#and has a stronger grip than your average kid and can also like. fly
i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
I feel like Selkie!Second is getting more cat like by the minutes-
also you can NOT tell me being catlike isn't just a cursor thing tbh. it's not their fault that they have bad impulse control when they're little
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years
I can't help but think there might be slight differences in each sky kid's vessels? Similar to the Mohs scale of the gems in HNK, the tougher the skid the more likely they can withstand strong gales and get back up on their feet steadfastly but is prone to freefall faster and their feet sink deeply into the sand than what's average as their steps carry a weight to them.
Vice versa, a less tougher skid has flighty steps and often gets a hard landing when hit by strong gales, but if they have enough wing power to push through the wind, they can easily soar through the air as if unburdened by the weight of their vessel
Ok so when I saw the word vessels I assumed you were talking about the hollow knight idea I had ages ago, but when you started talking about HNK I started to kind of realise that you were maybe not talking about that. (I'll reblog my thoughts on that too)
So ab9ut your question, yeah anon. I really like that idea and I'm brainrotting over it.
I do like the idea of frailer skykids who want to get stronger but their toughness prevents them.
I also like to point out that in my oc world, skykids are actually made of clay and made to look human. When they hurt themselves, their wounds look like cracks in pots and light oozes out from them. The only way to heal these wounds is to add clay to them, wrap it up tightly with bandages and the place heating stones over it. The wound will slowly seal up and the skykid feels better. Neglect to heal these wounds will cause a skykids body to try and seal it up itself, causing scars to look like cracks filles with gold. (This excludes small cuts, which will look like normal scars. See Kari's facial scars for example)
The reason I'm bringing this up is that, with the idea that anon just gave me, I'd like to think that some skykids are more likely to crack easier than other skykids, causing more light to ooze out of them and putting them in very dangerous spots if healers aren't near. (also the HNK idea is making me think of angst scenarios where a skykid looses a limb but its like it's being broken off like the gems. hmmMMM) These skykids are considered frail by others and is often warned when going to wastelamd. I also like the idea of skykids being frail because of their being little light in their bodies, which makes flying and landing is risky for them, while tougher skykids have a bit more grip in their landing.
Tougher skykids can handle bigger blows, and they won't be able to crack easily like others and they have a more firm grip on flying.
Edit: I messed up the wording for this so badly but I fixed it now. I apologize if you didn't understand this that well.
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elliesguitarstrings · 4 years
Silence (Part 5)
Masterlist//Series Masterlist
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: You and Peter have been best friends ever since he stepped foot into the avengers compound. After a year of being friends you realize you’ve developed a crush on him, but he doesn’t feel the same way… at least, you don’t think he does.
A/N: Last part!! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it :) I may or may not do an epilogue to this but we’ll see bc I have a lot of other stuff I want to work on.
Warnings: language, angst with a happy ending
You lay on your bed, contemplating how in the world you’re ever going to manage ignoring Peter on patrol. Truthfully, you know you won’t be able to avoid him, but you want to go as long as possible without talking to him, which will be nearly impossible since it’s just going to be the two of you. Why couldn’t you just go with Nat, or Wanda, or like… anyone else?
Then the dreaded moment comes when your dad calls you downstairs to suit up for patrol. You rush down to the lab before Peter gets there, slipping into the suit you’ve been working on for the past few months. It’s nothing special, just your average stealth suit with a little bit of tech incorporated, but it’s yours. And now you can finally wear it for something other than basic training.
You admire your suit in the mirror, excited to put it to good use. In the reflection, you see Peter walk into the lab, already suited up in everything but his mask. Presumably he already knew you were joining him on patrol, but he still looks surprised to see you nonetheless.
Luckily, before he has the chance to say anything to you, your dad steps in.
“Great, you’re both here! Pete, you know the drill. Station at a tall building, look for bad guys, be back my midnight.”
Peter nods, “Yes sir. Same as always!”
God, what a suck up.
Your dad turns to you, “Y/N, follow Peter’s lead. He’ll brief you on the basics of patrolling and what to expect. Tonight’s a quiet night, but still watch out for trouble. And please, for the love of god, behave yourself.”
You roll your eyes, “Yeah, dad, got it.”
“Alrighty then kids, get to work. See you later.”
You follow Peter out, trailing behind him at quite a distance so you don’t have to talk to him.
