#and her being so proud that A) she could help and B) her dad is proud
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weirdocat83 · 3 months ago
Spoilers for arcane!!
I wonder if Ekko ended up getting curious abt the father/daughter relationship between silco and jinx. I mean, in episode 7 we see a whole alternate universe where silco and jinx are good. I call bullshit if you’re telling me they’re not close over there. So imagine Ekko seeing this and suddenly recontextualizing basically everything he knows abt jinx. Especially if Ekko ends up talking to Silco and realizing he’s not actually that bad of a guy when he’s just hanging out.
I mean, for one, the silly potential of alt!Silco being like “I was a giant dumbass and I needed some damn therapy or at least someone to talk to” and Ekko slowly realizing that maybe the reason Jinx is so fucked up is because her and her evil dad were equally fucked up at the time and just trying to achieve their goals whilst coping, but he can’t say that aloud so what he does say is “huh.” Meanwhile silco is looking at him strange because the dude has the look of someone who just solved the world’s greatest mysteries despite him having heard this info before (in his perspective, at least.)
For two, the angst potential of “hey so I went to another universe where you and your dad Weren’t Evil and he was actually lowkey chill so I wanna know what he was like for you” and for a moment jinx just looks at him in a “wtf” kinda way but then she just accepts it bc That Might As Well Happen (also the added evidence of his little machine and injuries that Were Not There Before) and starts telling him stories ranging from stupid to cute to sad and she’s breaking down halfway through them because lately she hasn’t had that much time to grieve him properly especially since a lot of people hated him so to reminisce with someone who she actually cares abt who is willing to listen and not write her off is therapeutic. Also I just think Jinx absoLUTELY has some hilarious silco stories. They probably bond over the course of the whole thing.
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shrimpybbq · 5 months ago
season 2 rafe with his gf & son
(p.s. their son is called Charlie!)
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in season 2, so much is growing and changing for rafe and his little family
ever since rafe had come back from the tarmac with his father, something had changed in him, and his girlfriend noticed. he was always shifty and unfocused, and constantly in talks with his father behind closed doors. his ramblings never make sense to her, but all she can do is soothe him
gf is constantly caring for a mentally unwell rafe, making sure he eats and sleeps. she jokes that he's her second baby, but it's not far from the truth at that point
gf moves back into rafe's room shortly after sarah and john b 'died', and each night the couple sleep tightly intertwined. to rafe, his gf is his lifeline and he can't bear to be separated from her
rafe is aware that his gf is grieving sarah, and he does feel bad, especially when charlie asks for 'aunty sawah'
rafe is doing his best to step up for his family however, and he tries to be there as much as possible them. he starts helping out with meals more and spends his free time playing with his son and reading books to him, taking him out on the boat too
when ward asks rafe to come with him to the bahamas, rafe tells his gf straight away. she's reading in their bed when he comes in softly smiling and a little teary.
"Guess what, baby?" Rafe asked, only to receive a low hum in response, "my dad, uh, he wants me to come with him to the Bahamas tomorrow."
At that she looked up, wide eyed and shocked. "Tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I-I know it's last minute but he said he needs me. You hear that - he needs me!" Rafe exclaimed, watching as his girl climbed out of the bed to wrap her arms around his waist. He felt the tension in his muscles relaxing at the feeling of her hands soothingly rubbing up and down his back.
"I told you he would come around, Rafe. You've been working so hard to prove yourself to him, and he sees it," she said, her voice muffled against his chest, "I'm proud of you."
when ward shows rafe the gold in the safe, all he can think about is being able to provide for his family. His heart feels warm and fuzzy when his dad praises him for looking after his own son, and he's just on top of the world in that moment
it all seems to come crashing down again so quickly and he's back in the obx with no gold, and a sister back from the dead. he comes back to tannyhill high on coke again and sweet gf gets so so mad at him
the couple have a bad fight, and then he has an argument with his dad, all culminating in rafe's meeting with sarah at the docks. gf is left alone with their son once again, feeling a sense of deja vu
she’s there when the police search tannyhill, scared and crying and clutching charlie tightly, his small babbles breaking her out of her stupor. the sheriff comes to ask her of rafe's whereabouts and she's just shocked and crying, having to be taken upstairs by rose as she mutters a stream of "no, no, no"
When Ward tells rafe to run, he only thinks about his family.
“No, no - I can’t leave them behind. I can’t go without them.”
“Rafe, give it a month or two and they can come join you, alright? It’s just for a while.”
gf being beside herself while rafe was in jail, rose and wheezie having to force her to eat and shower. she was so stressed and worried for him, knowing how fragile he was. she begs shoupe to let her see him, but is denied
after ward's death and rafe's release, his girlfriend is there to collect him from the police station. they're both sad about ward and gf comforts him as they watch ward's last video, hands clasped tightly together
when rafe learns that the cameron’s are in debt, he loses it. he can’t conceive the possibility their lives could change, and he especially can’t fathom the idea of not being able to provide for his girlfriend and son. he wants to be able to give them everything, especially when they have more children in the future like he plans
gf compliments his new clothes after he goes through ward's closet, telling him he looks handsome and like his father (his ego grows exponentially)
instead of rafe being interrupted by rose doing coke, it’s his gf, and though he gets mad initially, he’s soon sobbing into her embrace once again. he's just so sad and overwhelmed, but he'd never EVER dream of pulling a knife on his person
gf is spending most of her time in the cameron mansion, looking after little charlie, and watching over wheezie too
it's only once rafe frantically tells her they're all going to guadeloupe, does she start to realise that maybe the police had been correct in their suspicions
"Rafe... did you do it?" She whispered, her heart pounding so rapidly and with such vigour she thought it might rip from her chest. Rafe stilled above his luggage, his body frozen. His lack of response was answer enough.
"Oh my god," she cried, "You did! Why Rafe? Why would you do that to the Sheriff?"
Rafe turned around now, looking at his girlfriend pleadingly as she sobbed loudly, "I did it for us, ok? For you, me, and Charlie! To keep you safe - I did it for this family! Me! I kept us safe!" he yelled, his hands gripping tightly at her biceps. Rafe swore he felt a part of his heart break off at the scared look floating in her eyes, embracing her shaking frame tightly.
"It's gonna be all over soon, because we're gonna get on that boat and away from here, and everything is going to perfect. We're gonna be happy, ok?" He watched as she simply nodded against his chest, her tears soaking his grey jumper.
on the boat, gf sits with sarah comfortingly, both still in shock that ward was alive. ward had been so pleased to see his grandson, and she sat with the blonde toddler in her arms as he slept
“How can you be ok with this?” Sarah asked incredulously. She watched the girls face drop, her expression melancholic.
“I-I’m not, not entirely. But Sarah,” she began, “I have to do what’s right for Charlie, you know that. And Rafe, he and Ward promised that they would keep us safe, so I need to believe that, ok? I have to believe that,” she affirmed. Sarah noted it was almost like she was convincing herself as well, but not quite believing her words.
rafe coming to their shared cabin after speaking with an injured ward, crawling into bed and resting his head on her chest, sighing deeply as he feels her fingers run tenderly through his hair, silently crying after the days events, mumbling how much he loves her
gf battling her own thoughts and concerns, but knowing that as much as she is worried and scared, she could never leave rafe's side now - she was in way too deep. rafe was entirely dependant on his family and as much as she wished to pretend otherwise, rafe and their son made up her whole world
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click here for pre-season 1 rafe, gf & their unborn son
click here for season 1 rafe, gf & their son
click here for season 3 rafe, gf & their son
click here for season 4 part 1 rafe, gf & their son
click here for the 18 month gap before season 4 rafe, gf & their son
(apparently season 2 happens over a two week period, and with all the things rafe is doing, realistically gf is alone with their son a lot of the time, so that's why most of these head canons are based off events)
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maidservant-hecubus · 8 months ago
My father is an Ashkenazi Jew. His parents were first generation Americans. Their parents escaped the pogroms in Russia and Ukraine and came to find their American dream. They fought in wars and opened businesses and assimilated and my generation barely has a few words of Yiddish between us. My mother is as much of a WASP as it gets. American Revolutionaries and Signers and some household name civil war feature players. Not old money, but old America and undoubtedly white. I'm patrilineal. Not a Jew to a lot of Jews. Not a Jew to a lot of my Jewish family. Even though i was raised Jewish. Even though I look like my father. Even though i got enough of something in my DNA to get asked "What are you?" more often than not. More often than I'm just accepted at face value as "white". When i was little we lived in an Irish Catholic neighborhood. Like the 5-10 kids in every family sort of Irish catholic neighborhood. The kids calling me a christ killer and refusing to play with me because they heard it from their parents sort of irish catholic neighborhood. For some reason my parents tried to send me to the catholic school down the street. I lasted less than a week because i didn't understand their rituals and their language and they found out my father was a Jew and they couldn't have a christ killer in their midst. I was just sad i didn't get to wear the cute plaid skirt anymore. So i went to the public school and my well meaning shiksa mother who never converted but learned the Chanukah prayers and helped cook Seder dinners came to the school to teach the class about Chanukah. She taught them songs and all the kids got dreidels and had so much fun spinning the top for chocolate coins. It was nice to feel normal. A few weeks later a boy in a higher grade attacked me on the way to the bus and smashed my art project (we had made pig noses from solo cups to celebrate reading charlotte's web) into my face and called me a filthy jew. I didn't understand, i was more upset to lose the project i was so proud of. Other things happened. Things I wont talk about because putting them in context would doxx me. But a million reminders that i wasn't one of them. I wasn't welcome because i was Jewish. My parents divorced. My mother left. Far away so I'd only see her a handful of times growing up. And I went to live with my Dad in a city that seemed like it was overflowing with Jews. Everyone knew my holidays! In public school the teachers looked like my family and had familiar sounding names. We had the high holy days off just like christmas or easter. We sang Chanukah songs in the winter recital and nobody's mom had to come teach them to the class. Finally I belonged! My friends and cousins started planning for their b mitzvah celebrations and i asked for my own. I asked to go to hebrew school so i could be more like the people i belonged with and celebrate the things i loved about myself and them. "But you're not jewish." My father would say. This was news to me. The christ killer. The filthy jew. But a 10 year old has little power over their lives. So i didn't go. I didn't have a bat mitzva while my cousins had theirs. It was okay because i still belonged more than i ever had. But i was still jewish enough to keep the holidays and pray and fast and get sent with a box of matzo to my WASP grandmothers for easter, and have matzo packed in my lunch to eat in AP algebra in 7th grade and get asked if I'm a "Yid" by the teacher. And still to this day not know if it was endearment or insult but by then I knew even in this magical city being a Jew wasn't always safe. in highschool I tried to take hebrew lessons with a friend in a similar situation as me. She was also hungry to reconnect. I don't remember why the classes or the friendship fell through, but they did. My next "friend", a goy raised catholic from another neighborhood, liked to accuse me of being money driven when i picked up a penny on the sidewalk or tried to ask who was going to pay for the zine's she wanted to publish.
