#and her writing jennifer is so cute
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clqiredunphy · 6 days ago
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radiocity · 6 months ago
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The L Word: Lookbook ↳ 2.01, Life, Loss, Leaving
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amorre1989 · 2 months ago
metal box
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word count: 3,6k
about?: your sweet boyfriend forgot his lunch, and you're a sweetheart so you bring it to him.
who?: Spencer Reid; reader; Penelope Garcia; Derek Morgan; David Rossi; Aaron Hotchner; Jennifer Jareau.
maybe next time I'll write about dinner night with the team ;)
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The bed felt empty. The space that was some hours ago filled with your boyfriend's warmth was now filled with wrinkled sheets. You sighted, you missed him, even after sharing the night together. The clock hit 9 am and you got up, you went directly to the kitchen just to see: the little box that holds Spence's usual snacks and a little sandwich accompanied with a note from you, resting on the counter of the kitchen, Spence would never forget something like that...is it a trick? an excuse for you to bring it? for him to go back home and to see you? (still sleeping, as usual).
"I think you might have forgotten something, baby" you texted, then deleted it. What if I surprise him? would it be wrong? out of place? maybe would it make him feel embarrassed to have his little girlfriend bringing him his lunch? as if he's a dumb lost kid. No...he wouldn't... right?
There you were, all dressed up (just in case) in front of the door of a big building unknown to you. You asked a secretary where you have to go, then followed by a little chat and her indicating the elevator where you had to get in, you got in. There you are...in an elevator... of your boyfriend's work, serious work, a work only men do, men with big brains and... beautiful eyes...and, next thing you know you're smiling like a goof remembering his face, so cute.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, you looked good, the sunshine from the morning made an effect on you. Spence told you, once he saw you enjoying the sun on a warm day, that vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, which helps the bones, so now, it feels like your bones tickle every time you're under it.
A sound, a movement, the elevator doors opened, why are you nervous? this is dumb.
You walked, a little lost, looking for something to indicate your boyfriend's location.
"hello!" you turned around. A blonde, with bangs and a very colorful outfit was saying hello to you.
"hi!" you smiled "I'm looking for Dr Reid, do you know him?".
"I do! why are you looking for him?" she looked down at your hands, holding that metal box she seemed familiar with. "oh.my.god. that's Spencer's lunch box!"
You giggled, "yeah, he forgot it at home, I wanted to give it to him"
"you're- you're his girlfriend!?" you felt like she was about to throw herself at you, you smiled and nodded. "oh my god! this is so exciting!" she tooked your arm and made you walk towards a door, people were watching you, people tipping on a keyboard and answering calls.
She knocked on the door, is Spence there?
"I'm Penelope by the way" she said while waiting for someone to shout her to come in.
It clicked, of course she was.
"oh I'm sorry!, I'm Y/N, Spence has told me a lot about you, about everyone actually he tells me you're a genius with technology and-" you got interrupted by the door opening, she did.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have a little present for Reid right behind me..." she said, you could hear her smiling. She took your hand and exposed you to what felt like the world. Then you saw him, confused, all dressed up (so cute!) a tie and a shirt, and...pants and stuff. With his hair styled as you told him he looked good!.
He smiled, blushing "hey!" he got up and stand in front of you.
"hi" you smiled "you forgot...your lunch, I'm sorry, is this wrong?" you asked. His face, so close, but perfectly positioned to allow you to notice Garcia whispering "she's his girlfriend!" expecting not to be heard.
"no! it's perfect, thank you! thank you..." he kissed your cheek. Maybe that was what was necessary to make the theories be confirmed, he kissed your cheek! you saw some eyes about to leave their respective faces, and smiles and open mouths, and a little gasp and jumps coming from, who else? Garcia.
"uhm...this is the team, guys, this is my girlfriend y/n" he introduced you, you waved along with a smiling hi, followed by a ton of hello's from the team.
"anyway" you said to Spence "that was it baby, I don't wanna bother you"
"you don't bother me..." he said, face like he was hurt by you thinking you'd EVER bother him.
"you're good! come here, sit!" you heard from who you assume is Derek. "let's have a little chat" he said taping the desk.
"oh no, please, you're working, I didn't mean to bother" you said smiling, interrupting wasn't your intention.
"oh please! when will we have the chance to meet you anyway!?" said Garcia.
"it would be more appropriate to do it over dinner" said probably Hotch, damn what a deep voice.
Spence looked at you, those eyes, god, you could eat them.
"we could...have dinner at my house if you'd like someday" you smiled "thank you though, please, I don't mean to bother" again, bother, what an ugly word.
"that'd be lovely, do you cook?" said an old man, Rossi.
"I try..." you answered. He smiled, Spence rushed to say "she does! she cooks very well, she's the one that took care of me when I had the chicken pox and only drank soup for two weeks"
"I love soup, maybe you can share your recipe for my kids" you heard from a pretty blonde woman.
"of course" you smiled. "anyway...I'll let you guys work, I'll be waiting for our dinner, nice to meet you all".
A ton of hands waved in your direction next to " "bye's" and some "nice to meet you". Spence walked you to the elevator, holding hands walking playfully.
"thank you for bringing me my lunch, babe" he said, holding the low of your back.
"it's nothing...did you actually forget it though?" you asked.
He smiled, you laughed and hit him with your elbow.
"I'm not the only profiler in the house I see" he said leaning his face close to yours, you smiled and kissed him. Again, that sound from the elevator.
"I'll see you at night" it almost felt like your body didn't want to leave his, you felt his fingers gripping the back of your sweater, you kissed him again and tried to walk to the elevator but you felt his grip on your arm, he kissed you again, then a little kiss, then you gave him another.
"I love you, thank you" he said. You waved while pressing the elevator button.
"I love you more" you said
"I love you more" he said and leaned again to kiss you one last time, you giggled and the elevator doors closed after he got his head out of them both. Your last view was him waving and smiling, that dumb smile that made you melt and feel safe the first day you saw him, so sweet, so him. As you.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 6 months ago
Help in unexpected arms
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Colin Gray x classmate!reader
warning : tiny fluff, comfort, kiss, some angst, injury (a little blood)
Summary : His date that night with Jennifer, who suddenly had a special aura around her, should have been something good and beautiful. What it shouldn't have ended up being is him running through the secluded street at night bleeding and finding himself half passed out in front of the door of a familiar face. A familiar face a little different from him but with a nature ready to help him.
info : For a very long time something for Colin again just something small fluffy at least to cuddle etc well have fun reading and until the next work
The cool evening air had surrounded him since he had left his house, the hopeful words of his mother that he could have gone out at a better time as there was still the afternoon service the next day but the words were just a murmur in his ears as the cool calming evening surrounded him, ,,Free at last” he mumbled as he broke out of the cage of his parent's house.
Instead, his heart skipped a beat as he thought of Jennifer in the last few days and weeks, she seemed to have changed, still shining brighter here and there with her suffering, she seemed to be more and more in the grave with each passing day, at least that's how it seemed to him as his thoughts about the brown-haired girl came up again and again in his poems.
She seemed almost like a muse to him and even though he had almost choked on his words, threatening to sink into the ground with shame, he had simply walked away and the message had popped up on the small screen of his cell phone and one press of the keys later he had the address in front of him.
It was about a quarter of an hour away, on the outskirts of a small town that only had a lively inner area and the further away you went, not only did the houses become more fragile, but the forest threatened to swallow you up - the idea of simply disappearing was actually quite pleasant, but the thought of being in the abandoned houses made him a little uneasy inside.
Disappearing into the forest would still have something picturesque about it, but these houses sometimes gave him the feeling that they would eat you up and leave you under the rubble, so he shook off the thought when he finally saw the green traffic light and turned off the main road in the remote direction.
Not noticing that the first house in the old street had a lighted house, a small house inhabited by a small family with currently one resident his classmate in history and literature and at the same time a participant in the church masses through her mother who had taken another night shift at the hospital.
The teenager who didn't pay any attention to the car couldn't either when she listened to rock music through her headphones, which she hid under her bed together with her mp3 player.
It was enough if she had to do the clean believer at school so she had some time for herself in the evening and could listen to a little music, sing and just watch a few horror movies without being yelled at that it was the devil.
But one thing in particular had made her smile that evening as Colin, who was sitting opposite her in Literature, had left the room after the bell had rung and lost a piece of paper, so she wanted to chase after him but didn't want to get lost in the corridor crowd of students, so she kept the poem for now.
,,When I give it back to him I'll ask him out,” she mumbled, glancing at her computer where the local movie theater's site was showing a classic horror movie, the perfect date and a beautiful poem about lost love, and she let it go round and round again.
A leeky scrawly cute handwriting she thought as she thought of him sitting in his dark room with the rock music playing from his cd player and him singing softly and writing the poem to himself.
She'd be lying if she said she hadn't lost her heart to him since she'd heard his poem and that cute smile when he talked to his friends and probably shared a few morbid jokes.
Turning back to her own things, she didn't notice how two figures met just a few houses away, how lust and love could cloud someone as her crush made his way through the building, the atmosphere was his but she had no idea what would happen.
The kiss should have sealed his fate the pain of the wound on his arm was a sign and the pain that went through his body as he suddenly felt sharp teeth on his neck his scream mingled with roars, cracking beams and rat squeaks the teeanger tried to tear himself away managed to find a wooden bed in the building and with a yelp and a holler managed to knock Jennifer or that something of hers off him.
Not wasting a moment he ran out of the room sorang down the stairs and almost got knocked down and ran outside but in his haste he had forgotten one thing and when he looked behind him he saw Jennifer standing in the window with a hideous bloodied mouth turning the car key around her fingers as she mouthed the word run.
The rosary he always carried with him lost in the flight, the individual wooden beads slowly rolling down the stairs as he rushed back to the main road, bleeding with adrenaline, panic beating in his heart that she would eat him as soon as he even looked behind him.
,,Help!” he screamed, his throat burning from running and screaming, finally making a sound as he shouted the word, calling the police but no one would hear him here, no one except Death who was after him to finish what she had started.
He knew he wouldn't make it until he saw the light in the corner of his eye, the first house on the street, a house he knew last fall they had stayed at her house on Thanksgiving after her mother had treated him at the hospital.
My salvation, he thought as he rang the doorbell, knocked, shouted and pressed against the window, the footsteps and shadows seeming to get closer the longer he lingered, but the main street was still a few meters away, which he wouldn't have made.
It was only a few seconds before the rock music stopped ringing in her ears and the moment of silence was enough for her to hear the quick ringing.
It's too early for mom she realized and decided to go and see anyway, maybe it was a delivery service that her mother ordered from time to time when she had a good grade or there was nothing left to eat.
Going downstairs in her dark pyjamas, she opened the door and screamed in horror as Colin burst in, bleeding and screaming, holding on to the stairs as he shouted, ,,Close the door! She wants to kill me!” and jerked away from her as she locked the door and hurriedly pulled the curtain shut and slowly turned to face him as fear coursed through her.
,,Colin…it's me…you're safe okay who's after you?’ she dared slowly sitting down on the stairs with him her trembling hand going to his barely noticing how she too now had blood on her hands as the cut on his arm dripped onto the wood and floor.
Something or someone must have attacked him but her glance at the door told her it was nothing and perhaps it was the first time she gripped the cold chain around her neck tighter and prayed within herself that all would be well, ,,Jen-Jenifer she's the devil!” he was still shouting but seemed slow to calm down as he held onto her when she tried to get up to fetch the first aid kit.
She paused, feeling uncomfortable about the whole sizaution and took off the cross necklace around her neck and put it in his hand, seeing that he didn't have his rosary with him.
,,Colin listen to me okay? My-my room is upstairs the first one on the right go there it's…safe” she said her voice still thick with anxiety as she sensed that something seemed to be watching her but the crosses and religious figures here in her house were protecting her.
She felt his hand on hers as he took the cross and a brief smile and a ,,Thanks” seemed to form on his face of fear, blood and tears before he ran upstairs and she went to the kitchen to find the first aid kit trying not to think about it too much but she too had noticed the change in Jennifer completely detached from the world pretty and then dead like.
,,She's not coming in here…don't worry Colin I'm with you” she thought and flinched as she heard an animalistic scream outside like a creature that was angry before the evil presence retreated and she too ran to her room no longer wanting to be alone.
Closing the door behind her she saw that Colin had calmed down, still shaking a little, he sat at the end of her bed looking overwhelmed and almost fascinated as far as he could at that moment.
,,Nice room…didn't think you liked that sort of thing” he admitted and she tried not to let on that she was trying to explain the whole situation to herself somehow, she sat down next to him and moved over on her bed, gesturing for him to follow what he was doing.
,,Thank you, well, you wouldn't believe what some people are, would you? Has me scared to death right now…let me see your arm" she admitted and saw the disappointed look on the black haired man's face.
He hesitantly rolled up his sweater and let her do her work knowing that she would do it better than him, since he had seen her again he knew about her talent as a prospective super healer at least for the moment.
She heard his soft ,,Thank you” again and he leaned a little against the bedstead, occasionally hearing a hiss or a gasp as she cleaned the wound, stroking his hand a little and he gripped her necklace tighter until his eyes fell on a piece of paper, ,,That's...that's mine,” he stated firmly and she looked up from his wound, feeling the warmth of her cheeks flush as she let go of his ministrations for a moment.
She expected him to want to leave, that he was getting too much of a crazy evening, but instead he handed her back the necklace, rubbed the blood off his sleeve and his hand touched hers as he handed it back to her.
,,Thank you… thanks for picking it up and not breaking it” he only said pulling back a little but the smile the wide joyful smile made her smile too ,,It's really beautiful so full of devotion, love and feelings just perfect’ she mumbled her thoughts to herself for a moment.
Putting the compress around the wound and pulling the bandage around it, she only half noticed Colin lean forward slightly and give her a kiss, a brief yet grateful sincere kiss before he pulled back and his nervous voice read the poem as she saw the pink on his cheek, his voice read the loving words and she sat down next to him.
The two's hands clasped together slowly, the chain seeming to connect them, ,,You touched my bleeding heart love," she heard his words before she leaned against him and Colin laid his head on hers as the two looked after each other that night, holding hands knowing that through blood and false love, only true hearts would be revealed, sealed with a kiss of true devotion.
@angelsanarchy , @starry-eyed-wild-child ,
@rmwfe ->Here is the little emo boy ;)
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lvlybin · 7 months ago
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𖦹 ̼   ᮫   JUNOᘞ̸⠀ ׁ ₊ SUNG HAN BIN
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summary   ༝༚༝༚ … you thank your lucky stars that Sung Hanbin was brought into your life. you’re even more grateful that you both have made it this far: marriage, home, jobs… the only thing that’s missing are tiny versions of you both and he’s more than happy to provide 18+ MDNI
wc 5187 ! ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა     ۫  ੭̲    𝓼hb & 𝓯!reader   ⊹   non-idol!au ( short n sweet mini series ) ( library )
爱    ࿁ ⠀ ˚⠀ warnings … unprotected p in v sex, so. much. baby talk, heavy heavy breeding kink, phone sex, masturbation (f!receiving), semi-public sex, oral f!receiving, fingering, nipple play, clit play, bulge kink?, talks of periods and ovulating   ︩︪
✉️ I feel insane for writing this >_< literally just something about this man I guess… enjoy my loves
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“You’re so lucky to have a boyfriend like him,” was always the first thing people told you when they would meet Hanbin. The way their eyes would scan over him: his pretty face and kind smile as he greeted them, a hand resting on the small of your back to make it clear to the person that both you and him were taken. If he weren’t so polite, barely uttering a word or two to a friend of yours, you would’ve gotten jealous at how much attention he attracted. But of course, his mother had raised him to have a personality that would fit the perfect genes his father had given him.
It was easy to assume that he was out of your league, especially when you first met him, although he never made you feel that way. Hanbin made sure you knew how you were the only one for him–how you were the only woman who had the entirety of his being and praised you for simply existing. And the truth was, you really were lucky. Lucky to have found someone capable of so much love and someone that complimented you like he was made for you. It was as if the two of you were cut from the same cloth because even from the first interaction, he understood you better than anyone else and when he had laughed, those cute whisker dimples appearing on his skin, you were a goner. 
“YN won the lottery,” your best friend had laughed when you had shown her the picture of the man who had asked you on a date after the smallest interaction in the coffee shop. 
Laying on her bed, fuzzy socks clad on your feet and 13 Going on 30 playing in the background, you had popped another kernel of popcorn in your mouth as you rolled closer to her. “Right?” as you take your phone back from her, another text from Hanbin alerted on your screen. You grinned, “I don’t know what I did in my past life, but I am grateful for it now.”
Your friend laughs as she sinks into the pillows at the head of her bed, “Keep working that magic to make him fall in love with you.”
“I don’t know, he already seemed head-over-heels when he asked me out.”
She scoffed as Jennifer Garner kissed a young Mark Ruffalo on the TV.
“That’s gonna be you guys someday, getting married. God, YN, I swear if you don’t marry that man–”
“Shh, I just met him,” you giggled and your friend offered her free hand to you. 
Halfheartedly, you high-fived her. “Exactly. The rest of it should be easy.”
And it was. The next night with Hanbin only solidified it, and being with him finally introduced you to what a loving, healthy relationship should be. You made each other happy, and it was like no other person existed to the two of you. Years passed, and you both graduated from university, got a place together, and moved in, settling down and solidifying your jobs. 
None of your friends were surprised when Hanbin popped the question to you privately on the deck of the overwater bungalow you were staying in on your fourth-anniversary trip to Fiji. Or at the fact that you had said yes. 
It was a dream come true getting married to him. Your wedding day was everything you had wanted since you were a little girl, especially the groom, and for two more years, the two of you were enough. Until Hanbin started talking about getting you pregnant. 
