#and he's decided that this random dude in a mask he met not long after he hatched is his pet freak. okay!
mamawasatesttube · 23 days
i also want to see more timkon of the "oh tim is a monsterfucker. okay" variety. there's an alien freak of nature hovering ominously in the air, not moving, not even breathing by the look of it, unnaturally beautiful with horrific glowing red eyes. everything about it seems straight out of a horror movie. a thing that's almost but very clearly not human. and this fucking guy tim is over in the corner going 😍🥵🥰😳 about it??? is anyone else seeing this????
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el-is-away · 1 year
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more h because i love this guy. he is very much a dad to everything that is pocketsized (even though he will deny it) but first of all he is a dad for jioxa. also wrote a bio for him but ill put it under there ↓ (+a horny!)
NAME — The (Solemn) Hunter. Or simply H, as in "ache".
AGE — 12 years
GENDER — Cis male
PRONOUNS — he/him
SPECIES — Sylvari
CLASS — Virtuoso
OCCUPATION — The Order of Whispers member, a slayer, infamous bounty hunter.
APPEARANCE — The Hunter is a dark-green cored sylvari of a hefty, muscular build, of a substantial height. His hair is long, coarse, very leafy, resembling lots of vines, that bloom in spring and eminate pollen. He has green eyes and glow. His face is always neutral, leaning towards grumpy, but most ofthen hidden by a bird-like mask. He has a sharp, slightly prolongued chin, almost as if having a goatee.
PERSONALITY — The H is silent, collected, smart and calculating. Always on edge and serious, he doesn't talk much — very rarely he answers questions or gets involved in a conversation, often just staying mute, as if ignoring the other person. That's a good thing: when Hunter actually talks, it's usually something painfully honest and mean, as he doesn't mince words, or shy away from harsh truths. It's hard to get him mad, per se, but annoyed he gets very unpredictably: might be soon, might be later, might get instantly. No way of telling. Not very sociable and extremely secretive, you will never get to properly know him. You can tag along and look, of course, to learn his techniques and patterns of thinking, but in reality there is almost no way of getting close to this dude, as if he has put up a hundred metaphorical walls between himself and the world around him.
BACKSTORY — After awakening, the newborn Hunter was almost just like he is now: then brash and overly serious, angry and trouble-seeking, he was a menace to those around him. Constantly getting into fights, he was swiftly escorted out of the Grove with his pod brother, Pryman, to fend for his own, as he was not really in the mood to be learning or understanding. Skidaddling to the Lion's Arch portal, the two of them visited the city and even tried to call it their home for a little moment. There Pryman met his first love, while Hunter didn't and lived a life of indulging in random encounters and fights. He watched from the side, as his brother was being runied by this one particular charr — and payed no mind to it, as he as well, was slowly sinking into a path of violence. Then Pryman lost his eye in a fight — and that kind of broke him. But that didn't break Hunter. He was thrilled, that Pry had taken things that far — and it even kind of excited him. He wasn't mad at his brothers abuser — he was glad that he taught him a lesson, and that didn't sit right with Pry, who was already realising, that the start of their life is not going as well, as it should. There was too much violence, he said, but Hunter thrived in it. While Pry hated it. They had to split ways almost immediately, even though Hunter was really fond of his brother — they were twins, after all, and their bond was strong. That, on the other hand, hit H really hard. He sunk into a pit of loneliness, as everyone that he met reminded him of his brother, who has gone to make his own way and wanted to do nothing with him. He was too good for Hunter, and he knew that. To hide the pain, H shoved it deep inside his soul, internalizing and deciding, that trust and love is to be avoided at all costs. He decided to pick up the only things that he was good at — killing, fighting and pathfinding — as his job, and become a bounty hunter. It went well. So well even, that he was soon approached by an Order of Whispers members and taken in as an agent and slayer. That didn't go so great at first, as the teams that he gotten into were not fond of his meanness and lack of cooperation. Being thrown around for a little while before finally taken by Waexie to the newly founded BWTCH team, he was finally kind of settled. He had a little rivalry there with one of the members, Bree, but.. Then Mordremoth happened. There he lived through the Mordremoth assault, barely being able to keep himself sane — as from the loss and bitterness, that accumulated in him with time, the call was hard to ignore. So afterwards he became even less talkative than he was — the experience was traumatic, and working through his problems he is very much uncapable of with those trust issues.. In BWTCH he made a "friend" (even though H himself hates that word) — Semeeas, a toxic, agressive sylvari, that had recently was put into their squad. Meeting a similarly bitter soul to himself, H was kind of humbled by he dude, and didn't mind his company as much. They were working in a pair often, with time even becoming friends with benefits. But the "friends with benefits" thing wasn't really reciprocated, as when Hunter (who was already infamous for his promiscuity) slept with someone else, he was quickly ditched by his newly acquired partner and left alone again. Right now his partner on the job is Jioxa, that he is somewhat protective of.
no more words look at horny
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cartoon-buffoon · 3 months
I'm bored so random ramble about a Wednesday's Infidelity AU thing I made. Introducing: Felix Het, Het Cat!
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First off: I commissioned someone I'm mutuals with on discord to draw this for me so shout out to them as they are a way better artist than I (idk if they want me to link their DeviantArt or something, I don't think they give a damn either way tho). They also agreed to do some more art for this AU whenever they have the time.
Second off: This skull face bastard's design and name is based on that Russian bootleg Felix game where clicking "нет" (aka the "no" option) on the continue screen you'd be met with a game over screen showcasing Felix ripping his face off to reveal a bloody skull underneath it and a weird button stitched onto his right eye.
Oh and one final thing I wanna mention before going into Het's lore: his lore is intertwined with some lore I made for the AU involving Euthenasia Rabbit (WI's version of Oswald) with the two having a history together and the main focus of the AU is their dynamic and relationship. The AU title I got going is "Misery Loves Company" and I'm in the process of making a side blog focusing on writing stories for the two. The story and the AU is also a enemies to lovers (rivals to lovers? I'm still not sure) story so that's also a thing to keep in mind. The two don't get along at first... And probably won't for a long while.
Now Het's personality actually originates from a certain fic of mine (not advertising that here) yet I honestly loved his character so much I thought "hay lets do something more with this!". For the most part he's a selfish, sadistic, and cruel faceless cat toon who believes the world has scorned him thus giving him the right to commit senseless acts of cruelty and slaughter under the delsuion of "it's just karma!". He's based off of Felix's classical self which was extremely violent and insane, however in the old cartoons there's always some virtuous traits that Felix shows however Het has none of that virtue. Lore wise he is inspired by the name of the stolen T-shirt design used for the "нет" image which is "Felix The Cat unmasked". The lore I came up with (that may be subject to change) is: he was a toon who was originally named Felix and was rejected and constantly ridiculed all his life for his grotesque appearance, to make up for his creepy face he often wore masks to hide his visage and would be a street performer and made up for what he lacked in looks with talent. Eventually Felix managed to pull the attention of company's with his acting skills and when hired he was commanded to wear a mask that would make him more family friendly and was told to never ever take it off. After some stuff happened he was inevitably fired for a toon who didn't need a mask and thought to be the perfect replacement. With his life spiraling and the only ever type of fame he had stolen away Felix decided to take back what was his by force. After brutally tormenting and torturing his successor (ripping off his face and wearing it) he fled the country, went under a new alias, and become a whole lot more unhinged only to resurface when he ran into his old "friend" Oswald (otherwise known as Euthenasia rabbit).
Uhh I also don't know how to end this ramble so for a final thing I added to the lore of this AU: Het's replacement didn't die from the torture, he was severely maimed however he did live. This replacement is the explanation for the character "Hysteria Cat" who is the background version of Felix from the Leak Ma Balls song. After numerous surgeries his face was fixed yet Het's actions left a lasting impact which explains Hysteria's name (he can't remember his old one) and his blank thousand yard stare (this dude is mentally not there anymore).
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alheria · 1 year
Ownership (one-shot)
Ghost fucking hated joint exercises.
They always felt so...unnecessary, especially now with his many, many years of unquestionable, extensive experience and equally impressive mission portfolio. He's a cold-blooded, efficient, reliable killer, but apparently that is not enough for the army. The ten days long training scenario with allied international teams was mandatory, what he learned during the hopeless attempt to somehow get out of it.
"Please, don't test my patience Simon. Suck it up.", Price said, not even for a second looking up from the documents he was working on. That guy surely didn't take anyone's crap and it showed. Ghost couldn't blame him, being in charge was not easy, a tremendous responsibility of keeping a bunch of reckless idiots alive mixed with a shocking amount of paperwork. Himself, Ghost would never want to be in such position, immensely enjoying the exclusive field work. But it doesn't change the fact he was still pissed. Fucking bullshit, stupid ass exercises.
And if that was not enough, something weird started happening around his boyfriend.
The new guys seemed to really like him.
Which was rather surprising considering König's intimidating and unapproachable aura combined with the spooky looks of a crazy tall, ripped beast wearing a creepy mask. Also, the young soldier was openly hostile towards strangers, not interested in making friends unless it was absolutely necessary or somehow beneficial. He often remarked that there is no reason to bother if you're probably never gonna meet them again. Quite a reasonable assumption in their field of work to be honest.
Why the sudden change then? What was so different about those soldiers, he decided they were worth his precious attention? 
Ghost had no fucking clue. But wished he had because this whole peculiar ordeal was weirding him out.
They knew each-other for almost two years now, been officially dating nearly a year and a half, and it was the first time he witnessed the Austrian publicly act in such manner: engaging in an actual conversation and using whole damn sentences instead of nodding in silent acknowledgement. Sounds like something completely normal, although not in this case. In addition to being big and scary, König was very quiet and noticeably withdrawn due to rather prominent social anxiety he still struggled with. It took the lieutenant months to get his utterly fascinating partner to feel truly comfortable around him, even though the two of them crossed the intimacy line not too long after they met. And all that hard work to uncover what exactly hides under the thick protection layer was totally worth the trouble.
At least that's how it felt before. Cos right now, it looked like König didn't mind acquainting with a bunch of random people, opening up a little. Perhaps it was a positive sign, he needed to start working on those social skills sooner or later for the teamwork's sake, and it probably wouldn't be troubling Ghost much if not for that one soldier who literally glued himself to the Austrian.
The fucking French guy.
A vibrant red light flashed in his mind the second they got introduced. There was just something about that non-stop smiling man rubbing the lieutenant the wrong way. Cedric, or whatever the fuck his name is, was slightly taller than Simon, but rather slim build, had very short dark hair and something sparkled in his brown eyes when he saw König for the first time.
Since then, he constantly followed the masked killer, talking about devil knows what and making the Brit's instincts scream in an itching need to eliminate the unlikely threat. Why did he perceive this dude in such an intense way was a mystery. Never being in a relationship before, the concept of being jealous was not only hard to comprehend - admitting to it seemed impossible. Ghost was too proud to have such juvenile feelings, especially ones implying he has vulnerabilities of some kind. It was also incredibly stupid to think his boyfriend might cross the line. König would never. They were working great as a couple, their extremely different personalities surprisingly turned out to be a perfect fit, and it was obvious how deep their bond is. Yet, he talked to Cedric as if they knew each-other for years, was visibly comfortable in his presence, clearly wasn't minding the unfamiliar hands frequently touching his arms, back and waist as they laughed together. And maybe at night the Austrian as usual kept sneaking into Ghost's too small for the two of them bed to fall asleep between his strong arms, but somehow this sense of uncertainty didn't want to leave him alone. It was fucking annoying.
So on the sixth day of this shitshow, when Gaz had to physically stop him to prevent a major case of "friendly fire" from occuring, after the French soldier whispered something right into König's covered ear, Ghost decided enough is enough. His boyfriend needed to stop being close with that guy right fucking now, or double murder will be on the menu tonight. 
Not wanting to make a scene in public because it's not how a stealthy assassin operates, Simon patiently waited for an ideal opportunity to strike, forcing himself to stay calm and vigilant while that fucker shamelessly flirted with the seemingly clueless Austrian. Oh, how he wished it was an enemy soldier, not an ally. He would be long dead.
Luckily, an opening to act formed on the very same day, after everyone was done for the day and more than ready to hit the bunks, exhausted by a challenging training scenario, including the lieutenant who after having a work related chat with Price, slowly walked back to sleeping quarters when he saw it, and rage started to burn. There was a hand in the middle of König's chest firmly pressing him into the hallway wall, while the other palm gently pulled on the thin face cover, as if the Frenchman was trying to persuade the younger man to remove it. Which was absolutely not fucking happening for two reasons:
1. There was nothing König feared more than having his mask taken off in public, and would never consent to such a thing.
2. No one was touching Ghost's boyfriend without his consent.
The lieutenant quickly crossed the distance between him and the pair, grabbed Cedric's neck and shoved him backwards, right into the opposite wall.
-Learn how to keep your hands to yourself, or I will fucking break them. -he warned, gazing furiously at the terrified soldier struggling to breathe with a strong hand tightly squeezing his throat. Ghost for a second considered holding for a little too long. End his life. But feeling something repeatedly tug on the back of his shirt, the Brit hesitantly let go of the suffocating man who immediately fell to the floor, and dissatisfied turned around towards the clearly distressed Austrian. His eyes turned glossy, making the lieutenant's anger slightly fade. -With me. Now. -ordered, grasping König's arm before dragging him in their room's direction, leaving the heavily panting man behind.
It was an unpleasantly silent walk, tension so dense, a knife could cut right through. The younger soldier obediently followed his boyfriend, knowing well-enough that a visibly pissed Ghost should not be messed with if one wished to stay alive, what he learned the hard way a while ago when he got himself separated from his team and recklessly injured. 
-Ouch! -the Austrian whined once his already sore body roughly hit the wall the second they entered the dark bedroom. -The fuck you doing Simon?! -questioned when the lieutenant's muscular arms cornered him, desire to kill resonating from his hostile posture.
-You're mine. -he growled. -Mine, and no one else's.
Till death do us part.
-Of course I am, you know that! What is this about?! -demanded the younger man, struggling not to break the painfully intense eye contact, aware his partner hates when he tries to avoid confrontation. It was uncomfortable, but it truly did help to be a little more assertive.
-I just very much dislike my property being played with. -the Brit responded vaguely, confusing the hell out of the other soldier, who thought the anger was caused by his new friend crossing the line when he wished to see the hidden face.
-What are you talki...Ach du lieber Gott! -König gasped once the shocking realisation hit him like a truck. It wasn't about Cedric messing with the mask, it was about Cedric in general! Someone was feeling insecure. There was no reason for him to worry and yet, he almost killed the poor French guy to protect what's rightfully his. -Babe, are you jealous? -he asked confidently, despite suspecting that bringing up such a delicate subject to an already furious assassin might not be the brightest idea.
-I don't get fucking jealous! -Simon barked before dropping his pounding forehead onto the Austrian's shoulder. He was exhausted from all those intrusive, unidentifiable emotions mixed with rage spin inside his mind. -I don't. -sighed in resignation.
He was jealous.
Or rather afraid to lose someone so insanely important to him, the sole thought made him feel sick. Ghost didn't think at this point he could just...let König go. He owned every piece of that beautiful man, who unknowingly had Simon wrapped around his finger.
-So this whole week...you must have been in agony. -implied the Austrian, wrapping the long arms around his boyfriend's wide back, leaning down to speak closer to the covered ear. -Watching Cedric and I get a little too close, spend nearly all the time together, talk, laugh, touch. How did that make you feel? -whispered, gently caressing the tense spine with gloved palms. 
Ghost snorted in disbelief. How did that make him feel?! 
Like there was an itch under his skin he couldn't scratch off. An annoying sensation that intensified terribly any time he saw the two men together, lost in their too comfortable world he wasn't a part of. It fel...wait. What did König just say? Getting a little too close?
...he knew that soldier was flirting with him.
He knew...because he allowed him to!
-...fucking bastard. -Ghost hissed, roughly pushing himself away from the taller man's embrace, pure fury burning in his eyes. -You did it on purpose, didn't you?! You flirted with that French fucker to piss me off! -he shouted, firmly grabbing his boyfriend's shirt and violently shaking the heavy body. -Why?!
-Doesn't matter why! -the Austrian refused to explain, clearly embarrassed by getting caught red-handed, and scared a bit. He just wanted to make Simon jealous, didn't expect his silly game to escalate to the point of being in real danger.
-It does to me! -the Brit informed, his tone somewhat calmer but still dead serious. -Babe, I need you to tell me what I did. Now. -demanded, letting go of the trembling soldier, taking a step back to give him space.
-...you called me your friend. -König mumbled after a moment of hesitation, and upon hearing that, the lieutenant's jaw just dropped.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Roughly two weeks ago, the two of them were chilling in a bar after a "civil" mission in a big tourist city, when an old acquaintance of Ghost appeared out of nowhere. Surprised by this unexpected meeting, he might have introduced his boyfriend as a friend. Which was an honest mistake, the lieutenant was still not used to being in a relationship, let alone talking about having a long-term partner. He didn't even realize what happened until now! That adorable idiot seriously needed to learn how to properly communicate his problems. 
-You're a fool, König. You should've said something, I would've corrected myself, you know I would. -he sighed, gesturing for the younger man to take his mask off. Once the blushed face was in full view, he cupped those soft cheeks and pulled his boyfriend down for a sweet forehead kiss before letting go. -Well, I wanted to teach you a lesson for acting up, but perhaps in this situation, I should let it slide. -the lieutenant shrugged nonchalantly, already moving away towards the tiny bathroom to shower before sleep.