 "What are you?" I'd get asked a lot on the street by curious strangers, "Where are you from?" "Are you Italian?" Always Italian. I never really understood that, but its become code in my head for "You look like you're white but something about you is very not white and I just can't place it, so Italian seems safe and polite." I'm not here to unpack the Italian part of all that. I don't even know what I'm unpacking for myself by writing this except I've been sick for days and I'm so tired and this is all that my foggy brain can wrap itself around. Later I'm an adult and on my own and getting bloodwork done. The Nurse is a black woman and so sweet to me. She can tell I'm nervous about the needles because I've already stumbled through my apologies for my herd to find veins. So she distracts me with small talk. Where do i live? I tell her. She looks worried for me. Tells me that it used to be a nice neighborhood before white people took it over and she warns me like she's my own mother to be careful because they aren't safe. I doublecheck the skin she's putting a needle into. Whatever she sees isn't white. I love her for it. For a moment I belong there with her. She doesn't ask what I am or where i'm from, but she knows what i'm not. I'm the only one keeping the holidays with my family. We celebrate Passover because I go home to my fathers and cook the dinner and print out the Haggadah and lead the Seder to the tune of my drunk catholic stepmother eating my food and telling me i'll never be a jew. She's more of a jew than I'll ever be because she grew up in a jewish neighborhood and her friends were all jews and she married a jew and i was just playing pretend. I stopped going home for holidays and they stopped observing anything except Christmas. I marry a goy. "Is he a jew?" is the first thing my father asks and he's disappointed when i say no. He's abusive, i run. I end up living in the attic of this older old money WASP couple who need a live in house sitter. They're pillars of their church and they know someone from the WASP side of my family very well and its a funny coincidence and they think i belong there. I know from their divest from Israel bumper stickers that i don't. Then they find out I consider myself Jewish and i see the light in their eyes die and its replaced by something hard and disappointed. Now, while writing this, i can laugh about being the jew in someone's attic. But then, it was only a few months after that they started coming up with excuses for why I needed to move out. I did, their excuses never manifested into reality. I got married again. A jew this time! a Jewish medical professional liek grandma always wanted. She's a convert and her ex was a rabbinical student. I think maybe i'm home finally. She has to understand. I'm not Jewish enough for her. We don't keep holidays at home because i'm not a jew. I cry every year when pesach comes and goes and i haven't recited the plagues or eaten matzo piled high with horseradish. She insists on putting up a christmas tree. She turns abusive. I run.
I'm alone now and no longer in that magic jewish city. I'm far away and surrounded by mega churches and cows and the bagels suck and people quote the bible at me like some call and response that i don't have the cheat code for and I don't belong here at all but i'm finally finally free to light my menorah and recite the plagues and study torah with the group i found here on tumblr who love and accept me even though i'm patrilineal. Oct. 7th happened a few weeks after I moved here. I worry about my family back home and i think no one will look for Jews here among the cows and mega churches, so I can be a safe place for them to run if things get bad again. But i still don't fit in here. I don't look right. The last name I have now is common here and too white for whatever people see when they look in my face. I get interrogated about it a lot. But i learned quickly how to smile and say "have a blessed day". I hide my menorah when maintenance comes to work on my apartment. I flew home last month. Just for a visit. I've never been away from home this far or this long. And I'm the type that covers nerves and anxiety with chattiness, so at the airport i made a for-now-friend while we both waited for the plane to board. She's Puerto Rican. We talk about our lives. Our families. Her twin sister and i go by the same nickname and so we're family now. We talk about food. So much food and how much we love cooking and how important food was at home. "Are you Italian?" she asks as we're stepping through the hatch into the plane. Why always Italian? I wonder for the millionth time in my life. And I freeze up for a moment between fighting my carry-on over the gap and terror that I'm about to see the light go out behind her eyes and i'll lose this for-now friend. "No," i laugh but its not a real laugh and i see the concern in her face as we squeeze through the aisle because she can hear the apprehension in my voice, "I'm Jewish." And something strange happened because her face lit up and she smiled and said "No way?! You guys have GREAT food!"
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nvtstvrns · 3 months ago
𝐵𝓊𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝓋𝑒𝓃
Dad!matt, mom!reader
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Summary: you already have a three year old kid and you’re currently 26 weeks (6 months) pregnant with your second kid. You can’t get your toddler to sleep and you get overwhelmed, Matt helps you.
Contains: dad!matt, fluff, pregnancy, toddler, mentions of anxiety.
Authors note: the unborn baby is going to be referred to as bun and the three year old is going to be named Aria (It’s too confusing to call it b/n)
Divider creds: me
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I was laying in Matt and I’s shared bed, Matt was laying next to me on his phone and Aria was sitting in between us, her little head was rested on my belly, where another baby is currently growing. I brush my hands through Aria’s soft hair and she watches Peppa Pig.
“Hey Ari, it’s time to go to bed, do you wanna tell daddy night night?” I ask the little girl resting on my belly, I forgot it was almost 10pm and she needed her sleep.
“No! Ion wanna go sleep!” She says her little arms crossing over her chest. She pouts next to me continuing to watch the tv.
“Matt a little help here?” I say tapping his shoulder making sure he wasn’t asleep or something. “She won’t go to bed.”
Matt turns to face us and he picks Aria up. “Come on Aria, don’t be so sad, you’ll see us and bun tomorrow morning.” He says looking over at my belly. I rub my hand on it and look up at Matt smiling softly.
“Yeah Ari, you need your sleep to grow big and strong.” I tell her. She crosses her arms again and lets out a “hmmph.” I roll my eyes and I pick her up off of Matt’s lap. “Let’s go sweetheart.”
“No! I wan daddy!” She says pulling away from me and while she was flailing her arms and legs she kicks my stomach. “Oh God…” I say putting a hand on my stomach and giving Aria back to Matt.
“Hey are you okay?” He asks quickly getting up out of bed to see if I was okay. “Did she kick you hard?”
“No I’m okay, I was just a little sore.” I say rubbing circles on my stomach.
“Okay, you’re gonna get in bed and you’re gonna go to sleep while I put Aria to bed, you aren’t getting up for anything, I’ll get it for you if you need it.” Matt says picking Aria up and starts carrying her to her bedroom.
I lay back in bed and smile contently. I had such a perfect guy taking care of me and our sweet daughter, and I could tell that he personally loves whenever he gets any kind of personal time with her. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant he wanted a girl more than anything in this world and when we opened that envelope to see what it was he was ecstatic. He jumped around and whooped, he told every single person in his family that we were having a girl, he was so so proud especially the day that she was born, he even cried that day. So seeing him take care of her now made me really happy to see.
When he came back to the bedroom I was half asleep with Peppa Pig still playing in the background. He quietly crawls into bed and turns the tv off. “Ooh baby, finally some alone time with my favorite girl.” He says kissing my cheek gently.
“I was just about to go to sleep Matt.” I say opening my eyes gently,
“Oh I’m sorry, go to sleep baby, do you want me to rub your head for you? I know you had a headache earlier.” I dismiss his offer with a wave of my hand as I slowly fall asleep.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
When I wake up the next morning Matt had already gotten Aria up and changed into her day clothes, she was already eating breakfast and watching her morning cartoons.
“Oh my god Matt, you’re too good to me.” I say taking it all in. I sit at the counter and he gets me a plate of food.
“I’m just being helpful, after Bun is born I’m gonna be working double, I’m trying to get the idea so I won’t be overwhelmed,” he says digging into his own breakfast.
“You’re too good to me.” I say after I swallow a forkful of eggs.
“Just taking care of my girls.” He says coming to kiss my cheek softly.
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Sorry this one was a little short, I didn’t know what to put in there to make it longer, I hope you enjoyed and have a great day!
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cherimoyatea · 3 months ago
Heyyyy I hope you are doing well!! Could you do rafayel as a girl daddd?? And the daughter is just like him, sassy and all? (Feel free to ignore!)
Hi Annonie!
I'm fine, thank you so much! Hope you're doing good too :)
Thank you for your request! I always imagined Rafayel as a girl dad, and I think their dynamic would be absolutely hilarious and nerve-wracking at the same time! Hope you like what I've come up with for this :)
Had so much fun researching a suitable name for his daughter and ended up sticking with Nerina, which comes from greek mythology and means ''mermaid'' hehe.
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❧ Rafayel- Double Trouble
Pairing: Rafayel x You Word Count: 969 Tags: married au, comedy, rafayel and cats, bratty daughter, overstimulated mom, thomas being bullied, tara
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''Moooom??'' You hear your daughter call from the other room while you're hiding in the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet lid to escape the madhouse you call home. You've only been away for five minutes, and just from the tone of Nerina's voice, you can tell she's already quarreling with Rafayel.
With an exasperated sigh, you let your head fall back and silently count down—waiting for the other parent in your household to call for you, too.
''Mcccc!?'' Ah, there it is! You roll your eyes at Rafayel's shrill voice, shaking your head at the Lemurian who sometimes feels like your second child.
''Nerina let that little demon into my studio! AGAIN!!''
The little ''demon'' is Miu, your daughter's pet cat and your husband's worst nightmare. Even though he's still convinced that every cat on earth exists solely to threaten his life, he couldn't deny his daughter's wish to adpot a cat and eventually gave in when she looked at him with those big, sunset-colored eyes she inherited from her father.
But now, the white ragdoll is a daily reminder that your patience is running thin with their quarreling and fights over whether the cat should be allowed to stroll around the studio or not. You sigh and reluctantly leave your hiding spot to face your rivaling family members, preparing yourself for the worst.
As you enter the studio, you see your husband and daughter standing opposite each other, arms crossed and pouting faces. You hold back a giggle at the scene in front of you, while a famous saying about the apple not falling far from the tree crosses your mind.
''Listen, Princess! Daddy loves you more than the ocean loves the beach, b-but I'm gonna snap if I see that 'thing' in my studio again!" Rafayel explains in a shaky voice, standing at a safe distance and pointing at Miu, who shamelessly nuzzles up on the orange couch, purring innocently. Nerina's pouty frown deepens as she hears her father's words. She stomps her foot and shakes her head, making her long locks sway with the movement.
''You're a meanie! Miu didn't even do anything, you just hate her!''
Rafayel's heart breaks a little at your daughter's words, while his face turns to you, his eyes almost pleading for you to step in.
Noticing his silent request for help, you walk closer and crouch down to your daughter hoping to smooth things over between your family members. ''No, honey, that's not true. Daddy loves Miu... he just doesn't like her spreading fur on his artwork, that's all.''
Nerina's expression brightens slightly at your words, the frown disappearing from her little face. Leaning in, she shields her mouth from her father and whispers in your ear, loud enough for Rafayel to hear.
''Mommy? I think Daddy is afraid of Miu...''
She nods, as if trying to convince you of her revelation, and you almost snort in response, quickly clearing your throat to hide your amusement—your sharp-eyed little daughter had clearly picked up on the obvious!
''I... what?! I'm not afraid, I just don't-'' Rafayel's protest is abruptly silenced by a stern look from you, his pout reappearing on his flushed, embarrassed face.
As much as he was proud of his little starfish, Nerina was already challenging him so much at her young age. ''Fine, fine...'' he mumbles, slowly stepping away with a sulk, his eyes locked on the white ragdoll on the couch.
When did his little girl grow up so fast? He sighs.
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Later that day, you find yourself sitting in a quiet corner of the mall, having coffee with Tara. It's one of those rare occasions when you both get to enjoy a little chat since you became a mom.
You're completely engrossed in your conversation when a familiar voice suddenly echoes through the mall. You turn your head toward the sound, and your eyes widen as you spot Rafayel and Nerina, followed by Thomas, leisurely strolling through the fancy shops on the other side of the mall.
''Thomas! What's taking you so long?! Daddy promised me ice cream!'' You hear Nerina's sassy voice. She glances back at poor Thomas, who is struggling under the weight of several shopping bags filled with dresses, toys, and plushies. Beads of sweat trickle down his temples as he hurries to keep up.
When Rafayel had called earlier and invited him along on their shopping spree, Thomas clearly hadn't expected to become their pack mule. ''Coming, Miss...'' He replies, his voice heavy with exhaustion, narrowing his eyes at the purple-haired artist, as he once again questions every life choice that led him to become his manager.
''Give him a moment, my little starfish. Thomas isn't the youngest among us, yeah?" Rafayel jokes with an amused grin, patting his daughter's head as he turns to Thomas, raising an eyebrow and mimicking Nerina's sassy tone.
"Thomas! Come ooon, hurry up! My Princess asked for ice cream!"
A bright smile spreads across Tara's cheeks as she observes their interactions, while you shift in your seat, silently hoping your family doesn't notice you yet. ''Awww, like father, like daughter!'' She giggles, shifting her gaze back to you as she grips her coffee cup again. ''They're so cute, you must be proud of them!''
