#and have been so nice and given me so much love and advice and care
navysealt4t · 10 months
mmm feeling sappy tonight. i’ve met so many amazing people through tumblr, who r like my closets friends and found family n shit :] just caring about people and knowing they care so much about u too is amazing. u guys have made my life so much better and i just appreciate all my friends and siblings so so much :( u guys have changed my life so much just in a year and i don’t feel alone anymore . thank u guys so much. even if we just interact by reblogging or sending asks or dming u guys r some the the best things that have ever happened to me <33
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chaiisms · 2 months
all of the following prompts are taken from party banter between the companions in larian studios' baldurs gate 3 (2023). there should be no spoilers! also, a disproportionate amount of these are from astarion and karlach. i'm not sorry.
I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, [ name ]?
You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.
Friend of yours?
Were you always so sneaky?
If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
How are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
We're not going to have trouble, are we?
If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
Do you have pet names for each other yet?
[ name ]! Was that a joke?
You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
You can read?!
I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
You have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
So [ name ], how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
You seemed a million miles away just then.
I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, [ name ].
Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently…
All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.
Not one for roughing it, I see.
Why not have a little fun?
You're right, of course. Forgive me.
My money's on you, [ name ].
The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Want me to carry you?
Feeling at home?
Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
Oh, darling, would you?
No doubt they found me too intimidating.
A girl could get used to this.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Well - yes, it was a joke.
I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.
And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?
You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
Well what would impress you, then?
Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?
Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here
You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
I never was scared of the shadows.
I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
Pragmatism, thy name is [ name ].
That's ironic, coming from you.
We're either very clever or very lucky.
You do not need luck to survive, [ name ]. Not when you have me.
That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
Stop gawking at the decor. This place is dangerous.
I can't tell if you're joking.
So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, [ name ]?
You think I'm beautiful?
I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
Use your words.
You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
[ name ], I've heard you talking in your sleep.
Let's never speak of this again.
You can take a day off once in a while, [ name ]
Hey! Something bit me.
Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
Think the bar is open?
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Summary: After three weeks apart, Hange plans a get together with the gang.
Pairing: LevixFem!reader
CW: This one shot heavily revolves around the use of alcohol. mentions of smoking and related language. 18+ MDNI.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: First, I'd like to thank @i-lev-you. She has been here to hold my hand through all the sweat and tears of writing my first Levi fic, I truly cannot express how much I appreciate the help and advice I was given. If you do like this, please send some love her way. This cute lil fic is loosely based off of this song, and the scenes were living in my head rent free for weeks prior to writing it, enjoy~
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“Took you long enough.” Erwin teases as you hop into the passenger seat, He texted you fifteen minutes ago letting you know he was out front waiting for you. 
“Don't be dramatic, it was only ten minutes.” you huff, pulling the seat belt over your chest and clicking it into place. Erwin gave you a once over, his gaze halting before turning back and shifting the car into drive. 
“You did your hair for this?” he comments, raising an eyebrow. Doing your hair was a generous observation on his part, you just spent extra time on it for tonight. 
“Yeah, and what's that look for? We haven't been able to get together like this in so long, so I wanted to look a little nice.” It's been three weeks since the five of you could all hang out together. Miche got a new job and Hange had a change in shifts, making it nearly impossible to do something collectively. It just so happens that everyone has the day off tomorrow, so Hange suggested getting together to drink and catch up.
 “It's just us, you never cared like that before. Besides, if this is like any other time your hair’s gonna look like shit by the end of the night anyways. Like that time Miche set your hair on fire lighting that cig for you.” He laughs. You cringe and brush your fingers through your hair in the same area that was singed short, only just recently were you able to make it look like it blends in with the rest of your hair. “Or, that time Hange-” Erwin starts but you quickly interrupt. 
“Okay! I get it, I'm accident prone.” you mumble, giving him a playful glare. “Both of those are better than the time me and Levi had to drag you out to the car which, by the way, wasn't fun.” you smirk, watching his dumbfounded expression illuminate under each street light you pass under
 “Like that compares at all, it was one time, and my birthday” Erwin retorts and gives you a gentle nudge. You shrug in response, looking out the window to see you're already turning down the street that leads to the house that Levi, Hange, and Miche share. “We’re late again, you know how much shit we’re going to get?” 
“Finally!” Hange raves when you walk in with Erwin. You make your way in and take your bottle of contribution to the cooler that was already set up in the living room, stuffing it in and shutting the lid. Almost instantly after, you were met with a fierce hug from Hange. “Late, as always. What was the hold up? Anything interesting?” They beamed, their eyes gesturing hopefully towards Ewrin. You parted from Hange’s hug, shaking your head at their silent accusation. This wasn’t new for the two of you. For as long as you could remember, you both have been teased about your friendship. Everyone constantly begged for you two to finally get together. Erwin is your best friend, and has been for years. The thought has never crossed your mind. The only person who understands that is Levi, he's the only one who never pokes and prods for something more. 
“Thought I heard the lovebirds were finally here.” Miche announced as he emerged from his bedroom. He makes his way into the living room and grabs two beers out of the cooler and tosses one to Erwin as he walks past him. “Catch up” Miche enthusiastically demands, cracking the tab on his can and raising it up to Erwin in a faux cheers. 
“You guys really started without us?” Erwin groans followed by the sharp hiss and snap of his own can. 
“What, were we supposed to wait for the two of you to stop sucking face in the car?” Miche laughs and gestures to you and Erwin both. Erwin rolls his eyes but just as he was about to respond the whole room collectively flinched at the sudden piercing interruption of music that gradually dimmed down to an appropriate volume. All eyes fall on Levi who’s standing in front of the speaker with his phone in his hand. 
“Cleaning playlist, forgot to turn it down earlier.” He explains candidly and takes a swig from the cup in his opposite hand, seemingly unapologetic for the disturbance. 
“Jesus, Levi. When did you get out here?” Miche groans, rubbing his ear melodramatically. Levi ignores him, instead he turns to face the group. “Didn't realize this party was about celebrating Erwin sucking face. I would have stayed in my room had I known.”
 “No one’s staying in their room!” Hange chimes as they make their way to Levi “it’s been three weeks, we should do something fun!” they place their hands on Levi’s shoulders and grin “like a drinking game.” they suggest, approval spreads across the room. 
“Pass.” Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes like he was above the activity. “Looks like you're outvoted.” Hange sings, squeezing Levi’s shoulders and quickly moving to drag the coffee table away from the couch for everyone to sit around. Miche was already on his way in with the bottle and a shot glass.
“Fine. I’ll play but I'm not sharing that shot glass with any of you, I’ll get my own.” he sighs, heading straight for the kitchen. Hange cheers and grabs chasers out of the cooler, lining them around the circular table as everyone settles into their chosen spots. Levi returned shortly after with his own shot glass, you notice a clean rag hanging out of his pocket as he sits in the space left open for him. Miche chooses the game for the group, the rules are simple and easy to follow. It doesn't take long, just a few rounds in and everyone around the table seems to have a pink flush across their cheeks, slurring their words, and laughs at anything anyone says.
“Damn!” Hange rasps out with a cough, slamming the shot glass back down onto the table. At this point in the game Hange was doing horribly, the last 3 rounds of the game they were the one to take the losing shot. They pick up the bottle and shakily attempt to fill the glass up for the next victim. Liquid splashes around the glass as they miss a couple times. 
“Okay,” Erwin says and takes the bottle from them “I’ll fill them from now on.” He adds. “it’d be nice if someone else could start taking the shots!” Hange complained, folding their arms over their chest. 
“That’s entirely on you, Hange.” Erwin pointed out as he finished pouring for them. His hand was stable despite being just as drunk as anyone else at the table, he was always the one who handled the liquor best. 
“Stop losing and you won’t have to take any more.” You laugh and watch Levi lean forward, pick up the glass, and quickly wipe underneath with the rag he’d brought to the circle. Even tipsy he was concerned about keeping things at least a little clean. 
 The next round, Hange takes the losing shot again. “of course!” They spout, taking the bottle from Erwin’s side, forgetting that he was in charge of filling the glass after each shot. Before he could register that Hange had taken the bottle, they were attempting to fill the glass again. With shaky hands Hange tips the bottle too far, causing the rim of the bottle to clash with the shot glass, tipping it over. The jolt alone was enough to cause them to drop the bottle as well. You watch as it rolls off the table, its contents spilling out. 
“Come on, Hange.” Levi groans as he lunges forward. He fails to catch the bottle, forced to watch it spill out and seep into the rug. “Games over.” He announces, immediately going back in with the rag. Levi sets the bottle back upright on the table and Miche gathers up the remnants of their game, wiping the liquor off the cards as he organizes everything back into the box. 
You thread your fingers between Hange’s after they stand up. “Kitchen, Hange.” You sang, guiding them out of the living room. Despite their protests, you decided you both need a water break. You let go of Hange’s hand, and they lean against the counter to the right of the fridge. You grab two glasses from the overhead cabinets and pull the ice tray out of the freezer. “Sooo,” Hange coos as you as you cracked the tray, haphazardly dropping ice into both cups. 
“Yesss,” you mimic back in the same tone, opening the fridge. 
Hange pushes off the counter and leans over the open door “Erwin looks cute tonight, huh?” They try, grinning. 
“Not this again,” you laugh at them and set the first filled cup on the counter behind you. 
“Give me a break!” Hange groans, dropping their head onto their forearms. “You always avoid talking about it, when will you guys give up the act?” You look towards them and your attention is immediately drawn to Levi, who is discarding an arms worth of cans onto the counter. He kneels down in front of the sink and starts digging through the cabinets underneath. 
“It’s not like that, and it never has been.” 
“bullshit, there’s got to be a reason you haven’t just gone for it yet. We can all see how it is between you two” they pried for more. 
“And you’re all wrong” you say as you set the second cup down next to the first. 
“Then what is it? You still have that thing for Levi?” They joke. Your eyes immediately flicker back to Levi, he’s frozen, still knelt down at the sink. You swear you can feel all the color drain from your face. Hange has already started mumbling about a new topic you couldn’t focus on. 
“Hey, four eyes.” Levi stands up from his position, peeling out the trash bag he was digging for. “Keep me out of your fantasies and come help me with your mess” he says, his tone was flat, as usual. He turns away without looking at either of you and walks out of the kitchen. 
“Shit, he heard that?” Hange asks, looking back at you. It's obvious by their face how embarrassed you must look because Hange immediately starts assuring you that it’s fine. 
You walk back out to the living room with Hange, still fighting off the embarrassment from the kitchen. You watch as Hange picks up the various chasers that were still left over from the game. When you turn your attention to Levi your face burns, you wonder if that made everything weird now. “You good? You look like you could use one of these.” Erwin interrupts your thoughts, handing you a new can. You accept and pop the tab.
“You have no idea.” You confirm, taking a drink.  
“What a mess.” He comments and shakes his head, watching as Hange and Levi clean. Just as you open your mouth to reply, Miche caught your attention as he made his way across the living room, careful to walk around the chaos that Hange and Levi were cleaning. When he catches your gaze he raises a hand up, flashing a lighter and gestures towards the back door with a nod "smoke break?" 
"Count me in!" Hange yells, quickly standing and discarding the handful of cups on a nearby side table and making their way out, followed by Erwin. You tip your can back, finish the beer, and make your way to the back door. you lazily slide your shoes on not even bothering to pull the backs up over your heels, you glance behind you to see Levi gathering up the empty cups and beer cans and throwing a couple unopened cans into the cooler placed in the living room. You think for a moment about staying inside and doing damage control with him, maybe you could convince him that Hange was just being dramatic, or using it as a means to prove that they’re right about Erwin. "Come on! What're you doing?" Hange interrupts, pulling you away from the door and sliding it shut, dragging you over to the group. 
"Hange, you really couldn't have said that a worse time." You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, willing another wave of embarrassment away. At this point, you didn’t care about bringing it up in front of Erwin and Miche. You figure Hange would tell them on their own anyway. 
"Said what?" Miche mumbled around the cigarette hanging off his lips, passing the lighter to Erwin. 
"Well.." Hange drawled, a shit eating grin on their face "I may have spilled the beans on her little crush on Levi.. right in front of him." Now both Erwin and Miche were looking right at you, a few moments of silence pass before Erwin raises a brow and glances between you and Hange
"Crush?" His tone was so flat it didn't even sound like a question.
"Levi?" Miche interjected quickly, waiting for you to say you were joking. When the silence began to linger Miche let out a quick snort "like, Levi?" He asked again, his hand gesturing towards the house. "No shit, way to pull the rug from under our feet." He shakes his head in disbelief and nudges Hange with his elbow "you knew and still said your piece about Erwin this whole time? Evil." he laughed 
"Hey, I was told in confidence that she thought Levi was hot one time!" Hange spills out. It was true, months ago you hung out with Hange alone. The two of you decided to have a night in with movies and wine since no one else could join. After a couple glasses you let it slip that you had a small crush on Levi, making sure to paint it as fleeting so the two of you didn't get the same treatment as you and Erwin. "Hey," Hange places a hand on your shoulder "are you alright?"
