#and he's bringing Moonah with him
captain-rickbond · 4 months
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modern Robin ft. Moonah ☾
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
A part 2 to the Angst/Fluff cause I didn't want it to end sad tbh✿
(TW: Fist fights, blood, childbirth, Incestuous relationship mentioned (I'm so sorry but that's just the canon, I'm sorry🫥 confirmed in s2Xe4 and s3Xe5)
Shul crawled back into the dug out chalk pit beneath the cliff he and his younger brother, Rogh, had been taking shelter in. The new home for their far away tribe. The night had been long, sorrowful. Rogh hadn't slept even for a minute, his hours were spent stoking the fire, fiddling with the wolf fur at his wrist, shuffling back and forth against the wall where he sat. He stared for hours at the entrance to the cave, pondering. Wondering what had became of his mate after he bid her farewell to go on this long voyage.
Shul squated down by the fire and dropped some snow onto the flames to extinguish them. The sharp hissing shook Rogh from his own head and he glanced up at Shul who gripped his spear and flug his leather satchel over his shoulder. Shul faced Rogh and held out the other spear.
"We leave now, find tribe and bring back here. They be home then". Shul seemed to have gained some urgency after last night; Rogh's concerns for their sister had ignited a nagging fear deep within his own heart too.
Rogh nodded and got to his feet, taking the spear from Shul's hand and gripping it in his own.
"Me walk ahead, you step in my tracks behind, then we no be followed by rival tribe. They think there only one and not come searching for fight". There was a deep rumble under Rogh's grunts and growls as he and his brother communicated in their native way.
Shul agreed with a nod, and the two men climbed through the entrance one after the other and out onto the vast expanse of deep, white snow, undisturbed by any man or creature. Rogh scanned the white surroundings and sniffed the frosty air for a moment before looking back over his shoulder at his older brother.
"Okay. It clear, we go" Rogh growled, as he took one drawn out step forward, the snow and ice beneath his wolf skin boot crunched and grinded as Shul waited for the opportunity that Rogh's boot print was exposed, allowing Shul to start behind him.
Rogh's plan went accordingly; Shul silently tracked behind, literally following in his little brother's swift footsteps for a change. A deep rooted determination seemed to drag Rogh through the hills and valleys, back towards the place where they had to leave their tribe. His nostrils flaring and his cheeks hollowing with each breath he took, his eyes focused on an invisible target and his brow arched and heavy.
Shul, at multiple points in their long treck, almost thought of begging Rogh to slow down; his mammoth skin boots soaking in the snow and his feet feeling like they'd shatter like thin ice if he hit them against a hidden rock. Rogh didn't slow down, thick snow and blistering wind pelted the men, and it didn't slow him down. He reached up every ten seconds, or so, to wipe the fresh, swiftly gathering snowflakes from his lashes, but he stared straight ahead through the mountains and trees.
"Rogh! Stop, now! It big cold! Sky big angry! We walk for whole two day with no stop! We find shelter, Rogh, now!" Shul reached his icy hand forward and gripped Rogh's shoulder, a thin layer of crusty snow matted into the once pristine furs. Rogh disregarded Shul's grunts and barks and kept moving forward, yanking his shoulder out of Shul's grip. Shul let out a yowl of fury and grabbed Rogh's spear, yanking it from his younger brother's hand.
"AY! Give back!" Rogh barked, spinning around to find the spear. Shul disregarded Rogh's demand and sheathed the spear down the back of his freezing furs. Rogh's jaw protruded forward and he let out an angry puff of hot air from deep within his chest.
"We make walk longer before! We do again! Riva been waiting for new home too long! Rest of tribe could be with Moonah, we no know! Need KEEP walk!" Rogh's anger boiled and spilled over at Shul's utter disregard for their innocent tribe left to suffer in the cold.
"You just want get back to puddle water, that all you think 'bout!" Shul spat, he practically curled his lip at Rogh who now turned a blind eye to the 'step in my tracks' plan. The crazed and delirious brothers began circling each other like caged animals, daring each other to make a move.
"You stay here if want! Go back and wait in new cave! Me go on! Get Riva and tribe back safe! Riva and baby deserves safe! Riva-!" Rogh almost finished his sentence, when he heard something from Shul that he never wanted to hear, and something he never thought he WOULD hear.
Rogh lunged at Shul, gripping his throat and tackling him down into the deep snow. His hands, pumping with fury and adrenaline, gripped at whatever they could latch onto. Shul's hands came up to rip at Rogh's wrists, but he was too cold and slow to avoid each stinging blow, each bone crunching punch that connected his bearded jaw with Rogh's fists.
The wind swirled and howled around them like an eyewitness begging them to fight harder, to fight for longer. Rogh roared and screamed at Shul, pounding his fists down into his stomach and chest. Shul kicked and clawed, he'd managed to grip Rogh's furs and throw him down into the snow a few times and attack, but that only seemed to add more flames to Rogh's fire.
Rogh was back on top of Shul, his teeth threatening to bite off his brother's ear if he clamped his iron jaw down any harder. Shul, in a tornado of fury, reached down to his leg and retrieved what he should've used minutes ago. A knife, crudely fashioned out of a Smilodon's tooth. He let out a furious roar and slashed at Rogh with the speed of Moonah's light.
Rogh yelped and fell back away from Shul, pushing himself back through the deep snow till it practically spilled over his shoulders and down his heaving chest. Shul rose back to his feet, rubbing his bloodied ear with his free hand, panting and staring his little brother down, daring him to get back up. Only for his demeanor to drastically change once he'd realised what he'd just done.
Rogh felt no pain, no cut, no blood, save for his nose and brow. His eyes flicked down to his left arm, where his furs should've been. What was left of them where tatters, the torn fur and loose hanging skin from the wolf it came from. He lifted his arm to inspect the damage to his furs. The pieces hung limp and lifeless at his side, and a breath got caught in his throat as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down like an empty egg shell in the river.
No. Shul wouldn't do that, would he? He couldn't. That's not how they were raised. Their father taught them that if two brothers had a disagreement, they'd settle it with fists and teeth, not knife and spear.
Rogh's face, empty of the previous rage he felt, looked back up at Shul who inched his way closer, the knife loosely clutched in his blue, trembling hand.
"Rogh?... Me not mean- me not- not make think good-" Shul didn't have the words, nor the ability to explain how sincerely disgraced and disgusted he felt with himself.
"You not mean for knife?... "Rogh finished, wiping his bloodied nose against his fur cuff.
"Not mean for knife, Shul just angry and tired. And cold. And really want palm full of puddle water... " Shul huffed, shoving the knife back down into his boot.
He lent out a icy hand towards his little brother, gathered in the snow and getting wetter and colder by the second. Rogh took his hand and heaved himself up with a pained groan.
"We both have palm full of puddle water. Once tribe home safe... " Rogh didn't smile, nor did he pat Shul on the shoulder as usual after settling a disagreement. His eyes remained empty and his jaw set like a steel cage. He turned on his heel and continued on through the snow and wind, quickly disappearing into the distance.
The tribe were home now, at their new home. The children already surrounding the fire and sleeping beneath their blankets of furs. The elders giving praise to Shul and Rogh for such a find; this had been an upgrade from their old cave, this one had a smaller entrance so no lions or bears could enter and pick anyone off like before. Completely hidden from rival tribes and out of sight, it was the safest place to raise their children.
Rogh sat beside Riva, who's condition had worsened. She could barely hold her head up to look at him. Two elders in the tribe sat opposite them, partially hidden behind the 'adult' fire in the cave. Their sullen faces stared at the woman in concern and deep pity; to lose her life so young in such a way, it wasn't uncommon, but they'd prepared for the worst and hoped for the best.
Every now and then, she'd drop off into slumber, her head thumping against Rogh's arm as he searched for all the signs that she was still alive. His eyes set onto the flames, in a daze from the previous days events; the treck it took to find this place, the fear of not knowing if they'd see their tribe again, and never knowing if their sister had already had the baby, or if she survived the birth.
A long time passed. Almost everyone in the tribe had fallen asleep amongst each other. The fire had died down to a comfortable crackling ember mound, and Rogh could feel his eyelids grow heavier and his eyeballs get dryer, as though someone had just rubbed dirt into them. A scream echoed through their new cave. Men, women and children roused at the noise and huddled together for safety.
Rogh bolted back to reality and looked to his sister who writhed and squirmed against the earthy floor. Her hands gripped her stomach, which at this point, Rogh was surprised hadn't burst. Rogh began to go into a frenzy, alerting the elder woman of the tribe who had delivered many babies, even himself, and his parents.
The elder woman's wrinkled eyes widened and her slightly bristled chin dropped as she shuffled her way closer to the screaming woman. A patch of fresh liquid surrounded Riva, and the elder knew exactly what was going on. She turned to Rogh with an eerily calm expression.
"It time"
It was a drawn out time. Even the snow outside seemed to have fallen in slow motion. The other mothers in the tribe huddling their own children away from Riva and turned their heads away so that they wouldn't see. Rogh was given the task of holding up a blanket of mammoth pelt to use as a curtain, obscuring Riva and the older woman behind it so that they could have privacy. He looked over his shoulder at them every few second's to see if they had made any progress, expecting the worse but hoping for the best.
The birth took a shorter amount of time than Rogh would've thought, given how big his sister's stomach had gotten. Rogh grit his teeth and bolted his eyes shut when his sister's final blood freezing scream vibrated through the cave. Silence followed. A frightening silence; Rogh had actually feared he'd gone deaf. He risked a look over his shoulder, and once he did a double take and realised what he saw behind him, he absentmindedly let his arms drop down still holding the pelt.
The elder woman rose from her knees, it took her much effort but she managed just fine with the aid of her spear. Her stone face remained as solid as always, but a soft twinkle shone in her eyes as she approached Rogh.
"Girl is born. She breaths. She have two arm and two leg. She healthy. Keep her warm and she survive".
Rogh's eyes shifted from the elder woman to his still alive sister, her face red and soaked with sweat. She gazed down at a bundle of pelts in her arms, huffing softly and wiping gently at the pelt's contents. Her eyes lifted momentarily and her hand beckoned Rogh forward.
"Come meet daughter~"
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unusual-ly · 1 year
Ly’s Six Idiots/ThemThere Fanworks Masterpost
Never Did Run Smooth - Bill (2015)
~ The first Gabrian fanfiction ~ Ian is finally free of the Earl of Croydon. A chance encounter with Bill lands him in a new home, with a new job, and new friends, including Gabriel. Both are running from their past. Both have blood on their hands. The course of true love never did run smooth... [#never did run smooth fic]
Such Sweet Sorrow - Bill (2015)
~ The Ian backstory fic ~ Ian was always a rambunctious child, no different than any other boy in Croydon. When he is hired as the earl's new servant, all he thinks will come of it is money for his struggling family. What he gets, however, is broken [#such sweet sorrow fic]
Prompt Drabbles - Bill (2015)
Drabbles based on prompts I receive on Tumblr, canon/NDRS verse and uni!AU
You Find New Family - BBC Ghosts
One-shot collection. Humphrey befriends Jemima, the plague girl who hides in the pantry of the unused second kitchen, and eventually adopts her as his daughter. Slowly, he brings her out of her shell and she gets to know the other residents of Button House [#you find new family fic]
Thanktival Bang! - Bill (2015), BBC Ghosts, Horrible Histories
Holiday prompt event 2021. Mainly Gabrian and Jemima Bone
12 Days of Thanktival - Bill (2015), BBC Ghosts
Holiday prompt event 2022. Mainly Gabrian, Shakeaway and Jemima Bone
Musical Rewrites
Rewriting lyrics of songs from musicals to fit Six Idiots characters
Castle On A Cloud - BBC Ghosts, Jemima
On The Steps Of The Palace - Bill (2015), Gabriel
Still Holding My Hand - BBC Ghosts, Jemima and Humphrey
This Is Not Love - BBC Ghosts, Kitty
Jonny Don’t Go - BBC Ghosts, Isabelle
Jemima Bone
The Autistic Ghosts in Button House - BBC Ghosts
A list of autistic traits shown by the ghosts throughout the series
Memes - BBC Ghosts, Bill (2015), Horrible Histories, Yonderland
Arospec Headcanons - BBC Ghosts
Robin (aromantic) / Thomas (aromantic) / Kitty (lithromantic) /
University AU - Bill (2015)
Tag for a modern uni!AU with the Bill cast
v Tags v
#moonah stona (Robin, BBC Ghosts)
#oh its numbers (Mary, BBC Ghosts)
#left a bit (Humphrey, BBC Ghosts)
#and a r a i n b o w (Kitty, BBC Ghosts)
#damn your eyes (Thomas, BBC Ghosts)
#andimettheking (Mick, BBC Ghosts)
#do you want a glass of milk (Nigel, BBC Ghosts)
#Jemima Bone (BBC Ghosts)
#don’t stab the messenger (Ian, Bill (2015))
#crazy in the coconut (Gabriel, Bill (2015))
#Gabrian (Bill (2015))
#Shakeaway (Bill (2015))
#me or ruth (Elf, Yonderland)
#all i need is a quill (Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, Yonderland)
#achieving enlightenment (Geoff the demon, Yonderland)
#solar powered paperclips (Detective Mountebank AKA Leslie John Leslie, Yonderland)
#the burden of beauty (the Crone, Yonderland)
#buns and or cakesandpies (Edith, Yonderland)
#cake bake by the lake (Cake Bake Ladies, Yonderland)
#the wisp (Boo the Clown, Yonderland)
#thanktival bang 2021
#12 days of thanktival
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
Ghosts OC: Nah
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Robin had more than one sister growing up. A lot more than the one he would go on to have children with. Many of his siblings died in infancy, as was common. There were a few that would grow up beside him.