-I strongly disagree! -exclaimed the taller soldier, quickly grabbing Ghost's arm to stop him. -For being a brat, I absolutely deserve to be thoroughly punished!
And, oh, Simon did like hearing those words very, very much.
-Alright then, you attention-seeking whore. -the older man nodded, swiftly removing his own mask as he circled the Austrian and stopped behind his back. -On your knees, sweetheart. -ordered firmly, and without a warning, swung his shin right into the back of the soldier's knees, making him instantly fall to the ground with a loud thump and a surprised gasp. The younger man was thanking the heavens for the soft knee pads when Ghost shortly appeared in front of him, holding his thick, half-hard penis in the large palm. -You know what to do.
König's eyes went wide, dry throat subconsciously swallowed at that mouth-watering sight. Of course he knew. His lips instantly parted, tongue slid out in an inviting gesture, ready to taste the hot flesh. Not wasting any time, Simon roughly shoved his length into the opening, and began to fuck the choking soldier's face, his pace absolutely brutal. It was crazy hot, seeing the scary killer tear up while the fat dick deprived him of oxygen. Nevertheless, the Austrian seemed to lack gag-reflex, clearly well-used to having this cock in his mouth. Thinking about it made Ghost rock hard. The wave of pleasure encouraged him to speed up the thrusts, chase the desired release. To make himself feel even better, he cupped the head and held it steady as his hips bottomed down in the contracting throat.
-Goin' to come, baby. -he groaned, feeling the orgasm approach slowly but steadily. The precise movements soon turned erratic, breathing got louder, euphoric fog clouded the sharp eyes. A few more times the lieutenant slammed into König's mouth before burying himself fully inside to reach the ultimate relief. 
-Good boy. -the Brit praised his starved for air boyfriend as he withdrew, a warm hand gently caressed the flushed cheek. -Now, I'm going to take a shower. In the meantime, you'll get naked, prepare your pretty ass to be fucked and nicely wait for me right here on the floor. -Ghost ordered, crouching down to meet the glossy eyes. -If you touch yourself, I'll break your arms, is that clear? -he asked, firmly squeezing the painfully erect crotch strained by tight pants.
-Yes, sir. -the Austrian obediently responded, earning himself a second tender forehead kiss prior to his partner leaving.
Simon did not plan on taking a break, however it somehow felt appropriate to make König wait as an additional punishment for his shameful behaviour. And oh, despite being more than ready to fuck that slutty hole, he did take his sweet time, knowing his boyfriend won't disobey, will be sitting in the exact spot he pointed at, silently begging for him to return and touch the neglected penis.
Ghost was not wrong, once he left the bathroom, the big, scary, naked assassin was on all fours, chest plastered to the ground, head resting on a flat pillow, wet with lubricant cheeks high up in the air, exactly where they needed to be. The position was so erotic, the lieutenant's dick fully hardened in an instant, a purr escaped his dry throat as he approached, hungrily squeezed the muscular globe while the other hand traced the spine, sliding down to the neck it firmly grabbed and pressed to the floor. Bent over his man, the Brit kissed the burning shoulder and whispered:
-I hope you prepared yourself well.
König's mind glitched when the wide shaft forcefully slammed deep into his tight hole, filling him to the brim. Not giving a chance to get used to the feeling of being stretched insanely wide, the cock quickly retreated, just to thrust again a moment later. Ghost's brutal, powerful rhythm clearly mirrored how he felt seeing his boyfriend around Cedric - like he was about to lose his fucking mind and go on a rampage.
-You're mine, don't ever forget that. -Simon groaned, clawing onto the trembling hips, ensuring there will be bruising. Maybe no one would see it, but the knowledge this beautiful, strong body is marked with his presence was somehow comforting. The Austrian didn't respond, busy moaning and whining as the massive penis constantly grazed his sensitive prostate. After such a long time, the lieutenant knew exactly which angles turn the vicious killer into a whimpering mess. To tease him even more, he slid one hand towards the erection, trapped the base between two fingers that only sat there, putting some much-needed pressure, although not making König feel any less frustrated, opposite actually. -Apologize. -Ghost demanded, slowing down the thrusts, ruining the approaching orgasm for both of them. What was something he did not enjoy doing until one day, by an accident, he learned how emotionally his partner reacts to being denied sexual pleasure once he was close to release.
-I'm so-so sor-ry!...It was a mmmistake! -the younger soldier cried out, his voice muffled by the pillow. -I was s-s-stupid!...Ne-ever aa-gain...promise! I promise! -he assured, hopelessly wriggling his butt to feel some more friction inside, where the soaking wet cock moved horribly slowly.
...so pathetically predictable.
Ghost laughed at that clear distress, and promptly adjusted the speed to get them back on track, his thrusts very purposeful, aiming to make them feel good quickly, so they can catch as much sleep as possible. The hand holding the twitching penis, wrapped fully around it, finally started jerking the leaking shaft as their bodies collided. The sudden flood of arousal overwhelmed König's barely working mind to the point all he could sense was Simon's burning touch. Nothing else existed.
-Now. -the older man ordered, realizing he is merely a push away from falling off the edge. The Austrian understood the vague request perfectly, his stretched insides contracted violently when the painfully hard cock for the last time thrust into Ghost's palm. The Brit's weight instantly pressed him to the floor as he heavily overflowed the hole, his own spending penis uncomfortably trapped between the floor and his chest kept releasing as well, no end to be seen.
They stayed connected on the dirty ground until it became unbearable, too greedy and exhausted to let go right away. Once they parted, the lieutenant had to physically drag the other soldier under the shower, his limbs numb from the awkward position, brain still not operating properly. He was sore, weak and needed Ghost to take care of him. Which always happened, no matter how mad Simon was.
A truly responsible owner. 
-König, you asleep baby? -he asked as they lied together in the too small bed, entangled in a close embrace, the satisfied Austrian peacefully dozing off on his naked chest. -I have something important to tell you.
-Not yet. Soon. -mumbled the younger man, leaning into his boyfriend's hand gently caressing his damp hair.
-Good. -Ghost whispered, and before elaborating further, pressed a tender kiss to the flowery smelling head. -Flirt with someone else ever again, I'll make you dig your own grave.
Then I'll personally snap your neck.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Date with Destiny- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Summary: you guessed it bitches its the prom episode with everyone's fav guy Robin (S2 Ep6)
Pairings: Robin!Dick grayson x reader
Word count: 4218
A/N: hey yall I love writing for this series bfgkfhg so if you want my inbox is always open to request!!! love yallll~
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of the day; the sun is long gone and the wind constantly bites at your skin. But it depends on what you're doing to decide whether you like it or not. Sometimes it’s not as bad; that’s when you’re hanging out with your friends, maybe going to a carnival or out partying all night. Sometimes it’s worse, like you being forced to chase after some villain who decided to only operate AT NIGHT. Unfortunately, the latter is true for you tonight.
You slump over in the backseat of the T-Car while Cyborg and Raven sit attentively at the front.
“Why can’t I sit in the front?” you whine, staring at the two Titan’s heads.
“Because I’m the only one that knows how to drive this car and Raven needs to use her telekinesis so we dont die!” Cyborg yells, focusing on the target, who happens to be a guy with a spider for his head that stole a bunch of jewelry.
You groaned and poked your head out the window. Starfire and Beast Boy were up in the air, Robin close by on his motorbike, and you were all chasing the half-arachnid. You stretched out of the vehicle and made punching movements at the criminal, ocean water from the bay twisting over towards him, mimicking your movements. The jets of water just barely nicked him before crashing into the sides of buildings, the teenage spider continuing to scuttle across the city.
You turn your attention back towards the road as the spider guy created a webbed barrier in front of Cyborg’s car and Robin’s motorcycle. You and Cyborg gasp, but Raven calmly holds her hand up towards the road. It cracks, creating a ramp for the four of you to jump over the webs with.
After making the jump, the half spider looks at the car. He shoots webs at you, and its splats on the car windshield.
“I can’t see!” Cyborg yells, swerving the car over to the side. You lurch forward as you finally come to a stop, thankful that Cyborg had installed heavy duty seat belts.
“I don’t see why you can’t let me drive,” you mumbled, stumbling out of the car. You aimed your hands towards the car and a jet of water sprung out from a fire hydrant, cleaning the silk from the windshield.
“I already said it, I’m the only one who knows the inner workings of the T-car! Besides, you don’t even have your license.” Cyborg said, stepping out of the car calmer than before.
“I do too!- You know what, we’ll talk about this later. Right now we need to find the others.” You say, taking in your surroundings. Then out of nowhere, Beast Boy popped out from behind the car.
“Uh hey guys! Kinda got lost back there!” he grins, dusting off silk strands from his arms.
“I’m going after them!” you tell the other Titans, sprinting off into the direction Robin and Starfire went. You flick your wrist as you run and water from the fire hydrant trickles out and forms a wave that you could ride on, like an aquatic skateboard.
You catch up to the two as Starfire gets shot down by the spider teen’s webbing. You make eye contact as you pass her, unsure whether to help her free.
“Just go!” she yells, already beginning to rip the webs thanks to her brute strength. You nod and race forwards to catch up with Robin. You find his abandoned motorbike and look up to see him chasing after the villain using his grappling hook. I’m trying to help him, but I can barely catch up to him, you grumble as you will the water to shoot you into the air, almost like a hydro-cannon. You bounce from roof to roof, inching closer to the Boy Wonder and his pursuit with the villain.
You were right under Robin when the spider-guy shoots some type of laser at him. Suddenly, he freezes up, and begins to fall, knocking you down with him.
“C-can’t… move,” he grunts, on top of you in mid air.
“YEAH NO SHIT” you yell, still stuck under him. Ok ok, options… you think, time seems to slow down around you. I can’t make a geyser because that’d take too long. I like Robin but not enough to break his fall, hmm…
You notice the grappling hook in his belt. You yank it out and shoot it at the wall you just fell from, wrapping your other arm around Robin. Your arm feels like it was about to fall out of its socket as you abruptly stop, hanging in mid air with Robin safely in your grasp. Starfire catches up with you, having broken free from the webbed trap. She helps you down and brings you to where Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven stood.
“He is okay?” Starfire asks, holding Robin in place while you catch your breath.
“He will be. The venom’s effect is only temporary.” Cyborg says, examining the Boy Wonder, who was still frozen in a climbing position.
“Getting away...we have to...go after him!” Robin musters, but almost falls over doing so.
“You mean, we have to go after him,” Raven corrects him.
“Yeah, you gotta wait until that stuff wears off,” you say, knocking on his frozen arm to prove your point.
“But-” Robin begins, but Beast Boy cuts him off.
“Dude, we can handle it. The guy's got a spider for a head. Not like he's gonna be hard to find.” he said. Robin didn’t say anything, which was code for a reluctant agreement. Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy agreed that they would go after the spider thief, while you, Robin and Starfire return to the Tower to get Robin sorted out.
Later at the Tower, you watched in utter horror and amusement as Starfire shook Robin while holding his feet. He hung upside down, making random yelps of pain as she did… whatever she was doing.
“Um Starfire?” you say. “You know I have healing powers… I could just heal him if we need to.”
“Nonsense Aquagirl!” she chirped as Robin groaned. “There are few problems that Tamaranean acupressure will not solve. Don’t you feel better Robin?”
“Uhhh yeah, thanks.” he said, getting back up to standing position. “Now we can focus on our other issue.” He pulls out his T-communicator.
“Titans! Any luck on finding our jewel thief?”
“We found something worse,” you hear Raven’s voice from the communicator. A live cam of the scene pops up on the living room TV screen. They were at the bridge near Jump City’s Bay; hundreds of cars pass there per minute. You noticed something was near the bridge cables, and upon closer inspection, you realized that it was thousands of moths gnawing at the bridge support. As more cables broke, the bridge grew more and more unstable, cars beginning to slide around.
“Titans go!” you hear Cyborg say, and the three of them run towards the giant cloud of bugs. Unfortunately, they were no match and could barely put a dent in the population.
“Uh, we’re gonna need backup.” Cyborg says to the communicator. You were already out of your chair and adjusting your wrist gauntlets.
“We’re on our way,” Robin says, the three of you making your way to the door. But a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Don't bother. Even if you defeat a few of my children, you won't be able to stop me from releasing the entire swarm.” the villain you recognized as Killer Moth said, his face appearing on the screen. “Unless you want your city reduced to a moth-eaten wasteland, you'll do exactly as I say.”
“What do you want?’ Robin asked, brows furrowed.
“My demands are simple. The city will declare me ruler, the Teen Titans will surrender, and Robin…” he starts. You flinched at the mention of the Boy Wonder’s name. What could he want to do with Robin? To step down as a hero? Admit defeat? Reveal his identity???
“... will take this lovely young lady to her junior prom.”
“Hi Robbie-Poo!” said a girl who appeared on the screen next to Killer Moth. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, was wearing pink pajamas, and although you had just met her, you could already tell that she was a bitch.
“Um… What was that last part again?” he asked, clearly not expecting that demand.
“Um Robin?” you ask. “Who’s this girl and why’d she call you… er, you know.”
“Her name is Kitten,” Killer Moth gloats. “And you will take her to prom.”
“This prom is the matter of a duel, yes?” Starfire asked, not very assimilated in American culture. “Robin eagerly accepts!”
“It’s not a duel, Star. It’s a date.” Robin patiently corrects her.
“Robin! You can’t do this!” you say, looking at him through his masked eyes. “Isn’t that right Starfire?”
“Oh yes!” she agrees. “You mustn't accept!”
“We’re gonna need a minute,” Robin sighs, pulling the two of you away from the center of the room. You stare at him, arms crossed.
“This is so stupid.” you begin. “What kind of villain makes a superhero go on a date with some girl? And what kind of parent names their child Kitten? There’s no way you’re actually going to go to a dance with some random chick!”
Robin doesn’t say anything about your comments, but opens his T-communicator again,
“Cyborg, report. How bad is it?” he asks.
“Bad! We can’t hold 'em much longer!” Cyborg yells through the communicator. “If you’re gonna do something, do it quickly!” You stared at the floor, knowing what he’s gonna have to say to Killer Moth’s demands.
“I have to do it.” he grimaces. You stayed silent as Starfire reacted.
“WHAT?!” she yells.
“It's the only way to save the bridge. The only way to give us enough time to stop Killer Moth.” Robin explains. Starfire looks at you and back at Robin.
“But you do not even have the feelings for her!” she protests, looking straight at you.
“I’m sorry, but I have to, as much as I don’t want to. And I really don’t want to.” Robin says, walking back towards the screen.
“So do we have a deal?” Killer Moth grins, as much as a person with mandibles can.
“I’ll take the girl to prom.” Robin says grimly.
“Don’t tell me. Ask her.” Killer Moth says, referring to the blonde girl still pasted on screen. Even though you couldn’t see Robin’s eyes, you could tell that he was rolling them.
“You’ve got to be-”
“Do it!” the villain yells. Robin sighs.
“Kitten, was it?” he asks.
“Meow,” she replied. You almost threw up when she said that. You could see Robin reacting in the same way.
“Right. Will you...go with me to the prom?” he said, his voice showing his utter disgust.
“Oh, Robbie-poo! I thought you'd never ask!”
I can’t do this you thought, as the screen finally blipped off. Robin calmly pulled out his T-communicator and projected it onto the screen. Raven picked up, Beast Boy and Cyborg crowded around her. You could see in the background that the moths were no longer gnawing at the bridge. He told them that he bought them some time, telling them to find out what he has planned. Then he shows them a picture of Kitten.
“Who is she?” Raven asked.
“She is a manipulative gremlock not worthy of Robin's time.” Starfire pouts.
“Yeah, she's a bitch too.” you add.
“She's got some kind of connection to Killer Moth. Find the connection, and I bet you'll find him.” He said, turning to you and Starfire. “Aquagirl and Starfire will join you to help with the search.” you rolled your eyes; Is he seriously going to do this alone?
“Hey, what about you? Aren’t you going to help us?” Beast Boy asked.
“I can’t. I have a date.”
You and Starfire were going to prepare for your mission when she shoved you into her room. You’ve forgotten how pink all her furniture is, from the curtains to her pillows. She whips out her T-communicator.
“Starfire what are you-” you begin, but she shushes you.
“Starfire to Raven,” she says into the communicator. “Please note that I will be the only person joining you, as Aquagirl will provide Robin backup on his date!”
“Um… okay.” Raven says, then hangs up.
“What??? I’m supposed to help you guys, remember?” you protest. “And I thought you had a crush on Robin??” The alien girl took you by your shoulders.
“Aquagirl, my feelings for Robin have long dissipated, but I am sure you still have the feelings for him!” she chirped. “Do not worry, four Titans are more than enough to defeat Killer Moth! You should go to the prom of non-duels!”
“B-but what do I even wear? Prom dresses were not on my shopping list.” you argue.
“Oh do not worry Aquagirl, you may borrow mine!” Starfire opened her closet to reveal a rack of sparkly dresses, all in different colors. You eyes glittered in awe.
“Ok, I’m in.”
You spent the next half an hour getting ready for the prom. You picked out a blue dress with black lace and black gloves that went out to your elbows. Your suit was camouflaged underneath, just in case you needed to ditch the dress.
“Oh you look wonderful!” Starfire cheered. You blushed, looking at yourself in the mirror.
She flew you over to the prom location, which was on a boat. Water, you thought. Perfect. You looked at Starfire.