Folded at the waist over the marble countertop of your shared kitchen, your husband groans loudly as he buries his length deep inside of you again. Your walls flutter weakly around him, his pace slow and harsh as you feel the veins of his length drag along the inside of your cunt. Hanbin’s grip against the back of your waist is bruising and all you can do is call out his name as one of his hands reaches around you to push against your lower stomach, feeling himself push into you again and again. 
The pressure has you seeing stars and Hanbin coos softly, “Yeah, baby, let me take care of you… I’ll take such good care of you, just let go and feel it for me.”
“Binnie!” you cry out, feeling that coil inside you getting ready to snap and Hanbin pants heavily. 
“‘M here, my love, I’m here,” he gasps out, thumb brushing over the hardened bud of your clit and you don’t have to see him to know he’s smirking as your orgasm hits you. As you ride out your high, his hand drifts over the soft part of skin just above your mound, his hips slamming into yours much faster. 
“You’d look so pretty pregnant,” he mutters under his breath and you gasp softly. “Wanna put a baby in you, breed you so good and see your tummy get round–” Hanbin has to stop himself and he lets out a choked moan. The overstimulation’s beginning to hit you, but you can’t find yourself to care, your fuzzy mind filled with thoughts of him having you in a way no one has had you before. No one other than him would be able to have you.
“Give it to me,” you grit out, slowly losing what little you have left of your composure. “I’ll give you a baby–”
He’s releasing inside of you before you can utter anything else.
It only gets worse after that impromptu session that random Wednesday morning. You knew Hanbin had great stamina, but clearly, you underestimated how high his sex drive could actually get. More often than not you were waking up with his head between your thighs, his tongue lazily flicking your clit as he begged you to give him some relief before he had to leave for the day. He had you working your hips over him whenever you tried to sit next to him on the couch, had your mouth around him while he was driving you both home from work, was joining you in the shower any chance he got–he was insatiable. 
Things increased tenfold when you both attended your niece’s fourth birthday party. It was strange to you that throughout the few hours you’d spent there, Hanbin hadn’t approached you once, opting to spend time with your brother-in-law and father, which was extremely unlike him. Normally, he would be attached to your hip, but it was your niece who was held in your arms for those few hours, demanding your whole attention. You missed the way Hanbin’s eyes darkened just in the slightest as you so effortlessly picked up your niece, speaking to her softly and making her laugh.
It was so natural for you, and Hanbin felt that small voice in the back of his head that had been steadily growing louder the past few weeks finally snap. If he got any closer to see you like this, he wouldn’t be able to contain himself, so he watched you from a distance. The image painted in his mind of your niece having his nose, your eyes, his face shape, your smile– it was almost too much to bear. He was tense for the rest of the birthday party. And for the entirety of the car ride home.
Later that night, after you had already gotten ready for bed, sitting between the sheets as you waited for Hanbin to finish up in the bathroom while scrolling on your phone was when he finally brought the topic up.
“What d’you think about having kids?” he’d asked through the open bathroom door. The words caused you to look up from your phone immediately, your heart racing. 
“I want them,” you started softly. “They’re a big responsibility though, I don’t just want to rush right into it…”
His head popped out from around the edge of the door and he looked so adorable, hair a fluffy mess and skin shining a bit from the moisturizer he’d just applied. “...Could we maybe start thinking about having them?”
You turn your phone off as the corners of your lips twitch into a smile, “How long have you been thinking about this, Bin?” His cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he turns off the light in the bathroom, entering the bedroom. You laugh softly as he shrugs and practically throws himself onto the bed. 
“A while…” he admits shyly, burying his face into your stomach, your shirt separating him from your bare skin. “I want it so bad, though. I’m in love with you, I’ll always be in love with you, and I want you to be the mother of my children.”
“You can’t just say that–”
He laughs, “But it’s true!”
You’re silent for a moment, running your fingers through his hair, the sensation helping you gather your thoughts. When he looks up at you, eyes wide and pleading, you feel your resolve crumble, “Please?”
How are you supposed to say no to that?
“Well…” You have to look straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with him as you voice your thoughts for the sole point of not getting distracted. “We both want kids… and we’re financially stable…” Hanbin lets out soft hums of agreement at each thing you list, moving up your body until his face is right next to yours. 
“Please let me get you pregnant.”
“Hanbin–” You try, but his lips are pressing against your neck and suddenly it’s so much harder to think. 
“You’d look so pretty. Your belly full of our child and you wouldn’t have to lift a finger.” He mouths at a sensitive spot of skin and you arch your back to press your body closer to his. “I’d take such good care of you…”
“I’d… I’d still have to get off the pill.”
Hanbin chuckles, “I’d love you so good that your birth control wouldn’t stand a chance.” You let out a noise somewhere between a giggle and a moan as he pulls away from your neck, a smile on his face as you make eye contact with him.
“Then consider it done,” you whisper to him just before his lips meet yours.
The next day, you turn off your alarm for when you’re supposed to take the pill, and Hanbin’s more than happy to throw the little foil packet into the trash. And to fuck you on the bathroom counter afterward. 
The first week of being off of birth control you get your period. It’s surprisingly nowhere as near as heavy as you expected, but it’s still annoying to deal with, except for Hanbin being the angel he is and comforting you through the first two days of the subtle pain. Bringing you your favorite snacks, cuddling you whenever you asked for it, and giving you massages. Even though this level of care was nothing new, Hanbin hadn’t hesitated to bring up how this was his practice for when you were pregnant. You had rolled your eyes at his words. 
But when you start ovulating, it’s torture. The worst it’s been in a while, actually, and sitting at work all day, mind running a thousand miles a minute with thoughts of Hanbin, Hanbin, Hanbin and you wish you’d never gotten off of the pill. You shift in your seat, unable to focus on anything as you feel your panties cling to you, the slightest movement making you want to scream out in frustration. 
when’re you gonna be done with work tonight?
Your husband responds almost immediately:
Around 5
You grumble a little, sending him another message and trying to be as blunt as possible.
I’m so horny Hanbin
can’t believe I actually listened to you and went off the pill this is horrible
The three little dots appear and bounce around for a few moments only for four little words to pop up on your screen.
Go to the bathroom
You’re getting up from your desk immediately, making your way to the family restroom and locking the door behind you just as Hanbin’s contact appears on your phone. You don’t hesitate to answer his call.  
“Is it that bad?” is the first thing he asks and you squeeze your eyes shut, rubbing your temples with your free hand. 
“Maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but I cannot focus on anything for the life of me– Hey, don’t laugh.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he gets out between the sweet sounds of his laughter. Just hearing his voice is already making you feel better. He’s quiet for a moment after his chuckles die down, “Do you want help?”
A rush of arousal goes through you, “Please.”
“Okay, honey do whatever you need to do and I’ll stay on the phone with you–”
“Just– Keep talking,” you breathe out, your hand that’s not holding your phone undoing the button of your pants so you would have enough room to slip your hand into your panties. He laughs softly again and the sound practically has you gushing all over the fabric of your clothes. 
Your fingers run through the wetness growing at your entrance, making sure you have enough lubrication before you begin circling your clit. “Oh, my sweet girl… You’re so good for me. Doing all of this so we can have a family.” You let out a small whimper and Hanbin coos gently, his voice low and intimate.  
“I’ll make it so worth it, baby. You’re not gonna be leaving our bed at all tonight.” Your breaths are coming out in soft pants, struggling to control yourself as your movements quicken and your hips buck to meet your hand, practically humping your fingers. “‘M gonna come in you over and over and over again so there’s no chance that you won’t be pregnant by tomorrow.”
Your voice is breathy and you have to bite your tongue to stay quiet, “Please Binnie.”
“Tell me what you’re doing.” You swallow down a moan.
“Rubbing my clit. Trying to do it like you do but it’s hard,” you complain, trying to stay as quiet as possible as you run a finger over the hardened bud, only drawing yourself closer to your release. 
“I’m here, baby, just keep doing what feels good,” Hanbin encourages and if your head wasn’t the slightest bit fuzzy, you would probably be able to hear the strain in his voice. You press a little harder and you feel your high beginning to creep up on you, leaning your head back against the bathroom wall. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you whisper, holding on just for the sake of waiting for his permission. 
Hanbin hums, “It’s okay, my sweet girl, let go.” 
Your orgasm washes over you instantly and your teeth sink into the side of your cheek to prevent you from crying out, Hanbin’s soft praises helping you ride out the length of your high. When you finally calm down, Hanbin’s the first to speak. 
“Feel better.” You smile weakly. “Much. Thank you.”
He chuckles, “It’s the least I can do. Are you sure you’re gonna be okay for the rest of the day?”
You pull your phone away from your face to look at the time, “Just a few more hours. If I need anything else I’ll just call you again.” The smile in his voice is evident.
“I hope you would,” he pauses for a moment. “I love you.”
It’s your turn to smile, it’s almost subconsciously, but you can’t help it. “I love you. I’ll see you when you come to pick me up.”
“I’ll see you soon,” he repeats back to you, before you end the call, giving yourself a moment alone to catch your breath and try to get your hormones under control.
Surprisingly, you’re able to get some things done for the rest of the day. Maybe it’s the motivation from being able to see your husband in just a few hours, but time doesn’t pass by nearly as slow as it did in the morning. Finally, you clock out, entering the parking garage after Hanbin messages you that he’d arrived. You’d never been so relieved to see his car in your life. And your heart rate increases tenfold when he gets out of the driver’s side, you traveling the short few steps before wrapping your arms around him tightly. The velvety sandalwood scent that clings to him infiltrates your senses and you let out a deep sigh, relaxing immediately.
He rubs your back, kissing your head softly, “I missed you.”
“Missed you more.” You pull away slightly to peck him on the lips, “Let’s go home?” At your suggestive tone, Hanbin smirks a little, never letting go of you as he makes his way around the front of the car, opening the passenger's side door for you. 
You’ve never wanted to teleport so badly in your life, the car ride back to the house feeling like it stretched on longer than your entire work day. The best you could do to distract yourself from the longing growing inside of you again was watch as the city passed by, doing everything in your power to not look over at your husband because his hand resting on your thigh was more than enough. You figured that Hanbin must be as sexually frustrated as you, or at least the smallest bit with the way his fingers began to dig into your skin and the brief image of him gripping the steering wheel tightly. But to your disappointment, his impeccable control was still intact when you both entered your house.
Hanbin hadn’t pushed you up against the wall or bent you over the nearest surface, he’d simply taken off his shoes, then your own before walking towards the kitchen. You gaped a little, eventually following him while wondering what happened to that desperate man from a few weeks ago. All you could do was watch in disbelief as Hanbin dug around in the fridge, getting out some leftovers and warming them up before placing them in front of you.
“Eat.” You were getting tired of his one-word commands as you slid into one of the seats at the island counter, beginning to eat quickly. “Slow down a little, honey, I don’t want you to choke,” he laughed softly, reaching to hold your wrist and force you to relax your movements. 
You tilt your head, “Hanbin.” He responds with a soft hum. “Do you really have to draw this out even more?”
“Do you remember what I said on the phone earlier?”
Carefully, you eat another mouthful of the food before answering, “That you were gonna take care of me.”
“I did say that,” he agrees, leaning on the counter with his hands. “What I meant, though, was how I’m not letting you leave our bed tonight.”
Oh. You didn’t think it was possible to feel even more turned on.
“And you’re not going to, so eat.” Your face flushes as you hesitantly resume eating. His warm brown eyes never leave you as the contents of the plate slowly disappear, and when you swallow the final bite, Hanbin is taking the plate away. He sets it by the sink and then before you can process where he is, you’re in his arms and his lips are pressing harshly against yours.
It’s like he’s trying to consume you as his mouth melds so perfectly against your own, his tongue slipping past your lips when you gasp at the suddenness to swirl around your mouth. You grip onto his shoulders tightly, scrunching his shirt under your palms as his hands find the undersides of your thighs, squeezing the skin as he begins to walk. The moments where he pulls away from kissing you are short-lived, only meant for taking in small breaths and to make sure he wasn’t going to run into a wall. He shifts your weight against him as he pushes the door to your bedroom open.
Your feet find the floor and Hanbin’s holding your face with his hand as his taste continues to fill your mouth, making your brain cloudy and full of thoughts of just him, him, him. Gently, you push at his chest, breaking the kiss to catch your breath, a small string of spit connecting your mouths. Hanbin smiles and your heart almost beats out of your chest. 
His hands slide under the bottom of your shirt, caressing the soft skin of your waist as he begins guiding you backward. 
“Needed you so badly today. You sounded so pretty on the phone my dick was hard for hours,” he groans before his lips land on your neck. Hanbin bites softly, leaving marks all over the expanse of your skin and when his teeth brush against a particularly sensitive spot, you yelp. His breath is warm against your neck as he sucks at the spot harshly before pulling away. 
“Want it, Bin, want it so bad– Need you inside me.”
“Be patient,” he mumbles, but with the way his hands are instantly pulling at the hem of your shirt, you can tell that he doesn’t want to wait either. “And be careful with what you say.” His tone is heavy with lust as you fall back against the covers of your bed, the sheets a mess since neither of you had bothered to make it that morning. 
“Either way I’m gonna get what I want,” you say as he tugs the straps of your bra down, muttering a few words of annoyance as he reaches behind you to undo the clasp. 
His hands feel so big as he pulls the clothing in, his cheeks turning pink as he drinks in the sight of your bare chest. “And what is it you want?”
“Want your baby.” Hanbin practically groans at the three words, mouth lowering to the top of your tits to trail soft kisses in a horizontal line across them both. 
A small moan leaves your lips, “Sounds like you want it as much as I do.” His pink lips are wrapping around one of your nipples, running his tongue over the bud and sucking to erect the nerves.
“‘M gonna make you a dad.” His fingers pinch harshly at your other nipple, which he quickly soothes by running the pad of his thumb over it. It was almost like a warning, but all it made you do was rub your thighs together, wanting more friction. When Hanbin removes himself from your nipple, it already feels sore, the skin red as he kisses it quickly. Then the other. 
“Can’t wait to see your tits get all swollen. You gonna let me massage them? Let me make you feel better while your body grows our baby?”
“Yes,” you groan out eagerly, arching your back slightly to press your body closer to his.  
“I know, baby, I know,” he reassures, rubbing your nipples in small circles as he kisses his way down your stomach. “You’re gonna be so relaxed, you’re gonna feel so good that you won’t even care how full you’re gonna be with my cum.”
“Please, Binnie,” you whine as his hands leave your breasts to undo your pants, pulling them down your legs impatiently along with your panties. He hums a little as his hands gently guide your thighs apart. 
His thumb dips into your entrance just the smallest bit, collecting your wetness before spreading it all around your pussy, avoiding your clit. “Relax,” he repeats, kissing your inner thigh before wrapping his lips around your clit. Hanbin’s tongue flicks quickly over your most sensitive spot, making you cry out and your hand shoots down to hold him against you. 
“You taste so good,” he mumbles against you, and the vibration has you reeling, bucking your hips toward his face. The tip of his tongue teases you, gently moving the bud back and forth as you feel spit run down from your clit to your entrance, making your opening even more messy. Hanbin sucks on the hard little nub as his middle finger begins to work its way into you, the thrusts deep and slow as he eases you open. The sounds of his finger pumping into your pussy and his slurping against your clit make you cry out louder, and you prop yourself up onto one of your elbows to get a better view of him.
His eyes are already on you, pupils blown wide. “You’re so pretty, Binnie. Mouth feels s’good,” you slur, running your hand through his hair, and your praise has him pushing another finger into you. “God! Make me cum, Bin– Make me cum,” you whine as he stops sucking on you, flattening his tongue and lapping at you, fingers speeding up and curling so perfectly that your wetness is gushing around him. 
Every time he eats you out, he acts like a starved man. Desperate for your attention and desperate for your pleasure as he ruts against the bed every so slightly, eyes falling shut as he takes your clit back into his mouth. The pressure has you practically sobbing and you feel yourself clench around his digits when a third finger brushes against your hole.
“Y’gonna cum already?” Hanbin teases and you let out a frustrated grumble. 
“I’ve been waiting for this all day, don’t tease me.” 
He thrusts his fingers into you roughly and you’re falling apart around him, his thumb resting on your clit to give you enough friction to enjoy your orgasm as his face comes back to hover over yours. 
“Was thinking about your pussy all day too, baby, no need to get angry.” 
“‘M not angry, I just need you to fuck me.” Hanbin chuckles and his lips meet yours in an opened mouth kiss, the taste of you heavy on his tongue. He pulls away just enough to slip his shirt over his head as your shaking, weak hands fumble with his belt. Soothingly, he kisses you again, taking your hands in his own and placing them on his shoulders before he takes care of the rest of his clothes himself. 
You want to cry in relief when you feel his tip run along your entrance, collecting the wetness that had seeped out of you from your previous orgasm. “Ready?”
“Please,” you whine and Hanbin doesn’t hesitate to slowly push his length into you. Both of you are moaning as he fills you up, that itch you’d needed to scratch all day finally subsiding as the weight of him rests inside your pussy, letting you adjust around him. You both kiss lazily for a moment as you relax. “You can move,” you finally whisper into his mouth.
Hanbin’s hands wrap around your calves gently as he guides them towards your face, your thighs pressing against your chest and allowing him to get deeper inside of you as he begins to fuck into you. “My wife, only for me, right?”
He starts at a borderline painfully slow pace, getting lost in the feeling of your velvety walls wrapped around him so tightly and enjoying how you’re pinned underneath him. Your hands clutch at the sheets beneath you, mouth falling open at the steadiness and precision his hips have as his knees dig into the mattress. 
“Only– f’you, Binnie!” 
“Mhm.” And if it weren’t for the way his eyebrows are slightly furrowed, you would think your fluttering walls around him weren’t even affecting him. “All mine. All mine to love, and to fuck, and to get pregnant.”
