#and he ends up bumped his head to the doorjam
lucaonthropy · 4 years
Apollo: *walks into the room with bedhead and crumpled shirt*
Lityerses, from the other side of the room: You're cute today
Lityerses: *walks away as if nothing happens*
Apollo: E-excuse me? Wat?
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mrs-hollandstan · 6 years
Unprepared || Harrison Osterfield {2}
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Request: Could you maybe do a series where you’re dating Haz and he gets you pregnant by accident but he’s like that happiest dad ever and hes so concerned about you when he finds out. And he’s there for you almost all the time??
Warnings: childbirth basically. a few sex jokes, language, just general baby stuff. 
Word Count: 4,740
Author’s Note: Here’s part two of the request. It kinda sucks how many notes the first part got but whateves. At this point I’m kinda writing it for me I guess. I think it’s cute and I hope that whoever requested it is seeing and enjoying it. 
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"Harrisonnnnnnnn." The blonde nearly slipped as he spilled a few drops of ginger tea before sliding his socked foot across it. He cursed, bumping into the bathroom doorjam, glancing up and smoothing fallen curls from his eyes. Slipping his socks off he stepped forwards 
"S'the matter love? What else do you need?" You whined, curling yourself tighter as Harrison crouched on his knees just outside of the bathtub, setting your tea on the ledge, "He keeps... kicking me and it hurts." Haz tsked, cocking his head and slipping his hand into the water. Pressing it just over where a foot pushed up, he hummed, "Quit that little one. You're hurting your mummy." Harrison watched you close your eyes, reaching up with his other hand to stroke your hair, "S'alright love. We're okay." He spoke calmly, leaning in to kiss your temple. You whimpered again, the baby nudging his father's hand through your skin. Harrison clicked his tongue and stood, quickly stripping from his clothes and taking your hands, scooting you forward just the slightest and worming his way behind you. Resting back against his chest, both of Harrison's hands cradled the ever growing bump, "I've got you both." The touch alone seemed to settle the little one within you, few and less painful bumps coursing through your body. The nausea began to subside but Harrison grabbed the steaming mug of tea and held it before you. You hummed and took it as quickly as you could, allowing him to rub over your belly again. Swallowing back the subsiding bile, you sigh, "I want him out of me." Harrison gave a gentle chuckle, lips pressed against the back of your head, "I know. He's just as impatient but... a little while longer darling. We're almost there." Groaning, you relax further into Harrison's touch. You huff, Harrison resting his head against your own, "This is the same place we found out you were in there baby boy." You hum, closing your eyes, "Our whole world changed." Harrison silently agreed, nodding against your shoulder, "But we're so in love with you." I nodded, glancing back at Harrison, "And I'm so in love with your daddy. He's an actual angel." Harrison gave a lopsided smirk, "But your mumma is the best angel. She's having you. Givin me the best thing I could ever ask for." Kissing you, he ran his hands over your belly, resting his hands against your skin for the baby gently kicking  out to meet him, "You ever scared?" He mutters in your ear. You nod, holding his hands over your belly, "All the time. This is the craziest thing I've ever done. I'm having your baby and it's crazy to even think about. There's just... there's this little human inside of me and its crazy." Kissing where neck meets shoulder, Harrison hums against your skin, "It is crazy. I always remember going around to baby showers and seeing all these babies being born and I always wondered what it'd be like to have... to have a who'd be willing enough to have my baby and yeah... yeah I didn't think when we got together that we'd end up here... with a baby boy on the way but... here we are. We're getting ready to have him and... it is crazy. It's absolutely crazy." Laying your head back against his shoulder, his eyes meet yours,   "You've been... normal. As normal as before. Since... since him. Other than getting sick really bad in the beginning. And the tiredness lately." Nodding, you close your eyes, "I've been tense lately too. My shoulders and hips ache." Letting his hands drift, Harrison hums as he gently presses on your hips, "Yeah?" You nod, rubbing over your