#and he's always talking about the fleshlights he broke
kinkedbells · 2 years
Trying to message in my favorite kink server about waking up with little story ideas in my head. And Mr Can't Respect Boundaries comes in talking about how big his "tree" gets in the morning. Nobody cares. I told you to stop talking to me for a reason can you stop talking over me? I'm actually saying something articulate and giving cool ideas and he's like heehoo my dick big XD.
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One For The Road [1]
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Cecil Dennis x AFAB!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals• masterlist • ao3• want to be tagged? • request info • ko-fi •
Series Masterlist
Summary: Cecil forgets he invited you over.
A/N: The biggest thank you to @thexsanctuaryx for beta reading this and fixing some of my British-isms <3 I owe you my life!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of weed, weed use, fleshlights, Cecil talking about 'Catcher In The Rye', fingering, Cecil coming in his pants, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 3404
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You Sit and Talk to Me on the Floor
You lean back against the sofa, getting comfortable as your high pleasantly buzzes in the back of your head.
You’d been pretty pissed when you’d got here and Harry was nowhere to be found. (You, him and Cecil and Harry’s new girlfriend Mary-Ann, who you hadn’t met yet, had plans to hang out and watch a film. Or at least that’s what Cecil had told you.) He’d grinned when he’d opened the door, “What are you doing here?”
Turns out he’d been high (unsurprising) when he’d messaged and asked you. And had promptly forgotten all about it without letting Harry or Mary-Ann know. 
And now Harry was ‘working’. Or something. Cecil wasn’t exactly clear. 
Ever since he’d been dumped by his girlfriend Cecil had been staying with his cousin to ‘get back on his feet’, or more correctly, ‘make a mess, panic, tidy the house in a crazy rush to a standard that would put a professional kitchen to shame and then repeat’. 
He’d apologised for a good fifteen minutes when he realised his mistake, and had offered you a brownie as he ushered you inside. 
“Is there weed in this?” 
He stared at you like you’d grown an extra head. “It’s a brownie.”
“You know pot isn’t a standard ingredient, right?”
He’d pulled a face that made you laugh. “What’s the point in that?” 
Cecil sits on the floor, leaning against the sofa and lolling his head back as he talks to you, “I’m really glad you came actually, sorry again,” he smiles shyly, “I was kinda lonely.”
“You can hire people for that.” You tease and he snorts.
“No, that’s not what I mean. Besides,” he shrugs, “I’m broke.” 
You giggle, finding it far funnier than you normally would. 
He grins and takes a swig of his beer before another hit from his bong. 
“How many brownies did you have?” You ask, interested, you’d only had one. 
“Two… and a half.” 
“And you’re smoking too?” 
“Yeah? I mean,” he puffs up his chest proudly, “I got a high tolerance.”
“If there were an olympics in getting high you’d probably get a gold.” 
“I definitely would get a gold, I bet they used to have that, weed consuming, in the olympics I mean. They used to have poetry and people competing naked and everything, and then it got ruined.” 
“With clothes or lack of poems?” You smile.
“Both.” He nods confidently. “Though maybe some clothes is a good idea…” He ponders for a moment, “I bet if you run and you got no pants on your dick just,” he flops his hand around like crazy and you giggle, “I mean, that would hurt. And boobs!”
“Boobs?” You wheeze out. 
“Yeah, I bet some boobs would hurt too, you need those high impact bras and all that.”
“How do you know about that?” You run your hand through his hair absentmindedly, he always did have such soft, rich curls. 
“I’m a guy of knowledge, you know. I know many things.”
“Like what then?” 
He leans a little into your touch, smiling as you stroke his hair. “Erm, I know that this,” he taps the part of the sofa he’s leaning against, “is called a sofa skirt.” 
“Is not.”
“Is too.” He grins at you when you poke out your tongue. “I know the sky’s blue because of Rayleigh scattering-”
“What’s Rayleigh scattering?” 
“Why the sky is blue.”
“Cecil…” You roll your eyes playfully and he giggles. 
“Okay, okay, it’s to do with light particles and how they,” he waves his hand to the side making a buzzing noise, “move about when they’re in a wavelength.”
“How do you know that?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. Just do. Something stuck once I guess.”
You nod, “Pretty impressive skill.”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “I don’t control what sticks, I’ve literally read every single math book I ever could on how to do algebra when I was in high school and nothing.” He pauses and then smiles, “I can quote Catcher in the Rye to you though.” 
“What?” You shift a little, leaning closer. “Like the whole thing?”
“Mostly,” he shrugs again but he puffs his chest out, obviously pleased at your interest. “But I guess I could just be making it up if you don’t know it word for word and don’t have a copy in front of you.” 
“I trust you.” You say kindly and he beams. 
“Well, okay, look, first paragraph, because it’s easy,” he swallows and clears his throat. 
“If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.” He puts on a voice as he speaks, at first it’s jokey as he tries to poke a little fun at himself, but as he continues it relaxes, becomes more like he’s inhabiting the voice of the character. 
“That’s very, very cool.” You grin and he smiles shyly, looking down at his hands before taking another hit. “Yeah, well, doesn’t help much.”
“You like Catcher in the Rye?” 
He nods. “Got an A+ on that report.” He grins, “I always thought it was sad, you know? The story I mean. Just a kid trying to be an adult because that’s what society implies, when really he just wants to be… you know… enjoy his childhood.” He nods a little. “I like that his little sister is more mature than him, that he has this innocence to him. That even though the story is about a loss of that, in the end, I dunno, I don’t think it fully happened.” 
You incline your head, staying quiet so he’ll continue.
“I mean, I think he’s still innocent. Still playing at being an adult. Like everyone is.” He shrugs, shaking his head. “But whatever.” 
You give his shoulder a light shove, “But whatever? Cec,” you lean forward, your hand still in his hair, “that’s so good, like insightful.” You say sincerely. 
He gives you a bashful smile, his eyelashes fluttering a little as you compliment him. “Yeah, you know, thanks.” There’s the smallest flush to his cheeks. “You’re so smart and everything so that means a lot.” 
“Cec,” you say softly, shaking your head, “you gotta think better of yourself.”
He nods halfheartedly.
“Really, you got to, you…” You pause, trailing off as something catches the light and inadvertently, your eye. It’s shoved to the side, on the floor between the right hand side of the sofa and the wall. 
Cecil looks around to where you’re staring, mildly interested for a moment before his eyes widen. “Oh, shit, sorry!” He goes to push it further under the couch and out of sight but doesn’t reach far enough and ends up falling onto his side and flailing about. 
“Is that what I think it is?” You giggle, unable to stop yourself. 
“Erm…” He looks up at you, trying his best to give you a winning smile from the floor. “That depends on what you think it is?” His voice is hopeful. 
“A flesh light?” 
He groans and puts his hand dramatically over his face. 
You laugh harder. 
“It is?” You ask excitedly, unsure why this is amusing you quite so much. 
“Oh my goooooood,” you lean down and ruffle his hair until he has to take his hand off his face to bat you away and starts laughing, “Cecil getting it on in the living rooooooom.” 
“No!” He lies.
“Ohhhhh, is that what you were doing before I got here?” The glee in your voice is palpable. “Is that why it took you so long to answer the door?” 
“Stop.” He tries to pout but keeps laughing. “I hadn’t got that far yet.”
“You came over! That’s more important than jacking off.” 
You snort loudly. “I’m honoured.” 
He pulls a playful face and lightly smacks your calf. 
“I wouldn’t have stopped having a wank just because you came over.” You joke and Cecil bursts into hysterics. 
He manages to calm down long enough to spit out his next words, “I wouldn’t ask you to stop.” 
“If you wanted to get down and whatever, that’s fine, I’d just hang in the kitchen.” 
It’s your turn to have a laughing fit. “Oh, you’re so slimy.” You tease, adjusting your skirt as you move.
“No, no,” he sits up, still giggling, his cheeks flush. “I wouldn’t watch or listen, I’m not being a perv.” 
“Sure, sure.” 
“Hey! I don’t need to spy on people, I can, you know.”
“What?” You grin.
“See it on the TV whenever.” 
You start laughing again. You had been expecting a bit of macho, ‘I can pick up willing partners whenever I want to’, not ‘I’ll watch some porn’. 
“Yeah?” You prod him in the arm playfully. 
“Yeah.” He nods, “that’s what I was doing before you came over.” 
“Oh, good to know.” You chuckle. Part of you knows it’s the weed that’s making you a little less guarded than you usually were, but you can’t help yourself. “What were you watching then?”
“Well, I hadn’t decided yet.” He shrugs, but he’s grinning, obviously quite happy to talk with you about this. “I was having a look.” 
“On what?” 
“PornHub,” he shuffles towards the TV on his knees and grabs the remote and then his phone. “I cast it, see,” the screen mirrors his phone as he scrolls through. “I was just browsing.” 
“You say that so casually.” You goad him playfully. 
“Yeah, well, I mean why not? Most people look at porn.” 
You nod.
“Don’t you?” He asks, quite innocently as he cocks his head to the side. 
Heat rushes under your skin. “Well, erm, yeah, I mean.” 
He grins, but not in a gloating way, more pleased that you’re both sharing something. 
“What, erm,” you squirm a little, feeling foolish and trying to push the focus back to him. “What do you normally watch?” 
“Like porn wise?” 
He grins, “lots actually, my tastes are very varied.” He says like he’s talking about wine. “Sometimes two girls, sometimes a guy and a girl, sometimes two guys, sometimes a group. Sometimes just someone by themselves.” He shrugs and looks up at you, when he sees you’re still listening he swallows and continues, “I got a favourite.” 
You nod, your mouth dry. 
“It’s two girls, erm, it’s not even like, that,” he waves his hands, “it’s just, it’s quieter, I guess? They sound more… natural. Like it’s not being put on for show, and they got like, these suits. It’s not like latex or anything, not that there’s a problem with that, it’s sort of like body suits, skin tight, but hands are free, and boobs, and,” he motions to his crotch, “down there, and… they sort of… like just…” his face reddens a little more. “They, rub together in like missionary and come and… and it just sounds so nice. They look like they’re really enjoying it.” 
He looks up at you again and fidgets, his eyes dark. 
The nervous expression, the flush to his cheeks shouldn’t be endearing, shouldn’t make you feel a twist of heat in your stomach. 
“I could… show you?” He says quietly, like he’s trying to tiptoe around something else. 
You find yourself nodding once, saying, “Okay.” before you even realise it. 
He finds it quickly on his phone and sits down next to you on the sofa, a hands width away. 
You stare at the TV while looking at him from the corner of your eye. 
“This reminds me of high school.” He says quietly, biting his lips together. “A group of us used to, when porn was harder to get hold of, used to like, watch it together and smoke.” 
You nod, a quick reply simply not coming. 
The video starts, the two women posing for the camera before they make their way to the bed.
“I used to worry,” he continues, “because sometimes weed makes me really horny.” He shrugs, flinching inwardly at why he said that. 
“I get that.” You swallow. 
One woman climbs on top of the other. 
“You do?” He asks. 
“Yeah,” why are you speaking, why can’t you just shut up? “The horny thing.” 
“From smoking or watching porn?” He asks innocently. 
“Both, I guess.” 
He hums, nodding. “Me too.” 
You both continue to watch for a moment in an odd silence, the air is thick with an oppressive weight. You want to look at him again, want to see his soft eyes and plump lips. 
Cecil shifts a little, fidgeting once before he pushes the heel of his hand against his leg and… wait… not his leg. 
His erection is straining against his jeans.
You can’t help but look, going over the shape and outline and- You freeze. He’s looking right at you.
“Sorry.” He gives you a sheepish smile as if he was the one that had been caught perving. “Guess it’s a bit more obvious on me.” He jokes, but the tips of his ears still flush. 
“No, yeah, I mean…” you stumble over your words, trying to fill the gaps as the moans from the TV grow louder and… they did sound like they were having fun. “I mean,” you swallow and start again, “I, if I had a dick, you’d see it,” you motion your hand upright. 
You nod. 
“Not just saying that to make me feel better?” He asks, gently nudging you in the shoulder.
“No… I would.” 
He gives you a sweet look, but it’s still disbelieving. 
“Cecil, I’m not lying.” 
“I don’t know…” 
“Why would I lie?”
“You’re too nice all the time, it’s not lying it’s ‘sparing my feelings’.” He motions with his hands.
“Well, I’m not,” you fold your arms. “I’m being truthful.”
“I said okay,” he teases. “I’m agreeing with you.”
“But you don’t believe me.” 
He nods. “That’s true.”
You huff air through your nose, exasperated. “I’m not lying.”
“There’s no point to me lying.” Your voice raises a little at the end, which only makes it sound more like you are lying. 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
He laughs, “just because you’re a dirty and bad liar, doesn’t mean-”
You don’t know why you do it, but you grab a hold of his hand and press it forcefully between your legs. “See?” Your voice sounds sure of itself, like a gloat. But your mind is just only catching up with your actions. And the sensation of Cecil’s warm, thick fingers against your core. 
You’re wearing a skirt, the only thing separating your skin from his is the thin material of your panties which are undoubtedly damp. 
“Oh,” he breathes, his cock twitches. “Yeah, you’re…” 
You freeze, still holding his hand against you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
His fingers brush a little against the cotton. The action takes you by surprise and much to your dismay a weak gasp leaves your lips.
He glances up to your face as you keep your eyes closed, screwing them shut to avoid his gaze. But seemingly he finds what he was looking for. 
He moves his fingers again, a little firmer this time, tracing a soft circle against your clit and you shudder. 
There’s a pause, a fraction of a second as he waits for you to stop him, to tell him no. 
You don’t. 
So he does it again, and again, and again until you’re squirming. Your breath is coming out fast as your hips shallowly move in time with his fingers. 
He inches closer to you, pressing his chest against your shoulder and resting his forehead on your temple. 
Cecil moans softly in your ear as you whine, your lip between your bottom teeth as you watch the two women fuck on screen without really seeing. 
He slowly presses on the damp patch, rubs along your core before he slips your underwear to the side and touches you lightly. 
You jolt, gasping, turning your head to press your forehead to his. 
He groans as he traces his forefinger along your slit, marvelling at the slick that coats the tip of his finger before he lightly pinches your clit. 
“Cecil,” you breathe. 
“It’s okay,” he mutters, kissing your cheek and then your lips gently, “it’s okay, it’s just a friend helping another one out. Just helping…” He drapes his free arm around your shoulders, his fingers mirroring the pattern of his other hand on your arm. 
He kisses you again, soft and sweet as he lightly teases you with the tip of his tongue. 
The second you part your lips he inhales deeply, angling his hand and pushing two fingers deep inside while flicking your clit with his thumb. 
You gasp, your moans music to his ears as he kisses you wantonly as he curls and strokes your walls. 
“Oh, god, you’re really wet,” he bites his lip, grunting as he presses closer, curls deeper until you’re bucking and practically sobbing. “Really tight, mmm, feel so nice inside.” He mumbles, not really registering what he’s saying as he pants in your ear. “Thank you for letting me, oh,” he shivers as you whine, grabbing hold of any part of him you can reach and clinging on, silently begging him to continue.
“Is that good? Is that where it’s nice?” He swallows, stroking the same spongy spot again and groaning when your thighs quiver. 
You nod rapidly and he coos, “oh good, good, mmm,” he kisses your neck, breathing deeply to fill his lungs with your scent. “God, so nice and warm, bet you got the cutest little pussy? Fuck.” He groans, moving so he can rub his crotch against your thigh, “you’ll let me look sometime? I would love to see it, bet it’s so sweet.” 
Your eyes roll back, your muscles tensing as he keeps moving, keeps pulling you closer to that edge. Your moans are overshadowing the sounds of the TV, the squelch of his fingers fucking you relentlessly bouncing around the room. 
You can hardly think, hardly form words, your mind obsessed with the reaction that all consuming pleasure that is so, so near. 
“Bet it’s the prettiest pussy I’ll ever see,” he groans, the friction of his jeans burning deliciously against his cock as he rubs himself over your thigh, making him lightheaded. Being near you is making him lightheaded. The fact that you’ve let him touch you, and be in you is dizzying and those sounds you’re making are enough to make him come on the spot. Right now, so close. Just a tiny little more friction and-
You clench around his fingers, crying out as your orgasm is pulled expertly from you. Cecil whines, keeps moving his thick fingers in that blinding pattern and pressure, as he follows you instantly. Your blissed out expression driving him clean over the edge. 
You shiver, your thighs shaking as you come, as the pleasure seems to stretch onwards and as Cecil moans softly in your ear. 
You both breathe, Cecil’s fingers still inside you as you stroke a hand through his hair. A wet patch starts to bleed into his boxers, but he doesn’t care. Not when you’re so close and he feels so happy.
He opens his mouth to speak and-
There’s a key in the lock, and the front door opens. You both jump, moving away from each other to the opposite ends of the sofa as Harry comes back. 
You feel oddly empty without his touch, without his fingers buried inside. 
Harry pokes his head around before he comes into the room, he looks at the bong and beer and porn still playing on the TV. “You guys started the party without me?” He kids. 
You laugh, not entirely convincing. 
“Cecil, man, what’re you doing showing off your porn playlist huh?” Harry jokes and Cecil shrugs. 
He’s using his forearm to cover any signs of his softening erection and wet patch, while he dangles his other hand off the arm of the sofa, out of Harry’s sight. Where his cousin can’t see how he rubs his slick covered fingers together.
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Thank you for reading!
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The List of Reasons to Move On.
I'm not ready to move. I want to, but there's so much to figure out financially and logistically. I won't be pressured anymore.
I might be able to start repairing my self esteem when I don't have a partner addicted to masturbation. He spends hours every day downloading porn torrents. He has a "secret" account where he creates and posts DAILY porn GIFs. He has like 5 Fleshlights that he uses in conjunction with VR porn pretty much daily.