“Thanks again for, uh, everything.” you said sheepishly. She smiled.
“It is the no problem!” she says. “I will see you afterwards!” And with that, she flew off into the night. You sighed, holding a corsage for Robin in your hand. You hear the sound of a motorbike. Robin appeared in view; he was still wearing his mask, but his usual outfit had been replaced by a tuxedo. He was still stoically frowning, probably due to not wanting to be here, but something about him just makes your heart skip a beat.
You walked over and tapped his shoulder. He flinched at your touch, but calmed down as he realized that it was you.
“Aquagirl?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Um, just call me (y/n) for today, don’t want to raise eyebrows.” you winked. You pinned the flowers onto his lapel. “It’s my first prom, so I got you a corsage.” It’s true; this is your first prom. You were supposed to go to your junior prom this year, but of course, being a superhero kinda distracted you from that.
“Aqu- (y/n)...” he began. “You’re supposed to be helping the others track down Killer Moth.”
“Well, you said that our job was to investigate that b- uh, girl. And there’s no better way to do it than up close.” you grin. “Besides, Starfire insisted that I backed you up, you never know if you need saving, right?”
Just then, you heard a loud honk from a car. You turn to see a pink limousine pull out. Out stepped an even pinker girl, Kitten. Her headband, dress, corsage, and heels were all an obnoxious pink. She scoured the scene until she found Robin, fiercely waving at him.
“Yoo-hoo! Robbie-poo! Your Kitten has arrived! Me-ow!” she yells. You both physically cringe at her words. Robin leans over to you before he leaves.
“On second thought, maybe I will need the savings.”
You purse your lips as Robin leaves, reluctantly linking arms with the girl. You open your T-communicator.
“Cyborg,” you say. “Robin just entered the boat with Kitten. “How’s it looking on your side?”
“Poor guy,” he says sympathetically. “We just reached Kitten’s house. Going in now. Nice dress by the way.” You grin.
“Thanks man. I’ll be watching him just to see if he needs any help.”
“Got it. Cyborg out.” the screen blips to black and you close your communicator with a sigh. Time for prom.
You awkwardly shuffle onto the boat, making sure to stay a few meters behind the two. Luckily, no one noticed that you didn’t go to their school because they were so distracted by Kitten’s yelling.
“OH ROBIN!, YOU’RE SUCH A GENTLEMAN! NOT AT ALL LIKE MY WORTHLESS EX-BOYFRIEND FANG!!!” your fists clenched as she moved closer to the Boy Wonder, all over his arm. Why did we let her take Robin to the prom again? I’d rather see that bridge collapse than whatever this is.
You stationed yourself at the punch table, pouring yourself a drink. The two were talking at the table. You knew Robin didn’t want to be here in the beginning, but what if he changed his mind? What if, somehow, he falls in love with Kitten, and then you are never gonna have a chance with him?
“OF COURSE ROBIN I’D LOVE TO DANCE WITH YOU!!!” Kitten yelled, the two of them moving towards the dance floor. Your cheeks burned with anger, and maybe a little bit of jealousy. You clenched your fist again, and the sickly pink punch from the punch bowl shot into the air. The couple next to you who was about to get some punch slowly walked backwards away from you. But you didn’t care. You stomped away from the punch table.
You were leaning at one of the clothed tables as you glared at Robin and Kitten dancing away. You don’t even know why you felt so angry; maybe it was the fact that they’ve been dancing for 10 long minutes, or the fact that Kitten’s resting her head on his shoulder, or maybe the fact that you’ve never held Robin’s hand before and she is!
You notice him looking at his T-communicator while he was dancing, relieving you of the idea that he was actually enjoying the dance.
“Kiss me,” you hear Kitten say, and you froze.
“Sorry, I don’t like you that way,” he smirks. “As a matter of fact, I just don’t like you.” YES, you thought, smiling from the table.
“WHAT?!” the blonde girl shrieks.
“Killer Moth’s being taken down as we speak. We’re done here.” He pulls away, tucking his T-communicator into his pocket.
“No we are not!” she yells, ripping the corsage off of her dress. The petals fall away to reveal a cylinder, push-button controller. “Daddy’s not calling the shots tonight, I AM!!!”
“Daddy?” you and Robin said at the same time, in shock. So that's why Killer Moth made Robin go to the prom with her.
“And unless you want me to let those bugs out for a late-night snack, you better pucker up!” she makes kissy noises at Robin, her lips inching closer and closer. Robin put his finger out at them as if to shush her.
“Not even if you paid me,” he said, pushing her away and grabbing the controller out of her hand. They fight over it, and you wonder whether to jump in and help. Suddenly Kitten turns her focus away from Robin.
“Fang?” she smiled. You turned to see the jewel thief from before climbing onto the boat, spider head and all.
“That’s your ex boyfriend?” he asked, staring in shock.
“Get your hands off my girl!” he yells, knocking Robin down with his spider leg, Kitten snatching back the controller. Ok, time to act you thought, holding up your hand. A jet of water sprung up from under the boat and hit Fang, sending him flying backwards.
“And keep your legs off my guy!” you yelled, not even sure if you and Robin were on that level yet. “You alright Rob?” you ask as the Boy Wonder stands up.
“Best I’ve felt all day,” he smirked, ripping off his suit to reveal his costume underneath. You smiled; you two seemed to be on the same track in terms of disguise. You ripped your dress off and your costume uncamouflaged, revealing the familiar blue and black swim gear you always wear. You yank off your gloves to show your gauntlets underneath, the spikes swing up into place. You both look back at Kitten and Fang to find them making out; mandibles and all.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” you mumble, getting into a fighting position.
“You know…” Robin says, bring the couple’s attention back to you two. “You two make a really bad couple.” Fang charges at the two of you, shooting his webs and venom. One of the webs hit you, sending you to the floor. You used the spikes on your gauntlets to cut yourself free while the spider villain goes after Robin. You finally free yourself as Kitten watches the action.
“Isn’t it romantic? They’re fighting over me!” she swoons. Your cheeks burn hot with anger. Now that you're out of disguise, it's the perfect time to beat her up.
“You’re not worth anyone’s time to fight over!” you quipped loudly, causing Kitten to start screaming at you. She tackles you, and the two of you fall onto the table.
“What the-” you grunt, the air knocked out of you as you crash into the food. You roll over and pin her to the table. You try to reach for the controller, but Kitten smacks a cream pie in your face. She pins you down this time, but you extend your leg to her side and swing, sending her flying across the table. She lands flat on her back, stretched lengthwise across the table. You lunge at her, but she grabs you and dunks your head into the punch bowl. You almost burst out laughing; she was trying to drown you, and you could breathe underwater.
Your eyes glow blue from underneath the punch bowl as the beverage explodes in the girl’s hunched over face. She screams, and you push her into the chocolate cake. She lands on the floor, her pink dress now stained with chocolate frosting.
“YOU.. RUINED… MY… DRESS!!!” she screams, clicking the controller. You gasp in horror, she’s crazy. She runs at you again, screaming and you dodge her, using your water powers to shoot the controller out of her hand. The controller rolls away, right towards the bottom of Robin’s foot.
“Consider yourself dumped.” he said, breaking the controller.
“NOOOOOOO!!!” she shrilled. You rolled your eyes and punched her square in the nose, her falling to the ground.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” you grin at the Boy Wonder, who looked at you in awe.
The other Titans rejoined you as you watched Kitten, Killer Moth, and Fang get pulled into a police van.
“Nobody dumps Kitten! Nobody! You're going to pay for this, Robbie-poo! YOU'RE GOING TO PASAY!!” the blonde girl screamed while being pushed into one of the vans.
“So, no second date?” Cyborg jokes. Beast Boy was sitting over the edge of the boat holding one of Killer Moth’s moth larvae. According to them, the controller Kitten had allowed them to turn into moths, but when Robin broke it, they all turned back into harmless giant bugs.
“So what becomes of Killer Moth’s larvae population?” Starfire asks.
“You know...now that nobody's making 'em all mutate-y,.these things might actually make good pets.” Beast Boy said, poking at the larvae's belly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Raven says, staring in disgust.
You and Robin walk towards some of the students to apologize for ruining their nights when spotlights turn on, the bright lights moving across the floor. The two of you braced for impact. The announcer began to, well, announce.
“And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...the king and queen of this year's prom are...Robin and (y/n)!” Your eyes widened at the announcement.
“I’m back on duty so it’s Aquagirl now! Sorry!” you yelled awkwardly.
“Well um then Aquagirl-” Robin begins, but you stop him.
“I mean, you can call me (y/n), if that’s what you want,” you offered, slightly blushing. He blushed back.
“Oh! Ok, then (y/n) it is.”
“So how about that dance, Boy Wonder?”
“I guess one more dance wouldn’t kill me.”
Robin led you towards the middle of the dance floor. You put your arms around his neck and he put his arms around your waist. His hands were gentle, and was only lightly touching your back, as if he was ready to pull them back at any time.
But he was smiling; something he barely did all night. You both laughed as you awkwardly shuffled across the floor; it's like you had two right feet and he had two left feet so it canceled out. You pulled in a little closer, he hugged you a little tighter. You stared at his masked eyes, imagining them looking back at you.
Suddenly you heard a whistle and whipped your head to see the rest of the Titans nonchalantly watching you two dance. They grinned, waving hello. You rolled your eyes and whipped your hand at them. A small geyser jumped up and landed on the Titans, drenching them. You and Robin laughed, then resumed your dance.
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of day, but with Robin, it’s a whole lot better.
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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leeknowsredeyeliner · 3 years
lockers and exes - nakamoto yuta
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nakamoto yuta x fem reader
summary: your first day of school since the pandemic but this time, with your boyfriend, yuta... and a few appearances from your exes.
genre: slice of life, fluff !!!, suggestive
word count: 1.2k+
warning: yuta is dirty minded
note: hi !! it’s been a month since i last wrote but i wanted to put something out there. this is just yuta being cute with his reader gf :)
second note: i don’t write for nct but this gave me yuta vibes so here we are. now enjoy haha
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ring ring ring
“are you at school yet? or did you sleep through your alarms?”
“well, good morning to you too, yuta. i’m running to the lockers as we speak,” you lie as you trudge through the main floor of the school.
“you’re the worst liar ever. you’re a panting mess if you do so much as speed walk.” he’s not wrong whatsoever, you’re completely out of shape. then again, you were never in shape to begin with. “and a breathing mess in other situations,” he teases with an emphasis on the word ‘other’. his smirk is basically visible through the phone.
“okay then, asshole. well, you wouldn’t want me to damage my pretty face walking up the stairs. would you?” you half joke. yuta loves your pretty face but wouldn’t mind seeing you hurt yourself. just for his own entertainment.
“i mean, i guess you’re right. just hurry please. these juniors are scary.” you chuckle at the decrease in volume as he speaks in a hushed tone.
“shouldn’t they be the ones scared?” you respond at a similar tone, mocking him. “you’re a senior. and everyone’s scared of seniors.”
“for some odd reason,” you wanted to add.
seniors are just a group of students a year above juniors. simple as that. what’s so threatening about them?
“but there’s like a hundred of them and only one of me. they could jump me, y/n!” yuta’s cute, paranoid side shows through his voice.
“you, sir, are being very dramatic. now, bye!” you press the big red button before yuta could retaliate.
you peek over the rows of lockers before you, in search of yuta. once you spot him standing in the aisle of your locker, you speed walk over. his back is facing you so you decide to greet him in a special way.
your fingers zap the sides of his torso and he jumps up in shock. he gets a hold of your wrists before you back away and wraps your arms around him, your chest flushed up against his backpack.
yuta spins you around to face him, “hi there.”
“oh! hey,” you joke with him as if you hadn’t noticed who he was.
you smile at him, adoring his face despite the mask. his eyes are your favorite feature of his anyways — right next to his pearly whites. you haven’t seen yuta face to face since you started dating during quarantine. the only times you’d see his beautifully sculptured face was over a facetime call and random selfies he’d send with his dad or sisters.
while unlocking your locker, yuta leans against the locker beside yours as he admires you. the way you fix your hair after bending down to turn the locker’s dial. the way you lift the bottom of your mask to breathe a bit more comfortably. the way you bob your head to the music playing in your head. the way you look up at him after feeling his eyes on you.
“what are you looking at?” you question in a bit of a teasing tone.
“you, of course.”
you move around your locker’s door, over to yuta. your hand makes it’s way to his hair to play with it.
“i’m glad you’re you, yuta,” your other hand resting on his chest.
“that’s the sweetest thing you’ve said to me,” he purred. he waits for you to explain what you mean, whether it be a joke or more praising.
“um, excuse me,” a voice calls from behind you. “i need to get to my locker.” he explains further with just a point of his finger. his finger pointing towards yuta.
you know ten’s locker is beside yours. it was hard to ignore the fact during your freshman year. him being your ex and all.
though, it shouldn’t count if you were 10 and 11 years old and in elementary school.
it is odd how he continuously speaks about you as if you’re still friends. he moved abroad to germany for two years then came back bragging to people about how he dated you.
now, facing him is awkward. he has no clue you know about the things he’s said about you.
“my bad, dude.” yuta excuses himself and moves over to a locker across from yours, his view being just your back now.
you briefly put away a few of your belongings before turning to yuta. “was that the fifth grade ex?” he questions. you threaten him with your eyes. ten’s just a few feet away from you and could easily eavesdrop on your conversation.
rather than verbally shutting him up, you put a finger up to your masked lips, followed by a slight nod.
“are you driving me home after school?”
“only after a quick little date, pretty girl,” his eyes crinkle and you wish you could see the smile on his face.
“pretty girl?” you suddenly blurted out. “you haven’t seen my face yet.”
“i don’t need to see your face to know how pretty my girlfriend is.” his words are so smooth leaving his mouth, you wonder how he comes up with what to say. especially how he knows the right words to say because they always make your heart flutter. “but you’re right. i should have a look at your face before classes start. for a little motivation to get myself through the day.”
he pulls down your mask, with your consent, enough to sneak a peek at your face. and he’s met with your tongue poking out your mouth in a playful manner, bringing a chuckle out of the boy before you.
“as expected, a pretty girl.” the softness of his voice drops, “my pretty girl.” he then lands a slap to your cheek. not to the point where he’d hurt you but enough that you can feel a slight burning sensation.
“come on,” you whine. “not in public,” you say with embarrassment, fiddling with his hand. you aren’t actually complaining, you both know you enjoyed it.
“excuse me, guys,” a voice interrupts from beside you and yuta. “i need to open my locker. could you move a bit?”
you pull yuta a bit to the side, a bit distraught.
because what the fuck is this? a reunion of the exes?
this time, it’s your ex best friend, doyoung. who also happens to be your ex ‘almost’. but better known as, ‘traitor’ or ‘liar’.
he’s someone that should never be associated with. but it worries you that him and yuta would oddly get along if doyoung pushed his fake friendly act towards him.
“what’s on your mind, pretty girl?”
“nothing important,” you smile behind your mask.
“by the way.” he slings one backpack strap off and unzips the smaller pocket. “i doubt you had breakfast so here.” a banana. he pulls out a banana.
“i feel like there’s a catch,” you mutter, anticipating for what could leave his mouth. yuta has a filthy mind and never fails to express his feelings or thoughts. and of course you’d know, he’s rubbed off on you for too long.
it wouldn’t be a problem if doyoung weren’t standing a foot away.
“look at you, pretty girl. you’re so sma-”
you immediately cut him off, “just tell me what it is, nakamoto.”
“i have to watch you eat it, of course.”
a filthy mind indeed.
an abrupt cough comes from next to you. looking over, doyoung’s holding a water bottle and coughing uncontrollably. his fist hitting his chest repeatedly to help himself.
“you are never coming back to my locker.”
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harryspet · 4 years
obedience | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky barnes x named oc, murder, and violence, non/dubcon oral and vaginal, outdoor sex, kidnapping, p/e/t play elements, bad google translate, implied agegap, mater/pet, lots of buildup, Stockholm syndrome(?)
A/N: I’ve been writing a bunch of Peter and Harry and kind of wanted to take a little break! This pretty much post endgame bucky. Sorry for any story inaccuracies! TRIGGER CONTENT AHEAD SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which Bucky kills her family of former Hydra members before taking her home as his pet.
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 4.4k
Sam wanted him to let things go. Move on and focus on something else, he said. Sam thought it would be impossible to find any of them since it had been years since they were active members. The snap had given them a big enough distraction to escape. Bucky didn’t think it was fair that they could just disappear, change their names, and get to live another day after the destruction they had caused. 
Accept, they couldn’t stay hidden for long. It took months but Bucky finally tracked the small family to Manhattan. The German immigrants thought they could hide within the millions of citizens in the New York borough. They made several mistakes though only because they couldn’t get rid of the luxury they were used to. The daughter had a driver and bodyguard that took her to and from her private school. 
Bucky had cyberstalked her through her Instagram. The eighteen-year-old Senior posted a lot under the alias, Mina, that her parents had most likely given her. The Vogt family had turned into the Bradford’s of Manhattan’s elite class. The daughter didn’t go anywhere without her bodyguard, at least, that’s what her parents thought. Bucky noticed how she snuck out on Friday’s at the same time every week. 
How reckless could she be? Her parents are on the most wanted list in eight different countries. Teenage love was the only answer. Bucky saw the boy she met up with, a poor rockstar type, that gave her that rush of dopamine she desperately needed. 
Poor little rich girl.