Unlike the sister who would become his mate, who was always feisty and independent and not afraid to scrap with her brothers to prove herself, Nah was the opposite.
Six years younger than Rogh, Nah was a sickly child from a baby. Their parents had assumed her to die like the others, her baby's cry was too quiet and croaky, but Rogh was tired of having to watch his mother put so many babies into the ground. Rogh gathered some river water under the full moon and prayed to Moonah to bless it before pouring it over the baby's head. The adults were ready to chastise him, as he wasn't the tribe's shaman, he was just a kid and might have accidentally offended Moonah. But then the baby let out a cry loud enough to wake the tribe three fields over. A healthy cry, and she began to nurse at her mother's breast where she'd refused to latch before. Their mother wept with relief, and their father clapped his son on the back with pride. They named her Nah, in honour of Moonah who had saved her (with Rogh's help, obviously).
Nah remained a weak, sensitive, and fragile child as she grew, but she was stubborn enough to refuse to die. Though she'd have younger siblings, she was coddled more than the others, her parents and siblings overprotective of her, more so from those in the tribe who saw her as a burden, as much as outside dangers.
Of all her siblings, Nah mostly attached herself to Rogh, and could often be found following the boy everywhere and clutching onto his furs. She rarely spoke, which was hardly unusual when their kind was still developing speech, but she stayed mostly silent and preferred to stick to signing. Rogh seemed to understand her best. When their mother became busy with her younger children, and their father out hunting, Rogh seemed to become Nah's primary guardian. She was a shy and timid child, but Rogh was one of the few - along with their father and some of the older women - who could make her smile and laugh.
As he grew older, he began to resent his clingy little sister a little, as there were times he wanted to be going out on more hunts or play games that Nah was too weak to join in on, and even if she watched from the side, the aggression got too much for her, and she'd cover her ears and moan to be taken away to somewhere quiet. And that would be fine, except she would scream if anyone other than Rogh took her away.
One time, when he and his cousins wanted to go hunting, Nah kept tugging on his hand. She wanted him to stay with her and tell her the stories on the cave wall, the ones she'd heard over and over but never got bored of. Frustrated and full of confusing emotions, Rogh snapped at Nah and told her to leave him alone.
She did. She didn't so much as cry.
Three days later, Nah got sick. Sicker than she'd been before. None of their primitive medicines seemed to help her. Rogh tried to pour "moonah water" on her head as he'd done when she was newborn but it did nothing to help. Her fever became worse and her breaths short and shallow.
Ignoring the shaman's advice to keep her by the fire, Rogh carried her outside and laid her on a mound, praying that Moonah's direct light would be magic. At first, she seemed to perk up, smiling at him and holding his hand.
Rogh stay? She had managed to sign.
He'd grunted and signed back in promise.
Rogh stay. Rogh always stay.
Nah had smiled the biggest smile he'd seen her do on her face before she closed her eyes.
She died that night, only five Winters old. Rogh had stayed by her side all night, refusing to believe she was gone. And even if she was, Moonah would bring her back. Moonah would save her, just as before. When the adults had found them, they'd had some trouble moving the distraught eleven year old boy away from his little sister's body. He was convinced she was only sleeping.
Sleepy Moonah Girl. That's what their dad had called her.
It was his father who finally managed to tug Rogh away and allow his mother to go cradle her little girl. No one chided the lad, they had all known she wouldn't make it to morning. Rogh sobbed into his dad's embrace as the older man assured him that Nah would sleep forever beside Moonah in the sky now.
Twelve years would pass and the tribe walked on, following the herds of mammoths and other animals. On the last bit of land where Rogh would die, he'd find the same blue flowers growing in the forest, a rare mound of colour stark against the dark browns. In his darker times, when the madness took hold, he would see her lying there, staring up at him with that same expression as when he'd told her to go away.
Ten thousand years after Nah's death, he watches a different girl, also named in honour of the moon, sleep amidst the same type of blue flowers, bathed in moonlight. Silver, just like Nah, had used her last words in life to beg him to stay with her.
And so he does.
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spineless-lobster · 2 years
My thoughts about the newest Christmas special!!!! (Spoilers, duh)
This is literally everything I could have asked for from a Ghosts episode!!! I will be going chronologically so I can somewhat organise my thoughts
AAAAAA Pat it watching the new scouts!!!!!!!!! This means so much to me!!!!
Okay but like the gasp I let out when it showed how Alison got a hold of the VHS tapes!!!!
Mike being exactly like his parents is so cute and funny lol
Fanny is such a girlboss for, ahem, "not leaving"
I love how much the Captain thrives in his stage manager role
"Baron Hardup" is such an underrated joke omg
I had to look up was a "bluey" was because I'm sure Julian wouldn't bring up the Australian kids show about a little blue dog
Screaming and crying and throwing up was my reaction to the home videos because that hit me so hard
Pat's reaction to being made fun of in the tape: "I don't want to watch it anymore" FUCK 😭😭😭
I relate to Pat on so many levels
"Forty feral ferrets frolicking in France" is the new "The butler burnt the butter but the bacon bore the brunt" and I'm living for it and I WILL memorise it like how I did with the butler one
I love how optimistic Alison is in this episode even while stuck in traffic!
Robin comforting Pat is one of my favourite scenes in this episode (I have a lot of favourites lol) I always love seeing Robin be all wise and comforting and it's shown perfectly here
"On one hand, my darling daughter. On the other, my beloved wife." OMG THEY DID NOT JUST HAVE JULIAN SAY THAT 😭
I relate to Kitty with having all the pressure to be perfect being put on her
"I'm just gonna phone home- I'm E.T." HILARIOUS DELIVERY!!!!
Okay but the voice Cap puts on during Kitty's breakdown is making me go feral
Cap's Spice Girl speech is the gayest thing I've ever seen and I love that so much for him
The way Mick got so invested in the panto lmao
This is great Fanny/Julian content btw
He put the "fairy" in fairy godmother let's just say that
✨Slwing!✨ WAND NOISES!!!!!
Cap is THRIVING in his role GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!
Bonus sound effect from Humphrey <3
The shoe lmao
The "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" has both "In The Bleak Midwinter" and "Sorry Song" vibes I love it!
"Moonah so big you can almost touch it!" ROBIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
As a proud owner of Risk Cap getting Risk means so much to me
Thomas sobbing to The Smiths is such a mood
FUCK! PAT'S CRYING!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I will be religiously rewatching this episode. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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stellar-alchemist · 3 years
Timeline of Button House: Updated for Season 3!
Here we go again! Previous version here
The usual disclaimer: I am no historian (I would no doubt be able to pin down some of these dates better if I were). I’m soley going on what was said in the episodes, information from the fan wiki, some other Wikipedia searching, and a little bit of maths.
Sometime between 40,000 and 14,000 years ago: Robin lives and dies on the land where the house will be bulit, also the Moonah Ston circle is built, though it's unclear if Robin helped build this or if it predates even him
I was reminded that Robin mentions knowing how to skin a mammoth (in Redding Weddy), and so I have updated the date to be from when modern humans are thought to have first arrived in Britain, to when mammoths are thought to have gone extinct in Britain.
1348-49 or 1361-62: The Plauge sweeps across England killing the plauge ghosts, there is a village on the land where the house will be built (shown in About Last Night)
It is possible that the story of one person bringing the plague to an otherwise unaffected area after having been in London is moddelled on the Plauge of London in which a similar thing happened to the town of Eyam—with plague being thought to have spread to the town on cloth brought from London. However, this was in 1665-1666 and the house had been built on the land by that point, so the plague ghosts must have been from an earlier instance of Plauge.
Sometime between 1348 and 1824: Jemima dies at the house, presumably of plague
According to Wikipedia the song Ring a Ring O’ Roses, which Jemima sings (in Who Do You Think You Are? and A Bump In The Night), was only sang with that melody from around 1790 and was only associated with the plague after WWII. This means that Jemima either learnt it after she died, is actually from a different time to the other plague ghosts, or is slightly anachronistic due to the writers not realising the song is not actually from the time of the plague. Probably a combination of these things. She’s noted as haunting the kitchen and pantry (in Who Do You Think You Are?) so it’s possible she died at a later time than the rest of the plague ghosts, after the house had been built, but it’s also possible that she just chooses to reside upstairs as we know the plague ghosts are able to do that (as shown in About Last Night). This uncertainty and the possible interplay of the above effects makes its very difficult to pin down a date. The only thing we know for certain is that she died before Thomas, as her existence as a ghost in the house was rumoured when he was alive (mentioned in Who Do You Think You Are?)
1469: The house is built (mentioned in Free Pass)
mid 1500s: The facade of the house is built (mentioned in Free Pass)
According to Wikipedia the real house (West Horsley Place) was indeed built in the 1400s, but the actual facade is from the mid 1600s.
Probably shortly before 1547: Henry VIII visits the house and has a banquet there (mentioned in Free Pass), presumably hosted by Humphrey
Sometime between 1572 and 1586: The Bone Plot is masterminded and Humphery is accidently beheaded by his own swords while trying to hide from royal guards (shown in The Bone Plot)
These dates are based of a few things. As mentioned in this post (and corroborated by Wikipedia), the book Sophie tells Humphery she is reading was first published in 1572, so Humphrey must have died after that. Given that both Queen Mary and Queen Bess (Elizabeth I) are mentioned at the ‘book club’, Queen Mary likely refers to Mary Queen of Scots who was queen of Scotland when Elizabeth I came to the throne of England (as opposed to Mary I, who ruled England prior to Elizabeth I). This would make sense as many plots to overthrow Elizabeth I were carried out in Mary’s name or possibly even planned by Mary. One of the ‘book club’ members tells Sophie that they have received word from Mary meaning that the plot had to take place before Mary was executed for (plotting to assassinate Elizabeth) in 1586. This means Humphrey died sometime between 1572 and 1586.
If Humphrey moved into the house when he got married (at 14) and entertained Henry VIII the same year, in the last year of Henry VIIIs reign (1547) that would make Humphrey between 39 and 53 when he died, which is plausible. Based on this it’s likely that both Humphrey was young when he entertained Henry VIII, and that it was in the last few years of Henry VIIIs reign.
