didn’t really want any kind of job where he wanted to be smart,” Nathan reasoned with Judith who snickered under her breath. These were all things that Negan was honest with Nathan about, but he didn’t expect Nathan to be so bluntly telling Judith everything. “My dad was a teacher because the baseball thing didn’t work out. But dad is a great drawer too. Always been an artist. Evie takes after him there.”
“He told me,” Judith informed Nathan with a small nod of her head. “Your dad has drawn a few things for me in the past. I know he’s a good artist.”
“You still have those?” Negan was curious to hear her answer. It made Judith smirk and shrug her shoulders. “Well, I’m glad you like them.”
“You’ve drawn her things?” Nathan questioned, looking between the two of them.
“I did. Some of her dad and Carl,” Negan confessed to his son, letting out a long exhale. “And I drew a cartoon once of her daddy cutting my throat.”
“Well that’s…” Nathan’s face scrunched up looking between the two of them. Nathan was considering what to say next because he was visibly confused about that whole thing. “Nice?”
“I was in a mood?” Negan tossed his hands up in the air, clapping his glove when he did it. “Plus it was in my cartoon form, so it looked cute.”
“It was funny,” Judith admitted, nudging Nathan playfully with her shoulder. “Since we were talking about our parents though. You mentioned Evie having a lot in common with her parents. What about you? Do you take after them at all?
“I have my dad’s good looks,” Nathan put on a cheesy smile which had Judith rolling her eyes and laughing. It was something that Negan would have said so he definitely did take after him in that aspect. “Dad tells me all the time I look like him when he was young. Big dimples and everything.”
“And your mom?” Judith inquired leaving Nathan to let out a long shallow breath.
“I don’t really remember my mom. If it wasn’t for Evie’s drawings and the photo that dad had of her…” Nathan held onto the ball, clearing his throat uneasily before brushing his fingers into his dark, shaggy haircut to keep his hair out of his eyes. “I don’t know my mom. I remember…moments. But I was too young when she…”
“Yeah,” Judith cut him off before Nathan had to say what happened to his mom. “I feel the same way with my dad. They say I have his courage. But my mom has a lot of courage too.”
“Nathan has his mother’s heart,” Negan explained, pointing over toward his son, snapping his fingers to get Nathan to look at him with his bright hazel eyes. “Nathan loves deeply. With everyone. His mother was like that. When she loved someone, she loved them more than they had ever been loved. It’s like you Judith, you have your father’s goodness. You remind me of him with you coming down here to talk to me.”
Nathan looked on as Judith swallowed down hard and nodded. Carefully she tossed the ball back to Negan. Over and over, Negan went back and forth between the two with Judith missing several times, “How do you guys do this?”
“Lots of practice,” Nathan commented with a bit of a snort and it made Negan smile. “Dad has always been good with his aim. Me? It’s been a few years of doing this back and forth with him. I’ve gotten good.”
“It was lots of running around the cell when we first started doing this,” Negan confessed with a wink hearing movement outside. Judith paused to shift her position to look outside the window. He knew that she didn’t want to be caught being near him and he understood it. “You can go if you need to Jude. I’ll see you again soon.”
“I’m sorry,” Judith apologized grabbing her things before looking to Nathan with a weak smile. “I’ll see you later, Nathan.”
Saying their goodbyes, Negan and Nathan played for a little with the tennis ball before heading over to sit against the wall by each other with the cell door between them. Nathan was talking to Negan about his day before they started cracking jokes with one another.
“Hey dad?” Nathan pulled his legs up to his chest and gazed over at Negan uncomfortably. “Is it bad that I don’t remember mom? Judith remembers her dad, but I just…I don’t remember mom at all. Not her voice or what she looks like. I try really hard. But I don’t.”
“You were really little,” Negan reminded Nathan, stretching his hand out to brush his fingers through Nathan’s hair. “You were only two years old when she…”
“Died?” Nathan responded when Negan had trouble talking about Y/N to their youngest. “I feel bad because a lot of the time Evie wants to talk about mom, but I don’t remember her. I just remember you and Evie. It’s been seven years without her. I wish I remembered her, but I don’t.”
“I’m sorry it’s that way kiddo. I wish you had more time with her,” Negan frowned hating to hear that their son had nothing in terms of memories when it came to his mom. “Your mom really loved you though. You and Evie were everything to her.”
Thinking back on the last time Negan had ever seen Y/N, he remembered what she asked of him in terms of Nathan, “The last thing your mother asked me to tell you was that you were her miracle baby. I know you’re nine, so you probably don’t understand how hard things were back then, but she fought every obstacle to bring you into this world. She did it all alone too.”
“Miracle baby,” Nathan repeated what Negan said, his dimples becoming more prominent when he let that thought linger. “I don’t think I’m a miracle.”
“You are,” Negan hushed his son, caressing his rough fingers in over his son’s jawline getting Nathan’s eyes to connect with his. Capturing Nathan’s chin between his thumb and his index finger, Negan eyed over his little boy and smiled. “Do you know where you got your name?”
“Mom gave it to me, obviously,” Nathan’s nose wrinkled, his face making Negan laugh since it looked like he thought his dad was an idiot for asking. “What?”
“I know I talked to you about Lucille,” Negan noted allowing Nathan to pull his head back so he could listen. “Before Lucille got sick she always talked about having children. And she always said if she had a little boy she wanted to name him Nathan. So to honor Lucille, your mom named you Nathan.”
“You both loved Lucille then,” Nathan commented and it had Negan bobbing his head about before nodding. “Both her and mom were very pretty.”
“The prettiest,” Negan agreed with his son, pushing his back further against the wall of the cell. “I was a very lucky man to have two of the most amazing women in love with me. I’ll never have a love like that again.”
“How did mom die? You always talk about her, but you never really talk about how she died,” Nathan reminded Negan who took in a sharp breath of air, before lowering his head to look down. “Evie won’t talk about it either.”
“We went on a trip together. I wanted to do something nice for her because I was never really romantic when it came to things with your mother. We left you and Evie at The Sanctuary,” Negan explained, his Adam’s apple bouncing in this throat when he thought back to what happened over seven years ago. Even now, when he talked about The Sanctuary, he knew that Nathan didn’t know about that place. It was just something he talked about. Nathan knew what it was, but he remembered none of it. “On our way back, we found this town that we looked at together. Our last stop was this toy store because we wanted to pick things up for you and your sister…”
“It’s okay,” Nathan held his hand up in the air when he noticed that his father was getting choked up. “You don’t have to tell me.”
“No, you deserve to know,” Negan acknowledged, lifting his hand to wipe at his eyes with the back of his hand. It took a minute for him to gather himself before he waved his hand about in the air. “It had water damage in the place. We should have just left, but your mom saw this stuffed animal that looked like this dog we had when we were younger. Evie was still really crushed about him passing away. His name was…”
“Darwin?” Nathan cut Negan off, which had Negan sucking in a sharp breath of air. “Evie still has the stuffed animal and the collar on her wall. She tells me about him a lot.”
“He was a really good dog,” Negan informed Nathan with a weak smile, a huff falling from his throat when he shifted on the ground again. Thinking back to the day that they lost Y/N, Negan knew that he never really told Evie all the details. He knew that if he did, Evie would blame herself for Y/N being gone. And he never wanted that. “Your mom just got herself in a bad situation where she got hurt.”
“Did she die in your arms?” Nathan whispered, careful in the way he said what he did just in case it would hurt Negan. Shaking his head, Negan wished that he would have stayed there for that to happen. So she wouldn’t have been alone and maybe they could have had some closure together. Nathan tipped his head to the side and swallowed down hard. “Then how did she die?”
“I don’t know,” Negan admitted, biting down on his bottom lip and giving his son a shrug. “She asked me to leave and I did. When I went back to the town to look for her, she was gone.”
“Then how do you know that she’s dead?” Nathan wondered, his young features scrunching up in confusion.
“Because I know your mother. If she was still alive, she would have made her way back to you and your sister,” Negan confessed, clenching his fists at his sides when he thought back on Y/N. While he wanted like hell for her to be alive, after a certain amount of time with her missing, he knew that she was never coming back. So the only possible answer was that she was dead. And when he thought back on that moment, he always felt like he knew that she was bit. There was no escaping that kind of bite. “She loved you both more than anything and nothing could have kept her away from you.”
“Okay,” Nathan thought about what Negan said before clearing his throat. “So it’s like Judith’s dad? He just disappeared.”
“It’s kind of different,” Negan replied back, but Nathan immediately shook his head.
“Not really. I mean, both of them were never found, right?” Nathan pointed out leaving Negan to bite down on his bottom lip.
“And both of them are dead Nathan,” Negan noted with a firm shake of his head. Being honest was always a hard thing for Negan. Especially when it came to this topic. “No one wants to admit that the person they love is gone, but they are. Your mother and Rick both likely ended up in the water with their bodies…” Negan paused noticing the way that Nathan’s head tipped to the side. Nathan was taking in every detail and Negan wondered if he should have been this honest with his son. “I shouldn’t be saying this to you Nathan.”
“Why?” Nathan was blunt, his fingers curling tighter around his knees.
“Because you’re a baby,” Negan was quick to respond and it had Nathan rolling his eyes. “I know, you think you are a big boy that can take on the world, but you’re nine years old. There are some things that you shouldn’t have to hear at your age. You should just be a kid.”
“I understand death more than you think,” Nathan suggested, his young voice surprising Negan with the way he said it. “I’m young. I know that. And I’m weak. But so many people have died. I understand loss. You don’t have to worry about scaring me. I’m not scared.”
“I know,” Negan frowned hating that his son had to grow up so fast in a world like this. That was something both Evie and Nathan had to do. “I just don’t think the memories of your mother should be her being dead. I would rather you think about how much she loved you. How hard she fought for you. How much she loved all of us.”
“I see,” Nathan looked back toward the window to see that the sun was starting to go down. “I have to go back for dinner. I love you dad.”
“I love you too,” Negan grumbled under his breath, taking his time to stand up before leaning forward to give Nathan a one-armed hug. Pressing a kiss at Nathan’s temple, Negan knew he always hated this time of the day the most. When the children would leave him. Saying goodbye was always the hardest thing because he lived for these days with them.
Every time he would be lying if he said he didn’t get emotional. Once Nathan was gone, Negan threw his tennis ball at the corner of the wall doing everything he could not to cry. Which of course, he failed and it led to him laying down early. It was even worse that he wasn’t able to see Evie today after everything.
Late into the night, there was a storm that was starting that Negan tried to block out by putting a pillow over his head. He was deep in sleep before he heard the sound of the door to the room his cell was held in being opened. Sleepily pulling the pillow from over his head, Negan looked back to see a light from a lantern moving across the room and he heard the cell door being opened.
“What’s going on?” Negan rubbed at his tired eyes when the person entered the cell with him and he tried pulling himself up on the cot. They closed the door and when the light lifted enough Negan could see that it was Evie standing before him. “Baby girl.”
Swiftly getting up from the cot, Negan scrambled to his feet and nearly leapt forward to wrap his arms around her to give her a big hug. It shocked her and she only returned the gesture with one arm since the other was holding onto the lantern. In all the time that they had allowed both Nathan and Evie down there, they had never let them in his cell.
Burying his head against the side of her neck, Negan cherished the touch of his daughter before she pulled her head back to look him over, “Are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” Negan stammered, a lump developing in his throat when he shakily pulled back to stroke over the side of her face. Noticing a scratch over her eyebrow and some bruising over the side of her face Negan had a sense of panic flood through him. “What happened? Who did this to you?”
“No one did this to me,” Evie hushed him, setting the lantern down at the corner of Negan’s jail cell. Noticing her other hand, Negan reached for it to see that it was wrapped up and he immediately tensed up. “No one hurt me dad. I was helping them build something and there was an accident. I stopped a few people from getting hurt.”
“So you got hurt in the process?” Negan snapped, his fingers carefully sweeping over her bandaged wrist. “You’re only seventeen Evie, why the hell are they having you do anything? And why are they putting your body at risk.”
“Because I’m smarter than most of these people dad,” Evie answered him, her good hand reaching for his to hook her fingers together with his. “I may be seventeen, but I know more than they do. I know how to do things right so they don’t have to keep fixing them. And I’m going to be fine, I just have a few scratches and a sprained wrist.”
“Baby girl,” Negan frowned, reaching out to pull her into his arms again so he could hug her closer to him this time. Stroking his fingers through her dark hair, Negan nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck and sighed. “This still doesn’t explain how you are in here. You didn’t steal the keys, did you?”
“After I saved people, Gabriel told me I could have anything I wanted within reason. So I asked to be able to come in here with you for a day,” Evie claimed, leaning back to stare up at Negan with her hazel eyes shimmering in the light that flashed into his jail cell. “I am doing my best to be as strong as I can possibly be right now, but I need my dad. I need my dad really bad.”
“Come here,” Negan motioned Evie toward his cot, getting her to join him. He allowed her to lay back in his arms so he could hold her like he did when she was a child. Evie let out an amused sound and Negan huffed. “What?”
“You don’t think this is a little silly? Me laying with you?” she looked back over her shoulder and Negan’s eyebrow arched. “Some people are weird.”
“Well some people are stupid. You’re my little girl and you’re never going to be too big for me to hug you,” Negan corrected her, loosely hooking his arm around her. Adjusting her body, Evie allowed Negan to hug her close and Negan sighed. “Plus, it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to hold you. I’m gonna take advantage of it. Because you’re my little girl.”
“I’m not so little anymore,” she responded and Negan scoffed at the idea.
“You’re always gonna be my little girl,” Negan pointed out, repeating the same thing that he had said to Judith earlier. There seemed to be tension in Evie’s body like she wanted to say something, but she was avoiding it. Several times she went to speak up, but then stopped. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t want to upset you,” Evie breathed out, hooking her fingers with Negan’s when she got comfortable beside him on the small cot they had given him in his cell. “I’m doing everything I can to fit in here. I really am. But no matter how hard I try, people have never really been good to Nathan and me. Carol, Michonne and Gabriel are really the only people that are comfortable with us. Eugene has been nice to me with teaching me things, but he’s…strange. Everyone else knows that we are your children. And we don’t want to hide that either because we love you. We’re not embarrassed that you’re our dad. Which means we really don’t put up with people talking shit about you.”
“I don’t want either of you getting hurt,” Negan reminded her and she huffed. “Evie, people can shit talk me all they want. It doesn’t change how you or Nathan feels about me.”
“Nathan headbutted a kid the other day,” Evie informed Negan who choked when he heard it. “It was a teenage boy too. He got right in Nathan’s face and was saying some really awful things. I was going to take care of it myself, but Nathan just full on headbutted him. I don’t even know where he learned it, but it knocked the kid right on his ass. Aaron saw it and said that he didn’t. It was the one-time Aaron didn’t throw us under the bus. If he didn’t Nathan could have gotten in trouble.”
“Shit,” Negan frowned taking in that information, realizing that he would have to have a talk with Nathan about doing those things.
“It just gets hard putting up with the same shit this long,” Evie was honest with Negan, her voice faint as if she was unsure with talking to Negan about things.  
“I thought everyone was being nice to you,” Negan tried to remind her of what she had told him throughout the years.
“I told you what you wanted to hear,” she admitted to him how things were and she shook her head slowly. Hearing that hurt because he was actually hopeful that the people of Alexandria were like what Rick tried to sell them to be. “People aren’t nice here dad. And even though I keep trying to help, no one is ever going to accept me nor Nathan here. We don’t belong here. We never did.”
“But you’re safe here,” Negan reminded Evie with a frown hating to hear that she was so miserable here. “That’s why we agreed this was for the best because you would have a home where you were fed…”
“What was best for us was being with you,” Evie interrupted him with an upset sound leaving Negan to squeeze her fingers tighter in his. “We should have been at the farm together taking care of things there. Not at this place where no one appreciates the work that I’ve done. I got hurt today helping these people and it made me think…”
“Yeah?” Negan heard her breathing change when she turned around to face him showing that she was crying. “Evie?”
“I’m gonna die here helping these people when they don’t deserve it,” Evie explained feeling Negan reach up to brush her tears away from her face. “I have been trying to be the best version of myself since I was ten years old taking care of Nathan. And I don’t mean to make you feel bad, I don’t, but I needed my dad. I was just a kid…”
“You’re still just a kid,” Negan maintained with a frown hating to hear that she felt so overwhelmed with life. An overwhelming sense of guilt ate away at him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when I should have been. I screwed up and this is my fault that you’ve had to go through all of this. I never wanted this life for you.”
Silence followed and Evie took in a long breath, cuddling her head in closer to her father’s pillow, “I’m not going to fight you on that one.”
“At least you’re honest,” Negan’s nose wrinkled, a loud sigh falling from his lips. “I wish I could go back and change things. A lot of things.”
“Me too,” Evie whispered, her long eyelashes fluttering to a close. The sound of the storm growing louder filled the small cell. “I miss mom. She always knew what to do and I feel like I’m failing. I don’t think she be proud of what I’ve become.”
“That’s absolute bullshit. She would be so fucking proud of you,” Negan corrected Evie with a hurt breath, his tears still lingering at the idea of Y/N. “I know you’re mother. And I know how much she loved you and I promise you she would be so proud of the young woman you have become. You have been incredible to your little brother, you took care of me, you have been amazing…”
There was a silence between them with Negan squeezing his fingers supportively around her good hand, “I miss her too. So much.”
As the storm grew, Negan allowed Evie to cuddle in closer to him and it was like how things were when she was younger with her head resting over the center of his chest. Stroking his fingers over her shoulders, Negan cleared his throat and shook his head.
“I always told your mom in the past that she shouldn’t think about the what ifs, but that’s all I’ve done since I’ve been locked up here,” Negan thought aloud, his thoughts lingering about everything he wished he had done instead of all the things he had done. “Where we really should be right now is at that farm. You, me, your brother and your mom. Instead, we’re stuck here and she’s…”
“Gone,” Evie explained with a long sigh, her eyes closing tightly when she tried to stop herself from getting emotional.
It hurting hearing that. Especially after everything that he had done. If there was anything that these years did for him, it was stress how much this was actually his fault and he understood that so very clearly now.
“Your mom deserved a perfect life,” Negan whispered, his heart pounding inside of his chest when he thought about Y/N. “And instead of that she ended up with me. Someone she had to carry through life and help fix all the time.”
“I know you blame yourself for a lot,” Evie began hearing the rain pouring outside and it took her a minute to actually put together what she wanted to say. “And you did make a lot of bad decisions, but mom loved you. A lot.”
“But I never deserve it,” Negan hated admitting it, but he had to be honest about the way things were. “You, your mom…you both were always too good for me. And I’ve fucked all of your lives up because of the piss poor decisions I made. You shouldn’t be forced into this position. You never asked for this and it’s wrong…”
“I don’t see any other options,” Evie yawned, getting more comfortable with her father. They both went silent and it sounded like Negan was heavily debating everything she told him. “I’m just going to stay until the storm ends. I don’t want to get soaked.”
“You can stay here as long as you want,” Negan assured her curling his arm around her tightly to show her that she would be safe with him there. It looked like Evie was on the verge of falling asleep when Negan cleared his throat. “Your brother really headbutted someone?”
“He sure did,” Evie didn’t even open her eyes when she smirked hearing Negan scoff. “And it didn’t affect him at all. He wasn’t dizzy, it didn’t give him a headache, nothing.”
“God,” Negan groaned inwardly, letting out a big belly laugh thinking about the whole idea of it. “That’s something you would have done at his age though. If there is one thing my kids are, it’s little bad asses.”
“We just have hard heads,” Evie joked with Negan, getting comfortable again as if hinting to him that she was just ready to stop talking and enjoy the moment. And he allowed her that. He wanted to talk more, but he could also read the situation. Lowering down, Negan pressed a kiss over her forehead and sighed. “I love you Evie. So much.”
This was likely the wrong decision, but Negan didn’t care. After the door to his cell pushed open tonight, Negan knew that he should have stayed in his cell. Proved that he was a good boy, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. No, not after everything that Negan had heard from his daughter recently. The night that Evie snuck in to be with him and stayed until morning, Negan started to realize how much he needed to be with his children.
What he thought was a good thing here was something that was actually making Evie miserable. Evie had gotten hurt because she was putting her life on the line for the others here. In a desperate attempt to have people like her and see her as anything other than Negan’s daughter, Evie risked herself for others and it did nothing other than allow her a few hours in Negan’s cell after all the years they had been there.
There was a fear that was growing inside of Negan that if she kept it up, one day it would be someone else coming to tell him that Evie was no longer there. Negan missed enough years of his children’s life and when the opportunity presented itself, he knew that he had to take it. For so long Negan behaved because he thought that if he did his family would be safe, but after the other day he realized that they never would be.