“Ah!” You cry out as he begins forcing into you at a faster pace. “Yes! Need it~ Need you to fill me up–”
“Keep your eyes on me,” Hanbin demands, his drag along your walls ruthless and everything feels so intimate. His fingers find your clit again, rubbing it harshly and flicking it side to side, trying to build up your pleasure so you can’t focus on anything else. He pulls out to the tip, pushing into you again and he feels a rush of your arousal spill around his length, causing him to moan as well. “Want this forever, baby. You don’t understand–”
“Yes, please, forever,” you blabber, so dick-drunk and gone already. He chuckles, tongue slipping out to lick at the sweat building up on his upper lip. “Baby… Baby~”
“I know, sweet girl, I’m gonna give it to you,” Hanbin reassures, hand leaving your calf to press against your abdomen. “Feel how deep I am? That’s where I’m gonna finish, ‘s where you’re gonna get all round and full with our baby and– Fuck,” he curses, feeling you clench tightly around him. 
He looks at your dazed eyes, love evident in his expression and it almost feels like it’s too much. But you want it, you want it so bad, the images of him holding your baby consuming your mind and you pant out little, ‘Ah-Ah-Ah’s weakly. Hanbin’s thrusts slow a bit, but with the way he’s hitting that spot inside of you every time, you don’t really notice that much. 
“Oh yeah, you like that so much, don’t you?”
“Please.” Is all you can manage, reaching up to hold his face with your hands, desperate for something to ground you as he begins to fuck into you at a faster speed again. Hanbin kisses you gently, a complete contrast from the way he’s moving inside of you and rubbing you and he’s never been like this before but you do–you like it so much.
His upper body comes to cover yours as he removes his hand from your clit, resting his elbows on either side of your head so he can see your face as you approach your high. “‘M close–”
“Cum for me,” he gets out, hips moving to provide you as much pleasure as possible, feeling himself near his orgasm as well. “Cum for me, I’m right behind you.”
You moan out his name loudly as you fall over the edge, nose pressed against his as his eyes stare into your own. Hanbin’s mouth drops open a bit as he feels you cum around him, burying himself inside of you as he releases as well. The warmth of his cum inside of you has you whimpering slightly, both of you breathing heavily as you catch your breath for a moment. Hanbin pulls out of you with a small ‘pop’– looking down to watch as his release leaks out of you. 
A soft sob leaves your lips as his fingers gather the liquid, forcing it back into you. “Shh, shh, shh,” he shushes you, and you flinch at the overstimulation, hips jerking away from him a bit. Which he clearly doesn’t like, his hands pinning your hips down as he fits his length into you again. 
“Don’t run away from it…” he trails off, leaning over to kiss you sweetly. “We want it to take, right? I don’t care if I have to handcuff you to the bed, ‘m gonna make sure you’re pregnant by tomorrow morning.” And when you feel Hanbin begin to weakly buck into you again, you know he’s not lying.
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gasstationlady · 2 years ago
GUTS | a lando norris social media au | pt. 2
pairing: lando norris x singer!reader, ex!drew starkey x reader
drew is still hung up on y/n, but the grid’s new it couple couldn’t care less.
notes: final part of guts!! thank you so much for all the love you guys showed the first part <3 and dw i have so many more smaus in the drafts! tried to write and add a bit more but i ran out of space :/ i hope the plot makes sense! i feel like bc i know how i wanted the story to go i can't rlly spot the plot holes as easily.
disclaimer: NOT PROOFREAD. let's pretend that jennifer lawrence "kym illman" picture is olivia lmfaooo. btw the events in “GUTS” sometimes does not line up with the schedule followed in real life. again, no hate to drew and, now also, to ppl on the today show aha. (CONGRATS LANDO FOR P2 AHHH)
masterlist ⋆ previously
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liked by landonorris, drewstarkey and 4,810,592 others
yourusername thanks for having me vmas!!!! <3
View all 22,504 comments
yourbestie STUNNING
user pls not drew liking her post when he doesn’t even follow her 😭😭😭
↳ user no he’s actually so painfully desperate lmaoo
↳ user i’m glad lando and y/n are just ignoring him
↳ user girl i’m not, i want the drama AHA
user love u more than anything
user lando liking and the two of them now following each other 🤔 yup him and y/n are forrr sure together
↳ user yea after the deuxmoi post and lando’s soft launch it’s basically confirmed at this point
↳ user i wonder if she’ll be attending the next gp bc i’d actually die and then come back to life if it happens
user you look BEYONDDDDD 😍😍
user are we fr just gonna ignore drew like..
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liked by landonorris and 67,298 others
thetodayshow It’s GUTS day! We loved having @/yourusername on the TODAY plaza. 🍒🎤🧡
We sat with Y/N to talk about her new album and recent scandals surrounding the topics of her work. “I just write songs; it’s not my job to interpret them for people.”
Tune in on our Youtube channel for extra clips of our interview with Y/N and her performances!
View all 342 comments
user some of those questions were a bit invasive
↳ user i was thinking the same thing, but y/n handled that rlly professionally
user omg how have her vocals gotten better 😭
user lmaoooooo i see you hiding in the likes lando
↳ user it’s so cute that he’s following her activities 🥹🥹
↳ user he’s probably here bc of what she said in the interview
↳ user wait i didn’t watch everything, what did she say??
↳ user so they asked how she felt about her exes being a popular topic on the internet, and so she said “I just write songs; it’s not my job to interpret them for people.” they also asked about drew and whether they’re going to get back together (which, may i add, felt a little rude to me) and y/n replied with “Those who I’m close with can reach me anytime. I tend to not focus on anyone else.”
↳ user thank you for summarizing!! doing god’s work fr 🫡
user y/n handled the situation perfectly
↳ user no bc the way she said not too much but enough to stand up for herself and her privacy
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ynupdates Y/n seen arriving in Singapore!
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user wait you’re lying??? actually? waaait 😭
user i mean i knew they were together but imagine a paddock appearance 😩😩 i don’t think we can handle it guys
user if she makes an appearance at the paddock with lando, i don’t understand why he didn’t just go as her date for the vmas too 😭😭
↳ user i doubt they wanted to hard launch at the vmas lol y/n was barely even in the audience, tbh i think she left early
↳ user y/n has said before that award shows make her rlly anxious, so yea she probably didn’t want too much attention on herself esp with all the drew drama
user did i miss something, i thought lando was still in ny? why didn’t they just travel together?
↳ user lando probs had to leave earlier bc practice started on friday, and y/n still had a few tv show performances which i’m assuming is why she arrived today instead
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The first driver to arrive this morning was Mclaren driver Lando Norris. For the first time he is joined with his new girlfriend, Y/N L/N, a famous Filipino-American pop singer.
For A3 prints, hand-signed & numbered by a range of drivers/team principals head to kymillman.com
View all 343 comments
user omg it’s happening it’s happening
user this pic should be put in the louvre that is how monumental it is
user first💔hard💔launch💔is💔a💔paddock💔appearance💔
user the hand holding 🥹🥹
user don’t know if i’m more jealous of lando or y/n
user damn god really out here choosing favorites
user they’re already becoming my comfort couple omg i can’t i love them so much
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 1,135,226 others
landonorris Singapore 🥈
View all 3,229 comments
user so proud of you lando!!
user AHHHH y/n cameo
user god idk if i'm ever going to get used to seeing y/n with lando
user yay carlando podium !!! 🥹
— — —
8 months later
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liked by yourusername, yourbestie and 4,475,987 others
landonorris Happy one year, love ❤️
View all 24,395 comments
yourusername there's nothing i love more than those chips
↳ landonorris 😐
user they're the reason i believe in love
user damn i think this is about to be lando's most liked post lmaoo
user the fact that he calls her love 😭😭
user luckiest man alive i stg
user how does she always look so good
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 6,788,335 others
yourusername cause i love to love, to love, to love you
View all 35,719 comments
landonorris that guy's pretty handsome
↳ yourusername very :)
yourbestie LOVE seeing you happy
user omggg i'm crying i can't believe its already been a year
user might sleep on the freeway today
user let the light in is such a cute song to dedicate to someone
user LOL not the third pic
user i love them so much 🥹
user if you ever break up, love isn't real
2K notes · View notes
satorulovebot · 4 months ago
so scarlet it was, maroon | chapter two
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✧₊⁺ pairing — satoru gojou x journalist!reader
✧₊⁺ chapter summary — satoru comes home to his angry wife and he said some questionable stuff the night before. satoru meets suguru at a bar in shinjuku and they discuss what they should do with their nosy little journalist and they manage to come up with a plan on how they should deal with her, and it doesn't include the most moral of ways.
✧₊⁺ word count — 4.6k
✧₊⁺ warnings — nsfw (minors dni), alcohol use, drug mentions, manipulation, mentions of sex (not with reader)
✧₊⁺ notes — well hello to all my new readers this was very unexpected for me. i started this blog with max 4 readers interacting with my work (i love you btw) and now i have 1k interactions on my ssiwm masterlist which is crazy and anxiety inducing (i’m a wuss if you couldn’t tell). but thank you to my cursed seas babies who voted for the f1 gojo series and i thank them because they brought me here and i wouldn’t have kept writing without them and thank you for the lovely comments on the first chapter also short chapter because life longer chapter soon i promise :)
♪ on the floor — jennifer lopez ft. pitbull
series masterlist // pinterest moodboard // general masterlist
previous chap. tokyo, japan | next chap. (coming coon)
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The world around Satoru was hazy when he opened his eyes, barely able to make out the details of the ceiling above him. His head throbbed and pulsed in time with his heartbeat. He let out a groan before rolling over on the couch in a desperate attempt to block out the morning sunlight.
Where was he? Oh, right. His apartment. The couch. Again.
He remembered stumbling into the house at some obscure hour of the night, unaware of how he swayed as he tried to navigate the hallway of his home. Memories of the previous night came rushing back and all of a sudden, a conversation came to him—a memory of the curious face that sat across from him in the dimly lit bar, asking him questions he would usually brush off with a smirk. What was it he had said about her last night? Something about a cute, nosy journalist being at the bar. He could only hope he didn't say that out loud.
“Oh, look who finally decided to wake up." Hana stood above him, her arms crossed, glaring down at him, “How nice of you to finally come home.”
Gojou grunted, pushing himself up, though he instantly regretted it as a wave of nausea hit him. “Morning to you too,” he mumbled, rubbing a hand over his face. “Can you keep it down? It feels like I’ve been hit by a damn truck.”
“Maybe that’s because you came home drunk out of your mind, yet again,” Hana snapped. “And stumbling around the house at two in the morning, shouting nonsense about some ‘nosy journalist’? Really, Satoru?”
He blinked slowly, trying to make sense of her words. Oh right, maybe he had gone on a bit too much about that girl at the bar last night, hadn’t he? What was her name? No, she never gave it to him, had she? Or had he just forgotten?
“I wasn’t shouting. And… she was just doing her job, asking questions. It wasn’t anything"
“Just doing her job? Is that what you call it now? Going to bars and flirting with journalists instead of coming home to your wife?”
He groaned, slumping back against the couch. “Hana, I wasn’t flirting with her,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She’s just a journalist. You know how it is.”
“Oh, I know how it is. I know exactly how it is. You spend every other night at some bar, ‘meeting’ people, and coming home like this.” She gestured at him, sprawled out on the couch, his shirt rumpled and hair a mess, the smell of last night’s whiskey still clinging to him. “And I’m supposed to just sit here and take it? Pretend this is normal?”
“Can we not do this right now?” he muttered. “It’s too early for a lecture.”
“A lecture? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you actually enjoy making a mess of everything. And let me guess, you were just at the bar for a ‘break’ from everything, right?”
“Yes, actually,” he shot back, finally sitting up. "I needed a break, Hana. Do you know what it’s like? Everyone expects me to be this… perfect person, and I'm not. And then I come home, and it’s more of the same.”
“So you’re the victim here? I’m sorry, but did I ask for this life of constant rumors and watching my husband stumble in drunk, muttering about some cute journalist?”
Did he really say that last night? He couldn’t remember, but if Hana said so… maybe he did.
“That’s not—Hana, it wasn’t like that. She was just… She’s just doing research on me for some project. You’re blowing this out of proportion.”
“Oh, of course. Just research. Because there’s nothing strange about you going off with some girl who’s practically a stranger and giving her everything she wants to know about your life while leaving me in the dark.”
He looked at her, genuinely surprised by her comment. “Hana,” he started slowly, “I don’t ‘leave you in the dark.’”
“Really? Then tell me, what about all the rumors, Satoru? The ones I have to read about in the papers? The ones I have to brush off every time someone asks if our marriage is ‘really okay.’ Do you have any idea what it’s like having to deal with that?”
Do you think I like having my life dissected by the media, or dealing with every fucking rumor about me? I didn’t ask for this.”
“No,” she shot back, “but you made it worse. Do you ever think about how your actions make me look? Every time you’re out drinking, showing up in those trashy tabloids with someone else, it’s me they look at, like I’m the one who can’t control her husband.”
“So what do you want from me, Hana? An apology? Fine. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I went out. I’m sorry I had a drink. I’m sorry I talked to some journalists. But I can’t pretend to be something I’m not.”
“You can’t pretend? Satoru, you’ve been pretending for years. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself.”
He stared at her, a sinking feeling settling in his chest. “Hana…”
“I can’t keep doing this, Satoru,” she said softly, her voice breaking just a little. “I can’t keep watching you spiral like this, hurting yourself, hurting me. I didn’t marry you so you could destroy yourself.”
Hana let out a shaky breath, running a hand through her hair. “You’re not the only one with limits, Satoru. And I think I’m reaching mine.”
Without another word, Hana turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing down the hallway.
“Great job, Satoru,” he muttered to himself, dragging a hand through his hair.
He let his gaze fall around the room, landing on a few framed pictures scattered on the shelves. One photo caught his eye—a photo of his and Hana's engagement party. The two of them had looked so happy, so in love, but that was before he let the fame and pressure eat away at him and his marriage.
“God,” he muttered under his breath. He needed to get out before the walls began to close in on him. The last thing he wanted was to sit around in the empty house alone with his thoughts. Grabbing his jacket from the arm of the couch, he stood up, ignoring the fresh wave of nausea hitting him. With a quick glance down the hallway where Hana had disappeared, he slipped out the front door.
Satoru found Suguru in their usual spot—seated in the corner of a booth in a low-lit bar tucked away in Shinjuku. He was nursing a whiskey and a cigarette between two fingers, rolling the glass, and watching the ice melt. Satoru slid in across from him and ordered himself a whiskey.
“You look like hell,” Suguru said, his mouth twitching into a faint smile as he raised an eyebrow. “Long night?”
Satoru snorted. “You could say that.”
“Ah, the usual, then,” he replied, not even looking up. “Guessing it ended with a headache and Hana kicking you out onto the couch?”
Satoru grimaced, taking the glass of whiskey the server put down in front of him. “Something like that.” He took a long sip, letting the burn trail down his throat. “Or maybe I just wanted a break from the domestic life.”
“Right. Is that why you look like you’ve gone ten rounds with a wall and lost? What happened?”
“Same shit as always,” Satoru muttered, running a hand through his hair. “She’s pissed I was out last night. Probably more pissed that I came home talking about some journalist.”
“A journalist, huh? She’s probably wondering if she should be jealous.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly help by calling her ‘cute’ and ‘nosy’ in the same sentence. Not my best moment.”
“You’re an idiot, you know that?”
"Tell me something I don't know." Satoru leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. "This girl… she's doing this project or something on me and TJR. She was in the press booth at the race yesterday and happened to be at the same bar as me after. Seemed a little too interested in getting into my head."
"Maybe she just wants a good story for her project. Or," He leaned forward, crossing his arms on the table, "maybe she's looking for more than that. Journalists are like that, especially extra nosy ones. They'll dig until there's nothing left, then still find a way to bring things up."
"She wouldn't be the first," Satoru scoffed.
“What exactly did she ask you about? Anything too close for comfort?”
Satoru swirled the whiskey in his glass, thinking. "To be honest, Suguru, I can't even remember half of what she said because I was too busy staring at her tits."
"Fucking Christ, Satoru. The hell?"
"What? She's got nice tits," he shrugged. "But in all seriousness, I think she was just asking the basics at first… and I might have opened my mouth a little too much."
"Sounds like she's already done her homework. If she's that determined, she's not going to stop at surface-level questions. Do you think she knows about all of it?"
Satoru knew what he was referring to.
“I don’t know, maybe. But if she is, she’s damn good at hiding it.”
“Then maybe you should start doing the same,” Suguru said quietly. Keep her close. See what she knows.”
“You’re saying I should let her in? What the hell do you think she’s going to do if she gets any closer?”
"You don’t have to let her in. Just make her think you are. Play the game, Satoru. You can be charming when you want to be. Distract her, keep her off your trail. If she’s nosy, then give her a story that’ll satisfy her and keep her from digging deeper. You’ve got the upper hand here; use it.”
Satoru thought over Suguru's suggestion, the gears in his mind turning. It wasn’t a terrible idea. It was probably his best option. If he was going to stay ahead, he’d have to play it better than her.
“Alright,” Satoru said, setting his glass down. “I’ll get close. Make her think I’m letting her in, give her just enough to chew on. And if she does know more than she’s letting on, maybe I can find a way to turn it against her.”
“Now you’re thinking like a true strategist. Just remember, don’t let her get under your skin. Journalist's loyalty is to their story, not to their subject."
Suguru's smirk widened, raising his glass in a mock toast. Satoru clinked his glass against his before downing the rest of the whiskey.
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You had decided to get a closer look at the in's and out's of how Tokyo Jujutsu Racing worked. And for that, you needed to go to TJR's headquarters. You somehow managed to get your professor to get you inside the place, although it wasn't easy and he said your payment was a good project. The place was sleek and modern, with open spaces and luxury design elements. It was a playground for the rich as much as it was a workplace.