“I’m just worried about it, I never would have told him that. You saw him in the kitchen, everything is probably going to be so awkward now.” 
"Oh stop, it's Levi!" Hange encourages and pulls you in close by your other shoulder "he doesn't care, he probably won't even mention it" they try to reason with you, but it falls on deaf ears. you were so full of doubt. How could things be normal after this? Were you just supposed to continue on while pretending it didn't happen? That's exactly what you plan to do because there was no chance you could bring it up to his face.  
"I'll be back" you mumble at Hange as you spin on your heels and make your way inside through the back door and decide the bathroom would be a more private place to pull yourself together. 
You admire the photos that hang unsystematically in the hallway, tracing waves on the wall with your finger as you glide through, the music slowly starts to fade the closer you get to your destination and completely muffles as you close the bathroom door. 
"uh, hi?" 
You snap your attention towards the voice, meeting a sharp but forgiving gaze. "Levi, I didn't realize you-." you start, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you stammer for the words to apologize. Levi's stare is unmoving for a moment. He looks down, swiping the cloth off the hook to dry his hands. His eyes dart back to your face. "Your shoelaces are untied." 
You take a moment to register what he just said, double checking that you heard him correctly and glancing down to see the strings loosely hanging off each side of your shoes. "That's how I like them..." When his expression doesn’t change you curse yourself for sounding so dumb. 
"And you're walking through my house with shoes on." he states and you can feel your face burning even more. Duh, Why wouldn't you have remembered to take them off as you came in. Just as you part your lips to muster up what would probably sound like another pathetic attempt at an apology, you notice the small smirk pulling at Levi's lips "Save it. Hange's party, Hange’s mess to clean" He assured you.
You hum in response and started to turn back towards the door to leave "Was that true?" He asked, you can hear a subtle eagerness in the question "What Hange said, I mean" he corrects his tone this time. You’re completely still while a wave of embarrassment washes back over your whole body trying to think of something to say, but you're stuck speechless. Muffled music and Hange’s voice chanting at Erwin to chug from outside quickly fill in the silence. You take a deep breath, realizing that now is your chance to give context. 
“Yeah, but that was so long ago,” you stammer your words and finally turn to face him, he’s closer now. 
“Yeah? How long?” He’s smirking now, arms crossed over his chest, like this is amusing to him. 
“Months.” Was all you could say in response. 
“So what happened? You let eyebrows take my spot?” He teases. 
“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like Hange, It was never like that anyway,” you scoff, not realizing his implication of having a spot. In your attempt to explain yourself you hadn't noticed Levi closing the space between you. 
“You done?” He interrupts, glancing down at your lips then back up. Your eyes meet his and you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Levi leans in, his fingers brush against your jaw as he reaches out resting his hand at the nape of your neck. He pulls you in gently and pauses briefly before your lips meet. You hear his breath shake before he closes the small space between the two of you. Warmth spreads across your whole body and the intoxication rushes back in. You drape your arms over his shoulders and relax into it, tilting your head to follow his lead. Levi rests his other hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body and snaking his fingers through the hair behind your head. He guides you back up into the door, his hand acting as a cushion for your head as he moves his lips against yours. Your breath hitches at the gentle impact against the door, you pull your arms back in to cup his face just as he parts from you. He rests his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft pants. Your eyes meet again and just as he parts his lips to say something you hear the back door slide open and shut. Levi quickly pulls back from you, a quiet ‘shit’ falling from his lips. You realize how long you have been missing from the group. Grabbing the door handle you turn back to Levi, he responds with a gestured nod toward the door. A silent agreement that you leave first. You twist the handle and exit the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind you. As you step away from the door Erwin turns down the hall and stops at the sight of you. 
"There you are.” he starts, sounding relieved. “We got worried when you didn't come back and," he stops speaking when you hear the bathroom door click shut behind you. You watch as Erwin's eyes flicker back and forth. You press your eyes shut as Levi slips quietly past you. When the back door slides shut signaling that Levi is outside, you open your eyes. Something is different about Erwin’s posture; he seems stiff and his expression indecipherable. "Oh, looks like that worked out for you then?" He questions, referencing Hange’s slip of the tongue earlier and offering a wistful smile.
"Yeah, I guess it did." You agree, biting back a grin. 
The night died down fast. Miche made sure Hange had more water and got into their bed without issue then retreated to his own room. Erwin has the couch, and you have the recliner, your usual arrangement for nights spent over. The music was silenced, the only light now coming from a single lamp on the side table keeping the room just lit enough for Levi. He paces between the living room and kitchen, picking up the last of the mess left behind from the night. Erwin hasn’t said much since coming back inside. You assume he's not feeling well and decide to leave him alone for the night, you could fill him in tomorrow. You spend your wind down time curled up on the chair, your eyes flicking between your phone and Levi as he moves around the room. "You always had a staring problem, now I know why." he teases.
 "Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, setting your phone down as he walks back towards you. 
"Let's go." He says as he yanks the blanket you were using off of you, tucking it under his arm. 
"Where?" You ask.
"My room, dumbass."
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Taglist: @ackerbootytobbi @amywritesthings
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k-zuzu · 2 months
seo changbin 𖹭 gn!reader
dating scb.
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content: headcanons, eventual smut mdni, sucking him off, mention of pda, changbin courts you, me simping, kinda weird timeline i was too lazy to fix, not proofread, lowercase intended.
zuzu's note: purely for self indulgence. main masterlist.
i have been so obsessed with him! he's my ult bias but he's just been hitting different lately, especially in the recent lollapalooza concert. his hair, his lines in the ATE album, omg, he's so hdjakskzkkwe!!!@;#&@*
the video of him with chaeryoung was sooo cute, it was so nice to see him being so chill in a different way, u get me? also chaeryoung was so cute and funny there 😭😭😭
he would be such an amazing best friend but at the same time such A GREAT BOYFRIEND!
imagine dating him? you'd literally got the best jackpot ever. he's literally the perfect boyfriend. he's so mature and such a charming, gentle, lovable soul!!!
he's known for always being the one people go to for comfort and advice and i just love that about him<33
he'd prioritize you sooo much! he's a kind man, but the type where he can distinguish romantic and platonic interactions. for some other people there isn't much of a line so you can't tell if they like you
to changbin, you're special asf.
if you're into pda: wrapping an arm around your waist, feeding you some of his chips or fries while you're using your phone/distracted, hand holding, visiting your workplace/last class, and such.
friendly bickers with him would be so funnn! i do not limit him as a sweetheart (even though he is) he is SOOO loud. i thought about this while watching the skz code where he and hyunjin debate on whether the egg or the chicken came first, or if the butt was one or two butts. idk why changbin argued it was two. a butt is clearly one and has 2 cheeks! hyunjin's argument when he compared a butt to an ear was actually valid — if a butt is two then, an ear would just as well be two because what they had in common was that a hole seperated them.
he always takes you out on dates! it's important to him to keep the romance alive. gym dates, amusement park dates (never on a rollercoaster), history museum dates, candlelit dinners, studio dates, picnic breakfasts, bed breakfasts! he also feels kind of like a little academic library date kind of guy. sidenote: taking pics of each otherrr!!!
also, 3racha wrote the lyrics of the song "I Like It" and changbin was very passionate while defending the definition of the lyrics againdt hyunjin and seungmin on spot-on. so it's a given that changbin is no stranger to the concept of romance regardless of his lack of experience (at least to our knowledge).
so it doesn't take long for changbin to realize that his feelings are all but platonic. the question is; what would he do about them?
well, personally, i think changbin is the type to pursue. he's a little shameless (in a good way): all of the members know about his feelings for you and he doesn't hide them!
he never pressures you at all. he makes sure you're comfortable before making any advances. of course you allow him to court you.
he does everything, gift giving (buys you anything he sees that reminds him of you), acts of service (he's such an acts of service man!!!), quality time (plsss), physical touch (PLSSSS!!!!), words of affirmation (OF COURSE HE WOULD). everything.
one time, you noticed he was slowing down and you wondered if he was getting tired of waiting, but when you visited him at the dorm you realized he was sick. (why didn't he tell you?) you stayed and you took care of him.
immediately, he was better the next day. (maybe you were a magic cure for him).
the next week, you visited him in the studio and he was really stressed about his recent project. you offered to distract him and he accepted it (if it was even possible).
what he didn't expect was for you to kiss him. why did you kiss him? everything he did for you was building up to the moment he could kiss you.
a kiss turned into a make out session, into you grinding on his lap, into you sucking him off so he could relieve some of the stress he was feeling.
his words were adamant on not letting you because he wanted to be able to make you cum first, but his body spoke otherwise as his hands gently met with the top of your head and his legs spread wider.
he let out small whimpers and sighs, trying his best to stay silent because he might do something embarrassing but you were so good and you took him so well. you were moaning louder than he was as his fat cock went deeper down your throat and he finally met his release.
he tried to pull your head off of him, but you insisted he came down your throat.
"fuck." he whispered. too tired to fight you as his balls emptied, he came wayyyy too much and it was taking a little too long until he was done cumming.
finally pulling his dick out with a soft pop, you stood up, kissed his cheek and left like nothing happened.
well, it's safe to say he was done courting you and you finally started dating after that.
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
King and Prince 19
Part 18
Waking up with morning wood was a wake up call Steve didn’t know he needed. He was able to calm it but now there was a thrumming under his skin. It was like realizing you were hungry and being unable to ignore it. Taking care of it himself was always an option. He had his own room. But he missed being with another person. The thrill of flirtation followed by the ecstasy of coming together as one. 
The castle was filled with people. But most either ignored Steve or gave him glares when they passed. It was clear that his family name was causing some grudges and it was only because of Eddie that no one took out their grievances with him. Of the people who didn’t actively hate him, most were children and the other was Robin. She was perfectly lovely with hair that framed her face in a way that caressed her cheeks like a lover. 
Honestly, there was a moment where Steve wondered if he was falling for her himself, but her disinterest in men meant she wouldn’t respond to any advances from him. Late one night, when that energy filled him to the brim, he let a bout of madness take him for only a second where he imagined seducing Eddie. In the dark, Steve snickered to himself at the absurdity of it. He was a hospitable host but no one had more reason to hate him than Eddie.
That only left people outside of the castle. People who didn’t recognize him as a prince and thus wouldn’t hold it against him. And Eddie did say that he was no longer a prisoner.
Jeff liked to take pleasure in the little things. A nice cool breeze, the smell of warm bread, and the entertainment he got anytime Eddie and Nancy disagreed on things. Nancy was logical and loyal. Everything she did was in the best interests of the kingdom. Eddie, for all his experience, was often impulsive and emotional.
But it was because of this that Eddie often heeded her advice, knowing it came from a place of rationality. To an untrained eye, it may appear that Nancy ran the kingdom. Looks were deceiving. Eddie had years under his belt that most of them couldn’t fathom. It was what made him fit to rule. More important than the great power he held was the wisdom he had acquired.
“You want to be allowed to leave and go out into town?”, Eddie repeated.
Steve stood before Eddie, Jeff, Nancy, and a few others who made up the council. It was a bold thing to ask, given his title and position. 
“I’ve been learning about your people and lands. I think I should see more of it for myself.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a scholar of culture”, Eddie brought his leg up to rest his ankle on his knee. He could tell that wasn’t the only reason Steve wanted out, but he also saw no reason to pry besides his own curiosity. The prince had no allies here, not counting the few bonds he’d made within his own walls. Certainly no one with which to conspire against Eddie and his subjects.
“You can’t be considering this seriously”, Nancy said. 
“Why not?”, Eddie shrugged.
The others waited to see how the debate would go, keeping themselves silent until each party justified their point. Jeff could see both sides. The prince hadn’t really done anything suspicious to require him to be guarded so closely. Even so, he hadn’t officially denounced his home land nor pledged loyalty to this one.
“Because he’s from an enemy kingdom? Because he could be trying to get you killed or overthrown? I know you think you’re invincible, but try to remember that the rest of us are not”, Nancy said.
“Believe me, I am aware”, Eddie said. “I’m also aware that he has had zero contact with his own people since arriving. And there are no spies in my court. If he wants to go on an outing without having to corral our young wards, I see no reason not to allow this.”
Nancy frowned at Steve. She didn’t see him as much of a threat, merely what he represented and what he was attached to. It was still difficult for her to believe that a king would discard a crown prince. It just didn’t make sense to her. The others began to chime in with why this could go wrong. And many of their arguments were right. This one decision could end very badly. But Steve wasn’t his prisoner anymore. He had already offered to set him free. And it was like Nancy could read his mind.
“Letting him go home and letting him come and go as he pleases are two different things.”