''More like 'outnumbered' you mean!'' You mumble under your breath, taking a sip of your own cup as you watch the trio disappear into the ice cream parlor.
Suddenly, a smile forms on your lips, and a warm, comforting feeling spreads through your chest as you think of your beloved husband and your precious daughter.
Sure, they could be a handful at times, but you wouldn't want it any other way... and you couldn't wait to get home to them later.
But for now, Rafayel was the parent in charge.
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Thanks for reading
Cheri 🍒
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 year ago
Daddy’s Girl
Dean Winchester & daughter!reader
Synopsis: your life growing up as Dean’s daughter (ignores cannon)
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You were born of Dean’s short-lived relationship with Lisa. When he was forced to leave his family behind to keep them safe, he was also forced to take you with him. He’d wanted to leave you, to keep you safe, but with Lisa and Ben’s memories wiped of him, you got wiped with him.
“I’m sorry,” Castiel said as Dean held you in his arms. “There’s no way to erase you without erasing her, too.”
Despite how much Dean wanted to keep you safe, he couldn’t find it in himself to regret how things turned out.
Sam pursed his lips, and Dean couldn’t hold back his laugh when he spotted his brother covered in broccoli.
You started giggling when you noticed your father’s smile, but Dean clamped his mouth shut when he saw you laughing.
“Hey now,” he scolded, trying desperately to look stern despite still being able to see the broccoli in Sam’s hair. “Don’t throw food.”
“Is yucky!” You whined, kicking your feet.
Dean gave you his signature ‘dad glare’ and you gave him the puppy eyes that he was convinced Sammy taught you just to drive him nuts.
Neither of you were willing to give in, far too stubborn for anyone’s good. Finally, Sam broke the awkward silence.
“How about we try a new veggie?”
“What are you watching?”
Dean tore his eyes away from the screen to see Sam standing in the doorway.
“Saw, why?”
Sam scoffed, “Do you think she’s old enough for that?” He gestured to five-year-old you, curled up in your dad’s arms.
“She’s out like a light, she has no clue what’s going on,” Dean assured him.
“So what, she’s your new stuffed animal?” Sam chuckled.
“It’s called parenting, Sammy. Now shut up, you’re gonna wake her up.”
“Daddy, look!”
Dean rubbed his hands over his face, closing the lore book in front of him when you came bounding into the war room.
“Hey baby, what’s up?” He asked, his voice thick with exhaustion as he lifted you into his lap.
“I maked the Impala,” you grinned, showing off a pencil sketch of Baby colored in with a black crayon. “Uncle Sammy only helped a little.”
Dean could tell from the detail of the drawing that Sam helped more than a little, but he didn’t care.
“This is great!” He praised. “Baby would be so proud, looks almost as good as her.”
You giggled. “Can I hang it on the fridge?”
“I think it’d be a crime if we didn’t,” Dean insisted, standing up with you in his arms so he could carry you to the kitchen.
Dean staggered back in surprise when ten-year-old you launched yourself into his arms the moment he stepped into the bunker.
“Hey kid,” he chuckled, but his smile dropped when he noticed your strangled breaths, and how tightly you were clinging to him. “You ok? We weren’t gone that lon-“
“Someone’s in the bunker,” you whispered, and Dean now also noticed that you were shaking.
“What?” He demanded, lowering you to the ground and grabbing his gun with one hand, keeping his other hand on your shoulder protectively.
“I-I heard footsteps,” you stammered, still trying to catch your breath. “So I ran, and-and I was looking for a place to hide when you opened the door.”
“You’re sure it was footsteps?”
“I know what I heard!” Your stammer left you when your fear turned to annoyance.
“Ok, ok,” Dean soothed. “I believe you. Now, I want you to go and hide in my room, ok? Stay there, and don’t open the door unless it’s me, understand?”
“B-but…” you glanced around nervously, unwilling to let go of your father.
“I need you to do this,” Dean said. “I need you safe, ok? You’re gonna be fine.”
You nodded, but Dean’s jacket was still clenched between your fingers.
“C’mon now, go!” Dean gave your arm a gentle push, and as soon as the two of you were no longer touching you seemed spurned into action. You ran in the other direction, headed straight for your dad’s room.
Once the door was closed and locked behind you, you immediately went to sit on Dean’s bed, your arms wrapped around your knees as you tried hard to stop your trembling.
You assured yourself over and over again that your dad would take care of it; he’d get the intruder out, and it would all be ok. When you heard footsteps echoing through the hall, your heart lifted, sure that your dad was coming to get you.
But then the doorknob jiggled as someone tried to open it. It stopped, but still no knock came, no “hey, it’s me,” from Dean; nothing.
Until with a loud bang! the door flew free of its hinges.
You scrambled back with a cry of surprise, and your hand found something hard under Dean’s pillow. You snatched it up as the intruder—a tall man with blond hair and a dark suit—stalked towards you.
You lifted the object, surprised when you saw that it was Dean’s gun.
“St-stay back!” You warned. The man hesitated for only a second before continuing his advance towards you.
“You don’t have the guts,” he scoffed. He took one more step—he was only a couple of feet away—and reached out to grab you.
The gun kicked back in your hands as you fired, and you nearly dropped it. A look of morbid shock crossed the man’s face, but it only lasted for a brief second as he slumped to the ground at the side of Dean’s bed.
Your whole body was shaking. Your hands didn’t seem able to let go of the gun. You could feel blood on your face where it had splattered.
Your whole body flinched at the sound of your father’s voice. He was in the center of the room—you hadn’t even noticed him come in—and his hands were held out towards you.
“Sweetheart, give me the gun.”
Your hands went limp when Dean grabbed the gun. He tossed it onto his bed, his attention never leaving your face, which was turned towards the dead man on the floor.
“Hey, Y/N, look at me,” Dean demanded. Your eyes slowly found your father’s, afraid of what you might find there. But there was no anger, or judgment, not even surprise. There was only comfort, maybe a little worry.
“Let’s go,” Dean said, lifting you into his arms. When he saw you staring at the dead man, he cradled the back of your head in his hand and pushed your face against his shoulder as he carried you out of the room.
“I killed him.”
Your voice came out muffled against Dean’s shirt, and Dean’s heart constricted at the quaver in your voice.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he soothed, subconsciously rocking you in his arms like he used to do when you could barely crawl. “He was gonna hurt you, you defended yourself. You did nothing wrong.” Dean sighed. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I didn’t want you to have to do that.”
“I killed somebody,” you said again, and Dean’s arms tightened around you. He knew he couldn’t talk you out of this; not yet, you were still in shock. So he’d do the only thing he could.
“It’s gonna be ok, baby,” he soothed. “I promise.”
“Where is that girl?”
“You lookin for Y/N?” Sam asked as Dean wandered around the bunker.
“Unless we’ve got another girl living here I don’t know about,” Dean shot back.
Sam just rolled his eyes.
“She’s in the library doing homework.”
“Again?” Dean shook his head. “I think I’ve let her spend too much time with you, she’s becoming quite the nerd.”
“Don’t look at me,” Sam chuckled. “I told her to take a break like an hour ago. That nerdy behavior is all her.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Dean closed the book in front of Sam. “You both need a break.”
“Ok,” Sam shrugged. “Good luck, she’s just as stubborn as you.”
“We’ll see.”
“Hey!” You yelped in surprise when your dad lifted you up and out of your chair, Sam watching from the doorway with a grin on his face.
“No more books, you two have spent too much time being nerds this week.”
“But I have a paper to write!”
“You mean that paper you told me is due in three weeks?”
“Uh huh,” Dean said. “You’ve got time, so take a break.”
“On one condition; we watch Lord of the Rings.”
“Sounds good to me,” Sam cut in.
“Oh come on,” Dean groaned. “Could you two be bigger nerds?”
“Don’t pretend that you don’t want to watch it,” you giggled, trying to squirm out of Dean’s hold since he still hadn’t put you down.
“I don’t remember asking for your input,” Dean huffed, setting you down on your bed and digging his fingers into your stomach. You squealed in surprise as your dad tickled you. “And I certainly didn’t ask for your sass!”
“Who-who do you thin-think taught it to me!” You giggled, squirming as Dean didn’t let up.
“Hey now!” Dean scoffed. “Now you’re just asking for it.”
Dean continued to scratch and poke at your sides, your stomach, and your neck until your face was bright red and your laughter was silent.
“Alright, let’s go,” Dean said as he let up, slinging you over his shoulder and making his way towards the Dean cave, Sam following behind.
“Yo-hou’re mean,” you giggled.
Dean just chuckled.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl
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rishiimaa · 8 months ago
what kind of dad/mom would jjk men/women be (boy or girl)
I feel like he’d be a boy dad, 100%, Itadori would be the kind of dad that’d that is like one of the cool ones, like when you go over for a friend’s sleepover and he’s like just such a good dad 😭 and if this was modern AU, he’d definitely put his son in football, just a thought, though!
Megumi’s definitely a girl dad, I don’t know, I just see him being a girl dad, and I feel like he’d argue with her 24/7, but we both know that Megumi would kill for his daughter
Once again, Gojo would be a girl dad, and he’d spoil the hell outta her, like his daughter would have the best of clothes, best of toys, best of everything, EVEN if she’s grown up, she will always be a daddies girl.
He’d be both, a girl and boy dad, because you’d have twins, and Geto would be the most patient dad of all nations, nothing could penetrate him, literally both children could be kicking and crying, IN A STORE, and literally all he’d do is just pick them both by the shirt and sit them on his shoulders, calming them down, giving you the ability to shop in PEACE
That’s right chat, I remembered to add Sakuna this time! Anyway, girl dad, similar to Megumi, he’s always arguing with her, but instead Sakuna’s calling her brat, and threatening to eat her tiny ears and toes, he doesn’t mean it, he just likes to fuel her fire, and he’s proud to see that she’s exactly like him with a violent side to her, Sakuna would let his daughter kick, bite, push, punch, and all he would do is sit there with a pround smug look on his face
Boy mom, girl mom seems right, but boy mom feels right for Nobora. She’s always having her baby boy dressed up in the most fashionable outfits, from newborn to college, she will not raise her son around disgusting fashion taste!
Same thing for Shoko, boy mom! Except she’s just totally laid back and really is just a chill mom, sorta like a traditional household with ya’ll but Shoko actually puts an effort and helps you with her son and the house, I also headcanon that she’s terrifying when she’s pissed, like if your son talks back to you, he better expect a scary ass mom glaring behind you.
Choso! My baby boy! He’s a girl dad, twins to be exact, and may I add another girl on the way? Choso has a ball handful full of girls. Anyway, he’s a total softie for his girls, he’s never once said no to them, he just can’t say no, he hates seeing their sad expressions, so instead, he’d just tell them to ask you, because he literally lacks the ability to say no.
Yuta’s definitely a girl dad! But he’s not like the rest and he doesn’t spoil her…as much as the others, he still spoils her, but he’s a bit strict and doesn’t want her to grow up thinking she could get anything she wants, that’s why he’s a bit more mean to her if she gets disrespectful, his issue though is that he fails to put her on punishment for a long time, he just hates having to put her through that, so after an hour or two, when Yuta cools down, he’ll come in and say,
“Sorry for yelling at you, petal, just promise me you won’t do that again, okay?”
And he’ll give her a little kiss on the cheek and give her back her phone.
Maki’s a girl mom, she’s also strict like Yuta, but she’s not as easy to get though, she isn’t mean strict, she simply doesn’t want her daughter to grow up being a dumbass, so she simply asks her daughter just 30 minutes of studying everything, and then she can do whatever she wants, and if you forget? It’s fine, just remember to do it next time! And Maki is usually the one to give the punishments, simply because it just comes natural to her.
