#and he got mad at her for playing with his socks when she'd just been playing with mine and he threw them on the floor of the living room
fleshdyk3 · 20 days
god i fucking hate my dad
#he came home today from a bike trip he went on and he's been arguing with me about honeybee the whole fucking day#he keeps saying just let her out let her run around! every time i put her in her pen to nap#and he refuses to stop her from biting him#and he got mad at her for playing with his socks when she'd just been playing with mine and he threw them on the floor of the living room#which first of all stop being such a fucking slob#and second of all what the fuck did you expect to happen? it's a soft new toy on the floor where she spends most of her time. where all her#toys are. very similar to the two soft items she's allowed to play with (my socks)#she's fucking 3 months old she doesn't understand the difference between my socks and his socks#and i keep telling him i know what im doing i was doing all the research while he went to buttfuck nowhere on his midlife crisis motorcycle#but he just wont fucking listen to me#and hes like oh youre at that age where you think youre right about everything and are so stubborn like fuck you actually#first of all im stubborn about this because its a living breathing puppy and his actions will affect her behaviour as an adult#and bc i know what im fucking doing. ive been an animal person my entire life. i did all the research. i did this exact same thing with#parrots for five years.#and hes like you cant just put her in her pen every time shes being a dog like no i fucking dont. i only put her in her pen when it's time#for a nap and she's getting overtired. you can't just let her run around until she collapses bc for one she never fucking will#second that's only going to make her energy threshold higher and then she'll be absolutely impossible to handle#and i told him that and that i read that on like every professional dog training source i read#and he said that might be true or might not be#like it fucking is bitch omfg#and then he tried to one up me like um i actually raised you guys for a long time i know what im doing#like a child is not a fucking dog. also my mom raised us lets be fucking serious. and look how well adjusted i turned out#and he told me to relax and calm down like i wasnt even arguing with him but i sure as hell will now#like dont tell me to fucking relax. when has telling anyone to relax ever made anything better. especially a teenager. especially a (for#simplicity's sake) woman.#and i told him dont tell me to relax and he got all pissy and stormed off#like literally fuck you#im my fathers daughter. im just as stubborn as he is.#rambles
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accihoe · 7 months
Under the Bridge
I'm writing in a moment of despair, forgive me.
Pairing: rockstar!Bucky x rockstar!reader
Summary: The rivalry bands drummers don't have such a rivaling relationship.
Warnings: rivalry
A/u: 90s Rockstar
A/n: I had my main character breakdown in the shower to the RHCP 🤭. As per usual, PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY WORK. God bless! :)
"We lost the petition to The Avengers (Bucky's band)." Her bassist delivered the blood boiling news to her on Monday.
"He doesn't have much time left, and it's no use visiting him. He has no recollection of anyone or anything." Her mother broke the news to her on a Tuesday evening about a dear family friend.
"You need to pull up your socks if you want to stay in the band, Y/L/N." The band manager threatened her on Wednesday.
Thursday had its own struggles involving the lugs repeatedly coming loose during practice.
And then Friday. Friday went surprisingly well. Everyone was pleased with her drumming during rehearsal. The band's manager even patted her back. She'd also been nominated as the best female drummer of the decade. It was just before the show that the very tense dam walls broke. Y/N's housesitter, Jane, informed her via a call on the landline that her cat Rosemary had run away.
Rosemary was Y/N's backbone. When even her family doubted her success as a female drummer in the music industry, Rosemary was there with her chirpy meows to inspire Y/N. When she got rejected by agencies, Rosemary was quick to curl up on her chest and purr. When she was ill, Rosemary never left her side. Rosemary grounded her amidst all the chaos. Rosemary went with her from sleeping in a run-down apartment to the house of their dreams.
That night, Y/N played her heart out on stage. Her band mates turned to watch her several times during the set. Their manager was beyond pleased with her. The Avengers were beyond displeased with her, said for their drummer, the Winter Soldier. Yet nobody knew about the secret love between the two rivalling drummers.
Nobody got a chance to congratulate Y/N after the show. She disappeared into the night in her dark leather coat, as did James. "Honey, you were amazing tonight!" Bucky whispered, emerging from the parking lot. "Thank you. Let's get away from here, please." Y/N whispered back. They got into the car, and Bucky drove them off. "What inspired ya?" Bucky asked as they drove into the night.
