#and he’s not very happy at the aurors’ treatment of severus
sneverussape · 4 months
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“nothing he wouldn’t have done himself, don’t you worry your pretty little head, malfoy.”
in the aftermath of the first war, the interrogations of voldemort’s known associates are implemented without delay or restraint.
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dvmnedsaints · 4 years
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emotional abuse tw
full name :  james achilles bowie wilkes snape
nicknames :  jem, bowie
age :  28
date of birth :  january 30, 2001
zodiac : aquarius
place of birth :  paris, france
blood status: half-blood
gender :  cis male
pronouns :  he/him
sexuality :  pansexual
father :  severus snape
mother :  violetta wilkes
siblings :  1 older step-sibling, a twin sister, 2 maternal half siblings & 2 paternal half siblings.
spouse : TBA
children : rosalie hera olethea wilkes snape
hair color :  black
eye color :  brown
height :  6′5″
morality :  chaotic neutral
positive traits :  candid, astute, adaptable, valient & ambitious
negative traits :  arrogant, reticent, abrasive, brazen & enigmatic
job :  defense against the dark arts professor at hogwarts
hogwarts house : slytherin, although he only went to hogwarts for his sixth and seventh year, the first five were spent at beauxbatons.
alignment : the death eaters the order of the phoenix
james achilles bowie wilkes snape. the eldest child of violetta wilkes and severus snape. the wilkes family was wealthy, owning properties through out europe, a fact that did not change after violetta’s father was killed by aurors in the first wizarding war for being a death eater. the family simply moved to paris. violetta and her siblings finished their schooling at beauxbaton’s, where she would later teach potions. in the year 2000, violetta visited hogwarts to teach for a semester. it was there that her brief fling with severus snape began, nevertheless she fell pregnant with twins. violetta returned paris without a speaking a word of the pregnancy to severus until the twins were born. it was only then that the two decided that they would each raise one of the babies and have little to no contact. violetta chose to keep the older of the two, her son james, who she affectionately nicknamed jem.
three years after the birth of the twins, violetta met and married a wealthy french pureblooded wizard, with a child of his own. the two would go on to have two children together. violetta was very secretive with jem, refusing to tell her son about his father. her story often changed. sometimes she would say that he was an old friend who died before jem was born, other times he was a spy, someone living a secret life and couldn’t settle down to have a family. as a child jem just accepted the tales his mother spun, even creating his own fantastical version of who he thought he father might have been.
jem was brought up being instilled with the idea of pureblood superiority, although he was a half-blood himself, it became something most of his family either ignored about him, or blatantly criticized the boy for, step-father often opting for the latter option. jem did everything he could to be the perfect son, but it never seemed to be enough.
when the time came for him to go to school, jem went to beauxbatons and he loved it there. he quickly became popular among his peers and excelled in his classes, but still, nothing he ever did seemed to please his mother or step-father. whenever he would argue with his parents jem would go back to wondering what his real father was like. the once sweet boy hardened. his personality completely changed when he was home from how he was at school. at beauxbatons he was charismatic, popular, the best of the best in his class. at home he was in the way, a good for nothing.
jem was fifteen years old when his mother told him about his biological father and that he had a twin sister. the two went between fighting and giving the silent treatment for what felt like weeks before jem ran away. he didn’t have a plan, he barely had any money on him, but he knew he couldn’t stay in paris another day. he wanted to meet his father and twin. maybe then he’d feel like he was more than a waste of space. he was wrong, of course. severus snape was nothing like the idea of his father that jem had built in his head. 
severus took the boy in nevertheless and enrolled him in hogwarts. jem was sorted into slytherin. though his father had since retired from teaching, there was still whispers to be heard of his treatment of students all those years ago. unlike his sister, jem hadn’t grown up with his new peers, they didn’t know him, he was mysterious and new. he seemed to have a reputation before he had even begun school at hogwarts. jem decided to embrace it. if everyone wanted to see him a certain way, he would let them. jem snape became an enigma, no one truly knew him.
after his two years at hogwarts, jem continued his studies, focusing on the defense against the dark arts. four years after graduating, jem was offered the dada position at hogwarts where he has been working for the seven years since.
in the years since, jem has gotten married and become a father. he made up with his mother and reconnected with his family in france.
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llendrinall · 4 years
Omg what if Draco was also a spy for Dumbledore? Like imagine him biting his tongue when everyone is hateful and cruel to him cuz he's gonna have the last laugh when it comes out he was a spy. And in this version Percy still fucks off. Draco stays behind cuz he wants to see everyones reactions (especially his asshole boss that made his life fucking hell) He could be a seer in this and secretly became friends with Harry during Hogwarts. Idk, add whatever you want ❤
Ha! I don’t know why that “Idk” at the end made me laugh.
I have different mental versions of Draco. I can see him more or less happy, more or less certain of what he wants to do or of his relationship to the wizarding world. Other things are fixed, they are the things that make him Draco and appear in all versions of him, like:
1.- He can draw. He might have more or less practice, but he can draw pretty well.
2.- He is smart in the sense of doing very well academically, being able to understand something instantly. He doesn’t need to put many study hours, so he doesn’t.
3.- He doesn’t like Dumbledore. Regardless of his relationship to his father and Voldemort, he just doesn’t like Dumbledore as a person. It has nothing to do with how Dumbledore treats people (although that certainly doesn’t help) it’s more visceral. Just like some people will look at an actor or celebrity and go “no, I do not find Jimmy Fallon funny and can’t tell you why”. This is the same.
So Draco would never become a spy for Dumbledore. Dumbledore’s spy, hell no.
However, at some point Draco looks at Voldemort’s white flabby face and thinks “oh, no, I’m not doing this.” He decides he is going to work against Voldemort, but with whom?
(Draco is very proud of knowing when to use “whom” and also lives in fear of getting it wrong).
Draco has to find someone who can be an actual challenge against Voldemort. The Ministry is out because they are stupid, incompetent and infiltrated to the brim. And who else is there? Potter? Draco goes to class with Potter. He has seen how he spells, meaning both his charm use (Potter knows one a half spells and that’s it) and his orthography. He simply can’t consider Potter a serious contender against Voldemort. Nothing against him, Draco actually, (secretly) kind of likes the guy, but Voldemort can read minds, knows all kind of ancient magic and performs incredibly complex curses and conjurations.
Draco has seen Potter lick ice-cream out of his t-shirt.
If Draco wants to get rid of Voldemort, there is only Dumbledore. Draco doesn’t spy for him. He does nothing regarding Dumbledore that involves the preposition ”for”.
But he shares information. There is a “to” in there. Give information to Dumbledore. He can do that. Draco is quite smart, so he is able to deduce Voldemort’s strategy from little clues. He knows about Voldemort’s quest for information (both for the prophecy and the elder wand) months in advance.
This does not happen in the same universe as Percy Ministry Spy, but Percy is acting as a spy nevertheless. This means that Dumbledore has a pretty easy run setting his plans in motion and ensuring Voldemort’s defeat. It also means that he suffers though some absolutely miserable months which probably have something to do with his enthusiasm for the let-Draco-kill-me plan.
Each and every interaction with Draco is a reeling experience. Draco is not handing the information for nothing. He wants Voldemort dead by next month and when Dumbledore doesn’t deliver, he complains. He complains (note the italics). Draco doesn’t ask for the manager because there isn’t one, but he actually asks if Dumbledore has any older siblings Draco could talk to. You could say Draco acts entitled, demanding and full of expectations, but those words mean nothing. Draco breathes past entitlement to land somewhere between “Angel of Vengeance” and “Greek fury”, only instead of a flaming sword or claws, he has attitude and an excellent command of grammar. What a horrible little child.  
Meanwhile, Snape has developed the habit of twisting every conversation so he can say “pity you don’t have any other orphan available to sacrifice” and “oh, if only we had a child to endanger” and “yes, but how can we solve this by killing a child?”. It is very rich coming from him. Dumbledore is not amused. Apparently there is a line for Severus Snape and that line is drawn when sacrificing oneself for the greatest good.