Earlier, you had been asking the staff about Gojou Satoru's training and habits, hoping to get some good information from them. They were surprisingly open to answering your questions, and you got some more information for your project, which was overall great.
Your media pass, which had thankfully been upgraded, hung around your neck as you waited for your tour guide to take you around the place. You decided to roam around for a bit while you waited and that led you down a hallway with team posters and trophies lining the walls.
You were so lost in your observations that you didn’t even realize someone had come up behind you. “Enjoying the view?”
Startled, you turned to find none other than Gojou Satoru leaning casually against the wall. He was dressed in his team's uniform, the red and black accentuating his tall figure, with dark shades covering his eyes.
He was probably high.
“Didn’t think of you as the observant type."
You composed yourself before speaking, “I'm a journalist. I like to know what I’m getting myself into.”
“And you think you’ll figure that out by staring at the walls?”
“Could be. I think they tell you a lot.” You shrugged. "Like how serious the team is about their image. Or how much they care about their past wins and not their current ones. That kind of thing."
“Oh? And what do you make of me, then?”
“Still deciding. I'd like to think you're more than a drunken idiot."
"I see you still remember that, unfortunately."
“That’s what a good journalist does. They remember."
He pushed himself off the wall, straightening up to his full height. “Well, since you’re here to observe, why don’t I give you something more to write about?”
Before you could respond, he turned on his heel and motioned for you to follow him. You hurried to keep up, glancing around as he led you through the winding corridors. Eventually, you entered a room with a massive window overlooking the racetrack.
Gojou leaned against the railing, gesturing to the track below. "So, this is where the magic happens. The place where we come to win."
You nodded, taking in the view. “It’s impressive, I’ll give you that. But it takes more than just a fast car to win, doesn’t it?”
"Oh, absolutely. It takes balls of steel, the reflexes of a god, and just the right amount of craziness. All of those, fortunately, I happen to possess.”
“Modesty isn’t your strong suit, is it?”
“Not when you’re the best."
"Right. The best has an attitude I see."
A silence hung in the hair for a few moments as you studied him.
“So, are you planning to spend the rest of your time here psychoanalyzing me?”
“Depends. Are you planning to keep giving me things to analyze?”
“Touche. Guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
At that moment, a team member entered the room, interrupting the moment. "Gojou, they’re ready for you on the track."
Stay here,” he said. “You’ll want a good view of this.”
With that, he turned and walked out, leaving you alone in the observation room. You watched as he made his way down to the track, confident as ever with not a care in the world either.
Cocky Bastard.
You stood in the observation deck for a little before you saw Gojou
You stayed in the observation room, your eyes fixed on the scene below. You saw Gojou greet a few team members, exchange words with his pit crew, and slip into the driver’s seat of his car. 
Gojou maneuvered effortlessly, weaving through turns and accelerating with insane amounts of speed. You couldn’t deny, he was talented and he had clearly worked his ass off to get here as his talent isn’t something that can be taught.
After about forty-five minutes of observing Gojou racing, he brought the car to a halt and hopped out of the driver's seat. You watched him walk into the garage and disappear out of sight, presumably going to speak to his crew.
You couldn’t deny it—there was something magnetic about him.
Your pen scratched against your notepad as you scribbled down every single detail possible.
“Enjoy the show?” he asked, his tall frame standing in the doorway.
“Eh,” you shrugged.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means it was okay you ass. It gave me something for my project but nothing really noteworthy.”
“You’re lucky you know that? Not many people get to see me in action.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Okay? I’m not like many people if you couldn’t tell.”
“Clearly,” he scoffed.
“Do you know you’ve racked up more racked up more fines and close calls than any other driver in the league this season?”
“Look, sweetheart,” he said, voice low, “everyone out there knows I can handle the shit I do out there. Besides…” He trailed off. “People love a driver who’s a bit dangerous. Keeps things exciting.”
You met his eyes, holding his gaze without blinking. “You think the world loves you, huh? Interesting. Because from what I’ve read, people seem split between calling you a genius and calling you a liability.”
“Hm. Is that so? Do you believe that?” he replied.
“Yes, and you would know that if you let me interview you properly.”
“Okay how about this,” he glances down at his watch. “We can meet up in the parking garage here in about an hour and you can ask me anything you want for thirty minutes.”
Wait What?
“Uh… Okay, I think I can make it,” you mumbled.
“Great! See you in an hour sweets.”
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The roar of an engine echoed through the underground parking lot, the sharp screeching of tires signaling the arrival of the Gojou. You leaned against the concrete pillar, your arms crossed and your foot tapping impatiently. He was late.
You’d waited over an hour, hoping he’d attend the interview he promised you.
When his sleek black Porsche 911 came into view with his window rolled down, you got even more pissed off than you already were
“Glad you could make it,” you called out, voice tinged with sarcasm.
He stretched, not even acknowledging your tone. “What can I say? Traffic was a nightmare.”
“Sure,” you replied dryly, your patience wearing thin. “We were supposed to meet an hour ago. Some of us value punctuality.”
He pulled off his sunglasses, revealing those piercing blue eyes that could disarm almost anyone. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m here now, aren’t I?”
You opened your mouth to retort, but before you could get another word out, he walked right past you, pulling his phone from his pocket. “Give me a sec,” he waved his hand over his shoulder. “Gotta take care of something.”
“Wait—” you started, but he was already striding off, leaving you standing there, seething.
The seconds ticked by, turning into minutes. Your annoyance morphed into frustration. After waiting a bit longer, you decided enough was enough. If he thought he could blow you off, he was in for a rude awakening.
Determined, you followed the direction he’d gone. The echo of your footsteps bounced off the concrete walls as you weaved through the garage and into the back corridors of the venue.
“Mr. Gojou!” you called out. “This isn’t funny. Where the hell are you?”
You rounded a corner and stopped in your tracks. The faint sound of laughter—his unmistakable laugh—came from behind a partially open supply closet door a few feet ahead. You narrowed your eyes, creeping closer.
At first, you thought maybe he was on the phone. But as you drew nearer, it became painfully clear that this wasn’t a casual conversation.
“Mmm, you’re so bad,” a woman’s voice purred, followed by the unmistakable rustle of fabric.
Your stomach sank. No. He wouldn’t. Not right Now.
Would he?
Against your better judgment, you stepped closer, your movements quieter now. Peeking through the crack in the door, you instantly regretted it.
There he was, pressed against the back wall of the closet, shirt unbuttoned, and his hair disheveled. His hands were tangled in the hair of a woman whose face you couldn’t see, her body pinned against his as they made out with a fervor that bordered on obscene.
Was this seriously how he’d chosen to spend the time he owed you for your interview? The audacity was almost impressive.
You cleared your throat loudly, and the sound echoed like a gunshot in the confined space.
The woman gasped, pulling away from him in shock. Gojou, however, turned his head lazily toward you, his expression unreadable. For a split second, there was something in his eyes—a flicker of annoyance, maybe even embarrassment—but it was quickly replaced by his usual, smirk.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite journalist.”
You folded your arms tightly across your chest, glaring at him. “Seriously?”
The woman, clearly flustered, muttered something about leaving and quickly ducked out of the room, her heels clicking against the floor as she disappeared down the hallway.
He sighed, buttoning up his shirt. “What?” he said. “You’ve never seen two consenting adults have a little fun before?”
“Fun?” you snapped. “We had an interview. You made me wait for over an hour before you showed up and then you go and do this?”
He shrugged, unbothered. “You’re the one who followed me. Maybe I would’ve shown up if you’d just stayed put. Plus, I had actually agreed to meet her here before I promised you the interview.”
“You make no fucking sense, do you know that?”
He grinned, running a hand through his hair, which only made it look messier. “I get that a lot.”
“Do you even care how this looks? You’re already under a microscope with all your scandals, and now this?”
“Why do you care so much? You writing a piece on my love life now, too?”
“No, but the media sure as hell is. What does your wife think of this? Of your reputation?”
“Reputation’s overrated,” he said, brushing past you as he headed for the door. “People are gonna think what they want, no matter what I do.”
You turned to watch him leave, your fists clenching at your sides. “Maybe if you gave them less to work with, they’d think better of you,” you called after him.
He paused in the doorway, glancing back over his shoulder. “You don’t get it, do you?” he said, his voice low and tired. “This is who I am. Take it or leave it.”
And with that, he was gone, leaving you alone in the empty hallway, your heart pounding and your mind racing.
The sound of footsteps reverberated through the corridor as you leaned against the cold, concrete wall, still processing what had just happened. You were about to leave and write off this night as yet another chapter in the disaster that was Gojou Satoru.
But then, you heard his footsteps return.
“You still here?” he called out, voice echoing through the silence.
You didn’t move. “Should I be?”
He walked towards you, his gait relaxed, almost predatory. “Depends.” He stopped a few feet away, eyes fixed on yours. “You want a story for your project or what?”
You frowned, arms still crossed. “I’ve already seen more than enough tonight.”
 “Come by my garage tomorrow. I’ve got something to show you. Something you can use.”
“What’s the catch?”
“No catch.” 
“Fine. Tomorrow. But this better not be another waste of my time.”
“You won’t regret it.”
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The smell of motor oil and metal hung in the air the moment you stepped inside the dimly lit garage. The concrete floor was stained with years of grease with tool scattered across the workbench. The garage was big, to say the least, there were rows of high-performance cars lining the walls, their glossy bodies gleaming under the garage's fluorescent lights. It was a bit of a mess inside the garage, as there were different car parts strewn across the garage.
Gojou stood beside it, sleeves rolled up, grease smudged on his forearms. The sight was so out of place.
“Didn’t think you’d actually show up,” he drawled, tossing a wrench onto a nearby workbench with a clatter.
“Neither did I,” you shot back, arms crossed. “So, what’s the big secret? Planning on showing me how you avoid drug tests?”
“Always so sharp. No, this...” He gestured to the car. “This is one of my hobbies.”
You walked closer, eyeing the vintage vehicle with skepticism. “You? Fixing cars? Sounds like a PR stunt.”
He wiped his hands on a rag, smirking. “You think everything I do is a stunt?”
“You haven’t given me a reason to think otherwise.”
“Careful, sweetheart. I might start thinking you’re obsessed with me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Get over yourself. I’m here for my project, not for you.”
He leaned casually against the car, arms crossed over his chest. “Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
“So, what’s the deal with this thing?”
“It was my dad’s. He used to take me to the track in this.”
“And you think this will make a good addition to my project? What, ‘Gojou Satoru: The Man Behind the Wheel’?”
People love a good redemption arc. Makes me more... relatable.”
You snorted. “You? Relatable? That’s a stretch.”
He pushed off the car, stepping closer again, his eyes never leaving yours. “Maybe you just haven’t gotten to know me well enough.”
 “Or maybe I’ve seen enough to know exactly who you are.”
His smile faltered, just for a second. “You think you’ve got me all figured out, huh?”
“I think you’re a mess hiding behind a pretty face and a fast car.”
“You might be the first person who’s ever said that to my face.”
“Good. Someone needed to.”
“You know, I could help you relax a bit. Take the edge off.”
You rolled your eyes so hard it almost hurt. “Seriously? That’s your move? Pathetic.”
He grinned, unbothered by the insult. “Can’t blame me for trying.”
“Actually, I can. And I will.” You turned away, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
“Cold as ever,” he muttered, almost to himself. “I like it.”
“Good for you.” You grabbed your bag, ready to leave. “Thanks for the... insight. I’ll be sure to include ‘Gojou Satoru: Amateur Mechanic’ in my report.”
“You really don’t give a shit, do you?”
You paused at the door, glancing back over your shoulder. “Not about you.”
You barely made it five steps outside the garage before his voice called after you. "Running away already? Thought you were supposed to be fearless."
You stopped, the night air cool against your skin. Turning slowly, you saw him leaning against the garage doorframe.
“I’m not running, Gojou. I’m just done wasting my time.”
"You say that, but here you are. You could've written this off as another scandal of mine or another fall from grace. But you’re still digging. Makes me wonder why."
“Because you’re a story people want. A cautionary tale. People love watching someone like you crash and burn.”
“And here I thought you saw me as more than just some headline.”
“You’re not that special.”
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”
“What’s your deal, Gojou? Really,” you asked, voice softer now. “Is this all a game to you?”
“Everyone’s playing a game. I just play it better.”
“And what happens when you lose?”
He stepped closer, so close you could feel the heat radiating off him. “I don’t lose.”
“Everyone loses eventually. Even you.”
“Well then,” he said. “We will see.”
He turned, walking back toward the garage, hands stuffed in his pockets. “You coming or not?”
You frowned. “What?”
He glanced over his shoulder. “I’ve got something else to show you. Unless you’re too scared.”
You hesitated, every instinct telling you to walk away. But damn it, you couldn’t. There was something here, something you needed to understand and against your better judgment, you followed him back inside.
Gojou walked over to the workbench, picking up a small, silver object. He held it out to you.
“What’s this?” you asked, eyeing it warily.
He shrugged. “Figure it out. You’re the journalist.”
“Why are you giving this to me?”
“Maybe I’ll let you know the truth. Or maybe I just like fucking with you.” He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Guess you’ll have to find out.”
Before you could respond, he walked away, disappearing deeper into the garage. You stood there, the key clutched in your hand. This wasn’t over—not by a long shot. Gojou Satoru was a puzzle, a mess of contradictions and lies. And you were going to unravel him, piece by piece.
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© satorulovebot 2024 please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my work.
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pitchsidestories · 7 months ago
mirrors II Jenni Hermoso x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 938
a/n: hi, the inspiration came from the request here. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this one. <3
It was October. And everyone, football players and fans alike, knew what that meant.
The best of the best were about to be honoured at the Ballon d’Or Award ceremony.
Even as a sports journalist, this was a very special night and you felt honoured to be invited amongst all those big names in the audience.
There was just one face that you could have done without seeing. And of course you were seated right next to each other.
You let your gaze wander across the room, trying not be intimidated by the amount of men in suits surrounding you. Majorly to ignore her.
Someone on stage was about to hold an acceptance speech and you hoped that it would shut her up but no, of course not.
“Come on, you know we’d look cute together.“
You didn’t even have to look at her, the smirk basically vibrated in her voice. You sighed. Apparently she couldn’t behave anywhere. Every time you met, she tried to flirt with you.
Slowly you turned towards her and whispered: “Jennifer. We’re at an award ceremony.“
“Yes, and you look gorgeous in that suit. It goes well with my dress.“, she replied quietly and casually slipped her hand onto your thigh.
For a second you cursed yourself for choosing your dark green suit. The colour was too similar to Jennis floor-length gown and made it look like you intentionally matched.
You slapped her hand away and glared at the football player: “Shh, I’m trying to listen here.“
Turning back towards the stage, you tried to follow what the laureate had to say while jotting down notes for yore next article into a small notebook on your lap.
You shivered as you felt Jennis warm breath against your ear.
“As if they had anything important to say anyway.“, she complained, rolling her eyes.
You gave up on listening and instead considered Jenni. “Men love to talk. But so do you.“
She shrugged: “At least I have something useful to say.“
“You’re flirting.“, you stated, unimpressed by her attempts at maintaining a conversation.
“And I really need to write that article.“, you replied, your voice rising with slight anger.
When she leaned over to snatch the notebook from your lap, you had to stop yourself from yelling at her. Instead you hissed at her: “Excuse me?!“
Jenni waved the book around nonchalantly and pouted: “Now you’re just making excuses to ignore me.“
“I’m not.”, you disagreed heavily while simultaneously trying to get your working utensils back.
Maybe it was time for you to abandon your scribbling on paper in exchange for only writing things down on your smartphone or laptop you thought to yourself as the forward wasn’t showing any sign to hand the notebook back to you.
“What do you want?”, you sighed tired of her childish behaviour.
“For you to finally acknowledge that we look hot together.”, she revealed with a devilish grin on her lips.
“You don’t give up easily, huh?”, you replied, your voice couldn’t hide the growing frustration you felt towards her.
“I never give up actually.”, Jenni admitted in a serious tone.
Abruptly you stood up from the chair. The intensity of her green eyes looking at you was getting too much to handle.
“I’m going to the bathroom.”, you announced.
Much to your own surprise the Spaniard decided to follow you. “Coming.”, she responded giddily.
“Fine.”, you muttered.
“Go.”, Jenni said, while brushing your back with her hand. Normally you would say this was purely an accident, but the Spanish footballer certainly did that purposeful.  
Once you reached the bathroom you let out an impressed whistle.
“This is really fancy here.”
Your gaze wandered around the interior: the mirrors were large, and everything looked like marble with golden highlights. It screamed expensive. Something you were still not used to as you grew up under rather poor circumstances.
“It’s a bathroom.”, Jenni chuckled amused.
“Still. Besides I don’t remember inviting you inside with me.”, you remarked.
“It’s a public bathroom. I’m allowed to be here.”, she reminded you smiling smugly.
“You’re lucky you’re hot. Although your big mouth.”, you begun.
“This mouth can do even more.”, the forward claimed, closing the gap between the two of you confidently while swaying her hips in a suggestive manner.
“Yes, I’ve heard about it, you’ve got quite a reputation.”, you answered cooly.
“I do?”, Jenni raised an eyebrow, pretending to be scandalized.
“Yes.”, you affirmed.
“Want to find out if it’s true what they say?”, she gave you a challenging look impatiently waiting for your response.
“I always want to know the true story behind a rumour.”, you confessed playfully, her glances almost left you breathless.
“Then don’t move.”, the forward demanded.
“I won’t.”, you assured her.
“Good.”, Jenni nodded satisfied while brushing her lips first against your cheek before wandering down to your lips until she finally kissed you.
There was an intensity and hunger to the kiss which almost knocked off your feet if you haven’t been sitting next to the luxurious water taps.
The older woman knew what she was doing, the rumours turned out to be an understatement in your opinion.