"Rosemary's gone..." Y/N whispered, looking at her leather-clad knees. "What? Darling, how? What happened?" Bucky asked, eyes laced with concern. "I dunno. Jane called. Said Rosemary hit the road." She said. "Mind if I play a song?" She rushed out before Bucky could answer. "Of course not." Bucky said gently.
Ironically, as they pulled in under a bridge, Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers started to play. "Did you plan that?" Bucky chuckled. "Yes." Y/N was quick to admit with a small smile. "I love you, you know that?" Bucky sighed, taking the car keys out of the ignition. "I think I do. But hearing you say it warms my heart. I love you too, drummer boy." Y/N smiled at her lover. The lovers sat on the hood of the car as Under the Bridge blared through the speakers, watching the moon reflect in the water.
"I'm sorry about Rosemary. I really am." He said, taking her hand into his. "It's alright, love." Y/N smiled gently, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll help you look for her." Bucky promised. "Thank you. And once we've found her, the three of us will snuggle up and watch Scooby-Doo together." Y/N leaned her head against his shoulder as she spoke. Bucky laughed heartily and agreed.
"Would you be mad if I wrote a song about you?" Bucky asked, bringing her knuckles up to his lips and kissing them. "No. But only if I'm allowed to write one about you too." Y/N said. "The bands will fire us if they hear we wrote songs about each other. Let alone find out about us." Bucky said half jokingly, and half truthfully sad. "Then we'll start a band together." Y/N said softly, taking his left hand and kissing his knuckles.
Fin. Hope you liked it.
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years
yu's -> bracelet girls body swap:
Yuya woke up in a familiar room confused, it wasn't his room though. Yuya looked around confused at the room that belonged to Yuzu, he's been in this room a lot ever since they were kids. Why was Yuya in Yuzu's room, and why was he sleeping in her bed? Did something happen to him? He couldn't remember, he could've sworn he fell asleep in his own bed last night. Yuya stepped out of bed and something felt off, his clothing weren't his when he looked down. The pink pajama's were Yuzu's. Yuya ran to the mirror and stared in shock at not his face looking at him, but Yuzu's. What was going on?? He screamed and in came Shuzo in panic, he approached Yuya "Yuzu" and asked what was wrong. Yuya shouldn't worry Yuzu's dad with something he didn't even understand, he played it off like it was nothing. Yuya lied about seeing a bug, Shuzo believed him and left. Yuya sighed and looking back into the mirror. It was so strange having his own thoughts but seeing Yuzu looking at him in the reflection.
Yuya was so worried, where was Yuzu? Was Yuzu in his own body? Yuya hoped Yuzu was okay. Yuya also sighs in relief that today was a weekend, he wouldn't be able to handle having to pass as Yuzu at school. But then next came his next issue, Yuya didn't want to change out of Yuzu's pajamas into day clothes...that would be so strange. If Yuzu knew he did that she'd smack him so hard in embarrassment. Yuya respected her boundaries and just slipped on a pair of socks and shoes and left the house to go to his own. Yuya was praying Yuzu would be in his own body and they could figure out a way to switch back.
Yuzu was really upset when she answered the door, it was so strange for Yuya to himself in another persons body. The two of them awkwardly stared at eachother. Yuzu was blushing and looked really upset, Yuya was feeling really scared. This wasn't his fault, why does she look so mad!! Yuya doesn't want to see himself looking so angry!! Yuya smiled and raised his hand to wave, and Yuzu smacked him! Yuya wanted to cry and change back to themselves as soon as possible!
Yuto was spending the weekend over at the Kurosaki's, he had a huge duel test at school and he wanted to practice strategies with Shun. Bonus, Yuto also got to spend time and also duel Ruri who will be taking the same test. Yuto was really happy spending time with them. But then came morning and something felt off when Yuto woke up. The scent of lavender stirred him awake, Yuto blinked and let his eyes adjust to the morning light peaking in through the light purple curtains. Wait, Shun didn't have purple curtains in his room. Yuto fell asleep in Shun's last night and on a futon, not a soft feather like bed. Yuto sat up abruptly, he looked around the room and realized he was in Ruri's room. Why? Yuto has only been in Ruri's once, but never alone, Ruri and Shun were with him, and now he was sleeping in Ruri's bed...and where was Ruri? Yuto's cheeks felt warm, but then he noticed something else felt wrong, he looked down at his hands. Polished nails, Yuto's eyes then noticed the soft purple nightgown "he" was wearing. Those were Ruri's pajama's. Yuto's heart was racing as he quickly got out of bed and looked into the mirror to see Ruri's face.