(“Ah, but it is not yourself who will do the sacrifice, is it?” Snape says, and a week later Dumbledore tells Draco that of course he will let him kill him. Draco scoffs and rolls his eyes as if somehow that wasn’t enough).
And then, there is Percy Weasley. Neither Snape nor Draco are supposed to know about him, but they both know and it is unclear how. Probably Percy himself let them know (no, he didn’t). He would do something like that (no, he wouldn’t). Percy is a horrid nightmare (he… he may be). Dumbledore despises him (and how!). Snape will talk about Dumbledore not doing the greater sacrifice but Dumbledore honestly can’t think of anything worse than working with Percival Weasley.
(70% of Dumbledore’s dislike comes from the suspicion that Percy might be two or three points more intelligent than him. After almost a century used to being the most intelligent person in the room by far, Dumbledore does not like this new scenario. He misses Grindelwald.)
Dumbledore dies. Then so does Potter (briefly), followed quickly by Voldemort (permanently). Surprisingly, Snape also jumps into this dying fashion until he thinks better about it and survives, although severely wounded. Percy doesn’t die but as soon as the battle had ended and all Death Eaters are either dead or apprehended, he dissaparates right there from the Hogwarts grounds.
He sends a postcard to Draco a month later, which is kind of nice. There is also one for Snape and Draco props it next to the vase of flowers by his sickbed.
Thus begins the After-War.
By day two, Draco understands why Weasley left so quickly. It is a fucking disaster. Potter has to plant himself by Snape’s bed to stop the Ministry from arresting him. The man is barely coherent and barely alive and yet they wanted to interrogate him and transport him to a holding cell. The Ministry. The ones who allowed themselves to be infiltrated.
It is perhaps unsurprising that when the Ministry sends a hastily formed examining tribunal to Hogwarts, so students can sit their OWLs and NEWTs in August, the examining tribunal refuses Draco.
Draco doesn’t particularly care. He is rich enough that he doesn’t need to work and, in any case, once they finally start proper investigations and find Dumbledore’s trove of notes and testimonies in his sealed will, Draco will be exonerated and recognized as the hero he is. This insult or punishment, whatever you call the Tribunal’s unfair treatment of him, doesn’t hurt. Draco is immune to their attacks.
Soon after, he receives a letter from bloody Hermione Granger saying of course he can sit his exams, they expect him on Tuesday at ten. McGonagall will be there to put the fear of herself on the Tribunal and ensure they are fair.
And… he appreciates her intervention, he really does. Awfully nice of her. True moral backbone. It’s just that… Draco actually enjoyed the insult? He realizes now that he only attempted to sit the exams because he expected them to say no.
He sits the exams and aces them. They are particularly hard in the last one, the astronomy test. McGonagall coughs three times, rolls her eyes and finally says “bloody enough, don’t you think? He has shown he knows the material.” He sends her a handwritten thank-you letter just to be annoying.
Draco realizes that his behavior is very odd, but given that Weasley has fucked off to somewhere and that Snape refuses to heal so he won’t have to talk to people, Draco believes he is entitled to some oddities of his own. Thus, he begins collecting insults. From the low-brow and simple “Death-Eater scum” to the vitriolic “murderer”. The best, and the worst, are the ones that don’t come wrapped in words. Shunning and discrimination. Oh! He can’t explain it, but they taste tart and sweet.
He likes it. Not the dismissing, no, but the idea that they don’t know him and that their judgment of him is wrong. If that means they will also wrong him and treat him badly, so be it. It doesn’t change that he and Snape and Percy Weasley, are the heroes of the war.
He applies to a mediwizard program and is naturally denied. Then he tries a traineeship at the Wizengamot, also denied. Just for the fun of it, he applies to the Auror Office and receives a wonderful letter of rejection that has an actual dead spider inside the envelope.
It has been three months since the end of the war, now, and Weasley refuses to let himself be found. Snape barely manages to stay awake for three hours, and only with Draco. Evidently the stress of the war did a number on them, so it’s perfectly understandable if Draco keeps prodding and asking and applying to things knowing full well that he will get a resounding “no”.
You would think this was some sort of atonement for his past misbehavior and his admittedly awfully narrow views and even more abysmal manners regarding muggleborns. But Draco is quite sure he atoned for all of that when he lied to Voldemort’s face and, more terrifyingly, he lied to Aunt Bella’s face, stole their secrets and passed them to Dumbledore. He doesn’t need to punish himself any more.
No, it’s just… it’s just hard. He has spent three years with a carefully crafted lie as his only protection. It is not so easy to discard it. He liked that lie. It kept him alive.
And then, come October, the Ministry takes Malfoy Manor and all associated assets. Just like that. Puff. Seized. They haven’t even begun an official investigation on Draco, but they have taken his house as a precaution.
Now it’s personal.
It turns out that Draco is a vindictive asshole, who would have guessed? Probably everyone but him. Doesn’t matter. He will make them pay. The Ministry, the papers who ran the headline about Draco becoming homeless and the people who cut the page and framed it. They will regret it.
He moves into Snape’s ugly cottage because he has no other place to go and if Snape has any objections, he can say so when he pleases. Oh? He can’t talk? Too bad, then.
The Ministry has also seized his funds and Draco draws a line at using Snape’s meager savings (he assumes they are meager, he hasn’t actually checked) so he gets a job in the only place that would employ him: a seedy tea shop in the North side of Diagon Alley. The only reason the owner hired him was because the previous assistant tried to burn the place down and he was in a bit if a rush to find a replacement. After a week, Draco understands why someone would want to burn the place down, and that’s before his boss realizes that Draco is drawing a small crowd of people who like seeing him serving tables. From then on, he takes to screaming and insulting Draco for absolutely everything before turning to his customers with a smug smile.
Every time he or any of the customers complains, Draco smiles a cheap version of the smiles he used to give Voldemort and vows. Sometimes their words sting and sometimes they break against his armor. He lives in a weird state between immunity and pain.
Dumbledore’s actual true will, to be open by Hermione J. Granger (funny how he didn’t address it to Potter) is found in late December. Given the state of the Ministry, Draco expects that they will only get around summoning Granger by early February at best.
Weasley sends another postcard around Christmas. This one comes with an address, in case either he or Snape also want to drop everything and fuck off, he supposes. Draco writes back explaining he is bidding his time to exact just retribution over all those who wronged him and Snape is in no condition to travel. Weasley writes, well, he doesn’t write, he sends a third postcard with quite a nice drawing of a thumbs up.
Snape can now sit up and read the paper. He still can’t get a single sound out, but he can manage sighing in a very meaningful way. They receive another summon to have Snape declare before a Tribunal and he groans before passing out and staying unconscious the next two days.
All things considered, Draco is evidently the one coping better so he feels he can afford a little extravagant behavior like sitting in front of a mirror and practicing his own sighs of heroic suffering for when the vindication comes.
It comes in March.
The world goes absolutely insane. People knew that Snape had done… something, mostly because Potter had very obnoxiously advocated on his behalf.
(Potter is so obnoxious. He comes every Tuesday to Draco’s tea shop and asks for a cup of tea that he barely touches and stays there for an hour saying nothing).
But they had no idea of the extent Snape’s involvement. None. All the curses he surreptitiously knocked aside, all the misfired spells. It wasn’t just gaining Voldemort’s trust and acting on Dumbledore’s plans, he, Snape, personally saved two dozen lives with none the wiser. He was so good at acting covertly!
That should be enough to make any good newspaper editor foam in their mouth, but there is more. There is Weasley, going twenty steps ahead and being ridiculously clever and talented and just… knowing what to do. There is already a shrine to him in Coleraine because he did something very important there and the locals were merely waiting to find a name to put to it. Percy Weasley has been declared tax exempt in all of Ireland.  
Draco merely has a meager thirteen lives saved on his ledger, but he also has three years of cleverly betraying Voldemort. It doesn’t look like much, but once details emerge of how he stole information and passed it to Dumbledore, the whole thing becomes charming. Double-o-Drac-o, is what the muggleborns are calling him. Snape assures him it’s a good thing, but he doesn’t elaborate because he is a bastard who pretends that writing tires him horribly.