Eddie waved her off. “Semantics. I’ll honor your request to explore, little prince. But you will have a curfew.”
Eddie himself took Steve down to the stables to ensure that the stablehands knew he had the official seal of approval from the king. 
“I’ll let you borrow Sunflower here”, Eddie handed Steve the reins.
Sunflower was a beautiful color, almost golden and it reminded Steve that this place wasn’t all dark clouds and shadows. They had beautiful skies and flowers.
“Thank you”, Steve said, petting her mane.
“I want you back before sundown”, Eddie said.
Steve nodded. All in all, a rather generous curfew, given that the days were starting to get longer. He didn’t leave right away though. He went back to his room to get ready, putting on one of the new outfits he’d been given. It was meant for everyday wear so it wasn’t as nice as the one for the festival, but it was definitely good quality. He did his hair, checking in the mirror to make sure it was perfect.
By the time Steve was done, quite some time had passed, but he still had hours before the sun would set. He went to retrieve Sunflower and exited the gates, feeling free as he trotted out. 
“Now how sure are we that he’s not just going to ride off into the sunset?”, Robin asked as she happened to catch him leaving from a window.
“Pretty damn sure”, Eddie said, focusing on twirling a fork in his hand. 
When Steve got into town, he allowed himself to really take it in. Of course it was a sight to see during a celebration, but it was also lovely now too when people were just going about their business. 
Back home, Steve never had to search far for a partner. Even the most frigid had melted when a crown prince gave them his attention. But he couldn’t just announce that he was royalty. That would end in disaster.
No, if he wanted to find a lover for the evening, he’d have to rely solely on his wits and charm. Thankfully, he had both in abundance. He figured a tavern was a good place to look and he found one. He tied Sunflower up outside and ventured in. Only about three steps in did he realize he had no money but he kept up his stride. This was where the charm came in.
There was a young woman at the bar, nursing a drink. Her hair was cut short, in a similar style to Nancy’s but much curlier. Her brown skin was complimented by her gold earrings and made it apparent that she appreciated the finer things. She looked up as Steve approached and smiled.
“Mind a bit of company?”, he asked.
She nodded to the stool next to her. “Help yourself.”
It was easy to take a seat and slip back into old habits, even easier when his conversation partner was a beautiful woman who had no idea who he was. He hardly even had to lie. All that mattered was that he was new to the area and looking for a bit of fun. She caught on quick and luckily had a room in the tavern they could go to.
Afterwards, Steve wanted nothing more than to bask in the afterglow, but he knew he couldn’t linger too long. He didn’t want to mess up what little goodwill he had from Eddie so fast. 
On the way back, he was already thinking of his next outing. Who he might find and what kind of person they may be. Maybe if he behaved, he could convince Eddie to let him spend an entire night out. There had to be a place for entertainment other than drinking such as dancing. And perhaps he’d even find a regular lover and not -just a part time bed mate.
Eddie resisted the urge to put eyes on Steve when he left the first time. He only kept his regular sentries that monitored the castle gates and walls. He knew when Steve left and knew when he returned but that was it. He tried not to think too hard about what he was doing and with who.
For all he knew, Steve was going to the tavern to drink his troubles away, playing cards with old men, or knitting with old ladies. Eddie had no idea what kind of hobbies Steve had back home but he could be a knitter.
The first time Eddie saw Steve after one of his excursions was about two weeks later. And there was only one way to describe Steve’s condition after reveling in whatever delighted him in town. 
He was glowing.
Part 20
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent  @snakeorsquid  @ignoremyworld  @theclichefortunecookie 
@goodolefashionedloverboi  @just-a-tiny-void  @0body0disphoria0  @cinnamon-mushroomabomination  @samsoble 
@jamieweasley13  @y4r3luv  @xtkxkrzrizir  @un-knownperson  @greekgeek24 
@justdrugsformethanks  @potato-of-the-lord  @notaqueenakhaleesi  @swimmingbirdrunningrock  @queenie-ofthe-void 
@nebulainajar  @lil-gremlin-things  @nicememerino  @robininblue  @hornedqueenofhell 
@anne-bennett-cosplayer  @moomkin77  @here4thetrama  @bookworm0690  @autumncrocusandladybug
@lil-gremlin-things @littlebluejane @puppy-steve
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Don't Speak 29
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, allusions to abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: I'm sorry this whole week has been Andrew
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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"Wish I didn't have to go back to work," Andy tucks his shirt in as he enters the kitchen, "mmm, something smells good."
"Oh, I found the waffle maker," you say proudly. Admittedly, you've made a mess. Your tablet displays the recipe as a bowl sits next to it dripping batter. "I thought it would be a nice start to the day."
"How long have you been awake?" His expression falls, "dove, you've been... very busy lately. I'm worried."
"Why?" You bat your lashes. Yes, you've been a bit all over, always trying to distract yourself. It helps you keep your mind off of the cramped nights and sleepless hours. "Dr. Kemp wants me to set goals."
"Yes, I know. And it's good advice but you can take a day off," he suggests.
"Maybe," you shrug and hide your disappointment. You thought he'd be happy. You're doing what he wants too. He wants you to give back and you're trying to take care of him the best way you know how. You've never tried this hard in your life but he doesn't seem to see that. 
"Here," you turn and take a plate of waffles, "I also cut up some fruit," you put it on the island near him and grab the bowl of strawberries and blueberries, "and syrup."
You bring the bottle of dark maple and a set of cutlery for him. He sits on one of the high chairs and accepts them with a thanks. Despite his admonishment, he looks delights. You step back on your heel and watch him. As he cuts into the fluffy stack, he pauses and looks at you.
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'll eat when you're gone," you assure him, "I'm not hungry yet."
He inhales and takes his first bite. He chews it slowly, his thought tensing in his jaw, "promise you will. Dove... I see you pushing your food around."
"I don't have a problem," you say defensively. He doesn't know how you used to be. How you would binge so much you nearly puked. So you miss a meal or two, it's better than the alternative. 
"I think it's something you should discuss in therapy? Just to be certain," he offers.
"It's not," you insist. "I'm fine--"
"Then sit down and eat with me. That's what couples do. They eat together," he points his fork at you, "and don't forget a kiss before I go."
You watch him for a moment. You don't tell Steve about these arguments, you only tell him what you learn. What you're doing to be better. You'll tell him you know now that you should eat with Andy and give him a kiss goodbye. That's something, you suppose.
"I'm sorry, Andy," you murmur and put a waffle on a plate for yourself.
"Don't be sorry, just do better, honey," he says.
"Alright," you turn back to him as you grab a fork and knife. You go around the island to sit next to him. You poke at the waffle and cut off a small piece.
"And... you can call me honey, too. Would you?"
You nod, "okay..." you hover the fork in front of your mouth as your stomach mulches, "honey."
You spend much of the day painting. Your attempts at napping were met with tossing and turning as your mind kept wandering to the nights ahead and those behind you. Andy's touches aren't as unusual as before, you can lay still, close your eyes, let him kiss you. But he doesn't like it when you stop him from doing more.
Your back aches as you hunch forward on the stool. You know it's a bad position but you don't care. You lean in, nose almost touching the canvas as you focus on a feather. 
You yawn and swipe the brush against your palette. You sway slightly, eyes nearly rolling back. You should try to nap before–
"How's it going, Dove?" Andy startles you as his shadow fills the door.
You turn, shivering in the airy garage as you lower the brush. You blink at him, for a moment thinking he might be a walking dream. You shake your head, no he's real and times slipped past you again.
You set down your palette and hug yourself. It's as if the day was a fog and it's only just clearing. You give a sheepish smile as Andy stays at the top of the steps.
"Tired?" He says, "oh, wow, you got a lot done."
"Yeah, uh… a lot," you agree hoarsely.
"Come on, you're asleep on your feet, sit down. I was thinking of ordering some pizza. I've been craving it," he beckons to you. You're glad he's in a good mood.
"Alright, I'll just clean up," you turn and rinse off your brush, "see ya inside."
"I can do that–"
"No, no, I'm… a bit particular about my brushes," you mutter, "I'll be in soon…honey."
"Alright, don't make me come find you," he kids as he backs up.
You're thankful he's appeased. You're too exhausted for him to be smothering you again. You just want to zone out.
You clean your brushes and palette off and place them away neatly. You rub your hands together as you climb the two steps inside and close the door behind you. As you pass the kitchen, Andy calls after you.
"Hey," you enter as he twists a knob on the stove.
"Making you some tea," he says, "you look cold. Why didn't you turn on the heater?"
"Didn't think of it," you drag your feet, legs heavy, "tea sounds nice."
"Some of that stuff Steve brought," he sniffs and gives a shrug, "you really seemed to like it."
"Sounds good," you lean on the counter and cup your chin.
"You can have it while we decide on toppings," he smiles, "you like pineapple on your pizza?"
"I'm not picky," you answer.
"I'm asking what you like, sweetie."
"Just cheese," you reply, "sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he comes around the island and cradles your head along the side, bending to kiss your crown, "go, relax, I'll bring the tea out to you."
"Thank you," you sidle away slowly.
You go into the living room and nestle into the corner of the couch, hugging your legs as you try to warm up. You watch the window, the grey sky dimming with the onset of the autumnal evening. You lean your head back and groan.
When Andy comes in, he plunks your cup down and sits heavily next to you. You look at him as he grabs the remote.
"Why don't you put something on?" He holds it out to you.
"Um, is there a game tonight?" You wonder.
"Don't worry about it. I'm not in the mood."
"Oh, alright," you take the remote and flip on the tv.
"Whatever you want," he leans back, one arm across the couch above you as he keeps his phone in his other.
You browse the television shows, thinking of trying something new. Your eyes drift thoughtlessly as he thumbs at the screen. He hums, "just cheese?"
"Yeah, that's good."
"Alright, I want you to finish two slices at least," he says.
You frown but don't argue. You don't appreciate his concern for your eating habits. Pizza is a lot and greasy. You reach for your tea and continue to search through titles.
You hear a bing and glance over again, certain not to move your head. You see the notification just before Andy swipes it away from the top of the screen. 'Cloud recordings full.'
You don't think anything of it. You don't know what that means. You click on a show you always saw Amber watching.
"Good choice," he says as he puts his phone down, "all ordered. With garlic knots too."
"Mm, sounds good," you blow on the tea, the smell of maple comforting, "thank you… er, honey."
"Of course," he kisses your head again as he drops his arm onto your shoulders, "the tea will help tide you over until it gets here."
The pizza comes as the drowsiness tugs at your eyes. You feel sluggish as Andy brings you a plate with two slices. You chew as you stare at the bleary television, the audio garbling as you struggle to down each bite.
You finish with a painfully full stomach. Andy clears your plate with his and says something you don't catch. You feel so out of it. You've never felt like this before.
Andy comes back with two bottles of beer uncapped. You squint at him, sure you're seeing double. It must be the lack of sleep.
"Here," he holds one out as he sits next to you.
"Oh, I don't…" you eke out.
"One won't hurt, sweetie," he winks, "it's already open."
You rub your eyes before reaching out to take one. It's cold and the glass condensates beneath your palm. You sniff the open neck and make a face. It smells awful.
"Taste better than it looks," he clinks his bottle against yours.
You open your eyes wide, fighting the weight around them. You lean the bottle against your lips and make yourself take a drink. As much as you want to spit it out, you choke down the wheaty acidic liquid.
"You get used to it," he chuckles and takes a hearty swig.
"Mmm," you grumble, "I am very tired…"
"You go to bed early every night," he rests his hand on your knee, "worked all day just looking forward to being with you, honey."
You frown and nod, taking another repulsive gulp. It's nasty but you don't want to waste it. And you don't want him to be upset. Again.
"Finish your beer and you can go lay down," he says, "okay, sweetie."
"Alright," you look at the bottle, a tall task as each taste is worse than the last. "Thank you."
He keeps his hand on your leg. You notice how it slips higher along your thigh as you sip. You feel your body slackening and the sludgy fatigue turns to a bubbly blare. 
You focus on the bottle, just wanting to go to bed. You empty it down to a small cluster of foam and sit forward to put it on the table. You miss and the bottle clanks on the floor. Andy chuckles and reaches to pick it up, setting it down with his own.
“Oh, honey,” he turns to you, “are you tipsy already?”
“Andy,” you breathe, “I don’t feel good.”
“You drank that too fast,” he laughs again, pushing his arm behind you, “here, I got you, baby.”
You close your eyes as he swoops his other arm under your knees and the whole world shifts as he lifts you. Your head lolls against his shoulder as he holds you against his chest. His scent seeps into your nostrils as the motions of his gait lulls you.
He climbs the stairs carefully as you lean into him. Your head swirls strangely. You’ve never felt like this. Your eyeballs feel funny and your stomach is airy. 
You open your eyes again as he enters the bedroom. He tuts, amused by your state as he lays you on his bed. He hushes you as you babble dumbly.