Apologies for making pretty much all of Jjk men all girl dads, it literally just makes sense for me, but of course, the whole fandom agrees that Nanami’s a girl dad, and I feel like he’d be a stoic softie. While he’s watching his daily show, he’d let his daughter put little pink hair clips in his hair and put little pigtails, if he’s in a really good mood, he’ll even let her put on makeup! (he’s always in a good mood when if comes to his daughter and you)
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joeys-babe · 1 year ago
Joey B Imagines: Welcome To The Jungle
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summary: even nine months pregnant there’s no way you’ll miss the bengal’s first real game of the season, though joe is completely against the idea even if you’re with his family in the box.
warnings: fluff, pregnancy, birth.
pairing: joe burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
"you're 9 months pregnant baby, i don't think it's a good idea for you to go to the game.." - joe
"joe there is no way i'm missing your first game of the season." - you
"you went to all the preseason games so you'll be fine to sit this one out." - joe
"you didn't play during preseason. joe i'm going to the game." - you
"what if you go into labor and i miss it." - joe
"i'll hold them in. but i'm not due for another week." - you
"i don't know about this..." - joe
"i'm on maternity leave right now so i'm gonna be in the suite with your mom and dad. i'll have people with me just in case, not taking pictures on the sidelines." - you
"okay, just please if you do go into labor, call me. i'll run off the field mid-play if i have to." - joe
"i will, joey." - you
"i put the go bag in the car just to be safe." - joe
"you're the best." - you kissed him
"okay, let's get going." - joe
he helped me into the car, along with putting his bag in the back seat next to the baby’s car seat. if only you two knew you weren’t coming back home with that empty.
right before we arrived to the facility joe called his mom down to help me up to the suite since he wouldn't be able to.
when joe pulled in the back entrance and drove to his normal parking spot we both saw his mom was waiting at the elevator.
"y/n, you are about to pop!" - robin
"shhh don't say that around joe, he'll drive me back to the house." - you
"no he won't, don't worry." - robin laughed
"yes, he will." - joe
joe turned to me, i felt a speech coming on.
"if anything happens. and i mean anything, call me okay. i'm not missing anything." - joe
"okay, joe listen to me okay. good luck today, it's the first game of the season and i want you to know i'm so proud of you. i love you so much, baby." - you
joe smiled and placed a kiss on my lips.
"i love you too, mamas." - joe
when we pulled away, joe checked the time on his phone before sighing.
"i have to get inside, thanks mom." - joe
“you're welcome, joey." - robin
joe took a glancing look back at me, his eyes wandering down to my bump as he anxiously licked his lips. he looked away and closed his eyes for a second, trying to still his racing thoughts. once he collected himself he gave me a brief hug.
"bye, guys." - joe
"bye, baby." - you kissed him one last time
joe grabbed his bag and i watched him walk towards the players entrance.
robin encouragingly rubbed my back as we walked into the elevator. she was fully aware that if joe was nervous, you were nervous as well.
once we reached the burrow suite his brothers and their girls were already there.
codie, joe’s older brother jamie’s wife, went wide eyed when she caught sight of you in her peripherals.
"y/n, girl! what are you doing here?!" - codie
"here to watch joe!" - you laughed
"you are about to pop!" - codie
"i know.. but there is no way i'm missing the first game of the season." - you
"i don't know what joe did to deserve such a supportive wife." - jimmy laughed
i sat down on the couch and leaned back against the couch, trying to get comfortable.
"joe’s just as supportive jimmy. i think he's more nervous about me being here than he is about the game." - you
jamie was standing up next to the glass and he could see joe anxiously looking up at us after the team ran out.
"y/n, joe keeps looking up here." - jamie
i practically rolled off of the couch and walked over to the glass, holding up a thumbs up.
when joe saw me, and his anxieties were eased just a little bit, he focused back on warming up.
the fact that joe was more anxious than normal was evident to the whole family, and it went silent till joe’s other older brother, dan, spoke up.
"you can tell his nerves are up." - dan
"yeah that’s obvious, but i know he'll still do amazing." - you
*time skip*
it was after the second quarter and the bengals were up 25-12 against the bills.
it was halftime so i decided to get up and walk around to grab some food from across the room.
but when i stood up, i felt and heard a splash.
"oh… no…" - you
"did your water just break?!" - codie yelled
"oh my god! we need to get you to the car, we're going to the hospital!" - robin
"no no no! i can wait till after the game, i can't make joe leave now, they're winning!" - you
"y/n, you have to go. do you know if joe will answer his phone?" - jimmy
"no, it's off in his locker for sure." - you
"i'm calling zac." - jimmy picked his phone up
as i was being rushed out of the suite by codie and robin i felt a sharp pain in my stomach
"owww!" - you
"contraction?" - codie
"yeah" - you hissed
*zac's pov*
i was talking to the team during halftime when my phone started ringing and the name "Jimmy Burrow" popped up.
knowing that y/n was nine months pregnant with twins and at an nfl game i figured it was probably about her so i answered immediately.
"is everything okay? is it about y/n?" - zac
i tried to whisper but when i said her name, joe’s eyes shot up to me and he speed walked over to me.
"everything is okay. just please tell joe that y/n went into labor. robin and codie are taking her to the hospital. let him know she’s in safe hands, i don’t want him to worry." - jimmy
"okay, will do." - zac
before i even put my phone down joe asked what was wrong and who it was.
"taylor, what happened? who was that? is it about my y/n?” - joe
"it was your dad and he called because y/n went into labor, codie and your mom are taking her to the hospital." - zac smiled
"i- i have to go with her! can i go?" - joe
"yes, joe you can go. good luck!" - zac
joe pretty much sprinted to his locker and grabbed everything he needed before running out the door in full uniform.
"joe where are you going?!" - tee
"y/n's in labor!" - joe smiled
the whole locker room heard and erupted into cheers as joe ran out of the locker room.
(joes pov)
i ran at full speed out to the car and saw my mom and codie shutting the back seat door.
"joe, you're here!" - robin
"of course! you think i'd miss this?!" - joe
"get in the back with y/n. she needs to see your face right now." - codie
when i slung the door open and dipped my head down inside the car, i watched y/n's face lit up.
"joe!" - you
"hey baby, are you ready?" - joe smiled
"as ready as i'll ever be!" - you
"OWE" - you
as soon as i was sitting down i grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it in a way that told her i was there for her.
"you didn't even change?" - you
"nope, i ran out before even thinking about changing." - joe
"i'm sorry for making you leave your game." - you
"you and those twins are way more important than a football game.” - joe
“i love you.. so much.” - you
“i love you more, y/n.” - joe
joe pulled his shoulder pads off, leaving him in just his tight compression shirt.
he grabbed a pair of his nikes when he had ran over to his locker so he also took his cleats off.
"i'm so happy you're here joe. i was worried we wouldn’t get ahold of you." - you
"i'm happy too, but you know i'd drop anything to be here with you." - joe
"i know." - you said before a contraction hit and you squeezed joes hand
"ouch, my hand." - joe
all three women in the car looked at him with faces that said nothing but shut up.
"joe, i love you, but shut up!" - you
"okay, yes ma'am!" - joe
*time skip 2 hours later*
(joe’s pov)
when we got to the hospital we were taken to a room which is where we would be till transported to the delivery room.
i finally got the rest of my uniform off and put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
y/n was laying in her hospital bed as i sat on the couch.
"joe, it hurts.." - you
i stood up and walked over to her bed, taking her hand in mine and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
"i know baby, you're so strong. i'm so proud of you." - joe
"i love you, joe." - you teared up
"i love you too baby, more then you'll ever ever know." - joe
i leaned down and kissed her forehead, when i pulled away a nurse walked in to check on y/n.
"how far apart are your contractions?" - nurse
"uh-" - you went to answer
"8 minutes." - joe answered
"uh okay, thank you." - nurse
the nurse asked a few more things and then left the room.
(y/n's pov)
"joe." - you
"mhm?" - joe
"i could've answered those questions." - you
"sorry.. i got a little excited i guess." - joe
"it's okay." - you smiled at how cute he was
joe kissed my head and then walked back over to the couch.
"joe, turn the game on." - you
"what?" - joe laughed
"turn the game on." - you
"wouldn't you rather watch like the office or new girl or something?" - joe
"no. it's the first game of the season, put the game on." - you
"okay.." - joe shrugged
he picked the remote up and turned the game on.
it was the last quarter and the bengals were still winning. it was 37-25 with 3 minutes left.
3 minutes later i was clapping my hands and cheering as the boys celebrated their first win of the actual season and ran back in the locker room.
i got a text from my best friend alexa, who was dating ja’marr, that's said where are you? so i decided to tell joe to facetime her with my phone.
"y/n where are you and why did joe leave- oh hi joe." - alexa
"hi alexa!" - joe
"where are y'all?" - alexa
joe flipped the camera and showed me in the hospital bed.
"holy crap are you in labor?!" - alexa
i nodded my head and gave her a thumbs up.
"oh my god!!" - she excitedly squealed
"y'all should be proud of me! i didn't tell her that y/n went into labor!" - ja'marr
"bro do you want a cookie?" - joe joked
"are you guys excited?!" - alexa
"i am, what about you baby?" - joe
"i'm thrill-" - you started but a contraction cut you off
"that's 6 minutes after your last one!" - joe
"thanks for the observation joe!" - you fought through the pain
"i guess the mood swings don't go away during labor." - alexa laughed
"yeah i think we established that.. i'm gonna go. bye guys" - joe
"bye mom and dad!" - alexa
after joe hung up he stood up and walked back over to me.
he kissed my forehead again and grabbed my hand.
"you can squeeze my hand during your contractions." - joe smiled
"stop being so cute, i'm supposed to be mad at you for causing me this pain." - you
"hey it's not all my fault, you participated in the process just as much as i did. don't act like you didn't enjoy that process either." - joe quipped
"go back to the couch." - you rolled your eyes and dropped his hand
"you sure?" - joe
i was about to say yes when i got another contraction and grabbed joes hand, squeezing as hard as i could.
"please don't leave!" - you choked out
"im staying right here. don't worry, my love." - joe
*time skip*
"you're ten centimeters dilated, ready to start pushing?" - the nurse smiled
i looked at joe, a sudden rush of panic and excitement falling over me.
he gave me an encouraging smile so i turned back to the nurse and nodded.
i was transported to the delivery room and joe never left my side.
*time skip*
long hours of labor later i heard a baby crying and a loud gasp from joe.
a couple nurses rushed over to a corner, holding the first twin.
"be careful with him!" - you cried
not even 20 minutes later another set of cries were heard.
"oh my gosh.. they are so tiny. look how tiny they are, joe." - you basically sobbed
"i know.." - joe smiled back to you
once the babies were cleaned off just a little bit the nurses placed both of them on my chest.
"oh my god, you guys are so cute." - you cried
joe snapped a picture of me holding both of the babies.
"joe, we made them." - you smiled up at him
"we did didn't we. you did amazing by the way, i'm incredibly proud of you baby." - joe
"i couldn't have done it without you by my side, baby..." - you
joe kissed my sweaty forehead before i pulled his face to mine, kissing his lips.
after a few more minutes of bonding with the twins, they were taken away to be weighed, measured, and various other things like that.
"joe can you get in bed with me?" - you
"what?" - joe laughed
"can you lay down with me? please?" - you
i scooted over slightly and joe laid down next to me, my head leaning onto his shoulder.
"i can't believe we made life." - you
"i know, and thank you." - joe
"thank you? for what?" - you chuckled
"for carrying the babies for 9 months, and giving birth. you're a strong woman y/n." - joe
"you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world every day joe. you're the best husband ever." - you
one thing about our relationship is that we were deeply appreciative of the other, and how amazing they were.
i wrapped my arms around joe and moved my head from his shoulder to his chest.
i took a little nap till joe woke me up when the twins were given back to us because i was utterly exhausted.
my parents flew down as soon as joe called them and said i was in labor so they arrived shortly after the babies were given to us.
joe was holding a baby, and i held the other.