Sometime in the 1600s: Mary is burned at the stake in the grounds, Annie also probably dies at the house around this time
Late 1700s: Kitty’s father owns the house, he lives there with Kitty and her sister, Elenor
Sometime between 1778 and 1787: Kitty dies at the house
In Something to Share? Kitty’s 263rd birthday is celebrated. In the same episode Julian says that he has been ‘sober’ (tipsy) for 27 years, 3 months and 11 days. We know that Julian died on 18th March 1993 so this puts that episode as occurring on 29th June 2020. Meaning that Kitty was born in 1757. If we assume that Kitty died in her 20s (we know she is at least 21 because in her memories her father mentions that she has come of age, and the age of majority (different from the age of consent!) in the UK at the time was 21 (or at least I think it was, it’s surprisingly difficult to find information on this just by googling)) this puts her death between 1778 and 1787.
Early 1800s: The house belongs to the Higham family, and is consequently known as Higham House
1824: Thomas attends a party at Higham house with his cousin Francis Button, and is killed in a duel in the grounds (shown in The Thomas Thorne Affair)
Assuming Francis Button and Isabelle Higham marry and have the child who will be George’s grandfather shortly after Thomas dies (say 1825 to make the numbers round), Francis can only be George’s great grandfather and Fanny be Heather’s great grandmother if there’s an average of 19 years between births after the birth of Francis’ son/George’s grandfather (constrained by Heather dying at 99 in 2019, meaning she was born in 1920). This is a little young but not unreasonable as an average (it’s also only the male line that is restricted to this average as they have to carry on the Button name, the mothers could have had a more flexible range of ages). This would put George Button as being born in 1863, and having a son with Fanny in at least 1882, meaning they would have been married before then. We know that Fanny died in the Edwardian era (mentioned in Moonah Ston), which was between 1901 and 1910. Humphrey mentions that she is 60 years old (in I Love Lucy), meaning she was born somewhere between 1841 and 1850. If Humphrey was not exaggerating this would make her approximately 10 or 20 years older than George, which is a fair amount but not entirely unreasonable. Hopefully we’ll get more information about this time period in the Christmas special.
Based on these calculations and assumptions:
Approximately 1825: Francis Button marries Isabelle Higham inheriting the house, which becomes Button House
Approximately 1863: George Button is born
Approximately 1882: George and Fanny marry and have a son, presumably this is the point when Fanny moves into Button house
Probably mid-late 1800s: Annie is 'sucked off'/moved on
1894: The drainage is installed (mentioned in Happy Death Day)
Between 1901 and 1910: Fanny Button is killed by George Button, she is pushed out of a window in the east wing (mentioned in Who Do You Think You Are? and Moonah Ston)
1920: Heather Button is born
1939-1945: The house is used as a headquaters during WWII, with The Captain as comanding officer for at least some of that time (shown in Redding Weddy)
Probably late 1940s (post-1945): The Captain dies at the house
This is based on information from the fan wiki that some of the medals The Captain wears were awarded after the war. However, he died at the house in WWII era uniform, so it must have been shortly enough after the war that both he and the house still had connections to the war
1984: Pat dies from an archery accident while leading his scout troop in the grounds (shown in Happy Death Day). Presumably he knew Heather as she must have allowed him to use the grounds
1987: Pat's tree blows down in the great storm (hurricane) of '87 (mentioned in Happy Death Day)
1993: Julian dies of a heart attack while at a party fundraiser at the house (shown in A Lot To Take In)
2019: Heather Button dies, aged 99 (so close). Alison inherits the house, and the rest, as they say, is history (or bbc comedy)
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moonahstone · 3 years
49 - What is one modern invention you think Robin would be surprised or confused by?
This isn't necessarily something that fits perfectly but I think he would be surprised then excited by telescopes. I don't mean the hand held ones I mean the proper large stargazing ones. They can be very expensive and no one really had an interest in them before so he never got a chance to see one. Maybe though one of Alison or Mike's friends come over knowing that it is a quite area with less light pollution then the city, so they bring their telescope to do some star gazing. When they leave it alone though, Robin is curious as to what it is so copies said person and sees the moonah up close in all it's glory. It would be strange but it would definitely excite him.
And lighters. I think that would just be a tiny bit confusing to start with for him.
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For the character ask, Robin ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you anon ❣️ oh no I wrote orever at this and it got deleted. So here again:
favorite thing about them: that he is mischievous and childish also soft and caring and wise ❤️ also my family just really loves him because He brings amazing physical comedy 🥰 funniest character in the show tbh❣️
least favorite thing about the: that he made fun of Mary for being scared
favorite line: sooo soooo many Like seriously almost everything he says but a special place in my heart has "yeah she no porcupine!" Also "dookah dookah" "yes and berries yes and cream" "gotta work on my core" and "No nothing thank you" and "mornies" ugh soooo many more for me he is the funniest character❤️ also the way he asks "bad day?" <3
brOTP my chaos gremlins Mary and Robin ❣️❣️
OTP: chess husbands!
nOTP: Robin and Kitty probably though I don't think anyone ships them
random headcanon since the lightning theory was going around lately I now believe that he has some amazing Lichtenberg figures on his skin
unpopular opinion: i don't think I have any
song i associate with them: "Bad moon rising" by Creedance Clearwater Revival. mainly becaus ethe scene when he saw bad signs and because he is so ancient he has seen so many people perish and he really loves moonah and watches her daily i think
favorite picture of them
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his little face my heart
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pointnumbersixteen · 4 years
4:30 in the Morning Thoughts on a Ghosts/Time Team Crossover
So, I'm watching Classic Time Team at the moment and I've decided the cross-over I'd love to see is Time Team/Ghosts. I know that's not overly reasonable, because 1) Time Team was cancelled years ago and 2) Ghosts is sadly fictional and Time Team is not, but it would make me very happy. And I think it would work! Picture:
I think Mike and Alison would go for anything that raises the profile of Button House a bit; Time Team is free press. But can you imagine the segment they always have where they interview the owners/locals with Mike and Alison? Mike somehow managing to make a total goof out of himself, like he often does in formal situations (see: the solicitor's office, the dinner with Barclay, the wedding). Alison trying to look the part of the friendly, confident, competent owner in order to try to entice people to Button House, but instead coming off as completely bizarre because she can't refrain from reacting to Fanny screeching about tradesmen on the lawn, the Captain commenting on the order or lack thereof to the situation, Mary and Kitty loudly questioning what's happening while Pat tries to fill in the answers.
There could be, in theory, a medieval village somewhere on their property for archaeologists to look for. Barclay lives on the edge of the current village- apparently he owns the village, or so he says?- a mile away and I don't think anyone would have moved dozens of plague-ridden bodies a mile for burial. I expect Barclay's village is a different/more recent village and the Plague Ghosts' village just sort of died/was abandoned after they did and the site was eventually used for Button House.
There's also potentially remains of a stone age settlement somewhere on the property. Sadly, they wouldn't be able to find Robin's Moonah Ston monument, because it was presumably robbed out for the stone ages ago and the house is built right over where it used to be, but, assuming he wasn't buried in or very, very close to the monument, they could potentially find Robin's grave. Like, I wonder what sort of grave goods Robin had? Any cool Stone Age finds?
And of course, Robin and every single one of the Plague Pit ghosts would be there (because Alison causally told them about it whilst going downstairs to get a celebratory bottle of wine, not expecting them to leave their plague pit for once because they consider this situation relevant to them). And they'd all be talking over each other, loudly giving details about where exactly everything was and Alison would be entirely unable to explain how she knows exactly where to tell the geophysics to check first, without seeming insane. "Lucky guess?"
And just imagine Fanny's reaction to her lawn being dug up. For archaeological trenches. ...To search for artifacts from the likes of Robin and the Plague Pit ghosts, who she seems to look down on. Just imagine the shrillness. Would one of the other ghosts calm her down and bring her around to the idea of archaeology at the expense of her lawn? And if so, which would it be? I would suggest Humphrey again, but that means someone would have had to have been considerate enough to bring him along. Do we really think that happened?
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ultimatenomi · 3 years
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108 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 08:13:26 GMT
I love the idea that the captain and fanny were playing a practical joke on pat when pat told the captain that he’d never seen him laugh before- like he and fanny really do have laughter fits about stuff- and one of those things is knowing exactly how infurating they can be.
111 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 10:32:20 GMT
Couldn't Ask for a Better Friend
✨✨Happy New Year fellow Beasties! ✨✨
152 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 11:08:53 GMT
I would be so happy if they gave us an episode where we get to see Robin’s journey as a ghost through the ages- including ghosts from a bunch of older ghosts from various parts of history who’ve since been ‘sucked off’- a perfect opportunity for the cast to play some more ghost characters we could see the time he spent alone, the time he spent with the animals, perhaps a Roman centurian was around for a while? some Anglo-Saxons? I can’t recall the exact geography of where Button House is- going off of West Horsley being in Surrey- I beleive the Vikings did have a presence at some point? (though they might not go for a Viking given that CBS has a Viking characterin their main cast and it might feel a bit on the nose) it’d be the perfect episode to bring in another child ghost- though it would be incredibly sad to think of another child ghost- picture robin wandering around with a bairn holding onto his finger who eventually moves on whilst they’re still touching, we see a little more of humphrey’s introduction, maybe some days with mary and alice, and through it all, of course, the moonah
224 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 08:47:48 GMT
this has been going round and round in my head
342 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 18:11:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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verecunda · 5 years
Please, I saw your tag about how Pat could be shipped with anybody, and now I'm curious. Do you have headcanons for all the Pat ships, because I think he deserves all the love? Thank you in advance.
Hi, anon. I don’t really have any solid headcanons for the Pat ships, just a general idea of how he’d go nicely with everyone else. Some quick thoughts:
- Pat/Fanny: As I said in that post, they both deserve someone faithful, and he was very kind and supportive when she told them all how she was murdered. And I think, too, he’s so easy-going, he could help Fanny loosen up a bit.
- Pat/Robin: They both have some very sweet moments together, like when Robin tries to comfort Pat when he’s depressed about his death-day coming up, and when Pat actually takes the time to find out why Robin cares so much about Moonah, and ask Alison to bring the sofa outside for him. They both seem to get each other’s loneliness.
- Pat/Captain: Again, his easy-going, positive nature is a nice foil for the Captain’s stiff upper lip attitude (“Why’s it always about war with you?”) And if the Captain is still a bit repressed re: his sexuality because he’s from the forties, then Pat is just the sweet, inclusive type to bring him out of his shell. Plus they’re both leaders, in their own way.
- Pat/Mary: I love them while they’re ghost-directing the period drama. He’s so patient with her while he’s talking her through modern technology, and he compliments her on her directing, too. And Mary also has a streak of snark that would go very nicely with Pat’s sweetness.
- Pat/Kitty: They’re both actual cinnamon rolls, so of course they’d go together! They’d be adorable, ‘nuff said. And it was Kitty who nominated Pat to be the new leader in the finale.
- Pat/Thomas: Once again, I think Pat’s more easy-going nature would be a nice foil to help Thomas unwind a bit, and he’d be supportive of Thomas’ attempts at poetry, however awful. And Thomas deserves to love someone who’s attainably dead. :P
- Pat/Julian: He’d definitely be a wholesome foil for Julian. Then again, he seems so broad-minded I think he’d actually willing to roll with a lot of Julian’s - er - unique tastes. ;)
- Pat/Humphrey: Humphrey needs more love, and Pat is full of love. That is all.
I just… yeah, I love Pat, and I agree with you, he deserves ALL THE LOVE.
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crookedflesharchive · 7 years
am I allowed to ask for all the text for moonah >
( @vepid​ + @pertir​ / source: here / status: accepting (but no “all texts”)! )
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ it’s five am and i haven’t slept yet.✖ i’m thinking about things that can’t be changed again. why do i do this to myself?✖ it’s hard not to be constantly bitter every passing second of my life.✖ but at the same time, i’m grateful, because you exist and i know i can always rely on you, even when i’m at my worst.✖ text me when you wake up. i’ll take you to breakfast, okay? 