First thing he did was make a trip to collect a few things before he headed to the house that he had noticed over the last few years that they were keeping Evie and Nathan. There was another member of Alexandria that originally lived with them, but once Evie reached a certain age and they had lost that member they let Nathan and Evie live alone together there. Once Negan learned that, it never really sat well with him. Evie was only seventeen and to know that she had full responsibility of Nathan didn’t feel right because she should have never had the weight of all of that on her.
Carefully moving throughout the house, Negan found Nathan’s room first when he quietly pushed open the door. Part of him wanted to wake up Nathan and talk to him, but he was certain that it would take longer than it should have if he did. So he just took a moment to stare out at his son, his back resting against the door frame while he watched his son sleep. This was something he should have been seeing all along. His children should have been allowed to grow up with him as their father. Instead, he missed out on so much of their lives and they had to grow up without him. The only person he could really blame for that was himself. He understood that after this long. It was his fault. It was his poor decision, but damn, it broke his heart to know it.
Looking down, Negan felt emotional seeing Nathan sleeping there. Every night before he fucked up so bad, Evie and Nathan used to sleep in bed with him at The Sanctuary and he fucking missed it. He missed it so much. They both had grown up so fast and he wished he would have been there to spend it with them. After the other night with him having Evie with him, it almost felt like a dream. Something that he had longed for so bad in having his kids with him that he made it happen. But it was real and it made him realize that he didn’t want to sit back and just wait for something to maybe happen again. He wanted to be with his children again. There had to be something better than this.
Taking his time closing the door to Nathan’s room, Negan tip toed down the hallway trying to be quiet. Pushing open doors one at a time, Negan realized that Evie’s room had to be at the end of the hallway. When he finally reached it, he took his time moving into the room. There was that fear that someone would realize that he was out of his cell. Which is why he knew that he probably needed to quicken this because the first place they would check was his children.
Stepping into the room, Negan could see through the small amount of light filtering into her room from the moonlight that Evie was sleeping. Almost immediately Negan noticed at the corner of her room sitting on a chair was the stuffed animal that Y/N had grabbed for Evie when everything happened. It looked like the stuffed animal was watching over her while she slept. Beside Evie while she slept was her Flounder stuffed animal. It was worn down, bad. But damn it took his breath away to see. His little girl had grown up so much, but she was still his little girl in so many ways. She had been forced to grow up so fast but seeing that still reminded him just how young she still truly was.
Considering how to wake her up, Negan stepped forward and the floorboard creaked. Like lightening, Evie shot up in bed and reached for something beside her bed. Throwing his hands up when he realized it was a gun, Negan was shocked how fast she moved.
“It’s me,” Negan tried to calm her, seeing her free hand reaching for the light to turn it on. When she finally was awake enough to realize it was him, Evie unhurriedly tipped the gun down giving Negan a confused expression. Lowering his hands, Negan felt his heart pounding inside of his chest thankful that she didn’t pull the trigger immediately. “Fucking Christ Evie.”
“Dad?” she muttered, lowering the gun slowly and setting it back on the nightstand beside her bed. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What are you doing with a gun beside you while you sleep?” Negan scoffed, pointing toward the gun and she gazed over in the direction that he was pointing. “What if I was your little brother?”
“I would have known you weren’t Nathan. After this long I think I know what his footsteps sound like,” Evie explained, pulling herself up further in bed to press her back against the headboard. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she eyed over Negan and saw the way he was dressed. “What is going on with you? Why are you here?”
“About that…” Negan cleared his throat, moving forward in attempts to sit down. Thinking twice about it, Negan pointed at the edge of the bed almost asking if it was okay if he sat down with her. Without hesitation, she moved over slightly giving him enough room to sit beside her facing her. “I think Gabriel was distracted earlier. He didn’t lock my cell door right. It pushed open earlier and…I left it.”
“But…why?” Evie seemed nervous with his answer, looking beyond him toward the door. “If someone sees that you are out of your cell they will probably kill you.”
“I…know,” Negan agreed with her, a long sigh falling from his parted lips. “I just started thinking that maybe it was a sign. A sign that maybe I needed to take this chance and leave.”
“Leave?” she repeated, her hazel eyes thinking over what he said before nodding her head. “Fine. Just give me a few minutes to grab what is important and I can be packed. We’ll have to wake up Nathan, but…”
“No, no,” Negan shook his head, reaching out to place his hand in over her shoulder to keep her where she was. “Just me, Evie.”
“Just you?” her face scrunched up and she immediately shook her head. “No. Why would you just go? Nathan and I should be going with you.”
“Because I need to know that there is a place for us to go before I put you and your brother at risk,” Negan hushed her, his palm stretching out to caress in over the side of her young features. By her expression? He knew that she didn’t like that answer. While she took after him in a lot of ways, there were so many expressions that her mother used to make that she was now doing the older she got. “If I’m going to risk taking the two of you out there, I need to know that there is a place for us. A place where we can go and be a family again.”
“Dad, that doesn’t make sense,” Evie reasoned with him, leaning into the touch of his rough palm. Closing her eyes, she took in a long exhale and shook her head once more. “Nathan and I don’t want to be without you dad. There is no telling how the two of us will even know if you find a place. We wanted to get out of here just as much as you do, but if you’re not here? We don’t want to be here.”
“And I understand that,” Negan noticed that she was getting emotional and he slid in closer to her, his eyebrows furrowing. It was hard not picturing what she was like as a child seeing her like this. Riddled with fear. “After what you told me the other day, I realized I made a mistake. Fuck, I made so many mistakes. And I need to make it right. I need to find a place for all of us to be together. Safely.”
“If you are so worried about things out there, then maybe we just need to stay here because I don’t want to be separated from you,” Evie panicked, her fingers curling around Negan’s wrist in attempts to get him to focus on her. “Dad, I want to be where you are.”
“I know that baby girl, but with what happened to you,” Negan started, his eyes lowering down to her wrist that was still discolored from when she hurt herself. It was healing, but it still looked like it hurt. “We can’t stay here. I’m not going to let my little girl suffer because she wants to prove something to people who are never going to give her a fair shot. You got hurt once and I’m not going to let it keep happening. Do you understand me?”
“Dad, I’m fine,” she tried to assure him, but he shook his head and quieted her once more. “What if something happens to you while you’re out there? You need someone to watch your back. To keep you safe. It’s been a long time since you were out of that cell. You don’t know what’s out there.”
“But I have to try,” Negan declared, his body tensing up when he thought about the idea of what he was doing. Yeah, she was right. Hell, he was definitely out of shape. Did he work out to the best of his ability while he was in that cell? Sure, but it wasn’t enough. There was that chance that it was more dangerous out there, but it was worth risking. “You and your brother deserve better, Evie. And it’s my fault that you have been living like you were. I can’t have you risking yourself out there because I’m your father. It’s my job to take care of you and I’ve been doing a shitty job of it for a very long time. It’s time I step up and do what I was always supposed to do.”
There were tears burning at Evie’s eyes as she slid forward. A loud exhale fell from his throat when Evie wrapped her arms around him. Returning the gesture, Negan buried his nose against the side of her neck and heard her crying.
“I’m so sorry for everything I’ve put you through,” Negan whimpered hearing her crying which had him getting emotional himself. Stroking his fingers at the back of her neck, Negan tried to comfort her while they both cried. “I’ve done so much wrong in my life Evie. Probably more wrong than right. But you?”
Pulling back slightly, Negan felt his tears sliding down his flesh, his chest aching when her eyes were full of tears, “You were the best thing I’ve ever done, Evie. Having you as my daughter? I’ve never been prouder of something in my whole life. You are so smart, beautiful, talented, caring…”
“You’re talking like this is going to be the last time I’m going to see you,” she interrupted him, frowning when Negan captured her jaw between his index finger and his thumb. “I don’t like it.”
“It’s something I should have been saying all along,” Negan confessed, his bottom lip trembling as he spoke to her. “You should have been hearing every single day how much I love you. You should have never doubted my love and you should have always had me beside you. Lifting you up because once I became a father? I should have spent my life lifting you up. Making things perfect for you. I was such a good father those first six years and then I just completely dropped the fucking ball. And that’s my fault. Not yours. I need you to know that.”
“I don’t want to lose you dad,” Evie whispered, her hazel eyes full of worry with the fear that this may be the last time she saw him alive. “I’m still not okay after losing mom. I don’t know what will happen if I lose you too.”
“I know you, Evie. If anyone can make it in this world, it’s you,” Negan hushed her, cupping her face in both of his hands. “You are the best of me. The best of your mom. But you know what? You’re better than both of us. You’ve been taking care of your little brother since you were ten years old. At ten, you were a better parent that I ever was. And you were a better adult that I ever was. I have every intensions of coming back to you and your brother. I do. But it’s time for me to be the parent and take care of you. I promise you, if I find something that is good for us to be together, I will find a way to get to you. I’ve never been very good at promises, but you are the first person I’ve made promises to that I have kept. And I intend to keep doing that. Because I love you. So fucking much.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she breathed out in a low, uneven sound. Sweeping at her tears with his thumbs, Negan leaned in to press a kiss over her forehead letting it linger. “After what happened, all I ever wanted was your love.”
“Evie,” Negan began, his hands reaching for her good hand leading it toward the center of his chest. Their eyes connected and he gave her a weak smile. “You have always owned my heart. From the second you were born, your little fingers had a grasp on this thing and it will be that way until the day I die. Because I love you. So fucking much.”
Grunting out, Negan felt her give him another strong hug and he squeezed her closely to him. Pressing a kiss against her temple, Negan knew that he didn’t want to let her go, but he had to. Just not yet.
“I will do everything to get back to you,” Negan assured her, his words quiet while he nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck. “The only place I belong, the only place I will ever belong is with you and your brother. I won’t run away on you. I won’t leave you here. As long as I’m breathing? You and your brother will be my number one priority.”
Saying goodbye was harder than ever today. Especially considering neither one knew if it would be the last time they saw each other. They hugged longer than they should have and he cried when he left. It was hard leaving and there was a hiccup where Judith caught him trying to escape. Thankfully she let him go and the further away from Alexandria he got, the more confused he grew. Was this really the right choice that he was making? The lack of food, getting sick from the water. Maybe this was wrong all along.
The closest place to check first? The Sanctuary. Why he went there, he really didn’t know. But then again? It’s the place he knew the most. If things were sustainable there, maybe they would be able to make it until they found somewhere else. Somewhere new.
Once he saw The Sanctuary, Negan felt gutted. It had gone to shit. Things were torn apart and wet. What he had built up as his kingdom in the past was lost. It was a broken-down memory of a man he used to be. Walking through the building was hard. He had so many memories about these hallways that were now riddled with dirt and water. Nothing survived. Even if people did try to continue living here after he was captured. Something happened and everyone left.
Seeing what used to be his bedroom was even harder than he imagined. Everything was torn to shit. Anything that was his was destroyed, weathered, broken down. All of the beds were soaked with the water damage. The couches had been torn to shit. This whole place used to be his pride and joy. Now, it was nothing. It was a disaster. A place not worth remembering and he knew that.
A thought kept echoing in his mind. Judith told him he had nothing out here for him. And he was starting to think that was right. Maybe this was a stupid decision. Everything that he loved and cared for was in Alexandria. Everything important anyways. Out here? It was just lost memories and places that wouldn’t be good for anyone to live in.
Taking one last walk around the lower level of The Sanctuary, Negan swore he heard movement. There were the stray walkers, but this sounded different. It sounded like he was being followed. Like there was someone watching him.
Maybe that meant it was time to get the fuck out. The last thing he needed was someone cornering in on him when he made a promise to Evie.
Heading toward one of the exits, Negan felt even more paranoid than before. Footsteps were following him. The only bad thing? He couldn’t see shit. And he doubted that anyone would be able to see him in this darkness. So how the hell were they following him and following him so fast?
Reaching an exit, Negan realized that the doors were locked and he huffed loudly. Bringing his fist out, he hit at the door before kicking at it over and over again. There had to be a quick out. In his panic, he didn’t realize that the footsteps were growing louder. Gazing back, he saw the shadow of someone approaching him. It was nothing but a shadow. But amongst the light he did have he could see that they were armed. He was not.
So he did the first thing he could think of. He tried to hit them. Immediately the person dodged and it was followed by a firm hit to his mid-section that knocked the wind out of him. Trying to force himself to fight through the pain, Negan threw out his arm again hitting nothing when the person dropped down. Every throw he did, nothing collided and it was making him angrier by the second.
“Fuck,” Negan attempted to step back, only to feel a firm hit to his jaw knocking him to one knee. A kick to the other knee followed drawing him to throw his head back and wince in pain. Once his eyes fluttered to an open, Negan saw that the person before him was wearing all black. They looked like they were heavily covered in military armor of some kind. There was a black helmet that covered their head so all he could see was his reflection in the helmet. “Well what the fuck are you waiting for? You’re gonna kill me. Aren’t you?”
Almost immediately after, the stranger grabbed a flashlight that was hooked onto their belt. Turning it on him, Negan threw his hand up in front of his eyes and scoffed, “Holy fucking shit. You already beat my fucking ass and now you want to blind me too?”
The person stepped back, lowering their flashlight and when they turned on their heel, Negan stumbled to get back attempting to throw himself at the person. Big mistake.
They grabbed a hold of his arm, flipping him over and onto his back with a thud. Groaning out, Negan hissed out in pain with the way they were still locking his arm back in their hold. Tipping his head back, the last thing Negan saw was a glove covered fist heading right for him before the world went completely black all around him.
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biceratops7 · 1 year
… let’s talk about “Arrival”
So I was fully intending on making a more general but thorough peruse through the new Good Omens title sequence, because my FUCK aren’t those always a gold mine. But then I thought to myself, “hey wait a minute, I can be even more unhinged and on brand.”
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Something I’ve seen nobody talk about yet is that the movie that the procession is marching into is The Arrival, which is a 90’s movie that draws a pretty straightforward parallel. But I think if it doubles as a reference to 2016’s Arrival, THAT has some much more interesting implications. Either way this reference is doing some heavy lifting.
For those who haven’t seen the movie (or that one philosophy tube video about it lol), the basic plot is that a group of aliens later named heptopods arrive on earth scattered across the world, and just kind of invite humanity to check them out. Each country hires a team of linguists who are all tasked with figuring out what the visitors are here for. But the thing is, it’s only about aliens on the surface level. This is really about communicating, cooperation, and how language holds the power to alter your very fabric of reality.
Spoilers for the movie:
Two major revelations occur towards the end of the movie. The first is that an element of fluid time is revealed. Throughout the movie, the main American linguist has been having flashbacks to a daughter that passed away of an illness. But since the heptopod language has no regard for chronological order, we learn that these are actually flash-forwards when she becomes nearly fluent. In other words, learning heptopod, having a genuine curiosity and even compassion for these vastly different beings. has given her the ability to perceive reality in ways thought previously impossible.
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Even before noticing the Arrival reference, I’ve been side eyeing these “flashbacks”, but this and the image above confirmed it for me. Any instance of the word “becoming” when talking about the past indicates some sort of fluid time nonsense. The past is fixed unless something ✨happens✨. I don’t think these are simply memories, I think something rather cosmic instead is afoot.
But it’s more than just “there’s probably time travel in this” though. Simply having Aziraphale as a companion has changed Crowley. It’s given him an ability that he’s not meant to be capable of as a demon. He already had it in him to be good and have mutual relationships based in trust and kindness, I’m sure all demons can if given the right nurture… but Crowley is experiencing love. In the show, something tangible to the senses and distinctly angelic. I’m very much hoping that that whole element of things is going to somehow be a driving factor in what’s occurring over all, and possibly involved in time going screwy.
The other element of Arrival’s ending that’s of import, is the heavy emphasis on the importance of cooperation. First of all, we learn at some point that not every country has the same message to decipher, they each have one piece of a whole. Some of the countries begin using games to communicate with their heptopods, and this poses a problem because it causes messages to be more easily interpreted as hostile. For example, the phrase “we brought a tool” can be easily misconstrued as “we have a weapon.” Eventually, the world gets impatient and scared, and a war is imminent. What finally leads to everyone putting down arms and cooperating, is the American linguist sending a message to the Chinese linguist saying “in war, there are no victors, only widows.”
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Something noteworthy about this particular march is that the procession never splits like it does at the end of the first season’s. Not only are both angelic and demonic figures marching into the light atop a mountain as a United front, but this actually seems to be a theme this season. Heaven and Hell aren’t working together as far as we know, but they are at least working towards the same goal, which for some reason is getting Gabriel’s ass. There is also a heavy emphasis on mending broken relationships, with Crowley and Azirphale trying to fix a (probably) lesbian couple literally being the B plot.
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Now this is where we bring in what’s actually on the movie screen, which is that damn box. So at this point we know basically nothing about it accept for it probably being a Mcguffin. But we DO have the imagery of three feathers, a black one, a white one, and a bluish grey one, falling into it… and it sure as fuck looks like a moving box. So back to arrival, what actually was the message? The heptopods told the linguist that they’re here to help humanity (via giving them a tool or new tech I think?) because in 3,000 years, they will need humanity’s help. So with this and the world eventually being inspired to stand down and share their pieces of the message, it’s this over arching theme of setting aside fear of the other and cooperating indefinitely for the benefit of the whole. The black feather, the white feather… and then something that is somehow both yet entirely unique.
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I think… somehow, someway, this season may culminate in Heaven and Hell reconciling. Whether it be against a common enemy, for a shared goal, or in love, there seems to be many clues both symbolic and literal that show them learning to be one again. Learning to understand eachother’s language and see new ways of being neither before could fathom.
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devildomwriter · 7 months
An Angel’s Choice | Raphael x Reader
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1.7K | GN! Reader | CW: very minor season four spoilers, very minor angst
The fellow partygoers applauded as the live music ended. Raphael smiled as you came back from the dance floor. Luke had asked to dance with you and since it was Luke and a more lively song, Raphael hadn’t minded.
He did however mind when Simeon asked you, and Michael, and Uriel, and a few others. He knew you were popular in the Devildom and the sorcerer community and of course, he knew of you before meeting you because of Michael, Luke, and Simeon. However, during his stay in the Devildom, he hadn’t realized how quickly rumors of you were spreading.
You had saved him by summoning Lucifer into a dream, the amount of focus and power needed combined with the risk was admirable and heroic. Michael had been quick to tell everyone about your heroic deeds and for Raphael’s sake left out why he had needed rescuing to begin with.
Ever since this event, Raphael was more attached to you and though he hadn’t noticed it at first he did once Simeon asked about his budding feelings.
Now Raphael was careful to act as usual. He was a guard and a Seraph, a protector and hitman. His duty was to the Celestial Realm and his Father above all else. But when he watched your smile, your somewhat graceful steps across the floor as you danced, and the joy in your eyes at being surrounded by your friends and his fellow angels, Raphael’s heart was stuck in his throat.
Raphael didn’t know these emotions and he didn’t understand them. He didn’t know when he was gazing lovingly until someone gave him a funny look. He didn’t know he was staring until someone managed to sneak up on him. He didn’t know he was swooning until you gave him a flushed look. He didn’t know his heart beating faster wasn’t a sign of illness but a sign of excitement.
He sat at the white-clothed table with a clean plate waiting for your food as you enjoyed the Celestial Ball.
Simeon took his seat next to Raphael and watched him for a minute. Simeon didn’t enjoy competition but he did have immense fun teasing Raphael about his crush.
Simeon gently poked Raphael’s arm. Raphael whipped his head around ready to draw out his spear instinctively but relaxed when he saw his friend.
“Simeon?” He questioned and Simeon pointed at you. Raphael looked at you as you were invited to dance by Gabriel.
Raphael clenched his fist jealously and Simeon chuckled. “Why don’t you go ask them again?” He advised and Raphael shook his head.
Raphael could waltz but he wasn’t a good dancer. His artistic talent lay in song, not dance.
“Why don’t you sing for them?” Simeon suggested next and Raphael shook his head again.
“Not in front of everyone,” he mumbled and Simeon laughed again. He was beginning to annoy Raphael so Raphael gave him a stern look and got up from his table to approach you.
Before he could reach you the music began and you began to waltz with Gabriel. Raphael grit his teeth and Michael noticed and approached him. He gripped Raphael’s shoulders, surprising him. Raphael glared at him and Michael backed away playfully defensively.
“Hey now, what’s with that look?” Michael prodded and Raphael sighed and glanced at you. Michael noticed and looked over at Simeon who was laughing in his seat. Michael sighed at his friends’ antics and pulled Raphael onto the dance floor after him.
Raphael turned red and was so flustered he could hardly move as Michael pulled him around until he was close enough to whisper to Gabriel. “Let’s trade?”
Gabriel knew this was more an order than a suggestion and with a swift movement he let go of your hand and it reconnected with Raphael’s.
“Oh, hi Raphael. I thought you were waiting for the food,” you greeted, a little confused. Raphael was not the type to dance so seeing him here more than once was a potential sign of the end of times.
He was at a loss for words but his face was flushed. You simplified your movements to allow him to think more clearly as he was hyper-focused on getting the steps correctly to avoid embracing either of you.