belly, "My feet too." Tsking, he worms his way from behind you, scooting to the opposite side of the bathtub. Taking a leg in his hands, he massages his way from your knee, down to your ankle and focuses on the ball and arch of your foot. Avoiding your eyes for just a moment while he massages you, he licks his lips and digs his thumbs into the arch of your foot. When you groan and wallow further into the warm water encasing the both of you, he glances up, "What are we gonna name him? I want something... I want something amazing for our little man. Ya know?" You nod. watching his fingers work. You shrug, "So present some. What kinda names do you like?" He shrugs back, looking to his shoulder where an unlit candle sits. His eyes roll halfway to glance up at the ceiling as he thinks, "Cole, Finn, Hayes, Jack, Noah, Carter. I dunno. What do you like?" Closing your eyes, you sigh, "I like those names. What about... Julian, Levi, Asher, Miles... this is a tough decision. It's our little boy and its his permanent name. What is something we can agree on?" He shrugs again, "I seriously don't know." "Well I want his middle name to be John. Same as you, so what works with that that you like?" He sighs through his nose, swallowing, "Well... Cole can work, but I don't like the way it sounds." You nod, sipping a bit more of your tea, eyes locked on him, "If you name him Jackson, it works." Crinkling your nose, you shake your head, "No Jackson, if I was gonna name him that something like that it'd be strictly Jack." He smiles, "Alright. Finely John works. Also... Hayes John Osterfield, Carter John Osterfield, and Noah John Osterfield. All those work." You nod, "And then out of my names, Julian John Osterfield, Levi John Osterfield, Asher John Osterfield, and Miles John Osterfield." He shrugs once more, "I don't like Julian or Asher." You nod, "Are there any other names you like? I don't want to settle. I want us to love his name." "Tyson, Hunter, Tanner. I like Levi, but I also really like the name Tyson." "Oh I do too. Tyson John Osterfield. That's such a cute name." He smiles when you perk up, finding his eyes again. You smile back, "We could call him Ty for short." Harrison nods, "That's cute. I like that idea." "Me too. I love that name." Switching to your other foot, Harrison smiles as you rub over your belly, slowly mumbling the name to your baby. You smile and Harrison can't see them, but he knows there's tears in your eyes when you say it one last time "Mommy and daddy both love you our little Tyson John." He smiles wider, glancing down at your foot, "More than he'll ever know." 
Harrison and Tom helped put together the perfect baby shower. There was a table of goodies, more for you as Harrison claimed than anyone. Each time he caught you snacking or saw you with an overwhelmed look on your face, he came to stand beside you, a hand rested on your lower back. When Tom pointed out that you had sat off by yourself, the two of them sauntered over, Tom placing a hand on your shoulder, Harrison crouching before you, "You okay?" You nod, "My legs hurt and m'tired. But I'm okay." He nods and runs his thumb across your knuckles, smiling and nodding, "You can ask either of us for anything and we'll do it. Just give a holler." You nod again, giving his hand a squeeze. He perks up when you gasp, but when your lips turn up into a smile, he relaxes just the slightest, "Uncle Tom hasn't felt a kick has he?" He takes both hands, helping you stand while Tom shakes his head. Taking Tom's hand in your own, you press it to the left side of your belly, just where a tiny foot kicks out to meet him. His eyes widen as he holds your belly in his hand, yours placed on his shoulder. You giggle with Harrison, watching Tom's reaction to the little one eagerly stretching out to meet his uncle, "Active little one aren't ya Ty?" Smiling up at him, you nod in agreement, "He does this all the time." Tom chuckles, "That's crazy. But that is so amazing. You're amazing. Both of you are gonna be phenomenal parents and I can't wait to see you guys with him." Harrison steps forward to run his hand over your belly, "Me neither. I'm ready for our little boy to be here. I'm ready to see supermum have a little baby boy connected to her hip." Tom smiled, "I can tell he's gonna be a giggly little thing. How active he is, he'll just be an alert, giggly little man." "I sure hope so. I need a little more energy in my life." Tom holds his hand over your belly, only glancing up when Haz's mother walks over to see if you'd like to open gifts. You nod, taking Harrison's hand and following him