Yuto then turned on his heels and left the room in search of Shun. It seemed like Shun and "Ruri" were still asleep, Yuto didn't even bother knocking on the door, he opened it abruptly and shook Shun awake.
"Shun, wake up." Yuto spoke in a panic.
Shun opened his eyes slowly and looked upset.
"Ruri??" Shun asked in confusion.
"No, im Yuto.." he said in a shaky voice and his cheeks burned red in embarassment.
Shun sat up and looked at him in confusion, he spoke like Yuto but had Ruri's face. The noise seemed to wake up Ruri, who was in his body. She screamed when she looked realized what was going on. Shun looked between his sister and best friend and started to laugh. Yuto wanted to punch him for finding this funny, Ruri stood up fast and through a pillow right at Shun's face. It was an eventful morning in the Kurosaki house
Yugo was shocked to say the least waking up in Rin's body. But oddly, he was happy. Yugo stared at himself, or rather Rin in the mirror and started blushing and smiled so big. Yugo was so entranced by this situation he wasn't gonna question how he could switch bodies. Rin was so pretty, Yugo couldn't stop staring into the mirror and even touched "her" cheek, Rin's skin was soft. Yugo has always wondered what it would feel like to touch Rin's cheek like this. Yugo's attention shifted from the mirror and down to Rin's body, she was in her pajama's...the familiar pink shirt and shorts combo. "Yugo" couldn't go out looking like this. With his eyes closed, he actually managed to change into Rin's signature everyday outfit. Tada!! Yugo was ready for the day now, he should find Rin and figure out was going on! If Yugo was in Rin's body, Rin must be in his! Made sense to him!! With boundless energy, Yugo bolted out of the room in search for "Rin" the first place he searched was his own room.
Of course Yugo being typical Yugo, when he got to the room he didn't bother knocking. He was met with an angry yell and a pillow to the face. Yugo frowned and through the pillow and met the angry eyes of Rin with her hands balled into fists. Yugo was right, he was now staring at his own body looking mad at him. Of course he was already quite used to Rin's scary temper, it was just weird seeing in through his own face looking at him. Yugo smiled wide and ran right towards Rin with open arms.
"Rin!!!" Yugo exclaimed and tried to hug Rin.
But Rin kneed him right in the stomach before he could hug her. Yugo fell down clutching his stomach in annoyance.
"Yugo!!!" Rin yelled angerly at him, his own voice tight and practically growling.
Yugo looked up at Rin with puppy eyes and pouted, Rin looked him over and noticed he was in different clothes than she had slept in. Rin got more upset and smacked him on the head.
"Stupid Yugo!!! Who gave you the right to change my clothes!!!" Rin yelled at him.
Yugo wanted to cry, she smacked him so hard!
"Rin!! don't get the wrong idea, I had my eyes closed....Im sorry!!" Yugo defended and hugged Rin's legs apologetically.
Rin calmed down after a few minutes and the two of them sat around in Yugo's room to figure out a plan to switch back.
Yuri doesn't like this. He doesn't like this one bit. Why is he in someone elses body? Serena's body no less. Yuri frowned as he stared at "himself" in the tall mirror in Serena's bedroom. Yuri glanced around and pondered what to do about this situation. Where was Serena right now? Would she be in his body? He should probably find her, but did he really want to deal with Serena's temper if he did? Not really. Hm. Yuri supposed he'll just stay put and hope this was just a horrible nightmare he can wake up from and soon he'll be back in his own body. In the meantime, Yuri will seek comfort from his predaplants and starve venom. Yuri went to reach into his pocket for his cards, but then a realized he was in Serena's pajama's and his deck was nowhere to be found. Yuri's was upset and sat on the floor with his legs crossed, he didn't have starve venom. Yuri always had starve venom, his closest friend he always sought comfort in wasn't near him for the first time. This is the worst! Yuri grumpily sat before noticing Serena's cards on her desk from the corner of his eyes. He supposed if he was stuck in her body for the time being, he could at least take a peak at her deck. Yuri and Serena often dueled for fun and she always gave him trouble. Yuri smirked, he's gonna study her cards more closely and come up with ways to beat Serena so badly next time they duel.