"you're so tiny... i love you." - joe
"you look really really good holding a newborn, shiesty." - you smiled
"look at him, he's so stinkin cute!" - joe
"we need to establish names, we can't keep calling them him and he." - you
"okay well.. we know the names so now we can just pick which ones which." - joe laughed
"okay... uhm. i think i know." - you
"i think i do too." - joe smiled
before we could even say anything the door opened and at least 4 people walked in.
it was my parents and alexa and ja'marr.
"oh my gosh!" - alexa gasped
"my baby is a momma.." - your mom teared up
"aww, momma." - you smiled
"my baby girl had twins.." - your dad also started to cry
"what are the names?" - your mom smiled
i whispered into joe’s ear for confirmation about which twin was being named what name.
he nodded and i went on.
"i'm holding Tyson Lee" - you smiled
"lee is joe’s middle name right?" - your mom
"yeah, it was really important to me that one of the twins was going to be named after one of the most important guys in my life." - you smiled
in the corner of my eye i could see joe looking at me and when i returned the look a tear fell down his cheek before a huge smile appeared on his face.
it seemed like neither of us could stop smiling.
"this is so sweet.." - alexa
"what's the other name?" - your mom
"joe, baby you can say." - you
"the baby that i'm holding is named Miles Anthony." - joe smiled at ja'marr
"wait-" - ja'marr
alexa looked at the two confused before it clicked, and her hands covered her mouth.
"you named your kid after me?" - ja'marr
"ja'marr anthony chase.. meet miles anthony burrow" - joe
ja'marr walked closer to joe and looked down at miles.
"damn bro." - ja'marr sniffled
the whole room laughed at ja'marr being somewhat emotional; a side no one sees of him.
once everyone stopped crying the twins were passed around and everyone got to hold them before they were returned back to joe and i.
when ja’marr was holding miles and alexa was holding tyson, ja’marr cleared his throat and faced joe.
“i mean we got our next qb’s they just need a wide receiver.” - ja’marr
“if you have a boy in the future we gotta train em. we gotta keep the ‘burrow to chase’ connection going.” - joe
“it’s a good thing we won’t have to wait too long.” - ja’marr looked at alexa and smiled
“what do you mean?” - joe
one of my hands went over my mouth as my other slapped joe’s arm in shock.
“i’m pregnant. with a boy, too.” - alexa smiled
“no freaking way!” - joe
“how far along are you?” - you grinned
“3 months.” - alexa smiled
“congratulations guys, that’s awesome!” - joe
they stayed for awhile longer, we talked about all the things we wanted to do with our boys once they were older before they left.
the twins were back in joe and i’s arms and soon after there was another knock on the door.
when the door opened, joe’s parents with wide grins on their faces.
robin let out a small gasp as she walked closer to joe and i.
"oh my gosh… they're so perfect. jim look, they look so much like joe.” - robin
“sorry guys.” - joe whispered to the twins
“don’t listen to your daddy guys, he’s the most attractive man in the world and a total heartthrob. tons of women have eyes on him.” - you smiled
in my peripherals i could see joe roll his eyes but the blush on his cheeks told me that he appreciated the compliment.
“the only women’s eyes i want on me are yours, baby.” - joe kissed your cheek
jimmy and robin both got to hold each of the babies before the nurse came in and said that i could leave tomorrow morning.
it was around 9 pm when everyone had left and it was just joe and i.
the babies were in their bedside bassinets and joe was laying on the couch, giving me "personal space" in the hospital bed.
"joe you can go home if you want, i know you'd like to shower and wash your hair with your fancy shampoo and conditioner." - you
"are you crazy? you think i'm gonna leave this hospital?" - joe
"i don't know, i just figured you'd want to go home eventually." - you
"the only time i'm leaving is with you tomorrow morning." - joe
"are you sure?" - you
"absolutely sure, now get some rest baby. if the twins wake up i'll take care of em', you just need to rest." - joe
i shut my eyes and fell asleep extra grateful. i had an amazing husband, and beautiful healthy twin baby boys.
authors note: fluffy imagine for friday 🫶🫶
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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vicocaaisha · 11 months ago
An Act
Seong Suji x Reader Fic.
Sypnosis: Recently broke up with the school bully, you decided to take revenge by fake dating your school's new student.
Warnings: I guess there's not much!
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You sighed as you looked at your school building. That bitch, Harin, persuaded your school principal to suspend you for a week. Why? Because you and Dayeon broke up and you ended up burning the papers they’re going to give to your homeroom teacher as your classes’ grades.
You hated that three of them–Harin, Doah, and Dayeon– always manipulated the school grades. Although you were in grade B and still got higher grades, you just wanted to take revenge on what Dayeon did to you. Used you as an accessory, flaunting you everywhere and even to his dad, which he was very proud of because your father is a famous lawyer. But when you were no longer useful to Dayeon, she left you saying that she wants to focus on other things and started dating that judo girl. Ugh!
Well, you didn’t love her or like her at all. You just liked her company since you are a troublemaker yourself, minus the bullying. You just liked taunting Harin with her psychotic ideas.
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a girl bumped into you, “I’m sorry!” she said as she was running towards your class’ building. Who is she? If she’s a new student, it’s unusual since it’s the middle of your school’s semester but whatever! You have other things you want to attend to.
You later learned that the girl who bumped into you was Seong Suji, a grade F. Currently, Dayeon and her gang are putting that Suji girl in a garbage bag. Psychopaths.
“What the fuck!” Dayeon shouted as she was drenched with your tomato juice. You didn’t like tomato juice at all, but you just bought it to spill it on Dayeon’s shirt.
“Oops, sorry. I tripped because of your stupid garbage bag.” You smiled cheekily at her then rolled your eyes.
Suji was long forgotten now because of the commotion you created, “Stop being a bitch, Y/N!” Wooyi shouted back at you. You cackled at their reactions as they were helping Dayeon clean up her shirt. Dayeon’s little friend group stormed out of the room and into the bathroom to help Dayeon clean the mess you’ve made.
“Thank you, um…” Suji was looking into your eyes as if she was asking for your name.
“Yeah, yeah. I didn’t do that to help you, just wanted to annoy them. You better clean this all up before the teacher comes.” You didn’t even look at her way and you just sat on your seat tapping on your phone.
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Being Dayeon’s ex means you don’t have friends to eat with anymore because you were once in her gang, too. So now, you are currently seated outside on a bench, plotting your next revenge on your ex.
“Hey, I didn’t get the chance to ask your name earlier.” That Suji girl is bothering you once again.
“Don’t act like you don’t know my name, I saw you talking to Eun-byeol. I bet you she persuaded you to ask for help from our homeroom teacher. Watch out, Suji, that girl is a snake.” You sighed loudly, tired of the bullshit and issues your classmates and that perverted teacher have.
“Oh right, sorry. Eun-byeol told me that I could ask for your help, and based on the actions you made earlier, I’m guessing you’re against Dayeon.” She asked you with a glint of hope in her eyes.
In which you just rolled your eyes, “Well then, she must have thought wrong. I won’t help you nor I won’t get you in trouble either. Eun-byeol must have thought I’ll torment you when you’re going to ask me for help.” You’re annoyed now. You didn’t like Eun-byeol, such a two faced and a suck up.
Seated on a bench, while Suji is standing in front of you. You decided to look up at her. Wow, she is gorgeous. Suddenly, a click went inside your head. You had an idea to piss off Dayeon!
Suji started to walk away after your rejection but…
“Hey, Suji. Maybe I could help you in one condition” You were now standing and smirking at her.
“And what could that be?” Suji said, you could practically hear the hopefulness in her voice.
“I could help you with whatever you want, and in exchange, you act like my girlfriend to make Dayeon jealous, but that would start when you get out of grade F! Anyway, I’ll vote for you for the next HR.”
Out of options, Suji agreed to your conditions.
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A month has passed since you made that deal with Suji. Suji had told you what her plans are and that is destroying the pyramid game, it was no big deal for you because you also hated your psychotic classmates. They are literally fucked in the brain and needs therapy. You also helped Suji get out of grade F alongside Jaeun.
You have been so preoccupied with Suji’s plan that you forgot the deal you made with her. Not until your crazy ex terrorised you again.
You were eating alone at the cafeteria because Suji and Jauen are trying to befriend some students from grade D.
“Hey baby girl, missed me?” Dayeon said it in english while sitting next to your seat.
“What, Dayeon? Can you leave me alone or I’ll pour this hot tea on you.” You rolled your eyes at her, which earned a toothy smile from her.
“I was wondering if we could go out later? You know, like old times.” Her english accent makes you annoyed. How come you liked her before and even agree to be her girlfriend?
Before you could even reply a sly remark, someone cut you off, “I don’t think that’s going to happen, she’s dating me already.” You’ve never whipped your head to your side so fast before, and you saw Suji standing like a knight in shining armour. God, you never noticed how fast your heart was beating, all you could think about was how pretty she looks and how her lips look so kissable.
“C’mon, babe. I told you before to avoid Dayeon, you know how I get so jealous!” Suji said as she pulled you out of your chair and walked down the hallway of the cafeteria. Leaving your food and Dayeon stunned. Are you two really dating? Dayeon thought to herself. Also, everyone in the cafeteria saw that. Oh, how fast the news will spread.
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Lately, you and Suji really have to act like a couple because the whole classroom knows now. You’re really not used to the physical intimate stuff since you really haven’t experienced having a real girlfriend, except for Dayeon, which she used you for her own gain. Plus, being her girlfriend before was like being a puppy, you just followed her around the school doing some mischievous stuff or whatever she wanted you to do.
You were putting some stuff in your locker before heading home when all of a sudden, someone hugged your back. Their arms are around your waist as their head rests on your shoulder. You stiffened.
“Y/N-ssi, let’s go out later. Please wear the dress that I bought you, hehe.” You could practically feel everyone’s eye on the both of you and you were shocked because you aren’t used to physical intimacy.
Suji immediately felt your discomfortness, “Meet you later at our meeting spot, love!” she said as she let go her hold of you and kissed your cheeks before exiting the classroom.
Awkward! But you felt Dayeon’s eyes burning as she stared at you. Is she jealous? She’s the one who left you first for that judo girl…
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Right now, you are waiting for Suji at a park. You did wear the dress that she bought “as a gift” she said. You weren’t really used to doing this whole relationship stuff and being affectionate. This whole thing is just revenge for your ex to make her feel jealous, but you think that you’re feeling something else that you can’t pinpoint.
“Y/N! Hey, you look so good wearing the dress that I gave you.” Her compliment makes your stomach feel like there’s butterflies inside.
“Thank you, unnie.” You replied shyly.
Suddenly, she held your hand, “Let’s go seat somewhere private.” she said as she started walking with her fingers around yours. You thank God that it is already nighttime and she can’t see you blushing.
She packed food for the both of you, “Hey, you always bring food. Sometimes, I feel like you’re going to pick food over me.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Yes, Y/N-ssi. I’ll pick a nigiri and a hershey drink over you, no hesitations!” she chuckled.
You were just taking photos of the food Suji packed. You realized that Suji has been acting more clingy. She’s currently fixing your hair. There’s only the two of you seated in a dimly lighted park. Why is she acting this way? Does she like you now? You thought you were just going to talk about her new plan, yet here she is being affectionate. Not until…
You looked at her to ask but then she kissed you suddenly. Sitting there dumbfounded as she kisses you. You feel your heart is going to explode. So, this answers the question that you really like her.
Suji inserted her tongue unexpectedly to your mouth, which you moaned from the feeling. You haven’t had your first kiss before, so it was awkward, and you just let Suji lead the way. She held your waist. You were feeling like you needed more.
Overwhelmed by what’s happening, you pushed Suji. Out of breath, you just stared at her. Your legs feel like jelly from the kiss. You didn’t know what to say, and all Suji said was…
“Let’s go to your house.” You can’t even comprehend what’s happening. All of these are new to you. Does she like you back?