“I’ll get you some pajamas, just relax,” he coos, dragging his hand down your side and kneading your thigh.
He leaves you as you obey him. Not out of your will, but because you have no choice. You can’t fight this eerie heaviness. The sludge of time and space that smothers you.
He returns, a blurry smear of colours as he moves around the room. He tosses something light beside you and bends over you. He runs his hands from your hips and around your back as he sits you up. You bobble as you struggle to hold your head up.
“Here,” he tugs on your shirt, bringing it up your torso.
Instinctively you catch it and try to keep him from revealing anymore. He clucks and yanks until you nearly fall back. You drop your hands to keep yourself up.
“Honey, I’m helping, don’t be bad,” he warns as he continues to raise the fabric, “arms up. I got you a fresh set of pajamas.”
Your lashes droop down and cling to each other. You shakily raise your arms and he pulls your shirt off. He gulps loudly and his fingers flutter along your shoulders and down to your chest. He cups your tits and purrs.
“Sweetie, I… never got to say before but you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
You shoo his touch away and cross your arms. He sighs heavily and grips your hips. He pulls you down harshly so you land flat on your back. You squeak in surprise as you bounces against the bed.
He pops open the button of your jeans and curls his fingers beneath the denim. He rolls them down roughly, jolting you as he gets them past your feet. You shiver as you lay in only your underwear and bra, hugging yourself.
“Mmmm,” he sits beside you again, leaning over you as he plants his hand by your other side, “honey,” he runs his other hand down your arm and takes yours, moving it into his lap, “do you feel what you do to me?”
He presses your hand to the bulge in his pants. Your head turns side to side as your voice sticks in your throat. The flavour of the beer stains your tongue and chokes you. He bends closer and kisses you on the lips.
“I need you so bad,” he whispers as he pulls away, “but… I want you to feel it.”
He moves your hand off of him and shifts, dragging his other hand away from the bed and down the curves of your side. He trails kisses down your jaw and neck, further and further, lingering around your chest as he guides the straps of your bra down your arms. 
He looses your tits and tends to them one at a time. Nipping, kneading, and suckling until your nipples are sensitive and hard. His lets his hand wander further down as he dotes on your chest, slipping his fingers beneath he elastic of your panties.
He lifts his head and exhales a scalding breath over you, “can I taste you? I need to taste you…”
“What?” You murmur as your head slumps to one side and your eyes shut, fuzzy and itchy.
You feel the bed jostle as his weight lifts and his touch drifts away. He urges your legs apart before he settles between them, the bed moving with him. Your panties roll down your legs and he bends your knees. You whine, confused about what he’s doing.
He growls and you feel his breath along your thigh. You twitch as he spreads his hands across your flesh and holds your legs open. Something cool delves into the warmth between your legs. You yelp as your eyes snap open.
You lift your head as it teeters on your neck and you see the top of Andy’s head by your pelvis. He runs his hands around your thighs, gripping the outside and pushing them flush to his face as he laps at your cunt. You whimper as you fall flat again, hiding behind your eyelids as the vision of him paints the void of your speckly mind.
What is he doing?
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jaegeraether · 11 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (2)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Jordan looked slightly better after the shower, however her demeanour was still down. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked even more slight in Lucy’s larger clothes. As she rounded the corner, YFN gave her a warm smile and Jordan took a seat next to her at the kitchen counter. Lucy slid a hot drink across to her and squeezed her hand for support.
Jordan held the cup in between her hands and looked at YFN. “Thank you for everything. Y…you…I didn’t realise how upset I’d beco…” Her lips quivered as she tried to stop herself from crying to no success. She became frustrated. “Argh I’m so sorry.” She buried her face in her hands again and YFN stood next to her, again wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and squeezing. Jordan leant into her. Lucy looked at YFN with wide, intrigued eyes. They’d only met an hour ago and Jordan was already so trusting of her. Who was she? What had they talked about?
“You’re okay, Jordan. You’re okay. Let it out, but don’t dwell, just like we said before, okay?”
Jordan nodded, her head moving against YFN’s torso as she hid her face. YFN took the tissue box extended to them by Lucy and put it in front of Jordan. She grabbed some tissues gratefully and blew her nose, leaning back. YFN took her seat again.
“Y…you’re my Australian guardian angel, honestly. I…” She looked at YFN with eyes that reflected her sadness. “Can…can you stay? Please?” She looked at Lucy. “Can she stay? She’s really nice I promise.”
Lucy gave her friend an amused smile and turn to YFN with a look of ‘I told you so.’ “Of course she can.”
Jordan looked at YFN. “I can stay for a little longer, but perhaps not the night. I am still a random stranger, after all.. and you two are officially the first people in this country I know!”
They both smiled at that, again the slight disappointment reflected on both of their faces. YFN wiped the rain that had dripped onto her face from her hair, and looked at Lucy, gesturing to the bathroom. “May I?”
Lucy watched her closely and held her stare with an interested one. “Of course – let me get some clothes for you.”
The shower was a much needed boost of warmth after the downpour. YFN wondered whether or not she should wash her hair, feeling unsure if it would be rude to use Lucy’s shampoo and conditioner. From what she could already tell of the woman, she decided she wouldn’t mind. Hopping out, she quickly dried and put on the clothes Lucy had given her, an unopened sports bra and underwear, along with some comfy grey sweatpants, a shirt and a hoody. Almost all of the sizes were just slightly too big, but she loved that. She could tell also that the hoody was not new, as it smelled like vanilla and bitter orange. Was that Lucy’s smell? Her stomach tingled with little butterflies, but she pushed aside the feeling. How was it possible to be attracted to someone after just knowing them for 10 minutes?
Jordan was on the couch when YFN came out. Lucy gave a smile, brushing past her as she headed to the bathroom to shower, and YFN joined Jordan on the couch, settling into the corner.
“How are you feeling, mate?”
Jordan laughed at the Australian term. “Better… Luce has been great, she’s made me feel a bit better about it all. Though, she is upset I didn’t let her know sooner.”
“Why didn’t you..?”
“It’s a bit difficult, to be fair. She plays in another country, and there’s no point worrying her from all the way over here. She can’t exactly pack up and leave to take care of me.”
YFN’s interest spiked at this a little. Lucy didn’t live in England? “No, but she can give you advice from afar and I’m sure she has people to contact here to make sure you’re safe and happy, you know? I bet you have a whole community of people around you. Shutting people out because you think it’s what’s best for them is not what you need right now. You need the support of your friendships.”
Jordan nodded slowly. YFN could tell it was not a comfortable thing for her – to say she needed help. Not out of pride, but purely out of worry she’d burden others.
They spoke a little more, and Lucy eventually joined them on the couch. She sat on the opposite corner of the couch, with Jordan between the two women. She laid her long, bronze legs out and stretched her arms over the back of couches, partially resting one hand on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan reached up and placed her hand on Lucy’s without looking at her. They were definitely close friends.
“So how long are you staying here?” Jordan asked YFN.
Lucy pushed her transparent glasses up the bridge of her nose and answered for her. “2 weeks here, wasn’t it?”
YFN nodded, happy that Lucy had paid attention. “2 weeks in England, maybe, and then backpacking Europe. Any of those plans are subject to change though.”
“And you don’t know anyone here?”
“Nope. Never been here, and I do… I know you two.” She gave a cheeky grin.
Jordan laughed. “Isn’t that lonely?”
YFN got the impression that Jordan could sometimes be quite direct without realising or meaning it.
“Not at all! I’m old enough to enjoy my independence. No Contiki tours or raves or needing to worry about other people wanting to do things I don’t want to. I get to just explore what I want, when I want. And look! I met two footballers.” She gave a laugh and shook her head in disbelief.
Jordan turned to Lucy. “She’s never heard of either of us before.”
Lucy looked sceptical and then seemed to accept it. “You don’t follow football?”
“Ah, I do, of course! But my football is called AFL or ‘footy’ in Australia, and it’s an entirely different game, VERY brutal and fast paced.”
“I’ve heard of that but I’ve never watched any…”
“Oh please.. pull up AFL on YouTube. You won’t regret it.”
Lucy leaned across Jordan and handed her phone to YFN, their fingers brushing briefly, sending a shiver down her spine. YFN played AFL greatest hits for the two to watch. Their expressions of amazement and pain were hilarious to her as the AFL players crashed into each other, sacrificing their bodies for the ball. She explained the rules to them, and they both seemed quite interested and into it. At their request, she pulled up the latest game and they watched the highlights.
Lucy watched with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open. Jordan laughed and nudged YFN. “You’ve got a new ‘footy’ fan in that one!”
“How is that legal?! Are there rules?!” Lucy asked as she leant backward, cringing as a player was knocked unconscious.
“There are rules but as long as you’re going for the ball, it doesn’t matter if players get injured.” She laughed. “In a few states in Australia, they don’t even have grass. They play on gravel.”
They both turned to her with jaws hanging open. “WHAT.”
She laughed again, and the sound made Lucy smile. “If you two ever come over to Australia, please let me know so I can take you to a game. You need to see the MCG! It’s huge.”
They trio spent the rest of the night laughing and bonding over a surprising amount they had in common. On multiple occasions where Jordan had her head back, laughing hard, Lucy and YFN shared a look and large smiles seeing Jordan so happy. She eventually tired herself out and fell asleep, her little body curled up between the two. They left her like that for a while, her head leaning on Lucy’s thigh, and her legs draped across YFN, under a blanket the two shared. Lucy’s arm was still over the back of the couch, and YFN was very aware of how close it was. They watched some more TV in silence before Jordan started softly snoring. Lucy and YFN caught each other’s eye and both silently laughed. YFN tilted her head, a dimple appearing on one cheek and Lucy sharply inhaled at the sight. YFN gestured towards the door with a gentle expression. Lucy nodded and the two carefully extracted themselves from under Jordan. YFN’s only escape path was to move backwards and hoist herself over the back of the couch. The couch tipped slightly and she slipped, her knees still over the couch, Lucy running to catch her before the couch tipped and her head hit the ground. With one hand on the back of her neck and the other under her back, the two were laughing so hard and silently that their bodies were shaking.
With the support of Lucy almost under her, YFN let herself slide the rest of the way onto the ground. Jordan snored a little more loudly this time. YFN clutched her stomach with one hand, and Lucy’s arm with the other, trying her best not to laugh out loud. Lucy’s vibrating body was not helping her to control her amusement. They both made their way to the front door as quietly as they could, gasping for air.
“Wait a second.” Lucy left her at the door, which gave her time to order an Uber. Lucy returned with a bag and handed it to the woman. YFN looked confused, opening it to see her freshly washed and dried clothes.
“Oh!” She whispered, surprised. “Thank you!” She looked down at Lucy’s clothes on her. “I’ll get changed.” She went to move towards the bathroom.
“No..” Lucy put her arm out to stop her, her hand lightly touching her stomach. “Don’t worry. Maybe I’ll see you again, and I can get them back then? Otherwise, you can keep them.”
YFN smiled, that dimple appearing again. “Maybe.”
Lucy blinked and regained her composure, reaching out to take keys off the hook near the door. YFN reached out and lightly touched her hand. “No..” She said as Lucy just had. “I ordered an Uber. I think it’s best to stay with her right now… I’m glad she’s had a bit of fun tonight, but she really needs to not be alone any time soon.”
Lucy felt disappointed and tried to not show it, however she was blatantly aware that their hands were still touching. She couldn’t help as her eyes went from YFNs eyes, to her dimple, to her lips, and back up. YFN blushed slightly and pulled back her hand as she heard a car stop outside. She turned to look and confirm it was her Uber.
“I need to go.” She whispered.
“Thank you for…everything. Thank you for looking out for my friend. If you ever need me for anything, you know where I am.” Lucy smiled. She reached into her pocket to get the little piece of paper she’d written her number on but before she could, YFN gave her a soft hug. “Thanks, Lucy. You’re a really great friend to her, you know.”
With that, she walked away, leaving Lucy in the doorway wondering after her.
The next morning, YFN woke up with a disappointed feeling. She was disappointed that she didn’t have the number of Jordan, or Lucy. She was feeling worried about Jordan and wanted an update, even if they didn’t know each other well. She knew exactly what Jordan was feeling and it hurt her. Unfortunately, she’d let her pride get in the way and left quickly after hugging Lucy, not wanting them to get the impression that she was trying to get involved into their presumably famous footballer lives. She knew her best bet to see Jordan would probably be beach, but she also hoped she wouldn’t be there. She hoped Lucy had managed to get her back on a good path, and so she wouldn’t need to be alone at the beach. Regardless, YFN went about her day exploring. She took time to try some local foods, and spend time to relax by reading a book in a little park she came across. By sunset, she was back at the beach. Again, storm clouds loomed overhead which just made the sunset even prettier. She wriggled her toes so they were covered in the cool sand and thought about the squeaky white sand in Australia. She missed home already. But only for the scenery. YFN wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knees, watching the sun begin to disappear. She felt a hand on her back and jumped, her head pivoting as she locked onto a pair of amused green eyes. She could just fall into those and keep falling.