He's fucking slovenly. He leaves trash and food waste everywhere. There are dirty dishes all over his desk. He'll see something get fucked up (crumbs fall on the floor, a drink spills, something gets knocked over) and just fucking leave it.
He knows the cat eats plastic and still doesn't care about making sure it's out of his reach... he's literally putting my cats in danger.
He's wildly hypocritical about mental health and coping skills. I should be perfect despite past trauma (I'm working on it - he's right that I need improvement but I'm making an effort) but he's allowed to lose his shit. If I mention anything he's done to me I'm playing the victim.
He always talks about how he's "scared" of me and has to "walk on eggshells," meanwhile he's the one fucking screaming in my face, ripping the rearview mirror off my windshield, throwing water at me, spitting in my face... because I said I might hang out with a guy friend I used to date and am IN NO WAY interested in or attracted to anymore.
He insults me freely. He repeats what I say in a mocking tone. He thinks throwing/pouring drinks on me and spitting on me doesn't count as assault.
He calls me a cunt, a "bpd motherfucker," and says he hates me and that I'm the worst thing to ever happen to him.
My grandma died. She raised me. She's the only person in my family I loved. He wasn't there for me. In fact, he was a major asshole and made me feel worse on the day I found out she died. Legitimately the worst day of my life.
He has no respect for my stuff. I grew up poor. I have an unhealthy attachment to things... it's led to some hoarder tendencies. I never want to get rid of anything because I'm afraid I'll need it later and not be able to afford another one. He has bent my bed frame, dented my stainless steel trash can, broke the butter door off my (landlord's) fridge, threw my (work's) laptop and monitor onto me while I was sitting at my desk because I wanted to hang out in the office when we were fighting. It's where both of our computers (plus a TV) are and he always gets the office when we argue and need to separate. He broke my bathroom window (that one might have been an accident). He destroyed my journal - that one fucking hurt. Now my car rearview mirror.
I can redecorate without his fugly furniture. No more giant clunky coffee table or disposable cardboard "dresser."
No more feeling like someone's lowest priority.
Maybe I'll find someone who can actually drive so I won't be responsible for another 24-hour roundtrip road trip within a 3-day period.
Abs would be nice. I know I'm being superficial but it's only because I'm so attracted to him and... I'm really reaching for something positive in this breakup.
I wouldn't hate finding someone who would smoke with me again. Vaping is fine but it's not the same as sharing a bowl. Maybe even someone who can drink with me without turning into a violent raving lunatic.
I'll have free reign of my own home. No more feeling like I can't go into the office because he's holed up in there acting huffy.
My own home office. No more doing calls with my giant headphones to protect client privacy. I can create a cute background for video calls. I can even open up the doors between the office and bedroom so I get good lighting all day.
Electricity costs will probably decrease without his 5 monitors, constantly on PC (gotta seed all those porn torrents), and constantly on Fleshlight warmer humming in the background.
I'll finally be free of nasty-ass hard kombucha breath.
I can go back to the economical option of boxed wine...
I won't feel weird inviting friends over to hang out - like they're invading our (his) space. I won't feel judged by him when they're here. I can invite people he doesn't like.
No more dramatics when I paint my nails or use acetone.
I won't find vapes fucking everywhere around the house.
When I do the dishes (fucking daily) they'll stay clean. No more clearing out a full sink while I wait for my coffee to brew in the morning only to find it full again by the end of the day.
I won't miss the aggressive farting. I'm glad he's comfortable around me but JFC.
Not flushing and leaving the toilet lid open so the cats can get in there.
I can listen to the same songs over and over again without annoying anyone - and I can listen to my podcasts OUT LOUD! I can have music on all the speakers in the house at once!
There's only one bathroom in this apartment. It'll never be occupied when I need it.
He slams a door every single time he closes one.
I can get rid of the cheesy fake flower in a jar he got me for Valentine's Day.
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yutahoes · 3 years
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main characters: team leader! Yuta Nakamoto, broke! office worker! Y/N word count: 1.8k words genre: smut, fluff summary: You need money and Yuta is willing to help you, in every way possible. warnings: Yuta is an XL, mentioned sex acts, masturbation, kissing, dry humphing, toys (fleshlight), oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex inspired by the manga ‘XL-Joushi’
Czennies’ Anime Boy Birthday Project - Day 9
The office seems so lonely now that you’re all alone in your department. It’s a Friday night. You should head home or even party. You shook your head, even hitting your head to stop those thoughts. “You needed money to pay for your apartment.”
“What happened to the money you got last time?” Your department’s team leader, Yuta, asked while putting his bag on the vacant chair beside you. You shook your head before getting back to your work. “We spent a lot of time reviewing for the XL condoms…” You hushed him, trying to look around in embarrassment.
How shameless of him when you’re super embarrassed talking about that?
You needed money last month to give to your parents and while searching for part-time jobs, you came across a reviewer. It looked legit at first and you went with it, only to find out that you’re going to review newly released XL-sized condoms. You were ready to return the items when Yuta walked the drunk you home and saw the scattered condoms. He inquired you about it, curiosity written in his face while you explain the need for money. To your surprise, he asked you if you want to review it with him.
That night you found out Yuta is an XL size who will benefit the most in these reviews. The night turned into consecutive days of trying different kinds and flavors of condoms. Safe to stay, you always have a hard time walking to your office. You only stopped when you reviewed all the condoms and you got the money for it.
You lightly glance at Yuta who was seated on the chair and busy with his phone. “Why are you still here?” You asked. “It’s Friday.”
“I know. I’m aware of that.” He claimed which made you roll your eyes and you heard him cluck his tongue. “But I can’t leave unless you’re not home. I’m still your team leader, you know?” You nodded, typing furiously in your computer. “How much money do you need?” You stared at him in surprise. Is he going to lend you some money? “Don’t you have any other things to review?”  
You gulped. There is. But you’re so shy to ask Yuta for help. “I already saw you naked a couple of times. What are you so shy about?” He has a point. It’s not like you never had sex with him before. And he doesn’t need your help in reviewing the new product.    
“Then, will you help me?” He nodded.
"You wanted me to make a review of this masturbator?" Yuta asked that made you nod, biting your bottom lip. He was seated on your couch, with you sitting beside him. The box was opened in front of him as he held a flesh-colored object. “Is this really for XL guys?” You nodded. That was what’s written on the manual. He started feeling the outside of the fleshlight, nodding at himself. “This feels like real skin.” He started his review that surprised you. He’s a real businessman.
"I think they love the last review you made. But you can still decline if you want to." You tried to gauge his expression. Why is this guy so stoic over things like this?
A hum escaped his mouth when he put his finger inside the hole. "I need to do this to help my fellow XLs." He claimed that made you giggle. “The inside is already lubricated. This can be used immediately.” All you can see is the money coming your way because of his review. "Now, come here." You were startled. Why? "I need to be hard at least. Grind on me."
He pulled you on his lap and your face heated up in contact. “Why do I even have to do this? I can just open porn for you.”
Yuta laughed. "Why are you so shy when we've done this before?" His warm hands went inside your blouse, his fingers grazing on the sides of your breasts. "Grind on me."
You rock your hip forward, his hands moving on your hips while rubbing yourself at him. The friction between your clothed core and the zipper of his jeans made you bite your lip to prevent a moan but he held your chin, making you look at him. “I love it when you moan, Y/N.” he whispered, jerking his hip up and you called for him. You grind on him, even making circles in a slow agonizing manner. You could feel him slowly getting hard under the material of his jeans.
Your underwear was so wet that you can feel the zipper of his pants rubbing on your core, sending pleasure all over your body. Yuta bucked his hips that made you scream. “Don’t hide your moans from me, baby.” He claimed, thrusting his hip up to rub against you.
Yuta’s hands were holding you as you dry hump each other. You’re fully clothed yet you can feel his hardness. You’re so close, evidence is when you can almost see the dark spot from your juice appearing on his jeans. He didn’t stop his thrusts as you rode your orgasm with a muffled moan against his neck.  
He gently placed you to sit on the couch beside him, opening his zipper and taking out his hard cock. You gulped, the size doesn’t really fail to amaze you even if you’ve seen it a couple of times already. He glanced at the fleshlight before placing it on his cock, a moan escaping his lips. “It’s so tight.” he winced. “Are you sure this is for XLs?”
You nodded before biting your lip as he pushed it closer to him. The flesh object swallowed his cock whole. His face was filled with pleasure when he pulled it up, the veins of his cock appearing. “It’s so slick,” he claimed before jerking it up and down with two hands.
The scene before you made you stare, mesmerized at how he pleasured himself with an object. You felt the warmness travel from your body down to your core. Instinctively, you started touching yourself in your underwear. Yuta’s groans can be heard bouncing through the walls of your apartment and you rubbed your breast, two fingers entering your wet pussy.
You were so drunk in pleasure that you didn't realize Yuta was pulling down your underwear. It was when his tongue licked your thigh when you halted what you were doing. "Yuta." He smirked, taking your wet fingers and sucking on them. His tongue circling the tips of your fingers, earning a moan from you. "But the fleshlight…"
"I'll just do it at home," he claimed. His tongue started tracing the outer lips of your pussy before licking the clit. "Since you're here, I want my cock inside you." He started hovering above you, unbuttoning his shirt using one hand.
You whimpered at his warmth, the sight of his naked torso making you breathless. When your gaze fell on his red cock, you gulped. He kissed you hard on the mouth while his hand grabbed both your wrists. His lips started heading south to kiss your skin, whispering compliments and dirty things he wanted to do to you.
He pulled you up that you were in the same position as you were earlier, except your underwear was discarded and his cock was in the open, throbbing. "Ride me." You almost came at that low voice. His hands were on your waist, your hands on his shoulder, as you slowly took his cock inside your core. A guttural moan kept escaping your mouth as you could feel him deep inside you. The thickness of his cock fills you up that you felt yourself cumming already.
Yuta held you as you shiver from your high, repeatedly muttering how tight and hot you are. You raise your hip before lowering your body, breathing heavily while you take his cock. Slowly, you bounced up and down his huge dick, screaming as he hit you deeply. He jerked his cock up and you grasped his shoulder, moaning in surprise. "Fuck, I love your moans." Your entire body clenched and your movements sped up, matching his thrusts.
The room was now filled with sounds of your moaning and him groaning, the sound of skin hitting each other adding to the erotic effect. You felt his cock twitch inside you as his mouth latched on the side of your neck. With one last thrust, he came inside you. A feeling of warmth filling you up.
Your fingers were threading on his hair, his hands on your waist as you both caught your breathing. Yuta is so amazing. "Fuck!" your eyes widened upon realization, "Condoms."
"You just finished your period right?" How did he know that? "Y/N, if something happens I'll be responsible for you." What? You're safe. You've been in pills ever since you started doing these reviews with Yuta. But you cannot be too sure. "Do you want to live with me in my apartment? You can cut the cost from renting…"
"Why?" He looked at you dead in the eye. "Why are you doing this?"
He sighed. "Because I like you and I want to be with you." That made you startled. He likes you? "You're smart and you're always so kind to everyone. I guess you're the only person in the office who knows all the guards and personnel's names." He gave you a small peck on the lips. "And you work hard. That attracted me so bad."
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I've been hinting it on you. Why would I walk you home when you're drunk? Why would I wait for you every night after work?" He scolded that made you pout. "Stop being so cute. I don't want the other guys in the team ogling at you. I'm the jealous kind, you know."
You chuckled at that. "Why would you get jealous when your XL cock is still inside me?" Yuta laughed. "Do you want to stay the night?"
"Is that an invitation?" You nodded, grinning. "I'll never say no to that." You leaned in to kiss him on the lips, tongue slipping inside his mouth. "Do I still have to review the fleshlight?"
"Of course, I still need to pay for the apartment."
Yuta smirked. "But you know, that fleshlight is already useless to me." You gave him a confused look. "I have you." He started kissing the skin below your ear, your cheek, then your neck. "So much better than a fleshlight." You just chuckled at that, feeling his cock twitch inside you. "Round two?" You smiled against his lips.
"Let's break your bed before you move out, baby."
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leatherednlace · 3 years
A Helping Hand
Any Fandom Kink Bingo Square Filled - Masturbation
Pairings - Dean Winchester x Male reader
Word Count - 1.3k
Summary - Dean uses his free time sufficiently…trying to get rid of the thoughts that plague his mind
Tags - NSFW+18, M x M, SMUT, Mentions of erections, Mentions of inappropriate thoughts, Masturbation, Fleshlight, Nicknames, Fluff?
A/N - I- enjoy…i guess
Ratings - 18+
Created for: @anyfandomkinkbingo
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Dean rested his feet against the table of the library, taking a sip of whiskey he feels the burn travelling down into his body, his throat slightly dry from the drink alone.
His tongue licked at his lips, collecting the droplets left on his upper lip. Grasping the book before him he flicked the pages carelessly, not bothering to properly look at each page decently before moving onto the next.
Sighing he places it down, to focused on the throbbing feeling between his legs. It hasn’t changed, ever since you had given him that stare this morning, that innocent but devilish look like you were about to become the biggest problem in his life.
He groaned, his cock twitching at the thought of kissing those lips…god those lips. Dean had plenty of dreams, daily thoughts about what he could do to those lips, what they could be good for.
Placing the book open book on the table, one of his large hands travel down to press on his cock, thrusting up into his hand needily as his sensitive head scrapes against the material of his jeans.
Just as his fingers were unzipping himself, his phone buzzed, the vibrations running across the table. He jumps slightly but quickly picks up his phone, suppressing his moans as you speak.
He coughs awkwardly, trying to forget about what just happened, what was he a teenage boy? Shaking his head he feels himself blush…really?
“What is it?” He questions, trying to distract himself from his leaking cock. There was a long pause before you spoke once again. “I’m coming back to the bunker to collect some more research, Sam is still trying to talk to the witnesses…do you think you could collect some books…maybe on demonology?”.
Dean doesn’t say anything, for the next few seconds he was high from your voice. “Dean…?” He chuckles, smiling to himself, feeling the blush rise in his cheeks. “Uh…i-yeh sure” he murmurs.
“Okay I’ll see you there” you hang up, slightly annoyed by Dean’s lack of concentration. Dean sighs, thankful for the conversation to be short, he really needed to sort himself out, his concentration is clearly else where.
Standing up, Dean stalks towards his bedroom, head focused on getting rid of his tent that was obvious to the eye. He sighs as he pushes into his room, closing the door behind as a bit of privacy.
Settling on his bed he chuckles to himself as he eagerly unfastens his belt, unzipping his jeans, his free hand digs into his palm at his aching shaft, the pang of pleasure coursing through it was something that always got to Dean.
He pressed once again supplying a source of pleasure. He groans out into the room, playing with himself. Slowly reaching for it, he felt it throb beneath his grip. Moving his thumb he starts to rub in little circles under the base of the head, almost instinctively, and a primal moan escapes his lips.
He hasn’t done this in a while…he hasn’t had to, but since you’ve moved into the bunker life has been a lot more “harder” for him. A light sweat broke out over his body as he continued to jerk himself, he can feel himself getting closer and closer.
He pauses, remembering the box he stashed away underneath his bed. He smirks at the idea, thoughts of your lips plagued his mind, at this rate he needed to calm down before he actually did blow his load like a teenage boy.
He quickly gets up once again, cock bobbing along as he scrambles to his knees, pulling out the small, slightly crumpled up box from underneath his bed. Placing it on his covers, lifting the lid, he smiles at the out of date condoms, lube and the fleshlight he had bought a few weeks back.
He’s only ever used it once, but once was never enough. Grabbing what he needed he popped the box back underneath his bed, he lays, his naked legs moving ever so slightly as he intently popped the cap of the lube, lathering his member with a generous amount.
He groans at the coldness, it forces several twitches out of him, his body getting use to the new temperature. His bulbous cock head was red and angry, weeping to be touched. Placing the tip at the entrance of the toy, he thrusts in, slowly, watching many inches disappear within.
It’s tighter then Dean last remembered, the toy hugging his raging hard on, every vein fitting perfectly. He pushes till he’s fully seated, his focus was elsewhere to realise you were back, your shouts of his name masked by the continuous profanities leaving his lips.
The thought of your lips wrapped around his cock had him pulling the toy back, pushing his shaft back in again balls deep. He imagined your nose shoved deep into his balls, snuggled tight in your warm, wet throat.
These thoughts weren’t new clearly by Dean’s vigorous pumps, the toy now making wet squelching noises as he nears. You hear the older Winchester from the otherside of the bunker halls, walking past the library, towards his bedroom.
“Dean?” You shout, following the grunts and groans. Dean’s balls tighten along with the muscles deep in his stomach, as soon as your hand pushes the handle to his room, the door opening you walk in to be met with a sight that you couldn’t turn away from.
The older Winchester thrusted up into the sex toy, moaning your name. “D-Dean…” you stutter, trying to keep the growing erection between your legs down. He stops almost immediately, keeping his cock balls deep within the toy.
You see the blush rise in his cheeks, that same cocky smile your use to seeing but it was almost like a much fainter…weaker one, more of a shy smile instead. “Sweetheart?” Dean growls, legs spread giving you the best view. You curiously walk over, nearing him. You both don’t speak, instead your hands wrap around the toy, jerking it up and down.
Dean could feel himself twitch…it was really happening, you were here, helping him get off. His head fell back against the headboard, now thrusting the toy back and forth onto him, watching the large shaft disappear and reappear.
You stop, a annoyed sigh leaving Dean’s lips. But all was forgiven when you take away the toy, replacing it with your hands, the lube immediately covering the entirety of both hands as you jerked him off, looking up into his lustful eyes.
“How many times have you thought about this?” You question, judging by the way he thrusted into your hand…alot.