Snape wasn’t planning on surviving the war and for the first time in years he is unprepared. He deals with it by trying to shut the world off. If he wasn’t so weak from his wounds, Draco is quite certain that he would have buggered off to wherever Weasley is now, to sit on the sun and be silent together. He certainly does not appreciate the wizarding world’s earnest interest in him. You would think that the fact that he can’t (or, at this point, won’t) speak would deter them a bit, but it only adds to Snape’s tragic charm. Some women and many young men are particularly attracted by it. Fortunately, Draco has only had to chase two of them out of the house because even though Snape can’t say a word, he remains very skilled at non-verbal magic so he hexes every journalist and deranged fan that has the misfortune of coming close to him. Meanwhile, Weasley doesn’t want to be found (“nooooo” says his last postcard, Draco is a bit worried at the lack of capitalization) and has a ten-month head start. He won’t be found.
This means there is only Draco. Shameful bronze medal in the saving-lives business, but with a delicious aura of cleverness and bravery, a whole year of suffering in silence during the post-war, and a face that was made to be dramatically lighted, photographed and printed in the front page.
Wil you answer our questions, Mister Malfoy? Oh, but he will, he will answer every one of their questions and give all details. No one has given so much, sacrificed so much, suffered so much as him.
“I literally died, Malfoy.”
“And I couldn’t afford dying, Potter. I had to survive. Now, get out, these people have some more questions.”
Potter has moved from coming every Tuesday to the stupid tea shop to visiting them at Snape’s cottage. Draco only lets him in because he might annoy Snape into talking. Plus, he is nimble, he can avoid all of Snape’s hexes and the extra exercise will do Snape good.
His relationship with Potter is… strange, but fittingly so. Everything else has been weird lately, why not this? Potter had always elicited interest, but once people learn that Dumbledore had more or less raised him for the slaughter and that when Potter found out he nevertheless went ahead and died, the press and the public in general goes even more rabid. You would think that with so many shocking stories the scandals would dull each other. But, far from that, the public is on fire, incensed, and each piece of news is kindling for the flames.
Potter, unfortunately, does not have a photogenic face (he tends to look like a sad lost deer in all pictures) and all the attention stresses him out. Draco offers him a mutually beneficial deal: Draco will take care of the press for him and Potter will stop the Ministry from returning the manor and his fortune.
“How is that beneficial?”
“I want to tell the press that they took it from me with no evidence before they have the chance to hand it back.”
“Ah, fair enough.” Potter says. He does not seem to be a big fan of the Ministry, which is a pity because this time the Minister is not attempting to kill him, use him, or run a smear campaign against him, unlike the previous ones. It seems that the odd behavior isn’t restricted to Weasley, Snape and him. The other Weasley (Ronald), Granger and Potter are also displaying oddities. Mostly, there is a lot of yelling at the Ministry (Granger) and at every single adult who ever interacted with Potter (Weasley, Ron). Potter isn’t doing any yelling, but he has taken to following Draco around and chatting at Snape.
(No, not “to” or “with”, “at”. He chats at Snape and Snape suffers in silence having accepted that Potter will deflect every hex thrown his way).
Draco doesn’t judge. He is still working at the horrible tea shop with the even more horrible and petty owner (who has no idea how to treat Draco now and spends every waking second alternating between insults and clumsy flattery) simply because he wants to lord over the Ministry that they took his house and money. If Potter feels like he has to follow Draco and harass Snape into making a full recovery, so be it.
There is, of course, the question of Weasley (Ronald) wanting to know where the only tolerable Weasley (Percy) is. Draco doesn’t tell, despite having his address on postcard number 2. That would be a betrayal bigger than anything he did to Voldemort. He could never do that to a person who managed to annoy Dumbledore so much.
What he does is sit down with two cups of tea and explain to Weasley (Ronald) what his brother did and what he went through and why he might not want to interact with any one he knows when, instead, he could be lying face down on a nudist beach in Spain. It helps. Weasley (Ronald) doesn’t track his brother down, but he manages to get him to reply to his letters. He is overjoyed.
The news about having lost his ancestral home and fortune come out and people are adequately irate. He enjoys it, but not as much as he expected. Some people squirm and blush and walk into doors with the embarrassment of how badly they judged him. Some even apologize to his face which is frankly disrespectful because then Draco has to be civil to them. Overall it is unsatisfying. He wants more, but he doesn’t know what he wants.
He almost accepts one of the multiple offers he keeps receiving to enter this or that prestigious program. He would make a good a lawyer. Fortunately, Weasley (the cool one) talks him out of it via postcard. The postcard has nothing written on it other than a smiley face (evidently the brother talks are going well) but it shakes something inside him.
This gives him the idea of apologizing to Longbottom (extremely uncomfortable for both of them) and Granger, who gets him in a number or boards and committees as punishment. Draco competes to be the most disliked person in each committee, which is hard because Granger is in some of them. She asks for immediate liberation of house-elves and a transition program for them and Draco finds himself demanding (just like he did with Dumbledore, full of bile and entitlement) historic reparations. Each blood-line who ever held a house-elf will contribute proportionally to the transition program. He gets death threats over it, it’s great.
Two years after the end of the war, Draco finds himself back in his manor, with most of his money (he doubled his contribution to the elf fund because then the families who want to wash their names would have to do the same) and, mysteriously, Harry Potter in his bed. He has no idea how that happened. He is quite certain he was too busy being a little shit to seduce anyone. Was he seduced when he wasn’t looking? How dare he?
He also has half a dozen very important postcards on his mantelpiece. The only thing he doesn’t have is an ex-Death Eater, ex-potion professor, living in his mansion because the old bastard finally got well enough to say “bugger off, both of you” and then fled to Ireland where the nice Weasley has got a nice little cottage of his own.  
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januarywren · 4 years
Hi if you don’t mind can I request a Snamione fic where he witness hermione’s mental breakdown upon knowing the death of her parents? Hehehe we are going angst today!
EEEEP, I’m really sorry - I’ve been feeling awful the past week, and I mixed up your prompt!! I thought that you wanted a sevmione scene about Hermione Obliviating her parents, not their death. 
The fic that I wrote is an Epilogue AU and takes place ten years after Voldemort’s death, but I’m sorry for the mix-up!! If I have time, I’ll write something that fits your prompt entirely. I’m posting the fic below, as well as linking it here! I appreciate you sending in a request, and I’m sorry again. 
“Hermione – “
It had been weeks of silence, with his lover hiding away in their rooms. There was more to the former golden girl of Gryffindor than anyone knew, and Severus watched, and he worried, as her cheeks grew pale and her words became fewer and fewer.
He felt the distance growing between them, even at night when he wrapped his arms around her, and she nestled close against his chest. Sleep was beyond them, yet they enjoyed the intimacy of it still – at least they had until she'd turned from him.
(Why? What had he done?)
“Trust me,” Severus ached to say. “Please, Hermione, let me in again.”
But he didn’t.
For underneath it all, Severus knew that he was a coward still, regardless of his duplicitous role at the Dark Lord’s side. The Ministry had given him a medal – a scrap of worthless tin – as if that could make his hands clean again.
He’d witnessed horrific things, things beyond anyone witch or wizard’s imagination, aside from Voldemort himself, and perhaps, Dumbledore. The later was hailed as the guiding mentor of the wizarding world, but above all others, Severus knew his true nature: Dumbledore willingly accepted what others would have cringed at, as long as it would aid his efforts during the war.
It was right, and it was wrong, and Severus –
He wanted little part of it.
His own Change was because of the Dark Lord after Voldemort explored the nature of vampires. Severus acted as his servant and was changed first – he'd burned in agony for days until his heart stilled, and he burned anew, his throat aching with thirst. He was a creature without morals, or limits, and had slaughtered as other Death Eaters had, and was privy to horrors that only those closest to the Dark Lord were allowed. There were so many innocents that suffered, regardless of their bloodline or their nature -
He never raised a finger to stop them, nor spared the unfortunate a single word, and he knew that he would burn for it –
Something that Hermione knew as well, for he’d wept in her arms, and confessed his sins to her. The world would never know the weight of his heart nor the true workings of his soul, but she alone would always know.