Lucy pushed the glasses up her nose. “May I join you?”
YFN smiled and nodded. They watched the sunset for a while in comfortable silence.
“How’s Jordan?”
Lucy sighed. “She’s doing okay. She’s with some more friends at the moment. I have a game on Friday night so she insisted I have my prep time. I’m surprised you two didn’t exchange numbers.”
“Me too – I’ve been worrying about her all day to be honest. She seems sweet.”
“The sweetest. And usually a little ball of happy energy too. Breaks my heart to see her upset.”
“I’m guessing you asked her where we met?”
Lucy gave a cheeky smile. “Of course. I wanted to see if you want to come to the game Friday night. I have an extra ticket in the family and friend section, and I think Jordan would love the company. My brother can be a bit…overwhelming and loud.”
YFN laughed, tilting her head back. Lucy couldn’t help but watch as she did. “So, nothing like you then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She grinned.
“Lucy, I’d love to go.” She beamed. “But I’m going to need someone to explain the rules to me.”
They watched the rest of the sunset talking and laughing, and ended up having to sprint to Lucy’s car as the rain began. Lucy drove YFN back to her hotel so she wouldn’t have to walk in the rain. She made sure to walk her up to her room and gave her both hers and Jordan’s numbers. “Jordan wanted you to have hers also. She wants to meet with you tomorrow I think… just text her anyways.”
“Oh, I will.” She looked up at Lucy again, beaming that she had made friends in a new country, and also excited at the prospect of her first football game. Her expression softened Lucy’s heart. “You can text or call me as well, for anything you need.”
“Won’t that be a distraction from training?”
“Yes… but a very welcome one.” She gave her cheeky, wide grin again.
“Can I ask you a random question?”
Lucy’s heart jumped. “Shoot.”
“I’m not really used to any accents around here yet.. what’s your accent?”
Lucy laughed. “Northumberland.” She said proudly. “Terrible innit?”
“No, I love it to be honest. You sort of just decide to lose letters along the way. It’s great.”
“Alright, settle down. I’ll see you on Friday then.”
“I’ll be the one with the Australian Flag.”
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notmorbid · 1 month
yellowjackets, season 2 [pt. 2].
dialogue prompts from the second season of showtime's yellowjackets.
trust me. i've been where you are.
i thought you'd be more excited to see me.
you should get the hell away from me. i'm poison. i ruin people.
i killed my best friend. the only person i loved. the only person who knew me.
that 'something' that was in ___ is in me.
why didn't you wake me up?
is there a chance it could be us? you and me?
i gotta take care of myself, too, okay?
if you're done crying, i can tell you some stories.
where are you? we need you here.
you are so close to being on the other side.
aren't you the last person who should be giving me legal advice?
i'd rather keep the past in the past.
are you even trying to be happy?
i know you're too evolved for online dating.
i just want to know that you haven't given up on love.
you should be responsible for something other than yourself.
you know i don't deserve your friendship, right?
we're all like this. aren't we?
i never even wanted to be a mom.
life doesn't tend to turn out like you think it will.
it was all really complicated. i'll tell you all about it someday.
it's you and me against the whole world.
we thought we lost you.
i just think it's time we woke up.
i would be dead without you.
i need to know why the fuck i'm still here.
all my rational instincts are just kind of screaming.
you aren't welcome here anymore.
shouldn't you be in therapy?
i really need you right now.
when you look at yourself, what do you see?
the truth is all around you, but you refuse to see it.
i'm sorry. i should never have pushed you away like that.
i'd never ask you to wait for me.
does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone?
how much do you remember?
i love this song.
i know there's a lot of pain right now, but let it out.
you're lying to me, and i want to know why.
you hear it, too?
we all need things we can't have.
you're a good person. i'm sorry for ever making you feel otherwise.
you are nothing if not proactive.
i can't get rid of it. it's a part of me.
i thought you loved all of me, like i love all of you.
it's gonna be okay. we're gonna be okay.
i can't imagine being here without you.
you're not going to solve shit with talking.
this isn't something that therapies can fix.
you're gonna have to look me in the eye.
it's no secret we're all a little fucked up.
what exactly are you suggesting?
our lives are not that bad.
i did it for the good of the group.
i knew i wasn't the only one who felt this way.
didn't we swear we would protect each other?
do you google yourself a lot?
disappearing is not as easy as they make it look on tv.
i need you to leave while you still can.
you don't have to be one of those people.
i appreciate you trying to teach me forgiveness. it's a nice idea.
it was supposed to be me.
you're a good person. you really don't belong in this place.
i'm not ashamed. i'm glad i'm alive.
you're like, an honest-to-god detective?
i know this is a lot. but i'm a friend. and everything is gonna be fine.
is this what you wanted to happen?
it's called a narrative. try to 'yes, and' a little.
what about a story you haven't heard before?
i never wanted to be in charge.
you were always the favorite.
there's nothing to be afraid of, you know?
i'm not supposed to be here.
how could it not have been me?
go ahead. i'm right behind you.
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grimalkinmessor · 8 months
Okay but Reigen's ability to lie and change masks at will means that he can be literally anyone Mob needs him to be at any given time. And he often is.
I was thinking about this because I rewatched the break-up episode and Reigen's words had always caught me a little off guard when he said all that stupid shit to Mob, because—and yes this is the point I suppose—he's never usually that harsh with Mob. Because the rod isn't what Mob needs, and Reigen knows it, and he usually tries to be the best shishou he can be whilst still lying to his disciple about everything else :'D So I considered Reigen insulting Mob and going after his friends to be largely out of character for him!
But, I realized that the series focuses so much on Mob's inner struggle that we don't get to see a lot of Reigen's. And for Reigen, who has had Mob all to himself for close to three years, the sudden influx of people taking Mob's time and attention would've been highly alarming and disquieting to him. Because for literal years, Reigen was the village raising the child.
Before the series started, Mob and Ritsu were still distant if loving. His parents don't seem to make much of an impact on is life either. And before joining the BIC, Mob had no friends either. He just kind of,,,existed. The only person he could've considered a friend was Reigen. Reigen gives him advice and life lessons like a parent, jokes around and heckles him like a friend, and scolds him when he's being dumb like a mentor. Reigen didn't raise Mob (he does still have parents for that and Reigen has only known him three years out of fourteen) but before canon he did seem to have a great deal of control and say-so over Mob's life.
And yes, again this is bad. It's unhealthy at best. But Reigen's options in the beginning were either fire Mob and send him away so that wouldn't happen, or keep him by his side and encourage him to make friends as they went along and Mob learned more control and social skills from him. The latter might've even been Reigen's original plan once he realized he actually likes Mob as opposed to him just being a random kid. But then, of course :) Reigen gets attached :)) Too attached, even :)))
Enough so that when the time comes and Mob actually DOES start to make friends, Reigen feels deeply threatened. Fondness has blossomed out quite nicely into codependence, and now Reigen—who is also deeply, incredibly lonely—cannot imagine a life without Mob in it anymore. He doesn't like the thought of Mob drifting away. Outgrowing him. So he opens his mouth and puts his foot directly inside, trying to alienate Mob from his friends and secure his spot as top friend dog once again. (Honestly as if there was any question 🙄).
Thankfully, Mob nips that shit in the bud IMMEDIATELY. Because again, he's been with Reigen for the past three years, and other than some of the other bullshit bout spiritual powers, Reigen has been largely very wise and helpful when giving life advice. It was very likely his OWN teachings and words about being wary of being manipulated and conned that helped Mob recognize it that fast.
So Mob leaves, and Reigen...crumbles.
Damn near instantly.
He tries to convince himself that he doesn't need Mob, that he's fine without him and that he never even cared about him in the first place—but later we see that the idea of Mob leaving him for good makes him actually, physically nauseous. That moment in the alleyway, with the moths around the lamp as my witness, was a moment of death and rebirth within Reigen's psyche. Again with the moths there that might be obvious lmao. The singular moth dying there might even be a reference to the fact that only one of Reigen and Mob's relationship problems have been addressed (and somewhat?? solved?? at least in the way that Reigen has acknowledged the need for change in himself on this front).
Idk, I just think it's interesting :3 He was alone in his friendship with Mob for a very long time, and I think he panicked more than made any sort of cold calculated move to be an asshole. He and Mob are similar in that way; they both found someone who needed and understood them, Mob with his powers and Reigen with his tricks and acts, both of them using their abilities for the other's benefit. I love the break-up arc so much, it's so much fun to think about 💖
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linkemon · 1 year
Fatui headcanons 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Some Fatui have yet to appear in the game, so the characters may deviate from their later canon versions.
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La Signora
✧ It's not like she was your mother. The best part of her character died with her lover. But it was hard not to feel anything for the woman who had been your mentor for several years. She personally chose you as her protégé. She gave advice and trained. Always saying that she doesn't know what it's all for because she can never be stopped so that someone like you could take her place.
✧ I let you go with me only because Tsaritsa told us to train recruits. She repeated these words and the like very often. But when anyone dared to question you, she always stood up to them. If any of Fatui's lower ranks dared to talk back to those above them, she would eliminate them without batting an eyelid. But she let you talk back, telling you to know your worth. Her student can't let herself be pushed around. That would be bad for her.
✧ When you heard he was dead, you didn't want to believe it. Perhaps many would have rejoiced at your position but you just felt empty. You knew you could do everything you were supposed to do and you would be honored to serve her majesty but joy was somewhere on the side. The first thing you wanted to know was how and where she died. You promised yourself that one day you would slay Raiden Shogun. It was your duty to avenge La Signora.
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✧ You met him before he climbed to the top. He was a poor man with no vision. Over time, he developed an unhealthy obsession with the gods. Why did so many people have visions and the two of you didn't It was unfair.
✧ Together you tried to survive on the street. It was a strange time. Sometimes you starved to death. However, your relationship was not based on trust. Some shared food when it was scarce. You shared the spoils according to the amount of work you put in, with no reduced tariffs. Sometimes you went so far as to steal from each other, bringing less than you needed.
✧ Pantalone was usually better at planning jumps and actions. He taught you some nice tricks, including how to manipulate people. He usually chose easier targets. You were a proponent of force solutions.
✧ When given a chance to climb to the top, he abandoned you without hesitation. You always knew he was capable of this. But it wasn't until it really happened that you realized how hurt you were anyway. So when the Fatui asked you to join their ranks a year later, you agreed. Also to face Pantalone one day when you've achieved a lot.
✧ You first saw him again at your mentor's funeral. He was rarely in your area, so you only heard about him. Everything you wanted to tell him slipped out of your head. You only responded to his polite smile and handshake, then walked away.
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✧ As the youngest member of the crew, he often talked to you. He was very popular with recruits. There have been many occasions when Fatui's seniors have charged him with taking care of you during your training. You were always ranked number one, so naturally he wanted to challenge you. It was an honor, so you didn't even think of refusing.
✧ Over time, private training in the form of sparring entered your blood. When you came under La Signora's wing, you stopped. You already had a new teacher and Tartaglia didn't like your mentor very much. Still, he used to pick on you when he came back to Snezhnaya. He loved teasing you. Especially if you've been sitting on paperwork.
✧ At La Signora's funeral, he sided with you and Arlecchino. He himself knew what it was like to be away from his homeland and the vision of death outside of it was terrible. When he supported you, he looked at you the whole time. After the ceremony, he came over to ask how you feel in your new role and if you want to face him. You knew he wouldn't ask about your mentor but you knew his approach to family. It was kind of his attempt to comfort you, so you went to the training ground.
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Il Dottore
✧ You never expected that one of your first assignments would involve working with this man. But Tsaritsa's will is sacred and you were the new Harbinger. You had to adapt. You didn't miss him. It would even be safe to say that he scared you. All the rumors you heard about him were nasty. And, as it turned out later, true.
✧ You were tasked with overseeing the security of his lab in Liyue. He produced machines there but not only. He was fascinated by Abyss. What's worse, he's taken it upon himself to keep you informed of all his steps. For some reason, the Dottore thought he'd do what he could to interest you in the subject. Like it or not, you had to listen. Over time, you noticed that you saw meaning in his words and it scared you.
✧ One unlucky day you had to leave the factory with the entire crew. There wasn't much time. You saved his life when several Ruin Guards rioted at once against him. He just laughed the whole way, running away. He said it would be too weak of an end for a genius like him. You've said a few things that would make more than one of the higher-ups try to kill you. But he just laughed again. You're stuck with him now.
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My Little Shadow: Part Nine (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: Teasing and mentions of reading smutty books!
Part eight Part ten
Tag list: @mis-lil-red @bubybubsters @luvmoo
After some time to adjust to Velaris, Y/N makes a revelation while training with Azriel...