“Ever since Sammy introduced us…I haven’t been able to get off without thinking about you…your lips” his thumb comes to swipe over your bottom lip, blush rising in your cheeks this time.
You swallow thickly, quickening your pumps. “R-Really?” You keep eye contact with him, watching his features twist slightly. One of his hands sink into your hair, pulling your face closer towards his leaking cock.
God it was so big…
“So fucking close honey” he growls. You wrap your lips around his heated cock head, it was enough to get Dean to finish, his hand holding your head there as he released into your mouth.
His thighs trembling as shot after shot filled your mouth, it was too much, some leaking out of your stretched lips. He sank back into the bed, a blissful look on his face as you swallow what you can, now lapping at his slit, hissing at the sensitivity of his softening cock.
You crawl up to be met with his smile. Your lips move to the shell of his ear, your breath tickling it making him shiver. “I have time to kill Winchester…wanna show me what else you can do?”
Inside, Dean’s body was jumping with joy, his cock hardening once again at the challenge.
“Oh i can do many things…not all that innocent”
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levithestripper · 3 years
Don’t Stop
i can’t stop thinking about dom armin here you go whores
warnings: nsfw, dom! armin, sub! reader, female bodied reader, dirty talk, daddy kink, somewhat of a breeding kink, modern au.
taglist: @myglitteringstardust​​​ @alicchi​​​ @sleepysnk​​ @waywardsongbird3​​
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Imagine Armin fucking you slowly into the bed, hands pressed against your shoulder blades, keeping your face down on the sheets. His hips slowly moving back and forth, his thick cock dragging against your slick walls. 
Each time his cock pressed into you, slick dribbled out of your chubby cunt, staining the once clean bed. He failed to put a towel under you like he usually does, too desperate to get inside you to care about something as silly as dirtied bed sheets. 
Your legs were spread wide on the bed, each ankle hanging over the side of the bed. You rested your head on the pillow underneath you, arms resting under the cool side of the fabric.
Armin’s back was arched harshly downwards, legs over yours, keeping them flush to the bed. His hips started to move faster, the once quiet sounds becoming loud and sloppy. Heavy balls slapped into your folds, making you moan out in needy pleasure. A soft hand went down to your cunt, thumbing your lips apart to rub at your throbbing clit. His forefinger moved in quick, small circles, pressing against it hard.
“Oh, baby, baby, yeah, just like that, clench your pussy just like that, clench that little cunt nice and tight around your Daddy’s cock.” Armin groaned in your ear darkly, sucking a deep purple hickey into your hairline. “Always so fucking good for your Daddy.” 
Your hips bucked hard into his hand, making his cock slip further inside of your sloppy pussy. “Daddy-Da-Daddy! B-Big, s-s-so so big! Fuck, fuck, it’s so good Daddy please!” Your cunt throbbed around him like it had its own heartbeat, slick sliding down from your hole onto the exposed part of Armin’s cock. “Need-Need you to fuck me-!” Your voice broke off into a high-pitched whine when Armin started thrusting again, each thrust hitting that sweet spot deep inside of you. 
Armin doesn’t stop thrusting, even when you beg and moan to tell warn him that you’re close. He wasn’t going to stop until he had you shaking and crying out for mercy underneath him. His hands move from your shoulder blades to your waist, pulling them up to meet his hips. Armin started using you like a glorified fleshlight, hips meeting yours halfway every time he pushed back inside you harshly. Quiet grunts came from him, matching up with the slapping of his hips. 
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy-! C-Can-Can’t!” 
“Aww, that’s it, that’s it, sweetheart. Cum all over your Daddy’s cock. That’s it, my good fucking girl.” You clenched around him tightly, throbbing and pulsing as you gushed all over him. “That’s it, there you go, cumming for your Daddy like a good little princess.” Armin moaned in your ear, biting and tugging on it as you quivered. “What’ta slutty little girl, so needy for her Daddy.” 
The consistent clenching around his cock drove him to the edge, his face scrunching up when his orgasm finally hit him. Thick ropes of cum shot inside of you, forcing a sultry, drawn-out moan from your lips. He pushed his cock balls deep inside you, ensuring that all of his spunk stayed inside of you. “That’s it, good girl, what’ta good girl. Keepin’ all my cum nice’n warm for me.” Armin pressed on your abdomen gently, smirking when a small amount of cum leaked out of your cunt. 
“Aww, it’s leaking out of you, princess. Guess we’re gonna have to go again to keep you filled.”
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You still remember where you were when the news that mermaids were real broke, you were sitting in the library trying to catch up on homework when the person next to you suddenly gasps and turns on a video. More annoyed than anything you tried to ignore his commotion and focus, midterms were coming up and nothing could be more important than that. When you got home and turned on the news you had to double check the date to make sure the headline wasn't a prank.
"That's right folks, the existence of mermaids has been confirmed. Mermaids are real."
That was three years ago and now you had a degree in behavioral psychology and were ready to get out there. You had put in applications at every marine research center you could to try and work with a merperson. Just as you were losing hope the Sunshine Rehabilitation Center reached out to you, requesting your help in dealing with a temperamental merman. You accepted it without a second thought and booked the first flight out and today was the day you were finally going to meet your first merperson. 
The night before you got the report of who you would be working with, a shark merman by the name of Cyrus. He had beached himself after some fishermen tore up his tail because he started hunting in their fishing grounds. Apparently he is aggressive and distrusts humans to the point he is hindering his own rehabilitation, the people in charge of the center were hoping you could come in and help them with him. You thought you were ready to meet him but you were not prepared to stand in front of a six million gallon tank and a merman over nine foot.
You had seen a tank like this before at Sea World though unlike those tanks this one was set up to look like the ocean. The sand on the bottom of the tank was almost as tall as you, there was a cave built into the tank to give the merman some privacy. Said merman was currently swimming through the tank as best as he could, the wounds on his tail still looked red and painful. From what you can tell he was a Bull Shark meaning he was already aggressive to start with and his injury only added to it, it was no wonder they needed extra help.
Since it was feeding time you would get to see Cyrus up close and personal and while you were excited you were also nervous, Cyrus could very easily snatch you up and drag you into the tank with him if he felt like it. So you decided to watch him from a distance standing as far back on the platform as you could. 
"Okay Ms. y/l/n Cyrus gets a little messy when he eats, you don't get sick from a bit of blood do you?" One of the biologists cracked a smile as she teased you, trying to get you to relax a little. It only made you more tense. A couple of the biologists tossed massive chunks of fish into the tank to get Cyrus's attention, he surfaced causing water to flow over onto the observation deck. You've seen some pictures of mermaids online but none of them looked like him, his jawline was so sharp it could cut glass, his eyes are such a deep brown they're almost black. Opening his mouth he reveals sharp teeth that easily shred the flesh of his meal.
Seeing the other people so close to him made you feel a bit more at ease and as you approached him, Cyrus shot a glare at you as he pulled his food into the pool.
It's been almost a month since you started working with Cyrus and slowly things were looking up. The first two weeks had been rough, one time he tried to bite your hand off but after you popped his nose out of reflex he straightened up. Since then Cyrus had seemed to become attached to you, always coming to the surface when you climbed the platform, he'd take things from you very gently as opposed to the almost violent way he would take things from other people. It seemed Cyrus had taken to you so much he started bringing you little things inside his habitat which mainly consisted of things he had taken from the other employees or little pieces of his meal. He seemed to be responding well to your time with him and was starting to let the biologists help him.  Today however he was acting aggressive again and you didn't know what set him off, his routine hadn't changed at all and he was even ignoring you today. 
By the time five rolled around you were fed up with his behavior and ready to go home, almost everyone else had already left so it was just you and two other biologists. You kick your flats off and walk to the edge of the platform to say goodnight to Cyrus it was something you started as a way to build trust but soon turned into second nature for you, once you had rushed out and forgot to tell him good night and it was all you could think about till you came back in. Before you even get to the edge Cyrus is already waiting for you, only his eyes above the water as he watches you approach. 
"Goodnight Cyrus, hopefully tomorrow you'll be in a better mood, okay bud? Get some rest!" As you turn to leave a clawed hand shoots out and wraps around you ankle and pulls you to the floor causing you to hit your head stunning you. Cool water engulfs you as Cyrus pulls you to his large chest and swims away from the platform and into the middle of the pool. Once there he rolls onto his back and places you onto his stomach he watches as you cough up the water in your lungs, you place your hands on his hard abs as you steady yourself. Trying to stay calm you talk to him through your hacking "Cyrus *cough* I know you are having a hard day but this isn't appropriate. Now please *cough* take me back to the platform." 
The look on his eyes was so intense you start to feel uncomfortable you open your mouth to ask again but Cyrus's hand wraps around your waist as he hoists above his face, and in a swift motion his thumb he pushes your pencil skirt up to your hips and catches your panties and rips them off. You bang your small fists against his hand and he moves you over his mouth, panic shoots through you as you start screaming for the biologists to help you but they just stood there stunned. Logically you knew there wasn't anything they could do but emotionally you were upset that they were about to watch you get eaten. Tears are streaming down your face by the time his tounge slithers out of his mouth and starts to prod at your cunt and before you can react to his actions he plunges it into your tight hole, pushing past your tight muscles. The sudden intrusion burns and you try and push his hand off of your waist but your struggling makes his hold your tighter as he starts to fuck you on his tongue. The painful burn starts to fade into a pleasurable one as his rough appendage rubs against the bundle of nerves inside you, your hips start to grind down against him and he loosens his grip to let you. 
Just before the knot in your stomach can snap Cyrus pulls his tongue out of you making a whine escape you, your eyes meet his now almost black eyes. Never breaking eye contact with you Cyrus places you on his waist just below his genital slits. From the cornor of your eyes you see the biologists frantically moving around, in the back of your mind you were hoping they were figuring out how to save you but your hopes were dashed when you saw they were setting up a camera and taking notes. Feeling utterly humilated and betrayed you turn back around to find two erect penises in front of you. They were white and stripped with the same shade of gray on his tail, the penises had to be at least 14 inches. Panic sets in again when he wraps his hand back around your waist and aligns your cunt with the blunt head of one of his cocks. 
Trying one last time you try and talk some sense into the horny merman. "Cyrus please it won't fit inside me! You are gonna rip me in half, stop please!" He pauses for a moment and huffs out in annoyance, you breathe a sigh of relief thinking he listened to you, but before your eyes his cock starts to shrink. By the time it stopped he was around ten inches and already pushing inside you. Once again you try to claw at his hand or close your legs anything to stop him from violating you any farther but with a little more pressure from his hand you legs spread open and slams his cock up into you filling you up all at once. 
Your head snaps back in both pain as the breath is forces from your body, Cyrus moves you up and down his cock like a fleshlight as he fucks you. His other dick rubs against your clit everytime he brings you down on him the friction sends jolts of pleasure up your spine and soon your slick starts to leak down your thighs as the knot in your stomach starts to build again. Suddenly his member starts to grow inside you and every thought leaves your brain and all you can focus on is how full you can feel. He finally stop when you go ridged in his grip and starts thrusting even faster into you, going so deep inside you could swear he was fucking your womb. Finally the knot snaps and you unravel on top of him, your cunt tightens around him in a vice like grip and with a growl Cyrus cums deep inside you. The cock in front of you erupts as wells and showers you with ropes of hot cum, his grip loosens around you and you slump down onto his body. His cocks softening and retracting from you, Cyrus lays a hand across your back as you come back down to earth. On the brink of consciousness you are vaguely aware of the fact that there are more than two biologists on the platform now. To tired to feel ashamed you close your eyes and let sleep take you.
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hyetiny · 3 years
ateez react to when they're sexting with their s/o but got caught by another member
c // fem!reader but some can be reader as gn!, sexting, getting caught, sub + dom!teez, nudes, videos, sex toys, degradation, some mxm, implied open relationship, fellas is it gay to help your homies get railed
seonghwa always loved sending you audio messages when the two of you would sext - it'd rile you up to just hear his voice telling you what to do, without being able to see him yet.
"yeah, does that feel good? are you being a good girl and touching yourself for me? i'm sure nothing fills you up like my cock..."
"hwa, who are you talking to- OH MY GOD". hongjoong can't scramble out any faster when he sees seonghwa speaking into his mic, cock in hand.
and if that isn't a total boner killer, seonghwa doesn't know what is.
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hongjoong felt far too horny to get off on his own, and he'd feel bad asking you to come over this late in the cold weather just to fuck. so he settled on the next best option - texting you and showing you instead.
he takes a photo of his lowly ridden sweatpants, his bulge evident and a hand cupping over it. "i miss you :(" the caption reads.
he's delighted to find that you reply back straight away - "what the fuck." the reply reads. he's puzzled at your reaction, and his heart drops when he realizes why.
it wasn't your contact name, but the one and only "park seonghwa". another reply quickly follows.
"i'm going to pretend i never saw that."
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yunho hardly ever sexts - he'd much rather just experience it all in person. but there are circumstances where he has no other choice, like when he's on tour.
so the first time he does it, he's very nervous to say the least. thankfully, san happens to walk into their shared room before yunho can do anything.
"what's up?" san makes his way down to yunho's bed, noticing his distress.
"okay, this is gonna sound really weird but how do i... um..." he flushes red quickly.
"what is it?"
"how do i... you know, sext?" san can't help but chuckle at his innocence.
"listen carefully. you wanna show them how hot you are. don't be shy to play around. you know, send videos, audios and stuff." yunho raises an eyebrow.
"okay fine, i'll show you." san rolls his eyes and grabs his phone, making him panic.
"i want you so bad baby, please fill me up. i can't cum without you." he whines needily into his phone, making yunho gasp at the complete 180 he does.
"san... you just sent that to wooyoung."
"i know." he winks and walks off, leaving yunho even more confused than before.
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yeosang prides himself on his ability not to get caught jerking off in a dorm full of seven other guys. all the other guys had stories about getting caught by the other members, except for him.
he rushes into the bathroom, locking the door behind him when he sees you've sent him a teasing snap of your hand down your pants.
deciding to return the favour he takes his shirt off, pointing the camera towards the mirror and making his bulge evident.
suddenly, someone opens the bathroom door, making yeosang drop his phone into the sink.
"what are you doing, and why didn't you lock the door?" wooyoung raises an eyebrow, taking note of the bulge in yeosang's briefs.
he could've sworn he locked the door. but now it looked like he broke his long running streak of not getting caught.
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san often gets creative when sending you dirty videos for you to watch while he's away.
on this particular evening, he's set up a dildo on the floor and a fleshlight. he takes his time stretching himself out before pressing record and sitting himself down on the dildo, letting out a seductive whine when he fucks into the fleshlight at the same time.
"wish it was you, fuck." he moans out, bucking into the toy more sloppily as he gets closer to his release.
just as he's about to cum, yunho walks in and freezes in place. he notices he's recording, and gestures for him to keep going. "pretend i'm not here." he mouths.
san feels way too needy for his release to stop. so he finally cums into the toy with a high pitched moan before ending the video.
"that was hot, y/n's gonna love it." yunho says teasingly.
"shut up!"
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mingi is in the company car, on his way to a schedule with the rest of the boys when he receives a photo message from you, of you lifting your shirt up and revealing your chest, captioned "i want you so bad."
he panics, sneakily hiding his phone from jongho who sits next to him while figuring out how to reply.
"babe i'm in the car :((" he settles on.
"i'll tease you more then." you swiftly reply back, followed by more teasing photos that have him willing away his erection.
"hyung, just jerk off in the bathroom when we get there. i can feel how warm you're getting from here." jongho rolls his eyes, leaving mingi flushed.
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wooyoung was in the middle of jerking off when he had the brilliant idea of texting you to help him out. he knows it'd only make his release even better.
soon enough, the conversation turns filthy when he sends you a photo of his aching cock, and you describe to him in graphic detail just how you would suck him off.
he's on the verge of cumming when someone walks in on him whining and moaning.
yeosang pieces two and two together when he sees the open text conversation with you on wooyoung's phone.
"you know, i think y/n would enjoy watching me make you cum." he smirks.
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excited is an understatement when describing how jongho feels when you send him a photo of your parted legs, revealing your arousal.
he's so excited that he fails to notice just who he's replying to.
"my filthy slut. you just want me to ruin you, don't you? i'm going to make sure you can barely think of anything but me."
he's surprised when he receives about five text notifications at once.
"you guys really need to check who you're texting..." - seonghwa
"you're right, i won't be able to think of anything but you after witnessing this ://" - yeosang
"who knew our maknae was so freaky?" - wooyoung
he most definitely didn't mean to text their group chat.
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Yandere Elves stuck in Mandos Au Part 1
In this Au, our lovely Yandere Elves are now in Mandos domain, some are there for longer than others but the thing to remember is that they are currently unable to leave, but it is possible to break out, but keep in mind that this is an incredibly difficult feat. So, unless they manage to escape, they are unable to see their darling, and because these elves are Yandere’s, this face upsets them incredibly.
The elves that are currently being kept in Mandos is Feanor, Fingolfin, Celegorm, Fingon, Glorfindel, Finwe, Maedhros, Maglor and many more! Requests are open for more elves so don’t be afraid to ask! They don’t even have to be canonically in Mandos.
So, because of this, misbehaviour in Mandos began to run rampant and arguments, as well as physical fighting, broke out easily.
Now, Mandos decided that he needed to find a way to stop this, so he set up a reward system to keep the elves in check. One of the first few things put in place was the production of pictures in the likeness of the elves s/o. The reward system was simple, if you behave well, you get pictures of your s/o.
The pictures quickly became a hot commodity in Mandos. Can't see your darling? Pull out that photo and try not to get anything on it.
However, some of the elves decided that a simple picture of their s/o was much too common of a thing to have, and the more elite elvish residence of Mandos decided to commission portraits of their s/o. That way, they could have control over what position their s/o was in or what level of clothing they were in.