On the way to your home, it was antagonizing slow. When you reached your house, you were fumbling with keys; still nervous from the kiss that happened. You can feel that Suji is getting impatient, too, not until she slammed you against the door that you were trying to open.
“Y/N, you’re so slow.” Suji said in a breathy, seductive manner and went straight to your neck, kissing it and leaving marks.
The only thing that you could do was grip her shirt, you were so preoccupied at the feeling of Suji kissing your neck, you didn’t even realize that someone was watching the both of you and they left after Suji started marking you up. That’s when Suji stopped when she felt the spy was gone.
You were dripping wet. You unlocked the door faster this time. When both of you are inside, you wait for Suji to make the next move but instead…
“Hey, sorry for kissing you and leaving some hickeys on your neck. I felt someone watching us. I’m really sorry if you felt uncomfortable! I swear I’ll never do it again!” Suji said while bowing many times in front of you.
So that was all an act? All you could do was nod at her. You like her, but she doesn’t feel the same way? All of the things that you feel for her are so confusing. You feel like you want to get angry at her, shout at her to express your frustrations. But you know better. All of this is just a condition you made with her. It’s your fault for falling, not Suji.
“I should head home now. It’s already late. I’m really sorry, Y/N-ssi! I think it’s good that you won’t cover the hickeys that I gave you so they will be very convinced! See you tomorrow.”
And with that, she left you alone. Confused and frustrated was all you felt that night as you laid in bed.
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It has been two days since you’re skipping school. You don’t care anymore, you feel so devastated that all of that was an act. All you did was lay in bed and think about what happened, but you know, you can’t just skip school forever. Sooner or later, you have to face the reality of going back to school.
So here you are, sighing again in front of your school’s building.
Everyone looked your way when you entered your classroom. They must be looking at your fading hickey.
“Y/N-ssi! I missed you!” Suji practically ran to you and held your one arm as she walked you to your assigned seat.
Your demeanour was cold, you didn’t say a word to her and just ignored her. That’s how you were the whole day, ignoring their text, avoiding them. You knew your classmates would catch up on what’s happening between the two of you, but you didn’t care. You like her and you can’t stand of acting “in love” anymore because you’re developing the love that was supposed to be fake!
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You were standing alone in the library, hiding from them. They’re supposed to be on the rooftop right now for the secret meeting of your group. You decided not to join them anymore for your own sake.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry that I kissed you without your permission. Please forgive me, we can’t lose you in our team. We’re almost done with destroying this game. Yerim is on our side now–”
“Is that all you care about? Destroying this game!” You can’t contain your frustrations anymore. She’s acting as if kissing you is no big deal or being affectionate in front of many people. You’re falling and falling really hard.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” Suji was confused. She knew you are mean, but you had never been angry at her like this before.
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Suji!” Suji became nervous, you called her by her real name, not by her nickname.
“I don’t understand?” …
“I–, I have fallen for you!” You said in shame.
“Oh.” was all she said. You felt like you’re going to cry. You turned away from her, feeling your tears might fall.
“I like you too, Y/N. I’m sorry, I was scared that night. I didn’t know what to do when we were left alone. All I could do was run away because I was panicking.” Suji added.
Are you dreaming? Is this real or is this another fantasy of yours? Suji likes you? You can’t even comprehend that someone who always changes themselves just to fit in manages to like someone like you, a devious person.
Suji hugged you from your back.
“Forgive me, love.” You closed your eyes as you felt her breathe in your scent.
Not until she tickled you. You were stopping her now from tickling you and you fell down the couch as she tickled you.
Suji hovering over you, there was a pause between the both of you. That’s when Suji leaned in and kissed you, hard and with feelings now.
“Suji-ah, are you okay? We heard some screaming–.” Jaeun and Haejun barged in.
Four of you were shocked, like a deer in headlights. Jaeun just closed the door awkwardly as they mind their own business.
You are now left with Suji, which she decided to tickle you again.
You’ve been wrestling for about five minutes now. She stopped and just looked at you, both of you breathless.
“Y/N, will you be my real girlfriend now?” Suji asked you with a smile.
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Enjoy guys, feel free to request anything!^^
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helaenatargaryencore · 10 months ago
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 (𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚)
(Everything about the younger children I headcannon!)
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Once again feel free to disagree but be respectful my loves!
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Definitely on the schools soccer team, I see Jace as a very popular figure at school but he is very gentleman like, he will carry girls books and bags to class, help teachers move chairs and tables around class and chose the kids that usually don’t get chosen into teams for PE, he has a hair care routine for his curls for sure, is a comic fan I can see it and def is a crackhead for video games, does twitch streams probably, and loves energy drinks especially before his workouts (yeah I kinda headcannon him as a gym rat!) he owns a dog named vermax btw who is a German shepherd (proudest dog dad) academically he is great in English and history, heavy on the history since his family has a huge part in it I mean they were royalty and rode dragons (yes dragons existed and went extinct like dinosaurs and shit let me believe😫) but math is a bit of a hard subject he passes with a c maybe a B if lucky.
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He has not a single bad or intimidating bone in his body, an angel if you will. He is the sweetest human being who is very shy and quiet until you get him to come out of his shell then he is a comedian full on, definitely has beautiful curls, does great in all his classes just to make Rhae proud (momma’s boy) wears a single sliver band ring that Rhaenyra gifted him and he has never taken it off, has a dog named Arrax who’s a beagle, he definitely wears flannels and hoodies and owns a million pairs of converse, he smokes/vapes but not constantly because he is paranoid that his lungs would give out before the age of 30. Definitely does twitch streams and has a PC set up, is in a gaming/coding club at school for sure, probs an anime fan (I don’t know why he just gives off cute dweeb vibes!)
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A queen through and through! I see her being a human/equal/animal rights activist and a feminist for sure, idk she just seems like a supportive human who people would instantly love! She def would wear pretty vibrant colors, her hair would be lovely as well (wasn’t a big fan of the wigs in the show she and phoebe basically all of house Velaryon could have had better!) I see Baela with short silver coils even a gorgeous Afro and she might even enjoy dying her hair (maybe not) but she definitely would keep her hair healthy and beautiful! I have a feeling that she would be in some sort of sport but I cannot pinpoint which one! Owns a beautiful horse (a Friesian horse) named Moondancr, she would enjoy hobbies like horse back riding, going on hikes, surfing probably, rock climbing, she also loves doing crazy daredevil stuff (gives poor Laena a heart attack but Daemon is proud) she will stand her ground and speak her mind!
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She is so graceful, Rhaena is so kind and sweet therefore everyone was always so comfortable in her presence, she is a academic genius looking into becoming a dance/ballet instructor due to being in the dancing field her whole life, it was something she enjoyed and felt at peace doing. Has a beautiful white Birman cat named Morning, her collar and supplies are all pink and bright, Rhaena herself wears light pinks and whites even mix it up with other pastel colors, cute knitted sweaters as well. Beautiful silver hair that she would have in gorgeous braids or let her natural coils (like Laena’s) be but either way she would look gorgeous! She is close with Baela and Luke more than anybody else!
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Totally see him being the Lily Pritchett of his family, he would constantly gag everybody (especially Aegon!) An iPad kid through and through with his YouTube and games on full volume but he would keep his hands and iPad clean for sure, does Fortnite dances idk I just vision it, gets away with everything because in Rhae’s eyes he can do no wrong, he has a dog named tyraxes (he believes in the dog distribution system as much as the cat one and randomly walked inside the house with a small flea infested pup that Rhaenyra paid a fat vet bill for) is the most honest one in the family he don’t give a fuck about anyone’s feelings you asked for the truth he’ll give it to you upfront. He has a personal vendetta against Aegon which started when he forgot him in a car when he was a baby (Aegon is paranoid and believes that is the sole reason Joffrey is against him and he may be right) He’s smart in all categories I mean good grades and is great at social situations
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Aegon and Viserys
Both are attached to the hip since they are close in age, in the show I kinda don’t see much of them so to me I cannot read what they could be like. Cute kids though.
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Now since she doesn’t quite exist I headcannon that Rhaenyra gets to have her, everything about her is headcannon since yk she wasn’t alive in the show. I see her being a clone of Rhaenyra, a spoiled princess gets everything she wants (as she should) is in the best ballet school with the best instructors, her wardrobe is definitely professional made princess gowns, like she names a princess and Rhaenyra is on the phone getting it made, she has thick silver hair which she has her mommy braid just like hers, she owns millions of stuffed animals it is outrageous. Def owns a white Pomeranian pup named silverwing or Meraxes.
Okay this was fun to do! I love this whole Modern Au and I do hope you all enjoyed this read and comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but not required just as long as you enjoy the read💗
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
Let's talk about Jessica Drew - Character Analyzation/Rant (People don't like powerful women)
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This magnificent woman sports a luscious afro while wearing 80s style clothing. Afros and natural hair in general are symbols of African American pride and embracing your African heritage. Her clothing style is very similar to the clothing style and fashion that African American women wore in the 80s.
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I couldn't find a better picture, but do you see my vision? Also they are serving 🤩
She oozes culture and black power. She's a pregnant, yet badass black woman who drives a motorcycle and is proud of her heritage. Yet people dislike her. Why?
Because she's an aggressive, no-nonsense, black female character
One of the reasons people dislike Jessica Drew is because we see her reprimanding Gwen for visiting Miles, and telling her that she can't see him again. However, controversially, I think Jess was right about this. Gwen disobeyed direct orders and let her heart get in front of her head. She ignored her mission and the result of that was Spot's escape and a possibility of interdimensional unraveling. Jess had all the right to reprimand Gwen for this, because in her perspective, Gwen messed up. But even though Gwen messed up, Jess was still willing to give her another chance. She agreed not to tell Miguel, because she knew Gwen would be sent home, proving that she still had Gwen's best interests at heart and didn't want Gwen to have to go back to deal with her dad and the possibility of being arrested.
The second reason people dislike her is because she allowed Gwen to be sent back to her universe. However, people are completely forgetting the fact that she wasn't the person sending Gwen back to Earth-65. Miguel was. Jess did her best to protect Gwen, and gave Gwen numerous chances, but in the end, Gwen failed her mission and disobeyed orders, causing her to be sent home. This is not Jess's fault. People are also ignoring the fact that Peter B. Parker, a man that knew Gwen way before Jess did absolutely nothing to save Gwen from Miguel's rage. What did he do instead? He stood there and made jokes. Instead of actually addressing the situation and a girl who considered him her friend, he decided to crack a joke. Not even a funny joke. But people are blaming Jess for this. Why?
Because people don't like seeing strong, aggressive female characters. Jessica oozes confidence. She's confident in her heritage, she's confident in her capabilities and she's confident in herself. Her tone is sharp, she doesn't mess around and she doesn't put up with people's bullshit. Ex. her telling Peter B to "stop talking" and her telling Hobie he's "not helping". People don't like seeing aggressive black female leads, because it makes them uncomfortable. People are quick to label a woman who's aggressive as "harsh" and "argumentative" but proceed to label Miguel, the person who sent a homeless teenager back to her dimension, as someone who's "doing what he has to". I'm not saying Miguel is a bad person. I'm saying Jessica isn't a bad person.
Jess is also most definitely going to get a character development arc considering how she was obviously doubting her loyalty to Miguel in the last 30ish minutes of the movie right after Gwen was sent-home and during Gwen's speech with Miles' parents when Jess was listening.
Jess Drew was slightly harsh on Gwen, and didn't object to her being sent back to her dimension. Was this wrong of her? Yes. But does that make her a bad person? No. People are misinterpreting her character. She is not a bad person and she does not deserve the hate people are spewing against her. She is a strong black female character and we need more people like her in the media to look up to.