to two chairs. He sits beside you, draping his arm over the back of your chair. "Tommy, can you take down names with the gifts so I can do thank you notes?" He nods, taking the pad of paper and pen from you and sitting on the floor before the both of you. And after a lot of gifts and a long list of names later, he stands and sets the notepad behind you. He kisses the top of your head, "Spoiled little mumma and baby boy." Smiling up at him, you turn to Harrison, "Let's go out back yeah, I need some air." He nods, standing and following you to the sliding glass door at the back of your house. He closes the door behind him, "You sure you're okay?" You nod, leaning against the back deck's handrail, "I'm perfectly fine. It's just a lot all at once. The more pregnant I get, the more anxious I get. I just... I just wanted a small, close baby shower and its... it's just too much." He steps forward, sighing through his nose, "I know its a lot. And in a few hours, it'll just be the three of us again. We can take a bath and eat the rest of that cake in there. Just a little while longer." Nodding, he steps forward further, placing his hands either side of your belly, "When he gets here... after he's here, everything changes. He's our number one priority. But we plan a wedding, we get married, we're a full family." Smiling, you nod and press your hands to his shoulders, "I mean... it's not like you technically weren't my husband already. Nothing's gonna change. We'll just have a baby boy." He smiles back down at you as you pucker your lips, leaning in to kiss you, "I'll get to call you my beautiful wife though." Giggling, you hug his body to yours, his arms binding tight around you. He hums, "I most definitely am ready to be someone our little man idolizes. Uncle Tommy and I got this." Sighing into his warmth, you close your eyes, "I believe you.” 
"Oh God Haz." Harrison kisses the back of your hand as he holds it tight, letting you squeeze as you ride out a contraction in the passenger seat. Checking all around as he stopped at a red light, he glances at you, "Almost there love. We're almost there." Sucking in a deep breath, you nod through tears, "I know, I know." Taking deep breaths, Harrison runs his thumb across your knuckles, "Make sure you're counting baby." You nod again. The night had been rather anxiety ridden and fast paced. It started as a dinner with a few close friends including Tom. After everyone but Harrison's best friend had left, you cleaned up and Harrison insisted it wasn't necessary. You should be resting. But he didn't push because he knew it comforted you just the smallest bit. So he and Tom joined you in the kitchen and the moment Tom said something remotely funny, and you laughed, your water broke and both boys and yourself froze. The three of you tried to remain calm but each time a contraction raked your body, Harrison panicked and Tom wasn't too far off. Giving your doctor a quick call, he reassured that you having the baby nearly a week early was perfectly fine, but not to head in until your contractions were about six minutes apart. And when they got that close, Harrison was hurrying both you and Tom out the front door. With a kiss on the cheek from Tom and a muttered 'good luck' to the both of you. "Focus on your breathing love. We've got this." Harrison reassured as you squeezed his hand. Breathing through another contraction, the time shrinking from six to four minutes in a little over half an hour, between contractions set your mind into overdrive. Harrison pulled into the hospital parking lot, quickly pulling into a stall and turning the car off. Popping open his door, he rushed around to your side of the car, taking the baby bag at your feet and holding his hand out as he slung it across his body. Helping you from the car, he clicked his tongue, "You're doing amazing baby. Do you want a wheelchair?" Shaking your head, he nods silently and closes your door, holding your hand in his and your lower back in his other. Walking you to the door of the hospital, he glances down as you hold your bump and nearly crumple in pain with a short contraction. Leaving you standing at the entrance of the lobby, he hurries to the front counter, telling the receptionist of your predicament. One look at you and she's having Harrison bring you forward, putting a wristband on you and having a nurse bring a wheelchair to you and having you escorted to the labor and delivery wing. Harrison sits beside you, your hand in his while they give you a shot of Pitocin and ask you routine questions. They run you and Harrison through the routine