He glared when he heard Michael laughing with Gabriel from across the room. He glanced at Simeon who was no longer teasing him but instead filming Michael dancing as potential blackmail.
Raphael had no idea how Simeon remained an archangel and shook his head. Finally, the music stopped and Raphael held you closely.
You were tempted to joke “Leave room for Jesus” but you weren’t sure how well that would go over in a room full of angels so you held your tongue.
Raphael panted, he’d been holding his breath for so long without realizing it. Concerned, you led him back to the table but Raphael shook his head, requesting a breath of fresh air.
He held onto your wrist and led you to the hall and out another pair of doors to a balcony overseeing the Celestial Realm’s capital.
It took your breath away every time and your eyes glimmered as you overlooked it all. Birds flew by you singing harmoniously and in the hall, angels laughed and chatted with each other. You held Raphael’s hand as he breathed a sigh of relief to be away from the spotlight.
He didn’t mind addressing crowds but he didn’t like being thrown into them, it was stressful when he wasn’t sure what he should be doing. You knew this and rubbed your thumb across his hand as he took a few more deep breaths.
He was instantly relaxed in your presence but had no idea what to say now aside from, “thanks.”
A man of few words, you were happy he said anything at all. You gasped in surprise when Raphael squeezed your hand and brought you close to his side to look over the realm together. He rested his head atop yours and you blushed and melted into his side.
“Is this allowed?” You asked teasingly to break the silence.
He hummed, “right now…I don’t really care.”
You were stunned at his response. Raphael only cared about rules, to break one was unthinkable. But you suppose being partially angel yourself some affection was allowed. That was always the excuse Simeon gave when he wanted cuddles or kisses. But this felt different. A man so reserved as Raphael was never like this. This wasn’t flirting or passing affection this was a genuine connection and for a moment time froze as you felt completely in synch.
Your breathing matched and you were both relaxed as you listened to the birds sing and the music change in the distance.
The silence was broken by the ringing of a bell. You looked up and Raphael sighed. “Lunch is ready,” he informed, used to these balls.
You nodded and he gently held your hand pulling you alongside him into the room.
When the doors opened you both blushed as all eyes were on you, expecting the waiters instead. Raphael instantly let go of your hand but you grabbed it back making him blush harder and you led him to the table as Simeon and Michael snickered and Luke gave him curious looks.
Raphael sat down and looked down at the table, even the tips of his ears were red.
You chuckled too and the attention on you was broken as this time the waiters did arrive and the live orchestra played a relaxed tune perfect for dining.
You rubbed your hand on Raphael’s back and laughed as your food arrived. It wasn’t until after the meal and towards the end of the ball that you got a chance alone with Raphael again.
This time he led you to the observatory so you could see the night sky you were used to seeing at this time of the day.
“These are the human world stars, right?” You asked. He nodded.
“I’ve been here before,” you hummed and Raphael gave you a most confused look.
“Oh,” you exclaimed realizing he’d have no idea how it was possible. “I got hypnotized by some fairies and sent back in time to when Lucifer and his brothers were still in the Celestial Realm and Satan and I got invited on their picnic to looked the stars before Michael could get a chance.”
Raphael was silent for a moment but then began to laugh. “That sounds lovely.”
You nodded, “it was weird.”
He nodded too, agreeing that was a bizarre situation.
“Speaking of lovely,” you said softly and budged his arm. “I really enjoyed that moment on the balcony with you earlier.”
He blushed and squeezed your hand as you both gazed up at the stars. “I…enjoyed it too.” He admitted.
You nuzzled your face into his shoulder and he turned pink, “_-___.” He stuttered and sat up. “What are we doing…” he questioned and you sat up too and looked at him seriously.
“I’d like to know that too, Raphael,” you agreed. You blushed and looked down briefly before holding his hand tightly and confessing, “I like you, Raphael.”
“Likewise,” he said plainly, head tilted, and you shook your head.
“No, I mean like…I want you to be my partner and I want to be yours,” you said hurriedly and Raphael’s wings pipped out in surprise. It was startling but so adorable you couldn’t help but cover your mouth as you laughed.
Raphael took a moment to compose himself and nodded silently. “I would like that too.” He admitted to himself for the first time.
He didn’t know if this was allowed, neither of you did, but for you, he was willing to face the unknown and any consequences he might endure as a result.
“Really?” You asked, hopefully, and he grinned and nodded.
Slowly and cautiously he leaned down and gently brushed your cheek with his hand drawing your forward and your lips met.
Raphael pulled away after a moment and grinned. You’d never seen him so happy. Finally, all his confusion and doubt cleared away and what he was left with was certainty and joy.
He’d be your angel and you’d be his, and together you’d make sure that’s how it would always remain.
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mintartem · 2 months
hey, hey! Me again. The one who cursed you for blessing me with two new ships lol
Anywho, since you mentioned it, art of Adam x the other angels? Raphael, Gabriel, Azriel, Sariel, all of 'em!
Would love to see art/ designs, but I can settle for hcs lol
I was going to make this into art but I’ve been busy. I hope you don’t mind headcanons and my portrayal of them instead. (I will draw them and ship them with Adam eventually)
I can’t write ALL of the angels (there’s like 50+ of them and that’s not including the fallen) I’m going to focus on the 7 heavenly virtues first (excluding Michael so 6 of the 7).
Please note all of these are for the Hazbin Hotel fandom and not an actual Bible lore or theology. Although some info here are based on theology.
Gabriel (Seraph) - Diligence
He is an energetic, loud, bubbly, and trustworthy angel who is loved and respected by all. But he is scary when he is angry or pissed off
It’s not easy to piss him off but if you did, it means you’ve done something absolutely horrendous in his eyes
He enjoys watching souls get their deserved justice or punishment
Since his heavenly virtue is diligence, he is the fastest angel to finish his work. But at the same time, he also has a lot on his plate. He values breaks in-between working.
Flirts with Adam and loves to get in his personal space (Adam doesn’t mind and lets him)
He trusts Michael the most
The only beings he follows/listens to are Michael and God
He wonders why he was chosen to be God’s right hand when the position should be Michael’s (in his eyes)
He enjoys his job of delivering messages
Has the best stamina and endurance among the angels
He has a sweet tooth
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. But his most favorite instrument to play is the trumpet.
The third brother
He [will be] against Charlie’s plan of redemption
Raphael (Seraph) - Humility
He is a calm, collected, and gentle angel who wants the best for everyone and heal them as much as he can.
He wouldn’t hesitate to scare off souls with medical threats if it means it’ll help them heal
He is a pacifist
As the heavenly virtue of humility, despite his high position and rank, he doesn’t see himself better than others and chose to ground himself (which is confusing for other angels)
As the angel of healing, he heals not just physical pain, but also emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. health.
When it comes for mental health, he does need a winner’s help since he is an angel and can’t understand human thought process that well
Surprisingly, he prefers spicy food
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His most favorite instrument is the lyre.
He [will not be] against Charlie’s plan for redemption, but wouldn’t support it either.
The youngest among the four brothers
The tallest among the brothers
He and Gabriel tease Michael because of his crush on Adam
Also in love with Adam and loves watching Adam tend to his garden
He loves herbs, poisons, and other medical things (that includes snakes)
He is fascinated by human biology and anatomy. Adam is the usual target of this fascination
Has a doctor’s (terrible) handwriting
He is the most mature out of all the brothers
Has a sadistic side
Leader of the virtues
Azrael (Archangel) - Patience
When Adam met him in Eden, the impression he got from him was that he is a shy and quiet angel.
Azrael is a flirty and playful, but kind angel that enjoys the company of his fellow archangels
He loves the nature noises (such as chirping birds, cricket noises, swaying leaves)
He is mostly remembered for his wings. Angels and winners alike describe his wings as “so black that it’s like darkness itself created a solid form to serve as his wings”
He is respected even by the Seraphim for his duty
Originally, Samael was the angel of death. The title was given to Michael, who then gave it to Azrael
He is most known for taking the souls of “The Death of the First Born” plague in Egypt. He does not like being known for it though.
He created the Grim Reapers to help him with his duties.
He once offered Abel to be his first Grim Reaper. Abel declined.
Platonically flirts with Abel. Cain does not like it (he thinks its romantic)
Romantically flirts with Adam. Cain also does not like it
Cain does not like him in general. Azrael think its because Abel sees him as an older brother. (He’s right)
Despite being younger than Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel, they see him as an older brother figure
The only angel who is allowed to enter Hell and Heaven without permission, paperworks, etc. (This is because some depictions portray him as the one who leads souls to heaven or hell)
Doesn’t care about Charlie’s plan for redemption.
The elders are wary of him
He kept Abel’s soul until Adam died and went to heaven.
He is the one Adam first saw when he died so, like Abel, Adam has an attachment to him
Uriel (Seraph) - Chastity
He is a quiet, serious, scholarly angel with an aloof and unreadable expression.
Contrary to his serious appearance, Uriel enjoys teaching angels and winners.
He is loved by his students. Outlookers would wonder why, but his students know what type of angel he really is
He loves dark chocolates. His students are the only ones who know. He receives a lot of dark chocolate every Teacher’s Day
He tends to question anything and everything for knowledge’s sake
[will] support Charlie if she can defend her redemption project (like a research/thesis defence)
He witness Adam’s creation and grew attached to him
He guarded Eden’s gate with a flaming sword. Currently, he hid away his flaming sword only to be used if Lucifer or anything evil decides to attack Heaven
He was Adam’s teacher when he got to Heaven. Uriel taught him about Heaven, heavenly duties etc.
He doesn’t hate Lucifer per say, but he is extremely disappointed.
He enjoyed watching humanity (especially Adam) discover things. Currently, his focus are now the winners, angels, and heaven borns
He enjoys reading about human philosophers and their philosophies (both east and west)
Loves playing chess against Adam
He is the one who provides strategies to Michael and is the one who helps plan training activities
“My house is not a mess. It’s an organised chaos”
He has his moments where angels cannot tell if he is being smart or lazy.
He is great at multi-tasking
On purposely uses scientific terms to annoy Gabriel and Lucifer. He does know how to “dumb it down a notch” according to Lucifer.
Cannot be wavered once he is focus on something/s
Cassiel (Archangel) - Temperance
He is an empathic, sensitive angel who wants to enjoy Heavenly life with his fellow angels, heaven-born, and winners
When Eden was created, he wanted to visit but he was forbidden to do so. Unlike Lucifer, he controlled himself and decided not to do so
He is the fastest angel
He helps Raphael in healing Adam’s emotional health
He has a pet dragon. The dragon likes Adam
He [would be] conflicted in Charlie’s redemption plan
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His favorite instrument is the harp
Remiel/Jeremiel (Archangel) - Kindness
He is a kind, caring, and understanding angel who wishes the best for everyone
As the archangel of hope, Remiel tends to see the best in everyone. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see the bad things either
He is an optimist
He is that one angel everyone goes to for comfort
He is usually the voice of reason
Like Cassiel, he also helps Adam in healing his emotional pain
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His favorite instrument is the grand piano
[will] support Charlie’s redemption plan
“Please don’t mistake me as the fallen Ramiel. We’re different”
(I struggled with coming up hc for Remiel and Cassiel)
Bonus - Angels I want to create a character for:
Ariel (Archangel) - self proclaimed “Michael’s girl best friend!” Totally supports Michael and Adam’s relationship. Angry at Lucifer
Jophiel (Archangel) - sees Adam as the most beautiful creation. She hangs with Metatron often. Adam has deep respect for her.
Metatron (Archangel) - Human name: Enoch.
Chazaqiel (Watcher - Fallen) - Sahaquiel’s younger sister
Raguel (Archangel)
Selaphiel/Selathiel (Archangel)
Well this is long so I’ll end it here. I enjoy reading about Theology so this was really fun!
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jenxwp · 10 months
Is There a Doctor in the House? Script
Hey all, it’s been a while but I thought I would have a look at another production script and see what details I could find! So lucky dip off the shelf was… *drumroll* ...Is There a Doctor in the House!
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So, this is production #76925 and was probably filmed around March 1996. It first aired in July 1996 and interestingly enough, Altared States was production #76926 meaning it was intended to be the finale. I don’t know about you guys, but I think that would have been a let down compared to ITADITH as the finale. Glad it happened as it did.
The first thing I wanted to point out was that this episode happens over 2 days and 1 night. I don’t know why- I just found that interesting.
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So minor detail difference when the first find Ephiny- in the script she is sitting against a tree whereas in the episode, she is lying flat under scrub. The episode also has an extra line that isn’t in the script where Xena acknowledges the wound.
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Our first description of Marmax- apparently ‘think General Patton’. I had no idea who this was but google tells me a US army officer from WWI and WWII? Maybe someone with more American military history can fill in any relevance around this?
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Also interesting to note- in the episode, after Marmax disperses his troops he sees a Thessalian foot soldier and begins chasing him shouting “Thessalian scum!”. Xena knocks him off his horse with her chakram sharing a nod to the Thessalian. She then draws her sword and wounds him as the teaser fades. This is not quite what is in the script…
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I will share a snippet of the first time Xena saves a life in the hospital. There are a few differences in dialogue compared to what was eventually filmed and aired. A few standout points is that in the episode, Gabrielle gets involved in the procedure a lot sooner than was originally scripted. Also, it was scripted a lot more ‘bloody’ with Galen being sprayed with blood. In the episode, Galen does jump back but we don’t see blood everywhere. _90s TV censorship_
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We also have a small deleted scene interaction between Democritus, Hippocrates and Galen right after…
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Now here is an interesting one! The man’s son that Gabrielle goes to find was originally scripted to be an adult friend. There were also a few extra lines where Gabrielle promises Democritus that she will be careful. This isn’t in the final cut.
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This description of Gabrielle’s wounds 😫
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Another deleted scene…
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Okay I don’t know what to say here… I am glad Xena didn’t hold the baby up by its legs and give its ‘rump a slap’…
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Aaand I will just leave this excerpt here…
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What script next?
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acherontiarchivist · 1 year
Hii! So the reader some how, some way, meets our boy Gabe. And they’re really into men with sexy long hair and yummy voices and the reader is just like mmmmm oooooo ahhhhh
And Gabe is just standing there like 🧍“ Bitch, be so fucking fr.”
Hiiiiii, thanks for the ask! I went with a kinda mixture of Gabriel being totally fucking oblivious and also not believing anyone could see him that way. He comes around, though :) thanks for your patience, Anon, and I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Warnings: people being mean to Gabriel, reader is also kind of an asshole to Gabe ngl, mentions of masturbation, unsolicited flirtation by the reader, mentions of choking kink
Word count: 2.7k, including a bonus teaser ;)
Closing shifts were always your favorite. Your other coworkers hated them with a passion, and always asked to switch your morning shifts with their nights. At first they would give excuses along the lines of having to attend their kids' baseball games or attending family events, but that quickly fell through when you pointed out that they both couldn't possibly be that busy every closing shift.
"OK, You got me. Honestly, I'm surprised it took you this long to protest. You're definitely braver than us." Del was restocking the freezer with novelty ice cream bars as you sent reminder texts to renters informing them of their upcoming due dates and waited for a customer to ring.
"What do you mean? " you replied, smacking on a thick wad of hubba bubba between pauses, "I'm just saying if you guys don't like closing I'm more than happy to talk to the boss about scheduling me for the late shifts."
"You- you like the closing shift?" He seemed too astonished to multitasking, as he'd almost dropped a box onto the floor.
"Yeah, it's pretty easy, and I'm more of a night owl anyway."
"Wait, so you haven't noticed anyone… unusual coming in on your night shifts?" His hands were now too preoccupied on carrying the conversation than work.
"No? Just the same regulars that rent a porno and grab a few beers. They never make any advances on me, and I don't really give a fuck about their purchases." You continued to pay just as much attention as you had been to your work task.
"No, no, that's not what I mean." He shook his head and pointed to you, earning you a slight glance in acknowledgement.
"Well, what do you mean?" What else could he possibly mean?
He sighed, " Well, there's this… guy?" He gestured vaguely, "Eh, that comes in every now and again. He always wears this big ass trench coat, smells like pennies and has this fucked up face."
You turned your head to the side and sucked a bubble inside your cheek, "That's a bit rude."
"Hey, if you saw the guy, you'd agree. Anyway, I don't like him, and he makes Fernanda uncomfortable. Besides, he never buys anything. Just walks in, stares at this section or that, stands there for minutes at a time, and eventually leaves. And he scares other customers away!"
"Have you ever talked to him? Customer service is part of our job, you know."
"Nahhhhh, fuck that." He turned back to his task at hand.
You rolled your eyes, "It would get him out of the store quickly. And make us some money."
"Well, sounds like you can handle him perfectly well yourself. Don't come crying to us when you're stuck with all the night shifts and eventually run into that guy."
"You're so melodramatic. I doubt it's anywhere near as bad as you make it out. Y'all have probably already ran him off with your shit people skills, given that I haven't ran into this guy the entire two weeks I've been here."
"Oh, shit. I hadn't thought of that." He had stopped a moment to think, then looked at you and shrugged.
"No take-backsies. Night shift's mine."
It was another two weeks before you finally saw him enter the store. You had already taken care of clean up and restocking routines as usual and were left with most of your shift to act busy until it was time for closing. This time was perfect for getting a little bit of drawing done between customers, your boss didn't mind as long as you made a few sales throughout the night. You were so focused on your drawing that you hadn't noticed him enter. He was quiet, the only thing that tipped you off to his presence was the smell of pennies that Del had warned you about. When you looked up, he was standing in front of the miniscule horror selection, his back towards you, head almost entirely obscured by a tall standing collar reminiscent of something one might see a villain clad in a noir or giallo film. It took you just a moment to muster up the courage to approach him.
"Can I help you find something today?"
There was a moment of silence, almost as if he were hesitating, then a nearly unnoticeable nod, careful to obscure his face behind his messy dark strands.
You glanced at the titles before you, considering what might fall into his taste. "If you're on the hunt for a horror recommendation, you've found the right person to help." You ignored the fact that you were the one who approached him. After a moment of careful contemplation, you grabbed two movies, one to your left and one you had to excuse yourself to grab in front of him.
"We don't have a huge selection right now, but these are two classic giallo films I think you might find an interest in," you showed him Deep Red and The Bird With The Crystal Plumage. "Oh! Actually, I have one more recommendation from our thrillers."
He observed the covers of each DVD before flipping them over and reading the back as you perused the adjacent aisle.
"Here it is!" You grabbed the movie and brought it to him. "No Country For Old Men is more of a personal favorite," you said, pointing at the 'Employee Picks' poster by the register, "but I have a feeling you'd like it, too."
He studied the back of that case as well. The opportunity to peek at his face while he was distracted was not wasted. Admittedly, he was an individual that oozed mystique. When he caught you staring you tried to deflect with more customer service as an excuse.
"Um, if you like, we have rental versions. So you can watch them all before you commit to buying any." There was no way he hadn't caught you blushing. "I'll just give you a few minutes to think about it," you said, hiding behind the register once again. He was silent approaching the register with the rental copies of the movies you had shown him and through the completion of the transaction.
"The rentals are due on the 25th, you're all good to go."
He nodded and turned for the door.
"See you in two weeks," you smiled, and he was gone.
The next two weeks were uneventful, just you counting down every day until the 25th of the month. In the meantime, you badgered your boss to expand the selection of horror films and thought of what to show him next time he came through. When the day finally came your coworkers noticed how unusually chipper you were, and you brush it off as it being your weekend after today. The night turned late without any sign of him, and you worried that he returned the videos earlier in the day, or on a night you didn't work. Just as you were losing hope and thinking of closing a few minutes early, a call rang the store phone.
"Hello, thank you for calling Marty's Movies and Munchies. How can I help you tonight?"
The voice on the other line was strained and slow at first, deep and raspy in a way you found incredibly sexy. "Are you closed? I need to return some videos. I'm a bit later than I expected to be."
You lean in to the counter, feeling generous enough (and hopeful that he'll come by) to let the sexy-voiced customer in after close. Not like you had plans, anyway. "Nope, you still have about ten minutes 'till doors close, but since you called ahead I'll give you an additional ten minute grace period. Any later than that and you'll have to bring it in tomorrow and pay a small late fee."
"No need, I'm already here."
Before you could question the caller, the ringing of the bell hung above the door caught your attention. Immediately, you recognized the gangly form of the man your coworkers had not-so-affectionately dubbed The Creeper. Your gaze lingered on him, trying to get another glance at his piercing eyes through the curtain of hair that he made sure masked his face. He must have picked up on it and became self conscious, as he pulled his high collar up and sunk further behind its shadow. Odd enough, but you also noticed that he didn't appear to be holding a cell phone.
Feeling particularly brave, and maybe a bit too confident, you leaned over the counter and smiled at him, "So that's what you sound like, huh?"
His posture noticeably stiffened.
"Or is it a voice modulator? Either way, it's kinda sexy."