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ [ NOT SENT ] sometimes, i think maybe our parents would have finally learned to love me, if you were never born. and i’m the worst fucking person alive for ever considering it, for even thinking about it not just once, but multiple times. i always think about how when you were a baby and how they looked at you with the brightest, most adoring eyes. and they never looked at you any other way. while i might as well have been a rat with the glares they sent me. i haven’t talked to them or seen them in years? i say i’m over it, but i always go back to thinking how jealous i was and how much i hated you. i’m fine with how i am, except for when how i am tells me i should have suffocated you for daring to live under the same roof, where no love existed. you took it from me. you did nothing wrong and i love you with all i have, but a small part of me will always loathe you for being everything i couldn’t. they might have been the ones who broke me, but you made it worse. and no amount of glue or tape (you’ve had a lot of both over the years) will put me back together. all i can say is: i’m sorry. i’m sorry for always carrying a secret hatred with me, despite how hard you try to love me for all i am, which i know isn’t much. you deserve better, you deserve the very best. i want to be different, i want to combat the system that makes me feel and think this way. but i don’t think i can. and for once, i feel fucking awful about it.
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ hey i gotta run somewhere can you come feed evil he loves and misses you bye
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. 
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ phey did you knyow that hi love you with ajll mgy nheart dand soul? antd no i’m not drunk hwo darye you? dot'n think iof oppa like that! bukt dlon’t clla me ohr you'lll find out thaet i’m lying lol okeay i’m going bacbk to dobing bamd things that di refuse eto taplk to qyou about. i lowve you bye.
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ i want mcdonald’s.✖ are you awake?✖ moonah.✖ moonah.✖ moonah.✖ wake up.✖ let’s go get mcdonald’s.✖ i’ll buy you a happy meal and a mcflurry.✖ moonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!✖ waaaaaaaaaaaaake uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ hey. ✖ did you know that dreamcatcher is the greatest group of all time?✖ sorry for hitting you with the truth like that.✖ i know it hurts, but it’s something you have to come to terms with.✖ also, do me a favor and stream fly high on melon, thanks!
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ there is always this lingering thought in my mind, that i can’t be good enough and i’ll never be satisfied with what i have. what do i need to do? how do i make this change? there are times i feel like everything’s out of my control and i can’t do anything about it. i’ll lose everyone i care about, because i’m a terrible person and i can’t change. it’s just a fact of life and yet i dread it.✖ please don’t ever leave me, moonah. i don’t know what i’d do without you. i would rather die, than exist in a world where i don’t have you as a sister.
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ so, i saw some flowers today and bought them. then i looked up a flower crown tutorial on the internet and it actually came out okay? you should come over later and wear it! i mean, of course, it’s all black, but you’re so pretty that any color looks good on you 🖤
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ so what does someone get in order to tell the best, cutest little sister in the world how much they love and appreciate them?✖ asking for a friend!
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. 
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ don’t forget to bring a condom. i’m out. ✖ oh FUCK SHIT✖ AHN MOONAH YOU DELETE THAT AND FORGET YOU EVER SAW THAT RIGHT THIS SECOND I DIDN’T MEAN TIGPDF093
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
「 ✉ ➤ little 🌙 」 ✖ i’m sorry, but evil will never love you as much as he loves me. that’s just a fact :( i still love you though!
0 notes
idiotwithanipad · 3 months
Gore Au: Introductions
(A part 8 to this: https://www.tumblr.com/idiotwithanipad/754120512986300416/gore-au-first-meeting)
(In my Gore AU, all the ghosts memories and mental states are warped due to trauma and time. They're constantly in the mindset they were in moments before their deaths)
Ft @moonah-rose 's OC Silver
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Humphrey stepped back away from the window, his eyes still fixed like cement onto the witch who still stood aloft outside, her lifeless eyes staring into his. As he passed by the pair of bottom bed posts, his eyes flicked down to his daughter who still slept soundly on her side, curled up like a small animal.
His face cracked with paternal concern and regret. He reached a hand out to pet at her hooded head.
"No, cloaked one"
The voice from the window urged.
"You will only wakes her. She will be safe whilst we talks. My skins may have shriveled to the bones, cloaked one, but my ears still works as normals. Should I hears a cry from the child, you mays return to her" The witch bargained.
The Tudor gave a sceptical side eye in her direction and slowly retracted his hand which hovered over the girl's head. As he stepped around the bed, he kept his eyes on the witch who seemed to descend lower to the ground below the closer he got to the door.
Finally outside, Humphrey rounded the corner of the house and stood meters away from the witch, who now stood feet to the ground, the smoke which kept her aloft was gone.
"You see? Neither you nor I hath heard a cry from the child" She spoke, her voice dry and raspy yet gentle.
Humphrey gave a single nod of agreement and cast his gaze up towards the East Wing window.
"Hear me, cloaked one. I did tell you that I would do no harms to your child-"
"Define 'harm'" The nobleman challenged, averting his eyes to the witch with a severe and pointed stab in his gaze. The witch bowed her head briefly before stepping forward on the loose gravel.
"Pains. Scars. Torments. Tortures. All things you and I do endure each day" The witch said solemnly.
The Tudor nodded once more and set his jaw. He stepped forward and cast his arm upwards, his stone solid finger pointing to the window.
"Then you won't mind explaining to me why all of a sudden my little girl, the only family I've got left, is petrified to leave my side, not even to let me check for those KNAVES?"
The witch dipped her face downward in shame, closing what remained of her charred eyelids; she wouldn't threaten nor jeer at him, she knew what she had done and it was too late to play dumb.
"I understands your wrath with me, cloaked one, trulys. I did send my ally to bring her to me, so as to talks to her. Seems you now know about my darling girl and the infatuation she does have with yours. She wishes for a friend, so I tried to deliver. But I did come across too fiery and full of anger" The witch confessed, clasping her skeletal hands before her apron.
"So that was your doing, was it? Don't know if you've noticed all too recently, but that thing of yours, whatever he is, isn't the best thing for a little girl to see, is he?" Humphrey spat.
The witch softened even more, seemingly.
"I understands. Thinkings back, t'was not the nicest of japes. But hear me, my ally be a gentle soul at heart, but his heart merely lost it's beat long ago. He was once very much like you, cloaked one" The witch explained, the corners of her crispy cheekbones almost seemed to mould and contort into something that resembled a smile.
Humphrey looked about ready to protest before the witch spoke again.
"He did have a child, many childrens, tiny childrens, mere babes. He did love them so, killed for them, hurt for them, suffered and tried himself for them. He would tear the skies down to protect them. Looks me in the eyes and utter to me that he be not like you, cloaked one... "
The Tudor rose his brow.
"I don't kidnap defenseless little girls when they're all alone, do I?" His gritted teeth only added to his grimace of rage, the memory of his daughter's terrified and tearful eyes made Humphrey want to hunt down that beast, chain his arms and legs to two horses and tear him limb from limb.
"As I says, he had the heart of a father, as you do. But that heart hath stopped beating. His babes live no more. His family are long gones. His home is far from this land. All my dear ally has now is a broken brain and a broken heart. If you will throw flames at anybody here, cloaked one, throw them at me"
The imaginary shackles Humphrey had clamped around the beast's wrists and ankles were slowly growing looser as he thought deeper.
His family are long gone- Sophie.
His home is far from this land- Richmond- Humphrey's true home, the home where he was born and bred.
But Humphrey still had his child. One thing the creature didn't. Not anymore. As he took a while to reflect, he cursed himself for starting to pity the beast.
"So, you see, cloaked one, my ally can no longer do any wrongs, he can only do as he is told and wish for one small favours-" The witch started.
"Which is?" Humphrey tilted his head closer.
"Relief. His poor wretched brain shouts and screams at him in the night. He does whine and cry so, but I is a witch, as you know. So I do soothe him of his torment, only for a whiles, t'is not permanent. We do operate as a units, my ally and I; favours for favours" The witch spoke gently, with only the sincerest pity in her voice, which almost sounded more human now.
Humphrey remained silent and stared at the witch's apron, not yet ready to look her in the eye again.
"Hark... The child still sleeps, cloaked one. She is safe. No harms done" The witch reintroduced the subject of Amy, causing Humphrey to return his gaze to the unchanged window above. By the time he lowered his gaze back towards the witch, she stood before him, less that a meter from him, gazing into his eyes softly.
"Bid me takes you to the edges of the woods, cloaked one. Meets my child, and you may sees that she bare no ill will... "
Humphrey recoiled from her and her foul scent.
"How do I know this isn't just some trap? Or that that THING of yours isn't already in my daughter's room doing God knows what to 'er?!" Humphrey fretted, but the witch rose her hand.
"Cloaked one, calm yourself. My ally hath not set foot inside the house since we started this talks. To that, I gives you my words" The witch spoke seriously.
Humphrey held back a sceptical sneer and bit his lip.
"I gives you my words, cloaked one. He will not set foot in the house unless asked, or compelled. And he hath already reaped his relief from the first time. He will not bother your girl"
Remembering that young dancing girl's need for a fellow girl to befriend, Humphrey saw through the witch's burnt exterior and caught a tiny glimpse of a desperate mother wishing to amend her wrongs. Remembering his chivalrous upbringing, Humphrey drew in a breath and held out his elbow for the witch to hold.
Should he have done this for any other reason than to settle differences and possibly rearrange a meeting with their daughters, the witch would've ground her heel into his toes until they fell off. Whacked him in the privates with a basket of potatoes. Twisted his ears. Clamped her teeth down onto his nose till it ripped from his face. But her hatred of condescending menfolk would have to wait; this was for Silver, after all.
She wafted over to the Tudor and linked her hand into the bend in his arm. Incredibly, his cloak did very little to agitate the feeble amount of burnt flesh that remained on her bones. She stepped forward onto the grass, Tudor in arm, towards her home, keeping her metaphorical lips sealed until they reached the border. Humphrey kept glancing over his shoulder towards the East Wing window, his nerves on the highest of ends.
"Silver! Darling, come to mummy's voice, I have someone for you to talks to. And dear ally, wherever it is that you be, I knows you sees him, I knows your smells and hears him. Be still, he bares no threats, release my darling girl from thy paws, she will be okay!" The witch called into the dense forest.
A short moment of silence followed, even the birds seemed to stop singing, but soon afterward, the slight melodic hum of the dancing girl rang gently in Humphrey's ears. Poor child. Such a different sound compared to the sweet lilting voice he'd heard the other night.
The girl, adorned in modern clothing and a pink fringe emerged from between the thick trees, her pale face smiled, but her eyes didn't; it was a lifeless and withdrawn smile, like someone had taken a needle and thread and stitched this permanent tormented grin on the girls lips.
"There you are, darling girl. Come to mummy~" The witch spoke, opening her arms towards the girl. She seemed to smile, Humphrey could hear the smile in the witch's words somehow. One corner of the girl's smile lifted a little, more genuine and cheerful than the other side.
"Hello, mummy. I heard you call me, what is it?" The girl asked, shuffling forward into the witch's arms and hugging weakly, half heartedly. The witch stroked the remnants of dried leaves from the girl's hair and spoke gently.
"I did bring a guest, darling. He does stand beside you and I right now"
The girl gasped and pulled away, seemingly fussing and brushing at the air about her thighs and knees.
"Mummy! You could've given me a heads up if the prince of the Obsidian temple was coming over! Look at my dress, it's got dirt on it, I look a right tramp right in front of-"
The witch held the girl's frantic hands softly in her own with a slight chuckle.
"No, darling girl. T'is a new guest. You did meets him once before, briefly. He be the father of Amy, the girl who cannots speak"
Silver paused and looked taken back. A shadow of sadness crossed her clouded eyes.
"I suppose he's here to tell me to get stuffed like everyone else?" Silver mumbled.
"No, sweet girl. If he were to come here for that, I'd turn him into a ugly little toad" The witch snided playfully, booping what remained of her nasal cavity against Silver's. At least the girl's sullen smile faded briefly at the witch's tender act, as a gentle giggle fell from her lips.
"Hello, Miss. Don't think I told you my name before, but- I'm Humphrey. As your mum says, I'm Amy's dad" Humphrey spoke carefully.
Silver slipped her hands from the witch's and stepped closer to Humphrey voice, her hands raising up to maintain her balance.
