#and he has basic sewing skills to cut all the crop tops himself
weird--science · 3 months
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the tylerrrr
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thesanguinerose · 5 years
Rory Redacted Survey Thing
Tagged by @queenofeden so RIP everyone, I'm posting on mobile and have no read more :[
EDIT: Readmore established hehe...
Name: Riordan Tanner[given name]
Riordan O'Marcaigh[mother's maiden name/aunt's last name]
Riordan Devorak [post game]
Nickname(s)/Titles: Rory (Everyone calls him this), Ro (Julian), Rory Redacted (inside joke)
Age: 27 [start of game]
Birthday: April 11
Zodiac Sign: sun Aries, moon Sagittarius, rising Leo
Gender: male [trans right babey]
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bi [male pref]
Favorite flower: carnation
Favorite food: steak, medium-rare 
Favorite drink: apple cider [hot/cold/alcoholic/non...all of it]
Love Interest: Julian. I use him for all of them, but his backstory and personality is so perfectly crafted for the Julian route that it feels weird with anyone else now.
Height: 5'2" - [5'4"-5'5" with heels/heeled boots, which he always wears]
Weight: 165
Body type/build: Average build, slightly thicker. Round/heart shaped face, upper body is thinner with a layer of muscle under the soft - gets more muscular post-game due to the time spent on a ship. Thick/strong legs, has an ass 😌
Skin: white and ruddy, pink/warm undertones
Hair: dark brown, kept long/below his shoulders. Ties it into a ponytail, messy bun, or loose braid sometimes. Intricate braiding and hairpieces/rings are for special occasions. Cuts it above his shoulders once and hates it.
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing features: freckles, left ear is pierced at the lobe and a few times on the cartilage. Wears earrings in all holes, usually wears a silver chain earring connecting the lobe to cartilage.
pre-game > lots of sheer shirts over crop tops, shorts, leggings, couture inspired masquerade outfits, silver accessories only - gold washes him out. Signature colors are blue and silver. As the plague spread, kept himself more covered, though the fabrics were still sheer. Worn canvas or linen shirts at Best.
During game > white linen undershirt, modified stay over it to act as a binder, a white gauze shirt over that with sleeves rolled up, navy vest/jerkin, tan pants, brown heeled boots, his black handbag of holding.
Physical health: he needs glasses to see. Is overall in ok health. Allergic to three types of trees all of which are in the surrounding area, prone to hayfever, his joints click.
PreGame > confident to a point that it is irritating and rude, blunt, quick to anger, doesn't cry, cares about people but pretends not to, bad at making connections with people, needs to be wanted and latches on to people who have feelings for him, doesn't tell people Things About Himself. It's all a defense mechanism - he's deeply sensitive and feels a lot, but doesn't understand how to express it in a way that makes sense. Doesn't wear his glasses bc they make him look like a nerd. Pride and hubris are his ultimate downfall, doesn't listen to people he cares about because once he's decided he's doing something, he's going to do it. Died with a laundry list of regrets.
InGame > jumpy and antsy, doesn't like going outside because it's a lot, but longs for adventure. Kinder now that The Weight Of Life has not pressed itself upon him. Mom Friend instincts, will rise to the challenge during an immediate crisis, but once it's over, he needs to be taken care of. Quick to cry. Embarrassingly quick to cry. Gradually gains his confidence back in a healthy way, still incredibly impulsive, is more open and communicative with his feelings. Still quick to anger.
Likes: being right, dogs, tea, shiny/sparkly things [esp pretty rocks and jewelry], fashion, horses, fire.
Dislikes: being told he's wrong/not getting what he wants, blood magic, people who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze, waiting, being called cute or any variation thereof. Do Not Call Him A Witch.
Fears: being known and by extension rejected, the dark, spiders, water
Habits: tapping his fingers on things, touching any and all textiles that catch his eye, picking at his nails, making promises he has a hard time keeping
Mental health: ADHD - emphasis on RSD esp pre game. Translates into anxiety in-game/post-game. Varying degrees of depression and suicidal ideation pre game.
Residence: born in unnamed Fantasy Ireland, lived in Prakra for 4 years[16-20] has lived in the shop in Vesuvia since[20-27]
Occupation: magician, shopkeep, prakran magic school alumni. Formerly: leathersmith's apprentice, doctor's apprentice
Skills: sewing/embroidery, basic alchemy, illusion based magic [esp in a party/theatrical context], divination, conjuration, horseback riding, general showmanship, arguing/debating
TRIVIA -Mostly pregame/backstory based.
Grew up on a farm that handled livestock primarily. Also raised horses.
Repressed his talent for magic due to it making his mother and the villagers uncomfortable.
Jumping off that: Mommy Issues ™ 
Has incredibly good intuition and is a natural at divination, but he is predisposed to giving negative readings or only having a Spidey Sense when something bad is going to happen. As a result, abhors divination because he thinks either 1. It's wrong [it isn't his life is just a mess], 2. He can't do it right or 3. He's the reason bad things happen.
Had a border collie named Patches his aunt gave him when he was on his way to Prakra. Status post death is unknown. Also has a horse named Callam who he's had since he was about 8. Status post death is unknown.
Had a younger brother named Riley who went MIA during battle. Likely killed by the plague. It runs in the family.
Is allergic to three types of trees and has to wear very specific gloves and a mask when gathering herbs so he doesn't break out in hives.
Kept an extremely detailed journal. It documents his life from when he left home to his death. Has doodles. So many doodles. Not really cohesive, but it makes sense to him. Also has shopping lists. [Out of use post-death, but Rory reads it post-game]
Did he mention he went to the magic college in Prakra? Because he went to college and if you didn’t know, well, he sure will tell you about it.
Was incredibly close with his Aunt, who was basically Him but Nicer and Watered Down.
Speaks fantasy Gaelic fluently before his death, esp with his Aunt. Taught Asra curse words. loses most of it when he's brought back. Also loses part of his accent, falling into general Vesuvian, though it shines through when he speaks quickly and on specific words.
Is 90% talk and 10% action. He's a weenie.
Made a Bag Of Holding in magic college - Carries it everywhere both pre and in-game. Works like a Mary Poppins bag, but small and black and stylish. Goes with everything.
Had time to settle into his gender identity and presentation in pre-game, is utterly unapologetic. Had mild dysphoria but nowhere near as bad as current/post. Current Rory starts from scratch and has to work back up to feeling okay, but has general "oh bad" feelings for a while. Bad feelings are only exacerbated by the Fool's body before he understands it. Takes a lot of work to do so. He ends up okay!!
Had two sexual partners before his death, but dated a whole lot of people. Very picky about who he does things with, but also needs to be desired. Broke a lot of hearts out of boredom and the fear of being vulnerable.
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