However, not everyone can afford such high price portraits and so Mandos decided that he would start offering a catalogue of care packages! These care packages can vary but the cheapest one usually consists of a small magazine similar to a playboy one, except, it’s all hand-painted pictures of the s/o.
As well as that they usually have a recording of the s/o’s voice, a fleshlight, a plant that allows the owner to have more realistic and lifelike dreams of their s/o and an article of clothing belonging to their s/o. The more expensive the care package is, the more things are included.
When it comes to the making of said portraits, no one wants to be the painter for Feanor's s/o. He's already got a critical eye before Yandereness. Can you imagine if you mess up her face or something like that? If you mess up a single feature of his beloved, he's gonna mess up your entire bodily anatomy.
However, Mandos sees the potential to expand the lines of communication once more. Mandos has recently installed a Palantir so that the Elves can communicate with their s/o’s. Some of the families even have Palantir in their quarters.
Palantir’s are used for facetime or sending messages to s/o. The Palantir glows in preparation for an incoming message, and it’s even possible to send ‘gifts’ or audios with the Palantir. However, there aren’t enough Palantir’s for everybody. They are normally used by the elite, like princes or elven lords. But Mandos has to decide who gets them since there's a limited quantity.
The problems about the Palantir’s starts when there isn't enough and Feanor keeps hogging all the airtime. This leads Fingolfin to confront Feanor by saying, “stop hogging the Palantir, I want to talk to my s/o too!”, which quickly develops into pushing and shoving.
Eventually, the solution they came to at council is that Feanor will be last in line to use it due to his offences of hogging airtime. If he tries to go before his turn, the Palantir will not respond to him and not send his messages, it acts as a phone without service.
(A more detailed post on the Palantir is coming soon!)
When you are unwilling to send gifts in the beginning, each of the elves reacts differently.
Some Yandere have no shame and will outright demand audios or pictures of you, but this rudeness causes Mandos to hover over them and threaten to take the Palantir away, causing the elf in question to get bitchy and glare at Mandos.
In retaliation, Mandos would snatch the Palantir, and nobody gets it. He puts it on a high shelf in his office...Which results in the elves getting on each other’s shoulders to get at it.
Eventually, Mandos decided that he will allow visitors in, which means that the elves finally get to see their s/o! In advance, Mandos set up a system that goes as follows. If you were on good behaviour, you get these rewards:
•You get to see your s/o.
•You get a calendar to mark down the days until the next visit.
•You get more time to rail the reader.
•The ability to send their s/o letters and being allowed to have pictures and painting of their s/o in their room.
Feanor’s s/o doesn’t want to visit him at first, but eventually, they are forced to go because Feanor isn't behaving and Mandos is tired of it. So, they sent Eonwe to retrieve them.
Feanor would be a combination of happy yet disappointed if s/o had to bring to Mandos by force to visit him. He would be happy that you're there but when finds out that you were forced on him, he would feel so hurt.
When visiting finally does begin, it's utter madness. Mandos would have chains over the door whenever the reader comes to visit, especially if they are visiting Feanor. Mandos is very happy about you being there because Feanor is always on good behaviour whenever you’re there. As well as that, Feanor would rail the reader for hours on end when they come to visit.
When it comes to Fingolfin, he would be tamer if his s/o were to visit him. He understands that he just died, and they've been separated, so he’s willing to wait a while, or at least, after the 2nd or 3rd visit...then he just wants to rail his s/o and be warned, Fingolfin will make it so you can’t walk for a while.
Some Yanderes like Celegorm would try to keep their s/o with them in Mandos for longer by wearing out their legs. Glorfindel will just tie you to the bed to keep you there. However, there would be some Yandere like Fingolfin and Fingon who might let you go but the thought of you all to themselves might be too tempting.
When it comes to making excuses for not visiting, there are many different ways to go about doing it.
Say you had an argument with your yandere, and you decide to punish them by not coming back for a visit, you could do that, but then the elf might act up and Mandos would bring you back by force.
If you make the excuse that you’ve been sick, you better get ready for puppy eyes, tears and begging you not to leave when you finally do come to visit.
If you use the “I’m pregnant” excuse with Celegorm to explain why you haven’t or won't visit, he will break out to come to see you. Also, if you are telling the truth about being pregnant when you finally give birth and come to visit again, Celegorm would put his dick inside you from behind while you breastfeed your child.
If you and Feanor or Celegorm have had a baby, they would be expecting to see their child on visits, and they will also want for you to stay for longer so they can have more family time.
Now when it comes to leaving, your yandere doesn’t want you to go so they may try to trap you there. Now you could try to plead with Mandos to help you leave but he might just keep her there to save himself the trouble of having to deal with a misbehaving yandere.
However, the s/o can leave if they're fast enough. By that I mean, if they can get to the gates before the hourglass runs out, they can go home but that includes running across the hall with fluids dripping out. As well as that, their legs would be aching because of how much their yandere had railed them.
But say you do manage to escape, the yandere’s only source of contact with you will be by using the Palantir, and as soon as they’ve realised that you’ve escaped, they will be demanding that you send them audios, pictures, the works.
However, you may be unwilling to send pictures of yourself, so you may decide to send fake pictures, and by that, I mean, sending a picture of someone else, for example, a picture of the famous porn actress Belle Delphine could be used.
If you sent a fake picture to Feanor, he would immediately be like “Who is this? This isn’t you; her chest is lopsided, and her body is unproportionate!” He would then proceed to demand Mandos return that picture, even though Feanor already used his weekly time at the Palantir.
With Fingolfin, the only time he gets pissed is when he doesn't get his visits from s/o or if he gets pictures of Belle Delphine. He doesn’t want those; he wants audios of his s/o in the millions. (I’m serious, he’s pulled a dagger on Mandos and demanded hours’ worth of audios of you touching yourself before.)
If you constantly make excuses to not see Fingolfin, he will break into Rivendell and bring a vibrator with him. You can try to run from him, but Fingolfin is already chasing you throughout Rivendell.
This man would be full feral at this point, he hasn't had you in God knows how long so the second he grabs you; he’ll take you to the floor to rail you. Doesn't matter if you're in public or not.
(After this incident, Elrond and Erestor make the place of limits. So, because of this, a black market of bribery emerges. Erestor takes bribes of books and silence in his library.)
When sending things to Finwe, his preference is breast pictures or pictures of your face on the brink of orgasm. If you think playing play dumb will work with him, and decide to say, “What's an orgasm?” jokes on you, he has a corruption kink, and it turns him on when you pretend not to know what he's talking about.
If you didn’t send Finrod any goods it would upset him because he thought that you loved him and would want him to be a part of everything, and he thought that you loved him enough to send such photos.
On the unlikely occasion that a Palantir ends up sending your nude picture to another elf on accident, if that elf teases the Yandere, or says that they enjoyed the picture, they're gonna wind up dead.
Now eventually, the elves are allowed to leave Mandos. After leaving Mandos, all this portrait and audio business would be something that the elves never discuss. Everyone knows that they did it, but no one talks about it, if it’s even hinted at in public every elf in the vicinity freezes.
At least until Mandos starts expanding his services….
You see, Mandos realised the potential of his reward system and the thought eventually hit him. Why not expand?
So, in short, Mandos has become the Hugh Hefner of middle earth. It all started as a reward system. Now they’re expanding their services to living people. Hey, you're on guard duty in Lothlorien or fighting orcs in Rivendell? Well go to your local Palantir and order a portrait of your s/o. They have a Maiar deliver it straight to you, and if you're royalty, one of Manwe's eagles will have it delivered to you.
He even has bargains, like you know those 75% per cent off Bath and Bodyworks sale? Mando’s would so do that. Like 75% discount on catalogues and portraits.
Every 100 years or so Mando’s would clear out all the portraits and put them in catalogues. He would sell them to humans since it would seem new to them. Therefore, Mando’s saves money on making new material.
A quote from Mandos:
A Maiar: Is this even allowed?
Mandos: Don't care. I got a business to run.
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Goodbye Head - Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
[She/Her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] [No spoilers from the anime or the manga]
Words : 5162
Archive of our own
Tags : Cheating / Cunnilingus / Light bondage / NSFW / Power Play / Choking / Hair-Pulling / Vaginal sex
If you think I should add some tags, tell me!
Summary : Gojo is the worst boyfriend, after one too many time he forgets to come at one of your evening together: you've had enough. Nanami is here to help with what Gojo has been lacking your entire relationship : nice sex, maturity and not being a bitch.
Putting my phone away, I rested my elbows on the counter and exhaled, frustrated, “He’s going to be late,” I said. As I took the glass of wine Nanami was handing me, he added, “Again,”. As much as I was disappointed that my boyfriend was missing on our time together, I laughed at Nanami’s remark. He was right, but what else could I do? Cry about it? Not for him, no.
There was no reason to make a big deal out of it, it wasn’t unusual for him to get delayed on our free nights together, a few other times he wouldn’t even come. At this point, I was more surprised to have him there at all, than to receive his messages filled with “sorry’s” and “it won’t happen again”, hours after he was supposed to pick me up or meet me. Even tonight, Nanami had to come pick me up since my boyfriend wasn’t there on time and had borrowed my car.
Raising my glass towards Nanami, he mirrored it a moment before taking a sip and focusing back on the pan in front of him as he cooked, “Well, it’s you and me once again,” I scoffed with a smile, that I tried hard to keep up and not let it get to me. Twirling the glass in my hand, I got lost in the dark red liquid, thinking of what to do next. The efforts I was putting into this relationship were not reciprocated at all, I was giving more than receiving, and I was past the point of getting disappointed.
“Something on your mind?” Nanami’s voice brought me back to earth and I straightened my back with a nervous laugh. I looked at him, then at my drink, then at him again, then chugged the wine down and said, in one breath, “You know what? Yeah, did you know that when he fucks me, he says ‘Get out, get out’? Like- what’s that about? The bitch just got in, it doesn’t make sense,” Nanami quirked a brow, the smallest of smiles on his face. Wiping his hands on his apron, he rolled up his sleeves a bit higher before putting the pastas in the water. “Are you sure that’s what he’s saying?” His tone made it seem like he had a suggestion.
Frowning, I asked him to go on. “Maybe he’s saying Geto, it’s a bit closer and I know they were close… I think they’re still friends,” He trailed off, walking around the kitchen to get some spices and adding them to the pan, all while talking. I had to give it a thought a moment, weighing his words. Could it be? He never really explained why he went out, I always thought it was sorcerer business and did not give it more mind. But now that Nanami mentioned it, it made sense. I waited for him to put the wine bottle on the counter then took it by the neck and chugged a few gulps before chuckling.
“You’re saying he’s cheating on me with the hipster dude?” I scoffed dryly, drinking some more, my grip on the bottle tightening. “We’re not sure though… Right?” I argued, more to myself than to Nanami, trying to convince myself. I don’t know why I was willing to give him a chance, I knew the moment I got together with him he wasn’t the settling type. Twirling the base of the bottle on the counter, I was thinking, should I break it off now or wait until we’re home, and until we’ve talked… “I don’t think he’s worth you getting sad over him, if that’s what’s going on,” I heard Nanami real close to me as he gently took the bottle from my hand and took a sip too. Less desperate than mine.
Smacking my lips together, I sucked in my teeth and turned around, looking at Nanami with a determined expression. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back, “You’re right, he’s shit. He doesn’t even fuck that well,” I huffed, hopping on the counter while Nanami stirred the pastas.
“Is that so? He prides himself in that, if he hears you say that he’ll probably break down,” “There is no pride in being the worst,” I spat. That’s when I felt like ruining this man, or at least his credibility in that department. Giving Nanami a look, I took a deep breath and started listing, raising a finger at each thing, “He only fucks me from behind, I’ve never seen this man’s face during sex. Oh! And he says the condom doesn’t feel good, well sorry you think your raw-fucking feels good?” I paused when Nanami handed me my glass, he had filled it up and was smiling, chuckling slightly too as he nodded for me to follow him so that we could talk on the couch.
Doing so, I got off the counter and followed him, making sure not to spill my drink when I jumped. I had to force myself not to look at the blonde man’s back, finding a sudden appeal to his entire person. Ignoring my train of thought, I slumped on the sofa and felt bad for blurting out those facts about him, so I apologized to Nanami with a short laugh, “It’s just, I was willing to let it slide because I think I loved him, or something? But the more I think of it, the more I realize I let too much shit slide, you know? Sure, I can let him and his weird texting habits, be. He would either text way too much, needy for attention or would completely disappear off the face of earth without a warning,” I huffed.
I couldn’t believe I was telling Nanami all that, it wasn’t his problem and yet he was listening, willingly, not making weird faces or mocking my situation. “You are talking about it in the past already,” He noticed.
Laughing breathlessly, I nodded, “I guess I am… Maybe I’ve already made a decision, but I won’t rush it…” I trailed off, silence setting between the sorcerer and me. I couldn’t keep it like that, so I took a sharp intake of breath and continued, “Can I still rant just a tiny bit more?” The man in front of me nodded, telling me to go on. “I don’t think the man has had sex education classes,” I stated, making Nanami laugh shortly in his drink before having him ask what I meant by that.
“Except for the fact that he didn’t want to wear a condom, ever, he also didn’t seem versed in foreplay… he would just… Fuck and groan loudly, finishing super quickly,” I said, still not believing I was telling him that. Extending my hand in front of me, I gestured for him to pause as I had seen he was going to talk, “No, you know what? I’ll say it, it’s the truth so I’ll say it,” Nanami frowned at first before quirking a brow, intrigued.
“I was his personal fleshlight, that’s it, that’s what it was,” I gestured that I was done, giving him the floor so to speak. The man in front of me had to put his drink down before opening his mouth, a slight frown on his forehead, “It couldn’t be all that bad, he helped you finish, right?” He asked, probably to give Gojo at least some credits. Although from the look in his eyes, he was expecting the answer I gave him, albeit less loudly.
A loud cackle left my mouth, “Him? No, no, I don’t remember him doing that, ever. It’s alright though, I probably took too long for him,” I shrugged, tending to my drink, once again starting to get lost in it. The more I thought of it, the more it made sense. He was probably imagining someone else the entire time, I was played for a fool. “Shouldn’t have sucked him off either, since he never returned the favor,” I grumbled, suddenly feeling bitter as I drank some more.
“So, he’s garbage,” Nanami said, bringing the glass to his lips. I watched his every move, finding the man had some charm, some grace, he was poised and mature. Everything Gojo wasn’t. A strand of hair was falling from his perfectly slicked back hair, but it didn’t make it disheveled, no, it was a controlled mess. When he swallowed, it brought my attention to his throat, free from the tie that minutes ago was restraining it. It was still around the collar of his shirt, only now it was loose, along with two buttons undone.
I was ripped out of my daydream when I heard my name being called. Blinking, I looked up and stared at Nanami, confused. “I asked you a question,” he said.
“Right, uh… Sorry, I got lost in… my thoughts,” I gestured at nothing, “Sadness and all that jazz, you know?” I joked, gulping down more wine and made a rewinding gesture, this time, “Could you repeat?”
The blonde hummed. A sound that sent something coursing through my body, something I didn’t think I would get from him. “I asked what you were going to do about him,”
“Break up. Even if he isn’t cheating, I’ve come to the realization he ain’t the shit, you know?” He nodded, a pensive expression on his face. The man seemed deep in thought, and since he wasn’t talking, it gave me time to enjoy the view a bit more. He leaned forward once more to set his glass down, which gave me the most exquisite view of his back muscles and his ass, but I didn’t comment.
“He never made you cum, then.” Nanami stated, more than asked. I stammered, my cheeks heating up quickly. He wasn’t wrong, and we had been on the topic for a moment… But he said it so crudely, I was caught off guard, yet I found myself nodding at first, before replying, “Which isn’t like, a big deal or anything, he’d leave the room to get cleaned up, shower, I’d finish with anything. Or not, depending on how lazy I would be. I don’t get my hopes up anymore, really,” “And how long have you been together?”
“Don’t know, a few months?” I replied quickly but confused.
Nanami looked me up and down, asking another question, “And before that, how long had you been single?” I don’t know why I laughed timidly, so I brought the glass to my lips to hide it before finishing my drink and putting the glass down next to Nanami’s. It felt like an interview with all the questions he was shooting at me, yet I replied, “A while, I don’t remember- why all the questions?”
“It’s been a while then, since you’ve been properly eaten out,” He ignored my question and continued, making me smile in surprise, my eyes wide. I was silent for a moment, considering my answer, or if I should even answer, it all happened quickly, and my first words were, “Kento!” I exclaimed under my breath in an overdramatic tone. He did not budge, and said in what could have been described for playful, at least for him, “Is that a yes?”
“I mean… yeah, yes it’s been a while, but I don’t see why that’s any of your concern,” I said lightly, suddenly aware of the distance between us that was close to none. His knee was brushing against mine, and slowly as he spoke, his hand brushed over my knee, “I want to get those hopes up again, along with those legs,” There was the faintest hint of a smirk on his lips, but it was mostly a serious suggestion that did not displease me, if anything I was feeling excited. He had a way with words that left me speechless, unlike my boyfriend who I tried to tune out most of the time.
Fuck it says a lot about our relationship, doesn’t it? Coming to that realization, I held Nanami’s gaze with mine, looking down at his lips a few times before locking my eyes on his once more. “If you want to, then yes, I’d definitely take you up on that… offer… But don’t feel like you need to do it-“ I was thrown off balance when Nanami brought my legs on his and made me fall on my back. I was quick to support my weight on my elbows to look at him, flustered. “I don’t feel obligated, I want to do this. I’ve been picturing you naked for so long, forgive me for the eagerness,” He breathed as he moved to position himself properly between my legs.