Serena is VERY mad she's stuck in Yuri's body. He's short, and his eyebrows and hair are ridiculous. Serena wants to punch someone. She could punch Yuri, but if she's right...that jerk should be in her body. Serena doesn't want to bruise herself. Serena prays she'll be back into her own body soon so she could give Yuri a beat down physically or in a duel. Serena knows Yuri is going to be so smug and annoying, she needs to find him right away before he doesn't anything horrible in her body. Knowing Yuri, he's going to be an absolute nightmare and take advantage of the situation somehow and make her look bad.
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masterwords · 3 years
Get Me Out, Let Me In
~800 words of Aaron and Sean...no plot whatsoever. It's my birthday and all I wanted to do was indulge in some Seattle & Sean, so here you go. You're welcome. (No real warnings but brief mentions of death and a lot of cigarettes.)
He sits in the leather wingback chair, emulating his father's posture. One foot kicked up, ankle resting on knee. The house is still and silent, only the sound of his breath hangs on the air. He flicks the ash from his cigarette, stolen from his father's study, into the ashtray beside him and takes another drag.
“Aaron!” his mother shouts, crashing through the front door with Sean, her arms full of grocery bags. “I told you to stop smoking in my house!”
He grumbles, but he doesn't put it out. There is no fear anymore. His father has been gone a week; his oppressive presence lingers only at the edges of Aaron's conscious now, no longer a threat. He inhales again, blowing smoke through his nose like a dragon. Sean claps, standing in front of him, always excited to see his brother's tricks. "Do it again!"
“Out,” his mother says, grabbing the stubby cigarette dangling from his lips and snuffing it out in the ashtray. She grabs the base of the tray and drags it behind her, making a dramatic show of throwing the entire thing out the back door triumphantly. As if it would stop him, stop the grief, fix something. He just rolls his eyes.
“Whatever,” he whispers, lighting another. Sean is watching the interaction eagerly, expectantly, far too young to understand the power play going on in front of him. He doesn't understand, he just wants to see his brother perform more tricks.
He understands it later, though, when he's behind the high school lighting up with his friends when he should be in class. Their mother no longer cares, she's checked out. She would buy them for him if he asked, but where was the fun in that? He smokes in his bedroom, lounging on his bed listening to The Misfits and Minor Threat, driving his mother to the brink of madness with his grimy four chord punk rock. It's noisy and his room smells like dirty socks and cigarettes, the ceiling coated in thick orange smears from his mother's halfway attempt at running a mop over it. All she'd really managed to do was smear the grime around and shatter a lightbulb.
“Turn it down,” Aaron says, sauntering into Sean's bedroom with his bag slung over his shoulder. Home for the long weekend, and Sean wonders why he even bothers. He sweeps through like his presence is a gift, but without any real effort. Their mother assumes it'll eventually set Sean straight, but he's not interested in any advice that Aaron is peddling. “Here. Good music.” He offers Sean a plastic bag full of cassettes he's acquired in Seattle...Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, Green River. Sean scowls and imagines them to sound suspiciously like the sort of lame stuff Aaron listens to. Dad music long before he's a dad.
“What lesson are you here to teach me this weekend?” Sean asks, lighting up a cigarette. Aaron sits on the edge of the bed and folds his hands in his lap. The smoke smells too familiar, it makes him gag, brings back memories of their father, of losing him.
“I uh,” he starts, clearing his throat. The acrid smoke is overwhelming his senses, he imagines sitting in the wingback blowing smoke rings as if he were some sort of wizard. “I got a job at Quantico.”
“So what...so you're moving back? Big deal.” Sean affects an air of nonchalance, as if he hadn't been wishing for his brother to move back for years...it's just that he's sure that he's too far gone now, too lost, to salvage their bond. He'll graduate high school in a few years and move far away from this place, and he'll do it for good. Not like Aaron, moving away only to turn around, he'll disappear forever and become someone new. He watches Aaron deflate, as if he'd been anticipating a joyful reaction, and he feels guilty for taking this from him. “Sorry. When are you coming back?”
“Next month.” He's looking at his hands now and Sean feels terrible, like he's kicked a puppy. He stubs out the cigarette on his nightstand, dropping it into the pile of ripped up filters and ash, and sits up to rifle through the bag. The pictures on the tapes look rough, the men all look just like him...youthful with greasy long hair and big stompy boots, he thinks maybe Aaron knows him better than he should after a lifetime apart.