Bucky purposely bumped into her while the couple was waiting for the subway, “Watch where you’re going, dude,” The boy spoke in a thick Queens accent. Her purse dropped and, because Bucky was dressed like a respectable man of society, the girl let him pick it up and hand it back to her. Their eyes met for a long moment and Bucky thought for a moment she was lost in his blue eyes. 
“Sorry about that, you two have a goodnight,” Bucky faked a smile as he walked away, tucking the girl’s apartment key into his coat. 
“Old creep, he was definitely checking you out,” Bucky heard as he walked away, a stoic look of determination on his face. 
Mina woke up frightened. She panted, looking around in the dark for the monster that was in her nightmare. Those striking blue eyes looked into the depths of her soul. Brandon had said the man was checking her out but he didn’t see what she saw. Hate. That man didn’t even know her and yet he hated her. 
Looking out the window across the room, Mina could clearly see the lights of the Manhattan Bridge. When they first moved here, her mother promised she would have an even better view than the master bedroom. They were still trying to get her to not be so upset about the move. Mina pulled back the fabric of her heavy duvet and decided she’d go downstairs to get some water. Her bare feet padded across the white carpet and she opened the doors that led into the hallway. 
As she walked down the hall, someone appeared around the corner, “What are you doing up so late, Miss Mina?” The maid asked, her hands full of towels that she was carrying to the linen closet. 
The maid looked over her, sweaty with tangled hair, clad in her polka-dotted robe and nightgown, “Just getting some water. I had a bad dream.”
The maid held out her hand, urging her to stop, “I can bring you some warm milk and cookies, you should go back to your room,” Something changed in the older woman’s eyes. If Mina wasn’t so tired, she might’ve thought the maid was warning her.
 “It’s okay,” Mina insisted, stepping forward, “You work too much-”
Before Mina could even step forward, the maid collapsed on her side. Blood splattered against the wall and Mina thought she saw pieces of her brain. A bullet had come from down the hall Mina was about to turn on to. Mina covered her mouth, backing away, as the man from the subway stepped around the corner. 
No mask. He didn’t plan on letting her leave alive.
Mina hurried backward, towards her room, but the man took off after her. As her fingers curled around the door handle, she felt metal wrap around her upper arm. She screamed loud, a piercing scream even louder than the gunshot, as she struggled against him. 
The man didn’t speak, just pressed the long tipped gun against the side of her head, “P-Please, please, don’t kill me,” She stuttered out, shutting her eyes shut tight, “Please!”
“Scream one more time and I’ll kill you,” The man jerked her away from the door. The man pulled her back towards the maid’s dead body and down the hall, he came from. Mina’s knees were so weak that she was struggling to walk beside him. She let out a whimper as she was forced to step over the maid’s body. 
“W-Why are you doing this?”
It couldn’t be because of the rude thing Brandon said, right? This was too insane for that. 
He had killed someone. Killed. 
The man dragged her into the room she knew as her father’s office. And despite the man’s order, Mina screamed again. Her mother was bleeding from her abdomen, laying flat on the old rug in front of his desk. The man let go of her arm and Mina ran to her. 
He killed her mother. 
As Mina touched her mother, she realized there was no life left in her. 
Her father was still alive, just bent over and handcuffed to his coffee table, “sie ist tot,” She heard her father say, his thick German accent coming through, “She’s dead. Thank the Winter Soldier for that.”
Mina looked up at the man standing over them, her face covered in tears, “Papa?” Her lips trembling, “W-What’s happening?”
Her father didn’t answer as he looked down, talking to himself, “Mashina. Belyy. Doroga. Svecha. Nebo …” He was spouting off random words in Russian and her anger and frustration only grew. 
The man stepped forward, slamming her father’s head into the table, “I’m not your puppet anymore, Vogt,” Her father laughed, blood dripping down his face. 
“I like your new haircut, Winter Soldier,” Her father teased which only resulted in a punch across the face, “It suits you.” 
“Papa!” She shouted to him, wanting him to stop antagonizing. His wife was dead and his daughter was at gunpoint yet he was teasing the man?  “Please stop hurting him!”
The man finally looked at her, “Your daughter is beautiful, Frank. Is that what you get when you make them in labs?”
Frank? That was not her father’s name. 
“What is it that you want? Money? Being Captain America’s best friend not pay much?”
Bucky tried not to show any emotion but becoming Bucky instead of Winter Soldier had its problems. He was still getting used to showing emotion. 
“I want you dead. For every single death that you cause. For the years of my life that you stole.”
Frank shook his head, “Don’t give me the bad guy/good guy spiel. Name your price, Barnes.”
Bucky scowled, tucking away his gun, “What if I said I wanted your daughter?” The girl's eyes widened, still holding onto her dead mother. 
“Papa?” Her father didn’t answer.
“I know what you think, Barnes, but I am not monster,” Frank spoke calmly. Too calmly, “I can give you my contacts, other members who escaped.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at the man, “Give me an example, a name, and I’ll decide if it’s worth it.”
“... Viktor Vanzin,” Bucky grinned, pulling out his pocket knife. 
“You’re lying,” Bucky had killed that man himself. That meant Frank was truly out of the loop, “I want your daughter. A life for a life.”
“She’s innocent,” Frank continued. 
“So was I,” Bucky countered, waiting for a response. 
“Okay, Barnes. Life for a life,” As Frank finally nodded yes, Bucky thought the girl might faint. She went completely still, her heart completely broken. Bucky almost felt bad but he was really doing her a favor. 
“You evil fucking bastard,” Bucky cursed, moving behind the man and wrapping his arm around the man’s neck. Frank struggled as Bucky drove the knife several times into his stomach. He wanted him to slowly bleed out, to suffer. The man slumped back over the table, coughing up blood. 
He spoke his last words to her, “I-I’m s-sorry, schatz.”
She fainted. 
Mina awoke on a thin mattress in a cold room. She reached to clutch her robe but only found her thin, blue nightgown. She wrapped her arms around herself, the sound of her heart pounding flooding her ears, before quickly sitting up. She regretted it instantly, gaining a headache quickly. 
She looked around and found now windows. The walls were a boring beige and there were absolutely no decorations. Only one wooden chair in the corner. Bucky heard the commotion and walked into the room a few moments later. He found her standing, pacing around the locked room.
He expected her to be angry, to shout at him, but instead, he watched eyes well up with tears. He much rather she is angry then have to watch her cry, “Why didn’t you kill me?”
“You want to be in the afterlife with those evil people?”
“I-I’m evil too, remember?” She choked on her sobs. She remembered how her father was willing to give her over to this man in a trade for his life. She remembered how he died anyways and she was taken by this man too. 
“I haven’t decided that.”
“I know they must’ve done something bad to you but they … t-they were my parents,” She struggled to speak, “They loved me. Doesn’t that show some kind of humanity?”
Bucky leaned back against the door,  fingers brushing through his beard as he thought, “You truly don’t know who they really were?” She was silent, “They were top scientists for Hydra. They’re responsible for thousands of deaths and you … they lied to you.”
She shook her head, “No, they work in finances. They could never do that.”
“I think your father showed you his true colors in his final moments. If that doesn’t convince you then I don’t know what will.”
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
Bucky leaned forward, “So, even in death, they can look at you from the other side and feel no peace.”
“Please … please just kill me.”
“Where’s the fun in that, my little treasure?”
Mina hated her parents. 
She loved them because they were her parents and hated them because they were the reason this happened to her. She would never see them again, never see Manhattan or Brandon ever again. 
When Bucky walked into the small room later that day, he had a black box as well as a tray of food. Mina held her knees to her chest, staring at the wall, “Leave me alone.”
Bucky sighed, “I think you’re gonna need your strength,” Out of the corner of her eyes she could see his shirt was short-sleeved, his metal arm fully exposed. He set down the tray by her sad excuse of a bed. 
He waited but she didn’t move. Bucky gently placed down the box before moving towards her. She flinched away from him but he grabbed her leg, pulling her flat on her back, “No, don’t! Please don’t!” His metal arm wrapped around her throat and with a swift movement, he ripped off her nightgown. She was weeping again as he did the same with her bra and panties. She grabbed at his arm which was completely useless. 
When he was done, Bucky stood up, watching as she scrambled to cover up with her arms, “You’re sick!” 
Bucky tossed the remnant to the side, “Good girls get to wear clothes. Eat and I’ll think about getting you some clothes. I’m in control here, I won’t put up with your tantrums,” Mina stared at him and Bucky was relieved that she was scowling at him instead of crying, “Eat.”
Mina flinched at the sound of his voice but moved forward. It was heated up canned soup and a plastic cup of water. She was glad that he splurged on her. Sitting on her knees, she covered her breast with one hand and moved the plastic spoon with her other hand. 
It was lukewarm and not that appetizing but she ate most of it. Bucky had pulled the wooden chair closer and taken a seat, “C-Can I have clothes now?” Her face was completely red and, now, she found it hard to even look at him. 
“I’ll think about it in a few days,” Bucky answered simply, and, as it were even possible, her face fell even more, “Considering your reaction, it seems like a good punishment.”
“Why do you want to punish me?” Mina asked, her voice timid. Was not taking her from her family enough?
“Oh, doll,” Bucky’s face softened as he leaned forward in the chair, “I don’t want to punish you but you won’t be obedient otherwise.”
To Bucky, she was a prize. A product of all that he had done and all that he had overcome to get to this point. He had survived her parents and now he owned their lives as well as their daughters. He’d spit on their graves by making her loyal and obedient to him. 
“If I promise to behave, can I have some clothes?” Bucky grinned, thinking she was smarter than she looked. 
Bucky’s eyes went to the black box and he swiftly picked it up, “I have something else for you to wear. A temporary one until you graduate.”
“I’m thinking of calling it Bucky’s Reformatory School for Troubled Little Girls,” She couldn’t tell if he was joking but he seemed very proud of the name he came up with. He opened the box, pulling out a plain black collar with a single silver loop, “Crawl over here, pet. Let me put it on you.”
“Mr. Barnes, please-”
“Call me Master.”
It took Mina two months to even earn a pair of panties. And the panties he chose for her were skimpy, to say the least. 
Mina was used to being naked now and she was almost used to Bucky. He insisted on complete order in his house. They woke up at the same time every day, ate breakfast, Bucky went off probably to murder people and came back in the afternoon to torture her.
That morning, she sat at his feet, eating her breakfast from a plate on the floor. Apparently, she wasn’t allowed the luxury of eating at the table or even sleeping in an actual bed. It was her job to make the food, the way he taught her, and she wasn’t even allowed to enjoy it. 
She wasn’t sure exactly where this rustic house was and Bucky didn’t care to answer questions like that. It wasn’t like anywhere she had lived when she was growing up. Though it wasn’t the biggest it was quite homey and somewhere she probably would’ve liked if she weren’t stuck here. The place had a big porch and there were trees surrounding most of the property except for a pond she noticed one time. 
Bucky was going through his computer, looking at codes Mina couldn’t understand. It probably had something to do with whatever mission he had to go on today. 
Mina itched at her collar, a reminder that she was not yet perfect to Bucky. 
“Mina,” She looked up quickly. Every time she heard him say her name she hoped he’d say something along the lines of giving her freedom. It made her think about what would happen if she was free. Where would she even go? She didn’t have any more family and she’d be surprised if Brandon hadn’t forgotten all about her, “Dishes.”
She gave him a solemn look, standing up with her plate in her hand. She grabbed his too and she felt his eyes over her body. He seemed to resist his urges well. Mina knew he desired to touch her and it would be a matter of time before he violated her that way. 
She walked the dirty dishes over to the sink, still feeling his eyes on her as he sat at the kitchen table, “Do you want to do something fun today, pet?”
“What do you mean, Master?”
She heard his chair creak as he rose from his seat, “We’ll go into town. We’re in dire need of groceries.”
Bucky watched her carefully, wanting to see her reaction. This was all another test, of course, to see if he could trust her out in public. 
She turned her head and Mina almost smiled for the first time in a long time. He moved behind her and Mina focused back on the dishes, “Yes, yes, that would be very nice.” He smacked her hard on her bottom and Mina winced, “I mean yes, Master.”
She felt his body heat on her skin as she turned off the water, setting the dishes into a drying rack. As she turned around, Bucky grabbed her by her neck. Luckily for her, it wasn’t the metal one, “You’d be very grateful to me, right?”
Mina nodded as best as she could, forced to look into his eyes, “What would you do to thank me?”
Mina hesitated but not for long as she felt his hand tighten, “Whatever you want, Master.”
Bucky smirked, “Hmm, and if I wanted your lips around my cock? What would you say?”
He loved this, watching her squirm. She actually thought about it and she wasn’t strong enough to defy this. Throughout this whole process, she thought she’d be stronger than this. All she knew is she’d do anything to escape this house,  “I … I-If that’s what you wanted, Master.”
The accomplished look on his face told her enough, “Let’s get dressed then.”
The drive from the house in Bucky’s truck was shorter than she expected. That told her that she wasn't as far away from civilization as she originally thought. She watched all the road signs but she still couldn’t quite tell where she was. It looked to be maybe that they were in the South by the type of trees. 
It seemed to be a very small town with one main street and a few more buildings. 
She was wearing a pair of regular jeans that were a little too big for her and a black hoodie that only partially hid the collar. It was another reminder that she was not a regular person anymore. Perhaps she never was.
Bucky grabbed her hand as they walked into the practically empty Piggly Wiggly. He grabbed a cart with his other hand, greeting one of the old ladies behind the cash register. 
She was not to talk to anyone unless they addressed her and Bucky would kill anyone that she tried to ask for help. Violently, he made sure to add. 
She tried her best to enjoy what little freedom she had but her mind kept wandering back to what she had “promised” Bucky she’d do in return for this outing. 
“Can we get something to eat?” She blurted out, before whispering, “Master.”
Bucky thought for a moment, pointing out the brand of Milk he wanted, waiting for her to fetch it for him. 
“Want to spend even more time in my company?” She scowled on the inside but nodded anyway. 
Bucky chose a diner on the edge of town and they seemed to get stares from everyone inside as they walked in and chose their booth. Bucky looked around as if he wasn't used to being in places like this either. 
Bucky asked her what she wanted so he could order her, avoiding as much human contact as possible, “ … and a chocolate milkshake.”
“That might cost you extra later, Mina,” Her lips pressed down into a thin line. 
“Whatever you wish, Bucky,” It was brave, saying that when he couldn’t reprimand her. Bucky smirked, knowing what she was doing. 
Bucky proceeded to order for them, including the milkshake she wanted, “Can I use the bathroom?”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, “Do you think I was born yesterday?” Quite the opposite, she thought. 
Mina slouched back in her seat. It was only recently that she looked at him and actually thought he was attractive. Maybe they would’ve worked together if he weren’t so cruel. 
“Maybe if I pee my pants, someone will notice and-”
“Mina,” He practically growled her name, “Don’t ruin this opportunity I’m giving you.”
As the waitress approached with their food, Mina slowly slid the knife on the table into her lap and then the pocket of her sweatshirt. Bucky actually smiled at the waitress and she seemed to swoon. 
Mina enjoyed her milkshake and the two sat quietly for most of the meal. Bucky watched as she devoured her food and felt a little bit better about rewarding her. It had been a long two months but she was coming along a few more months, and she wouldn’t have a single thought that didn’t involve making Bucky happy. 
He grabbed her hand as they both went up to pay the check, “You two are a lovely couple,” Mina didn’t even react and the woman only smiled awkwardly, “Have a good night.”
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Master.”
Bucky could sense the tension between the two of them growing as they got into his car. As they traveled down the dirt road, a feeling swept over both of them. A feeling of knowing and worry. Bucky put the car in park, sighing, “You’re clever but not clever enough, Mina.”
Mina froze, “Give me the knife. I won’t ask again.” Bucky’s words were sharp, demanding. 
Mina reached into her pocket and gripped the knife. As quickly as she could and with as much force as she could muster, she shoved into him. It only entered a few centimeters into the right of his chest but the motion stunned him. Mina opened her door and jumped out. 
It was one last valiant effort at her freedom. Bucky’s chest rumbled with anger as he opened his own door, causing it to almost fall off its hinges. He chased her as she ran into the treeline. Bucky was unnaturally fast and she was only a few seconds ahead of him. 
She didn’t even make it thirty feet before a metal arm wrapped around her waist and through her small body over his shoulder. She fought with the last of the strength she had as he brought her back over to the truck. 
“You have no one,” he threw her body down, pinning her against the front side of the truck, “No one except for me. Do you understand that?”
She nodded, trying to ease his wrath. He was bleeding, she could see it seeping through the plaid of his shirt, “No one else who’s going to give a shit about whether you live or die.”
“I’m sorry,” She whimpered but it wasn’t enough. 
By her shoulder, he forced her down to the ground. She didn’t move as he began to undo his jeans. She closed her eyes but Bucky roughly grabbed her chin, “Look at me!” She did as his erection sprang from his underwear. It pressed against her closed lips, “Open.”
Whatever gentleness he was previously going to give her was gone. He shoved his erection inside her mouth, instantly making her gag with how deep it went.  
He groaned as he moved inside her with animalistic lust. Saliva dripped down her chin and her eyes filled with tears from the lack of oxygen. He even pinched her nose shut to torture her further.
She’d grab onto his thighs for some sort of balance and he’d simply push away her hands, using her mouth like a barbarian. 
Bucky didn’t want to finish in her mouth, he hadn’t waited this long for that. He pulled her up from her position on her knees only to pull the jacket over her head. Luckily, there was no one around to see what was happening in his driveway. 