"Mr Humphrey, is Amy angry with me? I wanted to play with her the other night but she didn't come see me. Haha. I thought I hurt her feelings somehow, it's probably because I accidentally poked her in the eye, but I didn't mean it, honest. I tried to look better too, but my dress gets dirty sometimes and-" The girl rambled, her acursed smile growing by the second.
"No no, your dress is- lovely. Five stars. She's just shy. I had a heard time getting her to sit still at first, too. She lost her mummy, you see. There was an- incident, many years ago, and- my wife, Amy's mummy had to run away. I've been left to raise Amy alone since then. It's not your fault, swee'heart" Humphrey explained, realising that due to the girl's blindness, he'd have to play into whatever the witch had been telling her all this time.
Silver's mouth dropped and she almost staggered forward, she looked as though she were about to release a joyful cheer, but she didn't.
"Amy's got no mummy? That's horrible!"
Humphrey knew not to take offense to the girl's somewhat gleeful way of saying that sentence, she couldn't help it after all.
The witch watched Humphrey's face soften and grow tired.
"I only wish I could've found Amy sooner. Those- bloody guards" Humphrey began, realising he'd have to censor himself around the young girl.
"They pulled Amy from her mummy's quarters and brought her to mine. I don't know what they've done to 'er, but she can't speak. She's sick. She brings up this fluid from 'er stomach whenever she tries so talk. It keeps me up at night wondering what they'd been doing to 'er..." Humphrey explained, his voice full of regret and shame.
Silver's smile remained unchanged, but she nodded her head and blinked.
"Well, if it helps, she wasn't mean to me, even after I poked her in the eye. She wrote her name on my hand. I can't see very well and Amy can't speak, so I let her write on my hand, haha"
Humphrey had to admire the girls quick thinking.
"Maybe, if your mum will allow it-" Humphrey began, nodding respectfully to the witch.
"You might actually get to come see Amy again? Whenever you're ready. Amy's bound to her room a lot due to her sickness, and it's the best place I can hide her from the guards, so you're welcome to come in her room if you want"
Silver's heart skipped a beat.
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A Slip Through Worlds (Part 2)
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(Part 2 of my horror crossover between canon and @idiotwithanipad 's Gore AU)
The blind teen continued to giggle as she poked and prodded the new person before her.
"Sorry! Hehehehe." She quickly moved her finger away from what must have been the man's eye; "I do that sometimes, hehehe."
"It...it fine. Eyeball not fall like marble." The gravelly, broken English voice responded in good humour. "Moonah Girl, what happen?"
"Hmm? What do you mean?" She asked with an innocent tilt of her head.
"Your eyes no work. You nose and ears, they leaking blood." He noted, sounding aghast, then his tone deepened with anger; "Someone hurt you?!"
"What? No, silly, hahaha. I've always been like this! Well...ever since I died, which was my own fault. So I guess I did it to me? Hehehehe."
She felt his hand, which seemed to be partially sheathed in fur, hover close to her face.
"It hurt big?" He asked, concern thrumming deep.
"Hmm, not really. Except when the headaches come, hehehe." She moved her own hand up to meet his, lacing her fingers through his larger ones; "What's your name?"
"I....You no remember me?"
He sounded sad at that, which made her feel guilty.
"Have we met before? Sorry if I forgot. Mummy says I'm such a scatter brain, hahaha." She laughs without intent, "It's strange...You feel ever so much like a friend of mine."
"Friend?" He asked, hopeful, she assumed.
Silver nodded; "He's super fluffy, just like you. Except he can't talk and doesn't walk upright. Actually I'm not sure if he's an animal or human, hehehe. He's like my big grumpy puppy. His name is a secret. Is yours?"
"No. Well...not one friends call me. It Robin."
"Hehehe, you told me! Does that mean I'm your friend, Robin?" She gushed, bouncing on her toes and clutching at his forearms.
He stilled a little at her touch but did not move away.
"...Yes. Of course, Moonah Girl friend."
"Awesome! Robin, Robin, Robin," She repeated, running her tongue over each syllable; "Like the pretty birds! Or Robin Hood! He was one of my favorite Disney heroes, pretty hot for a fox, hehehe."
"Was name after Robin Goodfellow."
"Oh! Mummy told me stories about him! Is that what you are? A cheeky fairy?" She began to giggle.
Her new friend joined in. Part of her was tempted to feel his smile just to get an image of his face in her mind.
"Me have been call cheeky." He laughed with her, deep and full.
"Same! Mummy pretends to be cross when I'm cheeky but I know it makes her smile really..." the sudden memory of her mother's face when she was in trouble (but not too much trouble) made her chest ache; "....I should really try to find Mummy. She wasn't at my bedside when I woke up like she always is..."
"....You mean Mary?" Robin asked. "That Mummy name?"
"I dunno. I've always just called her Mummy, hehehe." But if this stranger thought he knew her name, that was a good sign, right? "Do you know where she is? Can you take me to her? Please!"
The voice didn't reply. She couldn't see any expression on his face, or anything for that matter.
Everywhere was too dark. Even what her ecolation allowed her to 'see' felt limited. It scared her a little. Mummy was supposed to turn the lights on for her. Bring their wonderful enchanted forest back into her view.
That fuzzy hand tentatively brushed over her face, a finger stroking aside some blood from her lips.
Then she heard a sob.
"Hey...Hey, what's a matter?" She reached towards the man, who seemed suddenly creased up; "Oh, please don't cry. Tell me what's wrong and I'll try to help?"
The man sniffled; "It my fault. It all my fault. Had one job. ONE job. Look after Moonah Girl. Now look...Look what you done, Robin!"
For a second she was ready to remind him that he was Robin, not her, but then that seemed foolish.
"You mean me, Mr. Robin? But how can you be 'sposed to look after me? We only just met, hehehe."
She felt him cringe then. Was that the wrong thing to say? Gently, he took her hand and brought it to his weeping eyes.
"M'sorry. So so sorry. One last thing she ask me. As if she knew...She say 'Take care ofs my little girl.' I tell her yes. I swear on the stars and the moonah..." He shed his tears onto her knuckles; "I fail. I fail."
"...No you didn't, silly." She decides to humor the poor man, "I'm still in one piece. See? Just my eyes that don't work but the rest is great! Hehehe. If you...made a promise to Mummy to look after me then, I'm sure she'll be happy with you..."
It would be easier if Mummy was here. Where was she? And Mr. Floof?
"Maybe you can look after me until Mummy comes?" She suggests, moving her hand to touch the man's fuzzy jaw. "She'll be really grateful if you just keep me safe."
"Safe?...Yeah, 'Course." He swallowed his last sob and took her hands; "Will look after Moonah Girl. Keep Moonah Girl safe. Promise. No breaky this time."
As if he were a Knight making some sort of solemn vow. If only she were wearing one of her witchy princess gowns.
For now, she just giggled and gave his knuckles a kiss.
"Thank you, sweet Robin. Hehehe."
"You come with Robin now? Will take Moonah Girl somewhere safe. You stay close." He instructed, softly.
She nodded; "Okay. It's not too far, is it? Needs to be close enough for me to smell Mummy coming. She might be cross if she thinks I've been stolen away again, hahaha."
"...No steal. No trap. Moonah Girl free to wander and dance in good light if want." He reassures her.
"That's good then." She agrees to follow the man, finding it oddly easy to trust this stranger. "D-don't let go? Please? So very dark here..."
His hand gave hers a squeeze as he lead her, carefully, with each step.
"Won't ever let go of Moonah Girl. Promise."
As if being held in the cage formed by branches of an ancient tree wasn't already the worst, Silver had discovered that the more she tried to struggle and kick against the wood, the more it tightened in on her. Now she was curled in a fetal pose, barely able to sit up without hitting her head. She'd already had to calm herself through two back-to-back panic attacks.
It might not be possible for her to die. But, in this world at least, it seemed to be possible for her to be crushed like an impounded car. No thanks. No bloody thanks.
She takes another look through the gap. Robin....Not-Robin (Nobin?) has grown weary of his pacing and has settled down on his front, leaning across a flat bit of rock. He ignored all attempts she made to call for him using his name.
Or perhaps, she wondered, he wasn't just ignoring her. Maybe he didn't recognise it in this world?
"Robin? Robin..." She called out, softly.
Nothing. His head twitched but only for him to thump his own ear, like he had some irritating ringing in it constantly.
"...Rogh?" She tried.
He turned around. Face of thunder.
Literally, static seemed to crackle beneath the canapé as he glared up at her. He bared his teeth. Some were dripping with blood...
Good Lord and Lady, help her.
"That's your name, yeah? Rogh?"
He furrowed his brow, neither to confirm or deny.
"You weren't always like this, were you?" She guessed, "If you died the same as my Robin...You didn't always crawl. And you could speak, sort of, didn't you? You weren't an animal."
As if to prove her wrong, he let her have his best roar.
It was enough to raise the hairs on her arms.
"If you were also that man...Then you were a good one, weren't you?" She kept testing, "You had a tribe that you loved and took care of. You had children..."
Every word only seemed to raise his hackles more. Leaning back onto his knuckles, he started to pace beneath her again.
"You didn't hold young women captive in cages. You wouldn't let them be scared. Please, Rogh. I know it's probably been a long time, but...Try to remember." She put her hand through the gap in the branch; "I'm not what she thinks. Honest. I am Silver, I'm just not...the same Silver. I...I think I fell into a parallel world. Or I'm trapped in a nightmare. Either way..."
She couldn't even find the strength to laugh.
But he was looking at her now. His disjointed lip twitched, eyes assessing her, a fragment of that brilliant and insightful mind flickering somewhere within.
Silver stretched her hand out towards him.
"Please. Help me. I'm not bad, promise. Tell her to let me out. I need to get home to my Robin. And Kya-."
Why at that moment she remembered the precious wolf cub who had gone for too long without a cuddle. Silver had barely let her go when Amy first disappeared, at least until Humphrey's body began to stalk her.
But the name enraged this Robin, who took a ferocious warning swipe at her hand. She pulled it back, whimpering as he slammed his fist against the bark and roared at her.
Fuck. Fuck this. Fuck this to Hades and back.
The ghosts all stared at the poor girl, currently holding hands with Kitty, spinning around and practicing dance moves together. Like a true pair of children, except the Georgian's smile was a mask to hide the concern for her friend, which had been clear the second that Robin lead her by the hand into Higham Suite.
She first seemed overjoyed to meet so many 'new people', as if most of their voices were brand new to her. Thomas, Pat and Captain she seemed to have never heard before, but was thrilled to have new friends, as if she'd been kept under a rock all this time.
Julian's had sounded familiar to her.
"Hehehe, you're the one Mummy got cross with for getting too close. Hehe, is your bottom half all better?" She'd asked.
"I....uh, it's fine, w-what happened exactly?!" The Tory had asked in terror.
She hadn't elaborated. As soon as she'd heard Kitty's voice, she'd squealed with joy and roped the other young woman into some games. For once, Kitty had seemed hesitant to play, with her friend seemingly in such a disturbing state. It had taken an encouraging nod from Robin for her to indulge Silver, if just to keep her distracted while the others talked.
"Gone mad? Truly?" Cap gasped, beside the caveman.
"Me tell you it happen to me. Many time. Always worry it most likely happen to Moonah Girl too. Sleep and time loss make her mind easy break." Robin tried to explain, his tears from earlier having dried with his resolve.
Pat shook his head; "The poor little love. She's been through so much. I once knew a bloke who came back from Falklands and found out his wife had done a disappearing act before he returned. He spent the rest of his days sat on the pier, naming every pebble he found."
"The mind is a fragile thing. And we no longer have any cocaine to help get us through it all." Fanny lamented.
Her voice had been familiar to Silver as well. All she'd mentioned was that she was happy she sounded in a 'better mood' and had let Kitty have some friends.
Pure nonsense.
"But what's with the...exorcist kid look? And losing her sight? Did any of that happen to you?" Julian asked, looking more than a little unease at the thought of his pal in a similar state.
Robin shrugged; "Dunno. All those times like big black space in mind. Friends who help me say little of what crazy thing I do. Maybe strange thing happen to ghost body, same as it make Moonah Girl blind. And like how Kitty go blaaargh sometime."