Peter starts lecturing you about the basics of patrol (which you already know) as you walk out onto the roof of the compound, getting ready to head to Queens. He offers to swing you there, but you cross your arms and shake your head, still keeping your silent streak. Thankfully, you had installed jet thrusters into your suit, and while they aren’t very strong, they are enough to get you through the short trip to Queens.
As you fly through the city, you contemplate just going off on your own, away from Peter. But you decide that the lecture from your dad when you come back wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
You loosely follow Peter and land on a tall apartment building in the middle of the city. He sits on the edge of the roof, looking out over the city, motioning for you to come sit next to him. Instead, however, you swiftly turn your back and sit on the opposite side. Luckily, he takes the hint and doesn’t come to you, and the two of you sit in silence for a while, with both of you surveying each side of the city.
It’s not until about thirty minutes in that something finally happens. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a man in a black hood sneaking into a dark alley. You know if you say anything to Peter, he would want to come with you, so you slip down the building as quietly as possible, going to see for yourself what’s going on.
At first it looks like an average drug deal, something you could easily stop in no time. But then, you see one of the three hooded men pull a glowing weapon out of his duffel bag, something you recognize as alien tech. You try to sneak further around the corner to get a better look at the weapon, but you make the mistake of not looking down and you step on stick, the crack audibly heard by all three of the men in the alley.
You try to turn and run, but it’s too late. They already have you cornered, each of them equipped with one of the alien weapons, so you prepare to fight.
One of the men slowly inches towards you, weapon in hand.
“Well well well, if it isn’t little Miss. Y/N Stark. Daddy finally let you join the team huh?”
You don’t answer him and reach for the gun in your holster, but stop when you feel another gun pressed to the back of your head.
The man speaks again, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you sweetie. One shot of any of these weapons would kill you in an instant, so I’d do what we say.”
“What do you want from me?” you ask, trying your best to hide the fear in your voice, while also trying to devise an escape plan from this unfortunate situation.
“We’ve been looking for you for a long, long time Miss. Stark. We have questions about your dad and his little gadgets, and you have answers. And you’re going to give them to us, whether you like it or not.”
You decide that it’s now or never, so you take action.
“No.” you state, and swiftly kick the man behind you in the stomach, dodging the blast of his weapon as he shoots it towards you. He’s too hurt to try to shoot again, so you steal the weapon from his hands and hit him across the face, successfully knocking him out.
Unfortunately, you fail to pay attention to the two other men advancing behind you. Before you can even process it, the weapon is knocked out of your hand and you are pinned to the ground, with the smaller man holding your shoulders and the larger one restraining you with his knee. You writhe and struggle to try and loosen their grip, but they are too strong.
“So, you wanna play hard, huh little girl?” the larger of the two men drove his knee further into your abdomen, making you cry out in pain.
The other man speaks up, “Since you won’t cooperate, we’re just gonna have to make you,” he motions to his partner, “get the needle.”
Your eyes widen as the larger man pulls out a giant tranquilizer needle, still keeping you down with his knee. Both of the men tighten their hold on you, trying to restrict your movement. Still, you kick and writhe as much as possible, keeping the man from stabbing you.
“STOP FUCKING MOVING” the smaller man screams, following with a hard blow to your face, drawing blood from your nose and cheek.
At this point, you are helpless, accepting your fate as the needle inches closer to your neck.
“Not so fast!”
The needle is snatched out of the masked man’s hand, catching him off guard and making him loosen his grip enough for you to swiftly knee him in the groin. Peter catches the needle and uses it to stab the smaller man in the neck, immediately knocking him unconscious. The man who you had previously knocked out starts to stir again, so Peter runs to fight him while you still struggle with the larger man.
Although the masked criminal is much larger and stronger than you, you are able to use his own strength against him, throwing him to the floor (you learned that from Nat). Establishing control over him, you repeatedly punch him in the face until he is successfully knocked out. Once you are sure the man is fully unconscious, you glance at Peter, who is already webbing up the other two criminals.
You motion for him to web up the man you just knocked out, and you call your dad to explain the situation.
“Good job Y/N, we’ve been looking for those guys for a while now, so not bad for your first patrol. I’m sending agents to come pick the three criminals and bring them to the compound for interrogation, so just wait there with Peter until they show up.”
“Got it dad, thanks,” you say, still breathing heavily from your fight.
“Proud of you kid.”
He ends the call and you smile to yourself, happy that you made your dad proud on your first day as a part of the team.
And then Peter ruins it.
“You’re welcome,” he says flatly.
With all the adrenaline flowing through your veins making your blood boil, you decide to finally break your silent streak.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, would you look at that. She speaks!” he comments sarcastically.