 For a second you caught the reflection of the two of you kissing in the big mirror. You both were breathtaking as a couple.
“Maybe you’re right.”, you mumbled against her mouth.
“I told you we looked good together.”, Jenni smirked triumphantly.
In this case the mirrors didn’t lie it reflected the desire you both had for each other. While the men held their speeches and felt very important you had found something much more meaningful.
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facefullofsadness · 1 year ago
first of all, yes reqs are open dw. second, ANON IM OBSESSED WITH THIS CONCEPT GRRR FOAMING AT THE MOUTH
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content - dom guitarist neighbor!yunjin x nerd sub!y/n (written like "studious nerd" not "loser nerd" like in the sakura fic), smut (rough sex, fingering, choking, degradation, mommy kink, edging)
wc - 1652
a/n - ffos stop writing rockstar!yunjin smut challenge (difficulty: impossible). and when I do a rockstar!au series w a bunch of diff idols just fucking y/n brainless, then what? bc look at the material, rockstar winter, giselle, hanni, yunjin, wendy, phew, I'm dizzy.
all you want to do is study or relax, but yunjin has her own agenda.
I imagine you're some kind of stem or pre-med major where ur head is always buried in books, trying to study and memorize and re-memorize and review all this fucking material. ur always preoccupied with your studies that when u finally get that moment to rest, you really bask in the peace of silence after a long day.
but of course, you can never have good things. bc as soon as you lay back on your couch, ur favorite snack next to you and putting your comfort show on the tv, you hear music blasting from your neighbor. the melody u conclude being an arctic monkeys song (taste jennifer! listen to do I wanna know for immersion :)) which you would enjoy on any other day, if not for the fact that you were trying to relax and NOT feel the vibrations of the electric guitar from next door. that being said, this neighbor had been practicing music EVERY DAY for the past few weeks.
it drove u insane. you have never tried to confront ur neighbor bc you hoped they would stop on their own (maybe due to social anxiety too but that's neither here nor there), but after WEEKS of this perpetual migraine, you had no choice.
building up the courage to walk over to their door and proceeding to practically pound on it, music louder now that you were outside their apartment. you were fully prepared to go ape-shit on the menace that had been tormenting your serenity for so long. but you didn't prepare for them to be hot?!
the music stopping after 3 rounds of your aggressive knocking and finally a red-haired sexy ass woman swung open the door fully, guitar slung on her back and tatted arms crossed, wearing black tattered clothes, the woman towering over you as she leaned forward, looking up at her eyebrow and septum piercings.
you gulped nervously, not expecting such a sight, the ginger raising an eyebrow at you curiously.
"what do you want?" she'd ask annoyedly.
her tone pissed you off and snapped u out of your trance, "for you to lower your music or stop playing."
bold, she thought.
"why should I?" the woman leaned against her door frame, a smirk tugging at her lips.
you huff out frustratingly, "because you've been blasting your music for the past few weeks and I'm sick and tired of it, it gives me a headache and you have no respect."
she scoffs, "aw, is my princess missing out on her beauty sleep?"
you close ur eyes and sigh, regaining urself so you wouldn't blow up, then looking up at the girl's eyes, "can you PLEASE lower the music at least?"
the ginger uncrosses her arms and leans forward again, one hand on the door frame and another gesturing at you, "do I get anything in return for being such a good girl for you?"
u feel chills go down your spine at her words and your cheeks heat up. the sound of her deep chuckle makes you look away.
"fuck you're cute, what's your name?" she tilts her head to the side.
"I've never seen you around y/n. you're telling me I've been living next to an absolute babe for the past few months and I didn't know? can't be having that."
your eyes dart anywhere else before you clear your throat, "anyway, thank you, I'll get going now."
"ah, ah, ah, not so fast y/n-ie. I haven't even told you my name yet!" you feel a hand snatch your wrist and pull you back, your body falling into hers.
you look up at the red-haired neighbor, "it's yunjin, jennifer to friends, but you can moan mommy to me."
you scream internally and feel your heartbeat racing. it'd be so fucking cringe to hear it if anyone else said it, but something about the way jen held you and looked at you like her next meal made your lower stomach feel on fire.
"do you wanna know how talented guitarists are with their fingers?" her naughty half-lidded gaze trailed the features of your face, looking so innocent to her, with your large black framed glasses and wide eyes.
"you're disgusting and a pervert miss jennifer," you say, trying to cover up your attraction to her and the situation (failing btw).
you try to pull away from her grasp, her strong hands gripping your arms tighter and holding you close, her face coming closer to yours, "oh please, don't lie and tell me you don't wanna fuck me."
"you really don't have any respect do you?"
"and where was your respect? came pounding on my door, demanding whatever bullshit you just said, didn't even ask me for my name miss neighbor!" a cocky smile spreading on yunjin's face.
"well I apologize but it should be common sense to not blast your music for the entire 5th floor to hear," you roll your eyes, crossing your arms in her hold.
"you look even better when you're angry, maybe I should piss you off some more."
god she pissed you off so much, it's unfortunate the girl was really fucking hot.
"I'm not pissed," you lied.
"no? what are you then? horny?" the audacity really.
you roll your eyes, "can I go?"
jen gives you an annoyingly smug expression and shakes her head left to right before pulling you into her place, shutting the door behind you, and pinning you to it.
"you may not be horny, which I don't believe, but I am now."
her grip leaves your arms and trails your sides. you let out a heavy sigh but try to hold your composure.
"hm? you're not pushing me away? does that mean I'm right?"
she chuckles lowly next to your ear, her greedy hands slipping under your sweatshirt and rubbing the skin.
"sh-shut up," you mumble, turning your head away from her face in your neck, her mouth leaving hot breaths and wet kisses across it.
her calloused fingertips tap against your waist and travel higher, "no bra? was your intention to get fucked so I could change my mind?"
she's so vulgar, like it gives you the ick, but she feels so good, you ignore the bullshit spilling from her lips.
she feels up your stomach and places each hand on your boobs, kneading them eagerly and breathing hard on your neck. you bite your lip to prevent any noise from escaping your mouth. you knew it was wrong, you knew it was dirty, but you knew it felt too good to wanna stop.
"c'mon princess, let it out for me," yunjin would whisper against your skin, her thumbs circling your hard nipples.
your hands clutch her bare shoulders as you feel her smile against your jaw. you struggle hard to hold back a whine as she pushes you into the door using her warm body.
"I have nothing to let out for you," lying again.
"I guess I just have to tear it out from you then," the guitarist says before taking her hands out from under your sweatshirt and grabbing you by the thighs, lifting you up and carrying you to her room.
your body falls against the plush mattress and you watch as the woman slings her guitar off her shoulders, crawling on the bed towards you.
"you may be able to resist how good it feels now, but not after I have my way with you... I won't be the one making so much noise after all."
oh and she truly kept her word.
yunjin's right hand fingers were plunged deep inside your pussy, thrusting in and out at unfathomable speed, while her left hand fingers were in your mouth, shoving them down your throat and making you gag.
your shorts and panties were somewhere lost in her room and if your vision wasn't blurred with tears, you swear your clothes hang from one of the guitars she had displayed on the wall. you sat with your legs wide open on jen's lap, your back against the headboard for stability, tongue sticking out so her fingers can reach deeper into your mouth.
all you could make out were the choking noises coming from your throat and muffled moaning conjoined with it. your cunt was on fire due to the pace at which her digits were ramming into you. your eyes were rolled back and your thighs trembled.
"you sick fuck, you're really enjoying this you know? I know you are, I know you love how rough I'm treating you. who would've known some lowly nerd like you would be into such freaky shit."
she'd pull the fingers in your throat out which caused you to release a deep groan, but return her hand to your neck, squeezing and pinning you against the headboard.
"m-mommy..." you'd desperately whimper out.
a sick chuckle leaves her throat hearing you call her the title she mentioned earlier.
"you may be a whore but you're good at following directions, aren't you princess?" she sinisterly smiles at your fucked out expression, pulling her fingers all the way out to slam them in again, using four digits to plunge into your gushing cunt.
your vision blurs completely as you feel your high coming quick. your back arches off of the wall and your body melts into yunjin's hold.
"cumming already? so sensitive, I don't wanna end it yet," she immediately retracts her hand from your pulsing core.
you whine desperately at the loss of contact and jennifer's grip on your neck tightens.
"listen here little slut, I barely even started. you're going to hold out until I have my way with you, got it?"
let's just say you're not the neighbor making the noise complaints in the next few hours (days? weeks? yunjin realllyyyy liked you).
a/n - guitarists' finger dexterity is no joke (I play guitar so someone plsss hmu :.) aka huh yunjin hit my line im begging you)
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breadbrobin · 1 year ago
hello, hello!! first of all, i just wanna tell you that your fics got me kickin' my feet and shi. with that said, can i request a luke castellan x gn! reader where reader is a minor god's kid and so they're staying at cabin 11 it was just this fluffy thing where luke and them are just being domestic and all that, like almost acting like parents to the younger kids? i'm such a sucker for domestic fluff it's INSANE
lego blocks
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
[gn!child of eos reader]
summary: parental figures are hard to come by at camp half-blood, so you and luke (barely old enough to not need them yourselves) take up the mantle where you can. and, well, it’s the hermes cabin, so it’s a little more chaotic than anyone bargained for.
warnings: like two minor swear words, pure fluff, kissing, reader is called pretty (but reader is still gn)
word count: 1.4k
(hiiii omg thank you for this request it’s so cute and was so fun to write!! and thank you for your compliments ahhh you’re so sweet! AND DOMESTIC FLUFF IS WHERE ITS AT FR i can’t believe i haven’t written any before smhhhh)
scarcely a day in the hermes cabin went by without an injury, an issue or an altercation.
just in the last week alone, you’d seen a fist fight, an argument, many stolen belongings, three bad nightmares and six threats of death or violence. it was your job (unofficially) to diffuse the tension. and it was luke’s job (officially) to have your back.
just like every morning, you woke up at dawn. as a child of eos, goddess of the dawn, you were always awake with the sun. the moment dawn struck, you, like the apollo cabin, snapped awake. it was something you’d complained with them about many times, but it eventually became something you found yourself at least trying to enjoy.
you slipped out of bed quietly and padded across the dim cabin to the door, stepping out onto the porch to watch as the sky turned from dark blues to soft pinks.
just as the sun was beginning to peek through the trees, you heard footsteps behind you.
“morning,” luke’s gravelly morning voice reached you as he rested his chin on your shoulder and hugged you from behind. “pretty today.”
“it is,” you sighed contently, leaning back into him.
he yawned. “meant you.”
you smiled and turned in his arms, pressing a kiss just beside his lips. he pouted.
“brush your teeth first, and then i’ll kiss you properly,” you teased.
he just sighed a little, a small gracing his face, before looking away to watch the sunrise.
you had only around ten minutes before you had to wake everyone else in the cabin up, and you’d be damned if you weren’t going to enjoy the peaceful quiet and sweet chirping of birds in the trees for as long as you could.
it would become hectic later, when you had to rouse everyone from their sleep and rush them to the dining pavilion for breakfast. you never enjoyed it, and you often wondered how luke had managed it on his own before you came along. so you soaked up the sun rays peeking through the leaves, watching as the world around you turned from blue to gold in a dazzling array of colours that made you ever grateful for your parentage, and relaxed in the warmth of luke’s embrace. the peace wouldn’t last for long. it never did.
“tom, put the knife down!” you called across the room as you moved a chess piece along the board. a groan came from a few bunks over and the sound of a knife hitting the floor echoed. “and, max, will you please stop trying to fight jennifer? she’s gonna kick your ass again, and i’m not even gonna tell her off or patch you up.”
a disappointed, “fine!” came back in return, followed by jennifer’s teasing.
“sorry!” she replied.
your chess opponent, a young girl you were almost sure was a daughter of athena, scowled at your move and studied the board, giving you a chance to look around at the hermes cabin.
it was your scheduled downtime between activities and dinner, and while some of the residents of cabin 11 were out around camp, many were inside playing games or hanging out. so, that was where you were—diffusing the tension every time you had to and pretending to enjoy chess because sandy really wanted to play, and who were you to deny her hobbies?
two hands landed on your shoulders and a kiss pressed to your cheek. you could smell the familiar scent of pine, sword polish and leather—luke.
“hey, babe,” he said softly. “any issues?”
sandy moved a piece on the board. “check.”
“again?” you leaned forward in shock. “okay, uh… yeah, the only issue is how i win this game, actually. oh, and tom’s got that knife back somehow and he won’t stop threatening khalid with it. i’m a little concerned about them. max and jen should be fine now, but maybe check on them? oh, and make sure callie hasn’t stolen any snacks again? last time, she got really sick and—“
“and we stayed up all night making sure she was okay, i remember. i’ll check on presley too. make sure he’s not drawing on the walls again.” luke patted your shoulders gently as he stepped away. “i got it. you focus on winning.”
“i’m trying,” you pouted. realistically, you weren’t too bad at chess. however, you felt like it was only fair to give sandy a chance to show off, since she’d been in the hermes cabin, unclaimed, for a month now. you knew how that felt. before your mother claimed you, you’d been unclaimed for just under two months. in all fairness, you’d always flown under the radar, until your sunshine and smiles reputation breached the walls you’d attempted to build up and you started dating the golden boy of camp half-blood. the second that had happened, just over seven months ago, everything changed. suddenly, you had respect, appreciation, love, family. so maybe you didn’t have your own cabin. and maybe you were stuck in one that was full to the brim of kids. and maybe you had to be somewhat of a parent for many of those kids—those who missed their families, who had never had families, who had never had a place to call their own. but did you mind? not at all. it would have been impossible without luke though. it was like he could read your mind sometimes. he knew, just as well as you did, all of the ins and outs of the kids in your cabin, how to appease the older kids, entertain the younger ones, and make sure the cabin was still standing by the end of the day. you’d never know what you did in a past life to deserve him, but it had to have been something goddamn saintly.
finally, you moved a piece. you knew it would easily put you in checkmate, but you didn’t mind.
sandy’s eyes lit up. she moved her knight into position and looked up at you, grinning widely. “checkmate!”
“no way!” you protested. “how did you even—?”
“i’m good at chess.” she blushed a little.
“uh, yeah, you are.” you extended a hand over the small table to her. “good game.”
“good game.” she shook your hand with a smile and skipped away to gloat to her friends.
luke’s arm slipped around your shoulders as he sat next to you. “you let her win?”
“no, of course not,” you lied with a smile. “and if i did i’d never compromise my dignity by telling you.”
you could see his smile out of the corner of your eye. “sure. my bad.”
you hummed and turned to kiss him, but just before your lips could meet, a resounding “ew!!” echoed through the cabin.
you pulled away to see what was going on. maybe another bug needed dealing with? or someone had thrown up or wet their pants? no. everyone was staring at you and luke. you frowned. “wait, what?”
“you guys were about to kiss,” tom cringed, somehow holding a new knife. “that’s gross.”
luke laughed while you shook your head in amusement.
“it’s not gross!” you protested. “and put that knife down.”
“it is!” one of the slightly older girls exclaimed as tom dropped the knife on his bunk with a groan.
murmurs of agreement followed.
you laughed along with luke as he cupped your cheek in his hand and kissed you, deliberately slow and sweet, much to the chagrin of the campers around you.
you pulled away first, laughing, as someone threw a lego block at you and luke, hitting you in the arm lightly.
“hey!” luke laughed and tossed it back in their general direction. “no one throws lego blocks at my partner.”
before either of you could do anything, lego blocks were flying.
through your laughs and trying to hide behind luke as a shield, you could only feel love for your boyfriend and the kids you both chose to spend your time looking after. despite the fact that they threw legos at you, and despite the fact that you weren’t related to any of them. this was your family. a messed up, too big, far too crowded unit of kids and teenagers, all crammed in one room, connected by two things alone: the fact that you were all thrust into this messed up magical world with no preparation, and love.
and lego blocks, apparently.
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corioswife · 1 year ago
hey, bestie! I love your writing, it's just a chef kiss mwah! If I can request a fic! Imagine the reader being kinda of a femme fatale, and popular with her peers because of her beauty. -Coriolanus develops a puppy crush on her when he sees her in the halls, but one day the reader notices him, and talks to him, and after that, he's lovestruck and slowly becomes obsessed with her. Leaving cute notes and flowers at her locker and letters. The rest of the story, you can control and write.
The reader is like Jennifer from Jennifer's body but ignore the succubus part.
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thank you love, i love this req sm! 🎀 i tried my best to capture everything as my fics aren’t usually too long !! nsfw 18+ skip if uncomfortable
Coriolanus Snow x Femme Fatal!Reader
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Coriolanus Snow, the undeniably charming student at Capitol University, couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He was smitten with your beauty and the alluring way you carried yourself, captivating everyone with your grace and presence.
As the days passed, Coriolanus grew bolder and began leaving cute notes and flowers at your locker, hoping to catch your attention. His heart raced every time he thought of you, and he found himself losing focus during classes, consumed by thoughts of you.
One day, you finally notice him. He's sitting alone in the library, head buried in a book, looking oh-so-adorable. You walk up to him, feeling the weight of your beauty and charm, and strike up a conversation.
You engage in a casual conversation with him, unaware of the effect you're having on him. The more you talk, the more infatuated he becomes. His heart races, and he struggles to maintain eye contact as his thoughts wander towards intimate scenarios involving the two of you.
As the conversation continues, You sense something different about Coriolanus. His eyes are brighter, his voice is softer, and he seems a bit flustered. You sense his longing and desire, and a spark of curiosity ignites within you.
You continue to engage with him, teasing and flirting, unaware of the depth of his affection for you. As the conversation deepens, so does his passion, and he finds himself struggling to keep his desires in check.
Coriolanus is on the verge of confessing his feelings for you, but something holds him back. He wants to express his love, but is too shy and self-conscious. He's torn between his desire for you and his fear of rejection.