Also, I'm sad to say my posting schedule will be slowing down a bit. Even if they're a bit shorter, I promise to keep getting this series out to you guys!
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It had been two months since I had joined this lovely court, and everything had been going well.  More than well, actually.  Noone could get me to admit it, but I was happier than I had ever been before.
Stella and I had a small home, which when Azriel apologized about the size, and said that they’d have something more suitable for a family of two, I hadn’t cared.
I had just grinned at him and told him it was perfect.
And it was, since I had never had a place where I didn’t have to fear someone barging in on me, or locking me inside for weeks.
Not only that, but I had made friends.
Cassian’s training was absolutely insane, and when we started, I felt like my bones were going to snap into pieces, but Nesta had given me good advice, and eventually I was part of her small friend group.
I liked them, I also loved the tiny book club of which I was now part of.
I had also found myself a… an acquaintance of Amren, the female I had been so interested in before.  I wouldn’t say friends, because we never talk, but neither of us mind hanging out, so that’s nice.
Azriel has been helping us train with my shadows, and I have to admit, it’s the favorite part of my day.  Everyone says I can’t actually go out and start spying until Azriel deems me ready.
“You need to keep your balance.”  Azriel hissed.
Oh, did I also mention he’s a complete hardass during training?
“That’s hard to do when the wind is hitting you like a ton of bricks!”  I half shriek as I almost fall off the rock again.
We had been doing this for three days, and I still haven’t been able to stand with only one foot on the rock.  I might have been able to if there wasn’t so much wind but…
“I thought you were supposed to be training me how to use my shadows!”  I shout over the wind, right before falling face first into the ground.
Azriel chuckles, and I get to my knees to shoot him a withering glare, but I can see he’s by my pack, reading the most recent book from our little book club.
I’m blushing heavily as he raised an eyebrow at me.  “This fell out of your pack when you threw it down.  I thought I’d do some reading.”
I tried not to think of the many possible scenes he could be reading right now, the ones that still made me blush when I read them.
Talking to Morrigan, I had accidently let it slip that I was a virgin, and that I didn’t know about any of that stuff at all, really.
Somehow that had made it back to Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie, who then picked me out the most… detailed books in their collection.
And now Azriel was reading that book, looking up at me with a sly grin.
Azriel was fun.  He teased and taunted me in ways that didn’t feel like he was picking me apart.  And I liked to spar with him in this way, little snarky remarks back and forth.  HAlf of the things I say would have gotten me strung up at home.
“I am teaching you to use your shadows.  You’re just not understanding the assignment.”  He said, flipping the page as his eyebrows shot up.
I can’t help that my face is bright red as I try to speak, my voice coming out stiff, “What do you mean I don’t understand the assignment?  What do my shadows have to do with balancing on rocks?”
He sighed, tossing the book aside to my relief.  “What do you use your shadows for Y/N?”
I study him, trying to figure out his game.  “They help me spy sometimes, but for the most part they stay with me, hiding me when need be and otherwise they stay with me.”
To prove what I had just told him, I beckon them forth, and they appear by my side.  I tried not to smile, thinking we were finally going to start some real training.
He snorted.  “It’s good to at least know they’re here.  Now go balance on that rock again.”
I try not to gape at him, and I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but my shadows have other ideas.
I gasp a little bit as they pull me over to the rock again, and I quickly relent, sighing as I perch atop it once again.
Looking down at my shadows, which seemed to be encouraging me, it suddenly hit me what Azriel wanted.
I’m tempted not to do it, just to spite him.
But my legs are tired, and if this means moving on in our training, then mother help me I would jump off a cliff at this point.
My shadows follow my lead, helping me balance against the wind, and suddenly it’s not a struggle at all to stay upright.
Azriel appears from around the corner, smirking.  “There we go little shadow.”
I shoot him a glare, and he just laughs.
Watching him laugh, my heart flutters a bit, my cheeks turn pink and I struggle to breathe-
I almost fall off the rock as I realize what’s going on to my horror.
I was falling in love with him.
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 6 months
Raven and dexter?
I’m so so sorry for not replying sooner, I just hit a bit of writers block with this one but I still hope I delivered what you wanted!!
Just a disclaimer commissions are back open!!
And because I got a rather angry message from someone telling me that I was misinforming all of you because my user and bio say ‘smutty fanfics’ while not all are smutty please add in your requests if you want the fic to be smutty or fluff
But regardless I hope you enjoy!!
Dexter was not looking forward to thronecoming.
He wasent the type to like big parties and loud music like Briar Beauty and his older brother. He instead liked to sit with a good book and a small amount of company to pass the time, but as a Charming it was basically law that he had to attend.
So now he was stuck trying to figure out a way to ask out his long term crush, the infamous Raven Queen. Who dispite her reputation and lack of willingness to abid by her destiny was a rather sweet and nice girl who cared about other people’s feelings.
That he admired about her a lot, where in a world full of fake smiles she was a true and genuine beacon of truth and sincerity. That made the prospect of asking her out even more scary, sure they were freaindky and he would consider them friends but what if she was being nice only out of her natural sweet personality.
His anxiety was eating away at him and his older brother Daring and his roommate Hunter had started to notice his overwhelmingly quite self. “What’s wrong bro?” Daring slung an arm around his brother as they made their way to heroics class.
Dexter only shrugged and turned to look at anything else but his brothers discerning face, “nothing just some stuff on my mind.” At this point Hunter decided to join in on the conversation as they now stood in front of their teacher.
“You sure? Because your being more quite than usual.” At this point Dexter had given up on trying to hide his dilemma and instead opted to take some advice from two of the most relationship successful guys in the school.
Daring seemed to have everything figured out with his destiny and many flings and Hunter was as steady as a horse with Ashlynn. “Well… I’ve been thinking that maybe I could ask Raven out.” Both guys paused for a second before Hunter clapped him in the back.
“If that’s what you want then why not.” Dexter internally rolled his eyes, so much for good advice. “Yes little brother if that is the girl you want to take to the thronecoming then go for it.” Dexter again rolled his eyes internally before letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Yeah but the problem is I don’t know how! I mean how do you go about asking out a girl like Raven. She’s so… special and kindhearted and open and-.” He quickly closed his mouth as he realized he was entering into one of his rants.
Finally realizing his little brothers problem Daring gave Dexter a smirk as he pointed to the bleachers, “well for one you can be a Charming and use our effortless genetics to your advantage and be charming. The ladies always love a charming man.” The last sentence was directed at Hunter who only chuckled.
Dexter on the other hand turned to look where his brother was pointing only to find, Raven and Cupid sitting by the bleacher with a mirrorpad. Dexter felt his face burn as his eyes connected with Ravens for a brief second before he hurriedly looked away.
Just how could she be this fabeulous? Her hair was shining in the sun which cast a amethyst glow to her surroundings and her eyes sparkled with light as she laughed at something Cupid said. She really was the most perfect girl he had ever seen.
But as he thought back, his eyes trailed back to the bleachers to then land on a certain love expert… who was more than likely to be of bigger help to him than these two doofuses next to him. With his kind made up he turned back to his teacher and counted down the minutes till he could track Cupid down.
He found Cupid fairly quickly after his class ended, she was walking back to her dorm when he saw her again.
“Cupid!” The said girl worked around and smiled while fixing her hair. “Oh Dexter what can I do for you?” He fumbled with his thumbs choosing his words carefully.
“Well you see there’s this girl that I really really like… but I don’t know who to ask her out. I want to take her to the thronecoming.”
Cupid bit her lip as he continued to ramble on until she reached out and rested her hand on his shoulder, “Dex I think the best way is to be… direct. Just tell her and everything will turn out fine. I’m sure the girl would more than lucky to have you as a date.”
Cupid gave a little squeeze to his shoulder while Dexter thought over her words. Being direct wasn’t something he was good at, but if Raven liked direct then that’s what he’d be.
Smiling he leaned forward and gave Cupid a smile as she fluttered her eyes. “Cupid… thank you now all I have to do is find Raven.”
She stumbled back and gave him a once over as he pivoted on his heel. Life really was unfairest to those it didn’t favor.
Dexter felt like he had walked around the entire school before he found Raven. She was still sat at the bleachers, only this time with Maddie as they seemed to have a tea party of sorts.
He felt his anxiety rose with every step as he thought over the words he had practiced over and over in his mind. What if she thought they were childish? Or maybe she didn’t like directness.
It was too late to back out either way as the next second Maddie shot up and exclaimed his name for the entire school to hear. As she sat back down he made eye contact with a rather surprised Raven, swallowing and taking a deep breath he fixed his jacket before slowly approaching.
Raven watched him curiously as she could see the stress and anxiety oozing out of him, which if he knew how obviously stressed he looked he could probably faint from embarrassment. When Dexter was finally in front of Maddie and Raven, he looked between the two girls wishing that Maddie would somehow understand and leave them alone for a second.
“Hey Dexter. What are you doing here?” His eyes snapped to Ravens as he stammered for a second before answering “oh I- um just that I wanted to ask you something.” Raven smiled and scooted over so he was sitting beside her and Maddie.
“Sure. What’s up.” He looked between the two girls and mastered up all the courage he had before he turned and took Ravens hand in his “I was-.” He was interrupted by the sound of clocks going if at the same time as Maddie suddenly jumped up.
“Oh would you look at the time the rabbit came out the bag and the turtle has to climb the tree.” They both looked at her with a perplexed expression as she bounced of to who knows where. “So Dexter what was it that you wanted to ask.”
Raven gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as she leaned it unknowingly, Dexter on the other hand very much noticed causing him to have his breath catch in his throat. “Right yeah umm so Raven. Would you.. like to go the thronecoming with me.”
They both paused for a second but for different reasons. Dexter paused because of the completely unromantic way of asking her and Raven paused because she couldn’t wrap her head around that Dexter Charming as in her long time crush Dexter Charming wanted to go to the thronecoming with her.
When she continued to not answer he started to get up, his face reddening in embarrassment. “You don’t have to answer tha-.” Raven cut him of as she sprung up and smashed their lips together. Dexter stumbled back in surprise before he gripped Ravens hips and kissed her back with just as much force.
Once they pulled apart they both panted for a few seconds before Dexter asked “so is that a yes?” Raven gave him a deadpan look as she circled her arms around his neck, “definitely a yes.” She didn’t let him answer as her lips were back on his in a second.
Their peaceful moment was cut when they heard the cheerful voice of Blondie saying to her mirrorcast “well there you have it! An other couple confirmed are going together to the thronecoming! Now if you ask me that sounds just right!”
As the mirrorcast turned of Raven and Dexter both groaned and gave Blondie an annoyed look but she only gave them a smile and wave as she spotted her next victims, Sparrow and Duchess.
He thought he was nervous to ask her out but he was even more nervous now that he was waiting outside Ravens dorm with his brother beside him as they waited for their dates. “Don’t be nervous bro! Just be your… charming self.”
Dexter rolled his eyes and gripped the flowers even tighter as he heard the door creak open and the sound of Apple Whites voice say “come on Raven our princes are waiting!” As the girl said that he thought he saw his brother flinch for a second before he was distracted with the sight of Raven.
“Hey Dexter.” He gulped and handed her the flowers quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck turning to see Apple softly giggling at him. He paid her no mind tho as Raven returned a second later, “you look fabelous Raven.” She gave him a small smile and put her arm through his as they followed the pair in front.
Once they finally entered the ballroom, Raven was quick to pull him to the dance floor after much persuasion and a tiny bit of guilt tripping. In all honesty tho Dexter was ready to fall to his knees as soon as Raven made her request, the want to make her happy overriding his fear of dancing and embarrassing himself in front of her.
He twirled Raven before bribing her back to his chest as they danced along to some tune Melody Piper had out on. It was a slow yet energetic song that many of the couple decided to dance and him and Raven were no different.
As he went to dip her down she giggled and threw her head back before coming back up and meeting his eyes. As they did he felt his breath freeze in his lungs, and his heart beat rapidly for her eyes shone like the starry night above.
Unconsciously he leaned forward and pulled her closer by the waist as he finally connected their lips together again. The kiss was sweet yet passionate and Dexter had found it was starting to become his new favorite taste.
Blondie was correct, this was just right.