"Just…return these, will you?" It was quite cute how he would avert his eyes and take half a step back out of embarrassment. You didn't take him for the shy type.
Though he stumbled over every word, you had forgotten the landlines propped between your head and shoulder and the sudden noise in your ear made you jump back. "Yeah, sure thing."
"And," he hesitated for a moment, "I think I would like to purchase my own videos."
"Ok, DVD or blu-ray?" You already had them picked out and waiting for him under the counter, and held them out for him to choose.
"I… don't know the difference."
"You don't know which you have?"
He looked embarrassed and almost shrank right where he stood, "I watch them on my sister's device."
"Well does she have movies like this," you shook the bigger case in your left hand, "or this?" shaking then the smaller blue case.
"Both?" Incredible. You had no idea how anyone could just not know the difference.
"OK, I'm choosing for you," you said, stuffing a plastic shopping bag with blu-ray copies of each film. "You're getting blu-ray. They're better."
"What if I'm wrong? Will a DVD player work with these movies?"
His questions were honestly the most interesting ones you would get from customers, even if just for the sheer unawareness he had demonstrated in... pretty much everything. "Jesus Christ dude. Have you been living under a rock for the past 25 years or something?"
"Something like that," he answered a bit too readily, "And a bit longer."
You blinked and chose to ignore the statement. He was weird, odd looking, brooding, and now, obviously, a bit socially inept. God, he just became more and more your type, and you were dying to score. "Well," you started, "DVD players are the older video player and therefore not backwards compatible, but blu-ray players can play both. If your sister has both kinds of movies, she most likely has a blu-ray player, but," you wrote your number on a notepad kept at the counter and tore the page off, sliding it into the bag with his purchase, "if you have any questions or run into any problems you can call me. I might just let you come over and use mine." You ended with a wink to give it what you hoped was an extra layer of obvious courtship.
"Why would I use your device? I'll just buy my own." He pulled out a loose debit card from the right pocket of his coat and shoved it in your direction expectantly.
You sighed and took his debit card, ignoring your initial glance at the name– certainly not the name he had given for his customer account– then prepared to slide the card through the reader. "God, you are oblivious," you rolled your eyes. "Ok, your total is–"
"Wait," he quickly interrupted, then hesitated for a fraction of a second, "I want to rent another movie."
Of course! You had forgotten the movie you had previously selected for him. "Anything in mind?"
"I trust your judgment."
Your grin couldn't be wider as you grabbed the last rental copy of Possession from your 'Employee Picks' cubby. "You'll love this one. I feel a particular kinship with Isabelle Adjani's character, Anna. I think you'll like her too." With that, you rang up his total and saw him out the door.
By the time he left it was fifteen minutes past closing and you had to rush to finish up routines. You couldn't wait to brag to your coworkers that you had made a big sale to The Creeper. There wasn't much time to revel in your victory and plan your next move, however, because he had returned the following night. As it turns out, you didn't need to. He practically fell right into your lap.
When he entered, you immediately noticed that he walked with much more confidence than before. Ioday, he wore his coat open, and the standing collar limped to the side, putting his face, though still partially obscured by his gangly hair, almost proudly on display. You were so distracted by his drastic change in demeanor that you almost didn't notice him speaking to you.
"I want my own copy of this movie."
"I'm sorry, but we don't have any more for sale. You can always come in and renew your rental every two weeks, though that limits the number of other movies you can–" 
"Order it for me."
"I can't do that, unfortunately, but–"
"Yes? But what?"
You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, looking up at him from just below, "I have my own copy in my personal collection. You can come by and watch it anytime you like."
"Tonight. I'm coming home with you."
You laughed at how forward he was suddenly being, "Sure. I'm closing up in a few minutes," you tossed him your keys. "Wait for me in the car."
A few minutes later, you locked up the store and entered your car, where he sat nervously waiting for you.
You had waited all day for the unknown call with steadily declining patience. It's not that you were annoyed. You were just excited for your weekly visit. Every week the routine was the same: he comes or calls, spends hours with you holed up in your room and leaves you shivering under your sheets, eagerly awaiting his next arrival.
 Your work day crawled by at an agonizing pace, not helped by the slow business this time of year– and in your particular line of retail. The number of customers that came through the small video store could be counted on one hand, and the number that actually made a purchase even less. As usual, most of your shift was spent doodling in your sketchbook. Lately, they would all be little sketches of him. His hair was your favorite thing to draw; the contrasting textures of his wavy, dry hair and bloody wet tangles looping around one another, the cracked leather coat he always wore, drawing special and precise attention to his bright eyes and the exposed muscles of his face. Your sketchbook was littered with countless finished and unfinished pencil and ink sketches alike. Sometimes, you would add a splash of color, usually red or blue.
He never came into the store anymore. Instead, he would pick from your personal collection and give you money for a copy of his own if he really liked the film. Once or twice, you had tried to set up a cute movie marathon date night, but he would often get...  distracted. It was nice, though. Sneaking him in through your window so your roommates didn't freak out and fucking with the lights out and a movie on in the background made you feel like a teenager again. The butterflies he would churn up in your stomach and the heavy feeling in your chest when you thought of him made you absolutely giddy, though you would have a hard time admitting it if pressed.
It wasn't often he would leave you hanging. If he couldn't make it, he would at least call you and let you know ahead of time. At least then you'd know to set time aside to take care of yourself.
Tonight was one such night. No call, no cancel, no sign of him. By the time you would usually have heard from him, you had had enough of waiting and decided to pleasure yourself. Earphones plugged in with your background noise of choice, lube in hand, toy at the ready, you went to work. As you moved your hands over your body, you imagined they were his. Admittedly, only he could tease you the way you really needed it, from with feather-light touches that tickled your inner thighs, to his hands wrapped around your neck in a vice grip; but tonight, your own would have to do. Just the thought of him touching you like that had you crying out his name. It wasn't until you were nearing your peak that your session was interrupted by an incoming call.
You let the phone ring as you stared at the ID on the screen.
It had to be him. It always was. You let the call linger for a few more seconds before you finally picked up the line– you just had to tease him a little bit. A few seconds of silence greeted your ears and planted a seed of uncertainty. "Hello?"
Nothing to be heard on the other line. You considered hanging up before the familiar feedback pierced the line. He said nothing at first, leaving you shivering in anticipation.
There was a sigh on the other end of the line, or perhaps a dark stifled laugh.
"Starting the show without me, sweetheart? What, no more ten minute grace period for me?"
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rivaldreamer · 11 days
House of Malignant - CH 2
Crossover between House of Wax & Malignant
What happens when one pair of conjoined twins meet another?~
Driving up through the old town, Madison admired little old Ambrose. The quaint setting reminded her a lot of the rural areas where she and Sydney grew up, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. With this remote location, she didn’t feel as anxious about being recognized.
Throughout the rest of the car ride, Lester and Sydney had been happily chatting away. Madison smiled, especially noticing how Sydney blushed at Lester’s corny jokes.
However, the closer they got to town, the more Lester’s easygoing demeanor faded.
The truck came to a rickety stop beside a gas station.
“Well, thanks a bunch Lester,” Sydney said, beaming at him.
Lester’s grip tightened on the wheel. “Y-yeah…don’t mention it…” he turned to them, “l-listen, if ya want…I can just tow yar’ truck on’ down here. Save’s ya girls the trouble and all…ya can wait back where I found ya at…”
Madison felt an odd pit in her stomach.
Sydney frowned. “Lester… we’re already here though. We may as well have a look around,” she smiled softly, “I kinda wanna see your hometown.”
Lester’s ears went red.
Just then, Madison’s phone began to screech violently, everyone jumping at the ear splitting pitch.
“S-sorry!” Madison exclaimed, fumbling with her phone, casting a look Sydney’s way.
She put the phone to her ear, Gabriel’s voice rasped and static…
“Get out of the car…”
“What-? Gab-”
“Something doesn’t feel right. Get. Out. Now.”
Madison didn’t know what to think, her fight or flight instincts kicking up. Or was that feeling coming from Gabriel…?
Before she could even react, a hand slammed down by her window.
Madison yelped.
A man came into view, smiling beneath his cap. “Well’s… you must be the fine pair of ladies Lester called ahead about,” he spoke, his southern accent thick and suave, “I’m Bo, the one he told ya’ about.
He offered his hand to shake.
Madison hesitantly shook it. “Emily, nice to meet you.”
Bo tapped his hands on the car window. “Heard you were havin’ some car troubles up the road?” He opened Madison’s door for her.
As Madison hopped out from the truck, she got a good look at Bo. He was tall, strong features, chiseled chin, curly tuffs of hair peeking out from underneath his cap and an all around charming smile.
Overall, he was very attractive, in spite of the grease stained mechanic suit he wore.
But something about how he carried himself, how he spoke, how he smiled, egocentric, domineering… reminded her of another monster from her past…
Gabriel watched through Madison’s eyes. He too felt an odd familiarity. He didn’t know this man, if they’d met him in the past, they’d remember.
It was than that Gabriel recalled a similar man…the first face he saw after waking up for the first time in 20 years…
A man that dared put a hand on his sister and whom became Gabriel’s first kill in his rampage.
Drawing connections, Gabriel already didn’t like Bo, making his disdain known by growling, Maddie’s phone and the truck’s radio blaring with jumbled static.
Madison jumped, reaching to the back of her head and desperately shushing them.
Bo furrowed his brow, looking over into the truck. “Hey Lester! Somethin’ wrong with ya radio there?”
Lester was in the middle of helping Sydney out from the driver’s side.
As the static blared, Lester moved to hear Bo. Sydney, who’d been using him as support to get down, yelped when the movement caused her to lose her footing, falling forward and causing both her and Lester to go tumbling down into the gravel.
Lester groaned looking up to find Sydney sprawled on top of him.
“Uh…” He went red and so did Sydney once she realized the position they were in.
A wolf whistle was heard, making them both turn to see a smirking Bo.
“Well, Lester, when’s ya get a little lady on the side?” He teased.
The two of them immediately scrambled up, apologizing and giving excuses, faces red and burning.
Madison was still desperately trying to get Gabriel to calm down.
“Gabe, CALM DOWN!” She hissed into her phone, feeling his emotions flare up.
“Something’s not right!”
“Gabriel, please, we can’t just start acting out. They haven’t even done anything.”
Gabriel added with cynicism.
“Gabriel…” Madison sighed, a hand to her forehead, “Gabriel, I’m not gonna say your worries are unjustified. I’m worried too…”
“The filthy one, he’s acting suspicious and his brother…I don’t like him…he’s too much like… like…”
Madison flinched at the reminder.
“No…” She reached a hand to the back of her head, “I noticed too… but I’m not afraid. I’m stronger now…”
She smiled softly.
“…and I have you.”
Madison truly meant it. She felt safer and secure knowing that Gabriel was there, assured that no matter what happened that he would protect them. Her affectionate feelings travelled over to Gabriel.
A purring buzz came over the phone. Madison couldn’t help but laugh. “Gabe! Are you purring?”
“…shut up…”
She laughed even harder.
“Talkin’ to a boyfriend?”
Madison gasped, spinning around. Bo leaned against the truck, arms folded and one leg overlapping the other, a lazy smile on his face.
Madison felt her face warm.
“Uh…no…” she waved her phone, “just my brother…”
Bo inclined his head, arching a brow. “The two of ya must be pretty close huh?”
“Oh… you have no idea.”
Madison had to bite her bottom lip to keep the shit eating grin off her face.
Bo pushed off the truck. “Well, you and your sister can go have a look around the town. Town’s a little quiet at the moment, all other folks are attending a funeral down at the church. I suggest not disturbin’ em. I’ll have Lester head on back down the road and tow ya car in.”
Madison nodded. “Thank you…”
Sydney came stumbling into view.
“Oh Sydney, where have you-?”
Sydney, red faced, stumbled over and buried her face in Madison’s chest.
“Wha-?! Sydney?!”
“Kill me now…” Came Sydney’s muffled reply.
Madison furrowed her brows. “What…?”
Bo chuckled, getting Madison’s attention.
“Seems’ ya sister and mah’ baby brother ended up gettin’ real nice and acquainted with each other.”
Madison’s brows shot up. “What? Sydney-?!”
“It was an accideeeent…” Sydney whined, still hiding her face from view.
A fierce anger and protectiveness spurred from Gabriel’s end.
Gabriel’s voice screeched from the phone.
Both sisters jumped, immediately shushing him, sending panicked glances Bo’s way.
Bo rose a brow.
Madison nervously chuckled. “Ah heh… guess I didn’t end the call when I thought I did…”
She immediately shoved the phone into Sydney’s hands. “Explain, to our brother what happened young lady. You know how he gets…” she ordered, trying to play it off.
Sydney raised the phone to her ear, raising a brow. “Gabe? Since when were you concerned about my love life?”
A moment of silence passed, Sydney beginning to grin like the Cheshire Cat.
“Aww! Is my big brother Gabby being overprotective?… oh you so are! Don’t deny it, ya big softie! And no I will not drop the nickname!”
Bo chuckled in amusement at the sight.
Madison let out a sigh of relief. He seems to have bought it. Then again, what else could he have expected in this situation? What are the odds someone’s going to suspect you for hiding your conjoined twin?
Bo turned to her, giving her a smile. “Seems ya brother’s a bit overprotective.”
Madison shrugged. “Would you believe it if I told you Gabriel didn’t really like her at first?”
“Not too surprisin’ ,” Bo stuffed his hands in his pockets, “most siblings don’t like it when a new one comes along, ends up stealin’ all the attention.”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “It’s a bit more complicated with Gabe and I…”
“Oh yeah? How come?”
“Well, the two of us, Gabriel and I are…twins…it’s-…It’s… a long story…”
Bo looked particularly interested at that.
“Hey…” he shook his head, “we got time, gonna be a while fore’ Lester finishes towin’ ya car in. Wanna have a drink? I got beers in the garage.”
Madison meekly smiled. “I’m… not much of an alcohol person…”
“I got colas, too?” Bo offered without even passing judgement.
Madison blinked, smiling awkwardly . “Oh… okay then…”
The two of them headed into the gas station, Lester passing them to talk to Sydney. Apparently, Lester’s arrival caused Gabriel to go into a tirade of threats, his voice blaring from the phone as he told Lester to keep his filthy hands off of his sister, and offering very graphic descriptions of where he will put those hands if Lester does not heed said warnings.
Bo opened a small cooler in the corner, passing an ice cold cola to Madison. Honestly, with the sweltering heat, a cola had never seemed more tantalizing. Madison did inspect the bottle though, still suspicious, but didn’t find it to be tampered with in any way, the cap sealed tight and good.
Before Bo could even so much as offer a bottle opener, he gawked as Madison effortlessly opened the cap with her bare hands.
“Well damn… I was not expectin’ that…” he pulled out a drink of his own, leaning against the counter as he opened it. “ya sure got a strong arm on ya, little lady.”
“Oh yeah, it… runs in the family,” she shrugged, taking a long deep and soul refreshing gulp.
Bo watched her intently as she drank.
“That hit the spot…” she sighed, “how much do I owe you for the drink?”
“Nothing, it’s on the house. But ya can pay me with a story. Mind tellin’ me about the whole situation with your brother?”
“Uh…well…” Maddie really had to choose her words carefully.
“Syd- I mean-…Sunny, she’s not our biological sister. Gabriel and I are orphans, our mum gave us up when we were still a baby.”
Bo looked down into his drink, particularly scowling at that. “Sounds like a real piece of work your mother…” he huffed, going to take a sip.
Maddie glared at him. “It wasn’t her fault, she had no say. She was just a child.”
Bo choked on his drink.
“Are you okay?!”
“Fine-!” He coughed, clearing his throat, “s-sorry…”
Madison gave a sad smile.
“It’s okay, you didn’t know…”
She looked down at her own bottle as well. As she told the story, Madison could feel Gabriel’s presence slink in, no longer preoccupied with the others outside.
She took a deep breath, whispering. “It’s going to be okay…”
Bo tilted his head. “What’d you say?”
“Oh uh- sorry. Still um…bit of a rough topic to talk about, especially for my brother…”
“Well, he ain’t here right now ain’t he?” Bo took a swig from his drink.
‘Oh if only you knew…’
Gabriel grew smug and Madison smiled to herself.
“Let’s just say… um…the two of us-… kinda…disconnected? As kids?” That was the best way she could phrase it to Bo.
Bo furrowed his brows, looking up her from under hooded eyelids, gaze calculating.
“Why’d ya do that? Ain’t twins supposed tah’ stick together? Ride or die as they say?”
Madison shook her head. “We didn’t have a choice in the matter…”
Bo nodded, seeming satisfied with that response. “But the two’s of ya seem pretty close now, from what I’ve heard. Ya said he ain’t like the little blondie outside much? The one currently chatting’ up mah’ baby brother?”
Madison snorted. “S- Sunny’s real friendly like that. As for Gabriel um-… well-…let’s just say my new family adopted ME but not HIM.” She intentionally emphasized the words.
A wave of hurt and loneliness drifted in from Gabriel’s side. Madison found herself unconsciously reaching back to comfort him.
“I guess-… with a new family and a new sibling, Gabriel…um-… he must felt like… like I had abandoned and replaced him…”
“So, while you were livin’ every orphan’s dream, where’d ya brother go off to?” Bo asked curiously.
“Well- Gabriel’s always been around? Just-…just not- ugh…” she rubbed a hand over her face.
Gabriel’s emotions and hers became jumbled and confused during the conversation, neither knowing which feelings belonged to who.
“Sorry, it’s just a lot and-… it’s-… honestly it…it turned into quite a big fucking mess when both of us reconnected. Recently actually!”
Bo leaned in, brow raised. “What type of mess?”
Maddie smiled weakly. “Like…blood being spilled type of mess?”
Bo blinked looking down at the floor.
Madison shook her head vigorously.
“Sorry, you must think we’re a real cheery pair…”
Madison’s fingers dug underneath her hair, Gabriel nuzzling into her palm.
Bo tapped his finger on the bottle contemplating, before looking back up.
“Nah, I get it. I got into my fair shares of fights with mah’ brother. When I tell’s ya, the two’s of us could get into some real nasty fist fights. Hell, couple of times, back when’s we was teens, both of us had to be rushed to the emergency room. Our momma just screamin’ at us. Mostly at me,” he chuckled wryly.
Madison tilted her head, confused. “Who? You and Lester? Don’t get me wrong, he’s a bit… eccentric. But my sister’s got a good eye for people. And well… he seems like such a sweeyheart…”
Bo chuckled, shaking his head. “No, no, Lester’s third in our family. Talkin’ about mah’ other brother, the two’s of us…well, let’s just say; we’re closer in age. Sometimes the bastard can really get on mah’ nerves,” he sighed exasperated, “…but all the same, I can’t just leave em’.”
He twirled the almost empty bottle in his hand. “Funny thing’ ain’t it? Family. They can do the most fucked up shit and yet we’re willin’ tah’ forgive and protect cuz’ of the blood we share? Blood is thicker than water and all that shit...”
Bo finished off the last of his drink.
Madison tilted her head. “That’s incorrect.”
“What’d you say?”
“That saying? ‘Blood is thicker than water’? It’s actually a cut out piece from the full phrase, which is; ‘The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.’ Basically, the bonds you make through life are supposed to be stronger than the family bonds you have,” Madison smiled to herself, “although, I only partially agree with that phrase.”
Bo smiled at her.
It was small, and for a moment, it seemed like the most sincere smile he gave her since they started talking.
“Huh… well, ain’t you a well educated little lady.”
Madison felt her cheeks become warm.
Bo pushed off the counter. “So… where exactly is this Gabriel? Does he know where ya at?”
“Oh he’s… around.” Madison brought the bottle to her lips.
‘Way closer than you think…’
“What about you? Will I get to meet this mysterious second brother while I’m in town?”
Bo smirked. “Oh ya know, he’s…around.”
Madison narrowed her eyes, smiling.
Bo looked out the window, seeing Lester still chatting away with Sydney, the younger Sinclair now showing off his Bowie knife as he twirled it around.
Bo rolled his eyes, heading to the door. “I better get that lazy ass to start doin’ his job instead of wastin’ time chit chattin’.”
Madison watched him go, raising a brow. “Isn’t that exactly what we’re doing?”
Bo was halfway out the door, leaning back in, grinning. “Hey, us wastin’ time had a point to it.”
“Which was?!” Madison called after him but he was already out the door.
“Hey idiot! Quite playin’ lover boy and git’ to work!”
Madison smiled wistfully.
A radio on the shelf blared to life, Gabriel’s voice speaking through.
“Don’t tell me you actually like that asshole…”
She rolled her eyes. “No, I don’t… but he was nice to talk to…”
She did find Bo incredibly attractive but Madison didn’t think she was ready for romance, especially after everything she’d been through.
Sydney ducked into the gas station, Madison noticing how behind her Bo and Lester seemed to be having a private conversation.