BTW, I'm not black but I tried to be as accurate in my description of how Jess embraces her heritage as I could, so if you see any inaccuracies or have any comments, please correct me <3
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merriclo · 8 months ago
a lot of people found it really helpful the last time i provided some context for LU Legend’s games (this post!!), so i’m gonna do that again!! this time specifically about A Link Between Worlds. if you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask, and i will answer to the best of my ability! please keep in mind that i am only speaking on the english translation <3
also, i will only refer to this game’s Link as Link instead of Legend. while i’m writing this primarily to help the Linked Universe fandom, these details are only from the canonical game and can be applied to any interpretation of this game’s Link. it is not exclusive to Linked Universe whatsoever!!!!!
anyhow, in this game, Link has a family: the blacksmiths. while never overtly stated, it is so heavily implied that assuming the author’s intent is a relatively safe course of action.
for those unaware, the Blacksmith family includes three people: the unnamed blacksmith, his unnamed wife, and their little boy Gulley. also, prior to the start of A Link Between Worlds, Link worked as an apprentice at the forge!!
the Blacksmith is pretty tough on Link throughout the beginning of the game, berating him for oversleeping and not working hard enough to become a proper Blacksmith. this seems relatively mean at first, but then it becomes clear that he really just wants the best for Link. he’s a very successful man who wants Link to be just as prosperous. later on, there’s a really nice moment between the two after Link rescues Gulley (who was kidnapped by the game’s main villain, Yuga) where the Blacksmith says “I’m real proud of how you’re shaping up here, Link.” it’s a brief, heartwarming exchange between the two, and it really highlights their relationship dynamic.
his wife, on the other hand, is much more overtly caring towards our hero. in the description of Link’s green tunic, it’s said that the wife is the one who sewed it for him. more than that, she’s also the one who made the adventure pouches for Link’s belt, telling him “I made it for you so you could carry more items…. But please—you should use that pouch so I won’t have to worry about YOU quite as much!” once he receives them. she’s a very kind and caring figure in his life, who often takes time out of her day just to help Link out and make sure he’s okay.
Gulley is arguably the closest to Link out of all of them. For starters, A Link Between Worlds opens with Gulley waking Link up from a prophetic dream and mentioning that Link oversleeps too much, meaning that (a) Gulley has the key to Link’s home, and (b) this happens often. Gulley was also said to have insisted on being the one to give Link the adventure pouches his mom made! the entire reason Link originally goes on his hero’s journey is to save the boy after he was kidnapped, and when Link passes out and ends up in the middle of the road in Lorule, he’s said to have been mumbling Gulley’s name over and over again (furthermore, it was the blacksmith family’s Lorulian counterparts that had found and saved Link when he passed out.)
i don’t think Link is genetically related to the blacksmiths, even though they do share similar hair and eye colors. if that were the case, they’d simply be labeled as Mom as Dad. my interpretation of it is that Link is unofficially adopted :)
tl;dr: the Link in A Link Between Worlds isn’t alone. he has a family that loves and cares for him deeply. and this post doesn’t even include the countless close friends he made in ALBW alone. please guys acknowledge them im begging you
as always, i’m not saying that you have to take this post as gospel or even be influenced by it at all. i just want to open up new avenues to explore these characters through for people without access to the games <3
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months ago
twisted as fuck last unicorn chaggie au!!! WAIT LISTEN NO
the tip shard of Vaggie's broken horn got lodged in her eye socket and she pulled it out later to make her spear,
she swears herself as knight to Charlie the magician princess of an imprisoned kingdom made of up cast outs and criminals whose king stays locked up and miserable all the time and won't teach her real magic bc its not safe
Charlie hates unicorns bc her dad is obsessed with them
and also every year they come rushing out of the ocean to stampede the kingdom killing thousands but to everyone other than Charlie it just looks like a tidal wave
Lucifer keeps them both locked up in the castle while the flood of unicorns breaks around them
and while he sadly watches them go back to the sea Charlie is slipping outside trying to help people in the aftermath
One year she saw a lingering unicorn tramping something on the foggy beach
she asked her magic to do whatever it could to save whoever the unicorn was about to kill
Apparently it worked bc the unicorn left off and Charlie found Vaggie bleeding on the beach CLEARLY having been attacked by a unicorn- her eye's been gouged out and there's a starburst burn on her forehead that definitely isn't where a horn used to be
Same set up as canon, unicorn Vaggie couldn't bring herself to impale a kid and unicorn Lute took her eye and trampled her before unicorn Adam broke her horn and kicked MOST of the pieces into the sea
Then Charlie's spell turned her human, a fate worse than death as far as Lute is concerned
Now Vaggie is human and kinda mortal and in love
she helps Charlie put together traveling carnival show to inspire and recruit hazbins-
Charlie is CONVINCED the people here can reform and go back to happy outside society (not asking what kind of happy society or rulers are okay with yearly mass murder) she just has to show them and EVERYONE ELSE that this is true via a cheap magic trick show with songs and dances.
B plot is Vaggie trying to find the scattered shards of her horn
but of course each of Charlie's hazbins happed to find one of the pieces instead so now Vaggie has the annoying task of getting close enough to them to get the shards back.
Only the horn of a unicorn can harm or kill a unicorn.
magic is fading from the world bc the unicorns got fed up with people hunting unicorns so they did some wholescale murder and then promised not to again if the kingdoms agreed to throw all their criminals and outcasts into this one place where the unicorns could take their vengeance out on them each year
lucifer is of course a former unicorn who broke and shared his horn with Lilith
she used her resulting magical powers to help him turn human which the other unicorns were horrified by, now a magic is being shared with humans who aren't pure enough to deserve it and blah blah lock them both up with the other "bad people"
Charlie's in born magic is wild and does whatever usually in both a silly and dangerous way
secretly a unicorn Vaggie uses her spear / horn tip to nullify counter the worst of the wild magic without being caught at it so Charlie can do more good with her magic than harm
Charlie really good at juggling and slight of hand though bc that's safer and can bring people almost as much joy as actual magic
the hazbins being unknowingly protected by Vaggie's horn shards and proud Charlie thinking her magic is being nice to her friends or might actually be finally coming under her control while Vaggie sweats guiltily in the background
blah blah unicorn attack Vaggie unicorn reveal slight Charlie identity crisis
Blah blah blah Charlie's mom Lilith ran off with the shards of Lucifer's horn to go figure out how to make The Red Bull from it and use the bull to kill the unicorns or drive them away with their fear of death
past Charlie might ALMOST have been onboard with this before she found out her girlfriend is a unicorn, meaning unicorns can change and aren't all eternal murder jerks
hazbins give Vaggie back her horn shards so she can undo Charlie's magic turn unicorn again and fend off Lute
BUUUUTT now the red bull is after Vaggie too and Charlie can't get her magic to change Vaggie again so Charlie runs between them trying to save her
Charlie dead in Lilith's arms for a whole minute while Vaggie fights the red bull
something something magic Charlie lives but she's merged with the red bull now so it's trapped in her but also leaking out sometimes and its made from the blood of all the ppl the unicorns slaughtered that one time so its literally bloodlust incarnate and that's fun
Lucifer is horrified, he knew what Vaggie was this whole time and was planning on using Vaggie's pieced together horn to let CHARLIE embrace her unicorn heritage
instead now Charlie's got two bloody horns and a hunger for unicorn blood which is both awkward bc of the unicorn gf and also a lot easier to deal with bc Vaggie is fine with her demon bull gf biting her now and then no biggy
ummm huh so this might also be a vampire chaggie au???
KeeKee is a talking cat bc of Charlie's wild magic and i think she should also have the eyepatch and be a pirate. Arrrrgh!
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 18 days ago
Watched The Rookie 7x06!! Loved it it was a fun episode :D
I did remember Scott and went :O! Did not remember Gretchen though lol. Like vaguely not no clue where she came from xD
And I kept wondering who the girl from the community center was - ASHA LOL!! The same actress as Asha from 9-1-1 Lone Star xD nice little reminder given this is the first week without it too :')
Glad Celina had fun lol! Poor Lucy and her not getting to have Galentine's though xdd. And I'm so glad they found Claudia :')). And AAHHH they fell in love :'D. Also best dad ever?? Stops at nothing to get her back, attacks the men who kidnapped her with a crowbar, and then goes :D yay great news!! when she introduces the woman she's going to marry :')). Iconic <33. Glad they got their happy ending 🥰.
Hope Seth's doing okay! Sick day for real 😬
Poor Miles and his girlfriend :'(( I'm glad they both get to follow their dreams and be happy but it just sucks D: and I totally get why he would feel like he owes her, it makes sense. But she loves/loved you bro, it's not something that was hard for her/something that needs repaying :'))
Nyla and James looking great 🥳🥳. I hope Anita ends up okay :(, her boyfriend seems kinda 😬😬. And by that I mean very yikes xD. I'm glad they noticed though and were helping her out (as in leave) <3.
Chenford 😳😳!! Woww :OO I figured from the season promo it would be a hook up but thought it might be a mislead, but nope lol!! Happy for them :D. But also YOU IDIOTSS and YOU ARE NOT READY FOR THISS 😭. Gosh, the fools xdd. The neck was such a wild excuse too lol. Very contrived but eh I don't mind it xD. Their scene was cute :)). I was like Lucy you will regret this girl 😭 both of you will 😭 but wh you know xD. And then both being awake was hilarious lol. Also Tim's face when he was sitting up facing away from her :(( gosh, you could feel that one. Anyway, you guys (them) are idiots xdd <3. I'm sure they'll get it together eventually lol.
Also that poor couple where the girlfriend turned him in 😭🥺. He loved her :((. I do see what she was saying but that's rough :'((. Also definitely paralleling/reminding Lucy and Tim lol.
Gray and Luna being icons as always 🥰🥰. This was a great event that she helped plan, and a really cool setting to see them in, proud of her :'D. And these two are sweet as always 🥰 like the food basket to Miles and his girlfriend's room? Aww :)). And loved Luna giving him advice 🥺 <3. His own mother isn't around to do so but she is :'). Anyway, Luna and Gray remain the sweetest (not more than another couples but yk).
Okay I get what Bailey's saying but can I be honest? I'm on Nolan's side. I do understand what she's saying, he tormented her and she just wanted him out of her life, but she committed a crime and was basically implicated/involved in a murder. And while taking steps to get rid of him she refused to take steps to keep herself safe. I'm glad he's gone but I feel like he would've gotten caught anyway, Bailey texting Malvado or not. And I understand why she didn't tell John, but bro. He's literally a cop and you committed a crime. When Wesley committed almost crimes for Elijah because of their deal Angela was basically ready to kill him lol. I don't think it's unreasonable for John to be mad at her at all. I understand the tension of their different stances and will live to see it play out more, but I think Bailey feeling like she's completely in the right and not seeing his side of things (and being angry) is not only a) hypocritical but b) just eugh. I love her I do but I was 😬 with her this episode xd. Her dress was beautiful though lol. I just hope they work things out :(( <333.
And to end on a lighter note, Wopez 🥰!! Nyla DEFINITELY knew Graham liked Angela, like in the first scene, and Wesley being so eager was hilarious xDD. Him and Gretchen are cute though, I'm happy for them :D. Poor Wesley and Angela not getting their room though xd 😭 xD. Why Wesley lol! I think Gretchen and Graham would have been fine lol. Also Wesley saying that these people don't end up their friends anymore (either way this time it works out slfjdjks) is hilarious xD how many times have they done this lol?? Imagine if Wopez were the ones who got Chenford back together lol 💀. Anyway xD. I'm SO glad to know that Angela knew lol. I was thinking she might (or was in denial in the first scene) and when she said "you figured it out" I was pretty sure lol. It is nice that Wesley gets cover for how he found out too lol. And Angela seems understanding of how he felt which is good 🥹🥰🥰. Can't blame her for using the crush lol. Anyway, it almost felt anticlimactic, but I'm glad this storyline ended softly/quietly 🥰. I want them to have drama and storylines but still be happy 😭 xD. And I'm glad they are 🥰🥰. I love them <33.