I matched his eagerness in unbuttoning my pants, letting him pull them down, “Don’t apologize, I like the fervor, it’s flattering,” I told him with a bit of shyness in my voice. The blonde got rid of my pants, throwing them behind him before focusing back on me. He paused a moment, taking a good look, making me slightly self-conscious but I didn’t voice it. It quickly dissipated when his hands gripped my thighs semi-tightly, rubbing them affectionately. “I’ll give you all the flattery you deserve,” He whispered, leaning in for a kiss but stopping just before our lips could meet. “Do you want to make him jealous?”
I was holding my breath in expectation when I said, “I’m not really the type…” he chuckled and kissed me softly, shortly, pulling back after a moment. “Are you sure?” He slowly moved lower, raising my shirt to press a kiss on my stomach, I let out a shaky breath and tried to pull him back up by his tie, “Maybe I do,” It earned me a grunt from the man, but he let me guide him up. He kissed me once more, this time while removing his tie, “Let’s keep those wandering hands off for now,” With a smile he took hold of my hands and wrapped his tie around it, not too tightly but enough to immobilize them for now.
Reaching for my pants, he took my phone and slid it in my hands, making sure I was holding it when he let go and said, “Send him a picture of us whenever you’d like, if he’s not too stupid he’ll understand,” I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips, but quickly my cheeks heat up when Nanami paused and looked at me longer than necessary, a genuine smile on his lips this time. “Alright, get at it now, stop staring at me,” I huffed, unlocking my phone with my thumb which was the best I could do right now.
Nanami pushed my phone down, while I was still holding it, and made me look at him as he crawled up once more, “Ask politely,” he breathed against my lips before kissing them. I returned the kiss with a lot more passion, gasping in the kiss when his fingers slid inside my underwear and pressed between my legs, curling his fingers ever so lightly. He didn’t have to ask twice, I was the one to break the kiss breathlessly, already too impatient from just his promise, “Please, Kento,” I tried to grab the buckle of his belt with the tip of my fingers, he was faster to pull back with a dark laugh.
“And to think Gojo hasn’t been giving you all his attention, what a grave mistake,” He trailed off, I hooked one of my legs on his shoulder while he took my underwear off, throwing it on the ground with my pants. When I was fully open for him, he helped me hook my other leg on his shoulder and leaned in, his mouth closer to my fold, “Kento, stop wasting time, just…” I held back from asking him to fuck me, because he was not going to, not tonight, or at least not right now, “Please…” I pleaded.
“Fuck you look so good like this, legs spread wide, begging for my tongue,” Before he latched his lips on my sex, he said, “Be good and show me how good you’re feeling,” then dragged his tongue slowly, from my entrance where I felt his muscle prod, to my clit, with more pressure he flicked his tongue a few times, making me swear under my breath in surprise. I took the opportunity to take a photo of him from that very angle, his gaze locked on mine and not on the camera. Nanami stopped and pressed a kiss on my inner thigh. “Go ahead, send him, you won’t be able to focus much once I’ve started,” His words made me hurry in my writing.
I was quick to send the picture to my boyfriend, along with a message reading “Slumber party 😊” then I locked the screen and let my phone fall on the pile of clothes on the ground. “Don’t worry, I made you look good with the angle,” I joked. I don’t know why I did that, but I felt the need to lighten the mood. Nanami did not care, “Of course I’d look good, your legs around my neck are quite the accessory,” I could feel my core pulsing simply by his words, he hadn’t said much but the charisma rolling off him turned me on more than I was ready to admit.
Without losing more time, Nanami dived once again between my legs. This time, he wasn’t holding my legs anymore, one hand was grabbing my ass while the other spread my lower lips as he dragged his tongue through my fold. It was slow and delicate at first, I was arching my back at the pleasure it was giving me, but I was not nearly as close as I wanted to be. After a few minutes, the pace increased, his lips around my clit were doing more than licking, they were sucking, blowing, biting, the latter having brought a deep grunt as I moaned “More,” before covering my mouth with my tied hands.
He was playing me like an instrument. Upon hearing my plea, Nanami looked up with a smirk, he was enjoying the way my cheeks burned up from begging, the humiliation, the submission, he was relishing in it. Seeing me writhing under him seemed to make him go wild, and yet he did not seem content yet, he wanted to make me beg more. He returned to his task, his tongue lapping at my sex while groaning in pleasure too, it was a lot more stimulating, and when I felt his hand let go of my leg, I held my breath, letting out a controlled whine when he slid two fingers inside me.
When he started thrusting them in and out, I moaned in my hands, covering the lascivious sounds that were escaping my mouth. I was very much aware of how loud I was being, and I was trying to keep it down as much as possible, I had been told many times to keep it down by my boyfriend and had taken the habits of doing just that. That’s when Nanami surprised me and paused everything, his free hand gripping my thigh with force to keep them from closing on him. “Breathe, move your hand from your mouth and let me hear you,”
When I took too long to obey him, he gently moved my bound hands from my mouth, I let out a shallow breath, “There,” He breathed, smiling down at me for letting him do as he pleased, “A lot better already, let’s see how good you sound now,” My eyes darted to his lips, it made him smile knowingly. He let me grab his shirt with my tied hands, but did not comply when I pulled him closer, instead he curled his fingers inside me, elating a weak gasp, “Oh that does sound better, I think you can do even more,” “Kento…” I whispered, wanting more of his touch, more than just his fingers but also the closeness of his body against mine, his lips…
Humming, he thrusted his fingers deeper all the while looking at me with a satisfied smile, “My name rolls of your tongue so beautifully, but if you want something you have to ask for it, I’m not a mind reader,” I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that he knew what I wanted, but he cut my attitude down to the root when he rubbed his thumb over my clit along with thrusting his fingers inside me. I moaned his name in surprise but didn’t stop as he kept his thrusts at a fast pace. “That’s it, you’re being so loud for me, you’re being so good,” He showered me with praise at each sound that left my throat in pleasure.
Hearing him say those things had an effect on me, it was almost electrifying how good it felt, the feeling went straight to my core. He must have felt my walls clench around his fingers since he leaned closer, his free hand traveling the length of my body to gently settle on my chin, “God, look at you-“ “Please kiss me, please- fuck,” Arching my back, I felt his fingers hit the perfect spot and it made me cry in pleasure, my eyes closing in pure bliss. That cry was muffled when Nanami’s lips crashed hungrily against mine, his fingers thrusting faster and faster inside my aching sex.
I was getting closer to relief when suddenly everything stopped and Nanami leaned back, out of breath and grinning while I let out a humiliating whine. “You’re such a good girl for me, just from my fingers…” He said as he pulled his fingers out of me, and moved down once more, both of his hands holding my thighs with a painful hold… A painfully pleasurable hold. I was fully aware of each of his touch, of his stroke on my body, on my burning skin, and yet, I felt like his touches were hotter than my skin, it sent shivers down my spine at each graze, each grasp.
Giving a tentative lick in the length of my sex, he said smugly, “I’ll have you cum on my face or not at all, now be good and be loud for me, we have a spectator,” He showed me his phone where Gojo’s name was displayed, Nanami mouthed ‘voicemail’ then started fucking me his tongue, I quickly called out his name in despair, making him look up, my slick running down his chin. “Can I?” I motioned my hands to his hair, “Don’t be shy, give it a push,” He cooed me, and I did exactly that.
I pushed his face between my legs and felt the vibration of his groan against my clit, pressure started building inside me once again. My mouth fell open, sounds of pleasure pouring out of my mouth as I gripped the blonde’s hair with more force, our moans were basking the room, definitely giving a show to the asshole who was going to hear it soon enough. Sucking my swollen nub, Nanami made the most sinful sounds, getting me so high on pleasure with his ministrations that I heard a sob escape my lips. Lust was clouding my senses, my head rolled back as a shiver ran through my whole body, my heels digging inside Nanami’s back while I arched my back.
His name escaped my mouth over and over again, at each press of his tongue against my clit, each time he’d drag his tongue along my fold, I was rocking my hips against his mouth for more. It only took his hands around my hips, pulling them towards his mouth for a better access, for me to let out another high-pitched cry of pleasure. The knot inside me snapped, utter bliss flooded my body as I felt the tension leave my body and my muscles relaxed, legs going limp around Nanami’s shoulders. I felt him give one last lick before gently removing my hands from his hair and lifting his head to hang up the phone.
When his eyes set on mine, he frowned, “Are you alright?” with care, he untied my wrists. It wasn’t as tight as it could have been, which meant it did not leave a mark, nor did it leave pain, something I was grateful for. “I’m more than fine, thank you for this…” With a short laugh, I tried to sit up, but Nanami held me down just a bit longer as he used his tie to get me cleaned up. I went to stop him, in vain when the man just looked at me while slithering his hand between my legs once more. “It’s gross, I could have gotten a towel or something…” I trailed off as I finally sat up, my thighs already a bit sore.
“Gross? You gave me the most enjoyable display that led to this, gross wouldn’t be the word I’d use to describe it. A treat, perhaps, a gift even, but not gross.” Flattered by his words I felt bad when I pointed at his dirty tie, “I meant… to use your tie for it,” Looking down at his hand, he did not react as he added, “It was going to go to the washing machine anyway,” He shrugged as he dropped it on the low table while leaning over to hand me my clothes. Thanking him, I saw his chin was still glistening with my cum, I quite enjoyed the sight but pointed at my own chin, for him to mirror, “You got something right there,”
Quirking a brow, he gave me a mischievous smile, “Is that so?” He asked, tilting his head to get closer to me, he looked down at me, the smile never leaving his face, “It’s your mess, clean it,”
Surprised, I stared at him a moment then let my eyes travel down to his chin, my breath hitched. If it had been anyone else, I would have stood up and told him to do it himself, but there was something with Nanami Kento that made my knees weak. So weak I could let them drop to the ground and take care of him in ways he’s never been taken care of. Instead, my mouth opened barely, my hand reached for his chin and placed itself under it. I approached my lips and stuck my tongue out then licked him tentatively, he wrapped his hand around my neck, holding it lightly. “Give me more enthusiasm,”
“Be grateful I’m doing it at all,” I breathed against his skin, tracing my tongue over his jaw. He chuckled in response, the side of his fingers digging in the side of my neck barely. “With how thorough you’re being, I’d say you’re enjoying it a lot more than you’re admitting it,” He grunted against my ear, stopping my actions. I pushed against his hand and pressed kisses down his jaw, when I tried to push him down, he tutted me, “Let’s eat first-��� he got interrupted by his phone’s constant ‘dings’, making him sigh as we both look at it and saw Gojo’s spam.
“Seems like he listened to our little message,” Nanami said, a little too happily. I let out the loudest annoyed groan when the blonde opened the conversation, he tilted the phone for me to see too. It made me laugh how he had left him on read the last message he sent, before the spam.
Satoru Gojo: ???
Satoru Gojo: what??
Satoru Gojo: what’s going on??
Satoru Gojo: Hello????
Satoru Gojo: Nanamin??
Satoru Gojo: Hi? :))
Satoru Gojo: don’t be like that, answer me
He was still typing when Nanami slowly typed back,
You: I gave your girlfriend cunnilingus on my couch.
Satoru Gojo: I GET THAT
Satoru Gojo: but like
Satoru Gojo: can I see??
Satoru Gojo: was she crying?
Satoru Gojo: why was she crying?
You: Because I made her cum. She was very polite about it, the way she asked to grip my hair…
I face Nanami quickly, my face flushed. “Don’t- there is no need to share that? He doesn’t deserve it” I breathed in panic. “Let’s say, it’s a goodbye gift, for him. To see what he lost,” Nanami said calmly.
Satoru Gojo: deadass?
Satoru Gojo: i did too
“He never did, but it’s fun he thinks he did. That means I fake well,” I said mockingly. Nanami placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently, casually going higher and higher as he waited for Gojo’s texts. “What you gave me was not fake, I know what to expect now. You better not fake with me or you’ll pay the price, understood?”
My eyes widened, I scoffed jokingly but felt my arousal was very present from his words. “As long as you’re good, I won’t feel the need to fake,” I shrugged. He laughed genuinely, his hand sliding to my hip then to my lower back, “This is going to be fun,”
Satoru Gojo: she never cried tho
Satoru Gojo: do it again
Satoru Gojo: nanamin?
Satoru Gojo: hey, make her cum again
Satoru Gojo: Nams? Nanamin??
Nanami locked his phone, leaving the sorcerer on read, and turned to look at me, “That’s enough Gojo Satoru for one day, let’s see if the penny drops when he’s alone with his thoughts,”
“Right, I don’t think he realizes I’m breaking up with him, it sounds promising…” I mumbled, looking up at the blond man next to me when I felt him press gently my side, “Let’s eat first, then clear things up with him, but I have a few things to do before we talk to him once more,” the man said as he stood up, extending his hand to help me stand up. Taking his hand in mine, I let him guide me to the kitchen where he turned the stove on once more.
“As I said, first we eat, then…” He let go of my hand and stepped very close to me, leaning in, his lips grazed the shell of my ear, “Then I’ll fuck you senseless. Maybe I’ll start by fucking you in front of that glass over there,” he turned my head delicately, making me look at the bay window behind us, his open mouth trailed down my neck, barely touching my skin, “I want to show everyone how good you look when you take my cock-“ Before he finished his sentence, I hurried my hands to the buttons of his shirt. “I’m not waiting until we eat-“
Laughing, he gripped my hands tight and made me let go, “Oh, you are. You’re going to be a good girl and take it when I give it, understood? Or… you can beg, see if I care,” He trailed off, walking off to the fridge.
Looking at him, I already knew the evening was going to be long. But fuck, it sounded promising. I was not against begging, not if it was him.
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Hi, I see that you are taking NSFW requests. Would I be able to request a Johnny/fem!V size kink smut? (i.e. V suddenly realizes that Johnny was *not* exaggerating about his 'impressive cock.' :p )
Sorry that I took so damn long to answer but here is your request, I hope you enjoy it and yeah you guys can send in asks, I just take a while sometimes or have to have the inspiration to do some of your asks so ask away!
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"Are you picky or just broke? Fucking pick a joytoy V, it's annoying as fuck watching you get all jittery and nervous about a fucking joytoy of all things." Johnny moaned, letting his head repeatedly hit against the dark red brick wall, pure black glasses resting upon his nose and a sour expression that never failed to somewhat put V in a shitty mood. "Just don't want the night to be shittier than ever or just plain boring but even then don't wanna be fucking crazy with whips and shit. So yeah I'm picky." V responds, shoving her hands into her pockets as her feet move forwards, the heavy smell of musk, greasy food, and motor oil the familiar and disgusting smell that could only roam in Night City. V's lustful desires had of course gotten the best of her and here she was lurking on Jig-Jig street, bright contrasting lights, the smell of cheap latex, and the odor of sex just lingers at the end of every scent. Fake smiles. Fake happiness. And fake desire. But a true and even more real need for money. That was Jig-Jig street described for V in one sentence, licking her lips her eyes move to see joytoy of all sorts on the street, all eyeing her and grinning. "Too fucking picky ... you either want vanilla sex or you want kinky ass sex, can't have both V. Not like you'll find someone able to leave you sore in the mornin' ... wake up thinkin' of nothing but him and his cock. Hm ..." Johnny groans, his voice rumbling deeply at the end as V can feel his gaze upon her and the implications that she thought he was making, ugh. "I know you're not talking about yourself ... from what I saw that was some piss poor sex you gave Alt, no wonder she was pissed as all hell, Johnny." V teases, smirking devilishly at Johnny, his grin had disappeared into a bitter expression that almost matched her at the beginning of the night. "My partners aren't ex-cops and corpo-cunts, besides none of your partners will ever compare to me or mine, hell out of all of your partners I know I have the biggest cock out of all em'." Johnny chuckled, his laugh comes out confident and prideful, V lets a scoff part her lips and she crosses her arms and it's like her body does a full eye-roll at his words. "Oh yeah, the impressive cock that takes up so little space in those stupid leather pants of yours." V chuckles, grinning from ear to ear as she watches his grin fade away and almost like his ego was beginning to shatter. "Then why the fuck you staring at my dick so much, V? Perverted much or just horny for me?" Johnny questions, crossing his arms and glitching right beside her with a devilish smirk that she wanted to wipe off his lips, the asshole actually made her question if he had this "impressive cock". "Just simply curious if you're full of shit or if you're not lying to me," V responds, a hum at the end of her words as her eyes turn to him and she stops herself at the side of an empty closed store near an alleyway.
"Did you not see enough of my memories to know or do I have to prove you wrong, darlin' ...?" Johnny chuckles, his words are smooth and sound like a purr to V's ears as he leans right beside her, a heavy and wide grin on his lips as his glasses remain sitting on the bridge of his nose. " ... I'll do it myself ... know that you think of me more than you should, darlin' ..." V purrs and when she says his affectionate nickname she forces her voice to become deeper and winks at him with a smirk curled up onto her lips, Johnny chuckles, running the tip of his tongue around the ring of his lips. "Then why don't you do something about it, merc ...? Impress me ... show me what you feel for me, darlin' ... " Johnny purrs, his eyes burning into her own as he turns to meet her eyes, he can see the slight blush that clouds V's cheeks as she crosses her arms before standing up straight as Johnny glitches out of her view. V's eyes meet a nearby club with many people dancing, drinking, and just enjoying themselves but what V really wanted to do was get on that dance floor, wanted to give him a show. The club is decently sized, it's cozy and full of warm colors such as reds, blacks, and oranges and the overall vibe just felt warm and sensual. V grins to herself, making her way into the club as she pushes through the amount of the people drinking, making out, and getting high out of their minds. She manages to finally make it onto the dance floor and waits for a good song to blast throughout the club in which V proceeds to smirk to herself, hoping and praying that Johnny was watching her because she was gonna put on a show for him. Johnny glitches into the world and is found leaning against one of the crowed walls with arms crossed but his eyes remained glued to the sight of V, to the filthily sensual show V was putting on for him. His eyes explored her figure, where her hands moved all over her body, and not to mention she was wearing a short red silk dress that fit her like a glove, her legs were just amazing and the urge to have his head in between her thighs came almost immediately. He felt his mouth salivate and his breath stopped right in his throat, hazel brown eyes remained locked onto her and the way she swayed her hips to the music. How a warm smile remained on her warm and luscious looking lips, the way her hands explored her figure, her hands move up to her breasts as she feels and clutches at the silk that covered her body. Oh, fuck ...