He turned her around swiftly before easily yanking down her pants and panties as well, He pressed her front into the hood of the car, positioning himself at her entrance. Mina’s body had betrayed her and Bucky could feel her wetness. 
“You’d enjoy this more if you weren’t so stubborn, pet.”
He entered her slowly and Mina cried out, the pressure incredibly intense. 
Bucky held her waist, dragging her body back onto him and then pushing it forward as he moved in and out. He grunted, noting how tight she was around him. It felt like they were perfectly matched together. 
Bucky sped up his pace, his hand reaching around to rub her sensitive bulb. She flinched from the touch but he could tell it was from the sudden pleasure. She was tightening around him and he could tell she was already coming. Bucky made a note about how sensitive she was. 
The first orgasm ripped through her, completing shattering her world in the process. How could she be turned on by this? Maybe what she felt had been wrong all along. She tried to hold in her moans but that proved futile quickly. 
Bucky wasn’t done with her yet, turning her back around to face him and lifting her leg so he could slide into her again. She looked tired from the first one, tears still staining her face. Bucky held her neck in his metal hand as he slammed into her a few more times. He finished inside her with his lips on hers. As he came, he removed his hand and he felt Mina return his kiss. They moved well together, his tongues brushing hers as it became sloppier. 
Mina was crying still, not because of the gagging but because she realized what Bucky said was true.
“I’m the only one you have,” He spoke, starting to kiss her chin and then her neck. She nodded vigorously in agreement. 
“I know, I-I know,” Her eyes didn’t leave his. 
Bucky pulled away, looking her over, loving how perfect she was, “Let’s get you in the bath, doll.”
Hope you enjoy this! I have another Sebastian fic called plaything and a bunch of dark Peter stuff. I’m currently trying to write a Bucky/Steve/Peter related Walking Dead AU so hopefully my idea for that works out lol. 
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
I Just Want My Brother
TW: Kidnapping, Abuse, Death, Drugs, Mentions of blood. 
Prompt: hi! i loved ur reid x sis!reader!! i was wondering if u could do one with reid x teen sis!reader and maybe she was a witness to something or got kidnapped and survived or something so they have to give her a cognitive interview and she refuses to do it unless spence is there or the one asking her the questions
Note: I really liked this request. I feel like I may have gotten off topic a littttttttle bit, but I tried my best! Also, sorry for any grammatical mistakes! 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3589
You were never really one to defy your elder brother’s rules, given how lenient he was with you, but it was supposed to just be one fun night out with your friends. The night scene that your friends adored was never really your cup of tea due to the horror stories Spencer would come home with. Girls getting kidnapped going on a run, girls being drugged and killed at a party, girls just going missing off the streets never to be found until it was too late, things like that. After a while, he slowly stopped giving you the gory details when he’d noticed the actual effect it had on your own life, whether or not you chose to acknowledge that when begging him to tell you more, but not knowing what was out there did scare you. Especially after stealing one of Spence’s files and looking at the photos that it held.
But, you were feeling daring on this particular night. Your friends finally convinced you to sneak out of the house. Spencer wouldn’t be back from his current job until morning, and even if you did get caught, you were generally a good kid. You bent the rules from time to time, but most high-schoolers you knew were sneaking out regularly, skipping class, doing hard drugs and even getting arrested from time to time. How bad could you be? At least, that was the reasoning your friends put into your head.
So, you thought hey, if you ever have kids, mind as well at least have one cool story to tell them. You didn’t even bother to go through the apartment window, you just walked out the door and met your friends out on the street. It was nearly midnight, but the night had just begun. 
It was hours of going to this person’s house and that person’s apartment, stopping by a random party and making noise in the streets, until finally, your friends made it to a bar. 
“You know,” you laughed a little anxiously, “maybe we shouldn’t. I mean I don’t even have a way of getting in there.”
“Y/N, chill. I know your brother freaks you into obeying the rules, but those things he sees have like a .0001% of actually happening. Like what are the chances really?” your friend, Elliot, smiled at you. 
“Actually, about one out of 300,000 people get kidnapped, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the actual percentage is-“
“Y/N, we’re fine! Kids do this all the time. Plus, I already paid that Barry kid to make you a fake. Consider it an early birthday gift.” your other friend, Sheila, pulled out her purse and passed you the piece of plastic. Although incredibly concerned, you were impressed by how realistic it was. You sighed. 
“Fine, you’re right.” you laughed, “But there’s no way I’m convincing that bouncer that I’m 21.”
“Confidence is key. Just stroll past him like you know what you’re doing. If you look nervous they’ll know. I swear, Y/N, those dudes can smell fear.” Elliot laughed. The three of you made your way to said club entrance, and although the bouncer did seem suspicious of you, he just let you in anyway. 
The club was loud, there was a band on stage and lasers going throughout the room. Alice and Elliot didn’t hesitate to drag you to the bar first. You’d drank a little before, but you’d never gotten buzzed, let alone completely drunk. It wasn’t really your style, and thankfully, Elliot and Alice respected that. They pressured you to do a lot of things, but not anything like drugs or alcohol. They merely pushed you out of your comfort zone sometimes, and irregardless of whether or not the adults around you thought they were a good influence didn’t matter to you. 
“We’re going to go dance, but we’ll be nearby if you don’t want to join us! Just make sure not to go too far alone, Y/N” Alice stated, knowing you would absolutely not agree to dance with them. You smiled and nodded and the two went off to do their thing within your sight. 
“What can I get you, young lady?” the man at the bar caught you off guard. 
“Oh, uh, maybe just a glass of water?”
“Ah, designated driver I presume?” he laughed.
“Yeah, something like that.” you replied, “Someone’s gotta keep an eye on those two.” you nudged your head towards your two friends who were living it up with some other people in the crowd who you think might’ve been your age, too. You were sort of surprised at how easy it was to get into this club, considering so many of your peers get thrown out of it or get caught. 
The man passed you the water and walked off almost a bit angrily. Understandably, though, because water is free.  You made a note to leave the man a tip later anyway. It was the least you could do. You played with the straw, took a few sips, and watched as your friends danced the night away. 
After a while, though, you began to feel off. Dizzy even, and you couldn’t think clearly. It was a hot summer night in a hot crowded club, the one cup of water you drank all day was right in front of you, so you figured it was the heat. You decided to take a quick trip outside to try and catch some air.
It was when you left the club that it really hit you. The world was turning, and you were barely able to stay awake. 
The club was located in an area that wasn’t super lit other than the one club sign. The bouncers must’ve been in the midst of switching shifts because there wasn’t one outside. 
“Hey young lady, you okay?” a man’s voice was all you could make out of him. You could see him, but you couldn’t, and it didn’t make sense. Someone grabbed you and the world went dark.
You woke up slowly. You didn’t recognize your surroundings, the walls were concrete and disgusting. The room reeked of something. 
You tried to stand, but something was holding you to the floor. Having looked down, you noticed sort chains attached to both wrists. Your heart sped up, but you didn’t scream.
How the hell. . . you thought. How did they get me here? 
The last thing you could really remember was the water. What was in the water? It was too slow to be ketamine, too fast to be rohypnol. You wondered. Oh my god, gamma hydroxybutyric acid. Or cherry meth. 
You heard someone make a noise and instantly forgot about the debate in your head. Being able to think more clearly, and your eyesight less blurred, you began to take in your surroundings. There were windows in two two of the walls without glass. Taking a look, you noticed three other women in you line of sight. One in the room with you, who was starting to wake up, and two through the left and right windows. Straight ahead was a doorway that showed a room with a table on in the middle.
It was then that you really began to understand what was happening. The exact thing you were afraid of this whole time. Your breath sped up, your heart was nearly coming out of your body, your blood ran cold. 
“Hey,” the girl was awake now, “I’m Charlotte.” you looked at her wide eyed. Here you two were, chained against a wall, she was bruised and bloodied up and down, and she decided that it was appropriate to introduce herself? 
“What’s happening?” you didn’t even think to reply back to her. She could be anyone. She could be the person who took you, acting as your friend. Your paranoid mind raced through multiple scenarios.
“Look, you’ll be fine as long as you listen.”
“Listen? Listen to what? To who? Who took us? What are they-“ 
“You need to calm down.” she whispered, “If they hear you they’ll come. They haven’t been so nice to the noisy ones.”
If anything anybody had never shut you up before, that certainly did. You could feel the fear in every nerve of your body. he other girls around you faced the floor. One was in a party dress, the other in a pan suit. Looking at them, the girls had nothing in common. One had dark hair, the other had her hair dyed a faded blue, and the last was blonde, each with a different eye color and skin tone. You tried your best to think like your brother, but you couldn’t. Unlike him, you weren’t a genius, you were just average.
You heard a door creek open and all the girls instantly looked up. Through the doorway of your room, you saw a masked man walk in. You could almost hear the other girls’ hearts pumping. You watched in terror as he began to step towards you. When he got into the room, though, he turned towards Charlotte, and began unchaining her.
“No, please!” she cried, “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” 
Charlotte went quiet. He aggressively picked her up by her arm and dragged her to the table, of which he pinned her down onto and began to strap her in. It wasn’t long before he opened a cabinet out of your view, and pulled out various rusty tools.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you asked. You didn’t even think out what you were doing. What the hell do you think YOU’RE doing, Y/N? you thought to yourself. Unconsciously, you knew that you can’t profile this guy like Spencer could, you couldn’t talk your way out of this, but you could protect the girls around you. How? By pissing him off. 
“Don’t speak, woman.” he growled.
“What are you going to do about it? Kill me?” he slammed a knife-like tool straight down into the table a millimeter next to Charlotte’s abdomen, “What? Did I hurt your masculinity, big boy?” 
He unstrapped her quickly. You figured what was coming for you next, and it wasn’t long before you were on that table. The leather restraints were on way too tight, there were splinters in your back already from the poorly sanded wooden table, which you figured was on purpose. And all you could do was watch, and scream, as this man did whatever he wanted to you. hitting you, cutting you, seemingly testing out tools you’d never even seen before. The camera on the ceiling told you that he was recording this all to watch later.
And all you could do was scream out your brother’s name.
You didn’t know how long you were there. Hours, days, weeks, you had no idea. Time didn’t exist down there. Ever since your first encounter with the man, you tried to deter him from the other women around you any time he came around. And fortunately for them but not for you, it worked.
All of the pain and screaming left you numb, but it wasn’t until you saw him get angrier with one of the other girls that you weren’t able to comprehend your situation anymore.
She hadn’t been doing well, the one in the party dress. The color in her skin was drained, making her paler, her eyes sunk. And you watched as the man pulled a knife from his pocket, and stuck it right through her heart. The screams from you and the girls flooded the room, and it was like the air in the building was being sucked out. 
You would never forget it.
You were asleep when suddenly you heard the door open again and your body began to shake. But it wasn’t the man who came in.
“Reid! I got her!” the sound of Morgan’s voice echoed in your ears. Spencer burst into the room, and while Morgan Prentiss, JJ, and Rossi tended to the other three girls, Reid and Hotch came straight to you.
“Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N, you’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you out of here.” Spencer panicked as he tugged at the chains, “Come on!” 
“Y/N, do you know where the unsub went?” Hotch asked. You looked at him, you understood his words, but all you could manage to say was,
“Liquid cherry.” 
“No, cherry E.” you were so distorted, either from the pain, or from the shock.
“Y/N I don’t understand.” Hotch said.
“Liquid cherry?” Reid repeated, “Y/N, do you mean Liquid E?” you nodded.
“Cherry meth.” Hotch confirmed. You don’t even know why you brought it up. It wasn’t important, and although that’s what the man used on you, it wasn’t even relevant at this point.
The rest was a blur. Being free had a different meaning to it for you then. But yet, you were brought into an interrogation room after the ambulance had deemed that you didn’t have any truly hospitalizing injuries, just horrible bruises along with scars that would probably never fade away. You looked down at the table.
Emily Prentiss and JJ sat on the other end of the table. 
“Y/N, we know you’ve been through something traumatic, but that man is still out there. The other two girls aren’t conscious, and you’re the only one who knows what he looks like.” Prentiss explained, “You might not remember, but we if you’re able, we want to do a cognitive interview with you. It might help you remember details you didn’t know you picked up on.” 
“I don’t want to be here alone.” you whispered. JJ sighed sadly for you, “I don’t want to do it unless it’s Spencer.”
“I know, Y/N, but your brother is personally involved now. He can’t work on this case.” she said. In your heart you knew why, and you understood completely. But your mind just didn’t follow, and you shook your head. You looked up, and the color of the room and placement of the mirror seemed to eerily familiar, and the scene switched.
There you were, back on that concrete floor, screaming out for Spencer. All you wanted was for your brother to come save you. You saw the man walking towards you. You screamed louder as he got closer.
You felt someones hands on your shoulders and the scene had changed again. You were breathing heavily, the interrogation chair was on its back, and you were in the corner of the room. Emily and JJ were crouched with concerning eyes in front of you.
“Y/N? It’s us.” 
“I can’t do it.” you sobbed, “Not without him. I won’t.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other and nodded. Emily walked out of the room while JJ sat on the floor with you.
“You’re safe now.”
“He’s still out there he’s not going to stop.” you whispered, “I just want my brother. I just want Spencer.”
She held you tight.
“We won’t let anything happen to you. Spence won’t let anything happen to you.” she reassured. 
It wasn’t long after that Spencer finally entered the room and signaled that it was okay for JJ to leave.
“Y/N,” his voice was soft, and you instantly felt safer in the presence of your brother, “are you sure you can do this?” you nodded in response. As much as it terrified you, you didn’t want that monster hurting any other girls. He was still out there somewhere. Spence helped you up and fixed your chair. You sat across from each other.
“Y/N, I need you to close your eyes.” he said. You did so, “Now think. What’s the weather like before you met the unsub? Was it cloudy, light, dark?”
“It was night. The sky was so clear.” you replied, imagining the time in your mind.
“You’re going out. Who are you with?” he asked.
“Alice and Elliot. Spencer, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have broken the rules.” you cried. Spencer hadn’t even considered the thought of you sneaking out until now, but had decided that it was a talk for another time, if he thought you’d ever be able to handle it.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re safe.” he said. With your eyes closed, you couldn’t see the tears pricking your brother’s eyes. He’d seen many tragic things, done some of the most gruesome cognitive interviews, seen the most disgusting and vile actions done by the most heartless of monsters, but none of that beat this. His own sister. He’d watched the tapes that the man had recorded , and his heart sunk every time you screamed out his name, but his anger grew just as much, “Where did you guys go right before you met the unsub?”
“The club on 16th street.” you stated, seeing yourself and your friends right outside the doors, “Alice and Elliot convinced me to go in.”
“What are you doing in there?”
“Alice and Elliot went to dance. I don’t like dancing, so they stay near me while I sit at the bar?” you realized that you talked as if you were presently there.
“Who is around you? Anyone you recognize?” he asked.
“No, I’m alone with the bartender.”
“Is he talking to you?” Spencer questioned. It was then that you recognized something.
“What can I get you, YOUNG LADY?” the bartender’s voice echoed in your mind, and aligned with the man who asked if you were okay outside before you were taken. You realized that the size and stature of the man who had tortured you matched with the bartender. You gasped and opened your eyes quickly. You were visibly distraught, so Spencer grabbed your hand in a quick attempt to comfort you.
“Y/N, are you okay? If it’s too much we can-“
“The bartender, Spencer.” you huffed out, “He said something to me and spoke to me outside after I was drugged.”
“Do you know what he looks like? Or his name?” he asked. Your thoughts were so fragmented now that you couldn’t remember, and a few tears slipped down your face as shook your head, “Do you want to try to keep going? You don’t have to Y/N I don’t want to put you through this again.”
“No!” you yelled, “No, it’s okay. It’s important. I can do this as long as you’re here.” He smiled slightly at how much you trusted him, but it quickly faded.
“The bartender,” he started, “He’s talking with you, what’s he saying?”
“He asks me if I want a drink. Calls me ‘young lady.’” you replied, as you saw yourself seated at the bar. The man just looked like a blur to you, and you tried so hard to remember him.
“What’s around him?” Spencer asked. 
“Well drinks, obviously. Alcohol.” 
“What kind?”
“He’s got all kinds of fancy bottles. Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, Patron, Bacardi,” you paused, “The Smirnoff is the same color as his shirt. A red shirt as a bartender. He stands out in an odd way.”
“His shirt, is he wearing anything? A name tag?” 
“He has a lanyard. It’s got pins on it and a picture with his-“ you see his name in big black letters on the end of the lanyard, “Andrew Vaughn. The drug is started to hit me now Spencer I-“
“Hey,” his voice was soft as he quickly got up and hugged you, “you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“I’m so sorry!” you sobbed into his shirt, grabbing onto him. He put his head on yours.
“It’s not you’re fault Y/N. You’ve been through something traumatic, you can’t be sorry for it.” he said.
“If I hadn’t gone out like you told me, Spence! And those other girls. The one in the party dress! I watched her die! He just stabbed her and she bled out in agony, Spencer!” you nearly yelled. You almost couldn’t breathe, and your face was wet with the tears.
Spencer’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. Reid knew some what of what you were going through. He reminded himself of what it was like when Tobias Hankel, and tried to think of how he wanted people to treat him then when he was freed, and how long it took for him to be okay again. He never really was, and he was afraid that you would never be able to feel safe again, but understood why you wouldn’t. He just wanted to take care of you, and blamed himself for not being there.