and leave you for half an hour. Harrison quietly runs his thumb over your knuckles, reassuring you you'll be fine. He comments on the heartbeat of your little one and notes the time. Letting you squeeze his hand each time a contraction rakes through your body, coaxing you through each time you groan loudly. Choosing to take the epidural, Harrison's heart breaks when you whimper as they stick the needle through your back, but when the contractions decrease to two minutes apart and you can only feel a small bit of discomfort, he's grateful. Nearly two hours after you've arrived at the hospital, with your contractions two minutes apart and your cervix dilated the full ten inches, they've set you up to push. Harrison stands just beside you, his hand in yours, coaxing you through as you push out your baby boy. After ten minutes of pushing, and a lot of crying, the first cry cuts through the air, Harrison clearing tears from his eyes as they wrap your little boy in a towel and lay him on your chest, "Hi baby. Oh I waited so long for you my love. Hi." Harrison smoothes your  sweaty hair down as you cry down at your wailing baby. Soon enough, he's being offered surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord and the baby is whisked away to be cleaned off and have his vitals read. "You're amazing love. God you're amazing." He kisses you, smoothing your hair over, "Absolutely spectacular love." He glances up at your son as they finish with him, your doctor reassuring you you're almost done. Just after you've delivered your placenta, the new baby is placed in your arms, Harrison leaning over you. Stroking the little one's cheek, you smile down at him through tears, "Hello my little Tyson. You are so so beautiful." Harrison sniffles as he laughs, smoothing more of your hair down, "So beautiful baby. I owe you both everything." Laying the whimpering baby against your chest, you kiss his forehead and coo down at him. Within the next few minutes, the doctors and nurses clear out, leaving you with your fiancé and new baby. Scooting over as much as you can, Harrison squeezes himself into the bed beside you, running his hand over your baby boy's head, "He is absolutely stunning Y/N. You did an amazing job and I am so proud of you. I don't know what I'd do without you." Glancing up at him, you smile, "I think the thanking comes from me to you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have my baby boy." Kissing his forehead, you hum, your body throbbing as pain returns. "Although... I don't thank you for the intense pain I'm gonna be in for the next few weeks." He chuckles, "M'here for you and baby boy though. I've got the both of you for life." Leaning in, he brushes his finger under your chin to kiss you. The moment his lips meet yours, it's like the world is falling into place again. It feels like the world is spinning faster and the little one in your arms is all you've ever needed. All you and Harrison have ever needed. Pulling back, Tyson whimpers against your chest. You both glance down at him before your eyes meet Harrison's again, "Would you like to hold your little man for the first time daddy?" He nods without hesitation, sitting up to take the baby's tiny little body in his arms, "Hi my little Tyson. I'm your daddy." The nearly crying baby quieted and stopped squirming when Harrison spoke, his calm eyes finding Harrison's. Harrison smiled, sniffling again as he stared down at Ty, "I remember your mummy finding out she was pregnant with you and being so excited to meet you. And now here you are. You're perfect baby boy. You're everything I imagined you'd be. Perfect." Laying your head against Harrison's arm, he snuggles down closer to you, laying Tyson's head over his heart. Your little one whimpered, Harrison shushing him softly, rubbing his tiny back. Taking one look at you, he smiles, your eyes closed, "You can get some sleep beautiful. He'll be alright with me." Humming, your eyes open just the slightest, "I know. He's just so perfect, I don't wanna go to sleep. I wanna stare at him." Harrison chuckles, "He'll be here when you wake up. He'll be just as perfect. You need the sleep." You sigh, closing your eyes again and nodding as Harrison starts to hum. Tyson whimpers in his arms, yawning and squirming. Giving one last look at your baby boy in your fiancé's arms, you nod again, "Alright, yeah, I'll just rest a little bit." Harrison kisses your forehead, "And when you wake up, you'll be able to hold your baby boy again." Nodding once more, before you can fathom, you're asleep, leaned against Harrison's shoulder. 