Spinning her heels, she begins to sway and grind her hips in a slow motion and her hands go back to exploring her figure, her hands run up to her neck as she can imagine the metal arm against her throat, she can imagine his metal fingers against her lips. "Hot damn ... I didn't know that my sweet little merc could be a little succubus ..." Johnny purrs, a chuckle rumbles at the end of his sentence as a devilish grin curls onto his lips and he takes his glasses off, V could feel his lustful gaze upon her body. V can feel his eyes on her body and V can already feel pride bubbling up in their body, even going as far as to raise her silk dress showing more of her smooth thighs before her eyes fluttered closed. V let the music take control of her body, swaying her hips to the music and she let the beat inspire her body to move to its beat, she can feel the eyes of other men on her, ugh she groans in her mind. All V wanted was his eyes on her, other men usually just see her as another fleshlight, as something to use for their own ecstasy. Johnny knew how to share it with the women he was interested in, sex with him was always something between equals no matter who you were, that's what he saw sex as. Something to enjoy, to relish in. It's not long before V can feel a pair of familiar hands resting upon her hips, his fingers are there yet they're not almost like the feeling of cool air against your skin. The aroma and the strong scent of nicotine wafted around the air, liquor clung heavily to his form, his lips bury themselves against the skin of V's neck, he inhales in her warm, human scent. She smelt sweet enough not to cloud his senses with whatever scent clung to her smooth skin, grinning warmly into her skin he lets his hands move up to her waist as he leads her body to his waist, to his hips. "A- ..." V nearly yelps, eyes slightly jump at the surreal sensation of his hips pressed against hers, she can feel his arousal pressing against her behind. "Slowly. ... Take your time, V. Hmm ... you feel that? Don't lie." Johnny purrs right in her ear, she can feel his heavy breaths against her cool skin, licking her lips a familiar warmth plagues the pit of her stomach, and butterflies crowd her stomach with hormones and sweetness.
"I can ... woah ... that's all you? Shit ..." V gasps in a short breath but bites her tongue before those stupid words can fall from her quick tongue, she can feel him all against her body, he's thick and lengthy. She can imagine he's nearly bursting in those leather pants of his, she finds herself imagining the mere sight of him in front of her, throbbing, eager, and selfishly hers. She's never been one to be selfish over someone but she'll be damned if she doesn't allow herself to indulge herself in him, indulge herself in whatever comes next for them. She grinds her hips against his, slowly swaying them against his eager hips that follow the movements of her own, both of them are eager to see where this goes. Both of them are eager to see each other's bodies, to admire their bodies, and to indulge in physical ecstasy. "Teasing me, are you ...? Come on, V ... be selfish and be greedy. Let's be greedy and selfish for one pitiful night, V. I know you want to." Johnny purrs, rugged slurred words entice her and her greedy need for him inside of her, her greedy need to have him and him alone. Turning around and snapping her gaze onto him, her eyes are hazed with lust and greed and become dark with need, her cheeks are flushed and she's moving her arms around his waist, she needs him. He needs her. She finds herself leaning swiftly into his lips, devouring and indulging in her need for him as her entire body is on overdrive, her entire body is bursting with adrenaline and it's getting hard to control it. Groaning into her lips, the warm feeling of her lips against his is a sensation he's missed, a sensation he's craved for a long time. His hand slips behind her neck as she devours his lips, her tongue parts his lips and they dance together sloppily and erratically. Moaning against his lips, V's hand rests and lingers against his bearded cheeks as they indulge in the ecstasy of the human body. Moments later, V pulls away with brightly flushed cheeks and slow yet heavy breaths leaving her heavy lungs. Everything is pulsating in her body with need, her heart, she hates how he can turn her into a puddle of mush with his words, with such ease. And he knew it too. "Ain't gonna make it home. The bathroom is the best place right now, V ... not the best or ideal ... but I'm gonna take real good care of you. Just watch." Johnny purrs, a devilish smirk resting upon his lips and a hand resting upon his hip before he glitches out of your view with a short chuckle leaving his lips. V's teeth grind against her bottom lip as she acknowledges how soaked her panties are, how he's made her feel and it's so humiliating but so embarrassingly arousing. V rubs her lips and quickly makes her way to the nearby bathroom across the club, she licks her lips and shuts the door behind her. The bathroom is fine for a public one but still has your fair share of beer bottles, bright blinding lights, and drunk passed out people in one of the stalls. "The stall ... not willing to it in front of some drunk girl," Johnny states in V's head and teleports into the slightly ajar stall, a smirk waltzing at his lips and wide legs with a heavy bulge in between his thighs, she could clearly the outline of it.
"Perv ... not that I don't mind you staring though ... just wanna hear you admit that you were wrong about my cock, V. Or are you still too stubborn to admit that ...?" Johnny taunts her, his words smooth with an edge that clings off every one of his words, he was such an ass but there was that part of her that valued that about him. "Keep the snark to a minimum or I swear to god Johnny-" V goes on, crossing her arms before Johnny chuckles and breaks her line of words. "Or what ...? Come on, darlin' ... come see my impressive cock. Admire it." Johnny purrs, words slurred and husky yet so ... commanding as he sits there, eager for her to give him some affection, and in return, he'd prove her wrong. V lets a heavy breath leave her parted lips before she enters the somewhat crowded stall with Johnny, she licks her lips before engaging in another heated kiss with the construct. "Mmh ..." Johnny groans, relishing in the sensations of her lips against his, he rests his metal hand upon her chin and he stares up at her, devilish dark eyes eager and prideful like always. "Don't you wanna see it?" Johnny purrs, hinting that she could always refuse if things were getting weird but V wanted him and he wanted her, it's very simple and yet so complicated. "I do." V strongly states before positioning herself on her knees, her mouth salivating at the mere thought of him in her mouth, she begins to undo his belt and she swiftly unzips his pants and her eyes slightly widen. Woah. Goddamn. He goes commando of course but it's there. It's pale with a flushed rosy head, veins all pumping through his lengthy leaking cock eager for any kind of warmth, he's grinning devilishly as he watches her expression of shock and slight amazement. Licking her lips once more, she wraps her entire hand around his cock, her hands look so small compared to his thick meaty cock and she moves her hand up and down and is still in amazement at how he hid it. She strokes his thick leaking cock, her eyes remain fixated on the mere sight of his cock that she can barely wrap her fingers around. His heavy lashes flutter close as he can feel sparks flood through him, he can feel her hand travel from the base of his cock down to his untamed bush of black curly hair. A short hum exited his throat as V continues to stroke his thick and lengthy cock, she continues to do so for a few moments before running her to along the sides. A shiver travels up his spine and the mere sensation of her warm moist tongue gently pressed against the sides of his throbbing cock, her curled thick eyelashes rested upon her eyelids, he watches as they flutter with the movements of her eyes. V's eyes remain fixated on the sight before her, she slowly runs her tongue along the sides before her eyes drift upwards to meet his, her eyes are gazing into his, the pure lust that clouds them is just plain arousing and tantalizing. "Fuck ...~" Johnny gasps, the heavenly curse falling from his sinful lips as he can feel V's lips wrapped around the head of his throbbing erect cock. Oh, Christ ...
"Hah ... V ... that's it ... oh, fuck just ..." Johnny groans, a short series of deep groans rumble from his throat at the warmth that consumes him, the warmth that sparks ecstasy that shoots through him like fireworks. V can feel Johnny's hands entangle themselves in her hair, running his thick ringed fingers through her locks of hair as she continues to softly suck on the throbbing flesh in between her lips. Earning groans and grunts of approval that only encouraged her to make him fucking moan her name, moaning she wraps her hand around his length, stroking and massaging the area. "Fuck ..." Johnny curses in a shallow breath, jolts and nerves of pure ecstasy course through him, it's been so fucking long since he's had someone, it's been so long since he's had the affection of anyone. He's a bastard. Selfish one at that. He's greedy and drunk off the touches V gives him, the mere sensation of her warm moist lips wrapped around him, the familiar sight of lust-filled eyes, eyes that darkened with an urge. Clutching at her locks for a few moments, his hands move down to her face, wrapping and placing themselves on her warm cheeks, caressing and gently stroking at her skin. "Take more of it. Take it all." Johnny growls in a ragged breath, greedy for more, and V is willing to indulge in his urges if he returns the favor. "Mmh ... patience, Johnny-boy ..." V purrs, his cock out of her lips before she wraps her lips back around the head of his cock before lowering her mouth even lower on his already generously sized cock. She can fill his cock, fill her throat almost entirely but she devotes herself to making him release so she does so, slowly bobbing her head up and down as she can feel tears swell in her eyes. Gripping his thighs firmly, she firmly shuts her eyes before firmly sucking on the throbbing pulsating flesh penetrating her mouth the reactions from Johnny are worth it though. The way his expression twists in pleasure, how he gnaws at his lips at the ecstasy that overwhelms him almost entirely and leaves him vulnerable to V, the way he runs his fingers through his hair before planting his fists in her hair. He's now clutching firmly at her hair, a smirk plastered on his lips as heavy breaths leave his lips along with ragged moans that fell uncontrollably from his lips. "Oh, shit ... hah ... oh, christ ..."
Suddenly he pushes her head off of his cock, pulling her swiftly into a heated kiss for a few moments, sharing a few moments of bliss before he's pulling away from her lips, eyes unable to look anywhere but her wondrous eyes. "On top, V." Johnny says, ushering her to his lap and V listens straddling his lap with her hands resting upon his shoulders and his hands slither their way down to her hips. It's not even a minute before you can feel his thick calloused fingers caress and circle around her throbbing clit, his fingers caress the sensitive nerve earning a whimper from her. He's talented with his fingers alright, he knows how to move his fingers around her clit, rubbing his fingers in continuous circles had her shuddering on his lap, gnawing at her lips, and falling prey to the heavenly sensations that shot through her. "Ugh, Johnny ..." V shudders, she can feel him bury his face into her neck, peppering multiple kisses all over her skin and it's not a minute before he sinks his fingers into her sopping, soaking heat. Moving his fingers lightly in and out of her, he's trying to prepare her for what's to come, she can feel his fingers glide without ease in and out of her before he curls his fingers into her sweet spot. "That's it ...! Hah ... fuck, oh fuck ..." V repeatedly curses, ragged breaths soon falling from lips she grinds her hips against his fingers, aching and racing to finish. "Patience, princess," Johnny mumbles into her skin before sucking firmly on her neck, leaving V breathless and gasping as she clutches firmly onto Johnny her thighs tremble and everything is throbbing with a need. "Hypocrite ... just ... mmh ... keep going." V pants, her words are slurred and she's nearly humping Johnny's hand as his fingers move almost perfectly in her, gliding at the perfect pace and he's hitting her sweet spot just right. Why hadn't she fucked him earlier? Ugh. "Fuck ...!", his fingers repeatedly hit and curl against her sweet spot, his fingers are now sliding swiftly into her and without much care. Her body is shuddering in bliss, her thighs tremble against him, her heart's pounding like a drum in her chest, and everything at this moment is perfect for her. "Really thought I was gonna let you cum, princess?" Johnny teases, his fingers slip out of her as he turns his attention towards her and a devilish grin rests upon his lips before his fingers enter his lips and he licks her juices clean off his fingers. "Wanted to keep you ... pleased enough to wait for the real fuckin' show ... to show you what it's all about fucking Johnny Silverhand." Johnny grins devilishly, firmly smacking V's ass earning a yelp from her before he's ripping V's panties off of her body, greedy to feel her on top of his cock, eager to feel that warmth you can't get anywhere but from a human. He missed being ... alive. Being human.
"Could've said that first asshole ..." V pouts, her eyes roll away from his as she wraps her arms around his neck, she can feel him rub himself in between her soaked slit, sucking in a breath he pushes V's hips down onto his large throbbing cock. "Oh, fuck ..." The words fall from your lips sinfully well, fullness and almost a complete sensation washes over her, her cheeks are flushed and almost as warm as the sun. She's so lovely. Johnny thinks to himself, his hands caress her waist and his dark brown eyes fixate on hers, and a weight is lifted off of V's shoulders. Peace. She inhales, taking in a breath before she begins to grind and roll her hips back and forth against his lap, heaviness fills her lungs as a whine slowly rolls off her tongue. Groaning, he rests his cool silver hand against her cheek, cupping and shaping his hand to outline her jaw before his fingers gently caress her flushed warm cheeks, her eyes flutter close as she bites her tongue. "Fuck ... you're .... so fucking ... big." V whines, sucking in a breath as he stretches her warm silky walls and fills all the space inside of her to the point she feels more than full, but the way another whine slips from her lips tells him she's enjoying it. "Told you so ... didn't I, doll?" Johnny huffs, a chuckle coughing out at the end of his words before he wraps his fingers around her throat earning a gasp from the woman above him, her eyes widen for a moment before she wraps her hands around his arm. "Don't make love to me. .... I'm begging you to fuck me." V grins devilishly at the man underneath her, she begins to move her hips up and down, taking in all of him inside of her with ease and bliss boiling up inside of her. His hand slips away from her throat for a moment before he decides "fuck it" and wraps his hand around her throat once more, lightly squeezing against her throat, a gasp falls from her lips once more before his name falls from her lips. "Johnny ..." It sounds so sinful, so sweet, so arousing, the way she says his name, his body perks up at the sound and it's not long before he's chuckling devilishly and gazing intensely into her eyes. The pure lust, the bliss, everything that he was feeling she could see clouded in his dark brown eyes, the way he gazed into her eyes set her body ablaze with bliss. Fuck it, she wastes no time in slamming her hips down onto his lap, his throbbing cock curls into her sweet spot, repeatedly hitting it and sending waves of bliss shooting and bursting through her. Groaning at the ecstasy that pulsates and throbs through him, he pulls her in by the throat and firmly entangles her into a sloppy kiss that has saliva on the sides of V's mouth. "Johnny ..." V moans once more, slamming and throwing her hips down onto his throbbing cock, she's so full and his cock is all that taints her mind. "Hah ..." Heavy breaths and low murmurs of his name are the only things that roll off her tongue, his hand trails down from her neck to her breasts that move along with the motions of her body. He squeezes her breast and can see the way she shys away from him, turning her head away from his gaze as she continues to ride him, chasing and aching for sweet release. It's not far ...
"Goddamn V ..." Johnny growls, biting at his tongue as burning bliss boils up into him, it's bubbling and boiling inside of him, it's hot, passionate, and fucking intense. Grabbing at V's hair, he yanks her in his direction, almost demanding she keeps eye contact with him, moans of ecstasy fall from her parted lips as her lips rush at his, groaning and moaning against his lips she is in pure heaven. Only pulling away when she can feel him thrust his hips upwards into her, bliss and ecstasy become one and it leaves V nearly screaming his name at the top of lungs. The sensations that move and course through her being are hot, intense, and everything in between, her insides are hot, warm, and mushy. He's all that is on her mind, his bliss, her bliss, it's all she can fucking think about and she doesn't care how fucking insane she may seem. "Johnny ...! Oh!" V gasps breathlessly, clinging to him and wrapping her arms around him, he's moving ruthlessly in and out of her, repeatedly hitting her sweet spot that sends her nerves into a blissful frenzy that leaves her aching for more and more. She's getting wetter and hotter with each moment of ecstasy, her hips continue to slam onto his lap with the sounds of her body slamming onto his echoing through the stall. "Gonna ... gonna fucking ... cum soon! Oh, shit ...!" She whines, moan after moan leaves her red and almost swollen lips as she wraps her arms around him firmly, her hands clutch a fistful of his black hair as many curses fall from her lips, she can feel her body burn up like a fresh fire is inside of her. Johnny can feel it too, he's panting like a dog in heat as heavy breaths leave his lips, he can feel her hot silky walls cling to his throbbing cock, she grips him firmly and takes the breath out of him. "Shit ... shit, shit shit ... come all over my ... thick cock, doll ... don't stop until you can feel me ... in your guts ..." Johnny purrs in a heavy breath, his hands move from her back and trail down to her ass, squeezing firmly at the round flesh. It happens. V boils over, her thighs tremble and jerk against him, as a continuous and brutal wave of ecstasy washes over her, it's exactly what she fucking needed. She nearly tears out his hair and he can feel her grasp soften on his hair as he clutches onto her, growling into her neck and into her smooth skin. It shoots through him, in a powerful heated wave that comes at once, he presses himself deeper into her, stretching and driving as deep as he can into her. His warm semen coats her insides or whatever kind of semen a construct can give you but it's hot and warm and leaves her shuddering at the heat that fills her. She gets off of his lap, her thighs still trembling and her cheeks still flushed, she gets up and finds herself against the door before she positions herself onto the floor, legs all wide and dress ruffled.