"You don't suppose it's permanent, then?" Asked Thomas.
Robin shrugged again. He had absolutely no idea.
"Could be till mind feel better. Could be forever. Dunno." He sighed.
Pat sensed his anguish for her sake and patted his arm.
"We'll all be here for her, mate. Same as your friends helped you." He reassured.
"Fanks. But she my response-libble." He struggled to say; "Her mind break because promise break. Need to make right."
He won't let her out of his sight again. Not while she's now so vulnerable. Has to keep her close.
For now, she seemed genuinely happy. Innocent.
Maybe too energetic, even for Kitty.
The Georgian plonked herself down on a chair.
"Aww, why did you stop? The song isn't finished!" She giggled.
Kitty panted, "Just need...a little breather, Silvy. That's all."
"Ah. 'Course. Sorry. Hehehe, forgot you're not used to being out of bed so long! Hope I haven't made you ill again, hehehe."
Kitty looked back towards Robin who just shook his head. The older girl just went along with her friend's delusions.
Silver began to stagger towards him, flaring her nostrils as if following her nose.
"Robin?" She called out.
"I here." He was at her side in a heartbeat, taking her hands; "You 'kay?"
"Mmm hmm." She nodded, "Just think we should get back to finding Mummy now. Don't want her to worry about me, you know."
His heart broke. Again. He looked around at his friends who, for once, seemed sympathetic to his plight. How to tell the girl that she would never find her 'mummy'? Not in this world.
He turned back to her and nodded, rubbing her hands in his, as he used to do to his kids to keep them warm.
"Okay. We can go walk 'round and look if Moonah Girl want." He didn't know how long he'd have to keep this charade up. Until her mind was strong enough to handle the truth again?
If it took another thousand years, he'd stay with her.
"Oi, what's going on? Not often he comes to pick me up and put me back on, must be something important." Humphrey said as he walked through the wall, neck firmly together for once.
Silver gasped with excitement.
"Oh yay! You're here too! Hehehe!"
She let go of Robin and skipped over to give the Tudor a hug. Humphrey blinked and then laughed, looking touched at the affection.
"Oh, good evening, Silver, love." He greeted with a fond pat on the back; "Glad to hear you..."
When she pulled back to smile up at him, the color left his cheeks. His face fell.
He stared at Robin.
"What the...?"
"Mr. Lord Humphrey, is Amy awake? Does she want to come play?" Silver asked, eagerly.
Robin cringed, seeing Humphrey's reaction. He stepped back from her as if wounded again, what little strength he'd regained in the past few weeks seeming to be drained.
"Silver...W-why would you ask me such a thing?" He said with devastation.
"What's wrong? I thought you were happy letting Amy come out to spend time with me?" She frowned, "We might not be able to see the dragons tonight, not till Mummy is back, but we can play other games and practice our talking in code. There's no Floof to watch us...but we have Mr. Robin instead and he's actually nicer! Hehehe."
There was a twinge of jealousy as well as confusion. She remembered Humphrey and Amy, even Fanny and Julian...but not him?
Not the thing to focus on right now, he scalded himself.
Humphrey winced and sniffed; "Silver...Kiddo, you know that Amy's-."
"Sick! She very sick." Robin stepped in, giving Humphrey a warning look.
The Tudor looked at him as if he were the one who'd lost it. But Robin laid a hand on Silver's shoulder, hardening his gaze at the other man.
His Moonah Girl's sanity was gone. Harsh truths, devastating reality, was the last thing she needed.
That much he could be sure of from unlived experience.
"She need big sleep in bed. Can't play yet." Robin said.
"Oh...Oh, of course. Hehehe, I make a habit of being besties with poorly girls." Silver smiled, a little sad; "Well can you please tell her that I hope she feels better soon? Especially before I have to go back to sleep, but there's no rush. Just want her healthy again, hehehe."
"That's....very sweet of you, Silv. I'll..." Humphrey's voice cracked; "I'll be sure to...To tell her..."
Luckily she couldn't see the tears brewing in his eyes.
Robin felt a pang of sympathy as well as gratitude. Couldn't be easy for the man to have to pretend his little girl was still with them for the sake of another child. But he did it all the same, as Robin would for his cub.
Silver is nearly nodding off, despite the severe discomfort of her current 'room', before she hears something beneath her.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
What? What was Nobin doing now?
She peered down through the gap. He seemed to have gone. Instead, wandering around through the woods, was a figure in a black hood with electric blue stars on the shoulder, a tartan skirt, black ripped leggings and big, stompy-
Oh thank Athena! Silver laughed with joy and relief.
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A New Day
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(Set after @idiotwithanipad 's "Breaking Down Ancient Walls")
Perhaps he hadn't needed to get there quite so early.
Moonah Girl did not always wake at the same time every month. It all depended on how late in the hour the sun set for the moon to truly 'rise'. At Midsummer, she sometimes wouldn't rise until gone ten at night, whereas at Midwinter she'd be up and about as early as dinner time. For that reason, she preferred the darker time of year, as did Robin.
It's not the first time she hasn't slept on her bed of blue flowers. Alison say they flowers of corn but he always call them Moonah flowers, ever since he lay down Nah...A couple of times, when Mary was still around, she had slept her month away beside her adopted mum for one reason or another. If nightmares came to torment her before the new moonah, they would bring her inside so she wasn't alone. Stompy's idea.
That's how he'd found Body holding her that month. Stubbornness had kept him from checking on her, letting her have her big exile, thinking they'd sort it out next month as Pat advised. Then two weeks passed and Moonah was invisible in the sky. He'd remembered how Silver sometimes twitched and wept and screamed from lack of good light.
How could he stand to stay away? He'd had to go check. When he hadn't found her on her bed, there'd been a terrifying moment of panic. Had she gone up to stars before he could say sorry? Or, worse, had bad ghost or demon dragged her off somewhere bad? It not too crazy a thought...
It hadn't been a demon who was keeping her. Not quite. It took less than ten minutes for him to find Body bit sat upon that log, still as statue, holding her on his lap. It look a bit like famous image he see of Fanny and Mary's dead god being cradled in arms of his mother. The....pizza? That what it called?
That burning jealous sensation had flickered in his chest again, instead of relief and gratitude that Silver hadn't been asleep out here alone.
"Ey. You can let go now. Me will take her. You free." He tried to explain to the body.
In response he got a broken nose after a rapid punch to his face.
Robin groaned, feeling it click back into place in three seconds. Been a while since anyone had hurt him like that.
Silver continued to sleep peacefully, cheek rested against his cloak.
"Hey! She not your Moonah Girl, hear? Well, you no hear, you not one with ears." He grunted; "But still listen! She not your Stompy. She my..."
He bit his lip. My Moonah Girl.
The words sounded less...possessive in his heart than they did in his head.
A stern huff rose in the body's chest as its arms encircled Silver tighter, like a mama wolf curling around her cub. There was no way it was going to let Robin lay a hand on its "daughter".
And perhaps it was right to feel that way.
Stompy had appeared in his dreams not long after. And spooked the sense he needed back into his fuzzy old head.
This time, as he waits for the full moonah to rise, he doesn't attempt to take Silver from the arms of Humphrey's body.
Instead, he takes a seat against a tree close by. And he waits.
"Will be here, Moonah Girl. Will be right here when you wa-."
A month of sleepless nights and regrets hit his head like a speeding truck, and he slumped back against the bark, eyelids falling shut, jaw slack.
Her eyes open. The moon shines down from above.
Silver laughs.
Leaping to her feet, adrenaline rushed through her bloodstream, as if she had just consumed twenty Mango Locos (Was that how it worked? Ames?). She twirled and giggled, bathed in moonlight, before sending a kiss up to the gorgeous orb illuminating the sky.
"Praise be to Artemis! You beautiful fucking bitch!" She called, throwing her hands up into the air, imagining that divine essence pouring into her.
She heard a rustle behind her and turned to see Humphrey's headless body get to his feet, knees creaking slightly. He was having to stretch them out and pat them down to wake them up from where they'd gone numb.
"Aww! Did you stay with me this whole month?" She cooed, covering her mouth.
Throwing her arms back around the body's neck, it felt pleasantly surprised to have another hug, despite only having a minute break from the month long embraced she'd slept through.
"You might just be the sweetest creature without a brain. Hehehe, you're like my own Scarecrow!" The Pagan grinned and took its hands, twirling underneath them, as if leading it in a waltz.
It was more than happy to comply, though obviously confused. "Daughter" was hardly the ballroom dancing type. Perhaps it was other girl with the frilly dress? Not that he seemed to mind who was holding onto him.
"C'mon! We gotta get back to those lazy buggers before they fall asleep." She says with determination, "Wanna race?"
She stops and pats the body's wrist steadily, as she once saw Amy do before they set off for a game of chase.
"Three...two...one...Go!" Silver sprinted off as quick as she could towards the mansion, the body hot on her heels.
In the shadows of the forest, she'd failed to spot the caveman asleep against the tree close to where she'd awoken. Robin startled awake at the sound of high pitched laughter.
"Moo-Moonah Girl?!"
"And that is why I believe High School Musical to be a butchered remake of the far superior Grease." Kitty finished with a curtsey.
Everyone gave a half hearted applause.
"Thank you, Kitty. Very...detailed. Next time maybe let us know if your talk is going to take longer than two hours, pet?" Said Pat, as nice as he could.
"EVENIN' LOSERS!" Silver chimed, making everyone straighten in their seats as she leapt through the door; "Miss me?!"
"Silvy!" The Georgian clapped. "Oh, you look much better!"
"Better? Babe, I am walking on starlight right now, you have no idea!" She gushed.
"Ah, see? Told you that a good, long sleep would be what the child needed to sort out her mood." Fanny commented.
"And right you were, as always, Lady B! Come 'ere!"
Silver then made everyone stare in horror as she threw her arms around the matriarch and gave her a big, wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek, as if she were her own dear grandmother.
None were more shocked than Fanny herself.
"Good Heavens, I...." She looked as though she'd never received such affection from her own family. It was enough to make Silver laugh.
"Well young lady, I am glad to see that you're in better spirits than our last meeting. Hopefully we'll have no more sulking and poor choices from you." Captain remarked, his back straight.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Jimmy." She smirked, and when Cap's eyes widened at her audacity, she tackled him with a hug too; "Oh, just stop being a prat for five minutes and give us a cuddle!"
"I'm terrified. Is anyone else terrified?" Thomas mumbled from the side.
"Ooh, me next! Me next!" Kitty rushed forward, arms outstretched.
Obviously, Silver indulged her best girlfriend who still remained on this plane of existence and turned to hug her tight.
"Eyy, you know I'm always up for physical affection." Julian reached out.
"Piss off, Thatcher scum." Silver laughed, her head still on Kitty's shoulder.
"Fair enough." The MP stepped back, head bowed, "At least we know she hasn't completely lost her marbles."
"Actually, before I forget, I need you to do me a favour." She asked without excusing the casual insult she'd thrown at him just before, "Can you text Alison and ask her to come visit while I'm awake? I need to talk to her."
"No need. She's just getting out of the bath." Remarked Thomas, to which everyone glared at him; "Uh, I only heard her get out! I haven't peeked my head in, honest!"
Right on cue, the door to the ensuite opened and Alison stepped out in her dressing gown, rubbing her wet, greying hair with one of the complimentary towels.
"What you all chattering abou- Oh! You alright, Silver?" She gave the Pagan a friendly smile.
"Yes! I'm great! Flippin' fantastic!" She bounced on her feet, looking more excited than Mia when being told she's going to Disneyland; "Alison, I need you to do something for me. Can you...Can you change my name? Make me Silver Guppy?"
"I...You sure? When I offered before, you said..."
"I know. But it's different now. I know that it's what Mary wants as much as I do." Silver grinned, "She told me herself."
Everyone went quiet and looked at each other.
"You...You spoke to Mary?" Alison asked, dubious.
"Yes. Well, not quite. I spoke to Amy and she passed on the message from Mary." She tried to explain, "They're together now. All of them. In the....In the next layer."