"Mate, wait for her to wake up so she can see you holding him for the first time." "Haz, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen and if I can't hold him, I'm gonna get antsy." "Just... wait. I don't want my ass getting chewed by an upset mumma who's in pain and I let my best mate hold our baby boy while she was asleep. She'll be pissed she can't get a picture of you holding him for the first time." Tom sighed before presumably nodding and sitting in the arm chair across from Haz, "How was she?" "Ahh mate, she was amazing. Absolutely amazing. She was so set on getting him here that nothing stopped her. Hell I think if I talked to her anymore she would've stabbed me." Tom chuckled, glancing up as you shifted, sucking a breath in. Harrison stood, taking a cautious step towards you, "Hey." You gave a quiet whimper, yawning and opening your eyes to find his calm blue ones before you, "Hi." Helping you sit up further, your eyes catch Tom, "Hey." He smiles, "Hi mumma. How do you feel?" You nod, glancing over at the little one asleep in a cot beside you, "I feel fine. M' a little sore. A little bit of pain in my hip area, but I'm good." He nods, "Cool. I tried to hold Ty but Daddy Haz wouldn't let me." You smile, glancing up at Harrison as he strokes your cheek, "Figured if Tom disturbed him, he’d want you to feed him but I didn’t want to wake you.” Craning your neck, you smile, letting him kiss you gently. He rubs between your shoulders, his nose brushing against yours. You giggle, “He can hold him. If Ty wakes up and gets hungry, we can pass him over.” Harrison nods, watching with a wide smile as his best friend stands and takes a slow step towards your baby, “You sure? I can wait.” You shake your head, “He’s fine.” Just before he picks him up, he draws back, “Lemme wash my hands first.” Both you and Harrison agree, watching Tom scrub at his hands for a minute before he lets out a breath and licks his lips. Scooping Tyson up in his arms, he cradles him against his chest, Tyson whimpering just the slightest. Tom shushed him with gentle noises, sitting in the same armchair as before. When Harrison pulled his own chair closer, Tom took one look up, his eyes finding yours, “He’s perfect Y/N. He is absolutely stunning.” Smiling, you reach out for Harrison’s hand, “He gets that from his daddy." Harrison takes your hand and kisses the back of it, "I dunno, his mumma's pretty perfect." Tom tsked, "We get it, you two are in love, shut up. But this little boy... this little boy is everything to me right now. He's amazing." Running his index finger across Tyson's cheek, his smile widened, "I don't think I can thank you guys enough for making me an uncle." Harrison chuckles through his throat, "All the thanking goes back to this one," he looks up at you, "if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be an uncle... I wouldn't be a daddy or a fiancé. There's a lot of things we wouldn't be... wouldn't have if it wasn't for her." Tom looks up, "Thank you Y/N. Not only for Ty, but for making my best friend the happiest I've ever seen him." Tears prick your eyes as you look away from them, "Stop. I haven't done anything. Ty was an accident. A happy one and I wouldn't give him up for the world, but he was an accident and... Harrison proposed because he felt bad." "I did nothing of the sort." Harrison stands and sits at the edge of your bed, "yeah, Ty was the best accident ever. We love him more than anything and we always will. I proposed to you at the most opportune time. I had the ring. I had a plan in mind. I had everything in place I was just terrified to propose. But sitting in that office, looking at my little boy... it was the best thing ever. It was the perfect time to propose because we are so in love with him and each other. There is no better place I could've asked you to marry me. But even if we didn't get pregnant, I would've asked you to marry me." He reached up and stroked tears from under your eyes. "I love you more than anything. I didn't have or need an excuse to ask you to marry me." When you sniffle, he leans in and holds you in his arms. Looking back to Tom, he smiles before stroking your hair, "I love you Harrison." "I love you more pretty girl. You and Ty are my everything." Standing, Tom brought the baby over, standing beside you, "And let me tell you... Ty is absolutely perfect. You three are the most perfect family ever. Your little baby boy is the perfect edition to the Osterfield house." Tyson whimpers in Tom's arms, Tom bouncing him gently, humming down at him. Tyson only whimpers louder, squirming