Unbeknownst to Coriolanus, you start to feel a strange connection with him. His shyness and hesitation only serve to heighten your curiosity about him. As the conversation winds down, you find yourself wanting more from this enigmatic individual who has captured your attention so thoroughly.
Unbeknownst to Coriolanus, you start to feel a strange connection with him. His shyness and hesitation only serve to heighten your curiosity about him. As the conversation winds down, you find yourself wanting more from this enigmatic individual who has captured your attention so thoroughly.
As the night comes to a close, Coriolanus finally finds the courage to confess his feelings for you. His voice trembles slightly as he tries to find the words to express himself, but finally, he blurts out, " I'm in love with you. "
You stare at Coriolanus, barely able to believe what you're hearing. You are deeply moved by his honesty and vulnerability, and you find yourself falling for him even deeper.
" I'm falling for you too " you whisper, your heart racing in anticipation of what might come next. As the two of you stand there in the silence of the night, you realize that your lives have just irrevocably changed.
The two of you embrace, your bodies pressing together as you share a tender kiss. You can feel the heat and desire radiating off of him, and you know that this moment will be one you'll cherish forever.
" My room is just upstairs " Coriolanus whispers into your ear. His voice is hoarse with desire, and you can't help but shiver at the thought of what might happen next.
As the two of you make your way upstairs, the anticipation and desire building within you both is almost unbearable. The door to your room closes behind you, and the two of you are finally alone together.
Coriolanus kisses you deeply, his tongue seeking entry into your mouth as his hands roam over your body. Heat surges through you as he pushes you against the door, pinning you there with his strength and desire.
You moan into the kiss, arching your back against him. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you pull him closer, needing more of his touch. The feeling of his skin against yours is electrifying, sending shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of your being.
As if he's reading your mind, Coriolanus's hands begin to explore the most intimate parts of your body. His fingers dance over your sensitive skin, teasing and tantalizing until you're ready to beg for more.
Finally, Coriolanus moves his mouth from your lips to your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin as his fingers continue their journey. You gasp and arch your neck into his mouth, wanting more of his touch. This is a feeling unlike anything you've ever known before.
You gasp as Coriolanus undoes his pants, freeing his aching erection. He positions himself between your legs, his eyes locked onto yours as he slowly positions against your entrance.
" Please " you whisper, your voice trembling with need. " I want you. "
Coriolanus pulls back, only to thrust forcefully inside you, hitting your sweet spot with a force that steals your breath.
His fingers digging into your hips, his mouth trailing kisses down your neck, his hips moving in a punishing rhythm that drives you to the brink.
" Come for me " he demands. Your body shudders, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave. Your name, a moaned plea, falls from his lips as he feels your walls clenching around him.
" Coriolanus... " You whisper his name, your voice hoarse from the intensity of the moment. He groans, his body shuddering as he releases himself into you, filling you completely.
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reiderwriter · 1 year ago
🍷 Alcohol Free 🍷
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Week 1 of my Playlist series! Inspired by Alcohol Free by TWICE.
Summary: You're the designated driver for half of your friends, and Spencer is the designated driver for the other half, so why do you feel so buzzed when you're around him? OR; taking every opportunity when you finally meet Spencer Reid for the first time ♡
Warnings: fluff, mentions of alcohol consumption, but reader and Spencer are both sober. A/N: Welcome to week 1 of the Playlist! I think we started with an absolute banger, and for such a fun, upbeat song with this, I had to make this a fluff (sorry to all my smut and angst enjoyed, please be patient 🫡). I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to send me more song recs, as I'll be writing one follower chosen song fic per month 🥳
Check out my masterlist here~
“How much have you had to drink exactly, Pen?” You laugh as you watch her wobble back and forth, at her table.
“We started with champagne and wine. And then there was the cocktail round, so, a few margaritas here and there. And a mojito. Maybe a mimosa. I think a guy bought me a pint colada at the bar earlier,” her words were so sharp you almost couldn't believe she'd drank anything at all, but the fact that she said all this while swaying gently from side to side had you giggling at her antics.
“Don't forget the tequila!” Penelope's friend Emily groaned from the other side of the table then were gathered at, face already flat on the surface as if her hangover had already hit.
You'd been friends with Penelope for over a year now, so you were acquainted with all of the girls there, and had agreed to come and meet them on one of their girls nights out. You were never a big drinker though, so you offered to be the designated driver for the half of the gang that were committed to Uber-ing home.
They'd been drinking since the mid afternoon, and by the time you'd gotten off work and cleaned up for the bar, it was obvious that they were going to be a handful.
“Y/N, YOU'RE REALLY PRETTY, YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?” JJ shouted from her seat beside you.
“Thank you, JJ, you already said that three times tonight. Maybe we should get you some water?”
“And so kind too, my princess in shining armour,” Penelope giggled.
For most people, being the only sober person on a night out was hell, but you found yourself enjoying it more and more as the years went by. Drunk women were so much like kindergarteners when they reaches a certain blood alcohol level, and you loved seeing what your usually serious and cool girlfriends would come up with.
You also wanted to make sure they stayed safe, and with the impressive list of multiple alcohols they'd just ingested, you wondered if you should be carting them off to the emergency room then and there.
“I THINK YOU'D LIKE MY FRIEND SPENCER. HE'S NERDY. YOU'D MAKE CUTE BABIES.” JJ was still shouting all of her words, despite the bar being relatively quiet and you almost did a spit take with your water as she kept on.
“Stop trying to marry Spence off, Jennifer.” Penelope giggled, over pronouncing JJ's name as if it were her first time ever using the word.
You'd heard a lot about this Spencer Reid since you'd become close with the girls at the table, and honestly, you were happy that JJ deemed you good enough for their Spencer.
From the sounds of it, all three of them nagged at him like elder sisters who found him endearingly annoying, and were fiercely protective of him. It made you curious.
“Are you seeing anyone, Y/N?” Emily asked, finally lifting her head up slightly, but in a way that made it look like it weighed 500 lbs more than usual.
“I'm not.”
“Why? You're smoking. Half the men in here have been circling your like sharks for the hour you've been here.” You laughed at that and pushed a bottle of water in Emily's direction again, encouraging her to take small sips of water.
“I'm being serious! I may be drunk beyond belief but this is a sober thought.”
“Emily, I love you, but none of these men are interested in me. I'm practically a spinster. I'm 27, I have no money and no prospects, yada yada, already a burden to my parents.”
“That was something nerdy, I know that was something nerdy, my Spencie Senses are tingling,” she quipped.
And as if right on cue, a quiet voice popped up from behind you and all the hairs on your neck stood on edge as it happened.
“It's a quote from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie, so it's not really all that nerdy, Emily.” You turned, slightly startled in your seat as you finally met the elusive Doctor Spencer Reid.
“SPENCE!” JJ cheered, and the other girls similarly whooped at his entrance. They were overjoyed, but you were slightly overwhelmed, because not once in their descriptions of Spencer Reid had they ever told you that he was quite possibly one of the hottest men to ever grace this good Earth.
His hair was slightly curly, a mess of waves flopping into his eyes, but shorter on the sides, highlighting his sculpted jaw. He was tall, on the lean side and craning your neck to look up at him was a happy experience to say the least.
He greeted his friends and looked down to you, and you felt all the blood suddenly rush to your brain when your eyes locked. Dear God.
“Spencer, this is Y/N, my wonderful, gorgeous, single and attractive friend. Say hello, Spencer.”
“Hello,” he gladly followed the instructions Penelope gave him, and you practically giggled at the sound of his voice. Giggled.
“Hello. I'm the wonderful, gorgeous, attractive Y/N,” you waved at him slightly, but your brain wouldn't stop thumping around as you enjoyed the sight of the man.
“Penelope actually told me about you before. You're working at the indie bookstore near Café Density, right? Castle Books? I got a first edition of T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats there a few months ago.”
“You!” You gasped the word, as a garage of words fell from your mouth in a stream. “You bastard, I was saving for months to buy that thing, and three days before my paycheck I turn up and it was gone! Oh my god, how does it smell? Are the pages mustard yellow or still A little white? They never let me touch it because I almost burst into tears every time I got close.”
To your astonishment, he didn't recoil from your spitfire speech, but laughed happily.
“It's great, the illustrations are amazing. I didn't know someone else had their eye on it when I went in, I'm sorry.”
“Don't apologise for finding treasure. You'd be a horrible pirate if you did that.” You brain really wasn't connected with your mouth anymore and you resisted the urge to turn and bolt away from the discussion.
“Thank you? I'm not a pirate, but I think that was a compliment.”
“See, nerds made in heaven, JJ was right.” The panic built up again slightly and you were sure your brain was going to explode with all the heat that was flooding to your face.
“What's JJ right about?” Reid inquired, and you almost grasped your chest to stop your heart from beating out of it when he cocked his head to the side.
You hadn't had a lick of alcohol the entire night, and yet you're entire body was reacting like it was drunk on Spencer Reid.
“Oh just that you and Y/N here would make beautiful-”
“BEAUTIFUL CONVERSATIONS HAPPEN.” You quickly cut Penelope off, sending her a warning look that was less subtle than just straight up telling her to shut her mouth.
“Can we go now?” Emily dropped her head to the table again as she threw out the words, looking suddenly three shades greener than she was a moment before. “I think that last shot was the drink that broke the camel's liver, and I'm the camel.”
You passed her the water again and slowly started to help your friends gently gather their things, noticing that Spencer was doing the same.
No wonder these girls were so protective of him if this is how well he treats them. He was their coworker, but he would have absolutely been confused for a filial son for any of the three women as he helped them each.
“Where do you live, Y/N?” He asked casually as you both helped the women out of the bar and into the fresh air. “My car is a bit small, but we can throw these three in the back together and they'll mostly sleep until they get back to their homes.”
“Oh no, you don't have to do that, I can go by myself-”
“I can't let a drunk woman go home by herself, Penelope would give me hell in the morning.” This earned a few giggles from the women beside you. You thought you heard Emily mumbling “some profiler he is,” under her breath as well.
You hesitated. You should've been explaining that you hadn't had anything to drink yet, that you actually drove here yourself and that your car was likely parked right by his. You should've offered to take at least one woman off his hands for the night to share the burden of making sure your friends didn't die.
But it was true that each of the women was likely to completely pass out when they got into the car, like newborns being rocked to sleep by their mothers. And that left Spencer Reid free for conversation.
“Thank you, that would be really nice, actually,” you smiled and followed the man to his car, lugging your wonderfully buzzed friends behind you.
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magictookourmemories · 8 months ago
I just finished watching The Umbrella Academy season finale. And rewatched all 3 seasons the past few days. I am so disappointed with this season that I have to express it in some ways.
Okay good things first. I loved seeing all them back together again. I missed Klaus and Ben together even though we didn’t see them together that much this season. I love the chaotic reunion in eps 1 and 2. I like how Ben toned down his a-hole personality, less screaming but Brelly Ben and Sparrow Ben were somehow both there. Luther’s stripper clumsy dancing because he’s so happy he’s not hairy anymore. Viktor going on dates after dates? Klaus still being the weirdest in the fam with his new phobia. Allison less famous but with her Claire. Diego and Lila adulting really hard.
The Jennifer incident finally explained. Did not like the rush love line between her and Ben though. Viktor and Reggie’s car bonding moments just like Klaus and Reggie’s in s3. And Viktor finally confronting old Reggie, one of my fav scenes. I think the diego luther cia story line wasn’t necessary but it was funny. Love the series dumb and dumber.
I wished they explained more about the subway time travel, it looks really promising. I mean how did he figure out how to go back after reading the notebook. What was in the notebook? I wanted to be included in the journey. Instead they focused on Five and Lila being a thing. I can see the actors have chemistry. I loved them in S2 as bickering siblings trying to impress the Handler like she’s their mom. I mean if Lila didn’t have kids with Diego and wasn’t married maybe it was alright. Enemies to lovers trope is classic but not this way. I understand the actor is of legal age now but seriously it was wrong. I actually thought Lila is the Dolores of this stuck in time scenario this season. I don’t know why the writers did this.
Five is my favourite character. He just wanted to go back to his family and retire. Can’t believe they made him ruin another family. Yes, maybe he’s tired of another apocalypse and he just wanted to stay in that house with a glasshouse garden but man not with his brother’s wife. I can’t seem to move past this.
Although the Five Deli scene was cute. Would’ve like more scenes of those. I wonder when Lila shouted it’s over to him, what was he thinking going back to the subway. What would he have done if he didn’t see himself?
And Ben? Ben turned into a giant blob. I cannot believe it. There was no sibling warmth except with Viktor. I can’t believe Klaus didn’t make a fuss about it. He wasn’t even a marigold at the end. Because I counted 7. Or was I too tired?
I wish we can create another timeline with better writing and ending. Maybe if we had 10 episodes it could’ve been better? I don’t know did Netflix ruin this for us?
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love-takes-work · 4 months ago
Streamily.com Presents: The Steven Universe Cast Reunion Q&A Part 2
Here’s a complete overview of the Q&A that was put on by Streamily, hosted by Elijah (“Not-So-Average Fangirl”), featuring Rebecca Sugar as the showrunner/creator, Sarah Stiles as Spinel, Deedee Magno Hall as Pearl, AJ Michalka as Stevonnie, Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Grace Rolek as Connie, Jennifer Paz as Lapis Lazuli, Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, and Erica Luttrell as Sapphire/Padparadscha. Read below to see various insights and opinions, and lots of hilarious commentary from the cast about the experience of voicing characters on Steven Universe.
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Everyone opened with intros. Elijah ("Not-So-Average Fangirl") is the mod.
Rebecca said they created and ran the show for 8 years.
Sarah Stiles says she played Spinel!
Deedee Magno Hall says she played Pearl.
AJ Michalka says she played Stevonnie.
Shelby Rabara says she played Peridot.
Grace Rolek says she played Connie.
Jennifer Paz says she played Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, and Bob.
Kimberly Brooks says she played Jasper.
Erica Luttrell says she played Sapphire and Padparadscha.
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Elijah says the questions are largely taken from the audience.
Q (for Rebecca Sugar): If you could be a Gem that WASN'T in the show, what Gem would you be and what abilities would you have?
A (Rebecca): Says they put so many Gems in the show. They used to go to gemhut.com to pick new ones. There were so many Gems inserted that were an aspect of Rebecca. They like Titanium--you get to be all the colors! And they always liked writing for the Quartzes--the soldiers who had epiphanies to not fight and settle down. They think they'd be a Titanium Quartz.
Q (for Shelby Rabara from Greenie_507): How was voicing Peridot different from any other character she ever played?
A (Shelby): Peridot is her favorite, hands down. She had a lot of emotional range--it was interesting to start her off as stoic and militant and then go through the transformation of losing her limb enhancers and becoming cute. Playing Peridot was such a great opportunity to embody an awesome character who evolves, and says what she's thinking without worrying about repercussions. Such a huge arc for this character!
Q (for Jennifer Paz from BrookesNook087): Which parts of Lapis did she find easy to connect with and which, if any, did she find difficut when voicing her?
A (Jennifer): She's so happy to be here and reconnect. Lapis has range too--when you meet Lapis it's intense, and she came in with such back story--Jennifer wasn't sure if she was even a good guy or a bad guy. She related to her so many ways--she was going through her "second puberty" (aka perimenopause) so she represents rediscovering yourself after dealing with trauma--she didn't even realize until after watching it that this character was reentering the world. She was a new mom and trying for her next kid and immediately going through perimenopause--it all led to this brain fog that she didn't even realize how much story was packed into Lapis's character.
Q (for Kimberly Brooks from Marco_Syrup): What was her favorite moment/part of voice acting for Jasper?
A (Kimberly): There are a lot of favorite moments. The surprise where Rebecca was going with the character; at first Jasper was a straight-up bully, but then she got an arc. Kimberly loves working with everybody and loves being part of the show. When she mentions Steven Universe, that's the show she's worked on that gets the most response. For her, the favorite aspect is the impact the show had on young people--gender identity, things in the ether. She loved being part of a timely, cool movement that a lot of people were affected by. She felt special being a part of it. Jasper is just a fun character to voice and she had fun.
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Q (for Grace Rolek from Sammie47): What was it like growing up with her character? Were there ever any similiarities betweeen her real life and Connie's?
A (Grace): Yes! She loves this question and she REALLY feels like she grew up with the character. She started working on the show at 15 and now she's 27. She was in high school, really figuring out who she was, and in a lot of ways the character growth of Connie did mirror hers. She wasn't a shy kid but she was a bookworm and was homeschooled. Connie's journey of finding herself, her voice, her confidence, mirrored her own. This was very special for Grace to see her become a badass sword-fighting character. It was amazing to have that outlet and this space to explore growing up in her acting. She can look back as a full-blown adult and see how it mirrored her journey. She did once try fencing at the Renaissance Faire but decided that's more Connie's thing.
Q (for Sarah Stiles from somestarlight22): What part of the movie was the most challenging to record?
A (Sarah): She couldn't go for more than 45 minutes because she'd lose her voice. It was also the most thrilling voice work by FAR that she's ever done. Emotionally it was one of the great gifts of her life. She jumped into the world that had already existed and she'd had no idea her character was so important to the movie when she first got the role. She thought it was such a beautiful world. Spinel is very close to home sometimes, unfortunately. Her niece has a Spinel costume.
Q (for AJ Michalka): If you could fuse with any character you've ever played or voiced, who would you pick and why?
A (AJ): Steven Universe was the first cartoon she'd ever worked on, and then not long after it was She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. She LOVES playing Stevonnie and Catra. Something about merging Stevonnie and Catra would be some badass complication would be amazing. There should be fanart. The name would be what? Stevonatra? Catronnie? Deedee thinks then that character would have to sing Cookie Cat.