“Ugh! Cockblocked by another big brother and- HEY! You’re hoarding sodas? Gimme!” Sydney exclaimed, diving forward.
Madison smirked, allowing Gabriel control.
Gabriel with deft movements, swiped the bottle out of Sydney’s reach, shoving her back.
“Cockblocked? What I did was for your own good brat,” Gabriel chuckled, voice still coming from the radio.
Sydney jumped and grabbed in futile, scowling. “Gabriel, you embarrassed me and went totally overboard with the threats!”
“I only threatened him an adequate amount…”
“You said, and I quote; ‘Put a hand on her and I will shove your teeth so far down your throat you’ll have to stick your toothbrush up your ass to clean them’! Like, what the shit?! Who even says stuff like that?”
Madison laughed, watching the two bicker with each other.
Outside, Bo and Lester finished their talk.
Lester, gave one last guilty look Sydney’s way before hopping in his truck and driving away.
Bo turned his attention back to the station, watching the girls laugh and fool around inside.
He supposed maybe he could keep the girls around for awhile, especially keep around the blondie for Lester since his brother had clearly gotten too attached to their prey. Then again, Bo had to admit he got a little attached himself.
This Emily character was entertaining, a good conversationalist and overall a real cutie.
It’ll be a shame once they kill them but the brothers couldn’t just spare every pretty face that came by.
Bo took out his phone, calling a number.
“Hey Vince, ya got company comin’ your way…”
(One more Sinclair brother to go~)
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
First Kiss - Gabriel
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"Well well, pretty lady, what are you doing?" Gabriel asks. You look up from your research. "Oh hey Gabe." You say gently. He sits down beside you, filching your book. "Well, whatever it is, you're gona not be doing it anymore." He grins widely. "Oh? What will I be doing then?" You ask.
"Me." Gabriel wiggles his eyebrows.
This is not the first time he propositions himself to you.
You roll your eyes. "Is that so?" You ask. Gabriel sits on the edge of the table. "Isn't it obvious yet?" He asked. There is a big mischievous smirk on his lips. You turn back to your book. Gabriel pouts and makes a thoughtful noise. "Come on y/n." He says softly. "No Gabriel, I am doing research for Sam." You reply. "So you love Sam better than me." He huffs.
You turn back to him.
"Gabe, don't be like this." You say, looking him in the eye. He leans over to you. "Like what?" He whispers. You heave a soft sigh and shake your head. But Gabriel nods. "Go on, go ahead. Give in." He whispers warmly.
Your eyes slowly slip shut. "Very good." Gabriel purrs. He cups your cheek and draws you nearer. You feel your heart beat in your throat. You know what he'll do and you are tensely anticipating. His lips are unlike anyone else's. They are strong, supple and a radiant sort of warm. They feel divine... Literally.
You know then that you are lost. No one will ever compare. You will never want anyone but him. Such a Trickster!
You kiss back eagerly, pressing against him and whining ever so slightly. Gabriel grins against your lips. He is loving every single second of it. Because of course he does. His tongue slowly flicks at your upper lip and you moan sweetly. Gabriel licks into your mouth and you moan a little loudly. Gabriel moans in reply.
He draws your body against his, but you break the kiss, panting softly. "Are we really doing this?" You ask. "Oh yes, we are." Gabriel smirks wickedly.
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theroseceleste · 4 months
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Mafia Miguel - Part 9
You can find previous chapters below.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Contains : Female reader, a little bit of fluff, and smut - breast play, oral sex
Word Count - 3526
Hope you enjoy part 9!
I might open up part 10 to suggestions, so please feel free to get in touch to let me know what you would like to see what happens next.
Also, liking, commenting, reblogging these posts are greatly appreciated. xx
Sunlight peeks over the eastern horizon, splashing the sky with vivid pinks and oranges as it starts to rise on a new day.
Back in the limo again, you’re on your way to Miguel’s home. This time you’re sitting next to him.
He sits quietly and keeps his hands together over his lap, being careful not to accidentally catch his claws on anything.
Watching him carefully, you see his eyes slowly closing and opening again as his body threatens to fall asleep. He’s fighting it valiantly but it’s becoming a losing battle.
Exhaustion makes your limbs feel heavy but you suspect he’s feeling worse. The poor man likely feels battered and bruised to say the least.
You snake your hand around his arm. His eyes open again as you touch him but relaxes as he feels your head resting against his shoulder. Sleep draws nearer for the both of you.
A smile of contentment spreads across your lips. This is one of the first times you’re holding him with no guilt hanging over your head.
His words, ‘I need you” replays in your mind, giving you a sweet, comforting feeling; fueling that urge to sleep…
The car stops eventually outside Miguel’s home. Your head resting on his shoulder while his head rests on yours. You’re both totally in the land-of-nod.
You stir slightly as you hear the passenger door open and the chauffeur speaks to wake you both up.
“Hey. Wake up Miguel…” you whisper as softly as you wake first, doing your best not to startle him. Your hands gently shake him awake.
His tired eyes snap open; on high alert as he draws a sudden intake of air. But as soon as he feels you close by and sees the familiar interior of his limo, he relaxes again, sinking back into his seat.
After you get out of the car, you head into the building and summon the lift. Linking your arm with him as you wait.
Miguel waits quietly for the elevator looking shy and reserved. He’s dreading the moment Gabi claps eyes on him and sees her papa has changed. He looks down at you and gets your attention by nudging you.
“I think I’m going to need your help with this.”
The lift arrives. You give him a nod in response as you both walk together into the elevator. Pressing the penthouse floor, the doors close and you begin your ascent.
A ding rings out, announcing your arrival and the doors slide open. You escort a tremouring Miguel out and into the open plan, luxurious apartment.
Movement comes from the living area. A sleepy Gabriel and Gabi wake up from their couches and look over.
Gabriella immediately jumps up and bounds over to the two of you.
Miguel immediately kneels down on the floor and outstretched his arms preparing to take her in his embrace but closes his eyes as he does so.
Gabriel follows soon after. He received a text from Lyla warning him about what happened at Alchemax. His eyes roaming over his older brother’s body, trying to spot the differences.
To your surprise, you hear sobbing. Not just from Gabi, but from Miguel too. Fatigue, and the entire ordeal will make most people emotional.
He cries into his daughter’s shoulder while his whole body shakes with each heart wrenching sob.
It’s clear Gabriella hasn’t heard her father cry very much or at all. She starts to pull away to look at him but you see Miguel pull her back to hide just a moment longer.
His hands delicately rub over his daughter’s back, being careful not to scratch her.
Just like the first day you met Miguel and Gabriella, you see before you an unbreakable bond between a father and his daughter. The tremendous display of love between them warms your heart.
You finally get to your knees and rest your hand on the girl's arm to get her attention. Your mind is racing to find the appropriate words to say.
“Like I promised, I brought your papa home,” you begin to explain but approach your next words carefully.
“But something happened to him that I couldn’t stop completely.”
Your hand squeezes her arm a little for reassurance.
“Your papa might look a little different, but he’s still the same on the inside. And together we’ll work it all out, okay?”
Gabi’s eyes wander from yours and return to her father. She pulls away again to try and get a good look at him.
Slowly, Miguel opens his eyes and looks deeply into his daughter’s. She lets out a shocked gasp as she takes in the new vermillion shade. Her much smaller hands caress her father’s face as she processes his differences.
The revealing of his claws and fangs did provoke tears of shock, but she puts on a brave face as she sees past it, just like you knew she would.
“I still love you papa.”
Her father wraps his arms around her again, relief takes a heavy weight from his shoulders. His hands clench to make sure he won’t hurt her.
“You’re so grown up mija.”
A small whimper escapes his lips as his emotions spike again.
“I don’t deserve such an angel like you as mi hija,” (my daughter)
A tear rolls down your cheek as you watch this special moment between father and daughter. A reunion Miguel thought he’d never get.
Looking up at his brother, you notice him also blinking faster while his eyes glisten.
Gabriel finally gets his niece off to bed while you do the same for Miguel.
He insists you join him, so you reduce yourself to wearing your bra and panties as you climb under the covers.
Snuggling up to you, he rests his head on your chest, burying his face into your breast to hide himself away from the world. His arms wrap around you holding you close.
Your hands rest on the back of his head as your fingers play with his beautiful tight curls. His body relaxes into you further.
Before too long, you’re both fast asleep, lost in each other’s embrace.
It’s early afternoon when you wake up again. Half of Miguel’s body rests on you, wrapping around you with his arms and a leg covers both of yours.
As you wake, you notice he feels heavier and perhaps… broader?
His head still rests on your chest. Looking down, you enjoy that peaceful look he has with his eyes closed. It’s impossible to resist caressing that face and kissing his forehead. You hear a soft groan as you do so. His arms tighten a little as he stirs.
You feel his hands press completely flat against your back. You flinch, expecting to be pricked by haw claws, but there’s nothing but soft fingertips.
Another groan emits from deep within him. His body tenses and stretches as he slowly wakes up from his slumber.
Then his eyes open wide. As he wakes, his tongue searches for the enlarged canines in his mouth, but they’re gone…
He sits up abruptly, tearing his cosy warmth away from you. A soft whimper leaves your lips as you feebly reach out for him again. You watch him press his fingers above his top lip, feeling for the oversized teeth.
That is when you discover that he has grown in his sleep. He was already tall, broad and muscular but now he’s even more so!
“Oh God!” you exclaim as you take in the sheer size of him.
Unfortunately for him, your sudden, unexpected outburst makes his claws extract from his fingertips and snag on his upper lip as he flinches.
“Ah fuck!” he yells as he covers the lower half of his face and looks back at you.
For a brief moment - before you said anything, Miguel was thinking perhaps it was all a horrible dream and that there was no mutation to worry about.
“Oh! I’m sorry!” you apologise, sitting up to join him.
Your hands take his gently, pulling them away so you can look at his lip. Just a scratch, nothing serious.
A look of disappointment dominates his face. The low feeling of realising his mutation is in fact reality hits him hard.
“My claws weren’t there a moment ago…” he murmurs, his tone full of sadness.
Turning his hands over, you inspect them more closely. They are indeed back, but you have been struck with an idea.
Laying back down you invite him to rest his head on your chest once again.
“What made you shout?” he asks as he lowers himself onto you, but he pauses as he takes in the sight of you. Your frame suddenly seems so much smaller in comparison to him.
You pull him down and make him lie on you like how he was before.
“Don’t freak out,” you hesitate, “but none of your clothes are going to fit you anymore.”
His body tenses again as his eyes open wide.
“I said, don’t freak out!”
“How can I not freak out?”
“Shh…” you hush him.
“I want to try something…”
Miguel’s body now almost completely covers yours as he does what you ask of him. You hold one of his large, warm hands against your chest, while you play with his hair.
As you do so, you feel him start to relax into you again. Allowing himself to sink further into the mattress and you. His body, becoming your new favourite warm blanket.
Your little experiment is working. His claws gradually retract into his pads the more he relaxes.
“Your talons go away when you’re calm and relaxed,” you observe with a smile, speaking just above a whisper.
His head shifts against your chest so he can look at his fingertips. He does feel a lot calmer than he did in Alchemax. The added sensation of you playing with his hair did feel relaxing for him. So long as he stays calm, the claws don’t appear to be a permanent feature. Maybe it’s the same for his fangs too?
“Interesting… at least they’re not out all the time I suppose.”
He nuzzles against your chest. The weight of his head squishes your breast, making it a nice comfy pillow for himself.
“So you’re saying I’ve grown?” Miguel eventually asks after a moment of silence.
“Don’t you feel bigger?”
“You look and feel smaller…”
“You should go see for yourself in a mirror.”
Reluctantly, he peels away from the comfort of your chest and gets out of bed, which feels lower down than he’s used to.
Come to think of it, his boxer briefs feel kind of tight around his hips and his legs too.
You watch in awe as he walks over to his en-suite. The guy is nearly seven feet tall!
“Holy shit!” You hear him yell, his voice echoing from the bathroom, making you giggle as you lay in his bed.
While wearing a stunned expression on his face, he comes back out of the ensuite and sits back down next to you.
“Told you…” you comment with a smile.
Reaching over for his phone, he begins to text his PA.
“I’ll have Lyla buy me some things for the time being. Then perhaps you and I can go shopping once I’m dressed sensibly?”
He asks you as he hits send on his phone. His ruby red eyes wander your semi naked form.
“You’ll let me come shopping with you?” you ask, feeling surprised.
“Am I completely forgiven then?”
Miguel’s larger, looming frame crawls along the bed towards you.
“You were forgiven after you said your speech about not wanting me to owe you anything, back in Alchemax.”
His voice sounds almost sultry and seductive.
On all fours, this man towers over you on the bed. He lowers himself down next to you and begins to kiss your neck.
“I really did want to stay mad, but I couldn’t…”
More tender kisses are planted along your neck as you moan softly.
“Not after everything you did for me and Gabi…”
“Miguel, is it wise to do this? It’s not been twenty-four hours yet,” you mumble quietly, trying to avoid moaning again.
You feel his warm lips and breath caress your sensitive skin.
“How could activities in the bedroom be affected by the mutation?” he asks as he moves you to unfasten your bra and remove it.
Now his lips find one of your breasts while his hand finds the other. Consciousness about his claws creeps in but you should be fine if nothing startles him.
“I don’t know - do you feel okay?” you ask before the pleasurable sensations overwhelm you.
His lips capture your hardened nipple and switches between licking and sucking, while his hand squeezes gently around your breast.
A muffled moan vibrates through your skin as he enjoys the fun he’s having. But eventually he pulls away to answer you.
“My lower arms feel a little sore, but that was probably from the restraints, right?”
You eyed him suspiciously. He could be right…
Miguel lets out a grunt of discomfort before grinding his hips against your leg. His hard-on is trapped inside, straining to be released.
“These boxer briefs need to come off… they’re too damn tight.”
He lays back on the bed and shifts his hands to the elastic around his narrow hips. The material of his underwear is taut across his body and upper thighs.
You help to pull them off. A large sigh of relief erupts from his parted lips as his hardened length springs free.
A hungry look crosses your face as an idea strikes you. Your eyes meet with his as you kneel next to him.
A burning desire to pleasure him takes over you, as you start to delicately run your fingers down his abs. Hearing his breathing hitch delights your ears. A wild throb of his cock reminds you what really wants your attention.
Biting your lip, as you lay between his legs and take his needy shaft in your hand, wrapping your fingers firmly around it as you watch him dissolve at your touch.
A warm hum vibrates from his broad chest as you stroke him up and down. You feel every twitch and every throb emanating from the hilt, up past your fingers and right to the tip.
His eyebrows almost knit together as pleasure engulfs his entire body. Watching you fist his length for him, makes his eyelids heavy with lust and desire.
As you touch him you can tell his mutation growth has affected every part of his body.
A bead of pre-cum forms at his slit as you continue to pump him. He feels smooth and hot under your fingers and you wish to give him more.
Miguel’s eyelids are heavy as he watches you draw nearer to his pulsing cock. His jaw drops at the sight of your mouth opening and the sensation of your tongue just teasing the head, tasting him.
Light breathy sighs fill the air as he relishes in your skill. Your tongue swirls around the sensitive tip while you stroke up and down on his hot smooth skin.
The taste of salt spreads across your tongue as you continue to lick and tease him with your lips. Your eyes lock onto his, hypnotised by the stunning red staring back at you.
The eye contact between you makes him melt briefly. The hunger in your expression as you give him head generates a large throb in your hands and against your mouth.
“(Y/N)!” he gasps out in ecstasy.
The pleasure is irresistible. You’re making him want more. He wants to trap you there so you can keep going. He fails to stop himself from wrapping his large muscular thighs around you. His calves cross over your back, pinning you in place.
An erotic moan rises from your throat and around his shaft as you sink lower onto him with your mouth. The heat from his legs wrapping around you drives you wild, making your ministrations more vigorous.
Gentle thrusts from his hips tells you he’s loving every second of everything you’re doing to him. Your focus remains on him as you begin to suck on him, triggering a chain reaction.
Miguel closes his eyes as his jaw drops. Quick and shallow breaths cause his exquisitely defined chest to rise and fall. His quivering breaths turn into grunts as you bring him close to the edge.
“Fuck, (Y/N). I’m going to cum if you keep that up.”
You moan at his words, the sound resonates through his wildly throbbing length. The sensation of your sucking becomes more intense.
His grip around your body with his legs tightens as you watch his hands rise to his face. The pleasure is becoming too much, he’s on the precipice.
The mafia man’s back arches as a large pulse triggers a long series of shorter, faster bursts against your tongue. He cries out, coming undone and filling your mouth.
Miguel’s cries of pleasure suddenly turn into yelps of shock. Your eyes shoot up and widen when you look at him.
“What the fuck?!”
His voice cracks in a confusing mix of pleasure and shock as he looks up at his hands and wrists. Brows knitting together as fear sets in. 
Sharp claws protrude once again from his fingertips which isn’t so much of a surprise anymore. What does surprise you - and him, however, is that two long strings of silk have erupted from the top of his wrists and attached themselves to the wall behind the bed. Looking as though he’s restrained. If it wasn’t so unexpected, it might pass as a sexy scene from a pornographic video.
You release his softening cock from your mouth with a wet pop and his legs fall either side of you once more, allowing you to scramble up his body.
His ruby eyes are desperately wide and looking up at you as you reach his top half to investigate.
Sitting on his chest, you lean over to take a closer look at his arms and the substance that connects him to the wall.
It’s sticky to the touch. Trailing your fingers along it, you inspect the ends that are splayed wide against the wall plaster.
“What is it?” he asks as he tugs on it slightly.
“It looks like a bigger version of what spiders use when they make webs,” you reply pensively as you poke at the material.
Miguel gives an exasperated groan in response.
“Oh come on!”
It’s clear he’s fed up with the mutation. Every new change he experiences he becomes more resentful.
“Shhh…” you hush him as you lean back down to his face and caress his cheek.
He actually looks kind of cute, looking up at you with a worried expression and his arms raised above his head.
“It’s just another part of your mutation. Try to relax again, Miguel,” you suggest as you kiss his forehead and run your fingers through his hair.
Taking several deep breaths, he tries to relax by breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. You feel him tip his head back to get a better look at you.
“Come closer…”
With a warm smile, you lean down even further until you’re just an inch away from his handsome face.
He suddenly moves up. His chest and abdominal muscles flex underneath your butt as you remain sitting on him.
Warm, plump lips caress yours as he captures you in a tender kiss.
He deepens your affectionate moment by teasing your mouth with his tongue, tasting you, savouring you, revelling in you.
Your grip with your hands around his face and in his hair tightens as the kiss becomes more passionate.
Slowly, his claws begin to retract and the muscles in his arms relax.
You feel him try and sit up higher to reach you while his arms remain stuck. His lips move against yours, caressing softly.
“You have a talented mouth, (Y/N),” he mumbles between kisses fueled with a renewed sense of desire.
“It blew my mind.”
“It blew something else too…” you reply as your eyes dart up to his wrists and back down to his heavy lidded eyes.
A deep chuckle fills the air before he captures your lips again.
“It’s safe to say you managed to blow a few things, cariño.”
You smile against his lips, his sense of humour is coming back.
Finally, you feel the warmth of his arms wrap around you. His relaxed state releasing himself from the web-like material.
He rolls you, so your back is now on the bed and he’s on top. The inviting warmth he leaves behind on the duvet now presses against your skin. His new size totally dwarfs you. You can’t help but feel protected by him, but at the same time, you notice a predatory gleam in his eyes as he looks down upon you.
Hunger, desire, passion and a fresh wave of arousal flows through his veins. Something tells you that this will be intense, aggressive and oh so exquisitely good…
I hope you enjoyed part 9! Sorry there was a bit of a delay. I had four commissions to write in the last two weeks and a funeral to attend.
I might open up part 10 to suggestions, so please feel free to get in touch to let me know what you would like to see what happens next.
I'm currently open for commissions. If you have a scenario you'd like to be written about your OC and our lovely Miguel, please check out my carrd.co or get in touch via email (also on the website)
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masodemic · 2 months
[Eroica Musical Rant] The Case of the Missing Caesar Gabriel and the Character Assassination of Tyrian Persimmon
(Series masterlist)
When the Eroica Stage Show Twitter began announcing their casting choices, there was one in particular that shook an entire fandom: Tyrian Persimmon.
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Or rather, it wasn’t so much about who played him, and more about the fact that he is played. Although Tyrian is the protagonist of El Halcon and Nanatsu no Umi, Nanatsu no Sora, by the time of Eroica, Tyrian is long dead and almost entirely forgotten, save for a very flattering portrait.
And that’s all Tyrian ever is in Eroica: a gorgeous painting, a MacGuffin. He, as a character, plays no role at all in this story. So why, for the love of Aoike, is there an actor playing Tyrian? For about a month leading up to the performance, my Eroica discord was confused and concerned as to wth they would use Tyrian for. Like is he going to pop out of the painting and sing? Are they trying to ride off the success of the Takarazuka Revue’s El Halcon?
