#and have a number of reservations about keyleth/vm coming in for rez. although i do see why people are excited. we all love kiki <3
sparring-spirals · 2 years
Still reeling from that episode - but involving any member of vox machina for laudnas resurrection seems so risky. Like even hand waving Keyleth not resurrecting Will (one of her own people) for obvious sweet backstory angst, why would she help keep the vessel of Deliah Briarwood “active”? That’s a huge threat. Hopefully etheross comes through with someone.
I think its hard to say what a VM would do here, as an NPC or as past PCs (because expectation and perception absolutely differs depending on which of the two we're thinking about). I will say that, having a powerful NPC be maybe able to Do A Thing, and running the risk of said NPC having personal past conflicts or agendas or opinions that might interfere or collide with your ask- is a pretty standard thing to account for, when dealing with a high powered NPC. I guess the main difference here is that we know, precisely and intimately, about a potential reason for the NPC's face to go cold, and for them to give a kind but final "No." But from the Bells point of view? As PC's looking at an NPC? Its as dangerous as any other option, really.
Now out of universe, IMO, there's a whole cluster of storytelling and character and narrative balance things to contend with if they go that route, not going to pretend otherwise. I think it'll be tricky to balance, and I don't envy Matt or the cast for needing to thread that needle if they choose it.
Anyway, I've got my personal preferences, as I'm sure everyone does, but I assume a lot of it will come down to execution. Fingers crossed for good news for Laudna, either way.
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