#and have just fallen into a rabbithole of pics
skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Ugh dude whats the point in life if I'll never be as gender as Louis Hofmann ;;;
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
I might be a newbie, but does jimin just... not carry his luggage sometimes? And jungkook carries it for him? Does anyone else do this? I'm assuming it's because of his shoulder, but that's the most domestic thing I've seen from them. Jungkook is such a boyfriend. He literally exudes casually devoted partner vibes. And he loves being that for jimin
Hi baby anon! I'm so glad you joined us here at ARMY! You've fallen into a rabbithole, but never fear, we Jeon-Park house elves are here to help. Our motto is "we don't have to ship a couple who ships themselves" and in this house we love and support all seven BTS members. We just maybe love the Jeon-Parks a teensy bit extra. You are correct in that Jungkook is an entire baggage handler of a man. Not that Jimin can't or won't carry his own bags - he does, often. But if JeiKei is there and especially if they are airporting, most of the time you will see him carrying Jimin's bag or carrying one larger bag while Jimin wears a crossbody or carries something smaller (or nothing at all). Stay with me a second and I'll explain why because there are reasons.
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First, Jungkook usually travels with a camera. The one he used to use most often is a Canon SLR or DSLR with multiple lenses and accessories, so there's a lot going on in his bag to begin with. So, since he's carrying a whole suitcase to go anywhere anyway, Jimin seems to often be traveling lightly by comparison (unless you count that he has been known to pack an entire backpack of skin care products. This dude takes personal maintenance seriously.)
Jimin often being the subject of the photography he is not only good about letting his man take pics but also about buying him the actual bag when he needs more space. In 2018 Jiminie splashed out on a $3500 Vuitton Keepall Bandouliere in black leather for Koo's birthday. You'd think given all the free stuff they get from LV he could have scored that on his own but.... it means more when your man buys it.
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Second, Jimin has a long history of thoracic, neck and shoulder pain stemming from chronic dance injuries. This happens most often in dancers who spot during pirouettes or turns (Jimin does) and who are stable through their hips and leg joints (he is) but flexible in the spine (ding ding ding). Jungkook is mindful of this and it shows. Not only does he kinda not like Jimin carrying heavier things, you'll also see him rubbing or massaging Jimin's neck and shoulder with varying degrees of intensity and precision. Koo worries okay. As a result, JeiKei has a tendency to do the heavy lifting as much as Jimin will let him. Which kinda depends on the day.
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And last but totally not least, it's boyfriend culture. Especially in Korea, where one clue (aside from matchy-matchy outfits) to a couple's relationship is... yep. Dude carrying his man or girl's stuff. It's cute, right? Like "oh here babe let ME THE BIG STRONG MANLY MAN get that for you" which: yes Koo is those things but Koo is also a delicate flower so it's even cuter. It's just one of those casual attached boyfie things he does.
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In conclusion, they gay they in love they are so domestic it’s tooth-rotting and I adore them.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
have gone further down the Co-Bo history rabbithole, must correct some things about prior report
First, general bitching: 
* I am super grateful for this passionate and knowledgeable website... but, if they could leave off referring to the Metrovick Co-Bos as “ugly” and “less than attractive” and “awkward” and “that cool paint job was just wasted on a member of this class” and similar potshots, well! that would be, just... lovely.
* Elaborating on the above... due, apparently, to the issues they have with its aesthetics, the restorationists who are taking care of D5705 have nicknamed it “Object.” (!?!?)
Now, corrections to prior post/fic adventure: 
* D5705 is not currently at work on the Eastern Lancashire Railway, nor can I find any evidence that it did in the past. East Lanc has partnered with its private owners and other diesel preservationist groups to undertake 5705′s restoration work... but it’s possible that it’s still been static/in storage since 1986. (There are progress reports on restoration work, but I get unfortunate Ben Adler vibes.)
* The 28s began multiple-uniting the Condor Express, but the railway had lost so many orders to the roadway that somewhere between 1958 and far before the 28s were kicked off the job in 1961 the train grew short enough that it required only a single locomotive. So, my headcanon about the paired brothers... eep. 
* I gave the impression that the 28s were freight-only prior to their overhaul in ‘61 and passenger-only afterwards. This is incorrect... that was the general but hardly exclusive thrust of their assignments in those periods. 