Within the next few hours, Hotch had refused to let a very angry Spencer go with the team to the unsub’s house. The BAU, although, successfully brought your kidnapper into custody.
“You don’t have to worry now, Y/N” Morgan said to you, “We’re gonna make sure he never sees the light of day again. He’ll live the rest of his life behind those bars.” 
“Yeah.” was all you managed to say with the slightest smile as you walked through whatever precinct you were in. 
“Y/N, Garcia told me to tell you that if you ever need anything, she’s here. I think the same goes for the rest of us.” Rossi explained.
“Thanks. I owe you all everything.” you said.
“Let’s get you home.” Spencer put his hand on your shoulder, careful not to touch any of your injuries, and the two of you walked out together.
You would never be the same after that, but at least you had your brother by your side.
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purpleyellow · 4 years
The tag
Seventeen 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
“Hayun on Going Seventeen”
a/n: Feel free to let me know your thoughts as well as send me some requests💙. Ask box is also open to random chats.
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“I’m telling you right now, I’m willing to go in by myself but if one of the murderers starts running after me I’ll give up instantly,” Hayun said once the six members left were deciding how they should pair up for the last rounds.
The producers were insisting that at least one person had to go in alone and while she didn’t care about it, she knew the others would be more entertaining than her. After many games, of rock paper scissors, and different combinations being made, one of the staff finally made the last call.
“We got the two pairs, The8 is going inside alone and we’ll have Hayun going inside three minutes before Scoups and DK. If either of them doesn’t make out she won’t be able to leave either”
“Our savior” Seokmin smiled giving her a side hug and Hayun rested her head on his shoulder frowning at the producer.
“Hey, why do I have to have an extra task?”
“Because if you give up you won’t have enough screen time and people will get mad at me,” The lady said, making everyone around them laugh and Hayun winked at her playfully.
While Joshua, Hoshi, and Minghao had their turn, Scoups and DK kept telling her to look for the key as soon as she starts, that way they won’t have to spend as much time inside and thus the chances of one of them dying would be smaller.
Nodding along, Hayun doubted three minutes would be enough to find a key considering how long the other teams were taking to be done, but she still agreed that was better than just stalling until they got there.
“I’m going in” She blew a kiss for them from the steel door and they both saluted her.
“I’ll miss you” Scoups screamed due to their distance and she rolled her eyes, entering the building and going down the stairs.
“Honey, I’m home”.Hayun chanted once she actually entered the hallway and waited by the door until a masked man showed up from a room near the exit door. “Oh, you’re scarier than I was expecting” The girl chuckled more nervous than expected, and ran inside the door on her left, closing the door quickly to check around the room.
It didn’t take too long until the murderer knocked from outside of the room, but since she was on the back of the room and hadn’t made the effort to actually block it, the door flung open and they stood staring at each other.
“Well this is awkward” Hayun laughed as he stepped inside, the girl moving to one side and him following along ready to catch her. Taking a false step to the right and then bolting to the left, she managed to leave the room.
Running along the hallway, she turned to enter another room but a dude with a knife showed up at the door, making her yelp and keep going until the last larger room on the right. It soon hit her that she hadn’t found any keys and should probably search better for them.
Taking a quick look around the room, she was startled by the clown standing in the back of the room staring at her, but since he stood still she decided to test her luck and keep looking for the key there.
“Don’t mind me” Hayun mumbled walking slower and staring from him to the floor and the back at him, who started to slowly move closer to her “Hey, I said don’t mind me”
Taking the chair next to him, the murderer threw it to the side as a way of scaring her but instead of running like a normal person, Hayun raised her arms in the air in a surrender position.
“Dude you need to relax, come on follow me” The girl kept her hands at level with her chest and began breathing slower, lowering and raising them as she inhaled and exhaled. The clown followed suit and she smiled at him “That’s right, much better right?”
Giving him a thumbs up, Hayun backed away a little when the murderer started walking towards her again, but all of a sudden a scream erupted from the other side of the hallway and she instantly realized her three minutes were up.
“Those are my family, sorry but I gotta go” The girl smiled and ran to where the screams were coming from.
As she was getting near the rooms the door suddenly opened to Scoups and Dokyeom running out of a room.
“I have a key” The older whisper shouted to her and she quickly turned around to the glass doors. Kneeling on the ground to open the lock, he threw the key on the ground once it didn’t work. “Did you find any other?”
“I was a little busy trying to stay alive,” Hayun told him ironically as hey made their way to the large room on the right, the clown standing on the same spot he was when she first met him “I’m back buddy, hope you’re still calm,” The girl said quietly to avoid getting the attention of the rest of the murderers.
“Dokyeom, go look for the key and I‘ll hold him back” Seungcheol spoke as he walked to the middle of the room without breaking eye contact with the murderer.
“What are you-” Hayun started to say but the leader suddenly ran out of the room and the clown quickened his pace after them, which caused the girl to run after Scoups into another room where the other two murderers were.
“How many are there?” Seungcheol screamed looking around the room before running into a smaller one on the other side of the hallway, the girl still following him and leaning on the door after they had entered.
Watching Scoups look around the room for a key, Hayun got startled by faintly hearing DK talking/screaming at someone, and she felt a little bad for leaving him alone.
“We should go check on him” She whispered the leader who came closer and rested his ear on the door.
“I don’t think there’s anyone here anymore” He whispered back and waved for her to stand behind him as he slowly opened the door, a hand grabbing his am instantly as the man with the knife held onto him.
“Hey, you can’t take him” The girl exclaimed, holding onto the actor’s arm but not grasping it too tight, meanwhile the clown showed up too and started to drag her along.
The next minutes were a little confusing to Hayun’s mind as the masked dude showed up and suddenly Cheol was dragging some people along all she could hear were Dokeyom’s screams. The girl leaned against a wall and laughed incredulously at everything going on, only snapping out of it when the leader screamed for her to help DK.
“I got the key” He screamed while dragging himself towards the glass doors, the dude with the knife holding onto him and the masked dude running after the girl, who got there faster and held back the two actors as he undid the lock.
Looking back, the girl saw the clown taking a defeated Scoups out of the room, and since she couldn’t leave before him one of the actors blocked the door with his arm.
“Are you kidding me? Choi Seungcheol you better get your-” Hayun began screaming but before she could finish the leader turned around and ran as fast as he could, pushing both of his members away as the three of them made out of the house.
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
1 | name : amie 2 | pronouns : s/her 3 | preferred gender : doesn't really matter 4 | self-description :
— it's ya clown sho <3 anyway, i'm an ambivert but more inclined towards the introvert side. my MBTI is INFJ and i'm a Gemini. i'd describe myself as someone who's very observant? yea, i guess. i'm awkward and you know it. My favorite color is blue, specifically sapphire, but i love all pastel colors. My fav show is Chicago Medical and all the psychological and crime thrillers out there are my favorite ( silent patient is my #1 though ) I love painting, playing piano and basketball!
— what i look in a partner you ask, uh, someone who can tolerate my silence. there are times when i go quiet for a whole day, i'll barely speak, no interaction nothing. i want someone who'd not exactly 'deal with it' but 'understand it.' also, i want someone who i can talk to without any hesitation. i have a hard time opening up so i don't do it but when i do, i spill almost everything. i might cry, might have anxiety attack, i might even shout. i know it's not very healthy but i want someone who can help me with those. plus someone who i can read with please <3 cheating and not having any respect for personal space would be the major deal breaker for me
5 | gen. aesthetic : my fashion sense starts from sweats and ends in sweats. i'm a big fan of those oversized hoodies and shirts, like something really comfy. however, i do have a collection of formal wears like blazers and dress.
6 | color/s to describe myself : red, actually. if not read then blue. it switchers but red 90% of the times.
7 | fav song/s : literally everything by Chase Atlantic and The Neighborhood. However, my absolute favorites are some of the famous classical pieces like Experience by Ludovico Einaudi and Chopin's Ballade No. 1 Op 23.
8 | fav genre of music : classical music ( Beethoven, Einaudi and Chopin own my heart )
Lol this is very lengthy I'm sorry, btw congrats again!
I looked into MBTI, I looked into zodiacs, I went off of what you said
Here he is, the man, Seijoh’s do-it-all guy
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO ur new boyfriend
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There is not enough content for him, anyway
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How You Met
Bear with me here
Think about this
You love painting? Art club.
Idk if youre actually in any art club but shhh
Anyway, it was probably some sort of community thing full of tons of different age artists (bc you’d have basketball or something after school and he had volleyball)
So like once a week on thursday afternoons everyone gets together and does all sorts of artsy stuff
Everyone listens to lo fi music (or you can bring headphones) and chit chat and just paint for a couple hours
Its in the back section of a library (bc the library near me does stuff like this its awesome) so if you want you can go read a book while you wait for things to dry
One day the person that ran it suggested you talked to the new guy
He was about your age, it was his first day, they didn't know what all he was good at, and tbh they thought you two would look cute together
Just the vibes yk
So you set up your canvas and stuff next to him and introduced yourself
And you guys just vibe to the playlist
He’s REALLY good
Compliments you a lot too
Which is fun because he’s cute so it makes you a little flustered
You find out you guys go to the same school and he’s on the VB team
And says he has a (practice) game that weekend and asks you to come if you can
Which you do
And they win! So its fun!
Matsukawa basically asks you out for him though
He’s heard all about you already
“You don't get it issei! She’s so pretty!! God, she touched my hand and I thought I was gonna die!!!!!” “the enthusiasm is new for you” “shut up asshole” (conversation from the night before)
So he walks up to you after the game and is like “Hey so,,, we’re going out to get some lunch, you wanna come?”
Makki thinks HES flirting with you and is pissed off about it
Until you all sit down for lunch and oh, the only open spot for him is next to you (since when is matsukawa willing to sit between iwaizumi and oikawa??)
He asked you out after art club that week (Mattsun threatened not to give him any more monster for the rest of the month if he didn't get the guts to do it)
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General Headcanons
You date hanamaki, you're also dating matsukawa
There’s no separating them (good thing ur MBTIs work together too, especially for strong friendships)
This was literally my first thought
Good luck with both these trolls
More on that later
Of course he’s going to be worried if you go radio silent for a while, but he'll understand
There are some days he’s not gonna wanna talk either
He’s really supportive on your bad days of course
Expect a random text in the middle of the evening from him
“Hiya sweetheart, just wanted to remind you that you’re beautiful, I love you, and I hope your day is going well.”
When he’s having a bad day, the same thing is all he needs from you to keep moving
He’s a really honest person. If you want to talk to him, be prepared not to get any sugar coating. If you tell him to shut up because you don’t want advice, he will. But if you expect advice from him, expect brutally honest advice. Subtlety is not his strong suit, so when it comes to advice, he’s going to tell it like it is. He's just trying to help, yknow?
However, he’s pretty good with people, so will know how to comfort you when something is bothering you. Tea and cuddles? Gotcha. Dancing at 11pm because neither of you want to sleep yet? On it. You want him to hold you? Perfect.
He’s not like...the most touchy person? There are some things he’s really indifferent on, and other things he’s stubborn as hell with. Whatever you wanna do, though
His weakness though
⚠️this part is slightly little bit suggestive⚠️
He will randomly walk up to you and pull you against him, give you a really deep kiss, smirk and walk away like nothing happened
Like hands in hair probably almost making out and then just
Walk away
Because that’s how he kisses and it’s breathtaking every time
It’s either little temple kisses or forehead or cheek pecks or something
Or that
And probably leaves you flustered and it’s funny (to him) (and to me if I was there with you) (bc that would be funny)
Hmm I’m thinking
I’m thinking hair dye dates
He needs help doing his hair from time to time Y’know (he doesn’t he just likes spending time with you) and he wants to make it pink again
So he teaches you how to do his hair and even offers to dye yours one day
Either just a strand or the ends or everything, up to you
Imagine having twinning hair dye with makki isn’t that cute
I think it’s cute
I said ur platonically dating mattsun right
Yes you are now
He absolutely adores you and loves how much makki loves you
Probably would have asked you out if makki didn’t but he was really pushing for makki to because he was just all over you in the beginning
He wasn’t overly attached to you romantically so being friends? Perfect. Sounds great
You two get along wonderfully though like you act like siblings once you warm up to each other
Again, very brutally honest person, but a little more awkward so doesn’t know what he’s saying might come off as he’s acting like a dick
He doesn’t try to though and he does really care about you
Flat out told makki if he breaks up with you and breaks your heart he’s gonna kick his ass (makki doesn’t know he had the same (less aggressive) conversation with you)
Tbh all of the VBC at seijoh loves you
Oikawa loves talking to you he thinks you’re great for makki
Gets you in on he and makki and mattsun’s antics
Iwa thinks you’re good too he just doesn’t know you as well
I think that kunimi would like you (he was almost a runner up--)
Kindaichi too
The first years just think you’re cool even if they won’t say it out loud
Seijoh VBC loves you
You got mattsun’s approval
And hanamaki loves you with literally everything in his life
You’re pretty set with your strawberry baby huh
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Date Night!
I was waiting for some matchup to come along that gave me sleepover vibes
In a perfect world where you could do sleepovers with your bf because most parents would,,,not let that happen
He shows up at like 7:00 after practice, pizza in hand because he picked up dinner
You two eat, chat about your day, he probably scarfs down half the pie bc it’s after practice ofc he’s hungry
So when you guys are done eating you head up to your room
And make pillow fort
It’s mandatory
Different design every time, but there’s a pillow fort nonetheless
And then when there’s just enough room for the both of you to climb in
You get a blanket and a couple pillows and one of your phones or laptops or whatever and watch a movie and cuddle
When the movie is over you guys break out the face masks
You ever wonder why he has such great skin? It’s thanks to you (or if you don’t have masks, he picks them up on the way home from practice)
But anyway you guys talk shit about people for a while and sit with the masks on (it’s usually him talking about how Oikawa is a bitch as much as he loves him) (or about whatever he and Mattsun were talking about lately)
You both get chances to vent while the masks sit on your face and you just vibe with music (usually that you pick) (he listens to like,,,meme songs and like CORPSE yk)
After masks you guys make/get some snacks and munch on those during another movie but this time you’re in comfy jammies and more relaxed Y’know
Less paying attention to the movie you’ve seen a million times and just vibing in each other’s presence and it’s just really sweet
Fall asleep on his chest
Let him fall asleep on yours
Either way, you’ve got him whipped for you he loves you
Not that he doesn’t already but that’s his favorite thing ever so please just let him do that
Always makes sure to tell you he loves you before you sleep too
If you fall asleep first he takes embarrassing pictures of you with your hair being a mess & you best bet he sends them to mattsun because “she’s so cute omfg” “dude” “dude what” “you’re so fuckin stupid” “?” “Whatever—good luck being whipped just tell me when you need to get a ring, k” “you’re such a jackass” “yeah yeah Gnight”
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Okay so I’m not doing a big long paragraph for all this BUT from what I understand, Gemini/Aquarius are really compatible, and ENTP and INFJ are known as “perfect matches” sO (I had a really hard time deciding between Atsumu and Makki because they're both ENTP)
Psst Gemini + Leo is compatible and so is INTP + INFJ,,,, so, again, asking you to marry me sho 💍💍
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Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major, BWV 846
Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio (meme song)
Sky Full Of Stars by The Piano Guys
Someone To You by The Piano Guys
Shut Up And Dance - Simply Three
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Runners Up
Miya Atsumu, Tsukishima Kei
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cherripeach · 4 years
Chapter 2
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is "I have the power of god and anime on my side, don't mess with me," and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it. 
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it.Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 3-5: I wanna take a nap
Chapter Summary: Was everyone in this school an evil bratty child or was it just you?
Warnings: jokes about death(I think) and committing crimes and curse words, some sex jokes (but not the bad ones; middle school boys comments and stuff)
Words: 3.4k
Relationships: Pending twst x reader
Two boys-you assumed-were chasing after the cat, and while neither of them seemed to be very athletic,  the cat really was not either. The cat kept bumping into its own fire and having to turn away, or trying to blast fire at the two chasing him and almost tripping both himself and the other two boys. The cat did end up getting chased into a corner after almost tripping the two boys, and the smaller of the two raised up a pen or pencil looking object and screamed the words “Off with your head.” The only thing that passed through your mind was that you need to get out of here.
After the boy screamed, a red light appeared from the top of the pen and was soon directed straight toward the cat. The cat horror-struck backed up as far as he could and even climbed a few inches up the wall to move away from the beam of light heading toward it. The beam smacked the cat into the wall and caused him to fall from his position onto his butt and falter in any movement. Once the light cleared, there was an obvious difference in the cat’s appearance. A red and white collar had shown up around his neck, and the cat still dazed to notice it screamed out, “Nughab! The heck is this thing?”
You mumbled out, “Kinky…”
“Law of the Queen of Hearts Number 23: ‘One shall never bring a cat into a festival.’ You being a cat means you’ve broken the rule. I shall have you leave at once,” Here we have another member of the crowd who also thought the creature was a cat, but apparently, this disappointed child also has the numbers of the rules for something memorized, and that threw you off. He straightened himself once he noticed that the cat was caught within the collar and put his pen away in his coat that you just noticed everyone was wearing.
You surveyed yourself to see what you were wearing and realized that it was the same thing, only leading your mind to one conclusion: “This has to be some kind of cult…”  you mumbled the phrase so that anyone close by could not question your thought process, but this school and world just happened to get worse and weirder the more you looked around.