Hope you enjoyed and again please specify from now on if you want a smutty or fluffy fan fic in your commissions
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
hey! hope you're having an awesome day so far. i recently just finished watching "romantic killer" and OMG I LOVED IT! if you don't mind, could i request some headcanons of kazuki, junta, and hijiri crushing on the reader who's a huge otaku (like a huge one. loves watching anime and reading manga when given the chance, owns as much merch as they can afford, and their eyes literally light up when anyone mentions her favorite series)? and one thing about them is that they're such a simp over certain anime characters, will literally squeal over images and video clips like "WHY IS (INSERT ANIME CHARACTER) SO CUTE/HOT/GORGEOUS?!" later, it turns out the reader also likes the boys back, and while they're happy about it, they're initially flustered like "you actually like me? out of all people, you like someone who does nothing but watch anime 24/7?" and even asking "you do realize that you're probably gonna deal with me screaming over my anime husbandos and/or waifus even when we date, right?" (may or may not have put myself on blast with this request. also, sorry if this got a bit too long LMAO). ty! <3
Their crush is a huge otaku
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Kazuki, Junta, Hijiri ] [ Romantic Killer ]
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Dear are you sure you aren't my lost twin or something? 🤨 Because you have described me perfectly
Haha I loved your prompt dear, it was really funny to think
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Tsukasa Kazuki
Since the first moment you had met Tsukasa you had always been like that, and actually that is something he admires, just being you is something that atracted him to you at first
It help that you don't pay much attention in his beaty, he hates to draw attention for his appearance and you had never made a big deal of it (mainly because you are always focused in the characters you love, but he still appreciate it)
Speaking of, probably you had emphasize his appearance at least once, and the first time you did it he get anxious (specially if it was when you two met), but he was surprised that in just on a second you started talking about someone else, a characters that looks like him (even if is just a little) and you just start ranting about them, not even paying attention to Tsukasa anymore, he was confused and shocked but somehow grateful too
He had never been bothered by your ranting, at first he find it problematic since he hates drawing attention, and with how excited you get it could be a little difficult to not to, but with some time he just gets used to and doesn't bother him anymore
He had never mind it at all whenever you talk about the characters you love, but he tent to ask you to calm down before you hurt yourself for how excited you get, if you show him pictures or videos of them he will see them (just because you asked nicely) but he doesn't say much about them since he cannot see what is so special about them (he doesn't say it out loud though, he had learned his lesson after the first time he did it and you explained to him all the good things you know about that character)
If you ever show him your collection, either mangas or different merch, he will find it a little strange (it would remember him a little about his stalker, but he calms down rather quickly when you start talking like always), he won't judge you though (at least try not to), and will give you some advice of how take proper care of it if you ask him (he is pretty good with the housechores so that could help)
If you ask him he will make you company while shopping whenever you go for more mangas or merch, he doesn't mind too much, but he will make you dress something not anime related
Tsukasa doesn't even realice when he started to pay more attention to whatever you are saying, when he start to made efforts to understand what are you talking about, when he started waiting to be able to talk to you just so he could hear you speak with such emotion nor even when he started to get annoyed whenever he heards you simp about one of your favorite characters, wanting to be the one you are talking about so lovely (but he feels embarrassed about feeling like that)
For him is a slowly process so he will notice his feelings for you after some time, when he had already fallen in love you, and his attitude doesn't change much, but he discreetly start to spending more time to you, you have become his safe space so he start being a little more clingy
He start to even pay a more close attention to you, to your voice and your expresions so it won't be so strange if he ask you from time to time about the anime you are watching, he may even unconsciously mentions it when you two aren't talking about it just to to provoke you so you will start talking about it (specially becouse by just hearing the only mention of it makes you noticibly excited, and he loves seeing you like that, it amused him)
He probably won't confess, it had to be you the who confess to him or either one of you do it by accident, unconsciously letting out at comment that express your feelings
And when you two admit your feelings for each other he never expected for you to asking if he is willing to accept you as the huge otaku and simp you are, he will look at you weirdly and say that he already does it and he loves you for who you are, he is already used to your craziness (and he will tease you for it)
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Junta Hayami
Junta is really sweet and kind-hearted, even when he is bothered for something he has troubles to say it, but by the moment you two become friends he is always up to hear you rant about anime, he doesn't mind
From time to time he can get confused and a little bit overwhelmed for all your ranting and he tries to ask you to stop or to repeat yourself mainly because he is actually trying to undestand all you are saying, Junta really tries to get into the conversation, even if he doesn't really know the anime or doesn't say much he is always paying attention
He won't have much troubles to help you whenever you need it, like if you stayed up watching anime at night or were too distracted during class he will help you to cover it or explaining to you what you missed, but will scold you for doing it (no matter how much times you do it he never stop helping you, he just get more worried about you)
If you ever recommend him an anime or manga he promises to watch/read it, and he actually will make some time to do it, it won't be too weird if one day he came to you to ask you something about it or to tell you something he really liked it
Also, it won't be so strange if he ended up learning your favorite animes and characters, he actually did efforts too, and he even search about them a little more whenever something you say catch his attention
Whenever he heards you being simp over a characters he laugh nervously, at first it makes him nervous because is like if you were talking about something personal (since you like them so much), after some time he get used to but still it makes him a little nervous since you get so excited and even passionate whenever you talk about the character you love (and when he starts liking you he start being a little jelous too)
Junta doesn't have the heart to say something bad about them or ask you to stop, you seem to be having a lot of fun with talking about them and he will feel bad for interrupt you (even by accident). Also, if you show him pictures or videos of them he won't say much and just nod or say that you are right
Junta doesn't think much about his appearance and he is rather shy, so if you ever compliment his appearance he will get super flustered, even if you did it because he looks like one of the characters you love and start ranting about them, he doesn't mind (that actually help him calm down) he still appreciate the compliment, but after some time it would start bother him because he wants to be the person you like (he may even put more attention on what you say about them)
To be honest he was surprised the first time he saw your collection or when he accompanied you to buy something new, he has never thought that it would exist some much merch for just one anime, he really takes time to appreciate all your collection if you let him and he gladly hear you rant about it (like from what anime it is, from what scene, if it is a special edition and so on)
Also, he normally is busy with the school and the club (all the training and matches) but he will be happy to go with you whenever you want to buy more things for your collection (but he will be a little shy for it since that could easily be a date)
By the time Junta start liking you he will get a little more clingy and blushy with you, it would take him some time to notice it too but he tries to not make a big deal of it
He had never mind it all your excitment about the animes but now he start to get more flustered whenever you rant about them because now he pay more attention on your expresions and your voice, feeling that he falls more in love whenever he sees you and feeling embarrassed whenever he catches himself thinking like that. Now he will pay more attention on the characters you love the most, trying to see if there is something similar between them (maybe there will know your type or if he even has a chance with you)
The moment you two confess your feelings for each other you don't even have to ask him because he had let out his heart when he tell you how he feels, and he makes sure to say that he loves you completely , even that part of you that loves ranting about the animes and characters you love the most
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Hijiri Koganei
Hijiri is used to be surrounded by people who admire and praise him, so to catch his attention you have to be different from them and not really pay attention to him. It could be either because you say that he is like a typical anime character or praise his appearance just to start ranting about one of the characters you love that he looks like
He doesn't even know what are you talking about but he is offended because you are comparing him with someone else and you seem to prefer the other. He will confront you right away, how you dare to compare him with someone else?, he demand to know it in that moment so you will have no other option than talk about the anime/character (not like you don't want to), that is the first time he heard you rant like that
At first he just stay by your side because he wanted to show you that he is obviously better that all that characters you talk so much, but soon he start seeing you as a friend (as much as he hate it)
He thinks that all your rant is dumb and usless (at least at first) and he will express it, but he will learn to at least tolerate it since offending what you love just makes your relationship difficult (either because you get mad at him or because it sadden you, both option lead you to avoid him)
After some time Hijiri go from criticize you for obsessing over something he sees silly to criticize the plot and characters, he may even admit from time to time that "is not too bad", maybe it isn't the best change but that shows the interest he started to win over it
Normally you two have this conversations in "dates", he accept to hear you rant about everything you want only if is in a date (for him is like a deal), and after some time he just get used to all your ranting and even start to get interested in it, and when he does he will start to search more about it (either him or ask Tsuchiya to do it)
Also, he tent to surprise you by having the iniative to talk more about that anime or saying some details that you could bet he didn't know, he says that is not a big deal, is normal for him to know so much but in reallity he loves to see your shocked expression when he does it and to brag about it too
When you had commented that you have a collection with a lot of merch about it, he find it strange (and he say it) but he demand to see it (he is curious too). Even if he is surprided by your collection (no matter if is a lot or just a few things) he will act like is nothing, saying that he isn't impress even when he is curious
He from time to time buy you some things too, mainly after he got interested on the anime (and in you of course), he doesn't go out of his way to buy something but if he find something casually that he reconize it from anime you like or that he even is interested in, something he knows you will like
What he will never like is seeing you simp over the characters, even before he start liking you, he will call you idiot for it (but will stop after learning that this make things more difficult) he just don't see what you see in them, why you put so much attention in them and not in him? What they have that he doesn't? He is embarrassed for it but he is jelous of seeing you so excited for someone else, he will try to avoid to talk about them and even cut you when you start talking (and that just increase when he start liking you)
After he started to like you in a more sincere way then he will do more efforts to know what you like, trying to remember the animes you like the most (at least the names), now he pay more attention what you say than in criticize it. And this time he does efforts to find some merch about it, specially if is a special/limited edition, too expensive or something that have a special meaning either for you or in the anime (he isn't going to accept it but he is trying to impress you)
He never really had a problem with admiting that he is interested on you, so a confession it would came either from you or him admiting that now he likes you in a more sincere and romantic way
And when you ask him if is real and if he is willing to endure you he gets a little annoyed, first because you are doubting his feelings and second because he had already endure your attitude all this time, do you think he will do that if he doesn't wanted? He just accept his love for you inconspicuously, in his own way
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Life Update After a Few Days: October 18th, 2023 🎀
I’ve been a little busy with school, work, resting, and starting my workout routine back up, so here’s a little update!
I’m getting a tattoo soon! I know the aesthetic of my blog is pink and girly and coquette and I love everything that comes with the aesthetic and the lifestyle but I have an affinity for gothic style/spooky tattoos, so I’m getting a decent sized spider tattoo on my right thigh and I’m super excited! This is the first big ish sized tattoo besides the two small ones I have, and it’s the first tattoo appointment I’ve ever made so I’m really excited. A little anxious, especially for the shading portion of it, but I’m looking forward to how good it’s going to look when it’s finished and how much more confident it’s going to make me!
I’ve started working out at the gym again! My current schedule is three days of weightlifting (pull day, leg day, push day), and two days of just cardio. It feels so nice both mentally and physically to be taking care of myself like this again. I even bought some new workout shorts and gym clothes and I’m feeling better than ever! I’m focusing on improving my mental health right now and working out is doing wonders for me!
I’m working so much right now, but it’s worth it because I need the money for rent, tattoos, gym stuff, groceries, and whatever other necessities and wants pop up. I’m pulling doubles most Saturdays and it’s a little tiresome and energy draining but I’m managing pretty well. I won’t pull doubles every Saturday tho because that drives me straight into burnout and I’m trying to avoid that.
I hit 31 days on Duolingo and I’m at 28 days on Busuu, super proud of myself for keeping up with those two goals for now! I’m still working through the first two lessons of Genki and I’m still using the Kanji app but my studying has been a little bit more spread out because of my busy schedule. I’m trying to learn how to better balance multiple things without hyperfixating on just one and forgetting about everything else. I’ve noticed I tend to do that and that’s not the most productive thing for me.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that I spent a lot of money on stuff from Amazon (and Ulta) and most of it is here already besides the last couple Amazon items coming in today! I love the workout clothes I bought and the fitness/health tracker planner I bought is really interesting. I also got my language tracking bullet journal stuff in the mail so I am super looking forward to starting that up soon. Again, I noticed I tend to hyperfixate on one thing at a time but right now I’m trying to balance all my interests and things I need to do. My current “balance breakup” is: fitness/nutrition, Japanese language study, school/classes and academic success, work/making money, self care (sleep, skincare, reading, journaling, etc), boyfriend time, appointments, and chores/cleaning/housework. Sounds like a lot but there’s 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Not everything has to be done in one day and as long as I manage my time efficiently, then I’ll be successful. I also try to take into account my energy levels, daily tasks, possible “curveballs”, and my current physical and mental/emotional well being. Flexibility is a must in my life but I do like having routines and things to stick to, plan and schedule wise.
I’ve been working on some posts ideas for this blog so it’s not just daily updates and stuff, but actual tips, advice, and my current routines and schedules too, to maybe help motivate and inspire you guys! I have some things in mind currently, so hopefully I can find the time to type them up and post them!
Thank you guys for 850+ followers! I never thought my blog could grow like this and I’m super happy it has! This community has given me such a safe and comforting place where I can just be myself without worry. I appreciate all of you so much!! I hope all of you have amazing days, amazing sleep, amazing skin, amazing grades, and that life is going great for all of you!
that’s pretty much all I have to update you on for now. I will be posting a Daily Check In tonight about how today went as well, to help me get back on track with posting!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
I wasn't originally going to write about Dustin's reaction but @doubleb11 gave me the idea. I hope it meets your expectations! We go back to Steve's POV in Chicago in the next part. Thank you again for everyone's nice comments!