* Also, in my ficlet I portray the 28s as being pulled straight from their Condor assignment back to the workshop in Barrow. This is incorrect. Only 2 of them were still in service by 1961, with the other 18 having fallen out of service and spent the time in storage while British Railways and Metropolitan-Vickers fought about who was to pay for the cost of their refurbishment. Also, between the 28s (save for the final 2) and the Derby-Sulzer diesels, the Condor was in the interim charge of a roster of steam engines, who were noted to easily outperform the 28s who had been designed to replace them. 
As an apology for the misinformation... new pic! 
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Pair of Metrovicks on a Condor test run. (The leading coach is actually a dynamometer carriage, which is taking measurements of speed and other performance indicators. Holy crap, now I think about it, I wonder if engines are subject to "test-taking anxiety.” I sure as hell would be!) 
Juicy updates to the prior post: 
* The Co-Bo 28′s were originally supposed to have a much heavier roster than just the Condor Express, with daytime as well as nighttime assignments, notably with significant overnight/sleeper passenger work while stranded on the Scottish end of their run. Due to their infamous motor problems, the engineers soon gave up doing anything but trying desperately to keep the Co-Bos fit for the Condor, and much of the rest of their prospective work was given away. 
* Motor problems and spontaneously shattering windshields were the biggest but not the only ongoing issue. For example, insufficient braking power leading to overrun signals and derailment (!)... “fireballs shooting from the exhaust port” (!!)... and the locos sheering straight off of their mounting bolts (!!!) 
* When one of the 28s failed on the Condor (not uncommon) or couldn’t even get started (also not uncommon), their replacements were often Black Fives. Co-Bos and Black Fives also have a history of teaming up to double-head the St. Pancras to Manchester Central passenger express! (Oh my this is sooooooo relevant for ttte purposes... *starts vibrating at invisible frequencies*) 
* *vibration intensifies* I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll just screenshot this without comment: 
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ernmark · 8 years
I have recently fallen down the Penumbra Podcast rabbithole and your fic is super excellent! If you're still taking prompts for Jupeter - I'd be interested in a 'genderflip' of sorts, where Nureyev and Juno both are/present female? Or, for something completely different, something fluffy and cat-related. Thanks for your writing!
(Letting you folks know ahead of time that there will be mild discussions of anatomy and sex, especially in relation to gender).
You sent me this prompt ages ago, and I’ve been sitting on it for months-- and not just because I’m lazy.
It just strikes me as such a complicated question, really, and responding to it requires a lot of heavy thinking on my part.
Okay, so that’s a half-truth. I tend to write both Juno and Peter with both traditionally male genitalia for purely arbitrary reasons; I could swap one or both of them out for traditionally female genitalia and... honestly, you probably wouldn’t even notice unless there was a sex scene. In fact, there are only like two lines in the show that imply that one or both of them have male genitalia, and even that implication is fairly weak when you stop and think about it for half a second without heteronormative goggles on (“privileged positions” can be filled just as easily with a dildo, for example, as with anything else. And it only takes half an ounce of sympathy to feel bad for a guard who got shot in the crotch.) The only places it would ever come up would be in a sex scene, or maybe a scene where Juno gets all awkward and flustered asking Peter for a tampon.
But female-presenting?
We have it from the creators themselves that Juno is canonically nonbinary, but “he does not use the term “nonbinary” because gender is pretty darn fluid in Hyperion City and thus the term is pretty irrelevant. (Think of hard femme Nureyev and butch-as-hell Valles Vicky, who Juno refers to as a “drama king” and even “dad.”)” 
So what would female-presenting even look like in Hyperion City?
Would it just involve them both using ‘she/her’ pronouns?
Would it involve them in dresses? (there’s a snazzy pic of both of them in dresses in the link; I particularly like it because Peter looks fine as hell and Juno looks super uncomfortable)
I can see Peter getting into a slinky dress with killer heels, but I can also actually seeing him put in the effort to learn how to walk in heels without breaking his ankle, and fight in a dress without ripping it to shreds (or staining it, because have you ever tried to get blood out of silk?!?). 
But I can’t see Juno doing that. Not because he’s too masculine, but because I can’t see him putting in that same level of effort when an easier option exists.
Honestly, a lot of traditionally feminine arts require a shit-load of work and practice to pull off properly-- proper hair care, makeup, nice nails, etc, are all incredibly complicated when you get right down to it-- and I can see Juno getting into moods where he decides he wants to start doing them, but then gets frustrated or impatient and gives up on it after like three days (not that I’m speaking from experience or anything. Ahem.) 
I’ve spoken about this before-- in fact, this prompt is what inspired that post.
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