You roll your eyes, “What am I supposed to be thanking you for, exactly?”
“Uh, for just saving your ass out there. Or maybe you didn’t notice that you were about to get tranqued in the neck and kidnapped by some of the city’s most wanted criminals.”
“Oh please, I could have handled myself just fine.”
To be honest, you know you wouldn’t have been able to handle yourself, and deep down you are grateful for Peter coming and saving you, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
“Come on Y/N, we both know that you would have been fucked if I hadn’t come to help.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you Peter.”
“Yeah, okay. Go back to giving me the silent treatment. That’s what got us into this mess anyways.”
“I’m sorry what? How the fuck is this my fault?” your voice is rising increasingly in anger.
“If you had just stopped ignoring me for one fucking second and didn’t sneak off on your own, we could have handled this so much easier!” his voice rises as well.
“Why does it even matter anymore Peter? We took them down anyways, who cares how it happened?”
“Because you’re ignoring me Y/N! And I have no fucking idea why!”
Oh, so he wants to go there.
“Don’t play the innocent card here, you know exactly what you did.”
“Please, enlighten me, because I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about.”
Oh fuck, you just messed up. You didn’t mean to say it, but your mind kept wandering back to your conversation with Nat earlier and it just… slipped out.
Peter stares at you in bewilderment.
“What did you say?” his voice becomes noticeably softer.
Fuck it.
“I love you Peter. I’ve loved you since the first day I fucking saw you when you walked into the compound and we watched A New Hope on my bed and I fell asleep on your shoulder but I know you only see me as a friend and you like MJ and I just ruined our friendship but I-“
Peter cuts you off by pulling you into him and pressing his lips onto yours. After a few seconds he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours and taking your hands in his.
“I don’t like MJ, I like you. Fuck it, you know what, you already said it so why don’t I, I love you. I’ve always seen you as more than a friend but I never thought you felt the same way.”
So many emotions are flowing through your head, trying to process what the fuck just happened. The main one, however, is just plain confusion.
“But then- then why have you been avoiding me for MJ?”
“Is this about our friendiversary thing?”
You nod your head, still trying to get an answer out of Peter as to why he was being such a dick.
“Look Y/N, I know this sounds stupid, but I- I was avoiding you because when you woke me up and told me about our one-year friendiversary, it reminded me that we were just friends, so I got weird. It wasn’t just you that remembered it, I did too. And I was actually planning on telling you how I felt about you, but then I got scared and bailed. And then I invited Ned and MJ to come with us because I didn’t think I would be able to handle myself if it was just me and you. I’m so sorry Y/N, it was such a shitty thing for me to do and I hate myself for it-”
This time it was your turn to cut him off with a kiss, still holding on to his hands.
“I forgive you Peter. And also, I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment for three days,” you laugh.
Peter starts laughing with you, “We’re both such idiots, aren’t we?”
“Yeah. We totally are.”
Both of you are still giggling as you kiss for a third time, this one more passionate. He wraps his arms around your waist and you move yours around his neck, drawing him as close as humanly possible. You deepen the kiss, the both of you completely getting lost in each other, and in this moment, its like you and Peter are the only two people on Earth.
You pull away from Peter only to rest for a moment and catch your breath.
“I love you Peter,” you smile.
“I love you too Y/N, so much.”
Taglist: add yourself to my taglist here!
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All: @pxkajesus @hollanddolanfangirl @roseke @agentsofparker @lifeasjazzz @damnrancidchicken @loopyolivia @iwannabekilledtwice @rafehogwarts @non-eexistent @rosiexx8 @nearlydanger9 @realityisabitch07 @midgardassassins @jbreenr @cap-marvxl @ellesmythe @deepestcolorgiantopera @that-one-person @clandestine-nerd @nevertrustapanda16 @ohabbyoh @rxmanxff @bubbleskz @quinn-spn58 @baby-pogue @strangebouquetqueen @thatforgottenangel @pjmjams @tiredstudenttrinity @isabella-bby @i-will-take-care-of--you @hollandprkr @ladykxxx08 @white-wolf1940 @runawayolives @geekgirleve @thathurtbrolol@heyiheardyouwereawildone36
Peter Parker: @blizzardbabe @ifyouwereanybraveryoudbealioness @newsies-yeet @zosia-cichoracki @elismacleod @parkerpeterparker2004 
Series: @t-hollanderr  @allycat449-blog @haley-talks-too-much
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