"Damn ... not even fucking alive ... yet you can still give it like it's nobody's business ..." V chuckles, grinning warmly at him, strands of hair are in front of her eyes as she can see him pull a cigarette out of pocket before he lights it up, inhaling the toxic stick of nicotine that he was undeniably addicted to. "Course' I can, V ... whether I'm dead or alive, I can fuck the shit out of anyone ... is that proof enough for you that Johnny Silverhand has had an impressive cock, or do I need to prove it to you once again ...?" Johnny challenges her with a taunting smile that curls onto his lips, a heavy wave of smoke leaves his lips before he presses the cigarette into his lips once more. " ... Yeah, you were right, dickhead ... now home I guess? I am more than exhausted ..." V huffs, getting up from off the floor and fixing out her crimson red dress, a cigarette is wedged in between his fingers as he fades away out of her view, glitching back into 1's and 0's. A deep sigh leaves her lips as she exits the bathroom stall, she can feel eyes glaring at her and staring at her only to add to her shame as she quickly scurries out of the bathroom. Immediately gets back home and smiles when she finally makes it to her bed, clutching at her pillow as her eyes flutter for a few moments before closing. Goodnight, doll ...
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
bitter to the taste
summary: after a long mission, natasha and steve return to find you’ve broken their number one rule. 
pairing: natasha romanoff x steve rogers x reader
words: 2,045
trigger warnings: brat taming, degradation, punishment (spanking), dirty talk, fingering, orgasm control
notes: this is my birthday present to @domromanoff! not only a wonderful writer, they’re a fantastic friend and the owner to a simply adorable kitten. enjoy!
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You cling to Steve’s pants leg, expertly manicured nails gripping into the fabric as you tuck your face behind his calf. The man sighs as he feels you sniffle against the expensive fabric, doing your best to hide from the wrath of the woman standing just in front of the sitting man.
“You know how I feel about rule-breaking, Steve,” Natasha sighs, looking between her husband and your trembling form below him. “If we don’t punish her, she’s just going to break more rules.”
Steve tsks, leaning down so he can pet at your hair. “Oh, baby, our little girl wouldn’t do such a thing,” he turns to you, sticking his bottom lip out to mimic your pout. “No, you love following directions from Daddy, don’t you baby girl?”
You grin up at him, playing with the hem of his pants in an attempt to look extra cute. “Yes, Daddy!”
Natasha scowls, shaking her head. “That’s bullshit and we fucking know it, Steve. You saw how wet her panties were when we came home. It’s obvious she touched herself without permission!”
The man just rolls his eyes, continuing to rub his thumb into your temple. “Babe, when we set that rule at least one of us always been there whenever her desperate little cunt needed us. Even if she broke it, we’ve been gone so often we can’t really blame her, can we?”
Your core heats at his words – speaking about you as if you weren’t digging your perfectly manicured nails into his muscular calf and could hear everything they were both saying. You love it when he does that, when he gives you no choice in whatever he chooses to do, when he makes you feel all small and dumb as his cock fucks in and out of you without mercy.
Natasha rolls her eyes, heeled foot still tapping against the hardwood floor at a tempo that makes your head spin and your whole body clutch at Steve’s leg even harder than before. You’re not sure why becoming something akin to a needy koala would protect you from the wrath of the redhead, but it’s still your only hope for avoiding your ass spanked raw – even if its chance of working is slim to none.
“Steve, we absolutely can,” she bites back – stomping closer towards you as you bury your face into Steve’s calf. At the least second she crouches down, her body awash with a faux caring demeanor. “Do you want me to be mean baby?” she coos, pouting her bottom lip. “You want me to tie you down so you can’t move, can’t squirm or writhe when it gets too much? Is that it? Do you want me to edge you all night, edge you until it hurts and then ruin every single orgasm I let you have until you cry so pretty for me?”
You shake your head, tentatively moving so that you can look at her with your own large, round eyes that silently plead for mercy. For a moment you have hope that it’ll work, that she’ll go easy on you or even give you what you want. But it’s only a second later that you realize you were wrong – very wrong.
Steve exhales deeply as Natasha reaches out to grab you by the hair – his actions relaxed as you yelp in reaction to the sharp pain spreading from your scalp to the base of your spine. She drags you through the large house, ignoring your whines as Steve follows close behind. His stride is casual, almost bored – he’s witnessed this back and forth before, seen the fire in Natasha’s eyes and fat, watery tears from fall from yours as they beg Steve for mercy, pity, anything. It’s unwavering – the look you give him – even as Natasha sits on the edge of their shared king-sized bed with her feet flat on the floor, bending you over her knee as she pins both your hands behind your back with one hand wrapped around where she’s crossed them on top of each other.
Steve sits next to his wife so that your head is resting in his lap, gazing down at you an unfortunate, disgraceful painting his face. There’s nothing there for you to pull at, nothing you can manipulate to get you out of the compromising position you’ve found yourself in, even as Natasha begins one of her famous punishments.
She doesn’t both undressing you before she begins, flipping your white tennis skirt up over your ass and tucking it under your hands before pulling your matching cotton panties as far as they’ll go to reveal your bare ass. Her spanks are hard and succinct, never stopping to coo over your tears or rub at the heated parts of your ass. You keep position, though, keep your arms behind your back as your wide, tear-filled eyes beg Steve for intervention, for praise, for something. At this point you’d even accept him degrading you – a job normally left to Natasha.
Unfortunately, it’s become obvious that tonight is different than the others – Natasha and Steve particularly stressed from the bullshit Tony handed down to them since the billionaire is unable to manage is own emotions weaning their capacities for your bullshit down to near nothingness. You consider sending the man a strongly worded email as the spanks enter the double digits, the pain causing you to weep openly into the fabric of the pants you once clutched for support. You count to twenty-four before she’s rubbing a rough hand into the heated skin and commanding you to thank her.
When it comes out more mumbled, more hushes than she would like, Natasha immediately grabs your hair to yank your head straight back.
“Say it again,” she hisses through grit teeth, ignoring your cries of pain as her other hand comes down to leave a quick smack! to your face. “I don’t care if it hurts - I want to hear you.”
Your voice is high-pitched and desperate “Thank you, Mommy!”
“Aw, so our little slut can follow directions,” Natasha coos, her voice tinged with laughter that should make you feel much more ashamed than it does horny. “Too bad she has to be beaten into it.”
She punctuates her words with a final harsh SLAP! against your dripping pussy, eliciting another high-pitched scream that only dies when Steve begins to pet over your face and hair to calm you down.
“Nat, do you always have to be so harsh?” he sighs, wiping a few tears that stain your cheeks.
The woman in question just grins, ghosting her fingers over your abused skin and nearly laughing as you twitch under touch. “Is there any other way to be?”
Steve rolls his eyes at his wife’s dramatics, but still manhandles you into his lap at her direction – pressing your back to his chest as your breasts rise and fall with your heavy breaths. He knows what Natasha wants, positioning his legs over yours to keep them open while one of his hands holds your skirt up so reveal your now-soaked panties, the cool air hitting nearly-transparent fabric and sending a feeling down your spine that makes you moan.
Natasha’s eyes zero in on your trembling cunt, smirking as she looks up to see your face heating up while you try to hide behind your hands. “You’re so needy, aren’t you? And all it took was some discipline and now you’re a little crying mess, all small and obedient for Daddy and Mommy…”
She gives Steve a small nod, giving him the cue to push your panties to the side, her grin getting impossibly wider as you melt against him.
“You’re our pretty little toy, aren’t you?” Natasha murmurs, watching as his fingers rub circles around your clit. “Our cute little toy with cute little whines and whimpers…”
Steve grins as well as your wanton moans fill the bedroom, leaving kisses on your temple as your pussy tightens around Natasha’s fingers. His voice is sweet, filled with love – and it makes his words all that much filthier. “Such a pathetic little toy for us, aren’t you baby? Just our dumb little toy…” Your fervent nodding, your mindless agreement with his degradation of you – it makes his cock strain even harder in his pants. “Don’t need to think at all…just be soft and pretty and do what we say, don’t you baby?”
You cry out as Natasha begins fucking her fingers in and out of you even harder – your face scrunching up as your legs twitch where they’re held in place. “Y-yes Daddy! I’m your dumb little baby!”
Your cries get even more pathetic, though, when Natasha pulls her fingers out of you to use that hand to slap you once more – leaving a trail of your own slick against your cheek. “Don’t speak unless I tell you to,” she snaps, ignoring your cries as her fingers slip back inside of you. “It’s a shame you’re stupid…at least you’re pretty.”
Her words shouldn’t make your head swim like it does – shouldn’t make heat pool between your legs as she fits one more finger inside of you, working in tandem with Steve to illicit humiliating wet sounds from your cunt.
“You want me to fill this wet little pussy don’t you?” Natasha murmurs, more speaking to herself than to you. “You want Steve and I to fill your filthy little cunt? Want to feel both of us inside of your tight little hole?”
Your eyes are wide and pleading, desperate for something – anything.
But then Natasha sighs, and that’s always a bad sign. “It’s too bad you’re a bad little slut.”
Yup. There it is.
“You’re going to come on my fingers,” you immediately moan in anticipation but it’s almost immediately cut off with a yelp as another SLAP is landed on your pussy with Natasha’s free hand. “And then you’re on no-touch for a week. You’ll be Daddy and I’s adorable little fleshlight until we say otherwise.”
You gasp and shoot forward, the reality of your future crashing down on you at once. “N-no Mommy! Please! Please I’ll do anything please don’t put me on no touch Mom-!”
You’re cut off by one of Steve’s large hands covering your mouth, pulling you against his chest and holding you in place.
Natasha smiles up at him, eyes knowing as you get tighter and tighter around her fingers. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it babe?”
Steve just rolls his eyes as she speaks down to you, her sweet voice an incredibly hot juxtaposition to her words “It’s so easy to make you beg, isn’t it? So easy to make you into a desperate little whore? All you little brats are all the same, you act out and do whatever you want and the second someone threatens a modicum of structure or punishment and you fall apart…”
Her words trail off as she realizes how close you are, as she sees each muscle in your body tense while your hands tangle in the sheets and your jaw goes slack and your brow furrows and
“Do it,” she leans forward to whisper into your temple, your head tucked under Steve’s chin as your eyes roll to the back of your head. “C’mon, baby girl, c’mon – you can do it, you can come on from Mommy and Daddy’s fingers all over your pretty little pussy…”
You finally – finally reach your peak with a moan that sounds more animal than human, Steve holding your trembling body as you shake near-violently, your cunt gushing onto the sheets below as your already soaked panties and the seat of your skirt become drenched with your slick and sweat. It’s disgusting but so hot, and makes you pant even harder as your lungs claw at your throat for air.
Steve moves his legs so that you can curl into his lap, whole body folding into itself as Natasha moves closer to hold your face with both of her soaked hands. “Go to sleep baby,” she murmurs between kisses. “We’ll discuss your full punishment tomorrow.”
As unconsciousness overwhelms your senses, a sense of relief floods your veins as the pleasure subsides. Natasha only negotiates when she knows she’s lost…especially when it comes to you and Steve.
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Go On (Steve Rodgers x GN!Reader)
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Kinktober Day 9: Facefucking
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Pairing: Steve Rodgers (Captain America) x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: Explicit Words: 1278 Summary: Steve has a big dick and you want him to fuck your face with it.  Note: I am so frantically writing right now to release two things today. Tags: Facefucking (duh), captain kink(?), cum-eating and coming untouched
“Are you absolutely sure?” You let out the longest sigh yet and placed both hands on Steve’s chest. You pushed him backwards until his back was pressed against the wall. 
“All this time and all this practice, and I still have to prove to you I can take it, hmm?” You tilted your head, feigning disappointment in a way that Steve had gotten used to see from you. Your hand unceremoniously dropped to his belt buckle, undoing it and pushing his jeans to the floor. Steve was about to say something, but you put your hand over his mouth. “Nah ah, I will show you just how well I can take your fat cock, captain.” You smiled impishly, noticing the heavy swallow. 
You dropped to your knees and tugged his underwear down. You bought several dumb Avengers underwear for him, but he never wore them, going for standard white boxers instead. You licked his cock, eyes up to stare into his as you gradually brought Steve Jr. to attention. You closed your eyes as you sucked the head inside, moaning around him to show you liked it. Taking it easy at first, you went no further than halfway his length. Steve dripped precum onto your tongue and you happily swallowed it. You pulled off to stroke him. You spread the saliva over his entire length with your hand, smiling up at him. Steve had his mouth hanging open, hands flat on the wall as he stared at you with wonder. “Want me to show you I can take it all?” You questioned him with a wicked grin. 
Steve licked his dry lips and nodded. “Go on,” he encouraged you, a breathy tone lacing his voice. You stuck your tongue out and placed his cock on top of it. You slowly tilted your head and pushed your mouth further over his cock. Your arousal spiked as his length pushed against your limit. You suppressed your gag reflex, wrapping your lips around the base of his cock. He let out a long groan, the sound of pleasure coming from his entire body. It fuelled your pride, helped you stay there for him while tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. 
You pulled away until just the tip remained inside your mouth. You gasped for air, smiling around his length. After a breath or two you went back to work, showing off a little more than you usually would with swallowing him deep and making a show out of dripping saliva all over yourself. “Enough proof for you, captain?” You mused as you sucked the saliva that dripped off his cock back into your mouth. 
Steve nodded. “Yes, fuck, yes I got the message,” he panted, his cock red and dripping from the slit. 
“Then give me what I want.” Steve groaned and took a firm hold of your head. He kept it in place as he thrusted his cock back inside your wet hole. You held your mouth open for him and let him take the reins. Steve was careful with you as he always was. Usually it made you all soft, but not tonight. You had talked about this a lot. You had practiced and now you could take it; you wanted it so bad. 
Steve pulled out, much to your dismay. “You ok? You don’t seem to enjoy this much.” You took a moment to regain your breath, before looking at him. He looked so worried. It was cute, but it also broke your heart to see him look at you as if he truly believed he was no good for you. 
You took his hands and intertwined his fingers with your hair. “I told you what I want Steve. I love you, but stop treating me like I’m made of glass.” Steve nodded slowly, his eyes almost showing a loading screen. “Use me, captain,” you added, snapping him out of it. 
“Ok, I get it.” He took a deep breath, the airflow shaky. His caring nature was usually endearing, but now it was an obstacle. If only he understood this was not going to hurt you. His grip on your hair tightened as he started thrusting again, but he was rougher this time. “Just hit my thigh when it is too much,” he groaned as he seemed to get more into it. Soon his hands started moving as well, pushing and pulling on your head to make your mouth glide over his big cock. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he really went for it, fucking your mouth and shoving your head over his length like a toy. Just when you ran out of breath he pulled out and before you could get a good breath, he forced his length down your throat again. 
“Fuck you make such lewd sounds,” he cursed, before pulling you off his cock. You stared up at him, coughing a little. Your face was covered in your own saliva. You felt dirty, but somehow sexy as your boyfriend looked down at you as if you were the most sexy thing he ever laid his eyes on. “You like choking on my cock baby?” You nodded, not needing a second to think about it. “Then choke on it.” He pulled you back, sliding his cock all the way in and forcing your nose to press against his pelvis. Tears formed in your eyes as he held you there, cock all the way down your throat. You drooled around it, gagging a little, but holding on. 
When he finally let you go, you pulled back as fast as you could, hanging your head as you coughed. “Do it again,” you choked out and he roughly grabbed you by the hair. He kept you on his cock for longer and longer. The fourth time he held you there, you couldn’t hold it much longer. You came with his cock filling your mouth, not a single touch to yourself. You body spasmed and he held you in place, making you cum just from the taste of his cock and the feeling of being totally dominated. 
This time he didn’t let you go. He pulled you off, allowing you two deep breaths, before using your head again like a fleshlight. The world around you was a blur. The only focus was Steve and his big cock. When he finally let you go, you felt him slap your cheek with his thick length. “Do you want me to cum on your face or in your mouth?” You opened your mouth for him, tongue out to make it clear where you wanted his load. He rubbed his cock, the tip resting against your tongue. You waited obediently for him, closing your eyes reflexively when he threw his head back. You closed your lips over his tip, sucking the cum out of him and swallowing. Steve always came a lot. A solid minute later you let him go and he grabbed your head again, tilting it up so he could kiss you more easily. His tongue explored your mouth, getting a sample of the lingering taste of his own cum in your mouth. When he finally let you go, neither of you couldn't help but smile. 
"Fuck that was hot. Did you see me cum just from that?" You giggle as you leaned back on your heels. Steve picked you up from the floor; finally getting off your knees felt good. 
"How could I miss that? It was really hot." He kissed the top of your head, before laying you down on the bed. "Now relax. I'll grab something to get your face cleaned up." 
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mrcleanheichou · 4 years
The Toy
Pairing Jungkook/reader
Genre smut
Warnings Hand job, male masturbation, Sex toy (fake vagina), a little bit of dirty talk, Noona kink, oral sex (m receiving) Overall just a horny Jungkook living his best life
Summary Jungkook comes home from tour and asks you to help him live out his fantasies.
“Babe, I love you but you watch too much porn.”
“C’mon, y/n please. You have no idea how often I’ve thought about this” Jungkook whined breaking out his saddest puppy dog eyes while pouting in the way he knows you can’t resist. Right before BTS went on their ‘Speak Yourself’ tour you had bought Jungkook a special gift. A fleshlight, a brand of cock sleeve, for those lonely tour nights. You had remembered him complaining to you during their last tour about missing you and having to go back to using his hand again.
“Ugh, fine” you relent rolling your eyes only pretending to be against his idea. You’re incredibly turned on by the thought of it, if the growing wet spot in your panties was any indicator. Jungkook grins wide and tackles you on your bed kissing you all over your face while saying ‘Thank you’ over and over again. You were laughing at your overgrown puppy of a boyfriend when you suddenly feel something solid poking your thigh. “Oh my god, you’re already hard?”
“I’ve jerked off thinking about this for 3 months. You have no idea how ready I am”, Jungkook tells you before getting up.  The fleshlight and his lube are hidden deep in his closet. He has to hide it because one day he had left it on a towel in his hotel room to dry after cleaning it and Jin saw it. Of course he made a scene and told everyone else about Jungkook not being their innocent dongsaeng anymore. That was just as embarrassing as the time Namjoon walked in on him jerking off after they first debuted. Thinking about it still makes him shudder to this day.