"These look cool," he mutters and Aaron shrugs.
"So people tell me. Mom's going to hate them." Sean grins at that and pops open one of the tapes, pulling out the cover and opening its delicate accordion fold over his lap. More pictures and lyrics, he pours over each song before deciding that he'll actually give them a try.
“I'm glad you're coming back,” Sean says, finally, glancing up at his brother. “I've missed you.”
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xhannahbananax03 · 5 years
The Boyfriend Diaries - Act I - Chapter 1
Tumblr media
Warnings: Implications of Sexual content, Extreme gore, violence. If you are easily trigged by any of these things, PLEASE DO NOT READ
Words: 1.9k
She was sat across from a cute boy in a small diner, wearing a big smile on her face. "So Dorothy, what's your favorite subject right now?" The boy asked, his name was Ben.
"Oh, I prefer biology and chem. lab." She smiled, of course it was her favorite subject. She got to learn about the chemicals she would steal when the teacher wasn't looking. Just little things like some chloroform here, some bleach there, the occasional disinfectant.
"I actually prefer literature..." Ben said a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.
"I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom." She spoke up staring at him intently, "Edgar Allen Poe." She finished softly.
"Oh..." He chuckled awkwardly, before casting his eyes up to the approaching waitress. She was dressed in a bright and annoying pink and blue outfit, the same one all the other female staff was wearing.
"What can I get for ya!" She said in a loud and cheery voice. Before "Dorothy" had a chance to speak up and tell the older woman to stop being so obnoxious, Ben told her his order.
"Can I get the chicken salad and the green shake?" He asked politely, smiling up at the woman who's name tag read, "Bethany".
Ugh.... Dorothy thought to herself, he's a healthy eater... "I'll just get some fries and a Sprite" she told Bethany with an annoyed smile.
The woman's face fell slightly before she huffed and frowned, "sure, it'll be out in 15." She said with a hint of anger in her voice before quickly turning around and walking off.
About an hour later Dorothy and Ben walked out of the diner hand in hand, even though she was annoyed and his hands were oddly clammy, she stuck with it. She had to. Only a little big longer. She kept telling herself.
"So where do you wanna go now?" Ben asked her, a smile on his face unaware of his impending doom.
She squeezed his hand tighter and took a deep breath before slapping a smile on her face. "It's a surprise, just follow me." She said walking down the sidewalk and towards the small dirt road back in the woods that led to an old shut down factory. The same place she'd been staying for almost a month.
"Ok if you say so." He laughed and walked beside her, still holding her hand. Now's your chance. She told herself.
After a bit of walking, the pair finally made it to the beginning of the path, where he stopped walking and just stood. She turned around a panic beginning to bubble inside her, "What's wrong?" She asked innocently, trying to keep her cool.
He chuckled lowly, looking down at the ground as one of his brown hiking boots kicked around a rock. "I know what your doing..." He said softly, not yet looking at her.
"What do you mean? Do you know this place?" Crap she thought, might have to do it right here... That's probably the last thing she wanted, but if it had to happen, it had to happen.
"Don't play coy with me sweetheart..." He smirked up at her before taking a step forward and wrapping an arm around her waist, "you're taking me to the old Mill to shack up, aren't you?" He asked a smile in his voice. But not a sweet, gentle smile, more like a predator lurking just beyond the surface, and it made her heart pound beneath her chest.
She giggled softly, trying to cover up her fear of getting caught and her fear of something much more dark happening. "You caught me..." She said flirtatiously looking up at him.
He leaned down to kiss her lips but she leaned back in response, "let's get there first, then you can kiss me." She giggled pushing away from him and turning back down the path.
She frowned to herself and let out a shaky breath. She heard the pounding of feet behind her and she wanted to run forward in return, but instead she put a fake smile on her face as she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her closer to the warm body of her date, Ben.
Eventually they made it to the run down Mill, inside she had everything set up, in one room a dusty old couch and in another closed off room, a clear tarp on the floor, chains hanging from the ceiling, and a table with things like cleaning supplies, gloves and, knifes. She wasn't too much into torture, but she would have to hack up the body and bury it in several locations. So even if the cops did go looking, they'd never find all of it.
Walking into the old and rusty front door, she led him towards the couch and he sat down, almost immediately reaching out for her, "you wait here while I go get ready ok?" She winked at him really trying to sell it.