Q (for Erica Luttrell from FluffyBee_93): Would you want Sapphire's future vision abilities? Why or why not?
A (Erica): No, no, nope. We don't know much about the mysteries of existence, and she doesn't even like to go to a psychic because the answers would worm their way into her psyche and she'd always think it would be bad. She would want to intervene. It's funny because Estelle was on the previous day and she very much DID want all the answers.
A (Rebecca): In the writers' room this was discussed a lot because they'd determined Sapphire's future vision was entirely passive and fixed on one future where she does not act. Ruby's so impulsive that she fractures potential futures. When they combine in Garnet, they see multiple futures, so these answers make sense to them. At the bachelorx party before Rebecca married Ian, they had a psychic, and their brother Steven said "this is bad."
Q (for Deedee Magno Hall from ennedept): "Volleyball" is one of the questioner's favorite episodes. How did Deedee like voicing four characters in one episode?
A (Deedee): She can't remember doing all four in one episode. (Elijah suggests there's a Fusion of four Pearls. Rebecca corrects saying the Fusion in that episode is Crystal Gem Pearl and Volleyball.) Deedee says it's difficult to do multiple Pearls--she'll need a previous recording played to voice match, and she prefers to do one character at a time all the way through. She considers it a good fun challenge. She relies on Rebecca.
A (Rebecca): They gave the direction that Blue Pearl is mousy and Yellow Pearl is more like an old-timey secretary.
A (Deedee): Deedee remembers being told that the sound to shoot for is more like Betty Boop or Marilyn Monroe. It was very helpful to have that direction when creating the voices.
Q (for all): Which scene had them the most emotional while voicing or writing it?
A (Rebecca): The song "Change Your Mind" was a personal song that wasn't supposed to be for the show. It was written at a difficult time when Rebecca was facing pushback on the show and trying to stand their ground. It was an emotional choice to include it in the show.
A (Sarah): Her audition for the movie involved singing "Drift Away." She remembers being on her bed in her apartment singing it into her phone and couldn't stop crying. Recording the song live was also really emotional. It's burned in her mind. In a good way.
A (Deedee): When she recorded "It's Over, Isn't It" because she was also doing Tommy the musical, and her voice was raw after doing that musical. She had to reschedule the recording to sing the song properly. When she did manage to go to the studio to record it, she was still doing the show, but she wasn't on during the week. She was so worried about the vocal performance that she wasn't as invested as much as she wanted to be. All the times she was able to sing that song again, it was far more emotional afterwards. She loved that it spoke to so many fans. There were so many other songs that she doesn't sing in the show that take her to an emotional place too. She loves "Love Like You." It's her all-time favorite. She loves the way Rebecca sang it.
[Pausing the question to ask Rebecca a question before they have to go]
Q (for Rebecca from DominoMuffin): What happened to Cactus Steven after running off?
A (Rebecca): The Crew talked about this. In a way, it foreshadows the end of Future, which is a character who's been through a lot and then has to go live their life and be free. Their goal was to call forward to the adventure Steven would be having. Cactus Steven is living life and figuring it out.
Anything to say from Rebecca before leaving?
A (Rebecca): They're so excited to see everyone, they miss everyone, and they're on TikTok @rebeccasugar. Just playing little covers of the songs and they have the EP Spiral Bound out. They can't thank the other participants enough for helping to encourage them to record personal music.
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[Back to the "All" question about the most emotional recording moments.]
A (AJ): The introduction of Stevonnie in "Alone Together" and realizing they were a Fusion and an experience, and not really knowing what it would be like. That part really got her--she likes to tell people they're an experience now, that they're a moment in time. It made her tear up when she recorded it. And then recording "Here Comes a Thought" with Estelle was super special. The lyrics are deep and touched many people. She loved singing with Estelle after only really having duet experiences with her sister.
A (Shelby): Many emotional moments happened in the recording booth--crying and laughing, all of it. Her most emotional moment was in the "In Dreams" recording with Zach Callison. It felt a bit like a goodbye message to the Crew, too--that they want to be connected even if they have to leave and live far away. Zach is so talented and gave so much--they even held hands during the recording. She really felt like she was on the edge with Zach, that she could feel everything that happened. Such a cool moment as an artist. She feels fortunate to be connected to all the other actors through this beautiful piece of art.
A (Jennifer): She agrees with Shelby. Jennifer didn't feel like she got to record that much. She remembers being emotional during Lapis's opening scene of saying to the Crystal Gems, "You three knew I was in there and you didn't do anything." She remembers she was shaking when she recorded the scene. It was so heavy for a cartoon, and she hadn't known it would be like that since she hadn't really done too many cartoons. Rebecca told her she's playing someone who was trapped and she didn't know much else--she was alone in the booth and didn't know what was going on. Later when she saw the episode she was blown away. She also remembers an emotional recording when Lapis stands up to Jasper in "Alone at Sea." What she was tackling, with Lapis taking her agency, her power back, from being in this toxic situation--this is a lot for an eleven-minute piece of art. That in particular, she was emotional in the booth. It was a powerful message to those getting out of a horrible situation. She would meet fans from cons and they would share personal stories of getting out of their own horrible situations and reference that episode. Jennifer feels fortunate to have been part of a show that gives such great life lessons.
A (Erica): Erica can't find the episode name (it was "The Question"), but her emotional moment was when Ruby and Sapphire were separated and Ruby came back from being a cowboy. She knows how it is to be separated from a person who feels like a part of you. She connects easily with others and she hates when someone ends a connection.
A (Kimberly): She wishes she had a better memory. She has the same issue as Erica. She remembers also feeling like she's stepping into an existing world that she hadn't heard of when her character arrived. Her character was the abuser and the bully, and she didn't realize what the impact was. All of her scenes were emotional--with anger--but pain is always underneath it. She felt like EVERY scene she recorded was emotional--what is making Jasper so angry? what is missing from her life? Such a heavy character to represent. Once she had to record as a public service announcement about bullying and she thought it was so relevant.
A (Grace): Grace also tried to Google an episode name and it might have crashed her Wi-Fi. The episode was "Full Disclosure," where Steven is pushing Connie away. (Though she recognizes Connie also pushes Steven away elsewhere in the show.) She got choked up recording the episode--she knows the feeling of trying to be there for someone and they're pushing you away is familiar to her. At that age your friendships and relationships are so dramatic. There's also when Connie confronts her mom in "Nightmare Hospital" when she tells her mother she hadn't even noticed that her glasses don't have lenses. She kenw that feeling of growing up and not being a little girl anymore. She thought something similar to the others about how her concept of working on a cartoon was more like "We're going to go on adventures and fight bad guys!" and then before you know it you're crying in the recording booth and exploring your past.
Elijah the host says other messages from children's media (Rainbow Fish, The Giving Tree) taught people to give all of themselves away and encourage toxic relationships, but this show stood against that.
Q (for Shelby Rabara from Mylesjude2): In Little Homeschool, Peridot teaches gardening to students. What are her favorite plants to grow and why?
A (Shelby): Peridot loves growing pumpkins and she doesn't have to build anything for gourds to grow. She's a big bean fan and she likes to pick the pods off. How can there even be food scarcity? It's just logical!
Q (for Jennifer Paz from Kai): What element other than water would she like Lapis to manipulate and why?
A (Jennifer): She thinks she would love to be able to read minds. That's not really an element but wouldn't that be cool? She can tell sometimes when people aren't saying everything they mean and she'd like to be able to root it out. Maybe Lapis could be a therapist, taking what she learned evolving through trauma.
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Q (for Kimberly Brooks from TheMaskedTaco): What does she think Jasper is doing now? Does she do anything in Little Homeworld?
A (Kimberly): She needs help with that answer. Did she learn any lessons? Did she move forward? Kimberly isn't sure. She needs some serious therapy. Let's just say she's getting some self help and is doing better, taking responsibility for her actions. That's what Kimberly wants to believe.
Elijah says they should take Jasper to a rage room and can break something every time she reveals something about herself. What if Lapis and Jasper went into business together to run a rage room? Maybe have a crying room? Include Peridot and make morps in the barn? Someone should draw that too. Deedee wants to know if someone can come to the rage room to clean and organize things too. Perhaps do laundry. It could be very therapeutic.
Q (for Grace Rolek from WhatIsJuan): What does she think Steven and Connie are up to now that the show is ended?
A (Grace): Connie's off to college and Steven visits. She remembers she went off to college at 18 and Zach visited her. It'd be similar adventures. And they'd probably get up to adventures as Stevonnie.
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Q (for Sarah Stiles from Flowerz4Daises): What is Spinel up to since the movie?
A (Sarah): She's learned Cirque du Soleil tricks. Trapeze, skateboarding, hip-hop classes, cooking, baking; she's got endless energy and ideas, so she's doing a LOT of stuff. She'd have such chaotic colors and flavors! Maybe combine baking AND a circus! And hole up in the barn.
Q (for AJ Michalka from G70_Heart): What was the process like when voicing the conversations between Steven and Connie while they were Stevonnie?
A (AJ): It was tricky. There are things Grace does that AJ would pick up on, and then with Zach she'd think of the Steven laugh and mannerisms. Stevonnie is a whole person and she wanted to subtly reference aspects of how their components talked without it seeming like she's playing two people.
Q (for Erica Luttrell from Nachet): Was it fun playing two different kinds of Sapphire and was it hard to go from Sapphire to Padparadscha? (Everyone jokes about not being able to pronounce Padparadscha.)
A (Erica): It was not difficult at all because the two characters were in completely separate episodes. It was fun, especially since Padparadscha is SO different and cute. Sapphire is regal. She relates to the deep thinking Sapphire does and sometimes her wife doesn't want to listen to it.
Q (for Deedee Magno Hall from Bella): If Pearl could say one thing to Rose about how Steven turned out, what does she think she'd say?
A (Deedee): Rose would be so proud of him. That would be it. And he is loved.
Elijah's mom calls in from off camera to say they're all having too much fun. It's funny since they're just talking about moms. Erica says her nine-month-old just took a couple steps for the first time during the recording.
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Q (for all from pulpypal953): Which Gem character's power would you want in real life?
A (Sarah): She would want to be big and strong. Like Jasper.
A (Deedee): As a mom, she would want the healing power.
A (AJ): She'd want to manipulate water like Lapis. She'd love to be able to save people from tsunamis.
A (Shelby): She wants future vision so she could prepare.
A (Jennifer): She remembers Steven healing Lapis with his spit. She wants to heal with spit.
A (Erica): She's giving it serious thought. She'd want to be strong like Jasper but also impervious, and she wants to be able to jump back a second or two in time to fix misses. She wants to shield those she loves and those who need it.
A (Kimberly): Invisibility. She's kind of a voyeur. Elijah thinks she could have Amethyst's shapeshifting power and become a small animal.
A (Grace): Shapeshifting. She'd love to be able to cause chaos.
Q (for all from HaoTamaLove): What animal does your character remind you of and why?
A (Sarah--Spinel): Maybe a little puppylike or bunnylike.
A (Deedee--Pearl): Bird. She adopted the loving term "Bird Mom." Maybe like a flamingo, but a flamingo beak isn't pointy. Kimberly thinks like a crane? A fusion of a flamingo and a crane. A cramingo! (Artists? A new prompt.)
A (AJ--Stevonnie): A Lion because of their mane. They're sturdy and reliable.
A (Shelby--Peridot): A squirrel. She'll do anything to get what she wants. (Artists??)
A (Jennifer--Lapis): Maybe Lapis's alter ego, Bob--Bob would be a regal cat. The cat would cause trouble. Lapis had dry one-liners.
A (Erica--Sapphire&Padparadscha): Padparadscha would be a "slemur." A sloth lemur. A hyper-aware but slow creature. Sapphire would be an antelope, but in the arctic.
A (Kimberly--Jasper): The African Bush Elephant, which is the strongest animal in the world. Then also maybe the Muskox.
A (Grace--Connie): A companion animal that's really smart, like an Australian Shepherd.
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Q (for all): Share socials, other projects, and outros!
A (Sarah): She's on Instagram and she's in the first season of Hazbin Hotel, plus some hush-hush stuff.
A (Deedee): She's on Instagram and is voicing occasionally on Kiff. Thank you to Streamily.
A (AJ): She's on Instagram and is releasing a new album with her sister (Aly & AJ).
A (Shelby): She's on Instagram, and she just released a kids' book with her husband called Martee Dares to Dance. She directed her first short for a film festival and directing a music video. Also "mommin' so hard."
A (Jennifer): She is working on some secret projects. She did some voiceover on a game. She's developing a musical with her husband called Proud Marys. She's writing and producing things she can't talk about, but hopefully soon!
A (Erica): She's on Instagram and the bird site that shall remain nameless. She can't talk about her current projects. Things she's apeared on before will be involved.
A (Kimberly): She's on Instagram and can't talk about upcoming stuff and doesn't quite know the process for some of them. She's in a new thing: she is in Arcane as Sky. And she's done some work on The Simpsons and South Park.
A (Grace): She's on Instagram and worked on Clone Drone in the Hyperdome as Kata, and she plays bass in a band called Starling.
That's it! You can get signed prints at Streamily!
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year ago
omg when halloween comes we’re gonna need a top!jj smut (ofc) where they dress up and r’s outfit is very revealing
they go trick or treating with henry and the rest of the bau, so jj has to keep her hands to herself. eventually henry goes to bed and jj finally gets her hands on r
you’re the person i can see writing this AMAZINGLY
Cute Costume
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 4k+
Summary: There are not many good costumes to choose from when you need to buy one last minute. Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with a very revealing one. JJ is loving it, though, and even if you have a party to go to, she's finding it hard to keep her hands to herself.
Warnings: fingering (r receiving); oral (r receiving); edging kinda; top!JJ, bottom!r; clit play; nipple play; praise kink; JJ has a thing for costumes I guess?
A/N: This is a little different from the request. I just kind of ditched the trick-or-treating with Henry idea for a costume party... but anyways I hope you enjoy!
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“God, this is ridiculous,” you muttered to yourself as you twisted and turned in front of the mirror. Currently, you were squeezed into a much too short for your liking, Dorothy dress. The way you grimaced at yourself in the mirror as you took in the way the skirt of the dress stopped far too high up your thighs was almost comical. You tried to pull down at the fabric, but it still remained just as short as you suspected. “Oh god,” you groaned again as your eyes made their way to the massive amount of cleavage that was visible with the top of the dress. 
Your eyes turned back to the other pile of outfits still waiting in their packages for you to try on. This was supposed to be the most modest one. Garcia picked out all of them, of course. And there weren’t even a lot to choose from to begin with. Not when Halloween was just a few days away. You hadn’t even planned to dress up, but Garcia decided to throw a last minute costume party and you couldn’t say no. Or, well, more like JJ agreed for you. And even with her party being semi-last minute, your costume planning was even more so. JJ had promised to go with you, but now it’s the day before the party and that still hasn’t happened. Why you thought Penelope would be a good alternative to costume shop with you, you didn’t know. All you did know was that you were seriously regretting that decision now. Apparently, when you said you wanted a cute costume, you two had very different definitions. 
Still in your short, little Dorothy dress, you filed through the other bags of costumes you had yet to try. It seemed like everything else had less fabric— meaning it showed even more skin than you’d like. If you went out to look for more costumes would you even be successful at this point?
“Hey how’s it— oh my gosh!” Penelope peaked her head in the changing room that moment, cutting off her own question the moment she saw you. “That. Is. Adorable!” She opened more of the changing room curtain as she took in your outfit and suddenly you had the urge to cover your whole body.
“Penelope,” you hissed, “all of these costumes show too much skin!”
“Just wait until you have the leggings and the shoes…” she didn’t seem to be listening to your protests. “Oh, and the basket! It’s perfect, you look so cute.”
“No, nope, no.” You shook your head. “This dress is too short. We need to go back out and find something else.” 
“I picked out the best I could find in the time we had,” Penelope pointed out. “So your only option is that one or to try the others.”
You looked back at the other options and thought it over. Part of you wasn’t so sure Penelope really looked for other costumes that fit your one request. There had to be something cuter… but then again the store was really cleared out. If you sent Penelope back out there for a second look she might come back with costumes you hate even more than the untried ones. Do you gamble for something better than this Dorothy costume or do you settle? 
“Did you try the Harley Quinn costume? I think that’s a good one too.” Garcia was now going through all the others she picked for you to try. “Maybe that one is-“ 
“No!” You panicked. That one showed your whole midriff and the shorts seemed shorter than the dress is. Dorothy might be your safest bet after all. “This is fine,” you looked down at your dress and gulped. “I love the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is great. It's very…” you gave Penelope a forced smile, “…cute.” 
“Isn’t it?” Penelope beamed at you, obviously proud of her own choices for your costume. “You look great!”
And that’s how you got saddled with a costume you’d never in a million years guess you’d be wearing. Penelope did set you up with all the rest of the accessories. The stockings, the red shoes, even the basket with a small dog plushie that was supposed to resemble Toto. 
Much like when you were in the store’s dressing room, it was a day later and you were now staring at yourself in the mirror with the same look on your face. The grimace was deep. You couldn’t imagine your wife’s whole team seeing you in this outfit and taking you seriously ever again. But then again, you thought about Penelope’s costume choice and you were a little relieved that you wouldn’t be the only one in an outfit you (and most others probably) would categorize as sexy. At least with Penelope’s sexy bunny outfit, she really knew how to wear it. It was perfect for her and she wore it with confidence. You, on the other hand, looked quite nervous and uncomfortable as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Sexy wasn’t really your vibe… especially in a public setting, but there’s a first for everything, right?
“Hey, are you almost ready?” JJ called from somewhere in the house. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer her, not when you were still stuck staring at yourself. Your mind was running through every possible back up plan you could think of, but there was no plan B for a costume change. The only options were excuses to cancel. Maybe you could say Henry was sick? But they probably knew he was with Will this weekend. What if you said you were sick? That wasn’t going to work and you knew it. JJ wouldn’t lie and she seemed like she really wanted to go to the party either way. Could you fake being sick to JJ? Maybe if you made it convincing… That wouldn’t work either. She would see right through you. You were screwed. 