“...I'ma burn this collar right up and... ehhh I can’t use my fire!” You caught the rest of the cat’s declaration, and both him and you were in absolute awe for what the collar had apparently accomplished.
“Hmph!” The disappointed child straightened his back even more and tilted his face up toward the ceiling a little, “You won’t be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat”.
“Whh-what? I’m not some pet!” The cat was having none of it. He was clawing at the collar on his neck and pulling it as much as he could just sitting in place next to the wall in his time out corner.
“Don’t worry, I’d never keep a pet like you,” the kid really just can’t help himself can he, “I’ll take it off anyway when you get thrown out.” He turned away from the cat and began to walk back to the center of the room where the sus headmaster in the top hat who for a weird second kinda reminded you of Willy Wonka stood and fumed over the past events.
Once the kid began walking, the other male chasing the cat spoke up, “Wow, as wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your Unique Magic, Riddle,” the male even threw his arms out to match his display of amazement only to pull them pack in a second later to place one hand on his chin while the other held his elbow to his chest to allow the male to mutter some words to himself. The taller male then pivoted around and sauntered to follow the smaller male. Both of them held this formal air covered in arrogance, and you wanted nothing to do with either of them.
The end of their conversation must have halted the top hat headmaster because he straightened himself up and glanced at the crowd only pausing his eye movement when they reached you. He kept both of his eyes on you while he strode over to your wall. Your day could apparently get worse.
“You must do something about this! It is your familiar!” the man made hand gestures to point at you in his furry, and you decided that maybe now is the time you should speak up.
“Sir, with all due respect, stop assuming things,” this man was worse than some teenagers and teachers you have met, so you shut him up, “Please tell me when I told you that he was my familiar,” your flicked your hands and continued, “whatever that is, because I am clearly lost.”
“So it’s not yours?” The man put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes either to calm himself down or figure everything out.
“Yep. Never seen it before it asked me to strip” Please let this man listen for once.
“Ah, um You did.” He cleared his throat, “Anyway, let's get it out of the school. We won't turn you into a stew. For I am gracious. Someone help, please.”
Several of the students crowded around the cat until finally two came out holding the cat who was yelling the entire time. He was a little too desperate to just stay in this school.
You broke off from the masked man’s lecture for a second until another voice joined the conversation.
“That’s not different from usual, is it?” You were lost as one of the taller of the five males from earlier spoke up. He was a half furry, but you had no clue what that was called again and you would rather not know.
“What?” The sun graced everyone with its presence, “Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?” His features turned into a sorrowful, sour look from his normal bright and upbeat feature; he even glanced around at all of the others who surrounded the masked male. You noticed that all of them were the five from earlier, not including the tablet.
“If you are going to complain, you should’ve done it yourself.” Another one of the tall gang of the five males spoke up; however, this one was the exact opposite of the half furry. He was incredibly put together and more breathtaking than anyone you have ever been in the same room in. The male must be the ruler of self care, even if he did give you arrogant vibes.
“Hmm. But I don’t really know anything about the guy.” The sun appeared guilty at his statement.
The people which you forgot about broke out into chatter about a man who was named something like ‘Malaus Drakconia’ or something like that, but you had no clue who he actually was or how to actually spell his name. All of the chatter stopped when another male, much smaller than most of the five males, strolled into the room through the double doors.
“I was correct. I thought he might come but ‘Malaus’ really didn't. It seems the invitation "never arrived" again.” The small male shook his head and sighed gently after entering the room.
The males in the middle all exchanged glances before two emerged: the two from before; the ones that were chasing after the cat.
“My deepest apologies. I promise, we didn't intend to exclude you.” The taller male closed his eyes and appeared apologetic.
“His aura makes it hard to approach him,” The shorter male just can’t stop himself.
You just had to butt in because no one was taking this seriously; you walked up from your wall to meet with the group in the middle, “Yo, dude that’s really not right. I mean what has he ever done wrong to ya?” Some teenagers just weren’t for you, and so you apologized to the new face that entered. “Tell the dude he has my condolences or something.”
The short new face just stared through your soul for the next couple of minutes, not blinking, but he finally did cough and twist away from you to face a group of students. “It’s not your fault child, but it is all right.” He took about three steps. “Members of the Diasomnia Dormitory can come with me… I hope this doesn't upset him.”
You in your brilliance decided to cup your mouth and scream out to the male leading the first group out, “Tell the dude that if he needs someone to talk to, I’m freeee! I hope he feels better!”
You even heard a slight chuckle from the group. And slowly all the groups left; most making eye contact with you, but you just carried on trying to think of how expensive the clothes you had one were; you rubbed the sleeve and found out that they were made of a fabric resembling silk.
Crowley, from what you remembered, sauntered up to you once the room was clear and both of you began to conjure in your head and make a conversation about what was going to happen:
“While I normally would have you leave this school, I do not know where you are from. Would you mind stepping up to the mirror to find out. There is no need to worry. The Dark Mirror will send you directly back from whence you came. Enter the Gate, and picture your home clearly in your mind... “ The male pushed you to the mirror again, and you thought of your home for as long as you could. You even heard him mumble words back and forth with the mirror when you were lost in thought.
However, a surprised noise came out of the man’s mouth and your mind buffered to process everything because both Crowley’s and the mirror’s gaze, if you would even call it that, were stuck on you.
“This is the first time this has ever happened since I became headmaster, what should I do?” You held contact with his weird mask eyes for as long as you could before you swerved your gaze to the mirror. “Are you positive that is where you are from? And that you have never heard of Twisted Wonderland, Night Raven College, anything?” He was moving closer to you at an extremely fast rate causing you to discreetly walk back to your wall.
“Yeah, sir, why would I ever lie about that? All of this seems like a weird movie for me.” You just could not believe how little this “headmaster” or whatever believed you.
“Our best option is to go to the Library and do some research. Come and join me.”  Headmaster Crowley twirled around making his cloak follow his mystical movements like some fairy or evil villain and started to make his way out of the room.
You just as confused as before followed after him, wondering if anything in this world would ever make sense.
After around an hour of scouring through books in the odd library you were in earlier, you and the headmaster both decided to take a break.
“Can you please believe me now?” You slumped in a chair and groaned as loud as you could for as late as it was and even massaged your forehead, just hoping the man would get your point.
“You are correct. There is nothing about your hometown anywhere…” The male halted his speech and glanced back at the books, “There is also a possibility you are from another world.”
“What a nice thing to say to the tired, lost teenager,” and you stopped your speech to turn to him and point at him, “That you are in charge of.” You could not believe this man, and so you deflated while he carried on with his speech.
“Did you have anything on you when you came here?”
You just shook your head and rolled your eyes out of his view.
“Do you have any identification, like a license for a magic car, name on a shoe... You appear to be empty-handed?”
Another shake and a hand placed back on your forehead, and you noticed that he was probably going to go back into one of his speeches when he stood up taller and paused speaking for a second.
“This is concerning…..My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators.We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old but there is a certain charm to it.” Apparently, you were going to stay in a dormitory. Always a new surprise with this man.
And you two were off again through the halls and outside to your new stay in this world, but from how terrible the place was on the outside, this was not a luxury resort.
It was a four or more story house accompanied by a broken gate guarding the house, spider webs on all of the molded dead trees, broken shutters, even broken window, and to top it off just an overall haunted vibe to the place. This was where smart, sane people in life would avoid; this was just the trap for those characters in haunted movies, and you were just hoping to find a peaceful place to sleep in it tonight.
Crowley must have caught your staring at the dorm and ushered you inside, “Right, right. Please come inside.”
You can confidently say that the inside of the dorm was incredibly worse than the outside; the streets might be a better option if you took into account all of the health hazards in just this room alone.
Crowley did not seem to agree, “Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain.”
You hoped to interject, “Isn’t there somewhere el-”
“I'm going back to do more research. Make yourselves at home. Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!” This man was going to be the death of you or the reason you commit murder.
The lounge area was terrible: almost everything was broken and covered in dust, including the walls, ceiling, and floor. This area was not fit for a person to live in, and even if you tried your best it might never be.
But of course with your luck streak, Crowley saying that it would rain had to come true. “Are you kidding me now!” You threw your hands up in the air and then grabbed your head and tried not to commit arson.  “Nothing is ever going to go my way here, will it?”
“At least you are on my side…” You gazed out the cracked window expecting it to break soon.
The thunderstorm caused more problems in your new dorm than it should have. The building would shake, as would the windows, and it allowed more damage than before. However, it appears that you are not alone with a caterwaul screech from behind you.
“Hyyyi! It’s really coming down!” And located on your broken couch was the cat from before. He was apparently a gift from someone, who probably was laughing at you, for you with how often he was popping up.
“What are you doing here?” You probed in an apathetic tone as you both deadpanned and glared at the cat.
“Gyhaha! You've got this stupid look on your face like a spider being attacked by a water gun! I'll have no trouble sneaking back into school. Come on, come on. If you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in, you've got another thing coming!” The cat gabbed just as long as the headmaster.
Your day could somehow get worse, “Honestly, I don’t care. Please don’t cause problems or I’ll kick you out.”
“Hmph. You wouldn’t understand, but I’m a genius who is destined to be a great magician! I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to come pick me up. But... But...Hmph! The Dark Mirror just doesn't have an eye for this.So that's why I came here on my own. Not letting me in would be a loss for the world, humans just don't get it.” This cat might be annoying, but the sob story does make you pity him a little. That is if he started acting kinder and not like an annoying pretentious kid.
Now that you look at him, he resembled a small child disappointed that they did not get what they wanted, but you had sympathy for him. He never mentioned a family or had anyone who cared about around him. He seemed lonely. He wanted to get into school which honestly you don’t know why anyone would want to go to school, but people had their priorities.
A water droplet hit the cat, “Nyaa! So cold! The roof is leaking!”
Another drop.
“Fgyaa! It keeps coming! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate!” He pulled down his ears closer to his eyes and met your gaze.
“Fine, fine. I’ll get a bucket..” You uttered going to look around the building and ignored any more retorts the cat came up with.
You exited the living room and entered a hallway with a flight of stairs going up, and the rest of the house mirrored the living room and outside by how disgusting and hazardous it is. There was even a gigantic spider web spreading the top of the hallway, and the wallpaper was coming off and covered in mold.
“This is a great time for the first kill in a horror movie,” in this situation talking to yourself helped calm you down.
That is until three ghosts appear. All of different sizes and heights, and they look incredibly familiar like from a movie or something.
“Hihihihi…. Ihihihihi…We haven't had a guest in so long...I'm itching for some action. Ihihihihi!” Frozen in your spot, you watched as the ghosts chuckled and floated closer to you.
“Um, sorry, but like…. What?”  You became more disoriented as the day went on., and this topped the cake.
The cat was not on your wavelength and followed you out of the living room and into the hallway only to freeze at the sight of the three ghosts.  
“Gyaaaaaaaa!!!! G-g-g-g-ghoooooooooooootts!!” The cat bawled before he darted to cling onto your cloak.
The shortest ghost found amusement out of the cat’s reaction, “The people living here got scared of us and left…”
So did the largest ghost, “We’ve  been looking for more ghost pals. How about you guys?”
“Dudesss, chill down. We are not here to hurt you.” You tried to placate both the ghosts and the cat clinging onto you, but nothing ever went your way.
The cat leaped out from behind you looking as ferocious as a duckling, “Grim, the Great Magician, isn't scared of some ghosts!!!” and blew fire at the wall, “Punahhh ~ ~ ~ nnn!!”
The ghosts were having fun with the cat as the tall one asked “Where are you aiming?” and the largest one ran around the hallway area chanting “Over here, over here!”
Apparently Grim-the cat- was actually taking this seriously or did not like getting teased, “Shoot! Stop disappearing!” He continued to blast fire in all directions, most not even where the ghosts were.
You were not going to put up with his attitude so you made a deal with him wanting him to either shut up or do his job right, “Grim or whatever, either you get a move on and listen to me or I’ll tell the headmaster that you are here so that a red collar can be placed on you again and get you kicked out on the streets.”
“Ughhhh, buttt.. I’m a genius.” Grim ran around the area but paused as another ghost came up behind him. “Bunch of cowards ganging up on us! Fine,” Grim circled around to face you, “tell me where the ghosts are!”
“To your left!” Helping Grim would never be easy, but you somehow made it work.
“I hit it! Alright, let’s get them all outta here!” Like a child, he bounced over the fact that he did something right.
And like a child you could not wait to take a nap. 
um like exams such so there was that, but thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day! Next chapter should be out around Monday or so.. maybe. 
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multsicorn · 3 years
two murderers walk into a bar
[if you’ve been wondering what this ‘word of honor’ thing is all about.]
Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing are both people with very dark pasts. Each of them has killed a lot of people. (Wen Kexing is still killing people… oops? [eta: but that doesn't resume, and Zhou Zishu doesn't know about it, till after he falls in love with Wen Kexing.])
But that’s not who they know each other as.
They meet as just two guys: a rich dude drinking in a tavern, a bum drinking on the street. And they join forces as two skilled martial artists, both a mystery to each other, both having decided to protect a random kid from a massacre that broke out where all three were staying.
Wen Kexing, at least, is interested in - and attracted to - Zhou Zishu from the very start; Zhou Zishu, it turns out, can use his help in his new task of delivering the kid to (supposed) safety. And so they get to know each other. Get to like each other. Get… pretty damn attached, actually. (calling each other ‘soulmates,’ omg, how long have you known each other? two weeks??)
They repeatedly ask of each other - as this is happening - who are you? Who have you been? But there’s another question involved…
Each of them is a murderer; but they’ve found in each other someone who sees them as something else. As ~a person,~ not ~the mask~ (lolol). And so - I think - that’s a central question in the development of their relationship. Not ‘who are you,’ but ‘who am I’? Must I always be defined by my past, by the things that I’ve done? Or can I be someone else - can I be the person that someone who’s met me since imagines that I am?
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mixtvpes · 4 years
- words: 1371 words or something like that
- description: the newest survivor has just been summoned to face their first trial in Ormond, a cold snowy place often with snow storms and high winds. Ormond is home to the killers The Legion. their leader shall appear in efforts to get close to the newest survivor. however, none of them knew how turning the situation would become.
- ship: frank morrison x reader (gender neutral)
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you took a big inhale of the cold winded air and tried calming yourself down. being it your first trial you were scared out of your mind. what happens if you die? is that it forever? will marks be left on your body? do you even have the skills to make it out alive? so many thoughts in such a short amount of time. thankfully, you were next to your teammate David King. the tall brute like man was for the most part calm and silent but kept a very protective feeling close to him. he signaled you over to a generator he was working on, though you were very hesitant on joining him on it, he assured you that you’d do fine and all you needed to do was really focus. you trusted him and started working on the generator. over time it started getting easier to repair. David finished it and quickly told you to get out of the area. he split off from you and ran the opposite way. you didn’t understand why he left but figured this is your time to really get an idea of how these trials are. now you were completely alone and in a windy snow storm.
the winds really started to pick up after the first generator was fixed. the air became very crisp and cold from the snow, the ground becoming crunchier the more you walk on it. however you had spotted a wooden cottage that looked like a good place to possibly hide in and at least it will get you out of the snow storm. you wrapped your sweater around your body and mouth as the weather declined in warmth quicker and quicker. you decided to start running to help boost the warmth back in your body and allow yourself to get to the cottage faster. when you got to the cottage, you suddenly felt a presence behind you and heard rapid breathing. “ We need to get in here come on!” the unfamiliar voice said before shoving you into the cottage. “h-hey!” you said back to the mysterious person as they continued to shove you. “the killers coming this way we need to hide in this locker! let’s go or we both die” he said in an assertive tone. you really didn’t have a choice here, you could either stay out in the cottage and get murdered or you could get in this locker with this random person. you figured it must’ve been another survivor you just missed meeting before hand. you got into the locker after the other survivor entered. “so what exactly are we doi-“ “shhhh shh shh” you were quickly cut off with a shush and a finger to your lips. “do you hear that?” instead of hearing the whisping wind blowing all you could hear was an enormously loud heartbeat. you got closer to the survivor incredibly fearful, hoping the rumors of killers being able to smell your fear weren’t true. you closed your eyes and just hoped the heartbeat would soon leave. in quick time it surely faded away and you let out a sigh. “is it gone?” you asked, looking towards the survivor, unable to see the whole survivors face. “yeah i think so.” through the lined of the locker, little light peaked in only visible enough to paint a picture of the mouth of this other survivor. “so, what’s your name? you look new” “oh um my name is (x), i am very new to all of this. i actually thought you may be new as well since i don’t think we’ve been properly introduced yet.” you saw a smile creep onto the survivors face. “you know i dont think we have been properly introduced, the names Frank.” you couldn’t tell if the breeze was actually getting chillier or if it was this dudes creepy grin. “(x), do us a favor and peak out the locker to see if the killers really gone” he was still smiling when he requested this which struck you as very odd but maybe he was just a weird guy. you faced the locker and peaked out and saw nothing. “i don’t see it, i’m gonna open the door” “good idea” as you were slightly opening the door you were once again pushed, this time landing on the floor. “what the hell!” you slowly turn your back to face the locker once more only now the survivor who was previously not visable now had a bloody smiling mask on. that’s when the heartbeat came back.