Loved the episode!! Was super fun :D. Excited for the next one :))!
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s-4pphics · 2 years ago
let the rain sing. 1 (a.a.)
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hi lol 
wc;cw: 1.9k, dadsbestfriend!abby, lawstudent!oc, large age gap(oc is 25, abby is mid 40s), abby is bi<3, mentions of insomnia, brief mentions of alcohol and dubcon, descriptions of sex, descriptions of eating out no fatburger, some sex lol MDNI, hitting it from the bbb b b bback, some cervix brushing?? idk uhh i forgot what it’s called, some dirty talk, some angst😧 
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“A-bby! Fuckfuckfuuuck—m’gonna cum again!” Your screams were muffled by Abby’s pillow.
You could hear the smirk in her voice as she fucked you harder, skin smacking against each other, “Yeah, baby? Give it t’me, make me proud, c’mon c’mon c’mon— “
Abby fucked into you deeper, your ass clapping against her hips. Your mouth dropped open in a silent shout, your body stiffening as you shoved your face into her pillow, breathing in her angelic scent. Your orgasm ripped through your entire body in slow, but harsh waves, your hips moving on autopilot to drag out the feeling for as long as you could. Your nails dug into the pillow under your head as you wailed her name out. 
You could barely hear Abby’s sweet voice talking you through it over your screams and the pounding in your ears, “Yeaaah, that’s a good girl. This what you need? Just wanna get put t’bed? Huh?” 
You nodded brainlessly, your walls still on squeezing her cock as she grinded you out as deep as she could reach. The head of her dick brushing against your cervix almost made you burst again. You hated how you could feel another building in your gut; you barely finished this one! 
You were going to sleep so well tonight. 
Fucking your dad’s friend was… not a part of your plan of finally getting shut eye. Not in the slightest!
Abby started turning up at your parents' home very often two months ago. Sometimes she would come with friends, sometimes alone, and you grew tired of people constantly showing up in your space without warning. Your patience reached its limit after a couple of weeks, and you’d finally planned to have a conversation with your parents about your struggles with sleeping and your distaste for constant company after your lecture that day, but you were swiftly thrown into other plans by your friends. 
They were able to convince you to finally get out of the house and go to dinner with them. They hadn’t stopped their pestering after your curt denials, begging you to spend time with them due to how much they missed you. When you reluctantly gave in to their pleads, they made sure to pick out a revealing dress for you to wear while they did your hair, claiming that sugar mommies and daddies were on the loose! 
You were tipsy from the wine and your feet hurt from the heels, but you were proud of yourself for finally getting out of the house and being… normal. 
But you weren’t prepared to walk up and see your garage door wide open, Abby and your father lifting heavy boxes from one shelf to the other. She was in a muscle-tee that showed her gigantic biceps and jeans that hugged her thighs and ass. She was sweating, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail do you could see her flushed, dripping neck and what the fuck—
Hi, sweet pea! Why’re standin’ there like that?
Your father’s gentle voice had pulled you out of your daze, your body going from groggy to alert when she turned around to look at you. You saw a smile instantly grow on her face at the mention of you, but the second you made eye contact, her face went stoic. Almost dark. 
You slowly entered the garage, and your dad came over to plant a light kiss on your forehead, box in hand. 
Abby was just helping me reorganize before me’n mom head out! How was dinner?
Good, you’d replied instantly, your eyes still on Abby, and hers on you. How was your day? 
He rambled about his day as he fixed the boxes on the shelf, but you couldn’t hear anything he was saying as you and Abby stared at each other. Your body had already been hot from her getup, but you nearly burst into flames when she studied you from head to toe. She took her time as her eyes shamelessly roamed over your appearance; her eyes had been glued on your legs. 
You would’ve been taken aback at her ogling if you didn’t already have some inkling that she was attracted to you at the very minimum. She never failed to check up on you, gently talk you out of your anxiety from your classes, compliment you, touch you with such care, whether it be rubbing your back as you cried to her from stress or were pulled into her warm embrace. It made you starry-eyed overtime, and you came to expect it whenever you saw her. 
But you weren’t prepared for her to push you up against the garage door, lift your dress up and move your thong to the side, dropping to her knees and licking into you until you came hard on her tongue after your parents went on their scheduled date night. 
It all happened so quickly, and the sequence of events were still blurry; you were almost convinced that it wasn’t real, but it was, and it felt so good to be touched like that. You recall her walking towards you after your dad rushed upstairs to shower, asking how you were, how you felt, why you were so dolled up. She smelled like daisies, and you almost passed out. 
Next thing you know, you were pressed between her and the door with her tongue down your throat. 
The first orgasm she gave completely shattered you, so much so that she was forced to carry your lax body upstairs and tuck you in herself. She changed you and took your makeup off, and the second your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. 
You’d woken up twelve hours later to birds chirping and sunshine, and you couldn’t believe it. 
Guilt hit you like a freight train the second your eyes opened, and you forced yourself to sob quietly into your pillow so your parents would hear. It made you cry harder when the remorse slowly got overshined by… craving. More of Abby, of sleep, anything to get you to fucking sleep. 
To say you developed an addiction to sex with Abby was an understatement. You texted her almost every night these past weeks after your intense lectures begging for her to make you cum, to fuck you back to sleep like she did the first time, and she always accepted. You were shocked that she hadn’t blocked your fucking number yet; she never failed to reply to your proposals with an Of course honey. She was always so sweet, and it made you feel gross.
Not only was her sex a blessing in disguise for your crippling insomnia, but it was good. It was so, so good. She knew just how to fuck you, and she left you completely brainless every time. 
You hated that you couldn’t stop, but you needed this. You needed her to fuck you: you became a mere vessel from your lack of rest, and she revived you. You haven’t slept this well since you were a toddler. 
“Okay, honey? Need some more?”
You could feel Abby’s soft hands rubbing up and down your spine as she gently whispered to you, bringing you back down from your pleasure. You could barely move, and you felt that feeling of exhaustion take over your body, weighing it down into her mussed sheets as your eyes grew heavy. 
You gently shook your head at her. You were satisfied and tired, and you needed to get home so you could sleep. You had to work on your thesis tomorrow; you were going to zoom through your editing, thanks to her. 
You barely heard Abby whispering okay to you, gently pulling out and moving the pillows out from under your hips. You could feel her gently rubbing your sides, massaging into the sweaty, plush skin, allowing you to stretch out your limbs. 
Your breathing was still heavy, and your legs were shaking, but you subtly moved away from her touch and sat up, your feet planted on the floor. You saw Abby stand to remove her strap from her hips out the corner of your eye, and a shiver went up your spine when you saw glistening wetness between her legs. You looked down, grabbing your clothes off the floor in a hurry. 
You both redressed in silence, the shuffling of 
“Do you need some help getting home?” You heard Abby offer kindly from in front of you. You straightened out your shirt, cringing at the awkwardness. This was the worst part about your agreement. 
Your reply was drier than necessary as you grabbed your phone from the dresser. You heard her sigh. 
“Oh… Alright. I’ll walk you downstairs.” 
Your tone softened at her dejection, and you turned to look at her. “I’m good, Abby. Thank you, though.” 
She smiled, but you noticed the small grimace, “Okay, um… Let me know when you get home?” 
You nodded, walking towards her bedroom door, “Sure.” 
And you left, gently shutting the door behind you. You made your way to the front door: you always made sure to avoid the array of pictures of her, her ex-husband, and her babygirl. 
You grabbed your purse and keys from the rack on the wall and vacated through the front door. You shut it and snagged the spare key from under her mat, locking it and wobbling back to your car. 
You could still feel her inside you with every step you took, and it almost made you turn around and climb back into her bed. 
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Your home was dark and silent, indicating that your parents were asleep. 
You locked and shut the door behind you, throwing your purse on the couch and hanging up your keys. You pulled your phone out to let Abby know you made it back safely before shutting it off and walking upstairs. 
You grabbed your speaker from your bedroom before heading to the bathroom, turning on the shower until it was boiling, and smoke filled the room. You put on your ocean playlist and stripped, hopping into the shower, and letting the droplets burn your skin. 
You washed yourself, the scent of lavender and the sound of crashing waves surrounding you, relaxing you further as you dove deep in thought. 
Whenever you and Abby had sex, you felt terrible afterwards. For being selfish, for being avoidant, for being an awful, disloyal daughter. 
You made your boundaries very evident to Abby after you first fucked: no sex in your parents' home, you always contact her first, no interacting at your family’s gatherings. None of it. You two practically became strangers outside the bedroom, and she agreed without complaint, telling you that she needed this just as badly as you did. You never asked her why, but you could guess.
Your euphoria always resulted in you feeling embarrassed and full of regret, but whenever you saw her, you couldn’t stop the nasty swirl in your gut that lured you to take from her. To use her however you wished. 
And she allowed it every time you asked. Completely at your disposal whenever you needed her. It made you feel worse. But you couldn’t stop. 
You finished your shower with a gray heart, drying off and shutting your speaker down before padding into your room. 
You grabbed some panties and a t-shirt from your drawer, dressing before climbing into bed. You plugged your phone into the charger and dove face-down into your pillows. You could almost feel Abby’s hand on the back of your neck, holding you down and keeping you still for her as she cried your name out. 
Your eyes flew open at the loud ding that rang through your room. 
You sighed and unlocked it, reading the text from Abby and putting your phone on silent. 
Sleep well. :)
You did. 
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hi again omg
dassit lol smut next chap u already know
thank u 4 reading :)
hi taglist :3 i love y’all n thank u 4 caring about what i make @saturnsellie @ohlawdthebirds @fibrogirlie @unangelic-thoughts @chrry1ovr @uraesthete @gravygranules @digit4lslut @machetegirl109 @letsreadsomesins-shallwe
prologue. part two. part three. interlude. part four.
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hobvitr · 2 years ago
HIII! i have been having so many thoughts about these characters recently and just found ur acc :) perfect timing!
can i request peter b parker x reader or spider-noir x reader? anything works!
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peter b parker x reader
implied fem!reader
genre/warnings: you two are parents! fluff, established relationship, just you two being parents, really. this is really short! more of a blurb than anything else.
note: thank you for requesting this!! i will do for spider noir soon too! I'm SO sorry i have a brain rot with his Man being a dad, it's the main thing I've been thinking since i saw mayday! anyways! recommend song: isn't she lovely - stevie wonder And oceano - djavan
sinopses: you and peter have a sweet moment with your baby!
you had thought about having kids before? yeah, but as it was something not needed, you kinda just leave the idea behind as peter also wasn't really the most excited to start a family (read as: scared as shit). you knew he felt guilty for feeling that way, from his past relationship, but you didn't care if that was his preference to not have little ones running through your shared apartment.
the thing was, it changed, after he met miles, who you only knew him from the stories peter told you, it was cute to see his smile and you could feel the proud he felt for the kid. one thing led to another right... and here you are, with a cute little newborn in your arms.
"how can she look so much like you, she was born three days ago" you hear peter from behind, mumbling in a quiet tone as your daughter was asleep. "oh, thats funny... i think she looks like you" you turned your head to look at him, a slight smile on your lips.
"what?" he really thought he was hiding the way he was flustered with your comment. "no, she's literally you but... small" you couldn't help but laugh at his face, you could feel his need to hold the little one. "well, thanks, she's the prettiest"
"you two are" he leave a quick peck on your lips, distracting you so he could take her from your arms. "very smart to be lovely with me just so you can rob our baby from me" you playfully hit his arm, getting an dramatic 'ouch' from him. "you can just ask me, hm?" you pull him closer with a hand on the nape of his neck, now giving him a proper kiss.
"will do, ma" he replies, smiling at you. you just know you couldn't ask for a better dad for your kid.
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