After having watched the full show and spent sleepless nights contemplating, turns out the answer has to do with a character we’ve all sorta forgotten about as a fandom: Caesar Gabriel.
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Caesar Gabriel
If you remember reading Eroica for the first time, you might remember that the first chapters were told from the perspective of and in relation to Caesar Gabriel – super-genius university professor at age 18, Art History expert, who's extremely frail, innocent and naïve. It was through Caesar that we as the audience were introduced to the fascinating specimen that is Dorian Red Gloria AKA Eroica. Who takes an interest in him, and whisks him away in a dramatic – illegal – fashion before letting him go, already hopelessly in love.
In the second chapter, Iron Klaus, it was due to Dorian’s effort to bargain and rescue Caesar from Klaus that they end up with a tank on their tail. Thus, beginning Dorian and Klaus' enemies-and-lovers relationship. Afterwards, Caesar is never seen or mentioned again.
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So, although Caesar Gabriel might have been written purely as a functional character, his role is important in those chapters.
Caesar fills the role of the proxy through which Dorian is introduced in all of his … Gloria? By using a second-person point-of-view, Dorian first comes off as mysterious, unpredictable, and almost other-worldly. Audiences get to see Dorian’s IMPACT first, and it draws them in to this wildly charismatic character before diving into him in later chapters and arcs.
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By removing a functional character, the musical has to compensate the plot-holes that the character filled. And they did that, by reviving Tyrian Persimmon from the painting. But hey before any Tyrian stan gets too excited, they gave him the personality of Caesar Gabriel. Let me tell you why this is bad.
First of all, because Caesar is the POV for the 1st chapter of the manga, it’s almost impossible to reconcile his absence. So, they skipped it. Which … fine, whatever. The big issue, though, comes up in Dorian’s plan to get the 2-in-1 painting.
In the second chapter, Iron Klaus, Dorian and Klaus meet for the first time and decide that they despise each other. Klaus refuses to sell Dorian The Man in Purple. So Dorian, being Dorian, decides that if he can’t obtain it the legal way, he has no qualm with obtaining it the illegal way. Sensing that Dorian might try something, Klaus orders tight-knit security to protect his family’s cultural treasure. Which Dorian and his gang manage to by-pass by mingling into the security unit and filling every room with sleeping gas. Eroica’s first heist is resounding a success.
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However, Klaus still has “custody” of Caesar, and he calls Dorian to demand an exchange of “hostages,” to which Dorian gives his verbal agreement. On the day, though, tension is high, and Klaus begins suspecting the unknown guard stationed around the premise. Another guard rushes over and yells that the first one is Eroica, and in the commotion that ensues, the actual Eroica – revealed to have disguised as the second guard – grabs Caesar and speeds off in his red Lamborghini. Eroica’s second heist is a success – for now.
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With the removal of Caesar, the plan becomes convoluted. In the musical, Dorian - using the strategy from the first heist - disguises himself as an art appraiser. With every agent out of sight, he fills the room with sleeping gas, which knocks Klaus out. Dorian, James and Bonham take the painting and drive away, feeling victorious.However, he quickly discovers that the painting is a fraud intended to trick him. Hence, Eroica’s first attempt is a failure.
He makes a U-turn - using the strategy from the second heist - disguises himself as a security guard, frames another as fake and steals the real painting right in front of Klaus and his agents. An extremely flimsy patchwork of the second heist, that also makes Klaus’s unit and instincts look slow and weak.
While in the manga, the structure of Iron Klaus is as follows:
Attack (1st heist) => bargain => attack (2nd heist) => to retaliation (tank)
In the musical, it goes like this:
Failed attack (1st attempt) => fix (2nd attempt) => lukewarm retaliation (tank)
There is no tension, no excitement, where it’s supposed to be a confrontation, where 2 characters are one-upping, mind-gaming, out-maneuvering each other. Now, it’s just a single over-complicated mess, because the 2 MacGuffins – Caesar and painting – have been reduced down to 1.
Towards the end of the manga chapter, Dorian willingly gives Klaus back the painting in exchange for Caesar’s well-being. But he steals the tank. The symbolic meaning of his actions can be read as Dorian being satisfied with Klaus’s self-expression. And to show his respect for one with a different viewpoint, he keeps the symbol of Klaus’s ideal beauty, while leaving Klaus his own.
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Klaus certainly doesn’t view it as such, but like I said, different viewpoints. It’s a great note for 2 characters who have recently gotten tangled up into each other to part, promising much more to come. But in the musical, Dorian’s heist of the painting is, ultimately, a sadly failed plan, as Dorian is forced to give up on The Man in Purple. And although he does steal the tank, it seems less like a conscious action, and more like an attempt to provoke Klaus.
Tyrian Persimmon
So, in the Aoike Cinematic Universe, Tyrian Persimmon – or The Man in Purple – is Klaus’s ancestor who lived in the Elizabethan period. In Eroica though, he’s been loooooong dead, and it seems that not a lot is known about him. Although his painting is a MacGuffin, Tyrian himself doesn’t play any role, and if one only reads Eroica, it’s just a really nice painting, and that’s all it has to be. The interesting bit comes from a meta viewpoint.
If you have read El Halcon and Nanatsu no Umi Nanatsu no Sora, you would know, that Tyrian was a vile motherfucker. Murderer, rapist, traitor, and so ambitious he cares about nobody’s life but his own. Almost every character who crossed path with him died some kind of gruesome, unjust way. He’s irredeemably terrible even if entertaining. So, what’s the significance of this in the context of Eroica?
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In Eroica, everyone fawns over Tyrian’s portrait like he was a god-sent beauty. It is even said that on first glance, Klaus might look like The Man in Purple but he lacks a certain “grace and charm,” attributes that could be considered heroic, or even angelic. The magnetic power of the portrait drew many of the conflicts in Eroica as characters seek to possess his image. But those who worship his beauty knows not the monster beneath the canvas. For an audience looking for meta-reading though, the fact that the portrait is still eliciting so much trouble is a reflection of Tyrian’s own life as the bane of existence. Even Klaus once wonders if they were being played like puppets in the sadistic theatre of The Man in Purple. This combined dramatic irony is severely damaged when the portrait is suddenly personified like a character.
And what’s worse is that, not only did they reanimate the portrait for the musical, they tried to give him a caricature Caesar Gabriel’s personality. This … vile, manipulative, murderous narcissist is now a bubbling, naïve and confused 18-year-old coddled child. It’s comical in the worst moments.
Like in the tense scene of the Autobahn chase, all my attention was directed to Tyrian trying to chase his hat which had flown off the vehicle, while trying to hold the portrait frame around his face. Or during, what I still maintain as the best scene in the entire musical, the cuddling in the tank scene, the budding bond between the two main characters are constantly distracted by Tyrian’s antics.
And to top it all off, they didn’t even give him his PUMPKIN PANTS!!
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
Starlight Smut Supercut - Sink Your Teeth In Pt2 (CH35)
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Book: Immortal Desires Pairing: m!Cas x m!Gabe Ratings/Warnings: 🔥Explicit🔥 - adult content below the cut! Words: 9.3K
Summary: Cas has been teasing Gabriel all night at a coven training session; Gabriel can't get him out of his head. For the first time, they find themselves completely alone together.
A/N1: This is an excerpt from a much larger fic! (Smut Masterlist here). For context - Cas's apartment has been pinged by vampire hunters as a point of potential interest, so he has to vacate the premises. Gabriel has offered to look after some of his furniture til he finds a new place. They have only very recently started dating officially.
A/N2: Cas has a vampiric gift of mental dominance that allows him to influence others, which is strengthened by speaking their name. They discuss some stuff to do with kink and consent where this comes up. I'm writing both Cas and Gabe as big ol switches. If you prefer the idea of Dom!Gabe, you might like to check out Burning Gasoline instead!
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
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Gabriel shoved a hand through his hair, his throat working. Luxuriant scarlet spilled over his tongue. The rush made his skin tingle, the landscape of his mind plush and velveteen, written in maroon and want.
Gabriel wanted to hunt.
No… more than that, he wanted to be hunted.
One glass of mint and cucumber infused water, a post-sparring shower, shave, and skincare routine, and several deep breaths later, Gabriel’s thoughts hadn’t abated.
Which was how he found himself heading straight back out the door again, only to wind up right on Cas Harlow’s doorstep.
Feeding had been easy tonight.
Because Gabriel was a whole other kind of thirsty.
He knew Cas was home. Heavy metal was blaring from behind the closed door, and he could smell the fresh mist of a recently-used shower. He must have re-applied his cologne not too long ago. Even from here, Harlow smelled unreasonably good.
The suspicious camera down the street had been disabled earlier that night, in preparation for Cas to move out tomorrow. A good thing, too, or else the hunters or whoever had put it up in the first place would check the footage to see Gabriel, pacing back and forth outside Cas’s apartment, all but ready to suck his dick right there on the doorstep.
Drawing in a steadying breath, Gabriel tore off the jacket he’d thrown on, his t-shirt warm and clinging to his skin. He paused for a moment, letting the cool night air kiss his nape. Giddy with nervous anticipation, Gabriel raised his fist to knock.
The door swung open before his knuckles ever met the wood.
Sinful, wicked; Cas’s smile of greeting as he stood in the doorway gleamed with straight, white teeth.
Oh, how Gabriel wanted Cas to bite him.
‘Um.’ Gabriel cleared his throat by way of greeting, failing to keep his eyes from roaming the curvature of Cas’s arm muscles as he gripped the top of the doorframe. ‘Uh…’
Crap. He probably should have planned this part.
What exactly did someone say in this sort of situation anyway? Gabriel had thought of messaging Cas before he came over, saying something, at the very least. But he had no idea how to put “hey, I’m stupid horny and I want you to fuck me ‘til I can’t walk” into words more delicate or suave than that, and to his utter horror —and Cas’s evident delight— Gabriel was here and still horny and still drawing an absolute blank.
‘What?’ Cas tipped his head to the side very deliberately, his hair falling lightly across his forehead, his eyes on Gabriel’s mouth.
With the pale smoothness of his skin limned in shadow and eye makeup freshly smoked out, Cas looked like a fallen angel. An incubus tempting him to sin. His jaw cut a sharp line in the incandescent haze of the street lights, the shadows harsh in a way that made him seem to glow; he was eerie and powerful and breathtaking —and he knew it!!— all clean lines and haughty angles.
‘What is it, hmm?’
Oh, Cas knew exactly why Gabriel had come here.
The bastard smirked, as if he could smell the heat of the sweat that had begun to prickle against Gabriel’s palms. As if he knew just how exquisitely Gabriel’s body burned to be touched.
‘Hello, Cas.’ Gabriel forced his voice to come out even.
Cas’s eyes flicked down to scan him once over, settled heavily on his mouth again. ‘Hi, baby.’
Well, fuck. Gabriel’s tiny sliver of hope that Cas would go easy on him fizzled out like a burnt wick.
‘Are you going to let me in or not?’ Gabriel huffed. Shoving forward —and luxuriating in the way his body brushed up against Cas’s as he passed— Gabriel shouldered his way into the apartment.
He stalked inside a few steps before realising he didn’t really have anywhere to go; Cas’s basement studio was built to make the best use of its space, sure, but it was hardly spacious. Something Gabriel realised with a start when he felt Cas draw up behind him to cage him in against the kitchen counter, his chest a searing wall of heat against his back.
Cas’s voice came hot against the shell of his ear. ‘Miss me already, huh?’
‘I just came so that—’ Gabriel sucked in a breath as Cas gripped his biceps, his mouth ghosting along his neck. ‘—ahh, so… so that I could see what furniture you wanted to move to my place tomorrow?’
‘Oh?’ Cas hummed, feigning interest. ‘Thoughtful of you.’
Gabriel tried very hard to keep a hold of his senses as Cas shoved the sleeves of his t-shirt up past his shoulders, squeezing and stroking his deltoids, lips skimming his skin.
‘Y-yeah.’ Gabriel’s skin grew pebbled and tight as Cas’s hands continued their caressing path to his obliques, up to his pecs, back to his biceps, kneading, possessive. The soft cotton of his old, blue t-shirt felt almost abrasive against his nipples. The desire to strip off his suddenly-too-restrictive clothing was all but maddening.
‘Do we need to hire a moving truck or something?’
‘Bit late to be organising things now, Golden Boy.’
Gabriel could hear the teasing smile in Cas’s voice. He wanted to kiss it right off his beautiful, aggravating mouth. ‘I just thought…’
‘Astoria’s sorted it already,’ Cas murmured.
Much to Gabriel’s quiet outrage, Cas stepped away from him, plucking a glass off his coffee table and slipping around Gabriel to strut into the kitchen. His throat bobbed as he took a sip of his drink, the rush of cold against Gabriel’s back where Cas had stood almost taunting in its heady chill.
On the other side of the island counter —disgustingly far away from Gabriel’s un-kissed lips— Cas pulled a second glass from an overhead cabinet. He raised it in question.
‘I was just having a bourbon and cola if you want one.’
‘Sure,’ Gabriel said. ‘Ah, yes. Yes, please.’
Something about how relaxed and confident Cas was as he moved about his kitchen made Gabriel’s own shyness feel glaringly obvious. He stole a moment while Cas scooped some ice from the freezer to toss his jacket on a stool and tug his sleeves back down over his shoulders.
Taking the drink gratefully, Gabriel drained half the glass in a couple of hasty swallows. The cola burst in bright bubbles against his tongue, the ice a welcome respite against the fever threatening to consume him. He scrambled for a topic of conversation, anything else to talk about that wasn’t the alarmingly increasing tightness of his dark-wash jeans. His eyes fell on a black leather collar tossed haphazard on the countertop, the O-ring at the centre a shiny, gunmetal grey.
‘Huh.’ Gabriel thumbed the cool metal, the glide of leather smooth in his hands. For a second, delighted inquisitiveness cut through the haze of lust clouding his mind. ‘Since when are you getting a dog?’
Cas paused mid-sip, eyes flaring when he took in what Gabriel was holding. Snorting, Cas pressed a surprisingly gentle kiss to Gabriel’s cheek.
‘That is not a collar for a pet, Golden Boy.’
Cas took another sip of bourbon, sucking one of the ice cubes into his mouth. Gabriel had to fight back the whine that threatened to pitch high in his throat when Cas moved away from him —again?!— to toss the collar into one of the drawers in his bedside cabinet.
‘That’s part of a harness set I picked up for Luca.’
‘You—’ Gabriel blinked. ‘Wait, you two are into… that sort of thing?’
Cas crunched through the ice cube, shifting it around his mouth with an exaggerated air of innocence. He arched one pierced eyebrow, sliding the drawer shut. ‘Into… what sort of thing?’
To Gabriel’s disappointment, Cas did not return to his side. To Gabriel’s absolute excitement, Cas took a seat on his bed instead. He patted the empty space beside him, side-eyeing Gabriel over another sip of bourbon.
It was almost embarrassing how quickly Gabriel hurried over to take a seat.
Cas set his glass down as Gabriel nestled in beside him, resuming his slow path of ghosting his lips over Gabriel’s skin; his jaw, his throat, his collarbones, never quite touching him, but making his skin tingle all the same.
‘Well, uh.’ Gabriel swallowed. ‘Yesterday at breakfast, you called Luca a sub, and. Ah…’
‘Luca likes harnesses — you saw one of them at Nicole’s party, remember?’ Gabriel felt Cas smile against his jaw. ‘I got them a collar and some wrist cuffs with detachable chains as a present. They said they wanna look pretty when I fuck them rough.’
Gabriel pressed his thighs together, swallowing another hasty sip of bourbon.
‘Luca always makes things between you two sound so… caring and intimate,’ Gabriel said, setting down his glass, his other hand toying with the distressed tears in Cas’s jeans. ‘Thoughtful.’
‘They are.’
‘But you…’ Gabriel pointed at the drawer in wordless confusion. ‘How does that work?’
‘Gabriel,’ Cas purred low against his throat, and Gabriel had to fight back a full-body shiver at hearing his name on Cas’s lips, ‘why are you in my apartment asking me what kind of shit I get up to when I fuck someone?’
Gabriel’s hand clenched on Cas’s thigh. ‘I just… I want—’
Cas stroked a hand along Gabriel’s jaw, drawing back and urging him to look at him, his thumb brushing over his lower lip in slow, hungry passes. Cas’s eyes glittered, the faint glow of silver around his pupils the only indication of just how tightly he was leashing himself.
If only he would leash Gabriel just as tightly.
‘What do you want?’ Cas said. ‘Use your words, Golden Boy.’
Cas’s voice was drifting into that same low tone he’d used at the camping lodge. Rough, but soothing; dangerous, yes… but there was something about the way Cas spoke that made Gabriel feel completely safe.
‘I want you.’
Gabriel clung to Cas’s shoulders like a man drowning.
‘I want you,’ he repeated, breathless. ‘Cas, please…’
Gabriel could feel the feral grin hidden in his kisses as Cas descended upon his mouth at last, biting, devouring. Gabriel pressed closer, tangling his arms around Cas’s neck as he pulled him close.
The brush of his tongue against Gabriel’s own startled him with cold, the ice Cas had been chewing a bright shock against his heightened senses. Cas pulled back to lick at Gabriel’s throat, and a moan tore out of him at the chill.
‘That wasn’t really an answer,’ Cas drawled, merciless. The laughter in his eyes was heated, but his hands were gentle as they cradled Gabriel’s jaw, drawing him close and kissing him again, slower this time, languorous, unhurried.
‘I want to understand more about… that side of things,’ Gabriel managed at last. ‘I wouldn’t know the first thing about BDSM.’
I wouldn’t know the first thing about sex at all, really, Gabriel thought. The idea that Cas could teach him had him swallowing against a mouth turned dry.
‘I mean, it doesn’t have to be a whole thing,’ Cas said. ‘You are allowed to borrow aspects of kink without throwing yourself right into a full dom/sub scenario, you know? You can just do what feels good.’
Cas shifted on the bed, his bent leg bracketing Gabriel’s body, the heat of his thigh pressing into him with a subtle insistence.
‘Gotta admit, though,’ Cas added. ‘I am kinda curious what you think it means to dom someone.’
Gabriel’s eyes darted to the drawer where the collar was shut away.
‘Um, being rough with someone, like you said? And mean? Or, things like… tying someone up? I don’t know.’
It wasn’t his signature smirk that flashed in the half-dark, as Cas smiled on the heels of Gabriel’s fumbling answer. It was a soft smile. Adoring. Warm.
‘Sure you do. You worked out that last one all on your own, didn’t you, President Adalhard?’ Cas crooned.
For a moment, Gabriel had no idea what Cas was getting at. It wasn’t until Cas stroked down the length of his arms —his touch so light it raised the hairs on Gabriel’s forearms— his hands wrapping around his wrists and squeezing tight, that it all came rushing back to him.
The hotel.
The handcuffs.
The heady combination of irritation and arousal that had Gabriel tying Cas to the bed, denying Cas his pleasure even as he took his own right in front of him. Gabriel sucked in a breath, painfully aware of the growing bulge in his jeans.
‘Well, that was… I mean, you were being so annoying!’ Gabriel said. ‘It was that or throw you through a window.’
‘So, bondage you’ve been introduced to,’ Cas said, matter-of-fact in the face of Gabriel’s shy splutter. ‘And roughing people up you clearly have no problem with — though, to be fair, I’d really rather you slap me or choke me or something, rather than just throwing me through a window.’
Cas snickered as Gabriel’s mouth popped open.
‘But, who knows?’ Cas said. ‘Maybe that could be fun too. Although, that’s really the kind of thing you should be negotiating ahead of time.’
Gabriel shook his head, a little bewildered by the mental image. His brain swerved to the night he’d made love to Luca, tried to reconcile the memory of their trusting smile and gentle whispers with the idea of just… slapping them in the face? Gabriel found he simply couldn’t.
So why did the idea of Cas slapping him full in the face before hauling him in for a rough, possessive kiss make his cock jerk in his pants?
Filing that information away for later, Gabriel leaned into Cas’s touch as his hand snaked beneath his t-shirt, his fingers tracing patterns against the small of his back.
‘Um… alright,’ Gabriel said. ‘What else is there?’
‘Hmm, edging, overstimulation — spanking someone ‘til they cry? You can ask Luca about that one,’ Cas replied. ‘But, you know, it doesn’t always have to be cruel. Some people like that, sure; degradation is a whole thing—’
‘Really?’ Gabriel sat up straighter. ‘Who would want to be degraded during sex?’
‘I don’t know,’ Cas said silkily, his eyes half-lidded and far away. He leaned back to take a sly sip of bourbon, draining his glass and setting it down next to Gabriel’s again. ‘If you’d asked me a few years ago how often I thought about the untouchable, proper, perfect President Gabriel Adalhard coming down my throat while he pulled my hair and called me a reprehensible piece of Venandi trash, you might be surprised.’