“o-oh my god...” you whispered as you tried crawling backwards away from the killer. “well now we’ve been properly introduced! time to decide, do you wanna reeeeaaallly piss me off and make me kill you for fighting back or do you wanna make this easy peasy and let me just kill you without the pissed off part?” he turned his head looking at you, bloodied smile still cheerful as ever. in panic you turned back around to try and get yourself up quickly since there was a pallet behind you. as you attempted to getup however, frank decided to grab your leg, tripping you as a result of you staying down. he started walking towards you saying all kinds of wicked things. it was his way of riling himself up as well as provoking your fear so his high would last. as you attempted for your second time to get up he once again tripped you. bending down to you and getting ready to stick his knife in your back. “jesus christ do you not learn? so fucking stupid” he said to you. “get the fuck off me!” you kicked his stomach pushing him off you but in the process skinning your leg across his knife.”heh” he scuffed, getting back up and seeing your blood on his knife. the blood does things to killers and puts them in a fury, or better for frank’s case, a frenzy. as you got up you started running away trying your best to make it over to the pallet fast, frank was already in frenzy mode. his speed increased and he was out for more blood. he caught up so close to you and when he went to go swing his knife, you smacked him out of frenzy by a pallet. “fucking BITCH” frank called out. he destroyed the pallet as you ran away, losing track of your blood. to your fortune there was a survivor close by that was able to heal you up. she said her name was Claudette and how she was a studious botanist and was trained to help heal. when you asked her how much more the team has to do in order to escape she gave you a brief puzzled face. “we’ve already completed mostly everything, i think the last two are finishing the last generator up. how did you not notice, were you being chased or just not doing anything?” you coughed up at the direct question and said “yeah i guess you could say it was a chase, i didn’t realize it had lasted for that long though.” all of a sudden the last generator was popped and a loud noise ran across through the whole map. “come on let’s go open an exit gate and get out, this place is too cold” she says. you follower her along to go and find the exit gate.
there was one last attempt made by frank to try and get more of (x’s) blood. it seemed far richer and more exciting than anyone else’s blood, the fear you also held close to him was mesmerizing. never had he met a survivor to drive him this crazy. however all the survivors had left before frank could stick his knife into any. from that day forward though frank made it his new goal that if he ever saw (x) in another trial, he would really commit to the chase and not let you go. you became the thing he thought of most and he was perfectly fine with that. however next time, he’ll find every opportunity to get you alone into a trap again. you have become his prey, and shall the predator hunt once more.
AN:/ hi hi so this is my first writing piece 👉👈 i’m kinda proud of it but i hope you all like it and if you have any requests feel free to send some :)
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zackcollins · 4 years
we don’t walk this road alone || pierre-luc dubois
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Author’s Note: Heyo, dudes. I’m back with another fic! I got this idea after seeing a post about how much PLD hates Trump. Which, go off, dude. He’s finally proving that hockey players, do, in fact, have brains. Speaking of brains... Mine decided that it wanted to make this have multiple parts. I was originally planning for a one-shot but my said: “No.” I don’t know how many parts there will be but expect more than one; that’s all I can tell you. GIF credit to rustytanev!
Warnings: Well. You see... since this is about PLD’s hatred for Trump, there will be Trump bullshit in here (not in this first part though). I do NOT support Trump. I am very much on PLD’s side in this scenario. So, this story will reflect that. Just thought I’d warn you so you know what you’re getting into. Oh. And it’ll also be set during the current pandemic because I figured that made the most sense. So, be forewarned of that too. I don’t think there’s anything else to warn about in this first part. Let me know if you see something though! I’ll add it to this for you.
Translations: There’s one French word because I couldn’t resist. It roughly translates to “Goddammit!”
Word Count: 1k+
Additional: I know I said to expect more than one chapter. That’s the truth but I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get them written. If I can grow a pair and actually use my adult words, I’ll most likely be getting Animal Crossing: New Horizons tonight. If I do get that, catch me never writing another fic again because I’ll be too busy catching bugs and fishing. Anyways... The reader is gender-neutral as of right now and I want to keep it that way. If I accidentally change it or my direction for the fic changes, I’ll make sure to let you guys know in my ramblings before the actual fic. I hope you enjoy this first part. I’ll try to get the second part done for tomorrow or the next day because I’m working on it right now.
When you arrived at the protest, you double checked to make sure all of your safety equipment was outfitted properly. When you were satisfied that it was, you gripped your steering wheel and let out a shaky sigh. 
“You can do this, (Y/N),” you said, puffing out your chest and fidgeting your fingers on the steering wheel. “Trump needs the reality check.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you let out another shaky sigh as you swung open your car door. 
Your eyes flew open and your head swivelled to your left so fast you were surprised it didn’t snap off. 
What you were met with was a young man with tattoos on his arms, a Columbus Blue Jackets baseball cap, and a mask with a blue and white flag pattern that you didn’t recognize. The only issue was that he was sitting square on his ass in front of your car door. 
“Oh… oh my god,” you said, hands shooting out to pull the door closed.
You quickly turned the key in the ignition and pressed the switch to roll the window down. The young man gave you a lopsided look as he stood up and brushed off his backside. 
“Did…” you gestured vaguely to the car door as you switched the ignition off. The young man nodded as he leaned on the car beside yours. 
You felt your cheeks heat up as you sank down in your seat and covered your face with your hands. When you dared to look at the young man again, he had crossed his arms over his chest, raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head at you. You swallowed a nervous lump and cleared your throat.
“Sorry about that,” you said, nervously rubbing the back of your neck. “I wasn’t paying attention because I’m really nervous to be here. It’s my first protest.”
You think the young man smiled because his mask moved a little. He definitely chuckled because you were able to hear that, even through the anxious thrumming of your heartbeat in your ears. 
“It’s okay,” he said. You thought you heard the faintest of accents but you couldn’t place which accent you thought you heard. “I haven’t really been to that many either, so I completely understand being nervous.”
Chuckling nervously, you gave the young man a thumbs up. You think he smiled again as he chuckled and returned the thumbs up.
“My name is Pierre-Luc,” the young man said, holding his hand up in salute.
“I’m (Y/N),” you replied, holding your hand up in salute as well. 
“Would you like to get a coffee or dinner when this protest is over?”
You blinked a couple of times, somewhat taken aback by his offer. There was a part of you that knew you should say no, given the circumstances of everything. Yet…
“I’d love that,” you said, voice surprisingly chipper. 
Pierre-Luc grinned (at least you thought he did) as he reached over and opened your car door for you. You chuckled awkwardly as you stepped out of the car and back from Pierre-Luc. He hummed happily as he closed the car door and stepped further away from you to allow for more social distancing. 
Now that you were out of the car, you truly focused on Pierre-Luc. His eyes were soft, yet still intense in a way you didn’t know how to truly describe. His tattoos looked completely random to your eyes but you knew his eyes saw each of them as their own little story. 
You were glad that you said yes to his offer of coffee or dinner because you really wanted to get to know Pierre-Luc better. Just looking at his tattoos and what he was wearing—an oversized t-shirt with a hockey player on it, blue jean shorts, Vans, polka-dot socks, the Columbus Blue Jackets hat and that blue and white flag mask that you didn’t recognize the pattern for—he looked like the kind of guy you would get along well with. He seemed interesting and you were always one to enjoy being around interesting people.
“Are you ready to go?” Pierre-Luc asked.
You blinked, snapping out of your fantasyland. “Go? I thought the date was later…?”
Pierre-Luc chuckled, shaking his head. “I meant to protest.” He pointed over to the street where people were already beginning to gather. 
You felt your face heat up as you rubbed the back of your neck. “Right…”
Even though you couldn’t see the bottom half of his face, you could still tell that Pierre-Luc was giving you a sympathetic look. There was just something about how soft his eyes were that gave that away. 
A long silence befell the two of you. Neither of you said anything but the noises from the protesters and cars were still very much audible. It made the fact that neither of you were talking much more bearable.
After what felt like an eternity, Pierre-Luc cleared his throat and looked at you awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck and leaned against what you assumed was his car.
“I can go and we can forget about the date,” Pierre-Luc said, sighing.
“No!” You shouted back almost before he was finished speaking. Pierre-Luc stood there, blinking owlishly. You swallowed and stepped back a couple of times. “Sorry… I…”
Pierre-Luc chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “God, we’re both awkward.”
You chuckled and gave Pierre-Luc some finger guns. Pierre-Luc snorted and shook his head. You chuckled again and smiled, though you knew he wouldn’t be able to see the smile through your rainbow mask. 
“Let me try this again,” Pierre-Luc said. “Are you ready for the protest?”
You nodded and took a few steps forward. “Yes. Let’s do this.”
Pierre-Luc gave you a thumbs up as he stepped forward, turned around and started walking toward the street. You shook your head and chuckled as you started following after him.
A loud noise to your left made you stop walking and drew your attention in that direction. You looked for a few moments but didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Right as you turned to face forward, you came into contact with something solid. Before you could tell what it was, you were on the ground, on your back with something heavy laying on top of you. When you did realize what it was, you swallowed thickly. 
Laying on top of you was none other than Pierre-Luc without his mask. And he was incredibly handsome.
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kelieah · 4 years
my neighborhood (peter parker x vigilante!reader) [1]
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request: @annamckayla : HELLO! Omg i love ur writing so much ahhhh! I was hoping I could request for a peter x reader, where they are both heroes (or reader is bad idm up to you) and they are fighting ppl / each other but they are super flirty! AHH OK ILY BYEEE ;)))))))))
warnings: sarcasm, insulting, flirting, fighting. reader is a vigilante, goes to midtown high and is semi close friends with peter. kinda like a hate love relationship. alsooo reader’s powers is speed and eletricity so basically the flash idkdkdk sorry
edited: i’m working on a new series based off of this request! masterlist for it is here
a/n: my first request! so happy hehe ilyt!! also im so sorry if this doesnt make sense, im not great with super powers lol
pov: first, y/n
I have to admit. He’s cute, but he’s so irritating. Is it the fact that he’s so undeniably cute? Yes. No, yes but Peter is such a know it all, or at least I think so.
For some reason, it didn’t stop me from hanging out with him and his friends for the past couple of months. After picking up some school lunch, I grab a seat in front of Peter and Ned.
“Hey Y/n,” Ned smiles. “Hi Ned! Hi Peter,” I greet back, looking over at Peter. He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes too focused on Liz. 
“Why do you even hang out with them Y/n, they’re losers,” I hear MJ pipe up. Ned, Peter and I all turn our heads to her.
“True-” I stifle a laugh.
“Then why are you sitting here with us?” Peter retorts.
“Because she’s cool, and doesn’t drool over seniors like, someone,” I cough, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and glares at me.
“She’s not wrong,” Ned murmurs.
“Dude!” Peter huffs, making me giggle. He smiles slightly and slumps on the palm of his hand, looking away.
“Pete, could you come over after school? I need help with chem, and I know you need help with English,” I poke him with a fork causing him to swat me away.
“Yeah whatever, I think that’s just an excuse to get me to come over,” he teases.
“Shut up!” I groan. Ned and MJ share a suspicious glance. “What?” I ask cluelessly.
“Nothing,” they both say quietly.
After a long dreadful day of school, Peter and I met up at the front of the school, by the gates.
“Hey Penis Parker,” I smirk, holding onto my backpack straps.
He lets out a long sigh, “Not you too, Y/n. C’mon,” he huffs.
“I’m just messing with you Pete,” I bump into him, beginning to walk ahead.
He follows, catching up easily, “Right. Anyways, have you heard about the new vigilante in town?”
I tense at the subject, “Uhm yeah, that speedy girl?”
“Yup. What do you think about her?”
“Uh, I don’t know. All I know is that she’s probably better than Spider-Man.”
He looks at me offended, “Who’s to say? Spider-Man is like, super-human, he has a bunch of powers-”
“Don’t get your panties all in a twist, I’m just saying,” I laugh, “Sheesh didn’t think you were such a big fan of Spider-Man.”
“U-uh why wouldn’t I be, he’s s-super cool.” “Said every teenager ever, I like this new girl. She’s kind of refreshing y’know?”
“Meh,” Peter shrugs, and I scoff shoving him aside.
We eventually head to my apartment and study together. I messed around while Peter tried to help me with homework, but he ended up getting distracted anyways.
I let out a long groan, “Shut up! You’ve been talking about chemistry for the past 30 minutes and I didn’t understand one thing that came out of your mouth.”
Peter’s mouth drops. He throws one of my pillows at me, “You asked me to come over!”
“I know, because I’m lonely.”
“You’re right, I just needed you to do my homework.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too,” I flash him a cheeky smile, causing him to roll his eyes. I glance over at the clock, “Hey uh, I think you should head out soon. My dad’s coming back from work soon and you know how he is with boys.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t miss me too much,” he gets up, gathering his things.
“Reverse card!” “See you,” he chuckles and walks off.
“Bye Penis Parker!” I yell, making sure he left. As soon as he closed the front door, I rush into my closet to get out my suit.
After putting it on and tidying up room, I head out my window and jump out to the fire escape.
I decide to scan the city, running and jumping from building to building. It seemed quiet so I sat down on the ledge of some random building.
I hear a quiet thud next to me. I glance over at the figure, who I made out to be Spider-Man. “Ah, well if it isn’t the infamous Spider-Man.”
“Thought I’d check out who the new girl in town is,” he chuckles. His voice seemed higher than I expected it to be, it almost sounds familiar. Weird. Could it be? No way, that’s impossible.
“You care about me? I’m touched,” I place a hand on my heart. I hear him stifle a laugh and shake his head.
He went quiet for a second and stood up from his crouching position, “There’s something going on by 5th street in some warehouse,” he says.
“Guess we should head over-”
“We? I don’t know about that new girl, this is my neighborhood,” he jumps off the ledge, swinging from building to building.
The fuck, who does this guy think he is!?
I rush downstairs and speed off to 5th street, managing to get there before he did. “Yes, we,” I cross my arms looking up at Spider-Man who arrived shortly after me.
He scoffs, “So you’re fast. Hopefully you can catch up, sweetheart,” he swings up to the roof of a warehouse.
I quickly follow, managing to find a way inside and on to the rooftop. I run over to where Spider-Man is crouched down behind a large air vent. I poke my head out to see a poor lady tied to a chair, with a bunch of men surronding her.
“Some kind of intense hostage situation,” he whispers.
“You’re an intense hostage situation,” I murmur.
“What? Shut up!” he whispers. “Oh my god, I think that’s the mayor.”
He jumps up from the vent, placing his hands on his hips. “Hey uh, guys I don’t think you should be treating a lady- especially our mayor like that,” he says, changing the pitch of his voice. I scrunch up my nose at his awkwardness.
“What the fuck, who called him-!” I hear a rough voice yell out, followed by a series of gunshots and screaming.
Spider-Man yelps and manages to fling some guns aside, causing two men to gang up on him, “Hey, new girl a little help!” he yells out. There another two men next to the mayor, with large guns in their hands.
“On it!” I call back, rushing over to the two men circling them. “Hi there,” I grin, place my hands on their guns surging a large amount of eletricity to them, knocking them out.
I help the mayor out, making sure she wasn’t injured or anything. “Karen, call the police and give them our location,” I hear Spider-Man mumble quickly, grunting as he knocks out the two men he was dealing with.
The mayor who was still in complete shock began to ramble, “T-thank you Spider-Man. T-thank you?” she looks over at me.
“Uhm, Velocity?” I rub my arm as Spider-Man watches in amusement.
“Thank you both really-” she sniffs. Suddenly, the roof top door slams open and a bunch of big bulky men come out with these weird looking weapons.
“Heads up, Spidey!” I yell, as one of the men shoot their weird looking gun that emitted some type of green energy.
I grab the Mayor and speed down to the front of the building, where a bunch of police cars pulled up.
Shocked from the momentum, she falls to her knees. “I’m so sorry, but I had to get you out of there. Stay safe!” I rush back to the rooftop.
I notice Spider-Man struggling to get this one guy off of him, “Pretty boy, to your right!” I yell. I run over to one of the weapons and toss it to him.
He quickly webs it and slings it against the guy, knocking him out, “Pretty boy?” he scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s what you sound like!” I grunt, punching a guy who was coming to my left with a surge of electricity.
“So you’d be an annoying girl?” he smirks, also fighting off someone who rushed towards him.
“I’d be honored,” I scoff. “Holy shit!” I let out a yelp as I felt myself being lifted in the air by one of the weapons.
I hear a quick thwip and suddenly I was back on my feet, with Spider-Man’s arm around my waist, “My hero-” I gasp dramatically.
“Cute,” he rolls his eyes. He pushes me towards another guy who was trying to get their weird gun to work.
I frown instantly, and circle around him grabbing the gun before he could do anything. I fling it against him, and press my hand harshly on the gun, causing eletricity to rush all over him.
He knocks out, and I turn around, seeing Spider-Man fling against the air vent. I inhale sharply and rush towards the guy, knocking him off his feet causing him to let go of the weapon.
I kick it away, the guy gets back up and attempts to punch at me. I easily dodge his attacks and punch him with eletricity.
“Oh my god, I did it- I mean we did it! We-” I look over at Spidey who was slump on the ground. “Shit,” I speed over to his side, propping his head up onto my lap. “Pretty boy, you still there?”
I notice his mask was slightly cut open, blood seeping out from the side of his head. I knew that he had the mask on for a reason, but he could be dying. It’s not like I would out him to anyone. I understand why he would keep his identity a secret, it’s what I do as well.
I inhale deeply, pulling off his mask. I let out a gasp, “Peter!?” 
part two
@rcmxnoff​ @annamckayla​ @elsie512​ @bubblesbts
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