At the Georgian's gasp, Silver turned to her friend.
"You got it right, Kitty! They are ghost-ghosts. And they're always close to us, kinda like how we're close to Livings, except they're not trapped in one place, I think..."
Tears of joy sprung to Kitty's eyes; "Oh I knew it! I just knew it! Hello, Amy! Hello, Mary and Annie and Eleanor, Mama and Papa, if you're there!"
"Uhm, just to clarify...did you happen to be dreaming when you 'spoke to' Amy?" Asked Cap.
They all exchanged looks again, most of them pursing their lips.
"You all don't believe me? I get it! Just another of Silver's crazy dreams, yeah?" She smirked; "But I can prove it!"
She pointed her finger at Cap.
"Two weeks ago. Karaoke night. You sang My Heart Belongs To Daddy."
The solder went white as a sheet; "Who told-."
"Thomas, you and Kitty did a duet of Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now." She said to the poet.
Thomas rolled his eyes; "If one could call it a duo, when only one of us seemed to put in the effort."
Silver ignored Kitty's disgusted look towards the man so she could turn to Fanny.
"Mrs. B, you and Alison watched Fifty Shades of Grey together."
"I would never degrade myself to watching such filth!"
"Fanny, I was there. And it was your request." Alison said, folding her arms; "I think you've convinced us all, Silv."
"Aww, but I wanted to shame Julian for what Amy caught him doing in the women's spa." Silver raised an eyebrow.
The Tory gulped; "She....She's still following me? Jesus, not even second death stops her!"
"But this is wonderful!" Pat chirped; "A little creepy, sure, but oh what a relief to know our Amy and Mary are okay and still with us, in a sense. Humphrey will be chuffed to bits."
Silver couldn't help but notice that the head was the only ghost absent from the room. Was he still isolating himself in Amy's room? The body also hadn't followed her, despite having won their race to the front door.
"As much as I would like to believe it, I admit I'm a little skeptical. How do we know these aren't things you heard us get up to while you slept?" Cap asked.
Before Silver could open her mouth, a rough voice cut in.
"Moonah Girl tell truth."
Eyes all turned to the caveman in the corner. How long had he been there? Silver hadn't seen him enter.
"Stompy visit me in dream too." Robin explained; "Mention old friend of mine she met who I not tell her about before. Has to be real."
"Have you ever seen this before, Robin? Had someone...come back from the other side in some way?" Asked Pat.
He shook his head; "Never. Stompy very special."
Silver allowed herself a tiny smile. He wasn't wrong there.
"Oh, I do hope she'll come to visit me sometime! And Mary and Annie and we can all have a ghost-ghost sleepover." Kitty sighed, wishful.
"It's just Amy who can see us, babe. She kind of acts as a mediator between the next world and ours." Silver tried to explain; "But she can pass on messages from the others and send them back. I'm sure she'll come visit your dreams at some point, she's still adjusting to it all, I think. She missed us all loads to start but...at least she's got Mary helping her."
"Oh, Silv, it must have meant the world for you to hear that from her, even if it was through Amy." Alison smiled, "I know I always told you what she said to me about you but I know it's another to hear it confirmed for yourself."
Silver nodded, touching her pentacle, "It's finally made me feel like...I know who I really am. Hehehe. Which is fucking amazing, especially after..."
Her eyes went over to Robin, her smile fading as she was suddenly reminded of their last confrontation in this very room. The caveman ducked his head and rubbed at his fur.
It was Julian who cleared his throat and stepped close to the Pagan.
"Hey...feel free to ignore this Thatcher scum, but...the poor guy's been torturing himself over what happened for a month. Can you just give him two minutes? Please?" He whispered, a tentative hand on Silver's arm.
She took a breath, steeling herself; "Sure. Robin, you got something to say to me?"
The feral man looked up, eyes wide, like the quiet kid in class being picked on by the teacher to answer a question he didn't study for.
"I....Uhh...Y-yes, but..." He waved his fur covered hand to the others in the room.
"Oh, we can all give you guys a moment-." Alison began.
"Nope! No, you all stay put." Silver said, crossing her arms, "Not sure if you're aware, Alison, but this is how we do these sort of things now, for all our friends to see. Ain't that right, Robin?"
"Ouch..." Thomas hissed from the edge of the room.
The caveman blushed, suddenly looking tiny.
"Well?" Silver prompted.
He raised his eyes to her, looking so sad and old that it nearly caused her to melt. Biting the inside of her mouth, she remained firm, Mary's words of encouragement in her head, acting like a supportive hand on her back.
Robin stepped forward.
"Me sorry. Sorry made Moonah Girl cry and leave. Sorry...embarrassed Moonah Girl in front of friends-."
"And Humphrey. You apologised to him too?" Asked Silver.
He nodded; "And said sorry to Stompy...And ask Stompy to send sorries to Mary for breaking promise..."
That was something then. She would have to wait until she slept again to ask Amy if Mary had forgiven him.
The others all remained quiet, looking awkward, but feeling compelled to stay. It was only fair.
"Tell us why you did it." Silver ordered. "Tell me and them why you broke your promise."
Robin cringed, then abandoned the last of his pride.
"Three reason. One...might not have got over losing Stompy as well as appear." He sighed, scratching at his arm; "Not always deal with pain good. Two...me angry. Angry for Humphrey. He say to me how he feel...Dad to Dad. Me know how it hurt to lose babies. False hope be big cruel. Made me cross with Moonah Girl."
Silver nodded. That was a point she would allow him. That had been her mistake. Her carelessness. But it was a hurt she'd caused Humphrey. It hadn't been Robin's to avenge.
"Any other reason?" She asked.
He nodded; "Three....Me big jealous. Moonah Girl get close with Hump body and...seem like not need Robin. Already lose Stompy...got scared me lose Moonah Girl too..."
Both Cap and Fanny gasped a little at that, whereas the others just looked disappointed at the caveman.
"Kind of self-fulfilled your own prophecy there, hmm? Idiot." She tutted.
He nodded, bashful.
"But you accept...apothecary?" He cringed and shook his head; "Mean, apology."
"Actually, both would have been fine." She gestured to herself as she glanced at the others looking confused; "Witch, remember?"
Both Robin and the others all nodded.
"But sure. Yeah. Apology accepted." She said, blandly.
A smile twitched at the corner of the caveman's lips. He opened his paws and stepped forward, as if to dare for a hug.
Silver turned her back on him.
"For what it's worth...I'm sorry too." She said to the others; "What I said about Alison getting away from you all, that wasn't fair and I was just lashing out. I'm really sorry."
"No, no, it's fine!" They all chorused.
"It's basically what we said to get her to leave!" Pat admitted.
Alison chuckled; "You guys know that's not why I left! Well...not completely." She winked at Silver.
"And perhaps we all could have been a tad more sympathetic to your own grief." Cap admitted with a solemn nod, the others all copying in agreement.
The Pagan smiled, grateful; "I still need to talk to Humphrey. He's gotta be emotional if Amy's been visiting him too."
As she went to leave, Kitty reached for her.
"Oh, don't be too late! You just missed my Grease essay, I'd be happy to repeat it for you!"
Everyone let out a groan but Silver laughed.
"Wouldn't miss it. I won't be long." She walked through the wall and left the room.
It didn't surprise her to hear the thudding of fur boots following her down the corridor.
"Moonah Girl! Wait..."
Silver stopped. She clenched her fists at her sides and breathed deep.
"...We cool?" He asked, hesitantly.
"Like I said. Apology accepted."
"That not what me ask." He said.
Fucking hell...
Silver took another breath, wishing that all the anger and hurt would leave her heart as swift as the air could exit her non-corporeal lungs.
She turned around.
"You broke my heart. Scratch that, you tore it out and stomped on it like it was made of glass." She said to him; "So no. We're not cool."
"But...you said..." He frowned.
"I said I accept your apology. That doesn't mean I have to forgive you right away. Or stop feeling hurt." She told him, trying not to raise her voice or get too emotional.
His large brow furrowed with confusion and a touch of frustration.
"You hug Fanny and Cap? They say mean things too but-."
"They're not my best friends, dude. I can take whatever crap they wanna say about me. But having someone you really love betray you? That's a wound that takes a lot longer to heal. And time doesn't exactly work on my side like it does the rest of you, as we've all seen."
That silenced him again. In the dim light of the partially lit hall, those ancient eyes shone with regret.
"If it hadn't been for Amy, I'd still be in that forest right now, with no one but Humphrey's body. I'd still be wondering if Mary ever loved me or if it was all some act, or having nightmares about waking up on fire at her hands! You put those images in my head. You tried to take my mum's love away from me without her here to speak for herself."
Tears began to spill down his cheeks and it took every ounce of strength for her not to just pretend everything was fine.
Fuck. She hated this.
It's not like she wanted to still be mad at him. But she owed it to their friendship not to lie.
"Thank you for apologising and thank you for explaining why you did it. But I dunno if I can trust you again."
That wounded him, worse than the slap she'd delivered a month earlier.
"Wha...What can me do...?" He asked, looking desperate, ready to fall on his knees and beg. Fuck, she hoped he wouldn't.
She shook her head; "I dunno. Maybe I just need time, or...maybe it's like when you all thought a song would be all it took to apologise to Alison? It's not always that easy."
"....Can try Sorry Song if want?" He offered.
That almost made her smile. She shook her head; "Don't. Just. Leave me alone for a bit, okay? I gotta focus on making things up to Humphrey and deal with if he's ready to forgive me or not. But even if he doesn't, I promised Amy to look after him, while I'm awake."
"I make promise to Stompy too. But to look after Moonah Girl." He said.
"I don't need you to look after me anymore, Robin. I've got Mum." She said, pointing upward, imagining Mary watching over her.
He shrank back at that, dejected. Part of her knows that struck him. It's what keeps him going after all, feeling needed. Wanted.
"I'll see you around." She said, amicably, before leaving him with his remorse.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
The Bestest Girl
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(Alison brings Silver a special gift for her Death Day. Ft @idiotwithanipad 's oc Amy)
"Ugh, fuck off!" Amy instinctively reached for a pillow to hurl at the caveman's head, only for her hand to pass through the case.
Stupid, useless non-corporeal body.
She settled for rolling on her back and aiming a kick at his middle with her chunky soles, but the smelly ape was too quick and sprung back before she could make contact, that shit-eating grin plastered across his hairy face.
Amy turned to the chair where Hu...Where Dad's (fuck, she was still getting used to that) head was laying, scowling at Robin chuckling away.
"I thought you were going to stop him from doing that!" She frowned.
"Sorry, Poppet. Not much use as a guard when the rest of me decides to go for an early stroll. Best I can do is give him the glowering of a lifetime, something I've mastered over the centuries, if you don't mind me saying."
It was a pretty impressive death glare, useless as it was.
"Hehe, creepy green man on wall better at making me want to stay out." Robin said, turning to point at her ICP poster, only to jump again.
Amy sorted. That was worth it.
"Why are you here then? Is annoying me in the morning worth it that much?"
"Little bit. But also got important question."
Amy rubbed at the bridge of her nose; "Seriously? It's like the middle of the night."
"It's 10am, Poppet." Corrected Humphrey, softly.
"Same thing."
Robin cut to the chase; "You know what day coming up?"
It was too early to get her brain into gear. She usually made her way down to the staff room to see if any of the younger Bellhops were chugging any Mango Loco, or similar flavours, to help wake her up. Closest thing she had to breakfast.
"I don't even know what day it is today so no."
"It full moonah this weekend!" Robin explained.
That lifted her spirits a tad; "Oh. Cool." This month felt like it had lasted way too long, she didn't realise she had only a couple days left until her friend woke up; "That it?"
Not that it wasn't something to look forward to, but it hardly seemed something worth waking her up, like it wasn't something that occurred every four weeks.
"It also eleventh day of March month!" Added Robin.
"Ah!" Humphrey surprised Amy with that noise.
So he knew what that meant? Should she? Was it knowledge that she needed a whiff of fruity carbonated caffeine to load in her head?
"What's that? Silver's birthday?" Hadn't they celebrated that last month?