You took the opportunity to strip while he was busy. Your panties were halfway down your thighs when he made his way back to you. “You’re one to talk about my boner when you’re already wet.” Jungkook teases reaching out and running his finger over your slit then popping it into his mouth, groaning at the taste. “Shut up and take your clothes off before I change my mind” you retort, getting goosebumps from that small touch.
“I love it when you’re bossy, Noona” he wiggles his eyebrows at you before practically ripping off his shirt. Next came his sweatpants and underwear all in one motion causing his erection to slap his belly rather loudly. A long string of precum begins to drip from his foreskin covered tip. Once the string broke another bead of the sticky liquid started dribbling out. He always has a ton of precum. Especially when he’s really horny, which is not fun for him if he gets hard in public. That’s one of many reasons why he likes black pants.
Not being able to resist, you pull back his foreskin slowly and suck on the tip. Moaning at the slightly salty taste as you look up at Jungkook. “Quit it, that’s not what we’re doing today” he huffs grabbing the fleshlight and pouring some lube inside of it. Giving a quick last lick to his tip you leaned back to watch him stick two fingers inside of it to thoroughly coat the inside of the fake pussy with lube.
“Ooo, let me try!” Jungkook hands it to you and you stare at it. The toy is fascinating. It’s opening is very lifelike, there’s a clit and inner labia. You start touching the fake clit before inserting a couple fingers in it. It’s very soft inside, you definitely can understand why guys would want to put their dick in it.
“Having fun?” Jungkook asks amused while stroking himself slowly. Smiling at him you reach and replace his hand with yours. Getting all the residual lube onto his length. You then put the fleshlight to his cock and slowly envelop him with it, all the way to the hilt. Barely giving him time to adjust you start on a quick pace.
“Fuuuuck” he groans loudly.
“Does it feel good?” Jungkook pants out a ‘yes’ in response. “Better than the real thing?” He shakes his head no. Smiling, you pull it off of him and direct him to his desk.  He takes the toy from you and you stand behind him running your hands down his back, feeling him shiver.
“Are you going to be a good boy Kookie?” You ask placing a kiss between his shoulders. He nods quickly as you take his cock in your hand. You rub him over the opening of the fake pussy. Jungkook gasps, hips thrusting forward in response, he gets a couple inches in.
“Ah ah ah, None of that, baby boy. You only get to move when I tell you to.” You say as you grab his hip with one hand, pulling him back out until only the tip was inside, and you hold the base of his cock with the other. “Go in slowly.”
Jungkook complies, filling up the toy all the way, moaning softly at the sensation. You hold him still for a minute and then with a gentle pat to his balls you give him the go ahead to start fucking. He starts out with slow and deep strokes. “I’m not gonna last long” he moans, his body already feeling sweaty against you. You know that if you could see his face you’d see his bangs sticking to his forehead.
“We just got started, Kookie. You better not cum” you warn reaching up to pinch one of his nipples making him gasp. Jungkook recognizes the change in your voice. That’s the ‘disobey me and I'll tie you up and edge you for hours’ tone. As much as he loves for you to torture him he thinks he might actually die if you do it today.
“C’mon, baby boy, you can go faster” you encourage, smacking his butt, and he picks up the pace. The obscene squelching sound is loud. Much louder than what it sounds when Jungkook fucks you. That combined with Jungkook’s labored breathing and needy moans are making your core throb. You think about sneaking a hand between your thighs but you didn’t want to get distracted and miss a thing.
You let him continue his pace for a few minutes before you can hear him getting close. Wrapping your arms around his waist you physically stop him. “No, y/n, please I’m so close! Please, please let me cum. Please” he begs. Without a word you push him forward and he takes that as cue to resume his movments but you hold him back again. Jungkook whines loudly.
“You can cum but you’re gonna fuck at my pace” you tell him as you guide him forward and then back out. You set a slow pace and then pushed him faster. It’s empowering to be in control like this. Jungkook introduced you to the world of Fem Dom. He likes to be dominated and when he told you, it made you nervous. You didn’t like the idea of having to hit him but thankfully he explained that he wasn’t into pain or chastity cages. He just liked, in his words, to get bossed around by a sexy woman. He showed you edging videos and when he had enough time, which was rare, he’d let you control his orgasm for hours.
You felt his abdominal muscles flexing as you kept one hand playing with his nipples just how he likes and you moved the other hand down. You rubbed over his faintly growing happy trail that he forgot to shave yesterday.  You then worked it down to his balls, that earned you a gasp of your name. You’re at an awkward angle so you step back and to go between his legs from under him. You also stepped to his side and you could finally see him. He looked absolutely fucked out. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.
“Kookie stop, look at me” you command but he doesn’t respond. You say it again but you put some pressure on his balls this times. Not enough to hurt just a little bit harder than you normally would. That definitely got his attention. He stopped and looked at you, pupils completely blown wide.
“Noona please!” Jungkook cried out with his voice trembling.
“Please what?” you questioned with a sly smile on your face while rolling his balls in your palm “Does my baby want to cum? Does he have a big load in these pretty balls for me?” Jungkook released a wanton moan in response.
“Use your words baby boy or I’ll take your toy away and not let you cum.” Jungkook looked at you with a panicked look on his face. “I’m gonna cum so hard for you. Fuck! Noona there’s gonna be so much cum.”
You stayed quiet and let him suffer for a minute causing him to fidget before finally giving him the go ahead. “You can cum Jungkook. C’mon give it to me”
“Oh god! Thank you”, he cried out as his hips pistoned driving his cock in and out of the fake pussy like his life depended on it. You know that if it was you and not the toy it would definitely be a struggle to walk the next day. A few moments later you could feel his ball tense up in your hand and then Jungkook is moaning your name. His legs almost give out on him the orgasm was so intense.
Leaning forward, Jungkook was a panting sweaty mess. He pressed his head to the desk while you step around him and pull the fleshlight off of his softening cock. You turn the toy over and watch as his cum drip out onto your hand. There was a lot, he definitely delivered. “Good boy Kookie.”
He turned his head and smiled at you, “Thank you for doing this for me, y/n. I’ve wanted to do this for so long and it was well worth the wait.” You just hummed and helped him to his bed. You then ran to his bathroom to wash the fleshlight and your hands. When you came back you laid down next to him and ran your fingers through his hair earning you a contented sigh from him. He was basking in the attention you were giving him when suddenly he sat up.
“Oh no! You haven’t even gotten off yet!” he exclaimed sounding guilty. He went to touch your clit when you grabbed his wrist to stop him. “It’s ok. Go to sleep and you can get me off later”
He still felt bad but he listened because he was tired. You were extremely turned on but you knew if you waited he’d fuck you right. Ignoring the wetness cover your thighs you got up and put your panties back on and climbed back into bed.
“I love you, you big nerd.” You got a snore in response.
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morimallow · 4 years
hi! can i ask a NSFW alphabet for miya osamu? tysm >.<
NSFW Alphabet (Osamu Miya)
Did not proof read as usual, feel free to correct any errors.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
FUCK. He learned from the best after all. Well, not really? Even before Kita came to picture, Osamu had always taken care of you every after sex without fail. He knows he’s rough sometimes so he gives you time to relax your body and to help you, he’d give you a massage and God, does his hands to wonders. He’d prepare your bath and carry you there like a princess, leaving a wet kiss on your lips before telling you to wait for him because he’ll go cook your favorite food as s reward for taking his cock so well as always.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Osamu loves his man tiddies, he knows he still has the body of a fucking god and you aren’t complaining when he lowkey flexes his muscles in front of you. He loves how your hands move from his shoulders to his pecs, lightly pushing him but not really. Also, he loves your hands and thighs ─ how sensual your touches are and the way your thighs are just perfect in his hands, not the kind that it fits in his but the way it feels so soft and right.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man comes so much you’re afraid you’re literally milking him dry. He purposely forgets to buy condoms because he heard you talking to your friend how heavenly it feels when he fucks you raw. What he doesn’t forget to buy are your pills and also Plan Bs just in case, he thinks. When he feels he’s coming, he’d flip you over, pull out, and come on your back and ass. One time, he bit the part of your butt cheek not covered in cum and murmured, “Cinnamon,” under his breath. He comes in you just as many times as he pulls out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He fingered someone with Nutella and licked her insides clean, at least he thinks he did. I don’t really know why I thought of this. The girl broke up with him the next day because an ant bit her. I’m so sorry for her, really.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ya’ll think Atsumu is the sex god and the fuckboy between the both of them but noooooo. Osamu Miya may have had lesser partners but he’s slightly better in bed than Atsumu, as the latter had explained once. It just comes to naturally to him, yeah? He’s flexible in his kitchen, fingers and wrists always moving in a graceful manner. And his hips, fuck. Believe me when I say he has never bumped into any furniture in his life. He sways his hips to avoid those and ain’t that fucking hot.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He told me he doesn’t have one. That info about him having a hard time thinking of what he would want to eat as his last meal and that he doesn’t have favorites, yes, it also applies here. As long as it feels good for the both of you, then positions don’t matter.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This Miya compares everything he sees, does, experiences to food. He’d say your hole is like that of a gaping fish’s mouth whenever you squeeze him good. He’d say your walls are so silk like tofu. He’d chomp on your ass cheeks like how Atsumu chomps on his extra-large serving of onigiris. Reading this, it might seem like sex with him is awkward but no. The way he delivers those words rolls off his tongue so smoothly you just want to be the best food he has ever tasted.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Trims once every two weeks and keeps his balls absolutely hairless because he likes you to suck them good every once in a while. His pubes are in a dark shade of brown so yes, it matches his original hair color.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He matches how sensual your hands are with his own. He wants to make you feel loved and appreciated just by touch. He places kisses all over your body, bites your shoulder, nibbles your earlobes, and finally, he gives you the best kiss on your forehead you can’t do anything but to just dip your head in his chest.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
You guys have that connected dildo and fleshlight and he always sends videos to you whenever and wherever. He just can’t stop himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
You guessed it right because the first one I thought of is food play. Typical but that’s just how he is.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
I’M SO CLICHÉ BUT FUCK IT. Kitchen, of course, but just the one in your house and not the kitchen in Onigiri Miya but he doesn’t mind fucking you inside his office though.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He’s so fucked up when he realized he got hard just seeing you eating a banana. You didn’t know that time but when you knew about this, you’d eat at least two bananas every day and you’d purposely eat it sensually in front of him when you want to get dicked. After his realization, he observed how sexy you eat every food, how your cheeks are full, how your mouth opens and closes.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He could never do a knife play with you or with anyone because he has this urge to cook whenever he holds a knife so if you don’t want him making you into a human sushi, don’t bring this up ever again.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This greedy man prefers receiving and absolutely loses his shit when you suck his balls so good, he wants to come on your face. In the giving aspect, he knows your weak spots so coming from him just eating you out is so easy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I said this before and I’ll say it again: We all have these two sides but Osamu leans more on the former! It might seem like he’s all taking and taking in your relationship but he knows you like that as much as he does. He’d usually go slow and sensual when he’s stressed. Might’ve been better if he just slept off his tiredness but he insists on having long foreplays and he rarely sleeps during sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves it so much he wants to rail you in every corner of his office, the kitchen in your newly-bought house, in the dressing room ─ he’s more subtle than his twin but they’re both monsters in sex, no doubt.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He even fucked you in his office in the grand opening of his new branch with the door open for his staff to see. Of course, he’s always game to experiments as long as he can fuck you senseless in the end.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He lasts longer than Kita by just one round on average. Come on, the man cooks all the time, manages his own business, always eats rice, of course his workouts are hardcore and that’s where his stamina comes from aside from playing volleyball in high school.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You guys own the connected and personalized fleshligth and dildo set.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Osamu is such a fucking tease. He cooks naked when he’s in the mood but wants you to initiate things, firm ass only for you to see. Comparing you to food isn’t only for when you guys fuck but he’d whisper things in your ear when you’re out in public. He’s a sadist, he wants you to beg for him and when you do, he’d just go faster.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He never shuts up during sex. He makes sure someone always hears you to let them know you’re having sex and he’s not afraid of moaning out the pleasure he’s feeling. He knows you love the sounds he makes; he knows it himself that it’s hot.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He presses his forehead against yours and looks at you in the eyes as he comes.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Broad shoulders, toned torso, man tiddies, firm ass, everything about him is perfect and his cock is, too ─ right length, enough thickness to stretch your aching hole, and his inner thighs always sport scratch marks.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He literally fucks you anywhere and everywhere, that kind of explains this part.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He takes his time in aftercare just like how he takes time to make you feel loved in every aspect and he doesn’t stop cleaning you up and making you comfortable even if you fell asleep in the tub or while he was giving you a massage. He will only fall asleep when he’s certain that you’re satisfied and well.
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spaced0lphin · 4 years
The Problem with the EDI Thing
It will surprise no one who’s familiar with me to know that I’ve sat on these opinions for what is, embarrassingly, close to a decade. I remember not having the vocabulary to explain how I felt at the time, and my opinion has done a little evolving since then, but seeing as I’m doing the whole Mass Effect thing right now, I may as well explain myself. I’m very much not a fan of the Joker/EDI pairing, and if you are, power to you. However, I have some feelings about that that come from who I am as a person as well as just surface level stuff such as not finding that romance particularly substantive, but there we are.  I don’t have osteogenesis imperfecta, but I am a disabled person. Ain’t that fun to write. I’m not embarrassed about it, but I also don’t like talking about my stuff too much, since, like, it’s private? So forgive me for being a little vague. It’s relevant to the points I’m making, though, so bear with me I guess. So part of the reason I like Joker so much as a character is that he’s lived a life where people have just told him no, all the time, and yet he aggressively exists, even in spite of it. Wasn’t born into money, had a bunch of horrible problems, and didn’t ask for any of it. Everywhere he looked, some dickhead was at the door telling him to stop trying. However, he had his dream and his drive and his passion, so fuck what those people said. He went for it, he broke all the rules that people had put in the way of even letting him try. He knew that if he had a shot, he could do it. It was just about getting that shot. He knew his specialism could do the rest. Man, I relate. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been forced to have to “prove myself” to fit into someone else’s definition of what a “good candidate” is. There have been so many instances where, because I don’t ‘fit in the box’ like everybody else, I’ve had to work twice as hard and still get overlooked anyway, even despite having the knowledge or the skills. It’s honestly bullshit, so seeing him in the position he’s in really means a lot to me. It’s a breath of fresh air to see someone with such obvious struggles still do what they love to do. So, being disabled, you get condescended to, quite a lot for one reason or another. People talk to you like you’re a child, or make weird assumptions about what your life experiences are, or start being a dickhead to you once they’re tired of how you struggle with your disability. It seems like people just kind of expect you to get over it at some point, especially so if the disabilities aren’t visible. “I guess I just thought you’d be better at this by now” starts to become a phrase you can just tattoo on yourself and have a person point to whenever they want to say it so it doesn’t waste any more of either of your time. It can make you cagey, defensive, emotionally withdrawn, and fucking tired. Not only do you have to deal with whatever it is physically or mentally or both, but now you’ve got your own insecurities and other people’s insecurities about you to deal with all the time, every day. Some people turn this acid manufactured through this daily experience into sarcasm and dry humour, a sometimes self-deprecating deflection tool you can deploy to make people smile and defuse the situation and not talk about anything important because good god let’s not go through that again.
You can sometimes get weird ideas about whether or not you deserve to be loved like everybody else. Because you’re different, and you function differently, you can sometimes feel like you are looking at the world from the outside, on the sideline. Because you have a disability that does indeed work to your detriment, whatever it is, because of its very nature as a fucking disability and not a superpower, getting caught up in that question of whether or not you deserve to be loved and the “I just thought you’d be better at this by now” exasperation from other people combines into this huge ugly thing. Now, I’m a big fan of sci-fi and transhumanist concepts and I love moral and ethical discussions about what constitutes a person and all that good stuff. I enjoy EDI as a character and as a concept. I especially enjoy EDI when she’s a sphere with a little Winamp visualiser for a mouth, because I feel like it creates a lot more of a dialogue around that specific idea and it’s fun to talk about. When she looks like an abstract object, how can she be a person? And yet, she both is and is not. So, I find it more than a little thematically weak that EDI gets this like, 1950s style fembot body that looks like she’s wearing garters. I mean, I’m bi, I like hot women too, but that aesthetic decision was very strange and I felt undermined the previous and interesting work done to explore EDI as a concept. EDI grows and evolves in several ways throughout the games, but is, at the end of the day a machine, and doesn’t experience love in the same way, if at all. She learns to approximate human behaviour and eventually learns to mimic and anticipate quite a lot, but she is what she is, and I don’t think there’s any taking away from that. From a purely writing based perspective, I found that path fairly tokenistic and poorly justified, in my view. It also always read to me as ‘d’aww, throw the guy a bone,’ ‘haha pat him on the head and give him a toy’ type thing rather than an actual real emotional exploration, which, given how the entire game series makes it very clear to us that Joker is a very important character, seemed... weird. So when you combine all of this, I’m so allergic to the Joker/EDI pairing because personally I find it condescending. I find it communicating to me that, no, I and others like me are in fact not worthy of a powerful and passionate romance with peers. What we are worth is a tokenistic, fetishistic and ultimately unrequited fling with a fleshlight. Like, that’s how it feels to me! I get that my experiences aren’t universal or whatever but I’ve had nearly ten real entire years to think about it, and I can’t interpret it any other way. I literally do not have any animosity whatsoever where it comes to Joker and any other pairup. It’s only Joker/EDI and it’s fucking frustrating that that’s the canon one. I’m sure I can make another equally long and boring post about the case for Joker/Shep and I’m sure I probably will do because it’s not like we’re leaving the house much these days. Inb4 y u take fictional character so srs y u talk about art
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