He leaned back and spread his legs, "I'll be here." He said with a smirk, making her cringe, but it was dark so hopefully he didn't notice.
She smiled down at him and turned around walking to the closed door. Behind it, a crime waiting happen. She didn't just do the things she did for no reason, she always had a reason. She liked to think of it as justice.
Walking into the room, she closed the door and let out a heavy sigh before getting to work. First she stripped down into her underwear and put on a self-made hazmat suit of sorts. She put on a pair of black rubber gloves and a pair of socks.
She walked to the table to double check she had everything she needed when a loud bang came from the door, she jumped back and ran towards it, "just a minute!" She shouted, looking around the room one last time before standing behind the door and turning off the light.
"Come in!" She shouted loudly. The door slowly creaked open and in stepped Ben, his hand immediately flying out in search for a light switch, "don't!" She squeaked out not ready for everything to be seen. That would just make this that much harder.
His hand fell back to his side and he completely stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "Dorothy?" He said quietly in a creepy manner. She shuddered but stayed still and quiet, she needed him just a few more steps into the room before she could jump him. "Where are ya?" He asked stepping further into the room.
This was her shot, probably her only shot and she had to take it, she unfolded the chloroform covered rag in her hand and moved quickly towards the light switch before flicking it on, "what the-" were the only two words he was able to get out before she was on him.
She jumped into his back and immediately shoved the rag over his mouth and nose, he screamed into it and reached his hands back grabbing for her hair only to pull off the dark black wig and hold it in his hands.
He struggled for a little while longer, before inevitably passing out, falling onto the old cracked pavement face first. She got off of him and stretched her back, "put up quite the fight there Benny..." She mumbled to his limp form.
She dragged his heavy body over to the chains and sat him in the chair below them, she huffed out a breath before tugging his arms above his head and wrapping and locking the chains tightly around his wrists.
In the corner of the room was a big metal barrel full of wood and old newspapers covered in gasoline, she lit a match and threw it in before throwing the wig, their clothes, and the rag into the flames. She quickly attached a hose to the old sink in the room and turned on the water before spraying Ben down.
After a few minutes he came to, he still was out of it, but he was awake and ready to be charged for his crimes, "Benjamin Dowle..." She said pacing in front of him with a folder in her hands, "I'm Riley... Lovely to meet you." She said not looking up at him.
"How do you know my real name?" He shivered, "I changed my last name after..." He trailed off a dark expression taking over his face as he stared down at the ground.
"After what Ben?" Riley asked staring up at him, "you know, if you can't talk about it, you shouldn't have done it." She said before turning back to the table and grabbing a knife, his eyes widened and he started pulling on the chains, "I wouldn't if I were you, you yank to hard and the rafters will come down on you. Giving you a more painful death than I will."
He started panting but was done moving, "You're gonna kill me!" He shouted out the panic finally hitting him, "You're crazy! You can't do that!" He shouted at her starting to scream.
"Go for it. Scream. No one can hear you Ben." She said loudly, talking over his cry's, "now, shall we start? You're originally from Oklahoma... Rich parents... Blah, blah, blah..." She stared intently at the page running her finger tip over the words written there, "ah, here it is!" She said gleefully, "a few months ago, a young girl in Tulsa, around your age, went missing around the time you and your family moved up here. Says here, she was last seen with you."
"What? I don't know what you're talking about! Now let me go!" He yelled at her almost accusingly. She tsked him and walked towards him with the knife, drawing a straight line up his leg and towards his thigh before she slightly dug it into the meaty flesh there.
He screamed out in pain, "Stop! Please God! Stop!" He screamed out. She did as he asked and stopped but left the knife there, he cried silently for a second before dropping his head, "I killed her... I wasn't meaning too... She just- she just made me so mad." He whimpered out.
"Where's her body Ben?" She asked softly looking at him, pulling out the knife. He gave her the address and hung there, "I'm gonna have to kill you now." She said almost sympathetically. He began screaming and begging for her to let him go, which she never enjoyed. It brought her back to the night where she was the victim. But she had to, this needed to happen.
She decided to make it quick, the sound of his pleas bouncing off the cement walls and giving her a headache, she pulled out her father's pistol before planting a bullet in the boys head. "Sorry Benny, today was the day you faced your judgement, and just like you, I'll face it one day too..." She whispered to his limp body hanging from the ceiling.
She didn't do what she did for no reason, for her it was justice for the poor girl that he murdered.
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