"That already gone, she sleep through. This other big one. It Death Day! Only second one she been awake for since she come!"
"Woah. Okay, fair enough, that's pretty huge." Still could have waited until she was awake to discuss it but she'll forgive his eagerness; "Aw, shit, what should we get her?"
"That what me came to ask." Said Robin, picking up Humphrey's head and tossing it over to Amy so he could have the chair.
Amy gave him a quick frown for the brief disrespect to her dad, smiling down at him as he landed in her lap, then sat with her legs crossed on the bed.
"You guys have known her longer than me!"
"Yes, but you two best buds. Maybe she give you secret hint she no tell us?"
Amy thought for a moment. Really, Silver should be the easiest person in the world to shop for. A tarot deck, crystals, incense, new statues of those gods she worships? But it had to be something she could use. Without Alison here to be their hands, they couldn't even do much with tools through a surrogate.
Also, if her death day was such a rarity, it had to be something special. She glanced at the adoption certificate in its frame on her bedside table.
Humphrey must have followed her eyes; "There you go! We can get Alison to arrange one of those, but for her and Mary. I always heard Mary say how much she loved Silver like her own daughter."
"Yeah, I've asked her about that already." Amy replied, "She said it didn't feel right without Mary here to agree to it. Especially because they never said the words aloud to each other. She never called Mary 'mum' and Mary said all those sorta things to you guys but not as...explicit to Silver, I guess."
Robin grunted in agreement; "She tell me same. Even offer to do ancient tribe ritual where child honour parent who die long ago, she no want to."
"I even suggested we do a Seance or something to see if we can contact Mary's spirit for permission but she shot me down. Kinda thought she might be afraid it would be a hoax or Mary would say no."
"So silly! 'Course she say yes. Me know her best."
"Yeah but you know Sil. She's got that whole fear of rejection going on, so she'd rather not try than try and be let down. I get it." Amy sighed.
Humphrey seemed to look up at her and move his jaw, almost trying to move his head closer into her, some small act of comfort. She smiled and stroked his head.
Had Alison and Humphrey not arranged everything behind her back, she wouldn't have had the guts to just ask 'Hey, you wanna officially be my dad?'
"That's that idea out the window then."
The three of them sat in quiet thought a little longer until a tiny squeak broke the silence.
Robin reached his hand beneath his shift; "Oh, you finally wake too? You almost bad as Stompy." He chuckled at his little wolf cub.
Amy's eyes widened at Kya, watching her licking Robin's fingertip as he waved it before her nose.
"Hey...Didn't Silver have a dog?"
The end of another epic dream saga.
Brain wakes. Owl hoots. Eyes open. Smile up at the moon.
Here we go again.
The routine does hit her with a touch of malaise every time it happens but rarely does it dampen the mood her lucid dreams have left her in. Besides, there was a lot for her to wake up to. New livings to watch, including a VERY hot new greenskeeper who liked to eat her lunch beside her bed, as well as catching up with her fellow deadies. Spending time with her girls, Kitty and Amy, playing and annoying Robin.
None of those are sat with her when she rises. Not the first time she's woken up alone and she feels that familiar touch of dread. Shit, please say no one has been sucked off again. That will always be the fear that haunts her whenever she wakes on her own.
Silver got to her feet, brushing down her skirt and taking a deep, centering breath.
Calm down, dummy, they're probably just watching a really good movie and forgot what night it was, or maybe they're running late or-
"Holy shit!" That made her jump so hard that she nearly slipped back and landed on her arse.
Those fucking dorks all leaped out in a circle around her, all of them hidden behind a tree, or maybe even in the tree to make it convincing, who knows.
Silver laughed. Wow, they're all here. Even Humphrey's body, seemingly well attached to his head. Even Cap and Julian and Lady B, who is....almost smiling? It's hard to be sure. And of course there's Amy and Kitty and....fuck, even Alison, who sets off a party popper, sending a tuft of confetti and coloured ribbon over where Silver stood.
"Woah! Wh-what's all this, guys?" She couldn't help but laugh, the red and blue strings falling through her palms.
"Well I said we should have waited ten minutes for you to get freaked out before revealing ourselves but then I was reminded how well that went down the last time." Julian spoke up, and all eyes looked to Alison.
The greying woman raised her hands; "In my defence, I was unknowingly pregnant - and I still haven't forgiven you all for that!"
"No, I mean, what's the surprise for? We did my birthday in February." They had only been a week out.
That had been a simple affair, which Silver had been fine with. A little red velvet cake and some candles in Higham Suite, which Mia had happily devoured on behalf of her aunt, while both Silver, Amy and Pat stared and drooled like zombies. A few games followed by dancing to Evanescence, Lacuna Coil and a pagan band she loved called Inkubus Sukkubus.
"This even better!" Robin grinned.
"That's right. Three, two one...Happy Death Day too you!" Pat began, cheerfully.
Silver covered her face with her hands and endured listening to her friends croon their off-key remix, her cheeks turning beetroot. She glared at Amy.
"This your doing?" She mouthed.
Amy waved her hands and pointed at Robin. Sure! Big fluffy dickhead.
"Well, thank you guys very much." She said once they were all done, except one; "I said thanks, Thomas!"
"To yoooou, fairest maiden of the moon!"
"THOMAS!" They all shouted.
The poet fell silent.
"And of course we got you a gift." Alison picked up a wrapped box that was set beside her feet and moved towards the young pagan; "Now...if you don't want it, that's fine, but we...And by who I mainly mean those two-"
She pointed to Amy and Robin. Ah, so they did collaborate together! Her headphone wearing friend cleared her throat.
"-wanted to get you something that meant a lot, from when you were alive."
The smile on Silver's face fell.
There wasn't a whole lot in her life that had meant a lot to her. Nothing tangible, not that that mattered anymore, but nothing she needed with her. This was her home now. Her family. Above in the stars and in the Earth.
"Okay..." She said, hesitating.
"We know you had a dog, that you loved. And we thought you might like some reminder of her. A picture or maybe her collar and lead to put near your bed."
Silver rubbed at her elbow. She'd tried ever so hard not to think about Jess after she died, knowing that the last time she'd laid eyes on her labradoodle, she'd been on her bed and Silver had promised to spoil her with treats on her return. Jess had been so clingy in those last few weeks, nuzzling her side and whimpering.
Had Jess known she was sick? Could she....smell the aneurism coming? They say dogs can detect things like that...
When her family had finally come to visit her memorial, she'd listened as her mum had spoke to Alison and told her about how Jess had lived another ten years after Silver died.
And, for all that time, she almost never left her bed, except for walks and food.
Silver had cried for hours after hearing that. She had never regretted taking those drugs and going out into the woods before. But had she stayed, even if her brain still crapped out on her, she would have been beside Jess. Jess would have got to see her die and understand why she wouldn't wake up to pet her again, maybe.
Jess would not have spent ten years waiting...
"Silvy?" Kitty asked, interrupting Alison.
The Georgian had spotted the tears on her face and was beginning to move closer to give her a hug. Silver raised a hand.
"M'fine, thanks." She forced a smile.
Was this how Death Days differed from birthdays? Instead of games and cake, you got depression? She'd only had one before, and it had mostly been her, Mary and Robin dancing under the full moon. Some of the others like Pat and Kitty and Julian had joined but she was still pretty new to the group.
Mary. Fuck, she's missing Mary now too. She'd accept a hug from Mary. The woman wouldn't even wait for permission. That was oddly okay for Silver, at least when it came to that one wonderful woman.
"I got in contact with your mum and asked if she had any photos of you and Jess. She said she had something better that's been sitting in your old room for years, but now she's having to move, it might make more sense to stay near to your memorial." Alison continued.
She unwrapped the present, pulling the gold thread loose. Inside was a cardboard box which Alison opened and picked out....
"Oh...Is that a crystal?" It didn't look like any she was familiar with. And it was very...spherical. And smooth.
"Not quite. When Jess passed away, your mum had her cremated and put her ashes in a little box with her name on." Alison presented her with the paperweight-sized ball, with a beautiful red and black swirl in the centre. "I asked her if I could have the ashes turned into glass..."
Red like Jess' muzzle and eyebrows.
Silver's lip trembled; "....That's her?"
Alison nodded, putting it forward and then pulling back, looking as though she was kicking herself for nearly handing it over where it would pass through her ethereal hands and smash upon the ground.
"She's been on your nightstand till now. Your mum even said that it made sense she got to be closer to you."
Silver hadn't thought her mum was capable of such sentiment. Her eyes remained watery as she stared at the beautiful ball.
Reaching forward, she ran her finger down the curve.
Nothing. No feel of energy or something calling out to her.
Maybe Alison read her expression; "I went to visit your old house and saw your room. Nearly everything was in boxes, because of the move...but there was no dog there that I could see."
See with her Sight, Silver understood, sighing with relief.
Good. Jess wasn't still waiting for her there, after death. She wouldn't be another Greyfriar's Bobby. She had moved on.
And of course, all dogs went to heaven.
"Thank you...Seriously, thank you, Alison." Silver grinned, then ran to pull Robin and Amy into a hug, whether they liked it or not; "And thank you two fucking dorks."
"Hug is nice but words confusing." Robin chuckled nervously as she wrapped her arm around his neck.
Amy shuffled her feet, half leaning into the hug as she looked bashful; "Eh, I owed you for helping them all with my Death Day surprise."
"I love it. Thank you."
Alison placed the glass ball beside at the foot of Silver's bed. She also had with her one of the last photos of a beaming Silver hugging a happy Jess, tongue hanging out, eyes bright with joy, tail clearly wagging.
"She definitely appears to have been a wonderful companion." Fanny, a fellow pet lover, smiled as they watched Alison pin the polaroid to the tree.
"She was...." Silver said, as if attending a funeral she'd missed long ago; "We got her at two months old. Me and Dad were in Blockbuster, about to rent a movie, and talking about getting a dog. Guy at the counter said his mum was trying to find a home for her labradoodle that was too energetic for her. They didn't even want money, he turned up at our door with all her doggy gear and this bouncy pup with the biggest paws for such a little body. She was an annoying shit for over a year before she settled...and she rarely left my side. She loved eating pigs ears and steak. She could do all the tricks. She hated the post man and nearly got us fined when she tried to bite at his rucksack. But she was gentle and good to everyone else. If I came home upset, she would come right to me and lick my tears away. We were inseparable after Dad died and no one else seemed to want...."
She stopped herself then. The eulogy was turning into a self-pitying prose.
"She was my best friend."
"Sounds like you had a good girl there, pet!" Pat grinned.
Silver nodded. The goodest.
Amy tilted her head; "Not to change the subject but...Sil, what was going on with your eyes at the time? Why were they red?"
"Oooh, Moonah girl cursed!" Robin gasped.
Silver exchanged looks with Alison, Pat and Julian. The four of them then burst into giggles while everyone else looked as lost as Amy.
"Life before selfies and digital cameras, dude." She said, putting her arm around her friend's shoulders; "We all had to suffer with demon eyes for about fifty years."
"Those were the days. When you'd take your camera to the Kodak shop after your holidays to get them developed and they'd all come out looking awful." Pat reminisced.
"Or your wife would collect them expecting sweet images of you playing with your daughter on the beach, and instead she sees you and two members of your cabinet with leather cuffs and ball gags."
Everyone stared at Julian as he finished that sentence.
"Oh....just me then?" He asked.
"It's always just you." Captain sighed.
"Moving swiftly on, I'm glad you like your present, Silver." Alison smiled.
"I do...I kinda wish bringing her ashes here meant she got to come visit, but I'm glad she's free." Silver said, looking at the photo; "And hey, maybe I'll see her in my dreams."
"And till then, you still get fluffy snuggles." Robin handed a small ball of grey fur to her.
Silver happily took the sleeping Kya and held her close, stroking those teeny tiny ears with her finger as the pup slept.
She looked around at her family and exhaled, remembering how she'd come to this spot to summon everything she desired in her life. Love, excitement, friendship, a sense of belonging...
By the will of the Goddess, it had all come to pass. Not in life, but in death.
"Thanks, guys."
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