#and her main goal in life is to find out what happened to the dunmer so she can hunt them down and get revenge for her people ✌️
elminsters · 5 months
if i posted my skyrim oc some of you would lose your mind
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experiment282 · 6 years
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Petra went into the market the following day, hoping to sell some of the things she found on the way, you know, to get some coin. She met up with a few, like Brand-Shei whom, for a Dunmer, had a very unusual name...
It looked like she picked up her first piece of work here. Sounded simple. Sold a few things to him, then met the unhappy Grelka. Petra didn’t want to admit that she knew how she felt. 
She wandered past a red-headed man, who had the audacity to comment on the amount of coin she carried. He mentioned that wealth is his business. His clothing suggested as such, Petra gave him a listen.
His description of framing someone threw her off at first, as she stated that she wasn’t sure. His offer still stood, but she then never saw him for the rest of the day. Later that night, she went to the Talos statue, hidden behind everything and spoke with the local Priestess. She seemed amicable enough. But then she talked about the White-Gold Concordat and how she’’s lost a child to this war.
Time went past until she didn’t realize she had zoned out, sleeping in front of the statue for the remainder of the night. The next day, she tried to avoid the market, at behest of this man that, while he didn’t want to kill Petra, had an eye for her. For what he was proposing, combined what happened prior to her arriving in Riften, she had every right not to trust him.
She stayed there the whole day, gnawing on food she still had on her persons. Then that very night, she watched the torchbugs float about. She wrapped her arms around her knees and just stared, thinking about her life thus far, but the red-headed bastard seemed to nudge himself into her brain.
Next thing she knew, she heard footsteps. It was him, wasn’t it? He sat down next to her, never bothering to look at her face as he spoke.
"I thought I already told you no.” She said coldly.
He was silent briefly, before he replied.
"You like to hide? I know. But, you could use that to your advantage."
"I don't want to hide." She said out bluntly.
"Could have fooled me." He joked. 
She groaned and stood up and turned to look at the Talos statue, trying to ignore him but really, Petra thought why he wanted to hire her, the girl in the torn, yellow dress?
"You're not saying this out of pity are you?" She questioned with such the bored monotone in her voice.
"You think this city is going to feed you that? You're wrong. You can't find pity. Nor can you sell, use it or even eat it. I'm giving you the choice lass, a choice for your freedom to claim what you want, when you want it. That you can make so much coin that you can afford to stand around and do nothing. No one cares about your past. Nor your future. You came to hide? No one else will bother to find you." He explained.
He was blunt, to the point. But...
"Good." She said.
She’d hoped it’d be the end of it. But...
"If you do this, I can get you somewhere to stay. A place to call your own. Sure you'd have to do work once in a while but that work involves a bit of risk but your main goal is not to be seen. We'll never ask you to kill anyone. Just their hearts. Just kidding, but it's just taking people down a peg or two."  He said.
She sighed. But thought about it. Not being seen would be nice. If it would get this idiot off her back.
"What do you want me to do?"
He told her to wait until morning, around eight to start to start his plan. It involved Brand-Shei of all people. Taking a ring from Madesi’s strong box then reverse pickpocketing it on Brand-Shei. Petra felt ill, only accepting the small request to help him find his origins. 
Did she plan to? Maybe. She wasn’t so sure. She took it up because it seemed like it was the nice thing to do, maybe get some coin out of it. But...
What was the chance of her finding that out? She was kicking herself to agreeing to this but she really needed the coin. So as this man, whom the townsfolk called Brynjolf, displayed his miracle Falmerbood Elixir while Petra went to work.
She had some experience sneaking and somewhat found it thrilling. The art of remaining unseen and doing some damage from a distance was appealing to her. Lockpicking wasn’t at all entirely hard to her, since....well, let’s just say days at a farm can be mighty boring at times.
As soon as the got the ring, she planted it and the job was done.
This Brynjolf was surprised the plan went without a hitch, as he congratulated Petra on a good job and offered her to come to his organization as it had a string of bad luck it seemed. Petra still wasn’t sure. 
He claimed to want to speak about her future and let her make up her mind. He wandered off, as she stood and watched Brand-Shei get arrested by the town guard.
She’d never forget how she felt about doing it though. She was an awful person.
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