Severus flinched as his lover turned away from him, his heart thudding inside his chest. "It's over then?" he asked, forcing himself to swallow nausea that rose in his throat.
He’d always known he wasn’t good enough for Hermione, the same way he wasn’t good enough for Lily. (What had he told Hermione at the start of their relationship? “I’m less of a man than I am a creature, Hermione”? It was an understatement by far.)
And yet, Hermione had stayed by his side, freely and wholly of her own will. She’d accepted him when his nature became clear; his fangs grazing her wrist when he kissed her there, and his dark eyes had bored into hers. Her blood was ambrosia on his tongue, her nature as enthralling as a siren’s call.
And when they had reached the point of no return, she had done more than accept him –
She’d chosen him, as her Sire.
Her Mate.
They knew each other as no one else did, as they brewed countless potions together, in their little nest that was hidden from the world. They lived in muggle London, a place where they could live as they wished, and where no one noticed if a petty criminal or two went missing. (In fact, their formerly crime-ridden neighborhood was grateful for the dramatic reduction in crime, as stolen items were returned, and doors were left unlocked once more.)
He withdrew from her, as his familiar friend, anger, found him once again. “Have you realized what I am?” Severus asked, “A foul creature, a sniveling beast – “
It was easy to slip into his former skin, as the greasy-haired and embittered potions master. He knew what the students thought of him and remembered how the staff had avoided him. He reveled in their distance, as it fueled his bitterness; something he had ceased to feel in his life with Hermione. But he was weak then, and exposed, and wanted to hide away where she wouldn't see how he lived for her.
If she left him –
No, Severus thought grimly. When she left him, he would be the creature the world knew before, the one who snapped and snarled without remorse. He wasn’t meant to have others near, he was his father’s heir.
“Stop it,” Hermione said, closing the space between them.
“Why should I, Ms. Granger – “Severus sneered, stilling as her hand rose to cup his cheek.
"Severus," Hermione said as if his name meant something to her still. "This – this isn't about you, or us. I'm not," she hesitated, searching for the right words to say. "I know that I haven't been myself lately. I…”
“You haven’t,” Severus croaked, his tangled feelings exposed. He felt as anxiety entwined with his simmering anger, and his hand covered hers. “Please Hermione, let me in.”
“I did something a decade ago,” Hermione whispered, “something during the war that I cannot let go of. It…it happened next month, and I – I can’t stop thinking of it.”
Severus’s brow furrowed, as he rested his temple against hers. “You were a child during the war,” he said, his tone as gentle as his words were overused. “Dumbledore used you as a soldier – whatever you did is not yours to blame yourself for.”
“But it is,” Hermione replied, with a sad, little smile. “I wanted to keep my parents safe, and I…I took their lives away from them, Severus. I Obliviated them and sent them away to Australia, where they would be safe.”
He kissed away the tears that slid down her cheeks, as shame pooled through his veins. It was his nature to interpret his mate’s hurt as because of him, with his father’s words ringing in his ears – feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing always seemed just below the surface, as if he were a child still.
He wanted to be better for her.
He had to be.
She hadn’t made the decision for him to change her lightly, no, and it was entirely her decision alone. The cursed knife that Bellatrix had used to carve the horrid word into her skin was slowly killing her, the dark magic imbued within her wound leeching her very life from her. Hermione told him she wasn’t afraid to die, after cure after cure had resulted in little change.
Nor had Hermione proposed it at first, after Severus confessed his love for her. She asked for nothing from him but stayed at his side, faithfully stirring his potions, and spending her nights awake with him, even before he changed her. They kept the world at bay outside their door, and wanted nothing but privacy, above all.
She wrote letters frequently to Harry and his wife, as well as his godson, Draco Malfoy who sought redemption after the war and he apologized for his treatment of her. She wrote letters too, to George Weasley who mourned for the loss of his twin, and she wrote to Ron, who struggled to find his stride as an Auror still. Hermione had a longing for the outside world that Severus lacked, though he never sought to prevent her from having friendships.
Yet it was Severus who held her during the Change, allowing her to weep in his arms, as she writhed, and she burned. It was an experience that bonded them closer to one another, the fury of the Change driving the Dark Magic from her soul. It fled her body, but Severus never left her, nor did he want to.
“I’m sorry,” Severus whispered, before kissing the tip of her nose. “So very sorry, Hermione.”
She had always taken comfort in his voice, and like a purring cat, rubbed her cheek against his. “I can’t help but think they are safe but not whole,” Hermione confessed, “Or maybe it’s too painful to think of them as being happy and whole, without remembering me at all – “
His arms circled around her waist, as he pulled her flush against him. “I understand,” Severus said, having once felt the same about Lily, as she burned with life when she was married to James Potter. Yet his feelings for Lily were nothing like how he felt towards Hermione, the only soul to ever accept him wholly, and unflinchingly.
He never would regret the rainy night that he'd come across her, when she'd sat alone at a train station, with her beaded purse in her arms. She'd broken up with Ron and fled from the wizarding world – straight into his arms after they left the train station to eat at his favorite curry place instead. The dull flavor of human food had seemed spicy and danced across his tongue when he sat across from her, and they had simply never parted afterward.
Nor would they if Severus had his wish, and Hermione truly wanted to stay.
“I miss them,” Hermione murmured, “Every night and every day, even though I never forget that I’m the one to blame. I chose to send them away, without a memory of the child they had, or…or anything of their former lives. Their true lives,” her voice cracked at that, and she moved to bury her head against his shoulder. “I don’t have a right to feel this way.”
“You do,” Severus said, his hands resting on the small of her back.
She was a mess of contradictions; her small frame holding a soul that was far stronger, and bolder than his own. He wanted to curse himself for leaving her to the wolves during the war, though they weren’t lovers, nor friends then. His focus then was consumed with thoughts of Lily and twisted bitterness about protecting her son.
“Merlin, Hermione, you did the only thing that you could. The Dark Lord would have never allowed your parents to live. The things that he did to muggles – the things that I did to them – “ he dragged a ragged breath in.
He wanted her closer still as if he could hold on to her, so she never let go of him.
“You saved them, my love,” Severus said softly, though they were the only ones in their room. There would never be another between them, nor a child born from her womb, as their kind was unchanging.
There was only the low purr of her familiar, Crookshanks, who chose then to wind about their legs and rub his face against Severus' foot. With a little blood magic, he would live out his immortal days with them. "My love, my life - believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
He wouldn’t.  
“Promise?” Hermione asked, quieter than he’d ever heard her.
He prayed that she would believe him, as truth dripped from his words. No one would have helped his mate and her parents, not even him. Dumbledore had cared only for Harry, zealously arranging his pawns so his king was protected, and at the forefront of the chessboard. Harry was the one that mattered – Harry was the only one that truly mattered and was needed in the war against Voldemort.
“I swear it,” Severus whispered. "I'll take a Vow if you wish."
He wanted to free her from her pain, her guilt, even as he knew that it couldn't be undone. It was an ache inside of her soul that wouldn't leave her, yet he wanted to try as he never had for any other. Offers rose to his tongue, ones of finding a reversal to the spell, and finding her parents once again.
Severus held his tongue still, knowing that wasn’t what his mate needed, not then. Later, perhaps, when her tears had dried and she nestled close to him, and she knew that he would listen to all that she wanted to share.
She pressed closer against him and grasped the fabric of his robes with her hand. “I wish that I didn’t remember,” Hermione confessed, “over and over again. I see their eyes glaze over and I…I just can’t – I want to forget but I never want to let them go.”
It was all that she could give him then, the wound too raw, and exposed as it was. (Yet she didn't turn her heart away, no – it turned toward him, as she sought the comfort of his hold and the honesty of his soul.)
“I know, sweetheart,” Severus said, knowing more than most how she felt. There were memories that haunted him once, a tangle of faces and a mesh of names that were engraved across his skin. “I know.”
They held each other close, saying nothing then.
21 notes · View notes
agreateryesterday · 4 years
Dramione - Werewolf/Veela fics
Human Hermione
Instinctive by goldhorse (were Hermione)
*Finished* 3 chapters
Draco and Hermione are turned into wolves and thrown in a zoo as punishment by Voldemort and the death eaters.