Gabriel gasped as Cas nipped at his lip again.
‘Oh, yeah. I thought about us hate-fucking all the fuckin’ time, Golden Boy.’
For a moment, Gabriel just stared. Until he found his hand drifting up of its own accord to cradle Cas’s cheek. Sliding down the soft skin of his neck and further to press against his heart, the rhythm of it pounding strong like thunder. Like summer storms, indigo and wild.
‘You know I don’t hate you, right?’ Gabriel whispered love into the heady, intense space between them. ‘I could never hate you, Cas. Not really.’
Cas’s face flickered with vulnerability, his expression so open and soft, before his eyes shuttered for a moment. Gabriel all but saw him hoist the teasing flippancy back onto his face with flighty hands, a boyish, half-smile appearing on his lips.
God, Gabriel loved Cas so much he ached with it. The words buzzed on his tongue, so ready to spill… but Gabriel coaxed them back again. Tucked them away gently in his heart. At least for now, he’d guard them close. Gabriel wouldn’t tell Cas until he was more ready to hear it.
‘Sure you could,’ Cas joked, tugging Gabriel’s hand higher so he could press a kiss to his palm, his wrist. ‘Hating me is half the fun, right?’
‘Maybe I can hate you a little bit.’ Gabriel smiled. ‘As a treat.’
‘Do you have any hard limits?’ Cas asked abruptly, hauling Gabriel closer with one large hand splayed on his thigh, his dark eyes serious. ‘Things you know you definitely don’t want to do?’
‘Oh! Uhh…’
Gabriel thought it through. How was he supposed to know? He barely had enough experience to know what he did like, let alone what he didn’t!
‘I don’t know that I’ll know them until we stumble onto them?’
Cas thought that over, then nodded. ‘Traffic light system, then?’ he said easily.
‘Okay.’ Gabriel paused. ‘Wait, I thought of one. Don’t… um. Don’t make me feel like I’m just another warm body. Like I don’t matter.’
Cas fixed him with a level gaze, the raw confidence in his gaze a poor shield for the absolute care that simmered just beneath it.
‘Golden Boy, I may have felt a whole bunch of shit about you in my life, but never once has “indifferent” made the list.’ Cas’s thumb traced slow circles on his thigh. ‘…You’ve always mattered.’
Swallowing against the sudden lump in his throat, Gabriel pressed his face to Cas’s neck, the warmth of his skin grounding him, soothing him, calling him home.
It was only after several long minutes of deep, slow kisses, lying back against Cas’s pillows and glowing with pleasure at the feeling of Cas’s body pressing him down into the sheets that it occurred to Gabriel that he should ask, too.
Despite how nervous he’d been when he arrived, Gabriel was quickly growing lulled by the sense that Cas was taking care of him in this. Treating him with a delicious kind of slow guidance. But, Gabriel realised, through the arousal burning through him, he wanted Cas to feel safe, too. Cherished.
‘Um, Cas? Do you?’
Cas sucked Gabriel’s lip into his mouth, before pulling back to cock his head in question.
‘Have any hard limits?’ Gabriel clarified, stroking his hands through Cas’s hair.
Curious, Gabriel scratched his nails against Cas’s scalp, feeling giddy when Cas’s whole body went slack in response. Luca had taught Gabriel that little secret, encouraged him to try it; Cas arched into the touch, catlike, his eyes sinking closed for a moment in pure, unguarded bliss. He looked so relaxed it made Gabriel’s heart clench.
Cas batted his eyes open, nodding. ‘Don’t ask me to say your name at any point.’
Cas must have caught the flash of hurt on Gabriel’s face, because he sighed, palming his neck to kiss him in apology.
‘Not because I don’t want to,’ Cas mumbled. ‘It’s… I have good control over my gift, sure, but I’m not gonna take any chances. Especially not now. Not with you, with this. Consent is a big deal to me, y’know?’
Cas words thunked into place in Gabriel’s mind.
‘Wait. Whoa, hang on.’ Gabriel nudged Cas, scrambling upright against the pillows as Cas shifted off of him. ‘Are you saying this whole time —for years, Cas— you’ve been calling me Golden Boy in some secret, noble, convoluted attempt to respect my autonomy?’
‘No.’ Cas shoved him. ‘Shut up! Don’t do that, don’t make me nice. I call you Golden Boy because it winds you up!’ Cas gaped wordlessly before he swung his legs down from the bed, trying to take a swig of his bourbon but finding it empty. He stole the last of Gabriel’s instead, watered down though it was with half-melted ice. ‘I’m an asshole!’
Snarly, Cas crunched through a few more ice cubes while Gabriel stifled a giggle with his fist. Slowly, Gabriel sat up to wind his arms around Cas’s waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.
‘Uh-huh. You’re positively terrible,’ Gabriel teased. ‘All this respecting me and talking me through things, god. Making sure I’m comfortable, making sure we talk about consent, how could you?’
Cas growled, a smirk growing on his face once more. ‘I keep my gift well away from the bedroom, Adalhard, because when I tell you to do something, I want the satisfaction of seeing how desperate you get for me all on your own.’
‘Oh,’ Gabriel said, a little light-headed all of a sudden. ‘Oh, okay, you should definitely tell me what to do and when. That sounds… Yes.’
‘Yeah?’ Cas glanced at Gabriel over his shoulder. ‘I mean, I’m about 90 percent sure you have a praise kink, Golden Boy, but you think you might like it if you don’t have to be so in control all the time, too?’
Gabriel’s cheeks grew warm. ‘I… maybe?’
Cas’s voice dropped lower. ‘You wanna be good for me, baby?’
A tiny whine slipped from Gabriel’s mouth, his entire body feeling suddenly stifled by his clothes. God, but if Cas didn’t fuck him soon—
‘Oh? That right, huh?’ Face suddenly coy, Cas shifted out of Gabriel’s hold to pin him with a stare. ‘So, if I were to tell you to get on your knees for me…?’
Gabriel shot to his feet almost before Cas had finished speaking.
‘Where?’ He glanced around the apartment; there was a thick, warm rug beside Cas’s bed that would cushion his knees. ‘Here? Is here good?’
Maybe he should kneel on the wood flooring, Gabriel thought. Supplicate himself, really work for it. Gabriel’s cock throbbed at the idea of getting bruises on his knees from sucking Cas’s dick. He’d keep them, he decided in a rush of giddy eagerness. He’d leash his regeneration so every last mark Cas left on his body was one he could feel long after the fact.
Huffing a laugh, Cas rose, sliding his fingers into Gabriel’s hair and kissing him sweet and patient. He bent to suck a dark bruise into Gabriel’s neck, tongue stroking slow and wet over his skin.
‘Here is good,’ Cas teased, smiling, ‘Your Golden Highness.’
How lucky he was to feel Cas’s laughter dissolving against his skin, Gabriel thought, as Cas pressed kisses to the corner of his mouth.
How lucky, to come to know the intimate shape of the pads of Cas’s fingers, encouraging, but not demanding, as they pressed into Gabriel’s shoulders. Dropping him lower. Guiding him onto his knees.
How truly blessed he was to get to hear the low cadence of Cas’s voice like this, rich with confidence and playfulness and love.
Cas loved him.
For a moment, Gabriel’s head swam, as the words clarified in the forefront of his mind.
Cas loved him.
Awed, Gabriel knelt, settling his hands on the denim-clad hardness of Cas’s thighs.
He’d never said it —Gabriel had no idea if Cas ever would say it— but ever since Nicole’s party, Gabriel had been tucking that secret deeper and deeper into his heart, the truth of it ringing louder by degrees as the days passed and he began to really pay attention to the way that Cas looked at him sometimes, and now—
‘So pretty on your knees for me, angel.’
—Gabriel believed it.
Cas loved him.
Head spinning with elation, Gabriel slid his hands higher. Cas sucked in a stuttering breath as Gabriel’s fingers stroked over the tightness in the front of his jeans.
‘I’ve—’ Gabriel blurted, suddenly feeling foolish. ‘I’ve never done this before.’
Cas’s eyes fluttered shut on a deep groan, and for a moment Gabriel feared he would see irritation written there. But when Cas opened his eyes again, there was a heat to his gaze instead, a kind of broken desperation that hadn’t been there before.
‘Fuck, that’s hot. Okay.’
His fingers were gentle as they laced with Gabriel’s own, squeezing tight where they cupped his groin together.
‘That’s okay,’ Cas said, softly. ‘Promise me something?’
Gabriel stilled, his breath coming faster. Anything. Just then, he’d promise Cas the universe. He glanced up in silent question.
‘I want you to do whatever you want to do,’ Cas said, stroking a thumb along Gabriel’s jaw. ‘Don’t try and make this good for me. Just touch me the way that you want.’
‘Wait. Don’t try and make it good?’
‘Mmm.’ Cas’s body seemed to grow harder beneath Gabriel’s fingertips. ‘If it’s your first time, I wanna see you indulge yourself.’
Gabriel spared half a moment to nod blindly as he fumbled with the closure of Cas’s jeans. He tugged them down an inch or two, hesitating for a moment, his own cock throbbing with insistent demand.
‘Want some help?’ Cas asked, his voice rough.
Swallowing, Gabriel nodded again. He couldn’t help the moan that escaped him as Cas freed himself from his boxers, working them and his jeans both farther down his thighs. The elastic band of his boxers tucked snug beneath his balls, cupping him for Gabriel to touch, to taste. Gabriel licked his lips, all rational thought simply gone.
Leaning forward, he flicked his tongue over Cas’s slit.
Cas sucked in a breath, the taste of him salty on Gabriel’s tongue. Tentatively, Gabriel let his tongue press wider, flatter, sliding over the head of Cas’s cock and back up in slow, curious strokes, his stomach swooping with arousal.
He pulled back for a second, pausing, wetting his lips more thoroughly. Above him, Cas barely breathed, his pulse beating a rapid tattoo in his neck. Summoning his courage, Gabriel let his wet mouth sink onto him.
The low groan he drew from Cas’s throat was mesmerising.
Bit by bit, Gabriel inched lower, easing more of him into his mouth. Oh, fuck, he felt incredible against his tongue, Gabriel thought, unable to really believe he was actually sucking Cas’s dick, and drawing him closer with desperate hands all the same.
Remembering what Cas had said about indulging himself, he drew back, began to trace the shape of Cas’s cock with an exploring tongue; every ridge, every vein, every last inch of the heated silk of his skin. When Gabriel hunched down to suck his balls into his mouth, the air exploded from Cas’s lungs.
Gabriel glanced up to meet a gaze turned to liquid mercury.
‘Shit,’ Cas gasped, pushing Gabriel’s hair back from his face. ‘You’re fucking perfect, aren’t you?’
Still untouched himself, Gabriel felt delirious with pleasure; seeing Cas open-mouthed and panting above him made him feel powerful.
Determined, Gabriel tongued at Cas’s balls for a moment longer, before licking his way from the base of his cock to the tip. He took him in hand, the heat of Cas’s cock glaringly hot against his palm, the feel of him harder and silkier than Gabriel had been expecting. He bobbed his head a few times; curious, Gabriel drew still, pumping his hand over Cas’s length and revelling in the slow drag of his foreskin as it moved beneath his lips.
‘Oh my god,’ Cas breathed, settling a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder, the other tugging his shirt higher.
From here, Gabriel could see every last line of Cas’s abs as they clenched, the hard jut of his hipbone and the sloping lines of his body as his skin drew tight. Gabriel wanted to press his mouth to every last inch of him; to kiss him and taste him and learn him more intimately than he even knew himself.
When he sank back onto Cas’s cock once more, taking him in as deep as he’d dared so far, Cas’s eyes grew wide.
‘Easy,’ Cas said, a faint warmth creeping up his chest through the open vee of his shirt. ‘Careful, baby.’
The endearment only spurred him on; Gabriel swallowed around Cas’s dick, drawing him into his mouth until he couldn’t possibly take any more. It was a little ambitious, perhaps, but he was so full of want, god he wanted to feel every hard inch of Cas’s dick rammed down his throat.
And he wanted Cas to see.
Shifting, Gabriel tried to look up, his gag reflex protesting —oh, okay, apparently it was a little tricky to look up at this angle with a dick that far down your throat— so he inched back a little.
It was worth it though, Gabriel thought. When he finally looked up at Cas through the tears clinging to his eyelashes.
The second their gazes locked and Gabriel moaned around the cock in his mouth, Cas’s eyes rolled back in his head. His fingers knotted in Gabriel’s hair on a deep groan, his hips jerking forward. Smug giddiness made Gabriel’s stomach flip.
Gabriel sucked, working his head back and forth, saliva pooling in his mouth. Cas’s cock hit Gabriel’s gag reflex again and he spluttered, the sounds of his choking stifled against Cas’s skin.
‘God damn,’ Cas hissed out, his fingers twisting tighter in Gabriel’s hair, his hips jerking again reflexively, ‘you’re fucking gorgeous when you can’t breathe, Golden Boy, you know that?’
Gabriel whined, pressing the heel of his hand against his own aching groin. He tugged off of Cas’s cock, staring up at him with a choking need.
‘Fuck my throat Cas,’ Gabriel begged, gasping for air. ‘Please— I want you to use me.’
‘Fuck.’ Cas’s eyes darkened, his free hand sliding around to grip Gabriel by the chin ‘Fuck. You sure, baby?’
‘Cas,’ Gabriel moaned, his name an abject plea. ‘Fuck me. Use me. Please. I-I need you.’
Cas’s control snapped; he growled as his hips drove forward to sink himself into Gabriel’s open mouth. Gabriel tried not to choke again, barely listening to Cas’s gritted out instructions to tap him on the arm if he wanted him to stop. A bright flare of arousal surged through his entire body as Cas’s cock slid out past his lips and back in again.
‘Dreamed about taking this pretty fucking mouth,’ Cas grunted. ‘You think I— nghh, fuck!— You think I don’t watch you in our classes together and notice how brilliant you are, Adalhard? How perfect? Student body President, always talking about something, always ready with the model answer on these gorgeous lips of yours.’
Gabriel dug his nails into the back of Cas’s thighs, clinging to him, pulling him closer as Cas drove his cock into his mouth over and over.
‘Perfect — fucking — Golden Boy,’ Cas gritted out between hard thrusts, ‘Too damn smart for your own good. Always wanted to shut you up like this.’
Gabriel whined around Cas’s dick, jaw beginning to ache, wanting to swallow but unwilling to pull away for even a second. Every wet slap of flesh against flesh threatened to unravel him entirely; it felt so impossibly good to let Cas use him like this, so good to let go. His head was floating away into some dizzy place where he could barely remember his own name; all he knew was he felt good and safe and pretty beneath Cas’s hands.
Gabriel spluttered on a particularly deep thrust, saliva dripping down his chin and clinging to his neck. He was absolutely leaking into his underwear, his dick so hard and wet with precome that he’d soaked through the fabric entirely. It was a good thing —as much as Gabriel whined in complaint— when Cas eased back so he didn’t choke him, or Gabriel would have been coming in his pants completely untouched.
‘So good for me,’ Cas whispered, tucking himself back into his underwear. He ran his thumb across Gabriel’s swollen lips so gently it made him melt, made him weak, would have sent him to his knees if he wasn’t already there. ‘Colour?’
‘Hmm?’ Gabriel leaned his cheek into Cas’s palm, before he remembered. ‘Oh, green.’
‘Good.’ Cas smiled. ‘I think you deserve a reward for that, don’t you?’
Shivering at the praise, Gabriel moaned as Cas pushed his fingers into his mouth, sucking them as greedily as he’d sucked Cas’s cock.
‘But first,’ Cas said, gently withdrawing his fingers and tugging Gabriel to his feet. ‘I have a question.’
Cas’s hands caught at the neck of Gabriel’s t-shirt, both hands fisting in the fabric to pull him in for another kiss — heated, this time, more demanding, his teeth biting Gabriel’s swollen lip just a little too hard to have been anything but deliberate.
When they broke apart, Cas’s eyes flicked lower.
‘Are you particularly attached to this?’
‘Huh?’ Gabriel glanced down at his shirt in confusion. ‘My t-shirt? No? It’s old, I haven’t done—’
The rest of his words were lost in the shredding of fabric as Cas tore it clean in two.
‘—laundry. What— oh.’
Bare chested, Gabriel found himself being quickly manhandled into Cas’s bed.
He arched beneath Cas as he descended on his body, his mouth hot against his skin, tongue tracing tantalising patterns that had his cock aching. Cas nipped at his pecs, leaving a trail of red marks across his chest, moving up to suck at his collarbones with an intense kind of focus.
‘You ripped my shirt?’ Gabriel gasped once he found his breath, losing it again as Cas gripped his inner thigh, hard.
Laughter against his neck. ‘Mmm. Felt like it.’
He watched the scraps of fabric falling to the floor in a sort of daydream haze, one that immediately sharpened as Cas bit one of his nipples with a satisfied purr.
‘Cas!’ Gabriel squirmed beneath him, his body jolting as he tried to get closer to him and pull away all at once.
Cas sat up on his knees, his thighs straddling Gabriel’s own as he watched him closely.
‘M-my— my nipples are sensitive,’ Gabriel breathed, heat rushing to his ears. ‘Be careful.’
Cas’s head tilted. A lazy grin stole over his face, so slow that Gabriel could only describe it as menacing. Gabriel swallowed against a mouth suddenly turned dry.
‘Aw, baby…’ Cas shook his head, clicking his tongue gently. Gripping his collar, he wrenched his own shirt off over his head, his torso twisting lean and beautiful in the low light. ‘Oh, you should not have told me that.’
It almost unsettled him, Gabriel thought, how divine it looked to see Cas taking him in hand. Pumping over his cock. He wanted to memorise every last detail.
Deep, jet polish on short, blunt nails, the colour chipped on Cas’s middle and index fingers.
A band of platinum circling his thumb, a ring on his ring finger in the shape of a sleek owl, two glittering chips of black jade in its eye sockets.
The flickering shadows of Cas’s tattoos, elegant on the back of his hand, shifting with every minute flex of his tendons as he stroked Gabriel’s length in a slow, elegant seduction.
LOVE, it read. Again, that word. Again, Gabriel could feel himself getting lost in it. Lost in Cas.
Cupping the back of Cas’s head and hauling him close, Gabriel tugged him into another kiss. Gabriel panted heavily against his mouth, the slow drag of Cas’s tongue making his cock twitch in his hand.
‘Oh? Needy little thing, aren’t you?’ Cas sucked Gabriel’s lip into his mouth, adding a clever twist as he pumped his hand over his cock that had Gabriel moaning into his mouth. ‘You want my tongue on your cock, angel?’
‘Y-yes,’ Gabriel breathed. ‘Want you, Cas. Want everything.’
His heart hammered as Cas settled back between his thighs, licking at the crest of his hip before he raked his nails down his inner thigh. He paused for a moment, tilting his head — Cas just stared at him, his gaze stroking over Gabriel’s body almost palpable against his skin.
‘Full offence, but how the fuck is Luca still walking?’ Cas snapped suddenly. He waved a vague hand at Gabriel’s dick, eyes narrowing in accusation. ‘You just had to go and live up to the nickname, didn’t you, Golden Boy?’
Gabriel absolutely flushed with bashful pleasure. He opened his mouth to wave off the compliment, but his reply was swallowed by a cut gasp as Cas took him hungrily into his mouth.
‘Oh m-my— Cas!’ Gabriel sighed. ‘Oh my god…’
It was no slow teasing, this. No chaste, tender loving, as Cas acquainted himself with every last inch of Gabriel’s cock. No. Cas loved him eager, loved him messy as he let his lips stretch around him. Loved him unflinchingly as he sank down on Gabriel’s cock over and over and over. His arms wound around Gabriel’s thighs to grip his hips, his weight supported on his elbows as he moaned around the cock in his mouth. The musky scent of his cologne wrapped around Gabriel’s senses like smoke and velvet and sin.
There wasn’t a single part of him that wasn’t humming with utter ecstasy. Gabriel had entirely forgotten how to breathe.
It was with conscious effort that he wrenched the air free from his lungs; it came shuddering out of him, making his chest shake and his lips tremble.
Gabriel sank back into the mountain of pillows on Cas’s bed, latching on to the upside-down view of one of Cas’s well-tended plants, spinning gently in a macramé hanger where it hung above the bed, its leaves deep and glossy — it was that, or look at Cas, hollow-cheeked and mouth slick with spit, sucking Gabriel’s dick like he wanted to utterly ruin him for anyone else.
Hell, maybe he did. Gabriel wouldn’t put it past him. Maybe Cas wanted to suck Gabriel’s entire damn soul out through his cock and leave him a gasping wreck.
Gabriel looked down to see eyes turned molten silver staring back up at him.
‘Fuck.’ Gabriel’s hands flew down to rake through Cas’s hair, dishevelled and silky where it fell in his eyes. ‘Cas! Yes, god, that feels s-so good.’