harder in Tom's arms, "I think he is gettin hungry." Leaning in, he lays Tyson in your arms, the little one staring up at you with curious eyes before he pouts and starts to whimper again. Both Harrison and Tom stand, ready to help as you bring the bed to a sitting position and have Harrison unbutton the shoulder of your hospital gown before attempting to get Tyson to latch. He gives a few vigored whines and choked cries before he settles, your nipple drawn into his mouth and he suckles, his hand rested above his face. "There ya go." You coo down at him, glancing up at the men standing before you, a blush rising to your cheeks as they both look down at Tyson feeding. Sensing the tension, Tom sighs, "Well I uhh... I can to visit the little Osterfield family. I held Ty for a little bit but umm... I'll... I'll do it a lot more. I'm gonna leave you guys to it." "Tom, you don't have to go." He shakes his head, pulling his jacket on, "Nah, it's okay. I'll uhh... I'll bring you guys food later but I gotta do some running around. Just thought I'd stop by and see my nephew." He smiles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He sighs, leaving his hand in yours when you lift it, "He is perfect love. And you're gonna be an amazing mummy. I guarantee it." You smile and nod, "Thanks Tommy. Come back whenever you want. You're always welcome and you never have to ask to hold him. You're gonna be the best uncle ever." He smiles and hugs Harrison, "Congrats man." Harrison smiles, quietly thanking him before he escorts him to the door and sees him down the hall to give you some peace while you feed Tyson. In a few short minutes, he returns with a sigh, closing the door behind him. He smiles when he looks up at you, sitting at the edge of the bed, "Y'alright?" You nod, taking his hand. He squeezes yours, reaching in with his other hand to stroke Tyson's pudgy cheek, "Tom and I are being honest. He's absolutely perfect. He's perfect and he's beautiful and he's nothing I imagined because he's so much more." Scooting over again, you make room for Harrison, laying your head against his shoulder when he worms his way in. He sighs again, "I'm proud of us... I'm proud of you. In the beginning, when we first found out you were pregnant, we weren't sure. Yeah, we can reassure ourselves that we knew what we were doing, but wow we didn't. And now we've... you've carried this little one in your belly through all the pain and sickness and now you went through the harsh reality of childbirth and we're a family now. The three of us are a family and our little boy is going to have not only the most amazing life, but the most amazing family ever. None of this split family thing. We're gonna get married and give him siblings-" "And I don't get a say in that?" He clicks his tongue, "Babe, we make beautiful babies. And the process of getting those beautiful babies is worth it in itself." You frown at him, "Childish Mr. Osterfield." He chuckles, "Of course the decision is up to you. It's your body. If you just want one, I think I'm okay with that." Stroking little hairs from Tyson's face, Harrison smiles, "Although I like the idea of having one of each. Getting a little baby girl. She'd be the prettiest little thing ever with her mummy's eyes and her daddy's everything else." Clicking your tongue, you reach up to gently smack him, "You're an ass." He chuckles and kisses your temple, "You're my everything. I cannot wait until I've solidified you by marrying you. I can't wait until you're my wife." Leaning in to kiss him, you smile, "Me too." Tyson whimpers, pulling off of your breast and glancing up at you with the same curious baby blues as Harrison. You smile down at him, pulling him up to lay over your shoulder, "I love you my little boy. You're the best blessing next to your daddy." Harrison's smile widens, "You never know blessings until your baby is born. I didn't know I could love someone more than your mumma little one. But here you are." You giggle when Tyson yawns, his eyes finding Harrison's again. Haz coos down at him, holding his eye. Leaning forward to kiss his forehead, Harrison sighs, glancing over his shoulder as rain starts to pelt the hospital window. Looking back to your baby, he smiles, "Happy birthday Ty. You're the best decision I've ever made." Smiling in an attempt not to cry again, you crane your neck to look at Tyson's perfect face, "Me too. The absolute best."
Permanent Taglist: @embrace-themagic @delicioustommy @spiderman-n @winters-beauty @smexylemony @lolabean1998
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