Secrets of the Moon by EndlessMoonChild (were Hermione)
(Last updated April 11, 2020) 5 chapters
When Draco stumbles upon Hermione working at a law firm - a lone wolf with no pack, and no knowledge of the magical world - he makes it his mission to help her discover the secrets of her past, while showing her what her future can hold. But, will Draco and Hermione be able to withstand the danger that comes along with knowing who she really is?
Wolf's Mate by FictionAficionado
(Last updated Aug 21, 2019) 54 chapters
The hunt for the horcruxes has gone on for years while Voldemort wages open war to establish his dominion in the wizarding world. When his men capture Harry Potter's best friend, he doesn't think twice before throwing the mudblood to his wolves. However, an unlikely ally emerges in the form of a werewolf. To escape her captors and defeat Voldmort, ever the realist, Hermione can't afford to dwell on the fact that help comes from the creature that raped and impregnated her. [On Hiatus]
An Unsuitable Mate by FictionAficionado
*Finished* 29 chapters
Draco discovers he's part Veela and Hermione is his mate. Tired of having his choices taken away from him, he ignores the fates and marries Astoria instead. Draco is happy with the life he's made for himself till a marriage law threatens to destroy it all by once more forcing the most annoying witch he's ever known back into his life.
Predestined by diemdoll (orphan_account)
(Last updated Jan 11, 2020) 11 chapters
"I would say congratulations are in order, but you won't be making it down the aisle." Madam Monroe told Hermione as her fingers continued to trace the contours of her hand. "You were predestined for another."
Addicted To You By Kittenshift17
(Last updated Dec 7, 2018) 15 chapters
An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that binds them together as mates. With Remus and Sirius there to help her through, Hermione's biggest worry is finding out the identity of the werewolf who marked her.
Howl For Me by Kittenshift17
(Last updated June 10, 2020) 28 chapters
The Ministry enacts a Marriage Law, magically pairing couples who'd never in a million years agree to even speak, let alone wed. Paired off with Malfoy, Hermione has to suffer the added indignity of the Ministry banning all contraception and forcing fertility treatment and aphrodisiacs on them all. Draco's secret makes it worse.
As Seasons Change by flawlesslyfallasleep
(Last updated May 6, 2012) 5 chapters
Veela power couple Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been married for a year and are expecting a daughter, but what happens when the past catches up with them? Will bad blood be enough to taint the small family's love?
Dark Water and Dying Eyebrights by Bex-chan
(Last updated April 21, ?) 10 chapters
One of them is desperately trying to remember their past while the other is forever trying to escape theirs. It's seven years after the war and Draco has managed to avoid almost everyone from Hogwarts, living a lonely life on a small island, far away from the wizarding community. But a familiar face in a cafe window capsizes his world into chaos.
Perfectly Matched by silverstorme
(Last updated Feb 10, ?) 20 chapters
When Auror Draco Malfoy is mauled by a werewolf on a mission gone awry, his partner Harry entrusts his best friend to care for him: Healer Hermione Granger. But now his heightened senses won't allow him to escape the one witch from Potter's crew he'd always kept at a distance, and his new and volatile wolf has decided she's his perfect match.
Affair de Coeur by woodsywintle06
(Last updated Jun 11, 2017) 9 chapters
Hermione is a smart, young witch who just wants to make the best of her last year. What happens when she is faced with the choice to choose the man she thought she loved or her worst enemy who is depending on her to survive. Draco has discovered the veela part of him and his mate is none other than Miss Hermione Granger, will she fall in love and save him?
Red Moon by g-o-t-a-m (werewolf Hermione)
(Last updated Jan 31, 2017) 16 chapters
All were were changed in one night and all have changed together. After the war, they expected things to stay the same, but a recent break out at azkaban changes everything. They all must come together once again and protect each other even if it costs each other their lives. (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Luna, Fred and George, and Ginny are all Werewolves)
The Beast by LillyanMalfoy
(Last updated Aug 14, 2018) 26 chapters
The Golden Trio is more divided than ever, and when Hermione gets a surprising new patient, anything could happen.
Hers by Shaniyyaahh (prequel)
*Finished* (Last updated Aug 11, 2020) One Shot, 7 chapters
(no summary)
He didn’t even know her and yet...she was already driving her mad.
Tethers by dormiensa
*Finished* 7 chapters
It was perhaps inevitable that Draco and Hermione were a bonded pair. After all, they had a long family history of complicated relations.
A Hard-Fought Victory by Maloreiy
*Finished* One Shot
The rivalry between Gryffindor Army and Slytherin Army was almost as big as the rivalry between 7th years Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. With the clock ticking down in the race for the Hogwarts Cup, an interesting...complication...will affect the outcome of them both.
Evigilatio by darkcivet (FallenInDreams)
*Finished* One Shot
She could Apparate to the other side of the world and he'd still find her. She couldn't run forever. Not from what she wanted. And especially not from him.
An Unlikely Mate by gingersparkle92
(Last updated Dec 16, 2017) 1 chapter
When Hermione goes back to Hogwarts for her eighth year, she never expects to discover that she's the destined mate of her childhood worst enemy.
Lightning by floatsodelicately
(Last updated Nov 8, 2014) 9 chapters
The Black family has been cursed, every male born of Black blood is born a veela and is doomed to die without their mate. Draco has to deal with his veela side, his Death Eater father, his Slytherin front and his muggleborn mate, Hermione Granger.
His Mate by sxgittxrius
*Finished* One Shot
No summary available
Thank Jarila for Veela by Varali
(Last updated Aug 6, 2014) 5 chapters
Hermione is invited by the British Society of Veela to their annual Jarila's Day celebration. Draco is an unwilling benefactor to the same event. When the two meet at the party, Hermione discovers something interesting about Draco's lineage and something ignites between the two of them.
Awaken Mine Soul by otterlyardent
*Finished* 5 chapters
The events that occurred over Easter Hols at Malfoy Manor brought about a completely unexpected turn of events. With Hermione under Bellatrix's wand, Draco and his parents realize just how important she will be to their family. A change of heart among other things leads to the pair spending the summer together, getting to know one another without blood prejudice standing in their way. Will it be magical, or will it all end in tears?
A Little Twisted by Scarlett_Letter
(Last updated Sep 28, 2016) 2 chapters
Draco just barely missed his one chance at freedom. Now on an unwilling path to become a death eater, an old friend is entrusted to him. Add to that certain changes brought out by a brilliant witch that sees more than the act he gives the rest of the world, and a sprinkle of a few meddling friends and you can bet for a happy ending; even if getting there was a little twisted.
To Be With You by Kipsels
(Last updated Nov 6, 2017) 3 chapters
Draco's dealt with a lot of difficult things since the end of the war, including losing his inheritance and going through his Veela maturity. Finding out Hermione Granger was his mate however, that had to top the list.
Silver Roses and Ebony Thorns by MadMaster
(Last updated May 30, 2016) 1 chapter
Draco returns to Hogwarts his sixth year completely different. His father was sentenced to Azkaban, and he recieved an order from the Dark Lord-Kill Dumbledoor. As if his life isn't already fucked up enough, the summer before his sixth year he turns out to be a 2/3 Veela. So not only does he have wings and is deadly passionate he must hide what he is. Which is harder when he realizes a certain curly haired bookworm his his soulmate. Everything he was taught and everything he has ever know quite literally flew out the window.
That Which Destroys Me by Lovenyx125
(Last updated March 21, 2019) 17 chapters
"Mudblood Princess," she breathed out. "Disgraced Prince," he murmured against her pulse. Recovering from their stay in Malfoy Manor is hard enough, but Draco is battling a fatal illness of Voldemort's own design and Hermione may be the cure. Forget salvation, with the way she looked at him just now and the heat that touched him with her hooded gaze, she would be the death of him.
No Force on Earth by GreyBauer, SinBin
*Finished* 2 chapters
When Draco goes too far, Hermione has to learn to let go. She's worth more than what Draco can give her, she knows that. Now if only she hadn't gone and tied her soul to his, that'd be great.