‘You’re fuckin’ perfect, baby,’ Cas panted between one dip of his head and the next, his tongue dripping sin with every wet stroke. ‘You got no idea how long I’ve been waiting to have you like this.’
Gabriel pressed a trembling hand to his mouth to try and stifle his cries.
‘Wanna suck you for hours,’ Cas growled. ‘Taste you, bite you, eat you out.’
Gabriel’s breath came faster, thinner, a moan tearing from his lips on the heels of every exhale. The way Cas’s hands spanned his waist made him feel… delicate, almost. Fragile.
Like spun glass; precious, and pretty, and breakable.
But then Cas’s fingers pressed indentations into his hips, gripping tight to haul him closer, rocking Gabriel’s cock deeper into his mouth, and Gabriel knew… Cas was trying to break him.
The breath rushed from his lungs, his words coming out in a desperate whisper.
‘Bite me,’ he begged. ‘Please, Cas, bitemebitemebite— haahh!!’
Pain flashed white behind Gabriel’s eyelids as Cas snapped his fangs into the tender flesh of his inner thigh, his forearms tightening around Gabriel’s hips to hold his squirming body in place. Gabriel bucked against him, delirious.
Cas’s low growl of approval warmed Gabriel’s skin as blood burst from his femoral artery. Cas pulled back to watch him bleed, blood slicking his chin, his eyes burning with reverence.
Low, so low and husky, Cas rasped out, ‘You okay? Gimme your colour, princess.’
Gabriel could barely hear his own pitched reply of “green, green, I’m so good, drink!” over the war drum cacophony of his own heartbeat.
All he knew was that when Cas dipped his head to suck a deep pull of blood into his mouth, Gabriel clenched his thighs together to hold him there. His fingers speared blindly into Cas’s hair, his cock jerking and dripping some slick mixture of spit and precome onto his abdomen. He could feel Cas’s saliva sliding down past his balls, slippery and wet against his ass where it dripped onto the sheets.
Gabriel was wrecked. He felt like a beautiful mess.
Gasping, he snapped his regeneration back to a controlled stillness; the wound on his thigh was deep, pulsing with a fiery kind of pleasure-pain. He knew he wanted to feel that ache until Cas was done with him.
‘Fuck you taste good,’ Cas moaned, licking his way up Gabriel’s thigh. He pressed a kiss to the crease of his hip, kicking off his jeans to take himself in hand. Gabriel bucked in strung-out arousal, wanting more, needing more. ‘Wanna eat you out, Golden Boy. Wanna make you scream.’
Gabriel nodded his eagerness, squeezing his eyes shut against the blind need pulsing beneath his skin. Not giving himself any time to get embarrassed about it, Gabriel planted a hand atop Cas’s head and shoved him lower.
Pushing his thigh up to spread him open, Cas stroked his tongue up the cleft of Gabriel’s ass.
‘Fuck,’ Gabriel cried. ‘Cas!’
Gabriel lost all sense of time as Cas’s tongue worked over him. He lapped at the mess he’d made giving Gabriel head, his tongue swirling over his hole.
Cas felt so warm buried between his legs, licking and sucking at his ass; Gabriel felt like he should feel self-conscious, like he should be shy at what Cas was doing to him. But he barely had any awareness beyond how good he felt, how weightless and tingly and needy — Cas played him like a plucked string; his whole body hummed for him and him alone.
Cas groaned as his tongue speared into him, sucking at Gabriel’s hole like a man famished.
‘Jesus,’ Gabriel wailed, ‘you feel so good…’
Gabriel’s entire body shuddered as the muscles in his thighs drew tight, his focus zeroing in between his thighs as he hurtled toward the edge of his release.
Drawing back, Cas’s mouth engulfed his cock once more, the heat of his tongue an exquisite torture against Gabriel’s fevered skin. He pressed the pads of his fingers to Gabriel’s entrance, his hand slick, drawing up the wetness that had spilled there and massaging him with it.
Gabriel jolted against the sheets at the subtle insistence of his touch. But rather than fear, he found himself being filled with an intoxicating kind of excitement, so potent he grew dizzy with it.
He wasn’t sure how many minutes he lay there gasping beneath Cas’s attention, only that every minute that Cas didn’t slide a taunting finger inside of him was a minute Gabriel was growing closer to losing his entire mind. His hole fluttered against Cas’s fingers, his cock jerking in his mouth as Cas sucked him.
‘Please, Cas!’ Gabriel begged. ‘I’m so close!’
Gabriel had shifted in the time Cas had been lavishing him with attention; one calf slung over Cas’s back and pulling him closer; his fingers hooking into the hollow of his own collarbone and clinging on for dear life; his other hand spasming uselessly on his stomach.
Humming his pleasure, Cas reached up to lace his fingers with Gabriel’s, his thumb stroking over Gabriel’s hand. It was too much. The tender caress had him crying out; body screaming with need, Gabriel shifted greedily, bearing down until one of Cas’s fingers finally sank inside him.
Cas sucked him and stroked him as he came, his other hand squeezing tight, holding Gabriel’s hand as the force of his orgasm surged through his abdomen like liquid lightning. Gabriel’s cheeks grew hot as he cried out, his gratification absolute.
Lapping at his cock through the ebbing jolts of pleasure, Cas nipped at Gabriel’s thigh again. Gently, he pulled his fingers away.
‘You weren’t supposed to do that without lube, baby,’ Cas chuckled, pressing a kiss to the bite-mark on his thigh.
Amusing himself sucking a bruise into his skin next to the puncture he’d left, Cas waited as Gabriel’s racing breath returned to a steadier pace.
Spellbound, Gabriel couldn’t help the whisper that spilled from him. ‘Will you buy presents for me, too? Like you do for Luca? When… When you—’
When you fuck me in the ass. Just say it, Gabriel thought. You think about it often enough, just say the words.
‘—w-when you— when I bottom for you?’ Gabriel asked.
A deep, tortured groan tore from Cas’s throat. Gabriel yelped as Cas sucked at his balls, licking up the length of his still-twitching cock before he moved higher to crawl over Gabriel’s shivering body.
He reached past Gabriel to tug open the drawer in his bedside cabinet, the one he’d tossed Luca’s collar into. He rummaged around until he found a slim, wide box; the lid a pearlescent, shimmering grey. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he held the box out to Gabriel. Awed as he was, when Gabriel made no move to take it, Cas glanced at the box thoughtfully, then rapped Gabriel on the chest with it.
‘Ah!’ Gabriel’s hand flew up to cover his nipple.
Cas snickered. ‘You want a present? Take it.’
‘This is for me?’ Gabriel traced his fingertips over the smooth box, his touch light with wonder. ‘You already got a present for me?’
Cas dipped his chin in the barest hint of a nod.
‘Will you… open it for me?’ Gabriel whispered, a flutter of shyness dancing in his chest.
Catching his hand, Cas pressed a kiss to Gabriel’s fingertips —the sweetness of the gesture making his heart clench— before sliding off the lid of the box. Inside, cushioned in foam padding overlaid with a royal blue satin, were three glass dildos. Each looked a little bigger than the last. Cas pulled the smallest of the three from the box and began tracing the tip against the curves of Gabriel’s muscles as he lay on the bed.
‘You know what these are?’
The glass was cold against his skin; Gabriel sucked in a gasp as Cas brought the tip of the toy up to trace around one of his nipples. Immediately, it grew more taut, his skin pebbling, something in Gabriel’s navel drawing tight… only to relax on a delighted shudder as the heat of Cas’s tongue followed the chill of the glass.
‘Sex toys,’ Gabriel breathed, as Cas’s mouth found his other nipple. ‘You bought me sex toys?’
‘Mmm.’ Cas said, his voice rough. ‘I bought you some anal training toys to fuck your pretty hole with.’
‘Christ,’ Gabriel said, weakly, tiny flutters seizing the muscles in his abdomen.
Cas traced the toy down the crease of Gabriel’s hip. ‘I’ll let you keep this one to fuck yourself with while you think of me—’
Glass slid along Gabriel’s inner thigh as Cas caressed him, his skin chilled and tingling in its wake.
‘—and when you think you’re ready for it, you can ask me for the bigger one. I’ll give it to you if you’ve been good and practised for me—’
Gabriel’s heart hammered as Cas dragged the toy up the length of his still half-hard cock, his spine pressing desperately into the sheets as if they might give him some kind of anchor. His voice was crushed satin and storms, as beautiful as his words were filthy. Gabriel wanted to listen to him talking forever. God, what he wouldn’t give to have Cas soothe him to sleep every night. Gabriel sucked in a breath, the wish so pure, so fervent, it stung.
‘—and then, once you can take the last one nice and easy, I’ll let you have my cock as a reward. Does that sound like something you want?’
‘Yes,’ Gabriel gasped, so hastily that Cas grinned. ‘I want that, god I want that, yes!’
‘Good. Now be a good boy and jerk off for me.’
Gabriel’s whole body burned. ‘Cas?’
Cas’s smile grew sharper, wider, dangerous.
‘Years of waiting to get you in my bed and you think I’m gonna go easy on you, Adalhard?’ Cas clicked his tongue, the sound re-igniting a heat that flared at the base of Gabriel’s spine. ‘Oh, no. No, no, no, I’m not done with you yet.’
Between Cas’s whispered promises and the demanding hardness of him, Gabriel’s cock didn’t take long to fill out in his hand again. Cas pressed up against his side, resting on his elbow as Gabriel lay in the crook of his shoulder, shivery with the slow build of arousal coiling in his abdomen once more. Cas’s free hand stroked over his body, his thumb rubbing slow circles around one of his nipples.
He could have cried when Cas dipped his head to kiss him again; the relief of it, the rightness Gabriel felt every time Cas kissed him had a languid sigh slipping between his parted lips. His eyes fluttered open to find Cas trained on his face, watching his every reaction as he touched himself.
‘Will you touch me again?’ Gabriel gasped. He needed Cas’s hands on him or he was going to fall apart from wanting.
Ruthless, Cas tilted his head. His tongue darted out wet to lick his lips. ‘Want me to finger you ‘til you come, hmm?’
‘Oh my god, stop looking at me like that!’ Gabriel let go of his dick to smack Cas’s chest, hiding his face against Cas’s neck as his ears started flaming. ‘Put your tongue back in your mouth! Christ…’
Amused, Cas stroked his fingers through Gabriel’s hair. ‘Looking at you like what?’
‘Like you’re going to eat me,’ Gabriel complained. ‘You’re far too attractive, it’s maddening…’
‘I mean, technically I already—’ Cas snickered as Gabriel smacked him again. ‘Aw, cute. You want me to finger-fuck you or not, Adalhard?’
Gabriels’ reply was muffled, shy and buried as he was in the slope of Cas’s shoulder.
‘Want me to keep being a bossy asshole?’
A self-satisfied smile stole over Cas’s face as Gabriel nodded his agreement. He pressed experimental little kisses to the slope of Cas’s neck. If Gabriel had his way, he was never going to leave this bed again.
‘Good.’ Cas hooked his thumb and forefinger around the base of Gabriel’s cock, cupping his balls with the rest of his fingers. It was a hold so possessive, so proprietary, that Gabriel flushed all the way down his chest. ‘‘Cause this pretty cock? This is all mine. You don’t get to touch yourself again until I tell you, okay?’
Cas’s words left Gabriel all but squirming in pleasure. ‘Okay.’
‘Put your hand on my dick.’
Swallowing, Gabriel hastened to take him in hand. He stroked slow and eager over Cas’s erection, wanting to make him feel good; Cas was so hard the head of his cock flushed a deep reddish purple. He’d been ignoring his own needs for so long to attend exclusively to Gabriel’s, surely he was aching with it. Whining, Gabriel stroked him faster.
Cas caught his wrist with a sharp smack of skin on skin.
His fingers gripped hard, his touch making Gabriel think of the tight bite of leather restraints. Of handcuffs.
‘Did I tell you to jack me off, baby?’
Gabriel’s breath caught on a thrill of excitement. He froze, heart hammering in his chest. The warning in Cas’s tone, the dark glint in his eyes… they told him he remembered every last detail of what had happened between them in the hotel room.
Oh, Gabriel was about to pay for being such a bitch, wasn’t he? So why was he so giddy about being on the receiving end of Cas’s particular brand of punishment?
Cas adjusted Gabriel’s grip, squeezing the hand around his cock before turning his attention to lubing up his fingers.
‘No moving,’ Cas whispered into his kisses, tossing the bottle of lube he’d pulled from the drawer onto the sheets.
Gabriel swallowed, nerves dancing in his chest. The first press of Cas’s fingers against his entrance had him choking on air. Gabriel’s fingers spasmed, but he did as he was told and held himself still.
‘Aw, so well behaved,’ Cas crooned, sinking one finger inside to the second knuckle, coaxing him, easing him open. ‘You’re so good for me, aren’t you? You’re gonna look so pretty riding my cock one day.’
Bending to kiss him, Cas stole the moans right from Gabriel’s pleading mouth as he pushed in deeper. Cas touched him like he already knew his way around Gabriel’s body, knew how to make him sob, knew how to make him come undone. Gabriel tucked his head into Cas’s chest, curling into him, feeling cherished by his touch even as he suffered so sweetly.
‘I want your other hand on your cock, now, baby,’ Cas said roughly. ‘Loose fist. You’re only allowed feather-light strokes.’
‘Oh my god.’ Gabriel whined in complaint, even as he immediately complied.
It was torturous, the path Cas led him down as he worked him open slow and patient. Every time Gabriel thought the slow pace was going to break him, Cas would relent and let him jerk the both of them off furiously, however he wanted. Every time he drew close to slipping over the edge, Cas would make him slow, coax him back down, steal him away from the precipice of another orgasm. Hot tears slipped from Gabriel’s eyes as he gasped and sobbed and moaned under Cas’s touch. Cas watched him closely the whole time, every pathetic sound that ripped from Gabriel’s gasping mouth only serving to heighten his power, his control.
It wasn’t until Cas finally eased a second finger inside of him, his strokes infuriatingly unhurried, that Gabriel realised what his angle was. He was making him yearn for it. Teasing him, drawing it out on purpose so Gabriel was forced to chase his own pleasure. Break the rules to make his decisions of what he wanted on his own without even realising.
It was cruelly ingenious.
—Gabriel slung one broad thigh over Cas’s hip—
It was lovingly simple.
—The coppery tang of blood flooded Gabriel’s mouth as he bit his lip, trying to swallow his pitched moans—
In pushing Gabriel to such a heightened, sensitive state of arousal, Cas made him forget. Forget his nerves, forget to think. Cas made him let go. He made it safe to let go.
Gabriel wailed as he drove himself down onto Cas’s fingers.
It was painless, and precious, and perfect; the wash of total rapture that filled him as Cas’s fingers sank deeper, brushing up against some brilliant place inside of him that made more tears spill from his eyes and starlight fill his chest.
His wrist bent at an awkward angle where he held Cas’s cock, and blood dripped onto the sheets from the bite mark on his thigh; he was sweaty and sticky and an utter mess, but it didn’t matter; Gabriel had never felt so divine in all his life.
‘Please, Cas!’ Gabriel sobbed, tears spilling from his eyes to soak into the sheets. ‘Let me touch. I n-need— I want—’
‘Go ahead, gorgeous, touch yourself, touch us both.’ Cas gritted out, screwing his fingers inside of him, massaging Gabriel’s prostate so relentlessly that his vision blacked out for a moment. ‘Jack me off. Make me —ngh, yeah, harder, baby— make me come all over you, Golden Boy. Wanna mess you up, fuck. Wanna make you mine.’
‘I’m yours,’ Gabriel cried out, spine bowing, balls drawing up tight. He was utterly delirious in his lust, his head floaty and full of a soft glow. ‘I’ve always been yours, Cas.’
Air hissed between Cas’s bared teeth, turning into a gritted out roar as he came all over Gabriel’s stomach. Come streaked onto Gabriel’s chest and neck with the force of Cas’s release, his body shuddering with pleasure against him.
It was potent, intoxicating; Gabriel felt elation take root in his body and grow, rolling in waves that carried him higher, danced down his spine in showers of sparks — he wasn’t even sure this was real any more or if it was some kind of dream.
But surely even his wildest dreams couldn’t conjure up something as heavenly as being loved under Cas Harlow’s hands.
Cas painted adoration into each slow stroke of his fingers as he worked them deep inside Gabriel’s body.
‘You are perfect, angel. So fuckin’ beautiful.’
Leaning in, Cas pressed a kiss to Gabriel’s forehead.
Lost in him, Gabriel shattered.
Gabriel curled closer into Cas’s chest, stifling his moans against his skin as he came, Cas’s heartbeat pounding jagged beneath Gabriel’s tear-stained cheeks.
Broken into a thousand gossamer pieces, Cas gathered Gabriel close, held him, loved him tender as he came back down.
Gabriel leaned into his touch, knowing he was home, that quiet whisper in his heart still singing I love you, I love you, I love you.
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dorian-is-dead · 2 months
Hey! Just wanted to say some things, I recently finished reading your fic up to date (you called me angel for the first time) and I'm absolutely losing my mind over it, it's so fucking good!! (Also, btw, appreciate the devil went down to Georgia reference lmao) I came there after reading another fic that was partially inspired by you (deaths of many sizes) and I'm so fascinated by how well this community can write Gabriel?? It's absolutely wonderful and I'm literally on the ground sobbing.
AND you draw,,, I saw you on my feed a few times but I never really looked at the poster name, your art is AMAZING 💕
All in all, I'm still rather new to this fandom but I love this angelic prick so much and you were an absolute gold find on here and I can't wait to see what you'll cook in the future :D
:000 Gabriel is so fun to write lowkey, and deaths of many sizes is SO FREAKING GOOD??? I scrummed it RIGHT up ! I appreciate your complements :]]]] thank you <3
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xthelastknownsurvivorx · 11 months
hey y'all popping back on here with some exciting rwrb-related news:
my long fic reincarnation college au now has a title- every time my heart swings back to you. i've posted some snippets before but a quick summary of the premise is that alex and henry are college students at the same school in the modern era but were a knight and prince in their past lives hundreds of years before, and the story of the past slowly unfolds through a series of non-linear flashbacks.
i'm very excited to finally be able to share it, and as a little celebration i'm sharing a short snippet of the prologue below the cut before i start posting in the next few days with more details to come then
content/trigger warnings: death, suicide, mild gore and violence, homophobia, racism
please mind the warnings because these themes start from the beginning of the story and are present throughout even though I wouldn't consider it to be dark fic
"Gabriel of Cleremont, former knight of Lord Beringar's house. Accused and convicted of attempted sodomy with His Royal Highness Prince James. The Prince does not join him today, having rejected his advances. Cleremont is sentenced to death by beheading for his crimes. Is there anything you wish to say to the public gathered here?"
James's breath catches in his throat. He feels pinned, suffocated under the weight of the charges against his beloved and the lies about their relationship. His father's words from earlier echo in his mind.
"Do not look away. This is what happens to men like him." The unspoken To men like you. Be grateful that I saved you from that fate.
Yet Gabriel simply glares up at the executioner and the crowd, fierce and defiant as ever. His gaze is a dare to the world. A challenge that says there's not a damn thing he regrets, least of all James. James has always loved that side of Gabriel, brave and unrepentant, but now such an expression hurts, knowing he'll never see it again.
"I will accept this punishment but I shall not ask for forgiveness. I believe in God and His mercy. I believe that He will see my heart is full of love and understand my choice."
"You dare compare the sin of Sodom to love?"
"I speak from my soul and what I know to be true."
Gabriel's voice is level and strong as he speaks. It carries over the crowd's frenzied shouts, straight into James's heart. Even though he wants to look away, feels his stomach rise back into his throat, he forces himself to watch. Not for his father, but for Gabriel. Gabriel, the brave and beautiful knight who loved him, deserves to be remembered.
As the headman draws the ax, raises it high in preparation for likely what is the first of many blows to prolong Gabriel's suffering, a part of James revolts. Before he knows it, something akin to bravery possesses his body and propels him towards the nearest guard. James grabs the man's sword and presses the point into his chest.
"Do not touch him," James warns, his words coming out steadier than he feels. "If anyone lays a finger on him, I'll kill myself."
Guards rush towards him, but their movement only steels his resolve. He presses the tip in deeper, letting the first drops of red fall. It makes the men pause, unsure what to do. Good.
"Do not mistake my words for idle threat, I have little left to lose."
From the execution platform, Gabriel looks up at him, horrified, as he tries to shake his own guards off. "James, don't!"
He looks at Gabriel.
His Gabriel. The only one who ever truly saw him. A storm of emotions rises up in his chest, making it hard to breathe. James doesn't want to do this—he wouldn't do this if he had a choice—but backing down will only damn him to a lifetime of this awful emptiness, without respite. He finds strength in Gabriel once more. A small smile plays on James's lips. I love you.
Then he plunges the sword into his chest.
Edit: Prologue and Chapter 1 out now!
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