“Hey, is everything—“ She cut herself off when she came to a skidding halt in the middle of the bedroom. “Holy shit.” 
You spun around so fast and your heart felt like it leapt in your throat. When your eyes landed on her, you froze much in the same way.
You had the same reaction that JJ did when you saw each other in costume. She was dressed as Supergirl and you didn’t think there was anything more fitting. Lucky for JJ, she had this costume ready so she didn’t need to shop. She looked so confident in it too, heroic even. There wasn’t a better costume. And it made her fifty times more attractive to you, if that were even possible.
Meanwhile, as JJ took in your short dress and the cleavage popping out from the top of it just right, her pupils were blown. She was practically salivating over how hot she found you in that outfit. Everything, in her opinion, complimented your body perfectly and all she could think about was getting her hands on you. 
It was really unexpected for her, to see that this was the costume you went with. She really didn’t expect for you to agree to something like this, but she knew it was all Garcia’s doing. Thank god for Garcia, JJ thought as she took in the way the dress made your legs look. 
“Wow,” JJ said with a heavy breath. “Look at you.” She suddenly was taking quick strides to where you were still standing frozen. She stopped right in front of you and her eyes dropped to your legs again before slowly dragging back up your body.
“Wow,” she sighed again. “This costume…”
“Ugh,” you groaned. “I know, it’s not really me.” 
“It’s just very unexpected,” JJ said as she reached out and played with the frill at the end of your dress. “But not bad. Definitely not bad.” Her hands were quickly making their way under your dress. There wasn’t much of your thighs that weren’t exposed by the shortness of the costume, but JJ was making quick work to run her hands up what wasn’t shown. 
“Hey- Stop!” You whined as you swatted JJ’s hand away. “It was all they had, okay?”
“Uh huh,” JJ hummed as her hands moved up the backs of your thighs. “It’s so… short.”
“Yeah, well,” you huffed, your hands bracing against JJ’s shoulders as she kept trying to practically grope you. She didn’t seem to care that you were trying your best to keep her from being all over you. “There’s not many options when you go looking for a costume the Friday before Halloween and you still want to look cute.” 
“Cute,” JJ repeated as her hands kept creeping up your dress. You let out a gasp when her hands reached your ass and she squeezed, effectively pulling you completely into her body. “Cute isn’t exactly the word I would go with…” she trailed off as she leaned forward and kissed down your barely covered chest. You bit your lip and tried your best to pretend like this wasn’t having an effect on you, but the way she was groping at you and pressing her body into yours had you blushing. 
“JJ…” you warned as her hands left your ass, only for one to return between your inner thighs. “JJ we have a party to-“ 
You were cut off with another gasp as you felt JJ boldly push your panties to the side with her fingers and press them to your clit. JJ looks up from where her lips were attached to your breast to see the flushed look on your face and the grin she gave you was nothing short of satisfied with herself for eliciting such a response in you. 
Part of you wanted to roll your eyes, but the way JJ quickly began rubbing circles against your clit only made them flutter closed. Your nails dug into JJ’s shoulder as she pressed more firmly to your clit. “You know,” She whispered against the bare skin of the top of your breasts. “I take it back. You do look cute like this.” 
She was being such an ass, but deep down you fucking loved it. Your hips barely moved against her as she kept playing with your clit, but she noticed and smirked even more at your actions. Your nails were digging harder into JJ now as she kept playing with you and you were sure your face was bright red from the way she was quickly working your body up. The fact that you were already so wet was embarrassing, especially when you had to leave at any minute. 
JJ, on the other hand, was enjoying this. The way everything about that costume just made it so easy for her to get hands on you was just another bonus in her mind. She kissed your lips and you immediately melted into her. You could feel her smirking against your lips as you kissed her back, but didn’t even care with how she kept touching you. When she pulled back from the kiss, all too soon, her lips fell yet again to what was exposed of your chest and she trailed them down with kisses and bites that were almost rough enough to leave marks behind. 
“What if we had a quickie before the party?” JJ’s voice was muffled by the way she had her head buried in your chest again. “I want to fuck you in that dress.” 
“JJ!” You finally had the sense to stop her from all that she was doing. “We don’t have time for this!” You pushed at her shoulders now and her fingers stopped. 
“So?” She said, looking up at you with the biggest pout.
“You know how I feel about being late.” You took a step back on shaky legs, trying to regain composure and pretend like the ache between your legs wasn’t tempting you. 
“Come on,” JJ whined. “You can’t tell me you’re good to go to the party now after—“ 
“Yes, we’re going now.” You didn’t want her to finish that sentence. She was going to break your resolve so fast if she kept looking at you like that. And you really did hate being late.
For someone who had such a serious life or death job like JJ, she really could be such a child. The way she sat next to you in the car, pouting the whole way, was ridiculous. You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes every time you looked over at her. She was also sure to let out very loud huffs any time her hand slid up your exposed thighs while you sat and you managed to swat it away. 
You had hoped that once you got to the party, JJ would be distracted enough by other people to stop being fixated on your costume. You were so wrong. If you were talking to someone across the room, you could still feel her eyes on you. Or more specifically, on your legs. Even if she was in a conversation with someone else, she was still frequently trying to check you out. 
When you were near her, she somehow was able to sneak subtle touches or just flat out grab your ass when no one was looking. It had you blushing like crazy, but no one seemed to notice. Lucky for you, you thought. 
All of JJ’s grabbiness did annoy you, but not because she was doing it necessarily. If you told her to completely keep her hands off she absolutely would. No, it was annoying you because it was reminding you of that unsolved ache between your legs that you chose to leave with. The more she touched your thighs, the more you squirmed and then that reaction just fueled JJ even more. It got to the point where you tried your best to stay on one side of the party with other friends while she stayed on the other. But that only worked for a while, as she kept trying to gravitate towards you. 
At one point, she wasn’t paying attention to the path in which she “naturally” tried to move towards you. She took a few steps backwards in your direction, hoping to land next to you, as she kept up the conversation. Only with this attempt, she took too far of a step back and bumped her back into yours. 
“Oh shit!” She exclaimed and you turned quickly to see that her actions had led her to spill her drink all over the front part of her costume. Part of you wanted to say that that was what she got for teasing you so much in public, but you held back. When she looked down at her wet clothes and back up at you she was wearing this helpless puppy kind of expression and you knew what she was going to ask before she even said. 
“Will you help me get cleaned up?” Her eyes didn’t show any ulterior motive. You looked at her for a moment before sighing. 
“Okay,” you gave in. “Come on.” You pulled her to Penelope’s bathroom, effectively missing the victorious grin that JJ had as she followed. 
In the bathroom, you immediately knew where Penelope kept some towels so you went shuffling in the right cabinet for them. Bent down and sifting through your towel options, you were completely unaware of JJ creeping up behind you. That is, until two hands again grabbed your ass. 
“Oh my god!” You jumped up and spun around. “We’re in Penelope’s bathroom!”
“So?” JJ gave you a guilt grin. “You just look so good in that outfit.” She took a few steps closer until there was barely any room between the two of you.
“There’s people outside.” You poked a finger in her chest, trying to talk some sense into her. 
“We can be quick and quiet.”
“You’re all wet,” you pointed out. “You’re going to get me all wet too.”
“That’s the plan,” JJ beamed and you just rolled your eyes at that. 
“You’re insufferable.” You swatted at JJ again, but she didn’t seem deterred. Her eyes were back to being glued to your breasts and the way the corset of the dress pressed them together just right. 
“I need to touch you.” Her voice was low this time and the way she said that wasn’t cocky or whiny or anything other than just hungry. You gulped at this shift and your eyes met JJ’s again. Her pupils were yet again blown and you watched as her eyes dragged from your chest down to your legs. She took another step closer, one of her hands trailing down your body until it reached your legs. Her nails slowly dragged up the exposed skin of your thighs until they reached your dress, but that didn’t stop her. Her nails kept dragging up with the fabric of the dress coming up with them. 
“Let’s get out of here,” you said breathlessly, not really processing that you said it at all. 
“Absolutely,” JJ agreed eagerly, her hand already tugging you out of the bathroom.
If you thought the drive to the party was bad, this was way worse. JJ’s hand stayed high up on your thigh the whole time you drove and she didn’t miss the way you squirmed under it. Her eyes were also locked on you. The way she looked at you had your heart rate increasing too and, if you were being honest, just this alone was making you wet.
You fully expected JJ to drag you into the house and throw you onto the bed, but to your surprise she walked rather calmly to the door. It was when the door shut behind you that she did finally pounce. “Oh my god!” You yelped as JJ pushed your back against the front door and immediately fell to her knees. Her arms were hooked around your thighs in no time and her face immediately buried between your legs. Before you could even process it, her lips, tongue, and teeth were on your inner thighs and you were scrambling to grasp at something for support. 
You settled for the edges of the door frame as one of JJ’s hands snakes up your thigh and pulled down your panties. Immediately after that you felt her tongue take one long lick of your folds. Your nails dug into the woodwork of the door and you whimpered the second she repeated her actions.
Good thing Henry was at Will’s, you thought as a full blown moan left your lips the second JJ’s tongue met your clit. 
“Fuck,” JJ mumbled against your pussy. “I’ve been dying to taste you all night.” 
“M-mhm,” you mumbled as your eyes fell closed. The way she was lapping at your clit already had caused your thighs to tremble slightly. She was wasting no time in working you up the way you were before leaving for the party. But this time you weren’t going to tell her to stop.
Except, after another minute she did just that. You huffed and looked down, only to see JJ give you yet another smug grin as she peaked her head out from under your dress. 
“Not yet,” she taunted before getting up. Her hand immediately reached for yours and pulled you to the bedroom. You reluctantly followed on shaking legs. When you reached the bedroom, she pushed you down onto the mattress with surprising force. 
You looked back up at her to protest only to stop when you realized she was stripping in front of you. No matter how many times you saw JJ, it never got old and you immediately blushed when she caught you staring.
“You look so fucking hot in that little dress,” JJ praised as she fully undressed. “But I’m going to want to rip it off you now.” She stalked towards the bed until she reached the foot of it. Slowly, almost like a predator hunting its prey, she crawled onto it and over to you. Her hands grabbed at the ends of the dress, pulling it up slowly. Blue eyes never left yours as she pulled the whole dress off you and you let her. With your panties already off and somewhere in the hallway, you were left completely bare now.
JJ tossed the dress somewhere in the room and immediately fell onto you with her lips attaching to yours. “It’s so fucking hard,” she said between kisses, “to keep my hands off you when you look so good.” Her lips pressed harder and harder to yours and soon you had parted your lips for her tongue to invade your mouth.
Arms wrapped around her waist so that you could pull both your bare bodies together. The way she slightly rocked herself into you had a small whine fall from your lips. Her tongue was busy running along your own as her nails yet again dragged down your body until they got to your thighs. She slowly parted your legs even more under her before circling your clit.
This time she only did that for a few seconds before moving her fingers further down to circle your entrance. Her lips left yours and moved back to your chest, only to leave actual marks this time across your breasts. When her teeth clamped down onto one of your nipples and pulled slightly, you hissed. But that hiss quickly turned into a loud gasp as, without warning, JJ entered you with two fingers up to her knuckles. 
“Oh god,” you cried as her fingers didn’t even take a second to set a fast pace. She was putting her whole body behind the way she pulled her fingers out almost completely only to slam them back in. 
“That’s it,” JJ cooed after releasing your nipple. “That’s my good girl.”
“Fuckkkk,” you groaned as she fucked her fingers up into you. She wasn’t wasting any time and it felt like both a blessing and a curse. The rough way she was fucking you wasn’t something you expected or prepared for, but god did it feel so fucking good.
With your arms around her waist, you held her impossibly tighter as both of you practically shook the bed with how hard she was fucking you. You tried to keep up, fucking yourself on her fingers with each time she pumped them back up into you. With the way she had been teasing you all night and how she had played with your clit off and on, you were already getting close.
JJ knew it too and she started to whisper praises in your ear as she curled her fingers inside you. “You’re taking my fingers so well,” she purred. “I need to feel you cum on them, baby.” She pumped her fingers even harder into you and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying out. 
“Cum for me,” JJ continued. “Cum all over my fingers.” And you did with a pathetic whine. JJ helped you ride out your orgasm, slowly as you came down from it. 
After a moment, JJ’s body relaxed on top of you and you felt a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Holy fuck.” You let out a breathless chuckle. “All that for some silly costume?”
“You looked really hot in it,” JJ said, grinning down at you. You just rolled your eyes and started to lift your hand to swat at JJ’s shoulder. Only, JJ caught it mid air and pinned it back to the mattress with impressive speed and force. “But we’re not done yet.”
And she really meant that. At some point in the multiple hours of JJ enjoying your body, you had missed a text from Penelope. It seemed you had totally forgotten to say goodbye when you two hurried out of the party. But from her text it seemed like she had a feeling this was how it would go. You just knew you weren’t going to hear the end of it the next time you saw her…
Tags: @geekyandgay98 @desperate-gay @high--power @finleyfray @natashamaximoff69 @inlovewithemilyprentiss @storiesofsvu @demonicbaby666 @lovelyy-moonlight @jareguiromanoff @dj-bynum3718 @kalixxh
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kiwihrt · 1 year ago
snowflakes falling gently ; hyj
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m.list le sserafim m.list
summary. while taking a walk in the park, you run into someone—literally.
pairing. huh yunjin x gn!reader
genre. fluff, meet-cute, romantic.
word count. 0.8k words
warnings. non-idol au, a little cliché, one use of y/n, takes place in new york, yunjin introduces herself as jennifer since this takes place in ny/they’re speaking english.
✐ wanted to write a cute winter fic before the season ended <3 anyway, no longer going to be doing coloured text on my fics (unless it’s one in the drafts) because my computer is so slow i can’t get the website up </3
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Your boots made a low clicking sound every time they hit the salted, snow free pavement of the sidewalk. There were still a few fallen leaves on the grass surrounding you that hadn’t blown away during autumn, and became blanketed under the now melting snow.
You appreciated the near silence you were given. Apart from the distant cars, and the few chattering voices, this area of the park was rather silent. It was different from what you were used to, and you enjoyed it.
You had the thought in the back of your mind that this would’ve been even better if you had a warm coffee with you, but it was too late for that now. You decided you’d get one on the way back to your apartment.
As you walked, you tried to get two steps in every square of the sidewalk. You wondered if this made you look strange to others—taking unusually large steps. You chose to ignore it. It was New York, anyway. Who cares.
A woman with a small dog passed by you, and she ignored you, but the dog had a look in its eyes like it wanted to run up to you. If given the okay, you would’ve ran right up to it—it was so cute.
You adjusted your two steps per square into three steps, looking up as you realized it was beginning to snow.
You tended to get in your own head often, losing sight of what’s around you. You were eyeing a snowflake that was headed right for you, and next thing you knew you were running into someone, who gasped in shock and tumbled back a few steps.
You looked down, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. There was no way that just happened.
You tried to rush out an apology, but you laid your eyes on the most beautiful girl you think you had ever seen. Her hair was dyed a deep, cherry red, similar to the colour staining her cheeks—which you guessed were red from the biting cold. And her eyes, a gorgeous honey brown, were wide with shock.
You weren’t really one to get speechless at the sight of someone beautiful, but in this moment, you found that you were.
She spoke first, saving you both from what could’ve been a terribly awkward silence.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you alright?” She sounded just as embarrassed as you felt, but her voice was still soft and sweet and made you feel giddy inside. What was wrong with you?
“I— oh, I’m fine. I wasn’t looking where I was going either.” You laugh, a little embarrassed and you scratch the back of your neck. You find that you can hardly keep eye contact with her. Repeatedly looking from her to the ground. You probably looked ridiculous.
As your head is down, you hear her laugh, and when you look up, her nose is scrunched up and it’s adorable. She doesn’t say why she laughed, and her cheeks are still red. You begin to wonder if it’s from the cold or embarrassment.
Before you could let the silence go on for too long, you said, “I’m Y/n.” You half-wondered if she had planned on leaving and you had just made her stay longer by introducing yourself. Usually when people run into each other, they don’t start a whole conversation—they just go about their days.
“I’m Jennifer.” She smiled. Her lips were stained a soft red colour, complimenting her hair and red tights.
You pursed your lips together when you realized you had nothing else to say—you weren’t very good at small talk. You said what came to your mind first. “The weather isn’t to bad today, is it? I mean, for winter anyway. It’s starting to warm up, just a bit.” You blinked away the snowflakes that had fallen onto your eyelashes.
“Yeah, it’s not bad. A walk felt like a nice way to spend the morning.” Jennifer looked down at the snow glittering over the grass, then back up to you. “I was… just on my way to grab a coffee. You could come with me, if you want? I mean, if you weren’t busy.” She sounded nervous, choosing her words carefully.
You felt your heart warm, and you hoped you didn’t look too excited on the outside. “Sure, I was actually going to as well.” You couldn’t help the smile that was on your face.
At this, she smiled to. Her smile was as beautiful as the sun’s rays peeking through the clouds in the evening. “Great, there’s a new place I actually wanted to try, if that’s all right?” She began to walk, and you started to walk with her. You just nodded, and she began talking again. The way she spoke, so carefree and light, with the wind pulling her hair back, it all made you feel entranced. Was it too soon for you to feel this way? Was it possible that love at first sight was as real as books said it was?
It wasn’t long before you reached the café. Inside it smelled like pastries and freshly made coffee. You both quickly got your order and sat down.
As you looked out the window momentarily, you wondered if by the time flowers were blooming, your relationship would begin to bloom as well.
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@ sakufilms
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