Veela you marry me by Nervousmilkshaketrash
(Last updated Oct 29, 2017) 4 chapters
Draco is veela, shit happens
Neglected by Lost Cookie (Akalish)
(Last updated Jan 19, 2016) 1 chapter
Contrary to popular belief, Theodore Nott did not give a sodding fuck for whatever claims his Death Eater father made, did not follow pure-blood beliefs nor was Theo into the importance of "securing" magical benefits. Neither did he have the shallow impression that Muggles, Muggle-borns and Half-bloods were inferior beings ― not by much, anyway ― and so, he reflected, if ever asked by Professor Severus Snape, Theodore Nott should very much have been sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin.
Inevitable by SilverOwlCity
*Finished* One Shot
His death, he mused, was inevitable.
Business Partners by Debboluh
*Finished* 20 chapters
Andromeda Tonks approaches Hermione with an idea to start an orphange and community centre for children and families who have been affected by Voldemort’s werewolves, other extra-magical children and families are more than welcome! But what secret is their potions master hiding? And will Hermione ever find out? Draco's mood swings are giving Hermione whiplash, first he doesn't care and then he offering his own house!?
Her Veela Knight by thrivingrightnow
(Last updated Nov 25, 2019) 6 chapters
Hermione Granger's been through more than any of her closest friends know. Her life has been woven through loopholes and hidden scars in order to keep everything well. One night, everything backfires when Draco Malfoy accidentally comes to know her dark past. The unlikely ally comes to discover what's been happening with her ever since Ron and Hermione broke up. To make matters worse, Draco's coming down with something.. quite brutal. When they turn to their friends for help, will Hermione open up to the problems that she has faced over the years? Will Draco stick with her all the way?
No Choice by Klazora
*Finished* 31 chapters
The trio and friends return to Hogwarts to finish their final year; it seems at last that they might finally have an uneventful, purposeful year of schooling, at least until Draco Malfoy's world is turned upside down by a family secret. His mother was a Veela, and so is he; now he's in a rather extraordinary predicament. Veelas are matched for life with one person, and he doesn't get to choose who it is. But it gets worse for him; if he doesn't find 'the one' in time, he won't live to become 18. This should be good...
My Savior by ShelbieRae
(Last updated June 20, 2018) 15 chapters
Hermione Granger wants nothing more than to just finish her education and have a normal year. Draco Malfoy simply wants to find his Veela mate before his clock runs out. What happens when they both return to Hogwarts, get Head positions, and have to share a living quarters and duties? Will they kill each other, or will new feelings emerge?
Unwritten by Maloreiy
*Finished* 3 chapters
"He’d always known that hair. He’d stared at it, he’d jinxed it, one memorable day he’d gotten his wand, his hand, and a good portion of his arm, stuck in it. But for the first time he was overcome with a longing to touch it. To touch her. To reach out to her and pull her towards him.” A lovely little romance about a young Veela and the mate he never expected.
Storm by Momo (uglee)
(Last updated Feb 6, 2019) 10 chapters
After being attacked during the batle at the department of Mysteries, a secret hermione Granger preferred to keep long hidden is exposed and it starts a snowball effect that will change the wizard world forever. When her friends find out her secret, their reactions are mixed, some more upset than others about her new status. With her closest friends by her side, Hermione Granger decides to come out of hiding and change the world for the better whike she's at it.
The Trouble With Veelas by hiddenhibernian
*Finished* 4 chapters
Draco just wants to make Hermione happy. Unfortunately, telling her he is a Veela and she is his mate would achieve exactly the opposite, so he has to find another way. Nothing else in Draco's life has gone according to plan, so he ought to have known it would only go downhill from there...
Can't Shake This Feeling in My Bones by brightraven14
(Last updated March 11, 2020) 7 chapters
She saw his distinctive platinum hair amidst the sea of bodies on the platform, almost insulted that he had the nerve to return to Hogwarts after what he had done. But at least that would mean he'd keep to himself this year, right? With Hogwarts being immensely overpopulated this year, they wouldn't even have to interact...
Draco's astonishing birthday by Hbsj
*Finished* One Shot
Theo and Blaise take Draco out to celebrate his 21st birthday, but at the stroke of midnight everything changes and all Draco can feel and need is that captivatingly dark haired gorgeous woman at the bar. Only his parents forgot to tell him about his true heritage...
Trope Soup by MotherofBulls, SaintDionysus
*Finished* 12 chapters
On the twenty-third of September, the year of our Lord, two thousand and seventeen, MotherofBulls and SaintDionysus thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and write as many tropes possible into a single fic. Lord help us. Again...we were drunk while writing this.
Wrath by dormiensa
*Finished* One Shot
If tickling dragons is folly, irking Veelas is madness.
Dangerous by sunalso
*Finished* 17 chapters
Life is, at last, safe and stable for Hermione. She knows who she is and who she loves. Until something starts to follow her in the dark and she finds she might not know herself at all.
Between the Trees by NuclearNik
(Last updated May 18, 2020) 2 chapters
When the tides of war change quickly, Draco makes a split-second decision and steals the freedom of the only person he still cares about, desperate to protect them. Hermione Granger becomes prisoner to a reluctant captor, locked away in the ruins of the one place she'd ever truly felt at home. Trust does not come easy for either of them.
His Veela Heritage
His Veela Heritage: M Rated Outtakes by RiverWriter
*Finished* 31 chapters, 2 chapters
His entire world shifted and he was suddenly certain that his life was no longer really his own, it belonged to her. He could only hope she'd forgive him, could only hope she'd accept him. Because he was a veela and Hermione Granger was his mate. The only woman who had any chance of truly making him happy was the same girl he'd spent half a lifetime tormenting. Karma was a bitch.
As the title suggests this is an M Rated outtake from my story "His Veela Heritage" written as a gift for Weestarmeggie's birthday. This may become a collection- Now officially a collection!
ICW's interfere by lonelyroads, LonesomePhantome
(Last updated Oct 8, 2019) 4 chapters
The ICW -or- The International Confederation of Wizards' high court decided to not trust Albus Dumbledore any longer after the Triwizard fiasco and sent some of their own to keep an eye on him and fix up all of Britain's Ministry of Magic's mistakes.
Between Love and Abuse by Fanfrick
(Last updated Jan 30, 2020) 2 chapters
Hermione Granger wanted one year without drama. One year without everything going wrong. One year knowing what was going to happen. She wanted a safe and normal year, but nothing is normal after Draco Malfoy kisses her. All of the sudden, her world is thrown inside out and she is left questioning everything she ever knew. Draco has Veela running through his veins. He had wished it would never be active. Of course not all wishes become true. Now he has to fight deal with not only returning to Hogwarts after the war, but also with finding his mate. Though he never expected that both could possibly be connected, when Hermione Granger smacks him he learns he must start expecting the unexpected
The Irregular Malfoy Gene by Grangermalfoy1
(Last updated Dec 12, 2018) 22 chapters
A Malfoy with the veela gene has been popping up irregularly in their bloodline since the 17th century. Draco Malfoy is one of the rare male veelas, and has until his 18th birthday to find his mate, and convince her to be his, forever. Finding her won't be the problem for this particular veela, it's convincing the stubborn witch to accept him that's going to be the hard part!
Missing You by Athenniene
*Finished* One Shot
Hermione has a visitor in her office. Draco just wants to see her one last time.
Story Challenge: I'm A Veela, And Karma's A Bitch by WritersObsession2002
*Finished* One Shot
"Granger, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" I demand, feeling blood rushing up my neck and ears despite myself. She glares at me. "When were you going to tell me?" she retorts hotly. I swear my heart plummted to my toes. "Tell you what?" "Don't!" she hisses. "When were you going to tell me that you're a Veela, and that I'm your mate?"
The Great Work by HallowQueen
(Last updated Feb 7, 2017) 2 chapters
Voldemort punishes Lucius for the Department of Mysteries and losing the diary by letting Greyback bite his only son, causing Draco to lose the one thing he could always count on: his blood. Struggling with his identity an given a task he cannot complete, he is left turning to his godfather to stave off the beast and drawn to the one person he was cruelest to: Hermione Granger.