It was no secret that Dustin was struggling. He tried to remain hopeful and upbeat but his insecurities made maintaining a positive attitude difficult. Why would Steve leave? He had promised that he would always be there for Dustin. But so had his deceased grandparents and his dad that left without so much as a goodbye. 
The common denominator had to be Dustin. He knew that he was too sarcastic, too smart to be relatable, and kind of annoying. But he thought Steve understood. He’s always had trouble connecting with people but he thought that Steve was a lifelong friend, an older brother, if you will, that would never drift away. Since the time Steve gave him poor dating advice while looking for Dart, they had been best friends. So why would he leave?
Looking back, he could see why Steve might have underestimated his own importance to the Party. All of its members were a bit emotionally repressed and didn’t know how to talk about their feelings. They all tended to show their love through acts of service or quality time instead of words of affirmation. They did show their love and he thought Steve understood their feelings. But still, if Steve needed verbal validation, he didn’t get any. And Dustin had been a bit too preoccupied talking to Suzie to spend time with him, instead using the excuse of needing a ride to get in his regular amount of ‘Steve-time’. Regardless of his reasons, he felt guilty and useless when it came to searching for the older boy. 
It had been a mere two days since they had all found out about Steve’s leave and it was already affecting Dustin. When he wasn’t pretending to be okay, throwing a tantrum, or worrying about Steve’s well-being, he was ignoring the glances cast in his direction by the other Party members. Eddie had given him a ride to Mike’s for DnD and had tried to ask how he was doing. Dustin pretended to not hear the question and thanked him for the ride. Lucas had asked him if Steve had reached out yet. No, why would he? Dustin probably caused him to leave. Max and El asked if he was alright since he was quieter than usual. No, stop talking to him. Mike and Will avoided asking him questions but their concerned gazes were just as annoying. He was fine. 
Who cares that his pseudo-older brother left without talking to him just like his deadbeat dad? Not him. 
Joyce gave him a ride home from Mike’s when she picked up Will. She assured him that Hopper was doing everything he could to find Steve and that they’d have him home in no time. Dustin couldn’t find it himself to believe her. He just thanked her for the ride and made his way inside. He just wanted a night alone without anyone checking on him or bringing up Steve.
His mom was waiting for him in the kitchen and gave him a gentle smile when he walked in. “How was your game, Dusty?”
Dustin sighed. He wasn't in the mood to talk but his mom wasn’t aware of the situation and she certainly didn’t deserve any of his snark. “Hi mom, it was fun. Will is DM’ing again and Eddie has been giving him pointers. He was ruthless today.”
She hummed and pinched his cheek when she handed him the plate she had saved him from dinner. “Oh goodness, I almost forgot! Your friend Steve called to talk to you. I told him that you were with Mike today. He didn’t leave a message but you might want to call him later, okay Dusty? He sounded a little strange.”
“STEVE CALLED?” Dustin practically screamed as he whipped around in his seat, the bread roll propelling from his hand into a kitchen cabinet. 
His mother looked slightly alarmed but also woefully accustomed to his flamboyant antics. “Yes, Dusty. Don’t throw food, what did that dinner roll ever do to you?”
Dustin’s eyes rolled hard. “I’m sorry. You said Steve called? What did he say? Was he okay? Was he in distress?”
“No, he sounded a bit tired but that’s our Steve. He just asked for you and didn’t have a message to leave once I told him you were out. He will probably call back sometime later tonight or tomorrow sometime.”
Dustin felt his eyes fill with tears and his bottom lip started to quiver. Steve had tried to talk to him and he wasn’t there. What if he was hurt or in danger and Dustin was too busy playing make-believe to take his call? He would never forgive himself.
“Dusty? Oh no, honey! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” His mother fretted over him and her concern is what pushed him over the edge. 
Dustin burst into big, fat, ugly tears. He sobbed into his mother’s embrace and cried out his feelings of worry, sadness, and angered abandonment. His mom cooed over him and pet her hand through his unstyled curls until he found the strength to speak.
“Mom, Steve left. He just left Hawkins without telling anyone. He’s missing and we don’t know how to find him! And now he called and I wasn’t there! What if he’s hurt and he called me to help him? He left because I was a bad friend and now he’s gone! We can’t even find a way to bring him back.” Dustin wailed through sullied tears. 
Claudia whispered words of comfort and encouragement as she held her sad boy in her arms. “Dusty, he sounded fine. I’m sure he was just calling to check in on you and tell you where he is. I don’t know why he would leave so suddenly but I doubt it was because of you, Dusty.”
“No mom, it was me! He’s been distant and sad for weeks and I told the Party to give him space. Me! I said that. I told them to leave him alone and no one checked in on him. I never even told him what he meant to me. What if he never comes back, mom? He’ll never know how much we love him!”
Claudia was confused with this whole situation. She’s known Steve for nearly three years now and has been nothing but impressed by the older boy. He helped her care for her little Dusty while she was at work or her book clubs. Steve didn’t have a selfish bone in his body, always refusing to take her money for babysitting and relinquishing his free time to drive her admittedly needy son around. It doesn’t make any sense for Steve to abandon the kids he helped raise, the kids who counted on him a fair amount, to leave town out of nowhere. The young man that she knew would never knowingly cause such distress in her little Dusty or his friends. 
“Dusty, I think Steve is dealing with something beyond you or the rest of your friends. He might need some time to work on it but he will be back and he knows how much he means to you. Just give him time. He called today and the next time he calls, I’ll take a message. Alright? Everything will be fine.”
God, he hoped his mom was right about this. Dustin did feel better at her words but there was still a seed of doubt in his mind. Unfortunately, there was nothing else he could do about the situation until Hopper tracked Steve down or until Steve reached out again. For now, he would wait for his best friend to call again and alert the Party to give them the update. For now, he would have hope. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Taglist:@nickavalens@conversesweetheart@themostunoriginalpersonever@swimmingbirdrunningrock@eddiethegreatteddybear @call-me-big-eyes @cornwallisandkerley @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove@thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt@luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @darkwitchoferie @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber@bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd
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spideystevie · 2 years
hii love your party can i request 💘 + “neither of the two caring much for valentine’s day, but being dragged out for a double date with friends (and they end up having a great time)” from list one with hangman ????
happy valentine’s day! i think this one turned out pretty cute, i hope you like it <3 - [1.5k] | join the party!
Of all the holidays, Valentine’s Day had to be close to the top of your least favorite. It’s not like there was really anything inherently wrong with it per se, you just didn’t care for it. 
Your friend insists it’s because you might just be a little bit bitter you’ve never really spent the day with anyone other than yourself. And, okay, so what if you were?
Your friend calls you on the afternoon of the 14th, a few hours before her date with the guy she’s been seeing. You assume she’s calling for outfit advice or something, but you’re surprised by the panic in her voice when she says your name before you even get a chance to say hello. 
“There’s a bit of a problem,” she says, sounding the slightest bit out of breath. You sit up and furrow your brows. 
“What do you mean a problem?” your voice raises in pitch. 
“Well, maybe not a problem problem but,” you can hear her take a deep breath. “Roos is bringing a friend tonight.”
You groan, already aware of where this is heading. “No. No, I’m not letting you set me up on a blind date with one of his bootlicking friends.”
She huffs your name on the other line, a little put out. “Okay, well…what if I said I already said you’d come?”
“Seriously?” you ask incredulously.
“I’m sorry!” you’ll admit later that she does manage to sound apologetic. “I panicked! It’s just dinner and mini golf. If you really don’t want to go I'll let him know, it’s okay.”
You sigh and scrub a hand down your face. A small debate wages in your head. On the one hand, you’d really rather just stay at home in bed but on the other, free dinner didn’t sound too bad. 
“Okay,” you agree, before you really even realize you’re doing it. There’s a gasp on the other line. 
“You’ll do it?”
“I’ll do it.”
Two hours later you’re waiting in the parking lot of the diner you were sent the location of. Despite your reluctance to go, you feel pretty nervous. Your knee bounces and you keep anxiously scanning the parking lot for your friend and checking your phone for the time or a message from her. 
Your eyes catch on a tall, blonde guy standing near the entrance of the diner. He’s wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt and, are those cowboy boots? His head is hanging down as he types almost furiously on his phone. From this distance away, he seems pretty. You shake your head and blink away to look at your phone again.
You open your messages to ask for an ETA when there’s a knock on your window. You jump, hand flying to your chest as a scream leaves you. Your friend stands on the other side looking amused and waves. You give her a nice friendly middle finger in return. 
You’re almost appalled, and even more nervous, when you realize the handsome stranger you were looking at before everyone showed up is your date for the night. You introduce yourself and he’s polite when he reciprocates but you notice the sharp stare he keeps giving your friend’s date. 
A young teenager seats you in a booth in the corner and you sit across from each other. Almost immediately, your two friends are in their own little bubble, laughing and smiling, touching hands shyly over the table. You catch him rolling his eyes at one point and you snort. His gaze snaps back to you and he smiles slightly. 
“I take it you were dragged to come too?” he asks. You look up from the worn out menu you’d been given. Out of the corner of your eye, you can tell that the other half of the table isn’t paying any attention to the two of you. 
“Found out I was coming two hours ago,” you say, setting the menu down flat on the table and resting your hands on it. He laughs, short and a little melodic. It makes something sticky swell in your chest. You’re not sure you like that. 
“Three,” he says and you smile wide. 
By the time you have your food, you’ve already managed to make him laugh twice more. You chew on a couple of your fries and take a sip from your water. 
“So how do you know..” you’re horrible with names. 
“Rooster?” you nod. “We work together.”
“Navy?” you hum and he nods. Your nose scrunches involuntarily before you can stop it. An amused twinkle shines in his eyes. 
“What?” he asks, though he thinks he already knows. You shake your head. 
“Nothing, I didn’t say anything,” you shrug, but a smile twitches at the corners of your lips. One corner of his mouth quirks up exposing a dimple you hadn’t noticed before. Something in you is struck with the urge to poke it. 
The two of you get officially ditched the minute you get to the second half of the date. They’re at least a hole ahead and you stand idly by Jake, clinging to the small golf club. It somehow looks even smaller in his hands. You look away before your mind can start to wander. 
“Thanks again for dinner,” you say as he sets up a shot. He swings the club back and hits the golf ball. It glides smoothly towards the hole and bounces past. He’s proven to be much better at this than you are. Jake straightens up and turns to look at you. 
“It’s no big deal. I mean, technically we are on a date,” he says with a shrug. A heat rises to your cheeks when he points it out. 
“Right,” you say as he steps aside for you to take your turn. You set the pink golf ball you were given down on the felt-like flooring and set up for your shot. You swing the club to hit the ball and miss it entirely.
“You’re not letting me win to inflate my ego, are you?” he asks. You straighten up, eyes narrowing a little as you smirk at him. 
“Something tells me your ego doesn’t need any inflating,” you tease, though you’re partially serious. He presses a hand against his chest and fakes a gasp. 
“Who, little ol’ me?” his voice goes a little higher and his accent makes the words drawl out. You let out a small laugh and look back down at your golf ball that’s stagnant in the same place you put it. 
“No but seriously, I just really suck at mini golf,” you admit. He clicks his tongue, face morphing into one of faux shock. 
“Really? I had no idea,” his tone drips with sarcasm. You roll your eyes but the smile on your face gives you away. 
“Kinda rude you’re making fun of me on our date,” you joke, because really he’s been pretty sweet to you the whole night.
“Right, right, my bad,” he says, stepping closer to you. “Why don’t I help you out, you know as an apology?”
He’s standing behind you now and you’re glad he can’t see the flustered expression on your face. You manage to squeak out a small, oh, yeah, sure, your face burning. His arms wrap around yours, his stomach pressed almost flush against your back. 
His hands that you’d spent nearly this entire game of mini golf staring at cover yours and subtly adjust their grip. You swallow, grateful he can’t feel how fast your heart is beating. At least you hope. His breath is by your ear as he helps you swing the club back and make contact with the golf ball. 
It glides down the course, a direct straight shot into the hole. It falls in with a hollow clunk and you let out a disbelieving laugh. You straighten up, causing him to let go of you and do the same. He’s trying not to think too hard about how nice your perfume smelled when you turn to look at him. 
The club is now clutched up closer to your chest and there’s a smile on your face. It fades at the edges when you take in how close your faces are to each other now. Your gazes flicker once, twice, but you’re snapped out of it by the sound of a nearby group cheering. 
You take a step back and your smile becomes a softer smirk. 
“You’re not gonna let me win now are you? You know, to boost my ego?”
He laughs. “In your dreams.”
Your friend and Rooster share a high five behind their backs when the two of you catch up to them with beaming smiles and laughter. Jake’s got his hand on the small of your back and you’re not so subtly leaning into his side. 
A sticky note gets tacked to the back of your brain to indirectly thank your friend later when you go home with Jake’s number in your phone and the lingering feeling of his lips against your cheek. 
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