What Happened to Us? by elfhunter05
(Last updated Nov 22, 2018) 19 chapters
Draco Malfoy finds out he is a Veela... His parents think they know who his mate is... Professor McGonagall sets up arrangements in Hogwarts... Will it work?
Undisclosed Desires by Mila_Reeves
*Finished* One Shot
Draco tried to stay away, but she was his mate and he was ready to show her what that meant.
Choices by MidnightValkyrie
(Last updated May 16, 2020) 20 chapters
The choices you make shape your future. After so long of having them stripped from you, you'll do anything if it means you get to be the master of your own destiny for once.
Veela, My Veela by LucindaRemyJohnson
*Finished* 3 chapters
Draco's got one hell of a problem, and he's really hoping Hermione can help him. These waters are citrusy.
Following by writerspassion18
*Finished* One Shot
Draco's obsession with a certain brunette is a little unhealthy. It may just be animal instincts, or that's what he tells himself at least.
Beautiful Disaster by ashleyfanfic
(Last updated May 30, 2019) 26 chapters
Veela!Draco! discovers that his mate is the least likely person on the planet, and the discovery leads him and his father in new directions...
Unequivocal by irene_doe
(Last updated May 20, 2020) 6 chapters
Hermione thought her biggest issues this year would be being stuck in a dead-end job and not quite getting along with her new officemate, Draco Malfoy. However, the Ministry is about turn her tidy and contained life upside down with the announcement of the new Marriage and Family Law, and there's more trouble brewing as outbursts of uncontrolled magic begin to wreck havoc in the office. Draco has been reassigned to Corporate Services after an Auror mission went spectacularly sideways; at least, that's what he's telling everyone. The truth is hardly as straightforward and Granger has him increasingly on edge, so naturally, he was only too pleased to learn of the new Law that was going to out him as a Creature to the woman he loves.
The Things We Do to Each Other by badthingfine_as_hell
(Last updated May 30, 2019) 5 chapters
Veela blood in the Malfoy family has been dormant for generations. But the stress of the wizarding war has caused Draco's to manifest, and he must cope with being an ex-Deatheater outcast and a secret magical creature. Meanwhile, Hermione Granger is beyond excited to return to Hogwarts for a final year without the looming threat of Voldemort. But when something completely unprecedented happens at the Welcoming Feast, her hopes for a normal year disappear.
Count Your Blessings Not Your Flaws by FizzyBee
(Last updated Feb 5, 2017) 7 chapters
Ron was a prat. There wasn't much more that could be added to that, other than a few choice expletives. Hermione had always been know as a genius, so it should have come as no surprise that a solution was on the imminent horizon. To the person asking nor to the person agreeing. Either way, Draco was happy. Things spiral out of control when it turns out that Ron isn't entirely incompetent, though.
Dungeon Dragon by Starkling
(Last updated April 20, 2019) 140 chapters
They had been stumbling around blindly for too long, they should have made it to the rendezvous by now, Hermione thought nervously before she took out her wand, placing it on her palm. "Point me." She whispered. When her wand spun in a circle, pointing off to her far right, she got miffed. They'd gone too far West. Gesturing for Zacharias to follow over her shoulder, she crept quietly though the woods. Keeping her eyes and ears peeled for any sign of humans or wildlife. "Granger! Look out!" Hermione snapped her head in Zacharias's direction just in time to see a look of horror cross his face, before a seemingly grey blur came crashing straight for her. It grabbed a hold of her waist and Hermione screamed bloody murder, before promptly being knocked unconscious by a jet of red light, hitting her square in the chest.
The Reluctant Veela by sapphirephoenix
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 28 chapters
Draco Malfoy has come into his father's Veela legacy, and is fighting it at every turn. The Fates aren't giving him an inch though, and neither is Hermione Granger, his destined mate!
marked by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
'“Perhaps you missed it over the last nine years, but I’ve cared for only you. It’s worth mentioning as well that I have forced myself not to get too close in case you did find your mate.” His brows drew together. “I did miss that.”
The Silent Call by UnanticipatedRavenclaw
(Last updated April 26, 2020) 13 chapters
Hermione has just transferred into the DoMLE as an Investigative Analyst. She's meant to be the eyes that find connections between cases but she ends up finding an unexpected connection of her own. Join her as she navigates her new job, the potential of what could be, and discovering the long lost history of what blood purity in the Wizarding World really means. A veela-lite slow burn love story between Hermione and Draco.
Key To Happiness by Marvelgeek42
*Finished* One Shot
A lot of the things in his life were things he would never have expected, but honestly? This was so much better.
Lessons in Lycanthropy by bentnotbroken1
(Last updated July 4, 2017) 8 chapters
The blame, Draco would later muse, fell on Theo’s shoulders. If it hadn’t been for his insistence that they sneak out and throw what the muggles called a “kegger”, none of them would have been in the forest that fateful night. But Theo had insisted and that was why he now had the urge to howl at the moon.
Sang et Lumière by Freya_Ishtar
(Last updated May 8, 2019) 9 chapters
*8th Year* Late one night, Hermione hears a sound that chills her bones—a howling from the Forbidden Forest, yet all werewolves fled at the end of the War. When she finds Draco stumbling back into the castle the next morning, she becomes his confidante . . . and something more.
Beware the Howling Night by Entwinedlove
*Finished* One Shot
Draco drags Hermione through the woods
Kismet by MrsRen
(Last updated Sep 28, 2019) 21 chapters
Kismet; destiny, or fate. Hermione begins uncovering secret after secret, eventually finding herself trapped between her sense of duty to her family, the war that's breaking out across Wizarding Britain, and discovering what sacrifice and love truly mean.
Scar Tissue by TheWildChild
(Last updated Dec 7, 2017) 35 chapters
A few years ago, Draco's life changed for the worst. Still, he could live with it, he could adapt. But when another werewolf comes to Hogwarts to teach the students, it starts to get dangerous. Their absences and behavior towards each other raise some eyebrows and Draco is afraid that a curious mind might even end up seeing right through him.
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Post: Part 1
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mylatinlinernote · 6 years
Unwanted Honours: Severus as Godfather. Part 4 with epilogues
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
-In that hellish year that followed after Albus’ death, Delphini was a surprising bright spot for Severus.
-Visiting Delphini offered the rare opportunity to, albeit briefly, relax. He would attribute it to being a kind of respite from the seething hate directed at him each day by colleagues he had once thought were friends. Which was partly true.
-Severus would never admit the thrill he felt when Delphini smiled at him, gurgled at him, curl into his arms. It made him ponder his childhood and whether his own father or godfather ever felt this way and what happened that twisted the hearts of his parents so that they could never utter a kind word to him or each other. As the tiniest of fingers grasped onto the folds of his cloak he did his best to banish the past and hold the child a little closer.
-Never in his life did he think he’d covet something of Bellatrix’s.
-Despite these small moments of warmth, he couldn’t ignore the cold fear for what lay ahead for this child regardless of which side won. Maybe he too would end up in Azakaban for 13 years with outlandish dreams of godfather/goddaughter adventures only to have a brief but neutered freedom before being bested by a curtain.
- It was enough to almost make him lose his conviction in Dumbledore’s plan. Almost.
-According to Narcissa, neither Bellatrix nor Voldemort spent much, if any time with the child. Nor was Narcissa or the other Malfoy’s allowed anywhere near the nursery which was located in their own house. Care was left to the house elves and Severus may likely be the only human face or voice the infant would see for days or even weeks.
-Severus knew what an unloved, unadored child could turn into, be treated by others but as the month of May drew closer and all signs pointed to Potter making his way closer and closer to the castle, Severus knew he had to consider the likelihood of his own end.
-His plans, up to this point, always included retrieving Delphini from Malfoy manor and fleeing Britain, maybe even the continent entirely. He could try to live without magic again, but he wouldn’t dare deprive Delphini of her gifts the way he own father had tried.
-Severus was loathed to admit that although Delphini was overlooked by her own father, she would certainly be protected by whichever followers remain. Potter survived thus far despite an inauspicious start with muggles in a closet under the stairs. Delphini would surely fair better as Riddle saw to it that no muggle relations remained living who would deny the child her birthright.
-As he laid dying in the shrieking shack, he fought desperately to hold back the ferocious flow of memories that were escaping from every orifice as he wanted to die with something to hold onto for comfort. While his memories of Lily ebbed away to nothingness, his thoughts of Delphini remained clear and loud and in his final panicked moments, he wanted Potter to know that she existed and that she needed protection. However, the world went to black once he had asked Potter to look at him.
 Epilogue (Cursed Child – the AU where Harry died)
-Upon hearing the news of Severus receiving the Dementor’s kiss, the Augury flew into an inconsolable fury for days. She refused to believe that her beloved Godfather would betray her and conspire with two of the most wanted fugitives in the wizarding world.
-By the time she came to her senses, the Augury had killed Umbridge, Malfoy, and 20 other witches and wizards in a very bloody and public purge.
 Epilogue (Cursed Child – the main plot)
-Severus this, Severus that; whomever this Severus was, he was all Lestrange could talk about.
-Delphini surveyed the dark, yet busy pub he had apparated them too. A recent escapee from Azakaban, her companion appeared at the Rowle’s cottage one day with promises of revealing her true lineage and helping her reach her true potential, if she were to hide him and procure a month’s supply of Polyjuice potion.
-Delphini had met her end of the bargain but was wondering whether she was being made a fool of as the man continued to drink using the galleons she had stolen from her foster mother.
-She made a motion to leave when Lestrange grabbed her arm and forced her back into the booth they were sitting in. The establishment they were in was the sort where rough treatment of women was not a concern of the patrons.
-He fumbled through a pocket in his robes and pulled out an old photo, jabbing his finger violently in the tiny faces as if they had personally insulted him.
“Tha’s yer mother, my late wife Bellatrix. The dark lord’s most faithful servant. Tha’s the Dark Lord, Voldemort. He’s your father. The greatest wizard to ever exist and that…” driving his nail into the nose of the photographed man “… is the mudblood-loving, half-blood scum traitor who helped kill them.”
-Delphini had a fleeting feeling of disappointment. She had thought that maybe her parents were the woman with the white blond hair (who’s features she closely resembled) and the tall man with the hooked nose (who was actually holding a baby) instead of the haughty, disinterested,  yet wild-looking brunette and the nose-less man who was more snake than human. Her disappointment turned to pride as Lestrange of the powerful magic her parents were capable of.
-“o’ course…” he belched “ I’ll give ol’ Snape credit, he was a damn better occlumens than the dark lord was a legimens. Don’t know how he got away with it for so long but the dark lord must’a caught him out in the end”. Delphini looked up from the picture, where the man with the hooked nose could be seen readjusting the swaddling blankets. “Nasty snake bite to the neck they say. Bled out before the venom could get him. Easy way out for a traitor like him but it’s not for me to disparage the Lord’s methods”.
-Delphini nodded slowly as her eyes returned to the photograph; The man with the hooked nose looked around him and appeared to give Delphini a small, but pained smile. A flash bulb memory of a soft darkness, a low voice, and the smell of sandalwood and juniper hit Delphini’s mind.
-“May I keep this?” She asked.
 Epilogue (a happy-ish, AU ending)
-The sounds of footprints were fading away as Severus’ vision returned, grey and blurry. He tried to yell, to move but could only shift his arms slightly as the felt like they weighed tons. He contemplated to just submit to his fate and die but his final thoughts of Delphini replayed in his mind’s eye with vivid technicolour. If he could get the bezoar out of his pocket, then he might be able to regain some motion and impede the effects of the venom on his body’s healing.
- He was found by Aberforth, who had spied Voldemort and Severus apparating into the shack. Aberforth was a most reluctant nursemaid and left Severus to his own devices for most of his recovery. Aberforth also had a cruel sense of humour, placing Severus inside the same room he spied on nearly two decades earlier.
- After months of hiding in the Hog’s Head, Severus had long overstayed his welcome. While the colour returned to his vision, he needed glasses to deal with the blurriness. Significant nerve damage meant he walked with a limp and his left arm was barely functional.
-However, Aberforth was dropping clear hints that he wanted Severus to move out as he was a non-paying customer and there was profits to be made, what with the influx of tradeswizards coming in to help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade as well as the tourists who came to gawk at the tragedy.
-Severus had been presumed dead, burnt to ashes in the blaze that took out the shrieking shack. He still had his wand  but didn’t want to arouse suspicion. He took the long way to Malfoy Manor, a combination of hitchhiking and using the funds Aberforth gave the former potions master to motivate him to vacate the village.
- He watched the Manor from afar for two days. The place was crawling with what little aurors were left. He was about to reveal himself to Narcissa when Dawlish had come by the relieve himself in the bushes during a perimeter check. Before being oblivated, Dawlish revealed that there was no infant present in the mansion despite evidence that the nursery had been recently used.
- At a loss, Severus eventually returned to Cokeworth a place so insignificant that despite its most infamous inhabitant, it was too much of a muggle dung heap for anyone to investigate. When he was able to get his hands on a copy of the Daily Prophet or the Quibbler, he gradually worked through the names of potential families whom may have given shelter to Delphini.
-it was almost a year after the battle of Hogwarts when he found her in the home of the Rowle’s. Severus wagered that if he took her, the Rowle’s wouldn’t do much about it for even if they did report the child was missing, a simple spell would reveal her true parentage and bring further dishonour to them.
-Delphini was older, toddling about, but had the appearance of a child who was not cared for. Severus did not think she would remember him but was none the less surprised when he was able to scoop her up from the garden without a sound of protest.
-He was Severus Snape: Most loyal deatheater, killer of Dumbledore, the most hated headmaster, and now kidnapper.
-Staying in England wasn’t an option nor was resuming his identity as Severus Snape. 
-First, there was a couple of months in Morocco working for a wizarding cartel that trafficked forged artworks. Severus, or Hesperus as he was known, garnered a lot of sympathy as a recent widower while Delphini, now Daphne, was the delight of the workshop. Their time was cut short when a raid funded by Gringott’s meant a very close call by Bill Weasley.
-There was a year spent in the abandoned summer apartments of Igor Karkaroff in Bavaria. Dephini was a clever child having not only learned how to read but also to levitate her books. Severus made potions for the black market and made a comfortable profit from it. That is until village gossip got to him that the local wizarding government was cooperating with the Ministry of Magic as part of a clean sweep of Voldemort supporters on the continent.
-There were pockets of time spent in Italy, and parts of Asia. Each move occuring after Severus thinks he spies Potter, Longbottom, or Weasley lurking about. It takes literally bumping into Longbottom before Severus decided that it was finally time to try to make their way to America. They ended up in Salem but lived more amongst the muggles than amidst the magical community. 
- He raised Delphini well. Despite the instability of her early childhood, Delphini had grown up into a lovely and confident young woman, albeit one who wielded considerable capabilities with the dark arts and could pass for the fourth Black sister.
-Severus knew what would happen if her thirst for forbidden knowledge was stifled too harshly or quenched by forces eager to destroy the world. He provided structure, safety, and expertise as well as boundaries and a gentle nudging away from texts and spells that were not appropriate for witches who weren’t of age.
- He had always spoken evenly of Delphini’s origins; who her real parents were and why he did what he did. He showed her a photograph from one of the gatherings, pointing out bellatrix, Voldemort, well as Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco.
-It was during one of these talks that Severus discovered that Delphini was a natural occlumens. Delphini’s face was also unreadable.
- Delphini, as Daphne, attended the Salem Institute as a private student. She became validictorian, on the honour society, and won awards across several fields of magic in America and abroad. She truly loved her Godfather but she had more questions about her parents than he was willing to answer. Despite his strong misgivings, Severus conceded to Delphini going abroad - Lucius and Narcissa had died prematurely and Draco, from all reports, had matured considerably.
-At the same time, across the ocean, Rodolphus Lestrange escaped Azkaban. He discovered the decades long betrayal of the Rowe’s and massacred the remaining members for losing Delphini so carelessly. As he walked amongst the carnage, he spied a section of the Daily Prophet with a sizable photo of Daphne and first place trophy from the International Potions Competition.
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